李复 — Release

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var isChrome = /chrom(e|ium)/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) </script> </head><body id="top"> <article> <header> <hgroup> <h1><span>李复</span></h1> <h2> <a class="iri" href=""></a> <span class="istance"> <a title="&lt;;" href="" target="_blank" > <span class="istanceOf">an entity of type:</span> <span>Person</span> </a> </span> </h2> </hgroup> <div id="abstract" class="empty"></div> </header> <aside><span class="c1"></span><div id="widgets" class="c2"><div id="linking"> <a href="#lodCloud" title="data from the lod cloud"><span class="sp"></span></a> </div></div></aside> <div id="directs"> <label class="c1"><a data-label="名称" data-comment="机构名或人名。" href=""> foaf:<span>name</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 value "> <div class="toMultiLine lang chs" data-lang="chs"> <div class="fixed"> 李复&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang cht" data-lang="cht"> <div class="fixed"> 李復&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang eng" data-lang="eng"> <div class="fixed"> Li Fu&#160; </div> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="Source" data-comment="A related resource from which the described resource is derived." href=""> dc:<span>source</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> CBDB&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>choronym</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 value "> <div class="toMultiLine lang eng" data-lang="eng"> <div class="fixed"> 【weixiang】&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang cht" data-lang="cht"> <div class="fixed"> 【未詳】&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang chs" data-lang="chs"> <div class="fixed"> 【未详】&#160; </div> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>deathDay</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> 0&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>birthDay</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> 0&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>speciality</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> [為官者:文]&#160; </span> <span class="multiInLine"> 詩人&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="来源说明" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>noteOfSource</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> cbdb&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="字" data-comment="人的字。" href=""> shl:<span>courtesyName</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 value "> <div class="toMultiLine lang eng" data-lang="eng"> <div class="fixed"> lvzhong&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang chs" data-lang="chs"> <div class="fixed"> 履中&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang cht" data-lang="cht"> <div class="fixed"> 履中&#160; </div> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="gender" data-comment="The gender of this Agent (typically but not necessarily 'male' or 'female')." href=""> foaf:<span>gender</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> 男&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="type" data-comment="The subject is an instance of a class." href=""> rdf:<span>type</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class=" " href="" target="_blank" > shl:Person </a> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="sameAs" data-comment="The property that determines that two given individuals are equal." href=""> owl:<span>sameAs</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class="linkingElement " href="" target="_blank" > &lt;; </a> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="地点" data-comment="与资源相关的地点信息。" href=""> shl:<span>place</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#e7b8ce8f4c34ffb5df4ae5b07714105f" id="t_e7b8ce8f4c34ffb5df4ae5b07714105f"> _:e7b8ce8f4c34ffb5df4ae5b07714105f</a> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>nativePlace</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#a2a4a2a2967fb4980efa60fcc6c9c0f1" id="t_a2a4a2a2967fb4980efa60fcc6c9c0f1"> _:a2a4a2a2967fb4980efa60fcc6c9c0f1</a> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>name</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#7129866897b4c9eb591ec5db3d9c1098" id="t_7129866897b4c9eb591ec5db3d9c1098"> _:7129866897b4c9eb591ec5db3d9c1098</a> </div> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#31aa33052d494a566dcbcab8abef8ec9" id="t_31aa33052d494a566dcbcab8abef8ec9"> _:31aa33052d494a566dcbcab8abef8ec9</a> </div> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#65d0bf104666469eaa68ddf6b3b000ce" id="t_65d0bf104666469eaa68ddf6b3b000ce"> _:65d0bf104666469eaa68ddf6b3b000ce</a> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="时间" data-comment="与资源相关的时间信息。" href=""> shl:<span>temporal</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#9a1e8e79a4c62de249f2950ba2c7944c" id="t_9a1e8e79a4c62de249f2950ba2c7944c"> _:9a1e8e79a4c62de249f2950ba2c7944c</a> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>officialEvent</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#6e7de8278bd4ab63fec25d96b1215664" id="t_6e7de8278bd4ab63fec25d96b1215664"> _:6e7de8278bd4ab63fec25d96b1215664</a> </div> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#9492be6daa015dd5c478c8280e6a7d55" id="t_9492be6daa015dd5c478c8280e6a7d55"> _:9492be6daa015dd5c478c8280e6a7d55</a> </div> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#71dc48490cd35d3b06958a34f710282a" id="t_71dc48490cd35d3b06958a34f710282a"> _:71dc48490cd35d3b06958a34f710282a</a> </div> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#40181c3c10127a8f26b84e6bc831c58f" id="t_40181c3c10127a8f26b84e6bc831c58f"> _:40181c3c10127a8f26b84e6bc831c58f</a> </div> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#a8d38fb3af8f3f60744f84cc3dd2d255" id="t_a8d38fb3af8f3f60744f84cc3dd2d255"> _:a8d38fb3af8f3f60744f84cc3dd2d255</a> </div> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#367d1d5eab24eba728e09a1b2c79611a" id="t_367d1d5eab24eba728e09a1b2c79611a"> _:367d1d5eab24eba728e09a1b2c79611a</a> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>identifiedBy</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#d15b3704deee8601477ef5cb73b1af74" id="t_d15b3704deee8601477ef5cb73b1af74"> _:d15b3704deee8601477ef5cb73b1af74</a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="bnodes"> <h3> blank nodes </h3> <label class="c1"><a data-label="地点" data-comment="与资源相关的地点信息。" href=""> shl:<span>place</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 valuecnt"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#t_e7b8ce8f4c34ffb5df4ae5b07714105f" id="e7b8ce8f4c34ffb5df4ae5b07714105f"> _:e7b8ce8f4c34ffb5df4ae5b07714105f</a> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="label" data-comment="A human-readable name for the subject." href=""> rdfs:<span>label</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value "> <div class="toMultiLine lang eng" data-lang="eng"> <div class="fixed"> songchao-yongxinglu-jingzhaofu-zhangan&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang chs" data-lang="chs"> <div class="fixed"> 宋朝-永兴路-京兆府-长安&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang cht" data-lang="cht"> <div class="fixed"> 宋朝-永興路-京兆府-長安&#160; </div> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="Source" data-comment="A related resource from which the described resource is derived." href=""> dc:<span>source</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> CBDB&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>note</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value "> <div class="toMultiLine "> <div class="fixed"> 長安人(宋人傳記資料索引(電子版))。&#160; </div> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>placeType</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> 籍貫(基本地址)&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="来源说明" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>noteOfSource</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value "> <div class="toMultiLine "> <div class="fixed"> 宋人傳記資料索引(電子版)&#160; </div> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="type" data-comment="The subject is an instance of a class." href=""> rdf:<span>type</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class=" " href="" target="_blank" > shl:Place </a> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="时间" data-comment="与资源相关的时间信息。" href=""> shl:<span>temporal</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#2cff1a1af315048a481c7c906407ef69" id="t_2cff1a1af315048a481c7c906407ef69"> _:2cff1a1af315048a481c7c906407ef69</a> </div> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>nativePlace</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 valuecnt"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#t_a2a4a2a2967fb4980efa60fcc6c9c0f1" id="a2a4a2a2967fb4980efa60fcc6c9c0f1"> _:a2a4a2a2967fb4980efa60fcc6c9c0f1</a> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="label" data-comment="A human-readable name for the subject." href=""> rdfs:<span>label</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value "> <div class="toMultiLine lang eng" data-lang="eng"> <div class="fixed"> songchao-yongxinglu-jingzhaofu-zhangan&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang chs" data-lang="chs"> <div class="fixed"> 宋朝-永兴路-京兆府-长安&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang cht" data-lang="cht"> <div class="fixed"> 宋朝-永興路-京兆府-長安&#160; </div> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="Source" data-comment="A related resource from which the described resource is derived." href=""> dc:<span>source</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> CBDB&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="type" data-comment="The subject is an instance of a class." href=""> rdf:<span>type</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class=" " href="" target="_blank" > shl:Place </a> </div> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>name</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 valuecnt"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#t_7129866897b4c9eb591ec5db3d9c1098" id="7129866897b4c9eb591ec5db3d9c1098"> _:7129866897b4c9eb591ec5db3d9c1098</a> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="label" data-comment="A human-readable name for the subject." href=""> rdfs:<span>label</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value "> <div class="toMultiLine lang cht" data-lang="cht"> <div class="fixed"> 李復&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine "> <div class="fixed"> 李复&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang eng" data-lang="eng"> <div class="fixed"> Li Fu&#160; </div> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="Source" data-comment="A related resource from which the described resource is derived." href=""> dc:<span>source</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> CBDB&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>nameType</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> 规范名&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="type" data-comment="The subject is an instance of a class." href=""> rdf:<span>type</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class=" " href="" target="_blank" > shl:Name </a> </div> </div> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#t_31aa33052d494a566dcbcab8abef8ec9" id="31aa33052d494a566dcbcab8abef8ec9"> _:31aa33052d494a566dcbcab8abef8ec9</a> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="label" data-comment="A human-readable name for the subject." href=""> rdfs:<span>label</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value "> <div class="toMultiLine lang eng" data-lang="eng"> <div class="fixed"> lvzhong&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang chs" data-lang="chs"> <div class="fixed"> 履中&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang cht" data-lang="cht"> <div class="fixed"> 履中&#160; </div> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="Source" data-comment="A related resource from which the described resource is derived." href=""> dc:<span>source</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> CBDB&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>nameType</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> 字&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="type" data-comment="The subject is an instance of a class." href=""> rdf:<span>type</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class=" " href="" target="_blank" > shl:Name </a> </div> </div> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#t_65d0bf104666469eaa68ddf6b3b000ce" id="65d0bf104666469eaa68ddf6b3b000ce"> _:65d0bf104666469eaa68ddf6b3b000ce</a> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="label" data-comment="A human-readable name for the subject." href=""> rdfs:<span>label</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value "> <div class="toMultiLine lang eng" data-lang="eng"> <div class="fixed"> yushuixiansheng&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang chs" data-lang="chs"> <div class="fixed"> 潏水先生&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang cht" data-lang="cht"> <div class="fixed"> 潏水先生&#160; </div> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="Source" data-comment="A related resource from which the described resource is derived." href=""> dc:<span>source</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> CBDB&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>nameType</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> 室名、別號&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="type" data-comment="The subject is an instance of a class." href=""> rdf:<span>type</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class=" " href="" target="_blank" > shl:Name </a> </div> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="时间" data-comment="与资源相关的时间信息。" href=""> shl:<span>temporal</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 valuecnt"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#t_9a1e8e79a4c62de249f2950ba2c7944c" id="9a1e8e79a4c62de249f2950ba2c7944c"> _:9a1e8e79a4c62de249f2950ba2c7944c</a> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>dynasty</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value "> <div class="toMultiLine lang chs" data-lang="chs"> <div class="fixed"> 宋&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang cht" data-lang="cht"> <div class="fixed"> 宋&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang eng" data-lang="eng"> <div class="fixed"> song&#160; </div> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="Source" data-comment="A related resource from which the described resource is derived." href=""> dc:<span>source</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> CBDB&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="type" data-comment="The subject is an instance of a class." href=""> rdf:<span>type</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class=" " href="" target="_blank" > shl:Temporal </a> </div> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>officialEvent</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 valuecnt"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#t_6e7de8278bd4ab63fec25d96b1215664" id="6e7de8278bd4ab63fec25d96b1215664"> _:6e7de8278bd4ab63fec25d96b1215664</a> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>specialEventType</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> 入仕&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="Source" data-comment="A related resource from which the described resource is derived." href=""> dc:<span>source</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> CBDB&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>eventType</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value "> <div class="toMultiLine "> <div class="fixed"> 科舉: 進士(籠統)&#160; </div> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="来源说明" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>noteOfSource</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value "> <div class="toMultiLine "> <div class="fixed"> 宋人傳記資料索引(電子版)&#160; </div> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="type" data-comment="The subject is an instance of a class." href=""> rdf:<span>type</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class=" " href="" target="_blank" > shl:OfficialEvent </a> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="时间" data-comment="与资源相关的时间信息。" href=""> shl:<span>temporal</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#9ed87ead71f45baca19666b55aeb0cc4" id="t_9ed87ead71f45baca19666b55aeb0cc4"> _:9ed87ead71f45baca19666b55aeb0cc4</a> </div> </div> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#t_9492be6daa015dd5c478c8280e6a7d55" id="9492be6daa015dd5c478c8280e6a7d55"> _:9492be6daa015dd5c478c8280e6a7d55</a> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="Source" data-comment="A related resource from which the described resource is derived." href=""> dc:<span>source</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> CBDB&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>eventType</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> 正授&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>note</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value "> <div class="toMultiLine "> <div class="fixed"> LZLMasterFileLine1936&#160; </div> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="来源说明" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>noteOfSource</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value "> <div class="toMultiLine "> <div class="fixed"> 宋兩淮大郡守臣易替考&#160; </div> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="type" data-comment="The subject is an instance of a class." href=""> rdf:<span>type</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class=" " href="" target="_blank" > shl:OfficialEvent </a> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="时间" data-comment="与资源相关的时间信息。" href=""> shl:<span>temporal</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#28f893caaee6ec361617636d9f4a8cc3" id="t_28f893caaee6ec361617636d9f4a8cc3"> _:28f893caaee6ec361617636d9f4a8cc3</a> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>officialPosition</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#a5c72592eb6eaa1ed34a8fcbf5bbf810" id="t_a5c72592eb6eaa1ed34a8fcbf5bbf810"> _:a5c72592eb6eaa1ed34a8fcbf5bbf810</a> </div> </div> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#t_71dc48490cd35d3b06958a34f710282a" id="71dc48490cd35d3b06958a34f710282a"> _:71dc48490cd35d3b06958a34f710282a</a> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="Source" data-comment="A related resource from which the described resource is derived." href=""> dc:<span>source</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> CBDB&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>eventType</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> 正授&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="来源说明" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>noteOfSource</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value "> <div class="toMultiLine "> <div class="fixed"> 宋人傳記資料索引(電子版)&#160; </div> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="type" data-comment="The subject is an instance of a class." href=""> rdf:<span>type</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class=" " href="" target="_blank" > shl:OfficialEvent </a> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="时间" data-comment="与资源相关的时间信息。" href=""> shl:<span>temporal</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#d0d1a23a0a29177075a92fe72de393d5" id="t_d0d1a23a0a29177075a92fe72de393d5"> _:d0d1a23a0a29177075a92fe72de393d5</a> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>officialPosition</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#00bc473bec1fbc22c80c58a357f86f93" id="t_00bc473bec1fbc22c80c58a357f86f93"> _:00bc473bec1fbc22c80c58a357f86f93</a> </div> </div> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#t_40181c3c10127a8f26b84e6bc831c58f" id="40181c3c10127a8f26b84e6bc831c58f"> _:40181c3c10127a8f26b84e6bc831c58f</a> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="Source" data-comment="A related resource from which the described resource is derived." href=""> dc:<span>source</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> CBDB&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>eventType</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> 正授&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="来源说明" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>noteOfSource</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value "> <div class="toMultiLine "> <div class="fixed"> 宋人傳記資料索引(電子版)&#160; </div> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="type" data-comment="The subject is an instance of a class." href=""> rdf:<span>type</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class=" " href="" target="_blank" > shl:OfficialEvent </a> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="时间" data-comment="与资源相关的时间信息。" href=""> shl:<span>temporal</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#2af9ac41f51371ab495ce458f4ce8244" id="t_2af9ac41f51371ab495ce458f4ce8244"> _:2af9ac41f51371ab495ce458f4ce8244</a> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>officialPosition</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#767d619750bba4889e8190a77ef6cc38" id="t_767d619750bba4889e8190a77ef6cc38"> _:767d619750bba4889e8190a77ef6cc38</a> </div> </div> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#t_a8d38fb3af8f3f60744f84cc3dd2d255" id="a8d38fb3af8f3f60744f84cc3dd2d255"> _:a8d38fb3af8f3f60744f84cc3dd2d255</a> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="Source" data-comment="A related resource from which the described resource is derived." href=""> dc:<span>source</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> CBDB&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>eventType</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> 正授&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="来源说明" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>noteOfSource</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value "> <div class="toMultiLine "> <div class="fixed"> 宋人傳記資料索引(電子版)&#160; </div> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="type" data-comment="The subject is an instance of a class." href=""> rdf:<span>type</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class=" " href="" target="_blank" > shl:OfficialEvent </a> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="时间" data-comment="与资源相关的时间信息。" href=""> shl:<span>temporal</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#e4c96b2d84d29043d5aa6d1e03dedf7d" id="t_e4c96b2d84d29043d5aa6d1e03dedf7d"> _:e4c96b2d84d29043d5aa6d1e03dedf7d</a> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>officialPosition</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#6da5ad65abf55c478c1f9142f07d167f" id="t_6da5ad65abf55c478c1f9142f07d167f"> _:6da5ad65abf55c478c1f9142f07d167f</a> </div> </div> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#t_367d1d5eab24eba728e09a1b2c79611a" id="367d1d5eab24eba728e09a1b2c79611a"> _:367d1d5eab24eba728e09a1b2c79611a</a> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="Source" data-comment="A related resource from which the described resource is derived." href=""> dc:<span>source</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> CBDB&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>eventType</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> 正授&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="来源说明" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>noteOfSource</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value "> <div class="toMultiLine "> <div class="fixed"> 宋人傳記資料索引(電子版)&#160; </div> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="type" data-comment="The subject is an instance of a class." href=""> rdf:<span>type</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class=" " href="" target="_blank" > shl:OfficialEvent </a> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="时间" data-comment="与资源相关的时间信息。" href=""> shl:<span>temporal</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#d84969c8b06516ab93bd32e2ddb167cc" id="t_d84969c8b06516ab93bd32e2ddb167cc"> _:d84969c8b06516ab93bd32e2ddb167cc</a> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>officialPosition</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#7246eb8c2a7a0f345c6c983e9bb3fd7c" id="t_7246eb8c2a7a0f345c6c983e9bb3fd7c"> _:7246eb8c2a7a0f345c6c983e9bb3fd7c</a> </div> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>identifiedBy</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 valuecnt"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#t_d15b3704deee8601477ef5cb73b1af74" id="d15b3704deee8601477ef5cb73b1af74"> _:d15b3704deee8601477ef5cb73b1af74</a> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="label" data-comment="A human-readable name for the subject." href=""> rdfs:<span>label</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> 19329&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="Source" data-comment="A related resource from which the described resource is derived." href=""> dc:<span>source</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> CBDB&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="type" data-comment="The subject is an instance of a class." href=""> rdf:<span>type</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class=" " href="" target="_blank" > shl:Identifier </a> </div> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="时间" data-comment="与资源相关的时间信息。"> shl:<span>temporal</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 valuecnt"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#t_2cff1a1af315048a481c7c906407ef69" id="2cff1a1af315048a481c7c906407ef69"> _:2cff1a1af315048a481c7c906407ef69</a> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="Source" data-comment="A related resource from which the described resource is derived." href=""> dc:<span>source</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> CBDB&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>begin</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> 0&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="" data-comment="" href=""> shl:<span>end</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> 0&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="type" data-comment="The subject is an instance of a class." href=""> rdf:<span>type</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class=" " href="" target="_blank" > shl:Temporal </a> </div> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="时间" data-comment="与资源相关的时间信息。"> shl:<span>temporal</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 valuecnt"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#t_9ed87ead71f45baca19666b55aeb0cc4" id="9ed87ead71f45baca19666b55aeb0cc4"> _:9ed87ead71f45baca19666b55aeb0cc4</a> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="label" data-comment="A human-readable name for the subject." href=""> rdfs:<span>label</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> 1079&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="Source" data-comment="A related resource from which the described resource is derived." href=""> dc:<span>source</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> CBDB&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="type" data-comment="The subject is an instance of a class." href=""> rdf:<span>type</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class=" " href="" target="_blank" > shl:Temporal </a> </div> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="时间" data-comment="与资源相关的时间信息。"> shl:<span>temporal</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 valuecnt"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#t_28f893caaee6ec361617636d9f4a8cc3" id="28f893caaee6ec361617636d9f4a8cc3"> _:28f893caaee6ec361617636d9f4a8cc3</a> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="label" data-comment="A human-readable name for the subject." href=""> rdfs:<span>label</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> 1127&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="Source" data-comment="A related resource from which the described resource is derived." href=""> dc:<span>source</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> CBDB&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="type" data-comment="The subject is an instance of a class." href=""> rdf:<span>type</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class=" " href="" target="_blank" > shl:Temporal </a> </div> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="" data-comment=""> shl:<span>officialPosition</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 valuecnt"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#t_a5c72592eb6eaa1ed34a8fcbf5bbf810" id="a5c72592eb6eaa1ed34a8fcbf5bbf810"> _:a5c72592eb6eaa1ed34a8fcbf5bbf810</a> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="label" data-comment="A human-readable name for the subject." href=""> rdfs:<span>label</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value "> <div class="toMultiLine lang eng" data-lang="eng"> <div class="fixed"> lvxuezhujiao&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang chs" data-lang="chs"> <div class="fixed"> 律学助教&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang cht" data-lang="cht"> <div class="fixed"> 律學助教&#160; </div> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="Source" data-comment="A related resource from which the described resource is derived." href=""> dc:<span>source</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> CBDB&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="type" data-comment="The subject is an instance of a class." href=""> rdf:<span>type</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class=" " href="" target="_blank" > shl:OfficialPosition </a> </div> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="时间" data-comment="与资源相关的时间信息。"> shl:<span>temporal</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 valuecnt"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#t_d0d1a23a0a29177075a92fe72de393d5" id="d0d1a23a0a29177075a92fe72de393d5"> _:d0d1a23a0a29177075a92fe72de393d5</a> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="label" data-comment="A human-readable name for the subject." href=""> rdfs:<span>label</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> 0&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="Source" data-comment="A related resource from which the described resource is derived." href=""> dc:<span>source</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> CBDB&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="type" data-comment="The subject is an instance of a class." href=""> rdf:<span>type</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class=" " href="" target="_blank" > shl:Temporal </a> </div> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="" data-comment=""> shl:<span>officialPosition</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 valuecnt"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#t_00bc473bec1fbc22c80c58a357f86f93" id="00bc473bec1fbc22c80c58a357f86f93"> _:00bc473bec1fbc22c80c58a357f86f93</a> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="label" data-comment="A human-readable name for the subject." href=""> rdfs:<span>label</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value "> <div class="toMultiLine lang eng" data-lang="eng"> <div class="fixed"> zhimouzhoujunzhoushi&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang chs" data-lang="chs"> <div class="fixed"> 知某州军州事&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang cht" data-lang="cht"> <div class="fixed"> 知某州軍州事&#160; </div> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="Source" data-comment="A related resource from which the described resource is derived." href=""> dc:<span>source</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> CBDB&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="type" data-comment="The subject is an instance of a class." href=""> rdf:<span>type</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class=" " href="" target="_blank" > shl:OfficialPosition </a> </div> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="时间" data-comment="与资源相关的时间信息。"> shl:<span>temporal</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 valuecnt"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#t_2af9ac41f51371ab495ce458f4ce8244" id="2af9ac41f51371ab495ce458f4ce8244"> _:2af9ac41f51371ab495ce458f4ce8244</a> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="label" data-comment="A human-readable name for the subject." href=""> rdfs:<span>label</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> 0&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="Source" data-comment="A related resource from which the described resource is derived." href=""> dc:<span>source</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> CBDB&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="type" data-comment="The subject is an instance of a class." href=""> rdf:<span>type</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class=" " href="" target="_blank" > shl:Temporal </a> </div> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="" data-comment=""> shl:<span>officialPosition</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 valuecnt"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#t_767d619750bba4889e8190a77ef6cc38" id="767d619750bba4889e8190a77ef6cc38"> _:767d619750bba4889e8190a77ef6cc38</a> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="label" data-comment="A human-readable name for the subject." href=""> rdfs:<span>label</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value "> <div class="toMultiLine lang eng" data-lang="eng"> <div class="fixed"> zhongdafu&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang chs" data-lang="chs"> <div class="fixed"> 中大夫&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang cht" data-lang="cht"> <div class="fixed"> 中大夫&#160; </div> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="Source" data-comment="A related resource from which the described resource is derived." href=""> dc:<span>source</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> CBDB&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="type" data-comment="The subject is an instance of a class." href=""> rdf:<span>type</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class=" " href="" target="_blank" > shl:OfficialPosition </a> </div> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="时间" data-comment="与资源相关的时间信息。"> shl:<span>temporal</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 valuecnt"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#t_e4c96b2d84d29043d5aa6d1e03dedf7d" id="e4c96b2d84d29043d5aa6d1e03dedf7d"> _:e4c96b2d84d29043d5aa6d1e03dedf7d</a> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="label" data-comment="A human-readable name for the subject." href=""> rdfs:<span>label</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> 0&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="Source" data-comment="A related resource from which the described resource is derived." href=""> dc:<span>source</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> CBDB&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="type" data-comment="The subject is an instance of a class." href=""> rdf:<span>type</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class=" " href="" target="_blank" > shl:Temporal </a> </div> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="" data-comment=""> shl:<span>officialPosition</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 valuecnt"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#t_6da5ad65abf55c478c1f9142f07d167f" id="6da5ad65abf55c478c1f9142f07d167f"> _:6da5ad65abf55c478c1f9142f07d167f</a> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="label" data-comment="A human-readable name for the subject." href=""> rdfs:<span>label</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value "> <div class="toMultiLine lang eng" data-lang="eng"> <div class="fixed"> zhuanyunshi&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang cht" data-lang="cht"> <div class="fixed"> 轉運使&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang chs" data-lang="chs"> <div class="fixed"> 转运使&#160; </div> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="Source" data-comment="A related resource from which the described resource is derived." href=""> dc:<span>source</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> CBDB&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="type" data-comment="The subject is an instance of a class." href=""> rdf:<span>type</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class=" " href="" target="_blank" > shl:OfficialPosition </a> </div> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="时间" data-comment="与资源相关的时间信息。"> shl:<span>temporal</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 valuecnt"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#t_d84969c8b06516ab93bd32e2ddb167cc" id="d84969c8b06516ab93bd32e2ddb167cc"> _:d84969c8b06516ab93bd32e2ddb167cc</a> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="label" data-comment="A human-readable name for the subject." href=""> rdfs:<span>label</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> 0&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="Source" data-comment="A related resource from which the described resource is derived." href=""> dc:<span>source</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> CBDB&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="type" data-comment="The subject is an instance of a class." href=""> rdf:<span>type</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class=" " href="" target="_blank" > shl:Temporal </a> </div> </div> </div> <label class="c1"><a data-label="" data-comment=""> shl:<span>officialPosition</span> </a></label> <div class="c2 valuecnt"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a href="#t_7246eb8c2a7a0f345c6c983e9bb3fd7c" id="7246eb8c2a7a0f345c6c983e9bb3fd7c"> _:7246eb8c2a7a0f345c6c983e9bb3fd7c</a> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="label" data-comment="A human-readable name for the subject." href=""> rdfs:<span>label</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value "> <div class="toMultiLine lang eng" data-lang="eng"> <div class="fixed"> jixiandianxiuzhuan&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang cht" data-lang="cht"> <div class="fixed"> 集賢殿修撰&#160; </div> </div> <div class="toMultiLine lang chs" data-lang="chs"> <div class="fixed"> 集贤殿修撰&#160; </div> </div> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="Source" data-comment="A related resource from which the described resource is derived." href=""> dc:<span>source</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value multiInLineBlock"> <span class="multiInLine"> CBDB&#160; </span> </div> <label class="c3"><a data-label="type" data-comment="The subject is an instance of a class." href=""> rdf:<span>type</span> </a></label> <div class="c4 value"> <div class="toOneLine"> <a title="&lt;;" class=" " href="" target="_blank" > shl:OfficialPosition </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="inverses" class="empty"></div> <div id="lodCloud"> <h3> data from the linked data cloud </h3> <div class="masonry"></div> </div> <!-- a custom space located before the footer --> <div id="customFooter"> <div id="credits"> <div></div> </div> <menu> </menu> </div> </article> <footer> 上海图书馆内容协商系统 </footer> <script> var col1 = 0; 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data.find('resource').each(function() { var IRI = $(this).attr("about"); var title = $(this).find("title").text(); $('a.isLocal[title="<' + IRI + '>"]').each(function() { if ($(this).find('tt').length == 0) { $(this).append("<br><span class='derivedTitle'><tt class=\"sp\"></tt>" + title + "</span>"); } }) }); }, error : function(e) { /* TODO: manage errors */ }, complete : function() { /* inverse relations */ if (onComplete) { onComplete(); } } }); }, multiLabels : function() { var l = this; var cLocale = 'zh'; $('.value').each(function() { var cnt = $(this); var multipleLang = false; var plang = ""; $('.lang', cnt).each(function() { var lang = $(this).attr("data-lang"); if (lang != plang && plang != '') { multipleLang = true; } plang = lang; }); if (multipleLang) { $('.lang', cnt).each(function() { var lang = $(this).attr("data-lang"); if ($.trim(lang) && cnt.find("span.clang." + lang).length == 0) { var clang = $("<span class=\"clang " + lang + "\">" + lang + "</span>"); { var lang = $(this).text(); 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"resource" : "resources") + "</a>"); { if (anchor.parent().hasClass('isOpened')) { anchor.parent().find('.toOneLine,.prevArrow,.nextArrow,.lloadingb').remove(); anchor.parent().removeClass('isOpened'); anchor.parent().removeClass('opened'); } else { var property = $(this).attr('data-property'); var contInverse = $(this).parent(); anchor.parent().addClass("isOpened"); var start = 0; $.ajax({ url : "/linkedResourceInverses", method : 'POST', data : { "start" : start, "IRI" : "", "property" : property, "sparql" : "", "prefix" : "" }, beforeSend : function() { anchor.parent().find('.toOneLine,.prevArrow,.nextArrow,.lloadingb').remove(); anchor.after("<span class=\"lloadingb\"></span>"); }, success : function(data) { data = $(data); var abouts = []; data.find('resource').each(function() { var IRI = $(this).attr("nsabout"); if (IRI.indexOf("null:") == 0) { IRI = '&lt;' + $(this).attr("about") + "&gt;"; } if (IRI.indexOf(":") == -1) { IRI = "_:" + $(this).attr("about"); } var title = $(this).find("title").text(); var url = $(this).attr("propertyurl") contInverse.append($("<div class='toOneLine' style='display:none'> <a title=\"&lt;" + $(this).attr("about") + "&gt;\" href=\"" + url + "\" class=\"isLocal\">" + IRI + "</a></div>")); abouts.push($(this).attr("about")); }); $('.toOneLine', contInverse).show(); if (count > 10) { anchor.parent().addClass("opened"); } if (abouts.length > 0) { l.doConnectedResourceTitles(abouts, function() { anchor.parent().find('.lloadingb').hide(); }); } else { anchor.parent().find('.lloadingb').hide(); } }, complete : function() { if (count > 10) { var prev = $('<a href="#prev" class="prevArrow sp"></a>'); var next = $('<a href="#next" class="nextArrow sp"></a>'); prev.css({ 'opacity' : '0.3', 'cursor' : 'default' }); { return l.paginating('next', $(this), start, property, count); }); anchor.after(next); anchor.after(prev); } }, error : function() { contInverse.append($("<div class='toOneLine' >sorry, an error occurred</div>")); } }); } return false; }); invCont.append(el); var value = $("<div class=\"c2 value\"></div>"); value.append(anchor); invCont.append(value); if ("open" == "close") {; } }); l.setColumnsSize(true); $('#linverse').append('<span class="ok"><img src="/staticResources/img/checked' + (isRetina ? '@2x' : '') + '.png" ></span>').find('img').fadeIn('fast'); }, error : function(e) { $('#linverse').append('<span class="error"></span>'); }, complete : function() { l.lMessage(null, 'close'); } }); } }, paginating : function(direction, anchor, start, property, count) { var l = this; if (direction == 'next') { start = start + 10; } else if (start > 0) { start = start - 10; } var contInverse = anchor.parent(); if (callingPage) { callingPage.abort(); } if (callingPageTitles) { callingPageTitles.abort(); } callingPage = $.ajax({ url : "/linkedResourceInverses", method : 'POST', data : { "start" : start, "IRI" : "", "property" : property, "sparql" : "", "prefix" : "" }, beforeSend : function() { contInverse.find('.toOneLine').addClass('toRemove').css({ 'opacity' : 0.2 }); contInverse.find('.prevArrow,.nextArrow').remove(); contInverse.find('.lloadingb').show(); var prev = $('<a href="#prev" class="prevArrow sp"></a>'); var next = $('<a href="#next" class="nextArrow sp"></a>'); if (start + 10 > count) { next.css({ 'opacity' : '0.3', 'cursor' : 'default' }); } else { { return l.paginating('next', $(this), start, property, count); }); } if (start > 0) { { return l.paginating('prev', $(this), start, property, count); }); } else { prev.css({ 'opacity' : '0.3', 'cursor' : 'default' }); } contInverse.find('a:first').after(next); contInverse.find('a:first').after(prev); }, success : function(data) { data = $(data); var abouts = []; data.find('resource').each(function() { var IRI = $(this).attr("nsabout"); if (IRI.indexOf("null:") == 0) { IRI = '&lt;' + $(this).attr("about") + "&gt;"; } if (IRI.indexOf(":") == -1) { IRI = "_:" + $(this).attr("about"); } var title = $(this).find("title").text(); var url = $(this).attr("propertyurl") contInverse.append($("<div class='toOneLine' style='display:none'> <a title=\"&lt;" + $(this).attr("about") + "&gt;\" href=\"" + url + "\" class=\"isLocal\">" + IRI + "</a></div>")); abouts.push($(this).attr("about")); }); if (abouts.length > 0) { callingPageTitles = l.doConnectedResourceTitles(abouts, function() { contInverse.find('.toOneLine.toRemove').remove(); $('.toOneLine', contInverse).show(); contInverse.find('.lloadingb').hide(); }); } else { contInverse.find('.toOneLine.toRemove').remove(); $('.toOneLine', contInverse).show(); contInverse.find('.lloadingb').hide(); } anchor.unbind('click'); }, complete : function() { }, error : function() { contInverse.find('.toOneLine').remove(); contInverse.append($("<div class='toOneLine' >sorry, an error occurred</div>")); } }); return false; }, grabData : function() { var l = this; var linkingList = []; var counter = 0; var errors = 0; var map = $('map:first'); $('.linkingElement').each(function() { var link = $.trim($(this).attr("href")); linkingList.push(link); }); /* lod cloud */ if (linkingList.length == 0) { $('#lodCloud').empty(); $('#lodCloud').addClass("empty"); $('#linking').hide(); } else { $('#linking').fadeIn('fast'); var container = $('#lodCloud').children("div"); var dest = $('<div class="connected"><span class="lloading"></span></div>'); var content = $("<div class=\"content\" id='counterBlock'></div>"); content.append("<p id='grabDataTotal'>Resource connected \u003Cstrong\u003E0\u003C\/strong\u003E</p>") content.append("<p id='grabDataTotalErrors'>Resource not online \u003Cstrong\u003E0\u003C\/strong\u003E</p>") content.append("<p id='grabDataTotalLoaded'>Resource loaded \u003Cstrong\u003E0\u003C\/strong\u003E</p>") dest.append(content); container.append(dest); // initialize container.masonry({ itemSelector : '.connected' }); l.updateCounter(linkingList.length, counter, errors); l.grabSingleResource(linkingList, counter, errors, map); } }, grabSingleResource : function(linkingList, counter, errors, map) { var l = this; if (counter < linkingList.length) { var linking = $('#lodCloud').children("div"); $.ajax({ url : "/linkedResource", method : 'POST', timeout : 10000, // 5 sec. data : { "IRI" : linkingList[counter] }, beforeSend : function() { // console.debug(counter + " -- " + linkingList[counter]) }, success : function(data) { data = $(data); var dest = $('<div class="connected"></div>'); data.find('img:first').each(function() { dest.append("<span class=\"imgCnt sp\"><img class=\"main\" src=\"" + $(this).attr("src") + "\"></span>"); }); var title = (data.find('title').text() != 'null' ? data.find('title').text() : ""); if (data.find('img:first').length == 0 && data.find('longitude').text().replace(/null/, '') && data.find('latitude').text().replace(/null/, '')) { var id = new Date().getMilliseconds(); var map = $('<map id="inlodMap' + id + '" class="inLodMap sp"></map>'); dest.append(map); } l.setErrorImage(dest.find('img')); var content = $("<div class=\"content\"></div>"); content.append("<h5>" + title + "</h5>"); var IRI = data.find('root').attr('about'); content.append("<a class=\"link\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + IRI + "\">" + IRI.replace(/([^a-zA-Z0-9])/g, '$1&#8203;') + "</a>"); if ($.trim(data.find('description').text())) { var descr = data.find('description').text() + " @" + data.find('description').attr("lang"); descr = descr.replace(/@(null|)$/, ''); content.append("<div>" + descr + "</div>"); } dest.append(content); var tot = data.find('links').attr("tot"); if (parseInt(tot, 10) > 0) { dest.append("<div class=\"more\">" + tot + " " + (tot == 1 ? "connected resource" : "connected resources") + "</div>") } dest.find('img').on('load', function() { linking.masonry(); }).each(function() { if (this.complete) { $(this).load(); } }); counter++; if (!data.find('root').attr('error')) { linking.masonry().append(dest).masonry('appended', dest); if (dest.find('map').length > 0) { l.drawMap(dest.find('map').attr("id"), data.find('latitude').text(), data.find('longitude').text(), title); } data.find('link').each(function() { var a = $(this).attr("href"); if ($.inArray(a, linkingList) == -1 && a != "") { linkingList.push(a); } }); } else { errors++; } linking.masonry(); l.grabSingleResource(linkingList, counter, errors, map); l.updateCounter(linkingList.length, counter, errors); }, error : function(e) { l.updateCounter(linkingList.length, (counter + 1), (errors + 1)); l.grabSingleResource(linkingList, (counter + 1), (errors + 1), map); }, complete : function() { } }); } else { $('.connected').find('.lloading').fadeOut(); } }, lMessage : function(msg, action) { var l = this; var lp = $('#loadPanel'); if (action) { if (action == 'open') { if (isChrome) { // moving the panel to the center of the page lp.addClass("cfix"); } lp.fadeIn('fast'); } else { lp.delay(2000).fadeOut('fast'); } } if (msg) { lp.queue(function() { setTimeout(function() { lp.find('.content').remove(); lp.find('#lmessage').append("<span class=\"content\">" + msg + "</span>"); lp.dequeue(); }, action == 'open' ? 0 : 2000); }); } }, slideNext : function(obj) { var l = this;'fast', function() { l.slideNext($(this)); }); }, updateCounter : function(tot, count, errors) { var g = $('#lmessage > .content'); g.children('strong').html(count); g.children('span:last').html(tot); var b = $('#counterBlock'); b.find('p#grabDataTotal > strong').html(tot); b.find('p#grabDataTotalLoaded > strong').html(count - errors); b.find('p#grabDataTotalErrors > strong').html(errors); }, footer : function() { $('#endpoint').find('.viewas').find('a').click(function() { var loc = document.location.href; loc = loc.replace(/#[^#]+/, ''); if (loc.indexOf("?") != -1) { loc += "&output=" + $(this).attr("title"); } else { loc += "?output=" + $(this).attr("title"); } document.location = loc; }); }, setErrorImage : function(obj) { obj.error(function() { $(this).attr("title", "image not available, broken URL?\n" + $(this).attr("src")); $(this).attr("src", "/staticResources/img/no_image" + (isRetina ? 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