Play with K | The Official Travel Guide to Seoul

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normal; orphans: 2; text-transform: none; widows: 2; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: pre-wrap; text-decoration-thickness: initial; font-family: NotoSansCJKkr-Regular; font-size: 12pt; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; word-spacing: 0px;">✔Location: Yangjaecheon Neighborhood Park [Google Maps]( &nbsp;</span><br><span style="font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; orphans: 2; text-transform: none; widows: 2; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: pre-wrap; text-decoration-thickness: initial; font-family: NotoSansCJKkr-Regular; font-size: 12pt; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; word-spacing: 0px;">✔Performers: Yoo Chae, JD, Yoon Ji-an, KiMMi, ShellweFunk, August Brothers &nbsp;</span><br><span style="font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; orphans: 2; text-transform: none; widows: 2; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: pre-wrap; text-decoration-thickness: initial; font-family: NotoSansCJKkr-Regular; font-size: 12pt; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; word-spacing: 0px;">✔Admission: Free for all &nbsp;</span><br><br><span style="font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; orphans: 2; text-transform: none; widows: 2; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: pre-wrap; text-decoration-thickness: initial; font-family: NotoSansCJKkr-Regular; font-size: 12pt; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; word-spacing: 0px;">The PLAY with K concert is dedicated to sharing Korean K-MUSIC's charm with local and international fans. � &nbsp;</span><br><span style="font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; orphans: 2; text-transform: none; widows: 2; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: pre-wrap; text-decoration-thickness: initial; font-family: NotoSansCJKkr-Regular; font-size: 12pt; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; word-spacing: 0px;">Concert footage will be uploaded to Arirang TV afterward.&nbsp;</span><br><span style="font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; orphans: 2; text-transform: none; widows: 2; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: pre-wrap; text-decoration-thickness: initial; font-family: NotoSansCJKkr-Regular; font-size: 12pt; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; word-spacing: 0px;">Join with family, friends, or loved ones to enjoy this unique musical experience!</span><br><br class="Apple-interchange-newline"></p></div></div></div></div> </div><!--// wide-inner--> <div class="detial-cont-element active"><!-- 09-26 detial-cont-element 추가 --> <div class="detail-map-infor first border"><!-- 09-26 border 추가 --> <dl> <dt>Event Dates</dt> <dd> <!-- 2023-06-01 BTS이벤트만 미리 노출 하기 위해 하드 코딩 함. 6/18이후 choose부분은 삭제 하고 원래대로 시작-종료 일자 표시. --> Nov 24, 2024 ~ Nov 24, 2024</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Venue</dt> <dd>Yangjaecheon Neighborhood Park</dd> </dl> <!-- --> <dl> <dt>Important</dt> <dd>English commentary available</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Fee</dt> <dd> Free admission</dd> </dl> <!-- 2023.06.23 위치 변경 요청으로 map.jsp에 있던 부분을 이동함. --> <dl> <dt>Address</dt> <dd> 06777&nbsp;&nbsp;261-23 Yangjae-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul&nbsp;&nbsp;</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Transportation</dt> <dd>Shinbundang Line, Yangjae Citizen’s Forest Station, Exit 1 (896m on foot, 15-minute walk)</dd> </dl> </div> </div><!--// detail-map-infor --> <!-- poi 더보기 접기 삭제 20191128 --> <div class="detail-map-wrap"> <!-- 지도API --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" 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demilight" href="#">Read More</a>'; customPopup+='<button type="button"><span class="ion-arrow-shrink"></span></button>'; customPopup+='</div>'; customPopup+='</div>'; //customPopup+='</div>'; // specify popup options var customOptions = { /* 'maxWidth': '500', 'maxHeight': '100', 'className' : 'custom', */ 'offset' : [0,-10] //- 툴팁 offset 입니다. } //반경내 대중교통 정류장 검색 $.ajax({ type : "post", //url: '/comm/station/listStation.json', url: '/comm/trans/listPointSearch.json', data: {"tmY" : lat, "tmX" : lng, "langCodeId" : "en", "radius":"200"}, dataType: 'json', contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', success: function(data) { if( data ){ var item; for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++){ item = data[i]; //var arsId = item.arsId+""; getBusStationInfo(item.stationName, item.stationClass, item.stationID, item.y, item.x, item.arsID); } } }, error: function(data, status, err) { console.log('error forward : ' + data); } }); };// end init function startfoucs(){ map.setView([lat, lng], 6); } //leaflet-marker-pane //버스정류장 세부 정보 조회 function getBusStationInfo(stationName, stationClass, StationID, lat, lng, arsId){ var markerIcon = getMarkerIcon('B'); //버스 var busTypeMsg1 = "General Bus"; var busTypeMsg2 = "Seat Bus"; var busTypeMsg3 = "Village Bus"; var busTypeMsg4 = "Direct Seat Bus"; var busTypeMsg5 = "Airport Bus"; var busTypeMsg6 = "Trunk Express Bus"; var busTypeMsg11 = "Trunk Bus"; var busTypeMsg12 = "Branch Bus"; var busTypeMsg13 = "Circulation Bus"; var busTypeMsg14 = "Wide Area Bus"; var busTypeMsg15 = "Express Bus"; var busTypeMsg26 = "Express Trunk Bus"; if( arsId != "" ){ $.ajax({ type : "post", url: '/comm/trans/listTransStation.json', data: {"StationID" : StationID, "langCodeId" : "en"}, dataType: 'json', contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', success: function(data) { if( data && stationClass =="1"){ marker = new L.Marker(new L.LatLng(lat, lng), {icon:new L.Icon({iconUrl:markerIcon,iconSize:new L.Point(40,40)})}).addTo(map); marker.on('click',function(e){ $("#map-mask").fadeIn(function(){ var cn = ''; var arrivalArray = new Array(); for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++){ var item = data[i]; //console.log(item); var busInfo = getBusRouteInfo(item.busID); var busNo = item.busNo; var startPoint = item.busStartPoint; var endPoint = item.busEndPoint; var busType = busInfo.type; var busTypeMsg = ""; var firstTime = busInfo.busFirstTime; var lastTime = busInfo.busLastTime; var busInterval = busInfo.busInterval; var arrivalTime = "-"; //var arrivalTime = getArrInfoRouteAll(item.localBusID, arsId); var bustxt=""; var busnum=""; var busIcon = ""; if(busType=="1" || busType=="3" || busType=="12" || busType=="13"){ busIcon="ico_generalbus_green"; bustxt="bustxt_generalbus"; busnum="busnum_generalbus"; }else if(busType=="4" || busType=="6" || busType=="14"){ busIcon="ico_wideareabus_red"; bustxt="bustxt_wideareabus"; busnum="busnum_wideareabus"; }else{ busIcon="ico_trunkbus_blue"; bustxt="bustxt_trunkbus"; busnum="busnum_trunkbus"; } //console.log('onclick forward : f_setArrivalTime(\'tmp'+ i +'\', \''+item.localBusID+'\',\''+arsId+'\')'); arrivalArray[i] = new Array(); arrivalArray[i][0] = item.localBusID; arrivalArray[i][1] = arsId; cn+='<tr class="tmp'+ i +'" onclick=\"f_setArrivalTime(\'tmp'+ i +'\', \''+item.localBusID+'\',\''+arsId+'\');\">'; cn+=' <td>'; cn+=' <span class="bustxt_area">'; cn+=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/'+busIcon+'.png" alt="'+eval("busTypeMsg"+busType)+'" />'; cn+=' <span class="bustxt '+bustxt+'">'+ eval("busTypeMsg"+busType) +'</span>'; cn+=' </span>'; cn+=' <span class="businfo_area">'; cn+=' <span class="busnum '+busnum+'">'+busNo+'</span>'; cn+=' <span class="bus_course">' cn+=' '+startPoint; cn+=' <span class="ico_course"></span>'; cn+=' '+endPoint; cn+=' </span>'; cn+=' </span>'; cn+=' </td>'; cn+=' <td>'; cn+=' <span class="m_block">'; cn+=' <span class="busarrive_area">Arrive'; cn+=' <span class="txtarrive">'+arrivalTime+'minutes to go</span>'; cn+=' </span>'; cn+=' </span>'; cn+=' <span class="m_block">'; cn+=' <span class="bustxt bustxt_info">First service</span>'; cn+=' <span class="txtarrive_time">'+firstTime+'</span>'; cn+=' </span>'; cn+=' <span class="m_block">'; cn+=' <span class="bustxt bustxt_info">Last service</span>'; cn+=' <span class="txtarrive_time">'+lastTime+'</span>'; cn+=' </span>'; cn+=' <span class="bustxt bustxt_info">Service interval</span>'; cn+=' <span class="txtarrive_time">'+busInterval+'minutes</span>'; cn+=' </td>'; cn+='</tr>'; } $(".cnt-busline h5").html(stationName+"("+ arsId+")"); $(".cnt-busline table tbody").html("").html(cn); $(".cnt-busline").show(); $("#map-mask").hide(); for(var k=0;k<arrivalArray.length;k++){ var eleName = 'tmp'+k; //console.log(arrivalArray[k][0]+"_"+arrivalArray[k][1]); if(arrivalArray.length > 5){ setTimeout("f_setArrivalTime('"+eleName+"','"+arrivalArray[k][0]+"','"+arrivalArray[k][1]+"');", 2000*(k+1)); }else{ f_setArrivalTime(eleName,arrivalArray[k][0],arrivalArray[k][1]); } } }); }); } }, error: function(data, status, err) { console.log('error forward : ' + data); } }); } } function f_setArrivalTime(tar, localBusID, arsId){ $("."+tar).find(".txtarrive").fadeOut(function(){ var arrivalTime = getArrInfoRouteAll(localBusID, arsId); $("."+tar).find(".txtarrive").html(arrivalTime+"minutes to go"); $("."+tar).find(".txtarrive").fadeIn(); }); } //해당노선정보조회 function getBusRouteInfo(busID){ var busInfo; $.ajax({ type : "post", url: '/comm/trans/listBusRoute.json', data: {"busID" : busID}, dataType: 'json', contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', async: false, success: function(data) { busInfo = data[0]; }, error: function(data, status, err) { console.log('error forward : ' + data); } }); return busInfo; } // 대중교통 길찾기 // getLeastRouteFind(lngCurrent,latCurrent,lng,lat) function getLeastRouteFind(SX, SY, EX, EY,OTP){ $.ajax({ type : "post", url: '/comm/trans/listLeastRoute.json', data: {"SX" : SX, "SY" : SY, "EX" : EX, "EY" : EY, "langCodeId" : "en","OTP" : "0"}, dataType: 'json', contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', success: function(data) { $("#locationinfoTab1").removeClass( "active" ); $("#locationinfoTab2").removeClass( "active" ); $("#locationinfoTab3").removeClass( "active" ); $("#locationinfoTab4").removeClass( "active" ); $("#locationinfoTab1").addClass( "active" ); if(data.length==0){ var cn = ''; cn+='<tr><th colspan="3"><dl style="text-align: center;padding: 25px 0;"><dt>No public transport options found.</dt></dl></th>'; cn+='</tr>'; $(".cnt-locationinfo table tbody").html("").html(cn); $(".cnt-locationinfo").show(); }else{ $("#cont1").empty(); $("#cont2").empty(); $("#cont3").empty(); $("#cont4").empty(); // 추천 코스 for(var i=0 ; i<1; i++){ var path = data[0].pathList[i]; var cn = ''; var ncn = ''; ncn = '<div class="cnt-locationinfo-time"><span class="ion-android-alarm-clock"></span> Total Time:'+path.pathInfoMap.totalTime+'분</div>'; ncn += '<table summary="모바일 도착정보 상세정보로 출발부터 도착까지의 경로 안내로 구성되어 있습니다.">'; ncn += '<caption>모바일 도착정보 상세정보 안내</caption>'; ncn += '<colgroup>'; ncn += '<col style="width:50px;"><col style="width:*;">'; ncn += '</colgroup>'; ncn += '<tbody>'; ncn +='<tr>'; ncn +=' <th>'; ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_departur_en.png" alt="Depart">'; for(var j=0; j<path.subPathArrayList.length; j++){ var subPath = path.subPathArrayList[j]; var startName = subPath.startName; if (startName==undefined && j!=0){ startName = path.subPathArrayList[j-1].endName; if(path.subPathArrayList[j-1].trafficType =="1"){ startName+=" station"; }else if(path.subPathArrayList[j-1].trafficType =="2"){ startName+=" stop<span class='road_gray'>"+path.subPathArrayList[j-1].endARSID+"</span>"; } }else if (startName!=undefined){ if(path.subPathArrayList[j].trafficType =="1"){ startName+=" station"; }else if(path.subPathArrayList[j].trafficType =="2"){ startName+=" stop"; } }else if(startName==undefined && j==0){ startName = '<a href="javascript:moveSetLocationZoom('+lat_+', '+lng_+',6);" >'+$('#pac-input').val()+'</a>'; } if (j != 0 ){ ncn +='</tr>'; ncn +='<tr>'; ncn +=' <th>'; } if(j == path.subPathArrayList.length-1){ if(subPath.trafficType == "3"){ ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_progress3.png" alt="과정">'; }else{ ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_progress_reach.png" alt="과정">'; } }else if(subPath.trafficType == "3"){ ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_progress1.png" alt="과정">'; }else{ ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_progress2.png" alt="과정">'; } ncn +=' </th>'; if(subPath.trafficType == "1"){ var laneNum = subPath.laneMap.subwayCode; if(laneNum==100){ laneNum =10; }else if(laneNum==104){ laneNum =13; } ncn +=' <td>'; ncn +=' <dl>'; ncn +=' <dt>'+startName+'</dt>'; ncn +=' <dd>'; ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_track.png" alt="Subway">'; ncn +=' <span class="road_area">'; ncn +=' <span class="road_blue"><span class="line-text color'+laneNum+'">''</span>('+subPath.stationCount+'stations) '+subPath.sectionTime+'minutes</span>'; ncn +=' </span>'; ncn +=' </dd>'; ncn +=' </dl>'; ncn +=' </td>'; }else if(subPath.trafficType == "2"){ var busList = ""; for(var k=0; k<subPath.laneList.length; k++){ busList += subPath.laneList[k].busNo; if(k != subPath.laneList.length-1) busList += ","; } ncn +=' <td>'; ncn +=' <dl>'; ncn +=' <dt>'+startName+'<span class="road_gray">'+subPath.startARSID+'</span></dt>'; ncn +=' <dd>'; ncn +=' <span class="road_area">'; ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_generalbus_green.png" alt="Bus"> '; ncn +=' <span class="busnum busnum_generalbus mobile">'+busList+'</span> '; ncn +=' <span class="road_black">'+subPath.endName+'</span>'; ncn +=' <span class="road_blue">'+subPath.sectionTime+'minutes('+subPath.stationCount+'stops)</span>'; ncn +=' </span>'; ncn +=' </dd>'; ncn +=' </dl>'; ncn +=' </td>'; }else if(subPath.trafficType == "3"){ ncn +=' <td>'; ncn +=' <dl>'; ncn +=' <dt>'+startName+'</dt>'; ncn +=' <dd>'; ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_walk.png" alt="Walk">'; ncn +=' <span class="road_area">'; ncn +=' <span class="road_blue">Walk '+subPath.sectionTime+'minutes</span>'; ncn +=' <span class="road_gray">'+subPath.distance+'m</span>'; ncn +=' </span>'; ncn +=' </dd>'; ncn +=' </dl>'; ncn +=' </td>'; }else{ console.log("error"); } if(j == path.subPathArrayList.length-1){ ncn +='</tr>'; ncn +='<tr>'; ncn +=' <th>'; ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_reach_en.png" alt="Arrive">'; ncn +=' </th>'; ncn +=' <td>'; ncn +=' <dl>'; ncn +=' <dt>'; ncn +=' <a href="javascript:startfoucs()">Play with K</a>'; /* ncn +='<span class="road_gray">'; ncn +=' 261-23 Yangjae-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul&nbsp;&nbsp;'; ncn +=' </span>'; */ ncn +=' </dt>'; ncn +=' </dl>'; ncn +=' </td>'; } } ncn +='</tr>'; $("#cont1").html("").html(ncn); $(".cnt-locationinfo-tab").show(); $("#cont1").show(); $(".cnt-locationinfo").show(); } var subwayIdx = 999; var busIdx = 999; var busSubwayIdx = 999; //교통수단별 IDX 셋팅 for(var p=0;p<data[0].pathList.length;p++){ console.log('pathType : '+ data[0].pathList[p].pathType); if(data[0].pathList[p].pathType==1){ subwayIdx = p; break; } } for(var p=0;p<data[0].pathList.length;p++){ console.log('pathType : '+ data[0].pathList[p].pathType); if(data[0].pathList[p].pathType==2){ busIdx = p; break; } } for(var p=0;p<data[0].pathList.length;p++){ console.log('pathType : '+ data[0].pathList[p].pathType); if(data[0].pathList[p].pathType==3){ busSubwayIdx = p; break; } } //길찾기 지하철 if(subwayIdx==999){ ncn = ''; ncn = '<div class="cnt-locationinfo-time"></div>'; ncn += '<table summary="모바일 도착정보 상세정보로 출발부터 도착까지의 경로 안내로 구성되어 있습니다.">'; ncn += '<caption>모바일 도착정보 상세정보 안내</caption>'; ncn += '<colgroup>'; ncn += '<col style="width:70px;"><col style="width:50px;"><col style="width:*;">'; ncn += '</colgroup>'; ncn += '<tbody>'; ncn+='<tr><th colspan="3" ><dl style="text-align: center;padding: 25px 0;"><dt>No public transport options found.</dt></dl></th></tr>'; ncn += '</tbody>'; ncn += '</table>'; }else{ path = data[0].pathList[subwayIdx]; ncn = ''; ncn = '<div class="cnt-locationinfo-time"><span class="ion-android-alarm-clock"></span> 총 소요시간:'+path.pathInfoMap.totalTime+'분</div>'; ncn += '<table summary="모바일 도착정보 상세정보로 출발부터 도착까지의 경로 안내로 구성되어 있습니다.">'; ncn += '<caption>모바일 도착정보 상세정보 안내</caption>'; ncn += '<colgroup>'; ncn += '<col style="width:50px;"><col style="width:*;">'; ncn += '</colgroup>'; ncn += '<tbody>'; ncn +='<tr>'; ncn +=' <th>'; ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_departur_en.png" alt="Depart">'; for(var j=0; j<path.subPathArrayList.length; j++){ var subPath = path.subPathArrayList[j]; var startName = subPath.startName; if (startName==undefined && j!=0){ startName = path.subPathArrayList[j-1].endName; if(path.subPathArrayList[j-1].trafficType =="1"){ startName+=" station"; }else if(path.subPathArrayList[j-1].trafficType =="2"){ startName+=" stop<span class='road_gray'>"+path.subPathArrayList[j-1].endARSID+"</span>"; } }else if (startName!=undefined){ if(path.subPathArrayList[j].trafficType =="1"){ startName+=" station"; }else if(path.subPathArrayList[j].trafficType =="2"){ startName+=" stop"; } }else if(startName==undefined && j==0){ startName = '<a href="javascript:moveSetLocationZoom('+lat_+', '+lng_+',6);" >'+$('#pac-input').val()+'</a>'; } if (j != 0 ){ ncn +='</tr>'; ncn +='<tr>'; ncn +=' <th>'; } if(j == path.subPathArrayList.length-1){ if(subPath.trafficType == "3"){ ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_progress3.png" alt="과정">'; }else{ ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_progress_reach.png" alt="과정">'; } }else if(subPath.trafficType == "3"){ ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_progress1.png" alt="과정">'; }else{ ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_progress2.png" alt="과정">'; } ncn +=' </th>'; if(subPath.trafficType == "1"){ var laneNum = subPath.laneMap.subwayCode; if(laneNum==100){ laneNum =10; }else if(laneNum==104){ laneNum =13; } ncn +=' <td>'; ncn +=' <dl>'; ncn +=' <dt>'+startName+'</dt>'; ncn +=' <dd>'; ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_track.png" alt="Subway">'; ncn +=' <span class="road_area">'; ncn +=' <span class="road_blue"><span class="line-text color'+laneNum+'">''</span>('+subPath.stationCount+'stations) '+subPath.sectionTime+'minutes</span>'; ncn +=' </span>'; ncn +=' </dd>'; ncn +=' </dl>'; ncn +=' </td>'; }else if(subPath.trafficType == "2"){ var busList = ""; for(var k=0; k<subPath.laneList.length; k++){ busList += subPath.laneList[k].busNo; if(k != subPath.laneList.length-1) busList += ","; } ncn +=' <td>'; ncn +=' <dl>'; ncn +=' <dt>'+startName+'<span class="road_gray">'+subPath.startARSID+'</span></dt>'; ncn +=' <dd>'; ncn +=' <span class="road_area">'; ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_generalbus_green.png" alt="Bus"> '; ncn +=' <span class="busnum busnum_generalbus mobile">'+busList+'</span> '; ncn +=' <span class="road_black">'+subPath.endName+'</span>'; ncn +=' <span class="road_blue">'+subPath.sectionTime+'minutes('+subPath.stationCount+'stops)</span>'; ncn +=' </span>'; ncn +=' </dd>'; ncn +=' </dl>'; ncn +=' </td>'; }else if(subPath.trafficType == "3"){ ncn +=' <td>'; ncn +=' <dl>'; ncn +=' <dt>'+startName+'</dt>'; ncn +=' <dd>'; ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_walk.png" alt="Walk">'; ncn +=' <span class="road_area">'; ncn +=' <span class="road_blue">Walk '+subPath.sectionTime+'minutes</span>'; ncn +=' <span class="road_gray">'+subPath.distance+'m</span>'; ncn +=' </span>'; ncn +=' </dd>'; ncn +=' </dl>'; ncn +=' </td>'; }else{ console.log("error"); } if(j == path.subPathArrayList.length-1){ ncn +='</tr>'; ncn +='<tr>'; ncn +=' <th>'; ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_reach_en.png" alt="Arrive">'; ncn +=' </th>'; ncn +=' <td>'; ncn +=' <dl>'; ncn +=' <dt>'; ncn +=' <a href="javascript:startfoucs()">Play with K</a>'; /* ncn +='<span class="road_gray">'; ncn +=' 261-23 Yangjae-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul&nbsp;&nbsp;'; ncn +=' </span>'; */ ncn +=' </dt>'; ncn +=' </dl>'; ncn +=' </td>'; } } ncn +='</tr>'; } $("#cont2").html("").html(ncn); $(".cnt-locationinfo-tab").show(); $("#cont2").hide(); //길찾기 버스 if(busIdx==999){ ncn = ''; ncn = '<div class="cnt-locationinfo-time"></div>'; ncn += '<table summary="모바일 도착정보 상세정보로 출발부터 도착까지의 경로 안내로 구성되어 있습니다.">'; ncn += '<caption>모바일 도착정보 상세정보 안내</caption>'; ncn += '<colgroup>'; ncn += '<col style="width:70px;"><col style="width:50px;"><col style="width:*;">'; ncn += '</colgroup>'; ncn += '<tbody>'; ncn+='<tr><th colspan="3" ><dl style="text-align: center;padding: 25px 0;"><dt>No public transport options found.</dt></dl></th></tr>'; ncn += '</tbody>'; ncn += '</table>'; }else{ path = data[0].pathList[busIdx]; ncn = ''; ncn = '<div class="cnt-locationinfo-time"><span class="ion-android-alarm-clock"></span> 총 소요시간:'+path.pathInfoMap.totalTime+'분</div>'; ncn += '<table summary="모바일 도착정보 상세정보로 출발부터 도착까지의 경로 안내로 구성되어 있습니다.">'; ncn += '<caption>모바일 도착정보 상세정보 안내</caption>'; ncn += '<colgroup>'; ncn += '<col style="width:50px;"><col style="width:*;">'; ncn += '</colgroup>'; ncn += '<tbody>'; ncn +='<tr>'; ncn +=' <th>'; ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_departur_en.png" alt="Depart">'; for(var j=0; j<path.subPathArrayList.length; j++){ var subPath = path.subPathArrayList[j]; var startName = subPath.startName; if (startName==undefined && j!=0){ startName = path.subPathArrayList[j-1].endName; if(path.subPathArrayList[j-1].trafficType =="1"){ startName+=" station"; }else if(path.subPathArrayList[j-1].trafficType =="2"){ startName+=" stop<span class='road_gray'>"+path.subPathArrayList[j-1].endARSID+"</span>"; } }else if (startName!=undefined){ if(path.subPathArrayList[j].trafficType =="1"){ startName+=" station"; }else if(path.subPathArrayList[j].trafficType =="2"){ startName+=" stop"; } }else if(startName==undefined && j==0){ startName = '<a href="javascript:moveSetLocationZoom('+lat_+', '+lng_+',6);" >'+$('#pac-input').val()+'</a>'; } if (j != 0 ){ ncn +='</tr>'; ncn +='<tr>'; ncn +=' <th>'; } if(j == path.subPathArrayList.length-1){ if(subPath.trafficType == "3"){ ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_progress3.png" alt="과정">'; }else{ ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_progress_reach.png" alt="과정">'; } }else if(subPath.trafficType == "3"){ ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_progress1.png" alt="과정">'; }else{ ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_progress2.png" alt="과정">'; } ncn +=' </th>'; if(subPath.trafficType == "1"){ var laneNum = subPath.laneMap.subwayCode; if(laneNum==100){ laneNum =10; }else if(laneNum==104){ laneNum =13; } ncn +=' <td>'; ncn +=' <dl>'; ncn +=' <dt>'+startName+'</dt>'; ncn +=' <dd>'; ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_track.png" alt="Subway">'; ncn +=' <span class="road_area">'; ncn +=' <span class="road_blue"><span class="line-text color'+laneNum+'">''</span>('+subPath.stationCount+'stations) '+subPath.sectionTime+'minutes</span>'; ncn +=' </span>'; ncn +=' </dd>'; ncn +=' </dl>'; ncn +=' </td>'; }else if(subPath.trafficType == "2"){ var busList = ""; for(var k=0; k<subPath.laneList.length; k++){ busList += subPath.laneList[k].busNo; if(k != subPath.laneList.length-1) busList += ","; } ncn +=' <td>'; ncn +=' <dl>'; ncn +=' <dt>'+startName+'<span class="road_gray">'+subPath.startARSID+'</span></dt>'; ncn +=' <dd>'; ncn +=' <span class="road_area">'; ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_generalbus_green.png" alt="Bus"> '; ncn +=' <span class="busnum busnum_generalbus mobile">'+busList+'</span> '; ncn +=' <span class="road_black">'+subPath.endName+'</span>'; ncn +=' <span class="road_blue">'+subPath.sectionTime+'minutes('+subPath.stationCount+'stops)</span>'; ncn +=' </span>'; ncn +=' </dd>'; ncn +=' </dl>'; ncn +=' </td>'; }else if(subPath.trafficType == "3"){ ncn +=' <td>'; ncn +=' <dl>'; ncn +=' <dt>'+startName+'</dt>'; ncn +=' <dd>'; ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_walk.png" alt="Walk">'; ncn +=' <span class="road_area">'; ncn +=' <span class="road_blue">Walk '+subPath.sectionTime+'minutes</span>'; ncn +=' <span class="road_gray">'+subPath.distance+'m</span>'; ncn +=' </span>'; ncn +=' </dd>'; ncn +=' </dl>'; ncn +=' </td>'; }else{ console.log("error"); } if(j == path.subPathArrayList.length-1){ ncn +='</tr>'; ncn +='<tr>'; ncn +=' <th>'; ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_reach_en.png" alt="Arrive">'; ncn +=' </th>'; ncn +=' <td>'; ncn +=' <dl>'; ncn +=' <dt>'; ncn +=' <a href="javascript:startfoucs()">Play with K</a>'; /* ncn +='<span class="road_gray">'; ncn +=' 261-23 Yangjae-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul&nbsp;&nbsp;'; ncn +=' </span>'; */ ncn +=' </dt>'; ncn +=' </dl>'; ncn +=' </td>'; } } ncn +='</tr>'; } $("#cont3").html("").html(ncn); $(".cnt-locationinfo-tab").show(); $("#cont3").hide(); //길찾기 버스+지하철 if(busSubwayIdx==999){ ncn = ''; ncn = '<div class="cnt-locationinfo-time"></div>'; ncn += '<table summary="모바일 도착정보 상세정보로 출발부터 도착까지의 경로 안내로 구성되어 있습니다.">'; ncn += '<caption>모바일 도착정보 상세정보 안내</caption>'; ncn += '<colgroup>'; ncn += '<col style="width:70px;"><col style="width:50px;"><col style="width:*;">'; ncn += '</colgroup>'; ncn += '<tbody>'; ncn+='<tr><th colspan="3"><dl style="text-align: center;padding: 25px 0;"><dt>No public transport options found.</dt></dl></th></tr>'; ncn += '</tbody>'; ncn += '</table>'; }else{ path = data[0].pathList[busSubwayIdx]; ncn = ''; ncn = ''; ncn = '<div class="cnt-locationinfo-time"><span class="ion-android-alarm-clock"></span> 총 소요시간:'+path.pathInfoMap.totalTime+'분</div>'; ncn += '<table summary="모바일 도착정보 상세정보로 출발부터 도착까지의 경로 안내로 구성되어 있습니다.">'; ncn += '<caption>모바일 도착정보 상세정보 안내</caption>'; ncn += '<colgroup>'; ncn += '<col style="width:50px;"><col style="width:*;">'; ncn += '</colgroup>'; ncn += '<tbody>'; ncn +='<tr>'; ncn +=' <th>'; ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_departur_en.png" alt="Depart">'; for(var j=0; j<path.subPathArrayList.length; j++){ var subPath = path.subPathArrayList[j]; var startName = subPath.startName; if (startName==undefined && j!=0){ startName = path.subPathArrayList[j-1].endName; if(path.subPathArrayList[j-1].trafficType =="1"){ startName+=" station"; }else if(path.subPathArrayList[j-1].trafficType =="2"){ startName+=" stop<span class='road_gray'>"+path.subPathArrayList[j-1].endARSID+"</span>"; } }else if (startName!=undefined){ if(path.subPathArrayList[j].trafficType =="1"){ startName+=" station"; }else if(path.subPathArrayList[j].trafficType =="2"){ startName+=" stop"; } }else if(startName==undefined && j==0){ startName = '<a href="javascript:moveSetLocationZoom('+lat_+', '+lng_+',6);" >'+$('#pac-input').val()+'</a>'; } if (j != 0 ){ ncn +='</tr>'; ncn +='<tr>'; ncn +=' <th>'; } if(j == path.subPathArrayList.length-1){ if(subPath.trafficType == "3"){ ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_progress3.png" alt="과정">'; }else{ ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_progress_reach.png" alt="과정">'; } }else if(subPath.trafficType == "3"){ ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_progress1.png" alt="과정">'; }else{ ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_progress2.png" alt="과정">'; } ncn +=' </th>'; if(subPath.trafficType == "1"){ var laneNum = subPath.laneMap.subwayCode; if(laneNum==100){ laneNum =10; }else if(laneNum==104){ laneNum =13; } ncn +=' <td>'; ncn +=' <dl>'; ncn +=' <dt>'+startName+'</dt>'; ncn +=' <dd>'; ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_track.png" alt="Subway">'; ncn +=' <span class="road_area">'; ncn +=' <span class="road_blue"><span class="line-text color'+laneNum+'">''</span>('+subPath.stationCount+'stations) '+subPath.sectionTime+'minutes</span>'; ncn +=' </span>'; ncn +=' </dd>'; ncn +=' </dl>'; ncn +=' </td>'; }else if(subPath.trafficType == "2"){ var busList = ""; for(var k=0; k<subPath.laneList.length; k++){ busList += subPath.laneList[k].busNo; if(k != subPath.laneList.length-1) busList += ","; } ncn +=' <td>'; ncn +=' <dl>'; ncn +=' <dt>'+startName+'<span class="road_gray">'+subPath.startARSID+'</span></dt>'; ncn +=' <dd>'; ncn +=' <span class="road_area">'; ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_generalbus_green.png" alt="Bus"> '; ncn +=' <span class="busnum busnum_generalbus mobile">'+busList+'</span> '; ncn +=' <span class="road_black">'+subPath.endName+'</span>'; ncn +=' <span class="road_blue">'+subPath.sectionTime+'minutes('+subPath.stationCount+'stops)</span>'; ncn +=' </span>'; ncn +=' </dd>'; ncn +=' </dl>'; ncn +=' </td>'; }else if(subPath.trafficType == "3"){ ncn +=' <td>'; ncn +=' <dl>'; ncn +=' <dt>'+startName+'</dt>'; ncn +=' <dd>'; ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_walk.png" alt="Walk">'; ncn +=' <span class="road_area">'; ncn +=' <span class="road_blue">Walk '+subPath.sectionTime+'minutes</span>'; ncn +=' <span class="road_gray">'+subPath.distance+'m</span>'; ncn +=' </span>'; ncn +=' </dd>'; ncn +=' </dl>'; ncn +=' </td>'; }else{ console.log("error"); } if(j == path.subPathArrayList.length-1){ ncn +='</tr>'; ncn +='<tr>'; ncn +=' <th>'; ncn +=' <img src="/resources/theme/images/ico/ico_reach_en.png" alt="Arrive">'; ncn +=' </th>'; ncn +=' <td>'; ncn +=' <dl>'; ncn +=' <dt>'; ncn +=' <a href="javascript:startfoucs()">Play with K</a>'; /* ncn +='<span class="road_gray">'; ncn +=' 261-23 Yangjae-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul&nbsp;&nbsp;'; ncn +=' </span>'; */ ncn +=' </dt>'; ncn +=' </dl>'; ncn +=' </td>'; } } ncn +='</tr>'; } $("#cont4").html("").html(ncn); $(".cnt-locationinfo-tab").show(); $("#cont4").hide(); } }, error: function(data, status, err) { console.log('error forward : ' + data); } }); } // 실시간 버스정보 조회 function getArrInfoRouteAll(localBusID, arsId){ var arrInfo = ""; arsId = arsId.replace("-",""); $.ajax({ type : "post", url: '/comm/trans/arrInfoByRouteAll.json', data: {"busRouteId" : localBusID, "arsId": arsId}, dataType: 'json', contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', async: false, success: function(data) { if (typeof data[0] != "undefined"){ arrInfo = data[0].exps1; if (arrInfo > 0){ var min = Math.ceil(arrInfo/60); arrInfo = min; }else{ arrInfo = '-'; } }else{ arrInfo = '-'; } }, error: function(data, status, err) { console.log('error forward : ' + data); } }); return arrInfo; } var findMarker; var findObj; var lat_; var lng_; function chkFunctioin(obj){ lat_= obj.toString().split(',')[0].replace("(",""); lng_ =obj.toString().split(',')[1].replace(")","").replace(" ",""); if(findMarker==undefined){ console.log("findMarker undefined: "); }else{ console.log("findMarker not undefined: "); map.removeLayer(findMarker); } console.log("findMarker undefined: "); moveSetLocation(lat_, lng_); console.log("markerIcon"); markerIcon = getMarkerIcon('M'); //marker = new L.Marker(new L.LatLng(lat_,lng_), {icon:new L.Icon({iconUrl:markerIcon,iconSize:new L.Point(40,40)})}).addTo(map); findMarker = new L.Marker(new L.LatLng(lat_,lng_), {icon:new L.Icon({iconUrl:markerIcon,iconSize:new L.Point(40,40)})}); map.addLayer(findMarker); console.log("addLayer"); //marker.on('click',function(e){ //getLeastRouteFind(lngCurrent,latCurrent,lng,lat); //}); //getLeastRouteFind(lngCurrent,latCurrent,lng,lat);(SX, SY, EX, EY) console.log("getLeastRouteFind"); //getLeastRouteFind(lat_,lng_,lng,lat); getLeastRouteFind(lng_,lat_,lng,lat,0); } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $(".wrp-map-mylocation").hide(); $(".cnt-busline").hide(); $("#map-mask").hide(); $(".cnt-locationinfo").hide(); $(".btn-map-closed").click(function(){ $(".cnt-busline").hide(); }); $(".btn-find-closed").click(function(){ $(".cnt-locationinfo").hide(); }); // if ("geolocation" in navigator) { // navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) { // 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상세정보</legend> <div class="start-search"> <p class="start-search-text start">출발</p> <div class="start-search-box"> <div class="start-search-box-inner"> <div class="inbox"></div> <button title="검색"><span class="ion-search"></span></button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="start-search"> <p class="start-search-text end">도착</p> <div class="start-search-box"> <span> 06777&nbsp;&nbsp;261-23 Yangjae-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> </div> </div> <div class="start-search-btn"> <a id="findBtn" >길찾기</a> </div> </fieldset> </div> --> <!--// 길찾기 검색 --> <ul class="cnt-locationinfo-tab" style="display: none;"> <li class="active" id="locationinfoTab1"><a href="javascript:tabFnc(1);">Recommend</a></li> <li id="locationinfoTab2"><a href="javascript:tabFnc(2);">Subway</a></li> <li id="locationinfoTab3"><a href="javascript:tabFnc(3);">Bus</a></li> <li id="locationinfoTab4"><a href="javascript:tabFnc(4);">Bus+Subway</a></li> </ul> <!-- 시작 도착 --> <div class="tab-link-box" id="cont1" style="display: none;"> </div> <div class="tab-link-box" id="cont2" style="display: none;"> </div> <div class="tab-link-box" id="cont3" style="display: none;"> </div> <div class="tab-link-box" id="cont4" style="display: none;"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- 길찾기 끝 --> <div class="cnt-busline"> <h5 class="heading4"></h5> <table class="fc-bold" summary="버스도착정보 안내로 버스번호, 도착정보로 구성되어 있습니다."> <caption>버스도착정보 안내</caption> <colgroup> <col /><col /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col">버스 번호</th> <th scope="col">도착 정보</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="fc-grey3"> </tbody> </table> <button type="button" class="btn-map-closed"></button> </div> <!-- <div class="cnt-locationinfo" style="display:;"> <h5 class="heading4">Details</h5> <table summary="모바일 도착정보 상세정보로 출발부터 도착까지의 경로 안내로 구성되어 있습니다."> <caption>모바일 도착정보 상세정보 안내</caption> <colgroup> <col style="width:50px;"><col style="width:*;"> </colgroup> <tbody> </tbody> </table> <button type="button" class="btn-map-closed"><span class="hd-element">닫기</span></button> </div> --> </div> <!-- 2023.06.23 위치 변경 요청으로 detailtyP.jsp로 이동. --> <div class="detail-map-infor"> <!-- <dl> --> <!-- <dd> --> <!-- </dd> --> <!-- </dl> --> <!-- <dl> --> <!-- </dl> --> </div> </div><!--// detail-map-wrap --> <script> // This example adds a search box to a map, using the Google Place Autocomplete // feature. People can enter geographical searches. The search box will return a // pick list containing a mix of places and predicted search terms. // This example requires the Places library. Include the libraries=places // parameter when you first load the API. For example: // <script src=""> var input; var searchBox; var places; function initAutocomplete() { input = document.getElementById('pac-input'); searchBox = new google.maps.places.SearchBox(input); searchBox.addListener('places_changed', function() { places = searchBox.getPlaces(); if (places.length == 0) { return; } places.forEach(function(place) { if (!place.geometry) { console.log("Returned place contains no geometry"); return; } if (place.geometry.viewport) { chkFunctioin(place.geometry.location); } else { } }); //map.fitBounds(bounds); }); } function findroadFnc(){ //var input = document.getElementById('pac-input'); //var searchBox = new google.maps.places.SearchBox(input); console.log(searchBox); var e = jQuery.Event( "keypress", { keyCode: 13 } ); $("#pac-input").trigger(e); } </script> <script src="" async defer></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { showMap(); }); </script> <!-- //map --></div> <section class="tag-element poi"> <span class="title">Tags</span> <p> <a href='/search?search_radio=T&lang=en&searchTerm=PlaywithK' >#PlaywithK</a> <a href='/search?search_radio=T&lang=en&searchTerm=Kpop' >#Kpop</a> <a href='/search?search_radio=T&lang=en&searchTerm=YooChae' >#YooChae</a> <a href='/search?search_radio=T&lang=en&searchTerm=JD' >#JD</a> <a href='/search?search_radio=T&lang=en&searchTerm=YoonJiAn' >#YoonJiAn</a> <a href='/search?search_radio=T&lang=en&searchTerm=KiMMi' >#KiMMi</a> <a href='/search?search_radio=T&lang=en&searchTerm=ShellweFunk' >#ShellweFunk</a> <a href='/search?search_radio=T&lang=en&searchTerm=AugustBrothers' >#AugustBrothers</a> <a href='/search?search_radio=T&lang=en&searchTerm=ArirangTV' >#ArirangTV</a> <a href='/search?search_radio=T&lang=en&searchTerm=K-Music' >#K-Music</a> </p> </section> <section class="article-list-element article-list-slide"> <h3 class="h3">Association recommendation information</h3> <ul class="article-list shopping"> <li> <a href="/restaurants/Samil-Jeongyuk-Sikdang/ENP002528" target="_self" title="Go to page"> <div class="thumb" style="background-image:url('/comm/getImage?srvcId=POST&amp;parentSn=2535&amp;fileTy=POSTTHUMB&amp;fileNo=1&amp;thumbTy=M')"></div> <div class="infor-element"> <div class="infor-element-inner"> <span class="title">Samil Jeongyuk Sikdang</span> <span class="small-text text-dot-d"> Samil Jeongyuk Sikdang is a barbecue restaurant where you can grill fresh meat.</span> <span class="trip-ico"> <img src="" alt="Rating:4.5"> <span class="trip-text">4 reviews</span> </span> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/nature/YangjaeCitizensForest/ENP002156" target="_self" title="Go to page"> <div class="thumb" style="background-image:url('/comm/getImage?srvcId=MEDIA&parentSn=65028&fileTy=MEDIA&fileNo=1&thumbTy=M')"></div> <div class="infor-element"> <div class="infor-element-inner"> <span class="title">Maeheon Citizens’ Forest</span> <span class="small-text text-dot-d"> Yangjae Citizens’ Forest is a lush public park located in Yangjae-dong. </span> <span class="trip-ico"> <img src="" alt="Rating:4.5"> <span class="trip-text">28 reviews</span> </span> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/restaurants/PyeonggaokYangjae-Branch/ENP006917" target="_self" title="Go to page"> <div class="thumb" style="background-image:url('/comm/getImage?srvcId=POST&amp;parentSn=6920&amp;fileTy=POSTTHUMB&amp;fileNo=1&amp;thumbTy=M')"></div> <div class="infor-element"> <div class="infor-element-inner"> <span class="title">Pyeonggaok(Yangjae Branch)</span> <span class="small-text text-dot-d"> This is the Yangjae-dong branch of Pyeonggaok, a restaurant in Bundang specializing in North Korean cuisine. Two of the most popular items are the eob</span> <span class="trip-ico"> <img src="" alt="Rating:3.5"> <span class="trip-text">19 reviews</span> </span> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/nature/Maehun-Yun-Bong-Gil-Memorial-Hall/ENP003759" target="_self" title="Go to page"> <div class="thumb" style="background-image:url('/comm/getImage?srvcId=POST&amp;parentSn=3762&amp;fileTy=POSTTHUMB&amp;fileNo=1&amp;thumbTy=M')"></div> <div class="infor-element"> <div class="infor-element-inner"> <span class="title">Maehun Yun Bong-Gil Memorial Hall </span> <span class="small-text text-dot-d"> The Maehun Yun Bong-Gil Memorial Hall is dedicated to the resistance fighter, Patriot Yun Bong-gil.</span> <span class="trip-ico"> <img src="" alt="Rating:3.5"> <span class="trip-text">2 reviews</span> </span> </div> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </section> <!-- livere --> <!-- <div class="livere-wrap"> --> <!-- </div> --> </div> <input type="hidden" id="guide_sel_msg" value="Open a new window with the button selected" /> <input type="hidden" id="guide_new_open_msg" value="open new window" /> <!-- guide layer popup - 국문 개인--> <!-- 20231006//(Ina)웹접근성 국문/다국어 전체 예약 팝업 닫기버튼 영역 수정(s) --> <!-- 20231006//(Ina)웹접근성 .guide-layer-box 추가(s) --> <div class="guide-layer-popup" id="kr-indvdl" > <div class="inner"> <div class="title-cont"> <span class="title">예약 전 안내사항</span> </div> <div class="guide-layer-box"> <ul class="scroll-area"> <li>장기 폭염 예상 기간 프로그램 운영 중단: 7.23. ~ 8.11.</li> <li>예약은 관광일 기준 최소 3일 전 까지 가능합니다.</li> <li>3인 미만은 예약이 취소될 수 있습니다. </li> <li>기존 등록된 예약 중 그룹별 정원을 초과하지 않는 예약에 한하여 1일 전 17시 까지 추가 예약 가능합니다.</li> <li>다음달 예약은 전달 15일 이 후부터 가능합니다. </li> <li>발열 또는 호흡기 증상(열, 기침, 가래, 근육통, 코막힘, 인후통 등)이 있는 경우 프로그램 참여를 삼가하여 주시기 바랍니다.</li> <li>보호자가 동반하지 않는 만 14세 미만의 아동 관광객의 경우 현장에서 취소됩니다.</li> <li>기상특보(폭염, 태풍, 호우, 미세먼지 등)로 인해 도보관광 운영이 어려운 경우 모든 예약은 일괄 취소됩니다.<font color='red'>(발효 즉시 취소처리)</font><br/>※예약 당일 기상특보를 상시 확인 바랍니다.</li> <li>해설 진행 시 발생하는 안전사고에 대해서 서울도보해설관광 사무국과 서울문화관광해설사는 책임을 지지 않습니다.</li> <li>한국어를 모국어로 사용하는 대한민국 국민의 경우, 외국어 해설 신청이 불가능합니다. </li> </ul> </div> <div class="guide-layer-agreen"> <input type="checkbox" id="kr-indvdl-chk" > <label for="kr-indvdl-chk" >상기 내용에 동의(필수)</label> </div> <div class="mt20 textcenter"> <a href="javascript: fn_reqstResve();" class="detail-button" title="open new window" tabindex="0"> <span>예약신청서 작성하기</span> </a> </div> <div class="guide-layer-close-btn"> <a href="javascript: fn_closeFocus('kr-indvdl');" title="Close pop-up window" tabindex="0"> <em class="blind">Button to close pop-up window</em> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!--// guide layer popup - 국문 개인 --> <!-- guide layer popup - 국문 단체--> <div class="guide-layer-popup" id="kr-grp"> <div class="inner"> <div class="title-cont"> <span class="title">예약 전 안내사항</span> </div> <div class="guide-layer-box"> <ul class="scroll-area"> <li>예약은 관광일 기준 최대 5개월 전부터 최소 5일 전 까지 신청 가능합니다.</li> <li>희망하시는 날짜 및 코스에 활동가능한 해설사가 없는 경우 예약은 취소될 수 있습니다.</li> <li>특히 주말 및 공휴일, 봄(4~5월) 가을(9~11월) 성수기에는 예약이 조기마감 되오니 이 점 유의하여 주시기 바랍니다.</li> <li>예약확인을 위해 도보관광 사무국(02-6925-0777)에서 확인 연락이 진행됩니다.<br>(최소 5일~한달 전)3회 이상 전화통화가 이뤄지지 않을 시 예약이 취소될 수 있습니다.</li> <li>경복궁, 창덕궁, 창경궁, 덕수궁 35인 이상 관람 시, 해당 궁궐 사이트에서 15일 전 단체 입장신청이 필요합니다. (2014.1.1.부터 시행)</li> <li>해설 진행 시 발생하는 안전사고에 대해서 도보관광 사무국과 서울문화관광해설사는 책임을 지지 않습니다.</li> <li>보호자가 동반하지 않는 만 14세 미만의 아동 관광객의 경우 현장에서 취소됩니다.</li> <li>기상특보(폭염, 태풍, 호우, 미세먼지 등)로 인해 도보관광 운영이 어려운 경우 모든 예약은 일괄 취소됩니다.<font color='red'>(발효 즉시 취소처리)</font><br/>※예약 당일 기상특보를 상시 확인 바랍니다.</li> </ul> </div> <div class="guide-layer-agreen"> <input type="checkbox" id="kr-grp-chk" > <label for="kr-grp-chk" >상기 내용에 동의(필수)</label> </div> <div class="mt20 textcenter"> <a href="javascript: fn_reqstResve();" class="detail-button" title="open new window" tabindex="0"> <span>예약신청서 작성하기</span> </a> </div> <div class="guide-layer-close-btn"> <a href="javascript: fn_closeFocus('kr-grp');" title="Close pop-up window" tabindex="0"> <em class="blind">Button to close pop-up window</em> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!--// guide layer popup - 국문 단체 --> <!-- guide layer popup - 국문 시각장애인--> <div class="guide-layer-popup" id="kr-blind"> <div class="inner"> <div class="title-cont"> <span class="title">예약 전 안내사항</span> </div> <div class="guide-layer-box"> <ul class="scroll-area"> <li>예약은 관광일 기준 최소 1주일 전까지 가능합니다.</li> <li>덕수궁의 경우 복지카드를 지참한 관광객에 한하여 무료입장이 가능합니다.<br>※ 중증(1~3급) 동반인 포함 2명 무료※ 경증(4~6급) 장애인 본인 1인만 무료</li> <li>보호자 또는 보조자가 동반하지 않을 경우 이용이 불가능 합니다.※ 별도의 보조자가 없는 경우 사무국으로 문의 바랍니다. (02-6925-0777)</li> <li>희망하시는 날짜 및 코스에 활동가능한 해설사가 없는 경우 예약은 취소될 수 있습니다.</li> <li>예약확인을 위해 도보관광 사무국(02-6925-0777)에서 확인 연락이 진행됩니다.(최소 5일~한달 전)3회 이상 전화통화가 이뤄지지 않을 시 예약이 취소될 수 있습니다.</li> <li>해설 진행 시 발생하는 안전사고에 대해서 도보관광 사무국과 서울문화관광해설사는 책임을 지지 않습니다.</li> <li>기상특보(폭염, 태풍, 호우, 미세먼지 등)로 인해 도보관광 운영이 어려운 경우 모든 예약은 일괄 취소됩니다.<font color='red'>(발효 즉시 취소처리)</font><br/>※예약 당일 기상특보를 상시 확인 바랍니다.</li> </ul> </div> <div class="guide-layer-agreen"> <input type="checkbox" id="kr-blind-chk"> <label for="kr-blind-chk" >상기 내용에 동의(필수)</label> </div> <div class="mt20 textcenter"> <a href="javascript: fn_reqstResve();" class="detail-button" title="open new window" tabindex="0"> <span>예약신청서 작성하기</span> </a> </div> <div class="guide-layer-close-btn"> <a href="javascript: fn_closeFocus('kr-blind');" title="Close pop-up window" tabindex="0"> <em class="blind">Button to close pop-up window</em> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!--// guide layer popup - 국문 시각장애인 --> <!-- guide layer popup - 국문 청각장애인--> <div class="guide-layer-popup" id="kr-deaf"> <div class="inner"> <div class="title-cont"> <span class="title" >예약 전 안내사항</span> </div> <div class="guide-layer-box"> <ul class="scroll-area"> <li>예약은 관광일 기준 최소 1주일 전까지 가능합니다.</li> <li>덕수궁의 경우 복지카드를 지참한 관광객에 한하여 무료입장이 가능합니다.<br>※ 중증(1~3급) 동반인 포함 2명 무료<br>※ 경증(4~6급) 장애인 본인 1인만 무료</li> <li>본 프로그램은 수화해설 중심으로 진행되며, 수화가 불가능한 경우 이용이 불가합니다.</li> <li>희망하시는 날짜 및 코스에 활동가능한 해설사가 없는 경우 예약은 취소될 수 있습니다.</li> <li>예약확인을 위해 도보관광 사무국(02-6925-0777)에서 확인 연락이 진행됩니다.<br>(최소 5일~한달 전)3회 이상 전화통화가 이뤄지지 않을 시 예약이 취소될 수 있습니다.</li> <li>해설 진행 시 발생하는 안전사고에 대해서 도보관광 사무국과 서울문화관광해설사는 책임을 지지 않습니다.</li> <li>기상특보(폭염, 태풍, 호우, 미세먼지 등)로 인해 도보관광 운영이 어려운 경우 모든 예약은 일괄 취소됩니다.<font color='red'>(발효 즉시 취소처리)</font><br/>※예약 당일 기상특보를 상시 확인 바랍니다.</li> </ul> </div> <div class="guide-layer-agreen"> <input type="checkbox" id="kr-deaf-chk" > <label for="kr-deaf-chk" >상기 내용에 동의(필수)</label> </div> <div class="mt20 textcenter"> <a href="javascript: fn_reqstResve();" class="detail-button" title="open new window" tabindex="0"> <span>예약신청서 작성하기</span> </a> </div> <div class="guide-layer-close-btn"> <a href="javascript: fn_closeFocus('kr-deaf');" title="Close pop-up window" tabindex="0"> <em class="blind">Button to close pop-up window</em> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!--// guide layer popup - 국문 청각장애인 --> <!-- guide layer popup - 국문 무장애--> <div class="guide-layer-popup" id="kr-barrier"> <div class="inner"> <div class="title-cont"> <span class="title">예약 전 안내사항</span> </div> <div class="guide-layer-box"> <ul class="scroll-area"> <li>예약은 관광일 기준 최소 1주일 전까지 가능합니다.</li> <li>본 코스는 보행약자(거동이 불편한 고령자, 장애인, 유모차 이용자 등)를 위한 코스입니다.</li> <li>보호자를 동반하지 않을 시 이용이 불가능 합니다.※ 보행약자 1명당 보호자 최소 1인 이상 동반<br>※ 전동보장구(전동휠체어, 전동스쿠터 등) 사용자의 경우 보호자 1인당 보행약자 최대 4인까지 동반 가능<br> 희망하시는 날짜 및 코스에 활동가능한 해설사가 없는 경우 예약은 취소될 수 있습니다.</li> <li>예약확인을 위해 도보관광 사무국(02-6925-0777)에서 확인 연락이 진행됩니다.(최소 5일~한달 전)3회 이상 전화통화가 이뤄지지 않을 시 예약이 취소될 수 있습니다.</li> <li>해설 진행 시 발생하는 안전사고에 대해서 도보관광 사무국과 서울문화관광해설사는 책임을 지지 않습니다.</li> <li>미세먼지 비상저감조치 발령 및 기타 기상악화(폭염, 태풍, 폭우 등)로 인해 도보관광 운영이 어려운 경우 모든 예약은 일괄 취소됩니다. (관광일 전날 기준)</li> </ul> </div> <div class="guide-layer-agreen"> <input type="checkbox" id="kr-barrier-chk" > <label for="kr-barrier-chk" >상기 내용에 동의(필수)</label> </div> <div class="mt20 textcenter"> <a href="javascript: fn_reqstResve();" class="detail-button" title="open new window" tabindex="0" > <span>예약신청서 작성하기</span> </a> </div> <div class="guide-layer-close-btn"> <a href="javascript: fn_closeFocus('kr-barrier');" title="Close pop-up window" tabindex="0"> <em class="blind">Button to close pop-up window</em> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!--// guide layer popup - 국문 무장애 --> <!-- guide layer popup - 영문 개인--> <div class="guide-layer-popup" id="en-indvdl" > <div class="inner"> <div class="title-cont"> <span class="title">Read before Reservation</span> </div> <div class="guide-layer-box"> <ul class="scroll-area"> <li>Reservations must be made at least three days prior to the tour date.</li> <li>Additional reservations, one or two days before the tour starts, are only allowed for the tour that is already fixed.</li> <li>In the case of group tour, more than 10people, please contact us by e-mail.</li> <li>Reservations for the following month are available from the 15th of the current month.</li> <li>Please refrain from participating in any tour programs should you be experiencing any symptoms, including fever, coughing, congestion, muscle pain, stuffy nose, and/or sore throat.</li> <li>Reservations for tourists 14 years & under without an accompanying adult or guardian shall be canceled on site.</li> <li>All reservations will be canceled in the event of a weather warning being issued. (e.g. heatwave, typhoon, heavy rain, fine dust, etc.) <font color='red'>(Cancellation will be processed immediately upon implementation)</font> <br/>※ Please always check the weather warning on the day of the reservation on the site below. <br/><a href="" target="_blank">(</a> </li> <li>The Seoul Guided Walking Tour administration office and tour guide affiliates are not responsible for any accidents that happen to occur during the tour program. </li> </ul> </div> <div class="guide-layer-agreen"> <input type="checkbox" id="en-indvdl-chk" > <label for="en-indvdl-chk" >I agree to above items (Required)</label> </div> <div class="mt20 textcenter"> <a href="javascript: fn_reqstResve();" class="detail-button" title="open new window" tabindex="0"> <span>Fill Out Reservation Form</span> </a> </div> <div class="guide-layer-close-btn"> <a href="javascript: fn_closeFocus('en-indvdl');" title="Close pop-up window" tabindex="0"> <em class="blind" >Button to close pop-up window</em> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!--// guide layer popup - 영문 개인 --> <!-- guide layer popup - 영문 무장애--> <div class="guide-layer-popup" id="en-barrier"> <div class="inner"> <div class="title-cont"> <span class="title">Read before Reservation</span> </div> <div class="guide-layer-box"> <ul class="scroll-area"> <li>Reservation shall be made at least 1 week before the tour day.</li> <li>The course is for tourists with mobility problems (Senior, people with disability, stroller user).</li> <li>You may not use the course without an assistant (or companion)<br>※ At least one assistant shall accompany a tourist with mobility problem<br>※ In case of electric assisting device users (electric wheelchair, electric scooter users), one assistant may accompany up to 4 tourists with mobility problem <li>Reservation may be canceled when a guide is unavailable on the desired date and course.</li> <li>Seoul Guided Walking Tour Office (02-6925-0777) will contact you to confirm reservation.<br>(At least 5 days~1 month before tour day) Reservation may be canceled when Seoul Guided Walking Tour Office cannot reach you for more than 3 times.</li> <li>Seoul Guided Walking Tour Office and Seoul culture and tourism guide are not liable for the safety accidents during the Seoul Guided Walking Tour.</li> <li>All reservations will be canceled in the event of a weather warning being issued. (e.g. heatwave, typhoon, heavy rain, fine dust, etc.) <font color='red'>(Cancellation will be processed immediately upon implementation)</font> <br/>※ Please always check the weather warning on the day of the reservation on the site below. <br/><a href="" target="_blank">(</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="guide-layer-agreen"> <input type="checkbox" id="en-barrier-chk" > <label for="en-barrier-chk" >I agree to above items (Required)</label> </div> <div class="mt20 textcenter"> <a href="javascript: fn_reqstResve();" class="detail-button" title="open new window" tabindex="0"> <span>Fill Out Reservation Form</span> </a> </div> <div class="guide-layer-close-btn"> <a href="javascript: fn_closeFocus('en-barrier');" title="Close pop-up window" tabindex="0"> <em class="blind">Button to close pop-up window</em> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!--// guide layer popup - 영문 무장애 --> <!-- guide layer popup - 일문 개인--> <div class="guide-layer-popup" id="jp-indvdl"> <div class="inner"> <div class="title-cont"> <span class="title">予約前の案内事項</span> </div> <div class="guide-layer-box"> <ul class="scroll-area"> <li>予約は観光予定日を基準に3日前までとさせて頂きます。</li> <li>個人予約:最大10名 <br/> ※京福級、昌徳宮、昌慶宮は20名様までご予約頂けます。 </li> <li>既にご予約されたコースの中で、グループ別の定員を超えない予約に限り、観光予定日の1日前の17まで追加での予約が可能です。</li> <li>翌月のご予約は前月の15日から可能です。</li> <li>発熱または呼吸症状(熱、咳、痰、筋肉痛、鼻づまり、喉の痛みなど)がある場合は、解説プログラムへのご参加はお控えください。</li> <li>保護者を同伴しない14歳未満の児童観光客は、現場でキャンセルとなります。</li> <li>気象特報(猛暑、台風、豪雨、PM2.5)によりウォーキングツアーの運営が難しいと判断された場合、全ての予約は中止とさせて頂きます。<font color='red'>(発効後直ちにキャンセルを行う)</font> <br/>※ 下記のリンクにてご予約当日の気象特報をご確認ください。 <br/><a href="" target="_blank">(</a> </li> <li>観光中に発生する安全事故について、ソウル徒歩解説観光事務局とソウル文化観光解説士は責任を負いません。 </li> </ul> </div> <div class="guide-layer-agreen"> <input type="checkbox" id="jp-indvdl-chk" > <label for="jp-indvdl-chk" >上記内容に同意します(必須)</label> </div> <div class="mt20 textcenter"> <a href="javascript: fn_reqstResve();" class="detail-button" title="open new window" tabindex="0"> <span>予約申込書を作成する</span> </a> </div> <div class="guide-layer-close-btn"> <a href="javascript: fn_closeFocus('jp-indvdl');" title="Close pop-up window" tabindex="0"> <em class="blind">Button to close pop-up window</em> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!--// guide layer popup - 일문 개인 --> <!-- guide layer popup - 일문 무장애--> <div class="guide-layer-popup" id="jp-barrier"> <div class="inner"> <div class="title-cont"> <span class="title">予約前の案内事項</span> </div> <div class="guide-layer-box"> <ul class="scroll-area"> <li>予約は観光日を基準として少なくとも1週間前まで可能です。</li> <li>本コースは、<strong>移動弱者(移動が不自由な高齢者、障害者、ベビーカー利用者など)</strong>のためのコースです。 </li> <li> 補助人(或いは同行人)を伴わない場合は利用できません。<br>   ※歩行弱者1人当たり少なくとも1人以上の補助人を伴う<br>   ※電動補助具(電動車椅子、電動スクーターなど)使用者の場合、補助人1当たり歩行弱者最大4人まで同伴可能 </li> <li>ご希望の日付及びコースに活動可能な解説士がいない場合、予約はキャンセルされることがあります。</li> <li>予約を確認するため、徒歩観光事務局(02-6925-0777)で確認のための連絡が行われます。<br>(少なくとも5日~1ヶ月前)3回以上電話が通じない場合、予約が取り消されることがあります。</li> <li>解説を進行する時に発生する安全事故に対し、徒歩観光事務局とソウル文化観光解説士は<br>責任を負いません。</li> <li>気象特報(猛暑、台風、豪雨、PM2.5)によりウォーキングツアーの運営が難しいと判断された場合、全ての予約は中止とさせて頂きます。<font color='red'>(発効後直ちにキャンセルを行う)</font> <br/>※ 下記のリンクにてご予約当日の気象特報をご確認ください。 <br/><a href="" target="_blank">(</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="guide-layer-agreen"> <input type="checkbox" id="jp-barrier-chk" > <label for="jp-barrier-chk" >上記内容に同意します(必須)</label> </div> <div class="mt20 textcenter"> <a href="javascript: fn_reqstResve();" class="detail-button" title="open new window" tabindex="0"> <span>予約申込書を作成する</span> </a> </div> <div class="guide-layer-close-btn"> <a href="javascript: fn_closeFocus('jp-barrier');" title="Close pop-up window" tabindex="0"> <em class="blind">Button to close pop-up window</em> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!--// guide layer popup - 일문 무장애 --> <!-- guide layer popup - 중간 개인--> <div class="guide-layer-popup" id="ck-indvdl"> <div class="inner"> <div class="title-cont"> <span class="title">预约前说明事项</span> </div> <div class="guide-layer-box"> <ul class="scroll-area"> <li>观光日基准最少3日前方可进行预约。</li> <!--20211206 --> <li>最多可申请10人。<br/> (※ 景福宫, 昌德宫, 昌庆宫是例外 最多可申请20人) </li> <li>在已登记的预约团体中,只接待不超过预约人数的团体,可在前一天17时前追加预约。</li> <li>下个月的预约可从前一月15日开始。</li> <li>如有发热或呼吸道症状(发烧、咳嗽、痰液、肌肉痛、鼻塞、咽喉痛等),请避免参与解说活动。</li> <li>无保护者随同的未满14岁儿童游客,会在现场取消解说活动。</li> <li>气象特报(酷暑、台风、暴雨 、雾霾 等)导致徒步观光项目暂停时,所有预约将一律被取消。<font color='red'>(发布紧急措施时立即取消)</font> <br/>※ 请在以下网站上随时确认预约当天的气象特报。 <br/><a href="" target="_blank">(</a> </li> <li>对于解说活动中发生的安全事故,首尔徒步解说旅游事务局和首尔文化观光解说社不予负责。</li> </ul> </div> <div class="guide-layer-agreen"> <input type="checkbox" id="ck-indvdl-chk" > <label for="ck-indvdl-chk" >同意以上内容 (必选)</label> </div> <div class="mt20 textcenter"> <a href="javascript: fn_reqstResve();" class="detail-button" title="open new window" tabindex="0"> <span>前往填写预约申请书</span> </a> </div> <div class="guide-layer-close-btn"> <a href="javascript: fn_closeFocus('ck-indvdl');" title="Close pop-up window" tabindex="0"> <em class="blind">Button to close pop-up window</em> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!--// guide layer popup - 중간 개인 --> <!-- guide layer popup - 중간 무장애--> <div class="guide-layer-popup" id="ck-barrier"> <div class="inner"> <div class="title-cont"> <span class="title" >预约前说明事项</span> </div> <div class="guide-layer-box"> <ul class="scroll-area"> <li>观光日基准最少1日前方可进行预约。</li> <li>本线路是为了行动不便者(行动不便的高龄者、残疾人、婴儿车利用者等)的路线。</li> <li>无辅助人员(或同行人)伴随时,不可利用。<br> ※ 步行不便者1名至少需要1名以上的辅助人员陪同。<br> ※ 电动辅助器具(电动轮椅、电动独轮车等)使用者时,每一位辅助人员最多可陪同 4名步行不便者。</li> <li>希望观光的日期及线路上无解说员时,预约有可能被取消。</li> <li>为了确认预约,徒步观光事务局(02-6925-0777)会致电进行确认。<br> (最少5日~一个月前) 3次以上无法连接时,预约将被取消。</li> <li>进行解说时,对于有可能发生的安全事故,徒步观光事务局和首尔文化观光解说员概不负责。</li> <li>气象特报(酷暑、台风、暴雨 、雾霾 等)导致徒步观光项目暂停时,所有预约将一律被取消。<font color='red'>(发布紧急措施时立即取消)</font> <br/>※ 请在以下网站上随时确认预约当天的气象特报。 <br/><a href="" target="_blank">(</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="guide-layer-agreen"> <input type="checkbox" id="ck-barrier-chk" > <label for="ck-barrier-chk" >同意以上内容 (必选)</label> </div> <div class="mt20 textcenter"> <a href="javascript: fn_reqstResve();" class="detail-button" title="open new window" tabindex="0" > <span>前往填写预约申请书</span> </a> </div> <div class="guide-layer-close-btn"> <a href="javascript: fn_closeFocus('ck-barrier');" title="Close pop-up window" tabindex="0"> <em class="blind">Button to close pop-up window</em> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!--// guide layer popup - 중간 무장애 --> <!-- guide layer popup - 중번 개인--> <div class="guide-layer-popup" id="cb-indvdl"> <div class="inner"> <div class="title-cont"> <span class="title" >預約前說明事項</span> </div> <div class="guide-layer-box"> <ul class="scroll-area"> <li>最晚請於預約日期3天前完成預約。</li> <li>最多可申請10人。<br/> (※ 景福宮, 昌德宮, 昌慶宮是例外 最多可申請20人) </li> <li>已完成預約的團體若人數超過限制,可於前一天下午5點前追加預約。</li> <li>每月15日將開放下個月的預約。</li> <li>若有發燒或呼吸道症狀(發燒、咳嗽、咳痰、肌肉酸痛、鼻塞、喉嚨痛),請避免參與本活動。</li> <li>未有保護者同行的未滿14歲兒童遊客,會在現場取消參與資格。</li> <li>氣象特報(酷暑、颱風、暴雨 、霧霾 等)而導致徒步觀光無法進行時,將一律取消所有預約。<font color="red">(發布限令時將立即取消)</font> <br/>※ 請在以下網站上隨時確認預約當天的氣象特報。 <br/><a href="" target="_blank">(</a> </li> <li>進行解說時,對於有可能發生的安全事故,首爾徒步解說觀光事務局和首爾文化觀光解說員概不負責。</li> </ul> </div> <div class="guide-layer-agreen"> <input type="checkbox" id="cb-indvdl-chk" > <label for="cb-indvdl-chk" >同意以上內容 (必選)</label> </div> <div class="mt20 textcenter"> <a href="javascript: fn_reqstResve();" class="detail-button" title="open new window" tabindex="0"> <span>前往填寫預約申請書</span> </a> </div> <div class="guide-layer-close-btn"> <a href="javascript: fn_closeFocus('cb-indvdl');" title="Close pop-up window" tabindex="0"> <em class="blind">Button to close pop-up window</em> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!--// guide layer popup - 중번 개인 --> <!-- guide layer popup - 중번 무장애--> <div class="guide-layer-popup" id="cb-barrier"> <div class="inner"> <div class="title-cont"> <span class="title" >預約前說明事項</span> </div> <div class="guide-layer-box"> <ul class="scroll-area"> <li>觀光日基準最少1日前方可進行預約。</li> <li>本線路是為了行動不便者(行動不便的高齡者、殘疾人、嬰兒車利用者等)的路線。</li> <li> 無輔助人員(或同行人)伴隨時,不可利用。<br> ※ 步行不便者1名至少需要1名以上的輔助人員陪同。<br> ※ 電動輔助器具(電動輪椅、電動獨輪車等)使用者時,每壹位輔助人員最多可陪同 4名步行不便者。 </li> <li>希望觀光的日期及線路上無解說員時,預約有可能被取消。</li> <li>為了確認預約,徒步觀光事務局(02-6925-0777)會致電進行確認。<br> (最少5日~壹個月前) 3次以上無法連接時,預約將被取消。</li> <li>進行解說時,對於有可能發生的安全事故,徒步觀光事務局和首爾文化觀光 解說員概不負責。</li> <li>氣象特報(酷暑、颱風、暴雨 、霧霾 等)而導致徒步觀光無法進行時,將一律取消所有預約。<font color="red">(發布限令時將立即取消)</font> <br/>※ 請在以下網站上隨時確認預約當天的氣象特報。 <br/><a href="" target="_blank">(</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="guide-layer-agreen"> <input type="checkbox" id="cb-barrier-chk" > <label for="cb-barrier-chk" >同意以上內容 (必選)</label> </div> <div class="mt20 textcenter"> <a href="javascript: fn_reqstResve();" class="detail-button" title="open new window" tabindex="0"> <span>前往填寫預約申請書</span> </a> </div> <div class="guide-layer-close-btn"> <a href="javascript: fn_closeFocus('cb-barrier');" title="Close pop-up window" tabindex="0"> <em class="blind">Button to close pop-up window</em> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!--// guide layer popup - 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