Nunavut Human Rights Tribunal |
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The Nunavut Human Rights Tribunal is located in Coral Harbour. Please contact us for information and to receive a Notification form to begin the process.</p> <p><span style="font-weight: 600;">A Nunavut Human Rights Tribunal Human Rights Officer can be reached at <b><a href="tel:18664136478">1-866-413-6478</a></b> toll-free.</span></p> </div> <div class="col col1"> <p>If you think you have been discriminated against by a federal business or organization these fall under the jurisdiction of the <a href=""><b>Canadian Human Rights Act</b></a>, not the Nunavut Human Rights Act. Some examples include banks, airlines, telecommunications companies, the RCMP or a federal government department.</p> <p><span style="font-weight: 600;">The Canadian Human Rights Commission can be reached by phone at <b><a href="tel:18882141090">1-888-214-1090</a></b> toll-free.</span></p> </div> </div> </section> <section id="section2" class="section section-word-cloud green wo pv st cf"> <div class="inner" data-aos="fade-up"> <div class="col col1"> <h2>Certain types of discrimination and harassment are against the law.</h2> <p>If you have been discriminated against or harassed for any of the following reasons as outlined in the Act, you have grounds to assert your case and seek a resolution. Certain types of discrimination and harassment are against the law.</p> </div> <div class="col col2"> <ul> <li style="animation-delay: 1867ms;"><span>Race</span><img src=""></li> <li style="animation-delay: 1460ms;"><span>Marital Status</span><img src=""></li> <li style="animation-delay: 1824ms;"><span>Sex</span><img src=""></li> <li style="animation-delay: 863ms;"><span>Pregnancy</span><img src=""></li> <li style="animation-delay: 325ms;"><span>Sexual Orientation</span><img src=""></li> <li style="animation-delay: 634ms;"><span>Colour</span><img src=""></li> <li style="animation-delay: 1914ms;"><span>Place of Origin</span><img src=""></li> <li style="animation-delay: 1312ms;"><span>Ancestry</span><img src=""></li> <li style="animation-delay: 1989ms;"><span>Disability</span><img src=""></li> <li style="animation-delay: 1392ms;"><span>Family Status</span><img src=""></li> <li style="animation-delay: 758ms;"><span>Religion</span><img src=""></li> <li style="animation-delay: 58ms;"><span>Citizenship</span><img src=""></li> <li style="animation-delay: 46ms;"><span>Creed</span><img src=""></li> <li style="animation-delay: 218ms;"><span>Age</span><img src=""></li> <li style="animation-delay: 1539ms;"><span>Ethnic Origin</span><img src=""></li> <li style="animation-delay: 1421ms;"><span>Lawful Source of Income</span><img src=""></li> <li style="animation-delay: 931ms;"><span>Gender Identity</span><img src=""></li> <li style="animation-delay: 1571ms;"><span>Gender Expression</span><img src=""></li> <li style="animation-delay: 1163ms;"><span>Convicted but pardoned</span><img src=""></li> </ul> </div> <footer> <a class="underline-link" href="/resources/">Learn more about your rights.</a> </footer> </div> </section> <section id="section3" class="section section-process wo pv st cf"> <div class="inner" data-aos="fade-up"> <div class="cf"> <div class="col col1"> <h2>The process begins by completing and filing a Notification form.</h2> </div> <div class="col col2"> <p>If you feel you have been discriminated against or harassed based on one of the grounds outlined above, you should complete a Notification form and file it with the Human Rights Tribunal office. If you intend to see a resolution, please familiarize yourself with the following process.</p> </div> </div> <ol> <li class="cf" data-aos="fade-up"> <span class="number">1</span> <span class="title">Applicant files a Notification</span> <span class="description">The person making the claim is called the Applicant. The Applicant must first complete a Notification form and file it with the Human Rights Tribunal Office.</span> </li> <li class="cf" data-aos="fade-up"> <span class="number">2</span> <span class="title">Notification form is reviewed</span> <span class="description">Tribunal staff will review the Notification form to make sure that all necessary information has been provided.</span> </li> <li class="cf" data-aos="fade-up"> <span class="number">3</span> <span class="title">Respondent files a Reply</span> <span class="description">The completed Notification will be sent to the person(s) or organization(s) listed as the Respondent(s), and they will have 60 days to reply.</span> </li> <li class="cf" data-aos="fade-up"> <span class="number">4</span> <span class="title">Decision to continue or dismiss</span> <span class="description">The Notification and Reply are reviewed by a Tribunal member who decides whether to continue with the proceedings or dismiss the claim. Both parties (the Applicant and Respondent(s)) will be notified of the decision in writing.</span> </li> <li class="cf" data-aos="fade-up"> <span class="number">5</span> <span class="title">Mediation or public hearing</span> <span class="description">If the Notification proceeds, the Tribunal will offer the parties the opportunity to work with a mediator to try to settle the Notification. If no settlement is reached, the Tribunal will hold a formal, public hearing on the Notification.</span> </li> <li class="cf" data-aos="fade-up"> <span class="number">6</span> <span class="title">Final written decision</span> <span class="description">After hearing evidence and the arguments from the Applicant and the Respondent(s), the Tribunal will decide whether the Applicant was discriminated against or harassed, and what should be done to correct the situation.</span> </li> </ol> <footer> <a class="underline-link" href="/how-to-file/">I am ready to begin the process.</a> </footer> </div> </section> <section id="section4" class="section section-related st cf"> <div class="pv col col1 green"> <div class="inner" data-aos="fade-in"> <h2>Resources and Guides</h2> <p>Discover the Nunavut Human Rights Act, our Rules of Procedure, and other downloadable content such as fillable forms and information guides.</p> <a class="underline-link" href="/resources/">Find resources</a> </div> </div> <div class="pv col col2 yellow"> <div class="inner" data-aos="fade-in"> <h2>Decisions and Hearings</h2> <p>The Tribunal issues public decisions after holding a public hearing. In addition, the Tribunal issues decisions that deal with procedural matters and whether a claim should go forward to mediation or a full hearing, or be dismissed.</p> <a class="underline-link" href="/decisions-and-hearings#section2">View public decisions</a> <a class="underline-link" href="/decisions-and-hearings">Read more</a> </div> </div> </section> <!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - end page type check --> <footer id="footer" class="section wo pv st cf"> <div class="inner"> <div class="col col1"> <p><strong>Nunavut Human Rights Tribunal</strong><br /> PO Box 15<br /> Coral Harbour, NU X0C 0C0</p> <p>Tel (toll-free): <a href="tel:18664136478">1-866-413-6478</a><br /> Fax (toll-free): 1-888-220-1011<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <nav> <ul id="menu-footer-menu-english" class="menu"><li id="menu-item-40" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-privacy-policy menu-item-40"><a rel="privacy-policy" href="">Privacy and Accessibility</a></li> <li id="menu-item-37" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-37"><a href="">Disclaimer</a></li> <li id="menu-item-1065" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1065"><a href="">Feedback</a></li> </ul> </nav> </div> <div class="col col2"> <a id="logo-footer" href=""> <img src="" alt="Nunavut Human Rights Tribunal"> </a> <div class="copyright"> <p><span lang="ikt">ᓄᓇᕗᑦ ᐃᓄᓐᓄᑦ ᐱᔪᓐᓇᐅᑎᓂᑦ ᑲᑎᒪᔩᑦ</span><br /> <span lang="en">Nunavut Human Rights Tribunal</span><br /> <span lang="iu">Nunavunmi Inungnut Pitqutigiyauyunut Ihuaqhaiyiit</span><br /> <span lang="fr">Tribunal des droits de la personne du Nunavut</span></p> </div> </div> </footer> </div> <!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - end index --> <!-- wp_footer --> <script type="text/javascript" src="" id="wp-hooks-js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="" id="wp-i18n-js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" id="wp-i18n-js-after"> /* <![CDATA[ */ wp.i18n.setLocaleData( { 'text direction\u0004ltr': [ 'ltr' ] } ); /* ]]> */ </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="" id="swv-js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" id="contact-form-7-js-before"> /* <![CDATA[ */ var wpcf7 = { "api": { "root": "https:\/\/\/wp-json\/", "namespace": "contact-form-7\/v1" }, "cached": 1 }; /* ]]> */ </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="" id="contact-form-7-js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var expirationDate = new Date(); expirationDate.setTime( expirationDate.getTime() + 31536000 * 1000 ); document.cookie = "pll_language=en; expires=" + expirationDate.toUTCString() + "; path=/; secure; SameSite=Lax"; }()); </script> <!-- print stylesheet --> <link type="text/css" media="print" rel="stylesheet" href="" /> </body> </html> <!-- Page cached by LiteSpeed Cache 6.5.4 on 2025-02-25 22:13:28 -->