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['mt-bad-param1'] = 'Parametër i pavlefshëm $1', ['mt-bad-param2'] = 'Parametri $1=$2 është i pavlefshëm', ['mt-bad-show'] = 'Parametri show=$1 nuk mund të përdoret këtu', ['mt-cannot-add'] = '"$1" nuk mund të shtohet', ['mt-conflicting-show'] = 'Parametri show=$1 bie ndesh me round=$2', ['mt-date-wrong-order'] = 'Data e dytë duhet të jetë më vonë në kohë se data e parë', ['mt-dd-future'] = 'Data e vdekjes (data e parë) nuk duhet të jetë e vendosur në të ardhmen', ['mt-dd-wrong-order'] = 'Data e vdekjes (data e parë) duhet të jetë më vonë në kohë se data e lindjes (data e dyte)', ['mt-invalid-bd-age'] = 'Datë lindjeje e pavlefshme për llogaritjen e moshës', ['mt-invalid-dates-age'] = 'Data të pavlefshme për llogaritjen e moshës', ['mt-invalid-end'] = 'Datë përfundimi e pavlefshme në parametrin e dytë', ['mt-invalid-start'] = 'Datë nisjeje e pavlefshme në parametrin e parë', ['mt-need-jdn'] = 'Nevojitet datë e vlefshme e kalendarit julian', ['mt-need-valid-bd'] = 'Nevojitet datë e vlefshme lindjeje: viti, muaji, data', ['mt-need-valid-bd2'] = 'Nevojitet datë e vlefshme lindjeje (data e dytë): data, muaji, viti', ['mt-need-valid-date'] = 'Nevojitet datë e vlefshme', ['mt-need-valid-dd'] = 'Nevojitet datë e vlefshme vdekjeje (data e parë): data, muaji, viti', ['mt-need-valid-ymd'] = 'Neojitet vit, muaj, datë e vlefshme', ['mt-need-valid-ymd-current'] = 'Nevojitet parametër i vlefshëm day|month|year ose "currentdate"', ['mt-need-valid-ymd2'] = 'Data e dytë duhet të jetë data, muaji, viti', ['mt-template-bad-name'] = 'Titulli i stampës nuk është i vlefshëm', ['mt-template-x'] = 'Stampa që e thërret këtë duhet të ketë "|template=x" ku x është parametri i dëshiruar', ['txt-and'] = ' dhe ', ['txt-or'] = '&amp;nbsp;ose ', ['txt-category'] = 'Kategoria:Probleme teknike me llogaritjen e moshës', ['txt-comma-and'] = ', dhe ', ['txt-error'] = 'Gabim: ', ['txt-format-default'] = 'df', -- 'df' (day first = dmy) or 'mf' (month first = mdy) ['txt-module-convertnumeric'] = 'Module:ConvertNumeric', ['txt-module-date'] = 'Module:Date', ['txt-sandbox'] = 'Livadhi', ['txt-bda'] = '&lt;span style="display:none"> (&lt;span class="bday">$1&lt;/span>) &lt;/span>$2&lt;span class="noprint ForceAgeToShow"> ($3&amp;nbsp;vjeç)&lt;/span>', ['txt-dda'] = '$2&lt;span style="display:none">($1)&lt;/span> ($3&amp;nbsp;vjeç)', ['txt-bda-disp'] = 'disp_raw', -- disp_raw → age is a number only; disp_age → age is a number and unit (normally years but months or days if very young) ['txt-dda-disp'] = 'disp_raw', ['txt-dmy'] = '%-d %B %-Y', ['txt-mdy'] = '%B %-d, %-Y', } local isWarning = { ['mt-bad-param1'] = true, } local translate, from_en, to_en, isZero if translate then -- Functions to translate from en to local language and reverse go here. -- See example at [[:bn:Module:বয়স]]. else from_en = function (text) return text end isZero = function (text) return tonumber(text) == 0 end end local _Date, _currentDate local function getExports(frame) -- Return objects exported from the date module or its sandbox. if not _Date then local sandbox = frame:getTitle():find(mtext['txt-sandbox'], 1, true) and ('/' .. mtext['txt-sandbox']) or '' local datemod = require(mtext['txt-module-date'] .. sandbox) local realDate = datemod._Date _currentDate = datemod._current if to_en then _Date = function (...) local args = {} for i, v in ipairs({...}) do args[i] = to_en(v) end return realDate(unpack(args)) end else _Date = realDate end end return _Date, _currentDate end local Collection -- a table to hold items Collection = { add = function (self, item) if item ~= nil then self.n = self.n + 1 self[self.n] = item end end, join = function (self, sep) return table.concat(self, sep) end, remove = function (self, pos) if self.n > 0 and (pos == nil or (0 &lt; pos and pos &lt;= self.n)) then self.n = self.n - 1 return table.remove(self, pos) end end, sort = function (self, comp) table.sort(self, comp) end, new = function () return setmetatable({n = 0}, Collection) end } Collection.__index = Collection local function stripToNil(text) -- If text is a string, return its trimmed content, or nil if empty. -- Otherwise return text (which may, for example, be nil). if type(text) == 'string' then text = text:match('(%S.-)%s*$') end return text end local function dateFormat(args) -- Return string for wanted date format. local default = mtext['txt-format-default'] local other = default == 'df' and 'mf' or 'df' local wanted = stripToNil(args[other]) and other or default return wanted == 'df' and mtext['txt-dmy'] or mtext['txt-mdy'] end local function substituteParameters(text, ...) -- Return text after substituting any given parameters for $1, $2, etc. return mw.message.newRawMessage(text, ...):plain() end local function yes(parameter) -- Return true if parameter should be interpreted as "yes". -- Do not want to accept mixed upper/lowercase unless done by current templates. -- Need to accept "on" because "round=on" is wanted. return ({ y = true, yes = true, on = true })[parameter] end local function message(msg, ...) -- Return formatted message text for an error or warning. local function getText(msg) return mtext[msg] or error('Bug: message "' .. tostring(msg) .. '" not defined') end local categories = { error = mtext['txt-category'], warning = mtext['txt-category'], } local a, b, k, category local text = substituteParameters(getText(msg), ...) if isWarning[msg] then a = '&lt;sup>[&lt;i>' b = '&lt;/i>]&lt;/sup>' k = 'warning' else a = '&lt;strong class="error">' .. getText('txt-error') b = '&lt;/strong>' k = 'error' end if mw.title.getCurrentTitle():inNamespaces(0) then -- Category only in namespaces: 0=article. category = '[[' .. categories[k] .. ']]' end return a .. mw.text.nowiki(text) .. b .. (category or '') end local function formatNumber(number) -- Return the given number formatted with commas as group separators, -- given that the number is an integer. local numstr = tostring(number) local length = #numstr local places = local pos = 0 repeat places:add(pos) pos = pos + 3 until pos >= length places:add(length) local groups = for i = places.n, 2, -1 do local p1 = length - places[i] + 1 local p2 = length - places[i - 1] groups:add(numstr:sub(p1, p2)) end return groups:join(',') end local function spellNumber(number, options, i) -- Return result of spelling number, or -- return number (as a string) if cannot spell it. -- i == 1 for the first number which can optionally start with an uppercase letter. number = tostring(number) return require(mtext['txt-module-convertnumeric']).spell_number( number, nil, -- fraction numerator nil, -- fraction denominator i == 1 and options.upper, -- true: 'One' instead of 'one' not, -- true: use 'and' between tens/ones etc options.adj, -- true: hyphenated options.ordinal -- true: 'first' instead of 'one' ) or number end local function makeExtra(args, flagCurrent) -- Return extra text that will be inserted before the visible result -- but after any sort key. local extra = args.prefix or '' if mw.ustring.len(extra) > 1 then -- Parameter "~" gives "~3" whereas "over" gives "over 3". if extra:sub(-6, -1) ~= '&amp;nbsp;' then extra = extra .. ' ' end end if flagCurrent then extra = '&lt;span class="currentage">&lt;/span>' .. extra end return extra end local function makeSort(value, sortable) -- Return a sort key if requested. -- Assume value is a valid number which has not overflowed. if sortable == 'sortable_table' or sortable == 'sortable_on' or sortable == 'sortable_debug' then local sortKey if value == 0 then sortKey = '5000000000000000000' else local mag = math.floor(math.log10(math.abs(value)) + 1e-14) if value > 0 then sortKey = 7000 + mag else sortKey = 2999 - mag value = value + 10^(mag+1) end sortKey = string.format('%d', sortKey) .. string.format('%015.0f', math.floor(value * 10^(14-mag))) end local result if sortable == 'sortable_table' then result = 'data-sort-value="_SORTKEY_"|' elseif sortable == 'sortable_debug' then result = '&lt;span data-sort-value="_SORTKEY_♠">&lt;span style="border:1px solid">_SORTKEY_♠&lt;/span>&lt;/span>' else result = '&lt;span data-sort-value="_SORTKEY_♠">&lt;/span>' end return (result:gsub('_SORTKEY_', sortKey)) end end local translateParameters = { abbr = { off = 'abbr_off', on = 'abbr_on', }, disp = { age = 'disp_age', raw = 'disp_raw', }, format = { raw = 'format_raw', commas = 'format_commas', }, round = { on = 'on', yes = 'on', months = 'ym', weeks = 'ymw', days = 'ymd', hours = 'ymdh', }, sep = { comma = 'sep_comma', [','] = 'sep_comma', serialcomma = 'sep_serialcomma', space = 'sep_space', }, show = { hide = { id = 'hide' }, y = { 'y', id = 'y' }, ym = { 'y', 'm', id = 'ym' }, ymd = { 'y', 'm', 'd', id = 'ymd' }, ymw = { 'y', 'm', 'w', id = 'ymw' }, ymwd = { 'y', 'm', 'w', 'd', id = 'ymwd' }, yd = { 'y', 'd', id = 'yd', keepZero = true }, m = { 'm', id = 'm' }, md = { 'm', 'd', id = 'md' }, w = { 'w', id = 'w' }, wd = { 'w', 'd', id = 'wd' }, h = { 'H', id = 'h' }, hm = { 'H', 'M', id = 'hm' }, hms = { 'H', 'M', 'S', id = 'hms' }, M = { 'M', id = 'M' }, s = { 'S', id = 's' }, d = { 'd', id = 'd' }, dh = { 'd', 'H', id = 'dh' }, dhm = { 'd', 'H', 'M', id = 'dhm' }, dhms = { 'd', 'H', 'M', 'S', id = 'dhms' }, ymdh = { 'y', 'm', 'd', 'H', id = 'ymdh' }, ymdhm = { 'y', 'm', 'd', 'H', 'M', id = 'ymdhm' }, ymwdh = { 'y', 'm', 'w', 'd', 'H', id = 'ymwdh' }, ymwdhm = { 'y', 'm', 'w', 'd', 'H', 'M', id = 'ymwdhm' }, }, sortable = { off = false, on = 'sortable_on', table = 'sortable_table', debug = 'sortable_debug', }, } local spellOptions = { cardinal = {}, Cardinal = { upper = true }, cardinal_us = { us = true }, Cardinal_us = { us = true, upper = true }, ordinal = { ordinal = true }, Ordinal = { ordinal = true, upper = true }, ordinal_us = { ordinal = true, us = true }, Ordinal_us = { ordinal = true, us = true, upper = true }, } local function dateExtract(frame) -- Return part of a date after performing an optional operation. local Date = getExports(frame) local args = frame:getParent().args local parms = {} for i, v in ipairs(args) do parms[i] = v end if yes(args.fix) then table.insert(parms, 'fix') end if yes(args.partial) then table.insert(parms, 'partial') end local show = stripToNil( or 'dmy' local date = Date(unpack(parms)) if not date then if show == 'format' then return 'error' end return message('mt-need-valid-date') end local add = stripToNil(args.add) if add then for item in add:gmatch('%S+') do date = date + item if not date then return message('mt-cannot-add', item) end end end local sortKey, result local sortable = translateParameters.sortable[args.sortable] if sortable then local value = (date.partial and date.partial.first or date).jdz sortKey = makeSort(value, sortable) end if show ~= 'hide' then result = date[show] if result == nil then result = from_en(date:text(show)) elseif type(result) == 'boolean' then result = result and '1' or '0' else result = from_en(tostring(result)) end end return (sortKey or '') .. makeExtra(args) .. (result or '') end local function rangeJoin(range) -- Return text to be used between a range of ages. return range == 'dash' and '–' or mtext['txt-or'] end local function makeText(values, components, names, options, noUpper) -- Return wikitext representing an age or duration. local text = local count = #values local sep = names.sep or '' for i, v in ipairs(values) do -- v is a number (say 4 for 4 years), or a table ({4,5} for 4 or 5 years). local islist = type(v) == 'table' if (islist or v > 0) or (text.n == 0 and i == count) or (text.n > 0 and components.keepZero) then local fmt, vstr if options.spell then fmt = function(number) return spellNumber(number, options.spell, noUpper or i) end elseif i == 1 and options.format == 'format_commas' then -- Numbers after the first should be small and not need formatting. fmt = formatNumber else fmt = tostring end if islist then vstr = fmt(v[1]) .. rangeJoin(options.range) noUpper = true vstr = vstr .. fmt(v[2]) else vstr = fmt(v) end local name = names[components[i]] if name then if type(name) == 'table' then name = mw.getContentLanguage():plural(islist and v[2] or v, name) end text:add(vstr .. sep .. name) else text:add(vstr) end end end local first, last if options.join == 'sep_space' then first = ' ' last = ' ' elseif options.join == 'sep_comma' then first = ', ' last = ', ' elseif options.join == 'sep_serialcomma' and text.n > 2 then first = ', ' last = mtext['txt-comma-and'] else first = ', ' last = mtext['txt-and'] end for i, v in ipairs(text) do if i &lt; text.n then text[i] = v .. (i + 1 &lt; text.n and first or last) end end local sign = '' if options.isnegative then -- Do not display negative zero. if text.n > 1 or (text.n == 1 and text[1]:sub(1, 1) ~= '0' ) then if options.format == 'format_raw' then sign = '-' -- plain hyphen so result can be used in a calculation else sign = '−' -- Unicode U+2212 MINUS SIGN end end end return (options.sortKey or '') .. (options.extra or '') .. sign .. text:join() .. (options.suffix or '') end local function dateDifference(parms) -- Return a formatted date difference using the given parameters -- which have been validated. local names = { -- Each name is: -- * a string if no plural form of the name is used; or -- * a table of strings, one of which is selected using the rules at -- abbr_off = { sep = '&amp;nbsp;', y = {'vit', 'vite'}, m = {'muaj', 'muaj'}, w = {'javë', 'javë'}, d = {'ditë', 'ditë'}, H = {'orë', 'orë'}, M = {'minutë', 'minuta'}, S = {'sekondë', 'sekonda'}, }, abbr_on = { y = 'v', m = 'm', w = 'j', d = 'd', H = 'o', M = 'm', S = 's', }, abbr_infant = { -- for {{age for infant}} sep = '&amp;nbsp;', y = {'vit', 'vite'}, m = {'muaj', 'muaj'}, w = {'javë', 'javë'}, d = {'ditë', 'ditë'}, H = {'orë', 'orë'}, M = {'minutë', 'minuta'}, S = {'sekondë', 'sekonda'}, }, abbr_raw = {}, } local diff = parms.diff -- must be a valid date difference local show = -- may be nil; default is set below local abbr = parms.abbr or 'abbr_off' local defaultJoin if abbr ~= 'abbr_off' then defaultJoin = 'sep_space' end if not show then show = 'ymd' if parms.disp == 'disp_age' then if diff.years &lt; 3 then defaultJoin = 'sep_space' if diff.years >= 1 then show = 'ym' else show = 'md' end else show = 'y' end end end if type(show) ~= 'table' then show =[show] end if parms.disp == 'disp_raw' then defaultJoin = 'sep_space' abbr = 'abbr_raw' elseif parms.wantSc then defaultJoin = 'sep_serialcomma' end local diffOptions = { round = parms.round, duration = parms.wantDuration, range = parms.range and true or nil, } local sortKey if parms.sortable then local value = diff.age_days + (parms.wantDuration and 1 or 0) -- days and fraction of a day if diff.isnegative then value = -value end sortKey = makeSort(value, parms.sortable) end local textOptions = { extra = parms.extra, format = parms.format, join = parms.sep or defaultJoin, isnegative = diff.isnegative, range = parms.range, sortKey = sortKey, spell = parms.spell, suffix = parms.suffix, -- not currently used } if == 'hide' then return sortKey or '' end local values = { diff:age(, diffOptions) } if values[1] then return makeText(values, show, names[abbr], textOptions) end if diff.partial then -- Handle a more complex range such as -- {{age_yd|20 Dec 2001|2003|range=yes}} → 1 year, 12 days or 2 years, 11 days local opt = { format = textOptions.format, join = textOptions.join, isnegative = textOptions.isnegative, spell = textOptions.spell, } return (textOptions.sortKey or '') .. makeText({ diff.partial.mindiff:age(, diffOptions) }, show, names[abbr], opt) .. rangeJoin(textOptions.range) .. makeText({ diff.partial.maxdiff:age(, diffOptions) }, show, names[abbr], opt, true) .. (textOptions.suffix or '') end return message('mt-bad-show', end local function getDates(frame, getopt) -- Parse template parameters and return one of: -- * date (a date table, if single) -- * date1, date2 (two date tables, if not single) -- * text (a string error message) -- A missing date is optionally replaced with the current date. -- If wantMixture is true, a missing date component is replaced -- from the current date, so can get a bizarre mixture of -- specified/current y/m/d as has been done by some "age" templates. -- Some results may be placed in table getopt. local Date, currentDate = getExports(frame) getopt = getopt or {} local function flagCurrent(text) -- This allows the calling template to detect if the current date has been used, -- that is, whether both dates have been entered in a template expecting two. -- For example, an infobox may want the age when an event occurred, not the current age. -- Don't bother detecting if wantMixture is used because not needed and it is a poor option. if not text then if getopt.noMissing then return nil -- this gives a nil date which gives an error end text = 'currentdate' if getopt.flag == 'usesCurrent' then getopt.usesCurrent = true end end return text end local args = frame:getParent().args local fields = {} local isNamed = args.year or args.year1 or args.year2 or args.month or args.month1 or args.month2 or or args.day1 or args.day2 if isNamed then fields[1] = args.year1 or args.year fields[2] = args.month1 or args.month fields[3] = args.day1 or fields[4] = args.year2 fields[5] = args.month2 fields[6] = args.day2 else fields[1] = args[3] -- year1 fields[2] = args[2] -- month1 fields[3] = args[1] -- day1 fields[4] = args[6] -- year2 fields[5] = args[5] -- month2 fields[6] = args[4] -- day2 end local imax = 0 for i = 1, 6 do fields[i] = stripToNil(fields[i]) if fields[i] then imax = i end if getopt.omitZero and i % 3 ~= 1 then -- omit zero months and days as unknown values but keep year 0 which is 1 BCE if isZero(fields[i]) then fields[i] = nil getopt.partial = true end end end local fix = getopt.fix and 'fix' or '' local partialText = getopt.partial and 'partial' or '' local dates = {} if isNamed or imax >= 3 then local nrDates = getopt.single and 1 or 2 if getopt.wantMixture then -- Cannot be partial since empty fields are set from current. local components = { 'year', 'month', 'day' } for i = 1, nrDates * 3 do fields[i] = fields[i] or currentDate[components[i > 3 and i - 3 or i]] end for i = 1, nrDates do local index = i == 1 and 1 or 4 local y, m, d = fields[index], fields[index+1], fields[index+2] if (m == 2 or m == '2') and (d == 29 or d == '29') then -- Workaround error with following which attempt to use invalid date 2001-02-29. -- {{age_ymwd|year1=2001|year2=2004|month2=2|day2=29}} -- {{age_ymwd|year1=2001|month1=2|year2=2004|month2=1|day2=29}} -- TODO Get rid of wantMixture because even this ugly code does not handle -- 'Feb' or 'February' or 'feb' or 'february'. if not ((y % 4 == 0 and y % 100 ~= 0) or y % 400 == 0) then d = 28 end end dates[i] = Date(y, m, d) end else -- If partial dates are allowed, accept -- year only, or -- year and month only -- Do not accept year and day without a month because that makes no sense -- (and because, for example, Date('partial', 2001, nil, 12) sets day = nil, not 12). for i = 1, nrDates do local index = i == 1 and 1 or 4 local y, m, d = fields[index], fields[index+1], fields[index+2] if (getopt.partial and y and (m or not d)) or (y and m and d) then dates[i] = Date(fix, partialText, y, m, d) elseif not y and not m and not d then dates[i] = Date(flagCurrent()) end end end else getopt.textdates = true -- have parsed each date from a single text field dates[1] = Date(fix, partialText, flagCurrent(fields[1])) if not getopt.single then dates[2] = Date(fix, partialText, flagCurrent(fields[2])) end end if not dates[1] then return message(getopt.missing1 or 'mt-need-valid-ymd') end if getopt.single then return dates[1] end if not dates[2] then return message(getopt.missing2 or 'mt-need-valid-ymd2') end return dates[1], dates[2] end local function ageGeneric(frame) -- Return the result required by the specified template. -- Can use sortable=x where x = on/table/off/debug in any supported template. -- Some templates default to sortable=on but can be overridden. local name = frame.args.template if not name then return message('mt-template-x') end local args = frame:getParent().args local specs = { age_days = { -- {{age in days}} show = 'd', disp = 'disp_raw', }, age_days_nts = { -- {{age in days nts}} show = 'd', disp = 'disp_raw', format = 'format_commas', sortable = 'on', }, duration_days = { -- {{duration in days}} show = 'd', disp = 'disp_raw', duration = true, }, duration_days_nts = { -- {{duration in days nts}} show = 'd', disp = 'disp_raw', format = 'format_commas', sortable = 'on', duration = true, }, age_full_years = { -- {{age}} show = 'y', abbr = 'abbr_raw', flag = 'usesCurrent', omitZero = true, range = 'dash', }, age_full_years_nts = { -- {{age nts}} show = 'y', abbr = 'abbr_raw', format = 'format_commas', sortable = 'on', }, age_in_years = { -- {{age in years}} show = 'y', abbr = 'abbr_raw', negative = 'error', range = 'dash', }, age_in_years_nts = { -- {{age in years nts}} show = 'y', abbr = 'abbr_raw', negative = 'error', range = 'dash', format = 'format_commas', sortable = 'on', }, age_infant = { -- {{age for infant}} -- Do not set show because special processing is done later. abbr = yes(args.abbr) and 'abbr_infant' or 'abbr_off', disp = 'disp_age', sep = 'sep_space', sortable = 'on', }, age_m = { -- {{age in months}} show = 'm', disp = 'disp_raw', }, age_w = { -- {{age in weeks}} show = 'w', disp = 'disp_raw', }, age_wd = { -- {{age in weeks and days}} show = 'wd', }, age_yd = { -- {{age in years and days}} show = 'yd', format = 'format_commas', sep = args.sep ~= 'and' and 'sep_comma' or nil, }, age_yd_nts = { -- {{age in years and days nts}} show = 'yd', format = 'format_commas', sep = args.sep ~= 'and' and 'sep_comma' or nil, sortable = 'on', }, age_ym = { -- {{age in years and months}} show = 'ym', sep = 'sep_comma', }, age_ymd = { -- {{age in years, months and days}} show = 'ymd', range = true, }, age_ymwd = { -- {{age in years, months, weeks and days}} show = 'ymwd', wantMixture = true, }, } local spec = specs[name] if not spec then return message('mt-template-bad-name') end if name == 'age_days' then local su = stripToNil(args['show unit']) if su then if su == 'abbr' or su == 'full' then spec.disp = nil spec.abbr = su == 'abbr' and 'abbr_on' or nil end end end local partial, autofill local range = stripToNil(args.range) or spec.range if range then -- Suppose partial dates are used and age could be 11 or 12 years. -- "|range=" (empty value) has no effect (spec is used). -- "|range=yes" or spec.range == true sets range = true (gives "11 or 12") -- "|range=dash" or spec.range == 'dash' sets range = 'dash' (gives "11–12"). -- "|range=no" or spec.range == 'no' sets range = nil and fills each date in the diff (gives "12"). -- ("on" is equivalent to "yes", and "off" is equivalent to "no"). -- "|range=OTHER" sets range = nil and rejects partial dates. range = ({ dash = 'dash', off = 'no', no = 'no', [true] = true })[range] or yes(range) if range then partial = true -- accept partial dates with a possible age range for the result if range == 'no' then autofill = true -- missing month/day in first or second date are filled from other date or 1 range = nil end end end local getopt = { fix = yes(args.fix), flag = stripToNil(args.flag) or spec.flag, omitZero = spec.omitZero, partial = partial, wantMixture = spec.wantMixture, } local date1, date2 = getDates(frame, getopt) if type(date1) == 'string' then return date1 end local format = stripToNil(args.format) local spell = spellOptions[format] if format then format = 'format_' .. format elseif name == 'age_days' and getopt.textdates then format = 'format_commas' end local parms = { diff = date2:subtract(date1, { fill = autofill }), wantDuration = spec.duration or yes(args.duration), range = range, wantSc = yes(, show = == 'hide' and 'hide' or, abbr = spec.abbr, disp = spec.disp, extra = makeExtra(args, getopt.usesCurrent and format ~= 'format_raw'), format = format or spec.format, round = yes(args.round), sep = spec.sep, sortable = translateParameters.sortable[args.sortable or spec.sortable], spell = spell, } if (spec.negative or frame.args.negative) == 'error' and parms.diff.isnegative then return message('mt-date-wrong-order') end return from_en(dateDifference(parms)) end local function isFake(args) -- Some templates have TemplateData with an auto value like "{{Birth date and age|YYYY|MM|DD}}". -- Return true if that appears to be the case so the caller can output nothing rather than an error. return args[1] == 'YYYY' end local function bda(frame) -- Implement [[Template:Birth date and age]]. local args = frame:getParent().args if isFake(args) then return '' end local options = { missing1 = 'mt-need-valid-bd', noMissing = true, single = true, } local date = getDates(frame, options) if type(date) == 'string' then return date -- error text end local Date = getExports(frame) local diff = Date('currentdate') - date if diff.isnegative or diff.years > 150 then return message('mt-invalid-bd-age') end local disp = mtext['txt-bda-disp'] local show = 'y' if diff.years &lt; 2 then disp = 'disp_age' if diff.years == 0 and diff.months == 0 then show = 'd' else show = 'm' end end local result = substituteParameters( mtext['txt-bda'], date:text('%-Y-%m-%d'), from_en(date:text(dateFormat(args))), from_en(dateDifference({ diff = diff, show = show, abbr = 'abbr_off', disp = disp, sep = 'sep_space', })) ) local warnings = tonumber(frame.args.warnings) if warnings and warnings > 0 then local good = { df = true, mf = true, day = true, day1 = true, month = true, month1 = true, year = true, year1 = true, } local invalid local imax = options.textdates and 1 or 3 for k, _ in pairs(args) do if type(k) == 'number' then if k > imax then invalid = tostring(k) break end else if not good[k] then invalid = k break end end end if invalid then result = result .. message('mt-bad-param1', invalid) end end return result end local function dda(frame) -- Implement [[Template:Death date and age]]. local args = frame:getParent().args if isFake(args) then return '' end local options = { missing1 = 'mt-need-valid-dd', missing2 = 'mt-need-valid-bd2', noMissing = true, partial = true, } local date1, date2 = getDates(frame, options) if type(date1) == 'string' then return date1 end local diff = date1 - date2 if diff.isnegative then return message('mt-dd-wrong-order') end local Date = getExports(frame) local today = Date('currentdate') + 1 -- one day in future allows for timezones if date1 > today then return message('mt-dd-future') end local years if diff.partial then years = diff.partial.years years = type(years) == 'table' and years[2] or years else years = diff.years end if years > 150 then return message('mt-invalid-dates-age') end local fmt_date, fmt_ymd if then -- y, m, d known fmt_date = dateFormat(args) fmt_ymd = '%-Y-%m-%d' elseif date1.month then -- y, m known; d unknown fmt_date = '%B %-Y' fmt_ymd = '%-Y-%m-00' else -- y known; m, d unknown fmt_date = '%-Y' fmt_ymd = '%-Y-00-00' end local sortKey local sortable = translateParameters.sortable[args.sortable] if sortable then local value = (date1.partial and date1.partial.first or date1).jdz sortKey = makeSort(value, sortable) end local result = (sortKey or '') .. substituteParameters( mtext['txt-dda'], date1:text(fmt_ymd), from_en(date1:text(fmt_date)), from_en(dateDifference({ diff = diff, show = 'y', abbr = 'abbr_off', disp = mtext['txt-dda-disp'], range = 'dash', sep = 'sep_space', })) ) local warnings = tonumber(frame.args.warnings) if warnings and warnings > 0 then local good = { df = true, mf = true, } local invalid local imax = options.textdates and 2 or 6 for k, _ in pairs(args) do if type(k) == 'number' then if k > imax then invalid = tostring(k) break end else if not good[k] then invalid = k break end end end if invalid then result = result .. message('mt-bad-param1', invalid) end end return result end local function dateToGsd(frame) -- Implement [[Template:Gregorian serial date]]. -- Return Gregorian serial date of the given date, or the current date. -- The returned value is negative for dates before 1 January 1 AD -- despite the fact that GSD is not defined for such dates. local date = getDates(frame, { wantMixture=true, single=true }) if type(date) == 'string' then return date end return tostring(date.gsd) end local function jdToDate(frame) -- Return formatted date from a Julian date. -- The result includes a time if the input includes a fraction. -- The word 'Julian' is accepted for the Julian calendar. local Date = getExports(frame) local args = frame:getParent().args local date = Date('juliandate', args[1], args[2]) if date then return from_en(date:text()) end return message('mt-need-jdn') end local function dateToJd(frame) -- Return Julian date (a number) from a date which may include a time, -- or the current date ('currentdate') or current date and time ('currentdatetime'). -- The word 'Julian' is accepted for the Julian calendar. local Date = getExports(frame) local args = frame:getParent().args local date = Date(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7]) if date then return tostring(date.jd) end return message('mt-need-valid-ymd-current') end local function timeInterval(frame) -- Implement [[Template:Time interval]]. -- There are two positional arguments: date1, date2. -- The default for each is the current date and time. -- Result is date2 - date1 formatted. local Date = getExports(frame) local args = frame:getParent().args local parms = { extra = makeExtra(args), wantDuration = yes(args.duration), range = yes(args.range) or (args.range == 'dash' and 'dash' or nil), wantSc = yes(, } local fix = yes(args.fix) and 'fix' or '' local date1 = Date(fix, 'partial', stripToNil(args[1]) or 'currentdatetime') if not date1 then return message('mt-invalid-start') end local date2 = Date(fix, 'partial', stripToNil(args[2]) or 'currentdatetime') if not date2 then return message('mt-invalid-end') end parms.diff = date2 - date1 for argname, translate in pairs(translateParameters) do local parm = stripToNil(args[argname]) if parm then parm = translate[parm] if parm == nil then -- test for nil because false is a valid setting return message('mt-bad-param2', argname, args[argname]) end parms[argname] = parm end end if parms.round then local round = parms.round local show = if round ~= 'on' then if show then if ~= round then return message('mt-conflicting-show',, args.round) end else =[round] end end parms.round = true end return from_en(dateDifference(parms)) end local function templateGeneric(frame) local name = frame.args.template if not name then return message('mt-template-x') end return ageGeneric(frame:newChild{title =, 10), args = frame.args}) end return { age_generic = ageGeneric, -- can emulate several age templates birth_date_and_age = bda, -- Template:Birth_date_and_age death_date_and_age = dda, -- Template:Death_date_and_age gsd = dateToGsd, -- Template:Gregorian_serial_date extract = dateExtract, -- Template:Extract jd_to_date = jdToDate, -- Template:? JULIANDAY = dateToJd, -- Template:JULIANDAY time_interval = timeInterval, -- Template:Time_interval [''] = templateGeneric -- same as age_generic, but can be invoked directly } </textarea><div id="mw-scribunto-console"></div><div class="templatesUsed"><div class="mw-templatesUsedExplanation"><p>Stampa të përdorura në këtë faqe: </p></div><ul> <li><a href="/wiki/Moduli:Age" title="Moduli:Age">Moduli:Age</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Moduli:Age&amp;action=edit" title="Moduli:Age">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/w/index.php?title=Moduli:Age/doc&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Moduli:Age/doc (nuk është shkruar akoma)">Moduli:Age/doc</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Moduli:Age/doc&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="Moduli:Age/doc (nuk është shkruar akoma)">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Moduli:Arguments" title="Moduli:Arguments">Moduli:Arguments</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Moduli:Arguments&amp;action=edit" title="Moduli:Arguments">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Moduli:Documentation" title="Moduli:Documentation">Moduli:Documentation</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Moduli:Documentation&amp;action=edit" title="Moduli:Documentation">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Moduli:Documentation/config" title="Moduli:Documentation/config">Moduli:Documentation/config</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Moduli:Documentation/config&amp;action=edit" title="Moduli:Documentation/config">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Moduli:Documentation/styles.css" title="Moduli:Documentation/styles.css">Moduli:Documentation/styles.css</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Moduli:Documentation/styles.css&amp;action=edit" title="Moduli:Documentation/styles.css">redakto</a>) </li></ul></div><p id="mw-returnto">Kthehu tek <a href="/wiki/Moduli:Age" title="Moduli:Age">Moduli:Age</a></p> <!--esi <esi:include src="/esitest-fa8a495983347898/content" /> --><noscript><img src=";useformat=desktop" alt="" width="1" height="1" style="border: none; position: absolute;"></noscript> <div class="printfooter" data-nosnippet="">Marrë nga "<a dir="ltr" href=""></a>"</div></div> <div id="catlinks" class="catlinks catlinks-allhidden" data-mw="interface"></div> </div> </main> </div> <div class="mw-footer-container"> <footer id="footer" class="mw-footer" > <ul id="footer-info"> </ul> <ul id="footer-places"> <li id="footer-places-privacy"><a href="">Rreth të dhënave vetjake</a></li> <li id="footer-places-about"><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Rreth">Rreth Wikipedia-s</a></li> <li id="footer-places-disclaimers"><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Shfaj%C3%ABsimet_e_p%C3%ABrgjithshme">Shfajësimet</a></li> <li id="footer-places-wm-codeofconduct"><a href="">Code of Conduct</a></li> <li id="footer-places-developers"><a href="">Programuesit</a></li> <li id="footer-places-statslink"><a href="">Statistikat</a></li> <li id="footer-places-cookiestatement"><a href="">Deklarata e cookies</a></li> <li id="footer-places-mobileview"><a href="//;action=edit&amp;mobileaction=toggle_view_mobile" class="noprint stopMobileRedirectToggle">Për celular</a></li> </ul> <ul id="footer-icons" class="noprint"> <li id="footer-copyrightico"><a href="" class="cdx-button cdx-button--fake-button cdx-button--size-large cdx-button--fake-button--enabled"><img src="/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button.svg" width="84" height="29" alt="Wikimedia Foundation" loading="lazy"></a></li> <li id="footer-poweredbyico"><a href="" class="cdx-button cdx-button--fake-button cdx-button--size-large cdx-button--fake-button--enabled"><img src="/w/resources/assets/poweredby_mediawiki.svg" alt="Powered by MediaWiki" width="88" height="31" loading="lazy"></a></li> </ul> </footer> </div> </div> </div> <div class="vector-settings" id="p-dock-bottom"> <ul></ul> </div><script>(RLQ=window.RLQ||[]).push(function(){mw.config.set({"wgHostname":"mw-web.codfw.main-5c59558b9d-cvtdh","wgBackendResponseTime":178,"wgPageParseReport":{"limitreport":{"cputime":"0.005","walltime":"0.006","ppvisitednodes":{"value":17,"limit":1000000},"postexpandincludesize":{"value":721,"limit":2097152},"templateargumentsize":{"value":0,"limit":2097152},"expansiondepth":{"value":2,"limit":100},"expensivefunctioncount":{"value":0,"limit":500},"unstrip-depth":{"value":0,"limit":20},"unstrip-size":{"value":0,"limit":5000000},"entityaccesscount":{"value":0,"limit":400},"timingprofile":["100.00% 0.000 1 -total"]},"cachereport":{"origin":"mw-web.codfw.main-5c59558b9d-cvtdh","timestamp":"20241130233054","ttl":2592000,"transientcontent":false}}});});</script> </body> </html>

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