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Additions include the poems of Dionysius Solomus (including J. Polylas' <i>Prolegomena</i>), two works by Manuel Gedeon (<i>Πατριαρχικοὶ Πίνακες</i> and <i>Χρονικὰ τῆς Πατριαρχικῆς Ἀκαδημίας</i>), Rhegas Pheraeus' <i>Φυσικῆς Ἀπάνθισμα</i> (Anthology of Physics) and <i>Σχολεῖον τῶν ντελικάτων ἐραστῶν</i> (School for Delicate Lovers), works by Panagiotes Soutsos, most notably his <i>Resurrection of the Ancient Greek Language Understood by All</i>, its critique by Constantinus Asopius (<i>Τά Σούτσεια</i>), and J. Capodistrias' Letters to his father. </li> <li> <p><b>September 26, 2024</b>: The TLG has been <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">updated with 21 new works</a>. Additions include the Odes of Andreas Kalvos, the <i>Nomocanon</i> of Manuel Malaxus, Manuel Gedeon's <i>Παιδεία καὶ Πτωχεία</I>, the <i>Κυριακοδρόμιον</I> of Germanus II and other Byzantine and post-Byzantine works. </p>In addition, we are pleased to announce the release of the online version of the <a href="" target="_blank">Historical Dictionary of Modern Greek (Ἱστορικὸν Λεξικὸν τῆς Νέας Ἑλληνικῆs)</a>, the national historical lexicographic enterprise of Modern Greece. This is the result of our collaboration with the Academy of Athens and the Research Centre of Modern Greek Dialects. For more information about the project, please click <a href=""target="_blank">here. </a> <li> <p><b>June 27, 2024</b>: The TLG has been <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">updated with 27 new works</a>. Additions include the Exploits (Ἀνδραγαθήματα) of Mercurios Boua by Tzanes Coronaeos, the epistles of J. Capodistrias, Agapios Landos' <i>Geoponica</i>, several medieval and late chronicles from Zacynthos, and hymnographical works by Josephus the Hymnographer, N. Malaxos, and Photios. <li> <p><b>March 27, 2024</b>: The TLG has been <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">updated with 45 new works</a>. Additions include works by Procopius, Andronicus Palaeologus, Michael Sphrantzes, Tzanes Bounales, Nicodemus the Hagiorite, Eugenius Bulgares and others. This release also includes the Βίος of the revolutionary figure Papaflessas written by Photius Chrysanthopoulos and the Ἀπομνημονεύματα of Germanus III (Palaion Patron Germanos). </li> <li> <p><b>December 15, 2023</b>: The TLG has been <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">updated with 53 new works from 47 authors</a>. They include works by Michael Choniates, Nicephorus Gregoras, Theodore Prodromus, Symeon Metaphrastes, Michael Psellus, Joannes Tzetzes, and other Byzantine authors. As part of our expansion to the post-Byzantine period, this installment includes Antonius Achelis' chronography "De Obsidione Maltae," Agapius Landus' Νέος Παράδεισος and Ἁμαρτωλῶν Σωτηρία, Elias Meniates' Πέτρα σκανδάλου, and the Αὐτοβιογραφία of Ioannis Capodistrias, the first Governor of the modern Greek state. </li> <li> <p><b>September 28, 2023</b>: The TLG has been <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">updated with 88 new works from 50 authors</a>. Updates include works by Byzantine authors, such as Bessarion, Constantine Porphyrogenitus, Pseudo-Eusebius, Michael Louloudes, Constantine Pantechnes, Philagathus Cerameus, Michael Psellus, a number of hagiographical works, and two works by the 18th c. theologian Nectarius Terpus. </li> <li> <p><b>June 22, 2023</b>: The TLG has been <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">updated with 68 new works from 33 authors.</a>. Updates include works by Theodorus PRODROMUS, ARSENIUS Eremita, DALMATIUS, PROCLUS, BASILIUS Seleuciensis, GREGORIUS Antiochenus, JOANNES DAMASCENUS, Nicolaus MUZALON, Georgius PACHYMERES, Charitonymus HERMONYMUS and several other Byzantine authors. </li> <li> <p><b>March 29, 2023</b>: The TLG has been <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">updated with 70 new works from 51 authors</a>. Additions include works by Byzantine authors, such as Theodorus Prodromus, Joannes TZETZES , Nicephorus Chrysoberges, Theodorus PEDIASIMUS, GREGORIUS II Patriarcha and others. Post-Byzantine additions include works by Georgius AETOLUS, Leonardus PHORTIUS, PROCOPIUS NAZIANZENUS, Antonius BUBULES, Basilius VATATZES, and Jacobus TRIBOLES. </li> <li> <p><b>December 21, 2022</b>: The TLG has been <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">updated with 82 new works from 64 authors</a>. Additions include works by Byzantine authors, such as Theodorus Prodromus, Anastasius of Sina, Nicephorus Chrysoberges, Gregorius Asbestas, Nicetas Magister and a number of hagiographical works. Post-Byzantine additions include works by Arsenius Caloudes, Matthaeus Myrensis, Joannes Ventramus, Nikodemus Hagiorita, Theophilus Corudaleus, Marcus Depharanas and Adamantius Coraes. <li> <p><b>September 14, 2022</b>: The TLG has just been <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php"> updated with 123 new works from 107 authors</a>. Updates include a number of comic fragments (most notably Aristophanes) based on the Kassel-Austin edition, works by Joannes Mauropus, Eudocia, Anastasius Sinaites, Nilus Doxapatres, Constantinus Manasses, Theodorus Daphnopates, Scholarius, Marcus Eugenicus, Theophilus Corydaleus, Demetrius Moschus, Meletius Pegas Maximus Peloponnesius, and Jacob Meloetes among others. <li> <p><b>June 29, 2022</b>: The TLG has just been <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">updated with 87 new works from 73 authors.</a> New additions include a number of comic fragments from the Kassel-Austin edition--a much anticipated addition--as well as a number of hagiographical works. <li> <p><b>April 14, 2022</b>: The TLG has just been <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">updated with 122 new works from 70 authors.</a> New additions include works by Joannes Mauropous, Theodore Studites, Theodore Daphnopates, Gregorius Antiochus, Mattheus Blastares, Damascius, Gregorius Choniades, Joannes Tzetzes, Manuel Moschopoulos, Caesarius Dapontes, updated texts for Diogenes Laertius, Synesius Phil., Porphyry's <i>De abstinentia</i>, and more. This release features V. Cornaros 17th c. Cretan romance <i>Erotocritus</i>, J. Macrygiannis' letters, and A. Dmitrievskij's edition of the Euchologia which was digitized from the translation prepared by the Vienna Euchologia project. <li> <p><b>January 21, 2022</b>: The TLG has just been <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">updated with 120 new texts from 37 authors</a>. These include updated editions of Euripides’ fragments, Lycophron’s <I>Alexandra</I>, Demosthenes, Antocides, Antiphon, Valerius Apsines, and Maximus Confessor, additions to Philodemus <I>On Poems ii</I> and <I>On Rhetoric i</I>, new texts by Josephus Melodus, Christophorus Zonaras, Elias Cretensis, Joannes Cyparissiotes, Anastasius I Patriarcha and other Byzantine authors. As part of the TLG expansion to early modern and modern periods and in celebration of the bicentennial of the Greek Revolution of 1821, the memoirs of General Theodore Colocotronis have been added to the corpus. <li> <p><b>September 29, 2021</b>: The TLG has been <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">updated with 86 works from 52 authors</a>. The new additions include a number of hagiographical works as well as works by Philodemus, Apollinaris, Arethas, Maximus Confessor, Casia, Epiphanius Hagiopolita, Demetrrius Triclinius, Neophytus Ducas, Chrysanthus Patriarch and others. <li> <p><b>June 30, 2021</b>: The TLG has been <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">updated with 108 works from 69 authors</a>. The new additions include a large number of hagiographical works as well as works by Alexius Studites, Georgius Bardanes, Nicephorus Blemmydes, Isaacius Syrius, Theodore Studies, Cyrillus Lucares, Nicetas Paphlagonius and several others. This release also includes Scholia to two books of the Odyssey and the late Byzantine romance of Alexander and Semiramis. <li> <p><b>March 10, 2021</b>: The TLG has been <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">updated with 148 works from 53 authors</a>. The new additions include a large number of hagiographical works by Symeon Metaphrastes. Thanks are due to Professor Stratis Papaioannou for providing us with a list of Metaphrastes’ works. The update also includes works by Nicetas David, Theodorus Studites, Leontius, Joannes Xiphilinus, Nicephorus Callistus Xanthopoulos, Georgius Metochites, Joannes, Geometres, Maximus Planudes, Constantinus Meliteniotes, Joannes Cucuzeles, Dionysius ὁ ἐκ Φουρνᾶ and others. <li> <p><b>December 16, 2020</b>: Our quarterly corpus update has added <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">126 new works from 79 authors</a>. It includes a number of hagiographical works, the Acta of the Church of Jerusalem, and works by Andreas Cretensis, Basilius Minimus, Nicolaus Cerameus, Theodore Daphnopates, Euth. Zigabenus, Nicolaus Lucanus and several others. <li> <p><b>September 3, 2020</b>: Our quarterly corpus update with <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">seventy three works from thirty-six authors</a> is done. Additions include Michael Psellus' letters, works by Origen, Eusebius, Theodore Metochites, Euthymius Zigabenus, Bessarion, Caesarius Dapontes, Neophytus Ducas, Nicolaus Sophianus and a number of hagiographical works. <li> <p><b>June 29, 2020</b>: We have completed our quarterly corpus update. <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">Fifty four works from 28 authors</a> have been added. They include the <i>Dynameron</i> by Nicolaus Myrepsos, Rhazes’ Λόγος περὶ Λοιμικῆς, a long anonymous mathematical treatise and a number of hagiographical works. Lemma search has been expanded to include grammatical analysis when results are listed by grammar. Total wordcounts by century have been added to Statistics. <p> We are pleased to release our searchable version of <a href="">S. Koumanoudes’ <i>Συναγωγή νέων λέξεων</i></a>. This lexicon was first published in Athens in 1900 a year after Koumanoudes' death and contains 60,000 lemmata extracted mostly from jounrals and contemporary documents. Koumanoudes' earlier lexicon (<i>Συναγωγή λέξεων αθησαυρίστων)</i> published in 1883, will also appear soon as part of the TLG corpus expansion into the post-byzantine and modern period. The lexicon is linked to our texts and can be consulted online. <li> <p><b>April 9, 2020</b>: The TLG has just been updated with <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">58 new texts from 32 authors</a>. Additions include works by Euthymios Zigabenus, Constantine Acropolites, Nicodemos Hagiorita, Callinicos III patriarch and a number of Byzantine lives of saints. <p> <strong>We are pleased to announce the release of the final fascicle of LBG. The full LBG can now be consulted online. </strong> <li> <p><b>December 16, 2019</b>: The TLG has just been updated with <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">50 new texts from 29 authors</a>. Additions include a number of Byzantine and post-Byzantine works from Caesarius DAPONTES, Cyrillus LUCARES, PROCOPIUS NAZIANZENUS, Demetrius MOSCHUS and many others. <li> <p><b>August 20, 2019</b>: The TLG has just been updated with <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">91 new texts from 52 authors </a>. Additions includes a number of Byzantine and post-Byzantine works (by E. Limenites, N. Capianus, S. Sachlices, C. Lucares, M. Myrinaeus, Patriarch Parthenius and others, part of the ongoing expansion of the corpus to later periods) several monastic documents and lives of saints, two mathematical texts and a number of works by Severian (TLG 4139). Thanks are due to Katherin Papadopoulos who shared her transcriptions of MPG texts and Drs. Sever Voicu and Richard Bishop for their suggestions regarding the Severian corpus. <p> <strong>This update includes the Beta release of the Advanced Proximity Search which makes it possible to search for combinations of word forms, lemmata and grammatical categories in proximity </strong>(see help file on Text Search for further details). <li> <p><b>April 10, 2019</b>: The corpus has been updated with <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php"> thirty six new texts from twenty (20) authors</a>. New texts include the works Dositheus Patriarcha, Andreas of Crete, Demetrius Cydones, Eustathius, , Guarinus of Verona, Theodore Metochites and several other authors. Automatic lemma recognition is now up to 98.360%. <li> <p><b>February 27, 2019</b>: The corpus has been updated with <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php"> thirty one (31) new texts from twenty (20) authors</a>. The Text Search user interface has been revised to allow the user the flexibility to expand the page (right or left). Automatic lemma recognition is now up to 98.362%. <li> <p><b>November 14, 2018</b>: The corpus has been updated with <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php"> forty three (43) new texts from twenty four (24) authors</a>. Additions include R.P.J. Goar's edition of the Euchologia, the Chronicle of Turkish Sultans, Tzetzes' <I>Carmina Iliaca</I> and Allegories to the Odyssey, several legal texts works by Bessarion, M. Cantacuzenus, M.Gavalas, G.Pisides, A. Gordius and others. The new release includes a number of upgrades and new features. The N-grams page now offers the option to select the number of n-grams and lemma in addition to wordforms. A progress bar has been added. In Parallel Browsing, the comparison of texts now includes stop-words for greater accuracy. <li> <p><b>August 10, 2018</b>: The corpus has been updated with <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php"> forty four (44) new texts from twenty seven (27) authors</a>. <LI> <p><b>April 13, 2018</b>: The TLG is recruiting for a <a href="">Full-Time Research Associate</a> with a Ph.D. in Classics or Byzantine Philology to join its team. <li> <p><b>March 29, 2018</b>: The corpus has been updated with <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php"> seventy three (73) new texts from forty seven (47) authors</a>. <li> <p><b>Dec. 6, 2017</b>: The corpus has been updated with <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php"> forty six (46) new texts from twenty nine (29) authors</a>. <LI> <p><b>June 6, 2017</b>: The corpus has been updated with <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php"> thirty (30) new texts from fourteen (14) authors</a>. <LI> <p><b>March 15, 2017</b>: The TLG is recruiting for two posiitons: We are looking for a <a href="">Full-Time Research Associate</a> with a Ph.D. in Classics or Byzantine Philology to oversee our digitization process and a <a href="">Full-time Research Associate </a> to join our software development team. <LI> <p><b>Feb. 21, 2017</b>: The corpus has been updated with <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php"> one hundred twenty eight (128) new texts from sixty one (61) authors</a>. This new release also includes a number of fixes and improvements. Lemma recognition is now up to 98.243% from 98.189% in June 2016. A number of improvements have been made including the ability to retrieve the username (and password) and the option to turn off the hyperlinks in browser mode. <LI><p><b>June 30, 2016</b>: The corpus has been updated with <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php"> seventy eight (78) new texts from forty three (43) authors</a>. This new release also includes a number of fixes and improvements. Canon data and statistics have been streamline date ranges and uncertain dates are now searchable separately and the Canon can be searched by TLG Canon number. The new TLG interface has moved to a new server for improved speed and accessibility. As of this release, all lexica require login. <p><b>Aug. 20, 2015</b>: The corpus has been updated with <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php"> one hundred twentry one (121) new texts</a> from sixty three (63) authors. New features and improvements include: The complete list of authors -- a popular feature of the original site has been added to the Canon page; new diagrams have been added to Statistics; the ability to expand the text in the Browser page has been implemented together with various adjustments to improve web accessibility. This new release also includes a number of minor fixes. <LI><p><b>Feb. 4, 2015</b>: The corpus has been updated with <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">seventy three (73) new texts</a> from thirty eight (38) authors. New additions to the corpus include works by Callistus ANGELICUDES {4433}, BARLAAM Calabrius {3159} Nicephorus BLEMMYDES {3092}, Manuel CALECAS {3230}, CASSIUS Iatrosophista {0733},CHRISTOPHORUS Mytilenaeus {3019}, Manuel CHRYSOLORAS {3348}, Georgius CHUMNUS {5505}, Demetrius CYDONES {3197}, Joannes CYPARISSIOTES {3248}, DOROTHEUS Mytilenaeus {3349}, Letters ?-? from ETYMOLOGICUM SYMEONIS {4311}, GEORGIUS CHORTATZES {5500}, GERMANUS II {2938}, Gregorius PALAMAS {3254}, Marinus PHALIERUS {4398}, SYMEON THESSALONICENSIS {3232} and several others. <li> <p><strong>October 6, 2014</strong>: The TLG is pleased to release the online version of the Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität (LBG) This site is the result of a collaboration between LBG and the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG®). In March 2012, the LBG and TLG began conversations about digitizing the existing volumes of LBG and linking them to the TLG texts. The TLG team worked on converting the files into XML format and incorporating them into the TLG online system. The first six fascicles published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Die Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) have been included in this release covering letters A-P. The Online LBG can be viewed and searched at: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. <LI><p><b>April 22, 2014:</b> The corpus has been updated with <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">forty seven (47) new texts</a> from twenty six authors. New additions to the corpus include the Homeric <i>Epimerismi</i>, the <i>Lexicon on Syntax<i>, and works by Apollonius Dyscolus, Michael Attaliates, Prochorus Cydones, Jacobus Monachus, Michael Cerularius, Georgius Pelagonius and others.<LI><b>May 25, 2013:</b> The corpus has been updated with <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">ninety-eight new texts</a> from thirty-four authors including Philodemus, Flavius Philostratus, Eustathius, Symeon Neotheologus, G. Tornices, Gregorius Acindynus, Gregorius Antiochus, Antonius Studites, N. Cabasilas, and others. <LI><p><b>Sept. 26, 2012:</b>The TLG was moved to a new server. Forty-four new works, mostly hagiographical, have been added to the corpus. Cunliffe's 1924 <a href="" target="_blank">Lexicon of the Homeric Dialect </a>is now linked to the TLG texts. <li> <p><b>Sept. 1, 2012:</b> Konstantinos Palaiologos (2011 Ph.D. RHUL, United Kingdom) joins the TLG as a Research Associate. <LI> <p><b>July 1, 2012: </b>Stephanie Roussou (2011 Ph.D. Oxford University) joins the TLG as a Research Associate. <LI><p><b>July 7, 2011:</b> The corpus has been updated with <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">thirty-eight new texts from fourteen authors</a>, such as Joannes Geometres, Gregorius Pardus, Joannes Beccus, Nicetas Byzantius and others. Automatic recognition of the lemmatized corpus is up to 96.2%. </UL> <UL> <LI> <p><b>February 23, 2011:</b> The TLG is pleased to announce the release of the <i>Online Liddell-Scott Jones</i>, the premier lexicon for ancient Greek. All lemmata and word forms in the TLG corpus are now linked to a new dictionary page that contains links to LSJ. The lexicon is open to the public. <a href="" target="_blank"> Read more<span class="screenreader">about the LSJ project</span></a> <span aria-hidden="true">about the project</span>. With this release Dindorf's scholia to Euripides have also been added to the corpus. <LI><p> <b>September 2, 2010:</b> The TLG corpus has been updated with <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">fifty-seven new texts from twenty-one (21) authors</a>, drawn from a variety of historical periods: <i>The Periplous Maris Erythraei</i> and Aristophanes' plays have been updated with new editions. As usual, the earlier editions can still be browsed and searched via the <a href="">Abridged TLG</a>. The Byzantine collection now includes Michael Psellus' Περὶ τραγῳδίας Theodore Prodromus' <i>Tetrasticha</i> and a large number of new hagiographical works. From the later periods, F. Scoufos' <i>Ὁ Γραμματοφόρος</i>i> and Leo Allatius' <i>Hellas</i> are among the new additions. <LI><p><b>August 20, 2010:</b><br> The TLG seeks to add two members to its team, a Programmer / Analyst to maintain and expand its search engine and a <a href="">Research Associate</a> to supervise its digitization projects. For more information, please contact the<a href=""> TLG</a>. <LI> <p><b>May 6, 2010:</b><br> Sixteen (16) new texts added to the corpus. <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">Additions</a> include Philodemus, <i>De Ira</i>, the <i>Hexabiblos</i>, K. Harmenopoulos' 14th century law collection, two Byzantine novels (<i>Belthandrus and Chrysantza</i>, <i>Libistrus and Rhodamne</i>), and several lamentations for Constantinople. <LI> <p><b>January 26, 2010:</b><br> A new corpus update was completed with twenty-four (24) new texts added to the corpus. <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">Additions</a> include new works by Michael Psellus and Joannes Tzetzes, several vernacular works (Libistrus and Rhodamne, Bellum Troianum and Historia Belisarii, Georgius Chortatzes' Cretan play, Erofile) and updated editions of Moeris' Lexicon, Cyril's <i>Epistulae Paschales</i> and Eudocia Augusta's <i>Homerocentones</i>. Automatic recognition in the lemmatized corpus is now up to 95% accounting for 99.86% of all word instances. 300 lemmata from DGE missing from the other lexica have been added and disambiguation of forms has improved. <LI> <p><b>October 29-30, 2009:</b><br> <a href="">Reclaiming the Past, Envisioning the Future</a>: A Conference to celebrate the 37th anniversary of the TLG.<br> October 29, 2009 marked the 37th anniversary since the establishment of the Project. The TLG held a conference to celebrate the event and honor the memory of <a href="">Theodore F. Brunner</a> (1934-2007), founding TLG Director. The conference program information is available at the conference page: <a href=""></a> Click here to see the <a href=""> Anniversary video</a> produced for this event and a <a href="">photo retrospective</a> dedicated to Theodore Brunner.</p> <LI> <p><b>July 15, 2009:</b><br> The TLG was mentioned in <a href="">Inside Higher Ed (Digitally--and Financially Viable)</a> and <a href="">the Chronicle of Higher Education (How to Help Digital Resources Thrive, Even in Hard Times)</a> in articles related to the <a href="">sustainability study</a> conducted by the Ithaca group. </p> <LI> <p><b>March 12, 2009:</b><br> The TLG site has just been updated. The new page includes a brief history of the TLG illustrated by a <a href="timeline.php">timeline</a>, a link to Google Maps showing<a href=""> TLG Real-Time Access</a> and FAQs for subscribers. The Abridged version has been expanded with more than 600 works from Migne's Patrologia Graeca (MPG). The lemmatized search engine is now available on the Abridged version.</p> <LI><b>February 11, 2009</b><br> <a href=tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php"> Twenty-three (23) new works from twelve (12) authors and work collections </A>have been added to the Online TLG. They include works by Pseudo-Gregentius, Constantinus Stilbes, Georgius Tornices, Manuel Carantenus, Joannes Phrangopulos, Rhetorius, Andronicus II Palaeologus, historiographical works about the Byzantine emperors and a new edition of Socrates Scholasticus' <i>Historia ecclesiastica</i>. The code for lemmatized searches is stable enough and has been removed from Beta Phase and incorporated into the search engine. Lemmatization of the corpus has reached approximately 95% recognition but remains an ongoing project. <img src="images/UTLibrary.jpg" width="280" height="177" align="right" alt="TLG Library"> </LI> <LI> <p> <b>September 1, 2008:</b><br> After 18 years on the third floor of Berkeley Place the TLG had to move to make room for the new UCI Law School. We moved to University Tower at the University Center in September 2008. </p> <p></UL> <hr> <p><b>Earlier postings</b> <UL> <LI> <b>January 15, 2008</b><br /> <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">Twenty-five (25) new works from fifteen (15) authors and work collections </A>have been added to the Online TLG. They include the Grottaferrata and Escorial version of the epic of Digenes Acritas, John Climacus' <i>Scala paradisi</i>, works by Germanus I, Theodorus Dexius, Gregorius Magnus, Damascenus Studites and others. A number of improvements have been made to the TLG lemmatizer increasing recognition to over 91%. As of this release, the lemmatizer has been modified to search for lemmata in upper case.<br /> <LI> <b>May 3, 2007</b><br /> <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php"> Twenty-two (22) new works from ten (10) authors and work collections </A>have been added to the Online TLG. They include works by Antiochus Monachus, Germanus I, Neophytus Inclusus, Michael Glycas, Theorianus Magister and others. <br /> A number of improvements have been made to the TLG lemmatizer increasing recognition to over 90%.<br> <li> <b>December 13, 2006</b> <a href="">Lemmatized searches (BETA version)</a><p> We are pleased to release a new feature of the TLG search engine, i.e. lemmatized searches. The new feature is still work in progress and is released for testing purposes.<p> <b>The TLG Lemmatization Project</b> Work on lemmatization began in 2003 and benefited from access to software known as <i>Morpheus</i> developed by the <a href="">Perseus Project</a>. Morpheus was designed to deal effectively with a relatively narrow, well-documented cross section of the Greek language, i.e. the classical canon, meaning Epic and Attic Greek with some Doric, Ionic, and Koine forms. The TLG corpus encompasses the totality of Greek literature, including Early Modern Greek, and Byzantine texts. As a result, lemmatization of the TLG corpus required a different philosophy and a significantly more complex architecture, which combines lexical and morphological databases, and extensive programming in order to increase parses and achieve higher and more accurate form recognition. <br> At the time of its first release in December 2006, the TLG lemmatizer recognized approximately 88% of the unique wordforms in the TLG corpus. <br> We welcome suggestions and feedback from our users. <li> <b>December 13, 2006</b><br /> <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php"> Eighty works (80) from fifty-one (51) authors and work collections </A>have been added to the Online TLG. They include Nicephorus Callistus Xanthopoulus' <i>Historia ecclesiastica</i>, the Homiles of Gregorius Palamas, a large number of hagiographical works and several demotic texts, including two Byzantine novels (<i>Imberios and Margarona</i>, <i>Phlorius and Platzia Phlora</i>) and the <i>Chronicon of Morea</i> <br> <li> <b>June 1, 2006 </b><br> <br /><a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">One hundred twenty-two (122) works from 50 authors and work collections</A> have been added to the corpus. They include works by Byzantine authors such as Joannes Chrysostom, Joannes Apocaucus, Macarius Macres, Isidorus Glabas, Theodorus Metochites, Manuel Palaeologus, Demetrius Chrysoloras and a new edition of C. Manasses' <i>Breviarium Chronicum</i> and Ephraem's <i>Historia Chronica</i>. A number of new hagiographical works have also been added. <br> <li> <b>February 13, 2005 </b><br> <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">One hundred eight (108) new works from 48 authors </a> were added to the corpus. They include a number of hagiographical works (including the Synaxarium Ecclesiae Constantinopoleos), the Synodicon Orthodoxiae, the Documents of the Lyon Council, as well as works by Photius, Alexius Macrembolites, Nestorius, Maximus Planudes, Georgius Pachymeres and Josephus Bryennius.<br> <li> <b>October 12, 2005</b> <br> <a href="">Two hundred fifty two (252) works from 50 authors and work collections</A> have been added to the corpus. They include theological and hagiographical works as well as monastic foundation documents.<br> <li> <b>August 3, 2005</b> <br /> <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">Five hundred new works (500) from 31 authors and work collections</A> have been added to the corpus. They include the published archives of 8 monasteries from Mount Athos, in addition to works by Gennadius, Nicephorus Blemmydes, Georgius Pachymeres, Abramius, Diadochus and Neophytus Inclusus. The text of Joannes Moschus' <i>Pratum spirituale</i> was also added to the collection. <br> <li> <b>April 29, 2005</b> <br /><a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">Four hundred forty works (440) from 43 authors and work collections</A> have been added to the corpus. They include the published archives of 9 monasteries from Mount Athos, in addition to a number of monastic <I>typica</I> and hagiographical works. <br> <li> <b>December 20, 2004</b><br> <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">Two hundred sixteen (216) works from 15 authors</A> were added to the corpus. They include legal texts (such as <I>Epanagoge</I>, <I>Prochiron</I>, <I>Prochiron Auctum</I> and <I>Prochiron Legum</I>), Tzetzes' <I>Exegesis of the Iliad</I>, <I>Chronica Byzantina breviora</I> and the published archives of 5 monasteries from Mount Athos.<br> The Online TLG has moved to a new server, hopefully faster. A number of minor updates and corrections have been made, too many to mention and mostly not noticeable to the user. The Unicode mapfiles have been updated to reflect additions to Unicode 4.1. If you are using a unicode font that has not been updated recently, you may not be able to view all characters correctly. GreekKeys Unicode and Cardo and are the two fonts that have been updated to include all assigned Unicode codepoints. <br> <li> <b>August 4, 2004</b><br> <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">Eighty nine (89) works from 33 authors</A> were added to the corpus. They include a number of legal texts (Ecloga, Epanagoge, Epitome Basilicorum, Lex Mosaica), hagiographical works and Posidippus' fragments. The Canon Database now allows users to search for or exclude from their searches vernacular and diplomatic editions.<br> <li> <b>April 15, 2004</b> <br /><a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">One hundred twenty-seven (127) works</A> from 54 authors have been added to the corpus. They include the musical works of Alypius, Bacchius Geron and Gaudentius, a number of works by Proclus (the theologian), Joannes Pediasimus, Theodorus Anagnostes, Nicephorus Uranus and Nicephorus Anagnostes, Joannes Cantacuzenus, Theodorus Gazes, Bessarion, Constantinus and Theodorus Palaeologus and others. <br> <li> <b>January 22, 2004</b> <br /><a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">One hundred twenty-four (124) works</A> from 34 authors have been added to the corpus. They include new editions for the works of Aeschylus and Sophocles as well as the lives of Aristophanes and works by Proclus of Constantinople, Gennadius Scholarius, Bessarion, Lucas Notaras, Philagathus, Demetrius Chrysoloras, Georgius Gemistus and a number of hagiographical works. <p> Text structure has been added to the search engine. By clicking on "View Text structure" either in the Canon or the text browsing page, users can now view the structure of the text and select the particular section they wish to browse.<li><b>October 6, 2003</b><br>Links to online translations have been added. Most of the translations come from Perseus, Diotima, the MIT Archive and the Dumbarton Oaks web site. This is an ongoing project and more translations will be added as they become available. When possible, the link to the online translation will take you close to the particular citation of the TLG text you are browsing. When the translation is not broken into identifiable sections, the link will take you to the beginning of the translation, in a separate window.<br> <li> <b>September 30, 2003</b><br> <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">Twenty-seven new works</A> have been added to the collection including the <I>Magna</I> and <I>Parva Catechesis</I> of Theodore Studites. We have modified the encoding of almost 1,000 tables for on-screen viewing. An interactive keyboard has been added to the Simple search (a keyboard display is available to both Simple and Advanced Search). Links to Perseus have been modified so that users may select the Perseus home site or one of its mirrors. The ability to order search results by date has been added to Simple Search as well as in users' Preferences. Please note that if you order your results by date, searches will be considerably slower.<br> <li> <b>August 1, 2003</b> <br />Eighty-nine new works from thirty-three authors were added to the corpus, including works by Isidorus Pelusiota, Irene Chumnena, Georgius Gemistus, Marcus and Johannes Eugenicus, the Scholia to the Basilica collection and a number of hagiographical works. Canon crossreferences can now be included in the searches and text crossreferences have been added to a number of works. <br> <li><b>May 8, 2003</b><br> The Online TLG® now offers users the option to input and display texts in Unicode Greek. Some browsers still do not support Unicode input. The option to use "non-Unicode" fonts with beta or transliteration is still available. <br />One hundred thirteen new works were added to the corpus. They include more than 50 works by Georgius Scholarius, as well as a number of hagiographical texts.<br> Added cross-references to Canon author and work entries.<br> <li> <b>March 27, 2003</b><br> Dates added to "Search by work" page. Users can now combine dates and work classification in searching the Canon.<br> <li> <b>February 7, 2003</b><br> A new feature has been added to the Advanced Search. When users select Word Index proximity searches, i.e. searches involving 2 or 3 words in the same context, they are presented with 2 or 3 lists of forms to choose from. <br> <li><b>January 27, 2003</b><br> New features added to Saved Searches. Users can now merge and edit saved Canon searches.<br> A new version of the <a href="">annotated Beta Code Manual</A> was posted to the TLG web site together with a<A HREF=""> Quick Reference Guide of Beta with its Unicode equivalents</A>. <br> <li> <b>January 14, 2003</b><br /> Works by Georgius Scholarius (3195 006-016) were added to the corpus together with the Basilica (5065), an extensive collection of Byzantine imperial laws, and the Analecta Hymnica Graeca (4354 006-012), a large collection of Byzantine hymns. <br> <li><b>January 6, 2003</b>The Online TLG is now available to individuals by subscription.<br> <li><b>December 2, 2002</b>The online login system was modified. Institutional users are no longer required to login with an individual password. They have the option to create a personal account if they wish to save their searches and customize their preferences (set a user profile).<br> <li><b>October 14, 2002</b>Site updated with <a href="">new authors and works.</A> Forty two new works were added. They include works by Isidorus Pelusiota, Eustathius Macrembolites, Michael Syncellus, Nicetas Stethatus, Theodorus Metochites, Scholarius, Georgius Gemistus, Casia and many others. The browsing mechanism was also modified to improve text navigation.<br> <li><b>October 9, 2002</b>Breakdowns of texts added to the online interface.<br> <li><b>September 5, 2002</b>'Save My Searches' feature has been expanded to the Canon of Greek Authors and Works. Users can now compile and save their own list(s) of authors. <br> <li><b>July 16, 2002</b>The Online TLG was moved to 'Stephanus' a new server named after the 16th century author of the <I>Thesaurus Graecae Linguae</I>. Stephanus, an Enterprise 450 Unix server was donated to the TLG by the Academic Equipment Grant Program of <A HREF="">Sun Microsystems, Inc.</A>.<br> <li><b>July 15, 2002</b>'Save My Searches' feature implemented. Users can now save up to 10 text searches for later review.<br> <li> <b>July 15, 2002</b><br /> Site updated with <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php"> new authors and works.</A> A total of two hundred twenty-three (223) new works were added. They include works by Theodorus Studites, Georgius Pachemeres, Georgius Gemistus, Nilus Cabasilas, Manuel Carantenus, Nicephorus Gregoras and a large number of astrological texts. <br /> <li><b>June 6, 2002</b>'Set User Settings' feature implemented. Users can now set their preferred default font, lines of context, results per page, etc.<br /> <li>May 2, 2002<br>Site updated with <a href="tlgauthors/post_tlg_e.php">new authors and works.</A> Seventy seven (77) new works added. They include Philodemus' <I>On Poetry</I> and works by Arethas, Ioannes Pediasimus, Anastasius Sinaita, Symeon Seth, Manuel Holobolus, Theodorus Mopsuestenus, Theodorus II Ducas Lascaris and many others.</FONT><br></FONT> </UL> </ol> <!-- ####################################################################################################### --> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ####################################################################################################### --> </div> </div> <!-- Scroll Top and Bottom --> <div style="display: none;" class="nav_up" id="nav_up" title="Top" aria-hidden="true"></div> <div style="display: none;" class="nav_down" id="nav_down" title="Bottom" aria-hidden="true"></div> </div> <!-- ####################################################################################################### --> <!-- ####################################################################################################### --> <div class="wrapper row5" role="contentinfo"> <div class="row5in"> <div id="footer" class="clear"> <!-- ####################################################################################################### --> <div class="foot_contact"> <p id="footercontact">Thesaurus Linguae Graecae®</p> <address> University of California, Irvine<br /> 220 University Tower<br /> Irvine, CA 92697-5550 </address> <p> <p><strong>Tel:</strong> (949) 824-7031</p> <p><strong>Fax: </strong>(949) 824-8434</p> <p class="last"><strong>Email:</strong> <a href="#"></a></p> </p> </div> <div class="footbox"> <strong>Useful Links:</strong> <ul> <li><a id='h_creditsjsp' href='/credits.php'>Credits</a></li> <li><a href="/copyright.php">Terms of use</a></li> <li><a id='h_privacyjsp' href='/privacy.php'>Privacy</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">UC Irvine</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Office of Research</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- ####################################################################################################### --> </div> </div> <!-- ####################################################################################################### --> <div class="wrapper"> <div id="copyright" class="clear"> <p class="fl_left">© 2014 UC Regents.<br /> TLG® is a registered trademark of the University of California. All rights reserved.<br /> Use of TLG® materials is subject to the TLG License Agreement. <br /> </p> </div> </div> </body> <script type="text/javascript" src="/Iris/js/jquery/jquery.min.js?v=76"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/Iris/js/jquery/jquery-ui.custom.min.js?strict=false&v=76"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/Iris/js/common/common.js?v=76"></script> </html>