Nobody knows it better - ZF
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They share their knowledge and expertise, contribute ideas and master challenges as a team. Here you can get an idea of what our employees have to say.</p> </div> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-media-content-wrapper"> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with image + gallery--><!--begin Divider--> <!--begin divider_part--> <h3 class="zfc-separator zfc-separator-sticky " id="divider_2_728102"> <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-line-inherit zfcui-color-inherit">Kai's Story</span> </h3> <!--end divider_part--> <!--end Divider--><!--begin Text with Image Qoute--> <div class="zfcatm-article-text-media zfcatm-media-quote" id="text_with_quote_2_728101" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfcatm-title zfcatm-media-title"></div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="zfcatm-text-content"> <div class="zfcatm-text"> <div>Kai worked as a project manager in e-mobility. "I chose this career path because I have always been interested in being able to realize my potential in a future-oriented business field."</div><div>He finds it exciting to work in an innovative field where he can grow with his tasks. "As a system developer for E-Mobility at ZF, I accompany the entire product process, from the requirements to the concept and its validation to production. ZF provides all the necessary resources for this." But it's not just hardware resources that are important to Kai in his work environment, but also human resources.</div><div>"What I value most in my work is the exchange with my international colleagues." Thanks to the comprehensive know-how of his team, Kai has the opportunity to always learn new things, acquire new knowledge and thus outgrow himself. "As an employer, ZF was my first choice because the company has a long-term business strategy and future orientation."</div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcatm-quote zfcatm-media-content"> <div class="zfcatm-image-wrapper zfcui-aspect-3-2" > <span class="zfcatm-image-copyright"></span> <img class="zfcatm-image-dk" alt="" data-src="" title="" > <img class="zfcatm-image-mb" alt="" data-src="" title="" > </div> <div class="zfcatm-quote-wrapper"> <div class="zfcatm-quote-text zfcui-prometo-medium">"I always wanted to develop drives for the future."</div> <span class="zfcatm-quote-author zfcui-prometo-light">Kai Wang</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with Image Qoute--> <!--begin Video--> <!-- begin video_part --> <div class="zfcfsv-full-size-video zfcfsv-video-normal" > <div class="zfcfsv-video-wrapper null zfcfsv-crop- "> <span class="zfcfsv-image-copyright"></span> <data-video data-id="auto" class="zfcfsv-landing-video video-js" width="100%" data-video-id="6309227083112" data-account="665003325001" data-player="179hai48L" data-embed="default" controls="" > </data-video> </div> <div class="zfcsv-video-title-overlay zfcui-color-white"> <div class="zfcsv-video-title-overlay-content "> <span class="zfcfsv-video-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-movie"></span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end video part --> <!--end Video--> <!--begin Divider--> <!--begin divider_part--> <h3 class="zfc-separator zfc-separator-sticky " id="divider_4_728105"> <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-line-inherit zfcui-color-inherit">Pascal's Story</span> </h3> <!--end divider_part--> <!--end Divider--><!--begin Text with Image Qoute--> <div class="zfcatm-article-text-media zfcatm-media-quote zfcatm-invert" id="text_with_quote_4_728106" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfcatm-title zfcatm-media-title"></div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="zfcatm-text-content"> <div class="zfcatm-text"> <div>Pascal applied and started his training at ZF shortly afterwards. "My training was very varied and I enjoyed it a lot. Also, the training opportunities here at ZF are very good."</div><div>How do you program correctly and clearly? Why does a plant control system not operate and what do you have to do to make it do so? Pascal learned how to handle such tasks during his training in Friedrichshafen, Germany. Setting up and putting into operation highly complex industrial plants as well as programming, testing and maintaining plants are among his many tasks. This often involves very complex work. "That's exciting and interesting, especially because sometimes you have to think for a while until you come up with a solution."</div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcatm-quote zfcatm-media-content"> <div class="zfcatm-image-wrapper zfcui-aspect-3-2" > <span class="zfcatm-image-copyright"></span> <img class="zfcatm-image-dk" alt="" data-src="" title="" > <img class="zfcatm-image-mb" alt="" data-src="" title="" > </div> <div class="zfcatm-quote-wrapper"> <div class="zfcatm-quote-text zfcui-prometo-medium">"Individual components become a complete system that operates automatically."</div> <span class="zfcatm-quote-author zfcui-prometo-light">Pascal Bucher</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with Image Qoute--> <!--begin Video--> <!-- begin video_part --> <div class="zfcfsv-full-size-video zfcfsv-video-normal" > <div class="zfcfsv-video-wrapper null zfcfsv-crop- "> <span class="zfcfsv-image-copyright"></span> <data-video data-id="auto" class="zfcfsv-landing-video video-js" width="100%" data-video-id="6309228437112" data-account="665003325001" data-player="179hai48L" data-embed="default" controls="" > </data-video> </div> <div class="zfcsv-video-title-overlay zfcui-color-white"> <div class="zfcsv-video-title-overlay-content "> <span class="zfcfsv-video-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-movie"></span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end video part --> <!--end Video--> <!--begin Divider--> <!--begin divider_part--> <h3 class="zfc-separator zfc-separator-sticky " id="divider_5_728107"> <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-line-inherit zfcui-color-inherit">Todd's Story</span> </h3> <!--end divider_part--> <!--end Divider--><!--begin Text with Image Qoute--> <div class="zfcatm-article-text-media zfcatm-media-quote" id="text_with_quote_5_728108" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfcatm-title zfcatm-media-title"></div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="zfcatm-text-content"> <div class="zfcatm-text"> <div>Todd came to know ZF at the career day of the North American International Auto Show (NAIAS) in Detroit, USA, and joined the company as an intern the same year.</div><div>In the ZF Car Powertrain Technology Division / Automatic Transmission Business Unit, he is now a test engineer and software tester responsible for the powertrain of electric and hybrid systems as well as transmission software and applications. He is concerned with how ZF's already 20 years of experience with electric drives can be used beneficially, for example, to design a hybrid drive to meet the specific requirements of the U.S. market. "I chose ZF because they gave me the opportunity to put my research to practical use in the high-growth electric driveline sector. And I travel to centers of excellence around the world to bring that knowledge to the U.S. and build better products at ZF."</div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcatm-quote zfcatm-media-content"> <div class="zfcatm-image-wrapper zfcui-aspect-3-2" > <span class="zfcatm-image-copyright"></span> <img class="zfcatm-image-dk" alt="" data-src="" title="" > <img class="zfcatm-image-mb" alt="" data-src="" title="" > </div> <div class="zfcatm-quote-wrapper"> <div class="zfcatm-quote-text zfcui-prometo-medium">"With combined expertise from around the world, we build better products in the U.S."</div> <span class="zfcatm-quote-author zfcui-prometo-light">Todd Perkins</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with Image Qoute--> <!--begin Video--> <!-- begin video_part --> <div class="zfcfsv-full-size-video zfcfsv-video-normal" > <div class="zfcfsv-video-wrapper null zfcfsv-crop- "> <span class="zfcfsv-image-copyright"></span> <data-video data-id="auto" class="zfcfsv-landing-video video-js" width="100%" data-video-id="6309228159112" data-account="665003325001" data-player="179hai48L" data-embed="default" controls="" > </data-video> </div> <div class="zfcsv-video-title-overlay zfcui-color-white"> <div class="zfcsv-video-title-overlay-content "> <span class="zfcfsv-video-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-movie"></span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end video part --> <!--end Video--> <!--begin Divider--> <!--begin divider_part--> <h3 class="zfc-separator zfc-separator-sticky " id="divider_6_728109"> <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-line-inherit zfcui-color-inherit">Charbel's Story</span> </h3> <!--end divider_part--> <!--end Divider--><!--begin Text with Image Qoute--> <div class="zfcatm-article-text-media zfcatm-media-quote zfcatm-invert" id="text_with_quote_6_728110" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfcatm-title zfcatm-media-title"></div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="zfcatm-text-content"> <div class="zfcatm-text"> <div>In the U.S., Charbel then served as Accounts Payable Manager in the Accounting Shared Service Center. "I was part of a great team there and learned a lot - about the location, the people, and about the country and its realities." After another stint in Controlling at ZF's Car Driveline Technology division, his path led him back to Friedrichshafen, Germany.</div><div>As Investor Relations Manager in the Finance and Controlling division at ZF, Charbel now deals, for example, with the question of how to best inform investors and analysts about ZF's economic and technological successes. And what is the relevant data to present at information events. "I really enjoy bringing all my experience about ZF and its products to bear when working with our investors." Charbel runs a specific type of corporate communications, not only acting as a direct contact for analysts, investors, and rating agencies, but also coordinating roadshows, conferences and investor meetings. He also prepares presentation materials and maintains the investor relations corporate website. Charbel thus shapes the image of ZF as a corporate borrower and also as a capital market-oriented company.</div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcatm-quote zfcatm-media-content"> <div class="zfcatm-image-wrapper zfcui-aspect-3-2" > <span class="zfcatm-image-copyright"></span> <img class="zfcatm-image-dk" alt="" data-src="" title="" > <img class="zfcatm-image-mb" alt="" data-src="" title="" > </div> <div class="zfcatm-quote-wrapper"> <div class="zfcatm-quote-text zfcui-prometo-medium">"The variety of topics and the internationality of the contacts - that's what excites me."</div> <span class="zfcatm-quote-author zfcui-prometo-light">Charbel Chamoun</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with Image Qoute--> <!--begin Video--> <!-- begin video_part --> <div class="zfcfsv-full-size-video zfcfsv-video-normal" > <div class="zfcfsv-video-wrapper null zfcfsv-crop- "> <span class="zfcfsv-image-copyright"></span> <data-video data-id="auto" class="zfcfsv-landing-video video-js" width="100%" data-video-id="6309229520112" data-account="665003325001" data-player="179hai48L" data-embed="default" controls="" > </data-video> </div> <div class="zfcsv-video-title-overlay zfcui-color-white"> <div class="zfcsv-video-title-overlay-content "> <span class="zfcfsv-video-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-movie"></span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end video part --> <!--end Video--> <!--begin Divider--> <!--begin divider_part--> <h3 class="zfc-separator zfc-separator-sticky " id="divider_8_728113"> <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-line-inherit zfcui-color-inherit">Chen's Story</span> </h3> <!--end divider_part--> <!--end Divider--><!--begin Text with Image Qoute--> <div class="zfcatm-article-text-media zfcatm-media-quote zfcatm-invert" id="text_with_quote_8_728114" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfcatm-title zfcatm-media-title"></div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="zfcatm-text-content"> <div class="zfcatm-text"> <div>Chen works for ZF in the Freight Purchasing Asia Pacific department in Shanghai, China. He supports and coordinates the daily logistics routes and tasks at the plants in the region. Chen pays special attention to optimizing reporting and information flow.</div><div>After studying "International Economics and Trade" at Shanghai University and "International Business" at the University of Technology in Sydney, Australia, his path led him directly to logistics at ZF. During a 15-month internship, Chen already gained deep insights into the ZF world, and after graduation, his first full-time position started here. "I've always worked in purchasing, it was a perfect fit for the direction of my studies," the sports fan recounts. Initially as a contact buyer exclusively for ZF China, he later moved to the Commodity Team, where he is responsible for the entire Asia-Pacific region. "It's important to me to constantly develop and never stop learning. That's why this job suits me so well: I'm constantly trying to do something better."</div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcatm-quote zfcatm-media-content"> <div class="zfcatm-image-wrapper zfcui-aspect-3-2" > <span class="zfcatm-image-copyright"></span> <img class="zfcatm-image-dk" alt="" data-src="" title="" > <img class="zfcatm-image-mb" alt="" data-src="" title="" > </div> <div class="zfcatm-quote-wrapper"> <div class="zfcatm-quote-text zfcui-prometo-medium">"Interaction with people is critical for me as a buyer."</div> <span class="zfcatm-quote-author zfcui-prometo-light">Chen Jinkai</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with Image Qoute--> <!--begin Video--> <!-- begin video_part --> <div class="zfcfsv-full-size-video zfcfsv-video-normal" > <div class="zfcfsv-video-wrapper null zfcfsv-crop- "> <span class="zfcfsv-image-copyright"></span> <data-video data-id="auto" class="zfcfsv-landing-video video-js" width="100%" data-video-id="6309228542112" data-account="665003325001" data-player="179hai48L" data-embed="default" controls="" > </data-video> </div> <div class="zfcsv-video-title-overlay zfcui-color-white"> <div class="zfcsv-video-title-overlay-content "> <span class="zfcfsv-video-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-movie"></span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end video part --> <!--end Video--> <!--begin Divider--> <!--begin divider_part--> <h3 class="zfc-separator zfc-separator-sticky " id="divider_9_728115"> <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-line-inherit zfcui-color-inherit">Esther's Story</span> </h3> <!--end divider_part--> <!--end Divider--><!--begin Text with Image Qoute--> <div class="zfcatm-article-text-media zfcatm-media-quote" id="text_with_quote_9_728116" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfcatm-title zfcatm-media-title"></div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="zfcatm-text-content"> <div class="zfcatm-text"> <div>Esther started her career at ZF in 2011 as a function developer in e-mobility. Over the past ten years, she has successfully advanced to team leader of a twelve-person project team in software coordination. "I really appreciate that everyone at ZF has the chance to grow into a high position." As a project manager, Esther has already had the opportunity to develop an innovative temperature model for a sensor and test the new functions thoroughly.</div><div>"In my job, no two days are the same. That's what I like about my work. Using ZF's vast experience with driveline components and systems in the transformation to electromobility is so exciting and challenging - and I like challenges. I'm really proud to be part of this transformation at ZF."</div><div>Esther has always been interested in technical details and chose her career at ZF to have access to benchmarking technologies. She is grateful that ZF trusts her skills and supports her with appropriate resources and an experienced project team.</div><div>What excites her most about her work is that e-mobility is forward-looking and the latest technologies are available to her at ZF.</div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcatm-quote zfcatm-media-content"> <div class="zfcatm-image-wrapper zfcui-aspect-3-2" > <span class="zfcatm-image-copyright"></span> <img class="zfcatm-image-dk" alt="" data-src="" title="" > <img class="zfcatm-image-mb" alt="" data-src="" title="" > </div> <div class="zfcatm-quote-wrapper"> <div class="zfcatm-quote-text zfcui-prometo-medium">"With ZF products into the future of mobility - that's what excites me about my job." </div> <span class="zfcatm-quote-author zfcui-prometo-light">Esther Schuerr</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with Image Qoute--> <!--begin Video--> <!-- begin video_part --> <div class="zfcfsv-full-size-video zfcfsv-video-normal" > <div class="zfcfsv-video-wrapper null zfcfsv-crop- "> <span class="zfcfsv-image-copyright"></span> <data-video data-id="auto" class="zfcfsv-landing-video video-js" width="100%" data-video-id="6309227654112" data-account="665003325001" data-player="179hai48L" data-embed="default" controls="" > </data-video> </div> <div class="zfcsv-video-title-overlay zfcui-color-white"> <div class="zfcsv-video-title-overlay-content "> <span class="zfcfsv-video-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-movie"></span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end video part --> <!--end Video--> <!--begin Divider--> <!--begin divider_part--> <h3 class="zfc-separator zfc-separator-sticky " id="divider_10_728117"> <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-line-inherit zfcui-color-inherit">Marcel's Story</span> </h3> <!--end divider_part--> <!--end Divider--><!--begin Text with Image Qoute--> <div class="zfcatm-article-text-media zfcatm-media-quote zfcatm-invert" id="text_with_quote_10_728118" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfcatm-title zfcatm-media-title"></div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="zfcatm-text-content"> <div class="zfcatm-text"> <div>Marcel is enthusiastic about his job and describes how projects and collaboration work: "It starts with a customer requirement. Then the concept is created - first the mechanics - a circuit diagram for the hardware, the board layout that fits exactly into the mechanics - that's how we drive the project forward. The programming of the software runs in parallel. At the end, the software is loaded, and everything is tested on the test bench." Marcel is fascinated when the individual elements are inserted into the vehicle as a complete system and then function smoothly as a unit. Marcel finds the solutions to the tasks he faces together with his colleagues as a team. "It's something new every day, and it's a lot of fun."</div><div>"ZF offers me the opportunity to take on a responsible job at a young age - and in electromobility, which is a technology of the future. That's why I'm proud to be part of the ZF team."</div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcatm-quote zfcatm-media-content"> <div class="zfcatm-image-wrapper zfcui-aspect-3-2" > <span class="zfcatm-image-copyright"></span> <img class="zfcatm-image-dk" alt="" data-src="" title="" > <img class="zfcatm-image-mb" alt="" data-src="" title="" > </div> <div class="zfcatm-quote-wrapper"> <div class="zfcatm-quote-text zfcui-prometo-medium">"Taking responsibility at a young age - that's my thing."</div> <span class="zfcatm-quote-author zfcui-prometo-light">Marcel Hanisch</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with Image Qoute--> <!--begin Video--> <!-- begin video_part --> <div class="zfcfsv-full-size-video zfcfsv-video-normal" > <div class="zfcfsv-video-wrapper null zfcfsv-crop- "> <span class="zfcfsv-image-copyright"></span> <data-video data-id="auto" class="zfcfsv-landing-video video-js" width="100%" data-video-id="6309228757112" data-account="665003325001" data-player="179hai48L" data-embed="default" controls="" > </data-video> </div> <div class="zfcsv-video-title-overlay zfcui-color-white"> <div class="zfcsv-video-title-overlay-content "> <span class="zfcfsv-video-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-movie"></span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end video part --> <!--end Video--> <!--begin Divider--> <!--begin divider_part--> <h3 class="zfc-separator zfc-separator-sticky " id="divider_11_728119"> <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-line-inherit zfcui-color-inherit">Sven's Story</span> </h3> <!--end divider_part--> <!--end Divider--><!--begin Text with Image Qoute--> <div class="zfcatm-article-text-media zfcatm-media-quote" id="text_with_quote_11_728120" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfcatm-title zfcatm-media-title"></div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="zfcatm-text-content"> <div class="zfcatm-text"> <div>How do you teach gigantic trucks to stay in lane and at a distance by themselves or to pull up to the loading ramp? Sven and his team are integrating Highway Driving Assist into the Innovation Truck. An electronic control unit processes the information provided by the camera and radar about the vehicle's surroundings and sends impulses for action to the steering and transmission. This enables the truck to maintain its lane and a fixed safe distance from the vehicle ahead. "Even though I'm relatively new to this, I was able to get involved as a technical project manager. It's a cool job, linking a wide variety of systems from ZF but also external systems."</div><div>Sven graduated from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, with a Master of Science degree in mechanical engineering, specializing in lightweight construction and automotive engineering. After a stopover as a research assistant at the Research Institute for Automotive Engineering and Vehicle Engines in Stuttgart, Germany, he started as a software developer in the Commercial Vehicle Hybrid Functions & Systems Integration department at ZF.</div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcatm-quote zfcatm-media-content"> <div class="zfcatm-image-wrapper zfcui-aspect-3-2" > <span class="zfcatm-image-copyright"></span> <img class="zfcatm-image-dk" alt="" data-src="" title="" > <img class="zfcatm-image-mb" alt="" data-src="" title="" > </div> <div class="zfcatm-quote-wrapper"> <div class="zfcatm-quote-text zfcui-prometo-medium">"Smart technology for commercial vehicles - how can you not be excited about that?"</div> <span class="zfcatm-quote-author zfcui-prometo-light">Sven Gohl</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with Image Qoute--> <!--begin Video--> <!-- begin video_part --> <div class="zfcfsv-full-size-video zfcfsv-video-normal" > <div class="zfcfsv-video-wrapper null zfcfsv-crop- "> <span class="zfcfsv-image-copyright"></span> <data-video data-id="auto" class="zfcfsv-landing-video video-js" width="100%" data-video-id="5194905163001" data-account="665003325001" data-player="179hai48L" data-embed="default" controls="" > </data-video> </div> <div class="zfcsv-video-title-overlay zfcui-color-white"> <div class="zfcsv-video-title-overlay-content "> <span class="zfcfsv-video-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-movie"></span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end video part --> <!--end Video--> <!--begin Divider--> <!--begin divider_part--> <h3 class="zfc-separator zfc-separator-sticky " id="divider_12_728121"> <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-line-inherit zfcui-color-inherit">Julie's Story</span> </h3> <!--end divider_part--> <!--end Divider--><!--begin Text with Image Qoute--> <div class="zfcatm-article-text-media zfcatm-media-quote zfcatm-invert" id="text_with_quote_12_728122" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfcatm-title zfcatm-media-title"></div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="zfcatm-text-content"> <div class="zfcatm-text"> <div>How can airbags installed in the headliner, so-called curtain airbags, be deployed faster, more fail-safe and with greater range? And how should the airbag casings be designed? These are the kinds of questions that challenge Product Engineer Julie every day, at her job at ZF in Michigan, USA. In the Occupant Protection Systems business unit, which produces passive safety features such as airbags and seat belts, she is responsible for the curtain airbags of various General Motors vehicle models.</div><div>While studying mechanical engineering at Oakland University, she worked for Chrysler during her studies. After graduation, she moved to the automotive supply industry and finally to ZF, three years ago. She has never regretted the move. "I originally chose ZF because of its proximity to my home. After three years working here, I can say with a clear conscience: I'm inspired by the technologies we develop and manufacture, and also by the great people I work with here." She particularly appreciates the diversity of the products and the practical benefits they show in everyday life</div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcatm-quote zfcatm-media-content"> <div class="zfcatm-image-wrapper zfcui-aspect-3-2" > <span class="zfcatm-image-copyright"></span> <img class="zfcatm-image-dk" alt="" data-src="" title="" > <img class="zfcatm-image-mb" alt="" data-src="" title="" > </div> <div class="zfcatm-quote-wrapper"> <div class="zfcatm-quote-text zfcui-prometo-medium">"We provide safety to people on the street."</div> <span class="zfcatm-quote-author zfcui-prometo-light">Julie Schoenherr</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with Image Qoute--> <!--begin Video--> <!-- begin video_part --> <div class="zfcfsv-full-size-video zfcfsv-video-normal" > <div class="zfcfsv-video-wrapper null zfcfsv-crop- "> <span class="zfcfsv-image-copyright"></span> <data-video data-id="auto" class="zfcfsv-landing-video video-js" width="100%" data-video-id="6309228041112" data-account="665003325001" data-player="179hai48L" data-embed="default" controls="" > </data-video> </div> <div class="zfcsv-video-title-overlay zfcui-color-white"> <div class="zfcsv-video-title-overlay-content "> <span class="zfcfsv-video-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-movie"></span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end video part --> <!--end Video--> <!--begin Divider--> <!--begin divider_part--> <h3 class="zfc-separator zfc-separator-sticky " id="divider_13_728123"> <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-line-inherit zfcui-color-inherit">Saniya's Story</span> </h3> <!--end divider_part--> <!--end Divider--><!--begin Text with Image Qoute--> <div class="zfcatm-article-text-media zfcatm-media-quote" id="text_with_quote_13_728124" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfcatm-title zfcatm-media-title"></div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="zfcatm-text-content"> <div class="zfcatm-text"> <div>How does a young Indian woman find her passion in processing digital signals and programming algorithms? "I became interested in computers and electronic devices in high school, when I was 14 years old. It took me weeks to convince my parents to buy me my own PC. And pretty quickly I wanted to be more than just a user, I wanted to know how things worked."</div><div>She has consistently followed her path: As one of 15 women among 70 students in her semester, she enrolled in electronics and communications engineering in 2004, specializing in digital signal processing and ECU software. For her master's degree three years later, she moved to Bangalore, India, 1,100 kilometers away.</div><div>The software specialist's determination impressed ZF manager Ricardo Gonzalez in 2016. He was keen to have her on his team in 2017 for the opening of the technology center in Hyderabad, India, and was able to persuade her to make another move to Hyderabad, 600 kilometers away. From there to Germany, it was another bigger move in the summer of 2018. "It quickly became apparent that it made sense to have a direct interface to the coders in Hyderabad here with the developers in Friedrichshafen," says Saniya Khan, explaining her current role.</div><div>She is enthusiastic about the passion and commitment of her colleagues in the search for the best solution. And by the practical relevance: "I used to sit at computer workstations and write code. Now, at the test benches or in the lab, I see the products controlled by my software for the first time. And I'm on test drives and see how the algorithms for our automatic transmissions work in practice."</div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcatm-quote zfcatm-media-content"> <div class="zfcatm-image-wrapper zfcui-aspect-3-2" > <span class="zfcatm-image-copyright"></span> <img class="zfcatm-image-dk" alt="" data-src="" title="" > <img class="zfcatm-image-mb" alt="" data-src="" title="" > </div> <div class="zfcatm-quote-wrapper"> <div class="zfcatm-quote-text zfcui-prometo-medium">"More than just writing code - I get to see how my software drives products."</div> <span class="zfcatm-quote-author zfcui-prometo-light">Saniya Khan</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with Image Qoute--> <!--begin Video--> <!-- begin video_part --> <div class="zfcfsv-full-size-video zfcfsv-video-normal" > <div class="zfcfsv-video-wrapper null zfcfsv-crop- "> <span class="zfcfsv-image-copyright"></span> <data-video data-id="auto" class="zfcfsv-landing-video video-js" width="100%" data-video-id="6309227475112" data-account="665003325001" data-player="179hai48L" data-embed="default" controls="" > </data-video> </div> <div class="zfcsv-video-title-overlay zfcui-color-white"> <div class="zfcsv-video-title-overlay-content "> <span class="zfcfsv-video-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-movie"></span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end video part --> <!--end Video--> <!-- begin section_wrapper --> </div> </div> <!-- begin section_wrapper_part --> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper zfcsw-wrapper-grey " id="section_wrapper_2_728125"> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper-content zfc-wrapper-content"> <!-- end section_wrapper_part --> <!-- end section_wrapper --><!--begin Divider--> <!--begin divider_part--> <h3 class="zfc-separator " id="divider_1_1_728127"> <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-line-inherit zfcui-color-inherit">Further Information</span> </h3> <!--end divider_part--> <!--end Divider--> <!--begin Flex Teaser--> <div class="zfctf-teasers zfctf-teasers-card zfctf-teasers-card-25 " id="content_teaser_box_3_728126" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfctf-teasers-card-25-separator"> <!--begin Single Flex Teaser--> <div class="zfctf-teaser " > <!--begin divider_part--> <div class="zfc-separator " > <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-no-title zfc-dotted-line-inherit zfcui-color-inherit"></span> </div> <!--end divider_part--> <div class="zfctf-teaser-item"> <div class="zfctf-teaser-image-wrapper zfcui-aspect-3-2"> <a href="" target="_self" aria-label="opens in a new tab"> <img data-src="" alt="ZF Career - Job Search"> </a> </div> <div class="zfctf-teaser-content-wrapper"> <h3 class="zfctf-teaser-title zfc-title zfcui-prometo-medium" data-text-limit="70">ZF Jobs</h3> <div class="zfctf-teaser-copy zfc-copy zfcui-color-black zfcui-prometo-light" data-text-limit="210"> Because of our global presence, we can offer you a wide range of career options. Find our extensive range of vacancies in the job search. </div> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span > Get to the job search </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Single Flex Teaser--> <!--begin Single Flex Teaser--> <div class="zfctf-teaser " > <!--begin divider_part--> <div class="zfc-separator " > <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-no-title zfc-dotted-line-inherit zfcui-color-inherit"></span> </div> <!--end divider_part--> <div class="zfctf-teaser-item"> <div class="zfctf-teaser-image-wrapper zfcui-aspect-3-2"> <a href="" target="_self" aria-label="opens in a new tab"> <img data-src="" alt="ZF - Employee Stories"> </a> </div> <div class="zfctf-teaser-content-wrapper"> <h3 class="zfctf-teaser-title zfc-title zfcui-prometo-medium" data-text-limit="70">Employee Stories</h3> <div class="zfctf-teaser-copy zfc-copy zfcui-color-black zfcui-prometo-light" data-text-limit="210"> Dedicated employees in competent teams and exciting projects have always been an essential part of success at ZF, as have diversity and equal development opportunities. </div> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span > All employees at a glance </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Single Flex Teaser--> </div> <div class="zfctf-teasers-card-25-separator"> <!--begin Single Flex Teaser--> <div class="zfctf-teaser " > <!--begin divider_part--> <div class="zfc-separator " > <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-no-title zfc-dotted-line-inherit zfcui-color-inherit"></span> </div> <!--end divider_part--> <div class="zfctf-teaser-item"> <div class="zfctf-teaser-image-wrapper zfcui-aspect-3-2"> <a href="" target="_self" aria-label="opens in a new tab"> <img data-src="" alt="ZF Career - Digital Transformation"> </a> </div> <div class="zfctf-teaser-content-wrapper"> <h3 class="zfctf-teaser-title zfc-title zfcui-prometo-medium" data-text-limit="70">Digital Transformation</h3> <div class="zfctf-teaser-copy zfc-copy zfcui-color-black zfcui-prometo-light" data-text-limit="210"> At ZF, we see the fields of electro mobility, autonomous driving and software-defined vehicles as drivers of the digital transformation. </div> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span > Get to ZF鈥檚 strategy </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Single Flex Teaser--> <!--begin Single Flex Teaser--> <div class="zfctf-teaser " > <!--begin divider_part--> <div class="zfc-separator " > <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-no-title zfc-dotted-line-inherit zfcui-color-inherit"></span> </div> <!--end divider_part--> <div class="zfctf-teaser-item"> <div class="zfctf-teaser-image-wrapper zfcui-aspect-3-2"> <a href="" target="_self" aria-label="opens in a new tab"> <img data-src="" alt="ZF Career - Press Releases"> </a> </div> <div class="zfctf-teaser-content-wrapper"> <h3 class="zfctf-teaser-title zfc-title zfcui-prometo-medium" data-text-limit="70">Press Releases</h3> <div class="zfctf-teaser-copy zfc-copy zfcui-color-black zfcui-prometo-light" data-text-limit="210"> Visit our ZF Press Center and get the latest news from our group. </div> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span > Get to ZF Press Center </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Single Flex Teaser--> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Flex Teaser--> </div> </div> <!-- googleoff: snippet --> </main> </div> </body> </html>