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} table.dialog_body { display: none; } </style><script type="text/turtle" id="API_Wiki"> ## Generic Description ## Terms @prefix oplwebsrv: <> . @prefix schema: <> . @prefix wdrs: <> . @prefix xsd: <> . <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> a schema:CreativeWork ; schema:name "ODS_Wiki" ; schema:description "ODS Wiki" ; schema:mainEntity <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPI> ; schema:about <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPI> . <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPI> a schema:WebApplication ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:name "ODS_Wiki" ; schema:description "ODS Wiki" ; schema:potentialAction <#action_e72f6fa9c9ded1dde2b1de4401640245> , <#action_9e7a615dc6a7d7c51ba06e8a8f23a008> , <#action_429602fd7c998576f4d0479442ca2d22> , <#action_729cba6da6eef97dd52310600fa19380> , <#action_ded71b69f3cb2382c41de656b0e47dc5> , <#action_635b7b603cb0f0eb209b48d84314936c> , <#action_45d783d5b32cc296c593ca9a8d0bc35d> , <#action_cdde6197c8d59cebb8175bb1ac4762e2> , <#action_7b702067e20ab47a339c5516028609f5> , <#action_e9f39bdb106aa5fe5f90ef9b326b2a4d> , <#action_b29f785d6b93058262bdf3fe34ecf228> , <#action_15a5d8e3f66d971db4861d1d65ff6cf1> , <#action_deacc95f5b016e50fb5f932072088b13> , <#action_d77c206f66cda3441af285832fa261fc> , <#action_b861d5c5bc09cc685019f0a4c0cbdbfd> , <#action_50c6359a7bba57e4875535108bf64f42> , <#action_08e13b75c529088b4afb42c25c7de2f3> , <#action_5b209cdd34211ac5e8bd5cfdad0d2d5a> . <#action_e72f6fa9c9ded1dde2b1de4401640245> a schema:Action ; schema:name "wiki_comment_delete" ; schema:target <#action_wiki.comment.delete> . <#action_wiki.comment.delete> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - wiki_comment_delete" ; schema:url <> ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL <> ; schema:description "<p><parameterlist kind=\"param\"><li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>comment_id</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The numerical id of the comment to delete.</p></parameterdescription> </li> </ul> <simplesect kind=\"return\"><p>An error code stating the success of the command execution as detailed in <ref kindref=\"member\" refid=\"ods_response_format_1ods_response_format_result_code\">ODS Error Result Codes</ref>.</p></simplesect> <simplesect kind=\"see\"><p><ref kindref=\"member\" refid=\"group__ods__module__wiki_1ga429602fd7c998576f4d0479442ca2d22\"></ref></p></simplesect> <bold>Example:</bold> <pre> $ curl -i \"\" HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Virtuoso/06.02.3129 (Linux) x86_64-generic-linux-glibc25-64 VDB Connection: Keep-Alive Date: Fri, 20 May 2011 07:07:00 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Type: text/xml; charset=\"UTF-8\" Content-Length: 57 <result> <code>1</code> <message>Success</message> </result> </pre> </p>" ; schema:shortDescription "<p>Delete a comment. </p>" ; oplwebsrv:hasParameter <#action_wiki.comment.delete_#_comment_id> . <#action_wiki.comment.delete_#_comment_id> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "comment_id" ; schema:name "comment_id" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "integer" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The numerical id of the comment to delete.</p>" . <#action_9e7a615dc6a7d7c51ba06e8a8f23a008> a schema:Action ; schema:name "wiki_comment_get" ; schema:target <#action_wiki.comment.get> . <#action_wiki.comment.get> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - wiki_comment_get" ; schema:url <> ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL <> ; schema:description "<p><parameterlist kind=\"param\"><li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>comment_id</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The id of the comment.</p></parameterdescription> </li> </ul> <simplesect kind=\"return\"><p>The details of the comment encoded as RDF+XML triples.</p></simplesect> <bold>Example:</bold> <pre> $ curl -i \"\" HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Virtuoso/06.02.3129 (Linux) x86_64-generic-linux-glibc25-64 VDB Connection: Keep-Alive Date: Fri, 20 May 2011 07:04:08 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Type: application/sparql-results+xml Content-Length: 1234 ... </pre> </p>" ; schema:shortDescription "<p>Get details of a comment. </p>" ; oplwebsrv:hasParameter <#action_wiki.comment.get_#_comment_id> . <#action_wiki.comment.get_#_comment_id> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "comment_id" ; schema:name "comment_id" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "integer" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The id of the comment.</p>" . <#action_429602fd7c998576f4d0479442ca2d22> a schema:Action ; schema:name "wiki_comment_new" ; schema:target <> . <> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - wiki_comment_new" ; schema:url <> ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL <> ; schema:description "<p>Comments can be put in threads, ie. a comment can have a parent comment. In that case it is considered a reply to the parent comment.</p><p><parameterlist kind=\"param\"><li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>cluster</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The cluster name of the topic </p></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>topic</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The topic name </p></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>title</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The title of the comment. </p></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>text</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The text body of the comment. </p></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>name</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The name of the commenter. </p></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>email</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The email address of the commenter. </p></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>url</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>An optional URL to identify the commenter.</p></parameterdescription> </li> </ul> <simplesect kind=\"return\"><p>An error code stating the success of the command execution as detailed in <ref kindref=\"member\" refid=\"ods_response_format_1ods_response_format_result_code\">ODS Error Result Codes</ref>. If successful the error code matches the id of the newly created comment.</p></simplesect> <simplesect kind=\"see\"><p><ref kindref=\"member\" refid=\"group__ods__module__wiki_1gae72f6fa9c9ded1dde2b1de4401640245\">wiki.comment.delete</ref></p></simplesect> <bold>Example:</bold> <pre> $ curl -i \"\" HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Virtuoso/06.02.3129 (Linux) x86_64-generic-linux-glibc25-64 VDB Connection: Keep-Alive Date: Fri, 20 May 2011 07:03:15 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Type: text/xml; charset=\"UTF-8\" Content-Length: 57 <result> <code>5555</code> <message>Success</message> </result> </pre> </p>" ; schema:shortDescription "<p>Create a new comment on an event or task. </p>" ; oplwebsrv:hasParameter <#action_wiki.comment.new_#_cluster> , <#action_wiki.comment.new_#_topic> , <#action_wiki.comment.new_#_parent_id> , <#action_wiki.comment.new_#_title> , <#action_wiki.comment.new_#_text> , <#action_wiki.comment.new_#_name> , <#action_wiki.comment.new_#_email> , <#action_wiki.comment.new_#_url> . <#action_wiki.comment.new_#_cluster> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "cluster" ; schema:name "cluster" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The cluster name of the topic </p>" . <#action_wiki.comment.new_#_topic> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "topic" ; schema:name "topic" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The topic name </p>" . <#action_wiki.comment.new_#_parent_id> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "parent_id" ; schema:name "parent_id" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "integer" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired false ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> . <#action_wiki.comment.new_#_title> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "title" ; schema:name "title" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The title of the comment. </p>" . <#action_wiki.comment.new_#_text> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "text" ; schema:name "text" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The text body of the comment. </p>" . <#action_wiki.comment.new_#_name> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "name" ; schema:name "name" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The name of the commenter. </p>" . <#action_wiki.comment.new_#_email> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "email" ; schema:name "email" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The email address of the commenter. </p>" . <#action_wiki.comment.new_#_url> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "url" ; schema:name "url" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired false ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>An optional URL to identify the commenter.</p>" . <#action_729cba6da6eef97dd52310600fa19380> a schema:Action ; schema:name "wiki_options_get" ; schema:target <#action_wiki.options.get> . <#action_wiki.options.get> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - wiki_options_get" ; schema:url <> ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL <> ; schema:description "<p><parameterlist kind=\"param\"><li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>cluster</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The cluster name of the topic </p></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>name</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The configuration option name. Supported options are:<itemizedlist> <listitem><p>indexPage</p></listitem><listitem><p>skinSource</p></listitem><listitem><p>primarySkin</p></listitem><listitem><p>secondarySkin</p></listitem><listitem><p>wikiPlugin</p></listitem><listitem><p>newTopicTemplate</p></listitem><listitem><p>newCategoryTempate</p></listitem><listitem><p>vhostRegularExpression</p></listitem><listitem><p>deliciousEnabled</p></listitem><listitem><p>webmailEnabled</p></listitem><listitem><p>antiSpam</p></listitem><listitem><p>technoratiApiKey</p></listitem><listitem><p>conversationEnabled</p></listitem><listitem><p>inlineMacros</p></listitem><listitem><p>interClusterAutolinks</p></listitem></itemizedlist> </p></parameterdescription> </li> </ul> <simplesect kind=\"return\"><p>The configuration option value</p></simplesect> <bold>Example:</bold> <pre> $ curl -i \"\" HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Virtuoso/06.02.3129 (Linux) x86_64-generic-linux-glibc25-64 VDB Connection: Keep-Alive Date: Fri, 20 May 2011 08:10:08 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Type: text/plain Content-Length: 625 WelcomeVisitors </pre> </p>" ; schema:shortDescription "<p>Get the configuration option of a Wiki instance. </p>" ; oplwebsrv:hasParameter <#action_wiki.options.get_#_cluster> , <#action_wiki.options.get_#_name> . <#action_wiki.options.get_#_cluster> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "cluster" ; schema:name "cluster" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The cluster name of the topic </p>" . <#action_wiki.options.get_#_name> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "name" ; schema:name "name" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The configuration option name. Supported options are:<itemizedlist> <listitem><p>indexPage</p></listitem><listitem><p>skinSource</p></listitem><listitem><p>primarySkin</p></listitem><listitem><p>secondarySkin</p></listitem><listitem><p>wikiPlugin</p></listitem><listitem><p>newTopicTemplate</p></listitem><listitem><p>newCategoryTempate</p></listitem><listitem><p>vhostRegularExpression</p></listitem><listitem><p>deliciousEnabled</p></listitem><listitem><p>webmailEnabled</p></listitem><listitem><p>antiSpam</p></listitem><listitem><p>technoratiApiKey</p></listitem><listitem><p>conversationEnabled</p></listitem><listitem><p>inlineMacros</p></listitem><listitem><p>interClusterAutolinks</p></listitem></itemizedlist> </p>" . <#action_ded71b69f3cb2382c41de656b0e47dc5> a schema:Action ; schema:name "wiki_options_set" ; schema:target <#action_wiki.options.set> . <#action_wiki.options.set> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - wiki_options_set" ; schema:url <> ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL <> ; schema:description "<p><parameterlist kind=\"param\"><li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>cluster</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The cluster name of the topic </p></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>name</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The configuration option name<itemizedlist> <listitem><p>indexPage</p></listitem><listitem><p>skinSource</p></listitem><listitem><p>primarySkin</p></listitem><listitem><p>secondarySkin</p></listitem><listitem><p>wikiPlugin</p></listitem><listitem><p>newTopicTemplate</p></listitem><listitem><p>newCategoryTempate</p></listitem><listitem><p>vhostRegularExpression</p></listitem><listitem><p>deliciousEnabled</p></listitem><listitem><p>webmailEnabled</p></listitem><listitem><p>antiSpam</p></listitem><listitem><p>technoratiApiKey</p></listitem><listitem><p>conversationEnabled</p></listitem><listitem><p>inlineMacros</p></listitem><listitem><p>interClusterAutolinks </p></listitem></itemizedlist> </p></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>name</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The configuration option value</p></parameterdescription> </li> </ul> <simplesect kind=\"return\"><p>An error code stating the success of the command execution as detailed in <ref kindref=\"member\" refid=\"ods_response_format_1ods_response_format_result_code\">ODS Error Result Codes</ref>.</p></simplesect> <bold>Example:</bold> <pre> $ curl -i \"\" HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Virtuoso/06.02.3129 (Linux) x86_64-generic-linux-glibc25-64 VDB Connection: Keep-Alive Date: Fri, 20 May 2011 08:10:08 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Type: text/plain Content-Length: 625 <result> <code>1</code> <message>Success</message> </result> </pre> </p>" ; schema:shortDescription "<p>Set the configuration option of a Wiki instance. </p>" ; oplwebsrv:hasParameter <#action_wiki.options.set_#_cluster> , <#action_wiki.options.set_#_name> , <#action_wiki.options.set_#_value> . <#action_wiki.options.set_#_cluster> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "cluster" ; schema:name "cluster" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The cluster name of the topic </p>" . <#action_wiki.options.set_#_name> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "name" ; schema:name "name" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The configuration option name<itemizedlist> <listitem><p>indexPage</p></listitem><listitem><p>skinSource</p></listitem><listitem><p>primarySkin</p></listitem><listitem><p>secondarySkin</p></listitem><listitem><p>wikiPlugin</p></listitem><listitem><p>newTopicTemplate</p></listitem><listitem><p>newCategoryTempate</p></listitem><listitem><p>vhostRegularExpression</p></listitem><listitem><p>deliciousEnabled</p></listitem><listitem><p>webmailEnabled</p></listitem><listitem><p>antiSpam</p></listitem><listitem><p>technoratiApiKey</p></listitem><listitem><p>conversationEnabled</p></listitem><listitem><p>inlineMacros</p></listitem><listitem><p>interClusterAutolinks </p></listitem></itemizedlist> </p>" . <#action_wiki.options.set_#_value> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "value" ; schema:name "value" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> . <#action_635b7b603cb0f0eb209b48d84314936c> a schema:Action ; schema:name "wiki_topic_delete" ; schema:target <#action_wiki.topic.delete> . <#action_wiki.topic.delete> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - wiki_topic_delete" ; schema:url <> ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL <> ; schema:description "<p><parameterlist kind=\"param\"><li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>cluster</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The cluster name of the topic </p></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>name</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The topic name to be delete</p></parameterdescription> </li> </ul> <simplesect kind=\"return\"><p>A set of RDF triples detailing the event or task encoded as RDF+XML.</p></simplesect> <simplesect kind=\"see\"><p><ref kindref=\"member\" refid=\"group__ods__module__wiki_1ga7b702067e20ab47a339c5516028609f5\"></ref></p></simplesect> <bold>Example:</bold> <pre> $ curl -i \"\" HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Virtuoso/06.02.3129 (Linux) x86_64-generic-linux-glibc25-64 VDB Connection: Keep-Alive Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 21:05:58 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Type: text/xml Content-Length: 1234 ... </pre> </p>" ; schema:shortDescription "<p>Delete a topic. </p>" ; oplwebsrv:hasParameter <#action_wiki.topic.delete_#_cluster> , <#action_wiki.topic.delete_#_name> . <#action_wiki.topic.delete_#_cluster> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "cluster" ; schema:name "cluster" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired false ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The cluster name of the topic </p>" . <#action_wiki.topic.delete_#_name> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "name" ; schema:name "name" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The topic name to be delete</p>" . <#action_45d783d5b32cc296c593ca9a8d0bc35d> a schema:Action ; schema:name "wiki_topic_edit" ; schema:target <#action_wiki.topic.edit> . <#action_wiki.topic.edit> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - wiki_topic_edit" ; schema:url <> ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL <> ; schema:description "<p><parameterlist kind=\"param\"><li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>cluster</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The cluster name of the topic </p></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>name</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The topic name </p></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>content</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The topic content</p></parameterdescription> </li> </ul> <simplesect kind=\"return\"><p>A set of RDF triples detailing the event or task encoded as RDF+XML.</p></simplesect> <simplesect kind=\"see\"><p><ref kindref=\"member\" refid=\"group__ods__module__wiki_1ga7b702067e20ab47a339c5516028609f5\"></ref></p></simplesect> <bold>Example:</bold> <pre> $ curl -i \"\" HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Virtuoso/06.02.3129 (Linux) x86_64-generic-linux-glibc25-64 VDB Connection: Keep-Alive Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 21:05:58 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Type: text/xml Content-Length: 1234 ... </pre> </p>" ; schema:shortDescription "<p>Modify a topic. </p>" ; oplwebsrv:hasParameter <#action_wiki.topic.edit_#_cluster> , <#action_wiki.topic.edit_#_name> , <#action_wiki.topic.edit_#_content> . <#action_wiki.topic.edit_#_cluster> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "cluster" ; schema:name "cluster" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The cluster name of the topic </p>" . <#action_wiki.topic.edit_#_name> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "name" ; schema:name "name" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The topic name </p>" . <#action_wiki.topic.edit_#_content> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "content" ; schema:name "content" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The topic content</p>" . <#action_cdde6197c8d59cebb8175bb1ac4762e2> a schema:Action ; schema:name "wiki_topic_get" ; schema:target <#action_wiki.topic.get> . <#action_wiki.topic.get> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - wiki_topic_get" ; schema:url <> ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL <> ; schema:description "<p><parameterlist kind=\"param\"><li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>cluster</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The cluster name of the topic </p></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>name</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The topic name</p></parameterdescription> </li> </ul> <simplesect kind=\"return\"><p>A set of RDF triples detailing the event or task encoded as RDF+XML.</p></simplesect> <bold>Example:</bold> <pre> $ curl -i \"\" HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Virtuoso/06.02.3129 (Linux) x86_64-generic-linux-glibc25-64 VDB Connection: Keep-Alive Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 21:05:58 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Type: application/sparql-results+xml Content-Length: 1234 ... </pre> </p>" ; schema:shortDescription "<p>Get the details of a specific topic. </p>" ; oplwebsrv:hasParameter <#action_wiki.topic.get_#_cluster> , <#action_wiki.topic.get_#_name> . <#action_wiki.topic.get_#_cluster> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "cluster" ; schema:name "cluster" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The cluster name of the topic </p>" . <#action_wiki.topic.get_#_name> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "name" ; schema:name "name" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The topic name</p>" . <#action_7b702067e20ab47a339c5516028609f5> a schema:Action ; schema:name "wiki_topic_new" ; schema:target <> . <> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - wiki_topic_new" ; schema:url <> ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL <> ; schema:description "<p><parameterlist kind=\"param\"><li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>cluster</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The cluster name of the topic </p></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>name</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The topic name </p></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>content</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The topic content</p></parameterdescription> </li> </ul> <simplesect kind=\"return\"><p>A set of RDF triples detailing the event or task encoded as RDF+XML.</p></simplesect> <bold>Example:</bold> <pre> $ curl -i \"\" HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Virtuoso/06.02.3129 (Linux) x86_64-generic-linux-glibc25-64 VDB Connection: Keep-Alive Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 21:05:58 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Type: text/xml Content-Length: 1234 ... </pre> </p>" ; schema:shortDescription "<p>Create a new topic. </p>" ; oplwebsrv:hasParameter <#action_wiki.topic.new_#_cluster> , <#action_wiki.topic.new_#_name> , <#action_wiki.topic.new_#_content> . <#action_wiki.topic.new_#_cluster> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "cluster" ; schema:name "cluster" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The cluster name of the topic </p>" . <#action_wiki.topic.new_#_name> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "name" ; schema:name "name" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The topic name </p>" . <#action_wiki.topic.new_#_content> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "content" ; schema:name "content" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The topic content</p>" . <#action_e9f39bdb106aa5fe5f90ef9b326b2a4d> a schema:Action ; schema:name "wiki_topic_sync" ; schema:target <#action_wiki.topic.sync> . <#action_wiki.topic.sync> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - wiki_topic_sync" ; schema:url <> ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL <> ; schema:shortDescription "" ; oplwebsrv:hasParameter <#action_wiki.topic.sync_#_cluster> , <#action_wiki.topic.sync_#_name> . <#action_wiki.topic.sync_#_cluster> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "cluster" ; schema:name "cluster" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> . <#action_wiki.topic.sync_#_name> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "name" ; schema:name "name" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> . <#action_b29f785d6b93058262bdf3fe34ecf228> a schema:Action ; schema:name "wiki_topic_versions" ; schema:target <#action_wiki.topic.versions> . <#action_wiki.topic.versions> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - wiki_topic_versions" ; schema:url <> ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL <> ; schema:description "<p><parameterlist kind=\"param\"><li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>cluster</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The cluster name of the topic </p></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>name</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The topic name</p></parameterdescription> </li> </ul> <simplesect kind=\"return\"><p>A set of RDF triples detailing the event or task encoded as RDF+XML.</p></simplesect> <bold>Example:</bold> <pre> $ curl -i \"\" HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Virtuoso/06.02.3129 (Linux) x86_64-generic-linux-glibc25-64 VDB Connection: Keep-Alive Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 21:05:58 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Type: text/xml Content-Length: 1234 ... </pre> </p>" ; schema:shortDescription "<p>Get the details of the versions of the specific topic. </p>" ; oplwebsrv:hasParameter <#action_wiki.topic.versions_#_cluster> , <#action_wiki.topic.versions_#_name> . <#action_wiki.topic.versions_#_cluster> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "cluster" ; schema:name "cluster" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired false ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The cluster name of the topic </p>" . <#action_wiki.topic.versions_#_name> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "name" ; schema:name "name" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The topic name</p>" . <#action_15a5d8e3f66d971db4861d1d65ff6cf1> a schema:Action ; schema:name "wiki_topic_versions_diff" ; schema:target <#action_wiki.topic.versions.diff> . <#action_wiki.topic.versions.diff> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - wiki_topic_versions_diff" ; schema:url <> ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL <> ; schema:description "<p><parameterlist kind=\"param\"><li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>cluster</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The cluster name of the topic </p></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>name</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The topic name </p></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>version</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The topic version number</p></parameterdescription> </li> </ul> <simplesect kind=\"return\"><p>A set of RDF triples detailing the event or task encoded as RDF+XML.</p></simplesect> <bold>Example:</bold> <pre> $ curl -i \"\" HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Virtuoso/06.02.3129 (Linux) x86_64-generic-linux-glibc25-64 VDB Connection: Keep-Alive Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 21:05:58 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Type: text/xml Content-Length: 1234 ... </pre> </p>" ; schema:shortDescription "<p>Get the diff of the specific version of the specific topic. </p>" ; oplwebsrv:hasParameter <#action_wiki.topic.versions.diff_#_cluster> , <#action_wiki.topic.versions.diff_#_name> , <#action_wiki.topic.versions.diff_#_version> . <#action_wiki.topic.versions.diff_#_cluster> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "cluster" ; schema:name "cluster" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The cluster name of the topic </p>" . <#action_wiki.topic.versions.diff_#_name> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "name" ; schema:name "name" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The topic name </p>" . <#action_wiki.topic.versions.diff_#_version> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "version" ; schema:name "version" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The topic version number</p>" . <#action_deacc95f5b016e50fb5f932072088b13> a schema:Action ; schema:name "wiki_topic_versions_get" ; schema:target <#action_wiki.topic.versions.get> . <#action_wiki.topic.versions.get> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - wiki_topic_versions_get" ; schema:url <> ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL <> ; schema:description "<p><parameterlist kind=\"param\"><li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>cluster</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The cluster name of the topic </p></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>name</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The topic name </p></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>version</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The topic version number</p></parameterdescription> </li> </ul> <simplesect kind=\"return\"><p>A set of RDF triples detailing the event or task encoded as RDF+XML.</p></simplesect> <bold>Example:</bold> <pre> $ curl -i \"\" HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Virtuoso/06.02.3129 (Linux) x86_64-generic-linux-glibc25-64 VDB Connection: Keep-Alive Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 21:05:58 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Type: text/xml Content-Length: 1234 ... </pre> </p>" ; schema:shortDescription "<p>Get the details of the specific version of the specific topic. </p>" ; oplwebsrv:hasParameter <#action_wiki.topic.versions.get_#_cluster> , <#action_wiki.topic.versions.get_#_name> , <#action_wiki.topic.versions.get_#_version> . <#action_wiki.topic.versions.get_#_cluster> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "cluster" ; schema:name "cluster" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The cluster name of the topic </p>" . <#action_wiki.topic.versions.get_#_name> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "name" ; schema:name "name" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The topic name </p>" . <#action_wiki.topic.versions.get_#_version> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "version" ; schema:name "version" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The topic version number</p>" . <#action_d77c206f66cda3441af285832fa261fc> a schema:Action ; schema:name "wiki_upstream_check" ; schema:target <#action_wiki.upstream.check> . <#action_wiki.upstream.check> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - wiki_upstream_check" ; schema:url <> ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL <> ; schema:description "<p><parameterlist kind=\"param\"><li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>url</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p /></parameterdescription> </li> </ul> <simplesect kind=\"return\"><p>An error code stating the success of the command execution as detailed in <ref kindref=\"member\" refid=\"ods_response_format_1ods_response_format_result_code\">ODS Error Result Codes</ref>.</p></simplesect> <bold>Example:</bold> <pre> $ curl -i \"\" HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Virtuoso/06.02.3129 (Linux) x86_64-generic-linux-glibc25-64 VDB Connection: Keep-Alive Date: Fri, 20 May 2011 08:28:58 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\" Content-Length: 57 <result> <code>1</code> <message>Success</message> </result> </pre> </p>" ; schema:shortDescription "<p>Check a wiki upstream URL. </p>" ; oplwebsrv:hasParameter <#action_wiki.upstream.check_#_url> . <#action_wiki.upstream.check_#_url> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "url" ; schema:name "url" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p />" . <#action_b861d5c5bc09cc685019f0a4c0cbdbfd> a schema:Action ; schema:name "wiki_upstream_delete" ; schema:target <#action_wiki.upstream.delete> . <#action_wiki.upstream.delete> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - wiki_upstream_delete" ; schema:url <> ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL <> ; schema:description "<p><parameterlist kind=\"param\"><li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>cluster</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The cluster name of the upstream </p></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>name</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>A human-readable name for the upstream.</p></parameterdescription> </li> </ul> <simplesect kind=\"return\"><p>An error code stating the success of the command execution as detailed in <ref kindref=\"member\" refid=\"ods_response_format_1ods_response_format_result_code\">ODS Error Result Codes</ref>.</p></simplesect> <bold>Example:</bold> <pre> $ curl -i \"\" HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Virtuoso/06.02.3129 (Linux) x86_64-generic-linux-glibc25-64 VDB Connection: Keep-Alive Date: Fri, 20 May 2011 08:31:09 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Type: text/xml; charset=\"UTF-8\" Content-Length: 57 <result> <code>1</code> <message>Success</message> </result> </pre> </p>" ; schema:shortDescription "<p>Delete a wiki upstream. </p>" ; oplwebsrv:hasParameter <#action_wiki.upstream.delete_#_cluster> , <#action_wiki.upstream.delete_#_name> . <#action_wiki.upstream.delete_#_cluster> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "cluster" ; schema:name "cluster" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The cluster name of the upstream </p>" . <#action_wiki.upstream.delete_#_name> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "name" ; schema:name "name" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>A human-readable name for the upstream.</p>" . <#action_50c6359a7bba57e4875535108bf64f42> a schema:Action ; schema:name "wiki_upstream_edit" ; schema:target <#action_wiki.upstream.edit> . <#action_wiki.upstream.edit> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - wiki_upstream_edit" ; schema:url <> ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL <> ; schema:description "<p><parameterlist kind=\"param\"><li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>cluster</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The cluster name of the upstream </p></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>name</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>A human-readable name for the upstream. </p></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>url</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p /></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>user</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p /></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>password</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p /></parameterdescription> </li> </ul> <simplesect kind=\"return\"><p>An error code stating the success of the command execution as detailed in <ref kindref=\"member\" refid=\"ods_response_format_1ods_response_format_result_code\">ODS Error Result Codes</ref>.</p></simplesect> <bold>Example:</bold> <pre> $ curl -i \"\" HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Virtuoso/06.02.3129 (Linux) x86_64-generic-linux-glibc25-64 VDB Connection: Keep-Alive Date: Fri, 20 May 2011 08:30:08 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\" Content-Length: 57 <result> <code>1</code> <message>Success</message> </result> </pre> </p>" ; schema:shortDescription "<p>Modify a wiki upstream. </p>" ; oplwebsrv:hasParameter <#action_wiki.upstream.edit_#_cluster> , <#action_wiki.upstream.edit_#_name> , <#action_wiki.upstream.edit_#_url> , <#action_wiki.upstream.edit_#_user> , <#action_wiki.upstream.edit_#_password> . <#action_wiki.upstream.edit_#_cluster> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "cluster" ; schema:name "cluster" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The cluster name of the upstream </p>" . <#action_wiki.upstream.edit_#_name> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "name" ; schema:name "name" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>A human-readable name for the upstream. </p>" . <#action_wiki.upstream.edit_#_url> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "url" ; schema:name "url" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p />" . <#action_wiki.upstream.edit_#_user> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "user" ; schema:name "user" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p />" . <#action_wiki.upstream.edit_#_password> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "password" ; schema:name "password" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p />" . <#action_08e13b75c529088b4afb42c25c7de2f3> a schema:Action ; schema:name "wiki_upstream_new" ; schema:target <> . <> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - wiki_upstream_new" ; schema:url <> ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL <> ; schema:description "<p><parameterlist kind=\"param\"><li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>cluster</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The cluster name of the upstream </p></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>name</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>A human-readable name for the new upstream. </p></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>url</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p /></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>user</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p /></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>password</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p /></parameterdescription> </li> </ul> <simplesect kind=\"return\"><p>An error code stating the success of the command execution as detailed in <ref kindref=\"member\" refid=\"ods_response_format_1ods_response_format_result_code\">ODS Error Result Codes</ref>. If successful the error code matches the id of the newly created upstream.</p></simplesect> <bold>Example:</bold> <pre> $ curl -i \"\" HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Virtuoso/06.02.3129 (Linux) x86_64-generic-linux-glibc25-64 VDB Connection: Keep-Alive Date: Fri, 20 May 2011 08:28:58 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\" Content-Length: 57 <result> <code>1</code> <message>Success</message> </result> </pre> </p>" ; schema:shortDescription "<p>Create a new wiki upstream. </p>" ; oplwebsrv:hasParameter <#action_wiki.upstream.new_#_cluster> , <#action_wiki.upstream.new_#_name> , <#action_wiki.upstream.new_#_url> , <#action_wiki.upstream.new_#_user> , <#action_wiki.upstream.new_#_password> . <#action_wiki.upstream.new_#_cluster> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "cluster" ; schema:name "cluster" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The cluster name of the upstream </p>" . <#action_wiki.upstream.new_#_name> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "name" ; schema:name "name" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>A human-readable name for the new upstream. </p>" . <#action_wiki.upstream.new_#_url> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "url" ; schema:name "url" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p />" . <#action_wiki.upstream.new_#_user> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "user" ; schema:name "user" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p />" . <#action_wiki.upstream.new_#_password> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "password" ; schema:name "password" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p />" . <#action_5b209cdd34211ac5e8bd5cfdad0d2d5a> a schema:Action ; schema:name "wiki_upstream_sync" ; schema:target <#action_wiki.upstream.sync> . <#action_wiki.upstream.sync> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - wiki_upstream_sync" ; schema:url <> ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL <> ; schema:description "<p>Manually synchonizes a cluster upstream created with <ref kindref=\"member\" refid=\"group__ods__module__wiki_1ga08e13b75c529088b4afb42c25c7de2f3\"></ref>. This is required if the subscription has been configured to be manually updated. However, it can also be used to force an update on subscriptions with a scheduled update interval.</p><p><parameterlist kind=\"param\"><li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>cluster</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>The cluster name of the upstream </p></parameterdescription> </li> <li> <parameternamelist> <parametername>name</parametername> </parameternamelist> <parameterdescription> <p>A human-readable name for the upstream.</p></parameterdescription> </li> </ul> <simplesect kind=\"return\"><p>An error code stating the success of the command execution as detailed in <ref kindref=\"member\" refid=\"ods_response_format_1ods_response_format_result_code\">ODS Error Result Codes</ref>.</p></simplesect> <bold>Example:</bold> <pre> $ curl -i \"\" HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Virtuoso/06.02.3129 (Linux) x86_64-generic-linux-glibc25-64 VDB Connection: Keep-Alive Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 22:40:59 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Type: text/xml; charset=\"UTF-8\" Content-Length: 57 <result> <code>1</code> <message>Success</message> </result> </pre> </p>" ; schema:shortDescription "<p>Synchronize a cluster upstream. </p>" ; oplwebsrv:hasParameter <#action_wiki.upstream.sync_#_cluster> , <#action_wiki.upstream.sync_#_name> . <#action_wiki.upstream.sync_#_cluster> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "cluster" ; schema:name "cluster" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>The cluster name of the upstream </p>" . <#action_wiki.upstream.sync_#_name> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "name" ; schema:name "name" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "<p>A human-readable name for the upstream.</p>" . </script> </head> <body class="wy-body-for-nav" role="document"> <div class="wy-grid-for-nav"> <nav data-toggle="wy-nav-shift" class="wy-nav-side"> <div class="wy-side-scroll"> <div class="wy-side-nav-search"> <a href="." class="icon icon-home">VOS.VOSNews</a> <div role="search"> <form id="rtd-search-form" class="wy-form" action="/wiki/resources/advanced_search.vspx" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="cluster" value="VOS" /><input type="text" name="q" size="60" id="new_search_txt" value="" /><input name="area" value="default" type="hidden" /> </form> </div> </div><!--Left margin menu--> <div aria-label="main navigation" role="navigation" data-spy="affix" class="wy-menu wy-menu-vertical" style="padding-left: 1em"> <ul class="oplleftmenu"> <li class="oplleftmenutitle">You are here: </li> <li class="toctrlite-l1 tocsoliton breadcrumb">/<a href="">VOS</a>/<a href="">VOSNews</a> </li> <li class="oplleftmenutitle">Tools</li> <li> <a id="loginlink" href="">Login</a> </li> <li class="oplleftmenutitle">Formats <br /> </li> <li> <a rel="nofollow" href="?command=text">Text</a> </li> <li> <a rel="nofollow" href="?command=plain-html">Plain HTML</a> </li> <li> <a rel="nofollow" href="?command=docbook">DocBook</a> </li> <li> <a rel="nofollow" href="?command=export_rdf">Export RDF</a> </li> <li class="oplleftmenutitle">Cluster Changes</li> <li> <img border="0" alt="RSS" title="RSS" src="" /><a href=""> RSS 2.0 </a> </li> <li> <img border="0" alt="RDF" title="RDF" src="" /><a href=""> RDF </a> </li> <li> <img border="0" alt="SIOC (RDF/XML)" title="SIOC (RDF/XML)" src="" /><a href=" "> SIOC (RDF/XML) </a> </li> <li> <img border="0" alt="SIOC (N3/Turtle)" title="SIOC (N3/Turtle)" src="" /><a href=" "> SIOC (N3/Turtle) </a> </li> <li class="oplleftmenutitle">Meta</li> <li> Modified by at </li> <li> <br /> Version History:<br /> <a href="">1.27</a><a href="" alt="View changes between revisions" title="View changes between revisions">></a><a href="">1.26</a><a href="" alt="View changes between revisions" title="View changes between revisions">></a><a href="">1.25</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="wy-menu wy-menu-vertical" data-toggle="rst-versions" role="note" aria-label="versions"> <hr style="width: 50%; 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<li> <a href="#Virtuoso%20Engine">Virtuoso Engine</a> </li> <li> <a href="#SPARQL">SPARQL</a> </li> <li> <a href="#Web%20Server%20and%20DAV">Web Server and DAV</a> </li> <li> <a href="#Faceted%20Browser">Faceted Browser</a> </li> <li> <a href="#Conductor">Conductor</a> </li> <li> <a href="#R2RML">R2RML</a> </li> <li> <a href="#GraphQL">GraphQL<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a> </a> </li> </ul> </ul> <li> <a href="#2022%20News%20Announcements">2022 News Announcements</a> </li> <ul> <li> <a href="#2022-10-19%20Virtuoso%207.2.8%20Released%2C%20Open-Source%20Edition">2022-10-19 Virtuoso 7.2.8 Released, Open-Source Edition</a> </li> <ul> <li> <a href="#Virtuoso%20Engine">Virtuoso Engine</a> </li> <li> <a href="#SPARQL">SPARQL</a> </li> <li> <a href="#JDBC%2C%20Jena%20and%20RDF4j">JDBC, Jena and RDF4j</a> </li> <li> <a href="#Faceted%20Browser">Faceted Browser</a> </li> <li> <a href="#Conductor">Conductor</a> </li> <li> <a href="#DAV">DAV</a> </li> </ul> <li> <a 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<li> <a href="#Conductor">Conductor</a> </li> <li> <a href="#DAV">DAV</a> </li> <li> <a href="#GEO">GEO</a> </li> <li> <a href="#ODS">ODS</a> </li> <li> <a href="#R2RML">R2RML</a> </li> </ul> </ul> <li> <a href="#2018%20News%20Announcements">2018 News Announcements</a> </li> <ul> <li> <a href="#2018-08-15%20-%20Virtuoso%">2018-08-15 - Virtuoso Released, Open Source Edition</a> </li> <ul> <li> <a href="#Virtuoso%20Engine">Virtuoso Engine</a> </li> <li> <a href="#SPARQL">SPARQL</a> </li> <li> <a href="#Jena%20%26%20Sesame">Jena & Sesame</a> </li> <li> <a href="#JDBC%20Driver">JDBC Driver</a> </li> <li> <a href="#ADO.NET">ADO.NET</a> </li> <li> <a href="#Faceted%20Browser">Faceted Browser</a> </li> <li> <a href="#Conductor">Conductor</a> </li> <li> <a href="#DAV">DAV</a> </li> <li> <a href="#DBpedia">DBpedia</a> </li> </ul> </ul> <li> <a href="#2016%20News%20Announcements">2016 News Announcements</a> </li> <ul> <li> <a href="#2016-04-24%20-%20Virtuoso%207.2.4%20Released%2C%20Open%20Source%20and%20Commercial%20Editions">2016-04-24 - Virtuoso 7.2.4 Released, Open Source and Commercial Editions</a> </li> <ul> <li> <a href="#Virtuoso%20Engine">Virtuoso Engine</a> </li> <li> <a href="#SPARQL">SPARQL</a> </li> <li> <a href="#Jena%20%26%20Sesame">Jena & Sesame</a> </li> <li> <a href="#JDBC%20Driver">JDBC Driver</a> </li> <li> <a href="#Faceted%20Browser">Faceted Browser</a> </li> <li> <a href="#Conductor">Conductor</a> </li> <li> <a href="#DAV">DAV</a> </li> <li> <a href="#DBpedia">DBpedia</a> </li> </ul> </ul> <li> <a href="#Older%20Virtuoso%20News">Older Virtuoso News</a> </li> <p> </p> </ul> </div> </div> <h2> <a name="2024 News Announcements"></a> 2024 News Announcements</h2> <h3> <a name="2024-11-11 Virtuoso 7.2.14 Released, Open-Source Edition"></a> 2024-11-11 Virtuoso 7.2.14 Released, Open-Source Edition</h3> <p>Highlights of this update include: increased stability; fixes for CSV, JSON and JSON-LD parsing; small enhancements to the HTTP server; fixes in the SPARQL query processor and UI.</p> <p> </p> <h4> <a name="Virtuoso DBMS Engine"></a> Virtuoso DBMS Engine</h4> <ul> <li>Added new MaxTempDBPages setting to virtuoso.ini </li> <li>Fixed issue when out of disk space on temp db </li> <li>Fixed int32 overflow when dbs_file_length is unknown </li> <li>Fixed memory leak in X509 cert chain </li> <li>Fixed compiler errors from -Werror=logical-not-parentheses </li> <li>Fixed compiler errors from -Werror=incompatible-pointer-types </li> <li>Fixed compiler errors from -Werror=multistatement-macros </li> <li>Fixed issue with user defined types (UDT) </li> <li>Fixed issue when there are no parts to split </li> <li>Fixed issue with GROUP BY/ORDER BY on LEFT OUTER JOIN </li> <li>Fixed issue calling concat(wide, utf8) </li> <li>Fixed issue with length calculation in rdf_encode_for_uri()</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Database Administration Service ("Conductor")"></a> Database Administration Service ("Conductor")</h4> <ul> <li>Fixed issue when filename starts with underscore </li> <li>Fixed typo in generation of Transient view urls </li> <li>Fixed issue with RSS menu not working on Firefox </li> <li>Fixed issue with SN DETs errors</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Web Server and DAV"></a> Web Server and DAV</h4> <ul> <li>Added support to handle websocket 101 connection upgrade in http_client </li> <li>Added flag to see if connection session is server or client </li> <li>Added WSOCK.DBA.WEBSOCKET_CONNECT() for client operations </li> <li>Added PUT/DELETE HTTP methods </li> <li>Added support for custom %T and %D HTTP log format </li> <li>Added flag to encode if API used as websocket client </li> <li>Fixed issue with “Content-Encoding: gzip” (fixes #1308) </li> <li>Fixed issue DAV escape; href should escape apos </li> <li>Fixed order of checking SOAP options and parameters </li> <li>Fixed allow soap_boolean to accept null for nullable arguments </li> <li>Fixed check which options are handled by endpoint </li> <li>Fixed check defines on rest method for additional http methods allowed </li> <li>Fixed issue with JSON registered REST services </li> <li>Fixed memory leak and error when service sets error status code </li> <li>Fixed missing SOAP procedure should return 404 ‘Not Found’</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Faceted Browser"></a> Faceted Browser</h4> <ul> <li>Added support for WKT rendition </li> <li>Changed DOCTYPE from XHTML to HTML5 </li> <li>Removed <base> tag </li> <li>Removed deprecated charset on stylesheet links </li> <li>Removed link to W3C XHTML validator </li> <li>Removed support for AddThis </li> <li>Moved javascript to the end of the page </li> <li>Fixed recommendations from Lighthouse accessibility check </li> <li>Fixed issue with page selector on mobile devices </li> <li>Fixed make iframe content resizable</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="R2RML"></a> R2RML</h4> <ul> <li>Fixed issue with {col}</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="GraphQL"></a> GraphQL</h4> <ul> <li>Fixed issue with generated names longer than 100 characters</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Docker"></a> Docker</h4> <ul> <li>Virtuoso Open Source Edition Docker Container</li> </ul> <p> </p> <h3> <a name="2024-02-13 Virtuoso 7.2.12 Released, Open-Source Edition"></a> 2024-02-13 Virtuoso 7.2.12 Released, Open-Source Edition</h3> <p>Highlights of this update include: increased stability; fixes for CSV, JSON and JSON-LD parsing; small enhancements to the HTTP server; fixes in the SPARQL query processor and UI.</p> <h4> <a name="Virtuoso DBMS Engine"></a> Virtuoso DBMS Engine</h4> <ul> <li>Added JSON-LD parser mode for handling blank nodes </li> <li>Added serialization support for missing datatypes in obj2json </li> <li>Added statistics and setting to limit mem pool for chash </li> <li>Added support for outputting XML and varbinary data in JSON </li> <li>Updated CSV functionality </li> <li>Added support for fetching attributes and attributes_info on user defined types </li> <li>Added create user .. with password and identified by SQL syntax </li> <li>Added uptime and memory usage statistics to status() output </li> <li>Fixed many edge-cases in SQL compiler </li> <li>Fixed issue getting lock information for status() </li> <li>Fixed issue mixing vectored and non vectored ops (fixes #1184) </li> <li>Fixed issue on cube/rollup with constant in select list (fixes #1195, #1197) </li> <li>Fixed issue with TOP not working when DISTINCT is used (fixes #1158) </li> <li>Fixed issue with freetext index; missing check if term is mergable </li> <li>Fixed issue with function inside control expression </li> <li>Fixed issues with unix timestamp </li> <li>Fixed obj2json and obj2xml should be public functions </li> <li>Fixed remove duplicate keys in oby/gby (fixes #1205) </li> <li>Fixed sprintf format for windows (fixes #1203)</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="SPARQL Query Processor"></a> SPARQL Query Processor</h4> <ul> <li>Added support for GRAPH decorations in TriG<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a> (fixes #1169) </li> <li>Fixed issue in ontology generation </li> <li>Fixed issue with drop quad map graph </li> <li>Fixed issue with restriction on number of deleted triples (fixes #1164) </li> <li>Updated turtle/n-triples media type per spec (fixes #1187) </li> <li>Fixed issue with very long sparql queries </li> <li>Fixed issues with Default Graph IRI from table SYS_SPARQL_HOSTS (fixes #1086) </li> <li>Fixed virtrdf:Geometry should be replaced with wktLiteral (fixes #806)</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Database Administration Service ("Conductor")"></a> Database Administration Service ("Conductor")</h4> <ul> <li>Added support for showing/hiding password in login dialog </li> <li>Added backup before rdf view creation </li> <li>Added auto-commit mode flag </li> <li>Fixed CSV import in case of abnormal format input </li> <li>Fixed issue refreshing status variables </li> <li>Fixed mismatch of a URL parameter and control</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Web Server and DAV"></a> Web Server and DAV</h4> <ul> <li>Added support for Azure Storage Account as a DET mounting option </li> <li>Added support to avoid redundant check for 401 handlers </li> <li>Added HTTP CORS pattern support </li> <li>Added support for Access-Control-Allow-Methods different than Allow, for AJAX CORs </li> <li>Added security_realm to access realm from VD </li> <li>Added support for ping/pong and binary frames in websockets </li> <li>Fixed FS directory browsing does not need SQL/VSP user account </li> <li>Fixed HTTP 101/204/304 responses MUST not return content </li> <li>Fixed LDP sparql queries delete/insert should search physical graph only </li> <li>Fixed check DET HTTP status code </li> <li>Fixed clear http method at session cleanup </li> <li>Fixed do not use gzip if no content is allowed </li> <li>Fixed http log records partial request over 4k </li> <li>Fixed issue checking is_https on websocket </li> <li>Fixed issue getting dtp in rdf box case </li> <li>Fixed issue when response is chunked/gzip by app </li> <li>Fixed issue with DAV_LINK double escape UTF-8 </li> <li>Fixed issue with bad Accept header </li> <li>Fixed issue with double free </li> <li>Fixed issue with updating permissions on wiki </li> <li>Fixed issues with encoding of DAV URLs </li> <li>Fixed websocket error message indicating what frame type is </li> <li>Fixed websocket framing on text messages </li> <li>Added MIME type text/markdown for .md</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Faceted Browser"></a> Faceted Browser</h4> <ul> <li>Fixed grants must be added to SPARQL_SELECT role </li> <li>Removed rdf_resolve_labels_s case</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="R2RML"></a> R2RML</h4> <ul> <li>Added quap map iri parameter </li> <li>Fixed rr:template by default is IRI unless column, dt or lang are given </li> <li>Fixed complete table name before quoting </li> <li>Fixed case to ucase for case insensitive lookup </li> <li>Fixed issue with column CaSeMoDe<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a> </li> </ul> <h4> <a name="GraphQL"></a> GraphQL</h4> <ul> <li>Fixed issue when field type cannot be detected</li> </ul> <p> </p> <h4> <a name="Docker"></a> Docker</h4> <ul> <li> <a href="" class="absuri">Virtuoso Open Source Edition Docker Container</a> </li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Prebuilt Binary Installers"></a> Prebuilt Binary Installers</h4> <ul> <li> <a href="" class="absuri">Linux</a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="absuri">macOS</a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="absuri">Windows</a> </li> </ul> <h2> <a name="2023 News Announcements"></a> 2023 News Announcements</h2> <h3> <a name="2023-06-07 Virtuoso 7.2.10 Released, Open-Source Edition"></a> 2023-06-07 Virtuoso 7.2.10 Released, Open-Source Edition</h3> <p>Highlights of this update include increased stability; support for inserting N-Quads and JSON-LD data using either the SPARQL Graph CRUD protocol or the Conductor interface; better compatibility with third-party SPARQL endpoints for SERVICE commands; support for duration and interval datatypes in the SPARQL engine.</p> <h4> <a name="DBMS Engine"></a> DBMS Engine</h4> <ul> <li>Added checkpoint to end of online backup </li> <li>Added support for IF EXISTS and IF NOT EXISTS in ALTER TABLE </li> <li>Added support for DROP TYPE … IF EXISTS </li> <li>Added support for bulkloading .jsonld and .jsonld.gz files </li> <li>Added new testsuite entries for recent fixes </li> <li>Fixed missing escape of identifiers in log replay </li> <li>Fixed issue if original dfe not there; see error in optimizer </li> <li>Fixed issue with transaction mutex inside checkpoint </li> <li>Fixed obj2json output should be canonical </li> <li>Fixed issue in short-circuit evaluation </li> <li>Fixed compare only up to cha key parts </li> <li>Fixed missing arguments in table def </li> <li>Fixed expand column list during parsing </li> <li>Fixed missing check for max number of key parts </li> <li>Fixed missing reuse check for dv bin </li> <li>Fixed 64bit arithmetic exception </li> <li>Fixed 64bit arithmetic overflow </li> <li>Fixed do not change col_dtp if already set before </li> <li>Fixed save/restore temporary refs </li> <li>Fixed issue using case/when inside arg simple functions like min/max/count fixes #1128) </li> <li>Fixed handling of aliases in output </li> <li>Fixed cannot add non-null column to existing data </li> <li>Fixed check number of values vs cols when inserting into view </li> <li>Fixed missing check for table in positioned delete </li> <li>Fixed non-terminal in union branch is not supported </li> <li>Fixed missing check if column exists </li> <li>Fixed missing check for non-terminals in WITH DATA </li> <li>Fixed wrap unions etc. if non-select for EXISTS ( subquery ) </li> <li>Fixed first argument of CONTAINS() cannot be star </li> <li>Fixed missing variable declaration </li> <li>Fixed small memory leaks</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="SPARQL Query Processor"></a> SPARQL Query Processor</h4> <ul> <li>Backported duration and interval fixes to v7 engine </li> <li>Added N-QUADS support for SPARQL CRUD using REST </li> <li>Added option to limit number of triples in a SPARQL CONSTRUCT query </li> <li>Fixed issue deleting strings with language tag </li> <li>Fixed IRI patterns for SPARQL LOAD SERVICE </li> <li>Fixed issues with Turtle 1.1 parser </li> <li>Fixed rdf_regex is set to work with UTF-8 by default </li> <li>Fixed suppress errors on loading even for wktLiterals, just like dates/integer types etc. </li> <li>Fixed small SPARQL UI issues</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Native Faceted Browsing Engine"></a> Native Faceted Browsing Engine</h4> <ul> <li>Added support for showing custom datatypes </li> <li>Fixed issues truncating lists using ‘>>more>>’ </li> <li>Fixed show language when available </li> <li>Fixed issue generating labels in urilbl <u>ac_init_db </u> </li> <li>Fixed file permissions in VAD packages</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Database Administration Service ("Conductor")"></a> Database Administration Service ("Conductor")</h4> <ul> <li>Added support for uploading N-QUADS and JSON_LD data via Conductor </li> <li>Fixed file permissions in VAD package</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Web Server and DAV"></a> Web Server and DAV</h4> <ul> <li>Added function to return the current HTTP status code 20x/30x/40x etc. or NULL if not set </li> <li>Fixed HTTPS accept timeout </li> <li>Fixed issue with client_protocol mode </li> <li>Fixed issue with TCN </li> <li>Fixed issues with SOAP endpoint</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="JDBC Provider"></a> JDBC Provider</h4> <ul> <li>Added small optimization to VirtuosoInputStream<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a> </li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Docker"></a> Docker</h4> <ul> <li> <a href="" class="absuri">Virtuoso Open Source Edition Docker Container</a> </li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Prebuilt Binary Installers"></a> Prebuilt Binary Installers</h4> <ul> <li> <a href="" class="absuri">Linux</a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="absuri">macOS</a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="absuri">Windows</a> </li> </ul> <h3> <a name="2023-02-28 Virtuoso 7.2.9 Released, Open-Source Edition"></a> 2023-02-28 Virtuoso 7.2.9 Released, Open-Source Edition</h3> <p>Virtuoso 7.2.9 introduces a new JSON-LD parser, additional GraphQL enhancements for mutations and subscriptions and the graphql-ws protocol, as documented in our recently published <a href="" class="absuri">GraphQL Introduction</a> and <a href="" class="absuri">GraphQL Usage Guide</a> posts; the engine gains enhancements to the existing AnyTime Query functionality and support for "soft" checkpoints. Lots of other minor fixes are included too.</p> <h4> <a name="Virtuoso Engine"></a> Virtuoso Engine</h4> <ul> <li>Added new JSON-LD parser </li> <li>Added IRI validation bif: functions </li> <li>Added GIT SHA1 signature to status and log output </li> <li>Added current value of backup prefix to status report </li> <li>Added option for soft CHECKPOINT, i.e., only perform a CHECKPOINT when the server is in idle state </li> <li>Backported PL debugger enhancements </li> <li>Fixed overflow in msec-based timestamps such as those used for AnyTime<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a> queries </li> <li>Fixed PL debugger to produce better debug output for DateTime<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a> types </li> <li>Fixed issue with NULL in Aggregate groups </li> <li>Fixed issue comparing NUMERIC and DOUBLE </li> <li>Fixed issue comparing timezoneless and timezoned dates in columnstore index </li> <li>Fixed issue with GROUP BY on FLOAT values </li> <li>Fixed issue with revoke all privileges from xx </li> <li>Fixed issues running testsuite </li> <li>Fixed issues packaging source for distribution</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="SPARQL"></a> SPARQL</h4> <ul> <li>Added default SPARQL namespace prefixes for ActivityStreams<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a>, GoodRelations<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a>, OA, and PROV vocabularies </li> <li>Added validation to default-graph parameter </li> <li>Added error logging for bad IRIs </li> <li>Added multi-threaded NQuads dump variant for RDF Quad Store via RDF <u>DUMP_NQUADS_MT() </u> </li> <li>Fixed issue trying to make IRI from incompatible types </li> <li>Fixed issue with SPARQL LOAD into an existing graph </li> <li>Fixed issue with casting RDF datetime to a string </li> <li>Fixed issue with explicit datatype of literal class; must cast value to a string </li> <li>Fixed issue with label insert when using with_delete </li> <li>Fixed issue with literals that have both LANG & TYPE </li> <li>Fixed issue with load get:accept pragma </li> <li>Fixed issue with permissions; users with SPARQL_SELECT role can now use REST interface </li> <li>Fixed issue with serialization when datatype is missing, or lang is an empty string </li> <li>Fixed issue with unnamed result from view </li> <li>Fixed DISTINCT query compilation failure in certain cases where SELECT lists contain a reference to a parameter </li> <li>Fixed --MM-DD is a valid gMonthYear </li> <li>Updated Bootstrap to v5.2.3 </li> <li>Updated Bootstrap Icons to v1.10.3</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Web Server and DAV"></a> Web Server and DAV</h4> <ul> <li>Added support for Websockets protocol </li> <li>Added JSON-LD support to LDP protocol implementation </li> <li>Added correct HTTP(S) protocol to %{WSBaseUrl<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a>} variable </li> <li>Added support for https connection timeout </li> <li>Added support for internal CA list in https client </li> <li>Fixed http <u>keep_session and related functions require NN 64-bit id </u> </li> <li>Fixed issue with .well-known/host-meta & co for application/jrd+json output </li> <li>Fixed issue with Accept/profile; should follow RFC media type field rules </li> <li>Fixed issue with SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 proxy handler </li> <li>Fixed issue when socket is closed prematurely </li> <li>Fixed issue with LDP sparql queries and rdf views </li> <li>Fixed missing JSON-LD in RDF-related DETs</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Faceted Browser"></a> Faceted Browser</h4> <ul> <li>Fixed format of INTEGER and FLOAT fields </li> <li>Fixed issue calculating Unicode labels </li> <li>Fixed issue calculating labels for blank nodes </li> <li>Fixed issue with Unicode text in <span> </span> </li> <li>Fixed use schema:description as alt for rdfs:comment </li> <li>Updated JQuery to v3.6.3 </li> <li>Updated JQuery UI to v1.13.2</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Conductor"></a> Conductor</h4> <ul> <li>Added Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME) client protocol </li> <li>Fixed issue in VAD installer when composing the VAD package file path </li> <li>Fixed confirmation prompt behavior prior to removing user encryption keys from Virtuoso’s native key store</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="R2RML"></a> R2RML</h4> <ul> <li>Fixed issue with rr:template: default is IRI unless column, datatype, or lang are given</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="GraphQL"></a> GraphQL</h4> <ul> <li>Added graphql-ws protocol </li> <li>Added GraphQL subscriptions support </li> <li>Added implementation-specific directives for SQL/SPARQL optimization hints </li> <li>Added transitivity for smarter and more concise GraphQL-to-RDF-Ontology mapping definitions </li> <li>Added debug options to endpoint </li> <li>Improved mutations support </li> <li>Improved SDL-type schema import </li> <li>Improved error reporting on conflicting schema & mapping/annotation definitions </li> <li>Cleaned up introspection schema</li> </ul> <p> </p> <h2> <a name="2022 News Announcements"></a> 2022 News Announcements</h2> <h3> <a name="2022-10-19 Virtuoso 7.2.8 Released, Open-Source Edition"></a> 2022-10-19 Virtuoso 7.2.8 Released, Open-Source Edition</h3> <p>New support for GraphQL<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a>, alongside other enhancements and optimizations particularly to the SPARQL AnyTime<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a> Query enhancement, adding new SQL DDL constructs, improvements in the Faceted Browser and JDBC and Jena support, improved webserver CORS management in the Conductor and various fixes.</p> <h4> <a name="Virtuoso Engine"></a> Virtuoso Engine</h4> <ul> <li>Added support for IF EXISTS and IF NOT EXISTS in SQL DDL </li> <li>Added more EXPORTS for plugins </li> <li>Added current value of backup prefix to status report </li> <li>Added support for changing the request timeout on http_client connections </li> <li>Added support for internal x509 CA list </li> <li>Added support for storing DH param in database </li> <li>Added handle validation to ODBC calls </li> <li>Updated CORS header handling </li> <li>Fixed issue with 64-bit indicators in sys_stat </li> <li>Fixed http <u>keep_session and related functions that require 64-bit ID </u> </li> <li>Fixed use separate table to keep HTTP(S) listeners settings </li> <li>Fixed issue with OpenSSL<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a> 3.0.x </li> <li>Fixed issue with bad stats pending RPC counter </li> <li>Fixed issues with HTTP renegotiate </li> <li>Fixed compiler warnings and other small cleanups </li> <li>Updated Windows build</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="SPARQL"></a> SPARQL</h4> <ul> <li>Added GraphQL<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a> to SPARQL bridge </li> <li>Added support for HTTP status code 206 to signal partial result </li> <li>Optimized selecting distinct graphs </li> <li>Upgraded SPARQL endpoint to latest version of bootstrap </li> <li>Fixed system crash on 'Generate SPARQL compilation report" (fixes #1068) </li> <li>Fixed crash on vec temp res w/ nulls (fixes #1065) </li> <li>Fixes issue printing datetime boxes </li> <li>Fixed issue with unnamed result col from RDF view </li> <li>Fixed check for non-existing IRI ID </li> <li>Fixed grants for RDF views </li> <li>Fixed issue returning the reserved 0x2000 IRI ID </li> <li>Fixed anonymous sponging is not allowed </li> <li>Fixed timeout validation </li> <li>Fixed error report on unknown help topic </li> <li>Removed cast to string which limited output to 10Mb</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="JDBC, Jena and RDF4j"></a> JDBC, Jena and RDF4j</h4> <ul> <li>Optimized finalizers </li> <li>Fixed IRI escape </li> <li>Fixed issue with inserting Literal with Language </li> <li>Fixed issue with query param binding </li> <li>Fixed parameter binding issues in RDF4J provider </li> <li>Fixed issues with query param binding</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Faceted Browser"></a> Faceted Browser</h4> <ul> <li>Added support to try loading external images w/ referer policy </li> <li>Added support to show users location on map </li> <li>Fixed rounding lat/long to 4 digits to get true distinction on map </li> <li>Fixed JSON result from FCT service </li> <li>Fixed handling of inline images </li> <li>Fixed IRI search requires 64-bit prefix </li> <li>Fixed issue when an empty IRI is requested </li> <li>Fixed URL rewrite rules </li> <li>Fixed pages should not call batch FT procedures </li> <li>Fixed small PL warnings</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Conductor"></a> Conductor</h4> <ul> <li>Added support for CORS allow headers in Conductor UI </li> <li>Added support for local CA renewal </li> <li>Added support for multi-domain certificates in HTTPS listener UI </li> <li>Fixed HTTPS endpoints </li> <li>Fixed disable VAD re-install if no such file exists </li> <li>Fixed https setup was missing CA x509 verify list option </li> <li>Fixed missing delete from listeners table </li> <li>Fixed update of existing listener did not write changes to table </li> <li>Fixed use common API for adding new listener</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="DAV"></a> DAV</h4> <ul> <li>Fixed issue with delete on LDP resource </li> <li>Fixed CORS header handling</li> </ul> <p> </p> <h3> <a name="2022-05-18 Virtuoso 7.2.7 Released, Open-Source Edition"></a> 2022-05-18 Virtuoso 7.2.7 Released, Open-Source Edition</h3> The Virtuoso engine has been enhanced to use 64-bit prefix IDs in RDF_IRI which allows for very large databases such as Uniprot, which currently contains over 90 billion triples, to be hosted using the Virtuoso Open Source engine.<p>While new databases automatically make use of this important enhancement, existing databases will need to be upgraded.</p> <p>Please read our instructions to <a href="" class="absuri">upgrade from 7.2.x to 7.2.7</a>.</p> <h4> <a name="Virtuoso Engine"></a> Virtuoso Engine</h4> <ul> <li>Added optimizations for clearing graph </li> <li>Added optimizations for deleting triples </li> <li>Added support for CONNECT to allow http proxy like squid to tunnel https:// requests </li> <li>Added support for OpenSSL<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a> 3.0.x </li> <li>Added support for cast epoch time back to date/datetime </li> <li>Added support for handling X-Forwarded-Proto header from proxy </li> <li>Added support to fine tune size of memory pool used by SPARQL constructs </li> <li>Added support to populate labels in insert for FCT </li> <li>Added optional digest name to aes key </li> <li>Added short name date BIF functions </li> <li>Added xenc <u>digest and xenc_hmac_digest BIF functions </u> </li> <li>Added unix_timestamp() BIF function </li> <li>Added support for handling HTTP status 307 and 308 in client </li> <li>Fixed Host header should include non-standard port. </li> <li>Fixed SQLConnect handling of empty strings in szDSN and szUID </li> <li>Fixed SSL_renegotiate for OpenSSL<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a> 1.1.x </li> <li>Fixed backup_online syntax </li> <li>Fixed calculations from TZ in minutes to +HHMM format </li> <li>Fixed check for https behind proxy for dynamic local </li> <li>Fixed crypto functions error codes </li> <li>Fixed issue calling external proxy with https address </li> <li>Fixed issue executing vec exec expression in WHERE clause </li> <li>Fixed issue generating triples from rdf view to physical store with rdfs:label property </li> <li>Fixed issue sorting NaN<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a> values in colstore </li> <li>Fixed issue with X509 CSR generation </li> <li>Fixed issue with backup restore and DDL from plugins </li> <li>Fixed issue with dsa and rsa keys when no cert is attached </li> <li>Fixed issue with registering tables in plugin </li> <li>Fixed issues with x509 extensions </li> <li>Fixed memory leak in colsearch </li> <li>Fixed missing index upgrading older databases </li> <li>Fixed possible box corruption printing a very long literals box </li> <li>Fixed return HTTP 503 even if MaintenancePage<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a> cannot be found </li> <li>Fixed serialize of AES IV </li> <li>Fixed subject should be written in UTF8 format </li> <li>Fixed trace to log warnings as WARN <u>0 instead of ERRS_0 </u> </li> <li>Fixed when running as windows service, stderr is an invalid handle </li> <li>Removed redundant checkpoints when creating new database </li> <li>Small cleanups</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="SPARQL"></a> SPARQL</h4> <ul> <li>Added optimizations for clearing graph </li> <li>Added optimizations for deleting triples </li> <li>Added initial list of languages to decrease risk of deadlocks </li> <li>Added SPARQL <u>SELECT_FED role </u> </li> <li>Added RDF <u>DUMP_GRAPH and RDF_DUMP_NQUADS as built-in stored procedures </u> </li> <li>Added missing JSON support function to format output of ASK query </li> <li>Added support to fine tune size of memory pool used by SPARQL constructs </li> <li>Fixed /sparql-auth requests should not be redirect to /sparql </li> <li>Fixed RDF loading re. transaction modes. </li> <li>Fixed SPARQL endpoint description document </li> <li>Fixed functions for making rdf literals must return dc of boxes </li> <li>Fixed incorrect handling of UTF8 characters on SPARQL HTTP endpoint </li> <li>Fixed issue converting RDF metadata from older databases </li> <li>Fixed issue with ANYTIME query timeout values </li> <li>Fixed issue with JSON-LD and JSON-LD (with context) mime types </li> <li>Fixed issue with SPARQL ASK in embedded PL </li> <li>Fixed issue with SPARQL variables containing unicode characters </li> <li>Fixed issue with incomplete RDF box </li> <li>Fixed old proxy and redirect handling in RDF <u>HTTP_URL_GET </u> </li> <li>Fixed reporting when new graph is created </li> <li>Fixed use a standard namespace URI for special bif: and sql: SPARQL Built-in functions </li> <li>Removed redundant checkpoints when creating new database </li> <li>Small cleanups</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="JDBC, Jena and RDF4j"></a> JDBC, Jena and RDF4j</h4> <ul> <li>Added optimizations for bulk deleting triples </li> <li>Added support for all JDBC Transaction Isolation levels </li> <li>Added new class VirtStreamRDF<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a> for support stream uploading to Virtuoso </li> <li>Fixed issue with closing/leaking JDBC statements </li> <li>Fixed issue with exceptions </li> <li>Fixed issue using batchSize </li> <li>Fixed SQLException handler for better conversion to JenaException<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a> </li> <li>Small cleanups</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Faceted Browser"></a> Faceted Browser</h4> <ul> <li>Added check if automated label fill is enabled </li> <li>Added some nofollow and noindex hints for bots </li> <li>Added support to use built-in rdf_label and don't cache the object value twice </li> <li>Fixed UTF-8 encoding issues </li> <li>Fixed XSS issue </li> <li>Fixed bad url encoding </li> <li>Fixed caching query via plink </li> <li>Fixed decoding of percent-encoded URLs when used as labels </li> <li>Fixed detection of label language </li> <li>Fixed do not make default http links </li> <li>Fixed do not remove user defined graphs </li> <li>Fixed efficiency of label language lookup </li> <li>Fixed endpoint creation </li> <li>Fixed issue with bnodes </li> <li>Fixed issue with sid </li> <li>Fixed issue with sponge link in header </li> <li>Fixed make ifps secure </li> <li>Fixed missing graph group </li> <li>Fixed only make link when protocol scheme is safe (http, https, ftp) </li> <li>Fixed order labels by accept-language </li> <li>Fixed return 404 if usage.vsp is called with bad url </li> <li>Fixed several issues in About: block </li> <li>Fixed usage.vsp for safe links </li> <li>Fixed whitespace in Link: header </li> <li>Updated S ranking algorithm</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Conductor"></a> Conductor</h4> <ul> <li>Added faster check for version of installed VAD package </li> <li>Added drop statement and better reporting (ala-isql) </li> <li>Added fingerprint info for system root key </li> <li>Added git hash to the build info </li> <li>Added warning to modifying registry by hand </li> <li>Fixed dependency check on ODS </li> <li>Fixed ensure DB qualifier for conductor </li> <li>Fixed fully qualified view name and use DB qual for all conductor sql </li> <li>Fixed import of user's key </li> <li>Fixed installation of VADs can only be performed by dba account </li> <li>Fixed issue with encoding </li> <li>Fixed issue with non-dba user login causing inf redirects </li> <li>Fixed missing check for ODS Briefcase </li> <li>Fixed LDP metadata </li> <li>Fixed the the rr:graph was not taken from RML doc - UI changes </li> <li>Fixed UI form related to importing RDF files </li> <li>Fixed UI form related to RDF push subscriptions </li> <li>Fixed url encoding</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="DAV"></a> DAV</h4> <ul> <li>Added helper function for fixing DAV COL <u>FULL_PATH </u> </li> <li>Fixed encoding-type for text/* files </li> <li>Fixed handling of content type </li> <li>Fixed issue removing properties </li> <li>Fixed LDP metadata </li> <li>Fixed unhandled error when COL <u>FULL_PATH is NULL </u> </li> <li>Removed redundand join with all graphs</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="GEO"></a> GEO</h4> <ul> <li>Added GEOS-isValid BIF</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="R2RML"></a> R2RML</h4> <ul> <li>Fixed handling tableName attribute as per spec </li> <li>Fixed rr:graph was not taken from RML doc</li> </ul> <p> </p> <h2> <a name="2020 News Announcements"></a> 2020 News Announcements</h2> <h3> <a name="2020-06-22 Virtuoso 7.2.6 Released, Open-Source Edition"></a> 2020-06-22 Virtuoso 7.2.6 Released, Open-Source Edition</h3> <h4> <a name="Virtuoso Engine"></a> Virtuoso Engine</h4> <ul> <li>Added support for macOS 11 Big Sur on Intel and Apple Silicon </li> <li>Added support for OpenSSL<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a> 1.1.1 </li> <li>Added support for Strict-Transport-Security header </li> <li>Added check to make sure RPNG is properly seeded </li> <li>Added support for Forward Secrecy using DH and ECDH </li> <li>Added support for rwlock in dict </li> <li>Added support for latest iODBC DM Unicode fixes </li> <li>Added support for unfoldable internal functions in execution plan </li> <li>Fixed default cipher list </li> <li>Fixed set default protocol to TLSv1.2 or newer when possible </li> <li>Fixed issue setting cipher list on https ctx </li> <li>Fixed issues ordering NaN<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a> values </li> <li>Fixed issue with atomic transactions </li> <li>Fixed issue reading large blobs </li> <li>Fixed small memory leaks </li> <li>Fixed small portability issues </li> <li>Fixed dependency on netstat during building and testing</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="SPARQL"></a> SPARQL</h4> <ul> <li>Added initial support for GeoSPARQL<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a> functions </li> <li>Added new bootstrap 4 based /sparql (X)HTML endpoint </li> <li>Added support for Content-Disposition header hint for browsers </li> <li>Added flag to control inference optimizations by G </li> <li>Added support for property paths in federated SPARQL queries </li> <li>Fixed namespace check for bif: and sql: and issues with system functions </li> <li>Fixed issue with JSON-LD and JSON-LD (with context) mime types </li> <li>Fixed output formats to use UTF-8 and HTML5 or XHTML5 </li> <li>Fixed splitting on '/#:' produces better results for unnamed prefixes</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="JDBC Driver"></a> JDBC Driver</h4> <ul> <li>Added support for JDBC 4.3 </li> <li>Moved SSL connectivity into regular jdbc drivers </li> <li>Fixed issue with closing stmt handle in PreparedStatement<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a> </li> <li>Fixed JDBC RPC login options </li> <li>Fixed issue with POINTZ </li> <li>Fixed constructions using new Long/Byte/Short/Character </li> <li>Fixed issue with finalizers </li> <li>Fixed issue running jdbc testsuite </li> <li>Removed support for deprecated versions of JDKs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Faceted Browser"></a> Faceted Browser</h4> <ul> <li>Added FCT Configuration page in Conductor </li> <li>Added specific Map view options using dedicated graph </li> <li>Added configuration option to control browser cache </li> <li>Added small inference rule for link-out icons </li> <li>Added support for latitude/longitude in factet inference </li> <li>Added new setting to treat narrow string boxes as UTF-8 encoded </li> <li>Added page to show state of Entity Data generation </li> <li>Added preview for embedded content </li> <li>Added statistics about users of IRI as subject or object in graph to Metadata page </li> <li>Added support for IRIs from RDFviews </li> <li>Fixed number of i18n issues with URL encodings in /describe </li> <li>Fixed issues with long values such as geo shapes </li> <li>Fixed issue with pager in /describe </li> <li>Fixed issue with page refresh when Show x rows selector changes </li> <li>Fixed issues with https in /describe content negotiation in Alternates and Location headers </li> <li>Fixed issues with /describe page behind a (ssl) proxy </li> <li>Fixed reporting proper datatype of object rather than box type</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Conductor"></a> Conductor</h4> <ul> <li>Added UI optimizations </li> <li>Added option to view CalDAV<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a> and CardDAV<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a> resources </li> <li>Disabled triggers generation for RDF view referencing SQL views </li> <li>Fixed issue creating LDP collection data </li> <li>Fixed issue creating user's IRIs </li> <li>Fixed issue in RDF console </li> <li>Fixed issues editing soap services </li> <li>Fixed login when conductor is behind a proxy </li> <li>Fixed small build issues </li> <li>Moved binsrc/yacutia binsrc/conductor</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="DAV"></a> DAV</h4> <ul> <li>Added new optimizations for <a href="" class="wikiword">WebDAV</a> </li> <li>Added support to move lost collections to '/DAV/.lost+found/' collection </li> <li>Added triggers to check the collection hierarchy before updates </li> <li>Added performance improvements for some often used functions </li> <li>Added additional checks for some API calls </li> <li>Updated triggers and procedures to use the new column COL <u>FULL_PATH </u> </li> <li>Fixed issue in conductor showing folder content after rename. </li> <li>Fixed issue with ID of DET collections and optimize DAV <u>SEARCH_ID </u> </li> <li>Fixed issues reported by the Litmus DAV testsuite for COPY and MOVE </li> <li>Fixed issues with LDP, PROPFIND, PATCH </li> <li>Fixed issues with HostFs<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a> DET actions </li> <li>Fixed issue with SSL HTTP authentication </li> <li>Fixed issue with LDP POST command </li> <li>Fixed LDP folder content return (by GET)</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="GEO"></a> GEO</h4> <ul> <li>Added new plugins proj4, geos and shapefileio for GeoSPARQL<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a> </li> <li>Added check if proj data has been loaded </li> <li>Fixed issue in error handling </li> <li>Fixed handling of GEO <u>NULL_SHAPE </u> </li> <li>Fixed bif:st_intersects </li> <li>Fixed issue with empty shape </li> <li>Fixed handling empty and invalid geometries </li> <li>Fixed portability issues</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="ODS"></a> ODS</h4> <ul> <li>Fixed issue login into ODS </li> <li>Fixed OAUTH token</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="R2RML"></a> R2RML</h4> <ul> <li>Fixed support for rr:datatype and rr:language</li> </ul> <h2> <a name="2018 News Announcements"></a> 2018 News Announcements</h2> <h3> <a name="2018-08-15 - Virtuoso Released, Open Source Edition"></a> 2018-08-15 - Virtuoso Released, Open Source Edition</h3> <p>New and updated product features as of August 15, 2018, v7.2.5.1, include:</p> <p> </p> <h4> <a name="Virtuoso Engine"></a> Virtuoso Engine</h4> <ul> <li>Added support for <code>application/n-triples</code> mime type </li> <li>Added support for modifying size of SQL compiler cache </li> <li>Added better version checking for <nop></nop>OpenSSL to <code>configure</code> </li> <li>Added support for timeout on socket connect </li> <li>Added new debug code to audit SPARQL/SQL errors </li> <li>Added new code for <code>MALLOC_DEBUG</code> </li> <li>Added support for <code>LDAPS</code> </li> <li>Added support for <code>TLSext Server Name Indication</code> to <code>http_client</code> </li> <li>Remove <code>TLSv1</code> protocol from default protocol list </li> <li>Fixed initial <code>DB.DBA.RDF_DEFAULT_USER_PERMS_SET</code> for user '<code>nobody</code>' so <code>/sparql</code> endpoint can query all graphs without any performance penalty </li> <li>Fixed scheduler errors should be emailed every time the event fails </li> <li>Fixed issue replaying table rename due to dereference of <code>NULL</code> result </li> <li>Fixed issue returning correct user after TLS login </li> <li>Fixed issues with HTTP <code>PATCH</code> command changing resource permissions </li> <li>Fixed check for infinite loop in SQL compiler </li> <li>Fixed XMLA service to select <code>TIMESTAMP</code>, <code> <nop>XML_ENTITY, <code><nop>IRI_ID columns </nop></code> </nop></code> </li> <li>Fixed issue with <code>shcompo</code> cache size </li> <li>Fixed memory leaks </li> <li>Fixed portability issues and compiler warnings </li> <li>Fixed issues building Windows binaries using VS2017</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="SPARQL"></a> SPARQL</h4> <ul> <li>Added new option '<code>Explain</code>' to <code>/sparql</code> endpoint </li> <li>Added new help page for RDF views to <code>/sparql</code> endpoint </li> <li>Fixed initial fill of language and datatype caches after server restart </li> <li>Fixed SPARQL <code>DELETE</code> for quads which failed on booleans and other inlined RDF boxes </li> <li>Fixed SPARQL 1.1 <code>SUBSTR()</code> </li> <li>Fixed issues with <code>PATCH</code> not returning an error after a SPARQL error </li> <li>Fixed <code>SPARQL_CONSTRUCT_ACC</code> could get fixed-value variables referred to in '<code>stats</code>' argument </li> <li>Fixed Turtle 1.1 permits multiple semicolons without predicate-object pairs between them </li> <li>Fixed handling for timezone date values from SPARQL queries </li> <li>Fixed readability and indentation of <code>EXPLAIN</code> output </li> <li>Fixed issue encoding urls in SPARQL/FED </li> <li>Fixed <code>st_contains</code> and other geo predicates </li> <li>Fixed issue with <code>cast</code> <code>numeric</code> to <code>bool</code> </li> <li>Fixed issues with Turtle and <code>JSON;LD_CTX</code> </li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Jena & Sesame"></a> Jena & Sesame</h4> <ul> <li>Added method to Sesame provider to query across all RDF graphs in Quad Store </li> <li>Added <code>setIsolationLevel/getIsolationLevel</code> to <code>VirtDataset</code> </li> <li>Update using of DB proc <code>rdf_insert_triple_c()</code> </li> <li>Fixed baseURI parameter not handled properly by RDF4J provider </li> <li>Fixed issue with Jena object values that are URLs </li> <li>Fixed providers Jena/RDF4J <code>setNamespaces/getNamespaces</code> in global cache instead of connection cache </li> <li>Fixed <code>xsd:boolean</code> literals returned as <code>xsd:string</code> literals </li> <li>Fixed <code>VirtDataset</code> class for properly handle transaction</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="JDBC Driver"></a> JDBC Driver</h4> <ul> <li>Added support for concurrency mode <code>CONCUR_VALUES</code> </li> <li>Added support for SSL truststore </li> <li>Fixed binding/conversion of Unicode characters </li> <li>Fixed handling of SPARQL negative dates </li> <li>Fixed Sql Workbench/J CSV file import in Virtuoso fails on empty numeric fields </li> <li>Fixed exception handling</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="ADO.NET"></a> ADO.NET</h4> <ul> <li>Fixed support for SPARQL Negative Dates, Concurrency modes, Connection option "<code>Log_enable</code>" </li> <li>Fixed compilation warnings and errors on Mono and .NET versions on Windows </li> <li>Fixed error in <code><nop></nop>CompareTo()</code> methods </li> <li>Fixed issue ADO.NET for DateTime<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a> types and TZ</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Faceted Browser"></a> Faceted Browser</h4> <ul> <li>Fixed incorrect UTF-8 character IRI handling in Namespaces</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Conductor"></a> Conductor</h4> <ul> <li>Added option to delete locked files by admin users </li> <li>Added support for JSON and JSON-LD in rewrite rules for SPARQL query output </li> <li>Added support for importing PEM and DER formats </li> <li>Updated Conductor UI to support new redirection options </li> <li>Moved 'OAuth Service Binding' to 'Web Services' </li> <li>Optimized handling of vspx session expiration </li> <li>Fixed issue creating new user accounts with conductor using user with dba and administrator roles </li> <li>Fixed a missing CA chain does not mean <code>.p12</code> file is bad </li> <li>Fixed issue with 'Next' time in Scheduler </li> <li>Fixed selection of category in the database browser page </li> <li>Fixed rewrite rule export format </li> <li>Fixed CSV importer </li> <li>Fixed crawler functions to work with HTTPS sources </li> <li>Fixed issues with Rewrite Rule export function </li> <li>Fixed issues in R2RML</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="DAV"></a> DAV</h4> <ul> <li>Added item creator as a field in the properties when not empty </li> <li>Added overwrite flag for <nop></nop>DynaRes creation </li> <li>Optimized calls to some APIs using user/password properties </li> <li>Fixed issues related to the <code>LITMUS</code> testsuite for DAV </li> <li>Fixed issues with Mac OS X <nop></nop>WebDAV mapping </li> <li>Fixed issues with <nop></nop>WebDAV browser and folder selection </li> <li>Fixed issue deleting Smart folders </li> <li>Fixed issue with permissions for <code>PUT</code> command </li> <li>Fixed bug with <code>PROPFIND</code> and bad XML (without correct namespace) as body </li> <li>Fixed issue with DAV authentication </li> <li>Fixed issues with set/update LDP related data </li> <li>Fixed response code to <code>204</code> for <code>PATCH</code> command </li> <li>Fixed return <code>406</code> if no matching <code>Accept</code> header found </li> <li>Fixed issue retrieving user's profile data with RDFData DET</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="DBpedia"></a> DBpedia</h4> <ul> <li>Added LODmilla browser</li> </ul> <p> Download <a href="" class="wikiword">Open Source</a> or <a href="" class="absuri">Commercial</a> now!</p> <p> </p> <h2> <a name="2016 News Announcements"></a> 2016 News Announcements</h2> <h3> <a name="2016-04-24 - Virtuoso 7.2.4 Released, Open Source and Commercial Editions"></a> 2016-04-24 - Virtuoso 7.2.4 Released, Open Source and Commercial Editions</h3> <p>New and updated product features as of April 25, 2016, v7.2.4, include:</p> <h4> <a name="Virtuoso Engine"></a> Virtuoso Engine</h4> <ul> <li>Added "obvious" index choice </li> <li>Added new <code>bif http_redirect_from</code> for getting initial path from internal redirect </li> <li>Fixed ODBC issue with <code>SQL_C_LONG</code> bound to an <code>int32</code> instead of an <code>int64/long</code> </li> <li>Fixed hang as page was not left if <code>geo_pred</code> signal an error </li> <li>Fixed check if <code>geo_pred</code> gets right arguments to prevent crash </li> <li>Fixed portability issue on Windows </li> <li>Fixed issue with cost based optimizer for <code>isiri_id</code> </li> <li>Fixed no change from <code>chash</code> to <code>pageable</code> if <code>enable_chash_gb = 2</code> </li> <li>Disabled AIO for this release of Virtuoso</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="SPARQL"></a> SPARQL</h4> <ul> <li>Added missing default privilege grants to <code>SPARQL_UPDATE</code> role account </li> <li>Added optimizations covering property paths with complementary and/or repeating paths </li> <li>Added min/max for IRI ID </li> <li>Added new HTML output option to <code>DESCRIBE</code> and <code>CONSTRUCT</code> queries that uses <code><script>...</script></code> to include RDF-based Structured Data Islands </li> <li>Added support for CVS in RFC4180 format </li> <li>Added support for skipping UTF-8 BOM marks on Turtle and JSON lexers </li> <li>Added support for service invocation of <code>bigdata</code> running in triples and introducing language exceptions </li> <li>Added new debug option to <code>/sparql</code> page </li> <li>Fixed issue with '<code>:</code>' in blank node labels </li> <li>Fixed NQuads do not permit <code>%NN</code> in blank node labels </li> <li>Fixed issues with property paths like <code><p>|!<p></code> </li> <li>Fixed issue when SERVICE clause does not return real vars, only <code>?stubvarXX</code> </li> <li>Fixed issue with unused default graph </li> <li>Fixed issue with SPARQL <code>SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT *) { ... }</code> </li> <li>Fixed SPARQL-BI syntax for <code>HAVING</code> </li> <li>Fixed issue with duplicate triples in microdata </li> <li>Fixed handling of strings containing serialized XML </li> <li>Fixed issue with boolean in SPARQL/XML results</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Jena & Sesame"></a> Jena & Sesame</h4> <ul> <li>Added Sesame 4 provider </li> <li>Added Jena 3 provider </li> <li>Added support for Sesame 2.8.x </li> <li>Added Jena example for use of Inference and Ontology Model with Jena provider </li> <li>Fixed <code>Node2Str</code> for Literals for more properly handle Literals with Lang </li> <li>Fixed issue with <code>openrdf-workbench</code> application </li> <li>Fixed Testsuites </li> <li>Fixed Sesame 2 test connection string </li> <li>Fixed <code>PreparedStatement<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a></code> with parameter bindings for SPARQL queries with parameters instead of substituting parameter values in query </li> <li>Updated testsuites</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="JDBC Driver"></a> JDBC Driver</h4> <ul> <li>Added support for building JDK 1.8 and JDBC 4.2 </li> <li>Added support for <code>Connection.setCatalog()</code> </li> <li>Fixed conversion of broken Unicode strings </li> <li>Fixed variable initialization </li> <li>Fixed <code>VirtuosoDataSource<a href="" class="wikiword">?</a></code> methods <code>setLog_Enable()</code> and <code>getLog_Enable()</code> to properly work with Spring framework </li> <li>Fixed JDBC driver to remove finalizers</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Faceted Browser"></a> Faceted Browser</h4> <ul> <li>Added link-out icons </li> <li>Added more link-out relations </li> <li>Fixed content negotiation </li> <li>Fixed default output is XML </li> <li>Fixed facet search service </li> <li>Fixed issue with CSS </li> <li>Fixed labels </li> <li>Fixed missing alias in facet service </li> <li>Fixed missing grant </li> <li>Fixed <code>og:image</code> added to list </li> <li>Fixed possible change of displayed resources post-sponge </li> <li>Fixed prefixes </li> <li>Fixed space encoding in IRI </li> <li>Fixed splitting UTF-8 strings can produce bad encoded strings </li> <li>Fixed support for images </li> <li>Fixed svc search to keep address</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="Conductor"></a> Conductor</h4> <ul> <li>Added validation for sequence number value </li> <li>Added start and expiration dates of CA </li> <li>Added new option to disable scheduled job </li> <li>Synced Conductor <nop></nop>WebDAV implementation with briefcase </li> <li>Fixed set specific sponger pragmas on <code>text/html</code> </li> <li>Fixed checkpoint after RDF view generation </li> <li>Fixed use of transactional mode </li> <li>Fixed issue with LDAP server </li> <li>Fixed labels</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="DAV"></a> DAV</h4> <ul> <li>Small optimization for update triggers of <code>WS.WS.SYS_DAV_RES</code> </li> <li>Fixed set specific sponger pragmas on <code>text/html</code> </li> <li>Fixed issue uploading Turtle files containing special symbols</li> </ul> <h4> <a name="DBpedia"></a> DBpedia</h4> <ul> <li>Implemented new fluid skin design for DBpedia <code>/page</code> based on the Bootstrap Framework </li> <li>Updated DBpedia VAD for UTF-8 based URIs for International Chapters </li> <li>Updated prefixes </li> <li>Added references to license </li> <li>Fixed show language with label, abstract, comment </li> <li>Fixed the <code><a href="" class="absuri"></a></code> link</li> </ul> <p>Download <a href="" class="wikiword">Open Source</a> or <a href="" class="absuri">Commercial</a> now!</p> <p> </p> <h2> <a name="Older Virtuoso News"></a> Older Virtuoso News</h2> <ul> <li> <a href="" class="wikiword">2015</a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="wikiword">2013</a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="wikiword">2012</a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="wikiword">2011</a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="wikiword">2010</a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="wikiword">2009</a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="wikiword">2008</a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="wikiword">2007</a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="wikiword">2006</a> </li> </ul> <p> <p> </p> </p> <p> <a href="" class="wikiword">CategoryVirtuoso</a> <a href="" class="wikiword">CategoryOpenSource</a> <a href="" class="wikiword">CategoryWebSite</a> </p> <Versions><RevCont></RevCont></Versions><tags></tags> </div> </div><!--End body content--> </div> <footer><div class="rst-footer-buttons" role="navigation" aria-label="footer navigation"></div> <hr /> <div role="contentinfo" class="contentinfo"> <p> © Copyright <a href="">OpenLink Software </a> 2016- <br /> OpenLink Software Documentation Team <> </p> </div> </footer> </div> 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