{"title":"The Effect of Displacement on Indigenous Tribes\u2019 Socio-Culture and Food Practices","authors":"M. Salehuddin Mohd Zahari, N. Mohd Shahril Nik Mohd Nor, H. Abdul Hadi, M. Zulhilmi Suhaimi","volume":91,"journal":"International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences","pagesStart":2362,"pagesEnd":2369,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/9999579","abstract":"<p>This paper reports the empirical investigation on the<br \/>\r\neffect of involuntary displacement of indigenous tribes on their sociocultural<br \/>\r\nand food practices. A descriptive research design using the<br \/>\r\nquantitative approach was applied and individual of indigenous tribes<br \/>\r\nas unit of analysis. Through a self-administered survey among two<br \/>\r\nselected Malaysia indigenous tribes, one hundred fifty questionnaires<br \/>\r\nwere successfully collected. With the application of descriptive and<br \/>\r\ninferential statistic some useful insights pertaining to the issue<br \/>\r\ninvestigated was significantly obtained. Findings revealed that<br \/>\r\nimprovement on the socio-culture, economy and knowledge is<br \/>\r\napparent on the indigenous groups&rsquo; resulted from displacement<br \/>\r\nprogram. Displacement also has a slight impact on indigenous<br \/>\r\ngroups&rsquo; food practices. These positive indications provide significant<br \/>\r\nimplications, not only for the indigenous groups themselves, but also<br \/>\r\nfor the responsible authorities.<\/p>\r\n","references":"[1] Afolayam, A. A. (1987). The Sasa Resettlement Project: A Study in\r\nProblems of Relocation. Habitat International, 2, 43-57.\r\n[2] AITPN. (2008). The Department of Orang Asli affairs, Malaysia: An\r\nAgency for Assimilation (On-line) Available http:\/\/\r\n[3] Akpanudoedehe, J. J. (2010). 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