{"title":"Analysis of a Mathematical Model for Dengue Disease in Pregnant Cases","authors":"Rujira Kongnuy, Puntani Pongsumpun, I-Ming Tang","volume":5,"journal":"International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences","pagesStart":305,"pagesEnd":313,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/404","abstract":"<p>Dengue fever is an important human arboviral disease. Outbreaks are now reported quite often from many parts of the world. The number of cases involving pregnant women and infant cases are increasing every year. The illness is often severe and complications may occur. Deaths often occur because of the difficulties in early diagnosis and in the improper management of the diseases. Dengue antibodies from pregnant women are passed on to infants and this protects the infants from dengue infections. Antibodies from the mother are transferred to the fetus when it is still in the womb. In this study, we formulate a mathematical model to describe the transmission of this disease in pregnant women. The model is formulated by dividing the human population into pregnant women and non-pregnant human (men and non-pregnant women). Each class is subdivided into susceptible (S), infectious (I) and recovered (R) subclasses. We apply standard dynamical analysis to our model. Conditions for the local stability of the equilibrium points are given. The numerical simulations are shown. The bifurcation diagrams of our model are discussed. The control of this disease in pregnant women is discussed in terms of the threshold conditions.<\/p>\r\n","references":"[1] World Health Organization , Dengue Haemorrhagic fever:Diagnosis\r\ntreatment control., Geneva, 1997.\r\n[2] J. K. Chye, C. T. Lim, J. M. Lim, R. George, and S. K. Lam, \"Vertical\r\ntransmission of dengue,\" Clin Infect Dis.,vol 25, pp. 1374-7, 1997.\r\n[3] L. Poli, E. Chungue, O. Soulignac, P. Kuo, and M. 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