Terms and conditions | Humanity & Inclusion US
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Humanity & Inclusion is a tax-exempt, District of Columbia nonprofit corporation headquartered in Maryland (EIN/tax ID number: 55-0914744). Humanity & Inclusion owns and operates this website.</p> <h3>Our Goal</h3> <p>Our goal at Humanity & Inclusion is to respect the privacy rights of all donors and visitors to our website, The following information details Humanity & Inclusion's collection, protection, and use of the data we receive from donors and visitors to this website. We intend to use reasonable efforts to respect any limitations you may desire to place on the use of your personal information.</p> <p>Please read the following Terms of Use and Privacy Policy (both referred to collectively as “Terms of Use”). The use of this website is conditioned upon acceptance of the Terms of Use, and your use of this website constitutes your agreement with the Terms of Use. These Terms of Use may change from time to time, so please check back periodically. Your continued use of the Humanity & Inclusion website following any such changes will constitute your agreement with the amended Terms of Use.</p> <p>Access to and use of this website ( and all related subdomains) is provided by Humanity & Inclusion U.S., subject to the following Terms of Use. These Terms of Use do not apply to pages hosted by other organizations, including other Humanity & Inclusion associations, to which we may link and whose privacy and other policies may differ, as these associations are based in other countries.<br /> </p> <h2>Terms and conditions of use</h2> <ol> <li>You agree to use this site only for lawful purposes, and should you fail to do so, Humanity & Inclusion may enforce its rights accordingly.</li> <li>The site and information are provided “as is” with no warranties of any kind for any purpose. In no event will Humanity & Inclusion be liable for damages of any kind arising from use of this website. In any jurisdiction where exclusion of liability may not be allowed, any liability will be limited to the maximum provided by law in that particular jurisdiction.</li> <li>Humanity & Inclusion’s name and logo are protected by state and federal laws and no person may use them without prior written permission of Humanity & Inclusion.</li> <li>You may not copy, modify, reproduce, re-publish, create derivative works from, transfer or sell any pages, data, information, images, or services obtained from this website unless you have the prior written consent of Humanity & Inclusion and any other applicable owner of the website content. All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by us.</li> <li>If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is deemed unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, that provision will be deemed severable from these Terms and Conditions and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.</li> <li>This website is administered by Humanity & Inclusion from its office in Maryland. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Maryland. Any disputes relating to the use of this website shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Maryland or the United States District Court in Maryland.</li> <li>If you do not accept these Terms and Conditions in full, you must immediately terminate use of this website.</li> </ol> <h3>What We Collect</h3> <p>Humanity & Inclusion may collect information regarding website visitors, including IP address, browser, and domain information, and information volunteered by you, such as your email address.</p> <p>We may also monitor and track information, such as website visitor usage patterns using standard website tracking software. We may use cookies to make visiting and using our site easier, for instance, so you do not have to continually re-enter information. The law states that we can store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this site. Because we respect your right to privacy, we give you the option of not allowing other types of cookies. You can at any time change or withdraw your consent from the Cookie Declaration on our website.</p> <p>Humanity & Inclusion collects personal information from visitors and other supporters when they register to join our organization, donate online or offline, subscribe to any e-newsletter we may offer, take an action concerning an issue using our service, or otherwise participate in one of our online communities by “following” or “liking” our pages there. </p> <p>Please note that our web server does not automatically recognize or collect personal information based on your email address; the personal information we collect is always voluntarily submitted by you. We do not sell or share email addresses we collect. </p> <p>If an email subscriber does not open or click on an email for more than two years, the organization tends to remove that email from our regular email schedule. The organization may, however, re-introduce that email to the database in the event of a rapid-onset emergency. If an email address is unsubscribed, it will be removed from all email communications.</p> <p>It is not our intention to collect any personally identifiable information from children. Children should always ask a parent for permission before sending any personal information online.</p> <h3>Links</h3> <p>Our website may provide links to other sites from time to time. We attempt to choose links carefully. However, we cannot take responsibility for the privacy policies of any linked website since we do not control third-party websites.</p> <p>Internet websites wishing to link to our site should attribute the content to Humanity & Inclusion.</p> <h3>Online Donations and Credit Card Security</h3> <p>Humanity & Inclusion is grateful for the individuals who choose to support our work by making donations. These gifts help the organization continue and expand our valuable work. It is very important to us that your personal information remains secure. When you donate to Humanity & Inclusion online, your credit card information is secured by Fundraise Up's secure payment processor. Fundraise Up's integrated payment processing capabilities are powered by <a href="" target="_blank">Stripe</a>, which has the highest level of certification attainable in the payments industry: <a href=",%20inc" target="_blank">PCI Level 1</a>. <a href="" target="_blank">Fundraise Up</a> uses 256-bit encryption and maintains SOC II, ISO 27001, and PCI DSS Level 1 security compliances. Your credit card number is used only for that particular transaction. Your card is never stored.</p> <p>Information entered on donation pages is encrypted for your security. All donation pages are protected by an SSL certificate, which is maintained by Humanity & Inclusion. You'll know this is enabled when you see the symbol of a lock appear next to the URL, which also begins with https://. If you click on this lock icon, you can see Humanity & Inclusion's certificate. Your encrypted, online credit card transaction is more secure than using your credit card in physical form at a store, for example. If you have any questions regarding the security of your credit card donation online, please <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#a9cdc6c7c6dbdaccdbdfc0caccda87dcdac8e9c1c087c6dbce96dadccbc3cccadd94eadbcccdc0dd8c9b99eac8dbcd8c9b99facccadcdbc0ddd08c9b99f8dcccdaddc0c6c7">email us</a>, or call (301) 891-2138 for more information.</p> <p>Please note that none of the funds donated through this website will benefit activities in the following countries: Cuba, Iran, North Korea, the Crimea Region, or Syria unless the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) issues a specific license for doing so, as is the case following the Syria earthquake in February 2023. Humanity & Inclusion does not have programs in all of these countries, but in the ones in which the organization does work, we maintain all relevant OFAC licenses. </p> <h3>Opt out</h3> <p>To serve you better, we may contact you in the future to inform you about Humanity & Inclusion's response to the needs of the people we serve. We will offer various contact options, so you can choose how often you hear from us. Humanity & Inclusion will remove your name from our mailing list, email list, or telephone solicitation list at any time, at your request. If you wish to opt out of any or all forms of communication, please <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#90e2f5f1f3f8ffe5e4bee5e3f1d0f8f9beffe2f7afe3e5f2faf5f3e4addfe0e4b5a2a0ffe5e4b5a2a0e2f5e1e5f5e3e4">email us</a> or call us at (301) 891-2138.</p> <p>Humanity & Inclusion may use the services of outside vendors to send our email newsletters and complete the online donation process. We seek to have these vendors adhere to Humanity & Inclusion's commitment to privacy and security. However, we cannot control third parties, and if at any time you should have a concern, please contact us directly at (301) 891-2138, and we will do our utmost to correct the problem.</p> <h3>Email Updates</h3> <p>Email updates provide a worldwide perspective on Humanity & Inclusion’s mission to respond to the needs of people impacted by armed conflicts, diseases, natural disasters, or other causes. In order to receive these updates you must voluntarily provide Humanity & Inclusion with your email address. You will be given the option to update your preferences or <a href="" target="_blank">unsubscribe</a> from our email list at the bottom of each email update.</p> <h3>Advertising</h3> <p>As you browse our website, online ad networks we work with may place anonymous cookies on your computer, and use similar technologies, in order to understand your interests based on your anonymous online activities and to tailor more relevant ads to you. If you do not wish to receive such tailored advertising, you can visit the <a href="">Network Advertising Initiative</a> to opt out of most companies that engage in such advertising. 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