TM registration

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Many of you are probably stuck at home. Having full access to Trismegistos through your library may be welcome.<p> <p>For that reason we now offer an exceptional ‘trial period’ with full access to Trismegistos until 30 April for free, no strings attached. All we need is for your librarian to register below (option 1 unlimited access) and to mention the ip ranges of your institution. Please make sure that he or she uses an institutional email. You will be sent a Customer Information Sheet, but there is no need to fill that in if you do not want to become a subscriber straightaway (although you’re welcome to do so, of course :-)).</p> <p>At the end of the trial, there is no obligation to subscribe whatsoever.</p> <p>Keep safe,</p> <p>The Trismegistos team</i></p> --> <p><i class="fa fa-thumb-tack" aria-hidden="true" style="padding-right: 5px;"></i>To assure <a href="keeptrismegistosalive_whatchanges.php">access to all search interfaces and visualisations</a> in Trismegistos, we offer an institutional subscription for full and unlimited access (staff and students) based on the IP address range(s) of your campus. Access through Virtual Private Network (VPN) or a proxy server can also be set up at your end.<br> <span class="highlight">For 2024, the annual price for this subscription will be 1160 EUR excl. VAT. The annual subscription term starts on January 1 and ends on 31 December.</span> <i class='fa fa-info-circle info-tooltip' style='color: #801515' aria-hidden='true'><span class='tooltiptext'>Since 2023, all subscriptions start on 1 January . If you start subscribing later in the year, the rate will be adjusted for the remaining period.</span></i> Payment is by invoice of KULeuven.</p> <div id="registration-flyer"> <a href="downloads/TM_registration_info.pdf"><img src="img/TM_registration_info.jpg"></a> <p>To provide your institution with some information about Trismegistos, we have compiled a handout with a short introduction and some basic user statistics to demonstrate TM's solid user base. It can be downloaded <a href="downloads/TM_registration_info.pdf">here</a>.</p> </div> <!-- <a class="registration-link" href=# onClick="$('#institutional_form').slideDown();return false;">--> <a class="registration-link" href="">Register as a potential subscriber by clicking here and contacting us by email.</a><br> <!-- <form id="institutional_form" class="register-individual" action=registrations_institution.php> <input class="hide-input" name=cmd value='insert' type=hidden> <input class="hide-input" name=id value='' type=hidden><br> <span class="semibold">Institution name:</span><br> <input name=name value=''><br><br> <span class="semibold">Email contact person:</span><br> <input name=email value=''><br><br> <span class="semibold">If applicable, your Purchase Order number:</span><br> <input name=purchase_order value=''><br><br> <span class="semibold">IP-address ranges:</span><br> <textarea name=ranges rows=3 cols=40> </textarea><br> <p class="smallfont">Your IP-address range(s), e.g. -, -, - in the case of KULeuven.</p><br> <input type=submit><br> <span class="semibold">You will be sent a confirmation email when we receive your application for more information. If not, contact us.</span> </form> --> <!-- <h4>2. Institutional access for one concurrent user through a login <span class="highlight">AVAILABLE NOW!</span></h4> <p class="no-margin-top">In this scenario your institution registers with Trismegistos and gets a password-protected login for a single concurrent user <i class='fa fa-info-circle info-tooltip' style='color: #801515' aria-hidden='true'><span class='tooltiptext'>If multiple users share this access, the first user will be logged out once a second user logs in.</span></i>. This subscription comes at 299€ per year excl. VAT. Like for the unlimited access, the payment procedure involves registering, filling in a customer information sheet, and paying the KU Leuven invoice after reception.</p> <a class="registration-link" href=# onClick="$('#individual_form').slideDown();return false;">Register here now.</a><br> <form id="individual_form" class="register-individual" action=registrations_individual.php> <input class="hide-input" name=cmd value='insert' type=hidden> <input class="hide-input" name=id value='' type=hidden> <input class="hide-input" name=affiliated_institution_str value='' type=hidden> <input class="hide-input" name=charttype_user value=1 type=hidden> <input class="hide-input" name=preset_criteria_provenance_user value='' type=hidden> <input class="hide-input" name=preset_criteria_language_user value='' type=hidden> <input class="hide-input" name=preset_criteria_publication_user value='' type=hidden> <input class="hide-input" name=text_highlight_places_user value=0 type=hidden> <input class="hide-input" name=text_highlight_people_user value=0 type=hidden> <input class="hide-input" name=text_highlight_gods_user value=0 type=hidden> <input class="hide-input" name=text_highlight_texirr_user value=0 type=hidden> <input class="hide-input" name=text_highlight_dates_user value=0 type=hidden> <input class="hide-input" name=text_diacritics_user value=1 type=hidden> <input class="hide-input" name=text_linebreaks_user value=1 type=hidden> <input class="hide-input" name=text_links_user value=3 type=hidden> <input class="hide-input" name=formula value=299 type=hidden><br> <span class="semibold">Institution name:</span><br> <input name=full_name value=''><br><br> <span class='smallfont'>The name of your institution</span><br><br> <span class="semibold">Email:</span><br> <input name=email value=''><br> <span class='smallfont'>The relevant institutional email-address or the email address of the person responsible for the subscription at your institution. This email will be used to log in. <b>Please note that this email (and the password you select) cannot be changed unless you send a motivated email requesting this to</b></span><br><br> <span class="semibold">Username:</span><br> <input name=name value=''><br> <span class='smallfont'>The name which will appear when you are logged in, e.g. 'Session for Jonathan'</span><br><br> <span class="semibold">Password:</span><br> <input name=password1 type=password value=''><br><br> <span class="semibold">Repeat password:</span><br> <input name=password2 type=password value=''><br> <span class='smallfont'><b>Please note that this password cannot be changed unless you send a motivated email (from the email address above) requesting this to</b></span><br> <br><br> <input type=submit><br>By subscribing you agree to the <a href="terms-of-use.html">general terms and conditions</a> of Trismegistos, and the <a href="Trismegistos Membership Agreement.pdf">specific terms and conditions for subscribers</a>. You also agree not to pass on login details to anyone outside your institution (e.g. visitors), on penalty of exclusion to TM's services. </form> <h4>3. Personal single user access through a login <span class="highlight">AVAILABLE NOW!</span></h4> <p class="no-margin-top">In this scenario you register with Trismegistos personally and get a password-protected login for a single user. A single-user registration already allows you to set preferences concerning visualizations (e.g. tables instead of pie charts), text highlights and text rendering preferences (the last two things only for texts coming from It will in the future also allow you to add specific restrictions to your searches automatically, save your queries, and possibly further things. In this case you pay by credit card and do not get a formal invoice, but just a confirmation of payment.<br> This subscription comes at 199€ per year incl. VAT. </p> <a class="registration-link" href=# onClick="$('#individual_form2').slideDown();return false;">Register here now.</a><br> <form id="individual_form2" class="register-individual" action=registrations_individual.php> <input class="hide-input" name=cmd value='insert' type=hidden> <input class="hide-input" name=id value='' type=hidden><br> <span class="semibold">Full name:</span><br> <input name=full_name value=''><br><br> <span class='smallfont'>Your first name and family name</span><br><br> <span class="semibold">Email:</span><br> <input name=email value=''><br> <span class='smallfont'>Your email address which will be used to log in. <br><b>Please note that you cannot change this email address unless you send an email to</b></span><br><br> <span class="semibold">Visualization preference (charts) (can be overruled):</span><br> <select name=charttype_user> <option value=1>Pie charts and word clouds</option> <option value=2>Plain tables</option> <option value=-1>No charts or tables</option> </select><br> <span class='smallfont'>Whether you prefer pie charts and word clouds as a standard or plain tables - or no charts or tables at all.</span> <br><br> <span class="semibold">Preset search criteria provenance (can be overruled):</span><br> <select name=preset_criteria_provenance_user> <option value=''>No geographic criterion</option> <option value='Egypt'>Egypt</option> </select> <select name=preset_criteria_language_user> <option value=''>No language criterion</option> <option value='Greek'>Greek</option> <option value='Demotic'>Demotic</option> </select> <select name=preset_criteria_publication_user> <option value=''>No publication criterion</option> <option value='NOT unpublished'>Published</option> <option value='unpublished'>Unpublished</option> </select><br> <span class='smallfont'>Search criteria which will be automatically added to your search in TM Texts or the LDAB. The criteria can be removed in the disambiguation pages.</span> <br><br> <span class='semibold'>Text highlights (in texts):</span><br> <select name=text_highlight_places_user> <option value=0 ".( ($ar['text_highlight_places_user']==0)?"selected":"").">Places not highlighted</option> <option value=1 ".( ($ar['text_highlight_places_user']==1)?"selected":"").">Places highlighted</option> </select> <select name=text_highlight_people_user> <option value=0 ".( ($ar['text_highlight_people_user']==0)?"selected":"").">People not highlighted</option> <option value=1 ".( ($ar['text_highlight_people_user']==1)?"selected":"").">People highlighted</option> </select> <select name=text_highlight_gods_user> <option value=0 ".( ($ar['text_highlight_gods_user']==0)?"selected":"").">Gods not highlighted</option> <option value=1 ".( ($ar['text_highlight_gods_user']==1)?"selected":"").">Gods highlighted</option> </select> <select name=text_highlight_texirr_user> <option value=0 ".( ($ar['text_highlight_texirr_user']==0)?"selected":"").">Text irregularities not highlighted</option> <option value=1 ".( ($ar['text_highlight_texirr_user']==1)?"selected":"").">Text irregularities highlighted</option> </select> <select name=text_highlight_dates_user> <option value=0 ".( ($ar['text_highlight_dates_user']==0)?"selected":"").">Dates not highlighted</option> <option value=1 ".( ($ar['text_highlight_dates_user']==1)?"selected":"").">Dates highlighted</option> </select><br> <span class='smallfont'>Whether you prefer specific kinds of information to be highlighted. Can be overruled for each individual page.</span> <br><br> <span class='semibold'>Text rendering preferences (in texts):</span><br> <select name=text_diacritics_user> <option value=1 ".( ($ar['text_diacritics_user']==1)?"selected":"").">Uncorrected text with diacritics</option> <option value=0 ".( ($ar['text_diacritics_user']==0)?"selected":"").">Semi-regularized text without diacritics</option> </select> <select name=text_linebreaks_user> <option value=1 ".( ($ar['text_linebreaks_user']==1)?"selected":"").">Text with linebreaks</option> <option value=0 ".( ($ar['text_linebreaks_user']==0)?"selected":"").">Continuous text without linebreaks</option> </select> <select name=text_links_user> <option value=3 ".( ($ar['text_links_user']==2)?"selected":"").">Text including links to TM Words, People, Gods and Places, with hoverovers and diacritics explained</option> <option value=2 ".( ($ar['text_links_user']==2)?"selected":"").">Text including links to TM Words, People, Gods and Places, with hoverovers but without diacritics explained</option> <option value=1 ".( ($ar['text_links_user']==1)?"selected":"").">Text including links to TM Words, People, Gods and Places, but without hoverovers or diacritics explained</option> <option value=0 ".( ($ar['text_links_user']==0)?"selected":"").">Text without links to TM Words, People, Gods and Places</option> </select><br> <span class='smallfont'>How you want the text to be rendered. Can be overruled for each individual page.</span><br><br> <br> <span class="semibold">Username:</span><br> <input name=name value=''><br> <span class='smallfont'>The name which will appear when you are logged in, e.g. 'Session for Jonathan'</span><br><br> <span class="semibold">Password:</span><br> <input name=password1 type=password value=''><br><br> <span class="semibold">Repeat password:</span><br> <input name=password2 type=password value=''><br><br> <span class='semibold'>Your formula:</span><br> <input type='radio' name='formula' value='199'>199 EUR incl. VAT for one <b>year</b>.<br> <span class='smallfont'>You will be sent to Ingenico where you can pay online by credit card. After payment you will receive an email confirming reception of the money <i class='fa fa-info-circle info-tooltip' style='color: #801515' aria-hidden='true'><span class='tooltiptext'>Dear [++], Trismegistos and KU Leuven hereby confirm your payment of [++] EUR inclusive VAT for a single user subscription for the period from [++] to [++]. For Trismegistos, Mark Depauw, KULeuven, Blijde Inkomststraa5 21, 3000 Leuven, BELGIUM</span></i>. You will not receive a formal invoice, nor will you be able to obtain one at a later stage, but you can download a more formal letter as a pdf on your personal page later.</span><br> <br> <input type=submit> <br>By subscribing you agree to the <a href="terms-of-use.html">general terms and conditions</a> of Trismegistos, and the <a href="Trismegistos Membership Agreement.pdf">specific terms and conditions for subscribers</a>. You also agree not to pass on login details to anyone else, on penalty of exclusion to TM's services. </form> --> <h4><i class="fa fa-thumb-tack" aria-hidden="true" style="padding-right: 5px;"></i>Already have unlimited institutional access? Create a complimentary personal profile with user preferences <span class="highlight">IT'S FREE!</span></h4>

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