The Political Graveyard: Index to Politicians: Kemp-barnhart to Kendal

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Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Ohio, <a href="">2000</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 2000. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="KEMP-LAURIA"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>KEMP-LAURIA</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex K514</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">KEMP</a>, <a href="">LAURIA</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="968.77.83">Kemp-Lauria, Barbara</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Michigan. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, <a href="">2000</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 2000. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="KEMPA"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>KEMPA</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex K510</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">CAMPAU</a>, <a href="">CAMPEAU</a>, <a href="">CAMPI</a>, <a href="">CAMPO</a>, <a href="">COMPEAU</a>, <a href="">COMPO</a>, <a href="">KAMPIA</a>, <a href="">KAMPO</a>, <a href="">KEMP</a>, <a href="#KEMPE">KEMPE</a>, <a href="#KEMPH">KEMPH</a>, <a href="">KLEMPA</a>, <a href="">KREMPA</a>, <a href="">POTEMPA</a>, <a href="">STEMPA</a>, <a href="">TEMPAS</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="981.76.97">Kempa, Adam</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Detroit, <a href="">Wayne County</a>, Mich. Independent American candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Michigan</a> 1st District, 1960; Independent American candidate for <a href="">delegate to Michigan state constitutional convention</a> from Wayne County 5th District, 1961. Still living as of 1961. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="310.75.04">Kempa, Bernard</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Baltimore</a>, Md. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">mayor of Baltimore, Md.</a>, 1999. Still living as of 1999. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="KEMPE"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>KEMPE</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex K510</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BURKEMPER</a>, <a href="">CAMP</a>, <a href="">CHAMP</a>, <a href="">CHAMPE</a>, <a href="">CHIMP</a>, <a href="">DAHLKEMPER</a>, <a href="">KAMP</a>, <a href="">KEMP</a>, <a href="#KEMPA">KEMPA</a>, <a href="#KEMPER">KEMPER</a>, <a href="#KEMPF">KEMPF</a>, <a href="#KEMPH">KEMPH</a>, <a href="#KEMPLE">KEMPLE</a>, <a href="">KUMP</a>, <a href="">NATTKEMPER</a>, <a href="">STEGKEMPER</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>KEMPE:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Eugene Kenneth Mangum</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Forrest Mittendorf</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="475.51.17">Kempe, Arnold E.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Member of <a href="">Minnesota state house of representatives</a> District 67-A, 1975-78. Still living as of 1978. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Minnesota Legislator record</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="308.80.71">Kempe, Ella L.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Montevideo, <a href="">Chippewa County</a>, Minn. Postmaster at <a href="">Montevideo, Minn.</a>, 1887-91. <a href="">Female</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Kempe, Ray</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#035.19.97">Raymond J. Kempe</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="035.19.97">Kempe, Raymond J.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Ray Kempe</b>&nbsp;&mdash; Member of <a href="">Minnesota state house of representatives</a> District 53-A, 1973-80. Still living as of 1980. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Minnesota Legislator record</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="KEMPER"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>KEMPER</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex K516</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ACAMPORA</a>, <a href="">BURKEMPER</a>, <a href="">CAMPER</a>, <a href="">CAMPERO</a>, <a href="">COMPERE</a>, <a href="">DAHLKEMPER</a>, <a href="">KAMPER</a>, <a href="">KEMP</a>, <a href="#KEMPE">KEMPE</a>, <a href="#KEMPFER">KEMPFER</a>, <a href="#KEMPNER">KEMPNER</a>, <a href="#KEMPTER">KEMPTER</a>, <a href="">NATTKEMPER</a>, <a href="">STEGKEMPER</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>KEMPER:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Henry Kemper Cooke</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Rice Kemper Evans</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Garfield Abram Goodwin</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Kemper Marley</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">William Kemper Strickler</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">David Kemper Watson</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Kemper, A. H.</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#779.99.70">Adolph H. Kemper</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="372.91.63">Kemper, A. S.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Pottawatomie County</a>, Kan. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Kansas, <a href="">1904</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="779.99.70">Kemper, Adolph H.</a> (1880-1954)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>A. H. Kemper</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Sioux Falls, <a href="">Minnehaha County</a>, S.Dak. Born in Lancaster, <a href="">Grant County</a>, Wis., <a href="">September 6, 1880</a>. Republican. <a href="">Insurance agent</a>; member of <a href="">South Dakota state house of representatives</a> 10th District, 1941-44. <a href="">German</a> ancestry. Died in Sioux Falls, <a href="">Minnehaha County</a>, S.Dak., <a href="">July 2, 1954</a> (age <a href="">73 years, 299 days</a>). Interment at <a href=" ">Hills of Rest Memorial Park</a>, Sioux Falls, S.Dak. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Wilhellm Friedrich Kemper and Christine Louise (Bald) Kemper; married to Pearl Rhea Pettit.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="130.51.96">Kemper, Alan</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Jonesboro, <a href="">Clayton County</a>, Ga. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Georgia, <a href="">1944</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="151.62.65">Kemper, Alan</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Lafayette, <a href="">Tippecanoe County</a>, Ind. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Indiana, <a href="">2008</a>. Still living as of 2008. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="628.64.93">Kemper, Arthur B.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Wayne County</a>, N.Y. Socialist. Candidate for <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Wayne County, 1932. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="175.75.37">Kemper, Charles E.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Indianapolis, <a href="">Marion County</a>, Ind. <a href="">U.S. Collector of Customs at Indianapolis, Ind., Indiana</a>, 1941. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="328.91.02">Kemper, Crosby</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Republican. Candidate for <a href="">U.S. Senator from Missouri</a>, 1962. Still living as of 1962. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="127.26.14">Kemper, Frank H.</a> (b. 1858)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Cincinnati, <a href="">Hamilton County</a>, Ohio. Born in Ohio, <a href="">1858</a>. Democrat. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; member of <a href="">Ohio state house of representatives</a> from Hamilton County; elected 1897. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="353.17.35">Kemper, Frederick</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Westport, <a href="">Fairfield County</a>, Conn. <a href="">First selectman of Westport, Connecticut</a>, 1908. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="585.33.21">Kemper, Graham Hawes</a> (b. 1877)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Graham H. Kemper</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Lexington, <a href="">Fayette County</a>, Ky. Born in Bethany, <a href="">Brooke County</a>, W.Va., <a href="">April 15, 1877</a>. Democrat. <a href="">School teacher</a>; U.S. Consul in <a href=" ">Cartagena</a>, 1911-13; <a href=" ">Erfurt</a>, 1913-16; <a href=" ">Prague</a>, 1916-17; <a href=" ">Vigo</a>, 1917; <a href=" ">Funchal</a>, 1917-19; <a href=" ">Sofia</a>, 1919-23; <a href=" ">Yokohama</a>, 1923-28, 1929-30; <a href=" ">Tokyo</a>, 1928-29; <a href=" ">Hamilton</a>, 1930-34; U.S. Consul General in <a href=" ">Rome</a>, 1934-38. Member, <a href="">Kappa Alpha Order</a>. Burial location unknown. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Charles Joseph Kemper and Mary Burnley (Pendleton) Kemper; married, <a href="">October 24, 1911</a>, to Aubrey Beauregard Cowan.</span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="974.24.81">Kemper, Howard B.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of North College Hill, <a href="">Hamilton County</a>, Ohio. Republican. Candidate for <a href="">mayor of North College Hill, Ohio</a>, 1941. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="558.58.92">Kemper, J. H.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Johnston City, <a href="">Williamson County</a>, Ill. <a href="">Mayor of Johnston City, Ill.</a>, 1925. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="022.61.83">Kemper, J. R.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Doddridge County</a>, W.Va. Member of <a href="">West Virginia state house of delegates</a> from Doddridge County, 1895-96, 1899-1900. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="376.58.24">Kemper, James Lawson</a> (1823-1895)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Virginia. Born in <a href="">Madison County</a>, Va., <a href="">June 11, 1823</a>. Member of <a href="">Virginia state house of delegates</a>, 1853; general in the Confederate Army during the Civil War; <a href="">Governor of Virginia</a>, 1874-78. Died in <a href="">Orange County</a>, Va., <a href="">April 7, 1895</a> (age <a href="">71 years, 300 days</a>). Interment <a href="">a private or family graveyard</a>, Orange County, Va. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Third cousin of <a href="">Henry Wharton Conway</a>, <a href="">James Sevier Conway</a>, <a href="">Elias Nelson Conway</a> and <a href="">Henry Massey Rector</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>..</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">National Governors Association biography</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="653.56.09">Kemper, James S., Jr.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Winnetka, <a href="">Cook County</a>, Ill. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Illinois, <a href="">1968</a>, <a href="">1972</a>. Still living as of 1972. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="111.42.63">Kemper, James Scott</a> (1886-1981)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>James S. Kemper</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Winnetka, <a href="">Cook County</a>, Ill.; Chicago, <a href="">Cook County</a>, Ill. Born in Van Wert, <a href="">Van Wert County</a>, Ohio, <a href="">November 18, 1886</a>. Republican. <a href="">Insurance</a> executive; created Lumberman's Mutual Casualty Company, which later became Kemper <a href="">Insurance</a> Companies; delegate to Republican National Convention from Illinois, <a href="">1936</a>, <a href="">1940</a>, <a href="">1944</a>, <a href="">1948</a>, <a href="">1952</a>, <a href="">1964</a>; <a href="">Treasurer of Republican National Committee</a>, 1944-46; U.S. Ambassador to <a href=" ">Brazil</a>, 1953-55. <a href="">Presbyterian</a>. Member, <a href="">Freemasons</a>. Died in <a href="">1981</a> (age <a href="">about 94 years</a>). Interment at <a href="">Rosehill Cemetery</a>, Chicago, Ill. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href=" ?">U.S. State Dept career summary</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="641.21.90">Kemper, John S.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Lancaster County</a>, Pa. Member of <a href="">Pennsylvania state house of representatives</a> from Lancaster County, 1885-88. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="216.16.21">Kemper, Kosciusko</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Alexandria</a>, Va. <a href="">Mayor of Alexandria, Va.</a>, 1874-76, 1877-78. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="887.77.73">Kemper, Mindy</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Iowa. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Iowa, <a href="">2000</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 2000. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="709.75.07">Kemper, Su</a> (born c.1946)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Reno, <a href="">Washoe County</a>, Nev. Born about 1946. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Nevada, <a href="">2004</a>, <a href="">2008</a> (alternate). Still living as of 2008. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="927.38.15">Kemper, Thomas J.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Dallas, <a href="">Dallas County</a>, Tex. Green. Candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Texas</a> 5th District, 2002. Still living as of 2002. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="814.15.42">Kemper, Walter Y.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Franklin, <a href="">St. Mary Parish</a>, La. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Louisiana, <a href="">1908</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="821.74.67">Kemper, William T.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Kansas City, <a href="">Jackson County</a>, Mo. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Missouri, <a href="">1912</a>, <a href="">1916</a>; member of <a href="">Democratic National Committee from Missouri</a>, 1929. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="KEMPF"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>KEMPF</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex K510</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">CAMPF</a>, <a href="">KAEMPFFE</a>, <a href="">KAMPF</a>, <a href="">KAMPFE</a>, <a href="">KEMP</a>, <a href="#KEMPE">KEMPE</a>, <a href="#KEMPFER">KEMPFER</a>, <a href="#KEMPH">KEMPH</a>, <a href="#KEMPT">KEMPT</a>, <a href="">KUMPF</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>KEMPF:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Frank Nathan Aldrich</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Charles Sumner Winans</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="991.53.05">Kempf, Alvin A.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Grand Ledge, <a href="">Eaton County</a>, Mich. <a href="">Mayor of Grand Ledge, Mich.</a>, 1965-75. Still living as of 1975. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="547.28.78">Kempf, Bernard</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Bud Kempf</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Boonville, <a href="">Cooper County</a>, Mo. <a href="">Mayor of Boonville, Mo.</a>, 1998-2002; defeated, 2002. Still living as of 2002. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Kempf, Bud</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#547.28.78">Bernard Kempf</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"><img src="" width=70 height=106 border=0 alt="Charles H. Kempf"></td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="583.10.81">Kempf, Charles Henry</a> (1831-1916)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Charles H. Kempf</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Chelsea, <a href="">Washtenaw County</a>, Mich. Born in Trumbauersville, <a href="">Bucks County</a>, Pa., <a href="">January 1, 1831</a>. Republican. <a href="">Tinsmith</a>; <a href="">hardware business</a>; <a href="">banker</a>; Republican Presidential Elector for Michigan, <a href="">1876</a>. <a href="">Congregationalist</a>. <a href="">German</a> ancestry. Member, <a href="">Freemasons</a>. Died in Detroit, <a href="">Wayne County</a>, Mich., <a href="">October 22, 1916</a> (age <a href="">85 years, 295 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Oak Grove Cemetery</a>, Chelsea, Mich. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Rosina (Maier) Kempf and Johann Jacob Kempf; brother of <a href="#829.98.37">Reuben Kempf</a>; married <a href="">1855</a> to Mary Elizabeth Freer; father of <a href="#289.70.58">George Henry Kempf</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Kempf family</a> of Chelsea and Detroit, Michigan.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Image source:</i> Past and Present of Washtenaw County (1906)</span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="813.11.00">Kempf, Eleanor</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Montrose, <a href="">Montrose County</a>, Colo. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Colorado, <a href="">1952</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="289.70.58">Kempf, George Henry</a> (1860-1922)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>George H. Kempf</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Chelsea, <a href="">Washtenaw County</a>, Mich.; Detroit, <a href="">Wayne County</a>, Mich. Born in Michigan, June, <a href="">1860</a>. Republican. <a href="">Traveling salesman</a>; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Michigan, <a href="">1896</a>. <a href="">German</a> ancestry. Died in <a href="">1922</a> (age <a href="">about 62 years</a>). Interment at <a href="">Oak Grove Cemetery</a>, Chelsea, Mich. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of <a href="#583.10.81">Charles Henry Kempf</a> and Mary Elizabeth (Freer) Kempf; married to Mary Carolinda Angevine; nephew of <a href="#829.98.37">Reuben Kempf</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Kempf family</a> of Chelsea and Detroit, Michigan.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="596.38.61">Kempf, John J.</a> (b. 1857)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Milwaukee, <a href="">Milwaukee County</a>, Wis. Born in Granville town, <a href="">Milwaukee County</a>, Wis., <a href="">May 4, 1857</a>. Republican. <a href="">Shoe merchant</a>; member of <a href="">Wisconsin state senate</a>, 1889-91; <a href="">Milwaukee County Register of Deeds</a>; member of <a href="">Wisconsin Republican State Central Committee</a>, 1900-03; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Wisconsin, <a href="">1900</a>; <a href="">Wisconsin state treasurer</a>, 1903-04, 1905-07. <a href="">German</a> and <a href="">French</a> ancestry. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="185.65.87">Kempf, Joshua</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Castroville, <a href="">Medina County</a>, Tex. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Texas, <a href="">2008</a>. Still living as of 2008. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="366.40.90">Kempf, Ledford Erwin</a> (1924-1985)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Ledford E. Kempf</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Muskegon County</a>, Mich. Born in Michigan, <a href="">January 23, 1924</a>. Republican. Candidate for <a href="">delegate to Michigan state constitutional convention</a> from Muskegon County 2nd District, 1961. Died in Muskegon, <a href="">Muskegon County</a>, Mich., <a href="">September 2, 1985</a> (age <a href="">61 years, 222 days</a>). Interment at <a href=" ">Holton Cemetery</a>, Holton, Mich. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Walter Freeman Kempf and Louise (Miller) Kempf.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="893.78.86">Kempf, Matthew</a> (1827-1880)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Indiana. Born in <a href="">Germany</a>, <a href="">September 25, 1827</a>. Member of <a href="">Indiana state house of representatives</a>, 1859. <a href="">Catholic</a>. Died in Louisville, <a href="">Jefferson County</a>, Ky., <a href="">March 29, 1880</a> (age <a href="">52 years, 186 days</a>). Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="829.98.37">Kempf, Reuben</a> (1835-1912)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Ann Arbor, <a href="">Washtenaw County</a>, Mich. Born in Trumbauersville, <a href="">Bucks County</a>, Pa., <a href="">March 5, 1835</a>. Republican. <a href="">Banker</a>; member of <a href="">Michigan state senate</a>, 1880; candidate for <a href="">mayor of Ann Arbor, Mich.</a>, 1903. <a href="">German</a> ancestry. Died in Ann Arbor, <a href="">Washtenaw County</a>, Mich., <a href="">July 3, 1912</a> (age <a href="">77 years, 120 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Forest Hill Cemetery</a>, Ann Arbor, Mich. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Rosina (Maier) Kempf and Johann Jacob Kempf; brother of <a href="#583.10.81">Charles Henry Kempf</a>; married, <a href="">August 11, 1862</a>, to Susana Dancer; uncle of <a href="#289.70.58">George Henry Kempf</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Kempf family</a> of Chelsea and Detroit, Michigan.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="KEMPFER"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>KEMPFER</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex K516</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BIERTUEMPFEL</a>, <a href="">CAMPHOR</a>, <a href="">COMPHER</a>, <a href="">KAEMPFER</a>, <a href="">KAMPFE</a>, <a href="">KEMP</a>, <a href="#KEMPER">KEMPER</a>, <a href="#KEMPF">KEMPF</a>, <a href="#KEMPTER">KEMPTER</a>, <a href="">KEPFER</a>, <a href="">REMPFER</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="139.19.61">Kempfer, Bernard O.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Member of <a href="">Minnesota state house of representatives</a> District 20, 1862. Burial location unknown. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Minnesota Legislator record</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="392.37.37">Kempfer, Hannah Jensen</a> (1880-1943)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Hannah J. Kempfer</b>; <b>Hannah Jensen</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Erhard, <a href="">Otter Tail County</a>, Minn. Born <a href="">December 22, 1880</a>. <a href="">School teacher</a>; member of <a href="">Minnesota state house of representatives</a> District 50, 1923-30, 1933-42. <a href="">Female</a>. <a href="">Lutheran</a>. <a href="">Norwegian</a> ancestry. Died in Fergus Falls, <a href="">Otter Tail County</a>, Minn., <a href="">September 27, 1943</a> (age <a href="">62 years, 279 days</a>). Interment at <a href=" ">Tonseth Lutheran Church Cemetery</a>, Erhard, Minn. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Adoptive daughter of Ole Jensen and Martha Jensen; married, <a href="">May 23, 1903</a>, to Charles Taylor Kempfer.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Minnesota Legislator record</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="KEMPH"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>KEMPH</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex K510</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">CAMPF</a>, <a href="">HEMPHILL</a>, <a href="">KAEMPFFE</a>, <a href="">KAMPF</a>, <a href="">KAMPFE</a>, <a href="">KEMP</a>, <a href="#KEMPA">KEMPA</a>, <a href="#KEMPE">KEMPE</a>, <a href="#KEMPF">KEMPF</a>, <a href="">KUMPF</a>, <a href="">STRUEMPH</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="033.43.46">Kemph, Julie Anne</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Seattle, <a href="">King County</a>, Wash. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Washington, <a href="">1996</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 1996. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="196.73.08">Kemph, Sandra</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Muskegon, <a href="">Muskegon County</a>, Mich. American candidate for Presidential Elector for Michigan, <a href="">1976</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 1976. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="KEMPLE"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>KEMPLE</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex K514</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">CAMPELL</a>, <a href="">CAMPOLO</a>, <a href="">KEMBLE</a>, <a href="">KEMP</a>, <a href="#KEMPE">KEMPE</a>, <a href="">KIMPEL</a>, <a href="">KUEMPEL</a>, <a href="">KUMPEL</a>, <a href="">KUMPULA</a>, <a href="">SEMPLE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="926.30.41">Kemple, Charles W.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Akron, <a href="">Summit County</a>, Ohio. Democrat. Member of <a href="">Ohio state house of representatives</a> from Summit County; elected 1897; <a href="">mayor of Akron, Ohio</a>, 1903-07; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Ohio, <a href="">1916</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="790.68.30">Kemple, Ed</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Chamois, <a href="">Osage County</a>, Mo. Democrat. <a href="">Chair of Osage County Democratic Party</a>, 1943. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="KEMPNER"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>KEMPNER</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex K515</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">CAMPANARO</a>, <a href="">CAMPNER</a>, <a href="">CHAMPNESS</a>, <a href="">CHAMPNEY</a>, <a href="">CHAMPNEYS</a>, <a href="">CLUMPNER</a>, <a href="">KEMP</a>, <a href="#KEMPER">KEMPER</a>, <a href="">KEPNER</a>, <a href="">KLEMPNOW</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="050.72.72">Kempner, Clarence</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Brooklyn, <a href="">Kings County</a>, N.Y. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Kings County 20th District, 1909. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="278.16.45">Kempner, David W.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Manhattan, <a href="">New York County</a>, N.Y. Republican. Candidate for <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from New York County 9th District, 1922. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="618.36.76">Kempner, Isaac Herbert</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Isaac H. Kempner</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Galveston, <a href="">Galveston County</a>, Tex. <a href="">Mayor of Galveston, Tex.</a>, 1917-19. <a href="">Jewish</a>. Burial location unknown. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Harris Kempner; married <a href="">1902</a> to Henrietta Blum.</span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="372.20.13">Kempner, Michael W.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Cresskill, <a href="">Bergen County</a>, N.J. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New Jersey, <a href="">2008</a>. Still living as of 2008. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="265.86.78">Kempner, Otto</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of New York, <a href="">New York County</a>, N.Y. Democrat. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a>, 1893, 1896 (New York County 7th District 1893, New York County 10th District 1896). Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="KEMPPAINEN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>KEMPPAINEN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex K515</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ASIKAINEN</a>, <a href="">COMPANION</a>, <a href="">JAASKELAINEN</a>, <a href="">JAUHIAINEN</a>, <a href="">KALAJAINEN</a>, <a href="">MUURAHAINEN</a>, <a href="">OLLIKAINEN</a>, <a href="">PAINE</a>, <a href="">SCHEMPP</a>, <a href="">SCHREMPP</a>, <a href="">SPAINE</a>, <a href="">WETALAINEN</a>, <a href="">WUOLIKAINEN</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>KEMPPAINEN:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Oscar John Larson</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="KEMPS"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>KEMPS</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex K512</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">CAMPAS</a>, <a href="">CAMPOS</a>, <a href="">CAMPS</a>, <a href="">CAMPSIE</a>, <a href="">COMPAS</a>, <a href="">COMPS</a>, <a href="">KAMPS</a>, <a href="">KEMP</a>, <a href="#KEMPSHALL">KEMPSHALL</a>, <a href="#KEMPSKI">KEMPSKI</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>KEMPS:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Napoleon Bonaparte Broward</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="KEMPSHALL"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>KEMPSHALL</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex K512</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">CAPSHAW</a>, <a href="#KEMPS">KEMPS</a>, <a href="#KEMPSKI">KEMPSKI</a>, <a href="">SHALL</a>, <a href="">UPSHAW</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>KEMPSHALL:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Everard Kempshall Tucker</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="753.00.90">Kempshall, Thomas</a> (c.1796-1865)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Rochester, <a href="">Monroe County</a>, N.Y. Born in <a href="">England</a>, about 1796. <a href="">Mayor of Rochester, N.Y.</a>, 1837; <a href="">U.S. Representative from New York</a> 28th District, 1839-41. Died <a href="">January 14, 1865</a> (age <a href="">about 69 years</a>). Interment at <a href="">Mt. Hope Cemetery</a>, Rochester, N.Y. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=""> page</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="KEMPSKI"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>KEMPSKI</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex K512</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BISKUPSKI</a>, <a href="">CHALUPSKI</a>, <a href="">CZAPSKI</a>, <a href="">DEMPSKI</a>, <a href="">DYPSKI</a>, <a href="">KEMP</a>, <a href="#KEMPS">KEMPS</a>, <a href="#KEMPSHALL">KEMPSHALL</a>, <a href="">LIPSKI</a>, <a href="">SHEEPSKIN</a>, <a href="">ZEMPSKY</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="293.07.16">Kempski, Dianne M.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Delaware. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">Delaware state auditor</a>, 1998. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 1998. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="KEMPT"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>KEMPT</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex K513</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">EMPTAGE</a>, <a href="">KEMP</a>, <a href="#KEMPF">KEMPF</a>, <a href="#KEMPTER">KEMPTER</a>, <a href="#KEMPTHORNE">KEMPTHORNE</a>, <a href="#KEMPTON">KEMPTON</a>, <a href="">LETEMPT</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="366.38.22">Kempt, William</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Democrat. Member of <a href="">Illinois Democratic State Committee</a>, 1862-64. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="KEMPTER"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>KEMPTER</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex K513</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">COMPOTARO</a>, <a href="">EMPTAGE</a>, <a href="">KAMPETER</a>, <a href="">KEMP</a>, <a href="#KEMPER">KEMPER</a>, <a href="#KEMPFER">KEMPFER</a>, <a href="#KEMPT">KEMPT</a>, <a href="#KEMPTHORNE">KEMPTHORNE</a>, <a href="#KEMPTON">KEMPTON</a>, <a href="">LECOMPTE</a>, <a href="">LETEMPT</a>, <a href="">STEPTER</a>, <a href="">SUMPTER</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="529.76.00">Kempter, A. E.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of La Crosse, <a href="">La Crosse County</a>, Wis. Independent candidate for <a href="">Wisconsin state assembly</a> from La Crosse County 1st District, 1938. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="KEMPTHORNE"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>KEMPTHORNE</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex K513</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">APTHOOP</a>, <a href="">APTHORP</a>, <a href="">APTHORPE</a>, <a href="">CAUTHORNE</a>, <a href="">CAWTHORNE</a>, <a href="">EATHORNE</a>, <a href="">EMPTAGE</a>, <a href="">HATHORNE</a>, <a href="">HAWTHORNE</a>, <a href="#KEMPT">KEMPT</a>, <a href="#KEMPTER">KEMPTER</a>, <a href="#KEMPTON">KEMPTON</a>, <a href="">LAPTHORP</a>, <a href="">LETEMPT</a>, <a href="">MINTHORNE</a>, <a href="">SILVERTHORNE</a>, <a href="">THORNE</a>, <a href="">THORNELL</a>, <a href="">THORNELY</a>, <a href="">THORNER</a>, <a href="">THORNESBERRY</a>, <a href="">WHITTHORNE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"><a href=""><img src="" width=70 height=115 border=0 alt="Dirk Kempthorne"></a></td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="089.43.55">Kempthorne, Dirk Arthur</a> (b. 1951)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Dirk Kempthorne</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Boise, <a href="">Ada County</a>, Idaho. Born in San Diego, <a href="">San Diego County</a>, Calif., <a href="">October 29, 1951</a>. Republican. <a href="">Mayor of Boise, Idaho</a>, 1986-93; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Idaho, <a href="">1988</a>; <a href="">U.S. Senator from Idaho</a>, 1993-99; <a href="">Governor of Idaho</a>, 1999-2006; <a href="">U.S. Secretary of the Interior</a>, 2006-09. <a href="">Methodist</a>. Still living as of 2014. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=""> page</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">National Governors Association biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=" Kempthorne">Wikipedia article</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">NNDB dossier</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Internet Movie Database profile</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">OurCampaigns candidate detail</a></span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Image source:</i> City of Boise</span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="447.45.89">Kempthorne, Patricia</a> (born c.1953)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Boise, <a href="">Ada County</a>, Idaho. Born about 1953. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Idaho, <a href="">2004</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 2004. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="KEMPTON"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>KEMPTON</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex K513</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">CAMPTON</a>, <a href="">COMPTON</a>, <a href="">EMPTAGE</a>, <a href="">KEMP</a>, <a href="#KEMPT">KEMPT</a>, <a href="#KEMPTER">KEMPTER</a>, <a href="#KEMPTHORNE">KEMPTHORNE</a>, <a href="">LETEMPT</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>KEMPTON:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">William Kempton Kahn Leonhart</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="231.01.70">Kempton, A. H.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Utah. Socialist. Candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Utah</a> 2nd District, 1914. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="576.68.86">Kempton, Edwin</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Brooklyn, <a href="">Kings County</a>, N.Y. Democrat. Democratic candidate for Presidential Elector for New York, <a href="">1900</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="723.58.40">Kempton, Ephraim</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of New Bedford, <a href="">Bristol County</a>, Mass. Member of <a href="">Massachusetts state house of representatives</a> from New Bedford; elected 1828, 1837, 1842. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="558.21.15">Kempton, Horatio A.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of New Bedford, <a href="">Bristol County</a>, Mass. Member of <a href="">Massachusetts state house of representatives</a> from New Bedford; elected 1862, 1863. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="081.94.34">Kempton, James Murray</a> (1917-1997)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Murray Kempton</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Manhattan, <a href="">New York County</a>, N.Y. Born in <a href="">Baltimore</a>, Md., <a href="">December 16, 1917</a>. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army Air Force in World War II; <a href="">newspaper</a> <a href="">columnist</a>; delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, <a href="">1968</a>; received a <a href="">Pulitzer Prize</a> for commentary in 1985. Died <a href="">May 5, 1997</a> (age <a href="">79 years, 140 days</a>). Burial location unknown. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of James Branson Kempton and Sally (Ambler) Kempton.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href=" Kempton">Wikipedia article</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="630.28.73">Kempton, Leon E.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Newport, <a href="">Sullivan County</a>, N.H. Democrat. Member of <a href="">New Hampshire state house of representatives</a> from Newport; elected 1938. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="952.42.12">Kempton, Manasseh</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of New Bedford, <a href="">Bristol County</a>, Mass. Member of <a href="">Massachusetts state house of representatives</a> from New Bedford; elected 1815. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Kempton, Murray</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#081.94.34">James Murray Kempton</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="908.22.87">Kempton, Thomas II</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of New Bedford, <a href="">Bristol County</a>, Mass. Member of <a href="">Massachusetts state house of representatives</a> from New Bedford; elected 1816. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="748.40.81">Kempton, Thomas</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of New Bedford, <a href="">Bristol County</a>, Mass. Member of <a href="">Massachusetts state house of representatives</a> from New Bedford; elected 1844, 1845, 1846, 1850, 1851. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="KENADY"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>KENADY</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex K530</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BENADAM</a>, <a href="">BENADE</a>, <a href="">BENADUM</a>, <a href="">CANADY</a>, <a href="">CANNADY</a>, <a href="">ESKENAZI</a>, <a href="">KANNADY</a>, <a href="">KEADY</a>, <a href="#KENAH">KENAH</a>, <a href="#KENAMORE">KENAMORE</a>, <a href="#KENAN">KENAN</a>, <a href="#KENASTON">KENASTON</a>, <a href="">KENNADY</a>, <a href="">LAKENAN</a>, <a href="">LANGLENAD</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="328.12.86">Kenady, Don E.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">Kentucky commissioner of agriculture</a>, 1979. Still living as of 1979. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">OurCampaigns candidate detail</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="KENAH"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>KENAH</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex K500</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ESKENAZI</a>, <a href="">HAKEN</a>, <a href="">HANEK</a>, <a href="">HANKE</a>, <a href="">HENAHAN</a>, <a href="">KEAHNA</a>, <a href="">KEEHAN</a>, <a href="">KEENA</a>, <a href="#KENADY">KENADY</a>, <a href="#KENAMORE">KENAMORE</a>, <a href="#KENAN">KENAN</a>, <a href="#KENASTON">KENASTON</a>, <a href="">KENNA</a>, <a href="">KIANA</a>, <a href="">KINAU</a>, <a href="">LAKENAN</a>, <a href="">LENAHAN</a>, <a href="">MCCLENAHAN</a>, <a href="">MCCLENAHEN</a>, <a href="">MENAHAN</a>, <a href="">RENAH</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="030.95.22">Kenah, John F.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Elizabeth, <a href="">Union County</a>, N.J. Democrat. <a href="">Mayor of Elizabeth, N.J.</a>, 1923-32; delegate to Democratic National Convention from New Jersey, <a href="">1932</a>; <a href="">delegate to New Jersey convention to ratify 21st amendment</a> from Union County; elected 1933. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="KENAMORE"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>KENAMORE</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex K556</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BRENAMAN</a>, <a href="">ESKENAZI</a>, <a href="">FINAMORE</a>, <a href="">GREENAMYER</a>, <a href="">GREENAMYRE</a>, <a href="">INNAMORATO</a>, <a href="#KENADY">KENADY</a>, <a href="#KENAH">KENAH</a>, <a href="#KENAN">KENAN</a>, <a href="#KENASTON">KENASTON</a>, <a href="">KENNAMER</a>, <a href="">KENNEMER</a>, <a href="">KINAMORE</a>, <a href="">LAKENAN</a>, <a href="">LENAMON</a>, <a href="">MCMENAMIN</a>, <a href="">MORE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="999.34.81">Kenamore, George R.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Dent County</a>, Mo. Member of <a href="">Missouri state house of representatives</a> from Dent County, 1891-92. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="KENAN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>KENAN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex K550</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ESKENAZI</a>, <a href="">KANAN</a>, <a href="">KANEEN</a>, <a href="">KEAN</a>, <a href="">KEENAN</a>, <a href="#KENADY">KENADY</a>, <a href="#KENAH">KENAH</a>, <a href="#KENAMORE">KENAMORE</a>, <a href="#KENASTON">KENASTON</a>, <a href="">KENIN</a>, <a href="">KENN</a>, <a href="">KENNA</a>, <a href="">KENNAN</a>, <a href="">KERAN</a>, <a href="">KERNAN</a>, <a href="">KINNAN</a>, <a href="">KINNANE</a>, <a href="">LAKENAN</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>KENAN:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Robert Worth Bingham</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="583.95.25">Kenan, Augustus Holmes</a> (1805-1870)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Georgia. Born in Montpelier, <a href="">Baldwin County</a>, Ga., <a href="">April 21, 1805</a>. Member of <a href="">Georgia state house of representatives</a>, 1830; member of <a href="">Georgia state senate</a>, 1840; <a href="">delegate to Georgia secession convention</a>, 1861; <a href="">Delegate from Georgia to the Confederate Provisional Congress</a>, 1861-62; <a href="">Representative from Georgia in the Confederate Congress</a>, 1862-64. Died in Milledgeville, <a href="">Baldwin County</a>, Ga., <a href="">June 2, 1870</a> (age <a href="">65 years, 42 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Memory Hill Cemetery</a>, Milledgeville, Ga. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Married to Henrietta Alston (sister of <a href="">Augustus A. Alston</a>; niece of <a href="">Willis Alston</a>); father of <a href="#006.96.74">Lewis Holmes Kenan</a>; cousin *** of <a href="#380.55.11">Owen Rand Kenan</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Walker-Edwards family</a> of North Carolina and Georgia (subset of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="006.96.74">Kenan, Lewis Holmes</a> (1833-1871)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Georgia. Born in Milledgeville, <a href="">Baldwin County</a>, Ga., <a href="">1833</a>. Member of <a href="">Georgia state senate</a> 20th District, 1867-68. <a href="">Shot</a> and <a href="">killed</a> in Milledgeville, <a href="">Baldwin County</a>, Ga., <a href="">1871</a> (age <a href="">about 38 years</a>). Interment <a href="">somewhere</a> in Milledgeville, Ga. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of <a href="#583.95.25">Augustus Holmes Kenan</a>; nephew of <a href="">Augustus A. Alston</a>; grandnephew of <a href="">Willis Alston</a>; first cousin of <a href="">Robert Augustus Alston</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Walker-Edwards family</a> of North Carolina and Georgia (subset of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="380.55.11">Kenan, Owen Rand</a> (1804-1887)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of North Carolina. Born in Kenansville, <a href="">Duplin County</a>, N.C., <a href="">March 4, 1804</a>. Member of North Carolina state legislature, 1834-38; <a href="">Representative from North Carolina in the Confederate Congress</a>, 1862-64. Died in Kenansville, <a href="">Duplin County</a>, N.C., <a href="">March 3, 1887</a> (age <a href="">82 years, 364 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Graham Cemetery</a>, Near Kenansville, Duplin County, N.C. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Cousin *** of <a href="#583.95.25">Augustus Holmes Kenan</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Walker-Edwards family</a> of North Carolina and Georgia (subset of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="834.11.33">Kenan, Thomas</a> (1771-1843)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Kenansville, <a href="">Duplin County</a>, N.C. Born in Kenansville, <a href="">Duplin County</a>, N.C., <a href="">February 26, 1771</a>. Democrat. Member of North Carolina state legislature, 1799; member of <a href="">North Carolina state senate</a>, 1804; <a href="">U.S. Representative from North Carolina</a>, 1805-11 (at-large 1805-07, 5th District 1807-09, at-large 1809-11); member of <a href="">Alabama state house of representatives</a>, 1810. Slaveowner. Died <a href="">October 22, 1843</a> (age <a href="">72 years, 238 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Valley Creek Cemetery</a>, Selma, Ala. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=""> page</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="955.34.36">Kenan, Thomas S.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of North Carolina. <a href="">North Carolina state attorney general</a>, 1877-85. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="KENASTON"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>KENASTON</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex K523</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ANASTOS</a>, <a href="">ANASTOSOFF</a>, <a href="">ASTON</a>, <a href="">CONSTAN</a>, <a href="">DONASTORG</a>, <a href="">ECKENSTEIN</a>, <a href="">ESKENAZI</a>, <a href="#KENADY">KENADY</a>, <a href="#KENAH">KENAH</a>, <a href="#KENAMORE">KENAMORE</a>, <a href="#KENAN">KENAN</a>, <a href="">KENISTON</a>, <a href="">KENNISTON</a>, <a href="">LAKENAN</a>, <a href="">NASTOFF</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="283.01.64">Kenaston, J. A.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Cass County</a>, Neb. <a href="">Delegate to Nebraska state constitutional convention</a>, 1871. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="KENCEL"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>KENCEL</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex K524</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">HECKENCAMP</a>, <a href="#KENCHER">KENCHER</a>, <a href="">KENZEL</a>, <a href="">KINZEL</a>, <a href="">STENCEL</a>, <a href="">WENCEL</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>KENCEL:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Roy Kencel Nutson</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="KENCHER"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>KENCHER</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex K526</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">CHER</a>, <a href="">CHUNKER</a>, <a href="">DUBENCHEK</a>, <a href="">HECKENCAMP</a>, <a href="">HECKNER</a>, <a href="">HENCHEK</a>, <a href="">HENCHEL</a>, <a href="#KENCEL">KENCEL</a>, <a href="">KINKER</a>, <a href="">MENCHER</a>, <a href="">PROVENCHER</a>, <a href="">RENCHER</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="910.71.23">Kencher, Ethel</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Bar Harbor, <a href="">Hancock County</a>, Maine. Republican. Member of <a href="">Maine Republican State Committee</a>, 1928. <a href="">Female</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="KENDA"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>KENDA</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex K530</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">COYKENDALL</a>, <a href="">CUYKENDALL</a>, <a href="">DANKE</a>, <a href="">GENDA</a>, <a href="">KADEN</a>, <a href="#KENDAL">KENDAL</a>, <a href="">KENDALL</a>, <a href="">KENDRA</a>, <a href="">KENEDA</a>, <a href="">KIRKENDAL</a>, <a href="">KIRKENDALE</a>, <a href="">KIRKENDALL</a>, <a href="">KUKENDAL</a>, <a href="">KUYKENDALL</a>, <a href="">SENDA</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>KENDA:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Kenda R. Kirby</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="KENDAL"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>KENDAL</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex K534</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">COYKENDALL</a>, <a href="">CUYKENDALL</a>, <a href="">KANDELL</a>, <a href="">KANDLE</a>, <a href="">KEELAND</a>, <a href="">KELLAND</a>, <a href="#KENDA">KENDA</a>, <a href="">KENDALL</a>, <a href="">KENDEL</a>, <a href="">KINDALL</a>, <a href="">KIRKENDAL</a>, <a href="">KIRKENDALE</a>, <a href="">KIRKENDALL</a>, <a href="">KUKENDAL</a>, <a href="">KUYKENDALL</a>, <a href="">LANDEK</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>KENDAL:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Kendal Ludden</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Kendal Unruh</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Kendal O. Warrington</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Kendal J. Wilkinson</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> </td> <td width=180 align="center" valign="center"> </td></tr></table> <hr> <table width=100%> <tr><td align="center"><span style="font-size:20pt;"> <span style="font-family:garamond,serif"> <i>"Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."</i></span></span><br> <span style="font-size:8pt;">Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872</span></td> <td><a href=""> <img src="" width=450 height=71 align="right" border=0 alt="The Political Graveyard"></a></td></tr></table> <br clear="all"> <table width=100% cellpadding=2> <tr><td colspan=3><span style="font-size:10pt;"> <b><a href="">The Political Graveyard</a></b> is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.</span></td></tr> <tr><td colspan=3><span style="font-size:8pt;">&nbsp;</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=32 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <img src="rd.gif" width=10 height=10> The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.</span></td> <td width=100 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td width=32 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <img src="rd.gif" width=10 height=10> The listings are <b>incomplete</b>; development of the database is a continually ongoing project.</span></td> <td width=100 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td width=32 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <img src="rd.gif" width=10 height=10> Information on this page &mdash; and on all other pages of this site &mdash; is believed to be accurate, but is <b>not</b> guaranteed. Users are advised to check with other sources before relying on any information here.</span></td> <td width=100 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td width=32 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <img src="rd.gif" width=10 height=10> The official URL for this page is: <a href=""></a>.</span></td> <td width=100 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td width=32 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <img src="rd.gif" width=10 height=10> Links to this or any other Political Graveyard page are welcome, but specific page addresses may sometimes change as the site develops.</span></td> <td width=100 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td width=32 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <img src="rd.gif" width=10 height=10> If you are searching for a specific named individual, try the <a href="">alphabetical index of politicians</a>.</span></td> <td width=100 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td colspan=3 align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-size:10pt;"> <b>Copyright notices:</b> (1) Facts are not subject to copyright; see <a href="">Feist v. Rural Telephone</a>. (2) Politician portraits displayed on this site are 70-pixel-wide monochrome thumbnail images, which I believe to constitute <b>fair use</b> under applicable copyright law. Where possible, each image is linked to its online source. However, requests from owners of copyrighted images to delete them from this site are honored. (3) Original material, programming, selection and arrangement are &copy;&nbsp;1996-2025 Lawrence Kestenbaum. (4) This work is also licensed for free non-commercial re-use, with attribution, under a <a href="">Creative Commons License</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td colspan=3 align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-size:10pt;"> <b>What is a "political graveyard"?</b> See <a href="">Political Dictionary</a>; <a href="">Urban Dictionary</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td colspan=3 align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-size:10pt;"> <b>Site information:</b> The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by <b>Lawrence Kestenbaum</b>, who is solely responsible for its structure and content.&nbsp;&mdash; The mailing address is <b>The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106.</b>&nbsp;&mdash; This site is hosted by <b><a href=""></a></b>.&nbsp;&mdash; The Political Graveyard opened on <b>July 1, 1996</b>; the last full revision was done on <b>February 17, 2025</b>. </span></td></tr> </table> </body> </html>

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