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14.3 32 32z"></path></svg></a></div></div></div></header><main><div class="markdown mx-auto mt-10 max-w-screen-lg px-4 py-2 sm:px-6 sm:py-4"><div><h1 id="hiring">Hiring</h1> <h2 id="come-work-at-a-mission-driven-tech-company-with-high-impact-that-cares-about-you">Come Work at a Mission Driven Tech Company with High Impact that Cares about You</h2> <p>Do you want to get paid to work on your passion for open source, mutual aid, and the commons, while earning a good livelihood and having great work-life balance? Come work with us!</p> <p><img src="" alt=""></p> <p>Open Collective is a financial and legal toolbox for grassroots groups. We support 15,000 groups and 30+ nonprofits around the world with one shared backend solution for fundraising and money management. This year our Collectives are on track to raise and spend $35 million dollars in full transparency.</p> <p><strong>All position are currently filled, check back later! You can still send a spontaneous application if you wish.</strong></p> <!--## Customer Support Representative [Open Collective]( is currently seeking a Customer Support Representative who is passionate about the future of money, collective work, transparent budgets, open source, mutual aid, and distributed leadership. ### Responsibilities - Understanding user needs, providing solutions to user support inquiries, directing users to documentation, and conversing with them in a friendly and professional manner - Troubleshooting technical issues related to our products or services - Following clear, specific directions to solve basic user software issues - Collaborating with other teams to ensure the timely resolution of customer issues - Identifying and escalating complex issues to the appropriate department - Providing feedback on the efficiency of the customer service process and subsequent solutions - Adjusting to ever-evolving (ever-improving!) workflows ### Who we’re looking for This position requires: - Fluency in English - Strong customer service skills and sensibilities - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills - The ability to learn new digital tools quickly We want to work with someone who is: - Inspired by Open Collective’s mission to make communities sustainable - Excited to support/educate our users to make the best use of the Open Collective platform - Self-motivated and autonomous, able to thrive in our fully remote, asynchronous environment - Detail-oriented, practical and organized - Great at handling information overload and finding the path forward - Flexible and comfortable working in a fast-paced startup environment - Eager to understand the ins and outs of the Open Collective software platform - Experienced with working openly or excited to develop this practice Not required, but a bonus: - Fluency in language(s) other than English (we have users all over the world) - Basic experience with databases (we use PostgreSQL) and/or Metabase to identify and fix data related issues - Experience writing or updating user guides/documentation - Experience working with online tools like Slack for daily communication, Loom for asynchronous recordings, Google for file sharing and copy editing, Coda for everything, Loomio for decision making, GitHub for product development, and Around for video-conferencing (extra points if you’ve used Open Collective, of course!) - Experience in collaborative communities like the ones that use our platform (open source projects, art collectives, cooperatives, activist groups, solidarity economy projects) ### Compensation and benefits - USD $25-30/hr - About 10 hours per week (to start) - Fully remote position (i.e., suitable for digital nomads and people seeking to “work-from-home” - we don't have any physical offices) - Highly flexible schedule (only a couple weekly meetings; the work is largely asynchronous, as our team is distributed across time zones) - Twenty-five days of paid time off per year, plus 10 days for chosen holidays - USD $500 per year toward workspace expenses - An opportunity (though not strictly required) to travel when we have full-team in-person retreats with transportation, accommodation, and meals covered during our time together (the last one was in September 2022 in La Ciotat, France) - Opportunity to grow in the role, with support for professional development and encouragement to influence strategy and share ideas ### A little about Open Collective [Open Collective](, an open-source software company founded in 2015, is committed to supporting grassroots groups and communities around the world with transparent fundraising, money management, and legal tools. We're proud to have supported over 15,000 groups and 30+ nonprofits globally, raising and spending $35 million dollars in full transparency. Our platform helps open source projects, community projects, and mutual aid groups thrive all over the world, and we are on a long-term path toward [community governance]( “Open Collective” means transparency (“Open”) and community (“Collective”), and thus our platform is built on values of openness, transparency, and collective collaboration. The team is a group of optimistic, driven, nerdy, and open people. Our culture, though ever-changing and sometimes chaotic like many start-ups, is also oriented toward care, candor, rigor, generosity, and autonomy. (You can read more about our values in our [Community Guidelines]( Our international, fully-remote, highly-collaborative team currently includes members in Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, the UK, Romania, the United States, Mexico, Canada, Indonesia, Brazil, India, and New Zealand. To learn more about the company, [watch this 50-second video](, skim through our [blog](, and read about our [strategy]( We look forward to learning more about you, too! ### The support team The support team at Open Collective is currently based in Indonesia, Canada, the UK, and the US. We are responsible for providing exceptional customer service and support to our users, ensuring that their inquiries and concerns are resolved in a timely and professional manner. We are a new and growing team, and we need to your help as we continually improve and optimize our user support systems, utilizing performance analytic reports to inform strategic decision-making and reduce workload and ticket response times, while - of course - continuing to provide quality customer support. A few more notes about our team: - We are a small shop, and you will have significant influence over the way this work evolves - We use Slack and other tools a lot for asynchronous discussion, since we are spread all over the world - We work closely with the administrators of “fiscal hosts” using the platform (think of them as power users) to ensure we perform well - We work in a fast-paced environment, but are trying to create spaces for slowness and reflection ### Join us! We’d love to hear from you. Applications are open through June 2nd. [To apply]( If you have any questions, reach out to us at [](> <!-- ## [Open Source Collective]( Operations Coordinator $60 ~ $80k yearly salary for 40 hrs/wk. Salary range contingent on experience. Must live within 4 hrs of EST time zone. Applications open until February 17th. [Open Source Collective]( (OSC) is a non-profit fiscal sponsor for [over 3,000 open source projects]( Our mission is to create a sustainable and healthy open source ecosystem through our services which allow our collectives access 501(c)(6) status and the tools and support to fundraise and disburse those funds in full transparency. Our Collectives are on track to raise $20m in 2023. We are scaling quickly, and growing our team to meet increasing demand. ### What Makes Us Different OSC is a tech-first nonprofit. We are one node in a growing international network of 30+ fiscal sponsor organizations who use [Open Collective](, an open source software platform for transparent fundraising and money management, to create efficiencies with money and amplify impact in communities. Globally, the network supports 15,000 groups to raise and spend $35M a year. Our tech platform and mission are all about transparency, collective collaboration, and practicality—and we apply the same principles to how we run OSC as an organization. ### Learn more - OSC's [Website](, [mission & values](, and [strategy]( - [What is Open Source Collective (video)]( - [What is Open Collective (video)]( - [Our documentation]( ### Who we're looking for An operations and community oriented person who is: - Excited to support our Collectives to make the best use of our services - Self-motivated and autonomous, able to thrive in our fully remote, high-trust, low-hierarchy environment - Technology driven, able to learn new digital tools quickly, and eager to understand the ins and outs of the Open Collective software platform - Experienced with working openly or excited to develop this practice ### Must-have skills - Financial administration skills (accounts receivable and payable—you will process incoming contributions and outgoing expenses, so you need a basic understanding of budgets and finance processes) - Helpdesk support and customer service - you'll support Collectives through the application process and answer day-to-day questions. Experience writing or updating user guides is ideal. - Detail oriented, practical and organized, great at handling information overload and finding the path forward - Flexible and comfortable working in a fast-paced, quickly-scaling startup environment ### Additional desired experience (We don’t expect you to have all of these! Any of them would be a bonus) - 501(c)(3) or (c)(6) nonprofit and/or fiscal sponsorship - Fast-growth organizations and start-ups - Tech tools like Slack, Loom, Airtable, Google Workspace, Asana, Loomio & GitHub (extra points if you’ve used Open Collective, of course!) ### Compensation & role details - This is a fully remote position (we don't have any physical offices and our team is distributed across time zones) - Flexible schedule (we have a few weekly meetings and the rest us up to you) - Open to applicants anywhere within 4 hours of the EST time zone. - The pay range will be $60k ~ $80k plus benefits. Pay scale is contingent on experience. - This is a full-time position and we are seeking someone to commit 40 hours per week - 25 days off for vacation + 10 days off for chosen holidays - $1K per year for improving your workspace, buying tools, and other office expenses that help you perform better. - An opportunity to travel when we have retreats (Weeks of face-to-face work every ~8 months) with transportation, allocation, and meals covered during our time together. The last one was in September 2022 in Marseille, France. ### Apply for the Open Source Collective Operations Coordinator Position Please fill out [this form]( to apply. If you have questions, reach out to [](> <!-- Right now, [Open Collective]( is hiring for a Senior UX Designer. ## Senior UX Designer Pay $48K-$60K/year, open to applicants worldwide, role with Open Collective Inc. We are looking for a Senior UX designer who is passionate about: the future of money, collective work, transparent budgets, open source, mutual aid, and distributed leadership. If this describes you, and you are happy with remote and asynchronous work (except for mandatory stand-up calls at 9am ET / 3pm CET weekdays), read more. ### About **The design team at [Open Collective](** is currently based in Mexico, India, Brazil, and the United States. It is responsible for planning, designing, and delivering the features that will make this goal possible in a way that embraces the contributions of multiple designers and creatives worldwide. So far, we have not had a UX-focused designer and we are thrilled to add this skillset to the team. ### As a senior UX designer, you will: - Build on and incrementally improve our current user-experience approach across the platform and within our design practice. - Lead the process of user-experience support and development for features, components, and interface design complex solutions. - Build tailored artifacts such as presentations, visual maps, service maps, sophisticated journey maps, service blueprints, etc. to drive design ideas forward. - Keep a record of the creative development process, using different formats to help the team keep track of a project. - Work with peers across Insights, Research, Engineering, and Product to turn workflow brainstorms and business needs into user journey diagrams and service blueprints. - Build on top of existing insights, technical constraints, business needs, and specific platform demands to produce well-informed design solutions. - Lead the user research process for complex projects, identifying and codifying user needs, pains, and opportunities that will help us deliver better services.. - Establish and maintain user research tools and practices: discovery calls, prototype testing, surveying, interpreting production data, and building context for other team members to do their best work. - Work on different projects at a time, producing multiple concepts and workflows. ### What is expected from you - You know how to work with different teams, and you can comfortably reach out to people, make proposals, lead workshops, and explain concepts. - You are proficient in reviewing and producing interface design and graphic design; while this won't be the majority of your work, you are capable of performing senior QA on any design project related to the platform. - You understand when deeper exploration is needed before moving forward and when it is better to change paths and try a different approach. - You possess a strong understanding of usability and user experience principles. - You love thinking big, and at the same time, you know when to apply pixel-perfect attention to detail. - You are comfortable building on top of already existing ideas and letting others build on your ideas. - You are autonomous by taking full ownership of your work. You’ll be responsible for every detail, every step of the way, from drafting and sketching to high-fidelity design solutions. ### Pay Open Collective exists to sustain contributors to the commons, including our team. Our budgets and salaries are transparent and based on where you live. We estimate that this role will require $48K - $60K for you to show up joyfully to work (We will propose you something based on your skills and situation). Our aim is that you can earn a good livelihood, have a great work-life balance, and join a team that truly practices what it preaches - no bullshit. ### Perks Additional to the monetary compensation, we offer a couple of extra perks: - $1K per year for improving your workspace, buying tools, and other office expenses that help you perform better. - An opportunity to travel when we have retreats (Weeks of face-to-face work every ~8 months) with transportation, allocation, and meals covered during our time together. The last one was in September 2022 in Marseille, France. ### Values We are a group of optimistic, driven, nerdy, and open people. Open Collective stands for Transparency (“open”) and Group Work (“collective”). **OPEN**: Our product is built to help groups with financial transparency, and all of our internal team salaries, organizational files, code, and designs are open, too. See our [issue repo]( and [design budget transactions]( **COLLECTIVE**: The happiest people here tend to be rigorous, generous people who love group feedback on Discord and want to lead a project and take responsibility for it at a high level. We were founded in 2015 and are on a path to [co-governance of the platform with the community]( ### Tools Our main tools are Google Docs for file sharing and copyediting, Figma for design, GitHub for product development, Slack for daily communication, Loom for asynchronous recordings, Loomio for decision making, CoBudget for money decisions, and Around for video-conferencing. It is OK if you don’t know how to use some of these - you can learn on the job. ### Apply for the Senior UX Designer Role Please fill out [this form]( to apply. --> <!-- **We're hiring Senior Software Engineers.** ## A little about us On Open Collective, groups like open source projects, neighbourhood associations, mutual aid groups, and more, can collect and spend money transparently, invite collaboration, and help their communities thrive. Watch this video about what we do and why we are passionate about it: <iframe src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen width="854" height="480" frameborder="0"></iframe> Like the movements that we support, we value openness and transparency. We strive to create inclusive, respectful and sustainable communities and we're 100% open source. If you want to know more about us, join our open [Discord](, read [our blog](, and check out the [Open Collective Way]( to understand our values and how we work. We are a fully remote team that loves distributed collaboration around the world: Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, Romania, UK, US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, India, New Zealand. This start-up culture is truly different – one of care, listening, rigor, and autonomy within collaboration. If you are used to cut-throat dynamics and overwork, you will be happy to find another way is possible. We are building and maintaining money management software for the commons. <h2 id='software-engineer'>Senior Software Engineer Role</h2> We are looking for a senior "full-stack" software engineer who’s excited about open source, making communities sustainable, and transparent finances. - Financial transparency is our thing! Pay is as follows, with [location-based cost of living adjustments]( - very high (e.g. NY, SF) $112-$144k - high(e.g. London, Paris) $98-$126k (€93-€119k) - medium (e.g. Vancouver, Berlin, Madrid) $84-$108k (€79-€103k) - low (e.g. Kyiv, Lagos, Buenos Aires) $70-$90k (€66-€86k) - Fully remote team, but we'd like you to be based within 6 hours of CET for timezone overlap, e.g. Europe, Africa, central Asia, or North and South America. - Full time role, with a very flexible schedule. - Opportunity to grow in the role, with support for professional development and encouragement to influence strategy and share ideas. - Great culture of work/life balance and generous paid time off. ### We think you’d be great at this if you are: - Comfortable in a remote environment that is at the same time highly collaborative _and_ autonomous (you can run a feature end to end on your own, while communicating about it!) - Experienced as a full stack engineer using JavaScript (<em>"senior"</em>) - Familiar with our technology stack: - GraphQL API powered by Node, PostgreSQL and Sequelize - Web app powered by Next.js, React and Apollo - Excited about our mission and share our philosophy. - Bonus points if you have experience in collaborative communities like the ones that use our platform! ## Interested? Please [email us]( with "Senior Software Engineer" as subject. Your message should be convincing enough for us to consider you and move to the next stage. Ideally, we want you to cover the following: - About you. What's your story? Where you are coming from? What's you current status? - About us. How did you hear about Open Collective? What do you find interesting in Open Collective? - Experience. What is your greatest achievment in software engineering? Can you tell us about a past project you're proud of (it doesn’t have to be an engineering one or even a technical one.)? What do you think you can bring to Open Collective? As part of our screening process, we'll also ask you to make a small contribution to [our codebase]( Have a look, do one now or be ready for it! --> </div></div><div class="sc-62f56b22-0 cITbYI"><h5 font-weight="500" color="black.900" class="sc-851a3ed2-0 sc-851a3ed2-8 jTCViA">Stay updated about our news and progress.</h5><div class="sc-4af23993-0 sc-4af23993-1 cDEa-DV jykwqo"><form action=";id=475db6d2d7" method="post" name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" target="_blank"><div class="sc-62f56b22-0 UNEsC"><input font-size="14px" name="EMAIL" placeholder="Your email address" type="email" width="1" class="sc-4eabeb44-0 fxpvQT"/><input class="cursor-pointer rounded rounded-l-none bg-blue-500 px-4 py-2 text-sm text-white hover:bg-blue-700" type="submit" name="subscribe" value="Subscribe"/></div></form></div></div></main><footer class="flex-row border-t p-6 py-12"><div class="mx-auto flex w-full max-w-screen-xl flex-1 flex-col gap-8"><div class="flex flex-col gap-4"><div class="flex flex-col 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class="text-xs text-muted-foreground">Make your community sustainable.</span></div><div class="grid grid-cols-2 items-start gap-x-4 gap-y-8 md:grid-cols-4 lg:grid-cols-5"><div class="items-center gap-1 hidden lg:flex"><a class="flex h-7 w-7 items-center justify-center rounded-full text-muted-foreground transition-colors hover:text-foreground" rel="me" aria-label="Open Collective Twitter link" href=""><svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" height="16" width="16" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" fill="currentColor" xmlns="" class="StyledIconBase-sc-ea9ulj-0 ebjPRL"><path fill="currentColor" d="M459.37 151.716c.325 4.548.325 9.097.325 13.645 0 138.72-105.583 298.558-298.558 298.558-59.452 0-114.68-17.219-161.137-47.106 8.447.974 16.568 1.299 25.34 1.299 49.055 0 94.213-16.568 130.274-44.832-46.132-.975-84.792-31.188-98.112-72.772 6.498.974 12.995 1.624 19.818 1.624 9.421 0 18.843-1.3 27.614-3.573-48.081-9.747-84.143-51.98-84.143-102.985v-1.299c13.969 7.797 30.214 12.67 47.431 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Come work with us!\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg src=\"\" alt=\"\"\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eOpen Collective is a financial and legal toolbox for grassroots groups. We support 15,000 groups and 30+ nonprofits around the world with one shared backend solution for fundraising and money management. This year our Collectives are on track to raise and spend $35 million dollars in full transparency.\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eAll position are currently filled, check back later! You can still send a spontaneous application if you wish.\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003c!--## Customer Support Representative\n\n[Open Collective]( is currently seeking a Customer Support Representative who is passionate about the future of money, collective work, transparent budgets, open source, mutual aid, and distributed leadership.\n\n### Responsibilities\n\n- Understanding user needs, providing solutions to user support inquiries, directing users to documentation, and conversing with them in a friendly and professional manner\n- Troubleshooting technical issues related to our products or services\n- Following clear, specific directions to solve basic user software issues\n- Collaborating with other teams to ensure the timely resolution of customer issues\n- Identifying and escalating complex issues to the appropriate department\n- Providing feedback on the efficiency of the customer service process and subsequent solutions\n- Adjusting to ever-evolving (ever-improving!) workflows\n\n### Who we’re looking for\n\nThis position requires:\n\n- Fluency in English\n- Strong customer service skills and sensibilities\n- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills\n- The ability to learn new digital tools quickly\n\nWe want to work with someone who is:\n\n- Inspired by Open Collective’s mission to make communities sustainable\n- Excited to support/educate our users to make the best use of the Open Collective platform\n- Self-motivated and autonomous, able to thrive in our fully remote, asynchronous environment\n- Detail-oriented, practical and organized\n- Great at handling information overload and finding the path forward\n- Flexible and comfortable working in a fast-paced startup environment\n- Eager to understand the ins and outs of the Open Collective software platform\n- Experienced with working openly or excited to develop this practice\n\nNot required, but a bonus:\n\n- Fluency in language(s) other than English (we have users all over the world)\n- Basic experience with databases (we use PostgreSQL) and/or Metabase to identify and fix data related issues\n- Experience writing or updating user guides/documentation\n- Experience working with online tools like Slack for daily communication, Loom for asynchronous recordings, Google for file sharing and copy editing, Coda for everything, Loomio for decision making, GitHub for product development, and Around for video-conferencing (extra points if you’ve used Open Collective, of course!)\n- Experience in collaborative communities like the ones that use our platform (open source projects, art collectives, cooperatives, activist groups, solidarity economy projects)\n\n### Compensation and benefits\n\n- USD $25-30/hr\n- About 10 hours per week (to start)\n- Fully remote position (i.e., suitable for digital nomads and people seeking to “work-from-home” - we don't have any physical offices)\n- Highly flexible schedule (only a couple weekly meetings; the work is largely asynchronous, as our team is distributed across time zones)\n- Twenty-five days of paid time off per year, plus 10 days for chosen holidays\n- USD $500 per year toward workspace expenses\n- An opportunity (though not strictly required) to travel when we have full-team in-person retreats with transportation, accommodation, and meals covered during our time together (the last one was in September 2022 in La Ciotat, France)\n- Opportunity to grow in the role, with support for professional development and encouragement to influence strategy and share ideas\n\n### A little about Open Collective\n\n[Open Collective](, an open-source software company founded in 2015, is committed to supporting grassroots groups and communities around the world with transparent fundraising, money management, and legal tools. We're proud to have supported over 15,000 groups and 30+ nonprofits globally, raising and spending $35 million dollars in full transparency. Our platform helps open source projects, community projects, and mutual aid groups thrive all over the world, and we are on a long-term path toward [community governance](\n\n“Open Collective” means transparency (“Open”) and community (“Collective”), and thus our platform is built on values of openness, transparency, and collective collaboration. The team is a group of optimistic, driven, nerdy, and open people. Our culture, though ever-changing and sometimes chaotic like many start-ups, is also oriented toward care, candor, rigor, generosity, and autonomy. (You can read more about our values in our [Community Guidelines](\n\nOur international, fully-remote, highly-collaborative team currently includes members in Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, the UK, Romania, the United States, Mexico, Canada, Indonesia, Brazil, India, and New Zealand. To learn more about the company, [watch this 50-second video](, skim through our [blog](, and read about our [strategy]( We look forward to learning more about you, too!\n\n### The support team\n\nThe support team at Open Collective is currently based in Indonesia, Canada, the UK, and the US. We are responsible for providing exceptional customer service and support to our users, ensuring that their inquiries and concerns are resolved in a timely and professional manner. We are a new and growing team, and we need to your help as we continually improve and optimize our user support systems, utilizing performance analytic reports to inform strategic decision-making and reduce workload and ticket response times, while - of course - continuing to provide quality customer support.\n\nA few more notes about our team:\n\n- We are a small shop, and you will have significant influence over the way this work evolves\n- We use Slack and other tools a lot for asynchronous discussion, since we are spread all over the world\n- We work closely with the administrators of “fiscal hosts” using the platform (think of them as power users) to ensure we perform well\n- We work in a fast-paced environment, but are trying to create spaces for slowness and reflection\n\n### Join us!\n\nWe’d love to hear from you. Applications are open through June 2nd. [To apply]( If you have any questions, reach out to us at [](\u003e\n\n\u003c!-- ## [Open Source Collective]( Operations Coordinator\n\n$60 ~ $80k yearly salary for 40 hrs/wk. Salary range contingent on experience.\nMust live within 4 hrs of EST time zone. Applications open until February 17th.\n\n[Open Source Collective]( (OSC) is a non-profit fiscal sponsor for [over 3,000 open source projects]( Our mission is to create a sustainable and healthy open source ecosystem through our services which allow our collectives access 501(c)(6) status and the tools and support to fundraise and disburse those funds in full transparency. Our Collectives are on track to raise $20m in 2023. We are scaling quickly, and growing our team to meet increasing demand.\n\n### What Makes Us Different\n\nOSC is a tech-first nonprofit. We are one node in a growing international network of 30+ fiscal sponsor organizations who use [Open Collective](, an open source software platform for transparent fundraising and money management, to create efficiencies with money and amplify impact in communities. Globally, the network supports 15,000 groups to raise and spend $35M a year. Our tech platform and mission are all about transparency, collective collaboration, and practicality—and we apply the same principles to how we run OSC as an organization.\n\n### Learn more\n\n- OSC's [Website](, [mission \u0026 values](, and [strategy](\n- [What is Open Source Collective (video)](\n- [What is Open Collective (video)](\n- [Our documentation](\n\n### Who we're looking for\n\nAn operations and community oriented person who is:\n\n- Excited to support our Collectives to make the best use of our services\n- Self-motivated and autonomous, able to thrive in our fully remote, high-trust, low-hierarchy environment\n- Technology driven, able to learn new digital tools quickly, and eager to understand the ins and outs of the Open Collective software platform\n- Experienced with working openly or excited to develop this practice\n\n### Must-have skills\n\n- Financial administration skills (accounts receivable and payable—you will process incoming contributions and outgoing expenses, so you need a basic understanding of budgets and finance processes)\n- Helpdesk support and customer service - you'll support Collectives through the application process and answer day-to-day questions. Experience writing or updating user guides is ideal.\n- Detail oriented, practical and organized, great at handling information overload and finding the path forward\n- Flexible and comfortable working in a fast-paced, quickly-scaling startup environment\n\n### Additional desired experience\n\n(We don’t expect you to have all of these! Any of them would be a bonus)\n\n- 501(c)(3) or (c)(6) nonprofit and/or fiscal sponsorship\n- Fast-growth organizations and start-ups\n- Tech tools like Slack, Loom, Airtable, Google Workspace, Asana, Loomio \u0026 GitHub (extra points if you’ve used Open Collective, of course!)\n\n### Compensation \u0026 role details\n\n- This is a fully remote position (we don't have any physical offices and our team is distributed across time zones)\n- Flexible schedule (we have a few weekly meetings and the rest us up to you)\n- Open to applicants anywhere within 4 hours of the EST time zone.\n- The pay range will be $60k ~ $80k plus benefits. Pay scale is contingent on experience.\n- This is a full-time position and we are seeking someone to commit 40 hours per week\n- 25 days off for vacation + 10 days off for chosen holidays\n- $1K per year for improving your workspace, buying tools, and other office expenses that help you perform better.\n- An opportunity to travel when we have retreats (Weeks of face-to-face work every ~8 months) with transportation, allocation, and meals covered during our time together. The last one was in September 2022 in Marseille, France.\n\n### Apply for the Open Source Collective Operations Coordinator Position\n\nPlease fill out [this form]( to apply.\n\nIf you have questions, reach out to [](\u003e\n\n\u003c!--\nRight now, [Open Collective]( is hiring for a Senior UX Designer.\n\n## Senior UX Designer\n\nPay $48K-$60K/year, open to applicants worldwide, role with Open Collective Inc.\n\nWe are looking for a Senior UX designer who is passionate about: the future of money, collective work, transparent budgets, open source, mutual aid, and distributed leadership. If this describes you, and you are happy with remote and asynchronous work (except for mandatory stand-up calls at 9am ET / 3pm CET weekdays), read more.\n\n### About\n\n**The design team at [Open Collective](** is currently based in Mexico, India, Brazil, and the United States. It is responsible for planning, designing, and delivering the features that will make this goal possible in a way that embraces the contributions of multiple designers and creatives worldwide. So far, we have not had a UX-focused designer and we are thrilled to add this skillset to the team.\n\n### As a senior UX designer, you will:\n\n- Build on and incrementally improve our current user-experience approach across the platform and within our design practice.\n- Lead the process of user-experience support and development for features, components, and interface design complex solutions.\n- Build tailored artifacts such as presentations, visual maps, service maps, sophisticated journey maps, service blueprints, etc. to drive design ideas forward.\n- Keep a record of the creative development process, using different formats to help the team keep track of a project.\n- Work with peers across Insights, Research, Engineering, and Product to turn workflow brainstorms and business needs into user journey diagrams and service blueprints.\n- Build on top of existing insights, technical constraints, business needs, and specific platform demands to produce well-informed design solutions.\n- Lead the user research process for complex projects, identifying and codifying user needs, pains, and opportunities that will help us deliver better services..\n- Establish and maintain user research tools and practices: discovery calls, prototype testing, surveying, interpreting production data, and building context for other team members to do their best work.\n- Work on different projects at a time, producing multiple concepts and workflows.\n\n### What is expected from you\n\n- You know how to work with different teams, and you can comfortably reach out to people, make proposals, lead workshops, and explain concepts.\n- You are proficient in reviewing and producing interface design and graphic design; while this won't be the majority of your work, you are capable of performing senior QA on any design project related to the platform.\n- You understand when deeper exploration is needed before moving forward and when it is better to change paths and try a different approach.\n- You possess a strong understanding of usability and user experience principles.\n- You love thinking big, and at the same time, you know when to apply pixel-perfect attention to detail.\n- You are comfortable building on top of already existing ideas and letting others build on your ideas.\n- You are autonomous by taking full ownership of your work. You’ll be responsible for every detail, every step of the way, from drafting and sketching to high-fidelity design solutions.\n\n### Pay\n\nOpen Collective exists to sustain contributors to the commons, including our team. Our budgets and salaries are transparent and based on where you live. We estimate that this role will require $48K - $60K for you to show up joyfully to work (We will propose you something based on your skills and situation). Our aim is that you can earn a good livelihood, have a great work-life balance, and join a team that truly practices what it preaches - no bullshit.\n\n### Perks\n\nAdditional to the monetary compensation, we offer a couple of extra perks:\n\n- $1K per year for improving your workspace, buying tools, and other office expenses that help you perform better.\n- An opportunity to travel when we have retreats (Weeks of face-to-face work every ~8 months) with transportation, allocation, and meals covered during our time together. The last one was in September 2022 in Marseille, France.\n\n### Values\n\nWe are a group of optimistic, driven, nerdy, and open people. Open Collective stands for Transparency (“open”) and Group Work (“collective”).\n\n**OPEN**: Our product is built to help groups with financial transparency, and all of our internal team salaries, organizational files, code, and designs are open, too. See our [issue repo]( and [design budget transactions](\n\n**COLLECTIVE**: The happiest people here tend to be rigorous, generous people who love group feedback on Discord and want to lead a project and take responsibility for it at a high level. We were founded in 2015 and are on a path to [co-governance of the platform with the community](\n\n### Tools\n\nOur main tools are Google Docs for file sharing and copyediting, Figma for design, GitHub for product development, Slack for daily communication, Loom for asynchronous recordings, Loomio for decision making, CoBudget for money decisions, and Around for video-conferencing. It is OK if you don’t know how to use some of these - you can learn on the job.\n\n### Apply for the Senior UX Designer Role\n\nPlease fill out [this form]( to apply.\n--\u003e\n\n\u003c!--\n**We're hiring Senior Software Engineers.**\n\n## A little about us\n\nOn Open Collective, groups like open source projects, neighbourhood associations, mutual aid groups, and more, can collect and spend money transparently, invite collaboration, and help their communities thrive.\n\nWatch this video about what we do and why we are passionate about it:\n\n\u003ciframe src=\"\" title=\"YouTube video player\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen width=\"854\" height=\"480\" frameborder=\"0\"\u003e\u003c/iframe\u003e\n\nLike the movements that we support, we value openness and transparency. We strive to create inclusive, respectful and sustainable communities and we're 100% open source.\n\nIf you want to know more about us, join our open [Discord](, read [our blog](, and check out the [Open Collective Way]( to understand our values and how we work.\n\nWe are a fully remote team that loves distributed collaboration around the world: Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, Romania, UK, US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, India, New Zealand. This start-up culture is truly different – one of care, listening, rigor, and autonomy within collaboration. If you are used to cut-throat dynamics and overwork, you will be happy to find another way is possible.\n\nWe are building and maintaining money management software for the commons.\n\n\u003ch2 id='software-engineer'\u003eSenior Software Engineer Role\u003c/h2\u003e\n\nWe are looking for a senior \"full-stack\" software engineer who’s excited about open source, making communities sustainable, and transparent finances.\n\n- Financial transparency is our thing! Pay is as follows, with [location-based cost of living adjustments](\n - very high (e.g. NY, SF) $112-$144k\n - high(e.g. London, Paris) $98-$126k (€93-€119k)\n - medium (e.g. Vancouver, Berlin, Madrid) $84-$108k (€79-€103k)\n - low (e.g. Kyiv, Lagos, Buenos Aires) $70-$90k (€66-€86k)\n- Fully remote team, but we'd like you to be based within 6 hours of CET for timezone overlap, e.g. Europe, Africa, central Asia, or North and South America.\n- Full time role, with a very flexible schedule.\n- Opportunity to grow in the role, with support for professional development and encouragement to influence strategy and share ideas.\n- Great culture of work/life balance and generous paid time off.\n\n### We think you’d be great at this if you are:\n\n- Comfortable in a remote environment that is at the same time highly collaborative _and_ autonomous (you can run a feature end to end on your own, while communicating about it!)\n\n- Experienced as a full stack engineer using JavaScript (\u003cem\u003e\"senior\"\u003c/em\u003e)\n\n- Familiar with our technology stack:\n\n - GraphQL API powered by Node, PostgreSQL and Sequelize\n - Web app powered by Next.js, React and Apollo\n\n- Excited about our mission and share our philosophy.\n\n- Bonus points if you have experience in collaborative communities like the ones that use our platform!\n\n## Interested?\n\nPlease [email us]( with \"Senior Software Engineer\" as subject.\n\nYour message should be convincing enough for us to consider you and move to the next stage. Ideally, we want you to cover the following:\n\n- About you. What's your story? Where you are coming from? What's you current status?\n- About us. How did you hear about Open Collective? What do you find interesting in Open Collective?\n- Experience. What is your greatest achievment in software engineering? Can you tell us about a past project you're proud of (it doesn’t have to be an engineering one or even a technical one.)? What do you think you can bring to Open Collective?\n\nAs part of our screening process, we'll also ask you to make a small contribution to [our codebase]( Have a look, do one now or be ready for it!\n--\u003e\n","pageSlug":"hiring","_sentryTraceData":"755fe2fe8ef24ff09284a8390874fe8b-b94d7161f81c7d9e-0","_sentryBaggage":"sentry-environment=production,sentry-release=ISJgHIQj5BoQ1BONA97E9,sentry-public_key=2ab0f7da3f56423d940f36370df8d625,sentry-trace_id=755fe2fe8ef24ff09284a8390874fe8b,sentry-sample_rate=0.02,sentry-transaction=%2FstaticPage,sentry-sampled=false"},"scripts":{},"locale":"en","__APOLLO_STATE__":{}},"page":"/staticPage","query":{"pageSlug":"hiring"},"buildId":"ISJgHIQj5BoQ1BONA97E9","isFallback":false,"isExperimentalCompile":false,"gip":true,"appGip":true,"cspNonce":"5931a229-7fd1-4970-a61a-83ce03d3f41c","env":{"IMAGES_URL":"","PAYPAL_ENVIRONMENT":"production","STRIPE_KEY":"pk_live_qZ0OnX69UlIL6pRODicRzsZy","SENTRY_DSN":"","WEBSITE_URL":"","GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY":"AIzaSyClIdrEWOvgLTciRIVtIjJzi6G2a3x4C6c","RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY":"6LcxMHsUAAAAAFScSax_epTLgmqxu9qs46zaMPPj","WISE_ENVIRONMENT":"production","HCAPTCHA_SITEKEY":"6d0a6e77-3e4f-484d-8e6c-652c5c2a7b2e","OCF_DUPLICATE_FLOW":"false","TURNSTILE_SITEKEY":"0x4AAAAAAAS6okaJ_ThVJqYq","CAPTCHA_ENABLED":"true","CAPTCHA_PROVIDER":"TURNSTILE","DISABLE_MOCK_UPLOADS":"false","LEDGER_SEPARATE_TAXES_AND_PAYMENT_PROCESSOR_FEES":"1"},"scriptLoader":[]}</script><script nonce="5931a229-7fd1-4970-a61a-83ce03d3f41c" defer="" data-domain="" data-exclude="/**/banner.html, /**/contribute/button, /**/donate/button" src=""></script></body></html>

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