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Those that have survived include: {{anchor|2 Edgar c. 8|Be Mynetum and Gemetum|Of Money and Measures}}<!--linked--> ====10th century==== 2 Edgar c. 8 (959&nbsp;{{abbr|x|sometime between}} 963):<ref>{{ Citation |last=Thorpe |first=Benjamin |author-link=Benjamin Thorpe | title=Ancient Laws and Institutes of England; Comprising Laws enacted under the Anglo-Saxon Kings from Æthelbirht to Cnut, With<!--sic--> an English Translation of the Saxon; The<!--sic--> Laws called Edward the Confessor's; The<!--sic--> Laws of William the Conqueror, and those ascribed to Henry the First: Also,<!--sic--> Monumenta Ecclesiastica Anglicana, From<!--sic--> the Seventh to the Tenth Century; And<!--sic--> the Ancient Latin Version of the Anglo-Saxon Laws. With<!--sic--> a Compendious Glossary, &c. | publisher=Commissioners of the Public Records of the [[United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland|Kingdom]] |date=1840 |contribution=The Laws of King Edgar |contribution-url= |location=London |page=113 }}. {{in lang|ang}}&nbsp;& {{in lang|la}}&nbsp;& {{in lang|en}}</ref> {| class="quote-frame pullquote" style="font-size: 95%; padding: 0.5em 2em; background-color: #f8f9fa; border: 1px solid #aaa; |- | style="padding-left: 2em; padding-right: 1em; width: 50%;" | {{lang|ang|{{smallcaps|be mynetum and ᵹemetum}}.}} | style="width: 50%;" | {{smallcaps|of money and measures.}} |- | style="padding-left: 2em; padding-right: 1em;" | {{lang|ang|And gange án mẏnet ofer ealne þæs cẏniges anƿeald⋅ ⁊ þone nan man ne forsace⋅ ⁊ gange án gemet ⁊ án geƿihte⋅ sƿilce man on Lunden-bẏrig ⁊ on Ƿintan-ceastre healde⋅ ⁊ ga seo ƿæge ƿulle to {{smallcaps|⋅cxx⋅}} p̃. ⁊ nan man hig undeoror ne sẏlle⋅ ⁊ gif hƿa hi þonne undeoror sẏlle⋅ oþþe eaƿunga oþþe dearnunga⋅ gilde ægðer þam cẏnge {{smallcaps|⋅xl⋅}} scillingá. ge seþe hi sẏlle ge seþe hi bẏcge:⋅}} || And let one money pass throughout the king's dominion; and that let no man refuse: and let one measure and one weight pass; such as is observed at [[Anglo-Saxon London|London]] and at [[Winchester]]; and let the [[wey (unit)|wey]] of wool go for 120 [[penny (English coin)|pence]]; and let no man sell it cheaper; and if any one sell it cheaper, either publicly or privately, let each pay 40 [[shilling]]s to the king, both him who sells it, and him who buys it. |} The statute also survives in a few other Old English and Latin copies, some which omit mention of London and describe "''the'' measure held at Winchester", an indication that a standard [[ell (unit)|ell]] or [[yard (unit)|yard]] was nominally in use:<ref>{{cite book|author=Felix Liebermann|author-link=Felix Liebermann|title=Die gesetze der Angelsachsen: Text und übersetzung|url=|access-date=29 January 2012|year=1903|publisher=Max Niemeyer|pages=[ 204]–6}}</ref><ref>Thorpe (1840), [ p.&nbsp;525.]</ref> {| class="quote-frame pullquote" style="font-size: 95%; padding: 0.5em 2em; background-color: #f8f9fa; border: 1px solid #aaa; |- | style="padding-left: 2em; padding-right: 1em; width: 50%;" | {{lang|la|{{smallcaps|de moneta, et mensura, et pondere.}}}} | style="width:50%;" | {{smallcaps|on money, and measure, and weight.}} |- | style="padding-left: 2em; padding-right: 1em;" | {{lang|la|Et sit una moneta per totum regis imperium, et nemo sonet eam; et mensura, sicut apud Wincestriam habetur. Et eat pondus lane pro dimidia libra, et nemo carius vendat eam.}} || And let there be one money through all the king's dominion; and let no man refuse it; and [one] measure, as is held at [[Winchester]]. And let the [[wey (unit)|weight]] of wool go for a half-[[GBP|pound]], and no one sell it more dearly. |} [[John Quincy Adams]]'s 1821 report on the history of English weights and measures notes of this act that "it was never observed".<ref name=jqa>{{Citation |last=Adams |first=John Quincy |author-link=John Quincy Adams |title=Report upon Weights and Measures: Prepared in Obedience to a Resolution of the Senate of the Third March<!--sic-->, 1817 |publisher=Gales & Seaton |location=[[Washington, DC|Washington]] |date=1821 |page=22 |url= }}</ref> ===Acts of the Royal Council=== {{see also|Royal Council}} ====11th century==== 3 [[William the Bastard|William I]] c. 7 (1068): {| class="quote-frame pullquote" style="font-size: 95%; padding: 0.5em 2em; background-color: #f8f9fa; border: 1px solid #aaa; |- | style="padding-left: 2em; padding-right: 1em; width: 50%;" | {{lang|la|De mensuris et ponderibus}} | style="width:50%;" | On measures and weights |- | style="padding-left: 2em; padding-right: 1em; width: 50%;" | {{lang|la|Et quod habeant per universum regnum mensuras fidelissimas, & signatas, & pondera fidelissima & signata, sicut boni Praedecessores statuerunt.}}<ref name=wilky>{{Citation |last=Wilkins |first=David |author-link=David Wilkins (orientalist) |url= |title=Leges Anglo-Saxonicæ Ecclesiasticæ & Civiles. Accedunt Leges Eduardi Latinæ, Guilielmi Conquestoris Gallo-Normannicæ, et Henrici&nbsp;I. Latinæ. Subjungitur Domini Henr. Spelmanni Codex Legum Veterum Statutorum Regni Angliæ, quæ ab ingressu Guilielmi&nbsp;I. usque ad annum nonum Henr.&nbsp;III. edita sunt. Toti Operi præmittitur Dissertatio Epistolaris admodum Reverendi Domini Guilielmi Nicolsoni Episcopi Derrensis De Jure Feudali Veterum Saxonum |trans-title=The Anglo-Saxon Ecclesiastical and Civil Laws: The Laws of Edward in Latin, of William the Conqueror in Norman French, and of Henry&nbsp;I in Latin, to which is Appended the Legal Code of Old Statutes of the Kings of England of Lord Henry Spelman, which were Published from the Beginning of William&nbsp;I up to the 9th Year of Henry&nbsp;III., the whole work prefaced by the Epistolary Dissertation of the Most Rev.&nbsp;Lord William Nicolson, Bishop of Derry, on the Feudal Law of the Old Saxons |location=London |publisher=Wm.&nbsp;Bowyer for Rob. Gosling |date=1721 |page=228 |language=Latin, Norman, Old English}}</ref><ref>{{Citation |editor-last=Schmid |editor-first=Reinhold |url= <!-- pg=355 --> |title=Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen: In der Ursprache mit Uebersetzung, Erläuterungen und einem antiquarischen Glossar |trans-title=The Laws of the Anglo-Saxons: In the Original Language with Translation, Explanatory Notes, and an Antiquarian Glossary |year=1858 |location=Leipzig |publisher=F.A. Brockhaus |page=355 |language=German, Old English, Latin}}</ref> | style="width: 50%;" | We ordain and command that the weights and measures,<!--sic--> throughout our realm, be as our worthy predecessors have established.{{Fix|text=This is not a complete translation of the Latin.}}{{refn|[[David Wilkins (orientalist)|Wilkins]]<ref name=wilky/> & [[Martin Folkes|Folkes]], cited by [[William Clarke (antiquary)|Clarke]],<ref>{{Citation |last=Clarke |first=William |title=The Connexion of the Roman, Saxon, and English Coins Deducing the Antiquities, Customs, and Manners of Each People to Modern Times; Particularly the Origin of Feudal Tenures, and of Parliaments: Illustrated throughout with Critical and Historical Remarks on Various Authors, both Sacred and Profane |date=1767 |location=London |publisher=W.&nbsp;Bowyer & J.&nbsp;Nichols |author-link=William Clarke (antiquary) |page=150 }}</ref> cited by [[John Quincy Adams|Adams]].<ref name=jqa/>}} |} ====12th century==== 9 [[Richard I of England|Richard I]] c. 27 (1197):<ref>{{cite book|author1=Alfred Edward Bland|author2=Richard Henry Tawney|author-link2=R. H. Tawney|title=English economic history: select documents|url=|access-date=9 January 2012|year=1919|publisher=Macmillan Co.|pages=[ 154]–5}}</ref> {{boxquote|''Assize of Measures''{{br}} It is established that woollen cloths, wherever they be made, be made of the same width, to wit, of two ells within the lists [selvages], and of the same good quality in the middle and at the sides. Also the ell shall be the same in the whole realm and of the same length and the ell shall be of iron.}} ===Acts of Parliament=== ====Statutes of uncertain date==== The statutes of uncertain date ({{langx|la|Statuta temporis incerti}}) are generally dated to the mid-to-late 13th century.<ref>{{cite book |title=The public general acts |url=|access-date=8 February 2012|year=1863|publisher=Proprietors of the Law Journal Reports|page=270}}</ref> *The [[Assize of Bread and Ale]] (''{{lang|la|Assisa Panis et Cervisiae}}''),<ref>{{Citation |last=Smith |first=Adam |author-link=Adam Smith |title=An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations |url= |year=1827 |access-date=31 December 2011 |page=[ p.&nbsp;77] |publisher=University Press for T. Nelson and P. Brown }}</ref> sometimes dated to 51 [[Henry III of England|Henry III]] (1267–8). :Statute I - Section III. {{boxquote|''{{lang|la|"By the Consent of the whole Realm of England, the measure of our Lord the King was made; that is to say, That the English Peny, called a Sterling, round and without clipping, shall weigh xxxii Wheat Corns in the midst of the Ear, and xx d. do make an Ounce, and xii Ounces one Pound, and Viii Pound do make a Gallon of Wine, and viii Gallons of Wine do make a London Bushel, which is the Eighth Part of a Quarter. Forasmuch as in our Parliament holden at Westminster, in the first Year of our Reign, we have granted that all good Statutes and Ordinances made in Times of our Progenitors aforesaid, and not revoked, shall be still held, we have caused, at the Request of the Bakers of our Town of Coventry, that the Ordinances aforesaid, by tenor of these Presents, shall be exemplified. In Witness whereof, &c. Whitness the King at Westminster, the xxii Day of March."}}''<ref name=AssisaPanis>{{Citation |editor-last=Ruffhead |editor-first=Owen |editor-link=Owen Ruffhead |title=The Statutes at Large |url= |volume=&nbsp;I: From Magna Charta<!--sic--> to the End of the Reign of King Henry the Sixth. To which is prefixed, A Table of the Titles of all the Publick and Private Statutes during that Time |location=London |publisher=Mark Basket for the Crown |date=1763a |pages=[ 22] }}. {{in lang|en}}&nbsp;& {{in lang|la}}&nbsp;& {{in lang|nrf}}</ref>}} *''Statutum de Pistoribus, et cetera''<ref>{{Citation |title=Transactions of the Royal Historical Society |url= |pages=[ pp.&nbsp;83–84] |publisher=Royal Historical Society |location=London |access-date=22 January 2012 |year=1880 }}</ref> :The Statute concerning Bakers, et cetera {{anchor|Tractatus de Ponderibus et Mensuris|Tractatus de Ponderibus|Compositio de Ponderibus|Assisa de Ponderibus et Mensuris|Assize of Weights and Measures||Weights and Measures Act 1303|Weights and Measures Act of 1303}}<!--linked--> *''Tractatus de Ponderibus et Mensuris''<ref name=tract>{{Citation |editor-last=Ruffhead |editor-first=Owen |editor-link=Owen Ruffhead |title=The Statutes at Large |url= |volume=&nbsp;I: From Magna Charta<!--sic--> to the End of the Reign of King Henry the Sixth. To which is prefixed, A Table of the Titles of all the Publick and Private Statutes during that Time |location=London |publisher=Mark Basket for the Crown |date=1763a |pages=[ 148–149] }}. {{in lang|en}}&nbsp;& {{in lang|la}}&nbsp;& {{in lang|nrf}}</ref> :Also known as the ''{{lang|la|Tractatus de Ponderibus}}'', ''{{lang|la|Compositio de Ponderibus}}'' ("The Composition of Weights"), ''{{lang|la|Assisa de Ponderibus et Mensuris}}'' ("Assize of Weights and Measures") or the Weights and Measures Act 1303. It is important to note when reading it that, in the Latin and English text, "hundred" (and the Latin numeral {{lang|la|c.}}) is used for four separate concepts: the Germanic [[long hundred]] of 120, the [[short hundred]] of 100, [[hundred (unit)|several units]] of either value, and a separate unit (the [[hundredweight]]) of 108 pounds. :The form in which it appears in Cotton {{abbr|MS|manuscript}} Claudius D2 where it is dated to 31 [[Edward I of England|Edw. I]] (1303) is: {| class="quote-frame pullquote" style="font-size: 95%; padding: 0.5em 2em; background-color: #f8f9fa; border: 1px solid #aaa; |+Tractatus de Ponderibus et Mensuris. |- | style="padding-left: 2em; padding-right: 1em; width: 50%;" | {{lang|la|Per Ordinacionem tocius regni Anglie fuit mensura Domini Regis composita videlicet quod denarius qui vocatur sterlingus rotundus & sine tonsura ponderabit triginta duo grana frumenti in medio Spice.}} | style="width: 50%;" | Per Ordinance of the whole realm of England the measure of the King is composed namely of a [[English Penny|penny]], which is called a [[sterling silver|sterling]], round & without [[coin clipping|clipping]], weighs thirty-two [[grain (unit)|grains of wheat]] in the middle of the [[Ear of wheat|Ear]]. |- | {{lang|la|Et uncia ponderabit viginti denarios. Et duodecim uncie faciunt libram London. Et duodecim libre & dimid&rsquo; faciunt petram London. Et octo libre frumenti faciunt galonem. Libra continet viginti solidos. Et octo galones faciunt bussellum London. Saccus lane debet ponderare viginti & octo petras & solebat ponderare unam summam frumenti & ponderat sextam partem unius carri de plumbo. sexies<!--sic--> viginti petre faciunt carrum plumbi scilicet magnum carrum London&rsquo; set carrus del Peek est multo minus. Item carrus plumbi constat ex triginta fotmallis & quodlibet fotmal continet sex petras duabus libris minus. Et quelibet petra habet duodecim libras & quelibet libra constat ex viginti quinque solidis in pondere. summa<!--sic--> librarum in le fotmal lxx. summa petrarum in le Carre viii. xx. & xv. petre & probetur per sexies triginta que sunt novies viginti set in quolibet fotmal subtrahuntur due libre a predicta multiplicacione qe sunt lx. libre constituentes quinque petras. Ita sunt in le Carre viii. xx. xv. petre. secundum<!--sic--> vero quosdam alios le Carre consistit ex xii. Weyes & hoc secundum troni ponderacionem. Weya enim tam plumbi quam lane lini sepi casei ponderabunt xiiii. petras. Et duo Weye lane faciunt saccum. Et xii. sacci faciunt le last. Last vero allecis continet decem miliaria. Et quodlibet miliare continet x.c. Et quodlibet c. continet vi. xx. Item last coriorum constat ex viginti dacris & quodlibet dacre constat ex decem coriis. Item dacre Cirotecarum constat ex decem paribus dacre vero ferrorum equorum constat ex viginti ferris. Item duodena cirotecarum pergameni & alute continet in suo genere xii. pelles vel xii. paria cirotecarum. Item centena cere zucarii piperis cumini amigdalarum & alome continet xiii. petras & dimid&rsquo; & quelibet petra continet viii. li. summa librarum in centena cviii. libre. Et constat centem ex v. xx. Et quelibet libra ex viginti quinque solidis. Et sciend&rsquo; quod quelibet libra de denariis & speciebus utpote in electuariis consistit solummodo ex pondere xx. s. Libra vero omnium aliarum rerum consistit ex viginti quinque solidis. Uncia vero in electuariis consistit ex viginti denariis. Et libra continet xii. uncias. In aliis vero rebus libra continet quindecim uncias. uncia<!--sic--> est hinc inde in pondere viginti denariorum. Centena lini & Canabi & linee tele consistit ex cent&rsquo; ulnis. Et quelibet Centena consistit ex vi. xx. Centena vero ferri & solidorum constat ex v. xx. Garba asseris constat ex triginta peciis. Duodena ferri ex sex peciis Item seem vitri constat ex xxiiii. petris & quelibet petra constat ex quinque libris. Et ita continet le seem vi. xx. libras. Item binda anguillarum constat ex decem stiks. Et quelibet stik ex viginti quinque anguillis Binda pellium continet xxxii. timbr&rsquo; senellio cuniculorum & grisi continet quadraginta pelles. Cheef de fustiano constat ex tresdecim ulnis Caput sindonis ex decem ulnis Le rees allecium continet quindecim glenes. Et quodlibet glene continet viginti quinque capita. Item centene Mulvellorum & durorum piscium constat ex viii. xx.}}<ref name=tract/> || And an [[Tower ounce|ounce]] weighs twenty pence. And twelve ounces make a [[Tower pound|pound]] of London. And twelve & a half pounds make a stone of London. And eight pounds of wheat make a [[gallon]]. Pound contains twenty shillings. And eight gallons make a [[London bushel|bushel of London]]. [[sack (unit)|Sacks of wool]] should weigh twenty-eight [[stone (unit)|stones]] and usually weighs of wheat and weighs a sixth part of a [[load (unit)|load]] of [[lead]]. Six times twenty stone, make a load of lead, to wit the great [[load of London]], but the load of [[Peak District|the Peak]] is much less. Also [[load (unit)|loads]] of [[lead]] consist of thirty [[Formel (unit)|fotmal]]s, and each fotmal contains six [[stone (unit)|stones]] minus two [[Merchants' pound|pounds]]. And each [[stone (unit)|stone]] consists of twelve [[Merchants' pound|pounds]], and each [[Merchants' pound|pound]] consists of twenty-five [[shilling]]s in weight. The sum of the [[Merchants' pound|pounds]] in the fotmal is 70. The sum of the [[stone (unit)|stones]] in the Load is 175 stones and is proved by six times thirty which is nine score (180) except for each fotmal subract two [[Merchants' pound|pounds]] multiplied as before (x30) which is 60 [[Merchants' pound|pounds]] constituting five [[stone (unit)|stones]]. So there are in the load 175 [[stone (unit)|stones]]. But according to some others the load consists of 12 [[Wey (unit)|Weys]] and this is according to troni weight, [[Wey (unit)|Wey]] for both lead and [[wool]] linen [[tallow]] [[cheese]] weighs 14 [[stone (unit)|stones]]. And two [[Wey (unit)|Weys]] of [[wool]] make a [[sack (unit)|sack]], And 12 sacks make a [[last (unit)|last]]. But a last of [[red herring (fish)|herring]]s contains 10 thousand, and each Thousand contains 10 [[long hundred|hundred]], and each [[long hundred|hundred]] contains 120. A [[last (unit)|last]] of [[leather]] consists of twenty [[dicker (unit)|dicker]], and each dicker consists of ten [[Hide (skin)|skin]]s. Also a [[dicker (unit)|dicker]] of [[glove]]s consists of ten pairs, but a dicker of [[horseshoe|horse-shoes]] consists of twenty shoes. Also a [[dozen]] of [[glove]]s, [[parchment]], and [[vellum]] contains in its kind 12 [[Hide (skin)|skin]]s, or 12 pairs of gloves. Also a [[hundred (unit)|hundred]] of [[wax]], [[sugar]], [[Black pepper|pepper]], [[cumin]], [[almond]]s & [[alum]], contains 13 [[stone (unit)|stones]] & a half & each stone contains 8 [[Merchants' pound|pounds]] for a total of 108 [[Merchants' pound|pounds]] in the [[hundredweight|hundred]]. And appears as [[hundredweight|hundred]] of 100. And each [[Merchants' pound|pound]] of twenty-five [[shilling]]s. And is to be known that each [[Tower pound|pound]] of money & species as in [[electuary|electuaries]] consists only of [[Tower pound|pound]]s of 20 [[shilling]]s. But [[Merchants' pound|pounds]] for all other things consist of twenty five [[shilling]]s. An [[apothecary's ounce|Ounce]] in [[electuary|electuaries]] consists of twenty [[pennyweight|pence]] and [[Tower pound|pound]] contains 12 ounces. But in other things the [[Merchants' pound|pounds]] contains fifteen ounces, the ounce in either case weighs twenty [[pennyweight|pence]]. Also [[hundred (unit)|hundred]] of [[Canvas]]s, and [[linen|linen cloth]] consists of one [[long hundred|hundred]] [[Ell]]s and each [[long hundred|hundred]] consists of 120. But the [[hundred (unit)|hundred]] of [[iron]] and [[shilling]]s consists of 100. The [[sheaf (unit)|sheaf]] of [steel] consists of thirty pieces. The Dozen of iron consists of six pieces. The [[seam (unit)|seam]] of [[glass]] consists of 24 [[stone (unit)|stones]], and each stone consists of five pounds. And so contains the [[seam (unit)|seam]] 120 pounds. Also a [[bind (unit)|bind]] of [[eel]]s consists of ten [[Stick (unit)|stick]]s. And each [[Stick (unit)|stick]] of twenty-five eels. A bind of [[Hide (skin)|pelt]]s consists of 32 [[timber (unit)|timber]] of [[European rabbit|rabbits]] and [[Gray squirrel|squirrels]] contains forty [[Hide (skin)|pelts]]. A [[chef (unit)|Chef]] of [[Fustian]] consists of thirteen [[Ell]]s. A Chef of [[Sindon (cloth)|Sindon]] contains ten [[Ell]]s. A [[hundred (unit)|Hundred]] of &#91;[[garlic|Garlike]]&#93; consisteth of fifteen [[rope (unit)|Ropes]], and every Rope containeth fifteen Heads. Also a [[hundred (unit)|Hundred]] of [[Mulvel]]ls and [[dried fish|Hard Fish]] consists of 160. |} :The original ''Tractatus'' was written in Latin. Some later English translation copies contain differences that change the meaning.{{Refn|Per the 1810 ''Statutes of the Realm'',<ref>{{Citation |title=Statutes of the Realm |volume=I |date=1810 |location=London |publisher=G. Eyre & A. Strahan |page=204 }}</ref> which differs in several particulars from the original [[Latin]] text, following [[Norman French]] copies or new emendations<ref name="sizes2"/> (shown in brackets). For a discussion of the textual changes (e.g., the Latin text described [[corn gallon|gallons of wheat]]) and relevant archaeological findings (e.g., that the [[English penny|penny]] during this period seems to have actually consisted of 30 [[grain (unit)|Tower grains]] rather than 32), see the article at<ref name="sizes2"/>}} One of the copies of the ''Tractatus'' contains the first use of the word ''[[avoirdupois]]'' in England. However, the word does not refer to a weight system but to a class of goods: [[viz.]], heavy goods sold by weight rather than by capacity, count, or other means. However, it does not count as the first occurrence of the word in [[English language|English]].<ref name="sizes2">{{Citation |contribution=Tractatus de Ponderibus et Mensuris |contribution-url= | |url= |access-date=25 September 2014 }}</ref> {{anchor|Statutum de Admensuratione Terrase|Statute for the Measuring of Land}}<!--linked--> *''Statutum de Admensuratione Terrase''<ref>Ruffhead (1763a), [ p.&nbsp;152].</ref> :Also known as "A Statute for the Measuring of Land" or "An Ordinance for Measuring of Land" or "33 Edw. 1 Stat. 6. (1305)". :"When an Acre of Land contianeth 10 Perches in Length, then it shall be in Breadth 16 Perches." {{anchor|Composition of Yards and Perches|Composition of Ells and Perches}}<!--linked--> {{main|Composition of Yards and Perches}} * The Statute on the [[Composition of Yards and Perches]] ({{langx|la|Compositio Ulnarum et Perticarum}}, <small>{{abbr|lit.|literally}}</small>&nbsp;"On the Composition of [[Arm]]s [=[[Ell]]s] and [[Perch (unit)|Perch]]es") is dated to 1266&nbsp;{{abbr|x|sometime between}} 1303.<ref>{{Citation |editor-last=Ruffhead |editor-first=Owen |editor-link=Owen Ruffhead |title=The Statutes at Large |url= |volume=IX: From the Second Year of the Reign of King George the Third To the End of The Last Session of Parliament. To which is prefixed, A Table of the Titles of all the Publick and Private Statutes during that Time. With a Copious Index. And An Appendix, consisting of Obscure and Curious Acts, some of which were never before printed. |location=London |publisher=Mark Basket for the Crown |date=1765 |page=[ 421] }}</ref><ref>Fowler (1884), [ p.&nbsp;277].</ref> Its content varies among surviving accounts. One reads:{{refn|{{abbr|BL|British Library}} Cotton {{abbr|MS|manuscript}} Claudius D2.}} {| class="quote-frame pullquote" style="font-size: 95%; padding: 0.5em 2em; background-color: #f8f9fa; border: 1px solid #aaa; |- | style="padding-left: 2em; padding-right: 1em; width: 50%;" | {{lang|la|Ordinatum est quod tria grana ordei sicca et rotunda faciunt pollicem, et duodecim pollices faciunt pedem, tres pedes faciunt ulnam, quinque ulne et dimidia faciunt perticam, et quadraginta pertice in longitudine, et quatuor in latitudine, faciunt unam acram.}} | style="width: 50%;" | It is ordained that 3 [[barleycorn (unit)|grains of barley]] dry and round do make an [[inch]], 12 inches make 1 [[foot (unit)|foot]], 3 feet make 1 [[yard]] [lit. [[ell]]&#93;, 5 yards and a half make a [[perch (unit)|perch]] [i.e., a [[rod (unit)|rod]]&#93;, and 40 perches in length and 4 in breadth make an [[acre]]. |} :The [[Liber Horn]] account reads:<ref>{{Citation |last=Fowler |first=W. |title=Transactions |url= |publisher=Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors |page=[ p.&nbsp;276] |year=1884 |access-date=8 January 2012 }}</ref> {{boxquote|"And be it remembered that the iron yard of our Lord the King containeth 3 feet and no more, and a foot ought to contain 12 inches by the right measure of this yard measured, to wit, the 36th part of this yard rightly measured maketh 1 inch neither more nor less and 5 yards and a half make a perch that is 16 feet and a half measured by the aforesaid yard of our Lord the King."}} :This document seems to have had the effect of redefining the [[yard]], [[foot (unit)|foot]], [[inch]], and [[barleycorn (unit)|barleycorn]] to {{frac|10|11}} of their previous values, but leaves the [[rod (unit)|rod]] and [[acre]] unchanged. The rod thus became 16½ feet instead of 15. ====13th century==== {{anchor|9 Henry III c. 25|Magna Carta}}<!--linked--> *9 [[Henry III of England|Henry III]] c. 25 (1225) {| class="quote-frame pullquote" style="font-size: 95%; padding: 0.5em 2em; background-color: #f8f9fa; border: 1px solid #aaa; |- |+ There shall be but one Measure throughout the Realm. |- | style="padding-left: 2em; padding-right: 1em; width: 50%;" | {{lang|la|Una Mensura vini sit per totum regnum nostrum & una mensura cervise & una mensura bladi scilicet quarter&rsquo; London&rsquo; & una latitudo pannorum tinctorum Russettorum & haubergettorum scilicet due ulne infra Listas. De ponderibus vero sit sicut de mensuris.<ref>Ruffhead (1763a), [ p.&nbsp;7].</ref>}} | style="width: 50%;" | One measure of [[Wine]] shall be through our Realm, and one measure of [[Ale]], and one measure of [[wheat|Corn]], that is to say, the [[Quarter of London|Quarter of ''London'']]; and one breadth of dyed Cloth, Russets, and Haberjects, that is to say, two [[Yard]]s within the lists. (2)&nbsp;And it shall be of Weights as it is of Measures. |} :Although signed in 1215, [[Magna Carta]] was not ratified by Parliament until 1225, by which time it had become substantially abridged. Chapter 35 of Magna Carta of 1215 (which dealt with weights and measures) became chapter 25 of Magna Carta of 1225. ====14th century==== * [[14 Edw. 3 Stat. 1]]. c. 12 (1340)<ref>Ruffhead (1763a), [ p.&nbsp;227].</ref> :"Bushels and Weights shall be made and sent into every Country." * [[18 Edw. 3 Stat. 2]]. c. 4 (1344)<ref>Ruffhead (1763a), [ p.&nbsp;241].</ref> :"Commissions to assay Weights and Measures shall be repealed, and none such granted." {{anchor|25 Edward III st. 5 c. 9}}<!--linked--> * [[25 Edw. 3 Stat. 5]]. c. 9 (1350)<ref name="Statutes at Large">Ruffhead (1763a), [ p.&nbsp;264].</ref> {| class="quote-frame pullquote" style="font-size: 95%; padding: 0.5em 2em; background-color: #f8f9fa; border: 1px solid #aaa; |- |+Auncel Weight shall be put out, and Weighing shall be by equal Balance. |- | style="padding-left: 2em; padding-right: 1em; width: 50%;" | {{lang|nrf|Enfement pur ce qe tres grant damage & desceit est fait au people par tant qe plusours marchantz usent dachater & poiser leines & autres marchandises par une pois qest appelle Aunsell&rsquo; Acorde est & establi qe celle pois appelle Aunsell&rsquo; entre achatour et vendour soit del tout ofte & qe chescun vend & achat par balances iffint qe les balances soient owels & les leines & autres marchandises owelment poisez par droit pois & qe le sak de leine ne poise qe vint & sys peres & chescun pere poise quatorze livres & qe lestater de la balance ne encline ne a lune partie ne al autre & qe le pois soit acordant al estandard del Escheker. Et si nul achatour face al encontre soit grevousement puny sibien a la seute de partie come a la seute nostre Seignur le Roi.}} | style="width: 50%;" | Item, Whereas great Damage and Deceit is done to the People, for that divers Merchants use to buy and weigh [[Wool]]ls and other Merchandises, by a Weight which is called ''[[Auncel]]''; it is accorded and established, That this Weight called ''[[Auncel]]'' betwixt Buyers and Sellers, shall be wholly put out; (2) and that every Person do sell and buy by the Balance, so that the Balance be even, and the Woolls and other Merchandizes evenly weighed by the right Weight, so that the Sack of Wooll weigh no more but 26 [[stone (unit)|Stones]], and every Stone to weigh 14 ''[[pound (mass)|l.]]'' and that the Beam of the Balance do not bow more to the one Part than to the other; (3) and that the Weight be according to the Standard of the Exchequer. (4) And if any Buyer do the contrary, he shall be grievously punished, as well at the Suit of the Party, as at the Suit of our Lord the King. |} {{anchor|25 Edward III st. 5 c. 10}} * [[25 Edw. 3 Stat. 5]]. c. 10 (1350)<ref name="Statutes at Large"/> {| class="quote-frame pullquote" style="font-size: 95%; padding: 0.5em 2em; background-color: #f8f9fa; border: 1px solid #aaa; |- |+ Every Measure shall be according to the King's Standard; and shall be striked without Heap; saving the Rents of Lords. |- | style="padding-left: 2em; padding-right: 1em; width: 50%;" | {{lang|nrf|Auxint come contenue soit en la Grande Chartre qe une mesure soit usee parmy tout Engleterre la quele chartre nad mie este tenu bien en ceo point avant ses heures si est acorde & assentu qe touz les mesures cest asavoir bussel dimid' bussel & peck galon potel & quart par toute Engleterre deinz fanchise & dehors soient acordauntz al estandard nostre Seignur le Roi & contiegne le quartre oet busselx par lestandard & nient pluis. Et soit chescune mesure de blee rase fanz comble sauvez les rentes & fermes des Seignurs queles soient avant ces heures. Et facent les purveours le Roi ma dame la Roigne & touz autres lours purveances par meismes les mesures rases & en meisme le manere Et a toutes les foitz qe mestier serra Nostre Seignur le Roi assignera certeines Justices en chescune countee denqueer & doier & terminer sur les pointz suisditz & de faire sur ce due punissement solone chescun trespas siebien a la seute de partie come a la seute le Roi. Iffint totes soitz qe toutes maneres des franchises soient sauvez as Seignurs en toutz pointz saunz nul emblemissement ent faire en quecumqe manere.}} | style="width: 50%;" | Item, Whereas it is contained in the [[#Magna Carta|Great Charter]], that one Measure shall be throughout ''England'', [[#Magna Carta|which Charter]] hath not been well kept and holden in this Point in Times past; (2) it is accorded and assented, That all the Measures, that is to say, [[Bushel]]s, Half-bushels, [[Peck]], [[Gallon]], [[Pottle (unit)|Pottle]], and [[Quart]], throughout ''England'', within the Franchises and without, shall be according to the King's Standard; (3) and the [[quarter (unit)|Quarter]] shall contain Eight Bushels by the Standard, and no more. (4) And every Measure of [[wheat|Corn]] shall be striken without Heap, saving the Rents and Ferms of Lords, which shall be measured by such Measures as they were wont in Times past. (5) And the Purveyors of the King, of the Queen, and all other, shall make their Purveyances by the same Measure striked in the same Manner, and at all Times that shall be needful. (6) ''And'' our Lord the King shall assign certain Justices in every County to inquire, hear, and determine upon the Points aforesaid, and upon the same to do Punishment according to the Trespass, as well at the Party's Suit, as at the King's; (7) so always, that all Manner of Franchises be saved to the Lords in all Points without Blemish to be made in any Manner. |} {{anchor|27 Edward III st. 2 c. 10|Statute of the Staple}}<!--linked--> * [[27 Edw. 3 Stat. 2]]. c. 10 (1353)<ref>Ruffhead (1763a), [ p.&nbsp;279].</ref><ref>{{Citation |editor-last=Pickering |editor-first=Danby |editor-link=Danby Pickering |title=The Statutes at Large |url= |volume=II: From the Fifteenth Year of Edward III. to the Thirteenth Year of King Hen. IV. inclusive. To which is prefixed, A Table containing the Titles of all the Statutes during that Period |location=[[Cambridge, England|Cambridge]] |publisher=Joseph Bentham for Charles Bathurst |date=1762 |pages=[ 85–86] }}. {{in lang|en}}&nbsp;& {{in lang|nrf}}&nbsp;& {{in lang|la}}</ref> {| class="quote-frame pullquote" style="font-size: 95%; padding: 0.5em 2em; background-color: #f8f9fa; border: 1px solid #aaa; |- |+ There shall be but one Weight, Measure and Yard throughout the Realm. |- | style="padding-left: 2em; padding-right: 1em; width: 50%;" | {{lang|nrf|...un pois, un mesure, et un verge soit per tut la terre...}} | style="width: 50%;" | weight, one measure [of volume], and one [measuring] stick shall there be through all the land... |} : A chapter of the [[Statute of the Staple]] that provides for justices to be appointed to hear charges of measuring fraud at the [[staple ports]]. Those found guilty were liable for quadruple damages and 2 years' imprisonment. {{anchor|Wool Act 1357}} * [[31 Edw. 3 Stat. 1]]. c. 2 (1357)<ref>Ruffhead (1763a), [ pp.&nbsp;290–291].</ref> :"No Wool shall be bought by Fraud to abate the Price thereof. Weights shall be sent to all the Shires." * [[4 Ric. 2]]. c. 1 (1380)<ref>Ruffhead (1763a), [ p.&nbsp;348].</ref> :"All Vessels of Wine, Honey, and Oil brought into this realm shall be gauged." * [[13 Ric. 2. Stat. 1]]. c. 9 (1389)<ref>Ruffhead (1763a), [ p.&nbsp;387].</ref> :"There shall be but one Weight and one Measure throughout the Realm, saving in the County of Lancaster. The Weight of Wool, and the Refuse thereof." * [[15 Ric. 2]]. c. 4. (1391)<ref>Ruffhead (1763a), [ p.&nbsp;401].</ref> :"There shall be but eight Bushels of Corn striked to the Quarter." {{anchor|Weights and Measures Act 1392}} * [[16 Ric. 2]]. c. 3. (1392)<ref>Ruffhead (1763a), [ p.&nbsp;405].</ref> :"The Clerk of the Market shall carry with him all his Weights and Measures signed." ====15th century==== {{anchor|Corn Measure Act 1413}} {{Infobox UK legislation | short_title = Corn Measure Act 1413 | type = Act | parliament = Parliament of England | long_title = An Act concerning the true Measure of Corn. | year = 1413 | citation = [[1 Hen. 5]]. c. 10 | introduced_commons = | introduced_lords = | territorial_extent =England and Wales | royal_assent = 9 June 1413 | commencement = 14 May 1413 | expiry_date = | repeal_date =10 August 1872 | amends = | replaces = | amendments = | repealing_legislation =[[Statute Law Revision (Ireland) Act 1872)]] | related_legislation = | status =Repealed | legislation_history = | theyworkforyou = | millbankhansard = | original_text = | revised_text = | use_new_UK-LEG = | UK-LEG_title = | collapsed = yes }} * [[1 Hen. 5]]. c. 10 (1413)<ref>Ruffhead (1763a), [ p.&nbsp;485].</ref> :''An Act concerning the true Measure of Corn.'' {{anchor|Gilding of Silver Act 1414}} {{Infobox UK legislation | short_title = Gilding of Silver Act 1414 | type = Act | parliament = Parliament of England | long_title = There Shall be no gilding of Silver Ware but of the Allay of English Sterling. | year = 1414 | citation = [[2 Hen. 5. Stat. 2]]. c. 4 | introduced_commons = | introduced_lords = | territorial_extent = | royal_assent = | commencement = 19 November 1414 | expiry_date = | repeal_date =21 July 1856 | amends = | replaces = | amendments = | repealing_legislation =[[Repeal of Obsolete Statutes Act 1856]] | related_legislation = | status =Repealed | legislation_history = | theyworkforyou = | millbankhansard = | original_text = | revised_text = | use_new_UK-LEG = | UK-LEG_title = | collapsed = yes }} * [[2 Hen. 5. Stat. 2]]. c. 4 (1414)<ref>Ruffhead (1763a), [ p.&nbsp;499].</ref> {{boxquote|"There Shall be no gilding of Silver Ware but of the Allay of ''English'' Sterling."}} :First notice of [[troy weight]] in statute.<ref>{{Citation |title=? |url= |date=1864 |pages=[ 5–6] }}</ref> {{anchor|Weights, etc. Act 1429}} {{Infobox UK legislation | short_title = Weights, etc. Act 1429 | type = Act | parliament = Parliament of England | long_title = Every City and Borough shall have a common Balance and Weight. Who may buy Wool and Yarn. | year = 1429 | citation = [[8 Hen. 6]]. c. 5 | introduced_commons = | introduced_lords = | territorial_extent = | royal_assent = | commencement = | expiry_date = | repeal_date =10 August 1861 | amends = | replaces = | amendments = | repealing_legislation =[[Statute Law Revision Act (Ireland) 1872]] | related_legislation = | status =Repealed | legislation_history = | theyworkforyou = | millbankhansard = | original_text = | revised_text = | use_new_UK-LEG = | UK-LEG_title = | collapsed = yes }} * [[8 Hen. 6]]. c. 5 (1429)<ref>Ruffhead (1763a), [ pp.&nbsp;542–544].</ref> {{boxquote|"Every City and Borough shall have a common Balance and Weight. Who may buy Wool and Yarn."}} {{anchor|Cloth Measures Act 1439}} {{Infobox UK legislation | short_title = Cloth Measures Act 1439 | type = Act | parliament = Parliament of England | long_title = There shall be but one Measure of Cloth through the Realm by the Yard and the Inch, and not by the Yard and Handful, according to the London Measure. | year = 1439 | citation = [[18 Hen. 6]]. c. 16 | introduced_commons = | introduced_lords = | territorial_extent = | royal_assent = | commencement = | expiry_date = | repeal_date =10 August 1872 | amends = | replaces = | amendments = | repealing_legislation =[[Statute Law Revision Act (Ireland) 1872]] | related_legislation = | status =Repealed | legislation_history = | theyworkforyou = | millbankhansard = | original_text = | revised_text = | use_new_UK-LEG = | UK-LEG_title = | collapsed = yes }} * [[18 Hen. 6]]. c. 16 (1439)<ref name="statutes at large-1439">Ruffhead (1763a), [ p.&nbsp;594].</ref> {| class="quote-frame pullquote" style="font-size: 95%; padding: 0.5em 2em; background-color: #f8f9fa; border: 1px solid #aaa; |- | style="padding-left: 2em; padding-right: 1em; width: 50%;" | {{lang|nrf|Item – come il foit meritorie & almoigne a departer la veritee de la desciet si come jatarde en un parlement tenuz a Westm' la fuist ouste un rayme...}} | style="width: 50%;" | There shall be but one Measure of Cloth through the Realm by the Yard and the Inch, and not by the Yard and Handful, according to the London Measure. |} {{anchor|Vessels of Wine, etc. Act 1439}} {{Infobox UK legislation | short_title = Vessels of Wine, etc. Act 1439 | type = Act | parliament = Parliament of England | long_title = Vessels of Wine, Oyl, and Honey, shall be gauged. | year = 1439 | citation = [[18 Hen. 6]]. c. 17 | introduced_commons = | introduced_lords = | territorial_extent = | royal_assent = | commencement = | expiry_date = | repeal_date = | amends = | replaces = | amendments = | repealing_legislation = | related_legislation = | status = | legislation_history = | theyworkforyou = | millbankhansard = | original_text = | revised_text = | use_new_UK-LEG = | UK-LEG_title = | collapsed = yes }} * [[18 Hen. 6]]. c. 17 (1439)<ref name="statutes at large-1439"/> :''Vessels of Wine, Oyl, and Honey, shall be gauged.'' {| class="quote-frame pullquote" style="font-size: 95%; padding: 0.5em 2em; background-color: #f8f9fa; border: 1px solid #aaa; |- | style="padding-left: 2em; padding-right: 1em; width: 50%;" | {{lang|nrf|Item—pur ceo qe toutz les tonels pipes tertians & hoggeshedes de vin oyle & mele...}} | style="width: 50%;" | Item—Because all the Tuns, Pipes, Tertians and Hogsheads of Wine, Oyl, and Honey... |} {{anchor|11 Henry VII c. 4|Weights and Measures Act 1495}} <!--linked--> {{Infobox UK legislation | short_title = Weights and Measures Act 1495 | type = Act | parliament = Parliament of England | long_title = An Act for Weights and Measures. | year = 1495 | citation = [[11 Hen. 7]]. c. 4 | introduced_commons = | introduced_lords = | territorial_extent = | royal_assent = | commencement = | expiry_date = | repeal_date = 10 August 1872 | amends = | replaces = | amendments = | repealing_legislation = | related_legislation = [[Statute Law Revision (Ireland) Act 1872]] | status = Repealed | legislation_history = | theyworkforyou = | millbankhansard = | original_text = | revised_text = | use_new_UK-LEG = | UK-LEG_title = | collapsed = yes }} * [[11 Hen. 7]]. c. 4 (1494)<ref>{{Citation |editor-last=Evans |editor-first=William David |editor-link=William David Evans |editor2-last=Hammond |editor2-first=Anthony |editor3-last=Granger |editor3-first=Thomas Colpitts |display-editors=1 |ref={{harvid|Evans|1836}} |date=1836 |title=A Collection of Statutes connected with the General Administration of the Law; Arranged According to the Order of Subjects: With Notes, ''3rd&nbsp;ed.'' |url= |volume=VIII |location=London |publisher=W.H. Bond &&nbsp;al. |pages=[ 309–310] }}.</ref> :''An Act for Weights and Measures.'' {{boxquote|"The Names of the Cities and Towns limited for the keeping of Weights and Measures."}} {{anchor|Weights and Measures Act 1496}} {{Infobox UK legislation | short_title = Weights and Measures Act 1496 | type = Act | parliament = Parliament of England | long_title = An Act for Weights and Measures. | year = 1496 | citation = [[12 Hen. 7]]. c. 5 | introduced_commons = | introduced_lords = | territorial_extent = | royal_assent = | commencement = | expiry_date = | repeal_date = 28 July 1863 | amends = | replaces = | amendments = | repealing_legislation = [[Statute Law Revision Act 1863]] | related_legislation = | status = Repealed | legislation_history = | theyworkforyou = | millbankhansard = | original_text = | revised_text = | use_new_UK-LEG = | UK-LEG_title = | collapsed = yes }} * [[12 Hen. 7]]. c. 5 (1496)<ref>Evans (1836), [ pp.&nbsp;312–313].</ref> :''An Act for Weights and Measures.'' {{boxquote|"That the Measure of a Bushel contain viij. Gallons of Wheat, and that every Gallon contain viij. li. of Wheat of Troy Weight, and every Pound contain xij. Ounces of Troy Weight, and every Ounce contain xx. Sterlings, and every Sterling be of the Weight of xxxij. Corns of Wheat that grew in the Midst of the Ear of Wheat, according to the old Laws of this Land."}} ====16th century==== * ''Verdict of the Pyx'' 18 [[Henry VIII]] (1527)<ref>{{Citation |title=Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London |url= |access-date=7 January 2012 |year=1856 |publisher=Royal Society |location=London |pages= 753–754 }}</ref> {{boxquote|"And whereas heretofore the merchaunte paid for coynage of every pounde ''Towre'' of fyne gold weighing xi oz. quarter Troye ii ''s''. vi ''d''. Nowe it is determyned by the king's highness, and his said councelle that the foresaid pounde ''Towre'' shall be no more used and occupied but al maner of golde and sylver shall be wayed by the pounde Troye, which maketh xii oz. Troy, which exceedith the pounde ''Towre'' in weight iii quarters of the oz."}} {{anchor|Brewers and Coopers Act 1531}} {{Infobox UK legislation | short_title = Brewers and Coopers Act 1531 | type = Act | parliament = Parliament of England | long_title = An Act that no Brewers of Beer or Ale shall make their Barrels, Kilderkins nor Firkins, within them; and how much the same Barrels, &c. shall contain. | year = 1531 | citation = [[23 Hen. 8]]. c. 4 | introduced_commons = | introduced_lords = | territorial_extent = | royal_assent = 14 May 1532 | commencement = | expiry_date = | repeal_date = 28 July 1863 | amends = | replaces = | amendments = | repealing_legislation = [[Statute Law Revision Act 1863]] | related_legislation = | status = Repealed | legislation_history = | theyworkforyou = | millbankhansard = | original_text = | revised_text = | use_new_UK-LEG = | UK-LEG_title = | collapsed = yes }} * [[23 Hen. 8]]. c. 4 (1531)<ref>{{Citation |editor-last=Pickering |editor-first=Danby |editor-link=Danby Pickering |title=The Statutes at Large |volume=IV: From the First Year of King Richard III. to the Thirty-first Year of King Henry VIII. inclusive. To which is prefixed, A Table containing the Titles of all the Statutes during that Period. |location=[[Cambridge, England|Cambridge]] |publisher=Joseph Bentham for Charles Bathurst |url= |date=1763d |pages=[ 219–223] }}. {{in lang|en}}&nbsp;& {{in lang|la}}</ref> :''An Act that no Brewers of Beer or Ale shall make their Barrels, Kilderkins or Firkins within them, and how much the same Barrels, et cetera shall contain.'' {{anchor|Sale of Flesh Act 1532}} {{Infobox UK legislation | short_title = Sale of Flesh Act 1532 | type = Act | parliament = Parliament of England | long_title = An Act for Flesh to be sold by Weight. | year = 1532 | citation = [[24 Hen. 8]]. c. 3 | introduced_commons = | introduced_lords = | territorial_extent = | royal_assent = 7 April 1533 | commencement = | expiry_date = | repeal_date = | amends = | replaces = | amendments = | repealing_legislation = | related_legislation = | status = Repealed | legislation_history = | theyworkforyou = | millbankhansard = | original_text = | revised_text = | use_new_UK-LEG = | UK-LEG_title = | collapsed = yes }} * [[24 Hen. 8]]. c. 3 (1532)<ref name="Britain1763-252">Pickering (1763d), [ p.&nbsp;252].</ref> :''An Act for flesh to be sold by weight, and the prices limited.'' {{boxquote|"Beef, pork, mutton and veal shall be sold by weight called Haver-de-pois."}} {{anchor|Flax and Hemp Act 1532}} {{Infobox UK legislation | short_title = Flax and Hemp Act 1532 | type = Act | parliament = Parliament of England | long_title = An Act concerning sowing of Flax and Hemp. | year = 1532 | citation = [[24 Hen. 8]]. c. 4 | introduced_commons = | introduced_lords = | territorial_extent = | royal_assent = 7 April 1533 | commencement = | expiry_date = | repeal_date = 28 July 1863 | amends = | replaces = | amendments = | repealing_legislation = [[Statute Law Revision Act 1863]] | related_legislation = | status = Repealed | legislation_history = | theyworkforyou = | millbankhansard = | original_text = | revised_text = | use_new_UK-LEG = | UK-LEG_title = | collapsed = yes }} * [[24 Hen. 8]]. c. 4 (1532)<ref name="Britain1763-252"/> :''An Act concerning sowing of Flax and Hemp.'' {{boxquote|"An acre shall be counted 160 perches, and every perch 16-foot and a half."}} {{anchor|Woollen Cloth Act 1551}} {{Infobox UK legislation | short_title = Woollen Cloth Act 1551 | type = Act | parliament = Parliament of England | long_title = An Act for the true making of Woolen Cloth. | year = 1551 | citation = [[5 & 6 Edw. 6]]. c. 6 | introduced_commons = | introduced_lords = | territorial_extent =[[England and Wales]] | royal_assent = 15 April 1552 | commencement = | expiry_date = | repeal_date =21 July 1856 | amends = | replaces = | amendments = | repealing_legislation = [[Repeal of Obsolete Statutes Act 1856]] | related_legislation = | status = Repealed | legislation_history = | theyworkforyou = | millbankhansard = | original_text = | revised_text = | use_new_UK-LEG = | UK-LEG_title = | collapsed = yes }} * [[5 & 6 Edw. 6]]. c. 6 (1552)<ref>{{Citation |editor-last=Ruffhead |editor-first=Owen |editor-link=Owen Ruffhead |date=1763b |title=The Statutes at Large |volume=II: From the First Year of King Edward the Fourth To the End of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. To which is prefixed, A Table of the Titles of all the Publick and Private Statutes during that Time. |location=London |publisher=Mark Basket for the Crown |url= |page=[ 442] }}</ref> :''An Act for the true making of Woolen Cloth.'' {{boxquote|"XIV. And that all and every [[broadcloth#Etymology|Broad Cloth]] and Clothes called [[Taunton#History|Taunton Clothes]], [[Bridgwater]]s, and other Clothes which shall be made after the said Feast in Taunton, Bridgwater or in other Places of like Sort, shall contain at the Water in Length betwixt twelve and thirteen Yards, [[Yard#Yard and inch|Yard and Inch]] of the Rule, and in Breadth seven Quarters of a Yard: (2) And every [[narrow Cloth]] made after the said Feast in the said Towns or elsewhere of like Sorts, shall contain in the Water in Length betwixt three and twenty and five and twenty Yards, Yard and Inch as is aforesaid, and in Breadth one Yard of like Measure; (3) and every such Cloth, both Broad and Narrow being well [[scouring (textiles)|scowred]], thicked, [[fulling|milled]] and fully dried, shall weigh xxxiv. li. the Piece at the least.{{pb}}XV. And that all Clothes named Check-[[Kersey (cloth)|Kersie]] and [[narrow cloth|Straits]], which shall be made after the said Feast shall contain being wet between seventeen and eighteen Yards, with the Inches as is aforesaid, and in Breadth one Yard at the least at the Water; and being well scowred, thicked, milled and fully dried, shall weigh xxiv. li. the Piece at the least."{{pb}}XV. And that all Clothes named Check-[[Kersey (cloth)|Kersie]] and Straits, which shall be made after the said Feast shall contain being wet between seventeen and eighteen Yards, with the Inches as is aforesaid, and in Breadth one Yard at the least at the Water; and being well scowred, thicked, milled and fully dried, shall weigh xxiv. li. the Piece at the least."}} {{anchor|Woollen Cloths Act 1557}} {{Infobox UK legislation | short_title = Woollen Cloths Act 1557 | type = Act | parliament = Parliament of England | long_title = An Act towching the making of Wollen Clothes. | year = 1557 | citation = [[4 & 5 Ph. & M.]] c. 5 | introduced_commons = | introduced_lords = | territorial_extent = | royal_assent = 7 March 1558 | commencement = | expiry_date = | repeal_date = | amends = | replaces = | amendments = | repealing_legislation =[[City of London Courts of Justice Act 1815]] | related_legislation = | status =Repealed | legislation_history = | theyworkforyou = | millbankhansard = | original_text = | revised_text = | use_new_UK-LEG = | UK-LEG_title = | collapsed = yes }} * [[4 & 5 Ph. & M.]] c. 5. par. IX (1557–8)<ref>{{Citation |editor-last=Pickering |editor-first=Danby |editor-link=Danby Pickering |title=The Statutes at Large |volume=VI: From the First Year of Q. Mary, to the Thirty-fifth Year of Q. Elizabeth, inclusive. To which is prefixed, A Table containing the Titles of all the Statutes during that period. |location=[[Cambridge, England|Cambridge]] |url= |publisher=Joseph Bentham for Charles Bathurst |date=1763f |page=[ 96] }}</ref> :''An act touching the making of woolen clothes.'' {{boxquote|"IX. Item, That every ordinary [[Kersey (cloth)|kersie]] mentioned in the said act shall contain in length in the water betwixt xvi. and xvii. yards, yard and inch; and being well scoured thicked, milled, dressed and fully dried, shall weigh nineteen pounds the piece at the least:..."}} {{anchor|Wax Act 1580}} {{Infobox UK legislation | short_title = Wax Act 1580 | type = act | parliament = Parliament of England | long_title = An Act touching the true melting, making and working of Wax. | year = 1580 | citation = [[23 Eliz. 1]]. c. 8 | introduced_commons = | introduced_lords = | territorial_extent =[[England and Wales]] | royal_assent = 18 March 1581 | commencement = | expiry_date = | repeal_date = 21 July 1856 | amends = | replaces = | amendments = | repealing_legislation = [[Repeal of Obsolete Statutes Act 1856]] | related_legislation = | status = repealed | legislation_history = | theyworkforyou = | millbankhansard = | original_text = | revised_text = | use_new_UK-LEG = | UK-LEG_title = | collapsed = yes }} * [[23 Eliz. 1]]. c. 8 (1581)<ref>Pickering (1763f), [ p.&nbsp;342].</ref> :''An Act touching the true melting, making and working of Wax.'' {{boxquote|"...fill and sell or cause to be filled or sold or offered to be sold any Barrel, Kilderkin or Firkin with Honey, for or in the Name of a Barrel, [[Kilderkin]] or [[firkin (unit)|Firkin]] containing less than two and thirty Wine Gallons the Barrel, sixteen Wine Gallons the Kilderkin, and eight Wine Gallons the Firkin; every Person and Persons so offending shall forfeit and lose for every Half Gallon so lacking five Shillings of English Money."}} {{anchor|35 Elizabeth c. 6}}<!--linked--> {{anchor|Restriction on Building Act 1592}} {{Infobox UK legislation | short_title = Restriction on Building Act 1592 | type = Act | parliament = Parliament of England | long_title = An Act against converting of great Houses into several Tenements, and for Restraint of Inmates and Inclosures, in and near about the City of London and Westminster. | year = 1592 | citation = [[35 Eliz. 1]]. c. 6 | introduced_commons = | introduced_lords = | territorial_extent = [[England and Wales]] | royal_assent = 10 April 1593 | commencement = | expiry_date = | repeal_date = 27 March 1888 | amends = | replaces = | amendments = | repealing_legislation = [[Statute Law Revision Act 1888]] | related_legislation = | status = Repealed | legislation_history = | theyworkforyou = | millbankhansard = | original_text = | revised_text = | use_new_UK-LEG = | UK-LEG_title = | collapsed = yes }} * [[35 Eliz. 1]]. c. 6 (1593)<ref>Pickering (1763f), [ p.&nbsp;433].</ref> :''An Act against converting of great Houses into several Tenements, and for Restraint of Inmates and Inclosures, in and near about the City of ''London'' and ''Westminster''.'' {{boxquote|"... A [[Mile]] shall contain eight [[Furlong]]s, every Furlong forty [[pole (unit)|Poles]], and every Pole shall contain sixteen [[foot (unit)|Foot]] and an half."<ref>Ruffhead (1763b), [ p.&nbsp;676.]</ref>}} :This is the codification and namesake of the [[statute mile]]. {{anchor|Cloth Act 1592}} {{Infobox UK legislation | short_title = Cloth Act 1592 | type = Act | parliament = Parliament of England | long_title = An act for the reformation of sundry abuses in clothes, called Devonshire kersies or dozens, according to a proclamation of the thirty-fourth year of the reign of our sovereign lady the Queen that now is. | year = 1592 | citation = [[35 Eliz. 1]]. c. 10 | introduced_commons = | introduced_lords = | territorial_extent = | royal_assent = 10 April 1593 | commencement = | expiry_date = | repeal_date = | amends = | replaces = | amendments = | repealing_legislation = [[Woollen Manufacture Act 1809]] | related_legislation = | status = repealed | legislation_history = | theyworkforyou = | millbankhansard = | original_text = | revised_text = | use_new_UK-LEG = | UK-LEG_title = | collapsed = yes }} * [[35 Eliz. 1]]. c. 10. par. III (1593)<ref>Pickering (1763f), [ p.&nbsp;444].</ref> :''An act for the reformation of sundry abuses in clothes, called Devonshire kersies or dozens, according to a proclamation of the thirty-fourth year of the reign of our sovereign lady the Queen that now is.'' {{boxquote|"(2) and each and every of the same Devonshire kersies or dozens, so being raw, and as it cometh forth off the weaver's loom (without racking, stretching, straining or other device to encrease the length thereof) shall contain in length between fifteen and sixteen yards by the measure of yard and inch by the rule, ..."}} ====17th century==== {{anchor|Clerk of the Market Act 1640}} {{Infobox UK legislation | short_title = Clerk of the Market Act 1640 | type = Act | parliament = Parliament of England | long_title = An Act for the better ordering and regulating of the Office of Clerk of the Market, allowed and confirmed by this Statutes; and for the Reformation of false Weights and Measures. | year = 1640 | citation = [[16 Cha. 1]]. c. 19 | introduced_commons = | introduced_lords = | territorial_extent = | royal_assent = 10 August 1641 | commencement = | expiry_date = | repeal_date = 28 July 1863 | amends = | replaces = | amendments = | repealing_legislation = [[Statute Law Revision Act 1863]] | related_legislation = | status = Repealed | legislation_history = | theyworkforyou = | millbankhansard = | original_text = | revised_text = | use_new_UK-LEG = | UK-LEG_title = | collapsed = yes }} * [[16 Cha. 1]]. c. 19 (1640)<ref>{{Citation |editor-last=Pickering |editor-first=Danby |editor-link=Danby Pickering |title=The Statutes at Large |volume=VII: From the Thirty-ninth Year of Q. Elizabeth, to the Twelfth Year of K. Charles II. inclusive. To which is prefixed, A Table containing the Titles of all the Statutes during that Period. |location=[[Cambridge, England|Cambridge]] |date=1763g |url= |publisher=Joseph Bentham for Charles Bathurst |pages=[ 353–355] }}</ref> :''An Act for the better ordering and regulating of the Office of Clerk of the Market, allowed and confirmed by this Statutes; and for the Reformation of false Weights and Measures.'' {{anchor|Measures Act 1670}} {{Infobox UK legislation | short_title = Measures Act 1670 | type = Act | parliament = Parliament of England | long_title = An Act for ascertaining the Measures of Corne and Salt. | year = 1670 | citation = [[22 Cha. 2]]. c. 8 | introduced_commons = | introduced_lords = | territorial_extent = | royal_assent = 11 April 1670 | commencement = 29 September 1670 | expiry_date = | repeal_date = 28 July 1863 | amends = | replaces = | amendments = | repealing_legislation = [[Statute Law Revision Act 1863]] | related_legislation = | status = Repealed | legislation_history = | theyworkforyou = | millbankhansard = | original_text = | revised_text = | use_new_UK-LEG = | UK-LEG_title = | collapsed = yes }} * [[22 Cha. 2]]. c. 8 (1670)<ref>{{Citation |editor-last=Pickering |editor-first=Danby |editor-link=Danby Pickering |title=The Statutes at Large |volume=VIII: From the Twelfth Year of King Charles II., to the Last Year of King James II. inclusive. To which is prefixed, A Table containing the Titles of all the Statutes during that Period. |location=[[Cambridge, England|Cambridge]] |date=1763h |url= |publisher=Joseph Bentham for Charles Bathurst |pages=[ 287–289] }}</ref> :''An Act for ascertaining the Measures of Corn and Salt.'' :First mention of Winchester bushel in statute. {{anchor|Measures (No. 2) Act 1670}} {{Infobox UK legislation | short_title = Measures (No. 2) Act 1670 | type = Act | parliament = Parliament of England | long_title = An additional Act for ascertaining the Measures of Corn and Salt. | year = 1670 | citation = [[22 & 23 Cha. 2]]. c. 12 | introduced_commons = | introduced_lords = | territorial_extent = | royal_assent = 22 April 1671 | commencement = | expiry_date = | repeal_date = 28 July 1863 | amends = | replaces = | amendments = | repealing_legislation = [[Statute Law Revision Act 1863]] | related_legislation = | status = Repealed | legislation_history = | theyworkforyou = | millbankhansard = | original_text = | revised_text = | use_new_UK-LEG = | UK-LEG_title = | collapsed = yes }} * [[22 & 23 Cha. 2]]. c. 12 (1670)<ref>Pickering (1763h), [ pp.&nbsp;353–355.]</ref> :''An additional Act for ascertaining the Measures of Corn and Salt.'' *[[8 & 9 Will. 3]]. c. 22. s. 9 (1696–7)<ref>{{Citation |last=Townsend |first=George Henry |author-link=George Henry Townsend |title=The Manual of Dates: A Dictionary of Reference to All the Most Important Events in the History of Mankind to be Found in Authentic Records |url= |access-date=31 January 2012 |year=1877 |publisher=Frederick Warne |page=[ p.&nbsp;175] }}</ref><ref>{{Citation |editor-last=Brewster |editor-first=D. |title=The Edinburgh Encyclopaedia |url= |access-date=31 January 2012 |year=1830 |page=[ p.&nbsp;150] }}</ref> {{boxquote|"...every round bushel with a plain and even bottom being eighteen inches and a half wide throughout and eight inches deep shall be determined a legal Winchester bushel according to the Standard of His Majesty's Exchequer."}} :First definition of [[Winchester bushel]] in statute (≈2,150.42 cubic inches). ====18th century==== {{anchor|Ale Measures Act 1698}} {{Infobox UK legislation | short_title = Ale Measures Act 1698 | type = Act | parliament = Parliament of England | long_title = An Act for the ascertaining the Measures for retailing Ale and Beer. | year = 1698 | citation = [[11 Will. 3]]. c. 15{{br}}(Ruffhead: 11 & 12 Will. 3. c. 15) | introduced_commons = | introduced_lords = | territorial_extent = | royal_assent = 11 April 1700 | commencement = | expiry_date = | repeal_date = 15 July 1867 | amends = | replaces = | amendments = | repealing_legislation = [[Statute Law Revision Act 1867]] | related_legislation = | status = Repealed | legislation_history = | theyworkforyou = | millbankhansard = | original_text = | revised_text = | use_new_UK-LEG = | UK-LEG_title = | collapsed = yes }} * [[11 Will. 3]]. c. 15 (1700)<ref>{{Citation |editor-last=Raithby |editor-first=John |editor2-last=Tomlins |editor2-first=Thomas Edlyne |display-editors=1 |ref={{harvid|Raithby|1811}} |date=1811 |title=The Statutes at Large, of England and of Great-Britain: From Magna Carta to the Union of the Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland |url= |volume=VI: From 8 William III. A.D.<!--sic--> 1696.—To 6 Anne, A.D.<!--sic--> 1707 |location=London |publisher=George Eyre & Andrew Strahan for the Crown |pages=[ 274–277] }}.</ref> :An Act for ascertaining the Measures for retailing Ale and Beer. {{anchor|Water Measure of Fruit Act 1702}} {{Infobox UK legislation | short_title = Water Measure of Fruit Act 1702 | type = Act | parliament = Parliament of England | long_title = An Act to ascertain the water measure of fruit. | year = 1702 | citation = [[1 Ann.]] c. 9{{br}}(Ruffhead: 1 Ann. St. 1. c. 15) | introduced_commons = | introduced_lords = | territorial_extent = | royal_assent = 6 May 1702 | commencement = | expiry_date = | repeal_date =21 July 1856 | amends = | replaces = | amendments = | repealing_legislation = {{ubli|[[Weights and Measures Act 1824]]|[[Repeal of Obsolete Statutes Act 1856]]}} | related_legislation = | status = Repealed | legislation_history = | theyworkforyou = | millbankhansard = | original_text = | revised_text = | use_new_UK-LEG = | UK-LEG_title = | collapsed = yes }} * [[1 Ann.]] c. 9 (1701)<ref>Raithby (1811), [ p.&nbsp;349].</ref> :An Act to ascertain the Water Measure of Fruit. </textarea><div class="templatesUsed"></div><p id="mw-returnto">Return to <a href="/wiki/Weights_and_Measures_Acts_(UK)" title="Weights and Measures Acts (UK)">Weights and Measures Acts (UK)</a>.</p> <!--esi <esi:include src="/esitest-fa8a495983347898/content" /> --><noscript><img src="" alt="" width="1" height="1" style="border: none; position: absolute;"></noscript> <div class="printfooter" data-nosnippet="">Retrieved from "<a dir="ltr" href=""></a>"</div></div> <div id="catlinks" class="catlinks catlinks-allhidden" data-mw="interface"></div> </div> </main> </div> <div class="mw-footer-container"> <footer id="footer" class="mw-footer" > <ul id="footer-info"> </ul> <ul id="footer-places"> <li id="footer-places-privacy"><a href="">Privacy policy</a></li> <li id="footer-places-about"><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:About">About Wikipedia</a></li> <li id="footer-places-disclaimers"><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:General_disclaimer">Disclaimers</a></li> <li id="footer-places-contact"><a href="//">Contact Wikipedia</a></li> <li id="footer-places-wm-codeofconduct"><a href="">Code of Conduct</a></li> <li id="footer-places-developers"><a href="">Developers</a></li> <li id="footer-places-statslink"><a href="">Statistics</a></li> <li id="footer-places-cookiestatement"><a href="">Cookie statement</a></li> <li id="footer-places-mobileview"><a href="//" class="noprint stopMobileRedirectToggle">Mobile view</a></li> </ul> <ul id="footer-icons" class="noprint"> <li id="footer-copyrightico"><a href="" class="cdx-button cdx-button--fake-button cdx-button--size-large cdx-button--fake-button--enabled"><img src="/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button.svg" width="84" height="29" alt="Wikimedia Foundation" loading="lazy"></a></li> <li id="footer-poweredbyico"><a href="" class="cdx-button cdx-button--fake-button cdx-button--size-large cdx-button--fake-button--enabled"><img src="/w/resources/assets/poweredby_mediawiki.svg" alt="Powered by MediaWiki" width="88" height="31" loading="lazy"></a></li> </ul> </footer> </div> </div> </div> <div class="vector-settings" id="p-dock-bottom"> <ul></ul> </div><script>(RLQ=window.RLQ||[]).push(function(){mw.config.set({"wgHostname":"mw-web.codfw.main-6b7f745dd4-qgm22","wgBackendResponseTime":255,"wgPageParseReport":{"limitreport":{"cputime":"0.059","walltime":"0.086","ppvisitednodes":{"value":418,"limit":1000000},"postexpandincludesize":{"value":17740,"limit":2097152},"templateargumentsize":{"value":6556,"limit":2097152},"expansiondepth":{"value":9,"limit":100},"expensivefunctioncount":{"value":0,"limit":500},"unstrip-depth":{"value":0,"limit":20},"unstrip-size":{"value":469,"limit":5000000},"entityaccesscount":{"value":0,"limit":400},"timingprofile":["100.00% 60.070 1 -total"," 99.88% 59.996 2 Template:Blocked_text"," 41.31% 24.816 1 Template:Colocationwebhost"," 40.27% 24.189 2 Template:Replace"," 37.15% 22.318 1 Template:Hidden"," 15.47% 9.292 1 Template:Tlx"," 15.43% 9.266 1 Template:Hidden_begin"," 2.48% 1.491 1 Template:Hidden_end"," 2.12% 1.273 1 MediaWiki:Wikimedia-globalblocking-blockedtext-mistake"," 2.08% 1.251 1 MediaWiki:Wikimedia-globalblocking-blockedtext-mistake-email-steward"]},"scribunto":{"limitreport-timeusage":{"value":"0.011","limit":"10.000"},"limitreport-memusage":{"value":1043346,"limit":52428800}},"cachereport":{"origin":"mw-web.codfw.main-6b7f745dd4-qgm22","timestamp":"20241125125348","ttl":2592000,"transientcontent":false}}});});</script> </body> </html>