Customers | ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Customers | ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer</title> <meta name="description" content="List of customers using NetFlow Analyzer in the enterprise for bandwidth monitoring, bandwidth reporting, and bandwidth usage tracking"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta name="author" content="ManageEngine"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"> <!--[if lt IE 9]><script src=""></script><![endif]--> <link href="//" rel="shortcut icon"> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/products/netflow/style/prd-style.css"> <link rel="canonical" href="" /> <style> .flex-control-nav{right:10%;bottom:-10px} </style> </head><body> <div class="pop-box"> </div><div class="pop-container"> </div> <header> <div id="commonHeader"> <div id="header-topsec"> </div> <div class="" id="MEmobPanel"> <div id="MEdropPanel"> </div> </div> <div id="header-mainsec"> <div class="headerinner"> <div class="clearfix head-container"> <div class="fl prdLogo"> <a class="nfalogosvg" href=""><img title="Bandwidth Monitoring & Traffic Analysis - ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer" alt="Bandwidth Monitoring & Traffic Analysis - ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer" src=""/></a> </div> <div class="fr"> <nav> <div class="nav-dwn fr"><a href="/products/netflow/download.html" title="Download ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer">Download <span class="nav-dwn-icon"> </span></a></div> <div class="fr pr"> <ul class="nav header-nav productmenu clearfix" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""> <li id="over"><a href="/products/netflow/" title="Overview">Overview</a></li> <li id="fea"><a href="/products/netflow/features.html" title="Features">Features</a></li> <li id="demo"><a href="/products/netflow/demo-form.html" title="Demo">Demo</a></li> <li id="quote"><a href="/products/netflow/getquote.html" title="Get Price Quote">Get Price Quote </a></li> <li id="price"><a href="/products/netflow/netflow-analyzer-editions.html" title="Editions">Editions</a></li> <li id="res"><a href="/products/netflow/resources.html" title="Support & Resources">Support & Resources</a></li> <li id="cust"><a href="/products/netflow/customers.html" title="Customers">Customers</a></li> </ul> </div> </nav> </div> <div class="menuIcon menu2ResBlk" id="MEmobile"><span class="s-icon icon-s-menu"> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </header> <section> <div class="heading-menu"> <div class="container"> <h2>Customers</h2> <div class="breadcrumb"><a href="/products/netflow/">Home</a> » Customers</div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <div class="container sec-pTB" id="scroll"> <div class="pg-head tac">NetFlow Customers</div> <div class="bannerflex customerMain"> <div class="flexslider"> <ul class="flexBnrslides"> <li class="customers clearfix"> <div class="fl span_2_of_3"> <p class="testimonial mT25">"We have been using NetFlow Analyzer for the purpose of monitoring the bandwidth consumption across the school network spread around 35 sites at Elizabeth, NJ. We have found the product very helpful in capacity planning and in bandwidth related troubleshooting. I would recommend NetFlow Analyzer to anyone looking for a bandwidth monitoring solution"</p> </div> <div class="fl" style=" width:40px; height:163px;"><img width="28" height="167" src="/products/netflow/images/spliter.png" alt="splitter" title="splitter" /></div> <div class="fl span_2_of_7 pL20"><img width="198" height="69" src="/products/netflow/images/cus-elizabeth.jpg" class="mT15" alt="Customer" title="Customer" /> <p class="cusTxt"><span>Girish Kumar</span> <br /> Cisco Network Team, Elizabeth Board of Education</p> </div> </li> <li class="customers clearfix"> <div class="fl span_2_of_3"> <p class="testimonial mT25">"Lotus F1 Team Ltd. places great faith in the analytical reporting service offered by ManageEngine, its simplicity of use and simple GUI are also a unique benefit offered by their services. We would highly recommend this product to any other fast paced forward thinking business."</p> </div> <div style=" width:40px; height:163px;" class="fl"><img width="28" height="167" title="splitter" alt="splitter" src="/products/netflow/images/spliter.png" /></div> <div class="fl span_2_of_7 pL20"><img width="195" height="80" title="Lotus" alt="Lotus" class="mT15" src="/products/netflow/images/lotuslogo.png" /> <p class="cusTxt"><span>Daniel</span> <br /> Lotus F1 Team</p> </div> </li> <li class="customers clearfix"> <div class="fl span_2_of_3"> <p class="testimonial mT25">"We use NetFlow on a daily basis to provide visibility on traffic patterns within our fire-walled perimeter. It is used both as a fault-finding tool, and a management tool to provide forecasting and monitoring facilities of our existing and future traffic requirements. NetFlow Analyzer's standard interface reports and custom reports are very helpful for us to determine network problems"</p> </div> <div style=" width:40px; height:163px;" class="fl"><img width="28" height="167" alt="Splitter" src="/products/netflow/images/spliter.png" /></div> <div class="fl span_2_of_7 pL20"><img width="189" height="71" alt="Logo" class="mT15" src="/products/netflow/images/logo_qub.gif" /> <p class="cusTxt"><span>Garry Crothers</span> <br /> Network Engineer, Queen's University, Belfast</p> </div> </li> <li class="customers clearfix"> <div class="fl span_2_of_3"> <p class="testimonial">"NetFlow Analyzer is an affordable solution for bandwidth monitoring. We have been using NetFlow Analyzer to manage our branch and central office bandwidth requirements effectively. It was able to correlate the vast NetFlow data exported from our Cisco Routers and provide us with rich reports that showed us the exact bandwidth utilization based on the type of traffic on the network. NetFlow Analyzer is an ideal choice for enterprise IT who need to detect network bottlenecks and provide a superior network connectivity experience to their end-users."</p> </div> <div style=" width:40px; height:163px;" class="fl"><img width="28" height="167" alt="splitter" src="/products/netflow/images/spliter.png" /></div> <div class="fl span_2_of_7 pL20"><img width="89" height="17" alt="praxair" class="mT15" src="/products/netflow/images/praxair-logo.gif" /> <p class="cusTxt"><span>Raul Borges</span> <br /> Network Administrator, Praxair</p> </div> </li> <li class="customers clearfix"> <div class="fl span_2_of_3"> <p class="testimonial mT25">"NetFlow Analyzer has helped us reduce the time taken to isolate and contain threats like worms and virus attacks. It has also helped us to solve network incidents faster, and do better capacity planning."</p> </div> <div style=" width:40px; height:163px;" class="fl"><img width="28" height="167" alt="splitter" src="/products/netflow/images/spliter.png" /></div> <div class="fl span_2_of_7 pL20"><img width="134" height="49" alt="adventist" class="mT25" src="/products/netflow/images/adventist_logo.jpg" /> <p class="cusTxt"><span>Fred Hassard</span> <br /> Sr. Network Engineer, Adventist Health</p> </div> </li> <li class="customers clearfix"> <div class="fl span_2_of_3"> <p class="testimonial mT25">"NetFlow Analyzer provides centralized traffic analysis for our customer's networks with more than 100 interfaces spread geographically. It enables easy troubleshooting of traffic bottlenecks and helps us in capacity planning. The information provided is user-friendly and enables us to take informed business decisions."</p> </div> <div style=" width:40px; height:163px;" class="fl"><img width="28" height="167" alt="splitter" src="/products/netflow/images/spliter.png" /></div> <div class="fl span_2_of_7 pL20"><img width="98" height="75" alt="wipro" class="mT15" src="/products/netflow/images/wipro_logo.gif" /> <p class="cusTxt"><span>Tapan D. Bhat</span> <br /> General Manager & Business Head, Wipro Infotech</p> </div> </li> <li class="customers clearfix"> <div class="fl span_2_of_3"> <p class="testimonial mT15">"For a long time, I've looked at congested WAN links and wondered exactly what was going over the wire. What users and what applications were at the root of the issue? RMON solutions were always too expensive and too difficult to implement. NetFlow Analyzer lets me know exactly who is talking to whom, and what applications are in use - I can now actively and aggressively manage my network traffic and solve congestion problems quickly and easily."</p> </div> <div style=" width:40px; height:163px;" class="fl"><img width="28" height="167" alt="splitter" src="/products/netflow/images/spliter.png" /></div> <div class="fl span_2_of_7 pL20"><img width="196" height="79" alt="logo" class="mT15" src="/products/netflow/images/ts-logohd.gif" /> <p class="cusTxt"><span>Ross Hunton</span> <br /> Operations & Network Manager, Tropical Shipping USA, LLC</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="customerMain"> <div class="beveldown container"> <div class="maincontent"> <h3 class="f26 fw400">Customers</h3> <p>NetFlow Analyzer counts many of the world's leading enterprises as key customers. The following are some of the companies who have turned to NetFlow Analyzer to solve some of their IT infrastructure challenges and problems.</p> <h2 class="tac">Banking/Finance/Insurance</h2> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="per30"> <ul> <li>Acordia</li> <li>Afghanistan International Bank</li> <li>American Bank</li> <li>CIBC MELLON</li> <li>CJSC Investment Company</li> <li>Dresdner Kleinwort</li> <li>EQUIFAX, INC.</li> <li>Equity Trust</li> </ul> </div> <div class="per30"> <ul> <li>First Franklin Financial Corp</li> <li>Galaxy Plus</li> <li>GlobeOp Financial Services</li> <li>IADB</li> <li>Myers Internet, Inc,</li> <li>National Financial Partners</li> <li>NIH Federal Credit Union</li> <li>NovaStar Mortgage</li> </ul> </div> <div class="per30"> <ul> <li>Republic Western Insurance</li> <li>Standard Chartered Ltd</li> <li>Tudor Investment Corp</li> <li>Unisys Insurace Services Limited</li> <li>Virginia Bankers Association</li> <li>WPS Health Insurance</li> <li>WHK</li> <li>Yapi Kredi Sigorta</li> </ul> </div> </div> <h2 class="tac">Education</h2> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="per30"> <ul> <li>Art Center College of Design</li> <li>Butte County Office of Education</li> <li>Calvert County Public Schools</li> <li>Career Education Corporation</li> <li>Claremont McKenna College</li> <li>Culpeper County Public Schools</li> <li>ECPI College of Technology</li> <li>Elizabeth board of education</li> <li>Ferguson-Florissant School District</li> <li>Hall County School System</li> </ul> </div> <div class="per30"> <ul> <li>Harvard University</li> <li>Harvey Mudd College</li> <li>Learning Tree International</li> <li>Mecklenburg County Public Schools</li> <li>Mohave Community College</li> <li>Mount Wachusett Community College</li> <li>NYC Board OF Education</li> <li>Nassau Community College</li> <li>National Open University</li> <li>Queen's University of Belfast</li> </ul> </div> <div class="per30"> <ul> <li>St. Lawrence University</li> <li>Suwannee County Schools</li> <li>United States Sports Academy</li> <li>Universita degli Studi di Cagliari</li> <li>University of South Dakota</li> <li>Vernon College</li> <li>West Point Public Schools</li> <li>Ankara unv</li> </ul> </div> </div> <h2 class="tac">Government / NGOs</h2> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="per30"> <ul> <li>Academy of National Economy</li> <li>Administrative Office of US Courts</li> <li>Albertina Kerr Centres</li> <li>Bureau of Land Management</li> <li>California Dept. of Corrections</li> <li>Canadian Space Agency</li> </ul> </div> <div class="per30"> <ul> <li>Farmingdale State University of NY</li> <li>Government of Bahrain</li> <li>MD Dept of Budget & Management</li> <li>Navy Exchange Service Command</li> <li>NATIONAL ECONOMIC AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY</li> <li>NCH</li> <li>NSW Government - Police</li> <li>Oak Ridge National Laboratory</li> </ul> </div> <div class="per30"> <ul> <li>U.N.</li> <li>URS Corporation</li> <li>U.S. Marshals Service</li> <li>U.S. Army - Army Knowledge Online</li> <li>US Army Accessions Command (USAAC)</li> <li>U.S. Courts - Federal Judiciary</li> <li>U.S. Department of Justice</li> </ul> </div> </div> <h2 class="tac">Healthcare/Pharmaceutical</h2> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="per30"> <ul> <li>Adventist Health</li> <li>APS Healthcare, Inc.</li> <li>Camino Medical</li> <li>Cross Country TravCorps</li> <li>Good Samaritan Hospital</li> </ul> </div> <div class="per30"> <ul> <li>Illinois Primary Healthcare Association</li> <li>IMS Health</li> <li>NPS Pharmaceuticals</li> <li>Trius Therapeutics</li> <li>US Marshals Service</li> </ul> </div> <div class="per30"> <ul> <li>Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.</li> <li>Univ. of TX Health Science Center at San Antonio</li> <li>Washington Dental Services</li> <li>Western Dental</li> </ul> </div> </div> <h2 class="tac">Hi-Tech / IT / Manufacturing</h2> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="per30"> <ul> <li>ABC Companies</li> <li>Aktek</li> <li>ARNOC</li> <li>BakerHughes</li> <li>British American Tobacco</li> <li>British Telecommunications</li> <li>Broadcom</li> <li>Building Materials Holding Corporation</li> <li>Business Systems Group</li> <li>Canadian Space Agency</li> <li>Cable & Wireless</li> <li>CISCO Systems</li> <li>Cleaver-Brooks, Inc</li> <li>Computer Point S.A.R.L.</li> <li>Concor</li> <li>Convergys</li> <li>Cooper Cameron Corporation</li> <li></li> <li>Cyberluck</li> <li>DAK Americas</li> <li>Dewberry</li> <li>Dimension Data Belgium</li> <li>DiscoverTec</li> <li>Duck Creek Technologies</li> <li>EDS</li> <li>Egnatia</li> <li></li> <li>Expand Networks</li> <li>Ferrari</li> <li>Getronics Information Solutions (Austria) GmbH</li> <li>Hexion</li> <li>Hi-Link Computer Corp.</li> <li></li> </ul> </div> <div class="per30"> <ul> <li>Host2net Limited</li> <li>Hudson Highland Group</li> <li>Intelliden</li> <li>IBM</li> <li>ITT Industries</li> <li>JSP</li> <li>Kartonsan</li> <li>KDDI America, Inc.</li> <li>Kinder Morgan, Inc.</li> <li>Kiraca</li> <li>Kuwait Petroleum</li> <li>Larry Wheeler Consulting</li> <li>Linbeck</li> <li>ManTech International Corporation</li> <li>Marshall Aerospace</li> <li>Mazda Australia</li> <li>Metal Industries</li> <li>Millenium Digital Media</li> <li>Motorola</li> <li>National Automobile Dealers Association</li> <li>Network & Computing Consultants</li> <li>NewStep Networks</li> <li>Northrop Grumman Corp.</li> <li>Nukissiorfiit</li> <li>Olympus America, Inc</li> <li>Otto Engineering</li> <li>Pace Electronics</li> </ul> </div> <div class="per30"> <ul> <li>Palm Harbor Homes</li> <li>Panasonic</li> <li>Parametric Technology Corporation</li> <li>Pearson</li> <li>PELCO</li> <li>Perenco</li> <li>Pinnacle West Capital Corporation</li> <li>Pipeline</li> <li>Praxair</li> <li>Samsonite S.p.A.</li> <li>SGB Services Ltd</li> <li>Shawmut Design and Construction</li> <li>Shawmut Design and Construction</li> <li>Solectron Scotland</li> <li>SoundBite Communications</li> <li>Southern Star Concrete</li> <li></li> <li>Stellar Call Centres</li> <li>Survey Satellite Technology Limited</li> <li>Swatch Group</li> <li>Tectura Corporation</li> <li>Tektronix, Inc</li> <li>Toyota do Brazil Ltda</li> <li>Trilogy Fulfillment LLC</li> <li>Voxiva</li> <li>W.C. Bradley Company</li> <li></li> <li>Wotif Group</li> <li>Wipro Infotech</li> <li>XBox</li> <li>YKK USA</li> </ul> </div> </div> <h2 class="tac">Others</h2> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="per30"> <ul> <li>Barbados Shipping & Trading Co. Ltd.</li> <li>Clear Channel Radio</li> <li>Compagnie generale de geophysique</li> <li>Consulting Concepts & <br /> Management, LLC</li> <li>DHL</li> </ul> </div> <div class="per30"> <ul> <li>FedEx</li> <li>Fender Musical Instruments</li> <li>Home Depot</li> <li>McDonald's Corporation</li> <li>Posta Slovenije</li> </ul> </div> <div class="per30"> <ul> <li>Saigon Post and Telecommunication <br /> services corporation (SPT)</li> <li>The Economist Newspaper Limited</li> <li>Thomson Inc.</li> <li>U.S. Virgin Islands</li> <li>YMCA of San Francisco</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <div class="container"> <div id="customer-logo" data-custlogo="nfa"></div> </div> </section> <div class="clearfix"></div> <section> <div class="clearfix sec-pTB opmRelPrd mbH"> <div class="fea-nav container"> <div class="fea-nav-link clearfix"><span data-nav="allFeaDiv3">Benefits</span><span data-nav="allFeaDiv2">Related Products</span></div> <div class="fea-nav-list"> <div id="allFeaDiv3" class="fea-list-cont clearfix"> <ul> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/bandwidth-monitoring.html">Bandwidth Monitor</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/bandwidth-reports.html">Bandwidth Reporting</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/cisco-netflow.html">Cisco NetFlow</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/netflow-monitoring.html">NetFlow Monitoring</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/network-traffic-analysis.html">Network Traffic Analysis</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/site-to-site_traffic_monitoring.html">Site to Site Traffic Monitoring</a></li> </ul> <ul> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/optimize-performance.html">Application Performance Optimization</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/secure-your-network.html">Network Security</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/netflow-reports.html">NetFlow Reporting</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/scheduling-reports-using-netflow-analyzer.html">Automating Network Reports</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/customizable_dashboard.html">Customizable Dashboard</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/network-traffic-monitor.html">Network Traffic Monitoring </a></li> </ul> <ul> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/troubleshoot-reports-a-need-for-network-monitor.html">Faster Network Troubleshooting</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/protocol-and-application-monitoring.html">Protocol and Application Monitoring</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/netflow-analyzer-reports.html">NetFlow Analyzer Reports</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/Department-wise-bandwidth-monitoring-using-netflow-analyzer.html">Department-wise Bandwidth Monitoring</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/usage-based-billing.html">Billing ⁄ Measure Bandwidth Usage</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/cbqos.html">Cisco CBQoS Monitoring</a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="allFeaDiv2" class="fea-list-cont clearfix"> <ul> <li class="relOpm">» <a title="Network Monitoring - ManageEngine" href="">Network Monitoring</a></li> <li class="relNfa">» <a title="Bandwidth Monitoring & Traffic Analysis - ManageEngine" href="">Bandwidth Monitoring & Traffic Analysis</a></li> <li class="relNcm">» <a title="Network Configuration Management - ManageEngine" href="">Network Configuration Management</a></li> <li class="relIpam">» <a title="Switch Port & IP Address Management - ManageEngine" href="">Switch Port & IP Address Management</a></li> <li class="relFwa">» <a title="Firewall Management - ManageEngine" href="">Firewall Management</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <div class="btmBar min-mbH"> <div class="menuheader" id="btmBar"> <div class="container clearfix"> <ul class="prd-nav"> <li class="mbH btm-dwn"><a href="/products/netflow/download.html?btmMenu">Download <span class="dwn-btm-icon"> </span></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><span class="demo-icon"> </span><br> Live Demo</a></li> <li><a href="/products/netflow/netflow-analyzer-editions.html"><span class="comp-icon"> </span><br> Compare</a></li> <li><a href="/products/netflow/getquote.html?btmMenu"><span class="quote-icon"> </span><br> Get Quote</a></li> <li><a href=""><span class="buy-icon"> </span><br> Buy Now</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <footer id="meCommonFooterNew"></footer> <div id="survey" data-surveyPrd="nfa"> </div> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src="/itom/js/me-itom.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function(){ $("#storelnk").attr("href", ""); 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