Gale lashes Puget Sound on March 25, 1897. -
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Tacoma sees 50 mph winds for five hours. In Seattle, the wind breaks 17 windows in a downtown school and lifts a schoolboy off the ground.</p> <p>The draw-span of the Eleventh Street Bridge in Tacoma blew open, interrupting traffic. The aging, 150-foot-long Merchants' Dock in Seattle collapsed into Elliott Bay and the Elliott Bay Yacht Club building was wrecked. Stern-wheel steamers that normally served Puget Sound cities remained in port for safety. In <em>This City of Ours,</em> J. Willis Sayre writes that in Seattle streetcars could not make headway against the wind and at one point the passengers got out and pushed their streetcar around the corner of Occidental Avenue and Jackson Street.</p> </article> <aside id="media-anchor"> </aside> <article> <hr /> <h6> <strong>Sources:</strong> <p>J. Willis Sayre, <em>This City of Ours</em> (Seattle: Seattle School District No. 1, 1936), 73; "Forty Miles an Hour," <em>Seattle Post-Intelligencer,</em> March 26, 1897, p. 1. <br /><strong>Note: This file was expanded on September 14, 2004.</strong></p> </h6> <div class="related-topics"> <hr /> <h6><strong>Related Topics</strong></h6> <a href="/Search/Results?TopicId=57&FilterTopic=on">Weather</a><!-- --> </div> <div class="page-nav-bottom" id="page-nav-bottom"> <hr /> <div class="page-nav"> <div class="previous"> <a class="button" href="/File/5047">< Previous Entry in Timeline</a> </div> <div class="next"> <a class="button" href="/File/5452">Next Entry in Timeline ></a> </div> </div> </div> <hr /> <h6> <strong>Licensing</strong>: This essay is licensed under a Creative Commons license that encourages reproduction with attribution. Credit should be given to both and to the author, and sources must be included with any reproduction. Click the icon for more info. 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