Browse Collections | J. Willard Marriott Digital Library
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Articles have been curated from the content available in Utah Digital Newspapers (" data-letter="num"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_1918fpn"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_1918fpn.jpg" alt="1918 Flu Pandemic Newspapers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_1918fpn">1918 Flu Pandemic Newspapers</a> <br> The 1918 Flu Pandemic Newspapers Collection consists of articles from newspapers published in Utah from 1918-1920 documenting the Spanish flu pandemic. Articles have been curated from the content available in Utah Digital Newspapers ( </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="44th Bomb Group - 8 Ball Tails Magazine The 8 Ball Tails is a publication that chronicles the History, the Legacy, and the Stories of the 44th Bomb Group during WW II. Includes obituaries of members, stories of World War II activities, news of organization activities, etc." data-letter="num"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_bgva_8ball"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_bgva_8ball.jpg" alt="44th Bomb Group - 8 Ball Tails Magazine"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_bgva_8ball">44th Bomb Group - 8 Ball Tails Magazine</a> <br> The 8 Ball Tails is a publication that chronicles the History, the Legacy, and the Stories of the 44th Bomb Group during WW II. Includes obituaries of members, stories of World War II activities, news of organization activities, etc. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div id="A" class="az_letter">A</div><div class="az_item" data-filter="Afton Watkins Gardner Collection This collection contains images from Charles Goodman, a photographer in Bluff, Utah from the 1890s to 1912. Southern Utah and the surrounding areas are documented in Goodman's work showing an array of activity. A few images from fellow photographer Charles B. Lang, Sr. are included." data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_awg"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_awg.jpg" alt="Afton Watkins Gardner Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_awg">Afton Watkins Gardner Collection</a> <br> This collection contains images from Charles Goodman, a photographer in Bluff, Utah from the 1890s to 1912. Southern Utah and the surrounding areas are documented in Goodman's work showing an array of activity. A few images from fellow photographer Charles B. Lang, Sr. are included. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Aileen Clyde Oral History Project " data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_acohp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_acohp.jpg" alt="Aileen Clyde Oral History Project"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_acohp">Aileen Clyde Oral History Project</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Al W. Morton Collection, 1930s-1950s This collection documents scenic Utah. Morton photographed and filmed many of Utah's natural areas, thus helping the tourist industry. He also documented recreation activities. His films were shown in schools and as tourist promotions." data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_alwmc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_alwmc.jpg" alt="Al W. Morton Collection, 1930s-1950s"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_alwmc">Al W. Morton Collection, 1930s-1950s</a> <br> This collection documents scenic Utah. Morton photographed and filmed many of Utah's natural areas, thus helping the tourist industry. He also documented recreation activities. His films were shown in schools and as tourist promotions. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Alan K Engen Papers The Alan K. Engen papers (1840-2010) contain drafts and research for Engen's 1998 book For the Love of Skiing: A Visual History. Engen is the son of Alf and Evelyn Engen, Utah ski pioneers. He was a member of the University of Utah ski team, and had an extensive career as a competitive skier." data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_akep"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_akep.jpg" alt="Alan K Engen Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_akep">Alan K Engen Papers</a> <br> The Alan K. Engen papers (1840-2010) contain drafts and research for Engen's 1998 book For the Love of Skiing: A Visual History. Engen is the son of Alf and Evelyn Engen, Utah ski pioneers. He was a member of the University of Utah ski team, and had an extensive career as a competitive skier. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Alberta Henry Papers The Alberta Henry papers (1946-2005) consist of files maintained by Alberta Henry which detail her work as President of the Salt Lake City branch of the NAACP and as a minority consultant for the Salt Lake County School District. Included in the records are Utah Black History calendars, the Contemporary Blacks in Utah Resource Book, the Rainbow Honor Society, and records of various community organizations of which Henry was a member." data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_ahp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_ahp.jpg" alt="Alberta Henry Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_ahp">Alberta Henry Papers</a> <br> The Alberta Henry papers (1946-2005) consist of files maintained by Alberta Henry which detail her work as President of the Salt Lake City branch of the NAACP and as a minority consultant for the Salt Lake County School District. Included in the records are Utah Black History calendars, the Contemporary Blacks in Utah Resource Book, the Rainbow Honor Society, and records of various community organizations of which Henry was a member. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Alf Engen Papers The Alf Engen papers (1915-1972) contain photocopied news clippings and mementos gathered by Alf Engen's mother concerning Engen's international Nordic and Alpine skiing careers. Alf Engen was a United States, Olympic, and world champion ski jumper who served as a consultant to the U.S. Army ski forces during World War II. He founded the Alf Engen Ski School at Alta, Utah." data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_aep"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_aep.jpg" alt="Alf Engen Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_aep">Alf Engen Papers</a> <br> The Alf Engen papers (1915-1972) contain photocopied news clippings and mementos gathered by Alf Engen's mother concerning Engen's international Nordic and Alpine skiing careers. Alf Engen was a United States, Olympic, and world champion ski jumper who served as a consultant to the U.S. Army ski forces during World War II. He founded the Alf Engen Ski School at Alta, Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Allen H. Lundgren Papers The Allen H. Lundgren papers (1936-1947), consist primarily of correspondence from Allen Lundgren to his wife, Ruth, describing events during his service as a missionary for the LDS Church in Sweden and as a soldier in France and Germany during and after World War II." data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_ahlp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_ahlp.jpg" alt="Allen H. Lundgren Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_ahlp">Allen H. Lundgren Papers</a> <br> The Allen H. Lundgren papers (1936-1947), consist primarily of correspondence from Allen Lundgren to his wife, Ruth, describing events during his service as a missionary for the LDS Church in Sweden and as a soldier in France and Germany during and after World War II. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Alta Avalanche A collection of important historical publications on the study of avalanches and avalanche control near Alta, Utah. This includes 31 publications of the U.S. Forest Service from the Alta Avalanche Study Center, dating from 1953-1971. Topics include introduction to avalanches, training for dog leaders, classification of snow crystals, blasting agents for snow safety, probing techniques for victims, stability of snow slabs, avalanche forces, protecting objects, and many more." data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_altaav"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_altaav.jpg" alt="Alta Avalanche"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_altaav">Alta Avalanche</a> <br> A collection of important historical publications on the study of avalanches and avalanche control near Alta, Utah. This includes 31 publications of the U.S. Forest Service from the Alta Avalanche Study Center, dating from 1953-1971. Topics include introduction to avalanches, training for dog leaders, classification of snow crystals, blasting agents for snow safety, probing techniques for victims, stability of snow slabs, avalanche forces, protecting objects, and many more. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Alternative Publications Alternative Press publications from students at the University of Utah" data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_ap"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_ap.jpg" alt="Alternative Publications"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_ap">Alternative Publications</a> <br> Alternative Press publications from students at the University of Utah </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="American Flame Research Committee Research and scholarly material on flame and combustion." data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_afrc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_afrc.jpg" alt="American Flame Research Committee"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_afrc">American Flame Research Committee</a> <br> Research and scholarly material on flame and combustion. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="American West Center Research Projects Occasional papers and syllabi from the University of Utah's American West Center." data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_awcrp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_awcrp.jpg" alt="American West Center Research Projects"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_awcrp">American West Center Research Projects</a> <br> Occasional papers and syllabi from the University of Utah's American West Center. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="American Westward Migration Diaries, maps and trails of Mormon pioneers and their westward migration in the 1850s. Diaries include Joseph C. Kingsbury, George A. Thomas, John B. Fairbanks, Joseph A. Young, and Lucia Lamb Everett." data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_awm"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_awm.jpg" alt="American Westward Migration"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_awm">American Westward Migration</a> <br> Diaries, maps and trails of Mormon pioneers and their westward migration in the 1850s. Diaries include Joseph C. Kingsbury, George A. Thomas, John B. Fairbanks, Joseph A. Young, and Lucia Lamb Everett. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Angus Munn Woodbury Papers The Angus Munn Woodbury papers (1899-1967) consist of diaries, professional and personal correspondence, manuscripts and publications, research files, teaching materials, and field notes produced by Woodbury, a professor of zoology at the University of Utah, a naturalist, historian, ecologist, and administrator. Woodbury also worked with the U. S. Forest Service in Central Utah." data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_amwp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_amwp.jpg" alt="Angus Munn Woodbury Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_amwp">Angus Munn Woodbury Papers</a> <br> The Angus Munn Woodbury papers (1899-1967) consist of diaries, professional and personal correspondence, manuscripts and publications, research files, teaching materials, and field notes produced by Woodbury, a professor of zoology at the University of Utah, a naturalist, historian, ecologist, and administrator. Woodbury also worked with the U. S. Forest Service in Central Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Antelope Island Buffalo Hunt Photograph Collection Photographs of a 1926 buffalo hunt on Antelope Island in Davis County (Utah)." data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_aibh"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_aibh.jpg" alt="Antelope Island Buffalo Hunt Photograph Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_aibh">Antelope Island Buffalo Hunt Photograph Collection</a> <br> Photographs of a 1926 buffalo hunt on Antelope Island in Davis County (Utah). </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Anthropological Papers " data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_anthro"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_anthro.jpg" alt="Anthropological Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_anthro">Anthropological Papers</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Anthropology Artifact Images Archaeological collections are identified as those collections that derive from excavation, survey, early legacy collections or donations and are mostly prehistoric in nature. The archaeological collection includes an extensive archive of associated records that make our archaeological collections valuable for research. Much of the archaeological collection is curated here for federal agencies--we do not own them." data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=umnh_ar_artifact"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/umnh_ar_artifact.jpg" alt="Anthropology Artifact Images"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=umnh_ar_artifact">Anthropology Artifact Images</a> <br> Archaeological collections are identified as those collections that derive from excavation, survey, early legacy collections or donations and are mostly prehistoric in nature. The archaeological collection includes an extensive archive of associated records that make our archaeological collections valuable for research. Much of the archaeological collection is curated here for federal agencies--we do not own them. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Anthropology Finding Aids " data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=umnh_anth_fa">Anthropology Finding Aids</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Arabic Papyrus, Parchment, and Paper The Arabic Papyrus, Parchment & Paper Collection is the largest of its kind in the United States, containing 770 Arabic papyrus documents, 1300 Arabic paper documents, and several pieces on parchment. The collection was acquired by Prof. Aziz Suriyal Atiya, founder of the Middle East Center and the Middle East Library. A large number of pieces date to the period between 700 and 850 CE. The collection includes a significant number of documents from the pre-Ottoman period and thus offers unique source material on the political, economic, religious and intellectual life of Egypt during the first two centuries of Islamic rule and the period up to Ottoman domination." data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_appp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_appp.jpg" alt="Arabic Papyrus, Parchment, and Paper"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_appp">Arabic Papyrus, Parchment, and Paper</a> <br> The Arabic Papyrus, Parchment & Paper Collection is the largest of its kind in the United States, containing 770 Arabic papyrus documents, 1300 Arabic paper documents, and several pieces on parchment. The collection was acquired by Prof. Aziz Suriyal Atiya, founder of the Middle East Center and the Middle East Library. A large number of pieces date to the period between 700 and 850 CE. The collection includes a significant number of documents from the pre-Ottoman period and thus offers unique source material on the political, economic, religious and intellectual life of Egypt during the first two centuries of Islamic rule and the period up to Ottoman domination. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Ariel S. Ballif Jr. Papers The Ariel S. Ballif Jr. papers collection includes original costume and set designs and production notes by Ariel S. Ballif, a prominent stage, costume, and lighting designer, educator, and co-founder of Theater 138 in Salt Lake City. In the 1950s, Ballif taught at Yale School of Drama, where his students included John Lee Beatty and Santo Loquasto. In 1962, he joined the faculty of the University of Utah." data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_asbjp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_asbjp.jpg" alt="Ariel S. Ballif Jr. Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_asbjp">Ariel S. Ballif Jr. Papers</a> <br> The Ariel S. Ballif Jr. papers collection includes original costume and set designs and production notes by Ariel S. Ballif, a prominent stage, costume, and lighting designer, educator, and co-founder of Theater 138 in Salt Lake City. In the 1950s, Ballif taught at Yale School of Drama, where his students included John Lee Beatty and Santo Loquasto. In 1962, he joined the faculty of the University of Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Art and Art History Curriculum-based images for use in teaching, research, and learning." data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_aah_art"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_aah_art.jpg" alt="Art and Art History"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_aah_art">Art and Art History</a> <br> Curriculum-based images for use in teaching, research, and learning. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Art and Art History Department PR Photographs Images of student and faculty artwork, exhibitions and department events." data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_aah_artpr"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_aah_artpr.jpg" alt="Art and Art History Department PR Photographs"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_aah_artpr">Art and Art History Department PR Photographs</a> <br> Images of student and faculty artwork, exhibitions and department events. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Art and Art History Video " data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_aah_aahv">Art and Art History Video</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Art History MA Projects Masters Projects - Art History Program" data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_aah_aahp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_aah_aahp.jpg" alt="Art History MA Projects"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_aah_aahp">Art History MA Projects</a> <br> Masters Projects - Art History Program </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Art History Masters Projects " data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_art">Art History Masters Projects</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Art MFA Thesis and Final Project Papers MFA Thesis Papers and Portfolios" data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_aah_mfa">Art MFA Thesis and Final Project Papers</a> <br> MFA Thesis Papers and Portfolios </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Artifact Collection Images of various 3D objects held by Utah Department of Cultural and Community Engagement" data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_ac"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_ac.jpg" alt="Artifact Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_ac">Artifact Collection</a> <br> Images of various 3D objects held by Utah Department of Cultural and Community Engagement </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Ashton, Evans, and Brazier Architectural Blueprints The Ashton, Evans, and Brazier architectural blueprints (1923-1963) detail the additions to the YWCA in Salt Lake City, Utah, and the renovations of Saltair." data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_aebab"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_aebab.jpg" alt="Ashton, Evans, and Brazier Architectural Blueprints"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_aebab">Ashton, Evans, and Brazier Architectural Blueprints</a> <br> The Ashton, Evans, and Brazier architectural blueprints (1923-1963) detail the additions to the YWCA in Salt Lake City, Utah, and the renovations of Saltair. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Athletics Media guides, statistics, and programs for a variety of athletics programs at the University of Utah." data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_ath_2"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_ath_2.jpg" alt="Athletics"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_ath_2">Athletics</a> <br> Media guides, statistics, and programs for a variety of athletics programs at the University of Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Audio-Visual Archives Collections The Audio-Visual Archive is home to moving images and sounds that document the history of Utah and the West. Predominantly original and unique and often unpublished, these time-based media collections offer the opportunity to hear the voices of the past and see historic scenes and artistic visions come to life." data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_avac"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_avac.jpg" alt="Audio-Visual Archives Collections"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_avac">Audio-Visual Archives Collections</a> <br> The Audio-Visual Archive is home to moving images and sounds that document the history of Utah and the West. Predominantly original and unique and often unpublished, these time-based media collections offer the opportunity to hear the voices of the past and see historic scenes and artistic visions come to life. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Aziz Suryal Atiya papers The Aziz Suryal Atiya papers (1927-1993) document the life and work of Aziz Atiya. Included are curriculum vitae, memorabilia, and personal correspondence and financial records. Also included are materials relating to his career as a teacher, scholar and author, including lecture notes, student papers, publication contracts, royalty information, materials relating to the publication of the Coptic Encyclopedia, articles, newsletters, offprints, clippings, research files and maps. Aziz S. Atiya was the founding director of the Middle East Center at the University of Utah. He was the author of many books and articles and editor of the Coptic Encyclopedia." data-letter="A"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_asap"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_asap.jpg" alt="Aziz Suryal Atiya papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_asap">Aziz Suryal Atiya papers</a> <br> The Aziz Suryal Atiya papers (1927-1993) document the life and work of Aziz Atiya. Included are curriculum vitae, memorabilia, and personal correspondence and financial records. Also included are materials relating to his career as a teacher, scholar and author, including lecture notes, student papers, publication contracts, royalty information, materials relating to the publication of the Coptic Encyclopedia, articles, newsletters, offprints, clippings, research files and maps. Aziz S. Atiya was the founding director of the Middle East Center at the University of Utah. He was the author of many books and articles and editor of the Coptic Encyclopedia. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div id="B" class="az_letter">B</div><div class="az_item" data-filter="Basketball Video Collection The University of Utah Utes basketball team was founded in 1908. The team has finished its season among the National Collegiate Athletics Association's (NCAA) top-25 teams 19 times 1949-2009 and has played in the following conferences:-1937: Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference1938-1961: Skyline Conference1962-1998: Western Athletic Conference (WAC)1999-2010: Mountain West Conference 2011- : Pacific-12 Conference (Pac-12)." data-letter="B"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_bvc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_bvc.jpg" alt="Basketball Video Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_bvc">Basketball Video Collection</a> <br> The University of Utah Utes basketball team was founded in 1908. The team has finished its season among the National Collegiate Athletics Association's (NCAA) top-25 teams 19 times 1949-2009 and has played in the following conferences:-1937: Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference1938-1961: Skyline Conference1962-1998: Western Athletic Conference (WAC)1999-2010: Mountain West Conference 2011- : Pacific-12 Conference (Pac-12). </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Beckwith Photograph Collection Photos depict families and scenes from Delta City, from the Delta City Library." data-letter="B"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dc_bpc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dc_bpc.jpg" alt="Beckwith Photograph Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dc_bpc">Beckwith Photograph Collection</a> <br> Photos depict families and scenes from Delta City, from the Delta City Library. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Bennion Center Archive The Lowell Bennion Community Service Center was dedicated in 1987 by Chase Peterson, President of the University of Utah. He stated, "No university can rest merely with the transmission of old or the generation of new knowledge. It must also help students reach out to larger opportunities and responsibilities. That is what the Bennion Center is all about."" data-letter="B"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_bca"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_bca.jpg" alt="Bennion Center Archive"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_bca">Bennion Center Archive</a> <br> The Lowell Bennion Community Service Center was dedicated in 1987 by Chase Peterson, President of the University of Utah. He stated, "No university can rest merely with the transmission of old or the generation of new knowledge. It must also help students reach out to larger opportunities and responsibilities. That is what the Bennion Center is all about." </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Beverly Jane Porter Papers Beverly Jane Slabaugh Porter was born on January 8, 1917 in Salt Lake City, Utah and attended the University of Utah during the 1930s. The Beverly Jane Porter Papers (1936-2010) consist primarily of correspondence from Porter living in South Africa to family in the United States. Most of the letters are addressed to Porter's parents. The earliest letters are from New York in 1936. From 1939 through 1955, she writes from Northern Rhodesia now Zambia; Durban, South Africa; and Johannesburg, South Africa. In these lengthy letters, Porter provides family updates regarding their health and studies, social life, and also her husband's work as a metallurgist recovering uranium. The correspondence also includes letters, telegrams, postcards, and photostatic copies via Airgraph." data-letter="B"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_bjpp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_bjpp.jpg" alt="Beverly Jane Porter Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_bjpp">Beverly Jane Porter Papers</a> <br> Beverly Jane Slabaugh Porter was born on January 8, 1917 in Salt Lake City, Utah and attended the University of Utah during the 1930s. The Beverly Jane Porter Papers (1936-2010) consist primarily of correspondence from Porter living in South Africa to family in the United States. Most of the letters are addressed to Porter's parents. The earliest letters are from New York in 1936. From 1939 through 1955, she writes from Northern Rhodesia now Zambia; Durban, South Africa; and Johannesburg, South Africa. In these lengthy letters, Porter provides family updates regarding their health and studies, social life, and also her husband's work as a metallurgist recovering uranium. The correspondence also includes letters, telegrams, postcards, and photostatic copies via Airgraph. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Brain Institute Photos of faculty, Brain Awareness Week, and brain models." data-letter="B"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_bi"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_bi.jpg" alt="Brain Institute"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_bi">Brain Institute</a> <br> Photos of faculty, Brain Awareness Week, and brain models. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Business Leaders Interviews One promising student engagement program at the David Eccles School of Business involves students discovering how business leaders establish their guiding principles. Student teams conducted background research on business founders and their companies. From this material, they prepared plans for interviews to be conducted by Professor Calvin Boardman, the Bill Daniels Chair in Business Ethics. Interviews with business leaders were captured on broadcast-quality digital recordings and these life histories became the basis for case development and teaching materials." data-letter="B"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_esb_bli"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_esb_bli.jpg" alt="Business Leaders Interviews"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_esb_bli">Business Leaders Interviews</a> <br> One promising student engagement program at the David Eccles School of Business involves students discovering how business leaders establish their guiding principles. Student teams conducted background research on business founders and their companies. From this material, they prepared plans for interviews to be conducted by Professor Calvin Boardman, the Bill Daniels Chair in Business Ethics. Interviews with business leaders were captured on broadcast-quality digital recordings and these life histories became the basis for case development and teaching materials. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div id="C" class="az_letter">C</div><div class="az_item" data-filter="C. R. Savage Company Portrait Collection The Charles Roscoe Savage Portrait Collection contains almost 15,000 images of men, women, and children who went to the Savage studio in Salt Lake for a portrait sitting during the 1930s" data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_crscpc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_crscpc.jpg" alt="C. R. Savage Company Portrait Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_crscpc">C. R. Savage Company Portrait Collection</a> <br> The Charles Roscoe Savage Portrait Collection contains almost 15,000 images of men, women, and children who went to the Savage studio in Salt Lake for a portrait sitting during the 1930s </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="CAP History The University of Utah College of Architecture and Planning History Collection contains a variety of student projects, installation documentation, sketches, and more." data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_cap_history"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_cap_history.jpg" alt="CAP History"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_cap_history">CAP History</a> <br> The University of Utah College of Architecture and Planning History Collection contains a variety of student projects, installation documentation, sketches, and more. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Carbon County Coal Strike Records The Carbon County coal strike records (1906-1973) contain original documents and photocopies of transcripts, petitions, correspondence, newsletters, flyers, court records, and articles concerning the Carbon County Coal Strike of 1933." data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_csr"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_csr.jpg" alt="Carbon County Coal Strike Records"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_csr">Carbon County Coal Strike Records</a> <br> The Carbon County coal strike records (1906-1973) contain original documents and photocopies of transcripts, petitions, correspondence, newsletters, flyers, court records, and articles concerning the Carbon County Coal Strike of 1933. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Carbon County Cookbook The Carbon County Cookbook contains recipes from citizens of several cities in Carbon County, such as Helper, Kenilworth, Sunnyside, Hiawatha, Cameron, and Castle Gate, during the 1920s." data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_cccook"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_cccook.jpg" alt="Carbon County Cookbook"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_cccook">Carbon County Cookbook</a> <br> The Carbon County Cookbook contains recipes from citizens of several cities in Carbon County, such as Helper, Kenilworth, Sunnyside, Hiawatha, Cameron, and Castle Gate, during the 1920s. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Carbon County Oral Histories The Carbon County oral history project (1972-1993) consist of oral histories from residents of Carbon County, Utah. While the main emphasis is on living in coal mine country, the interviews are verbal snapshots of rural Utah life from the earliest settlers to as recently as 1993." data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_ccoh"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_ccoh.jpg" alt="Carbon County Oral Histories"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_ccoh">Carbon County Oral Histories</a> <br> The Carbon County oral history project (1972-1993) consist of oral histories from residents of Carbon County, Utah. While the main emphasis is on living in coal mine country, the interviews are verbal snapshots of rural Utah life from the earliest settlers to as recently as 1993. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Cartoons and Caricatures of Men in Utah This collection contains artwork in the form of cartoons and caricatures of men in Utah around the turn of the twentieth century. This sketches were part of a 1906 book entitled Just for Fun: Cartoons and Caricatures of Men In Utah." data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_ccmu"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_ccmu.jpg" alt="Cartoons and Caricatures of Men in Utah"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_ccmu">Cartoons and Caricatures of Men in Utah</a> <br> This collection contains artwork in the form of cartoons and caricatures of men in Utah around the turn of the twentieth century. This sketches were part of a 1906 book entitled Just for Fun: Cartoons and Caricatures of Men In Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Charles James Nabors Papers The Charles James Nabors papers (1954-1986) contain correspondence, articles and reprints of articles, clippings, grant applications, and other miscellaneous personal and professional papers from his tenure in University of Utah College of Medicine and as a minority counselor for the University of Utah. Charles Nabors was an associate professor of anatomy at the University of Utah College of Medicine who served as assistant dean for minority affairs. He was also a civil rights activist." data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_cjnp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_cjnp.jpg" alt="Charles James Nabors Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_cjnp">Charles James Nabors Papers</a> <br> The Charles James Nabors papers (1954-1986) contain correspondence, articles and reprints of articles, clippings, grant applications, and other miscellaneous personal and professional papers from his tenure in University of Utah College of Medicine and as a minority counselor for the University of Utah. Charles Nabors was an associate professor of anatomy at the University of Utah College of Medicine who served as assistant dean for minority affairs. He was also a civil rights activist. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Charles Raymond Varley Slides, 1868-1986 An ode to architecture, this collection contains images of commercial, religious, and residential buildings of Salt Lake City. "Then and now" images compare the 1886 Salt Lake streets to the streets of 1986." data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_crvs"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_crvs.jpg" alt="Charles Raymond Varley Slides, 1868-1986"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_crvs">Charles Raymond Varley Slides, 1868-1986</a> <br> An ode to architecture, this collection contains images of commercial, religious, and residential buildings of Salt Lake City. "Then and now" images compare the 1886 Salt Lake streets to the streets of 1986. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Chicana/o Scholarship Archive Prior to 1970, few Utah Chicana/o had attended the University of Utah and even fewer had graduated. Low educational attainment and financial hardship were some of the factors which prevented Utah's Chicana/o population from pursuing higher education. As a result, a group of University Chicana/o faculty, community representatives and students felt a need to recognize and encourage those outstanding Chicana/o students who were willing to provide quality service to the community while maintaining academic excellence." data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_chicanosa"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_chicanosa.jpg" alt="Chicana/o Scholarship Archive"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_chicanosa">Chicana/o Scholarship Archive</a> <br> Prior to 1970, few Utah Chicana/o had attended the University of Utah and even fewer had graduated. Low educational attainment and financial hardship were some of the factors which prevented Utah's Chicana/o population from pursuing higher education. As a result, a group of University Chicana/o faculty, community representatives and students felt a need to recognize and encourage those outstanding Chicana/o students who were willing to provide quality service to the community while maintaining academic excellence. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Chieko N Okazaki papers The Chieko N. Okazaki papers (1924-2012) consist of correspondence, administrative documents, and memorabilia from her teaching career, the Japan-Okinawa and Japan Central Missions, her term as the first woman of color to serve as a Relief Society General Presidency member, and speeches and manuscripts from her time as an author and speaker." data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_cnop"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_cnop.jpg" alt="Chieko N Okazaki papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_cnop">Chieko N Okazaki papers</a> <br> The Chieko N. Okazaki papers (1924-2012) consist of correspondence, administrative documents, and memorabilia from her teaching career, the Japan-Okinawa and Japan Central Missions, her term as the first woman of color to serve as a Relief Society General Presidency member, and speeches and manuscripts from her time as an author and speaker. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="City Engineers The Salt Lake City Engineers Collection contains negatives from 1902-1931 that document the construction of various structures in Salt Lake City and the surrounding area. Included are images of roads, street paving, fire stations, bridges, rivers, and canyons." data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_ce"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_ce.jpg" alt="City Engineers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_ce">City Engineers</a> <br> The Salt Lake City Engineers Collection contains negatives from 1902-1931 that document the construction of various structures in Salt Lake City and the surrounding area. Included are images of roads, street paving, fire stations, bridges, rivers, and canyons. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Civilian Conservation Corps The Civilian Conservation Corps in Utah collection contains images from various CCC camps throughout Utah, in both black and white and color, taken and collection by members of the CCC. This collection also has newsletters published by individual camps." data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_ccc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_ccc.jpg" alt="Civilian Conservation Corps"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_ccc">Civilian Conservation Corps</a> <br> The Civilian Conservation Corps in Utah collection contains images from various CCC camps throughout Utah, in both black and white and color, taken and collection by members of the CCC. This collection also has newsletters published by individual camps. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Civilian Conservation Corps Newsletters Collection, 1935-1941 Newsletters published by individual Civilian Conservation Corps camps throughout Utah from 1935-1941" data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_cccn"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_cccn.jpg" alt="Civilian Conservation Corps Newsletters Collection, 1935-1941"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_cccn">Civilian Conservation Corps Newsletters Collection, 1935-1941</a> <br> Newsletters published by individual Civilian Conservation Corps camps throughout Utah from 1935-1941 </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Classified Photographs Containing over 30,000 images, the Classified Photograph Collection is an artificially created collection by Utah Division of State History over a forty year period. Created as a browsing collection, it is organized by subjects of popular interest regarding Utah history." data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_cp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_cp.jpg" alt="Classified Photographs"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_cp">Classified Photographs</a> <br> Containing over 30,000 images, the Classified Photograph Collection is an artificially created collection by Utah Division of State History over a forty year period. Created as a browsing collection, it is organized by subjects of popular interest regarding Utah history. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Classroom Resources (IP restricted) " data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_cr"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_cr.jpg" alt="Classroom Resources (IP restricted)"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_cr">Classroom Resources (IP restricted)</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Clifford C. Snyder Dr. Snyder was Chair of the University of Utah Department of Plastic Surgery (1967-1986). He came to the University of Utah in 1967 as Emeritus Professor of Surgery and Associate Dean. Dr. Snyder's research interests include plastic and reconstructive surgery, transplantation of organs, snake bites, regeneration of nerves and wound healing. This collection contains many of his slides from lectures given to residents and medical students." data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_ccs"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_ccs.jpg" alt="Clifford C. Snyder"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_ccs">Clifford C. Snyder</a> <br> Dr. Snyder was Chair of the University of Utah Department of Plastic Surgery (1967-1986). He came to the University of Utah in 1967 as Emeritus Professor of Surgery and Associate Dean. Dr. Snyder's research interests include plastic and reconstructive surgery, transplantation of organs, snake bites, regeneration of nerves and wound healing. This collection contains many of his slides from lectures given to residents and medical students. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Clifton Bray Film Negatives Clifton Bray worked for the Shipler Commercial Photographer Studio and then independently. This collection contains images of Salt Lake City architecture and people in the 1920s, as well as unique images of accident scenes and business contracts for documentary purposes." data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_cbfm"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_cbfm.jpg" alt="Clifton Bray Film Negatives"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_cbfm">Clifton Bray Film Negatives</a> <br> Clifton Bray worked for the Shipler Commercial Photographer Studio and then independently. This collection contains images of Salt Lake City architecture and people in the 1920s, as well as unique images of accident scenes and business contracts for documentary purposes. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Collections and Research General Records Documents, images, and other records relating to the operations of the division of Collections and Research within the Utah Museum of Natural History at the University of Utah. Many of the records predate the founding of the museum and tell the stories of collecting, science and museum within the state of Utah." data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=umnh_crgen">Collections and Research General Records</a> <br> Documents, images, and other records relating to the operations of the division of Collections and Research within the Utah Museum of Natural History at the University of Utah. Many of the records predate the founding of the museum and tell the stories of collecting, science and museum within the state of Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="College of Architecture + Planning This collection was created by the College of Architecture + Planning at the University of Utah to facilitate the study of a wide range of local, national and international architectural styles and histories." data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_cap_coa"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_cap_coa.jpg" alt="College of Architecture + Planning"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_cap_coa">College of Architecture + Planning</a> <br> This collection was created by the College of Architecture + Planning at the University of Utah to facilitate the study of a wide range of local, national and international architectural styles and histories. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="College of Law Publications " data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_law_clp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_law_clp.jpg" alt="College of Law Publications"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_law_clp">College of Law Publications</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="College of Nursing Archives of the University of Utah College of Nursing comprised of course bulletins, programs, newsletters, historical photographs, and miscellaneous publications." data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_con"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_con.jpg" alt="College of Nursing"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_con">College of Nursing</a> <br> Archives of the University of Utah College of Nursing comprised of course bulletins, programs, newsletters, historical photographs, and miscellaneous publications. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="College of Nursing Research Lunch & Lecture Series Lecture presentations hosted by the College of Nursing featuring faculty, graduate students, nursing professionals, and allied health experts. Each lunchtime lecture is devoted to a timely topic examining the training, research and scholarly needs of the nursing community." data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_conrll"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_conrll.jpg" alt="College of Nursing Research Lunch & Lecture Series"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_conrll">College of Nursing Research Lunch & Lecture Series</a> <br> Lecture presentations hosted by the College of Nursing featuring faculty, graduate students, nursing professionals, and allied health experts. Each lunchtime lecture is devoted to a timely topic examining the training, research and scholarly needs of the nursing community. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="College of Pharmacy Archives of the University of Utah College of Pharmacy comprised of course bulletins, A.Ph.A. student chapter, Pharmic Ute periodicals, College of Pharmacy Update newsletters, historical photographs, and miscellaneous publications." data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_cop"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_cop.jpg" alt="College of Pharmacy"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_cop">College of Pharmacy</a> <br> Archives of the University of Utah College of Pharmacy comprised of course bulletins, A.Ph.A. student chapter, Pharmic Ute periodicals, College of Pharmacy Update newsletters, historical photographs, and miscellaneous publications. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Colorado Riverbed Case Transcripts of the Colorado Riverbed Case. This case grew out of a desire by the State of Utah to determine who owned the bed of the Colorado River. Utah wanted to drill for oil and for other economic purposes in the bed of the river, but it first had to be determined who owned it, Utah or the United States. This hinged on whether the Colorado could be declared a navigable or a non-navigable river. The U.S. Supreme Court began acquiring testimony in October 1929. The final decree was issued in 1931, giving possession of the riverbed to the United States in non-navigable sections of the river in Utah. Possession of the riverbed in navigable sections of the basin was given to the State of Utah." data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=usa_crc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/usa_crc.jpg" alt="Colorado Riverbed Case"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=usa_crc">Colorado Riverbed Case</a> <br> Transcripts of the Colorado Riverbed Case. This case grew out of a desire by the State of Utah to determine who owned the bed of the Colorado River. Utah wanted to drill for oil and for other economic purposes in the bed of the river, but it first had to be determined who owned it, Utah or the United States. This hinged on whether the Colorado could be declared a navigable or a non-navigable river. The U.S. Supreme Court began acquiring testimony in October 1929. The final decree was issued in 1931, giving possession of the riverbed to the United States in non-navigable sections of the river in Utah. Possession of the riverbed in navigable sections of the basin was given to the State of Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Communication Sciences & Disorders " data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_csd">Communication Sciences & Disorders</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Computer Science Archive Technical reports, manuscripts and photographs document the early history of the University of Utah Computer Science Department." data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_computersa"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_computersa.jpg" alt="Computer Science Archive"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_computersa">Computer Science Archive</a> <br> Technical reports, manuscripts and photographs document the early history of the University of Utah Computer Science Department. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Connell O'Donovan LGBT Utah History Collection Scope and Content: The Connell O'Donovan LGBT Utah History digital collection is a research collection pertaining to LGBTQ+ history in Utah, particularly from pre-Utah territory to the early 1990s. The collection includes various materials such as photographs, newspaper clippings, research notes, personal accounts, biographies, and other documents related to events, activism, and key figures in the movement. Connell O'Donovan uses this collection for historical research, aiming to illuminate the enduring presence of LGBTQ+ communities in Utah. His research also encompasses social and cultural studies, educational purposes, genealogical research, and archival preservation. The Connell O'Donovan LGBT Utah History research collection highlights the contributions of the Utah LGBTQ+ community to the Gay Rights movement, including those who faced prosecution for their sexuality. System of Arrangement: The collection is arranged in its original order as born digital files, by relation ( topic folder), is part of (subfolder), relation has part (sub-subfolder), Relation is Version of (sub-sub-subfolder), and genre." data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_cdlgbtuh"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_cdlgbtuh.jpg" alt="Connell O'Donovan LGBT Utah History Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_cdlgbtuh">Connell O'Donovan LGBT Utah History Collection</a> <br> Scope and Content: The Connell O'Donovan LGBT Utah History digital collection is a research collection pertaining to LGBTQ+ history in Utah, particularly from pre-Utah territory to the early 1990s. The collection includes various materials such as photographs, newspaper clippings, research notes, personal accounts, biographies, and other documents related to events, activism, and key figures in the movement. Connell O'Donovan uses this collection for historical research, aiming to illuminate the enduring presence of LGBTQ+ communities in Utah. His research also encompasses social and cultural studies, educational purposes, genealogical research, and archival preservation. The Connell O'Donovan LGBT Utah History research collection highlights the contributions of the Utah LGBTQ+ community to the Gay Rights movement, including those who faced prosecution for their sexuality. System of Arrangement: The collection is arranged in its original order as born digital files, by relation ( topic folder), is part of (subfolder), relation has part (sub-subfolder), Relation is Version of (sub-sub-subfolder), and genre. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Construyendo Latinidad (Constructing Latinx Identity) in the Intermountain West This oral history project documents the construction of Latinidad in the Intermountain West during the turn of the 21st century." data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_cliw"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_cliw.jpg" alt="Construyendo Latinidad (Constructing Latinx Identity) in the Intermountain West"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_cliw">Construyendo Latinidad (Constructing Latinx Identity) in the Intermountain West</a> <br> This oral history project documents the construction of Latinidad in the Intermountain West during the turn of the 21st century. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Continuum The purpose of Continuum is to explore the traditions, heritage, and evolving excellence that are the essence of Utah's flagship public institution of higher education.The magazine seeks to offer insight into University-related events, to help stimulate thought and formulate opinion, and to place in perspective the unfolding chapters of University history. Continuum also aspires to enhance the image of the University, promote pride in the institution, and demonstrate its national and international reach and influence." data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_continuum"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_continuum.jpg" alt="Continuum"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_continuum">Continuum</a> <br> The purpose of Continuum is to explore the traditions, heritage, and evolving excellence that are the essence of Utah's flagship public institution of higher education.The magazine seeks to offer insight into University-related events, to help stimulate thought and formulate opinion, and to place in perspective the unfolding chapters of University history. Continuum also aspires to enhance the image of the University, promote pride in the institution, and demonstrate its national and international reach and influence. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Cycling Utah Cycling Utah is the source for Utah bicycling Information and Intermountain West bicycling information." data-letter="C"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_cycut"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_cycut.jpg" alt="Cycling Utah"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_cycut">Cycling Utah</a> <br> Cycling Utah is the source for Utah bicycling Information and Intermountain West bicycling information. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div id="D" class="az_letter">D</div><div class="az_item" data-filter="Data Registry and Repository " data-letter="D"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_drr"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_drr.jpg" alt="Data Registry and Repository"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_drr">Data Registry and Repository</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Daughters of the American Revolution Papers Advertising pamphlets; scrapbooks containing organizational records including clippings, programs, announcements, correspondence, awards, photographs, and obituaries; publications of the NSDAR. Materials from the Lake Bonneville Chapter and the Uintah Chapter are included in this collection." data-letter="D"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_darp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_darp.jpg" alt="Daughters of the American Revolution Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_darp">Daughters of the American Revolution Papers</a> <br> Advertising pamphlets; scrapbooks containing organizational records including clippings, programs, announcements, correspondence, awards, photographs, and obituaries; publications of the NSDAR. Materials from the Lake Bonneville Chapter and the Uintah Chapter are included in this collection. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Phillips Camp Biographies The Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Phillips Camp biographies (circa 1940-1974) is a collection of biographical sketches of Utah pioneers submitted to the Phillips Camp, Daughters of Utah Pioneers, in Kaysville, Utah." data-letter="D"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_dup"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_dup.jpg" alt="Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Phillips Camp Biographies"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_dup">Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Phillips Camp Biographies</a> <br> The Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Phillips Camp biographies (circa 1940-1974) is a collection of biographical sketches of Utah pioneers submitted to the Phillips Camp, Daughters of Utah Pioneers, in Kaysville, Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="David Oman McKay Papers The David Oman McKay papers (1897-1983) contain correspondence, diaries, notebooks, scrapbooks, speeches, and sermons relating to the personal and ecclesiastical life of David O. McKay (1873-1970), ninth president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." data-letter="D"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_domp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_domp.jpg" alt="David Oman McKay Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_domp">David Oman McKay Papers</a> <br> The David Oman McKay papers (1897-1983) contain correspondence, diaries, notebooks, scrapbooks, speeches, and sermons relating to the personal and ecclesiastical life of David O. McKay (1873-1970), ninth president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Denver & Rio Grande Payroll Ledgers The Denver & Rio Grande payroll ledgers contain the employment records for workers between 1889-1919. The ledgers document the pay of employees from different departments, such as the Agent's Office, the Baggage Department, and the Transfer Gang." data-letter="D"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_drgpl"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_drgpl.jpg" alt="Denver & Rio Grande Payroll Ledgers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_drgpl">Denver & Rio Grande Payroll Ledgers</a> <br> The Denver & Rio Grande payroll ledgers contain the employment records for workers between 1889-1919. The ledgers document the pay of employees from different departments, such as the Agent's Office, the Baggage Department, and the Transfer Gang. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Department of City and Metropolitan Planning " data-letter="D"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_cmp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_cmp.jpg" alt="Department of City and Metropolitan Planning"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_cmp">Department of City and Metropolitan Planning</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Department of Modern Dance and Ballet The University of Utah Dance Theses Collection in the Audio Visual Archives consists of 64 video recordings, ranging from 1967 to 2001, of graduate thesis concerts presented by MFA candidates from the Departments of Ballet and of Modern Dance. The portion of this collection that is presented online consists of digitized VHS and UMatic tapes and several have deteriorated due to age and sticky shed syndrome, which affects magnetic tapes. The quality of the digitized version of these tapes has been greatly affected by this deterioration, demonstrating the need for greater preservation and digitization of audiovisual materials. For a full list of dance theses held by the Audio Visual Archives visit:" data-letter="D"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_dwdb"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_dwdb.jpg" alt="Department of Modern Dance and Ballet"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_dwdb">Department of Modern Dance and Ballet</a> <br> The University of Utah Dance Theses Collection in the Audio Visual Archives consists of 64 video recordings, ranging from 1967 to 2001, of graduate thesis concerts presented by MFA candidates from the Departments of Ballet and of Modern Dance. The portion of this collection that is presented online consists of digitized VHS and UMatic tapes and several have deteriorated due to age and sticky shed syndrome, which affects magnetic tapes. The quality of the digitized version of these tapes has been greatly affected by this deterioration, demonstrating the need for greater preservation and digitization of audiovisual materials. For a full list of dance theses held by the Audio Visual Archives visit: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Discovery and Innovation at University of Utah Health Discovery and Innovation at University of Utah Health is a living archive that describes the major discoveries, innovations, advances and contributions made each year at University of Utah Health. This digital collection is intended to raise awareness of the world-class research that is currently being done in the basic sciences at U of U Health." data-letter="D"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_50disc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_50disc.jpg" alt="Discovery and Innovation at University of Utah Health"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_50disc">Discovery and Innovation at University of Utah Health</a> <br> Discovery and Innovation at University of Utah Health is a living archive that describes the major discoveries, innovations, advances and contributions made each year at University of Utah Health. This digital collection is intended to raise awareness of the world-class research that is currently being done in the basic sciences at U of U Health. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Division of Public Health " data-letter="D"> <div class="az_image"> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_dph">Division of Public Health</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Downwinders of Utah Archive Beginning in 1951, the era of nuclear weapons testing was a time of tremendous change at both national and local levels. In the name of national security, a variety of nuclear weapons were tested in a remote area of the Nevada desert known as the Nevada Test Site. Fallout and radiation from these tests have affected communities across the nation, resulting in ongoing health problems, loss of life, and generational impacts that continue to this day. This collection features a collection of interviews, stories and personal accounts with Downwinder victims, families and advocates." data-letter="D"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_dua"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_dua.jpg" alt="Downwinders of Utah Archive"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_dua">Downwinders of Utah Archive</a> <br> Beginning in 1951, the era of nuclear weapons testing was a time of tremendous change at both national and local levels. In the name of national security, a variety of nuclear weapons were tested in a remote area of the Nevada desert known as the Nevada Test Site. Fallout and radiation from these tests have affected communities across the nation, resulting in ongoing health problems, loss of life, and generational impacts that continue to this day. This collection features a collection of interviews, stories and personal accounts with Downwinder victims, families and advocates. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Dumke Family Home Movies Home movies from the Dumke family covering the years 1920-1960. Scenes of family celebrations and outdoor recreation are included." data-letter="D"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_dfh"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_dfh.jpg" alt="Dumke Family Home Movies"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_dfh">Dumke Family Home Movies</a> <br> Home movies from the Dumke family covering the years 1920-1960. Scenes of family celebrations and outdoor recreation are included. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div id="E" class="az_letter">E</div><div class="az_item" data-filter="EAE Archive " data-letter="E"> <div class="az_image"> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_eae">EAE Archive</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Earl Douglass Papers The Earl Douglass papers (1879-1953) consist of the family and business records of Earl Douglass (1862-1931), a paleontologist from Minnesota, including the records of the discovery, history, and development of Dinosaur National Monument." data-letter="E"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_edp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_edp.jpg" alt="Earl Douglass Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_edp">Earl Douglass Papers</a> <br> The Earl Douglass papers (1879-1953) consist of the family and business records of Earl Douglass (1862-1931), a paleontologist from Minnesota, including the records of the discovery, history, and development of Dinosaur National Monument. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Eccles Health Sciences Library History A collection of media and publications detailing the historical evolution of the health sciences library at the University of Utah." data-letter="E"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_history"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_history.jpg" alt="Eccles Health Sciences Library History"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_history">Eccles Health Sciences Library History</a> <br> A collection of media and publications detailing the historical evolution of the health sciences library at the University of Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Edward H. Snyder Papers " data-letter="E"> <div class="az_image"> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_ehsp">Edward H. Snyder Papers</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Electronic University Archive " data-letter="E"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_eua"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_eua.jpg" alt="Electronic University Archive"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_eua">Electronic University Archive</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Electronic University Archive (Restricted) " data-letter="E"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_euar"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_euar.jpg" alt="Electronic University Archive (Restricted)"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_euar">Electronic University Archive (Restricted)</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Elias Hicks Blackburn Papers, 1848-1908 This collection of diaries, correspondence, and miscellaneous personal papers chronicle the life of a Latter-day Saint pioneer in Provo and Loa, Utah. Elias Hicks Blackburn was a farmer, a member of the Utah Territorial legislature, and a home-remedy healer. The collection includes 13 bound diaries from 1848-1849 to 1908, six pieces of correspondence from his foreign mission days (1859-1862), and correspondence during his final years at Loa. Of interest is the "Sketch, or Summary Record," a diary-like volume maintained regularly from 1848 through 1906. It reveals on a daily basis, the character of life in rural South Central Utah as experienced by a dedicated churchman, farmer, and healer." data-letter="E"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_ehbp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_ehbp.jpg" alt="Elias Hicks Blackburn Papers, 1848-1908"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_ehbp">Elias Hicks Blackburn Papers, 1848-1908</a> <br> This collection of diaries, correspondence, and miscellaneous personal papers chronicle the life of a Latter-day Saint pioneer in Provo and Loa, Utah. Elias Hicks Blackburn was a farmer, a member of the Utah Territorial legislature, and a home-remedy healer. The collection includes 13 bound diaries from 1848-1849 to 1908, six pieces of correspondence from his foreign mission days (1859-1862), and correspondence during his final years at Loa. Of interest is the "Sketch, or Summary Record," a diary-like volume maintained regularly from 1848 through 1906. It reveals on a daily basis, the character of life in rural South Central Utah as experienced by a dedicated churchman, farmer, and healer. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Ellis Reynolds Shipp Papers This collection contains the papers of Dr. Ellis Reynolds Shipp, one of Utah's first female physicians. It includes her writings in the form of correspondence to family and friends, diary entries, autobiographical works and some poetry and general notes. Subjects such as early medical practice, family history, polygamy, and life in nineteenth and early twentieth century Utah are found." data-letter="E"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_ersp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_ersp.jpg" alt="Ellis Reynolds Shipp Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_ersp">Ellis Reynolds Shipp Papers</a> <br> This collection contains the papers of Dr. Ellis Reynolds Shipp, one of Utah's first female physicians. It includes her writings in the form of correspondence to family and friends, diary entries, autobiographical works and some poetry and general notes. Subjects such as early medical practice, family history, polygamy, and life in nineteenth and early twentieth century Utah are found. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Emery County Irrigation Records This collection is comprised of ten ledgers, from 1888-1905 to 1957, containing the minutes, policies and procedures, names of stockholders, descriptions of the location of historic canals, ditches, and their names, as well as a lawsuit over water rights between Ferron and San Pete County. Other documents include the Articles of Incorporation of four irrigation companies with the Oaths of Office for the officers of the Ferron Canal beginning in 1886 - 1951." data-letter="E"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_ecir"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_ecir.jpg" alt="Emery County Irrigation Records"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_ecir">Emery County Irrigation Records</a> <br> This collection is comprised of ten ledgers, from 1888-1905 to 1957, containing the minutes, policies and procedures, names of stockholders, descriptions of the location of historic canals, ditches, and their names, as well as a lawsuit over water rights between Ferron and San Pete County. Other documents include the Articles of Incorporation of four irrigation companies with the Oaths of Office for the officers of the Ferron Canal beginning in 1886 - 1951. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Encoded Archival Description (EAD) Finding Aids See the descriptions (also known as Finding Aids) of what is in the manuscript and photo collections. Registers may include a full description of the collection, a biographical or historical sketch of the creator of the collection, a note on its scope and content, and other information, as well as an inventory of the contents of the collection. For some collections, only an inventory is available." data-letter="E"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_ead"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_ead.jpg" alt="Encoded Archival Description (EAD) Finding Aids"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_ead">Encoded Archival Description (EAD) Finding Aids</a> <br> See the descriptions (also known as Finding Aids) of what is in the manuscript and photo collections. Registers may include a full description of the collection, a biographical or historical sketch of the creator of the collection, a note on its scope and content, and other information, as well as an inventory of the contents of the collection. For some collections, only an inventory is available. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Enslavement in Territorial Utah Documents Collection This collection of transcribed documents represents the most comprehensive primary source compilation of the legislative debates surrounding African American and Indigenous slavery in Utah Territory as well as what African American "servitude" and Native American "indentures" looked like in practice. Pitman shorthand expert LaJean Purcell Carruth transcribed the speeches in the collection into longhand and historians W. Paul Reeve and Christopher Rich gathered the documents together. The collection served as the backbone to Reeve, Rich, and Carruth's book, This Abominable Slavery: Race, Religion, and the Battle over Human Bondage in Antebellum Utah (Oxford University Press, 2024) a narrative history of human bondage in nineteenth-century Utah Territory." data-letter="E"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_etud"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_etud.jpg" alt="Enslavement in Territorial Utah Documents Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_etud">Enslavement in Territorial Utah Documents Collection</a> <br> This collection of transcribed documents represents the most comprehensive primary source compilation of the legislative debates surrounding African American and Indigenous slavery in Utah Territory as well as what African American "servitude" and Native American "indentures" looked like in practice. Pitman shorthand expert LaJean Purcell Carruth transcribed the speeches in the collection into longhand and historians W. Paul Reeve and Christopher Rich gathered the documents together. The collection served as the backbone to Reeve, Rich, and Carruth's book, This Abominable Slavery: Race, Religion, and the Battle over Human Bondage in Antebellum Utah (Oxford University Press, 2024) a narrative history of human bondage in nineteenth-century Utah Territory. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Entomology Specimen Photos The Entomology Collection at the Natural History Museum of Utah consists of approximately 250,000 pinned and alcohol specimens from around the world, with greatest specimen numbers from the intermountain west. The collection dates back to the late 1800s, with heaviest collection periods in the 1930s and 1960s. The collection was relocated in 2012 to a new facility with optimal storage conditions. Areas of greatest strength include Lepidoptera, Cicadidae and Cicindelidae. Future project emphasis is on databasing the collection to increase research utilization of the collection. Collections Manager: Christy Bills," data-letter="E"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=umnh_ent_obj"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/umnh_ent_obj.jpg" alt="Entomology Specimen Photos"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=umnh_ent_obj">Entomology Specimen Photos</a> <br> The Entomology Collection at the Natural History Museum of Utah consists of approximately 250,000 pinned and alcohol specimens from around the world, with greatest specimen numbers from the intermountain west. The collection dates back to the late 1800s, with heaviest collection periods in the 1930s and 1960s. The collection was relocated in 2012 to a new facility with optimal storage conditions. Areas of greatest strength include Lepidoptera, Cicadidae and Cicindelidae. Future project emphasis is on databasing the collection to increase research utilization of the collection. Collections Manager: Christy Bills, </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Esplin Family Collection The John Esplin family papers (1842-2009) contain documents from John Esplin and his descendants, a majority of which relate to family genealogy. John Esplin immigrated to the United States in the 1850s and settled in Utah." data-letter="E"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_efc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_efc.jpg" alt="Esplin Family Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_efc">Esplin Family Collection</a> <br> The John Esplin family papers (1842-2009) contain documents from John Esplin and his descendants, a majority of which relate to family genealogy. John Esplin immigrated to the United States in the 1850s and settled in Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Eugene Jelesnik Video Collection Eugene Jelesnik hosted KSL Studio's Talent Showcase, a variety show of local amateur performers, for many years. These tapes highlight some of the shows from the late 1970s through the mid 1980s. Patrons may access these video files at the Research Center for the Utah Division of State History and Utah State Archives:" data-letter="E"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_ejvc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_ejvc.jpg" alt="Eugene Jelesnik Video Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_ejvc">Eugene Jelesnik Video Collection</a> <br> Eugene Jelesnik hosted KSL Studio's Talent Showcase, a variety show of local amateur performers, for many years. These tapes highlight some of the shows from the late 1970s through the mid 1980s. Patrons may access these video files at the Research Center for the Utah Division of State History and Utah State Archives: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Everett L. Cooley Oral History Project The Everett L. Cooley oral history project is an ongoing oral history program designed to document the history of Utah with an emphasis on the interaction between the University of Utah and the local and regional communities." data-letter="E"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_elc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_elc.jpg" alt="Everett L. Cooley Oral History Project"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_elc">Everett L. Cooley Oral History Project</a> <br> The Everett L. Cooley oral history project is an ongoing oral history program designed to document the history of Utah with an emphasis on the interaction between the University of Utah and the local and regional communities. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Everett Ruess Family Papers Collection contains diaries, correspondence, postcards, school work and original writings, and other documents related to Everett Ruess and his family." data-letter="E"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_erfp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_erfp.jpg" alt="Everett Ruess Family Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_erfp">Everett Ruess Family Papers</a> <br> Collection contains diaries, correspondence, postcards, school work and original writings, and other documents related to Everett Ruess and his family. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Evidence Based Practice & Wellness Champion Poster Fair Beginning in 2014, the Evidence Based Practice Council of the University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics (UUHC) has sponsored a poster fair that encourages employees and students to share projects and research initiatives. This collection contains posters presented by University of Utah Healthcare employees and students, all of whom have led a quality improvement effort in their department and wanted to share their story. The Wellness Champion posters are presented by Wellness Champions across departments and divisions of University of Utah Health who implement a practical and evidence-based intervention to improve health and wellness, while measuring the outcome of their efforts. Originally known as the "Resiliency Poster Fair," the program was changed to "Wellness Champion Poster Fair" in 2018." data-letter="E"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_ebp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_ebp.jpg" alt="Evidence Based Practice & Wellness Champion Poster Fair"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_ebp">Evidence Based Practice & Wellness Champion Poster Fair</a> <br> Beginning in 2014, the Evidence Based Practice Council of the University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics (UUHC) has sponsored a poster fair that encourages employees and students to share projects and research initiatives. This collection contains posters presented by University of Utah Healthcare employees and students, all of whom have led a quality improvement effort in their department and wanted to share their story. The Wellness Champion posters are presented by Wellness Champions across departments and divisions of University of Utah Health who implement a practical and evidence-based intervention to improve health and wellness, while measuring the outcome of their efforts. Originally known as the "Resiliency Poster Fair," the program was changed to "Wellness Champion Poster Fair" in 2018. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Extractions from the Land: Mining and Mineral History in Utah Extractions from the Land: Mining and Mineral History in Utah is a combination of smaller collections from the Utah Historical Society collections. Utah has a rich history of mining from silver to salt; mineral extraction has shaped the Utah landscape over the decades from boom to bust." data-letter="E"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_eftl"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_eftl.jpg" alt="Extractions from the Land: Mining and Mineral History in Utah"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_eftl">Extractions from the Land: Mining and Mineral History in Utah</a> <br> Extractions from the Land: Mining and Mineral History in Utah is a combination of smaller collections from the Utah Historical Society collections. Utah has a rich history of mining from silver to salt; mineral extraction has shaped the Utah landscape over the decades from boom to bust. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Extreme Affordability Conference Extreme Affordability was a regional conference hosted by the University of Utah in 2017, developed as a clear and undisputed rally point for those redesigning the systems and processes by which we deliver value in health care. The Extreme Affordability Conference collection includes presentations and posters from this conference." data-letter="E"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_eac"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_eac.jpg" alt="Extreme Affordability Conference"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_eac">Extreme Affordability Conference</a> <br> Extreme Affordability was a regional conference hosted by the University of Utah in 2017, developed as a clear and undisputed rally point for those redesigning the systems and processes by which we deliver value in health care. The Extreme Affordability Conference collection includes presentations and posters from this conference. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div id="F" class="az_letter">F</div><div class="az_item" data-filter="Fayez A. Sayegh Collection The Sayegh Collection, donated by Dr. Fayez A. Sayegh's widow, Mrs. Arlene Briem Sayegh to the J. Willard Marriott Library's Middle East Library, contains approximately 10,000 written works, of which at least 400-500 are of his correspondence and unpublished notations; several hundred tape recordings and films of his speeches and interviews; and his personal library of four to five thousand volumes. The collection focuses on the Arab-Israeli conflict as well as on topics of the theology of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism; international law; United States foreign policy; world history; and, philosophy. The digital collection is a sampling of Dr. Fayez's written works." data-letter="F"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_fasc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_fasc.jpg" alt="Fayez A. Sayegh Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_fasc">Fayez A. Sayegh Collection</a> <br> The Sayegh Collection, donated by Dr. Fayez A. Sayegh's widow, Mrs. Arlene Briem Sayegh to the J. Willard Marriott Library's Middle East Library, contains approximately 10,000 written works, of which at least 400-500 are of his correspondence and unpublished notations; several hundred tape recordings and films of his speeches and interviews; and his personal library of four to five thousand volumes. The collection focuses on the Arab-Israeli conflict as well as on topics of the theology of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism; international law; United States foreign policy; world history; and, philosophy. The digital collection is a sampling of Dr. Fayez's written works. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Federal Resource Corporation Papers The Federal Resources Corporation records (1930-1989) contain the "dead files" of a company that, through a long series of mergers and acquisitions, most of which took place in the 1960s, became a force in the world of mineral exploration, development, and mining. While the company dealt with the extraction of various metals and minerals over the years including gold, silver, copper, beryllium, and fluorspar, the focus of the materials in this collection is primarily uranium. The collection materials reflect the company's focus on the western states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas, Washington, and, especially, Utah and Wyoming." data-letter="F"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_frcp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_frcp.jpg" alt="Federal Resource Corporation Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_frcp">Federal Resource Corporation Papers</a> <br> The Federal Resources Corporation records (1930-1989) contain the "dead files" of a company that, through a long series of mergers and acquisitions, most of which took place in the 1960s, became a force in the world of mineral exploration, development, and mining. While the company dealt with the extraction of various metals and minerals over the years including gold, silver, copper, beryllium, and fluorspar, the focus of the materials in this collection is primarily uranium. The collection materials reflect the company's focus on the western states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas, Washington, and, especially, Utah and Wyoming. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Field Notes These catalogs and journals represent the specimens collected in the field and records specific information on each specimen including its measurements, reproductive information and where/when it was collected. This information is linked to the actual specimens themselves in our Vertebrate Zoology Collections at the Natural History Museum of Utah. They also provide insight in to the changing environment in Utah and the lives of students at the University of Utah." data-letter="F"> <div class="az_image"> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=umnh_fn">Field Notes</a> <br> These catalogs and journals represent the specimens collected in the field and records specific information on each specimen including its measurements, reproductive information and where/when it was collected. This information is linked to the actual specimens themselves in our Vertebrate Zoology Collections at the Natural History Museum of Utah. They also provide insight in to the changing environment in Utah and the lives of students at the University of Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Football Video Collection Football game videos and training footage for the Utah Utes football team." data-letter="F"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_fbvid"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_fbvid.jpg" alt="Football Video Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_fbvid">Football Video Collection</a> <br> Football game videos and training footage for the Utah Utes football team. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="France Davis Utah Black Archive The France Davis Utah Black Archive brings together oral histories, photographs, community records, personal documents, and other content pertaining to Utah's Black community, both present and past. Come share in the rich history and legacy of African Americans in Utah. Submit content to include in this collection here:" data-letter="F"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_fduba"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_fduba.jpg" alt="France Davis Utah Black Archive"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_fduba">France Davis Utah Black Archive</a> <br> The France Davis Utah Black Archive brings together oral histories, photographs, community records, personal documents, and other content pertaining to Utah's Black community, both present and past. Come share in the rich history and legacy of African Americans in Utah. Submit content to include in this collection here: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Frederick William Reynolds Lectures The annual F.W. Reynolds Lectureships at the University of Utah serve a double purpose. First, through a distinguished member of its faculty, the University presents an important yearly offering to the public.Second, the Lectureship commemorates in a fitting way the unique service of Professor Reynolds to the institution and to the State. The selection committee acts upon recommendations of the Deans who are made responsible for nominating faculty members of outstanding accomplishments in their schools. The University presents the lecture through the medium of its Extension Division. The Reynolds Lectureship has now become firmly established as a University function promoted and administered by the University." data-letter="F"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_fwrl"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_fwrl.jpg" alt="Frederick William Reynolds Lectures"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_fwrl">Frederick William Reynolds Lectures</a> <br> The annual F.W. Reynolds Lectureships at the University of Utah serve a double purpose. First, through a distinguished member of its faculty, the University presents an important yearly offering to the public.Second, the Lectureship commemorates in a fitting way the unique service of Professor Reynolds to the institution and to the State. The selection committee acts upon recommendations of the Deans who are made responsible for nominating faculty members of outstanding accomplishments in their schools. The University presents the lecture through the medium of its Extension Division. The Reynolds Lectureship has now become firmly established as a University function promoted and administered by the University. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Fredrick and Nellie Hill Salt Lake City Photograph Collection This collection includes images taken by Fredrick and Nellie Hill on their honeymoon in 1892. After their marriage in Massachusetts, the pair traveled by train throughout the west, photographing their experiences. These images document their time in Utah and include unique views of the Salt Lake valley from the scaffolding of the LDS Salt Lake Temple." data-letter="F"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_hill"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_hill.jpg" alt="Fredrick and Nellie Hill Salt Lake City Photograph Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_hill">Fredrick and Nellie Hill Salt Lake City Photograph Collection</a> <br> This collection includes images taken by Fredrick and Nellie Hill on their honeymoon in 1892. After their marriage in Massachusetts, the pair traveled by train throughout the west, photographing their experiences. These images document their time in Utah and include unique views of the Salt Lake valley from the scaffolding of the LDS Salt Lake Temple. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Frontiers, A Journal of Women Studies Oral History Collection " data-letter="F"> <div class="az_image"> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_fajows">Frontiers, A Journal of Women Studies Oral History Collection</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div id="G" class="az_letter">G</div><div class="az_item" data-filter="GApp Lab Wrap Kits Every semester at the University of Utah, approximately twenty students from the EAE (Entertainment Arts and Engineering) / MGS (Master Games Studio) program are selected to work in The Therapeutic Games and Apps Lab, a collaboration between EAE, the Center for Medical Innovation and the Eccles Health Sciences Library. This collection showcases the innovative, clinically validated games and apps developed during the program." data-letter="G"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_gapp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_gapp.jpg" alt="GApp Lab Wrap Kits"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_gapp">GApp Lab Wrap Kits</a> <br> Every semester at the University of Utah, approximately twenty students from the EAE (Entertainment Arts and Engineering) / MGS (Master Games Studio) program are selected to work in The Therapeutic Games and Apps Lab, a collaboration between EAE, the Center for Medical Innovation and the Eccles Health Sciences Library. This collection showcases the innovative, clinically validated games and apps developed during the program. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="General Refractories Company Collection This collections documents the expansion to the General Refractories Company in Lehi, Utah in 1955-1956, highlighting the brick trade as part of Utah's clay industry." data-letter="G"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_grcc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_grcc.jpg" alt="General Refractories Company Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_grcc">General Refractories Company Collection</a> <br> This collections documents the expansion to the General Refractories Company in Lehi, Utah in 1955-1956, highlighting the brick trade as part of Utah's clay industry. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="George A. Smith Papers The George A. Smith family papers (1731-1968) are composed of personal papers of George A. Smith, Elias Smith, John Henry Smith, George Albert Smith, Lucy Emily Woodruff Smith Wilford Woodruff and Emily Smith Stewart. The collection includes early Smith family documents, family records, diaries and daybooks. George Albert Smith was first counselor to President Brigham Young from 1868 to 1875 and was recognized as the father of southern settlements in Utah, the chief of which, St. George, was named in his honor." data-letter="G"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_gasp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_gasp.jpg" alt="George A. Smith Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_gasp">George A. Smith Papers</a> <br> The George A. Smith family papers (1731-1968) are composed of personal papers of George A. Smith, Elias Smith, John Henry Smith, George Albert Smith, Lucy Emily Woodruff Smith Wilford Woodruff and Emily Smith Stewart. The collection includes early Smith family documents, family records, diaries and daybooks. George Albert Smith was first counselor to President Brigham Young from 1868 to 1875 and was recognized as the father of southern settlements in Utah, the chief of which, St. George, was named in his honor. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="George Cannon Young Architecture Architectural drawings and designs from George Cannon Young's firm, Deseret Architects and Engineers, for a variety of commercial and residential projects in the western United States." data-letter="G"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_gcya"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_gcya.jpg" alt="George Cannon Young Architecture"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_gcya">George Cannon Young Architecture</a> <br> Architectural drawings and designs from George Cannon Young's firm, Deseret Architects and Engineers, for a variety of commercial and residential projects in the western United States. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="George D. Pyper Collection The George Dollinger Pyper papers (1834-1975) consist primarily of correspondence, scrapbooks, diaries, news clippings, programs, contracts, scripts, broadsides, and scores documenting George Dollinger Pyper's career as manager of the Salt Lake Theatre. Pyper served as manager of the Salt Lake Theatre from 1898 to 1929. He also served as general superintendent of the Deseret Sunday School Union and as a member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir." data-letter="G"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_gdpc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_gdpc.jpg" alt="George D. Pyper Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_gdpc">George D. Pyper Collection</a> <br> The George Dollinger Pyper papers (1834-1975) consist primarily of correspondence, scrapbooks, diaries, news clippings, programs, contracts, scripts, broadsides, and scores documenting George Dollinger Pyper's career as manager of the Salt Lake Theatre. Pyper served as manager of the Salt Lake Theatre from 1898 to 1929. He also served as general superintendent of the Deseret Sunday School Union and as a member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="George M. Ottinger Photograph Collection Born in Pennsylvania in 1833, George M. Ottinger came to Utah in 1861. Upon arriving, Ottinger painted scenery for a Salt Lake theater and then joined photographer C.R. Savage, hand-tinting photographs. Though he worked in a variety of careers - from sailor, to fire chief and professor - Ottinger always returned to art and painting. The photographs in this collection reflect Ottinger's role as an artist and life in Utah from the late-nineteenth to the early twentieth centuries." data-letter="G"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_gmo"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_gmo.jpg" alt="George M. Ottinger Photograph Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_gmo">George M. Ottinger Photograph Collection</a> <br> Born in Pennsylvania in 1833, George M. Ottinger came to Utah in 1861. Upon arriving, Ottinger painted scenery for a Salt Lake theater and then joined photographer C.R. Savage, hand-tinting photographs. Though he worked in a variety of careers - from sailor, to fire chief and professor - Ottinger always returned to art and painting. The photographs in this collection reflect Ottinger's role as an artist and life in Utah from the late-nineteenth to the early twentieth centuries. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="George Montgomery Scott Papers The George Montgomery Scott collection consists of letter books containing copies of outgoing business correspondence of the George M. Scott Hardware Company, as well as personal correspondence. Scott served as Mayor of Salt Lake City from 1890-1892. He was unfortunate to be associated both in business and politics with James Glendinning, who was Vice President of George M. Scott Hardware Company and Salt Lake City Mayor (1896-1898). During his term of office, Glendinning embezzled a quantity of public money through a "contingency fund," and left office in the midst of a scandal. Though Scott seems to have been completely innocent, his reputation was compromised by association. Scott became involved in a mining venture at Marysvale, and a cattle business in Colorado, the Lily Park Stock Growers Association, the records of which are represented here." data-letter="G"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_gmsp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_gmsp.jpg" alt="George Montgomery Scott Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_gmsp">George Montgomery Scott Papers</a> <br> The George Montgomery Scott collection consists of letter books containing copies of outgoing business correspondence of the George M. Scott Hardware Company, as well as personal correspondence. Scott served as Mayor of Salt Lake City from 1890-1892. He was unfortunate to be associated both in business and politics with James Glendinning, who was Vice President of George M. Scott Hardware Company and Salt Lake City Mayor (1896-1898). During his term of office, Glendinning embezzled a quantity of public money through a "contingency fund," and left office in the midst of a scandal. Though Scott seems to have been completely innocent, his reputation was compromised by association. Scott became involved in a mining venture at Marysvale, and a cattle business in Colorado, the Lily Park Stock Growers Association, the records of which are represented here. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Gerontology Interdisciplinary Program This collection contains non-thesis projects submitted by graduate students in the Gerontology Interdisciplinary Program to the faculty of The University of Utah in partial fulfillment of the requirements for degree of Master of Science in Gerontology." data-letter="G"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_gerint"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_gerint.jpg" alt="Gerontology Interdisciplinary Program"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_gerint">Gerontology Interdisciplinary Program</a> <br> This collection contains non-thesis projects submitted by graduate students in the Gerontology Interdisciplinary Program to the faculty of The University of Utah in partial fulfillment of the requirements for degree of Master of Science in Gerontology. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="GIS Library " data-letter="G"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_gisl"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_gisl.jpg" alt="GIS Library"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_gisl">GIS Library</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Glen Canyon Glen Canyon maps and brochures" data-letter="G"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_gc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_gc.jpg" alt="Glen Canyon"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_gc">Glen Canyon</a> <br> Glen Canyon maps and brochures </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Golden Spike Oral History Papers This project, funded by the National Park Service, documents the history of the Golden Spike National Historic Site. The interviews were conducted in 1974 by Gregory Thompson and Phil Notarianni in conjunction with the American West Center." data-letter="G"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_gsohp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_gsohp.jpg" alt="Golden Spike Oral History Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_gsohp">Golden Spike Oral History Papers</a> <br> This project, funded by the National Park Service, documents the history of the Golden Spike National Historic Site. The interviews were conducted in 1974 by Gregory Thompson and Phil Notarianni in conjunction with the American West Center. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Golden Spike Sesquicentennial This collection includes coverage of events surrounding the Golden Spike Sesquicentennial that occurred during May, 2019. Events include the Chinese Railway Workers Descendants Association visit to Chinese Arch, May 10th speakers, historical reenactments, and performances at the Golden Spike National Historical Park, as well coverage of Union Station in Ogden, Utah." data-letter="G"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_gss"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_gss.jpg" alt="Golden Spike Sesquicentennial"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_gss">Golden Spike Sesquicentennial</a> <br> This collection includes coverage of events surrounding the Golden Spike Sesquicentennial that occurred during May, 2019. Events include the Chinese Railway Workers Descendants Association visit to Chinese Arch, May 10th speakers, historical reenactments, and performances at the Golden Spike National Historical Park, as well coverage of Union Station in Ogden, Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Governor's Olympic Collection The Utah Governor's Olympic Collection contains images taken by the Governor's Office during the 2002 Salt Lake Olympics. The images document the Governor's activities during the Olympics as well as different Olympic events, such as the Opening Ceremonies and medal ceremony concerts." data-letter="G"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_goc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_goc.jpg" alt="Governor's Olympic Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_goc">Governor's Olympic Collection</a> <br> The Utah Governor's Olympic Collection contains images taken by the Governor's Office during the 2002 Salt Lake Olympics. The images document the Governor's activities during the Olympics as well as different Olympic events, such as the Opening Ceremonies and medal ceremony concerts. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Graduate Nursing Project The Graduate Nursing Project collection includes Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Scholarly Projects and Master's students' non-thesis projects submitted as part of program requirements." data-letter="G"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_gradnu"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_gradnu.jpg" alt="Graduate Nursing Project"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_gradnu">Graduate Nursing Project</a> <br> The Graduate Nursing Project collection includes Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Scholarly Projects and Master's students' non-thesis projects submitted as part of program requirements. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Great Basin Association Photographs The Great Basin Association maintains this photo collection of Great Basin National Park. Located in Eastern Nevada, the once-thought barren area is full of unique wildlife and geological formations. This collection contains a number of antiquated photos, depicting early developments in the National Park, as well as contemporary photos of its landscape and park facilities." data-letter="G"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=gb_photos"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/gb_photos.jpg" alt="Great Basin Association Photographs"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=gb_photos">Great Basin Association Photographs</a> <br> The Great Basin Association maintains this photo collection of Great Basin National Park. Located in Eastern Nevada, the once-thought barren area is full of unique wildlife and geological formations. This collection contains a number of antiquated photos, depicting early developments in the National Park, as well as contemporary photos of its landscape and park facilities. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Great Basin Museum The Great Basin Museum collection contains an assortment of historical photographs that depict historical events in infrastructure development in the Great Basin Area." data-letter="G"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=gb_gbm"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/gb_gbm.jpg" alt="Great Basin Museum"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=gb_gbm">Great Basin Museum</a> <br> The Great Basin Museum collection contains an assortment of historical photographs that depict historical events in infrastructure development in the Great Basin Area. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Great Basin National Heritage Area Oral Histories Oral histories of sheepherders and video recordings from the annual gathering of sheepherders and sheep ranching families from Nevada and Utah. The Great Basin National Heritage Area is a geographical region encompassing White Pine County, Nevada and Millard County, Utah and adjacent Indian reservations that contains nationally significant archaeological, historical, cultural, natural and scenic features that are emblematic of the entire Great Basin Area. The Great Basin National Heritage Area Partnership is a grass roots organization incorporated as a non-profit 501 (c)3 organization in the States of Nevada and Utah." data-letter="G"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=gb_nhaoh"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/gb_nhaoh.jpg" alt="Great Basin National Heritage Area Oral Histories"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=gb_nhaoh">Great Basin National Heritage Area Oral Histories</a> <br> Oral histories of sheepherders and video recordings from the annual gathering of sheepherders and sheep ranching families from Nevada and Utah. The Great Basin National Heritage Area is a geographical region encompassing White Pine County, Nevada and Millard County, Utah and adjacent Indian reservations that contains nationally significant archaeological, historical, cultural, natural and scenic features that are emblematic of the entire Great Basin Area. The Great Basin National Heritage Area Partnership is a grass roots organization incorporated as a non-profit 501 (c)3 organization in the States of Nevada and Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Great Salt Lake Oral History Collection This series of oral histories was conducted during 2013-2015 under the auspices of the American West Center. The collection includes interviews with environmentalists, outdoor sport enthusiasts, artists, and authors to discuss their work and interactions with the Great Salt Lake in Utah." data-letter="G"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_gslohc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_gslohc.jpg" alt="Great Salt Lake Oral History Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_gslohc">Great Salt Lake Oral History Collection</a> <br> This series of oral histories was conducted during 2013-2015 under the auspices of the American West Center. The collection includes interviews with environmentalists, outdoor sport enthusiasts, artists, and authors to discuss their work and interactions with the Great Salt Lake in Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Green River Launch Complex The Green River Launch Complex sits near Green River, a small community in central Utah. Built in 1964, by the US Air Force, the complex was used to test various missile and projectile weapons." data-letter="G"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=gr_lc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/gr_lc.jpg" alt="Green River Launch Complex"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=gr_lc">Green River Launch Complex</a> <br> The Green River Launch Complex sits near Green River, a small community in central Utah. Built in 1964, by the US Air Force, the complex was used to test various missile and projectile weapons. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Green River Public Library - Pearl Biddlecomb Baker Collection The Green River Public Library is a repository for historic documents involving the Green River Area. Pearl Biddlecomb Baker played a key role in making the facility possible. This collection contains some of the documents the Library has to offer, as well as documents about the life of Baker." data-letter="G"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=gr_pbb"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/gr_pbb.jpg" alt="Green River Public Library - Pearl Biddlecomb Baker Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=gr_pbb">Green River Public Library - Pearl Biddlecomb Baker Collection</a> <br> The Green River Public Library is a repository for historic documents involving the Green River Area. Pearl Biddlecomb Baker played a key role in making the facility possible. This collection contains some of the documents the Library has to offer, as well as documents about the life of Baker. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div id="H" class="az_letter">H</div><div class="az_item" data-filter="H. Grant Ivins Papers This collection contains diaries, correspondence, memoirs, unpublished manuscripts and articles on subjects relating to religion and the LDS Church. Included are missionary and other diaries (1910-1939)." data-letter="H"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_hgip"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_hgip.jpg" alt="H. Grant Ivins Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_hgip">H. Grant Ivins Papers</a> <br> This collection contains diaries, correspondence, memoirs, unpublished manuscripts and articles on subjects relating to religion and the LDS Church. Included are missionary and other diaries (1910-1939). </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Harold Stanley Sanders Matchbooks This collection consists of nearly 680 matchbooks collected by "Stan" Sanders, father of the local Salt Lake City legend, Ken Sanders. While it is difficult to date these matchbooks, it is estimated they were made during the the 1930s to the 1970s and reflect many bygone establishments including mostly restaurants, bars, hotels, in Salt Lake City and other areas of Utah." data-letter="H"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_hssm"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_hssm.jpg" alt="Harold Stanley Sanders Matchbooks"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_hssm">Harold Stanley Sanders Matchbooks</a> <br> This collection consists of nearly 680 matchbooks collected by "Stan" Sanders, father of the local Salt Lake City legend, Ken Sanders. While it is difficult to date these matchbooks, it is estimated they were made during the the 1930s to the 1970s and reflect many bygone establishments including mostly restaurants, bars, hotels, in Salt Lake City and other areas of Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Harvard Peabody Site Reports From the Peabody Museum of Archaology and Ethnology at Harvard University, this collection contains over 6,000 images, maps, and documents dating from the early 20th century archaeological sites. Pictographs, pottery and excavation sites are common subjects. Some expeditions were sited in Monument Valley." data-letter="H"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_hpsp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_hpsp.jpg" alt="Harvard Peabody Site Reports"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_hpsp">Harvard Peabody Site Reports</a> <br> From the Peabody Museum of Archaology and Ethnology at Harvard University, this collection contains over 6,000 images, maps, and documents dating from the early 20th century archaeological sites. Pictographs, pottery and excavation sites are common subjects. Some expeditions were sited in Monument Valley. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Health Education Assets Library (HEAL) The Health Education Assets Library (HEAL) is a collection of over 22,000 freely available digital materials for health sciences education. The collection is now housed at the University of Utah J. Willard Marriott Digital Library." data-letter="H"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_heal"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_heal.jpg" alt="Health Education Assets Library (HEAL)"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_heal">Health Education Assets Library (HEAL)</a> <br> The Health Education Assets Library (HEAL) is a collection of over 22,000 freely available digital materials for health sciences education. The collection is now housed at the University of Utah J. Willard Marriott Digital Library. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Health Policy Dialogues " data-letter="H"> <div class="az_image"> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_hpd">Health Policy Dialogues</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Health Review " data-letter="H"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_hr"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_hr.jpg" alt="Health Review"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_hr">Health Review</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Hidden Water - Salt Lake County Water Drainages Hidden Water unveils surface water systems on the east side of Salt Lake Valley, both culinary and irrigation. The web site follows the seven major streams of the Wasatch Front, plus minor ones, and tracks that water from headwaters to the Jordan River and then Great Salt Lake. It intermixes contemporary photographs with historical photographs from several archives showing earlier uses and diversions of water." data-letter="H"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_hw_slcwd"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_hw_slcwd.jpg" alt="Hidden Water - Salt Lake County Water Drainages"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_hw_slcwd">Hidden Water - Salt Lake County Water Drainages</a> <br> Hidden Water unveils surface water systems on the east side of Salt Lake Valley, both culinary and irrigation. The web site follows the seven major streams of the Wasatch Front, plus minor ones, and tracks that water from headwaters to the Jordan River and then Great Salt Lake. It intermixes contemporary photographs with historical photographs from several archives showing earlier uses and diversions of water. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Hinckley Journal of Politics The Hinckley Journal of Politics is one of the only undergraduate-run journals of politics in the nation and strives to publish scholarly papers of exceptional caliber. The journal promotes the intellectual talents of University of Utah students in the fields of politics, government, international relations, and humanitarian aid. Contributing articles should address relevant issues by explaining key problems and potential solutions. Papers should adhere to the highest standards of political research and analysis. The Journal covers local, national, and international issues, and embraces diverse political perspectives." data-letter="H"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_hjp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_hjp.jpg" alt="Hinckley Journal of Politics"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_hjp">Hinckley Journal of Politics</a> <br> The Hinckley Journal of Politics is one of the only undergraduate-run journals of politics in the nation and strives to publish scholarly papers of exceptional caliber. The journal promotes the intellectual talents of University of Utah students in the fields of politics, government, international relations, and humanitarian aid. Contributing articles should address relevant issues by explaining key problems and potential solutions. Papers should adhere to the highest standards of political research and analysis. The Journal covers local, national, and international issues, and embraces diverse political perspectives. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Hiram B. Clawson Papers Family correspondence from the Clawsons and Spencers, including letters from Hiram Clawson to his wife, Ellen Spencer Clawson, and letters from Orson Spencer to his children." data-letter="H"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_hbcp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_hbcp.jpg" alt="Hiram B. Clawson Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_hbcp">Hiram B. Clawson Papers</a> <br> Family correspondence from the Clawsons and Spencers, including letters from Hiram Clawson to his wife, Ellen Spencer Clawson, and letters from Orson Spencer to his children. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Hispanic Oral Histories The Hispanic oral histories (1984-1987) were conducted by the Oral History Institute of Salt Lake City, Utah, primarily by Leslie Kelen and Sandra Fuller. Transcripts of tapes of interviews with Hispanic Americans living in Utah. Those interviewed were either immigrants or children of immigrants. Principal topics are family life, work, and religion." data-letter="H"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_hoh"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_hoh.jpg" alt="Hispanic Oral Histories"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_hoh">Hispanic Oral Histories</a> <br> The Hispanic oral histories (1984-1987) were conducted by the Oral History Institute of Salt Lake City, Utah, primarily by Leslie Kelen and Sandra Fuller. Transcripts of tapes of interviews with Hispanic Americans living in Utah. Those interviewed were either immigrants or children of immigrants. Principal topics are family life, work, and religion. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Historic and Prehistoric Publications A collection of Utah county histories, archeology and history publications." data-letter="H"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_hpp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_hpp.jpg" alt="Historic and Prehistoric Publications"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_hpp">Historic and Prehistoric Publications</a> <br> A collection of Utah county histories, archeology and history publications. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="History of Shelley Idaho Shelley, Idaho, is a town of about 4,000 located in east-central Idaho. First settled late in the 1800s, it was established as a town in 1904. This collection contains an assortment of pictures, descriptions, and articles that document the history of Shelley." data-letter="H"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=sc_hsi"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/sc_hsi.jpg" alt="History of Shelley Idaho"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=sc_hsi">History of Shelley Idaho</a> <br> Shelley, Idaho, is a town of about 4,000 located in east-central Idaho. First settled late in the 1800s, it was established as a town in 1904. This collection contains an assortment of pictures, descriptions, and articles that document the history of Shelley. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="History of the Health Sciences A collection of media and publications detailing the historical evolution of the health sciences at the University of Utah." data-letter="H"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_hhs"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_hhs.jpg" alt="History of the Health Sciences"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_hhs">History of the Health Sciences</a> <br> A collection of media and publications detailing the historical evolution of the health sciences at the University of Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Holy Cross Hospital Records The Holy Cross Hospital records (1875-1973) contain journals of admissions, physicians' admission journals, surgery records, and hospital patient accounts for this Salt Lake City hospital. Also present are limited birth (1908-1919) and death (1885-1920) records, a history of the Holy Cross School of Nursing, and meeting minutes for the hospital's Board of Governors, the Holy Cross Clinical Association, and medical staff meetings" data-letter="H"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_hchr"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_hchr.jpg" alt="Holy Cross Hospital Records"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_hchr">Holy Cross Hospital Records</a> <br> The Holy Cross Hospital records (1875-1973) contain journals of admissions, physicians' admission journals, surgery records, and hospital patient accounts for this Salt Lake City hospital. Also present are limited birth (1908-1919) and death (1885-1920) records, a history of the Holy Cross School of Nursing, and meeting minutes for the hospital's Board of Governors, the Holy Cross Clinical Association, and medical staff meetings </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Home Movie Collection Home movies are one of the most valuable components of the Audio Visual Archives in Special Collections at J. Willard Marriott Library. In addition to providing rarely seen footage, home movies supply an even more precious opportunity to witness moments from regular people's lives. From footage of family outings to the national parks in the 1930s to skiing, river running, and vacations throughout the twentieth century, the home movie collections of the Audio Visual Archives offer a glimpse into the everyday life of Utahans who have made this state what it is today." data-letter="H"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_hmc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_hmc.jpg" alt="Home Movie Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_hmc">Home Movie Collection</a> <br> Home movies are one of the most valuable components of the Audio Visual Archives in Special Collections at J. Willard Marriott Library. In addition to providing rarely seen footage, home movies supply an even more precious opportunity to witness moments from regular people's lives. From footage of family outings to the national parks in the 1930s to skiing, river running, and vacations throughout the twentieth century, the home movie collections of the Audio Visual Archives offer a glimpse into the everyday life of Utahans who have made this state what it is today. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Honors Theses Closed Archive " data-letter="H"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_htca"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_htca.jpg" alt="Honors Theses Closed Archive"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_htca">Honors Theses Closed Archive</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Honors Theses Open Access " data-letter="H"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_htoa"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_htoa.jpg" alt="Honors Theses Open Access"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_htoa">Honors Theses Open Access</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Hotel Utah Photographs in this collection document how the hotel looked in the early days as well as more modern times. Many of the photographs in the collection detail the remodeling and new construction of the two 10-story wings. There are a number of photos of employees being honored for their years of service to the hotel. Also, photos of the conventions, banquets, and meetings held at the hotel and of some of the guests which stayed there are included. There are a number of photographs and slides documenting the 75th Anniversary of the hotel. Today the Hotel Utah is not longer used as a hotel and is known as The Joseph Smith Memorial Building." data-letter="H"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_hu"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_hu.jpg" alt="Hotel Utah"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_hu">Hotel Utah</a> <br> Photographs in this collection document how the hotel looked in the early days as well as more modern times. Many of the photographs in the collection detail the remodeling and new construction of the two 10-story wings. There are a number of photos of employees being honored for their years of service to the hotel. Also, photos of the conventions, banquets, and meetings held at the hotel and of some of the guests which stayed there are included. There are a number of photographs and slides documenting the 75th Anniversary of the hotel. Today the Hotel Utah is not longer used as a hotel and is known as The Joseph Smith Memorial Building. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Humanities In Focus The collection includes more than 35 documentary films from students at the University of Utah and Greater Salt Lake City community. Since 2006, the students of HIF have covered subjects dealing with pressing issues that include addiction, abuse, immigration, politics, and family." data-letter="H"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_hif"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_hif.jpg" alt="Humanities In Focus"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_hif">Humanities In Focus</a> <br> The collection includes more than 35 documentary films from students at the University of Utah and Greater Salt Lake City community. Since 2006, the students of HIF have covered subjects dealing with pressing issues that include addiction, abuse, immigration, politics, and family. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div id="I" class="az_letter">I</div><div class="az_item" data-filter="Illuminations Archive for "Illuminations," the magazine for the University of Utah School of Medicine alumni and friends." data-letter="I"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_illum"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_illum.jpg" alt="Illuminations"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_illum">Illuminations</a> <br> Archive for "Illuminations," the magazine for the University of Utah School of Medicine alumni and friends. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Imagine Perfect Care A collection of journals, presentations, and posters produced by the Imagine Perfect Care Resource Center at the University of Utah School of Medicine. Imagine Perfect Care is University of Utah Health's unique approach to innovation in health care, envisioning health care that is patient-centered, always adapting and responding to patients' evolving needs." data-letter="I"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_ipc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_ipc.jpg" alt="Imagine Perfect Care"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_ipc">Imagine Perfect Care</a> <br> A collection of journals, presentations, and posters produced by the Imagine Perfect Care Resource Center at the University of Utah School of Medicine. Imagine Perfect Care is University of Utah Health's unique approach to innovation in health care, envisioning health care that is patient-centered, always adapting and responding to patients' evolving needs. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Impact Magazine Collection " data-letter="I"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_imc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_imc.jpg" alt="Impact Magazine Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_imc">Impact Magazine Collection</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) Archive Formerly held in DSpace by ICSE program, moved to IR in 2011" data-letter="I"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_icse"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_icse.jpg" alt="Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) Archive"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_icse">Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) Archive</a> <br> Formerly held in DSpace by ICSE program, moved to IR in 2011 </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Intermountain Acoustic Music The Intermountain Acoustic Music Association is a member of the International Bluegrass Music Association and Folk Alliance, the North American folk music and dance alliance. Intermountain Acoustic Musician is published monthly by the Intermountain Acoustic Music Association, a non-profit, tax exempt organization dedicated to the preservation, furtherance and spread of acoustic music, including bluegrass, British Isles, folk, old-time and related music formats." data-letter="I"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_iam"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_iam.jpg" alt="Intermountain Acoustic Music"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_iam">Intermountain Acoustic Music</a> <br> The Intermountain Acoustic Music Association is a member of the International Bluegrass Music Association and Folk Alliance, the North American folk music and dance alliance. Intermountain Acoustic Musician is published monthly by the Intermountain Acoustic Music Association, a non-profit, tax exempt organization dedicated to the preservation, furtherance and spread of acoustic music, including bluegrass, British Isles, folk, old-time and related music formats. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Intermountain Ski Instructors Association This collection holds the various documents detailing the history of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association (ISIA). The documents include Board of Directors meetings (1956-1982), Executive Committee meetings (1957-1982), committee reports (1959-1975), General Membership meetings (1959-1966) and various letters (1952-1975)." data-letter="I"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_isia"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_isia.jpg" alt="Intermountain Ski Instructors Association"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_isia">Intermountain Ski Instructors Association</a> <br> This collection holds the various documents detailing the history of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association (ISIA). The documents include Board of Directors meetings (1956-1982), Executive Committee meetings (1957-1982), committee reports (1959-1975), General Membership meetings (1959-1966) and various letters (1952-1975). </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Interviews with African Americans in Utah This particular series of interviews with African Americans took place from 1982 to 1988. Events recalled by the interviewees span the time period from 1889 to 1988. Of particular interest are the interviews done by Pastor France Davis and Reverend Theodore P. Fields, regarding the 1980 killing of two young African American men, and the interview by Woody Wright which provides insight into the activities taking place in Ogden, Utah, on the notorious 25th Street. Common themes within the interviews are family life, work, religion, discrimination, civil rights experiences, and relations with the white, and in particular the Mormon, establishment in Utah." data-letter="I"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_iaau"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_iaau.jpg" alt="Interviews with African Americans in Utah"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_iaau">Interviews with African Americans in Utah</a> <br> This particular series of interviews with African Americans took place from 1982 to 1988. Events recalled by the interviewees span the time period from 1889 to 1988. Of particular interest are the interviews done by Pastor France Davis and Reverend Theodore P. Fields, regarding the 1980 killing of two young African American men, and the interview by Woody Wright which provides insight into the activities taking place in Ogden, Utah, on the notorious 25th Street. Common themes within the interviews are family life, work, religion, discrimination, civil rights experiences, and relations with the white, and in particular the Mormon, establishment in Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Interviews with Japanese Americans in Utah The interviews with Japanese Americans in Utah (1984-1988) consists of transcripts of a series of interviews conducted with members of the Japanese community between 1984 and 1988. Common themes within the interviews are family life, work, religion, immigration experiences, discrimination, and relations with the Mormon establishment in Utah." data-letter="I"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_ijau"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_ijau.jpg" alt="Interviews with Japanese Americans in Utah"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_ijau">Interviews with Japanese Americans in Utah</a> <br> The interviews with Japanese Americans in Utah (1984-1988) consists of transcripts of a series of interviews conducted with members of the Japanese community between 1984 and 1988. Common themes within the interviews are family life, work, religion, immigration experiences, discrimination, and relations with the Mormon establishment in Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Interviews with Jewish People in Utah The interviews with Jews in Utah collection (1982-1988) is part of a project funded by the Utah Endowment for the Humanities and undertaken by the Oral History Institute of Salt Lake City, Utah. Events recalled by the interviewees span the time period from the 1880s to 1986. Common themes include family life, immigration, relations with the LDS community, religious activity, the unification of the congregations Montefiore and B'nai Israel, Jewish businesses and organizations, and World War II." data-letter="I"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_iju"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_iju.jpg" alt="Interviews with Jewish People in Utah"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_iju">Interviews with Jewish People in Utah</a> <br> The interviews with Jews in Utah collection (1982-1988) is part of a project funded by the Utah Endowment for the Humanities and undertaken by the Oral History Institute of Salt Lake City, Utah. Events recalled by the interviewees span the time period from the 1880s to 1986. Common themes include family life, immigration, relations with the LDS community, religious activity, the unification of the congregations Montefiore and B'nai Israel, Jewish businesses and organizations, and World War II. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Invertebrate Paleontology Collection Photos This collection includes photographs from multiple views of invertebrate paleontology specimens. Many of the these fossils are from the Cambrian which ranged from 538.8 million years ago to 486.85 million years. These objects are held by the Natural History Museum of Utah." data-letter="I"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=umnh_vp_obj"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/umnh_vp_obj.jpg" alt="Invertebrate Paleontology Collection Photos"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=umnh_vp_obj">Invertebrate Paleontology Collection Photos</a> <br> This collection includes photographs from multiple views of invertebrate paleontology specimens. Many of the these fossils are from the Cambrian which ranged from 538.8 million years ago to 486.85 million years. These objects are held by the Natural History Museum of Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Isaac K. Russell Papers The Isaac K. Russell papers (1897-1900) consists of documents regarding U. S. military activities in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War. Included are issues of the newspaper The American soldier." data-letter="I"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_ikrp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_ikrp.jpg" alt="Isaac K. Russell Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_ikrp">Isaac K. Russell Papers</a> <br> The Isaac K. Russell papers (1897-1900) consists of documents regarding U. S. military activities in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War. Included are issues of the newspaper The American soldier. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Ivy Baker Priest Papers The Ivy Baker Priest papers (1889-1975) document the career of this U. S. Treasurer and California State Treasurer and are concerned primarily with national and California political issues. A Utah native, Priest (1905-1975) was active in Republican party activities, was an unsuccessful Utah congressional candidate in 1934 and 1950, and served on Utah's Women's Legislative Council." data-letter="I"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_ibpp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_ibpp.jpg" alt="Ivy Baker Priest Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_ibpp">Ivy Baker Priest Papers</a> <br> The Ivy Baker Priest papers (1889-1975) document the career of this U. S. Treasurer and California State Treasurer and are concerned primarily with national and California political issues. A Utah native, Priest (1905-1975) was active in Republican party activities, was an unsuccessful Utah congressional candidate in 1934 and 1950, and served on Utah's Women's Legislative Council. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div id="J" class="az_letter">J</div><div class="az_item" data-filter="Jacob Myers Sr. Papers, 1801-2009 " data-letter="J"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_jmsp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_jmsp.jpg" alt="Jacob Myers Sr. Papers, 1801-2009"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_jmsp">Jacob Myers Sr. Papers, 1801-2009</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Jacque Wolfe Field Notes & Catalogs " data-letter="J"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=umnh_fn_ento"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/umnh_fn_ento.jpg" alt="Jacque Wolfe Field Notes & Catalogs"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=umnh_fn_ento">Jacque Wolfe Field Notes & Catalogs</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Jean M. Westwood Papers The Jean M. Westwood papers (1934-1995) contain much that is applicable to national, Utah, and Arizona politics, as well as the women's movement. Included are correspondence, speeches and articles, and a variety of documents resulting from her affiliation with various political and civic organizations, as well as her leadership in the Democratic party at both the state (Utah and Arizona) and national levels." data-letter="J"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_jwp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_jwp.jpg" alt="Jean M. Westwood Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_jwp">Jean M. Westwood Papers</a> <br> The Jean M. Westwood papers (1934-1995) contain much that is applicable to national, Utah, and Arizona politics, as well as the women's movement. Included are correspondence, speeches and articles, and a variety of documents resulting from her affiliation with various political and civic organizations, as well as her leadership in the Democratic party at both the state (Utah and Arizona) and national levels. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Jewish Oral History Project The Jewish oral history project was conducted by the American West Center and consists of a series of interviews between 1972 and 1977 with local Jewish Americans concerning life in Utah." data-letter="J"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_johp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_johp.jpg" alt="Jewish Oral History Project"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_johp">Jewish Oral History Project</a> <br> The Jewish oral history project was conducted by the American West Center and consists of a series of interviews between 1972 and 1977 with local Jewish Americans concerning life in Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="John Hamilton Morgan Papers Papers detailing the personal, professional, and religious activities of John Hamilton Morgan. Includes a typescript of his diary (1875-1892) and original and typescript correspondence (1875-1894); records of the Southern States Mission and the San Luis Valley, Colorado, settlement; biographical and religious articles written by and about John Morgan. Also included are collections of his inspirational stories, tributes to his memory, and a biography." data-letter="J"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_jhmp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_jhmp.jpg" alt="John Hamilton Morgan Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_jhmp">John Hamilton Morgan Papers</a> <br> Papers detailing the personal, professional, and religious activities of John Hamilton Morgan. Includes a typescript of his diary (1875-1892) and original and typescript correspondence (1875-1894); records of the Southern States Mission and the San Luis Valley, Colorado, settlement; biographical and religious articles written by and about John Morgan. Also included are collections of his inspirational stories, tributes to his memory, and a biography. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="John Mills Whitaker Papers The John Mills Whitaker papers (1847-1963) consist of daily journals, correspondence, and business and professional papers, among other materials, relating to John Mills Whitaker (1863-1960). Whitaker was an educator, horticulturist, politician, and LDS Church leader." data-letter="J"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_jmwp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_jmwp.jpg" alt="John Mills Whitaker Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_jmwp">John Mills Whitaker Papers</a> <br> The John Mills Whitaker papers (1847-1963) consist of daily journals, correspondence, and business and professional papers, among other materials, relating to John Mills Whitaker (1863-1960). Whitaker was an educator, horticulturist, politician, and LDS Church leader. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="John Peter Simonson Photograph Collection Documenting Green River, Utah this collection contains images taken by author, pharmacist, and railroad man John Peter Simonson. Simonson and his wife, Eugenie, moved to Utah in 1908 after purchasing the Broadway Drug Store. They operated the store until 1955 and lived in Green River until 1961." data-letter="J"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_sim"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_sim.jpg" alt="John Peter Simonson Photograph Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_sim">John Peter Simonson Photograph Collection</a> <br> Documenting Green River, Utah this collection contains images taken by author, pharmacist, and railroad man John Peter Simonson. Simonson and his wife, Eugenie, moved to Utah in 1908 after purchasing the Broadway Drug Store. They operated the store until 1955 and lived in Green River until 1961. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="John W. Fitzgerald Collection Fitzgerald Family Stories; An autobiographical story of a country town from 1910 to 1925 with an epilogue from 1925-1967, pictures and selected poems." data-letter="J"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_jwfc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_jwfc.jpg" alt="John W. Fitzgerald Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_jwfc">John W. Fitzgerald Collection</a> <br> Fitzgerald Family Stories; An autobiographical story of a country town from 1910 to 1925 with an epilogue from 1925-1967, pictures and selected poems. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="John W. Sugden Papers John W. Sugden (1922-2003) was an architect and professor of architecture in Utah. The collection contains correspondence, research materials, and blueprints. This digital collection consists of architectural blueprints and drawings for Alta Lodge." data-letter="J"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_jwsp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_jwsp.jpg" alt="John W. Sugden Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_jwsp">John W. Sugden Papers</a> <br> John W. Sugden (1922-2003) was an architect and professor of architecture in Utah. The collection contains correspondence, research materials, and blueprints. This digital collection consists of architectural blueprints and drawings for Alta Lodge. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="John Wesley Powell Collection John Wesley Powell, the iconic explorer of the Colorado River, left the American southwest with a rich legacy. During his expeditions he compiled data and a number of sketches describing the landscape. This collection contains various writings and geographical publications to which Powell contributed." data-letter="J"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=gr_jwpc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/gr_jwpc.jpg" alt="John Wesley Powell Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=gr_jwpc">John Wesley Powell Collection</a> <br> John Wesley Powell, the iconic explorer of the Colorado River, left the American southwest with a rich legacy. During his expeditions he compiled data and a number of sketches describing the landscape. This collection contains various writings and geographical publications to which Powell contributed. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Joseph Ellis Johnson Papers The Joseph Ellis Johnson papers (1831-1964) consist of the personal and family papers of Joseph E. Johnson (1817-1882), a writer, politician, and businessman who settled in St. George, Utah, during the latter nineteenth century. Included are diaries, correspondence, receipts, deeds, news articles, and other papers." data-letter="J"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_jejp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_jejp.jpg" alt="Joseph Ellis Johnson Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_jejp">Joseph Ellis Johnson Papers</a> <br> The Joseph Ellis Johnson papers (1831-1964) consist of the personal and family papers of Joseph E. Johnson (1817-1882), a writer, politician, and businessman who settled in St. George, Utah, during the latter nineteenth century. Included are diaries, correspondence, receipts, deeds, news articles, and other papers. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Joseph Lafayette Rawlins Papers The Joseph Lafayette Rawlins papers (1885-1964) contain materials collected by Rawlins' daughter, Alta R. Jensen, in preparation for her publication of The Unfavored Few: The Autobiography of Joseph L. Rawlins. Joseph L. Rawlins (1850-1926) was dedicated to making Utah a state, and fought to change political situation that were objectionable to people outside the Utah Territory. His efforts were eventually introduced before the House of Representatives in a statehood bill." data-letter="J"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_jlrp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_jlrp.jpg" alt="Joseph Lafayette Rawlins Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_jlrp">Joseph Lafayette Rawlins Papers</a> <br> The Joseph Lafayette Rawlins papers (1885-1964) contain materials collected by Rawlins' daughter, Alta R. Jensen, in preparation for her publication of The Unfavored Few: The Autobiography of Joseph L. Rawlins. Joseph L. Rawlins (1850-1926) was dedicated to making Utah a state, and fought to change political situation that were objectionable to people outside the Utah Territory. His efforts were eventually introduced before the House of Representatives in a statehood bill. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Juanita Brooks Papers The papers of Juanita Brooks constitute an extraordinarily rich collection, the accumulation of correspondence, manuscripts and collected sources from a long, busy, and distinguished career as a historian. Her research opened new areas of inquiry into Utah's past, as she was not afraid to ask profound questions about difficult historical issues. Brooks' research, methodologies, and her warm personal and professional relationships are represented in this collection." data-letter="J"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_jbp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_jbp.jpg" alt="Juanita Brooks Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_jbp">Juanita Brooks Papers</a> <br> The papers of Juanita Brooks constitute an extraordinarily rich collection, the accumulation of correspondence, manuscripts and collected sources from a long, busy, and distinguished career as a historian. Her research opened new areas of inquiry into Utah's past, as she was not afraid to ask profound questions about difficult historical issues. Brooks' research, methodologies, and her warm personal and professional relationships are represented in this collection. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Juanita Brooks Photograph Collection, 1928-1981 Images documenting Brooks's professional writing career from 1934-1971 are found in this collection. Brooks specialized in the history of the American west and Mormon history. She is most noted for her writings on the Mountain Meadow Massacre. This collection also provides a glimpse into her personal life with many images of her family, activities, and general life in southern Utah." data-letter="J"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_jppc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_jppc.jpg" alt="Juanita Brooks Photograph Collection, 1928-1981"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_jppc">Juanita Brooks Photograph Collection, 1928-1981</a> <br> Images documenting Brooks's professional writing career from 1934-1971 are found in this collection. Brooks specialized in the history of the American west and Mormon history. She is most noted for her writings on the Mountain Meadow Massacre. This collection also provides a glimpse into her personal life with many images of her family, activities, and general life in southern Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div id="K" class="az_letter">K</div><div class="az_item" data-filter="Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute Collection The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute serves Utah by preparing economic, demographic and public policy research that helps the state prosper." data-letter="K"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_kcg"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_kcg.jpg" alt="Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_kcg">Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute Collection</a> <br> The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute serves Utah by preparing economic, demographic and public policy research that helps the state prosper. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Kennecott Corporation Papers Documents concerning the history of the Kennecott Copper Corporation." data-letter="K"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_kcp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_kcp.jpg" alt="Kennecott Corporation Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_kcp">Kennecott Corporation Papers</a> <br> Documents concerning the history of the Kennecott Copper Corporation. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Kennecott Miner Records Personnel records of employment from 1900-1919. Records from the Utah Copper Company are handwritten and contain the following employee information: name, date employed, address, dependents, age, weight, height, eyes, hair, gender, nationality, engaged by, last employer, education, occupation, department, pay rate, date leaving employment, and reason for leaving." data-letter="K"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_kmr"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_kmr.jpg" alt="Kennecott Miner Records"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_kmr">Kennecott Miner Records</a> <br> Personnel records of employment from 1900-1919. Records from the Utah Copper Company are handwritten and contain the following employee information: name, date employed, address, dependents, age, weight, height, eyes, hair, gender, nationality, engaged by, last employer, education, occupation, department, pay rate, date leaving employment, and reason for leaving. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Kent Day Family Collection The Kent Day Family Collection contains photographs and letters collected by different Day family members, predominantly Ada Elizabeth Day. This collection documents the beginning of World War I from the perspective of different soldiers stationed in various places. The collection also includes documentation of the death of David Day who died of Spanish Influenza." data-letter="K"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_kdfc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_kdfc.jpg" alt="Kent Day Family Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_kdfc">Kent Day Family Collection</a> <br> The Kent Day Family Collection contains photographs and letters collected by different Day family members, predominantly Ada Elizabeth Day. This collection documents the beginning of World War I from the perspective of different soldiers stationed in various places. The collection also includes documentation of the death of David Day who died of Spanish Influenza. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="KUED Topaz Residents Collection The KUED Topaz Collection contains images used for the KUED 1987 documentary on the Topaz Internment Camp in Delta, Utah during World War II. The collection documents the journey of many Japanese Americans leaving behind home, jobs, and life to enter the Topaz Internment Camp." data-letter="K"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_kued_trc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_kued_trc.jpg" alt="KUED Topaz Residents Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_kued_trc">KUED Topaz Residents Collection</a> <br> The KUED Topaz Collection contains images used for the KUED 1987 documentary on the Topaz Internment Camp in Delta, Utah during World War II. The collection documents the journey of many Japanese Americans leaving behind home, jobs, and life to enter the Topaz Internment Camp. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="KUTV EXTRA KUTV EXTRA was a news magazine type show that aired from 1977 to 1984 and had unique and diverse segments. The program attracted a new generation of filmmakers who took advantage of new possibilities in production, pre-recorded programming and genre to create their own unique mesh of critical exposés, short subject documentaries, experimental video, and in-depth interviews with local oddballs, Utah politicians, and national personalities from Robert Redford and George Romero to Timothy Leary and Harvey Milk. EXTRA fostered a legacy of programming that provides a historical snapshot of art and culture during a time of marked social change and technological development in Utah and throughout the nation." data-letter="K"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_kutv"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_kutv.jpg" alt="KUTV EXTRA"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_kutv">KUTV EXTRA</a> <br> KUTV EXTRA was a news magazine type show that aired from 1977 to 1984 and had unique and diverse segments. The program attracted a new generation of filmmakers who took advantage of new possibilities in production, pre-recorded programming and genre to create their own unique mesh of critical expos茅s, short subject documentaries, experimental video, and in-depth interviews with local oddballs, Utah politicians, and national personalities from Robert Redford and George Romero to Timothy Leary and Harvey Milk. EXTRA fostered a legacy of programming that provides a historical snapshot of art and culture during a time of marked social change and technological development in Utah and throughout the nation. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="KUTV News Collection - Campus Access " data-letter="K"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_knc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_knc.jpg" alt="KUTV News Collection - Campus Access"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_knc">KUTV News Collection - Campus Access</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div id="L" class="az_letter">L</div><div class="az_item" data-filter="Land Use - Transportation Scenario Planning " data-letter="L"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_lu_tsp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_lu_tsp.jpg" alt="Land Use - Transportation Scenario Planning"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_lu_tsp">Land Use - Transportation Scenario Planning</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Larson Studio Negative Collection The Larson Studio Negative Collection was created by Thomas Christian Larson and his son O. Blaine Larson. Both operated the Larson Studio from 1916-1968 in Provo, Utah. The collection contains portraits of many Utah County citizens as well as some Utah landscape and industry scenes and images of Provo." data-letter="L"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_obl"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_obl.jpg" alt="Larson Studio Negative Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_obl">Larson Studio Negative Collection</a> <br> The Larson Studio Negative Collection was created by Thomas Christian Larson and his son O. Blaine Larson. Both operated the Larson Studio from 1916-1968 in Provo, Utah. The collection contains portraits of many Utah County citizens as well as some Utah landscape and industry scenes and images of Provo. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="League of Women Voters of Utah Typed newsletters from the League of Women Voters of Utah covering political issues of interest, the organization's budget, financial reporting details, reports from the national conventions, leadership, project reports, meeting minutes, member directories, committee members, results of votes, educational events, resolutions, parties, and more." data-letter="L"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_lowvou"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_lowvou.jpg" alt="League of Women Voters of Utah"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_lowvou">League of Women Voters of Utah</a> <br> Typed newsletters from the League of Women Voters of Utah covering political issues of interest, the organization's budget, financial reporting details, reports from the national conventions, leadership, project reports, meeting minutes, member directories, committee members, results of votes, educational events, resolutions, parties, and more. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Lean Project Repository Lean projects were designed by University of Utah Health Care to utilize a set of principles and techniques for process improvement. These strategies center on maximizing value to the user. One outcome of Lean projects are A3 templates, which have been collected and are presented in the Lean Project Repository collection." data-letter="L"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_lean"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_lean.jpg" alt="Lean Project Repository"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_lean">Lean Project Repository</a> <br> Lean projects were designed by University of Utah Health Care to utilize a set of principles and techniques for process improvement. These strategies center on maximizing value to the user. One outcome of Lean projects are A3 templates, which have been collected and are presented in the Lean Project Repository collection. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Lehi Historical Society The purpose of the Lehi Historical Society and Archives is to collect, obtain, record, preserve, protect, educate, and promote the history of Lehi and its peoples, and to document Lehi's impact on the American West, yesterday, today and forever." data-letter="L"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_lhs"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_lhs.jpg" alt="Lehi Historical Society"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_lhs">Lehi Historical Society</a> <br> The purpose of the Lehi Historical Society and Archives is to collect, obtain, record, preserve, protect, educate, and promote the history of Lehi and its peoples, and to document Lehi's impact on the American West, yesterday, today and forever. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Lennox and Catherine Tierney Photograph Collection Professor Patrick Lennox Tierney is professor emeritus from the University of Utah's Art History Department. Lennox Tierney's specialty is Japan and has visited that country almost every year since 1949 when he first worked there as the Arts and Monuments Commissioner. Later, Lennox Tierney lead many photography tours over the years for a group called Through the Lens Tours and traveled to most countries of the world. Over the years, Professor Tierney donated over 250,000 slides to the Marriott Library's collections. The slides reflect landscapes, architecture, agriculture, the arts, and various other topics." data-letter="L"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_lctpc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_lctpc.jpg" alt="Lennox and Catherine Tierney Photograph Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_lctpc">Lennox and Catherine Tierney Photograph Collection</a> <br> Professor Patrick Lennox Tierney is professor emeritus from the University of Utah's Art History Department. Lennox Tierney's specialty is Japan and has visited that country almost every year since 1949 when he first worked there as the Arts and Monuments Commissioner. Later, Lennox Tierney lead many photography tours over the years for a group called Through the Lens Tours and traveled to most countries of the world. Over the years, Professor Tierney donated over 250,000 slides to the Marriott Library's collections. The slides reflect landscapes, architecture, agriculture, the arts, and various other topics. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Leo Leonard Papers The Leo Leonard papers (1900-1975) contain correspondence, programs and announcements, traveling brochures, awards and certificates, newspaper clippings, books, maps, and other documents related to Leo Bradford Leonard's life and his career in the United States Army. Maps from the collection are digitized." data-letter="L"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_llp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_llp.jpg" alt="Leo Leonard Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_llp">Leo Leonard Papers</a> <br> The Leo Leonard papers (1900-1975) contain correspondence, programs and announcements, traveling brochures, awards and certificates, newspaper clippings, books, maps, and other documents related to Leo Bradford Leonard's life and his career in the United States Army. Maps from the collection are digitized. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Lessons - Journal The Journal of the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence at the University of Utah." data-letter="L"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_lessons"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_lessons.jpg" alt="Lessons - Journal"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_lessons">Lessons - Journal</a> <br> The Journal of the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence at the University of Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Let Freedom Read Dress The Let Freedom Read Dress is a textile-based data visualization created by Kirby Gene Anderson and Rachel Jane Wittmann that celebrates the American Library Association's 2023 Banned Book Week's theme "Let Freedom Read." Using the American Library Association's top 13 most frequently challenged books in 2022, book titles were appliquéd to the dress with differing letter sizes to reflect their ranking on this list. The 13 book titles consist of 241 appliquéd and embroidered letters onto the dress which is made of 13.5 yards of silk taffeta and took 125 hours to create. In opposition to these book challenges, especially the focus on challenging books with LGBTQ+ content, the Let Freedom Read Dress was modeled by Salt Lake City drag artist Gia Bianca Stephens, in conjunction with Banned Book Week 2023." data-letter="L"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_lfrd"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_lfrd.jpg" alt="Let Freedom Read Dress"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_lfrd">Let Freedom Read Dress</a> <br> The Let Freedom Read Dress is a textile-based data visualization created by Kirby Gene Anderson and Rachel Jane Wittmann that celebrates the American Library Association's 2023 Banned Book Week's theme "Let Freedom Read." Using the American Library Association's top 13 most frequently challenged books in 2022, book titles were appliqu茅d to the dress with differing letter sizes to reflect their ranking on this list. The 13 book titles consist of 241 appliqu茅d and embroidered letters onto the dress which is made of 13.5 yards of silk taffeta and took 125 hours to create. In opposition to these book challenges, especially the focus on challenging books with LGBTQ+ content, the Let Freedom Read Dress was modeled by Salt Lake City drag artist Gia Bianca Stephens, in conjunction with Banned Book Week 2023. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Life Story Library collection The Life Story Library Foundation's mission is to collect, save and share the personal life stories of our time as valuable recorded history. Support authenticity, reflection, personal growth and collaboration." data-letter="L"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_lsl"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_lsl.jpg" alt="Life Story Library collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_lsl">Life Story Library collection</a> <br> The Life Story Library Foundation's mission is to collect, save and share the personal life stories of our time as valuable recorded history. Support authenticity, reflection, personal growth and collaboration. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Linford and Richards Family Collection The Linford/Richards papers document the lives of James H. Linford Jr., an educator, and his wife Mary Hooper Blood Linford , sister of Utah's seventh governor, Henry H. Blood. Also included are the papers of Lorenzo A. Richards, a physicist who specialized in agronomy, and his wife Zilla Linford Richards, niece of Utah's seventh governor, Henry H. Blood. The collections consist of journals, correspondence, day planners, and other materials." data-letter="L"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_lrfc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_lrfc.jpg" alt="Linford and Richards Family Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_lrfc">Linford and Richards Family Collection</a> <br> The Linford/Richards papers document the lives of James H. Linford Jr., an educator, and his wife Mary Hooper Blood Linford , sister of Utah's seventh governor, Henry H. Blood. Also included are the papers of Lorenzo A. Richards, a physicist who specialized in agronomy, and his wife Zilla Linford Richards, niece of Utah's seventh governor, Henry H. Blood. The collections consist of journals, correspondence, day planners, and other materials. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Lloyd and Kiyomi Takehara Ryujin Photographs Photos that document the Japanese-American experience." data-letter="L"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_lktrp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_lktrp.jpg" alt="Lloyd and Kiyomi Takehara Ryujin Photographs"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_lktrp">Lloyd and Kiyomi Takehara Ryujin Photographs</a> <br> Photos that document the Japanese-American experience. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Lowry Nelson Papers The Lowry Nelson papers (1906-1985) consists of the personal and professional papers of Lowry Nelson, a rural sociologist born in Utah. Included are autobiographies, diaries, correspondence, research, writings, publications, and speeches." data-letter="L"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_lnp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_lnp.jpg" alt="Lowry Nelson Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_lnp">Lowry Nelson Papers</a> <br> The Lowry Nelson papers (1906-1985) consists of the personal and professional papers of Lowry Nelson, a rural sociologist born in Utah. Included are autobiographies, diaries, correspondence, research, writings, publications, and speeches. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div id="M" class="az_letter">M</div><div class="az_item" data-filter="Manuscripts The Manuscripts Division of Special Collection houses more than 2600 unpublished historical collections of the University of Utah. These include diaries, autobiographies, correspondence, business and personal papers. Collections are available for use by students, researchers and members of the local community, as well as by any interested researcher." data-letter="M"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_manu"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_manu.jpg" alt="Manuscripts"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_manu">Manuscripts</a> <br> The Manuscripts Division of Special Collection houses more than 2600 unpublished historical collections of the University of Utah. These include diaries, autobiographies, correspondence, business and personal papers. Collections are available for use by students, researchers and members of the local community, as well as by any interested researcher. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Marilyn Warenski Interviews The oral history interviews in this collection concern the status of women in Mormon culture, and were collected by Marilyn Warenski during the period 1975-1980." data-letter="M"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_mwi"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_mwi.jpg" alt="Marilyn Warenski Interviews"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_mwi">Marilyn Warenski Interviews</a> <br> The oral history interviews in this collection concern the status of women in Mormon culture, and were collected by Marilyn Warenski during the period 1975-1980. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Markers and Monuments This is a collection of photographs documenting historical markers and monuments throughout the state of Utah. History is a living tapestry woven by the choices and actions of individual who came before us, shaping the world we inhabit today. This collection reflects the memory of the people who call Utah home, but not necessarily the factual history of Utah." data-letter="M"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_mm"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_mm.jpg" alt="Markers and Monuments"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_mm">Markers and Monuments</a> <br> This is a collection of photographs documenting historical markers and monuments throughout the state of Utah. History is a living tapestry woven by the choices and actions of individual who came before us, shaping the world we inhabit today. This collection reflects the memory of the people who call Utah home, but not necessarily the factual history of Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Marriner S. Eccles Papers The Marriner S. Eccles papers (1910-1985) chronicles the years when Eccles made his greatest contributions as a national and international fiscal and monetary expert, businessman, and public figure." data-letter="M"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_msep"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_msep.jpg" alt="Marriner S. Eccles Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_msep">Marriner S. Eccles Papers</a> <br> The Marriner S. Eccles papers (1910-1985) chronicles the years when Eccles made his greatest contributions as a national and international fiscal and monetary expert, businessman, and public figure. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Marriott Digital Publishing Archive " data-letter="M"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_mdpa"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_mdpa.jpg" alt="Marriott Digital Publishing Archive"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_mdpa">Marriott Digital Publishing Archive</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Marriott Library Digital Stacks A variety of reports and electronic documents." data-letter="M"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_mlds_public"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_mlds_public.jpg" alt="Marriott Library Digital Stacks"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_mlds_public">Marriott Library Digital Stacks</a> <br> A variety of reports and electronic documents. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Marriott Library Digital Stacks - UU " data-letter="M"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_mlds_private"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_mlds_private.jpg" alt="Marriott Library Digital Stacks - UU"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_mlds_private">Marriott Library Digital Stacks - UU</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Marriott Library Items " data-letter="M"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_mli"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_mli.jpg" alt="Marriott Library Items"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_mli">Marriott Library Items</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Marriott Library Permanent Art Collection Marriott Library's art collection includes a wide variety of mediums and genres" data-letter="M"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_mlpac"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_mlpac.jpg" alt="Marriott Library Permanent Art Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_mlpac">Marriott Library Permanent Art Collection</a> <br> Marriott Library's art collection includes a wide variety of mediums and genres </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Marriott Library Posters Promotional posters for Marriott Library events." data-letter="M"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_mlp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_mlp.jpg" alt="Marriott Library Posters"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_mlp">Marriott Library Posters</a> <br> Promotional posters for Marriott Library events. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Master of Geographic Information Science Portfolios " data-letter="M"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_msgis"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_msgis.jpg" alt="Master of Geographic Information Science Portfolios"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_msgis">Master of Geographic Information Science Portfolios</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="McKay Music Library - Abravanel Studio Collection " data-letter="M"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_mckay_asc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_mckay_asc.jpg" alt="McKay Music Library - Abravanel Studio Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_mckay_asc">McKay Music Library - Abravanel Studio Collection</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Media Resources " data-letter="M"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_mmc_mr"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_mmc_mr.jpg" alt="Media Resources"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_mmc_mr">Media Resources</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Medical Home Portal Archive The Medical Home Portal website was initiated in 2001 to improve the care of children with chronic conditions and special health care needs. In 2024 the content was archived by the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library in collaboration with the University of Utah's Department of Pediatrics." data-letter="M"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_mhpa"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_mhpa.jpg" alt="Medical Home Portal Archive"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_mhpa">Medical Home Portal Archive</a> <br> The Medical Home Portal website was initiated in 2001 to improve the care of children with chronic conditions and special health care needs. In 2024 the content was archived by the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library in collaboration with the University of Utah's Department of Pediatrics. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Medical Student Research Symposium The goals of the University of Utah Summer Medical School Student Research Program are to create and foster research opportunities for Medical Students. The Frank Tyler Fall Medical Student Research Symposium allows students in the program to present research data obtained during the summer. This collection houses official programs and abstracts from the Symposium." data-letter="M"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_msrs"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_msrs.jpg" alt="Medical Student Research Symposium"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_msrs">Medical Student Research Symposium</a> <br> The goals of the University of Utah Summer Medical School Student Research Program are to create and foster research opportunities for Medical Students. The Frank Tyler Fall Medical Student Research Symposium allows students in the program to present research data obtained during the summer. This collection houses official programs and abstracts from the Symposium. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="MFA Final Projects " data-letter="M"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_mfafp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_mfafp.jpg" alt="MFA Final Projects"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_mfafp">MFA Final Projects</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Mickey Ibarra Papers The Mickey Ibarra papers (1996-2001) contain materials from his tenure as an Assistant to President and Director of Inter-governmental Affairs for the Clinton White House." data-letter="M"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_mip"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_mip.jpg" alt="Mickey Ibarra Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_mip">Mickey Ibarra Papers</a> <br> The Mickey Ibarra papers (1996-2001) contain materials from his tenure as an Assistant to President and Director of Inter-governmental Affairs for the Clinton White House. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Middle East Collections The Aziz Atiya Middle East Library is recognized internationally as a major center for research in Middle East studies and has been considered "the fifth largest of such a collection in North America." The collection includes hundreds of unique Middle Eastern and Islamic manuscripts in languages such Arabic, Persian, Ottoman Turkish, Urdu, and Coptic, dating as early as the ninth century CE. Also included are more than 3,000 printed books from and about the Middle East." data-letter="M"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_mec"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_mec.jpg" alt="Middle East Collections"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_mec">Middle East Collections</a> <br> The Aziz Atiya Middle East Library is recognized internationally as a major center for research in Middle East studies and has been considered "the fifth largest of such a collection in North America." The collection includes hundreds of unique Middle Eastern and Islamic manuscripts in languages such Arabic, Persian, Ottoman Turkish, Urdu, and Coptic, dating as early as the ninth century CE. Also included are more than 3,000 printed books from and about the Middle East. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Midvale Museum " data-letter="M"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_mm"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_mm.jpg" alt="Midvale Museum"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_mm">Midvale Museum</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="More Than A Flag: Utah State Flag Redesign The More Than A Flag initiative was part of an intentional statewide conversation where residents were invited to submit themes, colors, and designs that would represent our state. More than 5,000 flag ideas, including over 3,000 student designs, were submitted from every county in the state." data-letter="M"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_mtaf"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_mtaf.jpg" alt="More Than A Flag: Utah State Flag Redesign"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_mtaf">More Than A Flag: Utah State Flag Redesign</a> <br> The More Than A Flag initiative was part of an intentional statewide conversation where residents were invited to submit themes, colors, and designs that would represent our state. More than 5,000 flag ideas, including over 3,000 student designs, were submitted from every county in the state. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Mormon Homelands Oral History Project The Mormon Homelands Young Women Project audio-visual collection (2014-2017) consists of oral history interviews with LDS young women about their experience moving from Mormon-minority communities to Mormon-majority communities." data-letter="M"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_mhoh"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_mhoh.jpg" alt="Mormon Homelands Oral History Project"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_mhoh">Mormon Homelands Oral History Project</a> <br> The Mormon Homelands Young Women Project audio-visual collection (2014-2017) consists of oral history interviews with LDS young women about their experience moving from Mormon-minority communities to Mormon-majority communities. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Mormon Settlement in Arizona The Mormon settlements in Arizona collection (1857-1986) consists of primary sources relating to the Mormon colonization efforts along the Little Colorado River and the surrounding area. The major part of the collection consists of materials collected by George S. Tanner. Included are photocopied or transcribed diaries, histories, correspondence, financial records, biographies and autobiographies, and clippings from and about the Arizona settlements." data-letter="M"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_msa"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_msa.jpg" alt="Mormon Settlement in Arizona"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_msa">Mormon Settlement in Arizona</a> <br> The Mormon settlements in Arizona collection (1857-1986) consists of primary sources relating to the Mormon colonization efforts along the Little Colorado River and the surrounding area. The major part of the collection consists of materials collected by George S. Tanner. Included are photocopied or transcribed diaries, histories, correspondence, financial records, biographies and autobiographies, and clippings from and about the Arizona settlements. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Movies Made in Utah Photograph Collection Hollywood loved Utah for its old west feel. The Movies Made in Utah collection contains images from various productions filmed in Utah, as well as photo album of a Utah film production studio." data-letter="M"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_mmupc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_mmupc.jpg" alt="Movies Made in Utah Photograph Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_mmupc">Movies Made in Utah Photograph Collection</a> <br> Hollywood loved Utah for its old west feel. The Movies Made in Utah collection contains images from various productions filmed in Utah, as well as photo album of a Utah film production studio. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Murray Museum A wide-ranging collection of nearly 3,000 photographs from the Murray City (Utah) Museum depicting a general history of Murray from the early 20th to early 21st centuries. Topics and events portrayed in the photos include early pioneers, city mayors and other prominent citizens, city buildings and schools, the Murray fire department, 1983 flood, Jordan River Parkway, construction along State Street, just to name a few." data-letter="M"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=mc_mcm"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/mc_mcm.jpg" alt="Murray Museum"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=mc_mcm">Murray Museum</a> <br> A wide-ranging collection of nearly 3,000 photographs from the Murray City (Utah) Museum depicting a general history of Murray from the early 20th to early 21st centuries. Topics and events portrayed in the photos include early pioneers, city mayors and other prominent citizens, city buildings and schools, the Murray fire department, 1983 flood, Jordan River Parkway, construction along State Street, just to name a few. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Music Temple Visitor's Register A spectacular grotto in Glen Canyon of the Colorado River, Music Temple was a popular stop for parties of tourists. As early as the 1930s someone began the tradition of leaving a metal box in the grotto where travelers could write their names on notebooks and pieces of paper, many of which are a "who's who" of early river runners." data-letter="M"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_mtvr"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_mtvr.jpg" alt="Music Temple Visitor's Register"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_mtvr">Music Temple Visitor's Register</a> <br> A spectacular grotto in Glen Canyon of the Colorado River, Music Temple was a popular stop for parties of tourists. As early as the 1930s someone began the tradition of leaving a metal box in the grotto where travelers could write their names on notebooks and pieces of paper, many of which are a "who's who" of early river runners. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div id="N" class="az_letter">N</div><div class="az_item" data-filter="Naturae Simia Robert Fludd, a prominent 17th century doctor, wrote Nature Simia, which was released around 1626. This book, which forms part of the encyclopedic series issued over 9 years to 1626 called 'Utriusque Cosmi Maioris Scilicet et Minores Metaphysica, Physica Atque Technica Historia'. This portion contains interesting sketches and diagrams of various innovations and ideas." data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_ns"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_ns.jpg" alt="Naturae Simia"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_ns">Naturae Simia</a> <br> Robert Fludd, a prominent 17th century doctor, wrote Nature Simia, which was released around 1626. This book, which forms part of the encyclopedic series issued over 9 years to 1626 called 'Utriusque Cosmi Maioris Scilicet et Minores Metaphysica, Physica Atque Technica Historia'. This portion contains interesting sketches and diagrams of various innovations and ideas. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Neighborhood Partners This collection contains various administrative documents of the University Neighborhood Partners program. The UNP brings together University and west side resources for reciprocal learning, action, and benefit. Its goals include increasing opportunities for youth education and success, building the capacity of neighborhoods in the areas of health, housing, employment, business, safety, and the environment, and creating initiatives to empower and expand community leadership." data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_np"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_np.jpg" alt="Neighborhood Partners"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_np">Neighborhood Partners</a> <br> This collection contains various administrative documents of the University Neighborhood Partners program. The UNP brings together University and west side resources for reciprocal learning, action, and benefit. Its goals include increasing opportunities for youth education and success, building the capacity of neighborhoods in the areas of health, housing, employment, business, safety, and the environment, and creating initiatives to empower and expand community leadership. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Nelson Higgins Papers The Nelson Higgins papers contain personal, professional and family materials. The majority of the documents pertain to his military appointments and service." data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_nhp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_nhp.jpg" alt="Nelson Higgins Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_nhp">Nelson Higgins Papers</a> <br> The Nelson Higgins papers contain personal, professional and family materials. The majority of the documents pertain to his military appointments and service. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Network Magazine Records The Network magazine (1978-1989) was a women's magazine created by Mary Gaber, Jinnah Kelson, and Lynne Van Dam who saw the need for an intelligent magazine that would address women's issues and appeal to women in Utah, whether they were in the business world or not. Published through the Phoenix Center, the periodical aimed to connect working women of Utah to helpful resources, employers, guidance from experts, and space to communicate with each other." data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_nmr"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_nmr.jpg" alt="Network Magazine Records"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_nmr">Network Magazine Records</a> <br> The Network magazine (1978-1989) was a women's magazine created by Mary Gaber, Jinnah Kelson, and Lynne Van Dam who saw the need for an intelligent magazine that would address women's issues and appeal to women in Utah, whether they were in the business world or not. Published through the Phoenix Center, the periodical aimed to connect working women of Utah to helpful resources, employers, guidance from experts, and space to communicate with each other. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NODA Community Collection The No One Dies Alone (NODA) Program at University of Utah Health (UUH) is a branch of the national No One Dies Alone (NODA) organization designed by Sandra Clark with the Peace Health Organization. The goal of the NODA program is to provide compassionate companionship for patients alone at the end of their lives. On average two to three patients die without accompaniment monthly at University of Utah Hospital. Doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff attempt to fill this void but have neither the time nor the resources to provide this service. This is where the NODA program is relevant. NODA provides the reassuring presence of a volunteer companion to patients transitioning from life to death who would otherwise pass without the caring and comfort of another human being. University of Utah Health is proud to provide a program that offers companionship to our patients, providing one of the most valuable human gifts: a dignified death." data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_noda">NODA Community Collection</a> <br> The No One Dies Alone (NODA) Program at University of Utah Health (UUH) is a branch of the national No One Dies Alone (NODA) organization designed by Sandra Clark with the Peace Health Organization. The goal of the NODA program is to provide compassionate companionship for patients alone at the end of their lives. On average two to three patients die without accompaniment monthly at University of Utah Hospital. Doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff attempt to fill this void but have neither the time nor the resources to provide this service. This is where the NODA program is relevant. NODA provides the reassuring presence of a volunteer companion to patients transitioning from life to death who would otherwise pass without the caring and comfort of another human being. University of Utah Health is proud to provide a program that offers companionship to our patients, providing one of the most valuable human gifts: a dignified death. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL Collection of materials relating to neuro-ophthalmology as part of the Neuro-Ophthalmology Virtual Education Library. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_novel"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_novel.jpg" alt="NOVEL"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_novel">NOVEL</a> <br> Collection of materials relating to neuro-ophthalmology as part of the Neuro-Ophthalmology Virtual Education Library. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - AAO-NANOS Clinical Collection AAO-NANOS Neuro-Ophthalmology Clinical Collection: Derived from the AAO-NANOS Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology collection produced on CD. The images are of selected cases from the NANOS teaching slide exchange, and the CD was produced under the direction of Larry Frohman, MD and Andrew Lee, MD. The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO); The North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Association (NANOS). NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_aao_nanos"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_aao_nanos.jpg" alt="NOVEL - AAO-NANOS Clinical Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_aao_nanos">NOVEL - AAO-NANOS Clinical Collection</a> <br> AAO-NANOS Neuro-Ophthalmology Clinical Collection: Derived from the AAO-NANOS Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology collection produced on CD. The images are of selected cases from the NANOS teaching slide exchange, and the CD was produced under the direction of Larry Frohman, MD and Andrew Lee, MD. The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO); The North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Association (NANOS). NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - Alfredo A. Sadun Collection The Alfredo A. Sadun Neuro-Ophthalmology Collection: A Professor of Ophthalmology and Neurological Surgery at the USC Keck School of Medicine, Dr. Sadun with a team of researchers at the Doheny Eye Institute pioneered research in optic nerve dysfunction in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Contains his "100 best lectures." Alfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhD, Flora L. Thornton Chair, Professor Ophthalmology & Neurological Surgery, Doheny Eye Institute, Keck School of Medicine at USC. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_aas"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_aas.jpg" alt="NOVEL - Alfredo A. Sadun Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_aas">NOVEL - Alfredo A. Sadun Collection</a> <br> The Alfredo A. Sadun Neuro-Ophthalmology Collection: A Professor of Ophthalmology and Neurological Surgery at the USC Keck School of Medicine, Dr. Sadun with a team of researchers at the Doheny Eye Institute pioneered research in optic nerve dysfunction in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Contains his "100 best lectures." Alfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhD, Flora L. Thornton Chair, Professor Ophthalmology & Neurological Surgery, Doheny Eye Institute, Keck School of Medicine at USC. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - Andrew Lee Collection This collection consists of short (2-5 minute) introductory videos on neuro-ophthalmological condition pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment modalities by Dr. Andrew Lee. Andrew G. Lee, MD, Professor of Ophthalmology, Weill Cornell Medicine; Chairman, Department of Ophthalmology, The Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX; Adjunct Professor of Ophthalmology, Baylor College of Medicine; Adjunct Professor of Ophthalmology, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics and the University of Buffalo; Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston; UT MD Anderson Cancer Center; and Texas A and M College of Medicine. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_lee"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_lee.jpg" alt="NOVEL - Andrew Lee Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_lee">NOVEL - Andrew Lee Collection</a> <br> This collection consists of short (2-5 minute) introductory videos on neuro-ophthalmological condition pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment modalities by Dr. Andrew Lee. Andrew G. Lee, MD, Professor of Ophthalmology, Weill Cornell Medicine; Chairman, Department of Ophthalmology, The Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX; Adjunct Professor of Ophthalmology, Baylor College of Medicine; Adjunct Professor of Ophthalmology, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics and the University of Buffalo; Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston; UT MD Anderson Cancer Center; and Texas A and M College of Medicine. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - Daniel Gold Collection A collection of videos relating to the diagnosis and treatment of eye movement disorders. This collection includes many demonstrations of examination techniques. Dan Gold, D.O., Associate Professor of Neurology, Ophthalmology, Neurosurgery, Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery, Emergency Medicine, and Medicine, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. A collection of videos relating to the diagnosis and treatment of eye movement disorders. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_gold"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_gold.jpg" alt="NOVEL - Daniel Gold Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_gold">NOVEL - Daniel Gold Collection</a> <br> A collection of videos relating to the diagnosis and treatment of eye movement disorders. This collection includes many demonstrations of examination techniques. Dan Gold, D.O., Associate Professor of Neurology, Ophthalmology, Neurosurgery, Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery, Emergency Medicine, and Medicine, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. A collection of videos relating to the diagnosis and treatment of eye movement disorders. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - David E. Newman-Toker Collection The David Newman-Toker Neuro-Ophthalmology Collection contains great examination video and other resources relating to disorders of the brainstem and cranial nerves, including visual loss, double vision, and dizziness. David Newman-Toker, MD, PhD, Associate Professor. Departments of Neurology, Ophthalmology & Otolaryngology, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_dent"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_dent.jpg" alt="NOVEL - David E. Newman-Toker Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_dent">NOVEL - David E. Newman-Toker Collection</a> <br> The David Newman-Toker Neuro-Ophthalmology Collection contains great examination video and other resources relating to disorders of the brainstem and cranial nerves, including visual loss, double vision, and dizziness. David Newman-Toker, MD, PhD, Associate Professor. Departments of Neurology, Ophthalmology & Otolaryngology, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - David G. Cogan Collection David G. Cogan, MD, was the Director of Ophthalmology at the National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health. The David G. Cogan Neuro-Ophthalmology Collection contains video and images from the vast collection of Dr. Cogan, who is generally considered the founder of the subspecialty of neuro-ophthalmology. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_dgc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_dgc.jpg" alt="NOVEL - David G. Cogan Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_dgc">NOVEL - David G. Cogan Collection</a> <br> David G. Cogan, MD, was the Director of Ophthalmology at the National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health. The David G. Cogan Neuro-Ophthalmology Collection contains video and images from the vast collection of Dr. Cogan, who is generally considered the founder of the subspecialty of neuro-ophthalmology. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - Emory Eye Center The Emory Eye Center Neuro-Ophthalmology Collection contains a variety of lectures, videos and images relating to the discipline of neuro-ophthalmology created by faculty at Emory University in Atlanta, GA. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_eec"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_eec.jpg" alt="NOVEL - Emory Eye Center"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_eec">NOVEL - Emory Eye Center</a> <br> The Emory Eye Center Neuro-Ophthalmology Collection contains a variety of lectures, videos and images relating to the discipline of neuro-ophthalmology created by faculty at Emory University in Atlanta, GA. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - Frank B. Walsh Collection The Walsh Society Annual Meeting Archives: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Walsh Society, which is now part of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Association (NANOS) Annual Meeting. Contains records from the first meeting in 1969, through the present. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_fbw"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_fbw.jpg" alt="NOVEL - Frank B. Walsh Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_fbw">NOVEL - Frank B. Walsh Collection</a> <br> The Walsh Society Annual Meeting Archives: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Walsh Society, which is now part of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Association (NANOS) Annual Meeting. Contains records from the first meeting in 1969, through the present. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - Helmut Wilhelm Collection Collection covering many eye movement and pupil disorders. Helmut Wilhelm, MD, Professor, School of Medicine, Universitäts-Augenklinik, Tubingen, Germany. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_hwc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_hwc.jpg" alt="NOVEL - Helmut Wilhelm Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_hwc">NOVEL - Helmut Wilhelm Collection</a> <br> Collection covering many eye movement and pupil disorders. Helmut Wilhelm, MD, Professor, School of Medicine, Universit盲ts-Augenklinik, Tubingen, Germany. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - Irene E. Loewenfeld Pupil Collection In 2005, the Eccles Health Sciences Library was gifted a research catalog belonging to the late Irene Loewenfeld, PhD. A prominent and respected researcher of the human eye, Dr. Loewenfeld edited and published the principal medical textbook on the pupil in 1993 after conducting over 50 years of research on the subject. This collection contains a significant portion of her research catalog, including hand-written notes and index cards as well as historical research referenced in her work. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_iel"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_iel.jpg" alt="NOVEL - Irene E. Loewenfeld Pupil Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_iel">NOVEL - Irene E. Loewenfeld Pupil Collection</a> <br> In 2005, the Eccles Health Sciences Library was gifted a research catalog belonging to the late Irene Loewenfeld, PhD. A prominent and respected researcher of the human eye, Dr. Loewenfeld edited and published the principal medical textbook on the pupil in 1993 after conducting over 50 years of research on the subject. This collection contains a significant portion of her research catalog, including hand-written notes and index cards as well as historical research referenced in her work. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - J. Lawton Smith Lecture Collection J. Lawton Smith, MD, formerly a Professor of Ophthalmology, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami School of Medicine was a well-known ophthalmologist who recorded this audio lecture series, famous among residents and fellows, which covers the broad spectrum of ophthalmology. Dr. Smith was a well loved lecturer and mentor to many in the discipline. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_jls"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_jls.jpg" alt="NOVEL - J. Lawton Smith Lecture Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_jls">NOVEL - J. Lawton Smith Lecture Collection</a> <br> J. Lawton Smith, MD, formerly a Professor of Ophthalmology, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami School of Medicine was a well-known ophthalmologist who recorded this audio lecture series, famous among residents and fellows, which covers the broad spectrum of ophthalmology. Dr. Smith was a well loved lecturer and mentor to many in the discipline. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - Jacqueline Winterkorn Collection Jacqueline Winterkorn taught neuroanatomy at Cornell and subsequently practiced and taught neuro-ophthalmology. Her collection contains lectures, images and video from her teaching materials. Jacqueline Winterkorn, MD, PhD, (1947-2015) Clinical Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Weill Cornell Medicine. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_jw"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_jw.jpg" alt="NOVEL - Jacqueline Winterkorn Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_jw">NOVEL - Jacqueline Winterkorn Collection</a> <br> Jacqueline Winterkorn taught neuroanatomy at Cornell and subsequently practiced and taught neuro-ophthalmology. Her collection contains lectures, images and video from her teaching materials. Jacqueline Winterkorn, MD, PhD, (1947-2015) Clinical Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Weill Cornell Medicine. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - John S. Kennerdell Collection The John S. Kennerdell Neuro-Ophthalmology Collection: An ophthalmologic surgeon and orbital expert, Dr. Kennerdell has collected 66 lectures covering a wide variety of orbit disorders. John S. Kennerdell, MD, Retired, formerly Chair, Department of Ophthalmology, Allegheny General Hospital, Professor, Ophthalmology, Drexel University College of Medicine. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_jsk"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_jsk.jpg" alt="NOVEL - John S. Kennerdell Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_jsk">NOVEL - John S. Kennerdell Collection</a> <br> The John S. Kennerdell Neuro-Ophthalmology Collection: An ophthalmologic surgeon and orbital expert, Dr. Kennerdell has collected 66 lectures covering a wide variety of orbit disorders. John S. Kennerdell, MD, Retired, formerly Chair, Department of Ophthalmology, Allegheny General Hospital, Professor, Ophthalmology, Drexel University College of Medicine. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - Jonathan D. Trobe Collection The Jonathan D. Trobe Collection: Neuro-Ophthalmology at Your Fingertips is a significant collection of information and visual descriptions of neuro-ophthalmic disorders with 21 Overview Videos, an extensive set of Topics, self-test quizzes, and a search function. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_jdt"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_jdt.jpg" alt="NOVEL - Jonathan D. Trobe Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_jdt">NOVEL - Jonathan D. Trobe Collection</a> <br> The Jonathan D. Trobe Collection: Neuro-Ophthalmology at Your Fingertips is a significant collection of information and visual descriptions of neuro-ophthalmic disorders with 21 Overview Videos, an extensive set of Topics, self-test quizzes, and a search function. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology (JNO) Archive: Archive of the Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology from 1981 - present, excluding the current year in the source publication. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_jno"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_jno.jpg" alt="NOVEL - Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_jno">NOVEL - Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology</a> <br> Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology (JNO) Archive: Archive of the Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology from 1981 - present, excluding the current year in the source publication. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - Louis F. Dell'Osso Collection This collection contains the textbook, Nystagmus in Infancy, by Louis Dell'Osso, PhD. Louis F. Dell'Osso, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Department of Neurology Case Western Reserve University Director Emeritus, Daroff-Dell'Osso Ocular Motility Laboratory VA Medical Center, Cleveland, OH. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_dellosso"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_dellosso.jpg" alt="NOVEL - Louis F. Dell'Osso Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_dellosso">NOVEL - Louis F. Dell'Osso Collection</a> <br> This collection contains the textbook, Nystagmus in Infancy, by Louis Dell'Osso, PhD. Louis F. Dell'Osso, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Department of Neurology Case Western Reserve University Director Emeritus, Daroff-Dell'Osso Ocular Motility Laboratory VA Medical Center, Cleveland, OH. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - Moran Eye Center John A. Moran Eye Center Neuro-Ophthalmology Collection: A variety of lectures, videos and images relating to topics in Neuro-Ophthalmology created by faculty at the Moran Eye Center, University of Utah, in Salt Lake City. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_jmec"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_jmec.jpg" alt="NOVEL - Moran Eye Center"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_jmec">NOVEL - Moran Eye Center</a> <br> John A. Moran Eye Center Neuro-Ophthalmology Collection: A variety of lectures, videos and images relating to topics in Neuro-Ophthalmology created by faculty at the Moran Eye Center, University of Utah, in Salt Lake City. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - NANOS Annual Meeting The NANOS Annual Meeting Neuro-Ophthalmology Collection: Presentations from the annual meeting of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society (NANOS), a professional organization of more than 600 members who are fully trained ophthalmologists or neurologists. Contains records from the first meeting in 1975 to the present. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_nam"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_nam.jpg" alt="NOVEL - NANOS Annual Meeting"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_nam">NOVEL - NANOS Annual Meeting</a> <br> The NANOS Annual Meeting Neuro-Ophthalmology Collection: Presentations from the annual meeting of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society (NANOS), a professional organization of more than 600 members who are fully trained ophthalmologists or neurologists. Contains records from the first meeting in 1975 to the present. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - NANOS Historical Collection The NANOS Historical Collection: Assortment of documents relating to the history of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society (NANOS). NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_nanosh"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_nanosh.jpg" alt="NOVEL - NANOS Historical Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_nanosh">NOVEL - NANOS Historical Collection</a> <br> The NANOS Historical Collection: Assortment of documents relating to the history of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society (NANOS). NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - Neil R. Miller Collection The Neil R. Miller Collection covers a broad range of neuro-ophthalmologic conditions and syndromes in videos, images, and lecture presentations." data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_nrm"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_nrm.jpg" alt="NOVEL - Neil R. Miller Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_nrm">NOVEL - Neil R. Miller Collection</a> <br> The Neil R. Miller Collection covers a broad range of neuro-ophthalmologic conditions and syndromes in videos, images, and lecture presentations. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - Randy Kardon Collection The Randy H. Kardon Neuro-Ophthalmology Collection: Videos relating to pupil disorders. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_rk"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_rk.jpg" alt="NOVEL - Randy Kardon Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_rk">NOVEL - Randy Kardon Collection</a> <br> The Randy H. Kardon Neuro-Ophthalmology Collection: Videos relating to pupil disorders. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - Robert B. Daroff Collection The Robert B. Daroff Neuro-Ophthalmology Collection: Features a series of instructional video on eye movement disorders prepared in 1991. The original recordings were on 16mm film, mostly filmed in the 1960s and 70s in Dr. Daroff's laboratory at the University of Miami. Robert B. Daroff, Professor and Chair Emeritus, School of Medicine, CASE Western Reserve University, University Hospitals - Case Medical Center. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_rbd"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_rbd.jpg" alt="NOVEL - Robert B. Daroff Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_rbd">NOVEL - Robert B. Daroff Collection</a> <br> The Robert B. Daroff Neuro-Ophthalmology Collection: Features a series of instructional video on eye movement disorders prepared in 1991. The original recordings were on 16mm film, mostly filmed in the 1960s and 70s in Dr. Daroff's laboratory at the University of Miami. Robert B. Daroff, Professor and Chair Emeritus, School of Medicine, CASE Western Reserve University, University Hospitals - Case Medical Center. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - Shirley H. Wray Collection Videos, clinical notes and related presentations concerning neuro-ophthalmological and neurovisual disorders collected during Dr. Wray's work as the Director of Neuro-Visual Disorders at Massachusetts General Hospital. Shirley H. Wray, M.D., Ph.D., FRCP, Professor of Neurology Harvard Medical School, Director, Unit for Neurovisual Disorders, Massachusetts General Hospital. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_shw"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_shw.jpg" alt="NOVEL - Shirley H. Wray Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_shw">NOVEL - Shirley H. Wray Collection</a> <br> Videos, clinical notes and related presentations concerning neuro-ophthalmological and neurovisual disorders collected during Dr. Wray's work as the Director of Neuro-Visual Disorders at Massachusetts General Hospital. Shirley H. Wray, M.D., Ph.D., FRCP, Professor of Neurology Harvard Medical School, Director, Unit for Neurovisual Disorders, Massachusetts General Hospital. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - Steven A. Newman Collection The Steven A. Newman Neuro-Ophthalmology Collection: Steven Newman, MD, is a Professor of Ophthalmology at the University of Virginia School of Medicine and a practicing Neuro-ophthalmologist. His collection represents his knowledge and teaching over the course of his distinguished career." data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_newma"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_newma.jpg" alt="NOVEL - Steven A. Newman Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_newma">NOVEL - Steven A. Newman Collection</a> <br> The Steven A. Newman Neuro-Ophthalmology Collection: Steven Newman, MD, is a Professor of Ophthalmology at the University of Virginia School of Medicine and a practicing Neuro-ophthalmologist. His collection represents his knowledge and teaching over the course of his distinguished career. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - Susac Collection A collection from Dr. John Susac (1940-2012), of Winter Haven, Florida, who first described Susac's syndrome in 1979. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_jos"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_jos.jpg" alt="NOVEL - Susac Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_jos">NOVEL - Susac Collection</a> <br> A collection from Dr. John Susac (1940-2012), of Winter Haven, Florida, who first described Susac's syndrome in 1979. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - Test Your Knowledge Test Your Knowledge contains a collection of multiple choice questions covering a wide variety of neuro-ophthalmology topics. Items are formatted in two pages, with the first page containing the multiple choice question, and the second page the answer, relevant explanations, and citations." data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_tyk"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_tyk.jpg" alt="NOVEL - Test Your Knowledge"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_tyk">NOVEL - Test Your Knowledge</a> <br> Test Your Knowledge contains a collection of multiple choice questions covering a wide variety of neuro-ophthalmology topics. Items are formatted in two pages, with the first page containing the multiple choice question, and the second page the answer, relevant explanations, and citations. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - Veeral Shah Collection This collection contains information and visual descriptions of a variety of pediatric optic nerve disorders. Veeral Shah, MD, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and Abrahamson Pediatric Eye Institute/ Division of Pediatric Ophthalmology, Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmology. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_shah"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_shah.jpg" alt="NOVEL - Veeral Shah Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_shah">NOVEL - Veeral Shah Collection</a> <br> This collection contains information and visual descriptions of a variety of pediatric optic nerve disorders. Veeral Shah, MD, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and Abrahamson Pediatric Eye Institute/ Division of Pediatric Ophthalmology, Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmology. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - Walsh and Hoyt Textbook Walsh and Hoyt's Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology, 6th Edition: Full text of the 6th edition of "Walsh and Hoyt's Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology". Editors: Neil R. Miller; Nancy J. Newman; Valerie Biousse; John B. Kerrison. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_wht"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_wht.jpg" alt="NOVEL - Walsh and Hoyt Textbook"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_wht">NOVEL - Walsh and Hoyt Textbook</a> <br> Walsh and Hoyt's Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology, 6th Edition: Full text of the 6th edition of "Walsh and Hoyt's Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology". Editors: Neil R. Miller; Nancy J. Newman; Valerie Biousse; John B. Kerrison. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - Walsh and Hoyt Textbook Selections Selections from Walsh and Hoyt's Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology, 6th Edition for the NANOS Illustrated Curriculum. Editors: Neil R. Miller; Nancy J. Newman; Valerie Biousse; John B. Kerrison. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_whts"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_whts.jpg" alt="NOVEL - Walsh and Hoyt Textbook Selections"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_whts">NOVEL - Walsh and Hoyt Textbook Selections</a> <br> Selections from Walsh and Hoyt's Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology, 6th Edition for the NANOS Illustrated Curriculum. Editors: Neil R. Miller; Nancy J. Newman; Valerie Biousse; John B. Kerrison. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - William F. Hoyt Collection Best known for his world-renowned neuro-ophthalmology unit based at the University of California, San Francisco, William Hoyt, MD collected here more than 850 of his best images covering a wide range of disorders. William F. Hoyt, MD, Professor Emeritus of Ophthalmology, Neurology and Neurosurgery, Department of Ophthalmology, University of California, San Francisco. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_wfh"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_wfh.jpg" alt="NOVEL - William F. Hoyt Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_wfh">NOVEL - William F. Hoyt Collection</a> <br> Best known for his world-renowned neuro-ophthalmology unit based at the University of California, San Francisco, William Hoyt, MD collected here more than 850 of his best images covering a wide range of disorders. William F. Hoyt, MD, Professor Emeritus of Ophthalmology, Neurology and Neurosurgery, Department of Ophthalmology, University of California, San Francisco. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NOVEL - Yin Allison Liu Collection The Yin Allison Liu Collection covers neuro-ophthalmologic conditions in adult and pediatric patients both on-call and in-clinic. NOVEL:" data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_yal"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_novel_yal.jpg" alt="NOVEL - Yin Allison Liu Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_novel_yal">NOVEL - Yin Allison Liu Collection</a> <br> The Yin Allison Liu Collection covers neuro-ophthalmologic conditions in adult and pediatric patients both on-call and in-clinic. NOVEL: </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NTC Archives The Network of the National Library of Medicine Training Office (NTO) supports the training and educational missions of the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM). The NTC Archives is a repository of documents related to the program." data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_ntc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_ntc.jpg" alt="NTC Archives"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_ntc">NTC Archives</a> <br> The Network of the National Library of Medicine Training Office (NTO) supports the training and educational missions of the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM). The NTC Archives is a repository of documents related to the program. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="NURS 4605 EBP Posters Final evidence based practice poster projects for fourth semester pre-licensure nursing students." data-letter="N"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_nursebp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_nursebp.jpg" alt="NURS 4605 EBP Posters"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_nursebp">NURS 4605 EBP Posters</a> <br> Final evidence based practice poster projects for fourth semester pre-licensure nursing students. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div id="O" class="az_letter">O</div><div class="az_item" data-filter="O.L. Tapp Film Collection The Orland L. Brig Tapp film collection consists of O. L. Tapp's independent films, unused footage, and various home videos." data-letter="O"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_oltc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_oltc.jpg" alt="O.L. Tapp Film Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_oltc">O.L. Tapp Film Collection</a> <br> The Orland L. Brig Tapp film collection consists of O. L. Tapp's independent films, unused footage, and various home videos. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Office of Undergraduate Research Library The mission of the University of Utah Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) is to facilitate and promote undergraduate student-faculty collaborative research and creative works in all disciplines throughout the University of Utah campus through equitable programming, diverse representation, and social justice oriented opportunities. A backfile of archived issues of Undergraduate Research Abstracts is also available in the U's Digital Library." data-letter="O"> <div class="az_image"> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_our">Office of Undergraduate Research Library</a> <br> The mission of the University of Utah Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) is to facilitate and promote undergraduate student-faculty collaborative research and creative works in all disciplines throughout the University of Utah campus through equitable programming, diverse representation, and social justice oriented opportunities. A backfile of archived issues of Undergraduate Research Abstracts is also available in the U's Digital Library. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Olympic Legacy The Olympic Legacy Collection contains images of various events during the 2002 Salt Lake Olympics. Also included are images of some artifacts in the Utah State History collection, such as the famous tradable pins." data-letter="O"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_olyleg"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_olyleg.jpg" alt="Olympic Legacy"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_olyleg">Olympic Legacy</a> <br> The Olympic Legacy Collection contains images of various events during the 2002 Salt Lake Olympics. Also included are images of some artifacts in the Utah State History collection, such as the famous tradable pins. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Online Public Health Library A repository for documents, reports, and publications from the Utah Department of Health." data-letter="O"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_ophl"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_ophl.jpg" alt="Online Public Health Library"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_ophl">Online Public Health Library</a> <br> A repository for documents, reports, and publications from the Utah Department of Health. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Open Access Classroom Resources " data-letter="O"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_oacr"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_oacr.jpg" alt="Open Access Classroom Resources"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_oacr">Open Access Classroom Resources</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Our Daily Diary, Topaz War Relocation Center Our Daily Diary is a diary kept by the High Third Grade children at the Topaz War Relocation Center during World War II. Students and their teacher document their every day experiences during the time of internment of Japanese-Americans." data-letter="O"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_oddtwr"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_oddtwr.jpg" alt="Our Daily Diary, Topaz War Relocation Center"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_oddtwr">Our Daily Diary, Topaz War Relocation Center</a> <br> Our Daily Diary is a diary kept by the High Third Grade children at the Topaz War Relocation Center during World War II. Students and their teacher document their every day experiences during the time of internment of Japanese-Americans. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div id="P" class="az_letter">P</div><div class="az_item" data-filter="Pantages Theatre - Salt Lake City This collection documents the architecture of the historic Pantages theater at 148 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, also known as the Utah Theatre." data-letter="P"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_ptslc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_ptslc.jpg" alt="Pantages Theatre - Salt Lake City"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_ptslc">Pantages Theatre - Salt Lake City</a> <br> This collection documents the architecture of the historic Pantages theater at 148 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, also known as the Utah Theatre. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Park City Historical Society A variety of documents and photographs from the Park City Historical Society." data-letter="P"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=pc_hs"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/pc_hs.jpg" alt="Park City Historical Society"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=pc_hs">Park City Historical Society</a> <br> A variety of documents and photographs from the Park City Historical Society. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Park City Historical Society & Museum The Park City Historical Society and Museum is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving, protecting and promoting Park City's history and heritage. This collection contains some of the Society's historic photos of Park City and the Mountain West region." data-letter="P"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=pc_hsm"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/pc_hsm.jpg" alt="Park City Historical Society & Museum"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=pc_hsm">Park City Historical Society & Museum</a> <br> The Park City Historical Society and Museum is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving, protecting and promoting Park City's history and heritage. This collection contains some of the Society's historic photos of Park City and the Mountain West region. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Peoples of Utah The Peoples of Utah collection contains images that show some of Utah's great diversity. Helen Papanikolas collected and donated these photographs." data-letter="P"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_pu"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_pu.jpg" alt="Peoples of Utah"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_pu">Peoples of Utah</a> <br> The Peoples of Utah collection contains images that show some of Utah's great diversity. Helen Papanikolas collected and donated these photographs. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Peoples of Utah Revisited Utah is home to countless communities, with distinct and intertwined histories. Many of their stories have long been excluded from popular narratives of Utah's past. Through the Peoples of Utah Revisited, the Utah Historical Society seeks to widen the lens on Utah's history and amplify voices that have not been heard." data-letter="P"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_pour"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_pour.jpg" alt="Peoples of Utah Revisited"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_pour">Peoples of Utah Revisited</a> <br> Utah is home to countless communities, with distinct and intertwined histories. Many of their stories have long been excluded from popular narratives of Utah's past. Through the Peoples of Utah Revisited, the Utah Historical Society seeks to widen the lens on Utah's history and amplify voices that have not been heard. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Philip T. Blair Family Papers Philip T. Blair was born to George Elias Blair and Nellie May Thatcher in 1896. He was the great-grandson of Brigham Young, second president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and territorial governor of Utah. The Philip T. Blair family papers (1836-1968) contain pertinent information concerning the early development of the Mormon church as well as covering an important epoch in early Utah history. It describes the social, religious, economic, and political development of the state through correspondence, documents, and memorabilia. Spanning a period of four generations of a family, it commences in 1836 with some of the earliest known personal correspondence of Brigham Young and his wife Mary Ann Angell Young." data-letter="P"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_ptbf"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_ptbf.jpg" alt="Philip T. Blair Family Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_ptbf">Philip T. Blair Family Papers</a> <br> Philip T. Blair was born to George Elias Blair and Nellie May Thatcher in 1896. He was the great-grandson of Brigham Young, second president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and territorial governor of Utah. The Philip T. Blair family papers (1836-1968) contain pertinent information concerning the early development of the Mormon church as well as covering an important epoch in early Utah history. It describes the social, religious, economic, and political development of the state through correspondence, documents, and memorabilia. Spanning a period of four generations of a family, it commences in 1836 with some of the earliest known personal correspondence of Brigham Young and his wife Mary Ann Angell Young. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Philo T. Farnsworth Television Tubes The Philo T. Farnsworth Television Tubes Collection contains different examples of the Farnsworth television tubes that are part of the Utah State History's artifacts collection." data-letter="P"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_ptfttc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_ptfttc.jpg" alt="Philo T. Farnsworth Television Tubes"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_ptfttc">Philo T. Farnsworth Television Tubes</a> <br> The Philo T. Farnsworth Television Tubes Collection contains different examples of the Farnsworth television tubes that are part of the Utah State History's artifacts collection. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Philosophical Issues In Human Affairs Telecourses The Philosophical Issues in Human Affairs telecourses collection (1973-1974) consists of video recordings of lectures written and delivered by philosophy Professor Charles H. Monson, Jr. The lectures were intended to serve as a philosophy telecourse for distance education students to view on the Utah Educational Network television station. The telecourses cover such topics as love, death, work, and freedom. Charles H. Monson, Jr. was a professor of philosophy at the University of Utah 1952-1956 and 1958-1960. He served as the deputy academic vice president of the school from 1966 and remained with the University of Utah until his death in 1974." data-letter="P"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_piiha"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_piiha.jpg" alt="Philosophical Issues In Human Affairs Telecourses"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_piiha">Philosophical Issues In Human Affairs Telecourses</a> <br> The Philosophical Issues in Human Affairs telecourses collection (1973-1974) consists of video recordings of lectures written and delivered by philosophy Professor Charles H. Monson, Jr. The lectures were intended to serve as a philosophy telecourse for distance education students to view on the Utah Educational Network television station. The telecourses cover such topics as love, death, work, and freedom. Charles H. Monson, Jr. was a professor of philosophy at the University of Utah 1952-1956 and 1958-1960. He served as the deputy academic vice president of the school from 1966 and remained with the University of Utah until his death in 1974. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Photo Archives Over 90,000 photos covering a variety of topics from Marriott Library Special Collections." data-letter="P"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_map"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_map.jpg" alt="Photo Archives"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_map">Photo Archives</a> <br> Over 90,000 photos covering a variety of topics from Marriott Library Special Collections. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Project Art Heals Utah Project Art Heals Utah is a collaborative mosaic art project using empty COVID-19 vaccine vials, clean healthcare waste from University of Utah patient care areas, and physical and virtual mementos donated by those that have suffered loss due to COVID-19." data-letter="P"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_pahu"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_pahu.jpg" alt="Project Art Heals Utah"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_pahu">Project Art Heals Utah</a> <br> Project Art Heals Utah is a collaborative mosaic art project using empty COVID-19 vaccine vials, clean healthcare waste from University of Utah patient care areas, and physical and virtual mementos donated by those that have suffered loss due to COVID-19. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Protocol Registry of Evidence Reviews at the University of Utah A registry of protocols, the a priori methodology plan for evidence reviews by University of Utah teams." data-letter="P"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_esp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_esp.jpg" alt="Protocol Registry of Evidence Reviews at the University of Utah"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_esp">Protocol Registry of Evidence Reviews at the University of Utah</a> <br> A registry of protocols, the a priori methodology plan for evidence reviews by University of Utah teams. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Public Affairs of Health Sciences Center A collection of publications and articles including: the Faculty Journal, Pulse, Health Sciences Report, Insider, Medical Update, Intercom, The Greater Gift of Health, and Illuminations Magazine by the Office of Public Affairs and Marketing at University of Utah Health. The collection spans nearly four decades of publications, periodicals, newsletters, and press releases from University of Utah Health." data-letter="P"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_pahsc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_pahsc.jpg" alt="Public Affairs of Health Sciences Center"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_pahsc">Public Affairs of Health Sciences Center</a> <br> A collection of publications and articles including: the Faculty Journal, Pulse, Health Sciences Report, Insider, Medical Update, Intercom, The Greater Gift of Health, and Illuminations Magazine by the Office of Public Affairs and Marketing at University of Utah Health. The collection spans nearly four decades of publications, periodicals, newsletters, and press releases from University of Utah Health. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div id="Q" class="az_letter">Q</div><div class="az_item" data-filter="Quinney - Iraq Project " data-letter="Q"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_law_qip"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_law_qip.jpg" alt="Quinney - Iraq Project"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_law_qip">Quinney - Iraq Project</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div id="R" class="az_letter">R</div><div class="az_item" data-filter="Rare Books Collection The Rare Books Division of Special Collections holds more than 80,000 books, maps and ephemera representing the written record of world history from ancient clay tablet to 21st century artists' books. By actively collecting, preserving and digitizing material of historical and aesthetic importance the Rare Books Division provides reference, research and educational access to local, regional and international communities, strengthening the ability of faculty to teach, students to learn, and communities to find common denominators." data-letter="R"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_rbc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_rbc.jpg" alt="Rare Books Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_rbc">Rare Books Collection</a> <br> The Rare Books Division of Special Collections holds more than 80,000 books, maps and ephemera representing the written record of world history from ancient clay tablet to 21st century artists' books. By actively collecting, preserving and digitizing material of historical and aesthetic importance the Rare Books Division provides reference, research and educational access to local, regional and international communities, strengthening the ability of faculty to teach, students to learn, and communities to find common denominators. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Ray King Collection This collection contains images from Utah photographer Ray King. King worked for the Salt Lake Tribune for many years in the mid-twentieth century. These images document his work in Utah but also his personal life as he photographed trips throughout the United States." data-letter="R"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_rkc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_rkc.jpg" alt="Ray King Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_rkc">Ray King Collection</a> <br> This collection contains images from Utah photographer Ray King. King worked for the Salt Lake Tribune for many years in the mid-twentieth century. These images document his work in Utah but also his personal life as he photographed trips throughout the United States. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Regional History Center Located in Vernal, Utah, the Uintah County Library serves as a key information center in its area. This collection contains a wide assortment of historical photos from the Uintah County area." data-letter="R"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ucl_rhc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ucl_rhc.jpg" alt="Regional History Center"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ucl_rhc">Regional History Center</a> <br> Located in Vernal, Utah, the Uintah County Library serves as a key information center in its area. This collection contains a wide assortment of historical photos from the Uintah County area. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Registration Repository Agreements " data-letter="R"> <div class="az_image"> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=umnh_regist_r">Registration Repository Agreements</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Research Reproducibility An annual event hosted by the Eccles Health Sciences Library, the Research Reproducibility Conference features internationally-known guest speakers, panelists, and a poster session in an effort to increase reproducibility on campuses world-wide. This collection includes presentations, videos, posters and photographs from the Research Reproducibility Conference and Lectures beginning in 2016." data-letter="R"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_rr"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_rr.jpg" alt="Research Reproducibility"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_rr">Research Reproducibility</a> <br> An annual event hosted by the Eccles Health Sciences Library, the Research Reproducibility Conference features internationally-known guest speakers, panelists, and a poster session in an effort to increase reproducibility on campuses world-wide. This collection includes presentations, videos, posters and photographs from the Research Reproducibility Conference and Lectures beginning in 2016. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Reva Beck Bosone Papers The Reva Beck Bosone papers (1927-1977) mainly contain the political papers of Bosone (b. 1895), the first woman sent to the United States House of Representatives by the state of Utah. Included are correspondence, campaign materials, voting records, legislation, subject files, and some personal materials." data-letter="R"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_rbbp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_rbbp.jpg" alt="Reva Beck Bosone Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_rbbp">Reva Beck Bosone Papers</a> <br> The Reva Beck Bosone papers (1927-1977) mainly contain the political papers of Bosone (b. 1895), the first woman sent to the United States House of Representatives by the state of Utah. Included are correspondence, campaign materials, voting records, legislation, subject files, and some personal materials. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Reverend France A. Davis Papers The Reverend France A. Davis papers (1915-2020) consist primarily of sermons delivered by Reverend Davis at the Calvary Missionary Baptist Church in Salt Lake City, Utah. Reverend Davis is a pastor emeritus and civil rights activist." data-letter="R"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_rfadp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_rfadp.jpg" alt="Reverend France A. Davis Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_rfadp">Reverend France A. Davis Papers</a> <br> The Reverend France A. Davis papers (1915-2020) consist primarily of sermons delivered by Reverend Davis at the Calvary Missionary Baptist Church in Salt Lake City, Utah. Reverend Davis is a pastor emeritus and civil rights activist. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Richard K. A. Kletting Architectural Drawings Richard Karl August Kletting (1858-1943) was born on 1 July, 1858, at Unterboihingen Oberamt, Neuertingen, Werttemberg, Germany. Richard Kletting practiced architecture in Utah from 1890-1920, and became very prominent in his field. Kletting's prolific career included the designs of the Utah State Capitol, the Territorial Insane Asylum, Saltair, the original Salt Palace, the McIntyre Building, Cullen Hotel, and the Felt Building. After completing his design for the Utah State Capitol in 1912, he went into semi-retirement." data-letter="R"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_rkd"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_rkd.jpg" alt="Richard K. A. Kletting Architectural Drawings"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_rkd">Richard K. A. Kletting Architectural Drawings</a> <br> Richard Karl August Kletting (1858-1943) was born on 1 July, 1858, at Unterboihingen Oberamt, Neuertingen, Werttemberg, Germany. Richard Kletting practiced architecture in Utah from 1890-1920, and became very prominent in his field. Kletting's prolific career included the designs of the Utah State Capitol, the Territorial Insane Asylum, Saltair, the original Salt Palace, the McIntyre Building, Cullen Hotel, and the Felt Building. After completing his design for the Utah State Capitol in 1912, he went into semi-retirement. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Richard Kern's Far West Sketches: A Visual History of the 1853 Gunnison Expedition In 1853 Richard Hovendon Kern was hired as topographer and artist for a government-sponsored reconnaissance led by Captain John Williams Gunnison. Kern sketched landscape panoramas as the group made its way from St. Louis toward San Francisco. When the expedition reached Sevier Lake, Utah, however, it was attacked by a band of Indians. Seven men, including Kern and Gunnison, were killed, and Kern's drawings were stolen. The sketches were soon recovered and eventually carried to Washington, D.C. Robert Shlaer, an accomplished daguerreotypist, came across Kern's sketches many years later at the Newberry Library in Chicago. He was inspired to locate the views depicted in the drawings and to photograph them, as nearly as was possible, from the same spot where Kern had stood when he sketched them. This collection juxtaposes Kern's drawings with Shlaer's photographs, presenting 389 illustrations in geographic sequence from east to west" data-letter="R"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_rkfws"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_rkfws.jpg" alt="Richard Kern's Far West Sketches: A Visual History of the 1853 Gunnison Expedition"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_rkfws">Richard Kern's Far West Sketches: A Visual History of the 1853 Gunnison Expedition</a> <br> In 1853 Richard Hovendon Kern was hired as topographer and artist for a government-sponsored reconnaissance led by Captain John Williams Gunnison. Kern sketched landscape panoramas as the group made its way from St. Louis toward San Francisco. When the expedition reached Sevier Lake, Utah, however, it was attacked by a band of Indians. Seven men, including Kern and Gunnison, were killed, and Kern's drawings were stolen. The sketches were soon recovered and eventually carried to Washington, D.C. Robert Shlaer, an accomplished daguerreotypist, came across Kern's sketches many years later at the Newberry Library in Chicago. He was inspired to locate the views depicted in the drawings and to photograph them, as nearly as was possible, from the same spot where Kern had stood when he sketched them. This collection juxtaposes Kern's drawings with Shlaer's photographs, presenting 389 illustrations in geographic sequence from east to west </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Richard Wright Young Papers Architectural drawings from the Young family architects with a focus on Salt Lake City, including remodeling projects, residences, and businesses in Utah." data-letter="R"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_rwyp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_rwyp.jpg" alt="Richard Wright Young Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_rwyp">Richard Wright Young Papers</a> <br> Architectural drawings from the Young family architects with a focus on Salt Lake City, including remodeling projects, residences, and businesses in Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Right Whale Collection Photographic surveys of individually known right whales at Peninsula Valdes, Argentina, 1970-2004" data-letter="R"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_rwc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_rwc.jpg" alt="Right Whale Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_rwc">Right Whale Collection</a> <br> Photographic surveys of individually known right whales at Peninsula Valdes, Argentina, 1970-2004 </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Right Whale Contacts Collection " data-letter="R"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_rwcc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_rwcc.jpg" alt="Right Whale Contacts Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_rwcc">Right Whale Contacts Collection</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Right Whale Notes Collection " data-letter="R"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_rwnc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_rwnc.jpg" alt="Right Whale Notes Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_rwnc">Right Whale Notes Collection</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Rock Climbers Oral History Project Tallie Casucci, Librarian at the J. Willard Marriott Library and avid rock climber, collected oral histories with notable rock climbers in the Utah area during 2022 to 2023." data-letter="R"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_rcohp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_rcohp.jpg" alt="Rock Climbers Oral History Project"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_rcohp">Rock Climbers Oral History Project</a> <br> Tallie Casucci, Librarian at the J. Willard Marriott Library and avid rock climber, collected oral histories with notable rock climbers in the Utah area during 2022 to 2023. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Rocky Mountain Woman The Rocky Mountain Woman was a free, monthly women's newspaper published in Salt Lake City, Utah during the 1970s. Topics covered include Intermountain West regional and national politics relating to women's issues, religion, and local advertisements." data-letter="R"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_rmw"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_rmw.jpg" alt="Rocky Mountain Woman"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_rmw">Rocky Mountain Woman</a> <br> The Rocky Mountain Woman was a free, monthly women's newspaper published in Salt Lake City, Utah during the 1970s. Topics covered include Intermountain West regional and national politics relating to women's issues, religion, and local advertisements. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Rubor Rubor serves as a forum for people from all aspects of healthcare in Utah to share their stories and showcase their creative talents. Through fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and visual art, the publication explores medicine by focusing not only on the promise of curing, but also on the art of healing. This collection houses issues of Rubor, published since 2013." data-letter="R"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_rubor"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_rubor.jpg" alt="Rubor"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_rubor">Rubor</a> <br> Rubor serves as a forum for people from all aspects of healthcare in Utah to share their stories and showcase their creative talents. Through fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and visual art, the publication explores medicine by focusing not only on the promise of curing, but also on the art of healing. This collection houses issues of Rubor, published since 2013. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Rural Utah Curated Collection The majority of Utah's population is found on the Wasatch Front, but Utah's history knows no boundaries. This curated collection features images from rural communities of Utah - including Eureka, Milford, Newton, Ophir, and Stockton." data-letter="R"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_rucc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_rucc.jpg" alt="Rural Utah Curated Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_rucc">Rural Utah Curated Collection</a> <br> The majority of Utah's population is found on the Wasatch Front, but Utah's history knows no boundaries. This curated collection features images from rural communities of Utah - including Eureka, Milford, Newton, Ophir, and Stockton. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div id="S" class="az_letter">S</div><div class="az_item" data-filter="Salt Lake City Public Library Special Collections Historic materials from Salt Lake City Public Library" data-letter="S"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_slcpl_spc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_slcpl_spc.jpg" alt="Salt Lake City Public Library Special Collections"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_slcpl_spc">Salt Lake City Public Library Special Collections</a> <br> Historic materials from Salt Lake City Public Library </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Salt Lake City Religious Architecture Photographs Contemporary photos of religious architecture in Salt Lake City." data-letter="S"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_slcrap"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_slcrap.jpg" alt="Salt Lake City Religious Architecture Photographs"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_slcrap">Salt Lake City Religious Architecture Photographs</a> <br> Contemporary photos of religious architecture in Salt Lake City. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Salt Lake Climbers Alliance The Salt Lake Climbers Alliance, founded in 2001, is a non-profit advocacy organization created to promote climbing opportunities, preserve local access and encourage stewardship of the environment. The Alliance advocates for local climbers with land mangers and stakeholders. Alliance members help to preserve climbing routes by replacing old, worn-out bolts; improve and maintain trails and crags through Adopt-A-Crag Days; and educational programs." data-letter="S"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_slca"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_slca.jpg" alt="Salt Lake Climbers Alliance"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_slca">Salt Lake Climbers Alliance</a> <br> The Salt Lake Climbers Alliance, founded in 2001, is a non-profit advocacy organization created to promote climbing opportunities, preserve local access and encourage stewardship of the environment. The Alliance advocates for local climbers with land mangers and stakeholders. Alliance members help to preserve climbing routes by replacing old, worn-out bolts; improve and maintain trails and crags through Adopt-A-Crag Days; and educational programs. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Salt Lake Tribune Negative Collection This collection contains over 171,000 images from the 1930s to the 1960s. The collection is unique in origin as it includes images taken by dozens of different photographers sent out by the newspaper to get the perfect shot, something newsworthy. This results in many live action images taken of the everyday activities of life with no posing such as one sees with studio photography." data-letter="S"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_sltnc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_sltnc.jpg" alt="Salt Lake Tribune Negative Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_sltnc">Salt Lake Tribune Negative Collection</a> <br> This collection contains over 171,000 images from the 1930s to the 1960s. The collection is unique in origin as it includes images taken by dozens of different photographers sent out by the newspaper to get the perfect shot, something newsworthy. This results in many live action images taken of the everyday activities of life with no posing such as one sees with studio photography. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps This collection contains large-scale, detailed maps from 1867 into the early 20th century depicting the commercial, industrial, and residential sections of many Utah cities. They were designed in 1866 by surveyor D.A. Sanborn to assist fire insurance agents in determining the risk associated with insuring a particular property. The map surveyors meticulously documented the structural evidence of urbanization - building by building, block by block, and community by community." data-letter="S"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_sfim"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_sfim.jpg" alt="Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_sfim">Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps</a> <br> This collection contains large-scale, detailed maps from 1867 into the early 20th century depicting the commercial, industrial, and residential sections of many Utah cities. They were designed in 1866 by surveyor D.A. Sanborn to assist fire insurance agents in determining the risk associated with insuring a particular property. The map surveyors meticulously documented the structural evidence of urbanization - building by building, block by block, and community by community. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, Division of State History This collection contains large-scale, detailed maps from 1898 to 1969, depicting the commercial, industrial, and residential sections of several Utah cities. They were designed in 1866 by surveyor D.A. Sanborn to assist fire insurance agents in determining the risk associated with insuring a particular property. The map surveyors meticulously documented the structural evidence of urbanization - building by building, block by block, and community by community. This collection is held by Utah Division of State History and includes volumes not available through the Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps digital collection at" data-letter="S"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_sfim"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_sfim.jpg" alt="Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, Division of State History"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_sfim">Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, Division of State History</a> <br> This collection contains large-scale, detailed maps from 1898 to 1969, depicting the commercial, industrial, and residential sections of several Utah cities. They were designed in 1866 by surveyor D.A. Sanborn to assist fire insurance agents in determining the risk associated with insuring a particular property. The map surveyors meticulously documented the structural evidence of urbanization - building by building, block by block, and community by community. This collection is held by Utah Division of State History and includes volumes not available through the Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps digital collection at </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Saving the Legacy Oral History Project The American West Center at the University of Utah is involved in a nationwide effort to preserve the stories of men and women who witnessed the events of World War II. This oral history project, Saving the Legacy: An Oral History of Utah's World War II Veterans, has the mission of interviewing veterans living in Utah and the Intermountain Region. The project is ongoing, and has been enlarged to include veterans of subsequent wars." data-letter="S"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_slohp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_slohp.jpg" alt="Saving the Legacy Oral History Project"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_slohp">Saving the Legacy Oral History Project</a> <br> The American West Center at the University of Utah is involved in a nationwide effort to preserve the stories of men and women who witnessed the events of World War II. This oral history project, Saving the Legacy: An Oral History of Utah's World War II Veterans, has the mission of interviewing veterans living in Utah and the Intermountain Region. The project is ongoing, and has been enlarged to include veterans of subsequent wars. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="School of Medicine Yearbooks Annual record of the activities of the graduating class of the University of Utah School of Medicine from 1944-2006." data-letter="S"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_som_mmyb"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_som_mmyb.jpg" alt="School of Medicine Yearbooks"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_som_mmyb">School of Medicine Yearbooks</a> <br> Annual record of the activities of the graduating class of the University of Utah School of Medicine from 1944-2006. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="School of Music Theses & Dissertations " data-letter="S"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_som"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_som.jpg" alt="School of Music Theses & Dissertations"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_som">School of Music Theses & Dissertations</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="School of Music Theses & Dissertations (closed ip) " data-letter="S"> <div class="az_image"> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_somc">School of Music Theses & Dissertations (closed ip)</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Schools of the Salt Lake Valley The Schools of the Salt Lake Valley collection has images of various school structures throughout Salt Lake Valley, many of which have since been demolished. Students of the various schools are often included in the images." data-letter="S"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_sslv"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_sslv.jpg" alt="Schools of the Salt Lake Valley"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_sslv">Schools of the Salt Lake Valley</a> <br> The Schools of the Salt Lake Valley collection has images of various school structures throughout Salt Lake Valley, many of which have since been demolished. Students of the various schools are often included in the images. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Sevier County Oral Histories The Sevier County Oral History Collection is made up of two different collections. The first collection includes oral histories conducted by Sevier County high school students in the mid 1980s to the mid 1990s with research papers written by the students that were based on the subject of the oral histories that were collected. The second oral histories were taken in 1997-1998 under a grant from the Utah State Historical Society: "Sevier County Remembers the Great Depression Era."" data-letter="S"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_scoh"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_scoh.jpg" alt="Sevier County Oral Histories"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_scoh">Sevier County Oral Histories</a> <br> The Sevier County Oral History Collection is made up of two different collections. The first collection includes oral histories conducted by Sevier County high school students in the mid 1980s to the mid 1990s with research papers written by the students that were based on the subject of the oral histories that were collected. The second oral histories were taken in 1997-1998 under a grant from the Utah State Historical Society: "Sevier County Remembers the Great Depression Era." </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Shipler Collection Negative Preservation Project Shipler Commercial Photographers took thousands of images of Salt Lake City and surrounding areas. This collection contains images from glass plates (1900s-1920s) and acetate negatives (1940s-1950s), with the majority of the images having an exact date and detailed description." data-letter="S"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_scnpp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_scnpp.jpg" alt="Shipler Collection Negative Preservation Project"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_scnpp">Shipler Collection Negative Preservation Project</a> <br> Shipler Commercial Photographers took thousands of images of Salt Lake City and surrounding areas. This collection contains images from glass plates (1900s-1920s) and acetate negatives (1940s-1950s), with the majority of the images having an exact date and detailed description. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Shipler Commercial Photographers Shipler Commercial Photographers took thousands of images of Salt Lake City and surrounding areas. This collection contains images from glass plates (1900s-1920s) and acetate negatives (1940s-1950s), with the majority of the images having an exact date and detailed description." data-letter="S"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_scp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_scp.jpg" alt="Shipler Commercial Photographers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_scp">Shipler Commercial Photographers</a> <br> Shipler Commercial Photographers took thousands of images of Salt Lake City and surrounding areas. This collection contains images from glass plates (1900s-1920s) and acetate negatives (1940s-1950s), with the majority of the images having an exact date and detailed description. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Ski and Snow Sports Archives Selected photos from the Utah Ski Archives, documenting the history of ski competition on local, national, and international levels; the founding of major resorts; snow safety and avalanche control; ski equipment; ski instruction; freestyle skiing; the 10th Mountain Division; back-country skiing; and virtually every facet of winter sports in Utah and the surrounding region." data-letter="S"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_map_usa"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_map_usa.jpg" alt="Ski and Snow Sports Archives"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_map_usa">Ski and Snow Sports Archives</a> <br> Selected photos from the Utah Ski Archives, documenting the history of ski competition on local, national, and international levels; the founding of major resorts; snow safety and avalanche control; ski equipment; ski instruction; freestyle skiing; the 10th Mountain Division; back-country skiing; and virtually every facet of winter sports in Utah and the surrounding region. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Snow College Saga of The Sanpitch This collection contains 30 volumes of stories and poems about early southern Utah pioneers." data-letter="S"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=snowc_sts"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/snowc_sts.jpg" alt="Snow College Saga of The Sanpitch"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=snowc_sts">Snow College Saga of The Sanpitch</a> <br> This collection contains 30 volumes of stories and poems about early southern Utah pioneers. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Spanish Speaking Peoples in Utah This oral history collection consists of 166 interviews conducted in the early 1970s. The interview subjects lived in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, and the San Luis Valley of Colorado. The material deals with such topics as cultural norms and traditions, relations with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, union activities, employment opportunities, discrimination, the Depression years of the 1930s, the experiences of migrant farm workers, and various other issues relevant to the lives of the Hispanic community." data-letter="S"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_sspu"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_sspu.jpg" alt="Spanish Speaking Peoples in Utah"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_sspu">Spanish Speaking Peoples in Utah</a> <br> This oral history collection consists of 166 interviews conducted in the early 1970s. The interview subjects lived in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, and the San Luis Valley of Colorado. The material deals with such topics as cultural norms and traditions, relations with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, union activities, employment opportunities, discrimination, the Depression years of the 1930s, the experiences of migrant farm workers, and various other issues relevant to the lives of the Hispanic community. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Summit County History Department Summit County History is a division within Summit County's Department of Heritage and Arts. Summit County History strives to preserve, document, and make accessible the history of the county and those people that have called it home." data-letter="S"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_schd"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_schd.jpg" alt="Summit County History Department"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_schd">Summit County History Department</a> <br> Summit County History is a division within Summit County's Department of Heritage and Arts. Summit County History strives to preserve, document, and make accessible the history of the county and those people that have called it home. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Superfund Records Center Records The Superfund Records Center records (1990-2002) contains reports, histories, news clippings, and other documents pertaining to the Environmental Protection agency in relation to Kennecott Copper Mines North Facilities, South Arm, and surrounding areas within Utah. Superfund was initialized by concerns related to properties which resulted in uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites, for instance, abandoned warehouses and landfills. Citizen concern encouraged Congress to establish the Superfund Program in 1980 in order investigate and clean-up the areas in question. The EPA administers the Superfund Program in cooperation with various states and communities." data-letter="S"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_srcr"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_srcr.jpg" alt="Superfund Records Center Records"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_srcr">Superfund Records Center Records</a> <br> The Superfund Records Center records (1990-2002) contains reports, histories, news clippings, and other documents pertaining to the Environmental Protection agency in relation to Kennecott Copper Mines North Facilities, South Arm, and surrounding areas within Utah. Superfund was initialized by concerns related to properties which resulted in uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites, for instance, abandoned warehouses and landfills. Citizen concern encouraged Congress to establish the Superfund Program in 1980 in order investigate and clean-up the areas in question. The EPA administers the Superfund Program in cooperation with various states and communities. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Surgery Sim Lab Recipes The Surgery Sim Lab is part of the Utah Center for Innovation and Simulation in Education (U-CISE), an American College of Surgeons Accredited Education Institute (ACS-AEI). This program excels in the development, delivery, and evaluation of surgical education programs. The tools used by residents at U-CISE were developed in the center to make teaching more cost effective. These tutorials may be found in the Surgery Sim Lab Recipe collection." data-letter="S"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_sslr"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_sslr.jpg" alt="Surgery Sim Lab Recipes"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_sslr">Surgery Sim Lab Recipes</a> <br> The Surgery Sim Lab is part of the Utah Center for Innovation and Simulation in Education (U-CISE), an American College of Surgeons Accredited Education Institute (ACS-AEI). This program excels in the development, delivery, and evaluation of surgical education programs. The tools used by residents at U-CISE were developed in the center to make teaching more cost effective. These tutorials may be found in the Surgery Sim Lab Recipe collection. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Susan Barbara Tallmon Sargent The Susan Barbara Tallmon Sargent papers document her life as a physician and medical missionary to Lintsing, China, from 1905 to 1918. The collection consists of correspondence, journals, news clippings, reports, articles, guest books, and financial documents collected by Sargent's niece, Ardis Hitchcock." data-letter="S"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_sbts"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_sbts.jpg" alt="Susan Barbara Tallmon Sargent"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_sbts">Susan Barbara Tallmon Sargent</a> <br> The Susan Barbara Tallmon Sargent papers document her life as a physician and medical missionary to Lintsing, China, from 1905 to 1918. The collection consists of correspondence, journals, news clippings, reports, articles, guest books, and financial documents collected by Sargent's niece, Ardis Hitchcock. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Sustainability U " data-letter="S"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_su"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_su.jpg" alt="Sustainability U"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_su">Sustainability U</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div id="T" class="az_letter">T</div><div class="az_item" data-filter="Tanner Trust Books A collection of 14 books covering topics dealing with early Utah history and Mormon culture, featuring the 1857 diary of Brigham Young." data-letter="T"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_ttb"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_ttb.jpg" alt="Tanner Trust Books"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_ttb">Tanner Trust Books</a> <br> A collection of 14 books covering topics dealing with early Utah history and Mormon culture, featuring the 1857 diary of Brigham Young. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Taylor A. Woolley Papers Correspondence, blueprints, drawings, and memorabilia relating to Woolley's career. Of particular interest is the correspondence with artist Mahonri M. Young and Frank Lloyd Wright." data-letter="T"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_tawp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_tawp.jpg" alt="Taylor A. Woolley Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_tawp">Taylor A. Woolley Papers</a> <br> Correspondence, blueprints, drawings, and memorabilia relating to Woolley's career. Of particular interest is the correspondence with artist Mahonri M. Young and Frank Lloyd Wright. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Taylor Woolley Photograph Collection The Taylor Woolley Photograph collection documents Utah architect Taylor Woolley's time working under Frank Lloyd Wright during the 1911 construction of Wright's Taliesin I in Wisconsin. The collection also contains some images of Woolley's architectural work in Utah." data-letter="T"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_twpc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_twpc.jpg" alt="Taylor Woolley Photograph Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_twpc">Taylor Woolley Photograph Collection</a> <br> The Taylor Woolley Photograph collection documents Utah architect Taylor Woolley's time working under Frank Lloyd Wright during the 1911 construction of Wright's Taliesin I in Wisconsin. The collection also contains some images of Woolley's architectural work in Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Theater Programs Collection, 1866-1995 This collection contains programs for dramatic and musical performances at different theatrical establishment in Utah from 1866-1995. Most are from the Salt Lake Theatre, built in 1861 and considered one of the finest theaters west of the Mississippi." data-letter="T"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_tpc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_tpc.jpg" alt="Theater Programs Collection, 1866-1995"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_tpc">Theater Programs Collection, 1866-1995</a> <br> This collection contains programs for dramatic and musical performances at different theatrical establishment in Utah from 1866-1995. Most are from the Salt Lake Theatre, built in 1861 and considered one of the finest theaters west of the Mississippi. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Theses & Dissertations " data-letter="T"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_etd"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_etd.jpg" alt="Theses & Dissertations"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_etd">Theses & Dissertations</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Theses & Dissertations (Restricted) " data-letter="T"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_etdr"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_etdr.jpg" alt="Theses & Dissertations (Restricted)"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_etdr">Theses & Dissertations (Restricted)</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Thomas Jefferson O'Brien Journals The Thomas Jefferson O'Brien journals were kept during his mission to Australasia for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the end of the nineteenth century. O'Brien (b. 1866) was born in Davis County, Utah. His journal relates his activities with the Maori on the Northern Island of New Zealand." data-letter="T"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_tjoj"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_tjoj.jpg" alt="Thomas Jefferson O'Brien Journals"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_tjoj">Thomas Jefferson O'Brien Journals</a> <br> The Thomas Jefferson O'Brien journals were kept during his mission to Australasia for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the end of the nineteenth century. O'Brien (b. 1866) was born in Davis County, Utah. His journal relates his activities with the Maori on the Northern Island of New Zealand. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Thorne Photographs From the Uintah County Library Regional History Center, the Thorne Collection is a large collection from early photographer Leo Thorne." data-letter="T"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ucl_tp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ucl_tp.jpg" alt="Thorne Photographs"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ucl_tp">Thorne Photographs</a> <br> From the Uintah County Library Regional History Center, the Thorne Collection is a large collection from early photographer Leo Thorne. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Tooele County Histories A chronological collection of Tooele (UT) area history between 1849 - 1890. Compiled by local historian George William Tripp." data-letter="T"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_tch"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_tch.jpg" alt="Tooele County Histories"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_tch">Tooele County Histories</a> <br> A chronological collection of Tooele (UT) area history between 1849 - 1890. Compiled by local historian George William Tripp. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Topaz Museum From 1942 to 1945, over 100,000 Japanese-Americans were interned in camps throughout the American West. Topaz Camp, located near Delta, Utah, held around 8,000 of these individuals. This collection contains an assortment of historical photos depicting the hardships met by these prisoners." data-letter="T"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=tc_tm"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/tc_tm.jpg" alt="Topaz Museum"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=tc_tm">Topaz Museum</a> <br> From 1942 to 1945, over 100,000 Japanese-Americans were interned in camps throughout the American West. Topaz Camp, located near Delta, Utah, held around 8,000 of these individuals. This collection contains an assortment of historical photos depicting the hardships met by these prisoners. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Topaz Oral Histories The Topaz oral history project collection contains transcripts of tapes, and related transcription materials of a collection of 70 oral history interviews which document the lives of Japanese Americans who were interned at the Topaz, Utah, camp. The interviews were conducted by Sandra Taylor of the University of Utah Department of History. Also included are copies of articles and other research materials." data-letter="T"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_toh"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_toh.jpg" alt="Topaz Oral Histories"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_toh">Topaz Oral Histories</a> <br> The Topaz oral history project collection contains transcripts of tapes, and related transcription materials of a collection of 70 oral history interviews which document the lives of Japanese Americans who were interned at the Topaz, Utah, camp. The interviews were conducted by Sandra Taylor of the University of Utah Department of History. Also included are copies of articles and other research materials. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Topolski's Chronicle *Topolski's Chronicle* was a bimonthly publication of broadsheets created by renowned Polish-British artist Feliks Topolski from 1953 to 1982. Printed on large sheets, the Chronicle featured Topolski's distinctive reportage illustrations alongside text covering a wide range of topics, including world politics, the civil rights movement, and popular culture. This unique publication is now considered a valuable historical record, offering artistic interpretations of key events and figures of the mid-20th century. The Marriott Library subscribed to the Chronicle during its entire run and has preserved its collection in the Fine Arts & Architecture Library. This well-preserved collection provides researchers and art enthusiasts with a rare opportunity to explore this artistic documentation of history." data-letter="T"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_tc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_tc.jpg" alt="Topolski's Chronicle"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_tc">Topolski's Chronicle</a> <br> <i>Topolski's Chronicle</i> was a bimonthly publication of broadsheets created by renowned Polish-British artist Feliks Topolski from 1953 to 1982. Printed on large sheets, the Chronicle featured Topolski's distinctive reportage illustrations alongside text covering a wide range of topics, including world politics, the civil rights movement, and popular culture. This unique publication is now considered a valuable historical record, offering artistic interpretations of key events and figures of the mid-20th century. The Marriott Library subscribed to the Chronicle during its entire run and has preserved its collection in the Fine Arts & Architecture Library. This well-preserved collection provides researchers and art enthusiasts with a rare opportunity to explore this artistic documentation of history. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Translational Medicine Symposium The Translational Medicine Symposium is a collaboration with the Entrepreneurial Faculty Scholars (EFS) program at the University of Utah. The Translational Medicine Symposium is part of the U of U Innovation Ecosystem. The 2017 Translational Medicine Symposium was held on Feb. 27th. The symposium addressed how clinicians' ideas and research results can have an impact on patient care - if they are translated into clinical practice. The symposium was a collaboration of the Entrepreneurial Faculty Scholars (EFS) program, led by Dr. Glenn D. Prestwich, the HHMI Med to Grad program (U2M2G), co-directed by Drs. Anthea Letsou and Dean Li, and the Center for Medical Innovation.Clinician innovators and entrepreneurs shared their experiences and a panel of experts discussed opportunities, barriers, and steps in creating impactful healthcare innovations." data-letter="T"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_tms"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_tms.jpg" alt="Translational Medicine Symposium"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_tms">Translational Medicine Symposium</a> <br> The Translational Medicine Symposium is a collaboration with the Entrepreneurial Faculty Scholars (EFS) program at the University of Utah. The Translational Medicine Symposium is part of the U of U Innovation Ecosystem. The 2017 Translational Medicine Symposium was held on Feb. 27th. The symposium addressed how clinicians' ideas and research results can have an impact on patient care - if they are translated into clinical practice. The symposium was a collaboration of the Entrepreneurial Faculty Scholars (EFS) program, led by Dr. Glenn D. Prestwich, the HHMI Med to Grad program (U2M2G), co-directed by Drs. Anthea Letsou and Dean Li, and the Center for Medical Innovation.Clinician innovators and entrepreneurs shared their experiences and a panel of experts discussed opportunities, barriers, and steps in creating impactful healthcare innovations. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Trent Harris Independent Film Collection The Trent Harris independent film collection consists of production elements and completed films by prominent Utah independent filmmaker Trent Harris. Materials include feature narrative films, documentaries, experimental films, and newsmagazine programs." data-letter="T"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_thifc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_thifc.jpg" alt="Trent Harris Independent Film Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_thifc">Trent Harris Independent Film Collection</a> <br> The Trent Harris independent film collection consists of production elements and completed films by prominent Utah independent filmmaker Trent Harris. Materials include feature narrative films, documentaries, experimental films, and newsmagazine programs. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div id="U" class="az_letter">U</div><div class="az_item" data-filter="U News and Views " data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_unv"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_unv.jpg" alt="U News and Views"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_unv">U News and Views</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="UAIDA Main Collection The Utah American Indian Digital Archive (UAIDA) is a gateway to the best resources regarding Utah's Indian tribes. With articles, books, government documents, tribal documents, oral histories, photographs, and maps pertaining to all 6 Utah tribes, this unique archive captures the complicated history of the tribes from multiple perspectives. The project, which stems from forty years of research conducted by the University of Utah's American West Center on behalf of Utah's Indians, offers tribal members, students, and researchers unprecedented access to information about the rich history and culture of Utah's native peoples." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uaida_main"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uaida_main.jpg" alt="UAIDA Main Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uaida_main">UAIDA Main Collection</a> <br> The Utah American Indian Digital Archive (UAIDA) is a gateway to the best resources regarding Utah's Indian tribes. With articles, books, government documents, tribal documents, oral histories, photographs, and maps pertaining to all 6 Utah tribes, this unique archive captures the complicated history of the tribes from multiple perspectives. The project, which stems from forty years of research conducted by the University of Utah's American West Center on behalf of Utah's Indians, offers tribal members, students, and researchers unprecedented access to information about the rich history and culture of Utah's native peoples. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="UALC Archives Archives of the Utah Academic Library Consortium" data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ualc_archives"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ualc_archives.jpg" alt="UALC Archives"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ualc_archives">UALC Archives</a> <br> Archives of the Utah Academic Library Consortium </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Uintah County Regional History Center Maps " data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ucl_maps">Uintah County Regional History Center Maps</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="UMFA Docent Archive " data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_docent"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_docent.jpg" alt="UMFA Docent Archive"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_docent">UMFA Docent Archive</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="UMNH Botany Vascular Plants " data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=umnh_bot_vp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/umnh_bot_vp.jpg" alt="UMNH Botany Vascular Plants"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=umnh_bot_vp">UMNH Botany Vascular Plants</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="UMNH Ethnography Collections The Museum's Ethnographic Collection is composed primarily of objects produced by Indigenous groups from Western North America, with a special focus on cultural groups with contemporary and/or ancestral territory in the modern state of Utah - Goshute, Paiute, Shoshone, Ute, and Navajo (Diné), as well as many Puebloan tribes. The earliest objects were collected in the 1870s, with perhaps the best-known objects being beaded regalia, moccasins, and Navajo baskets. The collection also includes textiles, clothing, masks, weapons, musical instruments, Kachinas, basketry, jewelry, and ceramics. But objects are not the only focus of our work - we continue to grow our collection of oral histories and interviews with Native peoples about their culturally-affiliated objects and culture" data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=umnh_ethno"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/umnh_ethno.jpg" alt="UMNH Ethnography Collections"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=umnh_ethno">UMNH Ethnography Collections</a> <br> The Museum's Ethnographic Collection is composed primarily of objects produced by Indigenous groups from Western North America, with a special focus on cultural groups with contemporary and/or ancestral territory in the modern state of Utah - Goshute, Paiute, Shoshone, Ute, and Navajo (Din茅), as well as many Puebloan tribes. The earliest objects were collected in the 1870s, with perhaps the best-known objects being beaded regalia, moccasins, and Navajo baskets. The collection also includes textiles, clothing, masks, weapons, musical instruments, Kachinas, basketry, jewelry, and ceramics. But objects are not the only focus of our work - we continue to grow our collection of oral histories and interviews with Native peoples about their culturally-affiliated objects and culture </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="UMNH Vertebrate Zoology Voucher Images " data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=umnh_vz_voucher"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/umnh_vz_voucher.jpg" alt="UMNH Vertebrate Zoology Voucher Images"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=umnh_vz_voucher">UMNH Vertebrate Zoology Voucher Images</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Undergrad Research Abstracts Journal This collection contains back issues of the Undergraduate Research Abstracts Journal. It contains student accounts of research performed while at the University of Utah. First published in 2001, a volume has been released annually since. The journal has grown significantly in recent years." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_urop"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_urop.jpg" alt="Undergrad Research Abstracts Journal"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_urop">Undergrad Research Abstracts Journal</a> <br> This collection contains back issues of the Undergraduate Research Abstracts Journal. It contains student accounts of research performed while at the University of Utah. First published in 2001, a volume has been released annually since. The journal has grown significantly in recent years. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Undergraduate Works " data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_uw"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_uw.jpg" alt="Undergraduate Works"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_uw">Undergraduate Works</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="University Archival Photographs (P0305) The University of Utah Archival photograph collection was collected by various departments and colleges of the University since the 1890s. The digitized collection features photos from University of Utah athletic events, views of campus, portraits of faculty and students, documentation on university buildings, and more." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_uapp0305"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_uapp0305.jpg" alt="University Archival Photographs (P0305)"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_uapp0305">University Archival Photographs (P0305)</a> <br> The University of Utah Archival photograph collection was collected by various departments and colleges of the University since the 1890s. The digitized collection features photos from University of Utah athletic events, views of campus, portraits of faculty and students, documentation on university buildings, and more. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="University of Utah Board of Regents Meeting Minutes, 1906-1969 This collection contains bound volumes of minutes of the Board of Regents meetings, including accompanying materials, such as contracts, correspondence, meeting minutes of subordinate committees, and faculty newsletters. The Board of Regents historically served as the governing body of the University of Utah." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_brmm"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_brmm.jpg" alt="University of Utah Board of Regents Meeting Minutes, 1906-1969"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_brmm">University of Utah Board of Regents Meeting Minutes, 1906-1969</a> <br> This collection contains bound volumes of minutes of the Board of Regents meetings, including accompanying materials, such as contracts, correspondence, meeting minutes of subordinate committees, and faculty newsletters. The Board of Regents historically served as the governing body of the University of Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="University of Utah Bureau of Indian Services Publications A small collection of newsletters created by the University of Utah Bureau of Indian Services from 1950s-1970s. Topics include, community development and social services for Indigenous people of the Intermountain West." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_boisp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_boisp.jpg" alt="University of Utah Bureau of Indian Services Publications"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_boisp">University of Utah Bureau of Indian Services Publications</a> <br> A small collection of newsletters created by the University of Utah Bureau of Indian Services from 1950s-1970s. Topics include, community development and social services for Indigenous people of the Intermountain West. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="University of Utah Press Open Access Collection The University of Utah Press is an agency of the J. Willard Marriott Library of The University of Utah. In accordance with the mission of the University, the Press publishes and disseminates scholarly books in selected fields, as well as other printed and recorded materials of significance to Utah, the region, the country, and the world." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_uupm">University of Utah Press Open Access Collection</a> <br> The University of Utah Press is an agency of the J. Willard Marriott Library of The University of Utah. In accordance with the mission of the University, the Press publishes and disseminates scholarly books in selected fields, as well as other printed and recorded materials of significance to Utah, the region, the country, and the world. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Upper Colorado River Commission " data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_ucrc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_ucrc.jpg" alt="Upper Colorado River Commission"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_ucrc">Upper Colorado River Commission</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Uranium Oral Histories The uranium mining oral history project (1970-1971) was conducted under the auspices of the American West Center. The focus of the interviews was documentation of the uranium industry in Utah and Colorado. Among those interviewed were miners, residents of towns affected by the uranium boom, employees of Union Carbide and the Vanadium Corporation of America, Native Americans, and lawyers specializing in mining." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_uoh"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_uoh.jpg" alt="Uranium Oral Histories"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_uoh">Uranium Oral Histories</a> <br> The uranium mining oral history project (1970-1971) was conducted under the auspices of the American West Center. The focus of the interviews was documentation of the uranium industry in Utah and Colorado. Among those interviewed were miners, residents of towns affected by the uranium boom, employees of Union Carbide and the Vanadium Corporation of America, Native Americans, and lawyers specializing in mining. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="UScholar (restricted to campus IP) " data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_ruspace"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_ruspace.jpg" alt="UScholar (restricted to campus IP)"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_ruspace">UScholar (restricted to campus IP)</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="UScholar Works " data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_uspace"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_uspace.jpg" alt="UScholar Works"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_uspace">UScholar Works</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Architects and Builders " data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_uab"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_uab.jpg" alt="Utah Architects and Builders"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_uab">Utah Architects and Builders</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Architects Project Biographical information about Utah architects, including business information and notable buildings." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_uap"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_uap.jpg" alt="Utah Architects Project"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_uap">Utah Architects Project</a> <br> Biographical information about Utah architects, including business information and notable buildings. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Artists Project This unique collection contains artwork, biographies, and bibliographies of more than 200 Utah artists." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_uap"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_uap.jpg" alt="Utah Artists Project"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_uap">Utah Artists Project</a> <br> This unique collection contains artwork, biographies, and bibliographies of more than 200 Utah artists. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Artists Project - Ephemera " data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_uap_ephemera"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_uap_ephemera.jpg" alt="Utah Artists Project - Ephemera"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_uap_ephemera">Utah Artists Project - Ephemera</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Arts Council - Writing Competition Manuscripts Manuscripts of writing competition from 1972-2009 sponsored by Utah Arts Council." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_uac_wcm"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_uac_wcm.jpg" alt="Utah Arts Council - Writing Competition Manuscripts"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_uac_wcm">Utah Arts Council - Writing Competition Manuscripts</a> <br> Manuscripts of writing competition from 1972-2009 sponsored by Utah Arts Council. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah City Directories Collection Utah City Directories Collection contains reference books produced in Utah throughout its urban history. These directories are a listing of residents, streets, businesses, organizations and institutions, giving their location throughout Utah. It is arranged alphabetically, geographically and by publisher. The City Directories also have advertisements for businesses." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_ucd"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_ucd.jpg" alt="Utah City Directories Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_ucd">Utah City Directories Collection</a> <br> Utah City Directories Collection contains reference books produced in Utah throughout its urban history. These directories are a listing of residents, streets, businesses, organizations and institutions, giving their location throughout Utah. It is arranged alphabetically, geographically and by publisher. The City Directories also have advertisements for businesses. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah COVID-19 The Utah COVID-19 Digital Collection Project has been created to document the response from the University of Utah and greater Utah community to the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020. We are soliciting photographs and stories from residents around the State of Utah to share with the world how the pandemic has affected their lives. Oral histories from the University of Utah are also included." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_uc19"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_uc19.jpg" alt="Utah COVID-19"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_uc19">Utah COVID-19</a> <br> The Utah COVID-19 Digital Collection Project has been created to document the response from the University of Utah and greater Utah community to the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020. We are soliciting photographs and stories from residents around the State of Utah to share with the world how the pandemic has affected their lives. Oral histories from the University of Utah are also included. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Foreign Language Review " data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_uflr"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_uflr.jpg" alt="Utah Foreign Language Review"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_uflr">Utah Foreign Language Review</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Hairdressers Association Records The Utah Hairdressers Association records (1933-1947) consist of a scrapbook, meeting minutes, convention programs, newspaper clippings, and membership lists. These materials often mention the Utah Hairdressers Association's motto, "Self improvement is life's road to self reliance" and their belief that beauty shops are morale-building institutions. Throughout the collection, the Utah Hairdressers Association is also referred to as the Utah Association of Beauticians and the Utah Association of Better Beauty Shops." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_uhar"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_uhar.jpg" alt="Utah Hairdressers Association Records"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_uhar">Utah Hairdressers Association Records</a> <br> The Utah Hairdressers Association records (1933-1947) consist of a scrapbook, meeting minutes, convention programs, newspaper clippings, and membership lists. These materials often mention the Utah Hairdressers Association's motto, "Self improvement is life's road to self reliance" and their belief that beauty shops are morale-building institutions. Throughout the collection, the Utah Hairdressers Association is also referred to as the Utah Association of Beauticians and the Utah Association of Better Beauty Shops. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Health Review Utah's Health: An Annual Review was a yearly journal published between 1993-2006 by the University of Utah's FHP Center for Health Care Studies. The FHP Center was organized in 1988, funded by an endowment from the FHP Foundation, and by supplemental support from the University of Utah and other sources." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_uhr"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_uhr.jpg" alt="Utah Health Review"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_uhr">Utah Health Review</a> <br> Utah's Health: An Annual Review was a yearly journal published between 1993-2006 by the University of Utah's FHP Center for Health Care Studies. The FHP Center was organized in 1988, funded by an endowment from the FHP Foundation, and by supplemental support from the University of Utah and other sources. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Health Sciences Library Consortium This collections contains documents outlining the history and proceedings of the Utah Health Sciences Library Consortium (UHSLC). The mission of the Utah Health Sciences Library Consortium was to improve health care through the development and fostering of a cooperative network of health sciences libraries in Utah. The UHSLC operated from 1980 - 2010." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_uhslc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_uhslc.jpg" alt="Utah Health Sciences Library Consortium"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_uhslc">Utah Health Sciences Library Consortium</a> <br> This collections contains documents outlining the history and proceedings of the Utah Health Sciences Library Consortium (UHSLC). The mission of the Utah Health Sciences Library Consortium was to improve health care through the development and fostering of a cooperative network of health sciences libraries in Utah. The UHSLC operated from 1980 - 2010. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Historic Building Records " data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_uhbr"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_uhbr.jpg" alt="Utah Historic Building Records"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_uhbr">Utah Historic Building Records</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Historic Building Reports " data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_uhbrep">Utah Historic Building Reports</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Historical Society Oral History Collection Utah Historical Society Oral History Collection is a collection of oral histories from the Utah Historical Society Collection division. Many of the oral histories were funded by Utah Humanities grants. The oral histories were gathered over the decades and from around the state of Utah. These oral histories represent unique histories and different communities from around Utah." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_uhsoh"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_uhsoh.jpg" alt="Utah Historical Society Oral History Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_uhsoh">Utah Historical Society Oral History Collection</a> <br> Utah Historical Society Oral History Collection is a collection of oral histories from the Utah Historical Society Collection division. Many of the oral histories were funded by Utah Humanities grants. The oral histories were gathered over the decades and from around the state of Utah. These oral histories represent unique histories and different communities from around Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Historical Society Railroad Map Collection Explore Utah and the Rockies' rail heritage with this digital collection of railroad blueprints curated by the Utah Historical Society. This collection features meticulous plans from local rail companies like the Oregon Short Line, the Denver and Rio Grande Company, and the Salt Lake and Garfield Western Company. These artifacts offer professional and exclusive insight into the strategic development of the most important form of transportation in the 19th and 20th centuries and shed light on a bygone era of Utah and the Rockies' history." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_ucrm"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_ucrm.jpg" alt="Utah Historical Society Railroad Map Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_ucrm">Utah Historical Society Railroad Map Collection</a> <br> Explore Utah and the Rockies' rail heritage with this digital collection of railroad blueprints curated by the Utah Historical Society. This collection features meticulous plans from local rail companies like the Oregon Short Line, the Denver and Rio Grande Company, and the Salt Lake and Garfield Western Company. These artifacts offer professional and exclusive insight into the strategic development of the most important form of transportation in the 19th and 20th centuries and shed light on a bygone era of Utah and the Rockies' history. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Humanities Research Foundation The bulk of the collection consists of historical materials collected by the Foundation. Included are letters, articles, family histories, town and county histories, biographies, and miscellaneous materials on Utah cultural history. Business correspondence relates to the publication of the Utah (later Western) Humanities Review, including Dale Morgan's bibliographies of the lesser Mormon churches. Correspondents also include Bernard De Voto and Wallace Stegner.Also included are a small quantity of business records of the Foundation, a manuscript and galley proofs of the first issue of the "Utah Humanities Review," and records of the Warshaw Essay Contest." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_uhrf"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_uhrf.jpg" alt="Utah Humanities Research Foundation"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_uhrf">Utah Humanities Research Foundation</a> <br> The bulk of the collection consists of historical materials collected by the Foundation. Included are letters, articles, family histories, town and county histories, biographies, and miscellaneous materials on Utah cultural history. Business correspondence relates to the publication of the Utah (later Western) Humanities Review, including Dale Morgan's bibliographies of the lesser Mormon churches. Correspondents also include Bernard De Voto and Wallace Stegner.Also included are a small quantity of business records of the Foundation, a manuscript and galley proofs of the first issue of the "Utah Humanities Review," and records of the Warshaw Essay Contest. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah K-12 COVID-19 Memory Project Questionnaires with student responses regarding school, family, and community life during the COVID-19 pandemic" data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_uk12cmp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_uk12cmp.jpg" alt="Utah K-12 COVID-19 Memory Project"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_uk12cmp">Utah K-12 COVID-19 Memory Project</a> <br> Questionnaires with student responses regarding school, family, and community life during the COVID-19 pandemic </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Medical Association Bulletin Utah Medical Association Bulletin: Devoted to Medical Improvement in Utah. The Utah Medical Association Bulletin, published since 1953, is now known as the Utah Physician. This publication is filled with the information Utah doctors need to know about Utah medical and socioeconomic issues." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_umab"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_umab.jpg" alt="Utah Medical Association Bulletin"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_umab">Utah Medical Association Bulletin</a> <br> Utah Medical Association Bulletin: Devoted to Medical Improvement in Utah. The Utah Medical Association Bulletin, published since 1953, is now known as the Utah Physician. This publication is filled with the information Utah doctors need to know about Utah medical and socioeconomic issues. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Museum of Fine Arts Artwork from the Utah Museum of Fine Arts" data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_umfa"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_umfa.jpg" alt="Utah Museum of Fine Arts"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_umfa">Utah Museum of Fine Arts</a> <br> Artwork from the Utah Museum of Fine Arts </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Museum of Fine Arts - Albert Tissandier Images from Albert Tissandier's trips to North America during 1885 and 1886. Tissandier was born in France in 1839 and died in 1906. A French visitor to the American West in the 1880s, he left a series of pencil drawings of still-recognizable locales in and near Utah. The Utah Museum of Fine Arts holds what may be the most complete collection of these appealing works." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_umfa_at"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_umfa_at.jpg" alt="Utah Museum of Fine Arts - Albert Tissandier"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_umfa_at">Utah Museum of Fine Arts - Albert Tissandier</a> <br> Images from Albert Tissandier's trips to North America during 1885 and 1886. Tissandier was born in France in 1839 and died in 1906. A French visitor to the American West in the 1880s, he left a series of pencil drawings of still-recognizable locales in and near Utah. The Utah Museum of Fine Arts holds what may be the most complete collection of these appealing works. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Museum of Natural History Natural History Museum of Utah, Utah Museum of Natural History, UMNH, and NHMU all refer to the same holding institution." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=umnh_main">Utah Museum of Natural History</a> <br> Natural History Museum of Utah, Utah Museum of Natural History, UMNH, and NHMU all refer to the same holding institution. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah National Register Nomination Forms Collection of multi-page forms dated 1966-2017 in support of various Utah houses and landmarks being added to the National Register of Historic Places." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_unrnf"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_unrnf.jpg" alt="Utah National Register Nomination Forms"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_unrnf">Utah National Register Nomination Forms</a> <br> Collection of multi-page forms dated 1966-2017 in support of various Utah houses and landmarks being added to the National Register of Historic Places. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Nurse Utah Nurse: The Official Publication of the Utah Nurses Association. Utah Nurse has been published quarterly since 1946 for the Utah Nurses Association, a constituent member of the American Nurses Association. Sent to RNs and LPNs throughout Utah, Utah Nurse provides a forum for members to express their opinions and become aware of healthcare issues in the state of Utah." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_un"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_un.jpg" alt="Utah Nurse"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_un">Utah Nurse</a> <br> Utah Nurse: The Official Publication of the Utah Nurses Association. Utah Nurse has been published quarterly since 1946 for the Utah Nurses Association, a constituent member of the American Nurses Association. Sent to RNs and LPNs throughout Utah, Utah Nurse provides a forum for members to express their opinions and become aware of healthcare issues in the state of Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Pharmacy Digest The Utah Pharmacy Digest: Official Publication of the Utah Pharmaceutical Association. Published since 1948, the Utah Pharmacy Digest is dedicated to assisting the profession of pharmacy in better serving and protecting the public health and welfare. This involves educating pharmacists and pharmacies for public service and professional strength, and encouraging scientific and professional research ethics." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_upd"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ehsl_upd.jpg" alt="Utah Pharmacy Digest"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ehsl_upd">Utah Pharmacy Digest</a> <br> The Utah Pharmacy Digest: Official Publication of the Utah Pharmaceutical Association. Published since 1948, the Utah Pharmacy Digest is dedicated to assisting the profession of pharmacy in better serving and protecting the public health and welfare. This involves educating pharmacists and pharmacies for public service and professional strength, and encouraging scientific and professional research ethics. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Pioneer Costume Research Project The purpose of the Utah Pioneer Costume Research Project was to photograph, record and annotate historic dress and define the relation of Utah pioneer dress to the general development of costume in the United States. It attempts to find similarities between Utah pioneer dress and the characteristics of the fashion of 1977, to find in what ways Utah pioneer dress differed from these, and to find what additions were made to the fashion of 1977 by Utah pioneer dress." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_upcr"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_upcr.jpg" alt="Utah Pioneer Costume Research Project"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_upcr">Utah Pioneer Costume Research Project</a> <br> The purpose of the Utah Pioneer Costume Research Project was to photograph, record and annotate historic dress and define the relation of Utah pioneer dress to the general development of costume in the United States. It attempts to find similarities between Utah pioneer dress and the characteristics of the fashion of 1977, to find in what ways Utah pioneer dress differed from these, and to find what additions were made to the fashion of 1977 by Utah pioneer dress. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Postcards Collection, 1880s-1924 This curated collection of postcards represent Utah's early tourism industry in the years surrounding Statehood. These postcards highlight the beauty of Utah's natural environment, unique history, economic successes, art and cultural experiences, and comfortable accommodations." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_upc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_upc.jpg" alt="Utah Postcards Collection, 1880s-1924"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_upc">Utah Postcards Collection, 1880s-1924</a> <br> This curated collection of postcards represent Utah's early tourism industry in the years surrounding Statehood. These postcards highlight the beauty of Utah's natural environment, unique history, economic successes, art and cultural experiences, and comfortable accommodations. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Power and Light Photographs, 1940s-1950s The Utah Power and Light Collection has images of various schools, businesses, homes, hospitals, service stations, and street scenes mostly in the Salt Lake Valley. Some of the images highlight the lighting of some of the structures." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_uplp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_uplp.jpg" alt="Utah Power and Light Photographs, 1940s-1950s"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_uplp">Utah Power and Light Photographs, 1940s-1950s</a> <br> The Utah Power and Light Collection has images of various schools, businesses, homes, hospitals, service stations, and street scenes mostly in the Salt Lake Valley. Some of the images highlight the lighting of some of the structures. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Press Association - A Century Later A history of the Utah newspaper industry, the Utah Press Association, and the Utah Newspaper Hall of Fame." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_upa"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_upa.jpg" alt="Utah Press Association - A Century Later"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_upa">Utah Press Association - A Century Later</a> <br> A history of the Utah newspaper industry, the Utah Press Association, and the Utah Newspaper Hall of Fame. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Quilt Heritage Records The Utah quilt heritage records contain Polaroid photographs of and questionnaires regarding quilts dating from the 1880s to the 1950s. The Utah Quilt Guild was organized in 1977 to promote preservation of the art of quilt making. In order to preserve the history of quilts in Utah, the guild held a series of " documentation days," where volunteers throughout the state photographed and documented quilts." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_uqhr"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_uqhr.jpg" alt="Utah Quilt Heritage Records"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_uqhr">Utah Quilt Heritage Records</a> <br> The Utah quilt heritage records contain Polaroid photographs of and questionnaires regarding quilts dating from the 1880s to the 1950s. The Utah Quilt Guild was organized in 1977 to promote preservation of the art of quilt making. In order to preserve the history of quilts in Utah, the guild held a series of " documentation days," where volunteers throughout the state photographed and documented quilts. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Religious Architecture Photographs The Utah Religious Architecture Photograph Collection displays the history and variety of religious communities in Utah through images of existing and historical houses of worship. While exterior views are predominant, available interior shots are also welcome if they respect the traditions and feelings of the faith community. A feature of this collection is to highlight how buildings are repurposed. Some church buildings are used by different traditions over time, others are now used for secular purposes, and still others were built for secular purposes and are now occupied by religious communities. To view an interactive map of locations, or to submit photos to this collection, visit" data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_urap"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_urap.jpg" alt="Utah Religious Architecture Photographs"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_urap">Utah Religious Architecture Photographs</a> <br> The Utah Religious Architecture Photograph Collection displays the history and variety of religious communities in Utah through images of existing and historical houses of worship. While exterior views are predominant, available interior shots are also welcome if they respect the traditions and feelings of the faith community. A feature of this collection is to highlight how buildings are repurposed. Some church buildings are used by different traditions over time, others are now used for secular purposes, and still others were built for secular purposes and are now occupied by religious communities. To view an interactive map of locations, or to submit photos to this collection, visit </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah River Running Photo Archives The Utah River Running Photo Archives is part of the S. J. Quinney Ski and Outdoor Recreation Archives at the University of Utah. The river running photo collection includes photos of Glen Canyon, Hatch River Expeditions, the Colorado River, and a variety of historic expeditions." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_map_rr"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_map_rr.jpg" alt="Utah River Running Photo Archives"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_map_rr">Utah River Running Photo Archives</a> <br> The Utah River Running Photo Archives is part of the S. J. Quinney Ski and Outdoor Recreation Archives at the University of Utah. The river running photo collection includes photos of Glen Canyon, Hatch River Expeditions, the Colorado River, and a variety of historic expeditions. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah Ski Archives Newsletter This collection contains back issues of the Utah Ski Archives Newsletter. The Ski Archives serves to find and preserve materials that help document the history of Utah and Inter-mountain skiing." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_usan"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_usan.jpg" alt="Utah Ski Archives Newsletter"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_usan">Utah Ski Archives Newsletter</a> <br> This collection contains back issues of the Utah Ski Archives Newsletter. The Ski Archives serves to find and preserve materials that help document the history of Utah and Inter-mountain skiing. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah State Board Of Regents " data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_bor"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ir_bor.jpg" alt="Utah State Board Of Regents"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_bor">Utah State Board Of Regents</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah State Constitution and Historical Statutes " data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_law_uschs"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_law_uschs.jpg" alt="Utah State Constitution and Historical Statutes"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_law_uschs">Utah State Constitution and Historical Statutes</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah State Legislators Photographs, 1895-1963 Men and women have been serving Utah citizens in the Utah State Legislature since before Utah was officially a state. This collection has images of legislators serving from various Utah counties from 1895-1963." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_uslp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_uslp.jpg" alt="Utah State Legislators Photographs, 1895-1963"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_uslp">Utah State Legislators Photographs, 1895-1963</a> <br> Men and women have been serving Utah citizens in the Utah State Legislature since before Utah was officially a state. This collection has images of legislators serving from various Utah counties from 1895-1963. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utah's Urban Pioneer Folk Music Revival of 1958-1968 The urban folk music revival of the 1960s in Utah, a significant period culturally and historically, was almost completely ephemeral, fated to disappear with the artists who had participated in it unless somebody created a documentary record through oral history interviews and the recovery and preservation of historic photographs and memorabilia. Folklorist Polly Stewart (1943-2013) therefore initiated in 2004 an open ended documentation project to collect and preserve oral histories and materials." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_utfolklore"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_utfolklore.jpg" alt="Utah's Urban Pioneer Folk Music Revival of 1958-1968"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_utfolklore">Utah's Urban Pioneer Folk Music Revival of 1958-1968</a> <br> The urban folk music revival of the 1960s in Utah, a significant period culturally and historically, was almost completely ephemeral, fated to disappear with the artists who had participated in it unless somebody created a documentary record through oral history interviews and the recovery and preservation of historic photographs and memorabilia. Folklorist Polly Stewart (1943-2013) therefore initiated in 2004 an open ended documentation project to collect and preserve oral histories and materials. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Utonian Yearbooks The annual yearbook of the University of Utah." data-letter="U"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_utonian"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_utonian.jpg" alt="Utonian Yearbooks"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_utonian">Utonian Yearbooks</a> <br> The annual yearbook of the University of Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div id="V" class="az_letter">V</div><div class="az_item" data-filter="Vernal Express Photographs From the Uintah County Library Regional History Center, the Vernal Express Collection collects photographs that were in the local newspaper." data-letter="V"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ucl_vep"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/ucl_vep.jpg" alt="Vernal Express Photographs"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ucl_vep">Vernal Express Photographs</a> <br> From the Uintah County Library Regional History Center, the Vernal Express Collection collects photographs that were in the local newspaper. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Vontella Hess Buchholz Kimball Papers The Vontella Hess Buchholz Kimball papers consist of notebooks and travel diaries concerning her activities as national education director of a large cosmetic firm and her interest in the Middle East. Vontella (1906-1971) was an active and independent woman with a desire to travel." data-letter="V"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_vhbkp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_vhbkp.jpg" alt="Vontella Hess Buchholz Kimball Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_vhbkp">Vontella Hess Buchholz Kimball Papers</a> <br> The Vontella Hess Buchholz Kimball papers consist of notebooks and travel diaries concerning her activities as national education director of a large cosmetic firm and her interest in the Middle East. Vontella (1906-1971) was an active and independent woman with a desire to travel. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div id="W" class="az_letter">W</div><div class="az_item" data-filter="Water Wise Utah Water Wise Utah is a collaborative University of Utah project led by the Utah Education Network (UEN) in partnership with KUER, KUED, the Utah Museum of Natural History, and the J. W. Marriott Library. Its goal is to raise awareness of critical water issues and encourage water conservation throughout Utah. Water Wise Utah will offer TV documentaries, K-12 educational events, a museum exhibit, and a Web site linking to the Western Waters Digital Library, and will collaborate with Utah water agencies and community organizations to target Utah communities with high rates of water consumption." data-letter="W"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_wwu"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_wwu.jpg" alt="Water Wise Utah"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_wwu">Water Wise Utah</a> <br> Water Wise Utah is a collaborative University of Utah project led by the Utah Education Network (UEN) in partnership with KUER, KUED, the Utah Museum of Natural History, and the J. W. Marriott Library. Its goal is to raise awareness of critical water issues and encourage water conservation throughout Utah. Water Wise Utah will offer TV documentaries, K-12 educational events, a museum exhibit, and a Web site linking to the Western Waters Digital Library, and will collaborate with Utah water agencies and community organizations to target Utah communities with high rates of water consumption. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="We Remember, We Celebrate, We Believe: Latinos in Utah Exhibit Collection This digital exhibit showcases the photographic exhibit of Latino history in Utah by Armando Solorzano, professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of Utah. Topics include Aztec history in Utah, Latino settlements in southeastern Utah, Latino miners, railroad workers, migrant workers, Latino religious practices and political influences." data-letter="W"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_latino"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_latino.jpg" alt="We Remember, We Celebrate, We Believe: Latinos in Utah Exhibit Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_latino">We Remember, We Celebrate, We Believe: Latinos in Utah Exhibit Collection</a> <br> This digital exhibit showcases the photographic exhibit of Latino history in Utah by Armando Solorzano, professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of Utah. Topics include Aztec history in Utah, Latino settlements in southeastern Utah, Latino miners, railroad workers, migrant workers, Latino religious practices and political influences. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Western Federation of Watercolors Society Collection contains the annual records of the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies. Collected in a scrapbook form, materials range from correspondence to photographs, flyers, meeting notes, and exhibition information." data-letter="W"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_wfws"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_wfws.jpg" alt="Western Federation of Watercolors Society"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_wfws">Western Federation of Watercolors Society</a> <br> Collection contains the annual records of the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies. Collected in a scrapbook form, materials range from correspondence to photographs, flyers, meeting notes, and exhibition information. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Western Soundscape The Western Soundscape Archive recognizes the vital connection between places and their soundscapes. It features audio recordings of animals and environments throughout the western United States. The project's geographic focus includes eleven contiguous western states - Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming - as well as baseline sound monitoring in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. These geographic boundaries were chosen to coincide with existing maps and data gathered by state and federal organizations. The WSA typically features three types of recordings: individual species, ambient soundscapes and interviews." data-letter="W"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_wss"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_wss.jpg" alt="Western Soundscape"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_wss">Western Soundscape</a> <br> The Western Soundscape Archive recognizes the vital connection between places and their soundscapes. It features audio recordings of animals and environments throughout the western United States. The project's geographic focus includes eleven contiguous western states - Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming - as well as baseline sound monitoring in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. These geographic boundaries were chosen to coincide with existing maps and data gathered by state and federal organizations. The WSA typically features three types of recordings: individual species, ambient soundscapes and interviews. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Western Soundscape Spectrograms For more than two decades the National Park Service and its contractors have conducted acoustical monitoring at park units throughout the United States. Most of this data has never before been widely accessible to the public, and the Western Soundscape Archive now makes available more than 10,000 spectral images from approximately 200,000 hours of park service sound level monitoring." data-letter="W"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_wss_spec"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uu_wss_spec.jpg" alt="Western Soundscape Spectrograms"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uu_wss_spec">Western Soundscape Spectrograms</a> <br> For more than two decades the National Park Service and its contractors have conducted acoustical monitoring at park units throughout the United States. Most of this data has never before been widely accessible to the public, and the Western Soundscape Archive now makes available more than 10,000 spectral images from approximately 200,000 hours of park service sound level monitoring. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Western Waters Audio-Video Documentary programs on water including Soaking The Desert and Water is for Fightin'." data-letter="W"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wwdl_av"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/wwdl_av.jpg" alt="Western Waters Audio-Video"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wwdl_av">Western Waters Audio-Video</a> <br> Documentary programs on water including Soaking The Desert and Water is for Fightin'. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Western Waters AZ. vs CA. Exhibits and documentation related to the Arizona vs California Supreme Court cases." data-letter="W"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wwdl_azvca"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/wwdl_azvca.jpg" alt="Western Waters AZ. vs CA."/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wwdl_azvca">Western Waters AZ. vs CA.</a> <br> Exhibits and documentation related to the Arizona vs California Supreme Court cases. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Western Waters Books Texts on water rights laws in the western states and the Colorado River." data-letter="W"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wwdl_books"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/wwdl_books.jpg" alt="Western Waters Books"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wwdl_books">Western Waters Books</a> <br> Texts on water rights laws in the western states and the Colorado River. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Western Waters Diaries Contains the diary documenting the 1909 river expedition of Nathaniel Galloway and Julius Stone, accompanied by photographer Raymond Cogswell. Their three month journey took them from Green River, Wyoming to Needles, California. The expedition is generally considered by historians of the Colorado River to be the first that was undertaken purely for pleasure, similar to modern river runners." data-letter="W"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wwdl_diaries"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/wwdl_diaries.jpg" alt="Western Waters Diaries"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wwdl_diaries">Western Waters Diaries</a> <br> Contains the diary documenting the 1909 river expedition of Nathaniel Galloway and Julius Stone, accompanied by photographer Raymond Cogswell. Their three month journey took them from Green River, Wyoming to Needles, California. The expedition is generally considered by historians of the Colorado River to be the first that was undertaken purely for pleasure, similar to modern river runners. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Western Waters Documents Documents and reports related to water conservation." data-letter="W"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wwdl_documents"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/wwdl_documents.jpg" alt="Western Waters Documents"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wwdl_documents">Western Waters Documents</a> <br> Documents and reports related to water conservation. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Western Waters Electronic Resources Government documents and electronic resources on water issues." data-letter="W"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wwdl_er"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/wwdl_er.jpg" alt="Western Waters Electronic Resources"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wwdl_er">Western Waters Electronic Resources</a> <br> Government documents and electronic resources on water issues. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Western Waters Law of the Colorado River Laws related to the Colorado River and Colorado River Basin." data-letter="W"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wwdl_lcl"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/wwdl_lcl.jpg" alt="Western Waters Law of the Colorado River"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wwdl_lcl">Western Waters Law of the Colorado River</a> <br> Laws related to the Colorado River and Colorado River Basin. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Western Waters NEH Historical documents related to water policy in the western United States, including water rights legal cases, Native American history, water project documentation, and legislative reports." data-letter="W"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wwdl_neh"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/wwdl_neh.jpg" alt="Western Waters NEH"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wwdl_neh">Western Waters NEH</a> <br> Historical documents related to water policy in the western United States, including water rights legal cases, Native American history, water project documentation, and legislative reports. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Western Waters Photographs Photographs of the Galloway-Stone expedition." data-letter="W"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wwdl_pc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/wwdl_pc.jpg" alt="Western Waters Photographs"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wwdl_pc">Western Waters Photographs</a> <br> Photographs of the Galloway-Stone expedition. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Western Waters Treaties and Compacts Interstate agreements and water compacts documents." data-letter="W"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wwdl_tc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/wwdl_tc.jpg" alt="Western Waters Treaties and Compacts"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wwdl_tc">Western Waters Treaties and Compacts</a> <br> Interstate agreements and water compacts documents. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Westminster University COVID-19 Digital Collection The Westminster University COVID-19 Digital Collection documents the experiences of the Westminster University community during the COVID-19 pandemic. All files contained within this collection are user-submitted photos, textual images, videos, and sound recordings that detail pandemic experiences unique to the individual or those around them." data-letter="W"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wc_cdc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/wc_cdc.jpg" alt="Westminster University COVID-19 Digital Collection"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wc_cdc">Westminster University COVID-19 Digital Collection</a> <br> The Westminster University COVID-19 Digital Collection documents the experiences of the Westminster University community during the COVID-19 pandemic. All files contained within this collection are user-submitted photos, textual images, videos, and sound recordings that detail pandemic experiences unique to the individual or those around them. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Westminster University Finding Aids (EAD) The Giovale Library digital collections consist of digitized documents and photographs relating to the history of Westminster University from its inception as the Salt Lake Collegiate Institute, founded in 1875, to the present. The collections also include material dealing with the early history of the Presbyterian Church in Utah and southern Idaho. This is an ongoing project, and new materials are being digitized and added to the collections on a regular basis. All original materials are housed in the Masonic Foundation of Utah Archives Room in the Giovale Library, Westminster University. The original documents are available to researchers during library hours or by special appointment. The digitized collections are divided into 2 groups. One group includes historical photographs from the collection and the other group is of historical documents such as The Church Review, Utah Westminster, and other published materials." data-letter="W"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wc_ead"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/wc_ead.jpg" alt="Westminster University Finding Aids (EAD)"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wc_ead">Westminster University Finding Aids (EAD)</a> <br> The Giovale Library digital collections consist of digitized documents and photographs relating to the history of Westminster University from its inception as the Salt Lake Collegiate Institute, founded in 1875, to the present. The collections also include material dealing with the early history of the Presbyterian Church in Utah and southern Idaho. This is an ongoing project, and new materials are being digitized and added to the collections on a regular basis. All original materials are housed in the Masonic Foundation of Utah Archives Room in the Giovale Library, Westminster University. The original documents are available to researchers during library hours or by special appointment. The digitized collections are divided into 2 groups. One group includes historical photographs from the collection and the other group is of historical documents such as The Church Review, Utah Westminster, and other published materials. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Westminster University Honors College Honorable Mention The Honors College at Westminster University publishes its newsletter, *Honorable Mention*, once a semester. It is designed, written, and published entirely by Honors College student editors, writers, and photographers. The newsletter features Honors College news, Honors College student and faculty profiles, updates on the work of the Student Honors Council, answers to important questions arising in the community, and announcements about courses, awards, funding opportunities, and other programming. The first issue of Honorable Mention was published in 2002." data-letter="W"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wc_hc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/wc_hc.jpg" alt="Westminster University Honors College Honorable Mention"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wc_hc">Westminster University Honors College Honorable Mention</a> <br> The Honors College at Westminster University publishes its newsletter, <i>Honorable Mention</i>, once a semester. It is designed, written, and published entirely by Honors College student editors, writers, and photographers. The newsletter features Honors College news, Honors College student and faculty profiles, updates on the work of the Student Honors Council, answers to important questions arising in the community, and announcements about courses, awards, funding opportunities, and other programming. The first issue of Honorable Mention was published in 2002. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Westminster University Institutional Repository " data-letter="W"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wc_ir"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/wc_ir.jpg" alt="Westminster University Institutional Repository"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wc_ir">Westminster University Institutional Repository</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Westminster University Photographs The Giovale Library digital collections consist of digitized documents and photographs relating to the history of Westminster University from its inception as the Salt Lake Collegiate Institute, founded in 1875, to the present. The collections also include material dealing with the early history of the Presbyterian Church in Utah and southern Idaho. This is an ongoing project, and new materials are being digitized and added to the collections on a regular basis. All original materials are housed in the Masonic Foundation of Utah Archives Room in the Giovale Library, Westminster University. The original documents are available to researchers during library hours or by special appointment." data-letter="W"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wc_pc"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/wc_pc.jpg" alt="Westminster University Photographs"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wc_pc">Westminster University Photographs</a> <br> The Giovale Library digital collections consist of digitized documents and photographs relating to the history of Westminster University from its inception as the Salt Lake Collegiate Institute, founded in 1875, to the present. The collections also include material dealing with the early history of the Presbyterian Church in Utah and southern Idaho. This is an ongoing project, and new materials are being digitized and added to the collections on a regular basis. All original materials are housed in the Masonic Foundation of Utah Archives Room in the Giovale Library, Westminster University. The original documents are available to researchers during library hours or by special appointment. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Westminster University Textual Works The Giovale Library digital collections consist of digitized documents and photographs relating to the history of Westminster University from its inception as the Salt Lake Collegiate Institute, founded in 1875, to the present. The collections also include material dealing with the early history of the Presbyterian Church in Utah and southern Idaho. This is an ongoing project, and new materials are being digitized and added to the collections on a regular basis. All original materials are housed in the Masonic Foundation of Utah Archives Room in the Giovale Library, Westminster University. The original documents are available to researchers during library hours or by special appointment." data-letter="W"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wc_tw"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/wc_tw.jpg" alt="Westminster University Textual Works"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=wc_tw">Westminster University Textual Works</a> <br> The Giovale Library digital collections consist of digitized documents and photographs relating to the history of Westminster University from its inception as the Salt Lake Collegiate Institute, founded in 1875, to the present. The collections also include material dealing with the early history of the Presbyterian Church in Utah and southern Idaho. This is an ongoing project, and new materials are being digitized and added to the collections on a regular basis. All original materials are housed in the Masonic Foundation of Utah Archives Room in the Giovale Library, Westminster University. The original documents are available to researchers during library hours or by special appointment. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="William Edward Hook Glass Negatives The William Edward Hook Collection contains images from glass plate negatives. Hook was a photographer in Colorado during the 1890s gold rush. The collection documents life in the west and the railroad in Utah." data-letter="W"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_wehgn"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_wehgn.jpg" alt="William Edward Hook Glass Negatives"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_wehgn">William Edward Hook Glass Negatives</a> <br> The William Edward Hook Collection contains images from glass plate negatives. Hook was a photographer in Colorado during the 1890s gold rush. The collection documents life in the west and the railroad in Utah. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="William Harroun Behle Papers The William Harroun Behle papers (1889-2003) encompass a wide range of Dr. Behle's professional life at the University of Utah and in particular, the area of ornithology." data-letter="W"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_whbp"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_whbp.jpg" alt="William Harroun Behle Papers"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_whbp">William Harroun Behle Papers</a> <br> The William Harroun Behle papers (1889-2003) encompass a wide range of Dr. Behle's professional life at the University of Utah and in particular, the area of ornithology. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Women in STEM Oral Histories A collection of oral histories created by University of Utah students in the course "History of Women in Science, Technology, and Medicine" taught by Professor Rachel Mason Dentinger." data-letter="W"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_wsoh"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/uum_wsoh.jpg" alt="Women in STEM Oral Histories"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=uum_wsoh">Women in STEM Oral Histories</a> <br> A collection of oral histories created by University of Utah students in the course "History of Women in Science, Technology, and Medicine" taught by Professor Rachel Mason Dentinger. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Works Progress Administration Biography Sketches Short biographies generated by the WPA from and about Utah's remaining pioneers and historical figures. The collection consists of Personal Pioneer History questionnaires, autobiographical and biographical sketches, autobiography and diary transcriptions." data-letter="W"> <div class="az_image"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_wpabs"><img src="/dl_custom/thumbnails/dha_wpabs.jpg" alt="Works Progress Administration Biography Sketches"/></a> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=dha_wpabs">Works Progress Administration Biography Sketches</a> <br> Short biographies generated by the WPA from and about Utah's remaining pioneers and historical figures. The collection consists of Personal Pioneer History questionnaires, autobiographical and biographical sketches, autobiography and diary transcriptions. </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div class="az_item" data-filter="Writing & Rhetoric Studies " data-letter="W"> <div class="az_image"> </div> <div class="az_content"> <a href="/search?facet_setname_s=ir_wrs">Writing & Rhetoric Studies</a> <br> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div id="filter_message"></div> </div> </div> </div> <footer> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="twelve columns"><img src="/img/footer_logo_uu.png" alt="Marriott Digital Library Logo"></div> </div> <div class="row footer-4-col"> <div class="three columns"> <p><a href="">J. 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