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border-radius: ; " data-setting-editable="true" class="builder-item part-header text-center" id="aedf0f52c5" > <div data-editable=true data-param='items/parts/field90595/inner/text' class='f-header f-header-36'><p><strong>Licence Agreement-Offer </strong></p><p><strong>(Hereinafter referred to as the Agreement)</strong></p></div> <div class="add-redesign-subblock" data-id="1637317835"> <span class="fa fa-plus"></span> </div> </div> <style> .add-redesign-subblock, div#aedf0f52c5 .add-redesign-subblock { display: none; } </style> <div data-param="items/parts/text1" data-item-name="text1" data-title="Element" data-animation-mode="no" style="margin-bottom: 25px; border-radius: ; " data-setting-editable="true" class="builder-item part-text " id="a0ccde0e12" > <div style='' class='text-normal f-text' data-param='items/parts/text1/inner/text' data-editable='true'><h4><strong class="redactor-inline-converted"><span><br></span></strong></h4><h4><strong class="redactor-inline-converted"><span>Date: 10.06.2024 г.</span><br></strong></h4> <p><strong class="redactor-inline-converted"><br></strong></p><p><strong class="redactor-inline-converted">Individual Entrepreneur Stanislav Glazov, TIN 304727758, </strong></p> <p><strong>Georgia, Tbilisi, 0108 Atoneli 11/23</strong></p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p><strong class="redactor-inline-converted">Terms and Definitions</strong></p> <p>A course, a master class means a set of interrelated materials, including audio, video, text, and photo materials, as well as pdf documents, musical notations and any associated materials published on, all having the same topic and all to be viewed in a specific order.</p> <p><br></p> <p><strong class="redactor-inline-converted">Terms of Use </strong><br>By gaining access to a course, master class or any other content published on, the user:</p> <ul><li>warrants that the personal data provided by him/her are accurate and relevant;</li><li>warrants that he/she is of age and has full capacity to act;</li><li>agrees that he/she is solely responsible for any consequences caused by submission of inaccurate, irrelevant or incomplete personal data;</li><li>has carefully and thoroughly read and understood the description of the course page, contents of the course, and this agreement;</li><li>upon payment, gains access to the pages of the website, and all the materials published on a page will be accessible for personal use excluding any copying or downloads;</li><li>must ensure that his/her login and password are secure and exclude access of any third parties to the account, including voluntary transfer of the login and password;</li></ul> <p>Website administrators may amend the agreement with no additional notice to the users.<br>Website administrators may change the contents of the courses with no additional notice to the users.<br>Website administrators may at any time suspend the operations of the website for routine maintenance.</p> <p><br></p> <p><strong class="redactor-inline-converted">1. General</strong></p> <p>1.1. Individual Entrepreneur Stanislav Glazov shall publish a publicly available Public Offer (hereinafter referred to as the Offer, Agreement) on The Offer is a formal Contractor’s proposal of learning services to be provided via the Internet.<br>1.2. The terms, as provided in this Offer, shall be deemed accepted, when the Customer’s money is credited to the Contractor’s bank account, or when the Customer signs up on the website.<br>1.3. The agreement between the Customer and the Contractor in relation to a Service selected by the Customer shall be deemed made on the terms of the Offer from the date of acceptance until the Contractor and the Customer have performed their obligations thereunder in full.<br>1.4. Acceptance of the Offer means that the Customer has read and understood the terms of this Agreement and accepts the way the information services will be provided.<br>1.5. By accepting the Offer, the Customer acknowledges that services provided hereunder by the Contractor remotely using the software (hereinafter — Software) fully match the Customer’s ability to use services provided in such a way.</p> <p><br></p> <p><strong class="redactor-inline-converted">2. Terms and Definitions</strong><br>2.1. Unless otherwise expressly required by the context, the following words and expressions used in this Agreement shall have the following meanings:<br>2.1.1. «Agreement» means this document publish on the Internet and sent for review by email or otherwise provided.<br>2.1.2. «Customer» means the recipient of services hereunder.<br>2.1.3. «Services» means learning services provided by the Contractor to the Customer for a fee. Services may be provided as consultation, a lesson, or a video lecture.<br>2.1.4. «Software» means a web browser (Internet Explorer, FireFox, Google Chrome and similar ones) for access to information resources on the Internet, and other software for transfer, storage and processing of the information provided. The Customer will be solely responsible for availability of the Software on his/her PC and/or smartphone.<br>2.1.5. «Website» means a totality of information, texts, graphic elements, design, images, photo and video materials, and other intellectual property contained in an information system that makes such information available on the Internet at URL: <a href=""></a></p> <p><br></p> <p><strong class="redactor-inline-converted">3. Subject of the Agreement</strong><br>3.1. The subject of this Offer are paid services provided to the Customer to grant access to the content published on the Website, including video, text, pdf files. The Customer shall pay for the Services and duly comply with the terms and conditions, as provided herein.<br>3.2. The Services, as set forth hereunder, shall be provided by the Contrcator remotely via the Internet using the Software.<br>3.3. The entire content of the Website, including all Services provided by the Contractor, constitutes learning activities that are not subject to licensing (tutoring and learning courses for adults), not followed by final examination, any qualification to be awarded or any academic certificates to be issued.</p> <p><br></p> <p><strong class="redactor-inline-converted">4. Terms of Services</strong><br>4.1. Learning services shall be provided as videos (a lesson or a lecture) published in accordance with the learning plan.<br>4.2. The contents of the learning plan for each course, lesson or master class shall be published on the Website.<br>4.3. The Agreement shall be deemed accepted when the Customer pays the full price of the relevant Service, and such acceptance means that the User fully and irrevocably accepts the terms of this Agreement and will be equivalent to the User’s original signature affixed to the Agreement.<br>4.4. After money is credited to the Contractor’s account, or the User signs up on the Website, the Offer shall be deemed accepted and the Agreement shall be deemed made.<br>4.5. Acceptance Procedure:<br>4.5.1. The User shall select a Service on the Contractor’s Website, read the payment terms or complete the procedure of signing up on the Website.<br>4.5.2. After the relevant Service has been selected, the User goes to the cart and makes payment.<br>4.5.3. A Service shall be deemed provided after the Contractor has provided all the information and implemented the whole program according to the selected Service.</p> <p><br></p> <p><strong class="redactor-inline-converted">5. Rights and Obligations of the Parties</strong><br>5.1. The Contractor may:<br>5.1.1. Obtain from the Customer the information needed to provide services hereunder;<br>5.1.2. Get paid for Services that are provided as and when set forth herein.<br>5.1.3. Publish any materials and feedback created by the User in the process of receiving learning services without no restrictions or claims for compensation from the User.<br>5.1.4. At his own discretion, amend this Agreement with no approval needed from the Customer, provided however that the amended terms shall be published at <a href=""></a> at least one day prior to the date the terms come into effect.<br>5.2. The Contractor shall:<br>5.2.1. Provide the Customer with consultation services in the scope the complies with this Agreement.<br>5.2.2. Inform the Customer about the rules and requirements applicable to organization of consultation services, quality and contents thereof, rights and obligations of the Customer in the process of receiving services.<br>5.2.3. Grant access to the courses that have been paid by opening access to published videos.<br>5.3. The Customer may:<br>5.3.1. Receive Services of proper quality in accordance with the Agreement.<br>5.4. The Customer shall:<br>5.4.1. To receive Services hereunder, the Customer shall have a PC with Internet access, headphones and a microphone, and the Software installed.<br>5.4.2. After a Service have been selected, this Public Offer has been accepted and consultation services have been paid in full, comply with learning schedule, recommendations and requirements issued by the Contractor within the Services provided hereunder.<br>5.4.3. Not distribute (disclose, publish on websites, copy, transfer or resell to a third party) the information and materials provided by the Contractor to the Customer hereunder for commercial or non-commercial purposes, or create information products based thereon to commercialize the same, or otherwise use the information for purposes other than personal use.</p> <p><br></p> <p><strong class="redactor-inline-converted">6. Price of Services and Payment Terms</strong><br>6.1. Payment terms and methods can be found on the Website.<br>6.2. The price of the Service is available on the Website and may be changed by the Contractor at any time at his own discretion. A new price will take effect after it is published and shall not apply to Services that have been paid as of the date of publication.<br>6.6. A decision to refund or deny a refund of money shall be made by the Contractor within 3 (three) business days after the respective claim is received from the Customer.<br>6.7. Money shall be refunded to the Customer’s account used to pay for the learning, as provided by the Customer in the claim and confirmed by payment (a letter from the payment system), within 7 (seven) business days after the decision to refund has been made.<br>6.8. Money shall be refunded net of fees charged by payment systems.</p> <p><br></p> <p><strong class="redactor-inline-converted">7. Liability of the Parties</strong><br>7.1. The Contractor shall not be liable for the Customer’s inability to participate in the learning not attributable to the Contractor.<br>7.2. The Contractor shall not be liable for any Services failing to meet the Customer’s expectations and/or for the Customer’s perception, and such failure to meet expectations and/or negative perception shall not be a reason to consider that the Services are of poor quality or have been provided in an insufficient scope.</p> <p><br></p> <p><strong class="redactor-inline-converted">8. Term and Amendments</strong><br>8.1. This Offer shall come into effect upon acceptance hereof by the Customer and will remain in full force until the Parties have performed their obligations in full.<br>8.2. The Contractor reserves the right at his own discretion to deny a Service to the Customer at any point with a refund of prepaid monies, except for the cost of the services that have been actually provided and the fees charged by payment systems.<br>8.3. The Customer agrees and acknowledges that any amendments made to the Offer shall cause the amendments to be made to the Agreement signed and existing between the Customer and the Contractor, and that such amendments shall come into effect at the same time with the amendments made to the Offer. Continuation of the use of the Website will mean the User’s (Customer’s) consent to the terms of the new revision of the Offer. If the Customer disagrees with the terms of the new revision of the Offer, the Customer shall cease using the Website.</p> <p><br></p> <p><strong class="redactor-inline-converted">9. Use of Personal Data</strong><br>9.1. The Customer consents to processing of his/her personal data, in particular, name, surname, e-mail, contact telephone by the Contractor.<br>9.2. Personal data processing means recording, organizing, collecting, storing, modifying (updating, changing), retrieving, using, transferring (distributing, providing, accessing), anonymizing, blocking, erasing, and destroying personal data.<br>9.3. Personal data are processed for the purpose of performing the Contractor’s obligations hereunder, providing the Customer with answers to questions, and sending information and advertisements to the email indicated by the Customer in his/her payment.<br>9.4. The Customer may at any time withdraw his/her consent to processing of personal data with a respective notice to the Contractor to be sent to However, the Customer understands and acknowledges that withdrawal of consent to processing of personal data may require any information related to the Customer’s participation in the learning program, to be deleted.<br>9.5. The Customer consents to receive newsletters and promotional materials from the Contractor, or from other parties acting on behalf of the Contractor, at the email and over the contact telephone, as indicated by the Customer in his/her payment for services.<br>9.6. The consent to receipt of newsletters and promotional materials may be withdrawn by the Customer at any time with a respective notice to the Contractor to be sent to</p> <p><br></p> <p><strong class="redactor-inline-converted">Contractor’s Details</strong></p> <p>Stanislav Glazov, Georgia, Tbilisi, 0108 Atoneli 11/23</p><p>Email address:<br></p> <p><br></p></div> <div class="add-redesign-subblock" data-id="1637317835"> <span class="fa fa-plus"></span> </div> </div> <style> .add-redesign-subblock, div#a0ccde0e12 .add-redesign-subblock { display: none; } </style> </div> <script> $( function() { if( $('#builder5307855 input[type="radio"]').length == 1 && $('#builder5307855 input[type="radio"]').prop('checked') ) { $('#builder5307855 input[type="radio"]').hide(); } if ($('.animated-block').animatedBlock) { $('.animated-block').animatedBlock(); } } ); </script> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> <style> body { background-color: #ffffff; } .gc-account-leftbar, .talks-widget-window, .page-edit-link, .create-link-link { font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif!important; } </style> </div> <div class="notice-widget" id="noticeWidget"></div> <script> $( function() { $('#noticeWidget').noticeWidget() } ); </script> <script src="/nassets/js/superlite-block-0cf99de5e693767b470ce9cd6e225cce.js?v=1732358314"></script> <script src="/nassets/8ce7462f/js/replace.js?v=1727033017"></script> <script src="/nassets/a87a3b89/deps/js/bootstrap-core.min.js?v=1727033018"></script> <script src="/nassets/c4ee8f9e/js/modal.js?v=1727033020"></script> <script src="/nassets/5d1d7cc7/notice.js?v=1727033016"></script> <script async src=""></script> <script src="/public/js/gccounter-new.js?1"></script> <script async src=""></script> </body>