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Transforming health. | type = [[Public school (government funded)|Public]] medical school [[university system|system]] | dean = Jay L. Hess<ref>Hess, the IU medical school's tenth dean, succeeded D. Craig Brater, who retired in 2013. See: {{cite web | title =Jay L. Hess, MD PhD | publisher =Indiana University School of Medicine | url = | access-date =January 26, 2018 }} See also: {{cite web | title =D. Craig Brater, MD | publisher =Critical Path Institute | date =June 17, 2013 | url = | access-date =January 26, 2018 | archive-date =January 31, 2018 | archive-url = | url-status =dead }}</ref> | other = 1,442 [[Medical residency|Residents]] & [[Medical fellowship|Fellows]] (2023)<ref name="FactSheet2"/> | city = [[Indianapolis]] (primary, and an additional eight regional campuses throughout the state) | state = Indiana | country = United States | coordinates = {{coord|39|46|32|N|86|10|36|W|scale:3000|display=title,inline}} | students = 1,461 [[Doctor of Medicine|MD]] (2023)<ref name="FactSheet2"/> | undergrad = 253 [[Bachelor of Science|BS]] (2023)<ref name="FactSheet2"/> | postgrad = 174 [[Master of Science|MS]] (2023)<ref name="FactSheet2"/> | doctoral = 195 PhD (2023)<ref name="FactSheet2"/> | faculty = 3,392 full-time and 253 part-time (2023)<ref name="FactSheet2"/> | administrative_staff = 2,409 (2023)<ref name="FactSheet2"/> | campus = Urban to suburban | free_label = Absorbed | free = The Indiana Medical College, the School of Medicine of Purdue University (1908)<ref name=":0"/><br />State College of Physicians and Surgeons (1908)<ref name=":0"/> | free_label2 = Average accepted [[MCAT]] | free2 = 511.7 (2023)<ref name="FactSheet2"/> | sports_free_label = Average accepted [[GPA]] | website = {{URL|}} | sports_free = 3.80 (2023)<ref name="FactSheet2"/> | sports_free_label2 = Acceptance rate | sports_free2 = 5.96% (2023)<ref name="FactSheet2"/> | logo = Indiana_University_School_of_Medicine_logo.png }} The '''Indiana University School of Medicine''' (IUSM) is a major, multi-campus medical school located throughout the [[US state|U.S. state]] of [[Indiana]] and is the graduate medical school of [[Indiana University]]. There are nine campuses throughout the state; the principal research, educational, and medical center is located on the campus of [[Indiana University Indianapolis]]. With 1,461 MD students, 195 PhD students, and 1,442 [[Residency (medicine)|residents]] and [[Fellowship (medicine)|fellows]] in the 2023–24 academic year, IUSM is the largest medical school in the United States.<ref name="FactSheet">{{Cite web|url=|title=Indiana University School of Medicine Fact Sheet}}</ref><ref name="AAMC">{{cite web |date=9 Nov 2022 |title=Table B-1.2: Total Enrollment by U.S. Medical School and Sex, 2018–2019 through 2022–2023 |url= |access-date=28 Apr 2023 |publisher=Association of American Medical Colleges}}</ref><ref name="FactSheet2">{{Cite web |title=IUSM 2023–2024 Fact Sheet |url= |access-date=8 March 2024}}</ref> The school offers many joint degree programs including an [[MD-PhD|MD/PhD]] [[Medical Scientist Training Program]]. It has partnerships with Purdue University's [[Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering]], other [[Indiana University|Indiana University system]] schools, and various in-state external institutions. It is the medical school with the largest number of graduates licensed in the United States per a 2018 [[Federation of State Medical Boards]] survey with 11,828 licensed physicians.<ref>{{cite web |url = |title = FSMB Census of Licensed Physicians in the United States, 2018| access-date = 27 April 2021 | publisher = [[FSMB]]}}</ref> The school has pioneered research in multiple specialties, including oncology, immunology, substance use, neuroscience, and endocrinology. Research discoveries include a curative therapy for testicular cancer, the development of echocardiography, the identification of several genes linked to [[Alzheimer's disease]], and the creation of inner ear sensory cells from pluripotent stem cells.<ref name="IUSMinfo4">{{cite web|url=|title=How Lance Armstrong Beat Cancer|access-date=2011-07-24|archive-url=|archive-date=2012-03-28|url-status=dead}}</ref><ref name="IUSMinfo5">{{cite web|url=|title=Study Finds Novel Gene Associated With Alzheimer's Disease Development|publisher=Alzheimer's News Today|date=14 October 2015|access-date=23 January 2018}}</ref><ref name="IUSMinfo6">{{cite journal|title=Generation of inner ear sensory epithelia from pluripotent stem cells in 3D culture | pmc=3739998 | pmid=23842490 | doi=10.1038/nature12298 | volume=500 | issue=7461 | year=2013 | journal=Nature | pages=217–21 | last1 = Koehler | first1 = K. R. | last2 = Mikosz | first2 = A. M. | last3 = Molosh | first3 = A. I. | last4 = Patel | first4 =D. | last5 = Hashino | first5 = E.| bibcode=2013Natur.500..217K }}</ref> In the 2023 ''[[U.S. News & World Report]]'' rankings of the best graduate schools for medicine, the school ranked 23rd in the nation for primary care and 41st for research out of 192 medical schools.<ref name="IUSMinfo8">{{cite web|url=|title=Best Medical Schools|publisher=U.S. News}}</ref> In the ''U.S. News & World Report'' rankings of the best hospitals, the [[Indiana University Health]] Medical Center had seventeen nationally ranked clinical programs. The [[Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health]] is nationally ranked in 9 of 10 designated specialties for children in the ''U.S. News & World Report.''<ref name="IUSMinfo9"> {{Bare URL inline|date=August 2022}}</ref> The IU School of Medicine is also home to the Melvin and Bren Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center, a National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center. In federal fiscal year 2023, IUSM ranked 29th for [[National Institutes of Health]] funding among all US medical schools (13th among all ''public'' US medical schools) with $243,608,100 of funding.<ref name="FactSheet2" /> It was the only medical school in the state from when the [[Valparaiso University]] School of Medicine closed in 1917 to when the [[Tom and Julie Wood College of Osteopathic Medicine]] at [[Marian University (Indiana)|Marian University]] opened in 2010. IUSM remains the state's only [[Allopathic medicine|allopathic]], MD degree-granting school. ==History== Indiana University (IU) established a department of medicine at [[Bloomington, Indiana|Bloomington]] in 1903, but the school in Indianapolis traces its founding to 1908, following the resolution of a rivalry with [[Purdue University]] over which institution had the legal authority to establish a medical school in [[Marion County, Indiana|Marion County]].<ref name=Myers63-64>Burton D. Myers, "A History of Medical Education in Indiana" in {{cite book | editor=Dorothy Ritter Russo | title =One Hundred Years of Indiana Medicine, 1849–1949 | publisher =Indiana Medical Association |chapter=VIII| year =1949 | location =Indianapolis | pages=63–64 | oclc=14676916}}</ref> A year after the IU- and Purdue-affiliated schools in Indianapolis were consolidated in 1908, the [[Indiana General Assembly]] authorized IU to operate a medical school in Marion County.<ref name="auto">Myers, pp. 79–80.</ref> ===Founding in Bloomington=== In March 1903, [[William Lowe Bryan]], the tenth president of IU, proposed the formation of a department of medicine at IU Bloomington to the university trustees. The new department was approved and established in May of the same year. The IU School of Medicine was admitted as a member of the [[Association of American Medical Colleges]] (AAMC) in 1904. [[File:W.L. Bryan 1898.jpg|left|thumb|William Lowe Bryan, c.1898]] In addition to IUSM in Bloomington, IU's leaders wanted to locate medical training facilities in Indianapolis. Their initial plan was to provide medical students with the first two years of coursework at Bloomington and the final two years at Indianapolis, where students would receive clinically based training as part of their studies.<ref name="Gray13">{{cite book|title=IUPUI–The Making of an Urban University|author=Ralph D. Gray|publisher=Indiana University Press|year=2003|isbn=9780253342423|location=Bloomington|page=13}}</ref> Prior to 1908, due primarily to the high cost of establishing its own medical facilities in Indianapolis, IU attempted to merge with existing medical schools, but the effort was unsuccessful.<ref>IU's relationship with Indiana Medical College, organized in Indianapolis in 1869, was dissolved in 1876; other early efforts to establish a training facility in Indianapolis also failed. A proposed merger with the Central College of Physicians and Surgeons, organized in Indianapolis in 1873, did not materialize in 1903, and no agreement was reached to merge with the Medical College of Indiana in 1904. See Myers, pp. 62, 71–73.</ref> === Earlier schools === The current school in Indianapolis is a chaotic mixture of several earlier medical colleges. The 19th and early 20th centuries saw many short-lived medical schools established in Indiana, mostly in Indianapolis, with the majority lasting less than a decade.<ref name=":6">{{Cite web |last=Pieczko |first=Brandon |title=LibGuides: History of Medicine: History of Medical Education |url= |access-date=2024-05-10 | |language=en}}</ref> This is mostly attributable to financial reasons and because most of medical education at this time was taught through an [[Apprenticeship|apprenticeship system]]. The first school was established in 1833 as the Christian College at [[New Albany, Indiana|New Albany]].<ref name=":6" /> It was largely regarded as a fraudulent [[diploma mill]], and offered courses, but not degrees, in medicine. It closed the same year. The first public medical school, [[Vincennes University]]'s department of medicine, was short lived as well, only lasting 1837–1838.<ref name=":6" /> Many other schools of varying quality and regard would open and close throughout the next 70 years. The first successful school was the private [[LaPorte County, Indiana|LaPorte]] University School of Medicine (LPSM) founded in 1841. The first [[Proprietary education|proprietary]] school was the Indiana Central Medical College (ICMC) founded in Indianapolis in 1849; it served as the medical department of Indiana Asbury University, today known as [[DePauw University]]. [[John Stough Bobbs]], a pioneer local physician, served as the ICMC's dean.<ref name=":7">{{Cite web |date=2021-03-09 |title=Medical Schools |url= |access-date=2024-05-10 | |language=en-US}}</ref> LPSM was renamed to the Indiana Medical College in 1846 and would ultimately merge into the ICMC in 1851; the ICMC would itself close in 1852. In 1869, another school, also named the Indiana Medical College (IMC), was launched by Bobbs and colleagues as an outgrowth of the Indianapolis Academy of Medicine.<ref name=":3">{{Cite web |last=Pieczko |first=Brandon |title=LibGuides: History of Medicine: History of Medical Education |url= |access-date=2023-05-13 | |language=en}}</ref><ref name=":7" /> Initial classes were held in the [[Indiana Statehouse#Second Statehouse (1835–1877)|Old Indiana Statehouse]]; as the building was actively falling apart around this time, classes were soon moved to a building at the northwest corner of Delaware and Court streets. The IMC would associate with IU in 1871; though the partnership ended in 1876 when IU failed to receive state funding for medical instruction.<ref name=":1">{{Cite web |date=2021-03-26 |title=IU School of Medicine-Bloomington boasts long history of medical training |url= |access-date=2023-02-07 |website=blogs |language=en}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |last=Schneider |first=William |date=2020-04-01 |title=Why is the IU School of Medicine Located in Indianapolis? : Pride of IU Stories: My IU: Indiana University |url= |access-date=2023-05-14 |website=Pride of IU Stories |language=en-US}}</ref> The MD program at the IMC was not particularly rigorous, and one could graduate after only five months of study.<ref>{{Cite web |last=Schneider |first=William |date=2020-04-01 |title=Why is the IU School of Medicine Located in Indianapolis? : Pride of IU Stories: My IU: Indiana University |url= |access-date=2023-10-29 |website=Pride of IU Stories |language=en-US}}</ref> In 1874, the College of Physicians and Surgeons opened in Indianapolis as a breakaway school from the Indiana Medical College following a dispute over admissions policies; the schools reunited as the Medical College of Indiana (MCI) and associated with [[Butler University]] in 1878.<ref name=":3" /><ref>{{Cite web |title=Medical College of Indiana |url= |access-date=2023-05-13 |website=lost-colleges |language=en}}</ref> The MCI's building was located at the northeast corner of South Pennsylvania and East Maryland streets; it was destroyed by a fire in 1894.<ref>{{Cite web |title=Medical College of Indiana |url= |access-date=2024-05-10 |website=lost-colleges |language=en}}</ref> Following a [[Bequest and devise|bequest]] by physician William Lomax (a graduate of LPSM), a new medical education building named in Lomax's honor was constructed in 1895.<ref name=":7" /> It was razed in 1960 for the construction of the [[Indiana Government Center North]]. Two more medical schools opened in 1879: the Indianapolis-based Central College of Physicians and Surgeons (CCPS) and the [[Fort Wayne, Indiana|Fort Wayne]] College of Medicine (FWCM). The CCPS was founded by dissidents from the MCI unhappy with the association with Butler.<ref name=":7" /> The FWCM briefly associated with [[Taylor University]] from 1890 to 1893.<ref>{{Cite web |title=(92)Fort Wayne Medical |url= |access-date=2024-05-10 |website=lost-colleges |language=en}}</ref> In 1896, the MCI, Butler, and the [[Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law|Indiana Law School]] formed a loose collection of colleges named the [[University of Indianapolis (1896)|University of Indianapolis]] (U of I),<ref name=":4">{{Cite web |title=University of Indianapolis |url= |access-date=2023-05-13 |website=lost-colleges |language=en}}</ref> not related to the [[University of Indianapolis|modern university of the same name]]. The [[Indiana University School of Dentistry|Indiana Dental College]] joined U of I in 1904. Plans existed to create a central campus and expand the number of component colleges but they never materialized, and thus U of I remained an amorphous entity. Its component colleges gradually joined with IU over time with the exception of Butler, which remains independent to this day.<ref name=":4" /> After IUSM was founded in 1903, formal negotiations opened between IU and the MCI for the MCI to leave U of I and join with IU; however, due to fundamental disagreements on where the resulting school of medicine would be located (the MCI wished it to remain in Indianapolis while IU wanted to move it to Bloomington), the proposal was not ratified, and by 1904 the matter was indefinitely abandoned.<ref name=":0" /> === Rivalry with Purdue University === While negotiations were ongoing between IU and the Medical College of Indiana, representatives from the Central College of Physicians and Surgeons approached Purdue University's medical department in [[West Lafayette, Indiana|West Lafayette]], which had been established sometime prior to 1895, to arrange a similar union.<ref name=":0">{{Cite web |title=Purdue University. School of Medicine |url= |access-date=6 Feb 2023 |website=Purdue University Archives and Special Collections}}</ref> The Purdue trustees declined the offer, not wanting to interfere with the concurrent negotiations between IU and the MCI.<ref name=":0" /> In May 1905, the MCI submitted the same proposal (" give its property and assets of an appraised value of $100,000 to the University, and to accompany the gift by its good will and the gratuitous services of its faculty; the motive being to permanently establish a medical college of high order in connection with an educational institution of good standing.") that had failed ratification with IU to Purdue's trustees.<ref name=":0" /> The trustees took the proposal into consideration, and were "convinced that the conditions were unusually favorable to the consummation of a union of interests where all previous efforts had failed, and to the inauguration of a progressive educational movement of great value to the State". By September the proposal was accepted subject to the approval of the state legislature, and the MCI became part of Purdue University with the full title of "the Indiana Medical College, the School of Medicine of Purdue University". [[File:Purdue med school.jpg|thumb|The Lomax Building, housing the Indiana Medical College, the School of Medicine of Purdue University, pictured 1906.]] On September 25, 1905, the trustees of the CCPS voted to suspend operations and to transfer the students, alumni, personal property, and funds of the college to the Purdue School of Medicine. Later on October 2, the Fort Wayne College of Medicine voted to likewise merge with the Purdue School of Medicine and transfer personnel and equipment to Indianapolis.<ref name=":0" /> The Purdue School of Medicine operated out of the former MCI's facilities (the Lomax Building) at 212 North Senate Avenue in Indianapolis (the northwest corner of Market Street), in the immediate vicinity of the [[Indiana Statehouse]]. The building that housed the CCPS was sold.<ref>Indiana Medical College offered training in the former Medical College of Indiana's facilities on Senate Avenue. The building that housed the Central College of Physicians and Surgeons was sold. See Myers, pp. 63–64; 74–75.</ref> In May 1906, 122 students received medical degrees from Purdue University and successfully passed the examination of the State Board of Medical Registration. In the spring of 1907, Purdue graduated 68 men and four women; in that class was Arett C. Arnett, a physician who helped establish a Lafayette clinic in 1922 later known as Arnett Clinic and today known as [[Indiana University Health Arnett Hospital]]. The founding of Purdue's medical school triggered a debate over which state university, IU or Purdue, had the legal authority to establish a state-supported, four-year medical school in Indianapolis. IU believed that under the legislative act that elevated Indiana College to a university on February 15, 1838, it had the sole authorization to provide state-supported instruction in medicine; but, the development of a medical school had been delayed due to a lack of sufficient funding.<ref>IU believed that under a legislative act approved on February 15, 1838, it had the authorization to provide instruction in medicine, as well as other professional fields, but the development of a four-year, state-supported medical school was delayed due to a lack of sufficient funding. See Gray, pp. 14–16, and Myers, pp. 63–64.</ref> A legal opinion published by a W. H. H. Miller on October 31, 1905, stated that the university did not have clear authority to conduct a medical program outside [[Monroe County, Indiana|Monroe County]], as that legislative act only mentioned medical education "on the grounds of the university".<ref name=":2">{{Cite journal |last=Daly |first=Walter J |date=Dec 2002 |title=The Origins of President Bryan's Medical School |url= |journal=Indiana Magazine of History |volume=98 |issue=4 |pages=265–284 |jstor=27792419 |via=JSTOR}}</ref> The rivalry was so intense that it is sometimes labeled as the instigating factor for the cancellation of athletic events between the universities from 1906 to 1908; however, newspapers from the time cite a fight that occurred at a baseball game in West Lafayette on May 31, 1906, as the cause.<ref>{{Cite web |last=Towne |first=Stephen E. |date=2020-06-15 |title=Myths of IU: Bad Feelings with Purdue : Pride of IU Stories: My IU: Indiana University |url= |access-date=2023-04-29 |website=Pride of IU Stories |language=en-US}}</ref> The building that was sold and had housed the former CCPS would eventually come under the ownership of IU supporters, who would establish a separate medical school, the State College of Physicians and Surgeons (SCPS), there in 1906. Clinical faculty were recruited from those unhappy with the arrangement with Purdue. This school offered clinical instructions to IU Bloomington's third- and fourth-year medical students. The SCPS enrolled 109 students in September 1906. In August 1907, the IU board of trustees agreed to a merger of the IU School of Medicine in Bloomington with the SCPS in Indianapolis but agreed to take financial responsibility only for the school's facilities in Monroe County. The first two years of training continued at Bloomington and the final two years of clinical training were held at the SCPS in Indianapolis, with a [[Doctor of Medicine]] degree conferred by Indiana University.<ref>Myers, pp. 75–76; Gray, pp. 13, 15–16.</ref> === Incorporation of Purdue's school and move to Indianapolis === [[File:... Debris (1902) (14804160913).jpg|thumb|Winthrop E. Stone, 1902]] To resolve their ongoing dispute, the leaders of IU and Purdue, along with each of their supporters, sought approval from the Indiana General Assembly to operate their own schools of medicine in Marion County, with the 1907 legislative session hearing proposals from both IU and Purdue to operate separate schools.<ref name=":2" /> Divided over competing loyalties to IU or Purdue (the state's largest public schools and [[Indiana–Purdue rivalry|historic rivals]]), legislators debated for months, with neither bill being passed. Eventually, Purdue's president, [[Winthrop E. Stone]], relented and was hailed as a peacemaker, stating that Purdue should leave medical education to IU since it was not central to Purdue's mission as an [[Land-grant university|agricultural and mechanical university]] and because the problem was so disruptive.<ref name=":2" /> In April 1908, IU and Purdue reached an agreement that incorporated the SCPS and the Purdue School of Medicine into the school of medicine in Bloomington and retained the name Indiana University School of Medicine.<ref>Gray, pp. 14–16; Myers, pp. 63–64, and 74.</ref> The agreement additionally stipulated that the school be governed by a board of directors consisting of representatives from IU, Purdue, and the Indiana State Medical Association.<ref name=":0" /> This shared governance came to an end on February 26, 1909, when the state legislature formally authorized IU to operate a medical school in Marion County and clearly mandated that IU assume total responsibility for the state's public medical school.<ref name=":0" /> The state legislature's authorization enabled IU's medical students to complete years two through four of their medical education in Indianapolis or remain in Bloomington for their first two years before transferring.<ref name="auto" /> Students still had to complete at least one year in Bloomington.<ref name=":5">{{Cite web |date=2021-05-28 |title=Origin Stories: 50 Years of Regional Campuses |url= |access-date=2023-09-03 |website=magazine |language=en}}</ref> Following Indiana University's near-total consolidation of medical education in the state, only two proprietary schools remained, both of which would close in the following years (the [[Eclectic medicine|Eclectic]] Medical College of Indiana, 1900–1908; and the Physiomedical College of Indiana, 1873–1909, which was held in high regard among contemporaries at the time). The final independent medical institution was the [[Valparaiso University]] School of Medicine (VUSM), founded in 1902 after VU's purchase of the Chicago-based American College of Medicine and Surgery, itself founded in 1901 as the Chicago Eclectic Medical College. Renamed as the Chicago College of Medicine & Surgery (CCM&S) in 1907, the CCM&S functioned as VUSM's physical facilities, clinical sites, and laboratories. In a similar arrangement to IUSM's Bloomington and Indianapolis campuses, VUSM allowed students to complete their preclinical studies in [[Valparaiso, Indiana|Valparaiso]] before transferring to the CCM&S in Chicago. After VU declared bankruptcy in 1917, the CCM&S was sold to [[Loyola University Chicago]] and would go on to become the [[Stritch School of Medicine]]. Thus, IUSM was left as the last school remaining after a tumultuous century of competition for medical education in Indiana. ===Early leadership and enrollment=== Dr. Allison Maxwell agreed to serve as the first dean of the four-year IU School of Medicine in Indianapolis in April 1908; he remained as its dean until 1911. Maxwell led the fledgling school through a difficult time when financial budgets were an issue and the consolidation of IU's and Purdue's medical school faculties in Indianapolis and Bloomington was completed. The combined faculty would support the four-year medical school at Indianapolis and maintain the two-year, pre-clinical coursework at Bloomington. In addition to Maxwell, other leaders in IUSM's early history were drawn from [[Johns Hopkins University]], including Charles P. Emerson, who was appointed as the second dean of IUSM in 1911 and served in that role until 1931.<ref>Gray, p. 17; Myers, pp. 79–81, 87.</ref> Willis Dew Gatch became the third dean of the medical school in 1932. In 1909, Gatch invented the [[Gatch bed|Gatch adjustable hospital bed]], which used a crank to raise and lower the patient's head and feet.<ref>Myers, p. 81. See also: {{cite web| title =Founders and Early History | publisher =Indiana University School of Medicine | url = | access-date =7 December 2017}}</ref> John D. VanNuys, a 1936 graduate of IUSM, became its fourth dean in 1947.<ref name=Myers88>Myers, p. 88.</ref> [[Amelia R. Keller]], department of pediatrics, was the sole woman on the clinical faculty of the IU Medical School in Indianapolis after the school's consolidation with the Purdue School of Medicine in 1908.<ref name="Myers88" /> IUSM graduated its first class of twenty-seven students and conferred its first Doctor of Medicine degree in May 1907. The first graduation of the consolidated IU and Purdue schools of medicine took place the following year. IUSM's first black student, Clarence Lucas, graduated in 1908; the first woman graduate of the newly consolidated school, Lillian Mueller, did so in 1909.<ref>Myers, pp. 75–76; Gray, p. 16.</ref> ===The Flexner Report=== [[Abraham Flexner]], a renowned American educator whose work helped reform many medical schools, visited IUSM in November 1909. He noted in his later [[Flexner Report]] (1910): "The situation in the state [was], thanks to the intelligent attitude of the university, distinctly hopeful, though it will take time to work it fully."<ref>{{Citation | author=Abraham Flexner | year=1910 | title=Medical Education in the United States and Canada: A Report to the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching | series=Bulletin No. 4. | publisher=The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching | location=New York City | page=221 | oclc=9795002 | url= | access-date=23 January 2018 | archive-date=16 February 2015 | archive-url= | url-status=dead }}</ref> Flexner also made a recommendation for the progress of the school: "In order to make the school attractive to highly qualified students, it will be necessary (1) to employ full-time men in the work of the first two years, (2) to strengthen the laboratory equipment, (3) greatly improve the organization and conduct of the clinical courses."<ref>Flexner, "Medical Education in the United States and Canada," pp. 221–22.</ref> The IU School of Medicine was one of few medical schools in the nation at the time to receive a positive evaluation from Flexner, primarily because of its strong emphasis on college preparatory coursework in the sciences prior to enrolling in medical school and its additional training in the basic sciences as part of its medical school curriculum.<ref>Gray, p. 16. See also: Flexner, "Medical Education in the United States and Canada," pp. 28, 72, and 75.</ref><ref name="IUSMinfo10">{{cite web|author=Andrew H. Beck|publisher=Journal of the American Medical Association|date=4 May 2004|url= |title=Flexner Report on Medical Schools |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=1 March 2011 |access-date=6 December 2017}}</ref> ===Early and current facilities=== In its early years in Indianapolis, IUSM used the former SCPS facilities (themselves the former CCPS facilities), erected in 1902 and located at the corner of Market Street and Senate Avenue. After the consolidation of IUSM with the SCPS and the Purdue School of Medicine in 1908, the medical school used the former Purdue School of Medicine facilities (which were the former MCI's facilities) for about ten years while it secured financing to construct new medical school buildings. Several of the medical school's early buildings in Indianapolis were erected in the 1910s and 1920s on property that would eventually become the site of the IU Medical Center on the present-day IU Indianapolis campus.<ref>Gray, p. 18; Myers, pp. 81–83.</ref> In February 1912, IU acquired property on West Michigan Street, near the Indianapolis City Hospital (the modern-day [[Sidney & Lois Eskenazi Hospital]]), to erect the [[Robert W. Long Hall|Robert W. Long Hospital]]. Construction on the new teaching hospital began in 1912. Although its cornerstone was laid on November 1, 1912, the [[Great Flood of 1913]] delayed the building's opening until 1914. Long Hospital was dedicated on June 15, 1914, and admitted its first patients the following day. Also planned with the opening of Long Hospital was the creation of the IU Training School for Nurses. Originally a part of IUSM, it became its own school (the [[Indiana University School of Nursing|IU School of Nursing]]) in 1956. [[Emerson Hall (Indiana University)|Emerson Hall]], another early medical school building, was constructed about {{convert|200|ft|m}} northeast of Long Hospital and completed in the fall of 1919 at a cost of $257,699.<ref>Gray, pp. 17–18; Myers, pp. 83–84.</ref> Long Hospital was considered for demolition in the 1950s and was ultimately replaced by [[Indiana University Health University Hospital|University Hospital]] in 1970; the building remains in service to [[IU Health]] and IUSM as Long Hall. [[File:Sidney & Lois Eskenazi Hospital Indianapolis July 2022.jpg|thumb|Eskenazi Hospital, July 2022]] The cornerstone of the Riley Hospital for Children was laid on October 7, 1923, and dedicated on October 7, 1924. The hospital, named in honor of [[Hoosier]] poet [[James Whitcomb Riley]], was erected north of Long Hospital. The James Whitcomb Riley Association (now known as the [[Riley Children's Foundation]]) hoped to raise an initial $250,000 in funding to add to the state's appropriation. By 1923 it had received $911,518 in pledges from more than 30,000 citizens,<ref>Gray, p. 19; Myers, pp. 84–85.</ref> including $45,000 in donations from a mass fundraising event.{{citation needed|date=January 2018}} Significant additions to the hospital were built over the years, including three in the 1930s: a Kiwanis Unit, dedicated in 1930; a Rotary Unit, dedicated in 1931; and a hydrotherapy pool in 1935.<ref name="Myers85-86">Myers, pp. 85–86.</ref> Another of the medical school's early teaching hospitals was the [[William H. Coleman Hall|William H. Coleman Hospital for Women]]. Erected west of Long Hospital and dedicated on October 20, 1927, Coleman Hospital's total cost was about $300,000. Other early buildings erected on the medical school campus in Indianapolis included the [[Ball Residence Hall|Ball Residence for Nurses]], dedicated on October 7, 1928;<ref name=Myers85-86/> and [[Fesler Hall]], built in 1939. Long Hospital received the addition of [[Willis D. Gatch Hall]] in 1938. Myers Hall was built in Bloomington in 1937 for the medical students there. The school's medical research building was expanded in 1947 with a five-year grant from the Riley Children's Foundation.{{citation needed|date=January 2018}} The [[Van Nuys Medical Science Building]] opened in Indianapolis in 1958.<ref name="IUSMinfo11">{{cite web|url=|title=Founding and Early History |publisher=Indiana University School of Medicine|access-date=7 December 2017}}</ref> The nearby [[Ruth Lilly]] Medical Library building opened in 1989. === Expansion === {{One source|date=February 2023|section}} Following the opening of Van Nuys, all medical instruction was moved to Indianapolis.<ref name=":1" /> Due to a projected shortage of American physicians in the early 1960s, some state politicians called for a second medical school.<ref name=":1" /> Rather than face competition, IU proposed the creation of a statewide medical school system under its control. IUSM ceased its consolidatory efforts in Indianapolis and instead looked for partners throughout the state to expand medical education; the first two years of medical education resumed at Bloomington as well.<ref name=":1" /> In 1968, IUSM found its first partners: the [[University of Notre Dame]] in [[South Bend, Indiana|South Bend]] and its old rival, Purdue in West Lafayette. Pilot programs were established at each campus, and about a dozen students at both Notre Dame and Purdue were allowed to complete the first two years at their regional campuses before transferring to Indianapolis.<ref name=":1" /> In 1971, the state legislature accepted IU's proposal and established a statewide system for medical education, and five other first-year training sites were added throughout the state by 1981 at [[IU Northwest]] in [[Gary, Indiana|Gary]], [[Indiana University–Purdue University Fort Wayne]],{{efn|group=list|IPFW split into two separate institutions on July 1, 2018. The school's academic programs in health sciences were taken over by Indiana University under the identity of Indiana University Fort Wayne. The athletic program and all other academic programs were assumed by the Purdue University system as Purdue University Fort Wayne.}} [[Ball State University]] in [[Muncie, Indiana|Muncie]], [[Indiana State University]] in [[Terre Haute, Indiana|Terre Haute]], and at a joint venture of the [[University of Evansville]] and the [[Evansville, Indiana|Evansville]] campus of Indiana State.{{Efn|ISU-E became the [[University of Southern Indiana]] on April 16, 1985, when it was granted autonomy by the state legislature. |group=list}} By 1990 all regional campuses were able to provide the first two years of education before transfer to Indianapolis (prior to this only Bloomington, South Bend, and West Lafayette provided the first two years).<ref name=":1" /> Faced with another call for more physicians in the early 2000s, all campuses offered full four-year programs by 2014, allowing students to complete their degrees at a regional campus without transfer to Indianapolis.<ref name=":1" /> In 2009, IUSM and IU Health opened Fairbanks Hall along the [[Indiana Central Canal]], a six-story office and clinical studies building. Nearby is IU Health's Goodman Hall neuroscience center, which opened in 2012, that houses IUSM's Stark Neurosciences Research Institute. On October 19, 2022, IUSM broke ground to create a new, $230&nbsp;million medical education and research building in Indianapolis expected to open November 2024.<ref>{{Cite web |title=School of Medicine to build new medical education and research building in Indianapolis |url= |access-date=2023-02-09 |website=Indiana Daily Student}}</ref> It will be connected via a [[Skyway|skybridge]] to IU Health's new $4.3&nbsp;billion flagship facility, a consolidation of University and Methodist hospitals, that itself is planned to open in 2027. ==Curriculum== In 2003, it was one of ten medical schools nationwide chosen by the [[American Medical Association]] to develop new methods of teaching professionalism to doctors.<ref name="IUSMinfo12">{{cite book |title= Professionalism in Medicine: Critical Perspectives |author1=Wear, Delese |author2=Aultman, Julie |year=2006 |publisher=Springer |isbn=0-387-32726-6 |pages=275 |url=|access-date=22 July 2011}}</ref> To ensure that its educational process more accurately reflected its commitment to graduating caring and competent physicians, the Indiana University School of Medicine initiated a competency curriculum in 1999. To support the values expressed in the competency-based curriculum, the IU School of Medicine simultaneously implemented a school-wide "relationship-centered care initiative" to address its informal curriculum.<ref name="IUSMinfo14">{{cite web |url= |title=The Relationship-Centered Care Initiative |access-date=16 September 2013 }}{{Dead link|date=September 2024 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref> In 2016, IUSM implemented a new curriculum to prepare students to meet the challenges of a complex, ever-evolving healthcare environment. The new curriculum prepares students to practice medicine in a team-based interdisciplinary setting.<ref>{{cite web | title =Curriculum FAQ | publisher =Indiana University School of Medicine | url = | access-date =6 December 2017 | archive-date =31 January 2018 | archive-url = | url-status =dead }}</ref> It also allows students who decide to permanently leave the MD program to apply for the Master of Science in Medical Science degree, provided they have completed all requirements of Phase 1 (years 1 and 2) of their medical education.<ref>{{Cite web |title=Master of Science in Medical Science – Foundational Sciences Track {{!}} IU School of Medicine: Medical Student Education |url= |access-date=2023-08-28 |language=en-US}}</ref> === Combined degree programs === IUSM offers many combined degree programs: an MD/PhD, an MD/[[MBA]] in a partnership with the [[Kelley School of Business|IU Kelley School of Business]], an MD/[[Master of Public Health|MPH]] in a partnership with the IU Fairbanks School of Public Health, an MD/[[Master of Science|MS]] or MD/[[Master of Arts|MA]] through various IU schools, an MD/[[Biomedical engineering|MS BME]] in a partnership with Purdue University's [[Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering]], and an MD/[[Juris Doctor|JD]] in a partnership with the [[Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law|IU McKinney School of Law]]. The MD/PhD program, which offers full tuition and a stipend to students, is one of many programs to be designated a [[Medical Scientist Training Program]] by the [[National Institutes of Health]]. IUSM also offers certificates in various fields.<ref>{{Cite web |title=Dual Degrees {{!}} MD Program {{!}} IU School of Medicine |url= |access-date=2023-06-22 |}}</ref> IUSM also offers baccalaureate to MD (B/MD) programs at the Muncie, Terre Haute, and Evansville campuses; the programs are only available to [[Hoosier]]s. Upon successful completion of an undergraduate degree and meeting other academic and testing requirements, students of a B/MD program at Ball State University (Muncie), Indiana State University (Terre Haute), or the University of Evansville, the University of Southern Indiana, or [[Indiana University Southeast]] (all for Evansville) will matriculate directly into IUSM at their home campus.<ref>{{Cite web |title=Program Description – Baccalaureate to Doctor of Medicine – University of Evansville |url= |access-date=2023-06-22 |}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |title=MD Program {{!}} Evansville {{!}} IU School of Medicine |url= |access-date=2023-06-22 |}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |title=B/MD Rural Health Program {{!}} College of Arts and Sciences |url= |access-date=2023-06-22 |}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |title=B/MD Program – University of Southern Indiana |url= |access-date=2023-06-22 |}}</ref> Beginning in the fall of 2024, IUSM will offer a "pathway to medicine" program at the new IU Indianapolis campus. The program is partly the result of IU's takeover of the Purdue University School of Science at IUPUI, which allowed for more administrative integration of the school than was previously possible. Seven- and eight-year programs will exist; eligible freshmen admitted into the school of science at the new IU Indianapolis will have direct acceptance into IUSM provided they meet and continue to meet the rigorous program requirements.<ref>{{Cite web |title='Pathway to Medicine' will create direct track to medical school for IU Indianapolis undergrads |url= |access-date=2023-06-23 | |language=en}}</ref> === Scholarly Concentration Program === The Scholarly Concentration Program is an optional experience that complements a student's core medical curriculum. Students may research topics of personal interest, complete a scholarly project, and submit a manuscript for publication along with a poster presentation of their project. Projects are traditionally begun in the first year, with presentation and publication by the end of year four.<ref>{{Cite web |title=Scholarly Concentrations {{!}} MD Program {{!}} IU School of Medicine |url= |access-date=2023-02-09 |}}</ref> Each campus hosts one to four topics that leverage the expertise of that particular campus. The following are the concentration topics available at each campus: {| class="wikitable" |+ !Campus !Topic(s) |- |Statewide | * Business of Medicine * Public Health * Religion and Spirituality in Medicine |- |Bloomington | * Human Sexuality and Health * Medical Education |- |Evansville | * Quality and Innovation in Health Care |- |Fort Wayne | * Health Integration and Healthy Aging |- |Indianapolis | * Biomedical Research * Genetics in Medicine * Health Information Technology * Medical Humanities |- |Muncie | * Health Promotion and Disease Prevention |- |Northwest–Gary | * Urban Medicine and Healthcare Disparities |- |South Bend | * Ethics, Equity, and Justice |- |Terre Haute | * Rural Health |- |West Lafayette | * Biomedical Engineering and Applied Medical Technology * Care of Hispanic/Latino Patients |} == Campuses == {{Location map+|Indiana|places={{Location map~ | Indiana | marksize = 8 | label_size = 80 | label = [[Indiana University Bloomington|Bloomington]] | position = right | lat_deg = 39.167222 | lon_deg = -86.521389 }} {{Location map~ | Indiana | marksize = 8 | label_size = 80 | label = [[Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis|Indianapolis (Main)]] | position = right | lat_deg = 39.773996 | lon_deg = -86.176361 }} {{Location map~ | Indiana | marksize = 8 | label_size = 80 | label = [[Evansville]] | position = top | lat_deg = 37.970724 | lon_deg = -87.567768 }} {{Location map~ | Indiana | marksize = 8 | label_size = 80 | label = [[Indiana University Fort Wayne|Fort Wayne]] | position = left | lat_deg = 41.118822 | lon_deg = -85.109024 }} {{Location map~ | Indiana | marksize = 8 | label_size = 80 | label = [[Indiana State University|Terre Haute]] | position = right | lat_deg = 39.471662 | lon_deg = -87.409047 }} {{Location map~ | Indiana | marksize = 8 | label_size = 80 | label = [[Indiana University Northwest|Northwest–Gary]] | position = bottom | lat_deg = 41.556629 | lon_deg = -87.337875 }} {{Location map~ | Indiana | marksize = 8 | label_size = 80 | label = [[University of Notre Dame|South Bend]] | position = right | lat_deg = 41.664128 | lon_deg = -86.220833 }} {{Location map~ | Indiana | marksize = 8 | label_size = 80 | label = [[Purdue University|West Lafayette]] | position = right | lat_deg = 40.420747 | lon_deg = -86.916064 }} {{Location map~ | Indiana | marksize = 8 | label_size = 80 | label = [[Ball State University|Muncie]] | position = right | lat_deg = 40.195422 | lon_deg = -85.415788 }}|caption=IUSM locations|float=right }} The school's main facilities are located on IU Indy's campus in Indianapolis. In addition, the school maintains eight regional centers on college campuses throughout the state at Bloomington (IU Bloomington), Muncie (Ball State University), [[Indiana University Fort Wayne|Fort Wayne (IU Fort Wayne)]], South Bend (University of Notre Dame), Terre Haute (Indiana State University), Evansville, West Lafayette (Purdue University), and Northwest–Gary (IU Northwest).<ref>{{cite web| title =Statewide Campus System | publisher =Indiana University School of Medicine | url =| access-date =6 December 2017}}</ref> First- and second-year medical students attend classes at either the main campus at IU Indianapolis Indianapolis or at one of the eight regional centers. Students may elect to complete all coursework and clerkships at a regional center, or transfer to the Indianapolis campus for third- and fourth-year clerkships.<ref name="">{{cite web |url= |title=Archived copy |access-date=2014-01-14 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=2013-12-04 }} See also: {{cite web| title =MD Education | publisher =Indiana University School of Medicine | url = | access-date =6 December 2017}}</ref> Regional center students part of the Early Decision Program (a program where Indiana residents apply to only IUSM and are notified of a decision by October 1 of that application cycle) are required to complete the majority of their third- and fourth-year clinical clerkships at their regional center.<ref>{{Cite web |title=Early Decision {{!}} MD Program {{!}} IU School of Medicine |url= |access-date=2022-08-21 |}}</ref> Due to the [[Liaison Committee on Medical Education|Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME)]] accreditation requirement stating that students must have some interaction with a [[resident physician]], campuses that do not have a nearby residency program must allow students to attend at least one third-year rotation at a campus that does.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Functions and Structure of a Medical School |date=March 2020 |publisher=[[Liaison Committee on Medical Education]]}}</ref> === Bloomington === IUSM traces its roots to Bloomington, being founded there in 1903 by president William Lowe Bryan. The Bloomington medical school building was constructed in 1937 using funds from the [[Works Progress Administration]].<ref>{{Cite web|last=Crum |first=Kate |title=The Many Faces of Myers Hall |url= |language=en}}</ref> Following the opening of VanNuys in 1958 and subsequent movement of all medical education to Indianapolis, the Bloomington medical science building was renamed as Myers Hall in honor of medical school dean Burton D. Myers.<ref name=":02">{{Cite web |title=Myers Hall to be rededicated Friday: IU News Room: Indiana University |url= |access-date=2023-06-25 |}}</ref> Not wanting Myers Hall to go unused, IU president [[Herman B Wells|Herman B. Wells]] secured funding for an advanced degree program that combined the first two years of basic science training of the MD program with a master's degree or PhD.<ref name=":1" /> A similar program was available at [[Stanford University]] at the time. About half of the Bloomington medical school faculty moved, with the remaining half forming the Department of Anatomy and Physiology at IU Bloomington.<ref name=":12">{{Cite web |date=2021-03-26 |title=IU School of Medicine-Bloomington boasts long history of medical training |url= |access-date=2023-06-25 |website=blogs |language=en}}</ref> Medical education resumed at Bloomington in the early 1960s. In 2002, IUSM–Bloomington traded spaces with the Indiana Molecular Biology Institute in response to both institutions' growing needs, with the school relocating to a modified space in the basement of Jordan Hall, now known simply as the Biology Building.<ref name=":02" /><ref>{{Cite web |title=Jordan Hall renamed Biology Building |url= |access-date=2023-06-25 |website=Department of Biology |language=en}}</ref> In August 2021, IUSM–Bloomington, the Bloomington campuses of the School of Nursing and the School of Social Work, and the IU Bloomington Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences moved into the newly constructed Health Sciences Building, a part of the Regional Academic Health Center (the RAHC).<ref name=":12" /> The RAHC also houses IU Health Bloomington Hospital and is located northeast of IU Bloomington's campus at the corner of East Discovery Parkway and [[Indiana State Road 45|State Road 45]]. Prior to the 2023 academic year, third-year clerkships at the Bloomington campus were longitudinal, as opposed to the standard block schedule found at other IUSM campuses.<ref>{{Cite web |title=Clerkships {{!}} MD Program {{!}} Bloomington {{!}} IU School of Medicine&nbsp; |url= |access-date=2023-08-12 |}}</ref> Founded in 2012, the Bloomington Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship (BLIC) program was a unique aspect of the Bloomington campus and was a motivating factor for students to stay on a regional campus for their clinical education.<ref>{{Cite journal |last=Allen, Harrington, Schwarz, Ko, and Wallach |date=2020 |title=Indiana University School of Medicine |journal=Academic Medicine |volume=95 |issue=9S A Snapshot of Medical Student Education in the United States and Canada: Reports From 145 Schools |url= |access-date=12 Aug 2023 |pages=S175–S179|doi=10.1097/ACM.0000000000003335 |pmid=33626675 |s2cid=232050083 }}</ref> For example, instead of doing a 4-week rotation in neurology, an 8-week rotation in pediatrics, and then an 8-week rotation in surgery, students would be in a neurology clinic on Monday, a pedatrics clinic on Tuesday, and an operating room on Wednesday, and so on for select rotations for most of third year. Due to the nature of this schedule, clerkship [[National Board of Medical Examiners]] shelf exams, which are normally taken at the end of a rotation, were all taken at similar times at the conclusion of the program. Because of the intense, multi-subject studying required throughout the program, BLIC students consistently scored higher on shelf exams and on [[USMLE Step 2 Clinical Knowledge|Step 2 CK]]. Another benefit of BLIC was the development of long-term, meaningful relationships with faculty and patients. The end of BLIC and IUSM–Bloomington's transition to a block schedule was announced in early 2022, in part because the program was very challenging to coordinate and due to higher-level school administrative pressure for each IUSM campus to be more uniform and less autonomous. ===Evansville=== The Evansville campus was founded in 1972 as part of IUSM's regional campus system founded in 1971 which would allow medical students to complete their first and second years away from Indianapolis. The first class of five students split their time between Indiana State University–Evansville (which would become the [[University of Southern Indiana]] [USI] in 1985) and the University of Evansville (UE).<ref name="originstories">{{cite web|url=|title=Origin Stores – A Half Century of Regional Campuses|date=28 May 2021 |access-date=29 Nov 2021}}</ref> Students attended gross anatomy lab in the back of UE's student union until better arrangements were established. In 1994, all courses moved to USI's Health Professions Center and in 2014, students were able to complete all four years at the regional campus. In 2018, courses moved to the new {{Convert|145000|sqft|adj=on}} Stone Family Center for Health Sciences in downtown Evansville.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Indiana University School of Medicine-Evansville|access-date=29 Nov 2021}}</ref><ref name=originstories/> The Evansville campus includes expanded graduate medical education residencies through a consortium model with the [[Deaconess Health System]], [[St. Vincent Evansville]], Memorial Hospital and Health Care, and [[Owensboro Health]]. In 2013, Indiana University, the University of Evansville, the University of Southern Indiana, and [[Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana|Ivy Tech Community College]] jointly signed letters of intent to co-locate a new interdisciplinary academic health science education in research campus in the Evansville region. The new campus was expected to open fall 2018.<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Ground broken for 'transformative' Downtown IU med school|access-date=2016-06-23}}</ref> The interdisciplinary campus plan included a {{Convert|40000|sqft|adj=on}} simulation center with an advanced collaborative space. The facility was planned to be a combination of immersive training space, research, and potential product development. Following a $15&nbsp;million donation from philanthropists and Evansville natives Bill and Mary Stone, the new building was named the Stone Family Center for Health Sciences.<ref>{{Cite web |title=Stone Family Center for Health Sciences opens to students, community |url= |access-date=2023-08-12 | |language=en-us}}</ref> In addition to the Evansville campus of IUSM, the Stone Center also houses healthcare and related programs from USI, UE, and Ivy Tech. === Fort Wayne === IUSM–Fort Wayne is IUSM's newest campus, being founded in 1981 when it moved into the third floor of a classroom and laboratory building at IPFW. In 2009, it moved to a new 43,000-square-foot medical education building. IUSM–Fort Wayne is located on the campus of IU Fort Wayne, which shares a 688-acre campus with Purdue Fort Wayne.<ref name=":5" /> === Indianapolis === IUSM–Indianapolis is IUSM's flagship campus, but not its oldest. It traces its founding to 1908 following the resolution of a rivalry with Purdue. === Muncie === The Muncie campus was founded in 1971 as one of the first campuses of the new regional campus system. Its first class of four students was met by an illustrious welcoming committee consisting of Ball State University's president, vice president, and the dean of the graduate school. Originally, students undergoing rotations at Ball Memorial Hospital had a "buddy system" where they were assigned a family practice resident and rounded with them; they also had to observe an [[autopsy]] prior to class registration.<ref name=":5" /> These are no longer requirements for Muncie students, though a [[cadaver]] dissection is still a part of the statewide human anatomy course taught at the beginning of first year. === Northwest–Gary === IUSM's Gary campus was created from scratch, unlike other the other regional campuses that occupied spaces at existing four-year institutions. Its original class of four students and five faculty set up shop at a building in [[East Chicago, Indiana|East Chicago]] in 1972. It moved into trailers located on IU Northwest's campus in 1975 as it awaited the construction of new buildings, which were completed soon after. It moved into the Dunes Medical Professional Building in 2005, where it remains today.<ref name=":5" /> === South Bend === The South Bend campus was one of the first regional campuses, being founded at Notre Dame in 1968 as part of the regional campus pilot project along with the West Lafayette campus at Purdue. Its first class of two students took part in "clinical correlation" courses by visiting family clinics on weekends, a practice that is now included statewide. IUSM–South Bend students are additionally dual-enrolled as graduate students at Notre Dame, allowing them access to Notre Dame's facilities and the benefits of being a student there, such as reduced football ticket prices.<ref name=":5" /> === Terre Haute === The Terre Haute campus was founded in 1971 and immediately faced a good problem—an inverted teacher-to-student ratio. This was due in part to many willing faculty at Indiana State to teach medical students. IUSM–Terre Haute is also home to IUSM's Rural Medicine Education Program, which integrates the curriculum of medical school with delivering care in a rural setting. Students at the Terre Haute campus may precept with rural physicians weekly during their first two years of medical school.<ref name=":5"/> === West Lafayette === While IUSM–West Lafayette traces its founding class of three medical students to 1968 as one of the first regional campuses, medical education in the Lafayette area has a history of more than 125 years.<ref name=":5" /> Purdue University's own department of medicine was founded there in the late 19th century, and it would exist as the School of Medicine of Purdue University from 1905 to 1908; thus, the Purdue School of Medicine was one of the component parts that contributed to the creation of the modern IUSM. Purdue's [[Purdue University College of Pharmacy|College of Pharmacy]] was established in 1884, and its School of Nursing was founded in 1963. Medical students at the West Lafayette campus routinely interact with pharmacy, nursing, [[allied health professions]], and other healthcare-related students throughout their education. For 40 years, IUSM–West Lafayette occupied a space in the basement of Lynn Hall, the home of Purdue's College of [[Veterinary medicine]] and animal hospital; it moved to the second floor of the nearby 60,000-square-foot Lyles–Porter Hall in 2014, a space it shares with other programs of Purdue's College of Health and Human Sciences.<ref name=":5" /> Clinical rotations are completed in area clinics, at IU Health Arnett Hospital, and at [[Franciscan Health]] Lafayette East Hospital. Medical students at the West Lafayette campus can access a wide range of support services through both IUSM and Purdue University, as they are additionally dual-enrolled as graduate students in the [[Purdue University system]] and receive a Purdue University ID. This provides them access to a wide range of opportunities, such as the ability to check out materials from Purdue's libraries, access to recreational gyms and pools, and free rides on the [[Greater Lafayette Public Transportation Corporation|Greater Lafayette CityBus]]. Students may also enjoy a [[Big Ten Conference|Big Ten]] campus atmosphere that includes seminars, [[Purdue Boilermakers|sports]], arts, music festivals and performances, and many other cultural events. In addition, students may pursue dual degrees through Purdue University, such as an MD/PhD, MD/MPH through Purdue's Department of Public Health, MD/MS through Purdue's College of Science, MD/MBA through the [[Daniels School of Business]], and an MD/MS BME though the Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering. ==Clinical training facilities== [[File:IU Health Methodist Hospital Senate Blvd. entrance.jpg|thumb|Methodist Hospital, 2022]] IUSM helps train interns and residents in 92 medical and surgical specialties and subspecialties. In Indianapolis, students train under the supervision of faculty and staff at [[Indiana University Health Methodist Hospital|IU Health Methodist Hospital]], IU Health University Hospital, Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health, the [[Richard L. Roudebush]] [[United States Department of Veterans Affairs|VA]] Medical Center, and Sidney and Lois Eskenazi Hospital. Most of the Indianapolis teaching hospitals are within walking distance or adjacent to IU Indy. Methodist Hospital is located a few miles from the main campus. IUSM has a partnership program with the [[Moi University]] School of Medicine in [[Eldoret]], [[Kenya]] through [[AMPATH]] where students may complete a double rotation in their fourth year.<ref>{{cite web |title=Indiana University School of Medicine |url= |access-date=2 September 2013 |work=Our Partners |publisher=[[AMPATH]]}}</ref> Selection is based on an application and lottery system, as the program is very popular.{{Citation needed|date=February 2023}} Regional campus students may complete rotations at other various physician offices and hospitals throughout the state of Indiana, such as [[Ball Memorial Hospital]] in Muncie,<ref>{{cite web |title=About Us |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=25 August 2013 |access-date=2 September 2013 |publisher=Ball Memorial Hospital}}</ref> hospitals and clinics affiliated with the Deaconess Health System of the [[Illinois–Indiana–Kentucky tri-state area]], Indiana University Health-affiliated hospitals and clinics, and many others. == Discoveries at IUSM == The school was the first to develop the use of [[echocardiography]], a heart imaging technique using [[Medical ultrasound|ultrasound]]. In the 1960s, Mori Aprison discovered the inhibitory neurotransmitter [[glycine]]. Dr. Paul Stark, another neuroscientist and faculty member at IUSM, led the clinical team at [[Eli Lilly and Company]] in the development of [[Prozac|fluoxetine (Prozac)]], a widely prescribed antidepressant. In 1984, IUSM established the first DNA "bank" in the world; blood samples from clients were used to extract DNA which could indicate the genetic risk for certain illnesses and conditions. The school researchers also discovered the use of cord blood as an alternative source of hematopoietic stem cells and pioneered their use in the clinic. In the early 1990s, the school was one of the first institutions to study the use of computer systems in reducing the costs of healthcare management.<ref name="IUSMinfo19">{{cite journal|author=Time Hilchey|url=|title=Study of Computerized Care Finds Big Patient and Hospital Savings | journal=The New York Times | date=20 January 1993}}</ref> IUSM is the home of a National Cancer Institute-designated Clinical Cancer Center, and the only National Institute of Health-funded viral vector production facility for clinical grade therapeutics.<ref name="IUSMinfo18">{{cite web|url=|title=IUSM Research Centers Overview|archive-url=|archive-date=28 March 2012|url-status=dead|access-date=16 September 2013}}</ref> The school is known for establishing a curative therapy for testicular cancer. The school has been a pioneer in establishing a cure for [[Fanconi anemia]] (a precancerous condition in children), specific radiation therapy techniques, techniques in a type of nerve-sparing surgery for urological cancers, the development of drugs to stimulate blood cell production, and novel drug therapies for breast cancer. Researchers at the medical school also discovered the cancer-fighting agent in [[tamoxifen]].<ref name="IUSMinfo20">{{cite web |url= |title=IUSM Cancer Research Milestones |access-date=16 September 2013 |archive-url= |archive-date=18 September 2013 |url-status=dead |df=dmy-all }}</ref><ref name="IUSMinfo21">{{cite journal|author=Andrew Pollack |url= |title=Genetic Tests Offer Promise of Personalized Medicine |journal=The New York Times |date=30 December 2008 |access-date=16 September 2013}}</ref> In 2011, the school announced plans for an institute specializing in personalized medicine, which would pursue an individualized and genomics-based approach to treating cancer, pediatrics, and obstetrics.<ref name="IUSMinfo22">{{cite web|author=Walter Jessen |url= |title=IU Announces Plans for a Personalized Medicine Institute|date=22 February 2011|access-date=16 September 2013}}</ref> In 2012, federal officials designated IUSM and the Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana as a Traumatic Brain Injury Model System site. As one of sixteen sites in the United States, the federally-funded center received a five-year, $2&nbsp;million grant to research and treat traumatic brain injury and its impact on the lives of patients and their families.<ref>{{cite web| title =The Traumatic Brain Injury Model System Centers Program | publisher =National Data and Statistical Center | url = | access-date =26 January 2018}}</ref> IUSM is also a member of the [[National Collegiate Athletic Association|NCAA]] and the [[United States Department of Defense|U.S. Department of Defense's]] CARE Consortium, a $30&nbsp;million initiative to study concussions among student-athletes and use that knowledge to improve safety and health of athletes, military service members, and the general public. CARE Consortium research includes the exploration of post-concussive symptoms; the performance and psychological health of student-athletes; and the analysis of data related to biomechanical, clinical, neuroimaging, neurobiological, and genetic markers of injury. ===Research centers, institutes and groups=== * Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Center * Bowen Research Center * Center of Excellence in Women's Health * Diabetes Translational Research Center * Hartford Center of Excellence in Geriatric Medicine * Herman B Wells Center for Pediatric Research * Indiana Alcohol Research Center * Indiana Alzheimer Disease Center * Indiana Center for Musculoskeletal Health * Indiana University Center for Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases<ref>{{cite web | title =Center for Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases | publisher =Indiana University School of Medicine | url = | access-date =6 December 2017 | archive-date =4 January 2018 | archive-url = | url-status =dead }}</ref> * Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute * Indiana Spinal Cord and Head Injury Research Center * Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center * Indiana University Center for Aging Research * Institute of Psychiatric Research * Krannert Institute of Cardiology * Regenstrief Institute, Inc.<ref name="IUSMinfo23">"The Regenstrief Institute conducts research to improve health care by optimizing the capture, analysis, content, and delivery of the information needed by patients, their providers, and policymakers and conducts interventional studies designed to measure the effect of the application of this research on the efficiency and quality of health care." See {{cite web |url= |title=Regenstrief Institute |publisher=Regenstrief Institute |access-date=16 September 2013}}</ref> * Stark Neurosciences Research Institute * Wells Center for Pediatric Research ==Notable alumni and faculty== * [[Jerome Adams]], former Indiana State Health Commissioner and 20th Surgeon General of the United States<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Jerome Adams nominated as new U.S. surgeon general|date=29 June 2017|website=STAT|access-date=28 January 2018}} See also: {{cite news|author=Susan Scutti |title=Dr. Jerome Adams confirmed as surgeon general |publisher=CNN|date=4 August 2017 |url= |access-date=26 January 2018}}</ref> * [[Kent Brantly]], physician and author known for treating and contracting [[Ebola]] * [[Otis R. Bowen]], former Indiana governor and former secretary of [[Health and Human Services]] * [[Allison Brashear]], American neurologist and academic * [[P. Michael Conneally]], Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Medical and Molecular Genetics at IUSM; instrumental in the discovery of the gene causing Huntington's Disease; a leader in the Human Genome Project * [[William S. Dalton]], named president and CEO of the [[H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute]] in 2002; former dean of the [[University of Arizona]] School of Medicine (2001–2002)<ref> {{usurped|1=[ University of Arizona News]}} name=moffitt> [ Moffitt Center biography] [ UA med school dean leaving after 7 months], Arizona Daily Star, July 10, 2002</ref> * [[John P. Donohue]] (1932–2008)–former chair of the IU School of Medicine's urology department and distinguished professor emeritus;<ref>{{cite web| title =John P. Donohue, M.D. | publisher =The Indianapolis Star | date =7 September 2008 | url = | access-date =26 January 2018}}</ref> pioneered treatments for [[testicular cancer]]. His work with Lawrence Einhorn led to an increase in the cure rate of testicular cancer from 5% to 90%.<ref name=5Honored>{{cite web|title=Five honored with Herman B Wells Visionary Award|publisher=Indiana University|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|archive-date=19 February 2013|date=15 November 2001|access-date=17 February 2013}}</ref> * [[Lawrence Einhorn]], distinguished professor of medicine, IU Medical Center; recipient of a Presidential Medal of Honor; pioneered the development of the medical treatment in 1974 for testicular cancer, increasing the survival rate from 10% to 95%.<ref name=5Honored/><ref name="IUSMinfo24">{{cite journal |url= |title=An Interview with Lawrence Einhorn, MD: Testicular Cancer—Don't Settle for the Status Quo | journal = Journal of Oncology Practice | volume =1 | issue =4 | page=167 | publisher =American Society of Clinical Oncology |access-date=16 September 2013 | doi=10.1200/jop.1.4.167|year=2005 |pmid=20871701 |pmc=2794575 }}</ref> * [[Emily Erbelding]], director of the Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases at the [[National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases]] * [[Henry Feffer]], American neurosurgeon * [[David L. Felten]], a former professor at IUSM; MacArthur Fellow and neurobiologist whose research established a link between the immune and central nervous system * [[Tatiana Foroud]], an internationally recognized genetics researcher * [[John A. Galloway]], endocrinologist * [[Jane E. Henney]], oncologist; first woman to serve as commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration * [[Chet Jastremski]], Olympic swimmer and medalist * [[Suzanne Knoebel]] (1926–2014)–cardiologist; pioneer of computer technology for heart disease research and diagnosis * [[R. Ellen Magenis]], distinguished American pediatrician and geneticist * [[Douglas Rex]], American gastroenterologist and Distinguished Professor of medicine * [[Joseph E. Robertson]], president of [[Oregon Health & Science University]] since September 2006. * [[Adam M. Robinson]], Surgeon General of the United States Navy * [[H. Michael Shepard]], led the discovery and development of breast cancer drug [[Herceptin]] while at [[Genentech]] and was a [[Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation]] Fellow at Indiana University. * [[Jill Bolte Taylor]], neuroanatomist; in a TED talk she shared her experiences of studying herself during a stroke;<ref name="IUSMinfo25">{{cite news |url= |title=Jill Taylor's Stroke of Insight | |access-date=16 September 2013}}</ref> authored ''My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey'', a best-selling book which will be made into a major motion picture by [[Sony Pictures Entertainment]] and [[Imagine Entertainment]].<ref>{{Cite news|last=LaFave|first=Jeff|title=2014-02-18|work=The Herald-Times|url=|access-date=2022-01-21}}</ref> * [[Brownsyne Tucker Edmonds]], Inaugural Vice President and Chief Health Equity Officer for IU Health. * [[Robert William Schrier]], founding editor-in-chief of the magazine Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology * [[David Wolf (astronaut)|David Wolf]], astronaut * [[Sumner Alexander Furniss]], first Black doctor at Indiana City Hospital, politician, activist, and freemason ==See also== *[[List of medical schools in the United States]] ==Notes== {{notelist|group=list}} ==References== {{reflist|30em}} * {{cite journal | last1 =Cottingham | first1 = Ann H. | last2 = Suchman | first2 = Anthony L. | last3 = Litzelman | first3 = Debra K. | last4 = Frankel | first4 = Richard M. | last5 = Mossbarger | first5 = David L. | last6 = Williamson | first6 = Penelope R. | last7 = Baldwin | first7 = DeWitt C. Jr. | last8 = Inui | first8 = Thomas S. | year = 2008 | title = Enhancing the Informal Curriculum of a Medical School: A Case Study in Organizational Culture Change | journal = Journal of General Internal Medicine | volume = 23 | issue = 6| pages = 715–722 | doi=10.1007/s11606-008-0543-y| pmid = 18389324 | pmc = 2517875 }} * {{Citation | author=Flexner, Abraham | year=1910 | title=Medical Education in the United States and Canada: A Report to the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching | series=Bulletin No. 4. | publisher=The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching | location=New York City | oclc=9795002 | url= | access-date=January 23, 2018 | archive-date=February 16, 2015 | archive-url= | url-status=dead }} * {{cite book | author=Gray, Ralph D. | title =IUPUI–The Making of an Urban University | publisher =Indiana University Press | year =2003 | location =Bloomington | isbn =9780253342423}} * {{cite journal|author=Litzelman, Debra K., and Ann H. Cottingham |year=2007|title=The New Formal Competency-Based Curriculum and Informal Curriculum at Indiana University School of Medicine: Overview and Five Year Analysis |journal=Academic Medicine|volume=82 |issue=4 |pages=410–21 |doi=10.1097/acm.0b013e31803327f3|pmid=17414200|doi-access=free }} * Myers, Burton D., "A History of Medical Education in Indiana" in {{cite book | editor=Dorothy Ritter Russo | title =One Hundred Years of Indiana Medicine, 1849–1949 | publisher =Indiana Medical Association |chapter=VIII| year =1949 | location =Indianapolis | pages=59–91 | oclc=14676916}} ==External links== *{{commons category-inline}} *{{Official website|}} {{IUPUI}} {{IU System}} {{Authority control}} [[Category:1903 establishments in Indiana]] [[Category:Universities and colleges established in 1903]] [[Category:Healthcare in Indianapolis]] [[Category:Indiana University]] [[Category:Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis]] [[Category:Medical schools in Indiana]] 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