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Your current IP address is </p> <div class="paragraphbreak" style="margin-top:0.5em"></div><div style="font-size: 16px;"> <p>Even when blocked, you will <i>usually</i> still be able to edit your <a href="/wiki/Special:MyTalk" title="Special:MyTalk">user talk page</a>, as well as <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Emailing_users" title="Wikipedia:Emailing users">email</a> administrators and other editors. </p> </div> <div class="paragraphbreak" style="margin-top:0.5em"></div><div style="font-size: 16px;"> <p>For information on how to proceed, please read the <b><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Appealing_a_block#Common_questions" title="Wikipedia:Appealing a block">FAQ for blocked users</a></b> and the <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Appealing_a_block" title="Wikipedia:Appealing a block">guideline on block appeals</a>. The <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Guide_to_appealing_blocks" title="Wikipedia:Guide to appealing blocks">guide to appealing blocks</a> may also be helpful. </p> </div> <p>Other useful links: <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Blocking_policy" title="Wikipedia:Blocking policy">Blocking policy</a> · <a href="/wiki/Help:I_have_been_blocked" title="Help:I have been blocked">Help:I have been blocked</a> </p> </div></li><li class="mw-permissionerror-globalblocking-blockedtext-range"> <div id="mw-blocked-text" style="border: 1px solid #AAA; background-color: var(--background-color-warning-subtle, ivory); color: inherit; padding: 1.5em; width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box;"> <div style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 26px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Stop_hand_nuvola.svg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="50" height="50" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="240" data-file-height="240" /></a></span><b> This IP address range has been <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Global blocks">globally blocked</a>.</b></span><br /><span style="font-size: 18px;">This does not affect your ability to <i>read</i> Wikipedia pages.</span></div><div class="paragraphbreak" style="margin-top:0.5em"></div><b>Most people who see this message have done nothing wrong.</b> Some kinds of blocks restrict editing from specific service providers or telecom companies in response to recent abuse or vandalism, and can sometimes affect other users who are unrelated to that abuse. Review the information below for assistance if you do not believe that you have done anything wrong.<div class="paragraphbreak" style="margin-top:0.5em"></div><div class="paragraphbreak" style="margin-top:0.5em"></div> <p>This block affects editing on all Wikimedia wikis. </p><p>The IP address or range has been globally <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Blocking_policy" title="Wikipedia:Blocking policy">blocked</a> by <a href="/wiki/User:Jon_Kolbert" title="User:Jon Kolbert">Jon Kolbert</a> for the following reason(s): </p> <div style="padding:10px; background:var(--background-color-base, white); color:inherit; border:1px #666 solid;"> <p><a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Special:MyLanguage/NOP">Open proxy/Webhost</a>: See the <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:WM:OP/H">help page</a> if you are affected </p> </div> <p>This block will expire on 15:12, 27 August 2028. 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['mt-bad-param1'] = 'Invalid parameter $1', ['mt-bad-param2'] = 'Parameter $1=$2 is invalid', ['mt-bad-show'] = 'Parameter show=$1 is not supported here', ['mt-cannot-add'] = 'Cannot add "$1"', ['mt-conflicting-show'] = 'Parameter show=$1 conflicts with round=$2', ['mt-date-wrong-order'] = 'The second date must be later in time than the first date', ['mt-dd-future'] = 'Death date (first date) must not be in the future', ['mt-dd-wrong-order'] = 'Death date (first date) must be later in time than the birth date (second date)', ['mt-invalid-bd-age'] = 'Invalid birth date for calculating age', ['mt-invalid-dates-age'] = 'Invalid dates for calculating age', ['mt-invalid-end'] = 'Invalid end date in second parameter', ['mt-invalid-start'] = 'Invalid start date in first parameter', ['mt-need-jdn'] = 'Need valid Julian date number', ['mt-need-valid-bd'] = 'Need valid birth date: year, month, day', ['mt-need-valid-bd2'] = 'Need valid birth date (second date): year, month, day', ['mt-need-valid-date'] = 'Need valid date', ['mt-need-valid-dd'] = 'Need valid death date (first date): year, month, day', ['mt-need-valid-ymd'] = 'Need valid year, month, day', ['mt-need-valid-ymd-current'] = 'Need valid year|month|day or "currentdate"', ['mt-need-valid-ymd2'] = 'Second date should be year, month, day', ['mt-template-bad-name'] = 'The specified template name is not valid', ['mt-template-x'] = 'The template invoking this must have "|template=x" where x is the wanted operation', ['txt-and'] = ' and ', ['txt-or'] = '&nbsp;or ', ['txt-category'] = 'Category:Age error', ['txt-comma-and'] = ', and ', ['txt-error'] = 'Error: ', ['txt-format-default'] = 'mf', -- 'df' (day first = dmy) or 'mf' (month first = mdy) ['txt-module-convertnumeric'] = 'Module:ConvertNumeric', ['txt-module-date'] = 'Module:Date', ['txt-sandbox'] = 'sandbox', ['txt-bda'] = '<span style="display:none"> (<span class="bday">$1</span>) </span>$2<span class="noprint ForceAgeToShow"> (age&nbsp;$3)</span>', ['txt-dda'] = '$2<span style="display:none">($1)</span> (aged&nbsp;$3)', ['txt-bda-disp'] = 'disp_raw', -- disp_raw → age is a number only; disp_age → age is a number and unit (normally years but months or days if very young) ['txt-dda-disp'] = 'disp_raw', ['txt-dmy'] = '%-d %B %-Y', ['txt-mdy'] = '%B %-d, %-Y', } local isWarning = { ['mt-bad-param1'] = true, } local translate, from_en, to_en, isZero if translate then -- Functions to translate from en to local language and reverse go here. -- See example at [[:bn:Module:বয়স]]. else from_en = function (text) return text end isZero = function (text) return tonumber(text) == 0 end end local _Date, _currentDate local function getExports(frame) -- Return objects exported from the date module or its sandbox. if not _Date then local sandbox = frame:getTitle():find(mtext['txt-sandbox'], 1, true) and ('/' .. mtext['txt-sandbox']) or '' local datemod = require(mtext['txt-module-date'] .. sandbox) local realDate = datemod._Date _currentDate = datemod._current if to_en then _Date = function (...) local args = {} for i, v in ipairs({...}) do args[i] = to_en(v) end return realDate(unpack(args)) end else _Date = realDate end end return _Date, _currentDate end local Collection -- a table to hold items Collection = { add = function (self, item) if item ~= nil then self.n = self.n + 1 self[self.n] = item end end, join = function (self, sep) return table.concat(self, sep) end, remove = function (self, pos) if self.n > 0 and (pos == nil or (0 < pos and pos <= self.n)) then self.n = self.n - 1 return table.remove(self, pos) end end, sort = function (self, comp) table.sort(self, comp) end, new = function () return setmetatable({n = 0}, Collection) end } Collection.__index = Collection local function stripToNil(text) -- If text is a string, return its trimmed content, or nil if empty. -- Otherwise return text (which may, for example, be nil). if type(text) == 'string' then text = text:match('(%S.-)%s*$') end return text end local function dateFormat(args) -- Return string for wanted date format. local default = mtext['txt-format-default'] local other = default == 'df' and 'mf' or 'df' local wanted = stripToNil(args[other]) and other or default return wanted == 'df' and mtext['txt-dmy'] or mtext['txt-mdy'] end local function substituteParameters(text, ...) -- Return text after substituting any given parameters for $1, $2, etc. return mw.message.newRawMessage(text, ...):plain() end local function yes(parameter) -- Return true if parameter should be interpreted as "yes". -- Do not want to accept mixed upper/lowercase unless done by current templates. -- Need to accept "on" because "round=on" is wanted. return ({ y = true, yes = true, on = true })[parameter] end local function message(msg, ...) -- Return formatted message text for an error or warning. local function getText(msg) return mtext[msg] or error('Bug: message "' .. tostring(msg) .. '" not defined') end local categories = { error = mtext['txt-category'], warning = mtext['txt-category'], } local a, b, k, category local text = substituteParameters(getText(msg), ...) if isWarning[msg] then a = '<sup>[<i>' b = '</i>]</sup>' k = 'warning' else a = '<strong class="error">' .. getText('txt-error') b = '</strong>' k = 'error' end if mw.title.getCurrentTitle():inNamespaces(0) then -- Category only in namespaces: 0=article. category = '[[' .. categories[k] .. ']]' end return a .. mw.text.nowiki(text) .. b .. (category or '') end local function formatNumber(number) -- Return the given number formatted with commas as group separators, -- given that the number is an integer. local numstr = tostring(number) local length = #numstr local places = local pos = 0 repeat places:add(pos) pos = pos + 3 until pos >= length places:add(length) local groups = for i = places.n, 2, -1 do local p1 = length - places[i] + 1 local p2 = length - places[i - 1] groups:add(numstr:sub(p1, p2)) end return groups:join(',') end local function spellNumber(number, options, i) -- Return result of spelling number, or -- return number (as a string) if cannot spell it. -- i == 1 for the first number which can optionally start with an uppercase letter. number = tostring(number) return require(mtext['txt-module-convertnumeric']).spell_number( number, nil, -- fraction numerator nil, -- fraction denominator i == 1 and options.upper, -- true: 'One' instead of 'one' not, -- true: use 'and' between tens/ones etc options.adj, -- true: hyphenated options.ordinal -- true: 'first' instead of 'one' ) or number end local function makeExtra(args, flagCurrent) -- Return extra text that will be inserted before the visible result -- but after any sort key. local extra = args.prefix or '' if mw.ustring.len(extra) > 1 then -- Parameter "~" gives "~3" whereas "over" gives "over 3". if extra:sub(-6, -1) ~= '&nbsp;' then extra = extra .. ' ' end end if flagCurrent then extra = '<span class="currentage"></span>' .. extra end return extra end local function makeSort(value, sortable) -- Return a sort key if requested. -- Assume value is a valid number which has not overflowed. if sortable == 'sortable_table' or sortable == 'sortable_on' or sortable == 'sortable_debug' then local sortKey if value == 0 then sortKey = '5000000000000000000' else local mag = math.floor(math.log10(math.abs(value)) + 1e-14) if value > 0 then sortKey = 7000 + mag else sortKey = 2999 - mag value = value + 10^(mag+1) end sortKey = string.format('%d', sortKey) .. string.format('%015.0f', math.floor(value * 10^(14-mag))) end local result if sortable == 'sortable_table' then result = 'data-sort-value="_SORTKEY_"|' elseif sortable == 'sortable_debug' then result = '<span data-sort-value="_SORTKEY_♠"><span style="border:1px solid">_SORTKEY_♠</span></span>' else result = '<span data-sort-value="_SORTKEY_♠"></span>' end return (result:gsub('_SORTKEY_', sortKey)) end end local translateParameters = { abbr = { off = 'abbr_off', on = 'abbr_on', }, disp = { age = 'disp_age', raw = 'disp_raw', }, format = { raw = 'format_raw', commas = 'format_commas', }, round = { on = 'on', yes = 'on', months = 'ym', weeks = 'ymw', days = 'ymd', hours = 'ymdh', }, sep = { comma = 'sep_comma', [','] = 'sep_comma', serialcomma = 'sep_serialcomma', space = 'sep_space', }, show = { hide = { id = 'hide' }, y = { 'y', id = 'y' }, ym = { 'y', 'm', id = 'ym' }, ymd = { 'y', 'm', 'd', id = 'ymd' }, ymw = { 'y', 'm', 'w', id = 'ymw' }, ymwd = { 'y', 'm', 'w', 'd', id = 'ymwd' }, yd = { 'y', 'd', id = 'yd', keepZero = true }, m = { 'm', id = 'm' }, md = { 'm', 'd', id = 'md' }, w = { 'w', id = 'w' }, wd = { 'w', 'd', id = 'wd' }, h = { 'H', id = 'h' }, hm = { 'H', 'M', id = 'hm' }, hms = { 'H', 'M', 'S', id = 'hms' }, M = { 'M', id = 'M' }, s = { 'S', id = 's' }, d = { 'd', id = 'd' }, dh = { 'd', 'H', id = 'dh' }, dhm = { 'd', 'H', 'M', id = 'dhm' }, dhms = { 'd', 'H', 'M', 'S', id = 'dhms' }, ymdh = { 'y', 'm', 'd', 'H', id = 'ymdh' }, ymdhm = { 'y', 'm', 'd', 'H', 'M', id = 'ymdhm' }, ymwdh = { 'y', 'm', 'w', 'd', 'H', id = 'ymwdh' }, ymwdhm = { 'y', 'm', 'w', 'd', 'H', 'M', id = 'ymwdhm' }, }, sortable = { off = false, on = 'sortable_on', table = 'sortable_table', debug = 'sortable_debug', }, } local spellOptions = { cardinal = {}, Cardinal = { upper = true }, cardinal_us = { us = true }, Cardinal_us = { us = true, upper = true }, ordinal = { ordinal = true }, Ordinal = { ordinal = true, upper = true }, ordinal_us = { ordinal = true, us = true }, Ordinal_us = { ordinal = true, us = true, upper = true }, } local function dateExtract(frame) -- Return part of a date after performing an optional operation. local Date = getExports(frame) local args = frame:getParent().args local parms = {} for i, v in ipairs(args) do parms[i] = v end if yes(args.fix) then table.insert(parms, 'fix') end if yes(args.partial) then table.insert(parms, 'partial') end local show = stripToNil( or 'dmy' local date = Date(unpack(parms)) if not date then if show == 'format' then return 'error' end return message('mt-need-valid-date') end local add = stripToNil(args.add) if add then for item in add:gmatch('%S+') do date = date + item if not date then return message('mt-cannot-add', item) end end end local sortKey, result local sortable = translateParameters.sortable[args.sortable] if sortable then local value = (date.partial and date.partial.first or date).jdz sortKey = makeSort(value, sortable) end if show ~= 'hide' then result = date[show] if result == nil then result = from_en(date:text(show)) elseif type(result) == 'boolean' then result = result and '1' or '0' else result = from_en(tostring(result)) end end return (sortKey or '') .. makeExtra(args) .. (result or '') end local function rangeJoin(range) -- Return text to be used between a range of ages. return range == 'dash' and '–' or mtext['txt-or'] end local function makeText(values, components, names, options, noUpper) -- Return wikitext representing an age or duration. local text = local count = #values local sep = names.sep or '' for i, v in ipairs(values) do -- v is a number (say 4 for 4 years), or a table ({4,5} for 4 or 5 years). local islist = type(v) == 'table' if (islist or v > 0) or (text.n == 0 and i == count) or (text.n > 0 and components.keepZero) then local fmt, vstr if options.spell then fmt = function(number) return spellNumber(number, options.spell, noUpper or i) end elseif i == 1 and options.format == 'format_commas' then -- Numbers after the first should be small and not need formatting. fmt = formatNumber else fmt = tostring end if islist then vstr = fmt(v[1]) .. rangeJoin(options.range) noUpper = true vstr = vstr .. fmt(v[2]) else vstr = fmt(v) end local name = names[components[i]] if name then if type(name) == 'table' then name = mw.getContentLanguage():plural(islist and v[2] or v, name) end text:add(vstr .. sep .. name) else text:add(vstr) end end end local first, last if options.join == 'sep_space' then first = ' ' last = ' ' elseif options.join == 'sep_comma' then first = ', ' last = ', ' elseif options.join == 'sep_serialcomma' and text.n > 2 then first = ', ' last = mtext['txt-comma-and'] else first = ', ' last = mtext['txt-and'] end for i, v in ipairs(text) do if i < text.n then text[i] = v .. (i + 1 < text.n and first or last) end end local sign = '' if options.isnegative then -- Do not display negative zero. if text.n > 1 or (text.n == 1 and text[1]:sub(1, 1) ~= '0' ) then if options.format == 'format_raw' then sign = '-' -- plain hyphen so result can be used in a calculation else sign = '−' -- Unicode U+2212 MINUS SIGN end end end return (options.sortKey or '') .. (options.extra or '') .. sign .. text:join() .. (options.suffix or '') end local function dateDifference(parms) -- Return a formatted date difference using the given parameters -- which have been validated. local names = { -- Each name is: -- * a string if no plural form of the name is used; or -- * a table of strings, one of which is selected using the rules at -- abbr_off = { sep = '&nbsp;', y = {'year', 'years'}, m = {'month', 'months'}, w = {'week', 'weeks'}, d = {'day', 'days'}, H = {'hour', 'hours'}, M = {'minute', 'minutes'}, S = {'second', 'seconds'}, }, abbr_on = { y = 'y', m = 'm', w = 'w', d = 'd', H = 'h', M = 'm', S = 's', }, abbr_infant = { -- for {{age for infant}} sep = '&nbsp;', y = {'yr', 'yrs'}, m = {'mo', 'mos'}, w = {'wk', 'wks'}, d = {'day', 'days'}, H = {'hr', 'hrs'}, M = {'min', 'mins'}, S = {'sec', 'secs'}, }, abbr_raw = {}, } local diff = parms.diff -- must be a valid date difference local show = -- may be nil; default is set below local abbr = parms.abbr or 'abbr_off' local defaultJoin if abbr ~= 'abbr_off' then defaultJoin = 'sep_space' end if not show then show = 'ymd' if parms.disp == 'disp_age' then if diff.years < 3 then defaultJoin = 'sep_space' if diff.years >= 1 then show = 'ym' else show = 'md' end else show = 'y' end end end if type(show) ~= 'table' then show =[show] end if parms.disp == 'disp_raw' then defaultJoin = 'sep_space' abbr = 'abbr_raw' elseif parms.wantSc then defaultJoin = 'sep_serialcomma' end local diffOptions = { round = parms.round, duration = parms.wantDuration, range = parms.range and true or nil, } local sortKey if parms.sortable then local value = diff.age_days + (parms.wantDuration and 1 or 0) -- days and fraction of a day if diff.isnegative then value = -value end sortKey = makeSort(value, parms.sortable) end local textOptions = { extra = parms.extra, format = parms.format, join = parms.sep or defaultJoin, isnegative = diff.isnegative, range = parms.range, sortKey = sortKey, spell = parms.spell, suffix = parms.suffix, -- not currently used } if == 'hide' then return sortKey or '' end local values = { diff:age(, diffOptions) } if values[1] then return makeText(values, show, names[abbr], textOptions) end if diff.partial then -- Handle a more complex range such as -- {{age_yd|20 Dec 2001|2003|range=yes}} → 1 year, 12 days or 2 years, 11 days local opt = { format = textOptions.format, join = textOptions.join, isnegative = textOptions.isnegative, spell = textOptions.spell, } return (textOptions.sortKey or '') .. makeText({ diff.partial.mindiff:age(, diffOptions) }, show, names[abbr], opt) .. rangeJoin(textOptions.range) .. makeText({ diff.partial.maxdiff:age(, diffOptions) }, show, names[abbr], opt, true) .. (textOptions.suffix or '') end return message('mt-bad-show', end local function getDates(frame, getopt) -- Parse template parameters and return one of: -- * date (a date table, if single) -- * date1, date2 (two date tables, if not single) -- * text (a string error message) -- A missing date is optionally replaced with the current date. -- If wantMixture is true, a missing date component is replaced -- from the current date, so can get a bizarre mixture of -- specified/current y/m/d as has been done by some "age" templates. -- Some results may be placed in table getopt. local Date, currentDate = getExports(frame) getopt = getopt or {} local function flagCurrent(text) -- This allows the calling template to detect if the current date has been used, -- that is, whether both dates have been entered in a template expecting two. -- For example, an infobox may want the age when an event occurred, not the current age. -- Don't bother detecting if wantMixture is used because not needed and it is a poor option. if not text then if getopt.noMissing then return nil -- this gives a nil date which gives an error end text = 'currentdate' if getopt.flag == 'usesCurrent' then getopt.usesCurrent = true end end return text end local args = frame:getParent().args local fields = {} local isNamed = args.year or args.year1 or args.year2 or args.month or args.month1 or args.month2 or or args.day1 or args.day2 if isNamed then fields[1] = args.year1 or args.year fields[2] = args.month1 or args.month fields[3] = args.day1 or fields[4] = args.year2 fields[5] = args.month2 fields[6] = args.day2 else for i = 1, 6 do fields[i] = args[i] end end local imax = 0 for i = 1, 6 do fields[i] = stripToNil(fields[i]) if fields[i] then imax = i end if getopt.omitZero and i % 3 ~= 1 then -- omit zero months and days as unknown values but keep year 0 which is 1 BCE if isZero(fields[i]) then fields[i] = nil getopt.partial = true end end end local fix = getopt.fix and 'fix' or '' local partialText = getopt.partial and 'partial' or '' local dates = {} if isNamed or imax >= 3 then local nrDates = getopt.single and 1 or 2 if getopt.wantMixture then -- Cannot be partial since empty fields are set from current. local components = { 'year', 'month', 'day' } for i = 1, nrDates * 3 do fields[i] = fields[i] or currentDate[components[i > 3 and i - 3 or i]] end for i = 1, nrDates do local index = i == 1 and 1 or 4 local y, m, d = fields[index], fields[index+1], fields[index+2] if (m == 2 or m == '2') and (d == 29 or d == '29') then -- Workaround error with following which attempt to use invalid date 2001-02-29. -- {{age_ymwd|year1=2001|year2=2004|month2=2|day2=29}} -- {{age_ymwd|year1=2001|month1=2|year2=2004|month2=1|day2=29}} -- TODO Get rid of wantMixture because even this ugly code does not handle -- 'Feb' or 'February' or 'feb' or 'february'. if not ((y % 4 == 0 and y % 100 ~= 0) or y % 400 == 0) then d = 28 end end dates[i] = Date(y, m, d) end else -- If partial dates are allowed, accept -- year only, or -- year and month only -- Do not accept year and day without a month because that makes no sense -- (and because, for example, Date('partial', 2001, nil, 12) sets day = nil, not 12). for i = 1, nrDates do local index = i == 1 and 1 or 4 local y, m, d = fields[index], fields[index+1], fields[index+2] if (getopt.partial and y and (m or not d)) or (y and m and d) then dates[i] = Date(fix, partialText, y, m, d) elseif not y and not m and not d then dates[i] = Date(flagCurrent()) end end end else getopt.textdates = true -- have parsed each date from a single text field dates[1] = Date(fix, partialText, flagCurrent(fields[1])) if not getopt.single then dates[2] = Date(fix, partialText, flagCurrent(fields[2])) end end if not dates[1] then return message(getopt.missing1 or 'mt-need-valid-ymd') end if getopt.single then return dates[1] end if not dates[2] then return message(getopt.missing2 or 'mt-need-valid-ymd2') end return dates[1], dates[2] end local function ageGeneric(frame) -- Return the result required by the specified template. -- Can use sortable=x where x = on/table/off/debug in any supported template. -- Some templates default to sortable=on but can be overridden. local name = frame.args.template if not name then return message('mt-template-x') end local args = frame:getParent().args local specs = { age_days = { -- {{age in days}} show = 'd', disp = 'disp_raw', }, age_days_nts = { -- {{age in days nts}} show = 'd', disp = 'disp_raw', format = 'format_commas', sortable = 'on', }, duration_days = { -- {{duration in days}} show = 'd', disp = 'disp_raw', duration = true, }, duration_days_nts = { -- {{duration in days nts}} show = 'd', disp = 'disp_raw', format = 'format_commas', sortable = 'on', duration = true, }, age_full_years = { -- {{age}} show = 'y', abbr = 'abbr_raw', flag = 'usesCurrent', omitZero = true, range = 'dash', }, age_full_years_nts = { -- {{age nts}} show = 'y', abbr = 'abbr_raw', format = 'format_commas', sortable = 'on', }, age_in_years = { -- {{age in years}} show = 'y', abbr = 'abbr_raw', negative = 'error', range = 'dash', }, age_in_years_nts = { -- {{age in years nts}} show = 'y', abbr = 'abbr_raw', negative = 'error', range = 'dash', format = 'format_commas', sortable = 'on', }, age_infant = { -- {{age for infant}} -- Do not set show because special processing is done later. abbr = yes(args.abbr) and 'abbr_infant' or 'abbr_off', disp = 'disp_age', sep = 'sep_space', sortable = 'on', }, age_m = { -- {{age in months}} show = 'm', disp = 'disp_raw', }, age_w = { -- {{age in weeks}} show = 'w', disp = 'disp_raw', }, age_wd = { -- {{age in weeks and days}} show = 'wd', }, age_yd = { -- {{age in years and days}} show = 'yd', format = 'format_commas', sep = args.sep ~= 'and' and 'sep_comma' or nil, }, age_yd_nts = { -- {{age in years and days nts}} show = 'yd', format = 'format_commas', sep = args.sep ~= 'and' and 'sep_comma' or nil, sortable = 'on', }, age_ym = { -- {{age in years and months}} show = 'ym', sep = 'sep_comma', }, age_ymd = { -- {{age in years, months and days}} show = 'ymd', range = true, }, age_ymwd = { -- {{age in years, months, weeks and days}} show = 'ymwd', wantMixture = true, }, } local spec = specs[name] if not spec then return message('mt-template-bad-name') end if name == 'age_days' then local su = stripToNil(args['show unit']) if su then if su == 'abbr' or su == 'full' then spec.disp = nil spec.abbr = su == 'abbr' and 'abbr_on' or nil end end end local partial, autofill local range = stripToNil(args.range) or spec.range if range then -- Suppose partial dates are used and age could be 11 or 12 years. -- "|range=" (empty value) has no effect (spec is used). -- "|range=yes" or spec.range == true sets range = true (gives "11 or 12") -- "|range=dash" or spec.range == 'dash' sets range = 'dash' (gives "11–12"). -- "|range=no" or spec.range == 'no' sets range = nil and fills each date in the diff (gives "12"). -- ("on" is equivalent to "yes", and "off" is equivalent to "no"). -- "|range=OTHER" sets range = nil and rejects partial dates. range = ({ dash = 'dash', off = 'no', no = 'no', [true] = true })[range] or yes(range) if range then partial = true -- accept partial dates with a possible age range for the result if range == 'no' then autofill = true -- missing month/day in first or second date are filled from other date or 1 range = nil end end end local getopt = { fix = yes(args.fix), flag = stripToNil(args.flag) or spec.flag, omitZero = spec.omitZero, partial = partial, wantMixture = spec.wantMixture, } local date1, date2 = getDates(frame, getopt) if type(date1) == 'string' then return date1 end local format = stripToNil(args.format) local spell = spellOptions[format] if format then format = 'format_' .. format elseif name == 'age_days' and getopt.textdates then format = 'format_commas' end local parms = { diff = date2:subtract(date1, { fill = autofill }), wantDuration = spec.duration or yes(args.duration), range = range, wantSc = yes(, show = == 'hide' and 'hide' or, abbr = spec.abbr, disp = spec.disp, extra = makeExtra(args, getopt.usesCurrent and format ~= 'format_raw'), format = format or spec.format, round = yes(args.round), sep = spec.sep, sortable = translateParameters.sortable[args.sortable or spec.sortable], spell = spell, } if (spec.negative or frame.args.negative) == 'error' and parms.diff.isnegative then return message('mt-date-wrong-order') end return from_en(dateDifference(parms)) end local function isFake(args) -- Some templates have TemplateData with an auto value like "{{Birth date and age|YYYY|MM|DD}}". -- Return true if that appears to be the case so the caller can output nothing rather than an error. return args[1] == 'YYYY' end local function bda(frame) -- Implement [[Template:Birth date and age]]. local args = frame:getParent().args if isFake(args) then return '' end local options = { missing1 = 'mt-need-valid-bd', noMissing = true, single = true, } local date = getDates(frame, options) if type(date) == 'string' then return date -- error text end local Date = getExports(frame) local diff = Date('currentdate') - date if diff.isnegative or diff.years > 150 then return message('mt-invalid-bd-age') end local disp = mtext['txt-bda-disp'] local show = 'y' if diff.years < 2 then disp = 'disp_age' if diff.years == 0 and diff.months == 0 then show = 'd' else show = 'm' end end local result = substituteParameters( mtext['txt-bda'], date:text('%-Y-%m-%d'), from_en(date:text(dateFormat(args))), from_en(dateDifference({ diff = diff, show = show, abbr = 'abbr_off', disp = disp, sep = 'sep_space', })) ) local warnings = tonumber(frame.args.warnings) if warnings and warnings > 0 then local good = { df = true, mf = true, day = true, day1 = true, month = true, month1 = true, year = true, year1 = true, } local invalid local imax = options.textdates and 1 or 3 for k, _ in pairs(args) do if type(k) == 'number' then if k > imax then invalid = tostring(k) break end else if not good[k] then invalid = k break end end end if invalid then result = result .. message('mt-bad-param1', invalid) end end return result end local function dda(frame) -- Implement [[Template:Death date and age]]. local args = frame:getParent().args if isFake(args) then return '' end local options = { missing1 = 'mt-need-valid-dd', missing2 = 'mt-need-valid-bd2', noMissing = true, partial = true, } local date1, date2 = getDates(frame, options) if type(date1) == 'string' then return date1 end local diff = date1 - date2 if diff.isnegative then return message('mt-dd-wrong-order') end local Date = getExports(frame) local today = Date('currentdate') + 1 -- one day in future allows for timezones if date1 > today then return message('mt-dd-future') end local years if diff.partial then years = diff.partial.years years = type(years) == 'table' and years[2] or years else years = diff.years end if years > 150 then return message('mt-invalid-dates-age') end local fmt_date, fmt_ymd if then -- y, m, d known fmt_date = dateFormat(args) fmt_ymd = '%-Y-%m-%d' elseif date1.month then -- y, m known; d unknown fmt_date = '%B %-Y' fmt_ymd = '%-Y-%m-00' else -- y known; m, d unknown fmt_date = '%-Y' fmt_ymd = '%-Y-00-00' end local sortKey local sortable = translateParameters.sortable[args.sortable] if sortable then local value = (date1.partial and date1.partial.first or date1).jdz sortKey = makeSort(value, sortable) end local result = (sortKey or '') .. substituteParameters( mtext['txt-dda'], date1:text(fmt_ymd), from_en(date1:text(fmt_date)), from_en(dateDifference({ diff = diff, show = 'y', abbr = 'abbr_off', disp = mtext['txt-dda-disp'], range = 'dash', sep = 'sep_space', })) ) local warnings = tonumber(frame.args.warnings) if warnings and warnings > 0 then local good = { df = true, mf = true, } local invalid local imax = options.textdates and 2 or 6 for k, _ in pairs(args) do if type(k) == 'number' then if k > imax then invalid = tostring(k) break end else if not good[k] then invalid = k break end end end if invalid then result = result .. message('mt-bad-param1', invalid) end end return result end local function dateToGsd(frame) -- Implement [[Template:Gregorian serial date]]. -- Return Gregorian serial date of the given date, or the current date. -- The returned value is negative for dates before 1 January 1 AD -- despite the fact that GSD is not defined for such dates. local date = getDates(frame, { wantMixture=true, single=true }) if type(date) == 'string' then return date end return tostring(date.gsd) end local function jdToDate(frame) -- Return formatted date from a Julian date. -- The result includes a time if the input includes a fraction. -- The word 'Julian' is accepted for the Julian calendar. local Date = getExports(frame) local args = frame:getParent().args local date = Date('juliandate', args[1], args[2]) if date then return from_en(date:text()) end return message('mt-need-jdn') end local function dateToJd(frame) -- Return Julian date (a number) from a date which may include a time, -- or the current date ('currentdate') or current date and time ('currentdatetime'). -- The word 'Julian' is accepted for the Julian calendar. local Date = getExports(frame) local args = frame:getParent().args local date = Date(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7]) if date then return tostring(date.jd) end return message('mt-need-valid-ymd-current') end local function timeInterval(frame) -- Implement [[Template:Time interval]]. -- There are two positional arguments: date1, date2. -- The default for each is the current date and time. -- Result is date2 - date1 formatted. local Date = getExports(frame) local args = frame:getParent().args local parms = { extra = makeExtra(args), wantDuration = yes(args.duration), range = yes(args.range) or (args.range == 'dash' and 'dash' or nil), wantSc = yes(, } local fix = yes(args.fix) and 'fix' or '' local date1 = Date(fix, 'partial', stripToNil(args[1]) or 'currentdatetime') if not date1 then return message('mt-invalid-start') end local date2 = Date(fix, 'partial', stripToNil(args[2]) or 'currentdatetime') if not date2 then return message('mt-invalid-end') end parms.diff = date2 - date1 for argname, translate in pairs(translateParameters) do local parm = stripToNil(args[argname]) if parm then parm = translate[parm] if parm == nil then -- test for nil because false is a valid setting return message('mt-bad-param2', argname, args[argname]) end parms[argname] = parm end end if parms.round then local round = parms.round local show = if round ~= 'on' then if show then if ~= round then return message('mt-conflicting-show',, args.round) end else =[round] end end parms.round = true end return from_en(dateDifference(parms)) end local function templateGeneric(frame) local name = frame.args.template if not name then return message('mt-template-x') end return ageGeneric(frame:newChild{title =, 10), args = frame.args}) end return { age_generic = ageGeneric, -- can emulate several age templates birth_date_and_age = bda, -- Template:Birth_date_and_age death_date_and_age = dda, -- Template:Death_date_and_age gsd = dateToGsd, -- Template:Gregorian_serial_date extract = dateExtract, -- Template:Extract jd_to_date = jdToDate, -- Template:? JULIANDAY = dateToJd, -- Template:JULIANDAY time_interval = timeInterval, -- Template:Time_interval [''] = templateGeneric -- same as age_generic, but can be invoked directly } </textarea><div id="mw-scribunto-console"></div><div class="templatesUsed"><div class="mw-templatesUsedExplanation"><p><span id="templatesused">Pages transcluded onto the current version of this page<span class="posteditwindowhelplinks"> (<a href="/wiki/Help:Transclusion" title="Help:Transclusion">help</a>)</span>:</span> </p></div><ul> <li><a href="/wiki/Template:Age" title="Template:Age">Template:Age</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Template:Age&action=edit" title="Template:Age">view source</a>) (template editor protected)</li><li><a href="/wiki/Template:Age_in_years,_months_and_days" title="Template:Age in years, months and days">Template:Age in years, months and days</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Template:Age_in_years,_months_and_days&action=edit" title="Template:Age in years, months and days">view 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