Open Textbook Library - Property Law Textbooks

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <feed xml:lang="en-US" xmlns=""> <id>,2005:/opentextbooks/subjects/property-law</id> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/> <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href=""/> <title>Open Textbook Library - Property Law Textbooks</title> <updated>2018-09-07T17:21:45Z</updated> <icon></icon> <logo></logo> <entry> <id>121</id> <published>2018-09-07T17:21:45Z</published> <updated>2024-01-22T18:49:49Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/> <title>Advanced Business Law and the Legal Environment</title> <content type="html">&lt;img alt="Read more about Advanced Business Law and the Legal Environment" title="Advanced Business Law and the Legal Environment cover image" class="cover " width="300" height="391" data-controller="common--cover" data-placeholder="/assets/common/placeholder-f8e123f91b7e13ad321132c609842fdd40121f691ee7db391b88763bc42be6a0.webp" src="/rails/active_storage/blobs/redirect/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsiZGF0YSI6MTA0LCJwdXIiOiJibG9iX2lkIn19--03a0ed03e7578dcd9ca9f6249a65a7559229ce74/0000AdvanBusi.png" /&gt;Mayer, Warner, Siedel and Lieberman&amp;#39;s Advanced Business Law and the Legal Environment is an up-to-date textbook with coverage of legal and regulatory issues that are more technical than the topics in the authors&amp;#39; Foundations of Business Law and the Legal Environment. Appropriate for students who have already taken an introductory Legal Environment or Business Law course, the text is organized to permit instructors to tailor the materials to their particular approach. The authors take special care to engage students by relating law to everyday events with which they are already familiar with their clear, concise and readable style. Advanced Business Law and the Legal Environment provides students with context and essential legal concepts relating to the Uniform Commercial Code and various aspects of property law. The text provides the vocabulary and legal savvy necessary for business people to talk in an educated way to their customers, employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders — and to their own lawyers.</content> </entry> <entry> <id>273</id> <published>2018-09-07T17:21:52Z</published> <updated>2024-08-26T13:02:55Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/> <title>Business Law and the Legal Environment</title> <content type="html">&lt;img alt="Read more about Business Law and the Legal Environment" title="Business Law and the Legal Environment cover image" class="cover " width="557" height="749" data-controller="common--cover" data-placeholder="/assets/common/placeholder-f8e123f91b7e13ad321132c609842fdd40121f691ee7db391b88763bc42be6a0.webp" src="/rails/active_storage/blobs/redirect/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsiZGF0YSI6MjIzLCJwdXIiOiJibG9iX2lkIn19--9baaafe6fd15c3fb9029dcbf810982052016fcdd/0000BusLawLeg.png" /&gt;Our goal is to provide students with a textbook that is up to date and comprehensive in its coverage of legal and regulatory issues—and organized to permit instructors to tailor the materials to their particular approach. This book engages students by relating law to everyday events with which they are already familiar (or with which they are familiarizing themselves in other business courses) and by its clear, concise, and readable style. (An earlier business law text by authors Lieberman and Siedel was hailed “the best written text in a very crowded field.”) This textbook provides context and essential concepts across the entire range of legal issues with which managers and business executives must grapple. The text provides the vocabulary and legal acumen necessary for businesspeople to talk in an educated way to their customers, employees, suppliers, government officials—and to their own lawyers.</content> </entry> <entry> <id>789</id> <published>2019-10-27T03:08:33Z</published> <updated>2024-04-05T18:57:52Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/> <title>Business Law I Essentials</title> <content type="html">&lt;img alt="Read more about Business Law I Essentials" title="Business Law I Essentials cover image" class="cover " width="571" height="739" data-controller="common--cover" data-placeholder="/assets/common/placeholder-f8e123f91b7e13ad321132c609842fdd40121f691ee7db391b88763bc42be6a0.webp" src="/rails/active_storage/blobs/redirect/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsiZGF0YSI6NzQ2LCJwdXIiOiJibG9iX2lkIn19--24147339ab2df9981a16a66d2d21fb1c04601f51/978-1-947172-78-4.jpg" /&gt;Business Law I Essentials is a brief introductory textbook designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of courses on Business Law or the Legal Environment of Business. The concepts are presented in a streamlined manner, and cover the key concepts necessary to establish a strong foundation in the subject. The textbook follows a traditional approach to the study of business law. Each chapter contains learning objectives, explanatory narrative and concepts, references for further reading, and end-of-chapter questions. Business Law I Essentials may need to be supplemented with additional content, cases, or related materials, and is offered as a foundational resource that focuses on the baseline concepts, issues, and approaches.</content> </entry> <entry> <id>770</id> <published>2019-09-08T15:38:53Z</published> <updated>2024-01-22T14:52:37Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/> <title>Extended Readings on Copyright - 2022</title> <content type="html">&lt;img alt="Read more about Extended Readings on Copyright - 2022" title="Extended Readings on Copyright - 2022 cover image" class="cover " width="1583" height="2048" data-controller="common--cover" data-placeholder="/assets/common/placeholder-f8e123f91b7e13ad321132c609842fdd40121f691ee7db391b88763bc42be6a0.webp" src="/rails/active_storage/blobs/redirect/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsiZGF0YSI6NDM4NSwicHVyIjoiYmxvYl9pZCJ9fQ==--494f3c69b478e512bcefe58bde51ee9fe677d49c/Pw64AZuA.png" /&gt;Extended Readings on Copyright is subject to a non-commercial Create Commons license that allows you to add, subtract, and amend as you see fit, provided you extend those terms to any derivative work based on these materials and provided your provide appropriate attribution. I encourage you to share your edits and additions with me, but it is not obligatory.Extended Readings on Copyright can be used as a stand alone textbook on United States copyright law. The individual chapters are available on this website, and these can be used to supplement other materials. Individual chapters are likely to be more up to date than the consolidated build of the book.</content> </entry> <entry> <id>877</id> <published>2020-07-07T18:53:10Z</published> <updated>2024-06-13T19:46:05Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/> <title>Fundamentals of Business Law</title> <content type="html">&lt;img alt="Read more about Fundamentals of Business Law" title="Fundamentals of Business Law cover image" class="cover " width="350" height="525" data-controller="common--cover" data-placeholder="/assets/common/placeholder-f8e123f91b7e13ad321132c609842fdd40121f691ee7db391b88763bc42be6a0.webp" src="/rails/active_storage/blobs/redirect/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsiZGF0YSI6MTIyMCwicHVyIjoiYmxvYl9pZCJ9fQ==--03eae12db43fc55c3e05cc1aa571b8fd07db39d0/fundbuslaw.jpg" /&gt;Undergraduate business law textbook written by Melissa Randall and Community College of Denver Students in collaboration with lawyers and business professionals for use in required 200 level business law courses in the United States. This book is an introductory survey of the legal topics required in undergraduate business law classes.</content> </entry> <entry> <id>131</id> <published>2018-09-07T17:21:45Z</published> <updated>2024-01-22T18:49:54Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/> <title>Government Regulation and the Legal Environment of Business</title> <content type="html">&lt;img alt="Read more about Government Regulation and the Legal Environment of Business" title="Government Regulation and the Legal Environment of Business cover image" class="cover " width="300" height="391" data-controller="common--cover" data-placeholder="/assets/common/placeholder-f8e123f91b7e13ad321132c609842fdd40121f691ee7db391b88763bc42be6a0.webp" src="/rails/active_storage/blobs/redirect/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsiZGF0YSI6MTE0LCJwdXIiOiJibG9iX2lkIn19--6f60418b572511d7722f062abd4298ad1eb721f7/9781453343272.png" /&gt;Mayer, Warner, Siedel and Lieberman&amp;#39;s Government Regulation and the Legal Environment of Business is an up-to-date textbook that covers legal issues that students must understand in today&amp;#39;s highly regulated business environment. The text is organized to permit instructors to tailor the materials to their particular approach. The authors take special care to engage students by relating law to everyday events with their clear, concise and readable style. After introductory chapters covering the legal environment of business, Government Regulation and the Legal Environment of Business provides students with context and essential legal concepts relating to contracts, consumer credit transactions, bankruptcy, intellectual property, securities regulation, regulation of real estate, antitrust, unfair trade practices, employment law and labor relations. The text provides the vocabulary and legal savvy they will need to talk in an educated way to customers, suppliers, employees, creditors, shareholders, government regulators and other stakeholders — and to their own lawyers.</content> </entry> <entry> <id>449</id> <published>2018-09-07T17:22:02Z</published> <updated>2024-08-19T13:21:11Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/> <title>Intellectual Property: Law &amp; the Information Society—Cases and Materials</title> <content type="html">&lt;img alt="Read more about Intellectual Property: Law &amp;amp; the Information Society—Cases and Materials" title="Intellectual Property: Law &amp;amp; the Information Society—Cases and Materials cover image" class="cover " width="420" height="600" data-controller="common--cover" data-placeholder="/assets/common/placeholder-f8e123f91b7e13ad321132c609842fdd40121f691ee7db391b88763bc42be6a0.webp" src="/rails/active_storage/blobs/redirect/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsiZGF0YSI6MTkwNCwicHVyIjoiYmxvYl9pZCJ9fQ==--56e2e8c8ef262f6019418a3922d76ea3d4ab0d46/ipcasebook2018_front-cover.jpg" /&gt;This book is an introduction to intellectual property law, the set of private legal rights that allows individuals and corporations to control intangible creations and marks—from logos to novels to drug formulae—and the exceptions and limitations that define those rights. It focuses on the three graphmain forms of US federal intellectual property—trademark, copyright and patent—but many of the ideas discussed here apply far beyond those legal areas and far beyond the law of the United States. The book is intended to be a textbook for the basic Intellectual Property class, but because it is an open coursebook, which can be freely edited and customized, it is also suitable for an undergraduate class, or for a business, library studies, communications or other graduate school class. Each chapter contains cases and secondary readings and a set of problems or role-playing exercises involving the material. The problems range from a video of the Napster oral argument to counseling clients about search engines and trademarks, applying the First Amendment to digital rights management and copyright or commenting on the Supreme Court&amp;#39;s rulings on gene patents.</content> </entry> <entry> <id>278</id> <published>2018-09-07T17:21:52Z</published> <updated>2024-01-22T18:50:05Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/> <title>Introduction to the Law of Property, Estate Planning and Insurance</title> <content type="html">&lt;img alt="Read more about Introduction to the Law of Property, Estate Planning and Insurance" title="textbook cover placeholder image" class="cover fallback " width="247" height="326" data-controller="common--cover" data-placeholder="/assets/common/placeholder-f8e123f91b7e13ad321132c609842fdd40121f691ee7db391b88763bc42be6a0.webp" src="/assets/common/placeholder-f8e123f91b7e13ad321132c609842fdd40121f691ee7db391b88763bc42be6a0.webp" /&gt;Introduction to the Law of Property, Estate Planning and Insurance is an up-to-date textbook that covers legal issues that students must understand relating to real estate (an especially important business asset), as well as estate planning and insurance. The text is organized to permit instructors to tailor the materials to their particular approach. The authors take special care to engage students by relating law to everyday events with their clear, concise and readable style. After introductory chapters covering the legal environment of business, Introduction to the Law of Property, Estate Planning and Insurance provides students with context and essential legal concepts relating to property rights and duties, estate planning, insurance, secured transactions, mortgages, and related topics. The text provides the vocabulary and legal savvy they will need when working with these concepts, which are critical to business planning and success.</content> </entry> <entry> <id>106</id> <published>2018-09-07T17:21:43Z</published> <updated>2024-01-22T14:52:13Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/> <title>Land Use</title> <content type="html">&lt;img alt="Read more about Land Use" title="Land Use cover image" class="cover " width="887" height="1191" data-controller="common--cover" data-placeholder="/assets/common/placeholder-f8e123f91b7e13ad321132c609842fdd40121f691ee7db391b88763bc42be6a0.webp" src="/rails/active_storage/blobs/redirect/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsiZGF0YSI6ODksInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--2f2d2f6a0f30278c05704897d9af949dc5011e1c/0000LanUseChr.png" /&gt;This text explores the laws governing the use of land. Sometimes narrowly focused, often intensely local, land use regulation may give the impression of a highly specialized field with small stakes. The text is divided into three parts: First, we will survey the ordinary, local administrative scheme of land use regulation. The cases in this section are intended to establish what that system is and what it&amp;#39;s standards are. In the second part of the course, we will turn our attention to cases illustrating litigation attacks on the ordinary administrative scheme. The purpose here is not, as it was in the first part, to understand better the standards the administrators should apply, but to understand the constraints imposed on the contents of local laws, the procedures of enactment and permitting, and the composition of local lawmaking bodies. In the third part, we focus on the distributive concerns raised by land use regulation. The regulatory takings doctrine has gone from, literally, nothing, to wrestling to disentangle distributive concerns from substantive ones, to trying to craft either rules or standards to identify regulations that go “too far” and should be considered “takings” within the meaning of the Fifth Amendment. We will consider what the doctrine&amp;#39;s purposes are, how it should be governed, and how it should be invoked as a procedural matter.</content> </entry> <entry> <id>279</id> <published>2018-09-07T17:21:52Z</published> <updated>2024-01-22T18:50:05Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/> <title>Law for Entrepreneurs</title> <content type="html">&lt;img alt="Read more about Law for Entrepreneurs" title="textbook cover placeholder image" class="cover fallback " width="247" height="326" data-controller="common--cover" data-placeholder="/assets/common/placeholder-f8e123f91b7e13ad321132c609842fdd40121f691ee7db391b88763bc42be6a0.webp" src="/assets/common/placeholder-f8e123f91b7e13ad321132c609842fdd40121f691ee7db391b88763bc42be6a0.webp" /&gt;Law for Entrepreneurs is an up-to-date textbook that covers the broad spectrum of legal issues that entrepreneurs must understand when starting and running a business. The text is organized to permit instructors to tailor the materials to their particular approach. The authors take special care to engage students by relating law to everyday events with their clear, concise and readable style. After introductory chapters covering the legal environment of business, Law for Entrepreneurs provides students with context and essential legal concepts relating to contracts, product liability, intellectual property, insurance, agency law, partnerships, corporations, and employment law. The text provides the vocabulary and legal savvy that entrepreneurs need to talk in an educated way to customers, suppliers, employees, creditors, shareholders, government regulators and other stakeholders — and to their own lawyers.</content> </entry> <link rel="next"></link> </feed>