Riverbend Consulting

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss version="2.0" xmlns:content="" xmlns:wfw="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:sy="" xmlns:slash="" xmlns:media="" > <channel> <title>Riverbend Consulting</title> <atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <link></link> <description>Amazon. Solved.</description> <lastBuildDate>Tue, 26 Nov 2024 13:17:02 +0000</lastBuildDate> <language>en-US</language> <sy:updatePeriod> hourly </sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency> 1 </sy:updateFrequency> <generator></generator> <image> <url></url> <title>Riverbend Consulting</title> <link></link> <width>32</width> <height>32</height> </image> <item> <title>Avoid Amazon Account Turkey Traps: Resolve Issues Easily</title> <link></link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Lesley Hensell]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 26 Nov 2024 13:00:22 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Amazon]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Amazon seller]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Appeal]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description><![CDATA[The holiday season brings exciting sales opportunities for Amazon sellers, but it can also bring a host of potential issues that sellers, especially those in the midst of the peak season, need to avoid. What’s worse? Some of these issues can land your Amazon account in a full-on freeze, stopping sales dead in their tracks [&#8230;]]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The holiday season brings exciting sales opportunities for Amazon sellers, but it can also bring a host of potential issues that sellers, especially those in the midst of the peak season, need to avoid. What’s worse? Some of these issues can land your Amazon account in a full-on freeze, stopping sales dead in their tracks during a critical time. As we approach Thanksgiving, we call these “Turkey Traps,” and they’re account-killers. Here’s a closer look at each of these pitfalls and what you can do to avoid them, ensuring smooth and successful operations this season.<br /> <img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-74739 size-full" src="" alt="Amazon Account" width="1200" height="600" title="Avoid Amazon Account Turkey Traps: Resolve Issues Easily" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></p> <h3 id="why-is-my-amazon-account-not-working">Why is my Amazon account not working?</h3> <p>If you’re here, it’s likely because something has gone sideways in your Amazon account at the worst possible time of year. With Thanksgiving and the big holiday sales season staring you in the face. There’s no time to waste on account errors, blocked listings, or, a full account suspension. <strong>We get it:</strong> the holiday rush is when you expect your biggest sales and the thought of missing out is overwhelming.</p> <p>Many of these issues stem from simple, preventable mistakes—often linked to overlooked policies or mismanaged practices that creep in during the holiday hustle. But don’t worry. There’s plenty you can do to protect your Amazon account and keep sales flowing. Let’s dive into the top traps you’ll want to sidestep this season, with a little guidance to keep you in the clear.</p> <h3 id="7-turkey-traps-every-amazon-seller-should-avoid">7 Turkey Traps every Amazon seller should avoid</h3> <p>The following Turkey Traps are Amazon account issues that frequently trip up sellers, especially now. Let’s explore each one and consider how to prevent them.</p> <h4>Turkey trap # 1 Improper drop shipping</h4> <p>Drop shipping can be a great way to run a lean operation, but improper drop shipping can quickly lead to Amazon account suspension. Amazon has strict guidelines on drop shipping, requiring control over the customer experience and avoiding anything that looks like “retail arbitrage.”</p> <ul> <li><strong>Common turkey trap: </strong>Listing items as “in stock” when your supplier hasn’t confirmed inventory.</li> <li><strong>How to avoid it: </strong>Confirm your supplier’s stock before listing items and set realistic ship-by dates. Regularly communicate with your drop shipping suppliers, particularly before and during peak sales times, to confirm availability and shipping estimates.</li> <li><strong>Riverbend expertise: </strong>If your account faces suspension due to a drop shipping violation, our experts will work with you to create a clear and compliant action plan. We’ll identify where the issues arose, document corrective measures, and prepare a comprehensive appeal that details how you’ll prevent future occurrences.</li> </ul> <p>Remember, an ounce of prevention saves you from a world of hurt later on. One suspended listing can put your entire account at risk.</p> <h4>Turkey trap # 2 Overreporting IP Claims (overusing the ‘Report A Violation/IP Tool’)</h4> <p>Amazon provides you with some tools to help protect your intellectual property, but overuse can backfire. Overreporting <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">IP violations</a> often leads to Amazon reviewing your account, which can become a headache if you’ve made mistakes.</p> <ul> <li><strong>Common turkey trap:</strong> Reporting competitors for minor infringements without understanding Amazon’s policies thoroughly.</li> <li><strong>How to avoid it:</strong> Only report valid violations and understand the guidelines for a legitimate claim. Excessive or improper IP complaints can look suspicious to Amazon, and they take misuse of the Report A Violation tool seriously. Stick to reporting significant infringements only and ensure you have evidence to back up each claim.</li> <li><strong>Riverbend expertise:</strong> Riverbend Consulting helps you recognize genuine IP violations and avoid unnecessary complaints that could draw unwanted attention to your account. If you’ve already overused the Report A Violation tool and are now facing a potential suspension, we’ll guide you through crafting a carefully worded appeal backed by evidence and clear corrective actions. Our experience with similar cases helps us anticipate Amazon’s response, so we can help you make a strong case for reinstatement.</li> </ul> <h4>Turkey trap # 3 Not verifying account permissions</h4> <p>Amazon takes linked accounts seriously. If your account permissions are set incorrectly, it can appear as though you’re managing multiple seller accounts—something Amazon prohibits without prior approval.<strong> </strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>Common turkey trap:</strong> Failing to audit account permissions, especially when multiple team members or freelancers have access.</li> <li><strong>How to avoid it: </strong>Regularly review and verify who has access to your account, especially if you’ve recently added new team members. Double-check that access levels are appropriate, and be cautious about sharing your login credentials. Linked accounts can be a nightmare to undo, and Amazon is quick to shut down accounts it suspects of cross-use.</li> <li><strong>Riverbend expertise:</strong> We offer audits of your account permissions to ensure they’re appropriately set, protecting you from accidental links that Amazon could misinterpret. We provide guidelines on secure sharing of credentials and team access to reduce the risk of linked accounts. If you’re dealing with a <a href="">linked account suspension</a>, our team will investigate to understand the connection and explain to Amazon how it might have been a misunderstanding. We work with you to make a compelling case that your accounts are unrelated or that no policy violation has occurred.</li> </ul> <p>Don’t risk an Amazon account suspension because of a simple oversight. Keep a tight grip on account access and permissions.</p> <h4>Turkey trap # 4 Failing to monitor FBA reimbursements<br /> <img decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-74740 size-full" src="" alt="Amazon account" width="1200" height="600" title="Avoid Amazon Account Turkey Traps: Resolve Issues Easily" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></h4> <p>Amazon’s updated 60-day reimbursement policy means that if you don’t track your inventory closely, you could lose money for lost or damaged items. Overlooking <a href="">FBA reimbursements</a> can add up to thousands in losses if left unchecked.<strong> </strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>Common turkey trap:</strong> Relying solely on Amazon’s reimbursement reports and not checking your inventory discrepancies independently.</li> <li><strong>How to avoid It</strong>: Set a routine to review inventory regularly and request reimbursements for lost or damaged items within the 60-day window. Don’t let Amazon’s reporting be your only check; take matters into your own hands and make sure you get back what you’re owed.</li> <li><strong>Riverbend expertise:</strong> If you’ve overlooked reimbursements or are past due on several claims, we’ll help gather the necessary documentation to submit late reimbursement appeals. Our knowledge of Amazon’s reimbursement guidelines means we know exactly what to include for a strong, effective submission.</li> </ul> <p>Every dollar counts, especially in a business where margins can be tight. Protect your revenue by staying on top of your reimbursements. Enlist the help of Riverbend Consulting to help you manage your reimbursements and put money back into your growing business.</p> <h4>Turkey trap # 5 Backed-up books</h4> <p>Keeping up with your finances isn’t<em> just</em> about taxes; it’s about making informed decisions that help your business stay competitive and compliant. Waiting until the end of the year to close your books can lead to a backlog of data that’s tough to handle all at once.<strong> </strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>Common turkey trap: </strong>Relying on a last-minute tax scramble instead of closing your books monthly.</li> <li><strong>How to avoid it:</strong> Schedule monthly bookkeeping sessions to ensure all your financial data is current and complete. Not only will this make tax season easier, but it’ll also give you an accurate picture of your finances throughout the year.</li> </ul> <p>Stay on top of your finances and avoid the year-end rush that could land you in hot water with the IRS.</p> <h4>Turkey trap # 6: Delayed product testing</h4> <p>If your inventory includes toys, personal care items, or ingestible products, then safety testing is an absolute must, particularly before the holidays when sales skyrocket. Failing to keep certifications current can lead to account suspensions or removal of your listings.<strong> </strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>Common turkey trap: </strong>Delaying safety checks and documentation updates.</li> <li><strong>How to avoid it:</strong> Prioritize testing for all children’s products, supplements and topical items before peak seasons. Make sure you have current CPSIA, HRIPT, or other necessary documentation. For any new products, initiate safety tests well in advance to avoid shipping delays.</li> <li><strong>Riverbend expertise:</strong> If Amazon has flagged your product for missing or incomplete testing, we assist in gathering the necessary documents and drafting appeals demonstrating your commitment to compliance. This way, you can reinstate your listings and avoid repeat issues in the future.</li> </ul> <p>When it comes to safety compliance, the sooner, the better.</p> <h4>Turkey trap # 7: Shipping shortcuts</h4> <p>The holiday season can make it tempting to cut corners in order to keep up with demand, but rushed shipping can lead to tracking errors, customer complaints and even account suspension if Amazon sees too many violations.<strong> </strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>Common turkey trap:</strong> Confirming shipments in Seller Central before they’re <em>actually</em> shipped can lead to the dreaded “shipped but not received” issue.</li> <li><strong>How to avoid it: </strong>Double-check your shipment details before confirming them in Seller Central. For drop-shippers, ensure your suppliers can handle holiday volumes without delays. If you’re self-shipping, proof every shipment before it goes out.</li> <li>If you’re already dealing with a suspension or complaints due to shipping issues, we’ll assist in submitting an <a href="">Amazon POA</a> (Plan of Action) that outlines your improved process. We know what Amazon wants and will guide you in implementing the correct changes to keep your account in good standing.</li> </ul> <p>Precision protects your account and your bottom line.</p> <h3>Riverbend Consulting can help you turn Amazon Turkey Traps into growth opportunities<br /> <img decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-74741 size-full" src="" alt="amazon account health" width="1584" height="396" title="Avoid Amazon Account Turkey Traps: Resolve Issues Easily" srcset=" 1584w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w" sizes="(max-width: 1584px) 100vw, 1584px" /></h3> <p>As the holiday season ramps up, the risks associated with Amazon’s policies and performance expectations increase. At Riverbend Consulting, we’re here to help you sidestep these traps before they become problems. If your account <strong>does </strong>get tangled up, don&#8217;t panic. We’re ready to guide you through to a resolution.</p> <p><strong>Our mission is simple: </strong>help Amazon sellers like you avoid unnecessary risks, recover from setbacks and ultimately run successful businesses with confidence. With Riverbend Consulting, you have a team that understands Amazon’s systems, policies and requirements inside-out. Focus on growing your sales and let us help keep your account healthy and your business on track.</p> <p><a href="">Contact us</a> for expert help with these 7 Turkey Traps and other complex Amazon account issues.</p> <p>Happy Thanksgiving!</p> <p>Amazon. Solved.</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> <item> <title>Amazon Transparency: Secure Your Products And Reputation</title> <link></link> <comments></comments> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Lesley Hensell]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 22 Nov 2024 13:00:00 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Amazon]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Amazon Transparency]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description><![CDATA[Counterfeit goods on the Amazon marketplace are a significant challenge for legitimate sellers. Fake products dilute your brand value and erode trust built with painstaking effort. It is incredibly frustrating to see your work undermined by counterfeits. Customers who unknowingly purchase fake products can leave negative reviews, tarnishing your brand&#8217;s reputation. These poor reviews do [&#8230;]]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Counterfeit goods on the Amazon marketplace are a significant challenge for legitimate sellers. Fake products dilute your brand value and erode trust built with painstaking effort. It is incredibly frustrating to see your work undermined by counterfeits. Customers who unknowingly purchase fake products can leave negative reviews, tarnishing your brand&#8217;s reputation. These poor reviews do not reflect the quality of the authentic product but instead, the disappointment in the counterfeit, causing confusion and mistrust among potential buyers. The time and resources required to identify and report counterfeit listings can be overwhelming, especially for smaller sellers.</p> <p>To combat this pervasive issue, Amazon introduced the Transparency program. This initiative aims to protect brands and consumers by ensuring that only authentic products reach customers. Each product enrolled in the program receives a unique code that customers can verify, adding an extra layer of security against counterfeiters.</p> <p>However, the Transparency program is not without challenges. While it offers significant protection against counterfeit goods, it also requires time and resources to implement effectively. Due diligence is a substantial commitment for smaller sellers or those operating on tight margins. Not only that, but the program&#8217;s effectiveness depends on consumers&#8217; willingness to verify the authenticity of their purchases.</p> <p>Let’s explore the pros and cons of Amazon Transparency and provide insights into how it works, as well as other options for reliable Amazon brand protection.</p> <h3 id="what-is-amazon-transparency">What is Amazon Transparency?<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-74825 size-full" style="font-size: 16px;" src="" alt="Amazon Transparency" width="1200" height="500" title="Amazon Transparency: Secure Your Products And Reputation" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></h3> <p><a href="">Amazon brand protection</a> is an anti-counterfeiting initiative designed to ensure the authenticity of products sold on the Amazon marketplace. The program aims to enhance trust and security within the e-commerce ecosystem.</p> <p>The Amazon Transparency program assigns unique, scannable codes to each product unit. These codes are like digital fingerprints, ensuring that every item sold under a participating brand is authentic and verified.</p> <h4>Enrollment</h4> <p>To participate in Amazon Transparency, brands must first enroll their products. This process involves providing detailed product information to Amazon, including manufacturing details and any distinguishing features that can help identify the product.</p> <h4>Unique codes</h4> <p>Once enrolled, Amazon generates unique Transparency codes for each product unit. These codes are affixed or printed on product packaging. Each code is unique to a specific item, making it impossible for counterfeiters to duplicate.</p> <h4>Verification</h4> <p>When customers receive a product, they can use the Amazon app to scan the Transparency code. Scans provide instant verification, signaling that the product is authentic. Customers can also view detailed product information, such as the manufacturing date and location, ensuring complete transparency.</p> <h4>Enhanced security</h4> <p>The program&#8217;s design makes it extremely difficult for counterfeiters to replicate products. Even if they manage to duplicate the physical product, they cannot replicate the unique Transparency codes, which are essential for passing Amazon&#8217;s verification process.</p> <h3 id="how-does-the-amazon-transparency-program-work">How does the Amazon Transparency program work?</h3> <p>The Amazon Transparency program is centered around a dynamic labeling system that prevents black hat sellers from accessing your customer base. Once you enroll in the program, Amazon provides unique codes for each unit you produce. This extreme measure makes the Transparency program more effective than CTINs and UPCs, which are only specific to your brand. The codes offer an extra layer of security since they are effective even when you don’t sell the product through Amazon.</p> <p>Once customers scan the transparency code, the app displays a green check mark if the code is valid or a red X if it’s not. The responsive app puts customers at ease since it offers an airtight guarantee of the authenticity of your listings. With Amazon being customer-centric, this is a great way to remain in good standing by providing a good customer experience.</p> <h3>Pros of Amazon Transparency?<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-74826 size-full" src="" alt="Pros of Amazon Transparency" width="1200" height="600" title="Amazon Transparency: Secure Your Products And Reputation" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></h3> <p>The advantages of Amazon Transparency illustrate how the program can safeguard your brand, boost customer confidence, and streamline your operations.</p> <ul> <li><strong>Protection against counterfeits:</strong> The primary benefit of the Transparency program is its ability to protect brands from counterfeiters. By ensuring that only authentic products reach customers, brands can maintain their reputation and customer trust.</li> <li><strong>Consumer trust: </strong>Transparency codes allow consumers to verify the authenticity of their purchases quickly. This added layer of trust can increase customer loyalty and repeat business.</li> <li><strong>Detailed product information: </strong>Transparency codes give customers access to detailed information about the product, such as its manufacturing date and location. This feature enhances trust and adds value by providing more context about the product&#8217;s origin.</li> <li><strong>Brand integrity:</strong> Participating in the Transparency program can differentiate you from competitors. It signals a commitment to quality and authenticity, enhancing the overall perception of your brand.</li> <li><strong>Reduced counterfeit management costs: </strong>Managing and combating counterfeit products can be resource-intensive. The Transparency program helps reduce these costs by providing a more efficient way to ensure product authenticity, allowing brands to focus more on growth and innovation.</li> </ul> <h3 id="cons-of-amazon-transparency">Cons of Amazon Transparency</h3> <p>While the Amazon Transparency program offers many pros, it is essential to consider the drawbacks of the program:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Increased costs: </strong>Implementing the Amazon Transparency program involves additional costs for sellers. These costs include purchasing unique Transparency codes and potentially upgrading packaging to accommodate these codes. These extra expenses can be a significant burden for small businesses with thin margins.</li> <li><strong>Complexity in implementation: </strong>Integrating transparency codes into your existing workflow can be complex and time-consuming. You’ll need to ensure each product is correctly labeled with a unique code, which may require adjustments in manufacturing and packaging processes. This can be particularly challenging if you have an extensive product catalog.</li> <li><strong>Dependency on Amazon&#8217;s systems:</strong> By relying on Amazon&#8217;s Transparency program, you may become more dependent on Amazon&#8217;s infrastructure and policies. Any changes or issues with the program could directly impact your operations. This dependency can limit flexibility and control.</li> <li><strong>Potential for errors: </strong>The manual process of applying Transparency codes to products introduces the risk of human error. Incorrectly labeled products can lead to delays, customer dissatisfaction, and potential Amazon penalties. Ensuring accuracy and consistency requires meticulous attention to detail and robust quality control measures.</li> <li><strong>Limited effectiveness against sophisticated counterfeiting: </strong>While Transparency codes can deter casual counterfeiters, sophisticated counterfeit operations may still bypass these measures. For example, counterfeiters could replicate Transparency codes or find methods to obtain authentic codes fraudulently. This means that while Transparency can reduce counterfeiting, it may not eliminate it.</li> <li><strong>Privacy concerns:</strong> Some sellers and consumers may have concerns about privacy related to the data collected through the Transparency program. The program tracks product authenticity and may gather information about purchasing patterns and supply chains. Ensuring this data is handled responsibly and securely is crucial to maintaining trust.</li> <li><strong>Impact on customer experience:</strong> Implementing the Transparency program might lead to changes in packaging that could affect the customer experience. For instance, additional labels or codes could alter the appearance of the product packaging, potentially impacting brand perception. Balancing the need for security with maintaining a positive customer experience can be a delicate task.</li> </ul> <p>Considering these potential cons is crucial before you decide whether to adopt the Transparency program. Evaluating your business&#8217;s specific needs and capacities can help you make an informed decision that aligns with your goals and resources.</p> <h3 id="how-to-sign-up-for-the-transparency-program">How to sign up for the Transparency Program</h3> <p>The following steps can help ensure a painless onboarding experience.</p> <h4>Step #1 – Verify yourself as the brand owner</h4> <p>Securing a trademark over your product is the first step in signing up for the Amazon Transparency program. Amazon won’t consider your eligibility for the program unless you have the rights to your products. The Amazon IP Accelerator Program allows you to partner with Amazon-accredited firms and fast-track your application process. Undoubtedly, the accelerator program is instrumental in streamlining your enrolment in <a href="">Amazon Brand Registry</a>.</p> <h4>Step #2 – Secure Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)</h4> <p>Amazon requires that all <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">sellers use valid GTINs</a>, such as EAN barcodes, on their products. Acquiring your GTINs from official sources is in your best interest since Amazon will run your entries through the GS1 registry.</p> <h4>Step #3 – Enrolling in the Transparency program</h4> <p>Once you meet all the set requirements, you can proceed to the Transparency website to enroll in the program. After verifying your contact and brand information, Amazon will contact you a few weeks after your initial application. After finalizing the onboarding process, you can start ordering Transparency codes for registered products. The Transparency portal allows you to control the number of codes released and which products fall under the program’s protection.</p> <h4>Step #4 – Apply the Transparency codes</h4> <p>It&#8217;s best to have a sustainable means of applying the codes for each unit you manufacture. One of the most effective ways of achieving this is by working with a Transparency Service Provider, or you can carry out the process yourself. Print the labels and affix them to each unit. Integrate the codes in your packaging by using versatile design-in packaging.</p> <p>While Amazon doesn’t charge you for signing up for the program, it will bill you for every code you order. The standard price is 5 cents per code when purchasing less than one million codes simultaneously.</p> <h3 id="partner-with-an-agency-you-trust-to-protect-your-brand">Partner with an agency you trust to protect your brand<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-73318 size-full" src="" alt="Amazon Transparency: Secure Your Products And Reputation" width="1200" height="600" title="Amazon Transparency: Secure Your Products And Reputation" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></h3> <p>At Riverbend Consulting, we offer a range of services designed to protect and grow your brand on Amazon:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Brand registry services:</strong> We help you register new brands, add products to existing brands, manage user access, and remove hijackers.</li> <li><strong>Amazon problem solving:</strong> Our expertise in Amazon’s complex algorithms and procedures allows us to assess your unique situation and develop tailored strategies to effectively address infringement and unauthorized selling.</li> <li><strong>Brand monitoring:</strong> From monitoring brand health and performance metrics to offering proactive recommendations for enhancing brand visibility and control, we’re your trusted partner for protecting and growing your brand on Amazon.</li> <li><strong>Enforcement actions:</strong> We leverage years of experience working with Amazon to resolve enforcement actions. Many of our team members are ex-Amazonians.</li> <li><strong>Seller account protection:</strong> Our <a href="">Seller Account Protection</a> service offers ongoing assurance by safeguarding your seller account from potential threats and suspensions. We monitor your account for policy violations, suspicious activity, or unauthorized changes.</li> </ul> <h3 id="is-amazon-transparency-right-for-you">Is Amazon Transparency right for you?</h3> <p>Should you sign up for the Amazon Transparency Program? It depends on whether the program is a good fit for your brand. High-value listings often attract black-hat sellers, so signing up for the program may be in your best interest.</p> <p>The Amazon Transparency Program is one of the most effective preventive measures available. But, the foundation of a successful anti-counterfeit strategy begins with your product and packaging. Designing a unique and memorable experience for your customers, where your products and packaging are difficult to replicate, is crucial to your anti-counterfeit efforts.</p> <p>While no system is without its flaws, the Amazon Transparency Program offers practical tools that significantly aid in protecting your brand from counterfeit threats. To make the most of the Transparency Program, it&#8217;s essential to integrate it seamlessly with your existing brand protection strategies. From ensuring that your product design is distinctive to maintaining a secure supply chain, every step you take reinforces your commitment to quality and authenticity.</p> <p>Our team is here to help you enroll in the program. We provide comprehensive support, from understanding the program&#8217;s requirements to effectively implementing its tools. Contact us for help with all your <a href="">Amazon problem solving</a> needs and safeguard your brand today.</p> <p>Amazon. Solved.</p> ]]></content:encoded> <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss> <slash:comments>0</slash:comments> </item> <item> <title>Generics are Welcome Now? The Insanity of Amazon’s Play vs. Shein and Temu</title> <link></link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Lesley Hensell]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 19 Nov 2024 13:00:48 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Amazon]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Amazon seller]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Generic Items]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Global]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description><![CDATA[After years of telling sellers in the United States they cannot list generic products, Amazon has launched Haul, a marketplace of nothing but generic items from Chinese sellers, all to compete with Shein and Temu. What gives, Amazon? Don’t U.S.-based sellers already struggle enough to compete? And what’s a seller to do? Generics are suddenly [&#8230;]]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>After years of telling sellers in the United States they cannot list generic products, Amazon has launched Haul, a marketplace of nothing but generic items from Chinese sellers, all to compete with Shein and Temu.</p> <p>What gives, Amazon? Don’t U.S.-based sellers already struggle enough to compete? And what’s a seller to do?</p> <p><strong>Generics are suddenly ok?</strong></p> <p><strong> </strong>Perhaps the most baffling part of the Haul marketplace is that it purportedly will focus on generic products.</p> <p>This is after Amazon has spent a decade battling <a href="">generic products</a> on its platform. And generic products are no longer welcome – at all. A product must have a brand name to be listed. And sellers have even been suspended for listing generic products.<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-74765 size-full" src="" alt="generics items" width="1200" height="500" title="Generics are Welcome Now? The Insanity of Amazon’s Play vs. Shein and Temu" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></p> <p>Amazon takes this a step further. It knows the “white label” trick in which sellers purchase generics from platforms like Alibaba, and then slap a sticker on them. Voila, a non-generic product with “a brand.” That is not allowed. Amazon wants a brand name – preferably one that is in <a href="">Brand Registry</a> – that appears on the product, packaging and listing detail page. Stickers don’t count.</p> <p>So, Amazon sellers, it’s baffling to consider. Haul will welcome generic products in all their no-name glory. These products will be supplied by Chinese manufacturers with no Brand Registry, no branding requirements&#8211;and likely no accountability.</p> <h3 id="weve-got-questions">We’ve got questions</h3> <p>Amazon has outlawed generics on the platform because generics don’t comport with Amazon’s obsessions: buyer experience and product quality. But if items on Amazon’s new Haul marketplace are generic:</p> <ul> <li>Will Amazon enforce against Haul sellers with products that have <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">lead, cadmium and other poisons</a>? What happened to <a href="">safety and Amazon product compliance</a>?</li> <li>How about products that violate EPA and state environmental regulations?</li> <li>Will Amazon require product testing be produced by Haul sellers on the regular?</li> <li>Will Amazon suspend Haul ASINs aggressively for bait-and-switch?</li> </ul> <h3 id="the-struggles-of-competing-with-chinese-sellers-on-amazon">The struggles of competing with Chinese sellers on Amazon</h3> <p><strong> </strong>It’s already difficult for U.S. sellers to win on Too often, Chinese sellers show up on listings, yet their products don’t match. They are generic substitutions for a branded ASIN. Then, if they get suspended, the Chinese sellers simply fire up another one of their thousands of accounts and do it all over again.</p> <p>It gets worse:</p> <ul> <li>Chinese manufacturers don’t always follow U.S. regulations for testing and product specifications. This makes their products cheaper – and potentially dangerous to buyers, the environment and the marketplace.</li> <li>Chinese manufacturers are subsidized by the Chinese Communist Party. The government owns a piece of manufacturing companies, and money flows freely to help them compete – or dominate – overseas. This is unfair competition, since U.S. sellers and brands do not enjoy the same kinds of subsidies.</li> <li>Chinese sellers get shipping rates subsidized by U.S. taxpayers, thanks to the ridiculous ePacket agreement. It can be cheaper for a Chinese seller to merchant fulfill an item from Shenzhen than it is for a U.S. seller to ship the same item over the Rocky Mountains.</li> <li>Chinese manufacturers sometimes use enslaved, imprisoned and abused labor, while U.S. sellers must prove their entire supply chain is ethical. Look no further than the case of Milwaukee Tool, which was sued by a Chinese National whose case was then picked up by the U.S. government. Would a Chinese citizen even be able to sue China and one of its partially owned businesses for abusing them as slave labor? You can bet not.</li> </ul> <h3 id="how-can-u-s-sellers-compete">How can U.S. sellers compete?</h3> <p><strong> </strong>Where does this leave U.S. sellers? They must pivot quickly to create products and brands that make sense in a changing marketplace.</p> <p>First, let’s start by addressing a tempting offer by Temu, which is telling U.S. sellers they can enjoy low or no selling and fulfillment fees. Could this be the answer? Before jumping into Temu, be sure to consider:</p> <ul> <li>Can you compete on price there, even with low or no fees?</li> <li>If you have to invest to build infrastructure, will Temu still make sense once they raise fees after the promotional period ends?</li> </ul> <p>Meanwhile, in Amazon world, there are several strategies U.S. sellers can undertake to compete:</p> <ol> <li><strong>Choose products and categories where quality and safety inherently matter to buyers. </strong>Think health and beauty, consumables and baby items. It’s easier to earn and hold buyer trust when they believe their safety is at stake.</li> <li><strong>Focus on brand building to overcome generic knockoffs.</strong> Yes, the new Haul marketplace will hurt U.S. sellers simply by the inherent cheapness of generics. The only good response? Double down on brand-building to make your products more attractive to buyers. Create a compelling brand story that resonates with consumers. This can differentiate your products from generic alternatives and build a loyal following.</li> <li><strong>Consider niche markets.</strong> Identify and target niche markets that may be underserved. Specializing in a particular segment can help you avoid direct competition with larger players.</li> <li><strong>Protect your intellectual property and brand as much as possible.</strong> Generics mean knock-offs. And inviting more Chinese generics to Amazon will hurt brands that don’t fight for their intellectual property. Be sure your ASINs are protected in Brand Registry and be ready to file complaints as appropriate. <a href="">Brand protection</a> is critical.</li> <li><strong>Rethink where you manufacture, how you manufacture, and what inputs you use.</strong> For some categories and products, getting that “Made in the USA” label can create competitive advantage. Using high-quality ingredients can create an advantage as well, with the right messaging. It’s always good to re-visit <a href="">Amazon’s supply chain standards</a>.</li> <li><strong>Benefit from Subscribe &amp; Save.</strong> A generic product is not an always-available product. If your product can become Subscribe &amp; Save, invest in earning S&amp;S buyers. Give big discounts. Make sure you’re always in stock. Nobody can compete with you once these buyers are earned.</li> <li><strong>Highlight sustainability and ethical production</strong>: Sellers can emphasize that they offer eco-friendly, ethically sourced and sustainable products. By highlighting manufacturing, supply chain and labor practices, the brand can appeal to a consumer public who is increasingly environmentally conscious and who wants to support and reward ethical practices. Offering proof of certifications, such as Fair Trade or USDA Organic, can further enhance this competitive edge.</li> <li><strong>Offer awesome customer service to give a “local store” feel</strong>: Buyers love <a href="">above-and-beyond customer service</a>, faster shipping times and easy returns. The same goes for responsive customer support for problems, or making it easy to take advantage of warranties. Respond promptly to inquiries, resolve issues efficiently, and encourage reviews that can enhance your reputation. Provide the personal touch. Mirror that favorite locally owned and operated shop the buyer prefers. Sellers can attract people who value a more human shopping experience when compared to dealing with invisible, international sellers.</li> <li><strong>Optimize listings and marketing.</strong> Invest in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for product listings, and use high-quality images and detailed descriptions. Use targeted advertising to reach your audience effectively. Social media can also help build brand awareness and community engagement. These are especially important during <a href="">the holiday season</a>.</li> </ol> <h3 id="our-final-suggestion-negu">Our final suggestion? NEGU</h3> <p><strong> </strong>Never, Ever Give Up. NEGU.</p> <p>There are always ways to compete and win.</p> <p>U.S. sellers on the Amazon marketplace have already proven their competence, creativity and resilience time and time again.</p> <p>Now is not the time to throw in the towel. Double down on your best efforts. Find a way to win. For all its challenges, we are still believers in the Amazon Marketplace. Have you checked out <a href="">The Amazon Incubator</a>? It’s a good read (if I say so myself).</p> <p>But more importantly, we are tremendous believers in U.S. brands and sellers.</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> <item> <title>What to expect when you place an Amazon inventory removal order. Is there a fee?</title> <link></link> <comments></comments> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Kelly Johnston]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 14 Nov 2024 16:00:32 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Amazon]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Amazon Inventory]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Amazon inventory removal fee]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Inventory Removal Order]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description><![CDATA[&#160; Having Amazon fulfill your orders can save you a great deal of time and help you focus on other aspects of growing your Amazon business. With Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), you don’t need to worry about product storage, shipping, warehouses, or customer support. But there may be occasions when you have to remove inventory [&#8230;]]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><center><iframe loading="lazy" title="YouTube video player" src="" width="580" height="400" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"><span data-mce-type="bookmark" style="display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;" class="mce_SELRES_start"></span></iframe></center>&nbsp;</p> <p>Having Amazon fulfill your orders can save you a great deal of time and help you focus on other aspects of growing your Amazon business.</p> <p>With Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), you don’t need to worry about product storage, shipping, warehouses, or customer support. But there may be occasions when you have to remove inventory from Amazon. Amazon charges fees for storing products in its warehouses. Part of healthy inventory management is knowing when to remove your goods from Amazon fulfillment centers and understanding the process and costs.</p> <p>You may need to pull your products from fulfillment centers for many reasons. Examples include <a href="">ASIN suspension</a>, expiration, low sales, seasonal product removal and potential problems like damages or returns that render your stock unfulfillable. Whatever the case is, you must know when and how to remove Amazon inventory from FBA centers to avoid losses when you leave stock that isn’t selling.</p> <h3>What is an Amazon inventory removal order?<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-74679 size-full" src="" alt="Amazon Inventory" width="1200" height="500" title="What to expect when you place an Amazon inventory removal order. Is there a fee?" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></h3> <p>An Amazon inventory removal order is a formal request that sellers can initiate to have their unsold or overstocked inventory removed from Amazon’s fulfillment centers. Depending on your preference, this process allows you to have your products returned to you or disposed of. Removal orders are used when inventory has been in storage for too long, resulting in higher storage fees, or when sellers want to discontinue selling a particular product.</p> <p>In addition to managing storage costs, inventory removal orders can help you maintain better control over stock levels, especially during seasonal shifts or when transitioning to new product lines. Amazon provides two main options for removal: having items shipped back to you or having them destroyed by Amazon. Acting promptly with removal orders can prevent unnecessary long-term storage fees, especially when preparing for major inventory turnovers, like the holiday season.</p> <h3 id="how-to-manage-product-listings-before-removal">How to manage product listings before removal<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-74681 size-full" src="" alt="Amazon Inventory" width="1200" height="600" title="What to expect when you place an Amazon inventory removal order. Is there a fee?" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></h3> <p>Before initiating a removal order, the first step is to manage your product listings. This involves taking the product off your storefront so customers can no longer view or purchase it. However, this does not remove the inventory from Amazon’s warehouses, meaning storage and long-term storage fees (LTSF) will still apply.</p> <p>You have two options: <strong>close a listing</strong> or <strong>delete a listing</strong>. Both options ensure the product is no longer visible to buyers but serve different purposes.</p> <h4>Close a listing</h4> <p>Closing a listing changes the status of your product from active to inactive. The listing still exists in your Seller Central account. If you decide to relist the product, you can reactivate it anytime.</p> <ol> <li>Go to the &#8220;Manage Inventory&#8221; section of your Seller Central account.</li> <li>Select the product listing you want to close.</li> <li>Choose &#8220;Close listing&#8221; from the &#8220;Action on selected&#8221; dropdown menu.</li> </ol> <h4>Delete a listing</h4> <p>Deleting a listing removes it entirely from your Seller Central account and any sales history. This is useful when you&#8217;re confident you won’t be relisting the product.</p> <ol> <li>Navigate to &#8220;Manage Inventory&#8221; in Seller Central.</li> <li>Select the product you want to delete.</li> <li>Choose &#8220;Delete products and listings&#8221; from the &#8220;Action on selected&#8221; dropdown.</li> </ol> <p>Once your product listings are closed or deleted, you can create an Amazon inventory removal order to manage the physical inventory.</p> <h3 id="how-to-create-an-amazon-inventory-removal-order">How to create an Amazon inventory removal order</h3> <p>The entire process of removing inventory happens on the “manage inventory” section on Seller Central. You can remove inventory for any listing through this page by selecting the items you want to remove, clicking on the “Action” menu, and selecting “Create Removal Order” from the available options.</p> <p>You can also remove orders using Amazon&#8217;s “<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Recommended Removal</a>” report. This report includes the inventory for which you must pay long-term storage fees if it remains in an FBA warehouse.</p> <p>Ensure your inventory meets the long-term storage condition, then click on the report. Proceed to select “Begin Removal Process,” then choose whether you want Amazon to dispose of the products (with a lesser nominal fee) or return them to your selected address (at a higher cost).</p> <h3 id="steps-for-creating-a-removal-order-from-the-manage-inventory-dashboard">Steps for creating a removal order from the manage inventory dashboard</h3> <p><strong>1. Log in to your Amazon Seller Central account: </strong>Go to the Amazon Seller Central website and log in with your seller credentials.</p> <p><strong>2. Navigate to &#8216;Manage Inventory&#8217;: </strong>From the dashboard, hover over the &#8220;Inventory&#8221; tab in the main menu and select &#8220;Manage Inventory&#8221; from the drop-down.</p> <p><strong>3. Select the items you want to remove: </strong>Find the products you wish to remove from Amazon’s fulfillment centers in the Manage Inventory section. Search by ASIN, SKU, or product name. Check the box next to each item you want to include in the removal order.</p> <p><strong>4. Choose &#8216;Create Removal Order&#8217;: </strong>Scroll to the top of the page after selecting the products. From the &#8216;Action on selected&#8217; drop-down menu, choose &#8220;Create Removal Order.&#8221;</p> <p><strong>5. Select the removal method: </strong>Choose how you want to handle the inventory:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Return to address</strong>: Have the inventory shipped back to your address or another destination.</li> <li><strong>Dispose of inventory</strong>: This option allows Amazon to discard the items on your behalf, a common choice for damaged or unsellable inventory.</li> </ul> <p><strong>6. Enter your shipping or disposal preferences</strong></p> <ul> <li>If you select the &#8220;Return to Address&#8221; option, you must provide the return address to which you want the inventory sent.</li> <li>If you select the &#8220;Dispose of Inventory&#8221; option, there are no further steps for shipping.</li> </ul> <p><strong>7. Review fees and confirm order: </strong>Amazon will display the costs associated with returning or disposing of the inventory. Review these fees, and if everything looks correct, click &#8220;Continue&#8221; to confirm.</p> <p><strong>8. Review the order summary: </strong>After confirming, you’ll be taken to the Order Summary page, where you can review the details of the removal order, including the estimated timeline for completion.</p> <p><strong>9. Monitor your removal order status:</strong> You can track the progress of your removal order by navigating to &#8220;Manage Orders&#8221; and selecting the &#8220;Removal Orders&#8221; section. You can see the status here, whether in progress or completed.</p> <p>A removal order can take 90 days or more before Amazon successfully processes it. Expect to wait another two weeks after approval for an Amazon representative to deliver the inventory.</p> <p><strong>Note:</strong> You can only cancel a removal order if it hasn’t started processing. Once Amazon begins the removal process, cancellation is not possible. Typically, you have a few hours after placing the order to cancel, but this depends on the fulfillment center. Monitor your order status closely and act quickly if needed.</p> <h3 id="amazon-inventory-removal-order-fees">Amazon inventory removal order fees</h3> <p>When creating a removal order, Amazon charges fees based on the size and weight of each unit. For more details, review <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">removal order fees</a> in Seller Central. Amazon charges the fees using a rate card when the removal order is complete.</p> <h4>Return and disposal fees (per unit)<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-74686 " style="font-size: 16px;" src="" alt="Amazon Inventory" width="805" height="367" title="What to expect when you place an Amazon inventory removal order. Is there a fee?" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 805px) 100vw, 805px" /></h4> <p><em>Fig. 1.0 <a href=";openid.pape.max_auth_age=900&amp;;;openid.assoc_handle=sc_na_amazon_v2&amp;openid.mode=checkid_setup&amp;language=en_US&amp;;pageId=sc_amazon_v3_unified&amp;;mons_redirect=sign_in&amp;ssoResponse=eyJ6aXAiOiJERUYiLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIiwiYWxnIjoiQTI1NktXIn0.fD0FdEf4UAikY1chxyQCuNgGhIh-IGwqUUR8Hvnx8O26ZZTzrflX7A.wtQTdCU-ae8OkBLA.F2eMFvUHn4CjE9oWL7N8A0oDUrScwV2PXmoKvO_wVOp2LohL0igr5_K0jq71KD9IQO6l65H71N9Cifp0U5lHrZQdcY9fmwv5JSgiMwksS1g2mbP_XaYAYbO_i-ExWLbTk3Fz5-gf-7W2JfKsov2DBO1JoNVRk7FGKiaNE5W0xqtqHb5DuM_rGk2pOte_1-Nnn36YxQ.mliIsH95zradkh5U2vxQKw" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Amazon inventory removal order fees and rate card</a>, Amazon Seller Central</em></p> <p><strong>Standard-size items</strong></p> <ul> <li>0 to 0.5 lb: $1.04</li> <li>0.5+ to 1.0 lb: $1.53</li> <li>1.0+ to 2.0 lb: $2.27</li> <li>More than 2 lb: $2.89 + $1.06 per pound over 2 lb</li> </ul> <p><strong>Large, Bulky, Extra-Large and special handling items</strong></p> <ul> <li>0 to 1.0 lb: $3.12</li> <li>1.0+ to 2.0 lb: $4.30</li> <li>2.0+ to 4.0 lb: $6.36</li> <li>4.0+ to 10.0 lb: $10.04</li> <li>More than 10.0 lb: $14.32 + $1.06 per pound over 10 lb</li> </ul> <p>These fees reflect the current costs of disposing of Amazon inventory. Regularly review removal fees for updates to avoid surprises.</p> <p>After removing or disposing of your inventory, you can check the associated fees through Seller Central. To do this, go to the &#8220;Payments&#8221; section and open the &#8220;Transaction View&#8221; tab. From there, filter transactions by selecting &#8220;Service Fees&#8221; and set the appropriate date range. Once you click &#8220;Update,&#8221; look for entries labeled &#8220;FBA Removal Order&#8221; under the &#8220;Product Details&#8221; section. This will display the exact costs charged for your removal orders, allowing you to track your expenses accurately.</p> <h4>Can you automate Amazon inventory removal orders?<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-74683 size-full" style="font-size: 16px;" src="" alt="Amazon Inventory" width="1200" height="600" title="What to expect when you place an Amazon inventory removal order. Is there a fee?" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></h4> <p><em>Fig. 1.1 <a href=";openid.pape.max_auth_age=900&amp;;;openid.assoc_handle=sc_na_amazon_v2&amp;openid.mode=checkid_setup&amp;language=en_US&amp;;pageId=sc_amazon_v3_unified&amp;;mons_redirect=sign_in&amp;ssoResponse=eyJ6aXAiOiJERUYiLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIiwiYWxnIjoiQTI1NktXIn0.LuySmEMAWMuG_78RUUazhrKpcQ4Dd4myl_gan6YatlI3g-ywn7ILYw.o-GMla8RtgyRFc13.3JfMqNTu0NT9x74bfVSu3OatFtv999ALtzLvVpIf0TP-7ubot2TbrV45nw_Wje2Mi1Rkx6pP3roGmaRTkJK3kndDBseO8Yc75lkmupSeuTS4V8qZHYGgU0DMFDAiwDueaVF6PBvbFwE0opRfQZuF-0QhMlZeTN13ugqFp__8D0VYp3mNvfKPnIallH2-YnluCWtNNvgVQw.RZlUJ1ppUDuUlpOLtYg_Pg" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Automated unfillable settings</a>, Amazon Seller Central</em></p> <p>When a product is damaged or does not meet Amazon&#8217;s quality standards, it becomes unfulfillable. Amazon will notify you about unfilled products so you can place a removal order within the next 30 days. Failure to do so will give Amazon the go-ahead to dispose of it automatically.</p> <p>To help you control your inventory, Amazon allows you to automate removal orders for merchandise you believe cannot be fulfilled or will attract long-term storage fees. If you automate your removal orders for the 15th day of the month (when Amazon carries out stock inventory in its warehouses), that inventory will not attract storage fees.</p> <p>To automate removal orders, go to your Seller Central account, click the Fulfillment by Amazon icon from the “Settings” menu, and proceed to edit the “Automated Unfulfillable Removal Settings” and select “Return” or “Dispose.”</p> <p>Select an automated schedule:<br /> Immediately (for products you want to dispose of)</p> <ul> <li>Weekly</li> <li>Every 15 days</li> </ul> <p>Enter your email address for notifications and physical address to deliver returned inventory in the designated boxes.</p> <h3 id="things-to-know-about-amazon-inventory-removal-orders">Things to know about Amazon inventory removal orders</h3> <p>Here are a few things to keep in mind regarding removal orders:</p> <ul> <li>Amazon warehouse workers treat removal orders as trash because they are trained to do so. Your inventory is only valuable to you and Amazon can return it in bad condition.</li> <li>When returning Amazon inventory, workers place it in boxes that are available at the time. In other words, they can ship your inventory in smaller or bigger boxes instead of the perfect size.</li> <li>Often, returned inventory doesn’t come with dunnage, like loose protective plastic padding for support. As a result, it is susceptible to different degrees of damage during transportation to your delivery address.</li> <li>Returns take time because they are the last shipments processed in Amazon FBA warehouses. Amazon states that removal orders take 90 days or more to process. As an Amazon FBA seller waiting for returned inventory, you’ll need great patience because you may not receive the inventory in weeks or even months.</li> <li>Be sure about your removal order before placing it because once it’s done, you can’t change your mind or reverse the process. The timing of the process is also beyond your control, so there’s nothing you can do to speed it up.</li> <li>You can’t use removal orders to send inventory to your customers or as gifts for other people. Removal orders are yours and should be returned to you, the product manufacturer, a third-party storage company, or a re-shipper.</li> </ul> <h3 id="removal-orders-are-a-normal-part-of-business-on-amazon">Removal orders are a normal part of business on Amazon</h3> <p>Having some products you need to clear out for different reasons is normal. Sometimes, products are expired, defective or seasonal. Removal orders can help your Amazon business maintain profitability. Placing removal orders at the correct times can help prevent unnecessary spending on storage space in Amazon FBA fulfillment centers.</p> <p>Opt for inventory removal manually or automatically to avoid storage fees and save time. The removal process is also relatively easy since you can control everything from your Seller Central account. Returns take time, so be patient when expecting your shipment. Also, remember that you can receive some or all of your products in extremely unsellable conditions. Carefully weigh your options and all associated costs before making a decision.</p> <p>Facing issues with your Amazon inventory removal order? Don’t let the fees and complexities overwhelm you. Our <a href="">Amazon problem solving </a>experts specialize in solving seller challenges <em>just</em> like this. Reach out today. We’re here to help.</p> <p>Amazon. Solved.</p> ]]></content:encoded> <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss> <slash:comments>0</slash:comments> <media:content url="" medium="video" width="1280" height="720"> <media:player url="" /> <media:title type="plain">What Sellers Should Know About Amazon Removal Orders</media:title> <media:description type="html"><![CDATA[Amazon removal orders seem simple, but it&#039;s often more difficult than sellers think to get their orders back from Amazon FBA. We provide some insight and tip...]]></media:description> <media:thumbnail url="" /> <media:rating scheme="urn:simple">nonadult</media:rating> </media:content> </item> <item> <title>Taking the Leap into Amazon Private Label: Your Guide to Getting Started</title> <link></link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Lesley Hensell]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 12 Nov 2024 13:00:55 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Amazon seller]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Amazon]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Brand Registry]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description><![CDATA[It’s easy to get caught up in the rumors that Amazon private label has become too saturated. But the truth is, there are plenty of opportunities if you are willing to adapt and strategize. Despite the challenges of a growing and changing marketplace, Amazon private label remains one of the best and most profitable methods [&#8230;]]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p class="p1">It’s easy to get caught up in the rumors that <span class="s1">Amazon private label</span> has become too saturated. But the truth is, there are plenty of opportunities if you are willing to adapt and strategize. Despite the challenges of a growing and changing marketplace, <span class="s1">Amazon private label </span>remains one of the best and most profitable methods for building a successful Amazon business.</p> <p class="p3">Private label selling is about carefully researching the right product, understanding the market, and effectively targeting the correct demographic.</p> <h3 class="p4" class="p4" id="what-is-amazon-private-label"><span class="s3">What is </span>Amazon Private Label<span class="s3">?</span><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-74577 size-full" style="font-size: 16px;" src="" alt="Amazon Private Label" width="1200" height="500" title="Taking the Leap into Amazon Private Label: Your Guide to Getting Started" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></h3> <p class="p3"><span class="s1">Amazon private label</span> refers to creating and selling branded products on the Amazon marketplace. Instead of reselling products from other manufacturers under their brand names, you develop a unique brand and source products directly from manufacturers, customizing them with your branding, packaging, and specifications.</p> <p class="p3">The key advantage of private label selling is the control it gives you over your product and brand identity. This control allows you to differentiate from competitors and resonate with a specific target audience. Unlike other selling models where you may compete on price alone, <span class="s1">Amazon private label</span> focuses on creating value through branding, quality, and customer experience.</p> <h3 class="p3" class="p3" id="how-to-create-an-amazon-private-label-brand">How to create an <span class="s1">Amazon private label</span> brand?</h3> <p class="p3">The private label process typically involves the following steps:</p> <h4 class="p5">Step #1 Product research</h4> <p class="p3">Identify a product niche with demand but relatively low competition. Product research requires analyzing market trends, customer reviews, and keyword data to find a product that meets consumer needs and can be improved.</p> <h4 class="p5">Step #2 Sourcing</h4> <p class="p3">Find a manufacturer, usually through platforms like Alibaba or Global Sources, who can produce your product according to your specifications. This step often involves negotiations on pricing, quality, and order quantities.</p> <h4 class="p5">Step #3 Financial forecasting</h4> <p class="p3">Create a financial plan that outlines initial investment, ongoing costs, pricing strategy, break-even analysis, cash flow management, and revenue projections to ensure your private label venture is financially viable and positioned for long-term success.</p> <h4 class="p5">Step #4 Branding and packaging</h4> <p class="p3">Unearth a unique brand identity, including logo, package design and product labeling. Add your personal touch to help make your product stand out.</p> <ol class="ul1"> <li class="li6"><b>Amazon listing: </b>Once you create your product and branding, you will create an Amazon listing with an SEO title, bullet points, product description, and high-quality images and A+ Content to attract customers.</li> <li class="li7"><b>Launching and marketing:</b> Successfully launching an <span class="s1">Amazon private label </span>product involves driving initial sales through strategies like Amazon PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising, social media marketing, and possibly external traffic from your website and influencer partnerships.</li> </ol> <p class="p3"><span class="s1">Amazon private label </span>is a powerful way to build a scalable and profitable business. While it requires more upfront investment and planning than other models, the potential for higher margins and brand loyalty makes it attractive.</p> <h3 class="p8" class="p8" id="things-to-consider-about-an-amazon-private-label-business">Things to consider about an Amazon <span class="s4">private label business</span><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-73334 size-full" src="" alt="Private Label Products" width="1200" height="600" title="Taking the Leap into Amazon Private Label: Your Guide to Getting Started" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></h3> <p class="p3">While <span class="s1">Amazon private label</span> offers opportunities, it comes with challenges. Here are things to look out for:</p> <h4 class="p5">Product selection and quality</h4> <p class="p3">The foundation of a successful Amazon private label business lies in choosing the right product and maintaining high quality. Focus on finding products with strong demand and low competition, ensuring they offer unique value. Partner with reliable suppliers and prioritize quality control to build a brand that stands out and earns customer trust.</p> <h4 class="p5">Trademark and intellectual property issues</h4> <p class="p9"><span class="s3">Before launching your brand, conduct thorough research to ensure your brand name, logo, and product design don’t infringe on existing trademarks. </span>Amazon Brand Registry helps protect your <a href=""><span class="s6">intellectual property</span></a> and offers tools and resources to differentiate your product listings and safeguard your business against pesky counterfeiters.</p> <h4 class="p5">Supply chain reliability</h4> <p class="p3">Delays or inconsistencies in production and shipping can lead to stockouts or quality issues. Building solid relationships with your suppliers and having backup options can mitigate risks.</p> <h4 class="p5">Market saturation</h4> <p class="p3">While <span class="s1">Amazon private label</span> allows for differentiation, some product categories are highly competitive and saturated. Conduct thorough market research to identify less crowded niches and ensure your product offers unique value.</p> <h4 class="p5">Amazon policy compliance</h4> <p class="p3">Amazon has strict policies regarding product listings, claims, and customer reviews, yet sellers tend to gloss over the importance of understanding policy guidelines. To avoid <a href=""><span class="s5">Amazon account suspension</span></a>, it&#8217;s crucial to familiarize yourself with these rules and ensure you are compliant. Avoid incentivizing reviews or making claims that violate Amazon’s policies. Sometimes, your best defense is partnering with an expert policy compliance agency like Riverbend Consulting.</p> <h4 class="p5">Advertising costs</h4> <p class="p3">While Amazon PPC can drive sales, it can become costly if not managed properly. Monitor your ad spend closely and optimize your campaigns to ensure they remain profitable. Start with a conservative budget and scale up as you see positive returns.</p> <h4 class="p5">Customer feedback</h4> <p class="p3">Pay close attention to customer reviews and feedback. Reviews offer valuable insight for identifying potential issues with your product, improving your offer, and maintaining high customer satisfaction. Promptly address any negative feedback to minimize its impact on your brand reputation.</p> <h3 class="p8" class="p8" id="what-are-the-amazon-private-label-requirements-for-getting-started">What are the <span class="s1">Amazon private-label</span> requirements for getting started?<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-73336 size-full" src="" alt="Amazon business models" width="1200" height="600" title="Taking the Leap into Amazon Private Label: Your Guide to Getting Started" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></h3> <p class="p3">Starting an Amazon private-label business involves meeting several requirements, both from Amazon and a business operations standpoint. These requirements ensure that you’re set up for success and compliant with Amazon’s policies. Here’s what you need to get started:</p> <h4 class="p10">1. Amazon Seller Account</h4> <p class="p3">You’ll need a professional Amazon Seller account to sell private label products on Amazon. This account type provides access to the tools necessary for managing inventory, marketing, and customer service at scale. The professional account costs $39.99 monthly but offers lower per-item selling fees than an individual account.</p> <h4 class="p5">2. Business verification</h4> <p class="p3">Amazon requires you to verify your business by providing a Tax ID (EIN), legal entity documentation (e.g., LLC or corporation), a valid bank account for payments, and address verification documents like utility bills or lease agreements.</p> <h4 class="p11">3. Trademark registration (Recommended)</h4> <p class="p3">While not mandatory, registering your brand name as a trademark is recommended. This protects your brand legally and allows you to enroll in Amazon Brand Registry program. Brand Registry provides enhanced tools for managing your brand, protecting intellectual property, and gaining access to advanced marketing features.</p> <h4 class="p10">4. Compliance with Amazon policies</h4> <p class="p3">Your product and packaging must comply with Amazon’s listing policies and standards. Ensure that your product labels meet Amazon’s guidelines, including any required barcodes (like UPCs) and compliance with local regulations. Some product categories have additional requirements, such as safety certifications or regulatory approvals. Make sure you understand the requirements for your specific product category.</p> <h4 class="p10">5. Product listings and marketing</h4> <p class="p3">Once your products are ready, you must create a compelling product listing. This involves using relevant keywords and clear, persuasive language to describe your product. Invest in product photography to highlight your product in the best light. Develop a marketing plan that includes Amazon PPC campaigns, social media promotion, and influencer partnerships to drive initial sales.</p> <h4 class="p5">6. Inventory and fulfillment</h4> <p class="p3">Decide whether you’ll use Amazon’s FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) service or handle fulfillment yourself. FBA is often preferred for <span class="s1">Amazon private label</span> because it streamlines logistics, offers Prime eligibility, and includes Amazon’s world-class customer service.</p> <p class="p3">Each step is essential to laying a solid foundation, from securing your brand to ensuring product quality and compliance with Amazon’s standards.</p> <h3 class="p8" class="p8" id="how-much-money-do-i-need-to-start-an-amazon-private-label-brand">How much money do I need to start an <span class="s1">Amazon private label </span>brand?</h3> <p class="p3">Unlike some online advice suggesting you can start an Amazon private label brand with minimal funds, building a successful private label business requires capital—not just to launch but also to sustain and scale your operations.</p> <p class="p3">The numbers below are estimates and can vary widely based on your product choice, market conditions, and individual needs. Create a detailed financial plan tailored to your specific situation.</p> <p class="p5">General overview of costs:</p> <ul class="ul1"> <li class="li6"><b>Product development and sampling:</b> Before you bring a product to market, you’ll need to invest in research, product design, and sampling. <span class="s7">Costs range from $500 to $2,500, depending on the product and the number of samples you require to ensure quality.</span></li> <li class="li1"><b>Manufacturing and inventory:</b> The bulk of your initial investment will go toward manufacturing your first batch of products. Depending on your product and order size, this can range from $2,000 to $10,000. Larger orders often lead to lower per-unit costs but require more upfront capital.</li> <li class="li12"><b>Packaging and branding:</b> A unique brand identity means designing logos, packaging, and labeling that stand out—budget at least $500 to $1,500 for professional design services and production.</li> <li class="li1"><b>Amazon fees and shipping costs:</b> Remember to factor in <a href=""><span class="s5">Amazon fees</span></a>, which include storage and fulfillment costs and shipping your inventory to Amazon’s warehouses. Depending on the size and weight of your products, these costs can add up to $500 to $1,500.</li> <li class="li7"><b>Marketing and advertising:</b> To get your product in front of the right customers, you’ll need to invest in Amazon PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaigns and other forms of advertising. A good starting point is an initial marketing budget of $500 to $1,500.</li> </ul> <p class="p3">A substantial investment is necessary—not just to get off the ground but to ensure that you can scale effectively.</p> <h3 class="p13" class="p13" id="is-amazon-private-label-profitable"><span class="s3">Is </span>Amazon private label <span class="s3">profitable?</span><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-73335 size-full" src="" alt="Amazon Private Label" width="1200" height="600" title="Taking the Leap into Amazon Private Label: Your Guide to Getting Started" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></h3> <p class="p3">The profitability of your private label product depends on how well you manage the strategies you employ to differentiate it.</p> <p class="p5">Example product: Bamboo toothbrushes</p> <p class="p3">Let’s consider an example to illustrate potential profitability—a bamboo toothbrush. Suppose you identify a growing market trend towards eco-friendly products and notice that bamboo toothbrushes are in steady demand with moderate competition. (We believe this product to be a bit too saturated, but you’d have to do some research to decide for yourself.)</p> <p class="p3"><b>Cost breakdown:</b></p> <ul class="ul1"> <li class="li6"><b>Product sourcing:</b> You find a reliable manufacturer who can produce high-quality bamboo toothbrushes for $1.50 per unit, including packaging. You order an initial batch of 1,000 units, which costs you $1,500.</li> <li class="li1"><b>Amazon fees and shipping:</b> Amazon’s FBA fees (including storage, pick-and-pack, and referral fees) come to about $3.00 per unit. Shipping your inventory to Amazon’s warehouse costs $0.50 per unit, bringing your total cost to $5.00.</li> <li class="li7"><b>Pricing:</b> After researching competitors, you decide to price your bamboo toothbrush at $12.99, which is competitive yet allows for a decent margin.</li> </ul> <p class="p3"><b>Profit calculation:</b></p> <ul class="ul1"> <li class="li6"><b>Revenue per unit:</b> $12.99 (selling price)</li> <li class="li1"><b>Total cost per unit:</b> $5.00 (including production, Amazon fees, and shipping)</li> <li class="li7"><b>Profit per unit:</b> $7.99</li> </ul> <p class="p3">If you sell all 1,000 units, your gross profit would be approximately $7,990.</p> <p class="p3"><b>Marketing and advertising costs:</b></p> <p class="p3">Let’s assume you spend $1,000 on Amazon PPC campaigns to drive traffic to your product listing. This reduces your net profit to $6,990. Still, this is a solid return on your initial $2,500 investment, representing nearly 280% in profit margins.</p> <p class="p3"><b>Scaling:</b></p> <p class="p3">As your product gains traction and customer reviews, you can scale by ordering larger quantities, reducing per-unit costs, and expanding your product line.</p> <p class="p3">Yes, private label on Amazon is profitable, provided you choose the right product, understand your costs, and execute a strong marketing strategy. The bamboo toothbrush example demonstrates how even a relatively simple product can yield substantial profits if approached with careful planning and execution.</p> <h3 class="p8" class="p8" id="what-to-avoid-with-an-amazon-private-label-business">What to avoid with an Amazon <span class="s4">private label business</span></h3> <p class="p3">One of the most critical risks is <a href=""><span class="s5">ASIN suspension</span></a>, which occurs when individual product listings are removed due to Amazon policy violations. This can happen if your product fails to meet Amazon’s stringent quality standards or your product listings have issues, such as inaccurate descriptions or misleading claims.</p> <p class="p3"><span class="s5">Amazon account suspension</span> is another serious concern. Your entire seller account can be temporarily or permanently disabled, halting all sales and potentially leading to significant financial loss.</p> <p class="p3">Adhering to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Amazon’s policies and guidelines</a> is essential to avoid risks. However, navigating Amazon can be challenging, especially as the rules frequently change. Partnering with experts like Riverbend Consulting can provide invaluable support, helping you ensure compliance, protect your listings, and safeguard your Amazon account health from potential issues.</p> <h3 class="p14" class="p14" id="start-private-label-today">Start private label<span class="s3"> today</span></h3> <p class="p3">Simply put, private label is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It demands careful planning, significant financial investment, and a deep understanding of market dynamics and Amazon’s complex ecosystem.</p> <p class="p3">The key to success lies in unlocking the best products, maintaining impeccable quality, and navigating the intricacies of Amazon’s policies. Cutting corners or relying on outdated advice can quickly lead to mistakes resulting in ASIN or account suspension, setting you back months or even years.</p> <p class="p3">If you’re serious about building a thriving <span class="s1">Amazon private label </span>brand, it’s time to invest in the resources and expertise to get you there. Don’t leave your success to chance—take control, be strategic, and set your business up to survive and thrive in the ever-evolving Amazon platform. We’re here to help. Contact us at Riverbend Consulting for all your <a href=""><span class="s5">Amazon problem solving</span></a> needs.</p> <p class="p1">Amazon. Solved.</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> <item> <title>Which Amazon Selling Model is Best for You?</title> <link></link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Lesley Hensell]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 05 Nov 2024 13:00:44 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Amazon]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Amazon seller]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description><![CDATA[Navigating the world of Amazon selling can be complex, with various business models and sourcing strategies available. Each option offers distinct advantages and challenges, making it crucial to understand which approach aligns best with your business goals. Choosing your preferred Amazon selling model early on helps you align your resources, time, and efforts to prevent [&#8230;]]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Navigating the world of Amazon selling can be complex, with various business models and sourcing strategies available. Each option offers distinct advantages and challenges, making it crucial to understand which approach aligns best with your business goals.</p> <p>Choosing your preferred Amazon selling model early on helps you align your resources, time, and efforts to prevent costly mistakes. Understanding the different models and their implications before you start can avoid the trial-and-error approach that often wastes time and resources. Instead, you’ll be able to focus on building a sustainable business, optimizing your operations, and reaching profitability faster.</p> <h3>What are the different types of Amazon selling models?<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-74402 size-full" src="" alt="Amazon Selling Model" width="1200" height="500" title="Which Amazon Selling Model is Best for You?" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></h3> <p>Understanding the different Amazon selling models is essential to choosing the right path for your business. The initial investment required for each Amazon selling model varies based on product type, sourcing method, and marketing strategy. Below, we break down the main types of Amazon selling models.</p> <p>The investment figures below are rough estimates intended to give you a general idea of the costs associated with all Amazon business models. Actual costs vary widely depending on product choices, sourcing strategies, and market conditions. We strongly encourage you to use tools like the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Amazon Revenue Calculator</a> to better understand potential costs, fees, and pricing.</p> <h4>Retail arbitrage</h4> <p>Retail arbitrage involves purchasing discounted or clearance items from brick-and-mortar stores and reselling them at a higher price on Amazon. This popular model requires low upfront investment and offers quick returns. However, sourcing products can be time-consuming, and the availability of profitable items may fluctuate.</p> <p><strong>Estimated investment:</strong> $500-$2,000</p> <p>Retail arbitrage is one of the most accessible models for upfront investment. Your primary expenses include:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Product purchases:</strong> $300 &#8211; $1,500. Depending on the number of products you purchase and their costs, you can start with as little as a few hundred dollars.</li> <li><strong>Scanning tools and apps:</strong> $20 &#8211; $50 monthly for apps like Scoutify or InventoryLab to help with product sourcing and tracking.</li> <li><strong>Shipping and Amazon fees:</strong> $100 &#8211; $450. This includes shipping your products to Amazon’s fulfillment centers and paying Amazon&#8217;s seller fees.</li> </ul> <h4>Online arbitrage</h4> <p>Like retail arbitrage, <a href="">online arbitrage</a> focuses on buying discounted products online and reselling them on Amazon. This model allows sellers to source products from a broader range of stores without leaving home. While it offers convenience, competition can be fierce, and profit margins may be thinner.</p> <p><strong>Estimated investment:</strong> $500-$2,500</p> <p>Online arbitrage has a slightly higher cost compared to retail arbitrage due to shipping and potential bulk purchasing:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Product purchases:</strong> $400-$1,800. The initial cost depends on the product volume and whether you take advantage of bulk discounts.</li> <li><strong>Software tools:</strong> $50 &#8211; $100 monthly for software like Keepa, Jungle Scout, or tactical arbitrage tools to find deals online.</li> <li><strong>Shipping and Amazon fees:</strong> $150 &#8211; $600. Like retail arbitrage, these costs cover shipping products to Amazon and various selling fees.</li> </ul> <h4>Amazon Wholesale</h4> <p><a href="">Amazon wholesale</a> means purchasing products in bulk from manufacturers and distributors at a lower cost per unit. Sellers then resell these products on Amazon at a markup. This model is scalable and can lead to steady profits, but it requires a significant upfront investment and the ability to manage relationships with suppliers.</p> <p><strong>Estimated investment:</strong> $2,000 &#8211; $10,000+</p> <p>Wholesale requires a more significant investment, as you&#8217;re buying products in bulk:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Product purchases:</strong> $1,500 &#8211; $7,500+. Depending on the manufacturer and the volume of your order, wholesale purchases typically require more considerable upfront costs to secure inventory.</li> <li><strong>Licensing and compliance:</strong> $100 &#8211; $500 for obtaining necessary business licenses, sales tax permits, and insurance.</li> <li><strong>Shipping and Amazon fees:</strong> $300 &#8211; $1,500. This includes shipping your bulk inventory to Amazon&#8217;s fulfillment centers and covering FBA fees.</li> </ul> <h4>Private label</h4> <p><a href="">Private-label selling</a> is when a seller creates their brand by sourcing generic products from manufacturers, customizing them with their branding, and selling them on Amazon. This model offers the potential for higher profit margins and brand control but requires significant time, research, and investment in product development, marketing, and inventory.</p> <p><strong>Estimated investment:</strong> $3,000-$15,000+</p> <p>Private label selling requires substantial upfront investment, particularly in product development and branding:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Product development and prototyping:</strong> $500 &#8211; $2,500. Creating a custom product often involves initial design, prototyping, and sampling costs.</li> <li><strong>Manufacturing costs:</strong> $2,000-$10,000+. Depending on the product&#8217;s complexity and order size, manufacturing can be a significant expense.</li> <li><strong>Branding and packaging:</strong> $500-$1,500 for designing and producing branded packaging and labels.</li> <li><strong>Shipping and Amazon fees:</strong> $500-$1,500. This includes international shipping (if sourcing overseas), customs duties, and Amazon’s fulfillment fees.</li> </ul> <h4>Handmade</h4> <p>The Handmade model is designed for artisans and craftspeople who create and sell unique, handcrafted products. This niche model allows sellers to showcase their creativity and build a brand around handmade items. While it can be rewarding, it often requires more time.</p> <p><strong>Estimated investment:</strong> $500-$2,500</p> <p>The investment in the Handmade model varies depending on the materials and tools you need to create your products:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Raw materials and supplies:</strong> $200-$1,500. The cost depends on the complexity and quality of the materials required for your handmade products.</li> <li><strong>Tools and equipment:</strong> $100-$500. This includes any specialized tools or equipment necessary for crafting your products.</li> <li><strong>Marketing and branding:</strong> $100-$500. Since handmade products often rely on branding and storytelling, consider investing in quality photography, product descriptions, and marketing efforts.</li> </ul> <h4>Dropshipping</h4> <p>In the <a href="">dropshipping model</a>, sellers list products on Amazon without holding inventory. Products are purchased from a third-party supplier, who ships to the customer. When an order is placed, the seller purchases the product from a third-party supplier, who then ships it directly to the customer. This model has low upfront costs and is easy to start, but it offers lower profit margins and can lead to inventory and shipping issues if not managed carefully.</p> <p><strong>Caveat:</strong> While dropshipping can seem like an attractive, low-cost model, it&#8217;s important to note that there is a right and wrong way to do it. Many bad actors promote drop shipping as an easy way to make quick money, but Amazon’s Code of Conduct strictly prohibits certain practices, such as:</p> <ul> <li>Drop shipping from Amazon itself using a Prime membership</li> <li>Not making it clear who the seller of record is</li> <li>Purchasing products from other online retailers and having them shipped directly to customers</li> </ul> <p>Ensure you follow Amazon’s rules, maintain control over inventory and shipping, and avoid misleading claims. Even a slight misstep could lead to your account being suspended or permanently banned – and that’s definitely not a road you want to go down.</p> <p><strong>Estimated investment:</strong> $200-$1,000</p> <p>Dropshipping has one of the lowest upfront costs since you don’t purchase inventory upfront:</p> <ul> <li><strong>E-commerce platform subscription:</strong> $30-$100 per month if using an integrated e-commerce platform with Amazon, such as Shopify.</li> <li><strong>Marketing and advertising:</strong> $100-$500. Since your upfront costs are low, it&#8217;s wise to invest more in advertising (PPC campaigns, social media) to drive traffic to your listings.</li> <li><strong>Dropshipping fees:</strong> $50-$200. Some suppliers charge fees per order or require a monthly membership fee to access their catalog.</li> </ul> <p>The key to choosing an Amazon selling model is finding one that best aligns with your resources, skills, and long-term goals.</p> <h3>How to choose between each type of Amazon selling model<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-73471 size-full" src="" alt="Amazon selling model" width="1200" height="552" title="Which Amazon Selling Model is Best for You?" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></h3> <p>To make an informed choice, you must conduct thorough market research, analyze costs versus potential profits, and assess the competitive landscape. Here’s a step-by-step outline to help you decide which model aligns best with your goals.</p> <h4>Step 1 Conduct market research</h4> <p>Before committing to an Amazon selling model, it’s essential to understand market demand. Market research involves identifying potential product niches, analyzing customer preferences, and evaluating overall market trends. Start by:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Exploring product categories:</strong> Use Amazon’s Best Sellers and Movers &amp; Shakers lists to identify popular categories and products. Look for trends in customer reviews to gauge demand and satisfaction levels.</li> <li><strong>Identifying gaps in the market:</strong> Look for underserved niches or product gaps where competition is low but demand is high. If you&#8217;re just starting, these are often the best opportunities.</li> <li><strong>Analyzing seasonal trends:</strong> Some products perform well during specific times of the year. Tools like Google Trends can help you identify seasonal patterns and decide whether to enter a market with fluctuating demand.</li> </ul> <h4>Step #2 Cost analysis vs. profit potential</h4> <p>It’s crucial to analyze costs against potential profits before making a decision. Consider the following:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Upfront costs:</strong> Wholesale and private label models often require significant upfront investments in inventory, branding, and packaging. In contrast, models like dropshipping and arbitrage have lower initial costs.</li> <li><strong>Operating costs:</strong> Factor in Amazon fees (FBA, referral fees), shipping, storage, and advertising costs. For handmade products, consider the cost of materials and the time required to create each item.</li> <li><strong>Profit margins:</strong> Calculate potential profit margins by subtracting all costs from the expected selling price. Higher-margin models like private label and wholesale offer more profitability but carry higher risks.</li> <li><strong>Break-even analysis:</strong> Determine how many units you need to sell to cover your costs. This analysis will help you understand how long it might take to become profitable.</li> </ul> <h4>Step #3 Keyword research</h4> <p>Keyword research is essential for understanding how customers search for products on Amazon. The insights you gain can guide your Amazon selling model selection and marketing strategies. To conduct keyword research:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Use keyword tools:</strong> Tools like Amazon&#8217;s search bar, Helium 10, or Jungle Scout can help you identify high-traffic keywords related to your product. Look for keywords with high search volume but moderate competition.</li> <li><strong>Long-tail keywords:</strong> Targeting specific long-tail keywords can help you rank higher in search results with less competition. These keywords often indicate a stronger customer intent, which can lead to higher conversion.</li> <li><strong>Competitor keywords:</strong> Analyze competitor keywords and how they rank. Competitor keywords can provide insights into which keywords to target or avoid.</li> </ul> <h4>Step #4 Competitor analysis</h4> <p>A comprehensive competitor analysis helps you identify strengths, weaknesses, and potential opportunities:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Identify competitors:</strong> Look for other sellers offering similar products within your chosen category. Analyze their product listings, pricing, reviews, and overall branding.</li> <li><strong>Evaluate competitor offers:</strong> Determine what differentiates your competitors’ products from yours. Are they offering something unique? How do they handle customer service and shipping?</li> <li><strong>Assess strengths and weaknesses:</strong> Identify areas where your competitors excel and fall short. For example, if a competitor has excellent reviews but limited product variety, there may be an opportunity to offer more options or improve upon their customer service.</li> <li><strong>Benchmark pricing:</strong> Compare your potential pricing with your competitors and ensure it&#8217;s competitive but profitable.</li> </ul> <h4>Step #5 Align your business goals</h4> <p>Finally, choose the selling model that aligns with your long-term business goals. Consider:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Scalability:</strong> If you aim to build a large, scalable business, wholesale or private label models may be more suitable. These models allow for growth and brand development.</li> <li><strong>Flexibility:</strong> If you prefer a low-commitment, flexible approach, retail or online arbitrage or dropshipping might be better options. These models require less upfront investment and allow you to pivot quickly.</li> <li><strong>Creativity:</strong> For those who value originality and craftsmanship, the handmade model offers a unique opportunity to build a brand around personalized, handcrafted products.</li> </ul> <p>This strategic approach will help you lay a solid foundation for finding long-term success on Amazon.</p> <h3>What are the best Amazon sourcing strategies for the six selling models?<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-73473 size-full" src="" alt="Amazon selling model" width="1200" height="600" title="Which Amazon Selling Model is Best for You?" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></h3> <p>Each Amazon selling model benefits from different approaches to sourcing products, depending on cost, quality, supplier relationships, and market demand. Here’s a breakdown of the best sourcing strategies for each of the six Amazon selling models:</p> <h4>1. Retail arbitrage</h4> <p><strong>Sourcing strategy:</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>Local retail stores:</strong> The most common sourcing method for retail arbitrage is buying discounted or clearance items from physical stores such as Walmart, Target, or local outlets. This method allows you to use sales, discounts, and clearance events to find products at low prices.</li> <li><strong>Store loyalty programs and coupons:</strong> To reduce your costs further, try store loyalty programs, coupons, and cashback offers. This strategy can improve your profit margins on each item sold.</li> <li><strong>Scanning apps:</strong> Mobile apps like Scoutify or Amazon Seller App can scan barcodes in-store, quickly determining whether a product is profitable to resell on Amazon.</li> </ul> <h4>2. Online arbitrage</h4> <p><strong>Sourcing strategy:</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>Online retailers and marketplaces:</strong> Sourcing for online arbitrage involves purchasing products from online retailers such as eBay, Overstock, or even Amazon when prices are low. Websites that offer significant discounts, flash sales, or deal sections are prime targets.</li> <li><strong>Deal hunting tools:</strong> Use Keepa, CamelCamelCamel, or Honey to track price drops, historical pricing, and discounts across various online platforms. This helps you identify the best times to buy.</li> <li><strong>Bulk purchasing:</strong> Buying in bulk from online wholesalers or clearance sites can reduce the per-unit cost, making the products more profitable when resold on Amazon.</li> </ul> <h4>3. Amazon Wholesale</h4> <p><strong>Sourcing strategy:</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>Direct from manufacturers:</strong> Establishing relationships directly with manufacturers is a crucial strategy in the wholesale model. This often results in better pricing and consistent supply. Start by contacting manufacturers directly or attending trade shows where you can meet suppliers face-to-face.</li> <li><strong>Authorized distributors:</strong> Partnering with authorized distributors means purchasing bulk products at wholesale prices. This method is ideal for securing popular, well-known brands without dealing with the complexities of manufacturing.</li> <li><strong>Exclusive agreements:</strong> Seek exclusive contracts with suppliers or manufacturers to become the sole distributor of their products on Amazon. This can reduce competition and increase your control over pricing and margins.</li> </ul> <h4>4. Private label</h4> <p><strong>Sourcing strategy:</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>Overseas manufacturers:</strong> The most common strategy for private label sourcing is working with overseas manufacturers, particularly in China, via platforms like Alibaba or Global Sources. This approach allows you to customize products with your branding at a lower cost.</li> <li><strong>Product sampling:</strong> Always request samples before committing to a large order. This ensures the quality of the products meets your standards and aligns with your brand vision.</li> <li><strong>Negotiation and long-term relationships:</strong> Building solid relationships with suppliers can lead to better pricing, flexible payment terms, and priority production slots. Negotiating with manufacturers to reduce costs without sacrificing quality is crucial for maintaining healthy profit margins.</li> </ul> <h4>5. Handmade</h4> <p><strong>Sourcing strategy:</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>Local and sustainable materials:</strong> For the Handmade model, sourcing high-quality, sustainable materials is essential. Whether you’re crafting jewelry, home decor, or clothing, using locally sourced or ethically produced materials can be a significant selling point and align with customer values.</li> <li><strong>Specialty suppliers:</strong> Identify specialty suppliers who can provide unique or rare materials that differentiate your products. Building relationships with these suppliers can ensure a steady flow of needed materials.</li> <li><strong>Customization and personalization:</strong> Offer customization options by sourcing personalization materials, such as customizable leather goods, fabric patterns, or engraving services. This strategy adds value to your products and can justify higher price points.</li> </ul> <h4>6. Dropshipping</h4> <p><strong>Sourcing strategy:</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>Dropshipping suppliers and directories:</strong> Find reliable dropshipping suppliers through directories like Oberlo, SaleHoo, or Doba. Ensure your supplier can fulfill orders promptly and maintain product quality, as you won’t have control over inventory or shipping.</li> <li><strong>Automated integration:</strong> Use platforms that integrate directly with your Amazon store to streamline the order fulfillment process to reduce errors and processing times</li> <li><strong>Supplier vetting:</strong> Carefully vet suppliers before partnering with them. Look for reputable suppliers with a strong track record, positive reviews, and clear communication. Since you’re relying on them to ship directly to customers, reliability is key.</li> </ul> <p>Each Amazon selling model requires a tailored approach to sourcing, with strategies that align with the specific demands and opportunities of the model.</p> <h3 id="choose-the-best-amazon-selling-model-for-your-goals-and-start-today">Choose the best Amazon selling model for your goals and start today</h3> <p>Each selling model offers unique opportunities, but they also come with challenges. While dropshipping might seem like an easy, low-cost entry point, maintaining quality and consistency is becoming increasingly difficult. Amazon’s focus on customer experience means that any lapses in product quality or delivery times can result in penalties, negative reviews, and even Amazon account suspensions. If you choose to drop ship, make sure you have a reliable supplier and a solid plan for managing customer expectations.</p> <p>For other models, such as private label or wholesale, the potential rewards are significant, but so are the upfront costs and risks. Success in these models requires thorough market research, strong supplier relationships, and a commitment to maintaining high standards across your listings. Retail and online arbitrage can still be profitable, but they demand constant vigilance in sourcing products and keeping up with shifting trends.</p> <p>Ultimately, whichever Amazon selling model you choose, approach it with a strategic mindset. Understand the risks, invest wisely, and be prepared to adapt as the market evolves. Your commitment to quality and customer satisfaction will ultimately drive your success on Amazon.</p> <p>Amazon. Solved.</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> <item> <title>How to File an Amazon Seller Central Case and Get Results!</title> <link></link> <comments></comments> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Lesley Hensell]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Wed, 30 Oct 2024 11:52:20 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Amazon]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Amazon seller]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Amazon Seller Central]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Seller Central]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description><![CDATA[Have you tried to navigate an Amazon Seller Central case, but your case was stuck in a never-ending loop of unanswered questions and frustration? Dealing with Amazon Seller Support can be exhausting, leaving you concerned about your growing Amazon business. Whether you need assistance canceling a product listing, finding customer shipping information, or appealing an [&#8230;]]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Have you tried to navigate an Amazon Seller Central case, but your case was stuck in a never-ending loop of unanswered questions and frustration? Dealing with Amazon Seller Support can be exhausting, leaving you concerned about your growing Amazon business.</p> <p>Whether you need assistance canceling a product listing, finding customer shipping information, or appealing an <a href="">Amazon account suspension</a>, Amazon helps address these issues using its case support system. But let’s be honest– getting an adequate response is tiring at best. Learn how to navigate your Amazon Seller Central case effectively to unlock a proper outcome.</p> <h3 id="what-is-an-amazon-seller-central-case">What is an Amazon Seller Central case?</h3> <p>As you navigate your selling journey, you may encounter challenges that require the intervention of Amazon Seller Support. Amazon Seller Support is dedicated to assisting sellers with everything from the registration process to obtaining approvals and much more.</p> <p>When you face an issue with your FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) or FBM (Fulfillment by Merchant) account that you can’t resolve on your own, you must open a case. An Amazon Seller Central case details the problem you’re experiencing and its duration. Seller support uses this information to work towards resolving the issue on your behalf.<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-74360 size-full" src="" alt="Amazon Central Support Case" width="1200" height="500" title="How to File an Amazon Seller Central Case and Get Results!" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></p> <h3 id="how-do-i-submit-an-amazon-seller-central-case">How do I submit an Amazon Seller Central case?</h3> <p>To submit a case to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Amazon Seller Central</a>, follow these steps:</p> <ul> <li>S<strong>tep 1 Log into Amazon Seller Central:</strong> Once logged in, you’ll be in the dashboard, which overviews your seller account.</li> <li><strong>Step 2 Navigate to the help section:</strong> In the top-right corner of the dashboard, you&#8217;ll see a menu labeled &#8220;Help.&#8221; Click on it to access the help section. This area is designed to assist you with various issues related to your seller account.</li> <li><strong>Step 3 Choose the relevant help topic:</strong> After clicking &#8220;Help,&#8221; you&#8217;ll be taken to a page with various support topics. Amazon categorizes issues to streamline the support process. Browse through the available categories to find the one that best matches your issue. If you can&#8217;t find a relevant topic, use the search bar at the top of the page to input keywords related to your issue.</li> <li><strong>Step 4 Click on “Get Support” or “Contact Us”:</strong> At the bottom of the Help page, click “Get Support” or “Contact Us.” Click on this to move forward with your case submission. This will open a new page where you can specify the nature of your issue.</li> <li><strong>Step 5: Select your issue type:</strong> Amazon will present you with a list of options, including account settings, listing issues, FBA concerns, and more. Select the option that closely relates to your problem. This helps route your case to the appropriate support team.</li> <li><strong>Step 6 Provide detailed information:</strong> Once you&#8217;ve selected the relevant issue, you’ll be asked to provide specific details. Include relevant order IDs, ASINs, and detailed descriptions of your problem. Don’t go overboard, however. Overly long cases can mean important details are missed when the support team is known to be inundated with support requests. Keep your case information to the point.</li> <li><strong>Step 7 Choose your preferred contact method:</strong> Amazon offers multiple ways to communicate with Seller Support, such as email, phone, or chat. If your issue is urgent, choosing the phone or chat option might result in quicker resolution.</li> <li><strong>Step 8 Submit your case:</strong> After filling out all necessary information and choosing your contact method, submit your case. You’ll receive a confirmation that your case has been submitted and a case ID for tracking purposes.</li> <li><strong>Step 9 Track your case:</strong> Track the progress of your case by going to the “Case Log” section in Seller Central. You’ll see the status of your case and any updates from Amazon. If additional information is required, Amazon will notify you through this section.</li> <li><strong>Step 10 Follow up if necessary:</strong> If you haven’t received a response or if your issue hasn’t been resolved within a reasonable timeframe, follow up by referring to your case ID in the “Case Log.” You can add additional comments or contact support again if needed.</li> </ul> <h3 id="how-to-view-cases-in-amazon-seller-central">How to view cases in Amazon Seller Central</h3> <p>To efficiently track and manage your cases in Amazon Seller Central, follow these steps:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Step 1 Login:</strong> Access your Amazon Seller Central account.</li> <li><strong>Step 2 Navigate to your case log:</strong> Go to the “Performance” tab and select “Case Log” from the dropdown menu.</li> <li><strong>Step 3 Filter your cases:</strong> For easy access, use the filters to sort cases by status, date, or case ID.</li> <li><strong>Step 4 View details:</strong> Click on any case to see detailed communication, status updates, and actions taken.</li> <li><strong>Step 5 Monitor status:</strong> Check the status indicators like “Open,” “Pending,” or “Resolved” to understand your case’s progress.</li> <li><strong>Step 6 Follow up:</strong> Add follow-up messages directly in the Case Log to request updates or provide additional details if needed.</li> <li><strong>Step 7 Close your case:</strong> Close your case to indicate satisfaction if the issue is resolved.</li> </ul> <h3 id="why-is-navigating-a-case-with-amazon-seller-central-challenging">Why is navigating a case with Amazon Seller Central challenging?</h3> <p>When it comes to Amazon Seller Support, their reputation isn’t as positive as their world-class customer service (for buyers). Anyone who has worked with <a href="">Amazon Seller Support</a> will tell you that resolving issues can be time-consuming, challenging, and frustrating. Why?</p> <ul> <li>The support team may respond with generic responses that don’t solve your issues.</li> <li>Sometimes, the Amazon seller support team will close your case without resolving your issue.</li> <li>The support team might provide freestyle responses that are irrelevant to your case.</li> <li>Because of perpetual issues, sellers tend to open cases repeatedly without getting an appropriate solution, creating extended timelines and a cycle of frustration.</li> </ul> <h3 id="how-to-get-better-responses-from-your-amazon-seller-central-case">How to get better responses from your Amazon seller central case</h3> <p>While the Amazon seller support team has shortcomings in handling seller issues, it’s all about how you contact the support team to begin with. Here are our best tips for unlocking the best responses:</p> <ul> <li>Start with a clear ask and state what you need help with in a single sentence. For instance, if you have shipment issues, explain the precise issue and the shipment number.</li> <li>Explain to the support team what you have already done to try to resolve the issue.</li> <li>Sometimes, you may have an issue you can solve with a bit of research through the frequently asked questions. List in bullet points the ways you tried solving the issue before realizing only the support team can help.</li> <li>State why the Amazon seller support team must resolve the issue. Tie it to a benefit for Amazon, whereby not resolving the issue could affect the platform negatively. Try stating that by not resolving the issue, shoppers may have a negative experience.</li> <li>Restate the request for specific assistance and emphasize why the team must resolve the particular issue.</li> </ul> <h3 id="what-should-you-do-if-you-get-another-response-that-doesnt-address-your-issue-or-your-case-is-closed">What should you do if you get another response that doesn’t address your issue or your case is closed?</h3> <p>If your issue is not addressed or your case is marked closed without resolution, try these steps to escalate your case.</p> <ul> <li><strong>Re-open your case:</strong> Persistence is essential when dealing with Amazon seller support. They receive thousands of requests, so it&#8217;s easy to see why they may offer generic responses if you don’t clearly explain your issue.</li> <li><strong>Be firm but kind:</strong> Explain that your case was not resolved. Explain that based on your given answer, you don’t believe anybody read your case or took the time to try and solve it.</li> </ul> <h3>Tips for dealing with Amazon seller support<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-74356 size-full" src="" alt="Amazon Seller Central Cas" width="1200" height="600" title="How to File an Amazon Seller Central Case and Get Results!" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></h3> <p>Maintaining a good relationship with seller support can make all the difference when navigating your Amazon seller central case. Always:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Be kind and polite:</strong> Whether through email, phone, or chat, polite professional submissions go a long way in ensuring the support team does their best to help solve your problem.</li> <li><strong>Be measured:</strong> Provide as much information regarding the issue as possible.</li> <li><strong>Don’t use temper or foul language:</strong> We understand the process can be frustrating, but that doesn’t give you the right to be rude to the support team.</li> <li><strong>Be understanding:</strong> The Amazon seller support team are human beings who are overwhelmed trying to provide customer services to sellers while simultaneously answering technical issues. If they don’t give a helpful answer, politely follow up and mention that your problem was not solved.</li> <li><strong>Document everything:</strong> Keep detailed records with Seller Support, including emails, chat transcripts, and notes from phone calls. Having a clear record can help you track the progress of your case and provide evidence if there are any discrepancies or delays in resolving your issue.</li> <li><strong>Use clear and concise language:</strong> Be as clear and straightforward as possible when describing your issue. A well-structured, easy-to-understand message will likely be addressed quickly and correctly.</li> <li><strong>Prioritize your issues:</strong> If you have multiple issues, address them individually. Submitting separate cases for each problem ensures that each one receives the attention it deserves. It also helps prevent confusion and allows the support team to focus on resolving specific issues.</li> <li><strong>Stay persistent but patient:</strong> If your issue isn’t resolved immediately, remain patient but persistent. Sometimes, it may take several follow-ups to get the desired outcome. Regularly check the status of your case, but give the support team a reasonable amount of time to respond before sending additional messages.</li> <li><strong>Escalate when necessary:</strong> If you’ve followed up multiple times and your issue isn’t resolved, politely request that your case be escalated to a higher-level support team or supervisor. Escalating can sometimes expedite the process and get more experienced staff involved.</li> <li><strong>Acknowledge and thank the support team:</strong> If your issue is resolved satisfactorily, take a moment to thank the support team for their assistance. Acknowledging their efforts can foster goodwill and may lead to better support in the future if you need help again.</li> <li><strong>Consider partnering with an <a href="">Amazon problem solving agency</a>:</strong> If you&#8217;re facing complex issues that aren’t resolved through Seller Support, consider partnering with Riverbend Consulting. We specialize in navigating Amazon&#8217;s processes and can help expedite resolutions, allowing you to focus on growing your business while we handle complex problems.</li> </ul> <h3 id="call-on-the-experts-for-successful-case-resolution">Call on the experts for successful case resolution</h3> <p>Navigating an Amazon Seller Central case can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially when dealing with unresolved or complex issues. By understanding how to submit and manage cases effectively, you can take control of the process and work towards timely resolutions.</p> <p>Remember to approach each interaction with Amazon Seller Support patiently and professionally, providing clear and detailed information to facilitate quicker assistance. Don’t hesitate to use the tools and resources available, such as the Case Log, to keep track of your cases and ensure nothing falls through the cracks.</p> <p>If you struggle with challenging issues, consider seeking help from experts like Riverbend Consulting. We solve your toughest Amazon seller problems with effective case support management.</p> <p>Kindness goes a long way when dealing with seller support, but sometimes kindness won’t prevent poor responses and a lack of solutions. Take a deep breath if you get stuck in a case loop without proper resolution. Stick to the facts and be prepared to open another case if necessary.</p> <p>Contact us today for help with your Amazon Seller Central case. We’re here to help.</p> <p>Amazon. Solved.</p> ]]></content:encoded> <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss> <slash:comments>0</slash:comments> </item> <item> <title>Why Amazon Seller Account Security Should Be Your Top Priority</title> <link></link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Lesley Hensell]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 29 Oct 2024 13:00:28 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Amazon]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Amazon Listing]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Amazon seller]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Amazon Transparency]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description><![CDATA[As a seller, your Amazon account is more than just a gateway to your products—it&#8217;s the lifeline of your business. It holds your financial information, customer data, and the key to your livelihood. Neglecting Amazon seller account security isn’t just a risk; it’s a vulnerability that can undo years of hard work in minutes. Safeguarding [&#8230;]]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p class="p3">As a seller, your Amazon account is more than just a gateway to your products—it&#8217;s the lifeline of your business. It holds your financial information, customer data, and the key to your livelihood. Neglecting <span class="s1">Amazon seller account security</span> isn’t just a risk; it’s a vulnerability that can undo years of hard work in minutes. Safeguarding your Amazon seller account should be your top priority. Securing your account isn’t just about preventing a potential breach—it&#8217;s about ensuring the continued growth and stability of your Amazon journey.</p> <h3 class="p4"><span class="s3">What is </span>Amazon Seller Account Security<span class="s3">?<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-74057 size-full" src="" alt="Amazon Seller Accoun Security" width="1200" height="500" title="Why Amazon Seller Account Security Should Be Your Top Priority" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /><br /> </span></h3> <p class="p3"><span class="s4">Amazon seller account security</span> refers to the practices that protect your Amazon Seller Account from unauthorized access, fraud, and other security threats.</p> <p class="p3">Your Amazon seller account is a central hub that contains critical information about your business, including your personal and financial data, inventory details, and customer interactions. Therefore, securing your account is essential to maintaining your business&#8217;s integrity, ensuring your customers&#8217; privacy, and protecting your revenue stream. Here are the key components of <span class="s1">Amazon seller account security.</span></p> <h4 class="p5">Login credentials</h4> <p class="p3">The most basic yet vital aspect of account security is protecting your login credentials—your username, email, and password. A strong password, regularly updated and not reused across other platforms, is your first defense against unauthorized access. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) enhances your account security by requiring a secondary verification step, like a code sent to your phone, which makes it difficult for cybercriminals to gain unauthorized access.</p> <h4 class="p5">Account access controls</h4> <p class="p3">Another critical security measure is managing who has access to your Amazon seller account. If you have a team or use third-party services, it&#8217;s essential to restrict account access only to those who absolutely need it. Amazon allows you to create user permissions, where you can assign roles with specific levels of access. This ensures that sensitive information and account settings are only accessible by trusted individuals, minimizing the risk of internal breaches or accidental mishandling of account data.</p> <h4 class="p5">Financial information protection</h4> <p class="p3">Your Amazon seller account is directly linked to your financial institutions, such as your bank accounts and credit cards. Encrypting your financial information and regularly monitoring your account for unusual transactions are critical steps in reducing potential risks and protecting your data.</p> <h4 class="p5">Data privacy and customer information</h4> <p class="p3">Sellers often overlook the importance of protecting customer data, but it&#8217;s vital to account for security. Your account holds sensitive customer information, such as names, addresses, and purchase history. <span class="s5">Protecting this data builds trust with your customers and keeps you compliant. Any breach of this information can result in severe legal and financial consequences.</span></p> <h4 class="p5">Monitoring and alerts</h4> <p class="p3">Amazon provides various tools and settings that allow you to receive alerts for unusual account activity, such as account setting changes or login attempts from unknown locations. Staying vigilant and responding quickly to these alerts can prevent unauthorized access.</p> <h4 class="p5">Phishing scams</h4> <p class="p3">Cybercriminals use phishing scams to trick sellers into divulging their login credentials and personal information. These attacks can come in the form of fake emails, websites, or even phone calls that appear to be from Amazon or other trusted entities. Awareness of these tactics, educating yourself and your team on recognizing them, and never clicking suspicious links or sharing sensitive information are crucial steps in maintaining account security.<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-73320 size-full" src="" alt="Amazon Seller Account Security" width="1200" height="600" title="Why Amazon Seller Account Security Should Be Your Top Priority" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></p> <h3 class="p7" class="p7" id="why-amazon-seller-account-security-should-be-your-top-priority">Why <span class="s1">Amazon seller account security</span> should be your top priority</h3> <p class="p3">Your Amazon account is the cornerstone of your business. It’s where you manage your product listings, track sales, communicate with customers, and handle financial transactions. A security breach can disrupt your Amazon operations, leading to downtime, loss of sales, and potential <a href=""><span class="s4">Amazon account suspension</span></a> or, worse yet, account closure. By securing your account, you ensure that your business can continue to operate smoothly without unexpected interruptions. Here are the top reasons you should prioritize your <span class="s1">Amazon seller account security</span>.</p> <h4 class="p5">Reputation management</h4> <p class="p3">Your reputation as a seller is closely tied to the security of your account. If your account is compromised and customer data is leaked, it can lead to bad reviews, loss of buyer trust, Amazon account suspension, or even permanent removal from the platform.</p> <h4 class="p5">Legal compliance</h4> <p class="p3">Data protection laws, like the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">General Data Protection Regulation</a> (GDPR) in Europe, place strict requirements on how businesses handle customer data. As an Amazon seller, you must ensure that your account and data comply with these regulations. Failing to do so can result in significant fines and legal action.</p> <p class="p3">Amazon has its own rules and guidelines that sellers must adhere to. By prioritizing account security, you comply with legal and platform-specific requirements, avoiding penalties that could jeopardize your business.</p> <h4 class="p5">Financial protection</h4> <p class="p3">Your Amazon seller account is directly tied to your income. A security breach can mean devastating financial consequences, from losing control of your account to unauthorized transactions or theft of funds.</p> <p class="p3">Hackers gaining access to your account can divert payments, alter pricing, or even suspend listings, leading to immediate financial losses and long-term damage to your business. By prioritizing account security, you protect your revenue stream and ensure that your earnings remain in your control.</p> <h4 class="p5">Business continuity</h4> <p class="p3">A security breach can disrupt your business operations, sometimes bringing them to a complete halt. Imagine being locked out of your account during peak sales or when launching a new product. The resulting downtime can cost you sales, impact your product rankings, and create chaos within your business. Prioritizing security ensures you can respond quickly to potential threats.</p> <h4 class="p8">Mitigating risks and reducing stress</h4> <p class="p3">Running a business is challenging enough without the added stress of worrying about security breaches. Knowing that your account is well-protected allows you to focus on other critical aspects of your business, such as growth, customer service, and product development, without the constant fear of a security incident.</p> <h4 class="p8">Long-term success</h4> <p class="p3">Ultimately, prioritizing <span class="s1">Amazon seller account security</span> means setting the foundation for long-term success. A secure account allows you to scale your business with confidence, knowing that your assets, data, and reputation are protected. It positions you to take advantage of new opportunities and weather any challenges that may arise without the fear of security breaches that can derail your progress.</p> <p class="p3"><span class="s1">Amazon seller account security</span> is not just another task on your to-do list—it’s a fundamental aspect of your business strategy. By making it your top priority, you safeguard your business’s future, protect your hard-earned success, and create a stable platform for continued growth.</p> <h3 class="p7" class="p7" id="step-by-step-what-to-do-if-your-amazon-seller-account-security-is-compromised">Step-by-step: What to do if your <span class="s1">Amazon seller account security</span> is compromised</h3> <p class="p3">Discovering that your Amazon seller account has been compromised can be overwhelming and stressful. Acting quickly and methodically can help you regain control and minimize potential damage. Here’s a step-by-step guide on what to do if you suspect your Amazon account has been breached:</p> <h4 class="p8">Step #1 Secure your account immediately</h4> <ul class="ul1"> <li class="li9"><b>Change your password</b>: The first step is immediately changing your account password to something solid and unique. <span class="s5">If you cannot log in, select &#8220;Forgot Password&#8221; and follow the prompts to reset your password.</span></li> <li class="li1"><b>Enable two-step verification (2SV)</b>: If you haven’t already, enable Two-Step Verification to add an additional layer of security and help prevent further unauthorized access.</li> <li class="li10"><b>Log out of all devices</b>: In your account settings, log out of all devices to ensure any unauthorized users are disconnected from your account.</li> </ul> <h4 class="p8">Step #2 Review account activity</h4> <ul class="ul1"> <li class="li9"><b>Check Recent Activity</b>: Review recent login attempts, account setting changes, and any unusual orders or financial transactions—note any activity you do not recognize.</li> <li class="li10"><b>Verify payment methods</b>: Check your linked payment methods for unauthorized charges or changes. Contact your bank or credit card provider if you notice anything suspicious.</li> </ul> <h4 class="p8">Step #3 Contact Amazon Seller Support</h4> <ul class="ul1"> <li class="li9"><b>Report the breach</b>: Contact Amazon Seller Support as soon as possible to report the breach. Provide them with all relevant details, including the steps you’ve already taken to secure your account.</li> <li class="li10"><b>Request a security review</b>: Ask Amazon to conduct a thorough security review of your account. They can help identify any vulnerabilities and take necessary actions to restore your account to normal.</li> </ul> <h4 class="p8">Step #4 Monitor your email and notifications</h4> <ul class="ul1"> <li class="li9"><b>Watch for alerts</b>: Check your email and Amazon notifications for any alerts related to your account. Amazon may contact you with additional instructions or updates on your account status.</li> <li class="li11"><span class="s3"><b>Beware of phishing</b>: </span>Be cautious of emails and messages claiming to be from Amazon that request additional personal or financial information. Verify the authenticity of communications by contacting Amazon directly.</li> </ul> <h4 class="p8">Step #5 Update your security settings</h4> <ul class="ul1"> <li class="li9"><b>Review user permissions</b>: If your account has multiple users, review their permissions and ensure that only trusted individuals have access. Remove access for anyone who no longer requires it.</li> <li class="li10"><b>Update contact information</b>: Ensure your email address, phone number, and backup contact methods are up-to-date so that Amazon can reach you quickly in case of further issues.</li> </ul> <h4 class="p8">Step #6 Strengthen future security</h4> <ul class="ul1"> <li class="li12"><span class="s3"><b>Implement more robust security measures</b>: </span>Use a password manager to generate and store passwords for your account. Update your security settings regularly and conduct periodic audits of your activity.</li> <li class="li11"><span class="s3"><b>Educate your team</b>: </span>Ensure everyone understands the importance of account security and follows best practices to prevent future breaches.</li> </ul> <h4 class="p8">Step #7 Follow up</h4> <ul class="ul1"> <li class="li9"><b>Check status regularly</b>: Stay in contact with Amazon Seller Support to monitor the progress of your case. Ensure any unauthorized changes are reversed and your account is fully restored.</li> <li class="li10"><b>Monitor for further issues</b>: After resolving the immediate threat, monitor your account closely for any signs of recurring problems or further unauthorized activity.<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-73318 size-full" src="" alt="Amazon Seller Account Security" width="1200" height="600" title="Why Amazon Seller Account Security Should Be Your Top Priority" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></li> </ul> <h3 class="p1" class="p1" id="amazon-seller-account-security-qrc-quick-reference-checklist">Amazon seller account security QRC (Quick Reference Checklist)</h3> <p class="p3">Consistent vigilance and proactive measures are vital to maintaining your <span class="s1">Amazon seller account security</span>. Save this cheat sheet for quick reference and review it regularly to keep your account and business safe.</p> <p class="p3"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span class="s6"><b>If something seems off, don’t click</b></span></span>—report the email to Amazon and delete it. Always access Amazon directly through your browser.</p> <h3 class="p3" class="p3" id="amazon-seller-account-security-is-your-lifeline-treat-it-that-way"><span class="s1">Amazon seller account security</span> is your lifeline; treat it that way</h3> <p class="p3">Your Amazon seller account is the lifeblood of your business, and protecting it from security threats is not just a precaution—it&#8217;s a necessity. By prioritizing account security, you safeguard your hard-earned reputation, revenue, and the trust of your customers.</p> <p class="p3">At Riverbend, we&#8217;ve seen firsthand the impact a security breach can have on a seller’s business. One of our clients experienced a devastating account breach, where hackers gained access and made unauthorized changes to their product listings and payment settings. This led to financial losses and Amazon account suspension. Understandably, the client was overwhelmed and unsure of how to proceed.</p> <p class="p3">Our team stepped in immediately, working closely with the client to identify the source of the breach and secure their account. We collaborated with Amazon’s support team to remove the fraudulent changes and provided detailed documentation demonstrating the client’s commitment to maintaining account integrity. Within days, we achieved <a href=""><span class="s4">Amazon account reinstatement</span></a>, and the client resumed business with minimal disruption. We also helped them implement robust security measures to prevent future breaches.</p> <p class="p3">If you ever face a similar situation, know you don’t have to navigate it alone. Riverbend Consulting is here to help protect your<span class="s1"> Amazon seller account security</span> and ensure your business remains secure and thriving.</p> <p class="p3">Amazon. Solved.</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> <item> <title>Amazon Product Variations: What Every Seller Needs to Know</title> <link></link> <comments></comments> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Lesley Hensell]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Wed, 23 Oct 2024 15:29:03 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Amazon]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Listing Optimization]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Product variations]]></category> <category><![CDATA[product variations]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description><![CDATA[Capturing an Amazon shopper&#8217;s attention occurs in seconds. That’s why Amazon first shows the feature product variation, allowing sellers to display multiple sizes, colors, flavors, and scents of a product in one listing. Amazon product variations can enhance the shopping experience by presenting all options in one place, making it easier for customers to find [&#8230;]]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Capturing an Amazon shopper&#8217;s attention occurs in seconds. That’s why Amazon first shows the feature product variation, allowing sellers to display multiple sizes, colors, flavors, and scents of a product in one listing. Amazon product variations can enhance the shopping experience by presenting all options in one place, making it easier for customers to find what they need.</p> <p>While Amazon product variations can be a powerful tool to help boost sales, they also come with hidden risks. If not used correctly, they can lead to significant issues with your Amazon seller account. Variations may seem similar but can differ in crucial attributes, causing complications for your ASINs.</p> <p>In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of Amazon product variations, the potential dangers they pose, and how to effectively manage them to ensure the health of your seller account.</p> <h2>What are Amazon product variations?<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-74164 size-full" src="" alt="Amazon Product Variation" width="1200" height="500" title="Amazon Product Variations: What Every Seller Needs to Know" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></h2> <p>Amazon product variations, or parent-child relationships, allow sellers to display related products under a single listing. Amazon variations provide customers with product options, such as different sizes, colors, flavors, or scents, all grouped in one cohesive listing. This feature enhances the shopping experience by making it easier for customers to see and compare all available options without searching multiple listings.</p> <h3 id="critical-components-of-amazon-product-variations">Critical components of Amazon product variations:</h3> <p>✅ <strong>Parent listing</strong>: The parent listing is a non-buyable entity that is the umbrella for all the variations. It doesn&#8217;t have its own price, quantity, or other details that make it purchasable. Instead, it holds the common attributes shared by all the variations.</p> <p>✅ <strong>Child listings</strong>: These are the individual variations of the product, each representing a unique combination of attributes. For example, if you&#8217;re selling a tank top, each child listing might represent a different size and color combination. Child listings are buyable and have unique ASINs (Amazon Standard Identification Numbers).</p> <p>✅ <strong>Variation themes</strong>: These are predefined attributes that group products together. Common variation themes include size, color, flavor, scent, and more. Amazon defines specific themes for each category to ensure consistency and ease of navigation for shoppers.</p> <p>✅ <strong>Attributes:</strong> These specific characteristics differentiate one child product from another. Attributes must be relevant to the product and variation theme. For example, a clothing item might have attributes like size and color, while a beverage might have attributes like flavor and pack size.</p> <h3 id="pros-of-amazon-product-variations">Pros of Amazon product variations</h3> <p>Variations can improve customer satisfaction and lead to increased sales. Amazon product variations can boost the visibility of your listings on Amazon, helping you reach a broader audience. Here are some of the key benefits:</p> <h4>Improved visibility</h4> <p>All variations appear under a single listing, which can improve your product&#8217;s visibility and ranking in Amazon&#8217;s search results.</p> <h4>Better customer experience</h4> <p>Customers can easily find and compare different products, increasing satisfaction and sales.</p> <h4>Streamlined listing management</h4> <p>Managing inventory and listings is simpler when variations are grouped under one parent listing.</p> <p>Understanding Amazon product variations and utilizing them correctly can significantly enhance the customer shopping experience. But, following Amazon&#8217;s guidelines is crucial to avoid serious issues with your seller account.</p> <h3 id="cons-of-amazon-product-variations">Cons of Amazon product variations</h3> <p>While Amazon product variations offer numerous benefits, they also have potential drawbacks. Mismanaging product variations can lead to complications that may negatively impact your account and sales performance.</p> <h4>Risk of listing suppression</h4> <p>If Amazon detects inconsistencies or violations of its variation policies, it may suppress your entire parent listing. This can significantly reduce visibility and sales until the <a href="">ASIN suspension</a> is resolved.</p> <h4>Complex management</h4> <p>Managing multiple variations can be complicated, especially if you have many products with different attributes. Variation complexity can lead to errors in inventory management, pricing, and incorrect product details, which can confuse customers and hurt sales.</p> <h4>Customer confusion</h4> <p>If variations are not clearly defined or accurately described, customers may be confused about the differences between options. Incorrect variations can result in negative reviews, increased returns, and decreased customer satisfaction.</p> <h4>Difficulty in tracking performance</h4> <p>Analyzing the performance of individual variations can be challenging, especially when grouped under a single-parent listing. This can make it harder to identify which variations drive sales and which may need adjustments.</p> <h4>Policy violations</h4> <p>Amazon has strict guidelines for using variations. Misusing variations, such as combining unrelated products or not adhering to the correct variation themes, can lead to policy violations and potential account suspension, even if you aren’t aware of these guidelines. Ignorance is no excuse in the eyes of Amazon.</p> <h4>SEO challenges</h4> <p>While variations can improve visibility, they can dilute search engine optimization (SEO) efforts for individual products. If not managed correctly, it can be more challenging for specific variations to rank well in search results.</p> <p>To prevent account issues, you should avoid using unnecessary Amazon product variations, as Amazon considers doing so manipulation.</p> <p>Understanding these potential drawbacks is crucial for effectively managing your Amazon product variations. Take proactive steps to mitigate issues and maintain a healthy, successful seller account.</p> <h3>What is an incorrect product variation?<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-74165 size-full" src="" alt="Amazon Product Variation" width="1200" height="600" title="Amazon Product Variations: What Every Seller Needs to Know" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></h3> <p>An incorrect product variation occurs when a seller groups unrelated products under the same parent listing, violating Amazon&#8217;s guidelines for product variations. Incorrect Amazon product variations can arise when sellers misunderstand Amazon&#8217;s guidelines or try to combine products that are not truly related.</p> <p>Imagine you are selling a yellow boot. To take advantage of product variations, you list a red high heel as a variation under the same parent listing. While both items are footwear, they are fundamentally different in style, purpose, and target audience. According to Amazon&#8217;s variation guidelines, variations should only include products that differ in specific, relevant attributes like size, color, or flavor but remain essentially the same product type.</p> <p>In this case, a yellow boot and a red high heel do not meet the criteria for valid variations because they are not variations of the same product.</p> <p>Incorrect variations can arise when:</p> <ul> <li>A product category doesn’t permit product variations.</li> <li>Child products differ from each other or the parent products in a variation theme. In other words, if your variation item differs by size, your child ASIN can only vary by size.</li> <li>Child ASINs are outside the permitted variation theme.</li> <li>You list bundles as product variants.</li> <li>You list multipacks not produced by manufacturers.</li> </ul> <h3>How can you protect yourself from incorrect variations?<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-74166" src="" alt="Amazon product variations" width="701" height="351" title="Amazon Product Variations: What Every Seller Needs to Know" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 701px) 100vw, 701px" /></h3> <p>To maintain a healthy seller account, you must abide by the <a href=";openid.pape.max_auth_age=900&amp;;;openid.assoc_handle=sc_na_amazon_v2&amp;openid.mode=checkid_setup&amp;language=en_US&amp;;pageId=sc_amazon_v3_unified&amp;;mons_redirect=sign_in&amp;ssoResponse=eyJ6aXAiOiJERUYiLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIiwiYWxnIjoiQTI1NktXIn0.ynIKw8ds3nv-V67zDCCBH2dGPF6bBQ72PAllOYhGBVWnZjYB0pXkJg.HVouKmZnG1UnaoL_.vEYgnOp-V-Jsuv7rtVcltSbLbYOycuRHNhpsiCqfpOFelhgpVQkajvK8vCTnedBiUpACC3rWqbBQS2JNP3ni8CBZnNoRiauzseHB2h-CFgBdAv94pJ8J83UcHC4Vom6W45eb5ebKrjyz6MlDMPs5hoOeyCVGR7j7KEp_tH7rAJWgflpxkMXudAEWktU3pXr3cUBtL7Yb7w.5Zh4oeaLi9EZdDtTcdbsmQ" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Amazon product variation guidelines</a>. Compare your product ASINs with what’s available on Amazon’s Seller Central’s Help pages. You can also contact the technical support team for more information.</p> <p>Ensure you act on Amazon account warnings from Seller Performance. Sometimes, these warnings can be wrong, but it’s best to reply to performance issues and perform due diligence. If you get a notification after setting up an Amazon product variation correctly, you should review it, find the root cause, and appeal the decision.</p> <p>If you have breached Amazon’s variation rules and Amazon is correct about the warning, remove both the parent and child listings from your inventory catalog. After 24 hours, relist the items individually. Amazon typically updates its system after 24 hours. If the issue persists, consider contacting an expert to help navigate the product variation appeal process.</p> <h3 id="riverbend-consulting-can-help-you-navigate-amazon-product-variations-correctly">Riverbend Consulting can help you navigate Amazon product variations correctly</h3> <p>With our expertise and comprehensive understanding of Amazon&#8217;s policies and systems, we can guide you through the variation process, ensuring you leverage Amazon product variations effectively while avoiding account issues.</p> <h4>Preventive guidance</h4> <p>Before any issues arise, we’ll help you set up your product variations correctly. Our team will work with you to:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Help you understand Amazon guidelines</strong>: We’ll explain Amazon&#8217;s variation policies, ensuring you know exactly how to categorize and list your products appropriately.</li> <li><strong>Optimize listings</strong>: We can assist in creating optimized parent and child listings that enhance visibility and customer experience while complying with Amazon&#8217;s rules.</li> <li><strong>Attribute selection</strong>: We’ll help you choose the right attributes for your variations, ensuring they align with Amazon’s predefined themes and make sense for your product category.</li> </ul> <h4>Handling policy warnings and account suspensions</h4> <p>If you receive a policy warning or if your account is suspended due to variation issues, Riverbend Consulting is equipped to help.</p> <ul> <li><strong>Policy violation response</strong>: We’ll help you understand the nature of the violation and guide you in correcting the problematic listings.</li> <li><strong>Amazon appeal</strong>: If your account is suspended, our experts will craft a detailed and persuasive appeal to Amazon, highlighting the steps you’ve taken to rectify the issues and demonstrating your commitment to compliance.</li> <li><strong>Account reinstatement</strong>: We’ll support you through the entire reinstatement process, ensuring you can get back to selling as quickly as possible.</li> </ul> <p>Just because Amazon approves a listing doesn’t mean it’s been uploaded correctly. To avoid variation issues, you must follow the steps mentioned above and review Amazon’s product variation policy. If you have other team members, ensure a standard operating procedure with the necessary information and supervise activities for each of your listings. Ultimately, it’s your brand, so lead by example and be on top of every activity within your seller account.</p> <h3 id="dont-mess-with-product-variations-if-you-want-to-keep-your-account-in-good-standing">Don’t mess with product variations if you want to keep your account in good standing</h3> <p>Taking the time to learn Amazon’s guidelines and properly setting up your Amazon product variations is not <em>just</em> best practice; it’s necessary to maintain a healthy seller account. <strong>The effort you invest now can save you from constant headaches</strong>.</p> <p>If this feels overwhelming, remember that seeking help from experts like Riverbend Consulting is a wise investment. We’re here to guide you prevent and resolve issues that arise, ensuring your business remains robust and compliant.</p> <p>Whether you educate yourself thoroughly or partner with professionals, making informed decisions about product variations is crucial–especially as Amazon seems to pull listings nowadays without rhyme or reason. <strong>Your success on Amazon depends on it</strong>.</p> <p>Do you need help managing Amazon product variations? Contact us today for all your <a href="">Amazon problem solving</a> needs.</p> <p>Amazon. Solved.</p> ]]></content:encoded> <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss> <slash:comments>0</slash:comments> </item> <item> <title>Everything You Need to Know About Amazon Product Bundling</title> <link></link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Lesley Hensell]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 22 Oct 2024 13:00:48 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Amazon]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Amazon Listing]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Amazon seller]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description><![CDATA[It’s no secret that Amazon is becoming more competitive every day. Sellers often worry the platform is overcrowded, making it harder to be visible and increase profits. With so many similar products fighting for attention, standing out can feel impossible. This is where Amazon product bundling is a game-changer. By strategically combining complementary products into [&#8230;]]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>It’s no secret that Amazon is becoming more competitive every day. Sellers often worry the platform is overcrowded, making it harder to be visible and increase profits. With so many similar products fighting for attention, standing out can feel impossible. This is where Amazon product bundling is a game-changer.</p> <p>By strategically combining complementary products into a bundle, you offer something unique that your competitors may have yet to consider. Product bundles add value for your customers and help differentiate your listing, giving you a distinct edge on Amazon. When done right, they can turn the fear of competition into an opportunity for growth.</p> <blockquote><p>The LATEST NEWS about bundling occurred this past week when Amazon made a HUGE CHANGE in its bundling policy. As of October 14th, 2024, Amazon no longer allows custom bundles for consumables, including grocery, health, pet and baby products, unless the manufacturer created the bundle. More information is detailed below.</p></blockquote> <h3 id="what-is-amazon-product-bundling">What is Amazon product bundling?<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-74067 size-full" src="" alt="Amazon Product Bundling" width="1200" height="500" title="Everything You Need to Know About Amazon Product Bundling" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></h3> <p>Amazon product bundling is the practice of grouping related items and selling them as a single unit. The goal is to offer more value to customers by combining products that complement each other. Bundles allow you to create unique offers that aren’t as easy to compare with individual products.</p> <p>For example, imagine you sell a set of kitchen knives on Amazon. Rather than selling the knives on their own, you could bundle them with a cutting board and a knife block. This bundle would attract customers looking to upgrade their kitchen cutting tools all at once, offering convenience and value in a single purchase. Bundling helps make your offer stand out in this case, but it makes it difficult for customers to compare prices with competitors selling only the knife set.</p> <h2 id="amazon-product-bundling-dos-and-donts">Amazon product bundling dos and don&#8217;ts<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-74073" style="font-size: 16px;" src="" alt="amazon product bundling guidelines 2024" width="839" height="420" title="Everything You Need to Know About Amazon Product Bundling" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 839px) 100vw, 839px" /></h2> <p><em>Fig. 1.0 Amazon Product Bundle Guidelines, Amazon Seller Central: Product Bundling Policy</em></p> <p>Compliance guidelines for Amazon product bundles have recently become stricter, especially in grocery, health and beauty categories. Amazon now prohibits custom-created bundles in consumable categories unless the bundles are offered directly by the manufacturer. Failure to follow these updated guidelines can lead to severe consequences, including <a href="">Amazon account suspension</a>.</p> <h3 id="dos">Dos</h3> <ol> <li><strong>Bundle complementary items:</strong> Ensure that products in your bundle logically go together. For example, bundling a high-quality yoga mat with an instructional video and yoga blocks offers real value to customers, helping them achieve their fitness goals.</li> <li><strong>One ASIN for the entire bundle:</strong> Always list the bundle under a single ASIN, treating it as one product. This helps avoid confusion and ensures compliance with Amazon’s policies.</li> <li><strong>Use the brand of the highest-ranking item:</strong> Always use the brand of the primary item in the bundle. Amazon requires this for transparency and accuracy.</li> <li><strong>Clearly describe all items in the bundle</strong>: Provide detailed descriptions of each product included. This ensures that customers know exactly what they’re getting, which prevents confusion and dissatisfaction.</li> <li><strong>Follow category-specific rules: </strong>Be extra vigilant about rules in specific categories. Effective October 14th, 2024, consumables can only be bundled if the original manufacturer has created the bundle. See the updated <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Amazon product bundle policy</a> for more information.</li> </ol> <h3 id="donts">Don&#8217;ts</h3> <ol> <li><strong>Don’t bundle unrelated items:</strong> Ensure all bundled items have a clear connection. For example, combining a cookbook with kitchen gadgets makes sense, while adding unrelated products like toys does not and would violate Amazon’s guidelines.</li> <li><strong>Don’t create bundles with consumables: </strong>With the new update, you can no longer combine consumable products unless the manufacturer has packaged them together. For example, you cannot bundle snacks from different brands unless the original brand owner has created the pack.</li> <li><strong>Don’t mislead with pricing:</strong> Be transparent. Inflated bundle prices or confusing offers can result in listing rejections or suspension.</li> <li><strong>Don’t ignore Amazon’s documentation requests:</strong> Always respond when Amazon asks for verification or further documentation regarding your bundle. Ignoring these requests could delay your listings or result in penalties.</li> </ol> <h3 id="things-to-consider-regarding-product-bundling-on-amazon">Things to consider regarding product bundling on Amazon</h3> <p>With these policy changes, it&#8217;s more important than ever to be mindful of the complexities of creating and selling bundles. Here are some key points to keep in mind.</p> <h4>Bundle returns can be costly</h4> <p>One downside of bundling is the potential impact on returns. If a customer is dissatisfied with even a single item in the bundle, you must accept the entire bundle back. This means higher return costs compared to single-item sales. You’ll also need to ensure that warranties or service plans cover the whole bundle, not just one component. Be prepared that bundling can make returns more expensive, so include these costs when setting your prices.</p> <h4>Authorization for branded products</h4> <p>If you don’t own the rights or authorization to sell specific brands, you must secure written consent from the brand owner or manufacturer before offering their products in a bundle. Amazon is increasingly enforcing authorization, especially for branded consumable goods. Non-compliance can lead to an Amazon account or ASIN suspension.</p> <h4>Keep flexibility in mind</h4> <p>Sometimes, one item in your bundle becomes more popular than the rest. In this case, unbundling the set and selling the item alone may be more profitable. Flexibility means you can respond to market demand and increase sales potential. Check with your fulfillment partner to see if they can break down bundles easily to give you the option of selling items individually if you need to make last-minute changes.</p> <h4>Optimizing inventory management for bundled products</h4> <p>Before you list your bundle for sale, it’s crucial to consider the fulfillment logistics. Bundling multiple products requires careful preparation, which can involve extra labor costs. Whether you handle fulfillment through FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) or work with a third-party fulfillment partner, assembling the bundles, often called “kitting,” won’t happen automatically. Be sure to factor in these costs when pricing your bundle, as the added labor and time required can eat into your margins.</p> <h4>Consider shipping costs</h4> <p>Shipping costs can be higher for bundled products compared to single items. If a customer returns a bundle, you’ll be responsible for the cost of shipping both ways. Extra expenses add up quickly, so it’s important to account for them in your overall pricing strategy. Ensure your bundle price covers potential return shipping to avoid unexpected costs eating into your profits.</p> <h3 id="updated-amazon-product-bundling-rules-for-consumables">Updated Amazon product bundling rules for consumables</h3> <p>As of October 14th, 2024, Amazon no longer allows custom bundles for consumables, including grocery, health, pet and baby products, unless the manufacturer created the bundle.</p> <p>You can no longer combine products from different brands into a single bundle nor list these bundles under a “Generic” or personal brand name. For example, you can list a pre-packaged baby care kit produced by a single brand, but you can’t create your own bundle by combining a baby lotion from one brand with baby wipes from another brand.</p> <p>As a seller, you have until 2024 to ensure compliance. If your existing bundles violate the new policies, you will receive 30 days&#8217; notice. Be proactive and review all your listings to avoid disruptions.</p> <h3 id="what-happens-if-you-breach-amazons-product-bundling-rules">What happens if you breach Amazon&#8217;s product bundling rules?</h3> <p>Violating Amazon’s product bundling rules can seriously affect your business and can come as a surprise. The problem is that sellers inadvertently make mistakes, like failing to follow category-specific bundling rules. Amazon’s policies can be strict and vary, so it&#8217;s crucial to understand bundling requirements for your specific category.</p> <h4>Expect vague communication from Amazon</h4> <p>When you violate bundling rules, Amazon&#8217;s communication tends to be frustratingly vague. You might receive a message like, &#8220;Your account is deactivated&#8230; we received a report that your contributions to one or more listings below violate our IP policy or product bundling guidelines.&#8221; Unfortunately, this kind of message doesn’t give much insight into what went wrong, leaving you guessing whether it was a problem with your listing or something more serious, like intellectual property infringement. Even worse, Amazon often follows up with broad instructions, such as, &#8220;Submit a dispute to us if this is an error.&#8221; This leaves sellers wondering how exactly to proceed.<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-74069 size-full" src="" alt=" Amazon Product Bundling Infraction Letter" width="1200" height="600" title="Everything You Need to Know About Amazon Product Bundling" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></p> <h4>Consequences of bundling violations</h4> <p><strong>Listing rejection:</strong> Amazon may reject your bundle listings outright if they violate their guidelines, particularly regarding brand misuse or non-compliance with product combinations.</p> <p><strong>Amazon Account suspension: </strong>The most immediate consequence is that your entire account can be deactivated. Account suspension may happen suddenly, without clear warnings, especially if Amazon believes your bundle violates their guidelines or negatively impacts the marketplace.</p> <h3 id="how-to-respond-to-amazon-product-bundling-violations">How to respond to Amazon product bundling violations</h3> <p>If you believe Amazon has made an error or you want to dispute your Amazon account suspension, here’s what you can do:</p> <ol> <li><strong>Submit a dispute to Amazon: </strong>If you believe your suspension was a mistake, submit a dispute through your account dashboard. When filing your dispute, be clear and concise. Include all relevant documentation, such as product invoices, proof of compliance with bundling policies and a detailed explanation of how your bundle follows Amazon’s guidelines.</li> <li><strong>Create a Plan of Action (POA): </strong>In most cases, Amazon will require a detailed <a href="">Amazon POA</a>. A Plan of Action is a step-by-step outline of how you’ll correct the violation and prevent it from happening in the future. Address each issue specifically, whether it’s incorrectly labeled brands, unclear bundle descriptions, or a failure to follow category rules.</li> <li><strong>Provide documentation: </strong>Attach any supporting documents, such as proof of product authenticity or evidence that your Amazon product bundle complies with their rules. Be thorough and professional in your approach to increase the chances of your success.</li> </ol> <h3 id="how-to-avoid-amazon-product-bundling-violations">How to avoid Amazon product bundling violations</h3> <p>The best way to avoid Amazon product bundling violations is to be proactive. Carefully review Amazon&#8217;s product bundling guidelines and ensure your listings comply.</p> <p>Pay attention to branding requirements and ensure that your bundles are complementary and add value to your customers. This attention to detail will help you avoid Amazon’s vague, frustrating correspondence and keep your business running smoothly.</p> <h4>Avoid bundle blunders</h4> <p>Amazon isn’t playing around when it comes to bundle violations. They&#8217;re coming down hard. Often, sellers are unaware they’re breaking the rules until it&#8217;s too late. The most frustrating part? There’s usually no warning, no heads-up—just a sudden suspension of your account. With Amazon’s constantly shifting guidelines, sellers are left unprepared and scrambling to fix violations they never saw coming.</p> <p>Enlist the help of experts who live and breathe Amazon’s ever-changing policies. Riverbend Consulting’s <a href="">Amazon problem solving</a> experts help keep you compliant and avoid these costly mistakes before they happen. Don’t wait for your next account suspension notice—protect your business with the right guidance. <a href="">Contact us</a> today for help with Amazon product bundling.</p> <p>Amazon. Solved.</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> </channel> </rss>

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