All you need to know after passing the UK driving test

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<li><a href="insurancesponsors.htm">Insurance for Car Drivers</a></li> <li><a href="/cheap-motorcycle-insurance/">Insurance for Motorcycle Riders</a></li> <li><a href="van-insurance.htm">Insurance for Van Drivers</a></li> <li><a href="temporary-insurance.htm">Temporary Car Insurance</a></li> <li><a href="bicycle-insurance.htm">Bicycle Insurance</a></li> </ul> </ul> </li> </ul> </div><!-- //#menu --> <div class="subpage_title"> <div class="subpage_title_inner"> <h2 class="fontface">You have Passed your Test</h2> </div> </div><!-- //.subpage_title --> <div id="main" role="main" class="clearfix"> <div class="column_left"> </div><!-- //.column_left --> <div class="column_central"> <h1 class="fontface">Passed Section</h1> <p><font size="+1"> <b>Congratulations you can rip up those L plates!</b> <br><br> <b>Although there is more still to learn!</b> <br><br> Once you have passed your driving test (theory and practical) you should exchange your test pass certificate for a new licence as soon as possible. If you do not claim your test pass within 2 years of the date of your test, the entitlement conveyed by the test pass will be lost and you will have to pass a further driving test (theory and practical) for that category of vehicle if you wish to have it included on your driving licence. <br><br> <b>The Driving Test Examiner will normally send it off for you automatically after giving your pass certificate.</b> <br><br> If you hold a full driving licence and have passed an additional test you must complete the declaration on your test pass certificate and send it together with your photocard licence to DVLA, Swansea, SA99 1BJ.<BR> More information can be found at the <img src="startlarrow.gif" border="0" height=13 width=18 alt="2pass" align="absmiddle"><a href="" target="_blank">GOV website</a>. <br><br> <b>Resist the temptation to go mad.</b><br><br> If you tot up <img src="startlarrow.gif" border="0" height=13 width=18 alt="2pass" align="absmiddle"><a href="retest.htm">six penalty points within two years of passing your practical test</a>, you'll have to take both tests again. New Drivers that have had their driving licences revoked as a result of their own irresponsible driving behaviour. <br><br> Your full licence will permit you to drive in the UK and almost anywhere in Europe. However, the minimum driving age in most EU countries is 18. So even if you have a full UK licence at 17, you need to be 18 or over to drive in these countries.<BR> We hope you will continue to drive and improve on the high standard you have reached. <br> <img src="line1.gif" border="0" alt="line"> <br> <h3>Buying your first Car</h3> It’s time. You’re ready to buy your very first car. While the entire situation is in no doubt exciting, it’s also a nerve-wracking experience. The prospect of having to spend out or finance a car can seem daunting and while unsecured bad credit loans are available in emergencies if it all goes wrong, you need to make sure you’re making all the right decisions early. From the key questions you need to ask yourself, to buying and insuring your new car,<br> here is <img src="startlarrow.gif" border="0" height=13 width=18 alt="2pass" align="absmiddle"><a href="guide-to-buying-and-insuring-your-first-car.htm">A Guide To Buying And Insuring Your First Car</a> <br> <img src="line1.gif" border="0" alt="line"> <br> <h3>About Insurance</h3> <b>Did you know? </B><BR>You must have a valid insurance certificate covering you for third party liability. Before driving any vehicle, make sure that it has cover for your use or that your own insurance gives you adequate cover. You MUST NOT drive a vehicle without insurance. <br><br> 2pass has a vast panel of car insurance providers specialising in all areas of the car insurance market.<br> See our selection of the major UK insurers we work with who will help you find the most <br><img src="startlarrow.gif" border="0" height=13 width=18 alt="2pass" align="absmiddle"><a href="insurancesponsors.htm">competitive insurance for New Drivers</a> <br> <img src="line1.gif" border="0" alt="line"> <br> <h3>Crash For Cash Scams</h3> There’s obviously a few nerves to deal with the first few times you hit the road without the calming influence of your trusty driving instructor. Then there’s the notoriously high car insurance premiums for young drivers, even if you shop around for the cheapest quotes. <br> But there’s also a more sinister problem that young drivers are having to face up to. More and more motorists are staging deliberate accidents so that they can claim money back on car insurance. In simple terms, scammers are crashing for cash.<br> <img src="startlarrow.gif" border="0" height=13 width=18 alt="2pass" align="absmiddle"><a href="crash-for-cash-scams.htm">How To Deal With Crash For Cash Scams</a> <br> <img src="line1.gif" border="0" alt="line"> <br> <h3>Potholes - How big is the problem?</h3> <ul> <li>Only 1 in 5 of people report potholes</li> <li>32% of drivers have experienced vehicle damage caused by potholes in the last two years</li> <li>51% of people surveyed have seen bad potholes locally, but not reported them</li> <li>40% would report a pothole if they knew how to do it</li> </ul> <br> More additional info and tips can be found at:- <a href=""> AA research on dangerous potholes</a> <br> <img src="img/AA-pothole.gif" border="0" height="497" width="497" alt="potholes-How big is the problem"> <br><br> <img src="line1.gif" border="0" alt="line"> </P> <hr> </div><!-- //.column_central --> <div class="column_right"> <br><br> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Collingwood Learner Driver Insurance" border="0" width="160" height="600"></a> <br><br> <a href="young-car-insurance-quotes.htm" target="_blank"> <img src="img/quotezone1.gif" border="0" width="160" height="600"></a> </div><!-- //.column_right --> <!-- NEW ROW --> <br style="clear:both" /> <!-- NEW ROW --> </div> <div class="advert_block"> <div class="advert_inner_full_width"> <a href=""><img src="img/anytimefree.png" border="1" width="970" height="250" alt="Driving Test Success Anytime free trial" /></a> </div> </div><!-- //.advert_block --> <footer> <div class="l-footer_inner"> <div class="l-footer-col"> <h2 class="fontface">Navigation</h2> <ul class="footer-nav"> <li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li> <li><a href="start.htm">Starting Out</a></li> <li><a href="theory.htm">Theory Test</a></li> <li><a href="pract.htm">Practical Test</a></li> <li><a href="passed.htm">Passed</a></li> <li><a href="software.htm">Training Aids</a></li> <li><a href="page3.htm">News</a></li> <li><a href="site-search.htm">Site Search</a></li> <li><a href="mail.htm">Contact</a></li> <li><a href="in.htm">Privacy Policy/About Us</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="l-footer-col"> <h2 class="fontface">Advertisement</h2> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Collingwood Learner Driver Insurance" border="0" width="300" height="250"></a> </div><!-- //.l-footer-col --> <div class="l-footer-col last"> <h2 class="fontface">Join us on Facebook!</h2> <div class="fb-like-box" data-href="" data-width="300" data-height="370" data-show-faces="true" data-stream="false" data-header="false"></div> </div> </div><!-- //.l-footer_inner --> <div class="disclaimer"> <p align="right"> &#169; 1996-2025 </div> </footer> <!-- Grab Google CDN's jQuery, with a protocol relative URL; fall back to local if offline --> <div id="fb-root"></div> <script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script> <script src="//"></script> <script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="js/libs/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"><\/script>')</script> <!-- scripts concatenated and minified via build script --> <script src="js/plugins.js"></script> <script src="js/libs/slider.js"></script> <script src="js/script.js"></script> <!-- end scripts --> <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? 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