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// Add the response to the opsysFamily control var families = new Array(); var opsysFamily = document.getElementById("opsysFamily"); families = xhttp.responseText.split(','); for (var i = 0; i < families.length; i = i + 2) { var opt = document.createElement('option'); opt.value = families[i]; opt.innerHTML = families[i+1]; opsysFamily.appendChild(opt); } document.getElementById("opsysFamily").style.display = ''; document.getElementById("opsysFamily").disabled = false; // Default to first (only?) value document.getElementById('opsysFamily').value = families[0]; // Then, if possible, set to the opsys that matches navigator.platform if (navigator.platform.includes("Win")) { for (var i = 0; i < families.length; i = i + 2) { if (families[i+1].includes('Win')) { document.getElementById('opsysFamily').value = families[i]; break; } } } else if (navigator.platform.includes("Mac")) { for (var i = 0; i < families.length; i = i + 2) { if (families[i+1].includes('mac')) { document.getElementById('opsysFamily').value = families[i]; break; } } } else if (navigator.platform.includes("Linux")) { for (var i = 0; i < families.length; i = i + 2) { if (families[i+1].includes('Linux')) { document.getElementById('opsysFamily').value = families[i]; break; } } } if (handlePermalink) { // Handle permalink if ('' != '') document.getElementById('opsysFamily').value = ''; osfmSelected(document.getElementById('opsysFamily'), true); } else osfmSelected(document.getElementById('opsysFamily'), false); } } else if(xhttp.status == 500) { document.getElementById("messageP").innerHTML = 'There was an error getting the operating system families.'; document.getElementById("messageDiv").style.display = ''; } } }"POST", webMethod, true); xhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xhttp.send(parameters); } function osfmSelected(opsysFamily, handlePermalink){ document.getElementById("messageDiv").style.display = 'none'; if (opsysFamily.value == "selectMessage") return; opSystemSelectorReset(); updatePermalink ('' + '?clientSelection=' + clientTabSelected + '&serverVersionSelection=' + document.getElementById("serverVersion").value + '&opsysFamilySelection=' + encodeURIComponent(opsysFamily.value) + '&locationSelection=' + locationTabSelected); var webMethod = location.origin + "/license_generator/execfunction.vsp"; var parameters = "action=get_opSystemsVirtuoso&variables=" + clientTabSelected + "," + opsysFamily.value + "," + document.getElementById("serverVersion").value; var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhttp.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE ) { if(xhttp.status == 200){ if (xhttp.responseText != null && xhttp.responseText != "") { // persistent problem on ods-qa with the dropdown being filled twice opSystemSelectorReset(); // Add the response to the opSystem control var opsystems = new Array(); var opSystem = document.getElementById("opSystem"); opsystems = xhttp.responseText.split(','); for (var i = 0; i < opsystems.length; i = i + 2) { var opt = document.createElement('option'); opt.value = opsystems[i]; opt.innerHTML = opsystems[i+1]; opSystem.appendChild(opt); } document.getElementById("opSystem").style.display = ''; document.getElementById("opSystem").disabled = false; // Default to first (only?) value document.getElementById('opSystem').value = opsystems[0]; if (handlePermalink) { // Handle Permalink if ('' != '') document.getElementById('opSystem').value = ''; } osSelected(document.getElementById('opSystem')); } } else if(xhttp.status == 500) { document.getElementById("messageP").innerHTML = 'There was an error getting the operating system families.'; document.getElementById("messageDiv").style.display = ''; } } }"POST", webMethod, true); xhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xhttp.send(parameters); } function osSelected(os){ document.getElementById("messageDiv").style.display = 'none'; if (os.value == "selectMessage") return; updatePermalink ('' + '?clientSelection=' + clientTabSelected + '&serverVersionSelection=' + document.getElementById("serverVersion").value + '&opsysFamilySelection=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("opsysFamily").value) + '&opSystemSelection=' + encodeURIComponent(os.value) + '&locationSelection=' + locationTabSelected); checkChosenLicense(); return; } // </script> <script> function openProfile() { window.location = ''; } </script> <input type="text" name="permalinkValue" id="permalinkValue" style="display:none"> <input class="btn licgen_button btn-success" type="button" name="submitBtn" value="Find Downloads" onclick="checkExists()"> <button class="btn licgen_button btn-primary" type="button" id="clearButton" onclick="formReset()">Reset</button></form> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="AWSCLOUD" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="AwsCloudTab"> <br> <div style="float: left;width: inherit;"> <div class="cloud-image-info"> <div class="cloud-header"> <img loading="lazy" style="width: 100px;padding-right: 20px;" src="" title=""> <h2>Virtuoso Universal Server (Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic PAGO AMI</h2> </div> <p>One-click installation edition of a preconfigured Virtuoso Multi-Model RDBMS instance. This particular deployment is available on a Pay-As-You-Go (PAGO) subscription model basis via the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud&#39;s marketplace.</p> <a class="btn btn-success" href="" target="_blank" title="Go to AWS Downloads">Use Virtuoso</a> </div> <div class="cloud-image-info"> <div class="cloud-header"> <img loading="lazy" style="width: 100px;padding-right: 20px;" src="" title=""> <h2>Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) 8.3 for RHEL 7.1 BYOL AMI 8.3.0-ami-1</h2> </div> <p>One-click installation edition of a preconfigured Virtuoso 8.2 Multi-Model RDBMS instance. This particular deployment is available on a Pay-As-You-Go (BYOL) subscription model basis via the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud&#39;s marketplace.</p> <a class="btn btn-success" href="" target="_blank" title="Go to AWS Downloads">Use Virtuoso</a> </div> <div class="cloud-image-info"> <div class="cloud-header"> <img loading="lazy" style="width: 100px;padding-right: 20px;" src="" title=""> <h2>Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) 8.3.3319 BYOL AMI for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic</h2> </div> <p>One-click installation edition of a preconfigured Virtuoso 8.2 Multi-Model RDBMS instance. This particular deployment is available on a Pay-As-You-Go (BYOL) subscription model basis via the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud&#39;s marketplace.</p> <a class="btn btn-success" href="" target="_blank" title="Go to AWS Downloads">Use Virtuoso</a> </div> <div class="cloud-image-info"> <div class="cloud-header"> <img loading="lazy" style="width: 100px;padding-right: 20px;" src="" title=""> <h2>Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) PAGO for RHEL 7.1</h2> </div> <p>One-click installation edition of a preconfigured Virtuoso 8.2 Multi-Model RDBMS instance. This particular deployment is available on a Pay-As-You-Go (PAGO) subscription model basis via the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud&#39;s marketplace.</p> <a class="btn btn-success" href="" target="_blank" title="Go to AWS Downloads">Use Virtuoso</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade" name="AZURECLOUD" id="AZURECLOUD" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="AzureCloudTab"> <br> <div style="float: left;width: inherit;"> <div class="cloud-image-info"> <h2>Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic on the Microsoft Azure Cloud</h2> <p>A 30 Day Free Evaluation that applies to any Microsoft Azure Cloud Instance Type supported by Virtuoso. This includes a an unrestricted license for Concurrent Database Connections (users) and CPU Affinity (i.e. Physical and Virtual CPUs applied to multi-threaded operations).</p> <a class="btn btn-success" href="" target="_blank" title="Go to Azure Downloads">Use Virtuoso</a> </div> <div class="cloud-image-info"> <h2>Personal Usage Offer: Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic on the Microsoft Azure Cloud</h2> <p>Personal Usage Offer that applies to any Microsoft Azure Cloud Instance Type supported by Virtuoso. This includes a an unrestricted license for Concurrent Database Connections (users) and CPU Affinity (i.e. Physical and Virtual CPUs applied to multi-threaded operations) pricing scoped to your choice of Virtual Machine Instance Type.</p> <a class="btn btn-success" href="" target="_blank" title="Go to Azure Downloads">Use Virtuoso</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade in active" id="DOCKER" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="DockerTab"> <br> <div style="float: left;width: inherit;"> <div class="cloud-image-info"> <h2>OpenLink Virtuoso Enterprise Edition 8.3 Docker Image</h2> <p>One-click installation edition of a preconfigured Virtuoso 8.2 Multi-Model RDBMS instance. This particular deployment requires a commercial license for fully functionality, by default it will operate if free-evaluation mode.</p> <a class="btn btn-success" href="" target="_blank" title="Go to Docker Downloads">Use Virtuoso</a> </div> <div class="cloud-image-info"> <h2>OpenLink Virtuoso Enterprise Edition 8.3 Docker Image</h2> <p>One-click installation edition of a preconfigured Virtuoso 8.2 Multi-Model RDBMS instance. This particular deployment requires an Evaluation or Non-Expiring license for full functionality, by default it will operate in Limited Demo mode.</p> <a class="btn btn-success" href="" target="_blank" title="Go to Docker Downloads">Use Virtuoso</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade" name="GCPCLOUD" id="GCPCLOUD" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="GCPCloudTab"> <br> <div style="float: left;width: inherit;"> <div class="cloud-image-info"> <h2>Bring-Your-Own-License (BYOL): Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 20.04 Focal on the Google Cloud Platform</h2> <p>Bring-Your-Own-License (BYOL) offer that applies to any Google Cloud Platform Instance Type supported by Virtuoso. This includes a an unrestricted license for Concurrent Database Connections (users) and CPU Affinity (i.e. Physical and Virtual CPUs applied to multi-threaded operations) pricing scoped to your choice of Virtual Machine Instance Type.</p> <a class="btn btn-success" href="" target="_blank" title="Go to Azure Downloads">Use Virtuoso</a> </div> <div class="cloud-image-info"> <h2>Pay-As-You-Go (PAGO) Offer: Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 20.04 Focal on the Google Cloud Platform</h2> <p>Pay-As-You-Go (PAGO) Offer that applies to any Google Cloud Platform Instance Type supported by Virtuoso. This includes a an unrestricted license for Concurrent Database Connections (users) and CPU Affinity (i.e. Physical and Virtual CPUs applied to multi-threaded operations) pricing scoped to your choice of Virtual Machine Instance Type.</p> <a class="btn btn-success" href="" target="_blank" title="Go to Azure Downloads">Use Virtuoso</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer">License Generation service v1.0.3_git461 as of May 21 2024<br> <br> </div> </div> <script> var clientTabSelected ; var locationSelected ; clientTabSelected = 'clientserver'; locationSelected = 'dockercontainer'; $(document).ready(function(){ $('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('', function(e){ if (e.currentTarget == document.getElementById('onPremiseTab')) { locationTabSelected = 'onpremise'; } else if (e.currentTarget == document.getElementById('AwsCloudTab')) { locationTabSelected = 'awscloud'; } else if (e.currentTarget == document.getElementById('AzureCloudTab')) { locationTabSelected = 'azurecloud'; } else if (e.currentTarget == document.getElementById('DockerCloudTab')) { locationTabSelected = 'dockercontainer'; } else if (e.currentTarget == document.getElementById('GCPCloudTab')) { locationTabSelected = 'gcpcloud'; } else if (e.currentTarget == document.getElementById('clientServerTab')) { clientTabSelected = 'clientserver'; tabSelected(false); } else if (e.currentTarget == document.getElementById('odbcTab')) { clientTabSelected = 'odbc'; tabSelected(false); } else if (e.currentTarget == document.getElementById('jdbcTab')) { clientTabSelected = 'jdbc'; tabSelected(false); } //formReset(); }); $(".nav-tabs a[data-toggle=tab]").on("click", function(e) { if ($(this).parent().hasClass("disabled")) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } }); $(".nav-pills a[data-toggle=tab]").on("click", function(e) { if ($(this).parent().hasClass("disabled")) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } }); $('.nav-pills a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('', function (e) { // newly activated tab e.relatedTarget // previous active tab if ( == 'AwsCloudTab') document.getElementById("permalink").href = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname + '?locationSelection=awscloud'; else if ( == 'AzureCloudTab') document.getElementById("permalink").href = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname + '?locationSelection=azurecloud'; else if ( == 'DockerTab') document.getElementById("permalink").href = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname + '?locationSelection=dockercontainer'; else if ( == 'GCPCloudTab') document.getElementById("permalink").href = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname + '?locationSelection=gcpcloud'; else tabSelected(false); }); }); </script> <!--start embedded sparql element--> <div class="embeddedsparql embeddedsparqlresultset" id="dldata" data-oplembed-target="dldata-target" data-oplembed-template="dldata-template"> <div class="embeddedsparql header"> <div class="embeddedsparql header field s">s</div> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results"> <div class="embeddedsparql results row odd custom"> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell s"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row even custom"> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell s"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row odd custom"> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell s"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row even custom"> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell s"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row odd custom"> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell s"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row even custom"> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell s"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row odd custom"> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell s"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> </div> </div> </div><!--end embedded sparql element--> <!--End body content--> <div class="footer-clean"> <footer> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-4 item"> <h3>General</h3> <ul> <li> <a href="">Corporate Homepage</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Shop</a> </li> <li> <a href="">News</a> </li> <li> <a href="/faq">FAQs</a> </li> <li> <a href="">How Do I?</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Download (Virtuoso)</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Download (UDA)</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Documentation</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Contact</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-4 item"> <h3>Follow</h3> <ul> <li role="presentation"> <a href=""><i class="fa fa-linkedin" style="margin: 0 0.1em 0 0; 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schema:name "Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Server, Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK & Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for macOS"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-apple-diskimage" . @prefix ns7: <> . ns1:this ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:MacOSX . @prefix ns8: <> . ns1:this ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns8:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en . @prefix xsd: <> . ns1:this schema:dateCreated "2015-02-24T19:47:05-05:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2019-03-28T10:34:22+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> . @prefix ns10: <> . ns1:this ns10:versionText "7.2" . @prefix ns11: <> . ns1:this ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns11:this . @prefix ns12: <> . ns1:this ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns12:this . @prefix ns13: <> . ns1:this ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns13:this ; schema:description "This installer archive includes components that enable connectivity to Virtuoso Server \n instances (both Enterprise and Open Source Editions) using the ODBC data access protocol. \n \n The iODBC SDK provides libraries and header files for developing ODBC compliant applications \n using the 'C' programming language.\n \n The iODBC Runtime components install the ODBC Driver Manager and Administrator components \n required by ODBC compliant applications (including JDBC-ODBC bridges) for ODBC Data Source \n Name (DSN) Connectivity and Configuration.\n "@en . @prefix ns14: <> . @prefix ns15: <> . ns1:this ns14:hasDepot ns15:this . @prefix ns16: <> . ns1:this ns2:hasComponentCode ns16:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> . @prefix ns17: <> . ns1:this ns2:hasInstallerStepByGuide ns17:this . @prefix ns18: <> . @prefix ns19: <> . ns1:this ns18:hasComponentOptionalDependency ns19:this . @prefix ns20: <> . ns20:this rdf:type ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "wavcz2zz.msi" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive for Windows"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-msdownload" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:Windows ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns8:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2015-02-24T19:53:22"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2018-10-23T10:37:00-04:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "7.2" . @prefix ns21: <> . ns20:this ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns21:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns12:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns13:this ; schema:description "This installer archives includes components that enable connectivity to Virtuoso \n Server instances using data access protocols such as: ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, and OLE-DB.\n "@en ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns16:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> . @prefix ns22: <> . ns20:this ns2:hasInstallerStepByGuide ns22:this ; ns18:hasComponentOptionalDependency ns19:this . @prefix ns23: <> . ns23:this rdf:type ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "lnvcz2zz.tar" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.3 x86_64)"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-tar" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:GenericLinux ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns8:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2015-02-24T19:52:08"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2016-04-19T21:38:38+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "7.2" . @prefix ns24: <> . ns23:this ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns24:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns12:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns13:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns16:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> ; ns18:hasComponentOptionalDependency ns19:this . @prefix ns25: <> . ns25:this rdf:type ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "lovcz2zz.tar" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-tar" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:GenericLinux ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns8:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2015-02-24T19:51:11"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2019-03-27T22:10:17+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "7.2" . @prefix ns26: <> . ns25:this ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns26:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns12:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns13:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns16:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> ; ns18:hasComponentOptionalDependency ns19:this . @prefix ns27: <> . ns27:this rdf:type ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "lqvcz2zz.tar" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.12 x86_64)"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-tar" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:GenericLinux ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns8:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2015-02-24T19:44:49"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2018-07-16T10:36:31+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "7.2" . @prefix ns28: <> . ns27:this ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns28:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns12:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns13:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns16:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> ; ns18:hasComponentOptionalDependency ns19:this . @prefix ns29: <> . ns29:this rdf:type ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "lrvcz2zz.tar" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.17 x86_64)"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-tar" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:GenericLinux ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns8:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2015-06-22T08:44:49"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2016-04-19T21:37:39+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "7.2" . @prefix ns30: <> . ns29:this ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns30:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns12:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns13:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns16:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> ; ns18:hasComponentOptionalDependency ns19:this . @prefix ns31: <> . ns31:this rdf:type ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "mwvpz2zz.dmg" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Server, Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK & Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for macOS"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-apple-diskimage" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:MacOSX ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns8:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2015-02-24T19:48:15"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2016-04-19T21:34:29+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> . @prefix ns32: <> . ns31:this schema:hasPart ns32:this . @prefix ns33: <> . ns31:this schema:hasPart ns33:this ; ns10:versionText "7.2" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns11:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns12:this . @prefix ns34: <> . ns31:this ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns34:this ; schema:description "This installer archive includes the Virtuoso Client and Server, and the iODBC SDK & Rumtime \n components. \n \n The Client Components enable connectivity to Virtuoso Server instances (both Enterprise and \n Open Source Editions) using data access protocols such as ODBC.\n \n The Server Components enable installation and use of Virtuoso RDBMS (SQL Tables and RDF \n Property/Predicate Graph) instances that are accessible to HTTP, WebDAV, LDP, IMAP4, POP3, \n SPARQL, ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE DB, and XMLA clients.\n \n The iODBC SDK provides libraries and header files for developing ODBC compliant applications \n using the 'C' programming language.\n \n The iODBC Runtime components install the ODBC Driver Manager and Administrator components \n required by ODBC compliant applications (including JDBC-ODBC bridges) for ODBC Data Source \n Name (DSN) Connectivity and Configuration.\n "@en ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this . @prefix ns35: <> . ns31:this ns2:hasComponentCode ns35:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> ; ns2:hasInstallerStepByGuide ns17:this . @prefix ns36: <> . ns31:this ns18:hasComponentMandatoryDependency ns36:License-2014-04-virtuoso-7-pilot-16-30-ANY ; ns18:hasComponentOptionalDependency ns19:this . @prefix ns37: <> . ns37:this rdf:type ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "wavpz2zz.msi" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit & Server Bundle Installer Archive for Windows (64-bit)"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-msdownload" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:Windows ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns8:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2015-02-24T19:53:12"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2018-10-23T10:37:00-04:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> . @prefix ns38: <> . ns37:this schema:hasPart ns38:this . @prefix ns39: <> . ns37:this schema:hasPart ns39:this ; ns10:versionText "7.2" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns21:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns12:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns34:this ; schema:description "This installer archives includes Virtuoso's Client & Server components. The Client Components\n enable connectivity to Virtuoso Server instances using data access protocols such as: ODBC, \n JDBC, ADO.NET, and OLE-DB. The Server Components enable installation and use of Virtuoso RDBMS \n (SQL Tables and RDF Property/Predicate Graph) instances that are accessible to HTTP, WebDAV, \n LDP, IMAP4, POP3, SPARQL, ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE-DB, and XMLA clients.\n "@en ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns35:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> ; ns2:hasInstallerStepByGuide ns22:this ; ns18:hasComponentMandatoryDependency ns36:License-2014-04-virtuoso-7-pilot-16-30-ANY ; ns18:hasComponentOptionalDependency ns19:this . @prefix ns40: <> . ns40:this rdf:type ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "lnvpz2zz.tar" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity and Server Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.3 x86_64)"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-tar" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:GenericLinux ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns8:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2015-02-10T18:00:29"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2016-04-19T21:38:38+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> . @prefix ns41: <> . ns40:this schema:hasPart ns41:this ; ns10:versionText "7.2" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns24:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns12:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns34:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns35:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> ; ns18:hasComponentOptionalDependency ns19:this . @prefix ns42: <> . ns42:this rdf:type ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "lovpz2zz.tar" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity and Server Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-tar" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:GenericLinux ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns8:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2015-02-24T19:51:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2016-04-19T21:39:52+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> . @prefix ns43: <> . ns42:this schema:hasPart ns43:this . @prefix ns44: <> . ns42:this schema:hasPart ns44:this ; ns10:versionText "7.2" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns26:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns12:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns34:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns35:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> ; ns18:hasComponentOptionalDependency ns19:this . @prefix ns45: <> . ns45:this rdf:type ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "lqvpz2zz.tar" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit & Server Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.12 x86_64)"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-tar" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:GenericLinux ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns8:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2015-02-24T19:45:03"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2018-08-01T09:35:00-04:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> . @prefix ns46: <> . ns45:this schema:hasPart ns46:this . @prefix ns47: <> . ns45:this schema:hasPart ns47:this ; ns10:versionText "7.2" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns28:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns12:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns34:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns35:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> ; ns18:hasComponentOptionalDependency ns19:this . @prefix ns48: <> . ns48:this rdf:type ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "lrvpz2zz.tar" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit and Server Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.17 x86_64)"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-tar" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:GenericLinux ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns8:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2015-06-22T08:45:03"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2016-04-19T21:37:40+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> . @prefix ns49: <> . ns48:this schema:hasPart ns49:this ; ns10:versionText "7.2" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns30:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns12:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns34:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns35:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> ; ns18:hasComponentOptionalDependency ns19:this . @prefix ns50: <> . ns50:this rdf:type ns2:ProgramFile , ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "virtjdbc4_1_3.118.jar" ; schema:name "OpenLink Virtuoso(TM) Driver for JDBC(TM) Version 4.1"@en ; dcterms:format "application/java-archive" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:JavaVirtualMachine . @prefix ns51: <> . ns50:this ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns51:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2018-11-05T20:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2021-06-15T20:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "3.118" . @prefix ns52: <> . ns50:this ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns52:this . @prefix ns53: <> . ns50:this ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns53:this ; schema:description "Java JAR file that constitutes Virtuoso's JDBC 4.1 Driver. Once installed into \n a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), JDBC based applications are equipped with complete \n access to Virtuoso's suite of RDF related functionality.\n "@en ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> . @prefix ns54: <> . ns50:this ns2:isProgramFileOf ns54:this . @prefix ns55: <> . ns55:this rdf:type ns2:ProgramFile , ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "virtjdbc4_3.118.jar" ; schema:name "OpenLink Virtuoso(TM) Driver for JDBC(TM) Version 4.0"@en ; dcterms:format "application/java-archive" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:JavaVirtualMachine . @prefix ns56: <> . ns55:this ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns56:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2018-11-05T20:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2021-06-15T20:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "3.118" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns52:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns53:this ; schema:description "Java JAR file that constitutes Virtuoso's JDBC 4.0 Driver. Once installed into \n a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), JDBC based applications are equipped with complete \n access to Virtuoso's suite of RDF related functionality.\n "@en ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> ; ns2:isProgramFileOf ns54:this . @prefix ns57: <> . ns57:this rdf:type ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork , ns2:InstallerArchive ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "Virtuoso_OpenSource_Server_7.2.x64-30fcb64.exe" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 7.2 Open Source Edition Server and Client Connectivity Kit Bundle Installer Archive for Windows 64-bit"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-msdownload" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:Windows . @prefix ns58: <> . ns57:this ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns58:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2021-06-23T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "7.2" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns21:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns12:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns34:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this . @prefix ns59: <> . ns57:this ns2:hasComponentCode ns59:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> . @prefix ns60: <> . ns60:this rdf:type schema:CreativeWork , ns2:InstallerArchive , ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive ; wdrs:describedby <> , ns5:data ; dcterms:identifier "wavcz2zz-30fcb64.exe" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 8.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive for Windows 64-bit"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-msdownload" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:Windows . @prefix ns61: <> . ns60:this ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns61:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2018-10-19T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2018-10-19T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; schema:hasPart ns39:this . @prefix ns62: <> . ns60:this schema:hasPart ns62:this ; ns10:versionText "8.2" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns21:this . @prefix ns63: <> . ns60:this ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns63:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns13:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns16:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> ; ns18:hasComponentOptionalDependency ns19:this . @prefix ns64: <> . ns64:this rdf:type schema:CreativeWork , ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive ; wdrs:describedby <> , ns5:data ; dcterms:identifier "wavpz2zz-30fcb64.exe" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 8.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit and Server Bundle Installer Archive for Windows 64-bit"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-msdownload" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:Windows ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns61:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2018-10-19T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2018-10-19T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "8.2" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns21:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns63:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns34:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns35:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> . ns62:this rdf:type schema:CreativeWork , ns2:ExecutableArchive . @prefix foaf: <> . ns62:this rdf:type foaf:Document ; wdrs:describedby <> , ns5:data ; dcterms:identifier "virtuoso-odbc-t-30fcb64.gzip" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 8.2 Enterprise Edition Server Executable (Binary) for Windows 64-bit"@en ; dcterms:format "application/zip" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:Windows ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns61:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "You can download this Zip archive, extract the executable, and then use it as a \n replacement for an existing Virtuoso Server release in situation where you have \n decided to negate the functionality provided by its installer program.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2018-10-19T17:26:58"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2018-10-19T17:26:58"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "8.2" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns21:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns63:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns34:this ; schema:description "Zip archive that contains the executable file that delivers the multi-model \n RDBMS application functionality. Its behavior is informed by settings in an \n associated initialization (INI) file.\n "@en ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> . @prefix ns66: <> . ns66:this rdf:type ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork , ns2:InstallerArchive ; wdrs:describedby <> , ns5:data ; dcterms:identifier "mwvcz2zz-30fcb64.dmg" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 8.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK & Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for macOS 64 Bit"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-dmg" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:MacOSX ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns61:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2018-10-19T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2019-03-28T23:51:52-04:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "8.2" . @prefix ns67: <> . ns66:this ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns67:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns63:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns13:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns35:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> . <> rdf:type schema:WebPage ; schema:name "Virtuoso Installer Archives" ; schema:fileFormat "text/html" . @prefix ns68: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns68:this . @prefix ns69: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns69:this . @prefix ns70: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns70:this . @prefix ns71: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns71:this . @prefix ns72: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns72:this . @prefix ns73: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns73:this . @prefix ns74: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns74:this . @prefix ns75: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns75:this . @prefix ns76: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns76:this . @prefix ns77: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns77:this . @prefix ns78: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns78:this , ns57:this , <> , ns29:this , ns31:this , ns37:this , ns40:this , ns42:this , ns45:this , ns48:this , ns1:this , ns20:this , ns23:this , ns25:this , ns27:this , ns50:this , ns55:this . @prefix ns79: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns79:this . @prefix ns80: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns80:this . @prefix ns81: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns81:this . @prefix ns82: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns82:this . @prefix ns83: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns83:this . @prefix ns84: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns84:this . @prefix ns85: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns85:this . @prefix ns86: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns86:this . @prefix ns87: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns87:this . @prefix ns88: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns88:this . @prefix ns89: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns89:this . @prefix ns90: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns90:this . @prefix ns91: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns91:this . @prefix ns92: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns92:this , ns66:this , ns62:this , ns60:this , ns64:this . @prefix ns93: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns93:this . @prefix ns94: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns94:this . @prefix ns95: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns95:this . @prefix ns96: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns96:this . @prefix ns97: <> . <> schema:relatedLink ns97:this . @prefix ns98: <> . <> schema:author ns98:this ; schema:description "\n Page for downloading installers for OpenLink Virtuoso \n "@en . @prefix ns99: <> . ns87:this rdf:type ns99:AmazonEC2EBSBackedAMI , ns99:CloudHostedVirtualMachine . @prefix rdfs: <> . ns87:this rdfs:label "Virtuoso Universal Server (Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic PAGO AMI"@en . @prefix skos: <> . ns87:this skos:prefLabel "Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic PAGO AMI"@en ; foaf:depiction <> . @prefix ns102: <> . ns87:this wdrs:describedby ns102:data , ns5:data ; dcterms:description "This particular cloud edition of the Virtuoso Multi-Model DBMS and Data Virtualization Platform \r\n includes an unlimited license with CPU Affinity pegged to the host AMI Instance Type. Meaning, costs \r\n increase on a CPU Affinity basis for an unrestricted number of users (or connections)."@en ; dcterms:identifier "Virtuoso-ami-0900704f0d2f8df12" . @prefix ns103: <> . ns87:this dcterms:isPartOf ns103:this . @prefix ns104: <> . ns87:this skos:related ns104:NoSQL . @prefix dbpedia: <> . ns87:this skos:related dbpedia:Amazon_Web_Services . @prefix category: <> . ns87:this skos:related category:Cloud_platforms , ns104:SemanticWeb , ns104:LinkedData , ns104:RDF , ns104:DBpedia , ns104:LODCloud ; ns99:hasAMIName "Virtuoso-8.3.3319-PAGO-2020-10-07 for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic" ; ns99:hasBlockDevices "/dev/sda1=snap-09890a8a91bef979e:120:true:gp2" ; ns99:hasProductCodes "marketplace: 3iplms73etrdhxdepv72l6ywj" ; ns99:hasRootDeviceType "ebs" ; schema:isPartOf ns103:this ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <> . @prefix ns107: <> . ns87:this schema:mainEntityOfPage ns107:VirtPayAsYouGoEBSBackedAMI ; ns99:ec2AMI-ID "ami-0900704f0d2f8df12" ; ns99:ec2Architecture "x86_64" ; ns99:ec2ImageType "machine" ; ns99:ec2OwnerID "545314153384" ; ns99:ec2Platform "Other Linux" ; ns99:ec2RootDeviceName "/dev/sda1" ; ns99:ec2StateReason "-" ; ns99:ec2Status "available" ; ns99:ec2VirtualizationType "hvm" . ns88:this rdf:type ns99:AmazonEC2EBSBackedAMI , ns99:CloudHostedVirtualMachine ; rdfs:label "Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) 8.3 for RHEL 7.1 BYOL AMI 8.3.0-ami-1"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) 8.3 for RHEL 7.1 BYOL AMI 8.3.0-ami-1"@en ; foaf:depiction <> ; wdrs:describedby ns102:data , ns5:data ; dcterms:description "This AMI contains a pre-configured instance of a Virtuoso 8.3 Multi-Model RDBMS."@en ; dcterms:identifier "Virtuoso-ami-0c39dc72cda79a561" ; dcterms:isPartOf ns103:this ; skos:related ns104:NoSQL , ns104:LinkedData , ns104:RDF , ns104:DBpedia , ns104:LODCloud , dbpedia:Amazon_Web_Services , category:Cloud_platforms , ns104:SemanticWeb ; ns99:hasAMIName "Virtuoso-83-BYOL-2019-05-12" ; ns99:hasBlockDevices "/dev/sda1=snap-0e2a0d1e3ac64c173:120:true:gp2, /dev/sdf=snap-0155f78bd3430bcfc:240:true:gp2" ; ns99:hasProductCodes "marketplace: arw3vsijrf4mai6o0alwf5aut" ; ns99:hasRootDeviceType "ebs" ; schema:isPartOf ns103:this . @prefix ns108: <> . ns88:this schema:mainEntityOfPage ns108:VirtEBSBackedBYOLAMI , <> ; ns99:ec2AMI-ID "ami-0c39dc72cda79a561" ; ns99:ec2Architecture "x86_64" ; ns99:ec2ImageType "machine" ; ns99:ec2OwnerID "545314153384" ; ns99:ec2Platform "Other Linux" ; ns99:ec2RootDeviceName "/dev/sda1" ; ns99:ec2StateReason "-" ; ns99:ec2Status "available" ; ns99:ec2VirtualizationType "hvm" . ns89:this rdf:type ns99:AmazonEC2EBSBackedAMI , ns99:CloudHostedVirtualMachine ; rdfs:label "Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) 8.3.3319 BYOL AMI for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) 8.3.3319 BYOL AMI for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic"@en ; foaf:depiction <> ; wdrs:describedby ns102:data , ns5:data ; dcterms:description "This AMI contains a pre-configured instance of a Virtuoso 8.3 Multi-Model RDBMS that requires \r\n a Virtuoso License purchased from our online shop ( or via \r\n your Account Manager. "@en ; dcterms:identifier "Virtuoso-ami-0ee6dac2acedd5ed0" ; dcterms:isPartOf ns103:this ; skos:related ns104:NoSQL , ns104:LinkedData , ns104:RDF , ns104:DBpedia , ns104:LODCloud , dbpedia:Amazon_Web_Services , category:Cloud_platforms , ns104:SemanticWeb ; ns99:hasAMIName "Virtuoso 8.3.3319 BYOL for Ubuntu 18.04" ; ns99:hasBlockDevices "/dev/sda1=snap-0361892b5d1ff0630:120:true:gp2" ; ns99:hasProductCodes "marketplace: 3iplms73etrdhxdepv72l6ywj" ; ns99:hasRootDeviceType "ebs" ; schema:isPartOf ns103:this ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <> , ns108:VirtEBSBackedBYOLAMI ; ns99:ec2AMI-ID "ami-0ee6dac2acedd5ed0" ; ns99:ec2Architecture "x86_64" ; ns99:ec2ImageType "machine" ; ns99:ec2OwnerID "545314153384" ; ns99:ec2Platform "Other Linux" ; ns99:ec2RootDeviceName "/dev/sda1" ; ns99:ec2StateReason "-" ; ns99:ec2Status "available" ; ns99:ec2VirtualizationType "hvm" . ns90:this rdf:type ns99:AmazonEC2EBSBackedAMI , ns99:CloudHostedVirtualMachine ; rdfs:label "Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) PAGO for RHEL 7.1"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) PAGO for RHEL 7.1"@en ; foaf:depiction <> ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , ns102:data ; dcterms:description "This AMI contains a pre-configured instance of a Virtuoso 8.3.3319 Multi-Model RDBMS."@en ; dcterms:identifier "Virtuoso-ami-0fdd82310735949c1" ; dcterms:isPartOf ns103:this ; skos:related ns104:NoSQL , dbpedia:Amazon_Web_Services , category:Cloud_platforms , ns104:SemanticWeb , ns104:LinkedData , ns104:RDF , ns104:DBpedia , ns104:LODCloud ; ns99:hasAMIName "Virtuoso-83-PAGO-2019-05-12" ; ns99:hasBlockDevices "/dev/sda1=snap-008f624ca28ff2a3f:120:true:gp2, /dev/sdf=snap-01e5e186db9e34b79:240:true:gp2" ; ns99:hasProductCodes "marketplace: arw3vsijrf4mai6o0alwf5aut" ; ns99:hasRootDeviceType "ebs" ; schema:isPartOf ns103:this ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <> , ns107:VirtPayAsYouGoEBSBackedAMI ; ns99:ec2AMI-ID "ami-0fdd82310735949c1" ; ns99:ec2Architecture "x86_64" ; ns99:ec2ImageType "machine" ; ns99:ec2OwnerID "545314153384" ; ns99:ec2Platform "Other Linux" ; ns99:ec2RootDeviceName "/dev/sda1" ; ns99:ec2StateReason "-" ; ns99:ec2Status "available" ; ns99:ec2VirtualizationType "hvm" . ns74:this rdf:type ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "wavcz2zz-30fcb64.exe" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 8.3 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive for Windows 64-bit"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-msdownload" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:Windows ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns51:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2019-05-14T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2024-09-16T19:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; schema:hasPart ns39:this . @prefix ns109: <> . ns74:this schema:hasPart ns109:this ; ns10:versionText "8.3" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns21:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns53:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns13:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns16:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> ; ns18:hasComponentOptionalDependency ns19:this . ns75:this rdf:type ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "wavpz2zz-30fcb64.exe" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 8.3 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit and Server Bundle Installer Archive for Windows 64-bit"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-msdownload" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:Windows ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns51:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2019-05-14T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2024-09-16T19:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "8.3" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns21:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns53:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns34:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns35:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> . ns76:this rdf:type ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork , ns2:InstallerArchive ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "lovcz2zz-30fcb64.tar" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 8.3 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK & Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-tar" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:GenericLinux ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns51:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2019-05-14T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2024-09-16T19:12:03-04:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; schema:hasPart ns44:this . @prefix ns110: <> . ns76:this schema:hasPart ns110:this ; ns10:versionText "8.3" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns26:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns53:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns13:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns16:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> ; ns18:hasComponentOptionalDependency ns19:this . ns77:this rdf:type ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork , ns2:InstallerArchive ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "lovpz2zz-30fcb64.tar" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 8.3 Enterprise Edition Server and Client Connectivity Kit Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-tar" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:GenericLinux ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns51:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2019-05-14T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2024-09-16T19:00:00-04:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "8.3" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns26:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns53:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns34:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns35:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> . ns72:this rdf:type ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "mwvcz2zz-30fcb64.dmg" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 8.3 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK & Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for macOS 64 Bit"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-dmg" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:MacOSX ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns51:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2019-05-14T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2021-06-14T11:46:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "8.3" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns67:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns53:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns13:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns35:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> . ns73:this rdf:type ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "mwvpz2zz-30fcb64.dmg" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 8.3 Enterprise Edition Server, Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK & Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for macOS"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-dmg" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:MacOSX ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns51:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2019-05-14T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2023-02-18T19:00:28-04:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "8.3" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns67:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns53:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns34:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns35:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> . ns68:this rdf:type schema:CreativeWork , ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "lovcz2zz-30fcb64.tar" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 8.2 Enterprise Edition Server, Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK & Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-tar" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:GenericLinux ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns61:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2018-10-05T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2019-03-27T22:11:00-04:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; schema:hasPart ns44:this . @prefix ns111: <> . ns68:this schema:hasPart ns111:this ; ns10:versionText "8.2" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns26:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns63:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns13:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns16:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> ; ns18:hasComponentOptionalDependency ns19:this . ns69:this rdf:type schema:CreativeWork , ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "lovpz2zz-30fcb64.tar" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 8.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit and Server Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-tar" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:GenericLinux ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns61:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2018-10-05T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2018-10-31T10:37:00-04:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "8.2" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns26:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns63:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns34:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns35:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> . ns70:this rdf:type schema:CreativeWork , ns2:ExecutableArchive , foaf:Document ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "virtuoso-iodbc-t-30fcb64.gzip" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 8.2 Enterprise Edition Server Executable (Binary) for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)"@en ; dcterms:format "application/gzip" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:GenericLinux ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns61:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "You can download this Gzip archive, extract the executable, and then use it as a \n replacement for an existing Virtuoso Server release in situation where you have \n decided to negate the functionality provided by its installer program.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2018-09-28T17:26:58"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2018-10-17T17:26:58"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "8.2" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns26:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns63:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns34:this ; schema:description "Gzip archive that contains the executable file that delivers the multi-model \n RDBMS application functionality. Its behavior is informed by settings in an \n associated initialization (INI) file.\n "@en ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> . ns71:this rdf:type ns2:InstallerArchive , ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "mwvpz2zz-30fcb64.dmg" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 8.2 Enterprise Edition Server, Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK & Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for macOS"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-dmg" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:MacOSX ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns61:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2018-10-05T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2018-10-27T16:51:28-04:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "8.2" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns67:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns63:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns34:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns35:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> . ns84:this rdf:type ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "lovcz2zz.tar" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-tar" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:GenericLinux ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns56:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2018-04-25T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2018-04-25T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; schema:hasPart ns111:this , ns44:this ; ns10:versionText "8.1" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns26:this . @prefix ns112: <> . ns84:this ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns112:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns13:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns16:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> ; ns18:hasComponentOptionalDependency ns19:this . ns85:this rdf:type ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "lqvcz2zz.tar" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 8.1 Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK & Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.12 x86_64)"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-tar" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:GenericLinux ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns56:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2018-04-25T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2018-04-25T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "8.1" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns28:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns112:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns13:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns16:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> ; ns18:hasComponentOptionalDependency ns19:this . ns86:this rdf:type ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "lovpz2zz.tar" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 8.1 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit and Server Bundle (version 8.1) Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-tar" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:GenericLinux ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns56:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2018-04-25T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2018-04-25T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "8.1" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns26:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns112:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns34:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns35:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> . ns83:this rdf:type ns2:InstallerArchive , ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "lqvpz2zz.tar" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 8.1 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit & Server Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.12 x86_64)"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-tar" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:GenericLinux ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns56:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2018-04-25T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2018-04-25T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; schema:hasPart ns47:this . @prefix ns113: <> . ns83:this schema:hasPart ns113:this ; ns10:versionText "8.1" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns28:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns112:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns34:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns35:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> . ns92:this rdf:type schema:CreativeWork , ns2:InstallerArchive , ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:ProgramFile ; wdrs:describedby <> , ns5:data ; dcterms:identifier "virtjdbc4_2_3.118.jar" ; schema:name "OpenLink Virtuoso(TM) Driver for JDBC(TM) Version 4.2"@en ; dcterms:format "application/java-archive" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:JavaVirtualMachine ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns51:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2018-11-04T20:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2021-06-15T20:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "3.118" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns52:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns53:this ; schema:description "Java JAR file that constitutes Virtuoso's JDBC 4.2 Driver. Once installed into \n a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), JDBC based applications are equipped with complete \n access to Virtuoso's suite of RDF related functionality.\n "@en ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> ; ns2:isProgramFileOf ns54:this . ns91:this rdf:type ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork , ns2:InstallerArchive ; wdrs:describedby <> , ns5:data ; dcterms:identifier "mwvpz2zz.dmg" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 8.1 Enterprise Edition Server, Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK & Runtime Bundle \n Installer Archive for macOS\n "@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-apple-diskimage" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:MacOSX ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns56:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2018-04-25T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2018-04-25T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> . @prefix ns114: <> . ns91:this schema:hasPart ns114:this , ns33:this ; ns10:versionText "8.1" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns67:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns112:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns34:this ; schema:description "This installer archive includes the Virtuoso Client and Server, and the iODBC SDK & Rumtime \n components. \n \n The Client Components enable connectivity to Virtuoso Server instances (both Enterprise and \n Open Source Editions) using data access protocols such as ODBC.\n \n The Server Components enable installation and use of Virtuoso RDBMS (SQL Tables and RDF \n Property/Predicate Graph) instances that are accessible to HTTP, WebDAV, LDP, IMAP4, POP3, \n SPARQL, ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE DB, and XMLA clients.\n \n The iODBC SDK provides libraries and header files for developing ODBC compliant applications \n using the 'C' programming language.\n \n The iODBC Runtime components install the ODBC Driver Manager and Administrator components \n required by ODBC compliant applications (including JDBC-ODBC bridges) for ODBC Data Source \n Name (DSN) Connectivity and Configuration.\n "@en ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns35:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> ; ns2:hasInstallerStepByGuide ns17:this . @prefix ns115: <> . ns91:this ns18:hasComponentMandatoryDependency ns115:License-2016-08-virtuoso-8-pilot-ANY ; ns18:hasComponentOptionalDependency ns19:this . ns79:this rdf:type schema:Offer . @prefix ns116: <> . ns79:this rdf:type ns116:VirtuosoSpecialOffer , ns116:Virtuoso8Offer ; rdfs:label "30 Day Free Evaluation" . @prefix ns117: <> . ns79:this ns117:hasBuyService <> . @prefix gr: <> . ns79:this gr:businessFunction gr:Sell ; skos:prefLabel "Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic on the Microsoft Azure Cloud"^^xsd:string ; wdrs:describedby ns102:data , ns5:data , <> ; schema:name "Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Instance Type Offer: Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic"^^xsd:string ; skos:related _:vb73037798 , _:vb73037799 , _:vb73037797 ; ns116:offerNumber "Offer-2020-10-Azure-Cloud-30-Day-Evaluation-PAGO-Ubuntu-Bionic"^^xsd:string ; schema:category "virtuoso-aws-cloud-pago-ami-instance"^^xsd:string ; schema:comment "Free Evaluation Offer of Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic. \r\n\t\t\t\t "^^xsd:string . @prefix ns119: <> . ns79:this schema:itemOffered ns119:this ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <> ; schema:price 0 . @prefix ns120: <> . ns79:this schema:priceSpecification ns120:this ; schema:validFrom "2020-10-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:validThrough "2024-03-31T16:59:59Z"^^xsd:dateTime . @prefix ns121: <> . ns79:this ns116:isMemberOf ns121:OfferGroupEarlyStage . @prefix ns122: <> . ns79:this schema:url ns122:Offer-2020-10-Azure-Cloud-30-Day-Evaluation-PAGO-Ubuntu-Bionic ; schema:description "A 30 Day Free Evaluation that applies to any Microsoft Azure Cloud Instance Type supported by Virtuoso. This includes a an unrestricted license\r\n for Concurrent Database Connections (users) and CPU Affinity (i.e. Physical and Virtual CPUs applied to multi-threaded operations). \r\n\t\t\t\t\t "^^xsd:string . ns80:this rdf:type schema:Offer , ns116:VirtuosoSpecialOffer , ns116:Virtuoso8Offer ; rdfs:label "Personal Usage" ; ns117:hasBuyService <> ; gr:businessFunction gr:Sell ; skos:prefLabel "Personal Usage Offer: Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic on the Microsoft Azure Cloud"^^xsd:string ; wdrs:describedby ns102:data , ns5:data , <> ; schema:name "Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Instance Type Offer: Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic"^^xsd:string ; skos:related _:vb73037798 , _:vb73037799 , _:vb73037797 ; ns116:offerNumber "Offer-2020-10-Azure-Personal-PAGO-Ubuntu-Bionic"^^xsd:string ; schema:category "virtuoso-aws-cloud-pago-ami-instance"^^xsd:string ; schema:comment "Personal Usage Offer of Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic. \r\n\t\t\t\t "^^xsd:string . @prefix ns123: <> . ns80:this schema:itemOffered ns123:this ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <> ; schema:price 0 . @prefix ns124: <> . ns80:this schema:priceSpecification ns124:this ; schema:validFrom "2020-10-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:validThrough "2024-03-31T16:59:59Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns116:isMemberOf ns121:OfferGroupEarlyStage ; schema:url ns122:Offer-2020-10-Azure-Personal-PAGO-Ubuntu-Bionic ; schema:description "Personal Usage Offer that applies to any Microsoft Azure Cloud Instance Type supported by Virtuoso. This includes a an unrestricted license\r\n for Concurrent Database Connections (users) and CPU Affinity (i.e. Physical and Virtual CPUs applied to multi-threaded operations) pricing scoped\r\n to your choice of Virtual Machine Instance Type. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t "^^xsd:string . ns78:this rdf:type ns2:ExecutableArchive , schema:CreativeWork , foaf:Document ; wdrs:describedby <> , ns5:data ; dcterms:identifier "" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 8.1 Enterprise Edition Server Executable (Binary) for Windows (64-bit)"@en ; dcterms:format "application/zip" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:Windows ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns56:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "You can download this zip archive, extract the executable, and then use it as a \n replacement for an existing Virtuoso Server release in situation where you have \n decided to negate the functionality provided by its installer program.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2018-05-15T17:26:58"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2018-07-13T17:26:58"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "8.1" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns21:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns112:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns34:this ; schema:description "Zip archive that contains the executable file that delivers the multi-model \n RDBMS application functionality. Its behavior is informed by settings in an \n associated initialization (INI) file.\n "@en ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> . ns81:this rdf:type schema:CreativeWork , ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive ; wdrs:describedby <> , ns5:data ; dcterms:identifier "virtuoso-opensource.x86_64-generic_glibc25-linux-gnu-30fcb64.tar" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 7.2 Open Source Edition Server and Client Connectivity Kit Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-tar" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:GenericLinux ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns58:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2021-06-23T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "7.2" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns26:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns12:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns34:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns59:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> . ns93:this rdf:type ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "wavcz2zz.exe" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 8.1 Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive for Windows"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-msdownload" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:Windows ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns56:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2017-08-01T22:20:30"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2018-05-10T17:26:58"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "8.1" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns21:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns112:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns13:this ; schema:description "This installer archives includes components that enable connectivity to\n Virtuoso Server instances using data access protocols such as: ODBC, JDBC, \n ADO.NET, and OLE-DB.\n "@en ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns16:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> ; ns2:hasInstallerStepByGuide ns22:this ; ns18:hasComponentOptionalDependency ns19:this . ns96:this rdf:type schema:CreativeWork , ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive ; wdrs:describedby <> , ns5:data ; dcterms:identifier "wavpz2zz.exe" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 8.1 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit and Server Bundle Installer Archive for Windows (64-bit)"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-msdownload" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:Windows ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns56:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2017-07-18T21:50:01"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2018-05-10T17:26:58"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; schema:hasPart ns78:this , ns39:this ; ns10:versionText "8.1" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns21:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns112:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns34:this ; schema:description "This installer archives includes Virtuoso's Client & Server components. The Client Components\n enable connectivity to Virtuoso Server instances using data access protocols such as: ODBC, \n JDBC, ADO.NET, and OLE-DB. The Server Components enable installation and use of Virtuoso RDBMS \n (SQL Tables and RDF Property/Predicate Graph) instances that are accessible to HTTP, WebDAV, \n LDP, IMAP4, POP3, SPARQL, ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE-DB, and XMLA clients.\n "@en ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns35:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> ; ns2:hasInstallerStepByGuide ns22:this . @prefix ns125: <> . ns96:this ns18:hasComponentMandatoryDependency ns125:License-2016-08-virtuoso-8-pilot-ANY ; ns18:hasComponentOptionalDependency ns19:this . ns95:this rdf:type schema:CreativeWork , ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "m1vcz2zz-30fcb64.dmg" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 8.3 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK & Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for macOS 11 64 Bit"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-dmg" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:MacOSX ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns51:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2019-05-14T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2024-05-22T19:46:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "8.3" . @prefix ns126: <> . ns95:this ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns126:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns53:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns13:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns35:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> . ns94:this rdf:type schema:CreativeWork , ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , ns2:InstallerArchive ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "m1vpz2zz-30fcb64.dmg" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 8.3 Enterprise Edition Server, Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK & Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for macOS 11 64 Bit "@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-dmg" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:MacOSX ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns51:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2019-05-14T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2024-09-16T19:46:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "8.3" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns126:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns53:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns34:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns35:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> . ns82:this rdf:type ns2:InstallerArchive , ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork ; wdrs:describedby ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:identifier "Virtuoso_Open_Source_for_macOS-30fcb64.dmg" ; schema:name "Virtuoso 7.2 Open Source Edition Server and Client Connectivity Kit Bundle Installer Archive for macOS"@en ; dcterms:format "application/x-dmg" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:MacOSX ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns58:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2021-06-23T13:47:27"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "7.2" . @prefix ns127: <> . ns82:this ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns127:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns12:this ; ns2:hasInstallerArchiveCategory ns34:this ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasComponentCode ns59:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> . ns97:this rdf:type ns2:ProgramFile , ns2:VirtuosoInstallerArchive , schema:CreativeWork , ns2:InstallerArchive ; wdrs:describedby <> , ns5:data ; dcterms:identifier "virtjdbc4_3_3.118.jar" ; schema:name "OpenLink Virtuoso(TM) Driver for JDBC(TM) Version 4.3"@en ; dcterms:format "application/java-archive" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystemFamily ns7:JavaVirtualMachine ; ns7:hasDatabaseEngine ns51:this ; ns7:hasDatabaseFamily ns7:OpenLinkVirtuoso ; schema:comment "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n "@en ; schema:dateCreated "2018-11-04T20:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:dateModified "2021-06-15T20:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:downloadUrl <> ; ns10:versionText "3.118" ; ns7:hasOperatingSystem ns52:this ; ns2:isInstallerArchiveOf ns53:this ; schema:description "Java JAR file that constitutes Virtuoso's JDBC 4.3 Driver. Once installed into \n a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), JDBC based applications are equipped with complete \n access to Virtuoso's suite of RDF related functionality.\n "@en ; ns14:hasDepot ns15:this ; ns2:hasFileSizeSpecification <> ; ns2:isProgramFileOf ns54:this . <> rdf:type schema:WebPage ; rdfs:label "Virtuoso 8.2 Docker Container Description Document" ; rdfs:comment "\n\t\t\t\tFollowing container instantiation, you can use docker container commands to start, monitor, and stop a Virtuoso instance \n\t\t\t\tfor personal, enterprise, or service-specific use. \n\t\t\t " ; foaf:depiction <> , <> , <> , <> , <> , <> ; wdrs:describedby <> , ns5:data , <> ; dcterms:description "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tOne-click installation edition of a preconfigured Virtuoso 8.2 Multi-Model RDBMS instance. This particular \n\t\t\t\t\t\tdeployment requires an Evaluation or Non-Expiring license for full functionality, by default it will operate in Limited Demo mode.\n\t\t\t \t\t" , "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tOne-click installation edition of a preconfigured Virtuoso 8.2 Multi-Model RDBMS instance. This particular \n\t\t\t\t\t\tdeployment requires a commercial license for fully functionality, by default it will operate if free-evaluation mode.\n\t\t\t \t\t" ; skos:related dbpedia:Amazon_Web_Services , category:Cloud_platforms . @prefix ns128: <> . <> skos:related ns128:this . @prefix ns129: <> . <> skos:related ns129:this . @prefix ns130: <> . <> skos:related ns130:this . @prefix ns131: <> . <> skos:related ns131:this , <> . @prefix ns132: <> . <> skos:related ns132:this . @prefix ns133: <> . <> skos:related ns133:this , ns103:this ; schema:about ns63:this . @prefix ns134: <> . <> schema:about ns134:this ; schema:url <> . ]]> </script><!--OSDI structured data (Turtle) injection end--> <!--OSDI structured data (JSON-LD) injection start--><script type="application/ld+json">{ "@graph": [ { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "mwvcz2zz.dmg", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Server, Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK & Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for macOS" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-apple-diskimage", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. 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Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2015-02-24T19:53:22" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-10-23T10:37:00-04:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "7.2", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "This installer archives includes components that enable connectivity to Virtuoso \n Server instances using data access protocols such as: ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, and OLE-DB.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "lnvcz2zz.tar", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.3 x86_64)" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-tar", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2015-02-24T19:52:08" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2016-04-19T21:38:38+02:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "7.2", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "lovcz2zz.tar", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-tar", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2015-02-24T19:51:11" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2019-03-27T22:10:17+02:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "7.2", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "lqvcz2zz.tar", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.12 x86_64)" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-tar", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2015-02-24T19:44:49" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-07-16T10:36:31+02:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "7.2", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "lrvcz2zz.tar", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.17 x86_64)" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-tar", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2015-06-22T08:44:49" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2016-04-19T21:37:39+02:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "7.2", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "mwvpz2zz.dmg", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Server, Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK & Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for macOS" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-apple-diskimage", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2015-02-24T19:48:15" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2016-04-19T21:34:29+02:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "7.2", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "This installer archive includes the Virtuoso Client and Server, and the iODBC SDK & Rumtime \n components. \n \n The Client Components enable connectivity to Virtuoso Server instances (both Enterprise and \n Open Source Editions) using data access protocols such as ODBC.\n \n The Server Components enable installation and use of Virtuoso RDBMS (SQL Tables and RDF \n Property/Predicate Graph) instances that are accessible to HTTP, WebDAV, LDP, IMAP4, POP3, \n SPARQL, ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE DB, and XMLA clients.\n \n The iODBC SDK provides libraries and header files for developing ODBC compliant applications \n using the 'C' programming language.\n \n The iODBC Runtime components install the ODBC Driver Manager and Administrator components \n required by ODBC compliant applications (including JDBC-ODBC bridges) for ODBC Data Source \n Name (DSN) Connectivity and Configuration.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "wavpz2zz.msi", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit & Server Bundle Installer Archive for Windows (64-bit)" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-msdownload", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2015-02-24T19:53:12" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-10-23T10:37:00-04:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "7.2", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "This installer archives includes Virtuoso's Client & Server components. The Client Components\n enable connectivity to Virtuoso Server instances using data access protocols such as: ODBC, \n JDBC, ADO.NET, and OLE-DB. The Server Components enable installation and use of Virtuoso RDBMS \n (SQL Tables and RDF Property/Predicate Graph) instances that are accessible to HTTP, WebDAV, \n LDP, IMAP4, POP3, SPARQL, ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE-DB, and XMLA clients.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "lnvpz2zz.tar", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity and Server Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.3 x86_64)" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-tar", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2015-02-10T18:00:29" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2016-04-19T21:38:38+02:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "7.2", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "lovpz2zz.tar", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity and Server Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-tar", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2015-02-24T19:51:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2016-04-19T21:39:52+02:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "7.2", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "lqvpz2zz.tar", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit & Server Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.12 x86_64)" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-tar", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2015-02-24T19:45:03" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-08-01T09:35:00-04:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "7.2", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "lrvpz2zz.tar", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit and Server Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.17 x86_64)" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-tar", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2015-06-22T08:45:03" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2016-04-19T21:37:40+02:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "7.2", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "virtjdbc4_1_3.118.jar", "": { "@value" : "OpenLink Virtuoso(TM) Driver for JDBC(TM) Version 4.1" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/java-archive", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-11-05T20:00:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2021-06-15T20:00:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "3.118", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Java JAR file that constitutes Virtuoso's JDBC 4.1 Driver. Once installed into \n a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), JDBC based applications are equipped with complete \n access to Virtuoso's suite of RDF related functionality.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "virtjdbc4_3.118.jar", "": { "@value" : "OpenLink Virtuoso(TM) Driver for JDBC(TM) Version 4.0" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/java-archive", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-11-05T20:00:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2021-06-15T20:00:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "3.118", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Java JAR file that constitutes Virtuoso's JDBC 4.0 Driver. Once installed into \n a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), JDBC based applications are equipped with complete \n access to Virtuoso's suite of RDF related functionality.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "Virtuoso_OpenSource_Server_7.2.x64-30fcb64.exe", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 7.2 Open Source Edition Server and Client Connectivity Kit Bundle Installer Archive for Windows 64-bit" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-msdownload", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2021-06-23T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "7.2", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "wavcz2zz-30fcb64.exe", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 8.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive for Windows 64-bit" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-msdownload", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-10-19T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-10-19T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "8.2", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "wavpz2zz-30fcb64.exe", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 8.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit and Server Bundle Installer Archive for Windows 64-bit" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-msdownload", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-10-19T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-10-19T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "8.2", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "virtuoso-odbc-t-30fcb64.gzip", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 8.2 Enterprise Edition Server Executable (Binary) for Windows 64-bit" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/zip", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "You can download this Zip archive, extract the executable, and then use it as a \n replacement for an existing Virtuoso Server release in situation where you have \n decided to negate the functionality provided by its installer program.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-10-19T17:26:58" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-10-19T17:26:58" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "8.2", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Zip archive that contains the executable file that delivers the multi-model \n RDBMS application functionality. Its behavior is informed by settings in an \n associated initialization (INI) file.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "mwvcz2zz-30fcb64.dmg", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 8.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK & Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for macOS 64 Bit" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-dmg", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-10-19T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2019-03-28T23:51:52-04:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "8.2", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": "", "": "Virtuoso Installer Archives", "": "text/html", "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "\n Page for downloading installers for OpenLink Virtuoso \n " , "@language" : "en" } }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "" ], "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso Universal Server (Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic PAGO AMI" , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic PAGO AMI" , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": { "@value" : "This particular cloud edition of the Virtuoso Multi-Model DBMS and Data Virtualization Platform \r\n includes an unlimited license with CPU Affinity pegged to the host AMI Instance Type. Meaning, costs \r\n increase on a CPU Affinity basis for an unrestricted number of users (or connections)." , "@language" : "en" }, "": "Virtuoso-ami-0900704f0d2f8df12", "": { "@id": ""}, "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "Virtuoso-8.3.3319-PAGO-2020-10-07 for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic", "": "/dev/sda1=snap-09890a8a91bef979e:120:true:gp2", "": "marketplace: 3iplms73etrdhxdepv72l6ywj", "": "ebs", "": { "@id": ""}, "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "ami-0900704f0d2f8df12", "": "x86_64", "": "machine", "": "545314153384", "": "Other Linux", "": "/dev/sda1", "": "-", "": "available", "": "hvm" }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "" ], "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) 8.3 for RHEL 7.1 BYOL AMI 8.3.0-ami-1" , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) 8.3 for RHEL 7.1 BYOL AMI 8.3.0-ami-1" , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": { "@value" : "This AMI contains a pre-configured instance of a Virtuoso 8.3 Multi-Model RDBMS." , "@language" : "en" }, "": "Virtuoso-ami-0c39dc72cda79a561", "": { "@id": ""}, "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "Virtuoso-83-BYOL-2019-05-12", "": "/dev/sda1=snap-0e2a0d1e3ac64c173:120:true:gp2, /dev/sdf=snap-0155f78bd3430bcfc:240:true:gp2", "": "marketplace: arw3vsijrf4mai6o0alwf5aut", "": "ebs", "": { "@id": ""}, "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "ami-0c39dc72cda79a561", "": "x86_64", "": "machine", "": "545314153384", "": "Other Linux", "": "/dev/sda1", "": "-", "": "available", "": "hvm" }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "" ], "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) 8.3.3319 BYOL AMI for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic" , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) 8.3.3319 BYOL AMI for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic" , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": { "@value" : "This AMI contains a pre-configured instance of a Virtuoso 8.3 Multi-Model RDBMS that requires \r\n a Virtuoso License purchased from our online shop ( or via \r\n your Account Manager. " , "@language" : "en" }, "": "Virtuoso-ami-0ee6dac2acedd5ed0", "": { "@id": ""}, "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "Virtuoso 8.3.3319 BYOL for Ubuntu 18.04", "": "/dev/sda1=snap-0361892b5d1ff0630:120:true:gp2", "": "marketplace: 3iplms73etrdhxdepv72l6ywj", "": "ebs", "": { "@id": ""}, "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "ami-0ee6dac2acedd5ed0", "": "x86_64", "": "machine", "": "545314153384", "": "Other Linux", "": "/dev/sda1", "": "-", "": "available", "": "hvm" }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "" ], "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) PAGO for RHEL 7.1" , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) PAGO for RHEL 7.1" , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": { "@value" : "This AMI contains a pre-configured instance of a Virtuoso 8.3.3319 Multi-Model RDBMS." , "@language" : "en" }, "": "Virtuoso-ami-0fdd82310735949c1", "": { "@id": ""}, "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "Virtuoso-83-PAGO-2019-05-12", "": "/dev/sda1=snap-008f624ca28ff2a3f:120:true:gp2, /dev/sdf=snap-01e5e186db9e34b79:240:true:gp2", "": "marketplace: arw3vsijrf4mai6o0alwf5aut", "": "ebs", "": { "@id": ""}, "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "ami-0fdd82310735949c1", "": "x86_64", "": "machine", "": "545314153384", "": "Other Linux", "": "/dev/sda1", "": "-", "": "available", "": "hvm" }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "wavcz2zz-30fcb64.exe", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 8.3 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive for Windows 64-bit" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-msdownload", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2019-05-14T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2024-09-16T19:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "8.3", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "wavpz2zz-30fcb64.exe", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 8.3 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit and Server Bundle Installer Archive for Windows 64-bit" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-msdownload", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2019-05-14T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2024-09-16T19:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "8.3", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "lovcz2zz-30fcb64.tar", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 8.3 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK & Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-tar", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2019-05-14T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2024-09-16T19:12:03-04:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "8.3", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "lovpz2zz-30fcb64.tar", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 8.3 Enterprise Edition Server and Client Connectivity Kit Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-tar", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2019-05-14T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2024-09-16T19:00:00-04:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "8.3", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "mwvcz2zz-30fcb64.dmg", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 8.3 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK & Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for macOS 64 Bit" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-dmg", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2019-05-14T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2021-06-14T11:46:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "8.3", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "mwvpz2zz-30fcb64.dmg", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 8.3 Enterprise Edition Server, Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK & Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for macOS" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-dmg", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2019-05-14T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2023-02-18T19:00:28-04:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "8.3", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "lovcz2zz-30fcb64.tar", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 8.2 Enterprise Edition Server, Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK & Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-tar", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-10-05T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2019-03-27T22:11:00-04:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "8.2", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "lovpz2zz-30fcb64.tar", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 8.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit and Server Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-tar", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-10-05T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-10-31T10:37:00-04:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "8.2", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "virtuoso-iodbc-t-30fcb64.gzip", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 8.2 Enterprise Edition Server Executable (Binary) for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/gzip", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "You can download this Gzip archive, extract the executable, and then use it as a \n replacement for an existing Virtuoso Server release in situation where you have \n decided to negate the functionality provided by its installer program.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-09-28T17:26:58" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-10-17T17:26:58" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "8.2", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Gzip archive that contains the executable file that delivers the multi-model \n RDBMS application functionality. Its behavior is informed by settings in an \n associated initialization (INI) file.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "mwvpz2zz-30fcb64.dmg", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 8.2 Enterprise Edition Server, Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK & Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for macOS" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-dmg", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-10-05T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-10-27T16:51:28-04:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "8.2", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "lovcz2zz.tar", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-tar", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-04-25T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-04-25T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "8.1", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "lqvcz2zz.tar", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 8.1 Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK & Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.12 x86_64)" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-tar", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-04-25T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-04-25T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "8.1", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "lovpz2zz.tar", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 8.1 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit and Server Bundle (version 8.1) Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-tar", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-04-25T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-04-25T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "8.1", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "lqvpz2zz.tar", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 8.1 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit & Server Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.12 x86_64)" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-tar", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-04-25T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-04-25T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "8.1", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "virtjdbc4_2_3.118.jar", "": { "@value" : "OpenLink Virtuoso(TM) Driver for JDBC(TM) Version 4.2" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/java-archive", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-11-04T20:00:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2021-06-15T20:00:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "3.118", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Java JAR file that constitutes Virtuoso's JDBC 4.2 Driver. Once installed into \n a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), JDBC based applications are equipped with complete \n access to Virtuoso's suite of RDF related functionality.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "mwvpz2zz.dmg", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 8.1 Enterprise Edition Server, Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK & Runtime Bundle \n Installer Archive for macOS\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-apple-diskimage", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-04-25T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-04-25T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "8.1", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "This installer archive includes the Virtuoso Client and Server, and the iODBC SDK & Rumtime \n components. \n \n The Client Components enable connectivity to Virtuoso Server instances (both Enterprise and \n Open Source Editions) using data access protocols such as ODBC.\n \n The Server Components enable installation and use of Virtuoso RDBMS (SQL Tables and RDF \n Property/Predicate Graph) instances that are accessible to HTTP, WebDAV, LDP, IMAP4, POP3, \n SPARQL, ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE DB, and XMLA clients.\n \n The iODBC SDK provides libraries and header files for developing ODBC compliant applications \n using the 'C' programming language.\n \n The iODBC Runtime components install the ODBC Driver Manager and Administrator components \n required by ODBC compliant applications (including JDBC-ODBC bridges) for ODBC Data Source \n Name (DSN) Connectivity and Configuration.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": "30 Day Free Evaluation", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic on the Microsoft Azure Cloud" , "@type" : "" }, "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": { "@value" : "Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Instance Type Offer: Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic" , "@type" : "" }, "": [ { "@id": "_:vb73037798"}, { "@id": "_:vb73037799"}, { "@id": "_:vb73037797"} ], "": { "@value" : "Offer-2020-10-Azure-Cloud-30-Day-Evaluation-PAGO-Ubuntu-Bionic" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "virtuoso-aws-cloud-pago-ami-instance" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "Free Evaluation Offer of Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic. \r\n\t\t\t\t " , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": 0, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "2020-10-01T00:00:00Z" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2024-03-31T16:59:59Z" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "A 30 Day Free Evaluation that applies to any Microsoft Azure Cloud Instance Type supported by Virtuoso. This includes a an unrestricted license\r\n for Concurrent Database Connections (users) and CPU Affinity (i.e. Physical and Virtual CPUs applied to multi-threaded operations). \r\n\t\t\t\t\t " , "@type" : "" } }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": "Personal Usage", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Personal Usage Offer: Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic on the Microsoft Azure Cloud" , "@type" : "" }, "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": { "@value" : "Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Instance Type Offer: Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic" , "@type" : "" }, "": [ { "@id": "_:vb73037798"}, { "@id": "_:vb73037799"}, { "@id": "_:vb73037797"} ], "": { "@value" : "Offer-2020-10-Azure-Personal-PAGO-Ubuntu-Bionic" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "virtuoso-aws-cloud-pago-ami-instance" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "Personal Usage Offer of Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic. \r\n\t\t\t\t " , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": 0, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "2020-10-01T00:00:00Z" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2024-03-31T16:59:59Z" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Personal Usage Offer that applies to any Microsoft Azure Cloud Instance Type supported by Virtuoso. This includes a an unrestricted license\r\n for Concurrent Database Connections (users) and CPU Affinity (i.e. Physical and Virtual CPUs applied to multi-threaded operations) pricing scoped\r\n to your choice of Virtual Machine Instance Type. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t " , "@type" : "" } }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 8.1 Enterprise Edition Server Executable (Binary) for Windows (64-bit)" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/zip", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "You can download this zip archive, extract the executable, and then use it as a \n replacement for an existing Virtuoso Server release in situation where you have \n decided to negate the functionality provided by its installer program.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-05-15T17:26:58" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-07-13T17:26:58" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "8.1", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Zip archive that contains the executable file that delivers the multi-model \n RDBMS application functionality. Its behavior is informed by settings in an \n associated initialization (INI) file.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "virtuoso-opensource.x86_64-generic_glibc25-linux-gnu-30fcb64.tar", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 7.2 Open Source Edition Server and Client Connectivity Kit Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-tar", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2021-06-23T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "7.2", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "wavcz2zz.exe", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 8.1 Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive for Windows" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-msdownload", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2017-08-01T22:20:30" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-05-10T17:26:58" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "8.1", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "This installer archives includes components that enable connectivity to\n Virtuoso Server instances using data access protocols such as: ODBC, JDBC, \n ADO.NET, and OLE-DB.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "wavpz2zz.exe", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 8.1 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit and Server Bundle Installer Archive for Windows (64-bit)" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-msdownload", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2017-07-18T21:50:01" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-05-10T17:26:58" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "8.1", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "This installer archives includes Virtuoso's Client & Server components. The Client Components\n enable connectivity to Virtuoso Server instances using data access protocols such as: ODBC, \n JDBC, ADO.NET, and OLE-DB. The Server Components enable installation and use of Virtuoso RDBMS \n (SQL Tables and RDF Property/Predicate Graph) instances that are accessible to HTTP, WebDAV, \n LDP, IMAP4, POP3, SPARQL, ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE-DB, and XMLA clients.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "m1vcz2zz-30fcb64.dmg", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 8.3 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK & Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for macOS 11 64 Bit" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-dmg", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2019-05-14T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2024-05-22T19:46:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "8.3", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "m1vpz2zz-30fcb64.dmg", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 8.3 Enterprise Edition Server, Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK & Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for macOS 11 64 Bit " , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-dmg", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2019-05-14T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2024-09-16T19:46:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "8.3", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "Virtuoso_Open_Source_for_macOS-30fcb64.dmg", "": { "@value" : "Virtuoso 7.2 Open Source Edition Server and Client Connectivity Kit Bundle Installer Archive for macOS" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/x-dmg", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2021-06-23T13:47:27" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "7.2", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": [ "", "", "", "" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": "virtjdbc4_3_3.118.jar", "": { "@value" : "OpenLink Virtuoso(TM) Driver for JDBC(TM) Version 4.3" , "@language" : "en" }, "": "application/java-archive", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the\n URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following 'About:'.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@value" : "2018-11-04T20:00:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@value" : "2021-06-15T20:00:00" , "@type" : "" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": "3.118", "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@value" : "Java JAR file that constitutes Virtuoso's JDBC 4.3 Driver. Once installed into \n a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), JDBC based applications are equipped with complete \n access to Virtuoso's suite of RDF related functionality.\n " , "@language" : "en" }, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""}, "": { "@id": ""} }, { "@id": "", "@type": "", "": "Virtuoso 8.2 Docker Container Description Document", "": "\n\t\t\t\tFollowing container instantiation, you can use docker container commands to start, monitor, and stop a Virtuoso instance \n\t\t\t\tfor personal, enterprise, or service-specific use. \n\t\t\t ", "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": [ "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tOne-click installation edition of a preconfigured Virtuoso 8.2 Multi-Model RDBMS instance. This particular \n\t\t\t\t\t\tdeployment requires an Evaluation or Non-Expiring license for full functionality, by default it will operate in Limited Demo mode.\n\t\t\t \t\t", "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tOne-click installation edition of a preconfigured Virtuoso 8.2 Multi-Model RDBMS instance. This particular \n\t\t\t\t\t\tdeployment requires a commercial license for fully functionality, by default it will operate if free-evaluation mode.\n\t\t\t \t\t" ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": [ { "@id": ""}, { "@id": ""} ], "": { "@id": ""} } ] } </script><!--OSDI structured data (JSON-LD) injection end--> <!--OSDI structured data (HTML5-MD) injection start--><div class="microdata" style="display: none"> <div class="container-fluid"> <nav class="navbar navbar-expand-md sticky-top navbar-light bg-light"><a class="navbar-brand" href="#" onclick="javascript:history.go(-1); return false;">SPARQL | </a></nav> <p>This HTML5 document contains 1282 embedded RDF statements represented using HTML+Microdata notation.</p> <p>The embedded RDF content will be recognized by any processor of HTML5 Microdata.</p> <h3>Namespace Prefixes</h3> <table class="table table-sm 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<td>n121</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n125</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n33</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>rdfs</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n28</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>category</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n29</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n131</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n142</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n96</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n61</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n130</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n161</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n162</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n148</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n60</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n108</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n38</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n23</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n50</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n36</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n32</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n101</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n2</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n165</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n87</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n163</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n69</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n113</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n171</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n97</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n159</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n71</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n128</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n57</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n144</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n103</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n68</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n25</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n15</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>gr</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n11</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n78</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>wdrs</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n81</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n139</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n112</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n126</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n150</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n5</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n152</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n65</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n83</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n100</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n64</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n158</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n77</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n13</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n59</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n48</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n138</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n116</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n127</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n7</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n156</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n72</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n102</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n119</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n74</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n166</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>schema</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n109</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n160</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n53</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n134</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n37</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n89</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n34</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n79</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n124</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n4</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n66</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n157</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n49</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n117</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n62</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n118</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>n92</td> <td></td> </tr> </table> <h3>Statements</h3> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n32:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersMacOSX.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">mwvcz2zz.dmg</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Server, Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK &amp; Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for macOS</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-apple-diskimage</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:MacOSX</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n39:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2015-02-24T19:47:05-05:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2019-03-28T10:34:22+02:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n128:mwvcz2zz.dmg</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">7.2</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n123:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n129:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n77:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:description</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">This installer archive includes components that enable connectivity to Virtuoso Server instances (both Enterprise and Open Source Editions) using the ODBC data access protocol. The iODBC SDK provides libraries and header files for developing ODBC compliant applications using the &#39;C&#39; programming language. The iODBC Runtime components install the ODBC Driver Manager and Administrator components required by ODBC compliant applications (including JDBC-ODBC bridges) for ODBC Data Source Name (DSN) Connectivity and Configuration. </span> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n141:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n33:mwvcz2zz.dmgSpecification</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerStepByGuide</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n159:this</a> </dd> <dt>n5:hasComponentOptionalDependency</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n6:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n57:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersWindows.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">wavcz2zz.msi</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive for Windows</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-msdownload</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:Windows</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n39:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2015-02-24T19:53:22</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-10-23T10:37:00-04:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n155:wavcz2zz.msi</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">7.2</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n99:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n129:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n77:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:description</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">This installer archives includes components that enable connectivity to Virtuoso Server instances using data access protocols such as: ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, and OLE-DB. </span> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n141:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n73:wavcz2zz.msiSpecification</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerStepByGuide</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n146:this</a> </dd> <dt>n5:hasComponentOptionalDependency</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n6:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n50:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersLinux.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">lnvcz2zz.tar</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.3 x86_64)</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-tar</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:GenericLinux</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n39:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2015-02-24T19:52:08</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2016-04-19T21:38:38+02:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n134:lnvcz2zz.tar</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">7.2</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n102:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n129:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n77:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n141:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n37:lnvcz2zz.tarSpecification</a> </dd> <dt>n5:hasComponentOptionalDependency</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n6:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n69:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersLinux.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">lovcz2zz.tar</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-tar</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:GenericLinux</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n39:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2015-02-24T19:51:11</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2019-03-27T22:10:17+02:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n130:lovcz2zz.tar</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">7.2</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n103:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n129:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n77:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n141:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n37:lovcz2zz.tarSpecification</a> </dd> <dt>n5:hasComponentOptionalDependency</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n6:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n65:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersLinux.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">lqvcz2zz.tar</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.12 x86_64)</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-tar</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:GenericLinux</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n39:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2015-02-24T19:44:49</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-07-16T10:36:31+02:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n135:lqvcz2zz.tar</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">7.2</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n119:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n129:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n77:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n141:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n37:lqvcz2zz.tarSpecification</a> </dd> <dt>n5:hasComponentOptionalDependency</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n6:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n48:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersLinux.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">lrvcz2zz.tar</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.17 x86_64)</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-tar</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:GenericLinux</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n39:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2015-06-22T08:44:49</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2016-04-19T21:37:39+02:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n138:lrvcz2zz.tar</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">7.2</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n120:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n129:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n77:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n141:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n37:lrvcz2zz.tarSpecification</a> </dd> <dt>n5:hasComponentOptionalDependency</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n6:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n38:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersMacOSX.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">mwvpz2zz.dmg</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Server, Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK &amp; Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for macOS</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-apple-diskimage</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:MacOSX</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n39:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2015-02-24T19:48:15</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2016-04-19T21:34:29+02:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n128:mwvpz2zz.dmg</a> </dd> <dt>schema:hasPart</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n142:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n29:this</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">7.2</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n123:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n129:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n81:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:description</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">This installer archive includes the Virtuoso Client and Server, and the iODBC SDK &amp; Rumtime components. The Client Components enable connectivity to Virtuoso Server instances (both Enterprise and Open Source Editions) using data access protocols such as ODBC. The Server Components enable installation and use of Virtuoso RDBMS (SQL Tables and RDF Property/Predicate Graph) instances that are accessible to HTTP, WebDAV, LDP, IMAP4, POP3, SPARQL, ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE DB, and XMLA clients. The iODBC SDK provides libraries and header files for developing ODBC compliant applications using the &#39;C&#39; programming language. The iODBC Runtime components install the ODBC Driver Manager and Administrator components required by ODBC compliant applications (including JDBC-ODBC bridges) for ODBC Data Source Name (DSN) Connectivity and Configuration. </span> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n124:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n33:mwvpz2zz.dmgSpecification</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerStepByGuide</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n159:this</a> </dd> <dt>n5:hasComponentMandatoryDependency</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n118:License-2014-04-virtuoso-7-pilot-16-30-ANY</a> </dd> <dt>n5:hasComponentOptionalDependency</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n6:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n59:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersWindows.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">wavpz2zz.msi</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit &amp; Server Bundle Installer Archive for Windows (64-bit)</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-msdownload</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:Windows</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n39:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2015-02-24T19:53:12</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-10-23T10:37:00-04:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n155:wavpz2zz.msi</a> </dd> <dt>schema:hasPart</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n139:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n79:this</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">7.2</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n99:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n129:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n81:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:description</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">This installer archives includes Virtuoso&#39;s Client &amp; Server components. The Client Components enable connectivity to Virtuoso Server instances using data access protocols such as: ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, and OLE-DB. The Server Components enable installation and use of Virtuoso RDBMS (SQL Tables and RDF Property/Predicate Graph) instances that are accessible to HTTP, WebDAV, LDP, IMAP4, POP3, SPARQL, ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE-DB, and XMLA clients. </span> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n124:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n73:wavpz2zz.msisizeSpecification</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerStepByGuide</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n146:this</a> </dd> <dt>n5:hasComponentMandatoryDependency</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n118:License-2014-04-virtuoso-7-pilot-16-30-ANY</a> </dd> <dt>n5:hasComponentOptionalDependency</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n6:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n51:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersLinux.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">lnvpz2zz.tar</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity and Server Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.3 x86_64)</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-tar</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:GenericLinux</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n39:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2015-02-10T18:00:29</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2016-04-19T21:38:38+02:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n134:lnvpz2zz.tar</a> </dd> <dt>schema:hasPart</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n148:this</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">7.2</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n102:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n129:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n81:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n124:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n37:lnvpz2zz.tarSpecification</a> </dd> <dt>n5:hasComponentOptionalDependency</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n6:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n4:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersLinux.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">lovpz2zz.tar</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity and Server Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-tar</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:GenericLinux</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n39:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2015-02-24T19:51:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2016-04-19T21:39:52+02:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n130:lovpz2zz.tar</a> </dd> <dt>schema:hasPart</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n149:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n72:this</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">7.2</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n103:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n129:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n81:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n124:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n37:lovpz2zz.tarSpecification</a> </dd> <dt>n5:hasComponentOptionalDependency</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n6:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n68:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersLinux.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">lqvpz2zz.tar</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit &amp; Server Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.12 x86_64)</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-tar</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:GenericLinux</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n39:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2015-02-24T19:45:03</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-08-01T09:35:00-04:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n135:lqvpz2zz.tar</a> </dd> <dt>schema:hasPart</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n151:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n152:this</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">7.2</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n119:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n129:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n81:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n124:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n37:lqvpz2zz.tarSpecification</a> </dd> <dt>n5:hasComponentOptionalDependency</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n6:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n16:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersLinux.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">lrvpz2zz.tar</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit and Server Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.17 x86_64)</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-tar</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:GenericLinux</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n39:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2015-06-22T08:45:03</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2016-04-19T21:37:40+02:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n138:lrvpz2zz.tar</a> </dd> <dt>schema:hasPart</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n153:this</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">7.2</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n120:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n129:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n81:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n124:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n37:lrvpz2zz.tarSpecification</a> </dd> <dt>n5:hasComponentOptionalDependency</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n6:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n80:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:ProgramFile</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersJVM.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">virtjdbc4_1_3.118.jar</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">OpenLink Virtuoso(TM) Driver for JDBC(TM) Version 4.1</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/java-archive</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:JavaVirtualMachine</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n64:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-11-05T20:00:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2021-06-15T20:00:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n109:virtjdbc4_1.jar</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">3.118</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n108:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n101:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:description</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Java JAR file that constitutes Virtuoso&#39;s JDBC 4.1 Driver. Once installed into a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), JDBC based applications are equipped with complete access to Virtuoso&#39;s suite of RDF related functionality. </span> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n125:virtjdbc4_1_3.118.jarSpecification</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isProgramFileOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n105:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n75:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:ProgramFile</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersJVM.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">virtjdbc4_3.118.jar</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">OpenLink Virtuoso(TM) Driver for JDBC(TM) Version 4.0</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/java-archive</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:JavaVirtualMachine</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n78:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-11-05T20:00:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2021-06-15T20:00:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n109:virtjdbc4.jar</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">3.118</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n108:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n101:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:description</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Java JAR file that constitutes Virtuoso&#39;s JDBC 4.0 Driver. Once installed into a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), JDBC based applications are equipped with complete access to Virtuoso&#39;s suite of RDF related functionality. </span> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n125:virtjdbc4_3.118.jarSpecification</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isProgramFileOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n105:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n71:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersWindows.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">Virtuoso_OpenSource_Server_7.2.x64-30fcb64.exe</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 7.2 Open Source Edition Server and Client Connectivity Kit Bundle Installer Archive for Windows 64-bit</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-msdownload</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:Windows</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n154:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2021-06-23T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n113:Virtuoso_OpenSource_Server_7.2.x64.exe</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">7.2</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n99:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n129:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n81:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n98:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n73:Virtuoso_OpenSource_Server_7.2.x64-30fcb64.tarSpecification</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n54:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersWindows.ttl</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">wavcz2zz-30fcb64.exe</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 8.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive for Windows 64-bit</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-msdownload</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:Windows</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n19:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-10-19T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-10-19T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n121:wavcz2zz.exe</a> </dd> <dt>schema:hasPart</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n79:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n40:this</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">8.2</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n99:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n52:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n77:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n141:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n73:wavcz2zz-30fcb64.tarSpecification</a> </dd> <dt>n5:hasComponentOptionalDependency</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n6:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n61:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersWindows.ttl</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">wavpz2zz-30fcb64.exe</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 8.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit and Server Bundle Installer Archive for Windows 64-bit</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-msdownload</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:Windows</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n19:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-10-19T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-10-19T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n121:wavpz2zz.exe</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">8.2</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n99:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n52:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n81:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n124:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n73:wavpz2zz-30fcb64.tarSpecification</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n40:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:ExecutableArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">foaf:Document</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersWindows.ttl</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">virtuoso-odbc-t-30fcb64.gzip</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 8.2 Enterprise Edition Server Executable (Binary) for Windows 64-bit</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/zip</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:Windows</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n19:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">You can download this Zip archive, extract the executable, and then use it as a replacement for an existing Virtuoso Server release in situation where you have decided to negate the functionality provided by its installer program. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-10-19T17:26:58</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-10-19T17:26:58</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href=""></a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">8.2</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n99:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n52:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n81:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:description</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Zip archive that contains the executable file that delivers the multi-model RDBMS application functionality. Its behavior is informed by settings in an associated initialization (INI) file. </span> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n73:virtuoso-odbc-t-30fcb64.gzipSpecification</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n13:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersMacOSX.ttl</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">mwvcz2zz-30fcb64.dmg</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 8.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK &amp; Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for macOS 64 Bit</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-dmg</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:MacOSX</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n19:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-10-19T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2019-03-28T23:51:52-04:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n14:mwvcz2zz.dmg</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">8.2</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n89:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n52:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n77:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n124:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n33:mwvcz2zz-30fcb64.dmgSpecification</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n95:</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:WebPage</a> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">Virtuoso Installer Archives</span> </dd> <dt>schema:fileFormat</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">text/html</span> </dd> <dt>schema:relatedLink</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n20:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n23:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n17:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n27:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n53:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n41:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n44:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n63:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n24:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n26:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n15:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n71:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n87:</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n48:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n38:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n59:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n51:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n4:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n68:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n16:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n32:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n57:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n50:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n69:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n65:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n80:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n75:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n7:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n22:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n84:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n60:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n55:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n58:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n34:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n45:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n66:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n46:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n49:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n11:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n9:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n97:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n13:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n40:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n54:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n61:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n76:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n67:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n2:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n62:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n70:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:author</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n156:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:description</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en"> Page for downloading installers for OpenLink Virtuoso </span> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n66:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n12:AmazonEC2EBSBackedAMI</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n12:CloudHostedVirtualMachine</a> </dd> <dt>rdfs:label</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso Universal Server (Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic PAGO AMI</span> </dd> <dt>skos:prefLabel</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic PAGO AMI</span> </dd> <dt>foaf:depiction</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n91:virtuoso-83-3319-pago-ami-init.png</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n74:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:description</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">This particular cloud edition of the Virtuoso Multi-Model DBMS and Data Virtualization Platform includes an unlimited license with CPU Affinity pegged to the host AMI Instance Type. Meaning, costs increase on a CPU Affinity basis for an unrestricted number of users (or connections).</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">Virtuoso-ami-0900704f0d2f8df12</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:isPartOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n145:this</a> </dd> <dt>skos:related</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n31:NoSQL</a> <a itemprop="" href="">dbpedia:Amazon_Web_Services</a> <a itemprop="" href="">category:Cloud_platforms</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n31:SemanticWeb</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n31:LinkedData</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n31:RDF</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n31:DBpedia</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n31:LODCloud</a> </dd> <dt>n12:hasAMIName</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">Virtuoso-8.3.3319-PAGO-2020-10-07 for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic</span> </dd> <dt>n12:hasBlockDevices</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">/dev/sda1=snap-09890a8a91bef979e:120:true:gp2</span> </dd> <dt>n12:hasProductCodes</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">marketplace: 3iplms73etrdhxdepv72l6ywj</span> </dd> <dt>n12:hasRootDeviceType</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">ebs</span> </dd> <dt>schema:isPartOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n145:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:mainEntityOfPage</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n106:</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n167:VirtPayAsYouGoEBSBackedAMI</a> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2AMI-ID</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">ami-0900704f0d2f8df12</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2Architecture</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">x86_64</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2ImageType</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">machine</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2OwnerID</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">545314153384</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2Platform</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">Other Linux</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2RootDeviceName</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">/dev/sda1</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2StateReason</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">-</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2Status</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">available</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2VirtualizationType</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">hvm</span> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n46:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n12:AmazonEC2EBSBackedAMI</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n12:CloudHostedVirtualMachine</a> </dd> <dt>rdfs:label</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) 8.3 for RHEL 7.1 BYOL AMI 8.3.0-ami-1</span> </dd> <dt>skos:prefLabel</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) 8.3 for RHEL 7.1 BYOL AMI 8.3.0-ami-1</span> </dd> <dt>foaf:depiction</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n147:virtuoso-82-pago-ami-init.png</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n74:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:description</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">This AMI contains a pre-configured instance of a Virtuoso 8.3 Multi-Model RDBMS.</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">Virtuoso-ami-0c39dc72cda79a561</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:isPartOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n145:this</a> </dd> <dt>skos:related</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n31:NoSQL</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n31:LinkedData</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n31:RDF</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n31:DBpedia</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n31:LODCloud</a> <a itemprop="" href="">dbpedia:Amazon_Web_Services</a> <a itemprop="" href="">category:Cloud_platforms</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n31:SemanticWeb</a> </dd> <dt>n12:hasAMIName</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">Virtuoso-83-BYOL-2019-05-12</span> </dd> <dt>n12:hasBlockDevices</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">/dev/sda1=snap-0e2a0d1e3ac64c173:120:true:gp2, /dev/sdf=snap-0155f78bd3430bcfc:240:true:gp2</span> </dd> <dt>n12:hasProductCodes</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">marketplace: arw3vsijrf4mai6o0alwf5aut</span> </dd> <dt>n12:hasRootDeviceType</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">ebs</span> </dd> <dt>schema:isPartOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n145:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:mainEntityOfPage</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n166:VirtEBSBackedBYOLAMI</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n169:</a> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2AMI-ID</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">ami-0c39dc72cda79a561</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2Architecture</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">x86_64</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2ImageType</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">machine</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2OwnerID</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">545314153384</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2Platform</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">Other Linux</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2RootDeviceName</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">/dev/sda1</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2StateReason</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">-</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2Status</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">available</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2VirtualizationType</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">hvm</span> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n49:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n12:AmazonEC2EBSBackedAMI</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n12:CloudHostedVirtualMachine</a> </dd> <dt>rdfs:label</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) 8.3.3319 BYOL AMI for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic</span> </dd> <dt>skos:prefLabel</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) 8.3.3319 BYOL AMI for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic</span> </dd> <dt>foaf:depiction</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n147:virtuoso-82-pago-ami-init.png</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n74:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:description</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">This AMI contains a pre-configured instance of a Virtuoso 8.3 Multi-Model RDBMS that requires a Virtuoso License purchased from our online shop ( or via your Account Manager. </span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">Virtuoso-ami-0ee6dac2acedd5ed0</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:isPartOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n145:this</a> </dd> <dt>skos:related</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n31:NoSQL</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n31:LinkedData</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n31:RDF</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n31:DBpedia</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n31:LODCloud</a> <a itemprop="" href="">dbpedia:Amazon_Web_Services</a> <a itemprop="" href="">category:Cloud_platforms</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n31:SemanticWeb</a> </dd> <dt>n12:hasAMIName</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">Virtuoso 8.3.3319 BYOL for Ubuntu 18.04</span> </dd> <dt>n12:hasBlockDevices</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">/dev/sda1=snap-0361892b5d1ff0630:120:true:gp2</span> </dd> <dt>n12:hasProductCodes</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">marketplace: 3iplms73etrdhxdepv72l6ywj</span> </dd> <dt>n12:hasRootDeviceType</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">ebs</span> </dd> <dt>schema:isPartOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n145:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:mainEntityOfPage</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n104:</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n166:VirtEBSBackedBYOLAMI</a> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2AMI-ID</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">ami-0ee6dac2acedd5ed0</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2Architecture</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">x86_64</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2ImageType</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">machine</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2OwnerID</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">545314153384</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2Platform</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">Other Linux</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2RootDeviceName</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">/dev/sda1</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2StateReason</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">-</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2Status</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">available</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2VirtualizationType</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">hvm</span> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n11:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n12:AmazonEC2EBSBackedAMI</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n12:CloudHostedVirtualMachine</a> </dd> <dt>rdfs:label</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) PAGO for RHEL 7.1</span> </dd> <dt>skos:prefLabel</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) PAGO for RHEL 7.1</span> </dd> <dt>foaf:depiction</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n147:virtuoso-82-pago-ami-init.png</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n74:data</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:description</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">This AMI contains a pre-configured instance of a Virtuoso 8.3.3319 Multi-Model RDBMS.</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">Virtuoso-ami-0fdd82310735949c1</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:isPartOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n145:this</a> </dd> <dt>skos:related</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n31:NoSQL</a> <a itemprop="" href="">dbpedia:Amazon_Web_Services</a> <a itemprop="" href="">category:Cloud_platforms</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n31:SemanticWeb</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n31:LinkedData</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n31:RDF</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n31:DBpedia</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n31:LODCloud</a> </dd> <dt>n12:hasAMIName</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">Virtuoso-83-PAGO-2019-05-12</span> </dd> <dt>n12:hasBlockDevices</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">/dev/sda1=snap-008f624ca28ff2a3f:120:true:gp2, /dev/sdf=snap-01e5e186db9e34b79:240:true:gp2</span> </dd> <dt>n12:hasProductCodes</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">marketplace: arw3vsijrf4mai6o0alwf5aut</span> </dd> <dt>n12:hasRootDeviceType</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">ebs</span> </dd> <dt>schema:isPartOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n145:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:mainEntityOfPage</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n165:</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n167:VirtPayAsYouGoEBSBackedAMI</a> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2AMI-ID</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">ami-0fdd82310735949c1</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2Architecture</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">x86_64</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2ImageType</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">machine</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2OwnerID</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">545314153384</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2Platform</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">Other Linux</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2RootDeviceName</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">/dev/sda1</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2StateReason</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">-</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2Status</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">available</span> </dd> <dt>n12:ec2VirtualizationType</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">hvm</span> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n44:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersWindows.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">wavcz2zz-30fcb64.exe</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 8.3 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive for Windows 64-bit</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-msdownload</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:Windows</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n64:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2019-05-14T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2024-09-16T19:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n100:wavcz2zz.exe</a> </dd> <dt>schema:hasPart</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n79:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n107:this</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">8.3</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n99:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n101:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n77:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n141:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n73:wavcz2zz-30fcb64.tarSpecification</a> </dd> <dt>n5:hasComponentOptionalDependency</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n6:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n63:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersWindows.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">wavpz2zz-30fcb64.exe</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 8.3 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit and Server Bundle Installer Archive for Windows 64-bit</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-msdownload</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:Windows</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n64:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2019-05-14T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2024-09-16T19:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n100:wavpz2zz.exe</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">8.3</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n99:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n101:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n81:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n124:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n73:wavpz2zz-30fcb64.tarSpecification</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n24:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersLinux.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">lovcz2zz-30fcb64.tar</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 8.3 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK &amp; Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-tar</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:GenericLinux</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n64:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2019-05-14T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2024-09-16T19:12:03-04:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n25:lovcz2zz.tar</a> </dd> <dt>schema:hasPart</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n72:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n114:this</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">8.3</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n103:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n101:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n77:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n141:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n37:lovcz2zz-30fcb64.tarSpecification</a> </dd> <dt>n5:hasComponentOptionalDependency</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n6:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n26:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersLinux.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">lovpz2zz-30fcb64.tar</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 8.3 Enterprise Edition Server and Client Connectivity Kit Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-tar</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:GenericLinux</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n64:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2019-05-14T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2024-09-16T19:00:00-04:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n25:lovpz2zz.tar</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">8.3</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n103:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n101:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n81:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n124:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n37:lovpz2zz-30fcb64.tarSpecification</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n53:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersMacOSX.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">mwvcz2zz-30fcb64.dmg</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 8.3 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK &amp; Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for macOS 64 Bit</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-dmg</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:MacOSX</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n64:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2019-05-14T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2021-06-14T11:46:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n168:mwvcz2zz.dmg</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">8.3</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n89:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n101:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n77:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n124:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n33:mwvcz2zz-30fcb64.dmgSpecification</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n41:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersMacOSX.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">mwvpz2zz-30fcb64.dmg</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 8.3 Enterprise Edition Server, Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK &amp; Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for macOS</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-dmg</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:MacOSX</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n64:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2019-05-14T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2023-02-18T19:00:28-04:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n168:mwvpz2zz.dmg</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">8.3</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n89:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n101:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n81:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n124:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n33:mwvpz2zz-30fcb64.dmgSpecification</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n20:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersLinux.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">lovcz2zz-30fcb64.tar</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 8.2 Enterprise Edition Server, Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK &amp; Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-tar</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:GenericLinux</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n19:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-10-05T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2019-03-27T22:11:00-04:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n122:lovcz2zz.tar</a> </dd> <dt>schema:hasPart</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n72:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n150:this</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">8.2</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n103:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n52:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n77:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n141:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n37:lovcz2zz-30fcb64.tarSpecification</a> </dd> <dt>n5:hasComponentOptionalDependency</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n6:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n23:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersLinux.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">lovpz2zz-30fcb64.tar</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 8.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit and Server Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-tar</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:GenericLinux</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n19:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-10-05T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-10-31T10:37:00-04:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n122:lovpz2zz.tar</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">8.2</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n103:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n52:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n81:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n124:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n37:lovpz2zz-30fcb64.tarSpecification</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n17:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:ExecutableArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">foaf:Document</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersLinux.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">virtuoso-iodbc-t-30fcb64.gzip</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 8.2 Enterprise Edition Server Executable (Binary) for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/gzip</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:GenericLinux</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n19:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">You can download this Gzip archive, extract the executable, and then use it as a replacement for an existing Virtuoso Server release in situation where you have decided to negate the functionality provided by its installer program. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-09-28T17:26:58</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-10-17T17:26:58</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n122:virtuoso-iodbc-t.gz</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">8.2</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n103:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n52:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n81:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:description</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Gzip archive that contains the executable file that delivers the multi-model RDBMS application functionality. Its behavior is informed by settings in an associated initialization (INI) file. </span> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n37:virtuoso-iodbc-t-30fcb64.gzipSpecification</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n27:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersMacOSX.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">mwvpz2zz-30fcb64.dmg</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 8.2 Enterprise Edition Server, Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK &amp; Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for macOS</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-dmg</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:MacOSX</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n19:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-10-05T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-10-27T16:51:28-04:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n14:mwvpz2zz.dmg</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">8.2</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n89:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n52:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n81:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n124:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n33:mwvpz2zz-30fcb64.dmgSpecification</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n58:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersLinux.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">lovcz2zz.tar</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 7.2 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-tar</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:GenericLinux</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n78:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-04-25T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-04-25T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n133:lovcz2zz.tar</a> </dd> <dt>schema:hasPart</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n150:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n72:this</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">8.1</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n103:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n56:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n77:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n141:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n37:lovcz2zz81.tarSpecification</a> </dd> <dt>n5:hasComponentOptionalDependency</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n6:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n34:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersLinux.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">lqvcz2zz.tar</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 8.1 Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK &amp; Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.12 x86_64)</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-tar</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:GenericLinux</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n78:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-04-25T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-04-25T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n127:lqvcz2zz.tar</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">8.1</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n119:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n56:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n77:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n141:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n37:lqvcz2zz81.tarSpecification</a> </dd> <dt>n5:hasComponentOptionalDependency</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n6:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n45:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersLinux.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">lovpz2zz.tar</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 8.1 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit and Server Bundle (version 8.1) Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-tar</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:GenericLinux</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n78:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-04-25T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-04-25T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n133:lovpz2zz.tar</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">8.1</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n103:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n56:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n81:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n124:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n37:lovpz2zz81.tarSpecification</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n55:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersLinux.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">lqvpz2zz.tar</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 8.1 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit &amp; Server Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.12 x86_64)</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-tar</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:GenericLinux</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n78:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-04-25T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-04-25T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n127:lqvpz2zz.tar</a> </dd> <dt>schema:hasPart</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n152:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n163:this</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">8.1</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n119:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n56:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n81:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n124:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n37:lqvpz2zz81.tarSpecification</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n97:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:ProgramFile</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersJVM.ttl</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">virtjdbc4_2_3.118.jar</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">OpenLink Virtuoso(TM) Driver for JDBC(TM) Version 4.2</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/java-archive</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:JavaVirtualMachine</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n64:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-11-04T20:00:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2021-06-15T20:00:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n109:virtjdbc4_2.jar</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">3.118</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n108:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n101:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:description</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Java JAR file that constitutes Virtuoso&#39;s JDBC 4.2 Driver. Once installed into a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), JDBC based applications are equipped with complete access to Virtuoso&#39;s suite of RDF related functionality. </span> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n125:virtjdbc4_2_3.118.jarSpecification</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isProgramFileOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n105:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n9:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersMacOSX.ttl</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">mwvpz2zz.dmg</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 8.1 Enterprise Edition Server, Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK &amp; Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for macOS </span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-apple-diskimage</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:MacOSX</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n78:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-04-25T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-04-25T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n96:mwvpz2zz.dmg</a> </dd> <dt>schema:hasPart</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n10:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n29:this</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">8.1</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n89:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n56:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n81:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:description</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">This installer archive includes the Virtuoso Client and Server, and the iODBC SDK &amp; Rumtime components. The Client Components enable connectivity to Virtuoso Server instances (both Enterprise and Open Source Editions) using data access protocols such as ODBC. The Server Components enable installation and use of Virtuoso RDBMS (SQL Tables and RDF Property/Predicate Graph) instances that are accessible to HTTP, WebDAV, LDP, IMAP4, POP3, SPARQL, ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE DB, and XMLA clients. The iODBC SDK provides libraries and header files for developing ODBC compliant applications using the &#39;C&#39; programming language. The iODBC Runtime components install the ODBC Driver Manager and Administrator components required by ODBC compliant applications (including JDBC-ODBC bridges) for ODBC Data Source Name (DSN) Connectivity and Configuration. </span> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n124:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n33:mwvpz2zz.dmgSpecification</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerStepByGuide</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n159:this</a> </dd> <dt>n5:hasComponentMandatoryDependency</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n160:License-2016-08-virtuoso-8-pilot-ANY</a> </dd> <dt>n5:hasComponentOptionalDependency</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n6:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n7:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:Offer</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n82:VirtuosoSpecialOffer</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n82:Virtuoso8Offer</a> </dd> <dt>rdfs:label</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">30 Day Free Evaluation</span> </dd> <dt>n136:hasBuyService</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n137:openlinkswcom-pago.openlink-virtuoso-azure-pago-offer-20201019?tab=Overview</a> </dd> <dt>gr:businessFunction</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">gr:Sell</a> </dd> <dt>skos:prefLabel</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic on the Microsoft Azure Cloud</span> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n74:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n110:Virtuoso-Azure-Offers-Licenses-Prices.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Instance Type Offer: Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic</span> </dd> <dt>skos:related</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="nodeID://b73037798">_:vb73037798</a> <a itemprop="" href="nodeID://b73037799">_:vb73037799</a> <a itemprop="" href="nodeID://b73037797">_:vb73037797</a> </dd> <dt>n82:offerNumber</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">Offer-2020-10-Azure-Cloud-30-Day-Evaluation-PAGO-Ubuntu-Bionic</span> </dd> <dt>schema:category</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">virtuoso-aws-cloud-pago-ami-instance</span> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">Free Evaluation Offer of Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:itemOffered</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n170:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:mainEntityOfPage</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n137:openlinkswcom-pago.openlink-virtuoso-azure-pago-offer-20201019?tab=Overview</a> </dd> <dt>schema:price</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">0</span> </dd> <dt>schema:priceSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n161:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:validFrom</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2020-10-01T00:00:00Z</span> </dd> <dt>schema:validThrough</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2024-03-31T16:59:59Z</span> </dd> <dt>n82:isMemberOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n83:OfferGroupEarlyStage</a> </dd> <dt>schema:url</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n115:Offer-2020-10-Azure-Cloud-30-Day-Evaluation-PAGO-Ubuntu-Bionic</a> </dd> <dt>schema:description</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">A 30 Day Free Evaluation that applies to any Microsoft Azure Cloud Instance Type supported by Virtuoso. This includes a an unrestricted license for Concurrent Database Connections (users) and CPU Affinity (i.e. Physical and Virtual CPUs applied to multi-threaded operations). </span> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n22:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:Offer</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n82:VirtuosoSpecialOffer</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n82:Virtuoso8Offer</a> </dd> <dt>rdfs:label</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">Personal Usage</span> </dd> <dt>n136:hasBuyService</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n137:openlinkswcom-pago.openlink-virtuoso-azure-pago-offer-20201019?tab=Overview</a> </dd> <dt>gr:businessFunction</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">gr:Sell</a> </dd> <dt>skos:prefLabel</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">Personal Usage Offer: Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic on the Microsoft Azure Cloud</span> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n74:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n110:Virtuoso-Azure-Offers-Licenses-Prices.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Instance Type Offer: Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic</span> </dd> <dt>skos:related</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="nodeID://b73037798">_:vb73037798</a> <a itemprop="" href="nodeID://b73037799">_:vb73037799</a> <a itemprop="" href="nodeID://b73037797">_:vb73037797</a> </dd> <dt>n82:offerNumber</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">Offer-2020-10-Azure-Personal-PAGO-Ubuntu-Bionic</span> </dd> <dt>schema:category</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">virtuoso-aws-cloud-pago-ami-instance</span> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">Personal Usage Offer of Virtuoso Universal Server (Commercial Cloud Edition) for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:itemOffered</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n171:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:mainEntityOfPage</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n137:openlinkswcom-pago.openlink-virtuoso-azure-pago-offer-20201019?tab=Overview</a> </dd> <dt>schema:price</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">0</span> </dd> <dt>schema:priceSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n162:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:validFrom</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2020-10-01T00:00:00Z</span> </dd> <dt>schema:validThrough</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2024-03-31T16:59:59Z</span> </dd> <dt>n82:isMemberOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n83:OfferGroupEarlyStage</a> </dd> <dt>schema:url</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n115:Offer-2020-10-Azure-Personal-PAGO-Ubuntu-Bionic</a> </dd> <dt>schema:description</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">Personal Usage Offer that applies to any Microsoft Azure Cloud Instance Type supported by Virtuoso. This includes a an unrestricted license for Concurrent Database Connections (users) and CPU Affinity (i.e. Physical and Virtual CPUs applied to multi-threaded operations) pricing scoped to your choice of Virtual Machine Instance Type. </span> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n15:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:ExecutableArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> <a itemprop="" href="">foaf:Document</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersWindows.ttl</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop=""></span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 8.1 Enterprise Edition Server Executable (Binary) for Windows (64-bit)</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/zip</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:Windows</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n78:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">You can download this zip archive, extract the executable, and then use it as a replacement for an existing Virtuoso Server release in situation where you have decided to negate the functionality provided by its installer program. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-05-15T17:26:58</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-07-13T17:26:58</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href=""></a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">8.1</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n99:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n56:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n81:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:description</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Zip archive that contains the executable file that delivers the multi-model RDBMS application functionality. Its behavior is informed by settings in an associated initialization (INI) file. </span> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n73:virtuoso-odbc-t.zipSpecification</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n84:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersLinux.ttl</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">virtuoso-opensource.x86_64-generic_glibc25-linux-gnu-30fcb64.tar</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 7.2 Open Source Edition Server and Client Connectivity Kit Bundle Installer Archive for Linux (64-bit glibc 2.5 x86_64)</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-tar</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:GenericLinux</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n154:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2021-06-23T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n113:virtuoso-opensource.x86_64-generic_glibc25-linux-gnu.tar.gz</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">7.2</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n103:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n129:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n81:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n98:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n37:virtuoso-opensource.x86_64-generic_glibc25-linux-gnu-30fcb64.tarSpecification</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n76:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersWindows.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">wavcz2zz.exe</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 8.1 Client Connectivity Kit Installer Archive for Windows</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-msdownload</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:Windows</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n78:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2017-08-01T22:20:30</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-05-10T17:26:58</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n116:wavcz2zz.exe</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">8.1</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n99:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n56:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n77:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:description</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">This installer archives includes components that enable connectivity to Virtuoso Server instances using data access protocols such as: ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, and OLE-DB. </span> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n141:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n73:wavcz2zz.exeSpecification</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerStepByGuide</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n146:this</a> </dd> <dt>n5:hasComponentOptionalDependency</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n6:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n62:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersWindows.ttl</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">wavpz2zz.exe</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 8.1 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit and Server Bundle Installer Archive for Windows (64-bit)</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-msdownload</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:Windows</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n78:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2017-07-18T21:50:01</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-05-10T17:26:58</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n116:wavpz2zz.exe</a> </dd> <dt>schema:hasPart</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n15:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n79:this</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">8.1</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n99:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n56:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n81:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:description</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">This installer archives includes Virtuoso&#39;s Client &amp; Server components. The Client Components enable connectivity to Virtuoso Server instances using data access protocols such as: ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, and OLE-DB. The Server Components enable installation and use of Virtuoso RDBMS (SQL Tables and RDF Property/Predicate Graph) instances that are accessible to HTTP, WebDAV, LDP, IMAP4, POP3, SPARQL, ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE-DB, and XMLA clients. </span> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n124:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n73:wavpz2zz.exesizeSpecification</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerStepByGuide</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n146:this</a> </dd> <dt>n5:hasComponentMandatoryDependency</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n140:License-2016-08-virtuoso-8-pilot-ANY</a> </dd> <dt>n5:hasComponentOptionalDependency</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n6:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n2:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersMacOSX.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">m1vcz2zz-30fcb64.dmg</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 8.3 Enterprise Edition Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK &amp; Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for macOS 11 64 Bit</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-dmg</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:MacOSX</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n64:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2019-05-14T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2024-05-22T19:46:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n164:m1vcz2zz.dmg</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">8.3</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n158:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n101:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n77:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n124:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n33:m1vcz2zz-30fcb64.dmgSpecification</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n67:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersMacOSX.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">m1vpz2zz-30fcb64.dmg</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 8.3 Enterprise Edition Server, Client Connectivity Kit, and ODBC SDK &amp; Runtime Bundle Installer Archive for macOS 11 64 Bit </span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-dmg</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:MacOSX</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n64:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2019-05-14T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2024-09-16T19:46:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n164:m1vpz2zz.dmg</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">8.3</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n158:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n101:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n81:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n124:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n33:m1vpz2zz-30fcb64.dmgSpecification</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n60:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersMacOSX.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">Virtuoso_Open_Source_for_macOS-30fcb64.dmg</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Virtuoso 7.2 Open Source Edition Server and Client Connectivity Kit Bundle Installer Archive for macOS</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/x-dmg</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:MacOSX</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n154:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on icon placed beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on hyperlink anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2021-06-23T13:47:27</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n113:Virtuoso_Open_Source_for_macOS.dmg</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">7.2</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n117:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n129:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasInstallerArchiveCategory</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n81:this</a> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasComponentCode</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n98:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n33:Virtuoso_Open_Source_for_macOS-30fcb64.tarSpecification</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n70:this</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:ProgramFile</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:VirtuosoInstallerArchive</a> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:CreativeWork</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:InstallerArchive</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n85:installersJVM.ttl</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:identifier</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">virtjdbc4_3_3.118.jar</span> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">OpenLink Virtuoso(TM) Driver for JDBC(TM) Version 4.3</span> </dd> <dt>dcterms:format</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">application/java-archive</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystemFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:JavaVirtualMachine</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseEngine</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n64:this</a> </dd> <dt>n18:hasDatabaseFamily</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:OpenLinkVirtuoso</a> </dd> <dt>schema:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Download this Installer Archive by clicking on the icon beside the value of the URL property. Otherwise, click on the hyperlink above that anchors the text following &#39;About:&#39;. </span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateCreated</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2018-11-04T20:00:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:dateModified</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">2021-06-15T20:00:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:downloadUrl</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n109:virtjdbc4_3.jar</a> </dd> <dt>n86:versionText</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">3.118</span> </dd> <dt>n18:hasOperatingSystem</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n108:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isInstallerArchiveOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n101:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:description</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Java JAR file that constitutes Virtuoso&#39;s JDBC 4.3 Driver. Once installed into a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), JDBC based applications are equipped with complete access to Virtuoso&#39;s suite of RDF related functionality. </span> </dd> <dt>n35:hasDepot</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> </dd> <dt>n28:hasFileSizeSpecification</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n125:virtjdbc4_3_3.118.jarSpecification</a> </dd> <dt>n28:isProgramFileOf</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n105:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n87:</dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:WebPage</a> </dd> <dt>rdfs:label</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">Virtuoso 8.2 Docker Container Description Document</span> </dd> <dt>rdfs:comment</dt> <dd> <span itemprop=""> Following container instantiation, you can use docker container commands to start, monitor, and stop a Virtuoso instance for personal, enterprise, or service-specific use. </span> </dd> <dt>foaf:depiction</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n157:virtuoso-82-docker-container-3.png</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n157:virtuoso-82-docker-container-4.png</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n157:virtuoso-82-docker-container-1.png</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n157:virtuoso-82-docker-container-2.png</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n157:virtuoso-82-docker-container-5.png</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n157:virtuoso-82-docker-container-6.png</a> </dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n88:Virtuoso8ProductsReleases.ttl</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n43:data</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n126:Virtuoso8ProductsReleases.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>dcterms:description</dt> <dd> <span itemprop=""> One-click installation edition of a preconfigured Virtuoso 8.2 Multi-Model RDBMS instance. This particular deployment requires an Evaluation or Non-Expiring license for full functionality, by default it will operate in Limited Demo mode. </span> <span itemprop=""> One-click installation edition of a preconfigured Virtuoso 8.2 Multi-Model RDBMS instance. This particular deployment requires a commercial license for fully functionality, by default it will operate if free-evaluation mode. </span> </dd> <dt>skos:related</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">dbpedia:Amazon_Web_Services</a> <a itemprop="" href="">category:Cloud_platforms</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n111:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n112:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n131:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n132:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">dbpedia:Docker_(software)</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n143:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n144:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n145:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:about</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n52:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n172:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:url</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n92:</a> </dd> </dl> </div> </div><!--OSDI structured data (HTML5-MD) injection end--> <!--OSDI structured data injection end--> <script src="//"></script><script src="/skin/bootstrap-2022/js/jquery-ods-shopcart/jquery.ods-shopcart.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/skin/bootstrap-2022/js/jquery-ods-shopcart/jquery.hoverIntent.minified.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/odsui/js/ods-auth.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript"> $(document).xpath("//div[contains(@class,'embeddedsparql') and @id and @data-oplembed-target and @data-oplembed-template]").each( function(idx, datid) { var id = $(datid).attr("id"); var data= embedToData(id, 0); var dest= $(datid).attr("data-oplembed-target"); var templt= $("#"+id).attr("data-oplembed-template"); if(typeof embedDataPreHook === "function") { embedDataPreHook(datid); } if(typeof embedDataFixes === "function") { $("#"+dest).loadTemplate($("#"+templt), data, {complete: embedDataFixes}); } else { $("#"+dest).loadTemplate($("#"+templt), data); } if(typeof embedDataPostHook === "function") { embedDataPostHook(datid); } $(datid).toggle(false); } ) </script><script type="text/javascript"> $("ul.navbar-right li:has(title)").toggle(false); </script><script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById("profileloginlink").href=document.getElementById("profileloginlink").href+"?returnto="+encodeURIComponent(document.location); document.getElementById("profileregisterlink").href=document.getElementById("profileregisterlink").href+"?returnto="+encodeURIComponent(document.location); $(".oplshopitem").each( (idx,x) => x.href=x.href.replace("#LOGIN", document.getElementById("profileloginlink").href)) if (document.location.pathname.includes("support_system") || document.location.pathname.includes("profile") || document.location.pathname.includes("quotations") || document.location.pathname.includes("purchases")) document.getElementById("profilelogoutlink").href=document.getElementById("profilelogoutlink").href+"?returnto="+encodeURIComponent(''); else document.getElementById("profilelogoutlink").href=document.getElementById("profilelogoutlink").href+"?returnto="+encodeURIComponent(document.location); </script><script type="text/javascript"> $("#profileloginlink").toggle(true); $("#profileregisterlink").toggle(true); $("#profilelogoutlink").toggle(false); $("#profilelink").toggle(false); $("#profiledropdown").css("padding-top", "15px"); $("#profiledropdown").css("padding-bottom", "15px"); </script><script type="text/javascript"> var repaint=document.getElementById("repaint") repaint.remove() </script><!--Google tag (gtag.js)--><script async="async" type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript"> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag() { dataLayer.push(arguments); } gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-139779-10'); </script> </body> </html>

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