EEA's Subversion repository
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But if you plan to update code (push), <em>then you must have a GIT account (register on if you don't have one), than you branch the EEA package and do a pull request against the EEA master repo.</em> If you are a consultant or EEA Staff working for an EEA project you may apply for membership of the EEA organisation github account, than you automatically get push access to our packages. Contact demarant or sorenroug on </p> <p><strong>New to git? It is easy to learn if you know svn already</strong>. <ul><li><a href="">Git vs. SVN - Basic Commandline Syntax Reference</a></li> <li><a href="">svn-to-git crash course</a></li> </ul> </p> <h2 id="howtousesvn">How to use SVN</h2> <p> Most packages can be checked out from SVN anonymously over plain HTTP. But if you plan to update code, <em>then you must use the SSL-encrypted interface (HTTPS) and log in with your Eionet account name.</em> Try <tt>svn co</tt>. </p> <p> We have a <a href="tortoisesvn.html">quick tutorial</a> on the Windows Explorer plugin <a href="">TortoiseSVN</a>. For Macintosh you can use <a href="">SvnX</a>, but command-line tools seem more popular. </p> <p> An other Subversion aware IDE is <a href="">Eclipse</a>. It has the caveat that you might have to install the <a href="">Globalsign root certificate</a> into <em>Internet Explorer</em> before it will trust the repository. </p> <p> The O'Reilly book <a href="">Version control with Subversion</a> is available online. </p> <p> Subversion can automatically convert end-of-line standards and set the mime-type if you use auto-properties. This <a href="config">config file</a> for Linux provides reasonable defaults. You install it in ~/.subversion/config </p> <h2>Editor settings</h2> <p> For all source code (and XML) use UTF-8 character encoding. For Python, you should declare the encoding as recommended by <a href="">PEP-0263</a>. </p> <p> For Python code the indentation is 4 spaces. No tabs are allowed in the code, so set your editor to expand tabs to spaces. </p> </div> <!-- workarea --> </div> <!-- container --> <div id="pagefoot"> European Environment Agency<br/> Most source is licensed under Mozilla Public License. See individual notices. </div> </body> </html>