Policies and Procedures

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The IRSG membership includes the IRTF Chair, the chairs of the various Research Groups, and other individuals (&#8220;members at large&#8221;) from the research community selected by the IRTF Chair. </p> <h2> RFCs Relating to Organisation and Operation of the IRTF </h2> <dl class="row"> <dt class="col-sm-2"> <a href="">RFC 2014</a> </dt> <dd class="col-sm-10"> <strong> IRTF Research Group Guidelines and Procedures </strong> <br> This document describes the guidelines and procedures for formation and operation of IRTF Research Groups. It describes the relationship between IRTF participants, Research Groups, the IRSG, and the <a href="">IAB</a>. The basic duties of IRTF participants, including the IRTF Chair, Research Group Chairs and IRSG members are defined. </dd> <dt class="col-sm-2"> <a href="">RFC 4440</a> </dt> <dd class="col-sm-10"> <strong> <a href="">IAB</a> Thoughts on the Role of the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) </strong> <br> This document is an <a href="">IAB</a> report on the role of the IRTF, both on its own and in relationship to the <a href="">IETF</a>. This document evolved from a discussion within the <a href="">IAB</a> as part of a process of appointing a new chair of the IRTF. </dd> <dt class="col-sm-2"> <strike><a href="">RFC 4844</a></strike> </dt> <dd class="col-sm-10"> <strong> <strike>The RFC Series and <a href="">RFC Editor</a></strike> </strong> <br> <strike> This document describes the framework for the RFC Series and RFC Editor function. In particular, it defines the concept of RFC streams, and formalises the concept of the IRTF publication stream. </strike> </dd> <dt class="col-sm-2"> <a href="">RFC 5742</a> </dt> <dd class="col-sm-10"> <strong> <a href="">IESG</a> Procedures for Handling of Independent and IRTF Stream Submissions </strong> <br> This document describes the procedures used by the <a href="">IESG</a> for handling documents submitted for RFC publication from the Independent Submission and IRTF streams. </dd> <dt class="col-sm-2"> <a href="">RFC 5743</a> </dt> <dd class="col-sm-10"> <strong> Definition of an Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) Document Stream </strong> <br> This memo defines the publication stream for RFCs from the IRTF, the pre-publication review process, and the rules for submission and use of material. </dd> <dt class="col-sm-2"> <a href="">RFC 6322</a> </dt> <dd class="col-sm-10"> <strong> Datatracker States and Annotations for the <a href="">IAB</a>, IRTF, and Independent Submission Streams&#8221; </strong> <br> This document describes extending the <a href="">IETF</a> Datatracker to capture and display the progression of Internet-Drafts that are intended to be published as RFCs by the <a href="">IAB</a>, IRTF, or Independent Submissions Editor. </dd> <dt class="col-sm-2"> <a href="">RFC 7418</a> </dt> <dd class="col-sm-10"> <strong> An IRTF Primer for <a href="">IETF</a> Participants </strong> <br> This document provides a high-level description of things for Internet Engineering Task Force (<a href="">IETF</a>) participants to consider when bringing proposals for new research groups (RGs) into the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF). This document emphasizes differences in expectations between the two organizations. </dd> <dt class="col-sm-2"> <a href="">RFC 7827</a> </dt> <dd class="col-sm-10"> <strong> The Role of the IRTF Chair </strong> <br> This document briefly describes the role of the Chair of the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF), discusses its duties, and outlines the skill set a candidate for the role should ideally have. </dd> <dt class="col-sm-2"> <a href="">RFC 8179</a> </dt> <dd class="col-sm-10"> <strong> Intellectual Property Rights in <a href="">IETF</a> Technology </strong> <br> The IRTF follows the <a href="">IETF</a> Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) disclosure rules. See also Section 3.2 of <a href="">RFC 5743</a>, and the webpage about <a href="ipr/">IRTF IPR policy.</a> </dd> <dt class="col-sm-2"> <a href="">RFC 8729</a> </dt> <dd class="col-sm-10"> <strong> The RFC Series and <a href="">RFC Editor</a> </strong> <br> This document describes the framework for an RFC Series and an RFC Editor function that incorporate the principles of organized community involvement and accountability that has become necessary as the Internet technical community has grown, thereby enabling the RFC Series to continue to fulfill its mandate. This document obsoletes <a href="">RFC 4844</a>. </dd> </dl> <h2> <a name="conduct"> Conduct, Diversity, and Inclusion </a> </h2> <dl class="row"> <a name="anti-harassment"></a> <dt class="col-sm-4"> <a href=""> Anti-Harassment Policy </a> </dt> <dd class="col-sm-8"> The <a href="">IETF</a> <a href=""> anti-harassment policy </a> also applies to IRTF participants and IRTF research group meetings, open meetings, conferences, workshops, other events, mailing lists, and other online forums. The IRTF strives to create and maintain an environment in which people of many different backgrounds are treated with dignity, decency, and respect. Participants are expected to behave according to professional standards and demonstrate appropriate workplace behavior. See also <a href="">RFC 7776</a> and <a href="">RFC 8716</a>. </dd> <dt class="col-sm-4"> <a href="inclusive-language.html"> Inclusive Language in IRTF Contributions </a> </dt> <dd class="col-sm-8"> Research is at its most understandable and effective when it uses terminology that is clear, precise, and widely accessible to readers from varying backgrounds and cultures. The <a href="../irsg.html">IRSG</a> encourages all IRTF participants to follow the guidance on inclusive language in <a href=""> NIST.IR.8366 </a> when making contributions to the IRTF. </dd> </dl> <h2> Other Policies </h2> <dl class="row"> <dt class="col-sm-4"> <a href="copyright-infringement.html"> Copyright infringement </a> </dt> <dd class="col-sm-8"> How to send notification of alleged copyright infringement occurring in the domain. </dd> <dt class="col-sm-4"> <a href="cross-stream-updates.html"> Cross Stream RFC Status Updates </a> </dt> <dd class="col-sm-8"> IRTF policy regarding approval of cross stream RFC status updates. </dd> <dt class="col-sm-4"> <a href="ipr/"> Intellectual Property Rights </a> </dt> <dd class="col-sm-8"> IRTF intellectual property rights (IPR) disclosure rules </dd> <dt class="col-sm-4"> <a href="logo.html"> IRTF Logo </a> </dt> <dd class="col-sm-8"> Guidelines for use of the IRTF logo. </dd> <dt class="col-sm-4"> <a href="note-well.html"> Note Well </a> </dt> <dd class="col-sm-8"> Note Well slides, for research group meetings. </dd> <dt class="col-sm-4"> <a href=""> Privacy Policy </a> </dt> <dd class="col-sm-8"> IRTF privacy policy and statement concerning personal data. </dd> <dt class="col-sm-4"> <a href="archival-auth48.html"> Public Archival of AUTH48 Communication </a> </dt> <dd class="col-sm-8"> IRTF policy regarding public archival of Authors&#8217; Final Review (“AUTH48”) communication prior to RFC publication. </dd> <dt class="col-sm-4"> <a href=""> Statement on Restricting Access </a> </dt> <dd class="col-sm-8"> In cases where the advice from counsel is to restrict an individual from using IRTF systems and/or from participating in IRTF meetings, the IRTF Chair will follow the principles adopted by the <a href="">IESG</a>. Due to the potential impact on the standards process, due to shared infrastructure and joint meetings between IRTF and <a href="">IETF</a>, any such action by the IRTF Chair will only be taken in consultation with the <a href="">IESG</a>. </dd> </dl> </div> <footer class='bg-secondary mt-auto'> <div class='container'> <div class='row pb-4 pt-4'> <div class='col-sm-2'> <p> <a class='link-light link-underline-secondary' href=''> IETF </a> </p> </div> <div class='col-sm-2'> <p> <a class='link-light link-underline-secondary' href=''> IAB </a> </p> </div> <div class='col-sm-2'> <p> <a class='link-light link-underline-secondary' href=''> IANA </a> </p> </div> <div class='col-sm-2'> <p> <a class='link-light link-underline-secondary' href=''> RFC Editor </a> </p> </div> <div class='col-sm-2'> <p> <a class='link-light link-underline-secondary' href=''> IETF LLC </a> </p> </div> <div class='col-sm-2'> <p> <a class='link-light link-underline-secondary' href=''> IETF Trust </a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </footer> <script src='../bootstrap-5.3.1-dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.js'></script> </body> </html>

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