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data-slide-to="8" class=""></li> </ol> <div class="carousel-inner"> <div class="item active" id="item-0"> <div class="media"> <div class="pull-left"> <img src="" alt="" style="height: 224px;" align="left" /></div><div class="media-body"> <h3 class="media-heading"> <a href="">AJO 2024 Annual Report</a></h3> <p>Greetings from the Editorial Office of AJO!</p><p>We are pleased to share the 2024 Annual Report of <em>Australian Journal of Otolaryngology</em>. AJO grew steadily and published 42 papers in 2024, including 39 Original Articles. Please <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>click</strong></a> to download the whole report.</p><p>We would especially like to express our sincere gratitude to the editorial board members, guest editors, reviewers, authors and readers for all your support and contributions to AJO.</p><p>We wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2025!</p> <p> <a href="" class="read-more">Read More>></a> </p></div> </div> </div> <div class="item " id="item-1"> <div class="media"> <div class="pull-left"> <img src="" alt="" style="height: 224px;" align="left" /></div><div class="media-body"> <h3 class="media-heading"> <a href="">New Impact Factor for <em>Australian Journal of Otolaryngology</em>: 0.3</a></h3> <p>We are pleased to announce that <em>Australian Journal of Otolaryngology</em> (AJO) has attained its latest impact factor update for the 2023 citation year: 0.3.</p> <p> <a href="" class="read-more">Read More>></a> </p></div> </div> </div> <div class="item " id="item-2"> <div class="media"> <div class="pull-left"> <img src=" banner.jpg/w600" alt="" style="height: 224px;" align="left" /></div><div class="media-body"> <h3 class="media-heading"> <a href="/announcement/view/159">Australian Journal of Otolaryngology 2023 CiteScore Released: 0.6</a> </h3> <p>We are pleased to announce that the <em>Australian Journal of Otolaryngology</em> (AJO) has received its 2023 CiteScore: 0.6, ranking 94 out of 123 journals in the Otorhinolaryngology category.</p><p>Furthermore, we are delighted to highlight the remarkable achievements made by all AME journals in the CiteScore ranking.</p> <p> <a href="/announcement/view/159" class="read-more">Read More>></a> </p></div> </div> </div> <div class="item " id="item-3"> <div class="media"> <div class="pull-left"> <img src="" alt="" style="height: 224px;" align="left" /></div><div class="media-body"> <h3 class="media-heading"> <a href="">The 75th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery</a></h3> <p>The 75th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery will be held at the iconic International Convention Centre, Sydney from Friday March 28th to Sunday, March 30th, 2025.</p> <p> <a href="" class="read-more">Read More>></a> </p></div> </div> </div> <div class="item " id="item-4"> <div class="media"> <div class="pull-left"> <img src="" alt="" style="height: 224px;" align="left" /></div><div class="media-body"> <h3 class="media-heading"> <a href="">AJO is officially indexed by Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)</a></h3> <p>On November 13, 2023, a confirmation letter reached the editorial office of Australian Journal of Otolaryngology (AJO) that the journal met the selection criteria necessary to be included in the Emerging Sources Citation Index. Articles published in AJO after 2021, beginning with Vol 4, will be included in Emerging Sources Citation Index.</p> <p> <a href="" class="read-more">Read More>></a> </p></div> </div> </div> <div class="item " id="item-5"> <div class="media"> <div class="pull-left"> <a href="url"><img src="" alt="" style="height: 224px;" align="left" /></a></div><div class="media-body"> <h3 class="media-heading"> CPD points </h3> <p> One completed review task is acting as a referee for a journal qualifies for 5 CPD points under Maintenance of Knowledge & Skills (Medical Expertise, Technical Expertise, Scholarship & Teaching). </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item " id="item-6"> <div class="media"> <div class="pull-left"><img src="/public/attachments/month_1801/201801110522367679.jpg" style="height: 224px;" alt="" align="left" /></div><div class="media-body"><p>Australian Journal of Otolaryngology (AJO) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, and the Official Journal of the Australian Society of Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgeons. Although we have currently published by AME Publishing Company, the Journal has existed in other forms over many years. The first journal of the Society was the “Journal of the Oto-Laryngological Society of Australia”, first published in 1959 (Figure 1-3).</p><p>The Australian Society of Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgeons is very grateful for both the editors and past editorial board members that have given up their valuable time to support peer-review and scientific efforts in Australia. We wish to thank those that have provided this service to our community.</p><p><a href="">Read More>></a></p></div> </div> </div> <div class="item " id="item-7"> <div class="media"> <div class="pull-left"><iframe src="" title="Wistia video player" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" class="wistia_embed" name="wistia_embed" allowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" webkitallowfullscreen="" oallowfullscreen="" msallowfullscreen="" width="400" height="224" frameborder="0"></iframe></div><div class="media-body"><h3 class="media-heading">Outside-In Frontal Sinusotomy</h3><p><img src="" style="height:120px;margin-right:10px;" alt="" align="left" />Richard Harvey, MD, PhD<br />Program Head and Professor<br /><em>Rhinology and Skull Base, Applied Medical Research Centre UNSW(Conjoint) and Macquarie University (Clinical) <br />Ground Floor, 67 Burton St Darlinghurst<br />NSW 2010 Australia</em></p></div> </div> </div> <div class="item " id="item-8"> <div class="media"> <div class="pull-left"><img src="/public/attachments/month_1801/201801230645475702.jpg" style="height: 224px;" alt="" align="left" /></div><div class="media-body"><h3 class="media-heading">Welcome to Australian Journal of Otolaryngology(AJO)</h3><p><em>Australian Journal of Otolaryngology</em> is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, and the Official Journal of the Australian Society of Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgeons, published by AME Publishing, Inc. <em>Australian Journal of Otolaryngology</em> provides a forum for clinical researchers, basic scientists, clinicians, and others to publish original research and explore controversies in the medical and surgical treatment of patients with otolarynologic disorders, including head&neck cancer and disease of the skull base. The journal has a special interest in research that applies to the Australian community and the delivery of healthcare in Australia. Unsolicited manuscripts must meet pre-submission requirements.</p><p><a href="/article/view/3991/4693">Read More>></a></p></div> </div> </div> </div> <a class="left carousel-control" href="#carousel" data-slide="prev">‹</a> <a class="right carousel-control" href="#carousel" data-slide="next">›</a> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $('#carousel').carousel({ interval: 8000 }) </script> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span3"> <div class="current-issue block"> <div id="issue-cover-image"> <img class="cover" src="//" alt="Cover Page" /> </div> <p><a target="_blank" href="/pages/view/the-cover">About the cover</a></p> </div> <div class="about block"> <h3>About <span class="journal-path">ajo</span> </h3> <ul> <li><a href="">About <span class="journal-path">ajo</span></a> </li> <li><a href="">Editor-in-Chief</a> </li> <li><a href="">Editorial Board</a></li> </ul> <h3>Manuscript Submission</h3> <ul> <li><a href="/author/submit" target="_blank"> Online Submission</a></li> <li><a href="/pages/view/submit-multimedia-files"> Submit Multimedia Files</a></li> </ul> <h3>AME Editing Service</h3> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank"> English Editing</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank"> Translation</a></li> </ul> <h3>Reprint & Permission</h3> <ul> <li> <a href="">Reprint</a></li> <li> <a href="">Permission</a></li> </ul> <h3><a href="">Advertising</a></h3> <h3>Contact us</h3> <ul> <li> <p> <h6>Editorial Correspondence</h6> Anne Lu<br> Corresponding Editor<br> AME Publishing company<br> <a href="">Email:</a> </p> </li> <li> <p> <h6>Copyright Related Contact</h6> Julia Wang<br> Sales & Rights Manager<br> AME Publishing company<br> <a href="">Email:</a> </p> </li> <li> <p> <h6>Commercial Sales Contact (subscriptions, reprints, advertising, etc.)</h6> Julia Wang<br> Sales & Rights Manager<br> AME Publishing company<br> <a href="">Email:</a> </p> </li> <li> <p> <h6>Society Correspondence</h6> Chief Executive Officer<br> Australian Society of Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgeons<br> <a href="">Email:</a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> <div name="ame-ad-100008"></div> </div> <div class="content-main span6"> <ul class="tabs menu" data-tabs="tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#current-issue" data-toggle="tab">Latest</a></li> <li><a href="#most-read-articles" data-toggle="tab">Most Read</a></li> </ul> <div class="pill-content"> <div class="active" id="current-issue"> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4868/html"class="title">Paging Dr. ChatGPT: safety, accuracy and readability of ChatGPT in ENT emergencies</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Stephanie Soon, Brendan Perry </div> <div class="add_info"> <div class="article_journal"> Australian Journal of Otolaryngology </div> <div class="article_year"> 2025; </div> <div class="article_volume"> 8: </div> <div class="article_articleno"> 8 </div> <div class="article_date"> (28 February 2025) </div> </div> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(97)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Data Sharing Statement </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Peer Review File </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4867/html"class="title">Children with laryngomalacia requiring supraglottoplasty: an association with future development of sleep disordered breathing</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Lernik Sarkissian, Angelica Lynch, Julia Boets, Ripudaman Jalota, Hannah Burns </div> <div class="add_info"> <div class="article_journal"> Australian Journal of Otolaryngology </div> <div class="article_year"> 2025; </div> <div class="article_volume"> 8: </div> <div class="article_articleno"> 7 </div> <div class="article_date"> (28 February 2025) </div> </div> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(108)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Reporting Checklist </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Data Sharing Statement </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Peer Review File </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4850/html"class="title">Underwater endoscopic ear surgery vs. microscopic open approach for repair of semicircular canal fistulae secondary to middle ear cholesteatoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Ruyan Chen, Mickey Kondo, Venkatesha Venkatesha, Alex Saxby, Jonathan H. K. Kong, Nicholas Jufas, Nirmal P. Patel </div> <div class="add_info"> <div class="article_journal"> Australian Journal of Otolaryngology </div> <div class="article_year"> 2025; </div> <div class="article_volume"> 8: </div> <div class="article_articleno"> 6 </div> <div class="article_date"> (28 February 2025) </div> </div> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(444)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Reporting Checklist </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Peer Review File </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4837/html"class="title">Air quality assessment of dissecting a J750 three-dimensional printed temporal bone and recommendations 2024</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Emma Kanaganayagam, James Bowman, David Forrestal, Roozbeh Fakhr, Jean-Michel Bourque, Michael Wagels </div> <div class="add_info"> <div class="article_journal"> Australian Journal of Otolaryngology </div> <div class="article_year"> 2025; </div> <div class="article_volume"> 8: </div> <div class="article_articleno"> 5 </div> <div class="article_date"> (28 February 2025) </div> </div> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(522)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Data Sharing Statement </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Peer Review File </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4828/html"class="title">Predictors of accidental parathyroidectomy and hypoparathyroidism in thyroid surgery</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Navin Abeysinghe, Gillian Heller, Tsu-Hui (Hubert) Low, Jonathan R. Clark, Carsten E. Palme, Kerwin Shannon, Michael S. Elliott </div> <div class="add_info"> <div class="article_journal"> Australian Journal of Otolaryngology </div> <div class="article_year"> 2025; </div> <div class="article_volume"> 8: </div> <div class="article_articleno"> 4 </div> <div class="article_date"> (30 January 2025) </div> </div> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(483)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Reporting Checklist </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Data Sharing Statement </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Peer Review File </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4823/html"class="title">3D models in paediatric ENT: a valuable aid for informed consent and patient reported satisfaction</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Weijie Weng, David Anthony Morrison, Yael Dinah Friedland, Jennifer Fong Ha </div> <div class="add_info"> <div class="article_journal"> Australian Journal of Otolaryngology </div> <div class="article_year"> 2025; </div> <div class="article_volume"> 8: </div> <div class="article_articleno"> 3 </div> <div class="article_date"> (30 January 2025) </div> </div> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(448)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Reporting Checklist </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Data Sharing Statement </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Peer Review File </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4821/html"class="title">Technique and efficacy of sialendoscopy in the management of recurrent sialadenitis: the Melbourne experience</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Dougal Buchanan, Seraphina Key, Eric Levi, Bernard Lyons </div> <div class="add_info"> <div class="article_journal"> Australian Journal of Otolaryngology </div> <div class="article_year"> 2025; </div> <div class="article_volume"> 8: </div> <div class="article_articleno"> 2 </div> <div class="article_date"> (30 January 2025) </div> </div> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(581)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Reporting Checklist </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Data Sharing Statement </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Peer Review File </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4817/html"class="title">Factors affecting laryngectomy rate during the COVID-19 pandemic</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Olivia Elkington, Howard Webb, Jonathan Woliansky, David Rowe </div> <div class="add_info"> <div class="article_journal"> Australian Journal of Otolaryngology </div> <div class="article_year"> 2025; </div> <div class="article_volume"> 8: </div> <div class="article_articleno"> 1 </div> <div class="article_date"> (30 January 2025) </div> </div> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(406)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Reporting Checklist </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Data Sharing Statement </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Peer Review File </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4813/html"class="title">Ear examination skills: a cross-sectional survey study of Australian junior doctors</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Nicholas Schnitzler, Richard Fox, Jonathan H. 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Kong </div> <div class="add_info"> <div class="article_journal"> Australian Journal of Otolaryngology </div> <div class="article_year"> 2024; </div> <div class="article_volume"> 7: </div> <div class="article_articleno"> 42 </div> <div class="article_date"> (30 December 2024) </div> </div> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(407)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Reporting Checklist </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Data Sharing Statement </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Peer Review File </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4806/html"class="title">Describing the ear, nose, and throat symptom burden in a cohort of Australian patients with primary ciliary dyskinesia</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Peter Ryan, Raewyn G. Campbell, Lucy C. Morgan </div> <div class="add_info"> <div class="article_journal"> Australian Journal of Otolaryngology </div> <div class="article_year"> 2024; </div> <div class="article_volume"> 7: </div> <div class="article_articleno"> 41 </div> <div class="article_date"> (30 December 2024) </div> </div> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(505)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Reporting Checklist </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Data Sharing Statement </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Peer Review File </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4799/html"class="title">Underwater endoscopic ear surgery for repair of lateral semicircular canal fistulae secondary to cholesteatoma—a pilot safety analysis</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Ruyan Chen, Corinne P. A. Delsing, Alex Saxby, Jonathan H. K. Kong, Nicholas Jufas, Nirmal P. Patel </div> <div class="add_info"> <div class="article_journal"> Australian Journal of Otolaryngology </div> <div class="article_year"> 2024; </div> <div class="article_volume"> 7: </div> <div class="article_articleno"> 40 </div> <div class="article_date"> (30 November 2024) </div> </div> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(896)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Reporting Checklist </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Data Sharing Statement </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Peer Review File </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4798/html"class="title">Validation of SPECT-CT to assess improvement in airway clearance following expiratory muscle strength training (EMST) to reduce chronic aspiration in patients with head and neck cancer treatment related dysphagia</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Laura M. O’Connor, Julia C. F. Maclean, Erin McKay, Peter McConachie, Peter I. Wu, Peter H. Graham, Jay R. Flack, Michal M. Szczesniak </div> <div class="add_info"> <div class="article_journal"> Australian Journal of Otolaryngology </div> <div class="article_year"> 2024; </div> <div class="article_volume"> 7: </div> <div class="article_articleno"> 39 </div> <div class="article_date"> (30 November 2024) </div> </div> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(1048)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Reporting Checklist </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Data Sharing Statement </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Peer Review File </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4789/html"class="title">The Earphone Project pilot: a tele-otology study for remote Aboriginal communities</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Alexander J. Saxby, Daniel Schofield, Fiona Tout, Joseph Gordon, Misha M. Verkerk, Timothy Watson, Nicholas Jufas, Jonathan H. K. Kong, Nirmal Patel, Katrina Ward, Judy Caswell </div> <div class="add_info"> <div class="article_journal"> Australian Journal of Otolaryngology </div> <div class="article_year"> 2024; </div> <div class="article_volume"> 7: </div> <div class="article_articleno"> 38 </div> <div class="article_date"> (30 October 2024) </div> </div> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text (Video) <span class="pages">(997)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Reporting Checklist </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Data Sharing Statement </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Peer Review File </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4784/html"class="title">Paediatric recurrent laryngeal nerve reinnervation at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead: a case series</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Naomi Natasha Niles, Sam Hwang, Alan T. Cheng </div> <div class="add_info"> <div class="article_journal"> Australian Journal of Otolaryngology </div> <div class="article_year"> 2024; </div> <div class="article_volume"> 7: </div> <div class="article_articleno"> 37 </div> <div class="article_date"> (30 October 2024) </div> </div> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(914)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Data Sharing Statement </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Peer Review File </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4775/html"class="title">Single application of clotrimazole cream in the management of fungal otitis externa</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Anne Louise Tescher, Elizabeth Rose </div> <div class="add_info"> <div class="article_journal"> Australian Journal of Otolaryngology </div> <div class="article_year"> 2024; </div> <div class="article_volume"> 7: </div> <div class="article_articleno"> 36 </div> <div class="article_date"> (30 September 2024) </div> </div> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(5132)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Reporting Checklist </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Data Sharing Statement </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Peer Review File </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4774/html"class="title">Difficult clinical decisions in sleep apnea surgery: identifying priorities for future clinical trials</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Sheran Seneviratne, Stuart Mackay, Nathaniel S. Marshall, Nicholas Phillips </div> <div class="add_info"> <div class="article_journal"> Australian Journal of Otolaryngology </div> <div class="article_year"> 2024; </div> <div class="article_volume"> 7: </div> <div class="article_articleno"> 35 </div> <div class="article_date"> (30 September 2024) </div> </div> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(1046)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Reporting Checklist </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Data Sharing Statement </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Peer Review File </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4772/html"class="title">Transoral robotic surgery for patients undergoing total laryngectomy: systematic review of current evidence</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Sahil Goel, Delu Gunasekera, Eng H. Ooi </div> <div class="add_info"> <div class="article_journal"> Australian Journal of Otolaryngology </div> <div class="article_year"> 2024; </div> <div class="article_volume"> 7: </div> <div class="article_articleno"> 34 </div> <div class="article_date"> (31 August 2024) </div> </div> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(1124)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Reporting Checklist </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Peer Review File </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4770/html"class="title">Evaluating the relationship between allergic rhinitis and sleep disordered breathing: a retrospective case series</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Danielle Wiltshire, Balaram Ramagiri, Diamond Hira, Shane Anderson </div> <div class="add_info"> <div class="article_journal"> Australian Journal of Otolaryngology </div> <div class="article_year"> 2024; </div> <div class="article_volume"> 7: </div> <div class="article_articleno"> 33 </div> <div class="article_date"> (31 August 2024) </div> </div> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(1313)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Reporting Checklist </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Data Sharing Statement </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Peer Review File </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Study Protocol </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4767/html"class="title">Head and neck necrotising fasciitis: an Australian rural experience</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Woo Sun You, James Nightingale, Fang Joe Chen, Tristan Allsopp, Roger Grigg </div> <div class="add_info"> <div class="article_journal"> Australian Journal of Otolaryngology </div> <div class="article_year"> 2024; </div> <div class="article_volume"> 7: </div> <div class="article_articleno"> 32 </div> <div class="article_date"> (31 August 2024) </div> </div> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(1545)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Data Sharing Statement </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Peer Review File </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4766/html"class="title">The management of ear, nose, and throat (ENT) conditions in an Australian general practice</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Joel Seong-Jin Ang, Eunice Tse, Sor Way Chan </div> <div class="add_info"> <div class="article_journal"> Australian Journal of Otolaryngology </div> <div class="article_year"> 2024; </div> <div class="article_volume"> 7: </div> <div class="article_articleno"> 31 </div> <div class="article_date"> (31 August 2024) </div> </div> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(1455)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Reporting Checklist </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Data Sharing Statement </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Peer Review File </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id ="viewMore"><a href="">View more articles</a></div> </div> <div class="content" id="most-read-articles"> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4528/html"class="title">Sinus mucosal thickening on magnetic resonance imaging and inflammation</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Nicholas Chang, Ian Matchett, Raquel Alvarado, João Mangussi-Gomes, Navid Ahmadi, Gretchen Oakley, Larry Kalish, Richard Harvey </div> <i class="authors"> Published online: 23 November 2022 </i> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(103036)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Reporting Checklist </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Data Sharing Statement </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; 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Fagan </div> <i class="authors"> Published online: 16 October 2018 </i> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(32705)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4325/html"class="title">Is mastoiditis being over-diagnosed on computed tomography imaging? —radiological versus clinical findings</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Andrew Pastuszek, Jonathan Lomas, Cameron Grigg, Ranit De </div> <i class="authors"> Published online: 09 October 2020 </i> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(28595)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Reporting Checklist </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Review Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4000/html"class="title">A systematic review of the effectiveness and complications of using nasal bridles to secure nasoenteral feeding tubes</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Angelica Lynch, Cheryl S. 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Rockey </div> <i class="authors"> Published online: 30 January 2018 </i> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(20175)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4479/html"class="title">Xylitol nasal preparations in sinonasal disease: a literature review and meta-analysis</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Nathan Hui, Nathan Yii, Dan Robinson </div> <i class="authors"> Published online: 14 April 2022 </i> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(16100)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Reporting Checklist </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Review Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4091/html"class="title">Metastatic basal cell carcinoma: a review of six cases</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Joshua Lau, Alexander Guminski, Anthony Gill, David Veivers </div> <i class="authors"> Published online: 18 September 2018 </i> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(15464)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4185/html"class="title">Paediatric fish bone ingestion: a 10-year analysis at a tertiary pediatric hospital</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Eugene Wong, Alan T. Cheng, Shiv Aggarwala, Jessica Chong, Marin Duvnjak, Fred Azimi, Daron Cope, Narinder Singh </div> <i class="authors"> Published online: 27 May 2019 </i> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(13067)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Specialty Techniques </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4191/html"class="title">A diagnostic and surgical approach to masses of the buccal space: a case series</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Faruque Riffat, Zubair Hasan, Malcolm Buchanan, Dzung Vu, Carsten Palme </div> <i class="authors"> Published online: 20 June 2019 </i> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(12421)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Review Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/3997/html"class="title">The early history and development of endoscopic sinonasal surgery in Australia: 1985–2005</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Kevin J. Kane </div> <i class="authors"> Published online: 17 January 2018 </i> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(11509)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4466/html"class="title"><em>In vivo</em> (human) and <em>in vitro</em> inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 with 0.5% povidone-iodine nasal spray</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Peter Friedland, Simon Tucker, Stephen Goodall, Justin Julander, Michelle Mendenhall, Peter Molloy, Douwe Marcus de Jong, Dany Badibanga Musungaie, Chisha Sikazwe, Kirtu Panta, Avram Levy, David Smith </div> <i class="authors"> Published online: 09 February 2022 </i> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(10925)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Reporting Checklist </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Data Sharing Statement </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Peer Review File </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4339/html"class="title">An <em>ex vivo</em> comparison of over-the-counter cerumenolytics for ear wax</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Timothy Tynan, Aaron Griffin, Bernard C. S. Whitfield </div> <i class="authors"> Published online: 06 November 2020 </i> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(10953)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Reporting Checklist </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Peer Review File </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Systematic Review </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4151/html"class="title">Diagnosis and management of type 1 laryngeal cleft: systematic review</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Rachel Loh, Malvine Phua, Chi-Kee Leslie Shaw </div> <i class="authors"> Published online: 13 February 2019 </i> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(10682)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4467/html"class="title">Radiological reporting of CT paranasal sinuses: CLOSE to the mark? The Australian otolaryngologists’ perspective</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Brandon Cadd, Hershil Khatri, Samuel Mohr, Johannes C. Oosthuizen </div> <i class="authors"> Published online: 11 February 2022 </i> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(10106)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Reporting Checklist </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Data Sharing Statement </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Peer Review File </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4129/html"class="title">Management of post tonsillectomy secondary haemorrhage: Flinders experience</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Nuwan Dharmawardana, Dhinashini Chandran, Anna Elias, Stephen Shih-Teng Kao </div> <i class="authors"> Published online: 07 December 2018 </i> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(10065)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4324/html"class="title">The role of tonsillar actinomycosis in adult patients</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Kapila R. 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Kwok, Muthukumar Subramaniyan, Joanne Rimmer, Amalia Karahalios </div> <i class="authors"> Published online: 15 January 2018 </i> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(9257)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="article"> <div class="article_section"> Original Article </div> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/4070/html"class="title">Recurrent thyroglossal duct cysts: a 15-year review of presentation, management and outcomes from a tertiary paediatric institution</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Luke M. O’Neil, Alan T. 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