Interactive Advertising Bureau | 2025 IAB ALM

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Podcast Host</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-2-3@m"> <div class="featured-speaker-content uk-margin-small-top" id="featured-speaker-content"> <h3></h3> <div class="uk-margin-medium-bottom uk-margin-top"> <p></p> </div> <button class="primary-button-red agenda-session-link" data-session-id="">View Agenda</button> </div> <!-- Add scroll indicator --> <div class="content-scroll-indicator"> <span>scroll down for more</span> <span class="content-scroll-indicator__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Speaker Carousel --> <!-- break out of container --> </div> <div class="uk-position-relative uk-visible-toggle uk-padding-large uk-padding-remove-right uk-padding-remove-top" uk-slider="finite: false"> <div class="uk-container uk-container-large"> <div class="featured-speakers-nav"> <button class="nav-button prev" uk-slider-item="previous"> <span uk-icon="icon: chevron-left; ratio: 2"></span> </button> <button class="nav-button next" uk-slider-item="next"> <span uk-icon="icon: chevron-right; ratio: 2"></span> </button> </div> </div> <div class="uk-slider-container"> <ul class="uk-slider-items uk-flex"> <li data-speaker-id="188885"> <div class="headshot-wrapper speaker-select" data-index="0"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Hannah Berner" src="" /> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name uk-margin-small-top"> Hannah Berner </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div>Comedian &amp; Podcast Host</div> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-session-data" hidden data-session-title="Main Stage Reconvenes" data-session-description="Can’t-miss panels and presentations round out Day 2 of ALM." data-session-id="188274"> </div> <div class="speaker-bio-data" hidden data-bio="&lt;p&gt;Hannah Berner was born in Brooklyn, New York and emerged on the comedy scene by writing, directing, editing, and acting in videos on social media and writing viral tweets. She has two podcasts, Berner Phone and Giggly Squad with over 50 million combined downloads. She was a cohost on Bravo’s Chat Room, as well as a member of Bravo’s Summer House for three seasons, and has over 4 million followers across her social media platforms. Through her viral digital series, Han on the Street, which has garnered hundreds of millions of views, she has interviewed stars such as Jennifer Lawrence, Hailey Bieber, Priyanka Chopra, Kesha, and Julia Fox. She currently is on a theater tour across America for her stand up comedy. In 2022, she was named one of Just For Laughs “New Faces Of Comedy&#8221; in Montreal. She was recently named one of Variety’s “Top Ten Comics to Watch in 2023”.&lt;/p&gt; "> </div> </div> </li> <li data-speaker-id="189194"> <div class="headshot-wrapper speaker-select" data-index="1"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Tobin Heath" src="" /> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name uk-margin-small-top"> Tobin Heath </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div>Co-Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer at RE—INC</div> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-session-data" hidden data-session-title="Main Stage Convenes" data-session-description="ALM 25 kicks off with welcome remarks from IAB leadership, followed by conversations with leading futurists, policymakers, and more." data-session-id="188943"> </div> <div class="speaker-bio-data" hidden data-bio="&lt;p&gt;Tobin Heath is a 2x World Cup Champion for the U.S. Women&#8217;s National Soccer team, an equal pay pioneer, and the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of RE—INC. She is a 4x Olympian, with two gold medals and a bronze medal. She is known as one of the most skillful and entertaining players in the game. Throughout her club career, Heath has played for PSG, the Portland Thorns, Manchester United, and Arsenal. Tobin brings her vision, leadership, and creativity as a Co-CEO of RE—INC, a values-led brand that exists to reimagine the way women and seen and experienced in sports. This summer, RE—INC launched a media division with a critically-acclaimed show: The RE—CAP Show World Cup Edition, hosted by Tobin. &lt;/p&gt; "> </div> </div> </li> <li data-speaker-id="188325"> <div class="headshot-wrapper speaker-select" data-index="2"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Ron Howard" src="" /> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name uk-margin-small-top"> Ron Howard </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div>Academy Award-Winning Filmmaker</div> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-session-data" hidden data-session-title="Main Stage Reconvenes" data-session-description="Main Stage programming continues, as leaders in the streaming and creativity spaces take the stage for wide-ranging conversations." data-session-id="188262"> </div> <div class="speaker-bio-data" hidden data-bio="&lt;p&gt;Academy Award-winning director Ron Howard is one of Hollywood’s most celebrated and prolific filmmakers. From the critically acclaimed Oscar-winning dramas A Beautiful Mind and Apollo 13 to the hit comedies Parenthood and Splash, he has created some of Hollywood’s most memorable films and series. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Howard’s critically acclaimed film A Beautiful Mind earned him an Academy Award for Best Director and Best Picture, and also won for Best Screenplay and Best Supporting Actress. Howard has also been honored by numerous organizations and in March 2013, Howard was inducted into the Television Hall of Fame. In 2015, Howard was honored with a second star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, making him one of the select few to have been recognized with two stars. In 2023, Apollo 13 was chosen for the Library of Congress National Film Registry, a prestigious collection of films that are selected for cultural, historic or aesthetic importance. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Howard’s most recent film is Jim Henson Idea Man, a definitive portrait of Jim Henson’s life, which premiered at Cannes Film Festival this year. His next highly anticipated project is Eden, a survival thriller based on the 1930s real-life unsolved murders in the Galapagos Islands, starring Jude Law, Ana de Armas, Vanessa Kirby and Sydney Sweeney. Howard is also set to direct a documentary on renowned photographer Richard Avedon as part of a slate of projects co-financed by Imagine Documentaries and FIFTH SEASON. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Howard has produced a number of award-winning productions including Lin-Manuel Miranda’s directorial debut tick, tick…BOOM!, the Emmy-winning series Arrested Development (for which he also narrated), the award-winning anthology series Genius, the series Under The Banner of Heaven from Dustin Lance Black, the documentaries Lucy and Desi, Julia, and Light &#038; Magic, the docu series about George Lucas’ ground-breaking special effects house Industrial Light and Magic, to name a few.&lt;br /&gt; Past films include Thirteen Lives, about the global efforts in the rescue of twelve boys and their soccer coach from a flooded cave in Thailand, the Emmy-nominated documentary feature We Feed People profiling the humanitarian work of renowned chef José Andrés and his World Central Kitchen, Hillbilly Elegy, Rebuilding Paradise, the Grammy-winning Best Music Film The Beatles: Eight Days a Week, Solo: A Star Wars Story, Rush, The Da Vinci Code, Frost/Nixon, How The Grinch Stole Christmas and Backdraft. Howard is also the co-author of the 2021 New York Times bestseller The Boys: A Memoir of Hollywood and Family, a memoir written with his brother about growing up in Hollywood. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Howard is also the co-founder of Impact, a content accelerator whose mission is to discover, cultivate, nurture and connect creative storytellers around the world through its innovative talent identification and collaboration system. To date, Impact has built a community of over 75,000 writers across 140+ countries. Recently, Impact merged with Ava DuVernay’s ARRAY Crew to form Impact Crew, an effort that aims to promote diversity and inclusion in hiring for creative careers. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Howard made his directorial debut in 1977 with the comedy Grand Theft Auto. He began his career in film as an actor, first appearing in The Journey and The Music Man. He later starred as Opie on the long-running television series The Andy Griffith Show and as Richie Cunningham on the popular series Happy Days, both Nielsen rated #1 series. Howard later starred in American Graffiti directed by George Lucas and in John Wayne’s last film, The Shootist. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Howard met his longtime friend and business partner Brian Grazer in the early 1980s and embarked on what is now one of the longest running partnerships in Hollywood. Their collaboration began with the hit comedies Night Shift and Splash, and in 1986 the two founded Imagine Entertainment, which they continue to run together as chairmen. Over the years, Imagine Entertainment has amassed a slew of prestigious awards, including 276 Emmy nominations, with 57 wins. They have also been selected for 47 Oscar nominations and won 10 Oscars, along with 72 Golden Globe nominations and 11 Golden Globe wins. The films produced by Imagine Entertainment have grossed over 13.5 billion dollars, cementing their place as one of the most flourishing production companies in the entertainment industry.&lt;/p&gt; "> </div> </div> </li> <li data-speaker-id="189418"> <div class="headshot-wrapper speaker-select" data-index="3"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Edward Norton" src="" /> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name uk-margin-small-top"> Edward Norton </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div>Filmmaker, Founder, and Philanthropist</div> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-session-data" hidden data-session-title="Main Stage Reconvenes" data-session-description="Can’t-miss panels and presentations round out Day 2 of ALM." data-session-id="188274"> </div> <div class="speaker-bio-data" hidden data-bio="&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Edward Norton is a filmmaker, founder, and philanthropist.&lt;/strong&gt; In addition to his acclaimed work in film, he is the Chairman &#038; co-founder of EDO, the TV outcomes company. EDO is a TV measurement leader that predictively powers the success of marketing, research and creative professionals &#8211; trusted by leading agencies, brands, networks, streamers, and studios. Edward is also a co-founder of several other successful companies including Zeck, Stacks, and CrowdRise (acquired by GoFundMe) and an early stage investor (Uber, Tala, and Kensho — acquired by S&#038;P Global). He is also deeply involved in conservation work in Kenya and globally with the UN.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;em&gt;Photo courtesy of Vava Ribeiro&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt; "> </div> </div> </li> <li data-speaker-id="189198"> <div class="headshot-wrapper speaker-select" data-index="4"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Christen Press" src="" /> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name uk-margin-small-top"> Christen Press </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div>Co-Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer at RE—INC</div> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-session-data" hidden data-session-title="Main Stage Convenes" data-session-description="ALM 25 kicks off with welcome remarks from IAB leadership, followed by conversations with leading futurists, policymakers, and more." data-session-id="188943"> </div> <div class="speaker-bio-data" hidden data-bio="&lt;p&gt;Christen Press is a 2x World Cup Champion for the U.S. Women&#8217;s National Soccer team, an equal pay pioneer, and the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of RE—INC. She is one of the top 10 goalscorer ever on the USWNT, and holds the scoring record at Stanford. Christen currently plays for Angel City FC. Christen led the USWNT&#8217;s historic achievement of Equal Pay and served as the leader of the USWNT Player&#8217;s Associate for 2 years. For four years, Christen has been the CEO, and now Co-CEO of RE—INC, a values-led brand that exists to reimagine the way women and seen and experienced in sports. She is a 2-year Board Member of Grassroots Soccer, a non-profit organization that uses the power of soccer to provide mentors, information, and health services to at-risk youth in Africa.&lt;/p&gt; "> </div> </div> </li> <li data-speaker-id="188844"> <div class="headshot-wrapper speaker-select" data-index="5"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Keith Dawkins" src="" /> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name uk-margin-small-top"> Keith Dawkins </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div>President</div> <div>Harlem Globetrotters and Herschend Entertainment Studios</div> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-session-data" hidden data-session-title="Main Stage Reconvenes" data-session-description="Main Stage programming continues, as leaders in the streaming and creativity spaces take the stage for wide-ranging conversations." data-session-id="188262"> </div> <div class="speaker-bio-data" hidden data-bio="&lt;p&gt;Keith Dawkins joined the organization in 2022 and serves as President, Harlem Globetrotters and Herschend Entertainment Studios; charged with the overall day-to-day operations of both entities. In his role, he spearheads the brands ongoing evolution from an event business, spanning 124 countries across 6 continents, to a global branded entertainment force. &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; This is a new era of growth and excitement for the Harlem Globetrotters as the brand prepares to celebrate its centennial anniversary in 2026. Dawkins has spearheaded its growth across media/entertainment, corporate social responsibility, digital/social media and through a variety of strategic partnerships that are re-energizing its global footprint. Chief amongst them being a deal he orchestrated with Hearst Media Production Group that marked the Harlem Globetrotters’ return to television for the first time in 40 years, with the hit Emmy® Award nominated NBC weekly series, “Harlem Globetrotters: Play it Forward.” The partnership with Hearst Media Production Group marks a new era for the Globetrotters in the content space as Dawkins is creating a new development slate for the brand, closing deals with key partners for documentaries, animated series &#038; specials, branded digital entertainment with partners like BBTV and Viral Nation and a variety of scripted and unscripted formats.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Dawkins also launched the Goodwill Ambassador Initiative to foster the Globetrotters’ corporate &#038; social responsibility efforts. Centered around the strategic pillars of Health &#038; Wellness, Education and Community Empowerment, the initiative has already struck partnership with Comic Relief/Red Nose Day, the State Department, Microsoft, and Campus Multimedia.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Dawkins is a strategic, creative, award-winning Chief Executive Officer with 25+ years of experience in the media/entertainment, professional sports, and philanthropic industries. Dawkins is a results-oriented executive with a global business acumen evidenced across all operations; setting company strategy; leadership and management; deal negotiations; international sales; P&#038;L oversight; and driving revenue growth. He has a strong background in marketing, content strategy and creation, and forging strategic partnerships with high-profile brands. Dawkins is recognized for his energetic, pro-active, and collaborative leadership style and for his ability to motivate and galvanize diverse teams in ways that generate ideas, drive growth, and yield results. &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Dawkins is the sole proprietor of Rock Hill Media Ventures (RHMV), the media company he founded in 2018.  The company is led by its deep commitment to Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (I.D.E.A) and focuses on three specific concentrations within that frame: media/entertainment, sports, and social impact, with a particular expertise in business strategy, marketing, and content creation. RHMV counts the National Basketball Players Association, award-winning production companies such as Believe Entertainment Group and 9Story Media Group, global distributors, Sutikki and Toonz Media Group, Battat Entertainment Group – a division of Battat toy company, former NFL player, Rashad Jennings, a variety of social impact partners and many others as clients and strategic partners.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Previously, Dawkins served as the Chief Executive Officer of The First Tee, a non-profit organization that annually reaches five million young people; impacting their lives by providing programs that build character, instill life-enhancing values, and promote healthy choices through the game of golf. Partnering with The First Tee’s Founding partners, LPGA, the Masters Tournament, PGA of America, PGA TOUR, and the USGA, as well as former President George W. Bush, who serves as honorary chair, The First Tee uses the values inherent in the game of golf to positively impact the lives of young people while also striving to grow and diversify the sport. As the CEO, Keith was responsible for the overall day-to-day operations of the organization, including 150 domestic chapters, six international chapters, 1200 golf courses, and a National School Program that puts content from The First Tee in 10,000 elementary schools. He strategically directed The First Tee in order to evolve the company, expand its reach, and build its national and global prominence. &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Prior to The First Tee, Dawkins served as Nickelodeon’s first ever General Manager for the Nicktoons Network. Over the years he rose within the organization to Executive Vice President where his purview included overseeing TeenNick, Nicktoons, Nick Jr., and NickMusic channels.  He was responsible for the day-to-day operations of the networks, including programming, marketing, digital/social media, and on-air promotion. He also launched key programming and marketing initiatives including Nickelodeon Sports, which included a primetime programming block and on-the-ground marketing activations, in partnership with professional sports leagues including, MLB, MLS, NASCAR, NFL, and the PGA TOUR and TeenNick’s The Splat, a multiscreen content destination for millennials who love 90s Nickelodeon. He is viewed as an industry leader and expert in this sector of the media business.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Prior to Viacom, Keith served as producer at Fox News Channel where he was part of the network’s original launch team, producing a variety of daily and live event coverage such as Super Bowl XXXI and President Bill Clinton’s impeachment proceedings.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Throughout his career, Dawkins has been recognized with numerous leadership and industry expertise awards, including his recent Emmy nomination for “Harlem Globetrotters: Play it Forward.” In addition, he has been involved in various boards including the Board of Advisors for Calyx Peak Companies, the Board of Governors of Ramapo College of New Jersey, where he also serves as an Adjunct Professor, a former board member of the NY chapter of “Reach Out and Read,” and the inaugural President of the Ridgewood High School Alumni Association.   &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; A graduate of the CTAM Executive Management Program at Harvard Business School and the NAMIC Executive Leadership Program at UCLA’s Anderson Graduate School of Management, Dawkins holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication from Ramapo College. He currently resides in Ridgewood, NJ, with his wife and two sons.&lt;/p&gt; "> </div> </div> </li> <li data-speaker-id="188533"> <div class="headshot-wrapper speaker-select" data-index="6"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Jeff Green" src="" /> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name uk-margin-small-top"> Jeff Green </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div>CEO, Founder &amp; Chairman</div> <div>The Trade Desk</div> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-session-data" hidden data-session-title="Main Stage Convenes" data-session-description="Day 2 of ALM programming begins with impactful conversations and keynotes to set the scene for the day. Sessions in this content block include:" data-session-id="188258"> </div> <div class="speaker-bio-data" hidden data-bio="&lt;p&gt;Jeff Green is the Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Board Chairman of The Trade Desk, the world’s largest independent demand-side platform for media buying. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Green co-founded The Trade Desk in 2009. Following a successful IPO in 2016, the company has experienced rapid growth with operations across 24 markets around the world. The Trade Desk has been recognized as one of Fortune’s 100 Fastest-Growing Companies, named to the Fortune Future 50 list, and is one of Fortune’s Best Places to Work. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;The American Marketing Association named Green a ‘4 under 40’ emerging marketing leader. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Prior to The Trade Desk, Green founded AdECN, the world’s first online advertising exchange, which was acquired by Microsoft in 2007.&lt;/p&gt; "> </div> </div> </li> <li data-speaker-id="188837"> <div class="headshot-wrapper speaker-select" data-index="7"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Tru Pettigrew" src="" /> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name uk-margin-small-top"> Tru Pettigrew </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div>Former Chief Impact Officer</div> <div>Minnesota Timberwolves and Minnesota Lynx</div> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-session-data" hidden data-session-title="Navigating Brand Safety &amp; Suitability Balancing Growth, Responsibility and Inclusivity" data-session-description="With brands continuing to face the challenge of driving growth while ensuring their messaging aligns with responsible media practices, our panel will delve into the complexities of maintaining brand safety without sacrificing efficiency or effectiveness. Experts will discuss strategies for identifying and mitigating risks in digital advertising, all while balancing the need for responsible media representation. Discover actionable insights on fostering brand safety, driving results, and promoting inclusivity in a rapidly changing environment." data-session-id="188286"> </div> <div class="speaker-bio-data" hidden data-bio="&lt;p&gt;Tru Pettigrew spent four seasons with the Minnesota Timberwolves &#038; Lynx of the NBA and WNBA, and takes great pride in serving as the organizations first Chief Impact Officer. Pettigrew previously served as the Timberwolves and Lynx Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, and Vice President of Player Programs and Diversity and Inclusion. &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; In his role as Chief Impact Officer, Pettigrew oversaw all community relations and diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts including setting the strategic vision across all four franchises – the Minnesota Timberwolves, Minnesota Lynx, Iowa Wolves and T-Wolves Gaming.  &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Following the murder of George Floyd, Pettigrew played an integral role with the team from convening team discussions around race relations and social justice to serving as a bridge builder for community dialogue with the Minneapolis Police Department and other civic members. &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Pettigrew is also a published author. His first book, Millennials Revealed, continues to provide guidance and direction to countless organizations, helping them to understand how to build bridges across the different generation gaps. His newest book, We Can All Be Bridge Builders, serves as a comprehensive guide for leaders of all levels, equipping them with the tools and strategies to help bridge gaps across differences and cultivate genuine relationships and cultures of inclusion.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Tru currently operates his own consulting firm, Tru Access ( where he helps organizations build bridges of trust and understanding across various areas of division. This includes but is not limited to racial divides, gender divides, generational divides, and relational divides of all kinds. As a part of his bridge building efforts, he founded Barbershop Rap Sessions, which serves as a platform that leverages barbershops across the country as a trusted venue for hosting facilitated dialogue between law enforcement and communities of color. He has also served as a Subject Matter Expert for the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and has shared his bridge building and marketing expertise with brands such as Nike, Adidas, Hennessy, Heineken, Unilever, Timberland, and Ford. &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Pettigrew was named to Sports Business Journal’s “ALL IN: Leaders in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” Class of 2023, which recognizes leaders at different sports organizations who are change agents and tireless advocates of DEI in the sports business. Pettigrew was also named to Twin Cities Business Magazine’s “100 People to Know in 2022,” and the Minnesota 500, a list of the state’s most powerful and influential leaders in Minnesota by Greenspring Media. He currently serves on the Boards of PRO Sports Assembly, and V3 Sports.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Pettigrew has been married to his beautiful wife, Tameka, for 22 years, and they are both proud parents of their 12-year-old Young Prince, Austin.  &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Please see below for a recent list of accomplishments for Pettigrew over the last 2 years…&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; 1. 2022 – Named as one of Twin City Business (TCB) &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;noopener&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;100 People to Know for 2022&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; 2. 2022 – Named as one of the Top DEI Leaders in Minnesota by &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;noopener&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;Minnesota Monthly&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; 3. 2022 – Named as one of &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;noopener&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;LinkedIn’s Top 20 Voices in Sports&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; 4. 2023 – Recognized as one of &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;noopener&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;Sports Business Journal’s (SBJ) ALL IN Leaders in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Sports&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; 5. 2023 – Recognized as one of the Twin Cities 200 Black Leaders you should know by the &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;noopener&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; 6. 2023 – Named as one of The &lt;em&gt;Minnesota 500&lt;/em&gt;, a list of the most Powerful and Influential Leaders in Minnesota by &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;noopener&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;Greenspring Media&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; 7. 2023 – Selected to serve as one of the Speakers for &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;noopener&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;TEDx Minneapolis 2023&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; 8. 2024 – Listed in the &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;noopener&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;2024 Minnesota African American Heritage Calendar&lt;/a&gt;, as one of the African American Leaders in Minnesota who has left and indelible mark on the landscape of our culture, state, and nation&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; 9. 2024 – Appointed to &lt;a href=&quot;;view=entry&#038;category=press%252525252520release&#038;id=27:pro-sports-assembly-names-oracio-galindo-of-los-angeles-rams-as-2024-2025-board-chair-and-10-new-leaders-join-board-of-directors&quot; rel=&quot;noopener&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;Governing Board of PRO Sports Assembly&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; 10. 2023 &#8211; 2024 – Proudly served as Chief Impact Officer of the Minnesota Timberwolves during a season when the team was recognized as the recipients of the &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;noopener&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;NBA’s Leadership Inclusion Award Winner&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; 11. 2023 &#8211; 2024 &#8211; Proudly served as Chief Impact Officer of Minnesota Timberwolves during a season when the team was recognized as a finalist for &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;noopener&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;Sports Team of The Year by Sports Business Journal (SBJ)&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; 12. 2022 &#8211; 2024 &#8211; Weekly online video series &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;noopener&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;“TuesdaysWithTru” shared via LinkedIn&lt;/a&gt; that provides insights and tools on how to be an effective Bridge Builder across all forms of difference and division. &lt;/p&gt; "> </div> </div> </li> <li data-speaker-id="189498"> <div class="headshot-wrapper speaker-select" data-index="8"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Joelle Pineau" src="" /> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name uk-margin-small-top"> Joelle Pineau </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div>VP, AI Research</div> <div>Meta</div> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-bio-data" hidden data-bio="&lt;p&gt;Joelle is Vice President, AI Research at Meta and a Professor at McGill University. Her research focuses primarily on developing new models and algorithms for planning and learning in complex, partially observable domains. Joelle also applies these algorithms to robotics, health care, games, and conversational agents. She serves on the board of the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research and the Journal of Machine Learning Research. Joelle holds a BASc in Engineering from the University of Waterloo and an MSc and Ph.D. in Robotics from Carnegie Mellon University.&lt;/p&gt; "> </div> </div> </li> <li data-speaker-id="189303"> <div class="headshot-wrapper speaker-select" data-index="9"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Sean Reardon" src="" /> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name uk-margin-small-top"> Sean Reardon </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div>CEO</div> <div>dentsu Media Practice - Americas</div> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-session-data" hidden data-session-title="Unlocking the Potential of CTV: Navigating Fragmentation and Standardization for Scalable Success" data-session-description="As connected TV (CTV) continues to grow rapidly, brands and advertisers are facing the challenge of navigating a fragmented landscape. With 75% of CTV spending being transacted in programmatic already, advertisers need standardization to scale investments and buying efficiency. From inconsistent ad formats to varying targeting capabilities and measurement frameworks, the lack of standardized practices makes it difficult to deliver cohesive, data-driven campaigns across platforms. This session will delve into the complexities of the CTV ecosystem, explore the gaps in current standards, and discuss solutions for streamlining targeting, measurement, and creative formats." data-session-id="188266"> </div> <div class="speaker-bio-data" hidden data-bio="&lt;p&gt;An established veteran of the ad tech, advertising, media and marketing industries, Sean Reardon has over 25 years of experience driving strategic vision, business transformation, organizational growth and bottom-line results for the clients and organizations he leads, having spent the past decade occupying CEO roles for both publicly traded and privately held companies.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; As CEO, of dentsu’s Media Practice in the Americas, Sean oversees the strategic vision and performance of Carat, iProspect, and dentsu X in the world’s largest region across Dentsu Group. In this role, he leads over 3,900 media innovators in the U.S., Canada and Latin America, leveraging a scaled network of innovative capabilities, products and identity-driven solutions to support, grow and transform the world’s leading advertisers.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Sean is known for his high energy, tireless work-ethic, and an ability to be motivating and accessible while effectively driving the P/L. He has an arsenal of proven experience across virtually all major client categories and brings a personal passion to Fitness, Entertainment, Technology, Fashion, Commerce and Philanthropy brands.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Before joining dentsu, Sean most recently served as Global COO at MiQ, which he led to become the largest independent programmatic media company in the world, experiencing over 5x growth in Enterprise Value with EBITDA increasing from approximately $15 million to over $80 million since he joined in 2018. During his tenure, Sean expanded his role from US CEO to Global COO, and then Global CEO. In this remit, he oversaw the regional performance across 10 countries and 31 offices on 4 continents and managed employee growth from ~500 to over 1,200 people. Prior to MiQ, Sean concurrently served as the CEO for three brands within Publicis Groupe – Zenith Media USA, Moxie and MRY overseeing a composite of 1,400 employees, 50+ clients and nearly $400 Million in annual revenue. During his tenure, both Zenith Media (US) and Moxie reached new heights in commercial performance while MRY returned to relevance with a litany of new client assignments &#8211; most notably Walmart, Audible and Kellogg’s.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Earlier in his career, Sean’s reputation working across the largest accounts in San Francisco and Los Angeles as both a media planning and account planning stalwart opened eyes and doors at Publicis Groupe. His notable rise into the executive ranks at Publicis culminated in posts as the Senior Vice-President of Strategy at Zenith Los Angeles, the President of Strategy at Zenith North America, and President of ROAR, a bespoke Publicis solution for JP Morgan Chase.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Sean resides in Atlanta, but commonly maintains offices around the globe. Among his many board assignments and career accolades, he is a multi-year member of the Dean’s Advancement Council at The Pennsylvania State University’s Bellisario College of Communications and was recently named among the Top 50 Business Leaders in New York. More than any professional accomplishment; however, he is most proud of being a husband to wife, Danielle and father to daughter, Ashley. &lt;/p&gt; "> </div> </div> </li> <li data-speaker-id="173989"> <div class="headshot-wrapper speaker-select" data-index="10"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Vidhya Srinivasan" src="" /> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name uk-margin-small-top"> Vidhya Srinivasan </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div>Vice President/General Manager, Ads</div> <div>Google</div> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-bio-data" hidden data-bio="&lt;p&gt;Vidhya is a Vice President and General Manager at Google, and oversees Google’s Advertising products including search, display, shopping, travel and video advertising, as well as analytics.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Throughout her time at Google, Vidhya has held several different leadership roles in Ads. Most recently, she guided Ads to adopt Generative AI, serving new ads experiences on Google properties and assistive AI for advertisers. She’s also led critical launches like the revamp of Google Analytics, the new Search Ads 360, pixel-less measurement for YouTube advertising, Performance Max and Ads Data Hub.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Prior to joining Google, Vidhya led engineering, product management, and operations for Amazon Redshift, an exabyte-scale data warehouse reimagined for the cloud. She’s also held both technical and leadership roles at IBM.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; She holds a Masters in Computer Science from Georgia Tech and a Bachelors in Computer Science from IIT-Madras. Vidhya is the proud mother of four children, two precocious young girls and two teenage boys. &lt;/p&gt; "> </div> </div> </li> <li data-speaker-id="189030"> <div class="headshot-wrapper speaker-select" data-index="11"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Christina Wootton" src="" /> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name uk-margin-small-top"> Christina Wootton </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div>Chief Partnerships Officer</div> <div>Roblox</div> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-session-data" hidden data-session-title="Fireside Chat " data-session-description="" data-session-id="188266"> </div> <div class="speaker-bio-data" hidden data-bio="&lt;p&gt;Christina serves as Chief Partnerships Officer at Roblox, leading brand partnerships, business development and education. Christina’s teams are focused on creating new ecosystems for people to express themselves through digital fashion and beauty, learn together, and experience entertainment, music and sports with their favorite brands and talent on the platform. With more than 15 years of partnerships and digital advertising experience, Christina has been instrumental in revolutionizing how brands connect, engage and communicate with people all over the world in immersive spaces. She has spearheaded innovation and creative partnerships with Fortune 500 companies and top brands and talent including Gucci, Nike, Netflix, Disney, Warner Bros, NFL, Karlie Kloss, Elton John, among many others. Prior to Roblox, Christina led entertainment innovation and digital advertising at Stardoll Media partnering with brands to create engaging content that allowed users to customize their avatars, shop for digital fashion items and interact with the brands’ virtual characters and products. Christina graduated from California State University, Long Beach. &lt;/p&gt; "> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- restore main container --> <div> </div> </section> <section class="iab-event-module iab-event-module--daily-theme uk-background-secondary" id="daily-theme"> <div class="iab-event-module-content uk-container-xlarge"> <!-- daily theme --> </div> <div class="uk-margin-large-bottom"> <!-- begin daily theme --> <section id="theme" class="daily-theme horizontal-accordion"> <div class="accordion"> <div class="accordion-panel"> <h2 id="panel1-heading"> <button class="accordion-trigger" aria-controls="panel1-content" aria-expanded="false" > <span class="accordion-title" id="panel1-title">Day 1</span> <span class="accordion-theme">January 26, 2025</span> </button> </h2> <div class="accordion-content " id="panel1-content" aria-labelledby="panel1-heading" aria-hidden="false" role="region" > <p> <p> <strong>12:00 pm – 6:00 pm Registration and Badge Pick-Up</strong><br></p> <p><strong>4:00 pm Main State Opens with:</strong> <ul> <li>John Halley, President, Paramount Advertising</li> <li>Tobin Heath and Christen Press, Co-Founders and Co-Chief Executive Officers at RE—INC</li> <li>Shenan Reed, Global Chief Media Officer, General Motors</li> </ul></p> <p><strong>6:00 pm Welcome Reception - Let’s Flamingle</strong> </p> </p> <img class="accordion-image" src="" alt="IAB ALM 2024 17" style="" /> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-panel"> <h2 id="panel2-heading"> <button class="accordion-trigger" aria-controls="panel2-content" aria-expanded="false" > <span class="accordion-title" id="panel2-title">Day 2</span> <span class="accordion-theme">January 27, 2025</span> </button> </h2> <div class="accordion-content " id="panel2-content" aria-labelledby="panel2-heading" aria-hidden="false" role="region" > <p> <p> <strong>9:00 am - 6:15 pm Main Stage Featuring:</strong><br></p> <p><ul> <li>Ron Howard, Academy Award-Winning Filmmaker</li> <li>Edward Norton, Filmmaker, Founder, and Philanthropist</li> <li>Hannah Berner, Comedian and Podcast Host</li> <li>Jeff Green, CEO, Founder & Chairman, The Trade Desk</li> </ul></p> <p> <strong>1:40 pm – 2:55 pm Concurrent Track Sessions </strong><br></p> <p> <ul> <li>Topics: Storytellers, Adaptive Commerce, and TV Transformed</li> </ul> </p> </p> <img class="accordion-image" src="" alt="IAB ALM 2024 7" style="object-position: 51.28% 33.67%" /> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-panel"> <h2 id="panel3-heading"> <button class="accordion-trigger" aria-controls="panel3-content" aria-expanded="false" > <span class="accordion-title" id="panel3-title">Day 3</span> <span class="accordion-theme">January 28, 2025</span> </button> </h2> <div class="accordion-content " id="panel3-content" aria-labelledby="panel3-heading" aria-hidden="false" role="region" > <p> <p> <strong>9:00 am - 1:05 pm Main Stage</strong><br></p> <p><ul> <li>Kevin Krim, President & CEO, EDO</li> <li>Nicolas le Bourgeois, Head of U.S. Operations for TikTok Shop, TikTok</li> <li>Jennie Weber, Chief Marketing Officer, Best Buy Co. Inc.</li> </ul></p> <p> <strong>10:10 am – 11:25 am Concurrent Track Sessions</strong><br></p> <p><ul> <li>Topics: The AI Revolution, Beyond the Headlines, The Big Measurement Makeover</li> </ul> </p> </p> <img class="accordion-image" src="" alt="IAB ALM 2024 49" style="" /> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- end daily theme --> </div> <div class="uk-container-xlarge event__body"> <!-- end daily theme --> </div> </section> <section class="iab-event-module iab-event-module--main-cta uk-background-secondary" id="main-cta"> <div class="iab-event-module-content uk-container-xlarge"> <!-- cta section for main --> <div class="module-cta uk-padding uk-padding-small"> <div class="module-cta__container uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-height-small"> <div class="module-cta__column-left uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle "> Complimentary Passes for Qualified Brand Marketers and Agency&nbsp;Executives </div> <div class="module-cta__column-right uk-flex uk-flex-left uk-flex-middle "> <div id="iabHubspotId_47e4d3b7-42cc-4401-b583-c759b93c295b" uk-modal="container: false;" > <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-modal-body"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" aria-label="Close" type="button" uk-close></button> <script type="text/javascript"> if (!window.oneTrustBootstrapped) { window.oneTrustBootstrapped = {}; } window.oneTrustBootstrapped["47e4d3b7-42cc-4401-b583-c759b93c295b"] = false; // check if the user is in the EEA or UK and if OK, show the form window.addEventListener("OneTrustGroupsUpdated", handleHubspotFormThroughOneTrust); // OneTrustGroupsUpdated apparently doesn't always fire. 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10:10 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188286"> Transforming Measurement: Unlocking Cross-Platform Effectiveness </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Kristi Argyilan </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Senior Vice President</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Albertsons Media Collective</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Albertsons Media Collective - Senior Vice President</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Kristi Argyilan, SVP of Albertsons Media Collective, leads Albertsons Companies’ in-house Retail Media Network. Kristi built the retail media network on a strong foundation of Albertsons’ AdTech/MarTech platforms, rich first-party data and collaborative partnerships. Now, she focuses on continuing to build deep, lasting relationships with brand clients and customers to drive long-term profitable growth for partners and the company while advocating for change in the retail media industry to better serve clients and shoppers.<br /> <br /> Prior to her time at Albertsons Media Collective, Kristi led Brand Innovation at Bed, Bath and Beyond, advancing key capabilities, developing new programs and services to build customer loyalty, and creating new ways to leverage brand marketing channels. She also spent time at Target, originally as Senior Vice President of Media then as President of Roundel, spearheading Target’s enterprise media strategy through communications, digital &#038; traditional media, guest engagement, and measurement while building and branding Target’s retail media network, Roundel.<br /> <br /> Kristi has also held a variety of roles at media brands including MAGNA Global North America and at highly-regarded creative agencies working on marquis brands including Nike, Starbucks, Fidelity, Dunkin Donuts, got milk?, HP and eBay.<br /> <br /> With a long, diverse, and impressive list of experiences in the retail media industry, Kristi is well-known and highly recognized as a thought leader and innovator in the space. She has won many awards and recognitions including Path to Purchase Institute’s Industry Trailblazer and Woman of Excellence, CSA Top Women in Tech, Digital 40 over 40, and Brand Innovators Top 100 Women in Brand Marketing. Additionally, Kristi has been named by AdAge as a Media Maven and a Woman to Watch. </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-188834"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Molly Battin" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Molly Battin </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Senior Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">The Home Depot</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">The Home Depot - Senior Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-188834" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Molly Battin" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 9:00 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188258"> Main Stage Convenes </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Molly Battin </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Senior Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">The Home Depot</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">The Home Depot - Senior Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Molly Battin is The Home Depot’s SVP and Chief Marketing Officer. In this role, she is responsible for The Home Depot’s branding, marketing strategy, personalization efforts and the company’s retail media network, Retail Media+.<br /> <br /> Molly joined The Home Depot in 2022 and prior to joining the company has held executive leadership roles across prolific brands like, Coca-Cola, Warner Media and Delta Airlines. During her time at Delta, she led global corporate brand strategy and brand management across the company. Her oversight included the global company’s cross-functional marketing strategy and channels.<br /> <br /> Molly is a Fellow of the Women in Cable Telecommunications (WICT) Betsy Magness Leadership Institute and was named the 2018 WICT Southeast Woman of the Year. She’s currently on the advisory board for Imagine It! The Children’s Museum of Atlanta, a member of the Leadership Atlanta Class of 2018, and a member of the Agape advisory board. Outside of work, Molly is a proud wife and mother of three children, an avid runner and a triathlete. Molly earned a bachelor’s degree from Princeton University and an MBA from Northwestern University.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-188885"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Hannah Berner" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Hannah Berner </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Comedian & Podcast Host</div> <div class="uk-visible@m"></div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Comedian & Podcast Host</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-188885" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Hannah Berner" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 5:00 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188274"> Main Stage Reconvenes </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Hannah Berner </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Comedian & Podcast Host</div> <div class="uk-visible@m"></div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Comedian & Podcast Host</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Hannah Berner was born in Brooklyn, New York and emerged on the comedy scene by writing, directing, editing, and acting in videos on social media and writing viral tweets. She has two podcasts, Berner Phone and Giggly Squad with over 50 million combined downloads. She was a cohost on Bravo’s Chat Room, as well as a member of Bravo’s Summer House for three seasons, and has over 4 million followers across her social media platforms. Through her viral digital series, Han on the Street, which has garnered hundreds of millions of views, she has interviewed stars such as Jennifer Lawrence, Hailey Bieber, Priyanka Chopra, Kesha, and Julia Fox. She currently is on a theater tour across America for her stand up comedy. In 2022, she was named one of Just For Laughs “New Faces Of Comedy&#8221; in Montreal. She was recently named one of Variety’s “Top Ten Comics to Watch in 2023”.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-110401"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Maureen Bosetti" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Maureen Bosetti </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Chief Investment Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IPG Mediabrands</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IPG Mediabrands - Chief Investment Officer</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-110401" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Maureen Bosetti" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 1:40 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188266"> The Personalization Paradox: Unlocking CTV's Creative Potential Across Complex Buying Channels </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Maureen Bosetti </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Chief Investment Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IPG Mediabrands</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IPG Mediabrands - Chief Investment Officer</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Maureen has worked in the Media business for 25+ years as a leader in Strategic Investment guiding both clients and agency teams to driving maximum value in the marketplace. She has also focused on building relationships with the media partners to better facilitate the negotiations and client’s executions in market.<br /> <br /> Maureen began her career as an Assistant Media Buyer in National Broadcast at the inception of IPG’s General Motors MediaWorks buying unit and was quickly promoted to a Buyer overseeing GM’s $300MM+ Sports investments. Maureen then went to work on the sales side at Discovery Communications as a Sales Planner. Maureen crafted sales plans and marketing ideas for such clients as Procter &#038; Gamble, Warner Brothers, Universal Studios, Exxon Mobil and M&#038;M Mars.<br /> <br /> After Discovery, Maureen went to back to the agency side working at Universal McCann for four years on the Coca-Cola account. While working on Coca-Cola Maureen ran their high-profile Olympics sponsorship which was more than $100MM in addition to managing their juices and water brands. Maureen joined Optimedia, NY in April 2004 as a VP, Associate Director in charge of buying for T-Mobile, BMW, ServiceMaster among other brands. In March of 2010 Maureen was promoted to EVP of the National Video department overseeing the strategic investments across all clients including Pizza Hut, Bridgestone Tires and Liberty Mutual representing billings more than $400MM.<br /> <br /> Maureen joined Initiative in February of 2016 as the Chief Partnerships Officer overseeing all investments across the portfolio of clients including Amazon/Amazon Prime Video, T-Mobile, Liberty Mutual, Merck, Gilead, and Lego to name a few. Maureen currently serves as the Chief Investment Officer at IPG Mediabrands working closely with the agency teams to develop strategic partnerships in the marketplace that yield both efficiencies and impact for clients.<br /> <br /> Maureen graduated from Fordham University with a BA in Communications. As an active member of the media industry Maureen is on the 4 As National Broadcast Committee, IAB Video Board, VOX Media Council and the Sandy Hook Promise Media Advisory Board. In 2010, Maureen was named as one of Broadcasting and Cable’s Next Wave of Leaders. Maureen was also named one of the 2013 Working Mothers of the Year as selected by She Runs It and in 2013 AdWeek highlighted Maureen as a Media All Star. Maureen was recently honored by She Runs It for the Changing the Game awards which highlighted her advancements when it comes to more inclusive buying practices. </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-189562"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Andrea Brimmer" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Andrea Brimmer </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Chief Marketing and Public Relations Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Ally Financial Inc.</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Ally Financial Inc. - Chief Marketing and Public Relations Officer</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-189562" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Andrea Brimmer" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 9:00 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188258"> Main Stage Convenes </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Andrea Brimmer </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Chief Marketing and Public Relations Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Ally Financial Inc.</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Ally Financial Inc. - Chief Marketing and Public Relations Officer</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Andrea Brimmer is the chief marketing and PR officer of Ally Financial and is responsible for leading all aspects of the company’s integrated marketing and brand transformation, driving unprecedented growth and disruptive consumer engagement.<br /> <br /> Brimmer joined the company in 2006 and spearheaded the creation and launch of the Ally brand in 2009. Since becoming CMO in 2015, she has unified the brand under the company’s “Do It Right” mantra, and at her direction, Ally has established itself as a “different” kind of financial services company, dedicated to solving customer pain points that traditional institutions ignored.<br /> <br /> Brimmer is widely recognized as one of the country’s most innovative and effective marketing leaders, known for being a dynamically disruptive and culturally astute trailblazer. In 2024, she was inducted into the Forbes CMO Hall of Fame and was named to Business Insider’s list of the Most Innovative CMOs.  </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-77461"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Chris Bruderle" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Chris Bruderle </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Vice President, Industry Insights and Content Strategy</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IAB</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IAB - Vice President, Industry Insights and Content Strategy</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-77461" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Chris Bruderle" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Tuesday, Jan 28 &ndash; 10:10 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188286"> Welcome Remarks </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Chris Bruderle </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Vice President, Industry Insights and Content Strategy</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IAB</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IAB - Vice President, Industry Insights and Content Strategy</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Chris Bruderle brings over 25 years of experience in Data/Web Analytics and Media Market Research at premium Digital and Muti-Platform web publishers including The Daily Beast, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Conde Nast Publications and This Old House Ventures.<br /> <br /> Before working at IAB where he leads research-based thought leadership initiatives, Chris was most recently VP, Analytics &#038; Research at The Daily Beast where he spent nearly 7 years and was responsible for the tracking, analysis and reporting of The Daily Beast’s O&#038;O site and off-platform data/analytics for Senior/Corporate Management, Editorial, Advertising Sales, Product/Engineering, Audience/Business Development, Social Media and PR. He established the company-wide Editorial Analytics and Advertising Sales data and research stacks which included, among others, Google Analytics,, Krux DMP, Optimizely, comScore, Kantar, Samba, Newswhip, Crowd Tangle, Buzzsumo, and CrazyEgg.<br /> <br /> Prior to The Daily Beast, Chris spent 5 years as Associate and Acting Director at Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia where he directed the correspondence and development of all research-based strategies supporting the Advertising Sales and Marketing staffs of each of the MSLO media brands and platforms across digital, mobile/tablet, TV, print and radio. Chris has also held marketing and market research positions at Conde Nast and Time Inc.<br /> <br /> Chris started his career at BBDO as an Assistant Media Planner where he most notably completed the “Media Training Program”.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-158779"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Jeffrey Bustos" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Jeffrey Bustos </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Vice President of Measurement, Addressability & Data Center</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IAB</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IAB - Vice President of Measurement, Addressability & Data Center</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-158779" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Jeffrey Bustos" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 1:40 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188266"> Welcome Remarks </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Jeffrey Bustos </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Vice President of Measurement, Addressability & Data Center</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IAB</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IAB - Vice President of Measurement, Addressability & Data Center</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Jeffrey Bustos is Vice President of Measurement, Addressability &#038; Data at IAB — in partnership with Angelina Eng — where he focuses on data, privacy, and measurement. Previously, Jeffrey was at GroupM on the Data, Audience &#038; Platform Strategy team working on audience science, data enablement, and measurement, while also developing sustainable and future proofing solutions. Jeffrey has a strong background in developing strategies and outlining processes for adoption with a focus on taxonomy, audience architecture and measurement. As part of the DAP team at GroupM, Jeffrey was a leader in developing strategic plans and measurement frameworks in preparation for cookie deprecation. In addition, he led the Cookieless Future Taskforce, participated in Global Identity panels, and developed training plans for cross-agency learning.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-189423"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Dory Butler" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Dory Butler </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Senior Vice President, Customer Experience</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Verizon Consumer</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Verizon Consumer - Senior Vice President, Customer Experience</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-189423" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Dory Butler" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Tuesday, Jan 28 &ndash; 10:10 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188286"> AI-Driven Insights: Transforming Customer Experiences Through Personalization and Innovation </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Dory Butler </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Senior Vice President, Customer Experience</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Verizon Consumer</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Verizon Consumer - Senior Vice President, Customer Experience</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-188950"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Raffaella Camera" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Raffaella Camera </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m"> Strategic Growth, Super League and Former Head of Brands, Unreal Engine</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Epic Games</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Epic Games - Strategic Growth, Super League and Former Head of Brands, Unreal Engine</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-188950" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Raffaella Camera" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 1:40 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188266"> The Power of Creativity: Driving Business Outcomes Through Effective Collaboration </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Raffaella Camera </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m"> Strategic Growth, Super League and Former Head of Brands, Unreal Engine</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Epic Games</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Epic Games - Strategic Growth, Super League and Former Head of Brands, Unreal Engine</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Raffaella Camera is a senior executive specializing in growth strategy at the intersection of immersive technology, gaming, entertainment, and lifestyle. As Head of Brands for Epic Games’ Unreal Engine, she expanded the Epic ecosystem in the Lifestyle Brands sector, securing partnerships with industry leaders like WPP and LVMH. Previously, Raffaella was a Partner at Accenture, where she co-created the global XR practice and drove innovation strategies. A sought-after speaker at conferences like CES, SXSW and Cannes Lions, her insights are featured in Harvard Business Review and Forbes. She currently advises companies on partnerships, IP development, and monetization strategies.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-87718"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Julie Clark" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Julie Clark </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">SVP Media & Entertainment Vertical</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">TransUnion</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">TransUnion - SVP Media & Entertainment Vertical</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-87718" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Julie Clark" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 1:40 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188266"> The Personalization Paradox: Unlocking CTV's Creative Potential Across Complex Buying Channels </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Julie Clark </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">SVP Media & Entertainment Vertical</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">TransUnion</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">TransUnion - SVP Media & Entertainment Vertical</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-115545"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="David Cohen" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> David Cohen </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Chief Executive Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IAB</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IAB - Chief Executive Officer</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-115545" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="David Cohen" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Sunday, Jan 26 &ndash; 4:00 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188943"> Main Stage Convenes </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 9:00 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188258"> Main Stage Convenes </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 11:15 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188262"> Main Stage Reconvenes </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 5:00 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188274"> Main Stage Reconvenes </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Tuesday, Jan 28 &ndash; 9:00 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188284"> Main Stage Convenes </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Tuesday, Jan 28 &ndash; 11:35 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188288"> Main Stage Reconvenes </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> David Cohen </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Chief Executive Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IAB</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IAB - Chief Executive Officer</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>David Cohen joined IAB in April 2020 as President and was named Chief Executive Officer in September 2020. Cohen is a widely respected advertising agency leader who, prior to IAB, served as President, North America for MAGNA, Interpublic Group’s (IPG) centralized media intelligence, investment, and innovation arm. In this role, Cohen was responsible for more than $20 billion in media spend. During his tenure, Cohen structured and executed large global transactions on behalf of IPG and its clients, with such major IAB member companies as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Spotify, Twitter, and Verizon Media.<br /> <br /> Prior to MAGNA, Cohen served as Chief Investment Officer of UM, ensuring that digital innovation, data, and technology acumen flowed throughout the agency to drive performance. From 2001 to 2011, Cohen served in critical, transformational roles at UM during the explosive growth of digital advertising, including Chief Media Officer, Chief Digital Officer, and Executive Vice President, U.S. Director of Digital Communications. In the late 1990’s, Cohen was responsible for launching and building IPG’s digital practice.<br /> <br /> Cohen has a long history of working with trade organizations including IAB and 4As, where he served as chairman of the Interactive Marketing Committee from 2009-2013. He has also been instrumental in initiating several vital industry-wide programs, including the Future of Television, facilitated by EY. Cohen is a Queens native, with a bachelor’s degree in communications from Adelphi University. He was recognized by Adweek as a “Media All Star” and was part of the “Adweek 50” in 2012.<br /> <br /> In 2016, David was elected to the Board of Directors of Partnership with Children a non-profit whose mission is to strengthen the emotional, social, and cognitive skills of vulnerable children in New York City to help them succeed in school, society, and life.<br /> <br /> David enjoys spending time with his wife and two teenage daughters. A self-described gadget-geek and sometimes fitness fanatic – he ran the NYC Marathon in 2014 and 2019 and Boston Marathon in 2016.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-5520"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Jeffrey Cole" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Jeffrey Cole </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Director, Center for the Digital Future</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">USC Annenberg School</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">USC Annenberg School - Director, Center for the Digital Future</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-5520" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Jeffrey Cole" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Jeffrey Cole </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Director, Center for the Digital Future</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">USC Annenberg School</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">USC Annenberg School - Director, Center for the Digital Future</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Jeffrey Cole has been at the forefront of media and communication technology issues both in the United States and internationally for the past three decades. An expert in the field of technology and emerging media, Cole serves as an adviser to governments and leading companies around the world as they craft digital strategies. He is Director of the Center for the Digital Future and a Research Professor at the USC Annenberg School.<br /> <br /> Cole founded and directs the World Internet Project, a long-term longitudinal look at the effects of Internet technology conducted in more than 30 countries. He has worked with both the Clinton and George W. Bush White House on media and telecommunications issues and regularly makes presentations across the U.S. and in Europe, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa. </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-163277"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Jill Cruz" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Jill Cruz </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m"> Executive Vice President, Commerce Media Strategy</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Publicis Commerce</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Publicis Commerce - Executive Vice President, Commerce Media Strategy</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-163277" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Jill Cruz" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 1:40 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188266"> The Convergence of CTV, Social Commerce, and Retail Media </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Jill Cruz </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m"> Executive Vice President, Commerce Media Strategy</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Publicis Commerce</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Publicis Commerce - Executive Vice President, Commerce Media Strategy</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Jill leads commerce media strategy for Publicis Commerce and has over twenty-five years of experience in the advertising/shopper/media space, spending the past decade in eCommerce.  <br /> <br /> She started her career in National Brand Media Buying, moving to Account and eventually Agency Leadership, servicing a wide range of marketers, including blue-chip clients such as Frito Lay, Peterbilt Motors and Dell. After 10+ years she made the decision to pivot to Shopper Marketing, understanding the importance to get closer to the sale, and she was driven by a curiosity to see how emerging tech would continue to evolve this part of the industry. She held various leadership roles in Shopper for the better part of a decade, leading all customer-specific initiatives and specializing in all classes of trade.<br /> <br /> While most of her background has been on the agency side, in 2013, again following the industry, Jill shifted to Retail Media, and she credits the years spent as VP of Sales for one of the early retailer media networks (MyWebGrocer) as some of her most valuable &#8211; understanding both the advertising sales and data platforms, as well as the retailer software side.  She has led various agency teams across many different verticals but driving success for CPG brands like P&#038;G, Tyson, GE, Mars and Hershey&#8217;s has been a focused sweet spot (no pun intended).  <br /> <br /> She is a multi-Effie and Reggie award winner and has been recognized as a Campaign US 40 over 40 honoree, received the Outstanding Retail Media Contributor Award from IAB and the Path to Purchase Retail Media Award. While she is proud of the accolades that she and her teams have won, she cares most about being #1 mama to her two young daughters.  She resides in New York City but hasn’t let go of her proud Texas roots. </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-189375"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Zach Darkow" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Zach Darkow </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Sr Director Marketing Activation & Measurement</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">The Home Depot, Orange Apron Media</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">The Home Depot, Orange Apron Media - Sr Director Marketing Activation & Measurement</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-189375" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Zach Darkow" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Tuesday, Jan 28 &ndash; 10:10 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188286"> Bridging the Gaps: Achieving Interoperability in a Fragmented Ecosystem </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Zach Darkow </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Sr Director Marketing Activation & Measurement</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">The Home Depot, Orange Apron Media</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">The Home Depot, Orange Apron Media - Sr Director Marketing Activation & Measurement</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>As Head of Marketing Measurement, Zach leads the growth and center of excellence around marketing measurement and data partnerships. His team drives the Home Depot’s industry-leading measurement solutions and defines how measurement is used to support key decisions. Zach joined The Home Depot in 2022 as Director – Measurement. In that role, he led the newly formed business and developed a team to implement measurement solutions to bridge the gap between analytical capabilities and stakeholders&#8217; needs. Before joining The Home Depot, Zach spent over a decade in Retail Media Networks, working with brands like Target, Xerox, Best Buy, and Delta.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-188844"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Keith Dawkins" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Keith Dawkins </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">President</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Harlem Globetrotters and Herschend Entertainment Studios</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Harlem Globetrotters and Herschend Entertainment Studios - President</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-188844" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Keith Dawkins" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 11:15 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188262"> Main Stage Reconvenes </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Keith Dawkins </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">President</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Harlem Globetrotters and Herschend Entertainment Studios</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Harlem Globetrotters and Herschend Entertainment Studios - President</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Keith Dawkins joined the organization in 2022 and serves as President, Harlem Globetrotters and Herschend Entertainment Studios; charged with the overall day-to-day operations of both entities. In his role, he spearheads the brands ongoing evolution from an event business, spanning 124 countries across 6 continents, to a global branded entertainment force. <br /> <br /> This is a new era of growth and excitement for the Harlem Globetrotters as the brand prepares to celebrate its centennial anniversary in 2026. Dawkins has spearheaded its growth across media/entertainment, corporate social responsibility, digital/social media and through a variety of strategic partnerships that are re-energizing its global footprint. Chief amongst them being a deal he orchestrated with Hearst Media Production Group that marked the Harlem Globetrotters’ return to television for the first time in 40 years, with the hit Emmy® Award nominated NBC weekly series, “Harlem Globetrotters: Play it Forward.” The partnership with Hearst Media Production Group marks a new era for the Globetrotters in the content space as Dawkins is creating a new development slate for the brand, closing deals with key partners for documentaries, animated series &#038; specials, branded digital entertainment with partners like BBTV and Viral Nation and a variety of scripted and unscripted formats.<br /> <br /> Dawkins also launched the Goodwill Ambassador Initiative to foster the Globetrotters’ corporate &#038; social responsibility efforts. Centered around the strategic pillars of Health &#038; Wellness, Education and Community Empowerment, the initiative has already struck partnership with Comic Relief/Red Nose Day, the State Department, Microsoft, and Campus Multimedia.<br /> <br /> Dawkins is a strategic, creative, award-winning Chief Executive Officer with 25+ years of experience in the media/entertainment, professional sports, and philanthropic industries. Dawkins is a results-oriented executive with a global business acumen evidenced across all operations; setting company strategy; leadership and management; deal negotiations; international sales; P&#038;L oversight; and driving revenue growth. He has a strong background in marketing, content strategy and creation, and forging strategic partnerships with high-profile brands. Dawkins is recognized for his energetic, pro-active, and collaborative leadership style and for his ability to motivate and galvanize diverse teams in ways that generate ideas, drive growth, and yield results. <br /> <br /> Dawkins is the sole proprietor of Rock Hill Media Ventures (RHMV), the media company he founded in 2018.  The company is led by its deep commitment to Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (I.D.E.A) and focuses on three specific concentrations within that frame: media/entertainment, sports, and social impact, with a particular expertise in business strategy, marketing, and content creation. RHMV counts the National Basketball Players Association, award-winning production companies such as Believe Entertainment Group and 9Story Media Group, global distributors, Sutikki and Toonz Media Group, Battat Entertainment Group – a division of Battat toy company, former NFL player, Rashad Jennings, a variety of social impact partners and many others as clients and strategic partners.<br /> <br /> Previously, Dawkins served as the Chief Executive Officer of The First Tee, a non-profit organization that annually reaches five million young people; impacting their lives by providing programs that build character, instill life-enhancing values, and promote healthy choices through the game of golf. Partnering with The First Tee’s Founding partners, LPGA, the Masters Tournament, PGA of America, PGA TOUR, and the USGA, as well as former President George W. Bush, who serves as honorary chair, The First Tee uses the values inherent in the game of golf to positively impact the lives of young people while also striving to grow and diversify the sport. As the CEO, Keith was responsible for the overall day-to-day operations of the organization, including 150 domestic chapters, six international chapters, 1200 golf courses, and a National School Program that puts content from The First Tee in 10,000 elementary schools. He strategically directed The First Tee in order to evolve the company, expand its reach, and build its national and global prominence. <br /> <br /> Prior to The First Tee, Dawkins served as Nickelodeon’s first ever General Manager for the Nicktoons Network. Over the years he rose within the organization to Executive Vice President where his purview included overseeing TeenNick, Nicktoons, Nick Jr., and NickMusic channels.  He was responsible for the day-to-day operations of the networks, including programming, marketing, digital/social media, and on-air promotion. He also launched key programming and marketing initiatives including Nickelodeon Sports, which included a primetime programming block and on-the-ground marketing activations, in partnership with professional sports leagues including, MLB, MLS, NASCAR, NFL, and the PGA TOUR and TeenNick’s The Splat, a multiscreen content destination for millennials who love 90s Nickelodeon. He is viewed as an industry leader and expert in this sector of the media business.<br /> <br /> Prior to Viacom, Keith served as producer at Fox News Channel where he was part of the network’s original launch team, producing a variety of daily and live event coverage such as Super Bowl XXXI and President Bill Clinton’s impeachment proceedings.<br /> <br /> Throughout his career, Dawkins has been recognized with numerous leadership and industry expertise awards, including his recent Emmy nomination for “Harlem Globetrotters: Play it Forward.” In addition, he has been involved in various boards including the Board of Advisors for Calyx Peak Companies, the Board of Governors of Ramapo College of New Jersey, where he also serves as an Adjunct Professor, a former board member of the NY chapter of “Reach Out and Read,” and the inaugural President of the Ridgewood High School Alumni Association.   <br /> <br /> A graduate of the CTAM Executive Management Program at Harvard Business School and the NAMIC Executive Leadership Program at UCLA’s Anderson Graduate School of Management, Dawkins holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication from Ramapo College. He currently resides in Ridgewood, NJ, with his wife and two sons.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-14801"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Angelina Eng" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Angelina Eng </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Vice President, Measurement & Attribution</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IAB</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IAB - Vice President, Measurement & Attribution</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-14801" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Angelina Eng" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Tuesday, Jan 28 &ndash; 10:10 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188286"> Welcome Remarks </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Angelina Eng </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Vice President, Measurement & Attribution</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IAB</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IAB - Vice President, Measurement & Attribution</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>A seasoned executive with 24+ years of digital media, marketing and operations experience, Angelina Eng has focused her career on supporting agencies and brands to define, build and manage digital media and marketing efforts while enabling teams to operationally work efficiently and effectively with both internal and external partners and platforms. She’s been responsible for the development and management of internal systems and workflow, establishment of deliverable standards, designing ad trafficking and tracking guidelines, implementation of emerging platforms, as well as establishing best practices at companies such as Morgan Stanley, Merkle, Dentsu Aegis and Publicis Modem.<br /> <br /> Over the years, She has been involved with multiple organizations and events to help define, establish and advocate some of the industry standards that we see in today’s digital media ecosystem (such as ad verification/brand safety, ad fraud, viewability and programmatic, social, etc)<br /> <br /> Angelina has been awarded the AdMonsters 2018 Power List, IAB Data Rockstar 2016 and AdMonsters Digital Media Leadership Award 2016. </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-96679"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Sara Fischer" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Sara Fischer </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Senior Media Reporter</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Axios</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Axios - Senior Media Reporter</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-96679" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Sara Fischer" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 9:00 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188258"> Main Stage Convenes </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Sara Fischer </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Senior Media Reporter</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Axios</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Axios - Senior Media Reporter</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Sara Fischer is a media reporter for Axios and a founding staff member at Axios. Fischer authors the Axios Media Trends column, a must-read weekly newsletter on media trends that reaches over 100,000 professionals across the media, tech and entertainment industries. She was also named to Forbes “30 Under 30” Media list and to the 2019 Folio 100 in their “Creator” category. Beyond her weekly newsletter, Fischer oversees Axios’ media coverage for the newsroom and steers the company’s products and events around that topic. Her coverage spans corporate media, advertising and marketing, technology, social media, deals, entertainment, media regulation, policy and consumer habits.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-173395"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Kerry Flynn" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Kerry Flynn </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Media Deals Reporter</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Axios Pro</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Axios Pro - Media Deals Reporter</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-173395" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Kerry Flynn" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 1:40 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188266"> The Convergence of CTV, Social Commerce, and Retail Media </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Tuesday, Jan 28 &ndash; 10:10 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188286"> Navigating Brand Safety & Suitability Balancing Growth, Responsibility and Inclusivity </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Kerry Flynn </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Media Deals Reporter</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Axios Pro</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Axios Pro - Media Deals Reporter</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Kerry Flynn is a media reporter based in New York. She co-authors Axios Pro: Media Deals, a daily newsletter covering companies in telecom, media and technology, including streaming entertainment and ad tech. She joined Axios in 2022 from CNN, where she covered the business of media for and the Reliable Sources newsletter. She previously reported on tech and social media for Digiday and Mashable. </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-181247"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Cintia Gabilan" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Cintia Gabilan </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Vice President, Media Center</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IAB</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IAB - Vice President, Media Center</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-181247" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Cintia Gabilan" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 1:40 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188266"> Welcome Remarks </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 1:40 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188266"> Fireside Chat </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Cintia Gabilan </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Vice President, Media Center</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IAB</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IAB - Vice President, Media Center</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Before joining the IAB, Cintia Gabilan had experience working across global ad agencies (Wunderman Thompson and Dentsu), CPG (Unilever), and tech companies (Facebook and Amazon). She has global experience driving growth by overseeing marketing, communications, and sales strategy. With a Master’s in Business, she most recently built many strategic and significant marketing programs at Amazon Ads, such as their Customer Advisory Boards, Analysts Relations, Competitive Intelligence program, and more. You can find her exploring nature, playing sports, and baking with her husband and daughter in her free time.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-92710"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Sheryl Goldstein" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Sheryl Goldstein </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Executive Vice President, Chief Industry Growth Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IAB</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IAB - Executive Vice President, Chief Industry Growth Officer</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-92710" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Sheryl Goldstein" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Sunday, Jan 26 &ndash; 4:00 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188943"> Main Stage Convenes </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Tuesday, Jan 28 &ndash; 10:10 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188286"> Fireside Chat </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Sheryl Goldstein </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Executive Vice President, Chief Industry Growth Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IAB</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IAB - Executive Vice President, Chief Industry Growth Officer</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Sheryl Goldstein is the Executive Vice President, Chief Industry Growth Officer at the IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau). In her role, she oversees engaging the IAB’s 650+ members across all of the IAB’s vast initiatives, activities and thought leadership programs. Under Sheryl’s watch are the Member Engagement, Centers of Excellence, Research and L&#038;D teams. She also spearheads talent development, diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives and runs the IAB CRO Council.<br /> <br /> Sheryl Goldstein is a “net vet” with over 20 years of driving meaningful revenue growth through consultative selling in the dynamic digital landscape (Yahoo, AOL, She is adept at building successful teams, developing go-to-market strategies and gaining consensus across key stakeholders. Her background includes a wide variety of digital media platforms and technologies and numerous leadership roles.<br /> <br /> In addition to her experience as a sales leader, Sheryl brings years of talent development and training to her role and is committed to making the digital media landscape a great industry for diverse talent to thrive and have a long and exciting career.<br /> <br /> Sheryl is a current board member for 212NYC, Makers and was a past Board member of She Runs It. She serves on the Rutgers Business School Advisory Board for Marketing and is helping RBS craft a digital marketing graduate program. In addition, she has served on Boards and Committees for the NY Ad Club, Women in Communications, Inc. and the IAB and is a member of Chief. She is an award-winning sales leader (Yahoo Accelerator Award, AOL Best Media Partner presented by Verizon, AOL Presidents Club, AWNY Crystal Award Winner).<br /> <br /> Sheryl is a graduate of Syracuse University Newhouse School and lives in New Jersey with her partner Cindy and dogs Pancho and Camden. On the weekends, you can catch her on the pickleball court or riding around the Jersey Shore on her new electric bike. Her daughter Sarah-Jaana lives in the Boston area with her husband Michael. </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-188533"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Jeff Green" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Jeff Green </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">CEO, Founder & Chairman</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">The Trade Desk</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">The Trade Desk - CEO, Founder & Chairman</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-188533" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Jeff Green" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 9:00 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188258"> Main Stage Convenes </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Jeff Green </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">CEO, Founder & Chairman</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">The Trade Desk</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">The Trade Desk - CEO, Founder & Chairman</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Jeff Green is the Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Board Chairman of The Trade Desk, the world’s largest independent demand-side platform for media buying. </p> <p>Green co-founded The Trade Desk in 2009. Following a successful IPO in 2016, the company has experienced rapid growth with operations across 24 markets around the world. The Trade Desk has been recognized as one of Fortune’s 100 Fastest-Growing Companies, named to the Fortune Future 50 list, and is one of Fortune’s Best Places to Work. </p> <p>The American Marketing Association named Green a ‘4 under 40’ emerging marketing leader. </p> <p>Prior to The Trade Desk, Green founded AdECN, the world’s first online advertising exchange, which was acquired by Microsoft in 2007.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-49946"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Michael Hahn" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Michael Hahn </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Executive Vice President, General Counsel</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IAB, IAB Tech Lab</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IAB, IAB Tech Lab - Executive Vice President, General Counsel</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-49946" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Michael Hahn" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 1:40 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188266"> Welcome Remarks </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 1:40 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188266"> Navigating Multi-State Privacy Compliance: Impacts on Adtech, Publishers, and Advertisers </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Michael Hahn </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Executive Vice President, General Counsel</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IAB, IAB Tech Lab</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IAB, IAB Tech Lab - Executive Vice President, General Counsel</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Michael Hahn is Executive Vice President &#038; General Counsel at IAB and IAB Tech Lab. Michael has responsibility for all legal matters, including the direction of legal strategy, privacy compliance, antitrust compliance, intellectual property rights issues, and general corporate matters. Michael is also responsible for serving as an advocate for the digital advertising industry on common legal issues affecting member companies.<br /> <br /> Michael joined IAB and IAB Tech Lab from Lowenstein Sandler LLP where he served as Vice Chair of the firm’s Antitrust Practice Group. In that role, he provided clients with strategic counsel around competition, distribution and governance issues. In the area of litigation, Michael’s matters have included multiparty class action antitrust defense representation.<br /> <br /> Michael served previously as Co-Chair of the New Jersey State Bar Association Antitrust Law Committee. He also previously served on the Editorial Advisory Board of Competition Law 360 and the Advisory Board of the American Bar Association Antitrust Section’s Civil Torts &#038; RICO Committee. Michael frequently publishes on a range of legal and policy issues.<br /> <br /> Michael earned his B.A. in History and Political Science from Rutgers University, M.P.P. from Georgetown University and J.D. for Georgetown University Law Center.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-168936"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="John Halley" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> John Halley </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">President</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Paramount Advertising</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Paramount Advertising - President</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-168936" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="John Halley" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Sunday, Jan 26 &ndash; 4:00 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188943"> Main Stage Convenes </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> John Halley </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">President</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Paramount Advertising</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Paramount Advertising - President</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>John Halley is President of Paramount Advertising, overseeing the company’s domestic multiplatform sales efforts across its leading portfolio of broadcast, cable, digital and streaming assets spanning CBS, BET, Comedy Central, MTV, Nickelodeon, Paramount+ and Pluto TV, among others. Previously, Halley served as Chief Operating Officer of Advertising Revenue for Paramount, where he oversaw commercial and business operations for the advertising team as well as Paramount’s advertising product suite and go-to-market strategy across its digital, social, and advanced advertising offerings.<br /> <br /> An advocate for innovation and progress across the industry, Halley is Chairman of OpenAP and the IAB, in addition to sitting on the Board of Directors of Blockgraph and the VAB. Halley has been honored as an Adweek 50 and Cablefax 100 recipient for his ongoing leadership in advertising.<br /> <br /> Halley serves as Chairman of the New York Chapter of the March of Dimes, and is on the Board of Directors of Literacy Inc., a New York-based childhood literacy organization. He holds an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and an Economics degree from Santa Clara University. </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-189194"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Tobin Heath" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Tobin Heath </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Co-Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer at RE—INC</div> <div class="uk-visible@m"></div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Co-Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer at RE—INC</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-189194" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Tobin Heath" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Sunday, Jan 26 &ndash; 4:00 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188943"> Main Stage Convenes </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Tobin Heath </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Co-Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer at RE—INC</div> <div class="uk-visible@m"></div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Co-Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer at RE—INC</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Tobin Heath is a 2x World Cup Champion for the U.S. Women&#8217;s National Soccer team, an equal pay pioneer, and the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of RE—INC. She is a 4x Olympian, with two gold medals and a bronze medal. She is known as one of the most skillful and entertaining players in the game. Throughout her club career, Heath has played for PSG, the Portland Thorns, Manchester United, and Arsenal. Tobin brings her vision, leadership, and creativity as a Co-CEO of RE—INC, a values-led brand that exists to reimagine the way women and seen and experienced in sports. This summer, RE—INC launched a media division with a critically-acclaimed show: The RE—CAP Show World Cup Edition, hosted by Tobin. </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-188325"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Ron Howard" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Ron Howard </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Academy Award-Winning Filmmaker</div> <div class="uk-visible@m"></div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Academy Award-Winning Filmmaker</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-188325" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Ron Howard" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 11:15 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188262"> Main Stage Reconvenes </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Ron Howard </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Academy Award-Winning Filmmaker</div> <div class="uk-visible@m"></div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Academy Award-Winning Filmmaker</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Academy Award-winning director Ron Howard is one of Hollywood’s most celebrated and prolific filmmakers. From the critically acclaimed Oscar-winning dramas A Beautiful Mind and Apollo 13 to the hit comedies Parenthood and Splash, he has created some of Hollywood’s most memorable films and series. </p> <p>Howard’s critically acclaimed film A Beautiful Mind earned him an Academy Award for Best Director and Best Picture, and also won for Best Screenplay and Best Supporting Actress. Howard has also been honored by numerous organizations and in March 2013, Howard was inducted into the Television Hall of Fame. In 2015, Howard was honored with a second star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, making him one of the select few to have been recognized with two stars. In 2023, Apollo 13 was chosen for the Library of Congress National Film Registry, a prestigious collection of films that are selected for cultural, historic or aesthetic importance. </p> <p>Howard’s most recent film is Jim Henson Idea Man, a definitive portrait of Jim Henson’s life, which premiered at Cannes Film Festival this year. His next highly anticipated project is Eden, a survival thriller based on the 1930s real-life unsolved murders in the Galapagos Islands, starring Jude Law, Ana de Armas, Vanessa Kirby and Sydney Sweeney. Howard is also set to direct a documentary on renowned photographer Richard Avedon as part of a slate of projects co-financed by Imagine Documentaries and FIFTH SEASON. </p> <p>Howard has produced a number of award-winning productions including Lin-Manuel Miranda’s directorial debut tick, tick…BOOM!, the Emmy-winning series Arrested Development (for which he also narrated), the award-winning anthology series Genius, the series Under The Banner of Heaven from Dustin Lance Black, the documentaries Lucy and Desi, Julia, and Light &#038; Magic, the docu series about George Lucas’ ground-breaking special effects house Industrial Light and Magic, to name a few.<br /> Past films include Thirteen Lives, about the global efforts in the rescue of twelve boys and their soccer coach from a flooded cave in Thailand, the Emmy-nominated documentary feature We Feed People profiling the humanitarian work of renowned chef José Andrés and his World Central Kitchen, Hillbilly Elegy, Rebuilding Paradise, the Grammy-winning Best Music Film The Beatles: Eight Days a Week, Solo: A Star Wars Story, Rush, The Da Vinci Code, Frost/Nixon, How The Grinch Stole Christmas and Backdraft. Howard is also the co-author of the 2021 New York Times bestseller The Boys: A Memoir of Hollywood and Family, a memoir written with his brother about growing up in Hollywood. </p> <p>Howard is also the co-founder of Impact, a content accelerator whose mission is to discover, cultivate, nurture and connect creative storytellers around the world through its innovative talent identification and collaboration system. To date, Impact has built a community of over 75,000 writers across 140+ countries. Recently, Impact merged with Ava DuVernay’s ARRAY Crew to form Impact Crew, an effort that aims to promote diversity and inclusion in hiring for creative careers. </p> <p>Howard made his directorial debut in 1977 with the comedy Grand Theft Auto. He began his career in film as an actor, first appearing in The Journey and The Music Man. He later starred as Opie on the long-running television series The Andy Griffith Show and as Richie Cunningham on the popular series Happy Days, both Nielsen rated #1 series. Howard later starred in American Graffiti directed by George Lucas and in John Wayne’s last film, The Shootist. </p> <p>Howard met his longtime friend and business partner Brian Grazer in the early 1980s and embarked on what is now one of the longest running partnerships in Hollywood. Their collaboration began with the hit comedies Night Shift and Splash, and in 1986 the two founded Imagine Entertainment, which they continue to run together as chairmen. Over the years, Imagine Entertainment has amassed a slew of prestigious awards, including 276 Emmy nominations, with 57 wins. They have also been selected for 47 Oscar nominations and won 10 Oscars, along with 72 Golden Globe nominations and 11 Golden Globe wins. The films produced by Imagine Entertainment have grossed over 13.5 billion dollars, cementing their place as one of the most flourishing production companies in the entertainment industry.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-134088"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Scott Howe" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Scott Howe </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Chief Executive Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">LiveRamp</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">LiveRamp - Chief Executive Officer</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-134088" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Scott Howe" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 1:40 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188266"> Enhancing In-Store Retail Media to Align with the Shopper Mission </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Scott Howe </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Chief Executive Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">LiveRamp</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">LiveRamp - Chief Executive Officer</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Scott Howe is the Chief Executive Officer of LiveRamp (NYSE: RAMP), the leading data connectivity platform for the safe and effective use of data. Powered by core identity capabilities and an unparalleled network, LiveRamp enables companies and their partners to better connect, control, and activate data to transform customer experiences and generate more valuable business outcomes. </p> <p>From 2011 to Sept. 2018, Howe served as CEO and president of LiveRamp’s former parent company, Acxiom—a technology and services company dedicated to providing the data foundation for the world’s best marketers. In 2014, Fast Company named Howe one of the World’s Most Creative People. Before taking the reins at Acxiom in 2011, Howe held executive roles at Microsoft and aQuantive, where his teams built the world’s largest digital agency (Avenue A|Razorfish); pioneered people-based media buying (DRIVE Performance Media, aka the Microsoft Media Network); and developed the systems utilized for ad serving and attribution (Atlas International). He began his career at The Boston Consulting Group and Kidder, Peabody &#038; Company, Inc.</p> <p>Howe is currently a board member of the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-189410"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Julia Jenkins Melle" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Julia Jenkins Melle </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Director of Brand and Content</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Southwest Airlines</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Southwest Airlines - Director of Brand and Content</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-189410" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Julia Jenkins Melle" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 1:40 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188266"> The Power of Creativity: Driving Business Outcomes Through Effective Collaboration </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Julia Jenkins Melle </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Director of Brand and Content</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Southwest Airlines</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Southwest Airlines - Director of Brand and Content</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Julia introduced Super Bowl LI fans to Alfa Romeo&#8217;s newest sports sedan &#8212; the Giulia. She helped America perform their best when it matters most with Bridgestone tires. She has also encouraged those who prefer pain over pleasure to give Ginger Altoids a try.  She inspired women worldwide to Have a Happy Period with Always. And as Special K expanded their product line beyond cereal, Julia offered women delicious alternatives, precisely at the moment they were tempted to cheat on their diet. She also helped homeowners power over pests with Terminix and encouraged families worldwide to put down the soda and pick up a bottle of Nestle Pure Life.<br /> <br /> Julia brings well-rounded thought leadership to everything she does. She has spent her career diversifying her experience as much as possible to bring an invaluable integrated point of view to the brands she touches. Her extensive resume includes experience in all disciplines of brand advertising, across many categories and verticals. This includes: tv, print, ooh, radio, digital content (paid, earned and owned), CRM, PR, e-commerce and more. A writer by trade and artist by passion, she has developed breakthrough creative for domestic and global brands alike.<br /> <br /> Before joining Southwest Airlines as Director of Brand and Content, Julia was Creative Group Head, Creative Council member and Leadership Council member at The Richards Group. Julia was also an Executive Creative Director with Publicis. Prior to Publicis, Julia spent nine years with Leo Burnett and LBWorks where her work for P&#038;G’s Always and Kellogg’s Special K broke all-time share records and won industry-leading awards.<br /> <br /> Julia&#8217;s work has been recognized at most of the top award shows and publications worldwide, including Cannes, Effies, Clios, Communication Arts, Creativity, Graphis and National Addy&#8217;s.<br /> <br /> She and her husband Chris live in Dallas with their three boys, Peter, Michael and Boden.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-189368"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Tyra Jones-Hurst" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Tyra Jones-Hurst </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Managing Partner, Founder</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">OLIVER Agency & InKroud Agency</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">OLIVER Agency & InKroud Agency - Managing Partner, Founder</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-189368" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Tyra Jones-Hurst" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Tuesday, Jan 28 &ndash; 10:10 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188286"> Building a Sustainable Media Ecosystem: Data Ethics and Environmental Responsibility </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Tyra Jones-Hurst </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Managing Partner, Founder</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">OLIVER Agency & InKroud Agency</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">OLIVER Agency & InKroud Agency - Managing Partner, Founder</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Tyra Jones Hurst is a trailblazing and strategic leader in the marketing industry, recognized for driving innovation and championing inclusivity. As Founder of InKroud, an agency powered by OLIVER dedicated to empowering Black and Latiné marketing professionals, Tyra ensures diverse voices shape the future of the industry. With over a decade of experience, she’s led transformative campaigns for top brands, earning prestigious accolades like the Effie and Drum Awards. Tyra became the youngest member of OLIVER’s Executive Leadership Team, where she continues to push boundaries, spearhead business growth initiatives, deliver results, and create lasting change in marketing and technology.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-136922"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Anthony Katsur" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Anthony Katsur </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Chief Executive Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IAB Tech Lab</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IAB Tech Lab - Chief Executive Officer</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-136922" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Anthony Katsur" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 1:40 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188266"> Fireside Chat </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Tuesday, Jan 28 &ndash; 11:35 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188288"> Main Stage Reconvenes </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Anthony Katsur </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Chief Executive Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IAB Tech Lab</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IAB Tech Lab - Chief Executive Officer</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Anthony Katsur is a digital media veteran with more than twenty-five years of executive leadership at the intersection of technology innovation, business strategy, and growth. As Chief Executive Officer for IAB Tech Lab, Katsur is responsible for overseeing product, engineering, membership, and operations teams for the digital advertising industry&#8217;s global technical standards-setting organization.<br /> <br /> Katsur has previously held business and technology leadership positions at companies including DoubleClick, MediaMath, Rubicon, Sonoboi, and most recently Nexstar Media Group, and more. A sought-after speaker, he has appeared at events including the National Association of Broadcasters, AdAge’s Brand Summit, and Advertising Week and has been quoted in AdAge, Adweek, AdExchanger, Digiday and The Wall Street Journal. </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-154070"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Kevin Krim" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Kevin Krim </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">President & CEO</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">EDO</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">EDO - President & CEO</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-154070" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Kevin Krim" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Tuesday, Jan 28 &ndash; 11:35 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188288"> Main Stage Reconvenes </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Kevin Krim </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">President & CEO</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">EDO</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">EDO - President & CEO</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Kevin Krim is President and CEO at EDO, the TV outcomes company. EDO is a TV measurement leader that predictively powers the success of marketing, research and creative professionals &#8211; trusted by leading agencies, brands, networks, streamers, and studios. Prior to EDO, Kevin was the General Manager &#038; SVP of CNBC Digital and previously held leadership positions at Bloomberg, Yahoo, and LookSmart. Kevin is proudly the co-founder and chairman of the non-profit Lulu &#038; Leo Fund and its flagship Choose Creativity initiative.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-188545"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Nicolas le Bourgeois" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Nicolas le Bourgeois </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Head of U.S. Operations for TikTok Shop </div> <div class="uk-visible@m">TikTok</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">TikTok - Head of U.S. Operations for TikTok Shop </div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-188545" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Nicolas le Bourgeois" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Tuesday, Jan 28 &ndash; 11:35 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188288"> Main Stage Reconvenes </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Nicolas le Bourgeois </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Head of U.S. Operations for TikTok Shop </div> <div class="uk-visible@m">TikTok</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">TikTok - Head of U.S. Operations for TikTok Shop </div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Nicolas le Bourgeois is TikTok Shop&#8217;s Head of U.S. Operations, where he is focused on improving the customer experience and supporting the platform&#8217;s growth, including the onboarding of brands, sellers, and Creators. Prior to joining TikTok Shop, Nico spent nine years at Amazon, where he held leadership roles at the Seattle headquarters overseeing various parts of the e-commerce giant&#8217;s retail operations, including the seller marketplace and consumable categories. His Amazon career began in his home country of France, before relocating to Canada and then the U.S. Earlier in his career, Nico spent eight years at L&#8217;Oreal in Paris as the general manager of several brands within the luxury division. Nico holds a Master of Science degree from École Polytechnique. He currently lives in Seattle and his TikTok is full of crazy skiers, jumping golden retrievers, and Korean beauty videos.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-189360"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Amy Lyon" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Amy Lyon </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">VP Group Account Director</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">GSD&M</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">GSD&M - VP Group Account Director</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-189360" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Amy Lyon" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 1:40 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188266"> The Power of Creativity: Driving Business Outcomes Through Effective Collaboration </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Amy Lyon </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">VP Group Account Director</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">GSD&M</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">GSD&M - VP Group Account Director</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>During her 28 years at GSD&#038;M, Amy has worked on iconic brands like Texas Lottery, Don’t mess with Texas, Walmart, Tyson and Southwest Airlines. Known for her strategic insight and relationship-building skills, Amy has a knack for understanding clients’ businesses and fostering collaboration. She led the creation of Southwest Airlines’ “Bags Fly Free” campaign, which boosted market share during rising fuel costs and earned a Gold Effie. Amy also guided successful Tyson campaigns like “More to Love” and “Heat Nuggets,” winning multiple awards like David Ogilvy and Clio Sports. </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-188958"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Vikrant Mathur" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Vikrant Mathur </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Co-Founder</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Future Today</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Future Today - Co-Founder</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-188958" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Vikrant Mathur" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Tuesday, Jan 28 &ndash; 10:10 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188286"> Fireside Chat </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Vikrant Mathur </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Co-Founder</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Future Today</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Future Today - Co-Founder</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Vikrant is the co-founder of ad-supported streaming player Future Today. A seasoned Silicon Valley media executive with 15+ years of experience in designing, developing, launching and growing complex technical products both with startups and Fortune 500 companies, Vikrant co-founded Future Today Inc. as a video distribution &#038; technology company that currently is a leading streaming technology provider specializing in OTT and CTV ad-supported solutions for content creators and advertisers. The comprehensive portfolio of technology and services includes Channel as a Service (CaaS), FAST Channel launch, content management and publishing, app development and maintenance, cross-channel promotion, advertising, monetization and more.<br /> <br /> In his role at Future Today, Vikrant is responsible for building and growing content partnerships, managing relationships with OEMs, as well as overseeing the company’s monetization strategy and relationships with advertising partners. Before founding Future Today, he oversaw Product Management at ExpertHub, a startup that was acquired by Internet Brands, and was a senior Product Executive at Telephia, a wireless network performance and measurement company that was acquired by AC Nielsen.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-189439"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Lisa McCarthy" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Lisa McCarthy </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">CEO, Co-Founder</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Fast Forward Group</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Fast Forward Group - CEO, Co-Founder</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-189439" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Lisa McCarthy" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Lisa McCarthy </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">CEO, Co-Founder</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Fast Forward Group</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Fast Forward Group - CEO, Co-Founder</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Lisa McCarthy is the CEO and Co-founder of Fast Forward Group, a leadership development and executive coaching company known for driving growth, elevating talent, and transforming culture. Fast Forward Group empowers individuals to work and live with greater purpose and effectiveness. Since 2013, Fast Forward Group has partnered with companies that include Google, Meta, Spark Foundry, JPMorgan Chase, and Colgate. Lisa is a dynamic speaker, known for inspiring audiences to take immediate action. She is the co-author of <em>Fast Forward: 5 Power Principles to Create the Life You Want in Just One Year</em>, a transformative guide for achieving personal and professional success.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-188955"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="David McKillips" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> David McKillips </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">President and CEO</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">CEC Entertainment</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">CEC Entertainment - President and CEO</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-188955" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="David McKillips" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Tuesday, Jan 28 &ndash; 10:10 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188286"> Fireside Chat </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> David McKillips </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">President and CEO</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">CEC Entertainment</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">CEC Entertainment - President and CEO</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>David McKillips assumed the role of CEO on January 21, 2020. CEC Entertainment is the parent company of the world&#8217;s number one family entertainment venue, Chuck E. Cheese, Pasqually’s Pizza &#038; Wings and growing regional pizza restaurant Peter Piper Pizza. Across the family of brands, there are nearly 700 restaurants around the globe.<br /> <br /> David has nearly 30 years of experience in the family entertainment, media and theme park industries. Since joining CEC, he was named one of Dallas’ Most Admired CEOs by Dallas Business Journalfor his leadership during one of the most difficult times for the Chuck E. Cheese brand. During his tenure, he managed bankruptcy, a successful financial<br /> restructuring, launched Pasqually’s Pizza &#038; Wings, is expanding the brand internationally and created a new division for global media licensing and entertainment to take the iconic Chuck E. Cheese brand to new dimensions.<br /> <br /> Before joining CEC, David was President of the International Development Company for Six Flags Entertainment Corporation. McKillips served in several senior leadership roles in Park Services, F&#038;B, retail, games and procurement across all U.S. Six Flags parks.<br /> <br /> Prior to joining Six Flags, he served as Vice President of Advertising &#038; Custom Publishing Sales for DC Comics, a division of Warner Bros. Entertainment and home to some of the world&#8217;s most iconic brands. McKillips has also held multiple leadership roles within Sea World Entertainment and Sesame Place.<br /> <br /> McKillips holds a B.A. degree in Communication Studies from the University of Georgia and received post-graduate certificates in Marketing and Finance from New York University.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-189208"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Mario Mijares" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Mario Mijares </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">VP, Insights, Loyalty, Marketing and Monetization Platforms</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">7-Eleven</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">7-Eleven - VP, Insights, Loyalty, Marketing and Monetization Platforms</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-189208" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Mario Mijares" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 1:40 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188266"> Enhancing In-Store Retail Media to Align with the Shopper Mission </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Mario Mijares </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">VP, Insights, Loyalty, Marketing and Monetization Platforms</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">7-Eleven</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">7-Eleven - VP, Insights, Loyalty, Marketing and Monetization Platforms</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Mario Mijares is VP, Insights, Loyalty, Marketing and Monetization Platforms at 7-Eleven, Inc. In this role, he leads the teams responsible for customer research and analytics, loyalty programs, in-store and shopper marketing and monetization platforms. Mario joined 7-Eleven in 2020 with more than 20 years of experience in retail and retail-consulting with top brands across the USA, UK, France, Canada, Mexico, and Australia. As such, he is a keen student of marketing practices around the world. Over the last two years, his team has created several key 7-Eleven products, including C-Shopper, The Brainfreeze Collective and Gulp Media to help CPGs better understand and market to the immediate-consumption consumer.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-189530"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Ali Miller" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Ali Miller </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Vice President of Ads Product</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Instacart</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Instacart - Vice President of Ads Product</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-189530" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Ali Miller" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 1:40 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188266"> The Convergence of CTV, Social Commerce, and Retail Media </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Ali Miller </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Vice President of Ads Product</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Instacart</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Instacart - Vice President of Ads Product</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Ali Miller is the Vice President of Ads Product at Instacart, the leading grocery technology company in North America. Ali leads the team building and scaling ad products for all of Instacart’s advertisers, from emerging to established brands. She is tasked with creating engaging, innovative ad solutions that align with the goals of Instacart’s unique four-sided marketplace. Ali joined Instacart in 2021 from Google, where she was focused on Google Ads and YouTube Ads, building out the product portfolio across formats, quality, advertiser experience, and more. Ali has been recognized by Progressive Grocer as a Top Women in Grocery in 2023 and 2024, named a Campaign US Inspiring Woman, and shortlisted for AdExchanger’s Leadership in Advertising award. In her spare time, she performs as a violinist in the Oakland Symphony.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-188537"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="David Mogensen" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> David Mogensen </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Vice President, Global Marketing</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Uber</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Uber - Vice President, Global Marketing</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-188537" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="David Mogensen" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 9:00 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188258"> Main Stage Convenes </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> David Mogensen </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Vice President, Global Marketing</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Uber</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Uber - Vice President, Global Marketing</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>David Mogensen brings more than 20 years of marketing experience to Uber, where he leads global marketing. In his role, David oversees a team of marketers responsible for building the Uber and Uber Eats brands and businesses by engaging consumers, earners, and merchants across more than 70 countries. His team is committed to advancing Uber’s mission to reimagine the way the world moves for the better. David was recently named one of Forbes’ 50 most entrepreneurial CMOs.<br /> <br /> Prior to his current role, David led Marketing for Uber in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Before that, he held various leadership positions at Google, including leading marketing for Northern Europe and global B2B product marketing at YouTube, helping to grow YouTube into the multi-billion dollar business it is today.<br /> <br /> Earlier in his career David spent a decade at BMW of North America, where he oversaw BMW’s brand positioning and advertising in the US.<br /> <br /> David lives in the SF Bay Area with his wife, two children, and a bashful English Cocker Spaniel. </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-181242"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Arlene Mu" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Arlene Mu </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Assistant General Counsel</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IAB</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IAB - Assistant General Counsel</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-181242" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Arlene Mu" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 1:40 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188266"> Establishing a Legally Sound AI Governance Program for Digital Advertising </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Arlene Mu </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Assistant General Counsel</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IAB</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IAB - Assistant General Counsel</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Arlene recently served as Assistant General Counsel and Chief Privacy Officer at Lowe&#8217;s Companies Inc., a fortune 40 company in the home improvement retail industry. At Lowe&#8217;s, she established and oversaw the Lowe&#8217;s privacy program, led a cross-functional team to operationalize privacy requirements, and advised on complex data privacy regulatory issues to enable the company&#8217;s technology transformation. During her decade-long experience with Lowe’s, she has also covered regulatory compliance, ethics, antitrust, international trade, commercial and governance issues in both the U.S. and overseas operations. She holds CIPP/US, CIPP/C, CIPM and PLS certifications. Arlene received her J.D. from Wake Forest University School of Law, LL.M from University of Southern California, and LL.B. from Nanjing University. </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-189492"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Richard Muhlstock" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Richard Muhlstock </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Head of Offers & eCommerce, and President of Chase Media Solutions</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">JPMorgan Chase</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">JPMorgan Chase - Head of Offers & eCommerce, and President of Chase Media Solutions</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-189492" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Richard Muhlstock" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Tuesday, Jan 28 &ndash; 10:10 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188286"> Navigating Brand Safety & Suitability Balancing Growth, Responsibility and Inclusivity </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Richard Muhlstock </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Head of Offers & eCommerce, and President of Chase Media Solutions</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">JPMorgan Chase</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">JPMorgan Chase - Head of Offers & eCommerce, and President of Chase Media Solutions</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Rich is the Head of Offers &#038; eCommerce, and President of Chase Media Solutions. Rich leads Chase’s digital media business, which includes Chase Media Solutions, a dual-sided media platform that connects brands to Chase’s 80 million customers with the goal of helping consumers discover great value from merchants that matter to them while also driving sales for brands and merchant partners.<br /> <br /> Over his 30+ career, Rich has held leadership roles, including at E*TRADE and American Express, where he led brand development and customer acquisition. Prior to that, he held roles at several start-ups and within ad agencies.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-189418"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Edward Norton" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Edward Norton </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Filmmaker, Founder, and Philanthropist</div> <div class="uk-visible@m"></div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Filmmaker, Founder, and Philanthropist</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-189418" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Edward Norton" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 5:00 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188274"> Main Stage Reconvenes </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Edward Norton </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Filmmaker, Founder, and Philanthropist</div> <div class="uk-visible@m"></div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Filmmaker, Founder, and Philanthropist</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p><strong>Edward Norton is a filmmaker, founder, and philanthropist.</strong> In addition to his acclaimed work in film, he is the Chairman &#038; co-founder of EDO, the TV outcomes company. EDO is a TV measurement leader that predictively powers the success of marketing, research and creative professionals &#8211; trusted by leading agencies, brands, networks, streamers, and studios. Edward is also a co-founder of several other successful companies including Zeck, Stacks, and CrowdRise (acquired by GoFundMe) and an early stage investor (Uber, Tala, and Kensho — acquired by S&#038;P Global). He is also deeply involved in conservation work in Kenya and globally with the UN.<br /> <br /> <em>Photo courtesy of Vava Ribeiro</em></p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-111364"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="David Olesnevich" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> David Olesnevich </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Head of Product, Advertising, Data, & AI</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">The Weather Company</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">The Weather Company - Head of Product, Advertising, Data, & AI</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-111364" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="David Olesnevich" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Tuesday, Jan 28 &ndash; 10:10 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188286"> Generative AI in Action: Transforming Creative Development Across Formats </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> David Olesnevich </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Head of Product, Advertising, Data, & AI</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">The Weather Company</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">The Weather Company - Head of Product, Advertising, Data, & AI</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Dave Olesnevich is an experienced business leader and media veteran with more than 20 years of advertising and marketing experience. As Head of Advertising, Data, &#038; AI Products at The Weather Company, Dave oversees product strategy and execution championing the power of AI + humans together to revolutionize the advertising industry. Dave previously held leadership roles at Conde Nast, The Affinion Group and Golf Digest across practices including Advertising, Business Development, Consumer Marketing, Partnerships and Product. Dave holds a bachelor degree in Marketing from Nichols College, is an avid golfer, and currently resides in Connecticut with his wife and daughters #girldad.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-158758"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="John Osborn" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> John Osborn </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Global Director</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Ad Net Zero</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Ad Net Zero - Global Director</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-158758" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="John Osborn" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Tuesday, Jan 28 &ndash; 10:10 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188286"> Building a Sustainable Media Ecosystem: Data Ethics and Environmental Responsibility </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> John Osborn </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Global Director</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Ad Net Zero</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Ad Net Zero - Global Director</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>John Osborn was appointed as the Director for Ad Net Zero, an all-voluntary and non-competitive community focused on sustainable practices in the ad sector in the United States, in late 2022. Originally launched as a global program in the UK, ANZ has grown to over 100 supporting companies in the US market in just over a year. Under John&#8217;s leadership, ANZ&#8217;s mission is to leverage the power of its supporters, alongside all the players in the advertising and marketing space, to advance sustainability across the industry and offer the tools, frameworks and education to empower companies to drive their efforts around sustainability forward.<br /> <br /> Prior to ANZ, John was CEO of OMD in the US over five years from 2017 until late 2022.<br /> <br /> John&#8217;s experience also includes 25 years of service at BBDO NY, where he served as President &#038; CEO for 13 consecutive years prior to moving to OMD. John has a wide array of non-profit board experiences including the American Red Cross of GNY, Global Dignity, Police Athletic League,<br /> <br /> Ad Council, Christopher &#038; Dana Reeve Foundation, AAF and more. </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-188837"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Tru Pettigrew" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Tru Pettigrew </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Former Chief Impact Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Minnesota Timberwolves and Minnesota Lynx</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Minnesota Timberwolves and Minnesota Lynx - Former Chief Impact Officer</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-188837" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Tru Pettigrew" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Tuesday, Jan 28 &ndash; 10:10 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188286"> Navigating Brand Safety & Suitability Balancing Growth, Responsibility and Inclusivity </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Tru Pettigrew </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Former Chief Impact Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Minnesota Timberwolves and Minnesota Lynx</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Minnesota Timberwolves and Minnesota Lynx - Former Chief Impact Officer</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Tru Pettigrew spent four seasons with the Minnesota Timberwolves &#038; Lynx of the NBA and WNBA, and takes great pride in serving as the organizations first Chief Impact Officer. Pettigrew previously served as the Timberwolves and Lynx Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, and Vice President of Player Programs and Diversity and Inclusion. <br /> <br /> In his role as Chief Impact Officer, Pettigrew oversaw all community relations and diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts including setting the strategic vision across all four franchises – the Minnesota Timberwolves, Minnesota Lynx, Iowa Wolves and T-Wolves Gaming.  <br /> <br /> Following the murder of George Floyd, Pettigrew played an integral role with the team from convening team discussions around race relations and social justice to serving as a bridge builder for community dialogue with the Minneapolis Police Department and other civic members. <br /> <br /> Pettigrew is also a published author. His first book, Millennials Revealed, continues to provide guidance and direction to countless organizations, helping them to understand how to build bridges across the different generation gaps. His newest book, We Can All Be Bridge Builders, serves as a comprehensive guide for leaders of all levels, equipping them with the tools and strategies to help bridge gaps across differences and cultivate genuine relationships and cultures of inclusion.<br /> <br /> Tru currently operates his own consulting firm, Tru Access ( where he helps organizations build bridges of trust and understanding across various areas of division. This includes but is not limited to racial divides, gender divides, generational divides, and relational divides of all kinds. As a part of his bridge building efforts, he founded Barbershop Rap Sessions, which serves as a platform that leverages barbershops across the country as a trusted venue for hosting facilitated dialogue between law enforcement and communities of color. He has also served as a Subject Matter Expert for the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and has shared his bridge building and marketing expertise with brands such as Nike, Adidas, Hennessy, Heineken, Unilever, Timberland, and Ford. <br /> <br /> Pettigrew was named to Sports Business Journal’s “ALL IN: Leaders in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” Class of 2023, which recognizes leaders at different sports organizations who are change agents and tireless advocates of DEI in the sports business. Pettigrew was also named to Twin Cities Business Magazine’s “100 People to Know in 2022,” and the Minnesota 500, a list of the state’s most powerful and influential leaders in Minnesota by Greenspring Media. He currently serves on the Boards of PRO Sports Assembly, and V3 Sports.<br /> <br /> Pettigrew has been married to his beautiful wife, Tameka, for 22 years, and they are both proud parents of their 12-year-old Young Prince, Austin.  <br /> <br /> Please see below for a recent list of accomplishments for Pettigrew over the last 2 years…<br /> <br /> 1. 2022 – Named as one of Twin City Business (TCB) <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">100 People to Know for 2022</a><br /> <br /> 2. 2022 – Named as one of the Top DEI Leaders in Minnesota by <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Minnesota Monthly</a><br /> <br /> 3. 2022 – Named as one of <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">LinkedIn’s Top 20 Voices in Sports</a><br /> <br /> 4. 2023 – Recognized as one of <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Sports Business Journal’s (SBJ) ALL IN Leaders in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Sports</a><br /> <br /> 5. 2023 – Recognized as one of the Twin Cities 200 Black Leaders you should know by the <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal</a><br /> <br /> 6. 2023 – Named as one of The <em>Minnesota 500</em>, a list of the most Powerful and Influential Leaders in Minnesota by <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Greenspring Media</a><br /> <br /> 7. 2023 – Selected to serve as one of the Speakers for <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">TEDx Minneapolis 2023</a><br /> <br /> 8. 2024 – Listed in the <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">2024 Minnesota African American Heritage Calendar</a>, as one of the African American Leaders in Minnesota who has left and indelible mark on the landscape of our culture, state, and nation<br /> <br /> 9. 2024 – Appointed to <a href=";view=entry&#038;category=press%252525252520release&#038;id=27:pro-sports-assembly-names-oracio-galindo-of-los-angeles-rams-as-2024-2025-board-chair-and-10-new-leaders-join-board-of-directors" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Governing Board of PRO Sports Assembly</a><br /> <br /> 10. 2023 &#8211; 2024 – Proudly served as Chief Impact Officer of the Minnesota Timberwolves during a season when the team was recognized as the recipients of the <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">NBA’s Leadership Inclusion Award Winner</a><br /> <br /> 11. 2023 &#8211; 2024 &#8211; Proudly served as Chief Impact Officer of Minnesota Timberwolves during a season when the team was recognized as a finalist for <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Sports Team of The Year by Sports Business Journal (SBJ)</a><br /> <br /> 12. 2022 &#8211; 2024 &#8211; Weekly online video series <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">“TuesdaysWithTru” shared via LinkedIn</a> that provides insights and tools on how to be an effective Bridge Builder across all forms of difference and division. </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-124723"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Carryl Pierre-Drews" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Carryl Pierre-Drews </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Executive Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IAB</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IAB - Executive Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-124723" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Carryl Pierre-Drews" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 9:00 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188258"> Main Stage Convenes </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Carryl Pierre-Drews </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Executive Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IAB</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IAB - Executive Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Carryl Pierre-Drews is EVP, Chief Marketing Officer at the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) where she is responsible for providing executive leadership and management of the IAB marketing and communications organization and activities to forward the IAB’s position as a digital, marketing, and media industry thought leader and agenda-setter. Carryl has stewardship of the IAB Brand inclusive of Events, Marketing, PR, Digital, Social, Mobile, Video, and Audio channels with the goal of elevating IAB’s profile with media and tech CEOs, CMOs, and the marketing and advertising industry at large.<br /> <br /> Previously, Carryl held the title of Vice President of Marketing at Fullscreen, a next-gen social marketing agency, where she built and led the agency’s brand marketing, PR, digital/social channels, influencer engagements, and global industry activations featuring marketers from American Eagle, AT&#038;T, HP, Marriott, Mars, Mattel, Visa and more. Carryl was instrumental in catalyzing key strategic decisions that drove business growth, elevated visibility, and increased shareholder value positioning Fullscreen for the AT&#038;T acquisition in 2018 and eventual WarnerMedia integration in 2019. Prior to Fullscreen, Carryl was Senior Vice President of Strategic Marketing at USA Network, a division of NBCUniversal, where she led the integrated marketing, communications strategy, and client experiences teams.<br /> <br /> Carryl serves as Chair of the Marketing &#038; Communications Committee of Pet Partners Board of Directors, where she helps devise strategies to further communicate and expand the vital role of therapy animals in our lives. As a therapy animal team with her dog Mika, Carryl has seen firsthand the effect therapy animals have on overall health and well-being. Carryl is also passionate about creating a culture of inclusion and diversity in the advertising, marketing, and media industry and has been an active member of She Runs It, an organization invested in women’s achievement, for 19 years, with six spent on the Board (2012-2018). She was honored twice by CableFax Magazine as one of the most influential minorities in cable — in 2013 “The Leaders” and in 2012 “The Influentials.” In 2019 Carryl was nominated and became a founding member of Chief, a private network focused on connecting and supporting women leaders. </br></br></p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-189498"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Joelle Pineau" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Joelle Pineau </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">VP, AI Research</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Meta</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Meta - VP, AI Research</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-189498" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Joelle Pineau" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Joelle Pineau </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">VP, AI Research</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Meta</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Meta - VP, AI Research</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Joelle is Vice President, AI Research at Meta and a Professor at McGill University. Her research focuses primarily on developing new models and algorithms for planning and learning in complex, partially observable domains. Joelle also applies these algorithms to robotics, health care, games, and conversational agents. She serves on the board of the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research and the Journal of Machine Learning Research. Joelle holds a BASc in Engineering from the University of Waterloo and an MSc and Ph.D. in Robotics from Carnegie Mellon University.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-189525"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Joanna Popper" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Joanna Popper </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Media & Technology Executive</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Laurel Beach, Former CAA, HP, NBCUniversal</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Laurel Beach, Former CAA, HP, NBCUniversal - Media & Technology Executive</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-189525" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Joanna Popper" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Tuesday, Jan 28 &ndash; 10:10 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188286"> Generative AI in Action: Transforming Creative Development Across Formats </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Joanna Popper </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Media & Technology Executive</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Laurel Beach, Former CAA, HP, NBCUniversal</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Laurel Beach, Former CAA, HP, NBCUniversal - Media & Technology Executive</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Joanna Popper is a Media and Technology Executive and Executive Producer, recently serving as Chief Metaverse Officer at CAA, leading AI, XR, and web3 initiatives for top entertainment clients. At HP, she spearheaded XR Go-To-Market, launching award-winning VR tech and growing the business tenfold. Previously EVP at Singularity University and VP at NBCUniversal, she drove market share and launched primetime hits. Recognized as a top media and VR leader, Joanna advises tech companies, serves on multiple boards, and creates transformative brand experiences leveraging immersive tech to engage audiences and accelerate growth. </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-189198"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Christen Press" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Christen Press </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Co-Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer at RE—INC</div> <div class="uk-visible@m"></div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Co-Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer at RE—INC</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-189198" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Christen Press" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Sunday, Jan 26 &ndash; 4:00 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188943"> Main Stage Convenes </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Christen Press </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Co-Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer at RE—INC</div> <div class="uk-visible@m"></div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Co-Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer at RE—INC</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Christen Press is a 2x World Cup Champion for the U.S. Women&#8217;s National Soccer team, an equal pay pioneer, and the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of RE—INC. She is one of the top 10 goalscorer ever on the USWNT, and holds the scoring record at Stanford. Christen currently plays for Angel City FC. Christen led the USWNT&#8217;s historic achievement of Equal Pay and served as the leader of the USWNT Player&#8217;s Associate for 2 years. For four years, Christen has been the CEO, and now Co-CEO of RE—INC, a values-led brand that exists to reimagine the way women and seen and experienced in sports. She is a 2-year Board Member of Grassroots Soccer, a non-profit organization that uses the power of soccer to provide mentors, information, and health services to at-risk youth in Africa.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-189153"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Michael Ramlet" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Michael Ramlet </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Co-Founder and CEO</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Morning Consult</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Morning Consult - Co-Founder and CEO</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-189153" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Michael Ramlet" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Tuesday, Jan 28 &ndash; 10:10 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188286"> Understanding Your Consumers: How AI is Transforming Market Research </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Michael Ramlet </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Co-Founder and CEO</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Morning Consult</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Morning Consult - Co-Founder and CEO</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Michael Ramlet is the co-founder and CEO of Morning Consult, a global decision intelligence company changing how leaders make smarter, faster, better decisions.<br /> <br /> Since co-founding Morning Consult in 2014, the company&#8217;s proprietary technology, including AI and machine-learning solutions, has paired with leading, high-frequency datasets and access to 100 million people globally.<br /> <br /> Michael earned his bachelor’s from the University of Minnesota&#8217;s Carlson School of Management.<br /> <br /> He has been named an E&#038;Y Technology Entrepreneur of The Year and recognized in AdAge’s 40 Under 40, PRovoke Media&#8217;s Innovator 25, PRWeek&#8217;s Dashboard 25, Washington Business Journal’s 40 Under 40 and POLITICO’s Power List.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-155840"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Jeff Ratner" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Jeff Ratner </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">President, Media, Analytics & Data</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Quigley-Simpson</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Quigley-Simpson - President, Media, Analytics & Data</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-155840" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Jeff Ratner" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Tuesday, Jan 28 &ndash; 10:10 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188286"> Transforming Measurement: Unlocking Cross-Platform Effectiveness </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Jeff Ratner </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">President, Media, Analytics & Data</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Quigley-Simpson</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Quigley-Simpson - President, Media, Analytics & Data</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Jeff Ratner serves as President of Media, Analytics, and Data at leading independent full-service agency Quigley-Simpson, where he oversees the agency’s Media Strategy and Planning, Investment, Activation, and Analytics practices. A seasoned marketing executive with over 20+ years of experience on both the client and agency side, Ratner solves complex business challenges by utilizing the latest in data, analytics, and technology. His impressive resume includes senior agency positions at GroupM’s Mindshare, Publicis Media’s Zenith, and Hearst’s iCrossing. Ratner has also held senior marketing positions at Sony Corporation of America and Kaplan North America, a global educational services company.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-189303"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Sean Reardon" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Sean Reardon </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">CEO</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">dentsu Media Practice - Americas</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">dentsu Media Practice - Americas - CEO</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-189303" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Sean Reardon" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 1:40 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188266"> Unlocking the Potential of CTV: Navigating Fragmentation and Standardization for Scalable Success </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Sean Reardon </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">CEO</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">dentsu Media Practice - Americas</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">dentsu Media Practice - Americas - CEO</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>An established veteran of the ad tech, advertising, media and marketing industries, Sean Reardon has over 25 years of experience driving strategic vision, business transformation, organizational growth and bottom-line results for the clients and organizations he leads, having spent the past decade occupying CEO roles for both publicly traded and privately held companies.<br /> <br /> As CEO, of dentsu’s Media Practice in the Americas, Sean oversees the strategic vision and performance of Carat, iProspect, and dentsu X in the world’s largest region across Dentsu Group. In this role, he leads over 3,900 media innovators in the U.S., Canada and Latin America, leveraging a scaled network of innovative capabilities, products and identity-driven solutions to support, grow and transform the world’s leading advertisers.<br /> <br /> Sean is known for his high energy, tireless work-ethic, and an ability to be motivating and accessible while effectively driving the P/L. He has an arsenal of proven experience across virtually all major client categories and brings a personal passion to Fitness, Entertainment, Technology, Fashion, Commerce and Philanthropy brands.<br /> <br /> Before joining dentsu, Sean most recently served as Global COO at MiQ, which he led to become the largest independent programmatic media company in the world, experiencing over 5x growth in Enterprise Value with EBITDA increasing from approximately $15 million to over $80 million since he joined in 2018. During his tenure, Sean expanded his role from US CEO to Global COO, and then Global CEO. In this remit, he oversaw the regional performance across 10 countries and 31 offices on 4 continents and managed employee growth from ~500 to over 1,200 people. Prior to MiQ, Sean concurrently served as the CEO for three brands within Publicis Groupe – Zenith Media USA, Moxie and MRY overseeing a composite of 1,400 employees, 50+ clients and nearly $400 Million in annual revenue. During his tenure, both Zenith Media (US) and Moxie reached new heights in commercial performance while MRY returned to relevance with a litany of new client assignments &#8211; most notably Walmart, Audible and Kellogg’s.<br /> <br /> Earlier in his career, Sean’s reputation working across the largest accounts in San Francisco and Los Angeles as both a media planning and account planning stalwart opened eyes and doors at Publicis Groupe. His notable rise into the executive ranks at Publicis culminated in posts as the Senior Vice-President of Strategy at Zenith Los Angeles, the President of Strategy at Zenith North America, and President of ROAR, a bespoke Publicis solution for JP Morgan Chase.<br /> <br /> Sean resides in Atlanta, but commonly maintains offices around the globe. Among his many board assignments and career accolades, he is a multi-year member of the Dean’s Advancement Council at The Pennsylvania State University’s Bellisario College of Communications and was recently named among the Top 50 Business Leaders in New York. More than any professional accomplishment; however, he is most proud of being a husband to wife, Danielle and father to daughter, Ashley. </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-175790"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Shenan Reed" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Shenan Reed </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Global Chief Media Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">General Motors</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">General Motors - Global Chief Media Officer</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-175790" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Shenan Reed" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Sunday, Jan 26 &ndash; 4:00 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188943"> Main Stage Convenes </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Shenan Reed </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Global Chief Media Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">General Motors</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">General Motors - Global Chief Media Officer</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Shenan Reed was appointed global chief media officer in January 2024.<br /> </br><br /> As GM’s global chief media officer, Shenan will be responsible for building a leading-edge global media team that accelerates GM’s media approach into the future.<br /> </br><br /> Reed joined GM from L’Oréal where she was senior vice president and head of Media and was responsible for elevating the quality of consumer connections for the L’Oréal USA brands.<br /> </br><br /> She has over 20 years’ experience in the digital media, advertising, analytics, and entrepreneurial space and is a highly sought-after thought leader, regularly presenting at major advertising and digital media industry conferences. Her insights and opinions have been cited in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, AdAge, MediaPost, Huffington Post, AdWeek and Women’s Wear Daily. Her deep understanding of advertising, media and analytics has mandated her inclusion on several advisory boards including Pinterest, ANA Media Council, ANA Board, MMA, IAB, VOX, SeeHer and others.<br /> </br><br /> She previously led the GSK and Verizon Power of One solutions for Publicis and lead the L’Oréal business and Digital Practice at Wavemaker. Prior to her tenure at Wavemaker, Shenan founded the digital marketing agency Morpheus Media, which became renowned for its work with premier luxury, fashion and retail clients. Over the course of her career, Shenan has also worked across a wide variety of brands including The New York Times, Neiman Marcus, LVMH, Net-A-Porter, Tiffany &#038; Co., Chanel, A&#038;E Networks, Vimeo, IFC, Sundance and The Economist.<br /> </br><br /> A strong advocate for developing the next generation of female leaders in her industry, Shenan was a 2023 212NYC Thought Leadership Honoree, selected by AWNY as a Changing the Game Winner in 2016 and an AWNY Working Mother of the Year Honoree 2015. She has been a judge for the Stevie Awards for Women in Business as well as an award recipient.<br /> </br><br /> Shenan resides in Bronxville, New York with her husband, two children and their beagle Pebbles, named for the Flintstones character who grows up to be an advertising executive.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-170726"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Jon Roberts" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Jon Roberts </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Chief Innovation Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Dotdash Meredith</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Dotdash Meredith - Chief Innovation Officer</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-170726" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Jon Roberts" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Tuesday, Jan 28 &ndash; 10:10 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188286"> AI-Driven Insights: Transforming Customer Experiences Through Personalization and Innovation </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Jon Roberts </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Chief Innovation Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Dotdash Meredith</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Dotdash Meredith - Chief Innovation Officer</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Dr. Jon Roberts is Chief Innovation Officer at Dotdash Meredith. He previously spent 10 years as a theoretical physicist working with CERN and the AMS detector on the International Space Station. Dr. Roberts received his Ph.D. at the University of Southampton and his M.A. from the University of Oxford. </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-189519"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Jenna Ross" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Jenna Ross </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Head of Creator Partnerships</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">LinkTree</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">LinkTree - Head of Creator Partnerships</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-189519" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Jenna Ross" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 1:40 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188266"> Unlocking Success in the Creator Economy: Performance Metrics, Scaling Strategies and ROI </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Jenna Ross </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Head of Creator Partnerships</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">LinkTree</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">LinkTree - Head of Creator Partnerships</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Jenna Ross is the Director of Creator Partnerships at Linktree where she is responsible for fostering relationships with the most influential of Linktree’s 50M creators. She’s focused on connecting talent with their audiences, including bringing Billie Eilish, Sabrina Carpenter, and Stephen Curry to the platform, and she’s led creator-first marketing campaigns tied to holiday shopping, World Mental Health Day, and National Voter Registration Day. Before Linktree, Jenna led Twitter&#8217;s entertainment partnerships where she was recognized on Forbes’ 30 Under 30 Social Media list.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-189658"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Randall Rothenberg" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Randall Rothenberg </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Executive Chair</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Randall, Ltd</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Randall, Ltd - Executive Chair</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-189658" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Randall Rothenberg" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Tuesday, Jan 28 &ndash; 10:10 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188286"> Understanding Your Consumers: How AI is Transforming Market Research </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Randall Rothenberg </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Executive Chair</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Randall, Ltd</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Randall, Ltd - Executive Chair</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-142341"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Matt Shapo" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Matt Shapo </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Director, Digital Audio & Video</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IAB Media Center</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IAB Media Center - Director, Digital Audio & Video</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-142341" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Matt Shapo" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Tuesday, Jan 28 &ndash; 10:10 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188286"> Welcome Remarks </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Matt Shapo </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Director, Digital Audio & Video</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IAB Media Center</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IAB Media Center - Director, Digital Audio & Video</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Matt Shapo is a product development and digital strategy leader who brings more than 20 years of experience overseeing the creation and multi-platform delivery of online content and internet advertising to his role as the Director of Digital Audio and Video at the IAB.<br /> <br /> Before IAB, Matt served as VP of Digital Content for the All Access Music Group, a music marketing company and audio industry news publisher where he planned and led advertising, editorial, and other growth initiatives for, a B2B website that delivers breaking news, data, and commentary to an audience of professional audio content creators, salespeople, and decisionmakers.<br /> <br /> Over the course of his career, Matt has directed and measured the effectiveness of integrated advertising and email marketing campaigns for multiple leading record labels and radio companies. He has also led the ideation, development, launch, and continuous iteration of profitable digital media products, including an industry leading digital audio distribution platform that delivers new music and related content to a nationwide user base of radio stations, streaming services, tv networks, podcasters, and others.<br /> <br /> Matt holds a B.A. in Political Science and International Relations from Tufts University and an M.F.A. in Radio, TV, and Film Production from Florida State University, and he is a devoted fan of his hometown Miami Dolphins. He lives with his wife, Jennifer, and their wonderful son Evan, in Randolph, NJ where he is an enthusiastic hiker and a proud member of the Randolph High School Marching Rams parents’ road crew.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-189602"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Samantha Sichel" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Samantha Sichel </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Head of Social Product & Digital Innovation</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Live Nation</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Live Nation - Head of Social Product & Digital Innovation</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-189602" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Samantha Sichel" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 11:15 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188262"> Main Stage Reconvenes </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Samantha Sichel </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Head of Social Product & Digital Innovation</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Live Nation</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Live Nation - Head of Social Product & Digital Innovation</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Samantha Sichel is the Head of Social Product and Digital Innovation for Live Nation. In her role, she connects brands like Coca-Cola, Liquid Death, Rakuten, and Verizon, along with popular touring acts like Maggie Rogers, P!NK, Usher, and Mariah Carey, to millions of fans worldwide – extending onsite experiences and programs beyond the venue with media and digital content distribution.<br /> <br /> She launched Live Nation’s Influencer Network, creating a new distribution platform driving awareness and performance for branded content through live music-loving creators on social media. More recently, she also developed Last2Leave, the first live-music-based creator house.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-133845"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Jess Simpson" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Jess Simpson </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Head of Martech Consulting</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Acxiom</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Acxiom - Head of Martech Consulting</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-133845" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Jess Simpson" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Tuesday, Jan 28 &ndash; 10:10 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188286"> Transforming Measurement: Unlocking Cross-Platform Effectiveness </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Jess Simpson </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Head of Martech Consulting</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Acxiom</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Acxiom - Head of Martech Consulting</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Jess Simpson leads the digital transformation, martech strategy, and analytics consulting practice at Acxiom, with a focus on customer intelligence, digital experiences, and data privacy enhancing technologies. She proudly represents Acxiom on a variety of committees and trade organizations including the IAB Tech Lab, Association of National Advertisers, 4A’s Partnership for Responsible Addressable Media and Network Advertising Initiative, and Digital Advertising Alliance.<br /> <br /> An industry veteran with 19 years of experience, Simpson has spearheaded the development of global data and technology solutions for over 500 clients on both the vendor and agency side. Prior to joining Acxiom, Simpson served as the SVP of Solution Consulting at Publicis Groupe and Head of Innovation and AI at WPP, where she helped brands and platforms leverage data to power their adtech and martech stack and marketing campaigns, developed thought leadership about consumer privacy and the impacts on advertising, and drove digital transformation through the design and implementation of digital trust technologies like data clean rooms and consent management platforms. She also co-led key partnerships with Google Privacy Sandbox, Adobe, Snowflake, and AWS.<br /> <br /> Born and raised in a small town in Iowa, Simpson graduated with a bachelor’s degree in communications and journalism from the University of Iowa and currently resides in Atlanta with her husband and two children. In her free time, she coaches her kids’ soccer team, is an avid Peloton enthusiast, and loves going to any concert that comes her way. </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-155722"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Aaron Sobol" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Aaron Sobol </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Head of Media Investment, US</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Unilever</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Unilever - Head of Media Investment, US</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-155722" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Aaron Sobol" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 1:40 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188266"> The Convergence of CTV, Social Commerce, and Retail Media </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Aaron Sobol </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Head of Media Investment, US</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Unilever</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Unilever - Head of Media Investment, US</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Aaron Sobol leads media investment at Unilever and has a wealth of investment and partnership experience across all channels. Aaron’s 16+ years in media spans a range of categories and marketers, from Coke and Microsoft to Fiat Chrysler.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-91507"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Zoe Soon" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Zoe Soon </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Vice President, Experience Center</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IAB</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IAB - Vice President, Experience Center</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-91507" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Zoe Soon" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 1:40 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188266"> Welcome Remarks </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Zoe Soon </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Vice President, Experience Center</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IAB</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IAB - Vice President, Experience Center</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Zoe Soon has 10+ years of experience building products in technology-driven businesses with a heavy focus on mobile. Six years ago Zoe flew 21 hours from Sydney to NYC for a 30min coffee meeting which led to her first job in NYC. Since then she’s worked with three major New York based media companies, The New York Times, Condé Nast and Business Insider on projects ranging from location-based apps to paywalls. Zoe began her career as a user researcher and UX design consultant working with three of the top five banks in Australia. She was then hired to establish a user insights practice at Fairfax Media, a leading Australian news and media conglomerate. Here she led the user research for the flagship news apps which won Best Mobile News Product at the 2012 Australian Mobile Awards and went on to become product lead for the news sites. In this role she launched a content paywall and a unified user data system to diversify revenue and enable more targeted marketing.<br /> <br /> Prior to joining the IAB Zoe was General Manager of apps and email at Business Insider where she was charged with defining the go-to market strategy for these platforms. In this role Zoe launched Insider Inc’s first OTT apps across Apple, Amazon Fire and Roku offering advertisers cross-platform video digital distribution and access to an audience that generates over 2 billion views each month.<br /> <br /> Zoe has a Masters in Organizational Psychology and lives in New York. She enjoys burning pancakes, Cuban salsa dancing and talking to strangers in line.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-173989"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Vidhya Srinivasan" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Vidhya Srinivasan </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Vice President/General Manager, Ads</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Google</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Google - Vice President/General Manager, Ads</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-173989" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Vidhya Srinivasan" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Vidhya Srinivasan </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Vice President/General Manager, Ads</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Google</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Google - Vice President/General Manager, Ads</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Vidhya is a Vice President and General Manager at Google, and oversees Google’s Advertising products including search, display, shopping, travel and video advertising, as well as analytics.<br /> <br /> Throughout her time at Google, Vidhya has held several different leadership roles in Ads. Most recently, she guided Ads to adopt Generative AI, serving new ads experiences on Google properties and assistive AI for advertisers. She’s also led critical launches like the revamp of Google Analytics, the new Search Ads 360, pixel-less measurement for YouTube advertising, Performance Max and Ads Data Hub.<br /> <br /> Prior to joining Google, Vidhya led engineering, product management, and operations for Amazon Redshift, an exabyte-scale data warehouse reimagined for the cloud. She’s also held both technical and leadership roles at IBM.<br /> <br /> She holds a Masters in Computer Science from Georgia Tech and a Bachelors in Computer Science from IIT-Madras. Vidhya is the proud mother of four children, two precocious young girls and two teenage boys. </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-175580"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Vlad Stesin" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Vlad Stesin </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Optable</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Optable - Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-175580" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Vlad Stesin" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 1:40 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188266"> Navigating Multi-State Privacy Compliance: Impacts on Adtech, Publishers, and Advertisers </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Vlad Stesin </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Optable</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Optable - Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Vlad’s career as a digital advertising entrepreneur spans more than two decades. More recently, as VP of Product at AdGear and member of the Board of Directors, Vlad was responsible for strategic direction and marketing, prior to its acquisition by Samsung Electronics.<br /> <br /> Vlad has been instrumental in the launch and commercialization of innovative products and services which address emerging customer needs, helping digital media companies achieve scale and efficiency. Prior to his role at AdGear, Vlad founded and led Randomseed, an advertising platform software company that was acquired by Cossette, where he subsequently led the digital ad technologies business unit.<br /> <br /> At the heart of Vlad’s career lies his passion for innovation. Having been an active participant through multiple stages of evolution of digital advertising, Vlad makes it his mission to bring actionable solutions to a complex, fast-moving ecosystem.<br /> <br /> He is Chairman of the Board of Swab The World Foundation, a non-profit organisation which aims to diversify the worldwide stem cell donor base. Vlad also serves on the Board of Directors of Hivestack, a digital-out-of-home (DOOH) advertising company, and Panoply, a media agency. </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-188542"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Ellen Stone" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Ellen Stone </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">EVP, Cable Consumer Engagement & Brand Strategy</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">NBCUniversal Entertainment</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">NBCUniversal Entertainment - EVP, Cable Consumer Engagement & Brand Strategy</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-188542" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Ellen Stone" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 11:15 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188262"> Main Stage Reconvenes </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Ellen Stone </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">EVP, Cable Consumer Engagement & Brand Strategy</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">NBCUniversal Entertainment</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">NBCUniversal Entertainment - EVP, Cable Consumer Engagement & Brand Strategy</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>As EVP, Cable Brand &#038; Social Marketing, Ellen Stone oversees the development and execution of Brand Strategy and Social Marketing for NBCUniversal’s Cable Portfolio including Bravo, E!, Oxygen True Crime, USA Network, SYFY and Universal Kids. </p> <p>Stone joined NBCUniversal in 2006 and has been instrumental in shaping the cable networks overall strategy and brand identity. Under Stone&#8217;s leadership, Bravo is the #1 cable network among female viewers and has executed countless innovative marketing campaigns for hit series including &#8220;The Real Housewives” franchise, Emmy nominated “Vanderpump Rules,” the “Below Deck” franchise, Emmy Award-winning “Top Chef” and more. Stone also spearheads profitable brand experiences including BravoCon, the ultimate fan event that gathers thousands of people from around the world in one place to celebrate Bravo. </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-143629"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Lartease Tiffith" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Lartease Tiffith </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Executive Vice President, Public Policy</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IAB</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IAB - Executive Vice President, Public Policy</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-143629" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Lartease Tiffith" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Sunday, Jan 26 &ndash; 4:00 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188943"> Main Stage Convenes </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 1:40 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188266"> Fireside Chat </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Lartease Tiffith </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Executive Vice President, Public Policy</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">IAB</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">IAB - Executive Vice President, Public Policy</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Lartease Tiffith is the Executive Vice President for Public Policy at the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). He leads IAB’s public policy team, which is responsible for advocating on behalf of IAB’s more than 700 member companies on complex issues, including consumer privacy, data security, global trade, international data transfer rules, and more. Lartease also leads IAB’s Public Policy Council, the marketing and media industry’s largest legislative and regulatory advisory group, with senior executives from more than 200 companies contributing to solutions to advance consumer benefits and economic growth. He also plays an important role in supporting IAB Tech Labs’ efforts to align the industry’s technical development and best practices.<br /> <br /> Lartease joined IAB from Amazon, where he led the company’s public policy work around advertising, privacy, security, data governance, cross-border data flows, and consumer protection issues. In his role, he provided counsel to internal legal and business partners on global public policy matters to help guide the development of products, services, and internal policies. During his tenure at Amazon, INSIDER named him as one of the key players in politics and the tech world.<br /> <br /> Prior to joining Amazon, Lartease served as Senior Counsel to then-U.S. Senator Kamala Harris, and Counsel to U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein. Before working in the Senate, he practiced law at two international law firms (Kirkland &#038; Ellis LLP and O’Melveny &#038; Myers LLP) and the U.S. Department of Justice. Lartease began his legal career as a Law Clerk to the Honorable Roger L. Gregory, Circuit Judge, on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.<br /> <br /> Lartease earned his B.A., J.D., and M.B.A. from Northwestern University. </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-117825"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Rishad Tobaccowala" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Rishad Tobaccowala </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Author and Advisor</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Rishad Tobaccowala, LLC</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Rishad Tobaccowala, LLC - Author and Advisor</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-117825" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Rishad Tobaccowala" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Rishad Tobaccowala </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Author and Advisor</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Rishad Tobaccowala, LLC</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Rishad Tobaccowala, LLC - Author and Advisor</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Tobaccowala was named by BusinessWeek as one of the top business leaders for his pioneering innovation and TIME magazine dubbed him one of five “Marketing Innovators.<br /> <br /> Rishad is the author of “Restoring the Soul of Business: Staying Human in The Age of Data” which helps people think, feel, and see differently about how to grow their companies, their teams and themselves to remain relevant and the upcoming “Re-Thinking Work” to be published globally by HarperCollins in February 2025 which helps people thrive amidst the seismic changes of tech and talent.<br /> <br /> Rishad most recently served as the Chief Growth Officer and Chief Strategist of Publicis Groupe. </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-189331"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Gina Waldhorn" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Gina Waldhorn </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Chief Marketing Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Sports Innovation Lab</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Sports Innovation Lab - Chief Marketing Officer</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-189331" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Gina Waldhorn" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Sunday, Jan 26 &ndash; 4:00 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188943"> Main Stage Convenes </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Gina Waldhorn </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Chief Marketing Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Sports Innovation Lab</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Sports Innovation Lab - Chief Marketing Officer</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Gina Waldhorn is the Chief Marketing Officer of Sports Innovation Lab, an Insight, Data and Analytics company, where she works with some of the world&#8217;s largest sports and consumer brands including the NFL, NASCAR, Google, and Morgan Stanley. As CMO, Gina has established Sports Innovation Lab as the leading voice in the future of fandom, and brought the company’s unparalleled data to market with clients to drive acquisition and maximize the value of the fan. She is a 2024 AdWeek Champion of Change, launched the world’s largest executive network for women’s sports professionals, and created the first ever NewFront dedicated entirely to women’s sports. Gina has also been named “Most Daring” by Entrepreneur Magazine, received an AWNY Game Changers Award, and continues to bring industry leading data &#038; marketing advancements to sports.</p> <p>Previously, Gina served as president of the invention community and consumer products brand Quirky, and prior to that she founded innovation boutique Evolution where she created global startup initiatives for brands including Mondelez International, Anheuser-Busch InBev, Nestle, and Dell. She began her career at global agencies Carat and GroupM, where she led communications planning for P&#038;G, and managed programs including UPS’ sponsorship of the NFL.</p> <p>Gina is an experienced innovation practitioner who was named one of Entrepreneur Magazine&#8217;s Most Daring Entrepreneurs. She has also taken home a Young Cannes Lion Award, IAB MIXX<br /> Award, and was recognized as a Game Changer by Advertising Women of New York. Gina achieved a Master of Arts in Global Marketing from Emerson College in Boston, and is a proud mom to two boys and one very naughty pup named Rowlf.</p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-172920"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Jennie Weber" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Jennie Weber </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Chief Marketing Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Best Buy Co. Inc.</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Best Buy Co. Inc. - Chief Marketing Officer</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-172920" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Jennie Weber" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Tuesday, Jan 28 &ndash; 11:35 AM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188288"> Main Stage Reconvenes </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Jennie Weber </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Chief Marketing Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Best Buy Co. Inc.</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Best Buy Co. Inc. - Chief Marketing Officer</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Jennie Weber is the chief marketing officer for Best Buy Co. Inc. In this role, she is responsible for creating compelling marketing, driving the retail ad business and designing experiences customers will love.   </p> <p>She oversees brand strategy, planning, creative, Best Buy Ads retail media network, and store and digital design.  </p> <p>Jennie has more than 25 years of marketing and design experience, including leadership roles in ad agencies, category marketing, brand marketing and end-to-end customer strategy. She joined Best Buy in 2005 and most recently held the role of senior vice president of customer experience and insights.   </p> <p>She holds a bachelor’s degree in history from the University of St. Thomas. She serves on the board of directors for the Best Buy Foundation.  </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="headshot-wrapper" uk-toggle="target: #speaker-modal-189030"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Christina Wootton" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker-info uk-text-center"> <div class="speaker-name"> Christina Wootton </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Chief Partnerships Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Roblox</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Roblox - Chief Partnerships Officer</div> </div> </div> <!-- UIkit modal container --> <div class="speaker-modal uk-modal-container" id="speaker-modal-189030" uk-modal="container: false;"> <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <div class="uk-width-expand uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-width-2-5@m"> <div class="uk-padding uk-width-expand"> <!-- begin Speaker Headshot --> <div class="headshot-wrapper"> <div class="headshot-inner"> <img loading="lazy" class="headshot uk-border-circle" alt="Christina Wootton" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- end Speaker Headshot --> <!-- begin Agenda Sessions --> <div class="agenda-sessions"> <h4>Agenda Sessions</h4> <div class="session-item"> <div class="calendar-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="13.333" height="14.648" viewBox="0 0 13.333 14.648"> <g id="Icon_feather-calendar" data-name="Icon feather-calendar" transform="translate(-3.75 -2.25)"> <path id="Path_38" data-name="Path 38" d="M5.815,6h9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1,1.315,1.315v9.2a1.315,1.315,0,0,1-1.315,1.315h-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,4.5,16.518v-9.2A1.315,1.315,0,0,1,5.815,6Z" transform="translate(0 -1.685)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_39" data-name="Path 39" d="M24,3V5.63" transform="translate(-10.954)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_40" data-name="Path 40" d="M12,3V5.63" transform="translate(-4.213)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path id="Path_41" data-name="Path 41" d="M4.5,15H16.333" transform="translate(0 -6.741)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="session-details"> <div class="session-time">Monday, Jan 27 &ndash; 1:40 PM PST</div> <div class="session-title"> <a href="#agenda" class="agenda-session-link" data-session-id="188266"> Fireside Chat </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Agenda Sessions --> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m module-featured-members__overlay-bio-container"> <div class="uk-height-1-1 module-featured-members__bio uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-padding-small"> <div class="speaker-info uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="speaker-name"> Christina Wootton </div> <div class="speaker-meta uk-text-meta"> <div class="uk-visible@m">Chief Partnerships Officer</div> <div class="uk-visible@m">Roblox</div> <div class="uk-hidden@m">Roblox - Chief Partnerships Officer</div> </div> </div> <hr class="bio-separator" /> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-wrapper"> <div class="module-featured-members__bio-desc"> <p>Christina serves as Chief Partnerships Officer at Roblox, leading brand partnerships, business development and education. Christina’s teams are focused on creating new ecosystems for people to express themselves through digital fashion and beauty, learn together, and experience entertainment, music and sports with their favorite brands and talent on the platform. With more than 15 years of partnerships and digital advertising experience, Christina has been instrumental in revolutionizing how brands connect, engage and communicate with people all over the world in immersive spaces. She has spearheaded innovation and creative partnerships with Fortune 500 companies and top brands and talent including Gucci, Nike, Netflix, Disney, Warner Bros, NFL, Karlie Kloss, Elton John, among many others. Prior to Roblox, Christina led entertainment innovation and digital advertising at Stardoll Media partnering with brands to create engaging content that allowed users to customize their avatars, shop for digital fashion items and interact with the brands’ virtual characters and products. Christina graduated from California State University, Long Beach. </p> </div> <div class="bio-scroll-fader"> <div class="bio-scroll-fader__content"> <span>scroll for full bio</span> <span class="bio-scroll-fader__icon" uk-icon="icon: chevron-down; ratio: 2"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> <section class="iab-event-module iab-event-module--speakers-cta uk-background-secondary" id="speakers-cta"> <div class="iab-event-module-content uk-container-xlarge"> <!-- cta section for speakers --> </div> </section> <section class="iab-event-module iab-event-module--advisory-board uk-background-secondary" id="advisory-board"> <div class="iab-event-module-content uk-container-xlarge"> <!-- Speakers Secondary (Advisory Board) --> </div> </section> </div> <div> <section class="iab-event-module iab-event-module--venue iab-bg-white" id="venue"> <div class="iab-event-module-content uk-container-xlarge"> <div class="uk-padding-large"> <!-- Header Section --> <h2>The Venue</h2> <!-- Main Content Section --> <div class="uk-grid-large uk-margin-medium-top" uk-grid> <div class="uk-width-1-2@m"> <div class="uk-margin-medium-bottom"> <p><p>Balance your days of engaging content and networking activities at the calming, modern luxury environment of the JW Marriott where you can stroll the gardens, take advantage of the golf course, meet new pickleball partners, or unwind at the spa.</p> <p><strong>ROOM BLOCK:</strong><br /> IAB has reserved a block of discounted rooms for registered Annual Leadership Meeting attendees at the JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort &amp; Spa. Please see your confirmation email from <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#85e0f3e0ebf1f6c5ece4e7abe6eae8"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="a5c0d3c0cbd1d6e5ccc4c78bc6cac8">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> for how to book and additional travel details. <em>Please make your reservation early as room availability is limited and expected to sell out ahead of the holidays. </em></p> </p> </div> <div class="uk-margin-medium-bottom"> <h4>JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort &amp; Spa</h4> <p> 74-855 Country Club Dr <br> Palm Desert, CA 92260 </p> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-1-2@m"> <div class="uk-cover-container uk-height-medium"> <img src="" alt="Annual Leadership Meeting 2025 Venue Image" uk-cover/> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- break out of main container --> </div> <!-- Map Section --> <div class="uk-section uk-padding-remove-vertical"> <div class="uk-width-1-1"> <iframe src="!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d6634.405477350628!2d-116.3644494877548!3d33.75542653323163!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x80dafc48458c1d85%3A0x588e9db8bb6b2e4c!2sJW%20Marriott%20Desert%20Springs%20Resort%20%26%20Spa!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v1732292331317!5m2!1sen!2sus" width="100%" height="450" style="border:0;" allowfullscreen="" loading="lazy" referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-downgrade"></iframe> </div> </div> <!-- break back into main container --> <div class="event__body uk-container-xlarge"> <!-- Accommodations Section --> <div class="uk-padding-large"> <h3>Accommodations</h3> <div class="uk-margin-medium-top"> <p><p>IAB has reserved a block of discounted rooms for registered Annual Leadership Meeting attendees at the JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort &amp; Spa. Please see your confirmation email from <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#84e1f2e1eaf0f7c4ede5e6aae7ebe9"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="94f1e2f1fae0e7d4fdf5f6baf7fbf9">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> for how to book and additional travel details. <em>Please make your reservation early as room availability is limited and expected to sell out ahead of the holidays.</em></p> </p> </div> <!-- Amenities Section --> <div class="uk-padding-large uk-padding-remove-left"> <div class="uk-grid-large" uk-grid> <!-- Amenities Section - Left Side --> <div class="uk-width-1-2@m"> <h3>Amenities</h3> <div class="amenities uk-margin-top"> <ul> <li> <h5>Complimentary WiFi throughout resort</h5> </li> <li> <h5>Luxury rooms with private balconies and mountain views</h5> </li> <li> <h5>Multiple on-site restaurants and lounges</h5> </li> <li> <h5>Two championship golf courses</h5> </li> <li> <h5>Full-service luxury spa and wellness center</h5> </li> <li> <h5>Five pools with private cabanas</h5> </li> <li> <h5>Modern fitness center with group classes</h5> </li> <li> <h5>Venetian-inspired gondola rides</h5> </li> <li> <h5>EV charging and ample parking</h5> </li> <li> <h5>24/7 business center services</h5> </li> <li> <h5>Close to Palm Springs Airport</h5> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="uk-margin-medium-top"> <div class="uk-flex" style="gap: 2rem;"> <div> <a href=";index=0" class="btn with-arrow" target="_blank"> Download Map of Venue <span class="arrow-right-small-icon"></span> </a> </div> <div> <a href="" class="btn with-arrow" target="_blank"> Visit Hotel Website <span class="arrow-right-small-icon"></span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Gallery Section - Right Side --> <div class="uk-width-1-2@m iab-event--venue"> <!-- Main Image Display --> <div class="venue-gallery-main uk-margin-bottom"> <div class="uk-cover-container"> <img src="" alt="2025 Annual Leadership Meeting 24" uk-cover> </div> </div> <!-- Thumbnail Navigation --> <div class="venue-gallery-thumbs" uk-slider> <div class="uk-position-relative"> <div class="uk-slider-container"> <ul class="uk-slider-items uk-child-width-1-6 uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <li> <div class="uk-panel venue-thumb-wrapper"> <a href="#" class="venue-thumb-link"> <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="2025 Annual Leadership Meeting 24" class="venue-gallery-thumb" data-full-image="" data-index="0"> </a> </div> </li> <li> <div class="uk-panel venue-thumb-wrapper"> <a href="#" class="venue-thumb-link"> <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="2025 Annual Leadership Meeting 15" class="venue-gallery-thumb" data-full-image="" data-index="1"> </a> </div> </li> <li> <div class="uk-panel venue-thumb-wrapper"> <a href="#" class="venue-thumb-link"> <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="2025 Annual Leadership Meeting 21" class="venue-gallery-thumb" data-full-image="" data-index="2"> </a> </div> </li> <li> <div class="uk-panel venue-thumb-wrapper"> <a href="#" class="venue-thumb-link"> <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="2025 Annual Leadership Meeting 16" class="venue-gallery-thumb" data-full-image="" data-index="3"> </a> </div> </li> <li> <div class="uk-panel venue-thumb-wrapper"> <a href="#" class="venue-thumb-link"> <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="2025 Annual Leadership Meeting 22" class="venue-gallery-thumb" data-full-image="" data-index="4"> </a> </div> </li> <li> <div class="uk-panel venue-thumb-wrapper"> <a href="#" class="venue-thumb-link"> <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="2025 Annual Leadership Meeting 20" class="venue-gallery-thumb" data-full-image="" data-index="5"> </a> </div> </li> <li> <div class="uk-panel venue-thumb-wrapper"> <a href="#" class="venue-thumb-link"> <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="2025 Annual Leadership Meeting 19" class="venue-gallery-thumb" data-full-image="" data-index="6"> </a> </div> </li> <li> <div class="uk-panel venue-thumb-wrapper"> <a href="#" class="venue-thumb-link"> <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="2025 Annual Leadership Meeting 17" class="venue-gallery-thumb" data-full-image="" data-index="7"> </a> </div> </li> <li> <div class="uk-panel venue-thumb-wrapper"> <a href="#" class="venue-thumb-link"> <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="2025 Annual Leadership Meeting 18" class="venue-gallery-thumb" data-full-image="" data-index="8"> </a> </div> </li> <li> <div class="uk-panel venue-thumb-wrapper"> <a href="#" class="venue-thumb-link"> <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="2025 Annual Leadership Meeting 23" class="venue-gallery-thumb" data-full-image="" data-index="9"> </a> </div> </li> <li> <div class="uk-panel venue-thumb-wrapper"> <a href="#" class="venue-thumb-link"> <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="2025 Annual Leadership Meeting 25" class="venue-gallery-thumb" data-full-image="" data-index="10"> </a> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="uk-hidden@s uk-light"> <a class="uk-position-center-left uk-position-small" href="#" uk-slidenav-previous uk-slider-item="previous"></a> <a class="uk-position-center-right uk-position-small" href="#" uk-slidenav-next uk-slider-item="next"></a> </div> <div class="uk-visible@s"> <a class="uk-position-center-left-out uk-position-small" href="#" uk-slidenav-previous uk-slider-item="previous"></a> <a class="uk-position-center-right-out uk-position-small" href="#" uk-slidenav-next uk-slider-item="next"></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div> <section class="iab-event-module iab-event-module--sponsors iab-bg-white" id="sponsors"> <div class="iab-event-module-content uk-container-xlarge"> <div class="module-event-sponsors uk-padding-large"> <h2>Sponsors & Partners</h2> <div class="iab-float-right sponsor-cta"> <div id="iabHubspotId_b072ec63-07a5-441f-9eb5-2afb452ad609" uk-modal="container: false;" > <div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-modal-body"> <button class="uk-modal-close-default" aria-label="Close" type="button" uk-close></button> <script data-cfasync="false" src="/cdn-cgi/scripts/5c5dd728/cloudflare-static/email-decode.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript"> if (!window.oneTrustBootstrapped) { window.oneTrustBootstrapped = {}; } window.oneTrustBootstrapped["b072ec63-07a5-441f-9eb5-2afb452ad609"] = false; // check if the user is in the EEA or UK and if OK, show the form window.addEventListener("OneTrustGroupsUpdated", handleHubspotFormThroughOneTrust); // OneTrustGroupsUpdated apparently doesn't always fire. 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class="uk-width-1-1 uk-width-1-5@s sponsor-wrapper" href="" target="_blank"> <div class="sponsor-spacer"></div> <img src="" alt="Integral Ad Science (IAS)"> </a> <a class="uk-width-1-1 uk-width-1-5@s sponsor-wrapper" href="" target="_blank"> <div class="sponsor-spacer"></div> <img src="" alt="NBC Universal"> </a> <a class="uk-width-1-1 uk-width-1-5@s sponsor-wrapper" href="" target="_blank"> <div class="sponsor-spacer"></div> <img src="" alt="Optable"> </a> <div class="uk-width-1-1 uk-width-1-5@s sponsor-wrapper"> <div class="sponsor-spacer"></div> <img src="" alt="Paramount Advertising"> </div> </div> <!-- sponsor type heading --> <h3 class="module-subtitle uk-text-center"> Title Sponsors </h3> <!-- container --> <div class="sponsor-type-container uk-flex uk-flex-center" uk-grid> <!-- list sponsors for that type --> <div class="uk-width-1-1 uk-width-1-5@s sponsor-wrapper"> <div class="sponsor-spacer"></div> <img src="" alt="Emodo"> </div> <div class="uk-width-1-1 uk-width-1-5@s 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industry first debated hot topics like the demise of the cookie, DTC brands, supply chain transparency, fake news, viewability, government regulation in the data economy, and making mobile work for advertisers and publishers.</p> </div> <div class="uk-margin-medium-bottom"> <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#2251524d4c514d50514a4b52624b43400c414d4f" class="btn with-arrow"> Contact Us <span class="arrow-right-small-icon"></span> </a> </div> <div> <p>Or email <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#7201021d1c011d00011a1b02321b13105c111d1f"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="81f2f1eeeff2eef3f2e9e8f1c1e8e0e3afe2eeec">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> to learn more.</p> </div> </div> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m"> <img src="" alt="Sponsorship Opportunities" class="uk-width-1-1"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- break out of main container --> </div> <!-- Why Sponsor Section --> <div class="uk-section uk-section-muted"> <div class="uk-container-xlarge uk-padding-large uk-padding-remove-top"> <div class="uk-margin-large-top"> <div class="uk-grid-large uk-child-width-1-2@m" uk-grid> <div> <div class="why-sponsor-image-container"> <img src="" alt="Our Industry&#039;s Must-Attend Thought Leadership Event" class="why-sponsor-image active" data-accordion-index="0" > <img src="" alt="Attended by an Engaged, High-Profile Audience" class="why-sponsor-image " data-accordion-index="1" > <img src="" alt="A Forum for Valuable Business Conversations" class="why-sponsor-image " data-accordion-index="2" > <img src="" alt="Packed with Premium Experiences with Peers" class="why-sponsor-image " data-accordion-index="3" > <img src="" alt="A Chance to Set the Agenda for 2025" class="why-sponsor-image " data-accordion-index="4" > </div> </div> <div> <h3>Why Sponsor?</h3> <h4 class="red"><strong>IAB’s Annual Leadership Meeting is...</strong></h4> <ul uk-accordion="multiple: false"> <li class="uk-open"> <a class="uk-accordion-title" href="#" data-accordion-index="0"> Our Industry&#039;s Must-Attend Thought Leadership Event </a> <div class="uk-accordion-content"> <p>Showcase your company's position as an industry leader on the biggest stage in digital advertising. With dedicated tropic tracks, breakout sessions, and panelist spots covering essential themes like AI, Commerce, Measurement, Privacy, and more, ALM offers high-visibility opportunities to share your story.</p> </div> </li> <li > <a class="uk-accordion-title" href="#" data-accordion-index="1"> Attended by an Engaged, High-Profile Audience </a> <div class="uk-accordion-content"> <p>Gain visibility with the most influential buyers, decision-makers, and leadership. Representing the entire digital media ecosystem, ALM's 1000+ attendees are made up of 70% VP-level and above executives with an emphasis on brands and agencies.</p> </div> </li> <li > <a class="uk-accordion-title" href="#" data-accordion-index="2"> A Forum for Valuable Business Conversations </a> <div class="uk-accordion-content"> <p>Garner facetime with ALM's exclusive VIP audience through intimate yet impactful networking moments, activations, and dedicated meeting spaces. With a curated attendee list provided in advance exclusively to sponsors, your company can utilize this premium on-site access to host private meetings with key contacts, invite new connections for 1-on-1 conversations, or capitalize on foot traffic with ALM's high-impact activations.</p> </div> </li> <li > <a class="uk-accordion-title" href="#" data-accordion-index="3"> Packed with Premium Experiences with Peers </a> <div class="uk-accordion-content"> <p>Own some of the most memorable moments of the event: the chance to unwind with colleagues and friends. With intimate custom experiences, all-access networking functions, private dinners and after parties, and more, ALM offers a wealth of branded moments for sponsors to bring attendees together to sip, mingle, and enjoy Palm Springs.</p> </div> </li> <li > <a class="uk-accordion-title" href="#" data-accordion-index="4"> A Chance to Set the Agenda for 2025 </a> <div class="uk-accordion-content"> <p>It all starts here. Every year, ALM sets the agenda ahead: we'll envision the future of the industry, uncover new opportunities, and set stage for the dynamic state of digital advertising in 2025 and beyond. Don't miss the chance to have your voice represented!</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="uk-section uk-section-muted"> <!-- Gallery Section --> <div class="uk-child-width-1-4@m uk-child-width-1-2@s uk-grid-collapse uk-grid-match" uk-grid uk-lightbox="animation: slide"> <div> <div class="uk-inline-clip uk-transition-toggle" tabindex="0"> <img src="" alt="" class="uk-transition-scale-up uk-transition-opaque"> <div class="uk-position-top-right uk-overlay uk-overlay-default uk-transition-fade"> <span uk-icon="icon: expand"></span> </div> <a class="uk-position-cover" href="" data-caption=""> </a> </div> </div> <div> <div class="uk-inline-clip uk-transition-toggle" tabindex="0"> <img src="" alt="" class="uk-transition-scale-up uk-transition-opaque"> <div class="uk-position-top-right uk-overlay uk-overlay-default uk-transition-fade"> <span uk-icon="icon: expand"></span> </div> <a class="uk-position-cover" href="" data-caption=""> </a> </div> </div> <div> <div class="uk-inline-clip uk-transition-toggle" tabindex="0"> <img src="" alt="" class="uk-transition-scale-up uk-transition-opaque"> <div class="uk-position-top-right uk-overlay uk-overlay-default uk-transition-fade"> <span uk-icon="icon: expand"></span> </div> <a class="uk-position-cover" href="" data-caption=""> </a> </div> </div> <div> <div class="uk-inline-clip uk-transition-toggle" tabindex="0"> <img src="" alt="" class="uk-transition-scale-up uk-transition-opaque"> <div class="uk-position-top-right uk-overlay uk-overlay-default uk-transition-fade"> <span uk-icon="icon: expand"></span> </div> <a class="uk-position-cover" href="" data-caption=""> </a> </div> </div> <div> <div class="uk-inline-clip uk-transition-toggle" tabindex="0"> <img src="" alt="" class="uk-transition-scale-up uk-transition-opaque"> <div class="uk-position-top-right uk-overlay uk-overlay-default uk-transition-fade"> <span uk-icon="icon: expand"></span> </div> <a class="uk-position-cover" href="" data-caption=""> </a> </div> </div> <div> <div class="uk-inline-clip uk-transition-toggle" tabindex="0"> <img src="" alt="" class="uk-transition-scale-up uk-transition-opaque"> <div class="uk-position-top-right uk-overlay uk-overlay-default uk-transition-fade"> <span uk-icon="icon: expand"></span> </div> <a class="uk-position-cover" href="" data-caption=""> </a> </div> </div> <div> <div class="uk-inline-clip uk-transition-toggle" tabindex="0"> <img src="" alt="" class="uk-transition-scale-up uk-transition-opaque"> <div class="uk-position-top-right uk-overlay uk-overlay-default uk-transition-fade"> <span uk-icon="icon: expand"></span> </div> <a class="uk-position-cover" href="" data-caption=""> </a> </div> </div> <div> <div class="uk-inline-clip uk-transition-toggle" tabindex="0"> <img src="" alt="" class="uk-transition-scale-up uk-transition-opaque"> <div class="uk-position-top-right uk-overlay uk-overlay-default uk-transition-fade"> <span uk-icon="icon: expand"></span> </div> <a class="uk-position-cover" href="" data-caption=""> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- continue container --> <div class="uk-container-xlarge event__body"> </div> </section> </div> <div> <section class="iab-event-module iab-event-module--faq uk-background-secondary" id="faq"> <div class="iab-event-module-content uk-container-xlarge"> <!-- FAQ --> <!-- faq --> <div class="faq-wrapper module-event-faq"> <div class="uk-container uk-container-small"> <div class="module-faq uk-padding-large" id="module-faq"> <div class="faq uk-flex uk-flex-column"> <h3 class="module-subtitle toc uk-margin-bottom">FAQ</h3> <div class="faq_content"> <div class="faq-group"> <h3 class="faq-group-title red">REGISTRATION</h3> <p><p>All attendees are required to comply with <a href="">IAB and IAB Tech Lab Event Code of Conduct</a></p> </p> <ul class="faq-accordion uk-list uk-list-divider" uk-accordion="multiple: true;"> <li> <h4 class="uk-accordion-title faq-q" style="cursor: pointer;">Q. Do I need an account to register?</h4> <div class="uk-accordion-content faq-a"><p>Yes, an account is required. If you do not have one, please visit our <u><a href="">account creation page</a></u> and follow the directions to create one.</p> </div> </li> <li> <h4 class="uk-accordion-title faq-q" style="cursor: pointer;">Q. How do I confirm if I have an com account?</h4> <div class="uk-accordion-content faq-a"><p>Try logging in using the email you’ve registered with. If an account is not found, <u><a href="">create an account</a></u> with the email you’ve registered by following the directions <a href=""><u>here</u></a>.</p> </div> </li> <li> <h4 class="uk-accordion-title faq-q" style="cursor: pointer;">Q. How can I reset my password for my account?</h4> <div class="uk-accordion-content faq-a"><p>Click the log-in icon to access the reset password option.</p> </div> </li> <li> <h4 class="uk-accordion-title faq-q" style="cursor: pointer;">Q. How do I get my member discount?</h4> <div class="uk-accordion-content faq-a"><p>You must log-in to your account connected to your IAB Membership to receive the member discount when registering. Want to become an IAB member? Email <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#e38e868e818691908b8a93a38a8281cd808c8e"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="7e131b131c1b0c0d16170e3e171f1c501d1113">[email&#160;protected]</span></a></p> </div> </li> <li> <h4 class="uk-accordion-title faq-q" style="cursor: pointer;">Q. How do I get my complimentary buyer pass?</h4> <div class="uk-accordion-content faq-a"><p>Please click the request a pass button and complete the requested information. You will receive an email confirming if you qualify for complimentary pass within 1 week. These passes are reserved for qualified brand marketers and agencies.</p> </div> </li> <li> <h4 class="uk-accordion-title faq-q" style="cursor: pointer;">Q. How do I book a hotel room? </h4> <div class="uk-accordion-content faq-a"><p>You must be a registered ALM attendee to book a hotel room. Please see your confirmation email for details on how to book.</p> </div> </li> <li> <h4 class="uk-accordion-title faq-q" style="cursor: pointer;">Q. I can no longer attend ALM 2025 - what are my options?</h4> <div class="uk-accordion-content faq-a"><p>Please review the cancellation policy found in your confirmation email and <u><a href="">IAB and IAB Tech Lab Event Code of Conduct</a></u></p> <p>You can also transfer your ticket to a colleague from your organization. Contact <u><a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#731605161d0700331a12115d101c1e"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="eb8e9d8e859f98ab828a89c5888486">[email&#160;protected]</span></a></u> for support.</p> </div> </li> <li> <h4 class="uk-accordion-title faq-q" style="cursor: pointer;">Q. How can I sponsor ALM? </h4> <div class="uk-accordion-content faq-a"><p>Please email <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#a0d3d0cfced3cfd2d3c8c9d0e0c9c1c28ec3cfcd"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="1a696a75746975686972736a5a737b7834797577">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> to learn more.</p> </div> </li> <li> <h4 class="uk-accordion-title faq-q" style="cursor: pointer;">Q. Discounts and Promotions</h4> <div class="uk-accordion-content faq-a"><p>The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) may offer limited-time discounts and promotions on the event ticket price. Please be advised that we cannot apply discounts to previously purchased tickets and the discount cannot be combined with other offers.</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="faq-group"> <h3 class="faq-group-title red">ALM Premium Experience Pass</h3> <ul class="faq-accordion uk-list uk-list-divider" uk-accordion="multiple: true;"> <li> <h4 class="uk-accordion-title faq-q" style="cursor: pointer;">Q. What is an ALM Premium Experience Pass?</h4> <div class="uk-accordion-content faq-a"><p>Elevate your IAB Annual Leadership Summit experience with our exclusive premium package! Enjoy unparalleled access with perks including meet-and-greets with headliner speakers, premium seating, and exclusive lounge access. Immerse yourself in exclusive workshops and unwind with a resort credit for the spa, restaurants, golf, and more. Secure your premium pass and transform your summit experience into something truly extraordinary!</p> </div> </li> <li> <h4 class="uk-accordion-title faq-q" style="cursor: pointer;">Q. What Do I Get with an ALM Premium Experience Pass?</h4> <div class="uk-accordion-content faq-a"><p><strong>Meet &amp; Greet</strong></p> <p>The opportunity to meet and connect with the headliner talent of ALM. Last year featured Aaron Sorkin and Victoria Garick-Brown – guaranteed that 2024 won&#8217;t disappoint.</p> <p><strong>VIP Seating</strong></p> <p>Dedicated seating at all of the Main Stage events to keep you front and center of the hottest sessions.</p> <p><strong>Resort Credit</strong></p> <p>You&#8217;ll receive a $200 credit to use at the resort for your activity of choice across restaurants &amp; bars, spas, golf, and more!*</p> <p><strong>Exclusive Lounge Access</strong></p> <p>We all need a little time and space to recharge and check our emails – this is just the space for that, and it comes with snacks and refreshments!</p> <p><strong>Workshops**</strong></p> <p>Choose one of two stellar 90-minute workshops to kick off your ALM experience on Monday morning.</p> <p>* Some Exclusions Apply. Not Included in Brand/Agency Passes</p> <p>** Brands &amp; agencies should select the ALM Premium Experience Ticket to gain complimentary access to workshops.</p> </div> </li> <li> <h4 class="uk-accordion-title faq-q" style="cursor: pointer;">Q. What workshops are available to ALM Premium Experience Pass Holders?</h4> <div class="uk-accordion-content faq-a"><p>ALM Premium Experience Pass holders have access to one workshop, selected at check-out. Choices are:</p> <p><strong>WORKSHOP A: The AI Revolution: How AI Will Transform Marketing – and the Role of Marketing and Business Leaders</strong></p> <p>This workshop will explore the implications of AI on the role of CMOs and their teams. While this new technology will reduce costs in media, research analytics, customer service, and creative development while significantly enhancing effectiveness, the biggest impact is likely to be in reimagining the products and services of a firm and change the role of marketing. Attendees will learn to stay ahead of the curve and redefine their role.</p> <p><strong>Led by Rishad Tobaccowala, Author, Speaker, Advisor, Rishad Tobaccowala, LLC.</strong></p> <p><strong>WORKSHOP B: Declare a Bold Vision and Share It</strong></p> <p>Be inspired in this highly interactive workshop to think big and long term about your business, career, and life. This whole-life approach from the Fast Forward Group will help you prioritize what’s important with actionable tools to provide inspiration and focus throughout the year.</p> <p><strong>Led by Lisa McCarthy, CEO &amp; Co-Founder, The Fast Forward Group</strong></p> </div> </li> <li> <h4 class="uk-accordion-title faq-q" style="cursor: pointer;">Q. What is the cost of the ALM Premium Experience Pass?</h4> <div class="uk-accordion-content faq-a"><p>It is a $999 add-on to your ALM General Pass. The additional cost is already included in the ticket price listed.</p> <p>If you are a brand marketer or an agency executive, you can apply for a complimentary ALM Premium Experience Pass and use the special brand/agency code provided once your request for a pass has been approved.</p> </div> </li> <li> <h4 class="uk-accordion-title faq-q" style="cursor: pointer;">Q. Can I purchase workshop access without the ALM Premium Experience Pass?</h4> <div class="uk-accordion-content faq-a"><p>Yes, you can select the ALM General Pass and add a workshop during checkout.</p> </div> </li> <li> <h4 class="uk-accordion-title faq-q" style="cursor: pointer;">Q. I am an invited buyer (brand/agency) and the workshop price will not zero out with my code? </h4> <div class="uk-accordion-content faq-a"><p>Please select the ALM Premium Experience Pass if you are interested in attending one of the workshops.</p> </div> </li> <li> <h4 class="uk-accordion-title faq-q" style="cursor: pointer;">Q. Can I attend more than one workshop? </h4> <div class="uk-accordion-content faq-a"><p>No, the workshops will be happening concurrently. Please select one.</p> </div> </li> <li> <h4 class="uk-accordion-title faq-q" style="cursor: pointer;">Q. What if I want to switch my workshop selection?</h4> <div class="uk-accordion-content faq-a"><p>Email <strong><a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#ff9a899a918b8cbf969e9dd19c9092"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="a7c2d1c2c9d3d4e7cec6c589c4c8ca">[email&#160;protected]</span></a></strong> to change your workshop selection. Based on availability.</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div> <section class="iab-event-module iab-event-module--register-header iab-bg-white" id="register-header"> <div class="iab-event-module-content uk-margin-remove-right uk-margin-large-left"> <div class="uk-padding-large uk-padding-remove-right"> <div class="uk-grid uk-grid-large" uk-grid> <!-- Left column with title and copy --> <div class="uk-width-2-5@m"> <h2>Choose Your Pass</h2> <div class="uk-text-large uk-margin-small-top"> <p>IAB&#8217;s Annual Leadership Meeting (ALM) is where the digital industry first debated hot topics like the demise of the cookie, DTC brands, supply chain transparency, fake news, viewability, government regulation in the data economy, and making mobile work for advertisers and publishers.</p> </div> </div> <!-- Right column with countdown --> <div class="uk-width-3-5@m"> <div class="countdown-timer" data-event-date="2025-01-26T08:00:00+00:00"> <div class="countdown-header"> <h3 class="uk-text-uppercase">Block your Calendar for ALM - It All Starts on January 26, 2025</h3> </div> <div class="countdown-elements uk-grid-collapse uk-child-width-auto uk-flex-center" uk-grid uk-countdown="date: 2025-01-26T08:00:00+00:00"> <div> <div class="uk-countdown-number uk-countdown-days"></div> <div class="uk-countdown-label">days</div> </div> <div> <div class="uk-countdown-number uk-countdown-hours"></div> <div class="uk-countdown-label">hrs</div> </div> <div> <div class="uk-countdown-number uk-countdown-minutes"></div> <div class="uk-countdown-label">mins</div> </div> <div> <div class="uk-countdown-number uk-countdown-seconds"></div> <div class="uk-countdown-label">seconds</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="iab-event-module iab-event-module--pricing-table uk-background-primary" id="pricing-table"> <div class="iab-event-module-content uk-container-xlarge"> <style> :root { --pricing-color-0: #4fc1e9; --pricing-color-0-transparent: #4fc1e984; } </style><style> :root { --pricing-color-1: #84c142; --pricing-color-1-transparent: #84c14284; } </style><style> :root { --pricing-color-2: #6c6fc7; --pricing-color-2-transparent: #6c6fc784; } </style><style> :root { --pricing-color-3: #fdce55; --pricing-color-3-transparent: #fdce5584; } </style> <div class="pricing-table-container uk-padding-large"> <!-- begin pricing table desktop --> <div class="pricing-table-desktop uk-visible@s uk-overflow-auto"> <table class="uk-table uk-table-divider pricing-table"> <colgroup> <col style="width: auto;"> <col style="width: 20%;" span="4"> </colgroup> <thead> <tr> <th></th> <th class="col-group-0"> MEMBER GENERAL PASS </th> <th class="col-group-1"> NON-MEMBER GENERAL PASS </th> <th class="col-group-2"> MEMBER PREMIUM EXPERIENCE PASS </th> <th class="col-group-3"> NON-MEMBER PREMIUM EXPERIENCE PASS </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="pricing-row"> <td><span class="uk-text-uppercase"><strong>Pass Benefits</strong></span></td> <td class="col-group-0 pricing-cell"> <div class="price-wrapper"> <div class="price">$3,495</div> </div> <a href="#" class="iab-event-reg-button uk-button uk-button-group-0"> Register Now </a> </td> <td class="col-group-1 pricing-cell"> <div class="price-wrapper"> <div class="price">$4,495</div> </div> <a href="#" class="iab-event-reg-button uk-button uk-button-group-1"> Register Now </a> </td> <td class="col-group-2 pricing-cell"> <div class="price-wrapper"> <div class="price">$4,494</div> </div> <a href="#" class="iab-event-reg-button uk-button uk-button-group-2"> Register Now </a> </td> <td class="col-group-3 pricing-cell"> <div class="price-wrapper"> <div class="price">$5,494</div> </div> <a href="#" class="iab-event-reg-button uk-button uk-button-group-3"> Register Now </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span class="feature-name"> All Mainstage &amp; Track Sessions <span class="uk-icon-link" uk-icon="icon: question; ratio: 0.8;" style="opacity: 0.8;" uk-tooltip="title: Access to industry experts leading keynotes, panels, and breakout sessions"></span> </span> </td> <td class="col-group-0"> <div class="checkmark-cell"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> </td> <td class="col-group-1"> <div class="checkmark-cell"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> </td> <td class="col-group-2"> <div class="checkmark-cell"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> </td> <td class="col-group-3"> <div class="checkmark-cell"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span class="feature-name"> Networking Opportunities <span class="uk-icon-link" uk-icon="icon: question; ratio: 0.8;" style="opacity: 0.8;" uk-tooltip="title: Connect and network with leaders, experts, and industry peers"></span> </span> </td> <td class="col-group-0"> <div class="checkmark-cell"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> </td> <td class="col-group-1"> <div class="checkmark-cell"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> </td> <td class="col-group-2"> <div class="checkmark-cell"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> </td> <td class="col-group-3"> <div class="checkmark-cell"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span class="feature-name"> Wine &amp; 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ratio: 0.8;" style="opacity: 0.8;" uk-tooltip="title: Choice of one 90-minute exec-level workshop"></span> </span> </td> <td class="col-group-0"> </td> <td class="col-group-1"> </td> <td class="col-group-2"> <div class="checkmark-cell"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> </td> <td class="col-group-3"> <div class="checkmark-cell"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <!-- end pricing table desktop --> <!-- begin mobile pricing cards --> <div class="pricing-table-mobile uk-hidden@s"> <div class="pricing-cards uk-grid uk-child-width-1-1 uk-grid-match uk-grid-medium" uk-grid> <div> <div class="pricing-card col-group-0"> <div class="pricing-card-header"> <h3>MEMBER GENERAL PASS</h3> </div> <div class="pricing-card-price"> <div class="price">$3,495</div> </div> <a href="#" class="iab-event-reg-button uk-button uk-button-group-0"> Register Now </a> <div class="pricing-card-features"> <div class="feature-item"> <div class="checkmark"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> <div class="feature-text"> <span class="feature-name">All Mainstage &amp; Track Sessions</span> <span class="feature-description">Access to industry experts leading keynotes, panels, and breakout sessions</span> </div> </div> <div class="feature-item"> <div class="checkmark"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> <div class="feature-text"> <span class="feature-name">Networking Opportunities</span> <span class="feature-description">Connect and network with leaders, experts, and industry peers</span> </div> </div> <div class="feature-item"> <div class="checkmark"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> <div class="feature-text"> <span class="feature-name">Wine &amp; Dine</span> <span class="feature-description">Indulge over the three days with themed evenings and parties</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="pricing-card col-group-1"> <div class="pricing-card-header"> <h3>NON-MEMBER GENERAL PASS</h3> </div> <div class="pricing-card-price"> <div class="price">$4,495</div> </div> <a href="#" class="iab-event-reg-button uk-button uk-button-group-1"> Register Now </a> <div class="pricing-card-features"> <div class="feature-item"> <div class="checkmark"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> <div class="feature-text"> <span class="feature-name">All Mainstage &amp; Track Sessions</span> <span class="feature-description">Access to industry experts leading keynotes, panels, and breakout sessions</span> </div> </div> <div class="feature-item"> <div class="checkmark"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> <div class="feature-text"> <span class="feature-name">Networking Opportunities</span> <span class="feature-description">Connect and network with leaders, experts, and industry peers</span> </div> </div> <div class="feature-item"> <div class="checkmark"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> <div class="feature-text"> <span class="feature-name">Wine &amp; Dine</span> <span class="feature-description">Indulge over the three days with themed evenings and parties</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="pricing-card col-group-2"> <div class="pricing-card-header"> <h3>MEMBER PREMIUM EXPERIENCE PASS</h3> </div> <div class="pricing-card-price"> <div class="price">$4,494</div> </div> <a href="#" class="iab-event-reg-button uk-button uk-button-group-2"> Register Now </a> <div class="pricing-card-features"> <div class="feature-item"> <div class="checkmark"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> <div class="feature-text"> <span class="feature-name">All Mainstage &amp; Track Sessions</span> <span class="feature-description">Access to industry experts leading keynotes, panels, and breakout sessions</span> </div> </div> <div class="feature-item"> <div class="checkmark"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> <div class="feature-text"> <span class="feature-name">Networking Opportunities</span> <span class="feature-description">Connect and network with leaders, experts, and industry peers</span> </div> </div> <div class="feature-item"> <div class="checkmark"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> <div class="feature-text"> <span class="feature-name">Wine &amp; Dine</span> <span class="feature-description">Indulge over the three days with themed evenings and parties</span> </div> </div> <div class="feature-item"> <div class="checkmark"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> <div class="feature-text"> <span class="feature-name">Meet &amp; Greet</span> <span class="feature-description">Exclusive meet and greet with photo op with top-tier talent</span> </div> </div> <div class="feature-item"> <div class="checkmark"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> <div class="feature-text"> <span class="feature-name">VIP Seating</span> <span class="feature-description">Priority reserved comfortable seating</span> </div> </div> <div class="feature-item"> <div class="checkmark"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> <div class="feature-text"> <span class="feature-name">Resort Credit</span> <span class="feature-description">$200 for dining, spa, golf, and more (exclusions apply)*</span> </div> </div> <div class="feature-item"> <div class="checkmark"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> <div class="feature-text"> <span class="feature-name">Exclusive Lounge Access</span> <span class="feature-description">Private space to work and recharge</span> </div> </div> <div class="feature-item"> <div class="checkmark"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> <div class="feature-text"> <span class="feature-name">Workshops</span> <span class="feature-description">Choice of one 90-minute exec-level workshop</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="pricing-card col-group-3"> <div class="pricing-card-header"> <h3>NON-MEMBER PREMIUM EXPERIENCE PASS</h3> </div> <div class="pricing-card-price"> <div class="price">$5,494</div> </div> <a href="#" class="iab-event-reg-button uk-button uk-button-group-3"> Register Now </a> <div class="pricing-card-features"> <div class="feature-item"> <div class="checkmark"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> <div class="feature-text"> <span class="feature-name">All Mainstage &amp; Track Sessions</span> <span class="feature-description">Access to industry experts leading keynotes, panels, and breakout sessions</span> </div> </div> <div class="feature-item"> <div class="checkmark"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> <div class="feature-text"> <span class="feature-name">Networking Opportunities</span> <span class="feature-description">Connect and network with leaders, experts, and industry peers</span> </div> </div> <div class="feature-item"> <div class="checkmark"><svg xmlns="" width="33.875" height="33.875" viewBox="0 0 34.875 34.875"> <path d="M35.438,18A17.438,17.438,0,1,1,18,.563,17.437,17.437,0,0,1,35.438,18ZM15.983,27.233,28.921,14.3a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0-1.591L27.33,11.114a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L15.188,21.665l-4.926-4.926a1.125,1.125,0,0,0-1.591,0L7.079,18.329a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,0,1.591l7.313,7.313a1.125,1.125,0,0,0,1.591,0Z" transform="translate(-0.563 -0.563)" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div> <div class="feature-text"> <span class="feature-name">Wine &amp; 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