Auf wiedersehen, Iohannis! | Krónika Online

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</h1> <div class="border_bottom szoveg_mobil_vele szerzosav szerzosav_vel"> <div class="py-2 pb-3 d-flex "> <div class="d-flex flex-column"> <div class="d-lg-flex datum_var_2"> <p class="px-1 px-lg-0 pr-lg-2 mb-0"><svg width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M7.25 0C3.24593 0 0 3.24593 0 7.25C0 11.2541 3.24593 14.5 7.25 14.5C11.2541 14.5 14.5 11.2541 14.5 7.25C14.5 3.24593 11.2541 0 7.25 0ZM9.68915 2.26471C9.9017 2.26639 10.108 2.34478 10.2639 2.50068L11.4704 3.70672C11.8039 4.04023 11.7811 4.60214 11.4204 4.96371C11.0588 5.32531 10.496 5.3468 10.1634 5.01422L8.95735 3.80818C8.62384 3.47559 8.64716 2.91188 9.00786 2.55119C9.19949 2.35908 9.4483 2.26281 9.68915 2.26471ZM7.70129 3.85822L10.1138 6.2703L6.19317 10.19L3.78063 7.7775L7.70129 3.85822ZM3.15443 8.2343L5.69918 10.7791L2.51721 11.4163L3.15443 8.2343Z" fill="#727171"/> </svg> <span class="d-none d-lg-inline">2025. február 10., 19:04</span><span class="d-inline d-lg-none">2025. február 15., 14:46</span></p> <p class="px-1 px-lg-2 mb-0"> <svg width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <style type="text/css"> .st0{fill:#727171;} </style> <path class="st0" d="M7.4,0.2c-4,0-7.3,3.3-7.3,7.3c0,4,3.3,7.3,7.3,7.3c4,0,7.3-3.3,7.3-7.3C14.7,3.4,11.4,0.2,7.4,0.2z M7.4,11.2 c-0.9,0-1.7-0.3-2.3-1c-0.6-0.6-1-1.5-1-2.3s0.3-1.7,1-2.3s1.5-1,2.3-1h0.1L7.1,4.1C7,4,6.9,3.8,6.9,3.7c0-0.1,0.1-0.3,0.1-0.3 c0.1-0.1,0.2-0.1,0.3-0.1s0.3,0.1,0.3,0.1l1.4,1.4c0,0,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.2s0,0.1,0,0.2s0,0.1,0,0.2c0,0.1-0.1,0.1-0.1,0.2L7.8,6.9 C7.7,7,7.5,7,7.4,7S7.2,7,7.1,6.9C7,6.8,6.9,6.7,6.9,6.5c0-0.1,0.1-0.3,0.1-0.3l0.6-0.6c-0.1,0-0.2,0-0.3,0c-0.5,0-0.9,0.1-1.3,0.4 C5.7,6.2,5.4,6.6,5.3,7C5.1,7.4,5,7.9,5.1,8.3s0.3,0.9,0.6,1.2C6.1,9.8,6.5,10,7,10.1c0.5,0.1,0.9,0,1.3-0.1c0.4-0.2,0.8-0.5,1-0.9 c0.3-0.4,0.4-0.8,0.4-1.3c0-0.1,0.1-0.3,0.1-0.3c0.1-0.1,0.2-0.1,0.3-0.1c0.1,0,0.3,0.1,0.3,0.1c0.1,0.1,0.1,0.2,0.1,0.3 c0,0.9-0.3,1.7-1,2.3C9.1,10.8,8.3,11.2,7.4,11.2L7.4,11.2z"/> </svg> <span class="d-none d-lg-inline">2025. február 10., 19:04</span><span class="d-inline d-lg-none">2025. február 15., 14:46</span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container align-items-center engshares jegyz"> <span>This article is available in English. 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There is just one problem: this gesture has come too little too late from Klaus Iohannis.%0D%0A%0D%0AYou can read it here:’m curious to hear what you think about it!" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="Küldés Emailben" /></a> <a class="readit" href="">Read it here!</a> </div> </div> <div class="szoveg_mobil_vele py-lg-3 pt-0 interaction_from"> <p>Szem&eacute;ly szerint helyesnek tartom, hogy az &aacute;llamfő r&aacute;sz&aacute;nta mag&aacute;t, &eacute;s t&aacute;vozik az eln&ouml;ki tiszts&eacute;gből. &Eacute;pp csak egy baj van: Klaus Iohannis megk&eacute;sett a gesztussal. &Iacute;gy pedig meglehet, hogy amik&eacute;ppen a regn&aacute;l&aacute;sa a rom&aacute;niai sz&eacute;lsős&eacute;gesen nacionalista, szuverenista erőket hozta helyzetbe, a lemond&aacute;sa is őket erős&iacute;ti.</p> </div> <div class="szoveg_mobil_vele py-lg-3 interaction_to interaction_from"> <p>A h&iacute;rtelev&iacute;zi&oacute;kban kisziv&aacute;rogtatott inform&aacute;ci&oacute;k szerint Iohannis azut&aacute;n jelentette be a lemond&aacute;s&aacute;t, hogy tudom&aacute;s&aacute;ra jutott: ha nem ezt teszi, akkor a parlament vonja meg tőle a bizalmat, &eacute;s n&eacute;h&aacute;ny nap m&uacute;lva m&eacute;g dicstelenebb&uuml;l kell t&aacute;voznia a hatalomb&oacute;l.</p><p></div><div class="kiemelt d-flex py-4 align-items-start mt-n1 idezet_vl"><div class="kiemelt_border"></div><div>Azt gondolhatta, ha az orsz&aacute;g &uuml;gyeit m&aacute;r nem tudja befoly&aacute;solni, legal&aacute;bb a saj&aacute;t becs&uuml;let&eacute;t mentse, amennyire m&eacute;g lehet. T&eacute;vedett. A becs&uuml;lete, az im&aacute;zsa menthetetlen.</div></div><div class="szoveg_mobil_vele py-sm-3 interaction_to interaction_from"></p><p>Sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra az is pozit&iacute;v fejlem&eacute;ny lenne, ha szem&eacute;lye feled&eacute;sbe mer&uuml;lne, beleveszne a sz&uuml;rkes&eacute;gbe. De jelenleg nem ez van. Szem&eacute;lye indulatos elutas&iacute;t&aacute;st v&aacute;lt ki a rom&aacute;niai t&aacute;rsadalom csaknem eg&eacute;sz&eacute;ből. Azokb&oacute;l is, akik annak idej&eacute;n megv&aacute;lasztott&aacute;k, azokb&oacute;l is, akik soha nem t&aacute;mogatt&aacute;k. Azt mutatta meg ugyanis, hogy mik&eacute;nt nem szabad ezt a tiszts&eacute;get bet&ouml;lteni.</p><p>Az erd&eacute;lyi magyarok az elsők k&ouml;z&ouml;tt &eacute;rezhett&eacute;k meg <a href="">Iohannis </a>cinizmus&aacute;t.</p><p>M&aacute;r az első megv&aacute;laszt&aacute;sakor feltevőd&ouml;tt ugyan a k&eacute;rd&eacute;s, hogy a teljes jogegyenlős&eacute;gre t&ouml;rekvő nemzeti k&ouml;z&ouml;ss&eacute;g sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra j&oacute;-e, ha egy m&aacute;sik kisebbs&eacute;g tagja nyeri el az eln&ouml;ki tiszts&eacute;get, &eacute;s szem&eacute;ly&eacute;vel is demonstr&aacute;lja, hogy Rom&aacute;ni&aacute;ban megoldott a kisebbs&eacute;gi k&eacute;rd&eacute;s. Ennek ellen&eacute;re helyes volt Iohannisra szavazni. Szem&eacute;ly&eacute;ben elősz&ouml;r ker&uuml;lt erd&eacute;lyi politikus az &aacute;llamfői sz&eacute;kbe. Olyan, aki &eacute;rti a kisebbs&eacute;gek helyzet&eacute;t, hiszen maga is kisebbs&eacute;gi.</p><p></div><div class="kiemelt d-flex py-4 align-items-start mt-n1 idezet_vl"><div class="kiemelt_border"></div><div>Okkal gondolhatt&aacute;k, okkal gondolhattuk: az auton&oacute;miat&ouml;rekv&eacute;sek ir&aacute;nt is meg&eacute;rtőbb lesz majd az eln&ouml;k, hiszen ő maga sem őrizhette volna meg a sz&aacute;sz nemzeti identit&aacute;s&aacute;t, ha k&ouml;z&ouml;ss&eacute;ge &eacute;vsz&aacute;zadokon &aacute;t nem &eacute;lvez ter&uuml;leti auton&oacute;mi&aacute;t a magyar kir&aacute;lys&aacute;gon bel&uuml;l.</div></div><div class="szoveg_mobil_vele py-sm-3 interaction_to interaction_from"></p><p>Arra is gondolhattunk, hogy n&eacute;metk&eacute;nt az anyanyelv&eacute;n t&aacute;j&eacute;koz&oacute;dhat majd a d&eacute;l-tiroli auton&oacute;mi&aacute;r&oacute;l, mely az erd&eacute;lyi magyarok sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra mintak&eacute;nt szolg&aacute;l. Egy ilyen h&aacute;tt&eacute;rrel rendelkező ember nem mondhatja azt, hogy ilyen nincsen, hogy az auton&oacute;miaform&aacute;k nem p&eacute;lda &eacute;rt&eacute;kű jogi megold&aacute;sok a nemzeti kisebbs&eacute;gek integr&aacute;l&aacute;s&aacute;ra.</p><p>A sz&aacute;sz &aacute;llamfő sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra azonban e h&aacute;tt&eacute;r mit sem sz&aacute;m&iacute;tott. Nem az a bűne, hogy &eacute;rz&eacute;ketlen maradt a kisebbs&eacute;gi &uuml;gyek ir&aacute;nt, ehhez sajnos hozz&aacute;szoktunk. Hanem az, hogy eszk&ouml;zk&eacute;nt haszn&aacute;lta fel a magyar k&ouml;z&ouml;ss&eacute;g auton&oacute;miaig&eacute;ny&eacute;t arra, hogy a Szoci&aacute;ldemokrata P&aacute;rt (PSD) ellen usz&iacute;tsa a rom&aacute;n t&aacute;rsadalmat. Mint eml&eacute;kezetes, a parlament egyik kamar&aacute;j&aacute;ban hallgat&oacute;lagosan elfogadott auton&oacute;miatervezet miatt azzal v&aacute;dolta meg a PSD-t, hogy el akarja adni Erd&eacute;lyt a magyaroknak. A 2020 &aacute;prilisi &bdquo;ionopotchivanoc, PSD&rdquo; t&eacute;v&eacute;nyilatkozata az egyik legocsm&aacute;nyabb eln&ouml;ki &aacute;ll&aacute;sfoglal&aacute;s volt, ami 1990 ut&aacute;n a Cotroceni-palot&aacute;ban elhangzott.</p><p>Ekkor azonban m&eacute;g csak a szoci&aacute;ldemokrat&aacute;k &eacute;s a magyarok &eacute;rezt&eacute;k a saj&aacute;t bőr&uuml;k&ouml;n az eln&ouml;ki g&aacute;tl&aacute;stalans&aacute;got. A Nemzeti Liber&aacute;lis P&aacute;rt (PNL) h&iacute;vei m&eacute;g &uacute;gy gondolhatt&aacute;k: a c&eacute;l szentes&iacute;ti az eszk&ouml;zt. Iohannis azonban a szem&uuml;kben is megsemmis&uuml;lt, amikor a m&aacute;sodik mand&aacute;tum&aacute;ban azt a PSD-t kellett korm&aacute;nyra invit&aacute;lnia, amelyiket kor&aacute;bban a magyar k&aacute;rty&aacute;t lobogtatva akart a s&aacute;rba d&ouml;ng&ouml;lni.</p><p></div><div class="kiemelt d-flex py-4 align-items-start mt-n1 idezet_vl"><div class="kiemelt_border"></div><div>Iohannis nemcsak politikailag semmis&uuml;lt meg a m&aacute;sodik mand&aacute;tum&aacute;ban. Emberileg is.</div></div><div class="szoveg_mobil_vele py-sm-3 interaction_to interaction_from"></p><p>&Uacute;gy v&aacute;rta el a takar&eacute;koskod&aacute;st, a gazdas&aacute;gi deficit cs&ouml;kkent&eacute;s&eacute;t a korm&aacute;nyokt&oacute;l, hogy ő maga f&eacute;nyűző, &eacute;s teljesen haszontalan kir&aacute;ndul&aacute;sokra utazott az ad&oacute;fizetők p&eacute;nz&eacute;n. H&oacute;napokra eltűnt a k&ouml;z&eacute;letből. Hallgatott, amikor j&oacute; &uuml;gyekben kellett volna megsz&oacute;lalnia, &eacute;s elb&uacute;jt a nyilv&aacute;noss&aacute;g elől, amikor saj&aacute;t t&uacute;lkap&aacute;sair&oacute;l kellett volna sz&aacute;mot adnia. Nem v&aacute;llalta a d&ouml;nt&eacute;seivel j&aacute;r&oacute; felelőss&eacute;get.</p><p><a href="">Klaus Iohannis</a> &bdquo;el&eacute;v&uuml;lhetetlen &eacute;rdemeket szerzett&rdquo; a sz&eacute;lsős&eacute;gesen nacionalista p&aacute;rtok megerős&iacute;t&eacute;s&eacute;ben is. Ugyan nem ez volt a sz&aacute;nd&eacute;ka, de a cinizmusa &aacute;ltal kiv&aacute;ltott indulatoknak fontos szerep&uuml;k volt e p&aacute;rtok felt&ouml;r&eacute;s&eacute;ben, megerős&ouml;d&eacute;s&eacute;ben. Az is az ő sara, hogy e p&aacute;rtok a lemond&aacute;s&aacute;t is győzelemk&eacute;nt &uuml;nnepelhetik. Megv&aacute;rta ugyanis, hogy a sz&eacute;lsős&eacute;gesek kezdem&eacute;nyezz&eacute;k a felf&uuml;ggeszt&eacute;s&eacute;t. Ha ezt akkor jelenti be, amikor az alkotm&aacute;nyb&iacute;r&oacute;s&aacute;g &eacute;rv&eacute;nytelen&iacute;tette az eln&ouml;kv&aacute;laszt&aacute;st, vagy akkor, amikor megalakult a szen&aacute;tus, &eacute;s m&aacute;r volt akinek ideiglenesen &aacute;tadni a feladatot, nem adott volna lehetős&eacute;get arra, hogy a szuverenist&aacute;k a saj&aacute;t győzelm&uuml;ket &uuml;nnepelj&eacute;k.</p><p></div><div class="kiemelt d-flex py-4 align-items-start mt-n1 idezet_vl"><div class="kiemelt_border"></div><div>Az a k&ouml;r&uuml;lm&eacute;ny azonban, hogy az ellenfeleink &ouml;r&uuml;lnek a t&aacute;voz&aacute;s&aacute;nak, nem ok arra, hogy ne &ouml;r&uuml;lj&uuml;nk mi is.</div></div><div class="szoveg_mobil_vele py-sm-3 interaction_to interaction_from"></p><p>Az&eacute;rt is kell t&aacute;voznia, mert jelenl&eacute;te &aacute;rt az eur&oacute;pai ir&aacute;nyults&aacute;g&uacute; p&aacute;rtoknak. V&aacute;laszt&aacute;si kamp&aacute;ny kezdődik Rom&aacute;ni&aacute;ban, &eacute;s a hatalmon l&eacute;vő politikai alakulatoknak is jelezni&uuml;k kell, hogy vett&eacute;k a v&aacute;laszt&oacute;k decemberi &uuml;zenet&eacute;t. Meg&eacute;rtett&eacute;k, hogy &oacute;ri&aacute;si a csal&oacute;d&aacute;s, a ki&aacute;br&aacute;ndul&aacute;s a t&aacute;rsadalomban. Bel&aacute;tj&aacute;k, hogy hib&aacute;ztak egykor Klaus Iohannis jel&ouml;l&eacute;s&eacute;vel. Bel&aacute;tj&aacute;k, hogy olyan embert seg&iacute;tettek a Cotroceni-palot&aacute;ba, aki m&eacute;ltatlan volt a bizalomra.</p><p></div><div class="kiemelt d-flex py-4 align-items-start mt-n1 idezet_vl"><div class="kiemelt_border"></div><div>Nem lehet &uacute;gy &aacute;llni a v&aacute;laszt&oacute;k el&eacute;, hogy a kirakatban m&eacute;g mindig ott van Klaus Iohannis politikai hull&aacute;ja.</div></div><div class="szoveg_mobil_vele py-sm-3 interaction_to interaction_from"></p><p>A hull&aacute;t el kell takar&iacute;tani, &eacute;s minden eszk&ouml;zzel azt kell &uuml;zenni, hogy tanultak a t&ouml;rt&eacute;ntekből, ez m&eacute;g egyszer nem ism&eacute;tlődhet meg.</p><p>A Recorder port&aacute;l t&eacute;nyfelt&aacute;r&aacute;sa ellehetetlen&iacute;tette, hogy Klaus Iohannis az eln&ouml;ki mand&aacute;tuma ut&aacute;n abba az 1200 n&eacute;gyzetm&eacute;teres bukaresti vill&aacute;ba vonuljon vissza, amelyet 7 milli&oacute; eur&oacute;b&oacute;l &uacute;j&iacute;tottak fel &ndash; minden bizonnyal &ndash; sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra. &Iacute;gy szer&eacute;nyebb k&ouml;r&uuml;lm&eacute;nyek k&ouml;z&ouml;tt kell majd megh&uacute;znia nyugalmazott eln&ouml;kk&eacute;nt mag&aacute;t.</p><p>Az auf wiedersehen a viszontl&aacute;t&aacute;sra n&eacute;met megfelelője. Nem ragaszkodunk a viszontl&aacute;t&aacute;shoz.</p><p><div class="korabban_irtuk jegyzetv idezetirt"> <h3 class="p">korábban írtuk</h3> <div class="row mx-sm-3"> <div class="col-sm-3"><img src="" alt="Lemond az államfői tisztségről Klaus Iohannis" class="img-fluid" style="margin-top: 8px;"></div> <div class="col-sm-9 mx-3 pe-5 pt-2 mx-sm-0 pe-sm-0 pt-sm-0"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><h5 class="" style="color: var(--black);">Lemond az államfői tisztségről Klaus Iohannis</h5></a> <p class="">Lemond az &aacute;llamfői tiszts&eacute;gről Klaus Iohannis. Ezt maga az &aacute;llamfő jelentette be h&eacute;tfőn annak nyom&aacute;n, hogy a parlamenti h&aacute;zbizotts&aacute;gok eld&ouml;nt&ouml;tt&eacute;k: a t&ouml;rv&eacute;nyhoz&aacute;s kedden reggel t&iacute;z &oacute;rakor vitatja meg a felf&uuml;ggeszt&eacute;sről sz&oacute;l&oacute; ind&iacute;tv&aacute;nyt.</p> </div> </div> </div></p> </div> </div> <!--<div class="kapcsolodo d-block d-lg-none"> <h3 class="p py-3">Kapcsolódó cikkek</h3> <a href=""><p class="border_bottom">Lemond az államfői tisztségről Klaus Iohannis</p></a> </div>--> <div class="py-3 px-3"> <a href="" class="cikkcimke me-2">Klaus Iohannis</a> <a href="" class="cikkcimke me-2">lemondás</a> </div> <div class="megoszt_horizontalis_velem megoszt_horizontalis2 d-flex justify-content-between justify-content-lg-start container cikk_border barna_bottom_border"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" onClick="'','sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=580,height=325'); return false;"><img src="" 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2.76932 28.4255 2.94963 28.6023 3.09657C29.998 4.18616 31.1355 5.57088 31.9334 7.15157C32.7313 8.73227 33.1698 10.4698 33.2176 12.2399C33.1698 14.0099 32.7313 15.7474 31.9334 17.3281C31.1355 18.9088 29.998 20.2936 28.6023 21.3831C28.2452 21.6799 28.0207 22.1063 27.9781 22.5686C27.9355 23.0309 28.0782 23.4911 28.375 23.8482C28.6717 24.2052 29.0981 24.4297 29.5604 24.4723C30.0227 24.5149 30.483 24.3722 30.84 24.0754C32.6331 22.6595 34.09 20.8636 35.1057 18.8171C36.1214 16.7705 36.6707 14.5242 36.7141 12.2399C36.6707 9.95552 36.1214 7.70921 35.1057 5.66265C34.09 3.61609 32.6331 1.82021 30.84 0.404279V0.404279Z" fill="#C4C4C4"/> </svg> Csíkszék</h4> </div> </a> <a class="radios" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <div class="rad_b"> <h4 class="w"><svg width="37" height="30" viewBox="0 0 37 30" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3565 6.99514C17.1179 6.99329 15.9187 7.42986 14.9711 8.22751C14.0236 9.02516 13.3889 10.1324 13.1795 11.3532C12.9701 12.5739 13.1995 13.8294 13.8271 14.8972C14.4546 15.9651 15.4399 16.7763 16.6083 17.1874C16.5998 17.2862 16.5998 17.3857 16.6083 17.4846V27.974C16.6083 28.4376 16.7925 28.8823 17.1203 29.2102C17.4482 29.538 17.8929 29.7222 18.3565 29.7222C18.8202 29.7222 19.2649 29.538 19.5927 29.2102C19.9206 28.8823 20.1048 28.4376 20.1048 27.974V17.4846C20.1132 17.3857 20.1132 17.2862 20.1048 17.1874C21.2732 16.7763 22.2584 15.9651 22.886 14.8972C23.5136 13.8294 23.743 12.5739 23.5336 11.3532C23.3242 10.1324 22.6895 9.02516 21.7419 8.22751C20.7944 7.42986 19.5951 6.99329 18.3565 6.99514ZM3.49648 12.2398C3.54423 10.4698 3.98276 8.73226 4.78066 7.15157C5.57857 5.57088 6.71611 4.18616 8.11183 3.09657C8.46885 2.79983 8.69337 2.37341 8.73599 1.91113C8.77861 1.44885 8.63585 0.988574 8.33911 0.631555C8.19217 0.454777 8.01186 0.30867 7.80846 0.201577C7.60506 0.0944842 7.38256 0.0285017 7.15367 0.00739767C6.69138 -0.0352239 6.23111 0.10754 5.87409 0.404284C4.08098 1.82021 2.62412 3.6161 1.6084 5.66265C0.592676 7.70921 0.0433611 9.95551 0 12.2398C0.0433611 14.5242 0.592676 16.7705 1.6084 18.817C2.62412 20.8636 4.08098 22.6595 5.87409 24.0754C6.05087 24.2223 6.25485 24.333 6.4744 24.4011C6.69395 24.4692 6.92477 24.4934 7.15367 24.4723C7.38256 24.4512 7.60506 24.3852 7.80846 24.2781C8.01186 24.171 8.19217 24.0249 8.33911 23.8481C8.48604 23.6714 8.59671 23.4674 8.66481 23.2478C8.73291 23.0283 8.7571 22.7975 8.73599 22.5686C8.71489 22.3397 8.64891 22.1172 8.54181 21.9138C8.43472 21.7104 8.28861 21.5301 8.11183 21.3831C6.71611 20.2935 5.57857 18.9088 4.78066 17.3281C3.98276 15.7474 3.54423 14.0099 3.49648 12.2398Z" fill="#C4C4C4"/> <path d="M26.4687 3.91822C26.111 3.68056 25.6784 3.58284 25.2533 3.64369C24.8282 3.70455 24.4404 3.91972 24.1638 4.24818C23.8872 4.57665 23.7412 4.99542 23.7536 5.42466C23.7659 5.85389 23.9358 6.26356 24.2309 6.57555C25.0948 7.25176 25.7995 8.10969 26.295 9.08854C26.7905 10.0674 27.0646 11.1432 27.098 12.2398C27.0646 13.3364 26.7905 14.4123 26.295 15.3911C25.7995 16.37 25.0948 17.2279 24.2309 17.9041C23.9604 18.1354 23.7669 18.4438 23.6763 18.788C23.5858 19.1322 23.6024 19.4959 23.724 19.8303C23.8457 20.1648 24.0665 20.4542 24.357 20.6599C24.6475 20.8655 24.9939 20.9775 25.3498 20.981C25.7604 20.9769 26.1566 20.8284 26.4687 20.5615C27.73 19.5668 28.7546 18.3042 29.4681 16.865C30.1817 15.4258 30.5664 13.846 30.5945 12.2398C30.5664 10.6337 30.1817 9.0539 29.4681 7.6147C28.7546 6.1755 27.73 4.91289 26.4687 3.91822V3.91822ZM12.6925 4.12801C12.3941 3.77822 11.9699 3.56006 11.5118 3.5208C11.0537 3.48153 10.5986 3.62431 10.245 3.91822C8.98361 4.91289 7.95908 6.1755 7.24553 7.6147C6.53198 9.0539 6.14724 10.6337 6.11914 12.2398C6.14724 13.846 6.53198 15.4258 7.24553 16.865C7.95908 18.3042 8.98361 19.5668 10.245 20.5615C10.5986 20.8554 11.0537 20.9982 11.5118 20.9589C11.9699 20.9196 12.3941 20.7015 12.6925 20.3517C12.9864 19.9981 13.1292 19.543 13.0899 19.0849C13.0507 18.6267 12.8325 18.2026 12.4827 17.9041C11.6188 17.2279 10.9141 16.37 10.4187 15.3911C9.92319 14.4123 9.64903 13.3364 9.61562 12.2398C9.64903 11.1432 9.92319 10.0674 10.4187 9.08854C10.9141 8.10969 11.6188 7.25176 12.4827 6.57555C12.8325 6.27714 13.0507 5.85294 13.0899 5.39483C13.1292 4.93673 12.9864 4.48159 12.6925 4.12801V4.12801Z" fill="#C4C4C4"/> <path d="M30.84 0.404279C30.6632 0.257347 30.4592 0.146672 30.2397 0.0785743C30.0201 0.0104765 29.7893 -0.0137113 29.5604 0.00739276C29.3315 0.0284968 29.109 0.0944793 28.9056 0.201572C28.7022 0.308665 28.5219 0.454772 28.375 0.63155C28.2281 0.808328 28.1174 1.01232 28.0493 1.23187C27.9812 1.45142 27.957 1.68223 27.9781 1.91113C27.9992 2.14003 28.0652 2.36253 28.1723 2.56592C28.2794 2.76932 28.4255 2.94963 28.6023 3.09657C29.998 4.18616 31.1355 5.57088 31.9334 7.15157C32.7313 8.73227 33.1698 10.4698 33.2176 12.2399C33.1698 14.0099 32.7313 15.7474 31.9334 17.3281C31.1355 18.9088 29.998 20.2936 28.6023 21.3831C28.2452 21.6799 28.0207 22.1063 27.9781 22.5686C27.9355 23.0309 28.0782 23.4911 28.375 23.8482C28.6717 24.2052 29.0981 24.4297 29.5604 24.4723C30.0227 24.5149 30.483 24.3722 30.84 24.0754C32.6331 22.6595 34.09 20.8636 35.1057 18.8171C36.1214 16.7705 36.6707 14.5242 36.7141 12.2399C36.6707 9.95552 36.1214 7.70921 35.1057 5.66265C34.09 3.61609 32.6331 1.82021 30.84 0.404279V0.404279Z" fill="#C4C4C4"/> </svg> Gyergyószék</h4> </div> </a> <a class="radios" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <div class="rad_a"> <h4 class="w"><svg width="37" height="30" viewBox="0 0 37 30" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3565 6.99514C17.1179 6.99329 15.9187 7.42986 14.9711 8.22751C14.0236 9.02516 13.3889 10.1324 13.1795 11.3532C12.9701 12.5739 13.1995 13.8294 13.8271 14.8972C14.4546 15.9651 15.4399 16.7763 16.6083 17.1874C16.5998 17.2862 16.5998 17.3857 16.6083 17.4846V27.974C16.6083 28.4376 16.7925 28.8823 17.1203 29.2102C17.4482 29.538 17.8929 29.7222 18.3565 29.7222C18.8202 29.7222 19.2649 29.538 19.5927 29.2102C19.9206 28.8823 20.1048 28.4376 20.1048 27.974V17.4846C20.1132 17.3857 20.1132 17.2862 20.1048 17.1874C21.2732 16.7763 22.2584 15.9651 22.886 14.8972C23.5136 13.8294 23.743 12.5739 23.5336 11.3532C23.3242 10.1324 22.6895 9.02516 21.7419 8.22751C20.7944 7.42986 19.5951 6.99329 18.3565 6.99514ZM3.49648 12.2398C3.54423 10.4698 3.98276 8.73226 4.78066 7.15157C5.57857 5.57088 6.71611 4.18616 8.11183 3.09657C8.46885 2.79983 8.69337 2.37341 8.73599 1.91113C8.77861 1.44885 8.63585 0.988574 8.33911 0.631555C8.19217 0.454777 8.01186 0.30867 7.80846 0.201577C7.60506 0.0944842 7.38256 0.0285017 7.15367 0.00739767C6.69138 -0.0352239 6.23111 0.10754 5.87409 0.404284C4.08098 1.82021 2.62412 3.6161 1.6084 5.66265C0.592676 7.70921 0.0433611 9.95551 0 12.2398C0.0433611 14.5242 0.592676 16.7705 1.6084 18.817C2.62412 20.8636 4.08098 22.6595 5.87409 24.0754C6.05087 24.2223 6.25485 24.333 6.4744 24.4011C6.69395 24.4692 6.92477 24.4934 7.15367 24.4723C7.38256 24.4512 7.60506 24.3852 7.80846 24.2781C8.01186 24.171 8.19217 24.0249 8.33911 23.8481C8.48604 23.6714 8.59671 23.4674 8.66481 23.2478C8.73291 23.0283 8.7571 22.7975 8.73599 22.5686C8.71489 22.3397 8.64891 22.1172 8.54181 21.9138C8.43472 21.7104 8.28861 21.5301 8.11183 21.3831C6.71611 20.2935 5.57857 18.9088 4.78066 17.3281C3.98276 15.7474 3.54423 14.0099 3.49648 12.2398Z" fill="#C4C4C4"/> <path d="M26.4687 3.91822C26.111 3.68056 25.6784 3.58284 25.2533 3.64369C24.8282 3.70455 24.4404 3.91972 24.1638 4.24818C23.8872 4.57665 23.7412 4.99542 23.7536 5.42466C23.7659 5.85389 23.9358 6.26356 24.2309 6.57555C25.0948 7.25176 25.7995 8.10969 26.295 9.08854C26.7905 10.0674 27.0646 11.1432 27.098 12.2398C27.0646 13.3364 26.7905 14.4123 26.295 15.3911C25.7995 16.37 25.0948 17.2279 24.2309 17.9041C23.9604 18.1354 23.7669 18.4438 23.6763 18.788C23.5858 19.1322 23.6024 19.4959 23.724 19.8303C23.8457 20.1648 24.0665 20.4542 24.357 20.6599C24.6475 20.8655 24.9939 20.9775 25.3498 20.981C25.7604 20.9769 26.1566 20.8284 26.4687 20.5615C27.73 19.5668 28.7546 18.3042 29.4681 16.865C30.1817 15.4258 30.5664 13.846 30.5945 12.2398C30.5664 10.6337 30.1817 9.0539 29.4681 7.6147C28.7546 6.1755 27.73 4.91289 26.4687 3.91822V3.91822ZM12.6925 4.12801C12.3941 3.77822 11.9699 3.56006 11.5118 3.5208C11.0537 3.48153 10.5986 3.62431 10.245 3.91822C8.98361 4.91289 7.95908 6.1755 7.24553 7.6147C6.53198 9.0539 6.14724 10.6337 6.11914 12.2398C6.14724 13.846 6.53198 15.4258 7.24553 16.865C7.95908 18.3042 8.98361 19.5668 10.245 20.5615C10.5986 20.8554 11.0537 20.9982 11.5118 20.9589C11.9699 20.9196 12.3941 20.7015 12.6925 20.3517C12.9864 19.9981 13.1292 19.543 13.0899 19.0849C13.0507 18.6267 12.8325 18.2026 12.4827 17.9041C11.6188 17.2279 10.9141 16.37 10.4187 15.3911C9.92319 14.4123 9.64903 13.3364 9.61562 12.2398C9.64903 11.1432 9.92319 10.0674 10.4187 9.08854C10.9141 8.10969 11.6188 7.25176 12.4827 6.57555C12.8325 6.27714 13.0507 5.85294 13.0899 5.39483C13.1292 4.93673 12.9864 4.48159 12.6925 4.12801V4.12801Z" fill="#C4C4C4"/> <path d="M30.84 0.404279C30.6632 0.257347 30.4592 0.146672 30.2397 0.0785743C30.0201 0.0104765 29.7893 -0.0137113 29.5604 0.00739276C29.3315 0.0284968 29.109 0.0944793 28.9056 0.201572C28.7022 0.308665 28.5219 0.454772 28.375 0.63155C28.2281 0.808328 28.1174 1.01232 28.0493 1.23187C27.9812 1.45142 27.957 1.68223 27.9781 1.91113C27.9992 2.14003 28.0652 2.36253 28.1723 2.56592C28.2794 2.76932 28.4255 2.94963 28.6023 3.09657C29.998 4.18616 31.1355 5.57088 31.9334 7.15157C32.7313 8.73227 33.1698 10.4698 33.2176 12.2399C33.1698 14.0099 32.7313 15.7474 31.9334 17.3281C31.1355 18.9088 29.998 20.2936 28.6023 21.3831C28.2452 21.6799 28.0207 22.1063 27.9781 22.5686C27.9355 23.0309 28.0782 23.4911 28.375 23.8482C28.6717 24.2052 29.0981 24.4297 29.5604 24.4723C30.0227 24.5149 30.483 24.3722 30.84 24.0754C32.6331 22.6595 34.09 20.8636 35.1057 18.8171C36.1214 16.7705 36.6707 14.5242 36.7141 12.2399C36.6707 9.95552 36.1214 7.70921 35.1057 5.66265C34.09 3.61609 32.6331 1.82021 30.84 0.404279V0.404279Z" fill="#C4C4C4"/> </svg> Háromszék</h4> </div> </a> <a class="radios" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <div class="rad_b"> <h4 class="w"><svg width="37" height="30" viewBox="0 0 37 30" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3565 6.99514C17.1179 6.99329 15.9187 7.42986 14.9711 8.22751C14.0236 9.02516 13.3889 10.1324 13.1795 11.3532C12.9701 12.5739 13.1995 13.8294 13.8271 14.8972C14.4546 15.9651 15.4399 16.7763 16.6083 17.1874C16.5998 17.2862 16.5998 17.3857 16.6083 17.4846V27.974C16.6083 28.4376 16.7925 28.8823 17.1203 29.2102C17.4482 29.538 17.8929 29.7222 18.3565 29.7222C18.8202 29.7222 19.2649 29.538 19.5927 29.2102C19.9206 28.8823 20.1048 28.4376 20.1048 27.974V17.4846C20.1132 17.3857 20.1132 17.2862 20.1048 17.1874C21.2732 16.7763 22.2584 15.9651 22.886 14.8972C23.5136 13.8294 23.743 12.5739 23.5336 11.3532C23.3242 10.1324 22.6895 9.02516 21.7419 8.22751C20.7944 7.42986 19.5951 6.99329 18.3565 6.99514ZM3.49648 12.2398C3.54423 10.4698 3.98276 8.73226 4.78066 7.15157C5.57857 5.57088 6.71611 4.18616 8.11183 3.09657C8.46885 2.79983 8.69337 2.37341 8.73599 1.91113C8.77861 1.44885 8.63585 0.988574 8.33911 0.631555C8.19217 0.454777 8.01186 0.30867 7.80846 0.201577C7.60506 0.0944842 7.38256 0.0285017 7.15367 0.00739767C6.69138 -0.0352239 6.23111 0.10754 5.87409 0.404284C4.08098 1.82021 2.62412 3.6161 1.6084 5.66265C0.592676 7.70921 0.0433611 9.95551 0 12.2398C0.0433611 14.5242 0.592676 16.7705 1.6084 18.817C2.62412 20.8636 4.08098 22.6595 5.87409 24.0754C6.05087 24.2223 6.25485 24.333 6.4744 24.4011C6.69395 24.4692 6.92477 24.4934 7.15367 24.4723C7.38256 24.4512 7.60506 24.3852 7.80846 24.2781C8.01186 24.171 8.19217 24.0249 8.33911 23.8481C8.48604 23.6714 8.59671 23.4674 8.66481 23.2478C8.73291 23.0283 8.7571 22.7975 8.73599 22.5686C8.71489 22.3397 8.64891 22.1172 8.54181 21.9138C8.43472 21.7104 8.28861 21.5301 8.11183 21.3831C6.71611 20.2935 5.57857 18.9088 4.78066 17.3281C3.98276 15.7474 3.54423 14.0099 3.49648 12.2398Z" fill="#C4C4C4"/> <path d="M26.4687 3.91822C26.111 3.68056 25.6784 3.58284 25.2533 3.64369C24.8282 3.70455 24.4404 3.91972 24.1638 4.24818C23.8872 4.57665 23.7412 4.99542 23.7536 5.42466C23.7659 5.85389 23.9358 6.26356 24.2309 6.57555C25.0948 7.25176 25.7995 8.10969 26.295 9.08854C26.7905 10.0674 27.0646 11.1432 27.098 12.2398C27.0646 13.3364 26.7905 14.4123 26.295 15.3911C25.7995 16.37 25.0948 17.2279 24.2309 17.9041C23.9604 18.1354 23.7669 18.4438 23.6763 18.788C23.5858 19.1322 23.6024 19.4959 23.724 19.8303C23.8457 20.1648 24.0665 20.4542 24.357 20.6599C24.6475 20.8655 24.9939 20.9775 25.3498 20.981C25.7604 20.9769 26.1566 20.8284 26.4687 20.5615C27.73 19.5668 28.7546 18.3042 29.4681 16.865C30.1817 15.4258 30.5664 13.846 30.5945 12.2398C30.5664 10.6337 30.1817 9.0539 29.4681 7.6147C28.7546 6.1755 27.73 4.91289 26.4687 3.91822V3.91822ZM12.6925 4.12801C12.3941 3.77822 11.9699 3.56006 11.5118 3.5208C11.0537 3.48153 10.5986 3.62431 10.245 3.91822C8.98361 4.91289 7.95908 6.1755 7.24553 7.6147C6.53198 9.0539 6.14724 10.6337 6.11914 12.2398C6.14724 13.846 6.53198 15.4258 7.24553 16.865C7.95908 18.3042 8.98361 19.5668 10.245 20.5615C10.5986 20.8554 11.0537 20.9982 11.5118 20.9589C11.9699 20.9196 12.3941 20.7015 12.6925 20.3517C12.9864 19.9981 13.1292 19.543 13.0899 19.0849C13.0507 18.6267 12.8325 18.2026 12.4827 17.9041C11.6188 17.2279 10.9141 16.37 10.4187 15.3911C9.92319 14.4123 9.64903 13.3364 9.61562 12.2398C9.64903 11.1432 9.92319 10.0674 10.4187 9.08854C10.9141 8.10969 11.6188 7.25176 12.4827 6.57555C12.8325 6.27714 13.0507 5.85294 13.0899 5.39483C13.1292 4.93673 12.9864 4.48159 12.6925 4.12801V4.12801Z" fill="#C4C4C4"/> <path d="M30.84 0.404279C30.6632 0.257347 30.4592 0.146672 30.2397 0.0785743C30.0201 0.0104765 29.7893 -0.0137113 29.5604 0.00739276C29.3315 0.0284968 29.109 0.0944793 28.9056 0.201572C28.7022 0.308665 28.5219 0.454772 28.375 0.63155C28.2281 0.808328 28.1174 1.01232 28.0493 1.23187C27.9812 1.45142 27.957 1.68223 27.9781 1.91113C27.9992 2.14003 28.0652 2.36253 28.1723 2.56592C28.2794 2.76932 28.4255 2.94963 28.6023 3.09657C29.998 4.18616 31.1355 5.57088 31.9334 7.15157C32.7313 8.73227 33.1698 10.4698 33.2176 12.2399C33.1698 14.0099 32.7313 15.7474 31.9334 17.3281C31.1355 18.9088 29.998 20.2936 28.6023 21.3831C28.2452 21.6799 28.0207 22.1063 27.9781 22.5686C27.9355 23.0309 28.0782 23.4911 28.375 23.8482C28.6717 24.2052 29.0981 24.4297 29.5604 24.4723C30.0227 24.5149 30.483 24.3722 30.84 24.0754C32.6331 22.6595 34.09 20.8636 35.1057 18.8171C36.1214 16.7705 36.6707 14.5242 36.7141 12.2399C36.6707 9.95552 36.1214 7.70921 35.1057 5.66265C34.09 3.61609 32.6331 1.82021 30.84 0.404279V0.404279Z" fill="#C4C4C4"/> </svg> Marosszék</h4> </div> </a> <a class="radios" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <div class="rad_a"> <h4 class="w"><svg width="37" height="30" viewBox="0 0 37 30" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3565 6.99514C17.1179 6.99329 15.9187 7.42986 14.9711 8.22751C14.0236 9.02516 13.3889 10.1324 13.1795 11.3532C12.9701 12.5739 13.1995 13.8294 13.8271 14.8972C14.4546 15.9651 15.4399 16.7763 16.6083 17.1874C16.5998 17.2862 16.5998 17.3857 16.6083 17.4846V27.974C16.6083 28.4376 16.7925 28.8823 17.1203 29.2102C17.4482 29.538 17.8929 29.7222 18.3565 29.7222C18.8202 29.7222 19.2649 29.538 19.5927 29.2102C19.9206 28.8823 20.1048 28.4376 20.1048 27.974V17.4846C20.1132 17.3857 20.1132 17.2862 20.1048 17.1874C21.2732 16.7763 22.2584 15.9651 22.886 14.8972C23.5136 13.8294 23.743 12.5739 23.5336 11.3532C23.3242 10.1324 22.6895 9.02516 21.7419 8.22751C20.7944 7.42986 19.5951 6.99329 18.3565 6.99514ZM3.49648 12.2398C3.54423 10.4698 3.98276 8.73226 4.78066 7.15157C5.57857 5.57088 6.71611 4.18616 8.11183 3.09657C8.46885 2.79983 8.69337 2.37341 8.73599 1.91113C8.77861 1.44885 8.63585 0.988574 8.33911 0.631555C8.19217 0.454777 8.01186 0.30867 7.80846 0.201577C7.60506 0.0944842 7.38256 0.0285017 7.15367 0.00739767C6.69138 -0.0352239 6.23111 0.10754 5.87409 0.404284C4.08098 1.82021 2.62412 3.6161 1.6084 5.66265C0.592676 7.70921 0.0433611 9.95551 0 12.2398C0.0433611 14.5242 0.592676 16.7705 1.6084 18.817C2.62412 20.8636 4.08098 22.6595 5.87409 24.0754C6.05087 24.2223 6.25485 24.333 6.4744 24.4011C6.69395 24.4692 6.92477 24.4934 7.15367 24.4723C7.38256 24.4512 7.60506 24.3852 7.80846 24.2781C8.01186 24.171 8.19217 24.0249 8.33911 23.8481C8.48604 23.6714 8.59671 23.4674 8.66481 23.2478C8.73291 23.0283 8.7571 22.7975 8.73599 22.5686C8.71489 22.3397 8.64891 22.1172 8.54181 21.9138C8.43472 21.7104 8.28861 21.5301 8.11183 21.3831C6.71611 20.2935 5.57857 18.9088 4.78066 17.3281C3.98276 15.7474 3.54423 14.0099 3.49648 12.2398Z" fill="#C4C4C4"/> <path d="M26.4687 3.91822C26.111 3.68056 25.6784 3.58284 25.2533 3.64369C24.8282 3.70455 24.4404 3.91972 24.1638 4.24818C23.8872 4.57665 23.7412 4.99542 23.7536 5.42466C23.7659 5.85389 23.9358 6.26356 24.2309 6.57555C25.0948 7.25176 25.7995 8.10969 26.295 9.08854C26.7905 10.0674 27.0646 11.1432 27.098 12.2398C27.0646 13.3364 26.7905 14.4123 26.295 15.3911C25.7995 16.37 25.0948 17.2279 24.2309 17.9041C23.9604 18.1354 23.7669 18.4438 23.6763 18.788C23.5858 19.1322 23.6024 19.4959 23.724 19.8303C23.8457 20.1648 24.0665 20.4542 24.357 20.6599C24.6475 20.8655 24.9939 20.9775 25.3498 20.981C25.7604 20.9769 26.1566 20.8284 26.4687 20.5615C27.73 19.5668 28.7546 18.3042 29.4681 16.865C30.1817 15.4258 30.5664 13.846 30.5945 12.2398C30.5664 10.6337 30.1817 9.0539 29.4681 7.6147C28.7546 6.1755 27.73 4.91289 26.4687 3.91822V3.91822ZM12.6925 4.12801C12.3941 3.77822 11.9699 3.56006 11.5118 3.5208C11.0537 3.48153 10.5986 3.62431 10.245 3.91822C8.98361 4.91289 7.95908 6.1755 7.24553 7.6147C6.53198 9.0539 6.14724 10.6337 6.11914 12.2398C6.14724 13.846 6.53198 15.4258 7.24553 16.865C7.95908 18.3042 8.98361 19.5668 10.245 20.5615C10.5986 20.8554 11.0537 20.9982 11.5118 20.9589C11.9699 20.9196 12.3941 20.7015 12.6925 20.3517C12.9864 19.9981 13.1292 19.543 13.0899 19.0849C13.0507 18.6267 12.8325 18.2026 12.4827 17.9041C11.6188 17.2279 10.9141 16.37 10.4187 15.3911C9.92319 14.4123 9.64903 13.3364 9.61562 12.2398C9.64903 11.1432 9.92319 10.0674 10.4187 9.08854C10.9141 8.10969 11.6188 7.25176 12.4827 6.57555C12.8325 6.27714 13.0507 5.85294 13.0899 5.39483C13.1292 4.93673 12.9864 4.48159 12.6925 4.12801V4.12801Z" fill="#C4C4C4"/> <path d="M30.84 0.404279C30.6632 0.257347 30.4592 0.146672 30.2397 0.0785743C30.0201 0.0104765 29.7893 -0.0137113 29.5604 0.00739276C29.3315 0.0284968 29.109 0.0944793 28.9056 0.201572C28.7022 0.308665 28.5219 0.454772 28.375 0.63155C28.2281 0.808328 28.1174 1.01232 28.0493 1.23187C27.9812 1.45142 27.957 1.68223 27.9781 1.91113C27.9992 2.14003 28.0652 2.36253 28.1723 2.56592C28.2794 2.76932 28.4255 2.94963 28.6023 3.09657C29.998 4.18616 31.1355 5.57088 31.9334 7.15157C32.7313 8.73227 33.1698 10.4698 33.2176 12.2399C33.1698 14.0099 32.7313 15.7474 31.9334 17.3281C31.1355 18.9088 29.998 20.2936 28.6023 21.3831C28.2452 21.6799 28.0207 22.1063 27.9781 22.5686C27.9355 23.0309 28.0782 23.4911 28.375 23.8482C28.6717 24.2052 29.0981 24.4297 29.5604 24.4723C30.0227 24.5149 30.483 24.3722 30.84 24.0754C32.6331 22.6595 34.09 20.8636 35.1057 18.8171C36.1214 16.7705 36.6707 14.5242 36.7141 12.2399C36.6707 9.95552 36.1214 7.70921 35.1057 5.66265C34.09 3.61609 32.6331 1.82021 30.84 0.404279V0.404279Z" fill="#C4C4C4"/> </svg> Udvarhelyszék</h4> </div> </a> </div> <!--RADIO MOBIL--> <div class="cikk d-block d-lg-none"> <div class="container szoveg_mobil"> <div class="radio"> <div class="onlradio"> <img src="" style="width: 65px; position: absolute; top: 13px; left: 18px;" /> <h3 class="ww">Rádió GaGa</h3> </div> <a class="radios" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <div class="rad_a"> <h4 class="w"><svg width="37" height="30" viewBox="0 0 37 30" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3565 6.99514C17.1179 6.99329 15.9187 7.42986 14.9711 8.22751C14.0236 9.02516 13.3889 10.1324 13.1795 11.3532C12.9701 12.5739 13.1995 13.8294 13.8271 14.8972C14.4546 15.9651 15.4399 16.7763 16.6083 17.1874C16.5998 17.2862 16.5998 17.3857 16.6083 17.4846V27.974C16.6083 28.4376 16.7925 28.8823 17.1203 29.2102C17.4482 29.538 17.8929 29.7222 18.3565 29.7222C18.8202 29.7222 19.2649 29.538 19.5927 29.2102C19.9206 28.8823 20.1048 28.4376 20.1048 27.974V17.4846C20.1132 17.3857 20.1132 17.2862 20.1048 17.1874C21.2732 16.7763 22.2584 15.9651 22.886 14.8972C23.5136 13.8294 23.743 12.5739 23.5336 11.3532C23.3242 10.1324 22.6895 9.02516 21.7419 8.22751C20.7944 7.42986 19.5951 6.99329 18.3565 6.99514ZM3.49648 12.2398C3.54423 10.4698 3.98276 8.73226 4.78066 7.15157C5.57857 5.57088 6.71611 4.18616 8.11183 3.09657C8.46885 2.79983 8.69337 2.37341 8.73599 1.91113C8.77861 1.44885 8.63585 0.988574 8.33911 0.631555C8.19217 0.454777 8.01186 0.30867 7.80846 0.201577C7.60506 0.0944842 7.38256 0.0285017 7.15367 0.00739767C6.69138 -0.0352239 6.23111 0.10754 5.87409 0.404284C4.08098 1.82021 2.62412 3.6161 1.6084 5.66265C0.592676 7.70921 0.0433611 9.95551 0 12.2398C0.0433611 14.5242 0.592676 16.7705 1.6084 18.817C2.62412 20.8636 4.08098 22.6595 5.87409 24.0754C6.05087 24.2223 6.25485 24.333 6.4744 24.4011C6.69395 24.4692 6.92477 24.4934 7.15367 24.4723C7.38256 24.4512 7.60506 24.3852 7.80846 24.2781C8.01186 24.171 8.19217 24.0249 8.33911 23.8481C8.48604 23.6714 8.59671 23.4674 8.66481 23.2478C8.73291 23.0283 8.7571 22.7975 8.73599 22.5686C8.71489 22.3397 8.64891 22.1172 8.54181 21.9138C8.43472 21.7104 8.28861 21.5301 8.11183 21.3831C6.71611 20.2935 5.57857 18.9088 4.78066 17.3281C3.98276 15.7474 3.54423 14.0099 3.49648 12.2398Z" fill="#C4C4C4"/> <path d="M26.4687 3.91822C26.111 3.68056 25.6784 3.58284 25.2533 3.64369C24.8282 3.70455 24.4404 3.91972 24.1638 4.24818C23.8872 4.57665 23.7412 4.99542 23.7536 5.42466C23.7659 5.85389 23.9358 6.26356 24.2309 6.57555C25.0948 7.25176 25.7995 8.10969 26.295 9.08854C26.7905 10.0674 27.0646 11.1432 27.098 12.2398C27.0646 13.3364 26.7905 14.4123 26.295 15.3911C25.7995 16.37 25.0948 17.2279 24.2309 17.9041C23.9604 18.1354 23.7669 18.4438 23.6763 18.788C23.5858 19.1322 23.6024 19.4959 23.724 19.8303C23.8457 20.1648 24.0665 20.4542 24.357 20.6599C24.6475 20.8655 24.9939 20.9775 25.3498 20.981C25.7604 20.9769 26.1566 20.8284 26.4687 20.5615C27.73 19.5668 28.7546 18.3042 29.4681 16.865C30.1817 15.4258 30.5664 13.846 30.5945 12.2398C30.5664 10.6337 30.1817 9.0539 29.4681 7.6147C28.7546 6.1755 27.73 4.91289 26.4687 3.91822V3.91822ZM12.6925 4.12801C12.3941 3.77822 11.9699 3.56006 11.5118 3.5208C11.0537 3.48153 10.5986 3.62431 10.245 3.91822C8.98361 4.91289 7.95908 6.1755 7.24553 7.6147C6.53198 9.0539 6.14724 10.6337 6.11914 12.2398C6.14724 13.846 6.53198 15.4258 7.24553 16.865C7.95908 18.3042 8.98361 19.5668 10.245 20.5615C10.5986 20.8554 11.0537 20.9982 11.5118 20.9589C11.9699 20.9196 12.3941 20.7015 12.6925 20.3517C12.9864 19.9981 13.1292 19.543 13.0899 19.0849C13.0507 18.6267 12.8325 18.2026 12.4827 17.9041C11.6188 17.2279 10.9141 16.37 10.4187 15.3911C9.92319 14.4123 9.64903 13.3364 9.61562 12.2398C9.64903 11.1432 9.92319 10.0674 10.4187 9.08854C10.9141 8.10969 11.6188 7.25176 12.4827 6.57555C12.8325 6.27714 13.0507 5.85294 13.0899 5.39483C13.1292 4.93673 12.9864 4.48159 12.6925 4.12801V4.12801Z" fill="#C4C4C4"/> <path d="M30.84 0.404279C30.6632 0.257347 30.4592 0.146672 30.2397 0.0785743C30.0201 0.0104765 29.7893 -0.0137113 29.5604 0.00739276C29.3315 0.0284968 29.109 0.0944793 28.9056 0.201572C28.7022 0.308665 28.5219 0.454772 28.375 0.63155C28.2281 0.808328 28.1174 1.01232 28.0493 1.23187C27.9812 1.45142 27.957 1.68223 27.9781 1.91113C27.9992 2.14003 28.0652 2.36253 28.1723 2.56592C28.2794 2.76932 28.4255 2.94963 28.6023 3.09657C29.998 4.18616 31.1355 5.57088 31.9334 7.15157C32.7313 8.73227 33.1698 10.4698 33.2176 12.2399C33.1698 14.0099 32.7313 15.7474 31.9334 17.3281C31.1355 18.9088 29.998 20.2936 28.6023 21.3831C28.2452 21.6799 28.0207 22.1063 27.9781 22.5686C27.9355 23.0309 28.0782 23.4911 28.375 23.8482C28.6717 24.2052 29.0981 24.4297 29.5604 24.4723C30.0227 24.5149 30.483 24.3722 30.84 24.0754C32.6331 22.6595 34.09 20.8636 35.1057 18.8171C36.1214 16.7705 36.6707 14.5242 36.7141 12.2399C36.6707 9.95552 36.1214 7.70921 35.1057 5.66265C34.09 3.61609 32.6331 1.82021 30.84 0.404279V0.404279Z" fill="#C4C4C4"/> </svg> Csíkszék</h4> </div> </a> <a class="radios" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <div class="rad_b"> <h4 class="w"><svg width="37" height="30" viewBox="0 0 37 30" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3565 6.99514C17.1179 6.99329 15.9187 7.42986 14.9711 8.22751C14.0236 9.02516 13.3889 10.1324 13.1795 11.3532C12.9701 12.5739 13.1995 13.8294 13.8271 14.8972C14.4546 15.9651 15.4399 16.7763 16.6083 17.1874C16.5998 17.2862 16.5998 17.3857 16.6083 17.4846V27.974C16.6083 28.4376 16.7925 28.8823 17.1203 29.2102C17.4482 29.538 17.8929 29.7222 18.3565 29.7222C18.8202 29.7222 19.2649 29.538 19.5927 29.2102C19.9206 28.8823 20.1048 28.4376 20.1048 27.974V17.4846C20.1132 17.3857 20.1132 17.2862 20.1048 17.1874C21.2732 16.7763 22.2584 15.9651 22.886 14.8972C23.5136 13.8294 23.743 12.5739 23.5336 11.3532C23.3242 10.1324 22.6895 9.02516 21.7419 8.22751C20.7944 7.42986 19.5951 6.99329 18.3565 6.99514ZM3.49648 12.2398C3.54423 10.4698 3.98276 8.73226 4.78066 7.15157C5.57857 5.57088 6.71611 4.18616 8.11183 3.09657C8.46885 2.79983 8.69337 2.37341 8.73599 1.91113C8.77861 1.44885 8.63585 0.988574 8.33911 0.631555C8.19217 0.454777 8.01186 0.30867 7.80846 0.201577C7.60506 0.0944842 7.38256 0.0285017 7.15367 0.00739767C6.69138 -0.0352239 6.23111 0.10754 5.87409 0.404284C4.08098 1.82021 2.62412 3.6161 1.6084 5.66265C0.592676 7.70921 0.0433611 9.95551 0 12.2398C0.0433611 14.5242 0.592676 16.7705 1.6084 18.817C2.62412 20.8636 4.08098 22.6595 5.87409 24.0754C6.05087 24.2223 6.25485 24.333 6.4744 24.4011C6.69395 24.4692 6.92477 24.4934 7.15367 24.4723C7.38256 24.4512 7.60506 24.3852 7.80846 24.2781C8.01186 24.171 8.19217 24.0249 8.33911 23.8481C8.48604 23.6714 8.59671 23.4674 8.66481 23.2478C8.73291 23.0283 8.7571 22.7975 8.73599 22.5686C8.71489 22.3397 8.64891 22.1172 8.54181 21.9138C8.43472 21.7104 8.28861 21.5301 8.11183 21.3831C6.71611 20.2935 5.57857 18.9088 4.78066 17.3281C3.98276 15.7474 3.54423 14.0099 3.49648 12.2398Z" fill="#C4C4C4"/> <path d="M26.4687 3.91822C26.111 3.68056 25.6784 3.58284 25.2533 3.64369C24.8282 3.70455 24.4404 3.91972 24.1638 4.24818C23.8872 4.57665 23.7412 4.99542 23.7536 5.42466C23.7659 5.85389 23.9358 6.26356 24.2309 6.57555C25.0948 7.25176 25.7995 8.10969 26.295 9.08854C26.7905 10.0674 27.0646 11.1432 27.098 12.2398C27.0646 13.3364 26.7905 14.4123 26.295 15.3911C25.7995 16.37 25.0948 17.2279 24.2309 17.9041C23.9604 18.1354 23.7669 18.4438 23.6763 18.788C23.5858 19.1322 23.6024 19.4959 23.724 19.8303C23.8457 20.1648 24.0665 20.4542 24.357 20.6599C24.6475 20.8655 24.9939 20.9775 25.3498 20.981C25.7604 20.9769 26.1566 20.8284 26.4687 20.5615C27.73 19.5668 28.7546 18.3042 29.4681 16.865C30.1817 15.4258 30.5664 13.846 30.5945 12.2398C30.5664 10.6337 30.1817 9.0539 29.4681 7.6147C28.7546 6.1755 27.73 4.91289 26.4687 3.91822V3.91822ZM12.6925 4.12801C12.3941 3.77822 11.9699 3.56006 11.5118 3.5208C11.0537 3.48153 10.5986 3.62431 10.245 3.91822C8.98361 4.91289 7.95908 6.1755 7.24553 7.6147C6.53198 9.0539 6.14724 10.6337 6.11914 12.2398C6.14724 13.846 6.53198 15.4258 7.24553 16.865C7.95908 18.3042 8.98361 19.5668 10.245 20.5615C10.5986 20.8554 11.0537 20.9982 11.5118 20.9589C11.9699 20.9196 12.3941 20.7015 12.6925 20.3517C12.9864 19.9981 13.1292 19.543 13.0899 19.0849C13.0507 18.6267 12.8325 18.2026 12.4827 17.9041C11.6188 17.2279 10.9141 16.37 10.4187 15.3911C9.92319 14.4123 9.64903 13.3364 9.61562 12.2398C9.64903 11.1432 9.92319 10.0674 10.4187 9.08854C10.9141 8.10969 11.6188 7.25176 12.4827 6.57555C12.8325 6.27714 13.0507 5.85294 13.0899 5.39483C13.1292 4.93673 12.9864 4.48159 12.6925 4.12801V4.12801Z" fill="#C4C4C4"/> <path d="M30.84 0.404279C30.6632 0.257347 30.4592 0.146672 30.2397 0.0785743C30.0201 0.0104765 29.7893 -0.0137113 29.5604 0.00739276C29.3315 0.0284968 29.109 0.0944793 28.9056 0.201572C28.7022 0.308665 28.5219 0.454772 28.375 0.63155C28.2281 0.808328 28.1174 1.01232 28.0493 1.23187C27.9812 1.45142 27.957 1.68223 27.9781 1.91113C27.9992 2.14003 28.0652 2.36253 28.1723 2.56592C28.2794 2.76932 28.4255 2.94963 28.6023 3.09657C29.998 4.18616 31.1355 5.57088 31.9334 7.15157C32.7313 8.73227 33.1698 10.4698 33.2176 12.2399C33.1698 14.0099 32.7313 15.7474 31.9334 17.3281C31.1355 18.9088 29.998 20.2936 28.6023 21.3831C28.2452 21.6799 28.0207 22.1063 27.9781 22.5686C27.9355 23.0309 28.0782 23.4911 28.375 23.8482C28.6717 24.2052 29.0981 24.4297 29.5604 24.4723C30.0227 24.5149 30.483 24.3722 30.84 24.0754C32.6331 22.6595 34.09 20.8636 35.1057 18.8171C36.1214 16.7705 36.6707 14.5242 36.7141 12.2399C36.6707 9.95552 36.1214 7.70921 35.1057 5.66265C34.09 3.61609 32.6331 1.82021 30.84 0.404279V0.404279Z" fill="#C4C4C4"/> </svg> Gyergyószék</h4> </div> </a> <a class="radios" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <div class="rad_a"> <h4 class="w"><svg width="37" height="30" viewBox="0 0 37 30" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3565 6.99514C17.1179 6.99329 15.9187 7.42986 14.9711 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0.404284C4.08098 1.82021 2.62412 3.6161 1.6084 5.66265C0.592676 7.70921 0.0433611 9.95551 0 12.2398C0.0433611 14.5242 0.592676 16.7705 1.6084 18.817C2.62412 20.8636 4.08098 22.6595 5.87409 24.0754C6.05087 24.2223 6.25485 24.333 6.4744 24.4011C6.69395 24.4692 6.92477 24.4934 7.15367 24.4723C7.38256 24.4512 7.60506 24.3852 7.80846 24.2781C8.01186 24.171 8.19217 24.0249 8.33911 23.8481C8.48604 23.6714 8.59671 23.4674 8.66481 23.2478C8.73291 23.0283 8.7571 22.7975 8.73599 22.5686C8.71489 22.3397 8.64891 22.1172 8.54181 21.9138C8.43472 21.7104 8.28861 21.5301 8.11183 21.3831C6.71611 20.2935 5.57857 18.9088 4.78066 17.3281C3.98276 15.7474 3.54423 14.0099 3.49648 12.2398Z" fill="#C4C4C4"/> <path d="M26.4687 3.91822C26.111 3.68056 25.6784 3.58284 25.2533 3.64369C24.8282 3.70455 24.4404 3.91972 24.1638 4.24818C23.8872 4.57665 23.7412 4.99542 23.7536 5.42466C23.7659 5.85389 23.9358 6.26356 24.2309 6.57555C25.0948 7.25176 25.7995 8.10969 26.295 9.08854C26.7905 10.0674 27.0646 11.1432 27.098 12.2398C27.0646 13.3364 26.7905 14.4123 26.295 15.3911C25.7995 16.37 25.0948 17.2279 24.2309 17.9041C23.9604 18.1354 23.7669 18.4438 23.6763 18.788C23.5858 19.1322 23.6024 19.4959 23.724 19.8303C23.8457 20.1648 24.0665 20.4542 24.357 20.6599C24.6475 20.8655 24.9939 20.9775 25.3498 20.981C25.7604 20.9769 26.1566 20.8284 26.4687 20.5615C27.73 19.5668 28.7546 18.3042 29.4681 16.865C30.1817 15.4258 30.5664 13.846 30.5945 12.2398C30.5664 10.6337 30.1817 9.0539 29.4681 7.6147C28.7546 6.1755 27.73 4.91289 26.4687 3.91822V3.91822ZM12.6925 4.12801C12.3941 3.77822 11.9699 3.56006 11.5118 3.5208C11.0537 3.48153 10.5986 3.62431 10.245 3.91822C8.98361 4.91289 7.95908 6.1755 7.24553 7.6147C6.53198 9.0539 6.14724 10.6337 6.11914 12.2398C6.14724 13.846 6.53198 15.4258 7.24553 16.865C7.95908 18.3042 8.98361 19.5668 10.245 20.5615C10.5986 20.8554 11.0537 20.9982 11.5118 20.9589C11.9699 20.9196 12.3941 20.7015 12.6925 20.3517C12.9864 19.9981 13.1292 19.543 13.0899 19.0849C13.0507 18.6267 12.8325 18.2026 12.4827 17.9041C11.6188 17.2279 10.9141 16.37 10.4187 15.3911C9.92319 14.4123 9.64903 13.3364 9.61562 12.2398C9.64903 11.1432 9.92319 10.0674 10.4187 9.08854C10.9141 8.10969 11.6188 7.25176 12.4827 6.57555C12.8325 6.27714 13.0507 5.85294 13.0899 5.39483C13.1292 4.93673 12.9864 4.48159 12.6925 4.12801V4.12801Z" fill="#C4C4C4"/> <path d="M30.84 0.404279C30.6632 0.257347 30.4592 0.146672 30.2397 0.0785743C30.0201 0.0104765 29.7893 -0.0137113 29.5604 0.00739276C29.3315 0.0284968 29.109 0.0944793 28.9056 0.201572C28.7022 0.308665 28.5219 0.454772 28.375 0.63155C28.2281 0.808328 28.1174 1.01232 28.0493 1.23187C27.9812 1.45142 27.957 1.68223 27.9781 1.91113C27.9992 2.14003 28.0652 2.36253 28.1723 2.56592C28.2794 2.76932 28.4255 2.94963 28.6023 3.09657C29.998 4.18616 31.1355 5.57088 31.9334 7.15157C32.7313 8.73227 33.1698 10.4698 33.2176 12.2399C33.1698 14.0099 32.7313 15.7474 31.9334 17.3281C31.1355 18.9088 29.998 20.2936 28.6023 21.3831C28.2452 21.6799 28.0207 22.1063 27.9781 22.5686C27.9355 23.0309 28.0782 23.4911 28.375 23.8482C28.6717 24.2052 29.0981 24.4297 29.5604 24.4723C30.0227 24.5149 30.483 24.3722 30.84 24.0754C32.6331 22.6595 34.09 20.8636 35.1057 18.8171C36.1214 16.7705 36.6707 14.5242 36.7141 12.2399C36.6707 9.95552 36.1214 7.70921 35.1057 5.66265C34.09 3.61609 32.6331 1.82021 30.84 0.404279V0.404279Z" fill="#C4C4C4"/> </svg> Háromszék</h4> </div> </a> <a class="radios" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <div class="rad_b"> <h4 class="w"><svg width="37" height="30" viewBox="0 0 37 30" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3565 6.99514C17.1179 6.99329 15.9187 7.42986 14.9711 8.22751C14.0236 9.02516 13.3889 10.1324 13.1795 11.3532C12.9701 12.5739 13.1995 13.8294 13.8271 14.8972C14.4546 15.9651 15.4399 16.7763 16.6083 17.1874C16.5998 17.2862 16.5998 17.3857 16.6083 17.4846V27.974C16.6083 28.4376 16.7925 28.8823 17.1203 29.2102C17.4482 29.538 17.8929 29.7222 18.3565 29.7222C18.8202 29.7222 19.2649 29.538 19.5927 29.2102C19.9206 28.8823 20.1048 28.4376 20.1048 27.974V17.4846C20.1132 17.3857 20.1132 17.2862 20.1048 17.1874C21.2732 16.7763 22.2584 15.9651 22.886 14.8972C23.5136 13.8294 23.743 12.5739 23.5336 11.3532C23.3242 10.1324 22.6895 9.02516 21.7419 8.22751C20.7944 7.42986 19.5951 6.99329 18.3565 6.99514ZM3.49648 12.2398C3.54423 10.4698 3.98276 8.73226 4.78066 7.15157C5.57857 5.57088 6.71611 4.18616 8.11183 3.09657C8.46885 2.79983 8.69337 2.37341 8.73599 1.91113C8.77861 1.44885 8.63585 0.988574 8.33911 0.631555C8.19217 0.454777 8.01186 0.30867 7.80846 0.201577C7.60506 0.0944842 7.38256 0.0285017 7.15367 0.00739767C6.69138 -0.0352239 6.23111 0.10754 5.87409 0.404284C4.08098 1.82021 2.62412 3.6161 1.6084 5.66265C0.592676 7.70921 0.0433611 9.95551 0 12.2398C0.0433611 14.5242 0.592676 16.7705 1.6084 18.817C2.62412 20.8636 4.08098 22.6595 5.87409 24.0754C6.05087 24.2223 6.25485 24.333 6.4744 24.4011C6.69395 24.4692 6.92477 24.4934 7.15367 24.4723C7.38256 24.4512 7.60506 24.3852 7.80846 24.2781C8.01186 24.171 8.19217 24.0249 8.33911 23.8481C8.48604 23.6714 8.59671 23.4674 8.66481 23.2478C8.73291 23.0283 8.7571 22.7975 8.73599 22.5686C8.71489 22.3397 8.64891 22.1172 8.54181 21.9138C8.43472 21.7104 8.28861 21.5301 8.11183 21.3831C6.71611 20.2935 5.57857 18.9088 4.78066 17.3281C3.98276 15.7474 3.54423 14.0099 3.49648 12.2398Z" fill="#C4C4C4"/> <path d="M26.4687 3.91822C26.111 3.68056 25.6784 3.58284 25.2533 3.64369C24.8282 3.70455 24.4404 3.91972 24.1638 4.24818C23.8872 4.57665 23.7412 4.99542 23.7536 5.42466C23.7659 5.85389 23.9358 6.26356 24.2309 6.57555C25.0948 7.25176 25.7995 8.10969 26.295 9.08854C26.7905 10.0674 27.0646 11.1432 27.098 12.2398C27.0646 13.3364 26.7905 14.4123 26.295 15.3911C25.7995 16.37 25.0948 17.2279 24.2309 17.9041C23.9604 18.1354 23.7669 18.4438 23.6763 18.788C23.5858 19.1322 23.6024 19.4959 23.724 19.8303C23.8457 20.1648 24.0665 20.4542 24.357 20.6599C24.6475 20.8655 24.9939 20.9775 25.3498 20.981C25.7604 20.9769 26.1566 20.8284 26.4687 20.5615C27.73 19.5668 28.7546 18.3042 29.4681 16.865C30.1817 15.4258 30.5664 13.846 30.5945 12.2398C30.5664 10.6337 30.1817 9.0539 29.4681 7.6147C28.7546 6.1755 27.73 4.91289 26.4687 3.91822V3.91822ZM12.6925 4.12801C12.3941 3.77822 11.9699 3.56006 11.5118 3.5208C11.0537 3.48153 10.5986 3.62431 10.245 3.91822C8.98361 4.91289 7.95908 6.1755 7.24553 7.6147C6.53198 9.0539 6.14724 10.6337 6.11914 12.2398C6.14724 13.846 6.53198 15.4258 7.24553 16.865C7.95908 18.3042 8.98361 19.5668 10.245 20.5615C10.5986 20.8554 11.0537 20.9982 11.5118 20.9589C11.9699 20.9196 12.3941 20.7015 12.6925 20.3517C12.9864 19.9981 13.1292 19.543 13.0899 19.0849C13.0507 18.6267 12.8325 18.2026 12.4827 17.9041C11.6188 17.2279 10.9141 16.37 10.4187 15.3911C9.92319 14.4123 9.64903 13.3364 9.61562 12.2398C9.64903 11.1432 9.92319 10.0674 10.4187 9.08854C10.9141 8.10969 11.6188 7.25176 12.4827 6.57555C12.8325 6.27714 13.0507 5.85294 13.0899 5.39483C13.1292 4.93673 12.9864 4.48159 12.6925 4.12801V4.12801Z" fill="#C4C4C4"/> <path d="M30.84 0.404279C30.6632 0.257347 30.4592 0.146672 30.2397 0.0785743C30.0201 0.0104765 29.7893 -0.0137113 29.5604 0.00739276C29.3315 0.0284968 29.109 0.0944793 28.9056 0.201572C28.7022 0.308665 28.5219 0.454772 28.375 0.63155C28.2281 0.808328 28.1174 1.01232 28.0493 1.23187C27.9812 1.45142 27.957 1.68223 27.9781 1.91113C27.9992 2.14003 28.0652 2.36253 28.1723 2.56592C28.2794 2.76932 28.4255 2.94963 28.6023 3.09657C29.998 4.18616 31.1355 5.57088 31.9334 7.15157C32.7313 8.73227 33.1698 10.4698 33.2176 12.2399C33.1698 14.0099 32.7313 15.7474 31.9334 17.3281C31.1355 18.9088 29.998 20.2936 28.6023 21.3831C28.2452 21.6799 28.0207 22.1063 27.9781 22.5686C27.9355 23.0309 28.0782 23.4911 28.375 23.8482C28.6717 24.2052 29.0981 24.4297 29.5604 24.4723C30.0227 24.5149 30.483 24.3722 30.84 24.0754C32.6331 22.6595 34.09 20.8636 35.1057 18.8171C36.1214 16.7705 36.6707 14.5242 36.7141 12.2399C36.6707 9.95552 36.1214 7.70921 35.1057 5.66265C34.09 3.61609 32.6331 1.82021 30.84 0.404279V0.404279Z" fill="#C4C4C4"/> </svg> Marosszék</h4> 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