WWWJDIC: Customization Form

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Select from the options below, and press the "Customize" button at the bottom of the page. <font size="-1">(Note: this option sets a simple "cookie" in your browser containing the options you select. It will not track your WWW usage or anything like that.)</font> <p> <ul> <li> Maximum dictionary entries per search results page: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="maxlines" SIZE="3" VALUE= "10"> (Upper limit is 100) <br> <li> Maximum detail lines per kanji database display: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="maxklines" SIZE="3" VALUE= "5"> (Upper limit is 50) <br><font size="-1">(When you look up the kanji database and there are several kanji which meet the search criteria, this parameter is used to choose whether details are displayed, or whether a simple list of kanji is displayed for you to choose from.)</font> <br> <li> Input/Output code: <SELECT NAME="icode" > <OPTION VALUE="1"> EUC-JP <OPTION VALUE="2"> Shift-JIS <OPTION SELECTED VALUE="3"> UTF-8 </SELECT><br> <font size="-1">(If you don't know what these are, don't touch it.)</font><br> <li> Background colour: <SELECT NAME="bgcolour"> <OPTION SELECTED VALUE="ivory"> ivory <OPTION VALUE="aqua"> aqua <OPTION VALUE="black"> black <OPTION VALUE="blue"> blue <OPTION VALUE="fuchsia"> fuchsia <OPTION VALUE="gray"> gray <OPTION VALUE="green"> green <OPTION VALUE="lime"> lime <OPTION VALUE="maroon"> maroon <OPTION VALUE="navy"> navy <OPTION VALUE="olive"> olive <OPTION VALUE="purple"> purple <OPTION VALUE="red"> red <OPTION VALUE="silver"> silver <OPTION VALUE="teal"> teal <OPTION VALUE="yellow"> yellow <OPTION VALUE="white"> white </SELECT> or specify your own <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="bgcolourx" SIZE="20" VALUE= "" >(*)<br> <li> Text colour: <SELECT NAME="txtcolour"> <OPTION VALUE="aqua"> aqua <OPTION SELECTED VALUE="black"> black <OPTION VALUE="blue"> blue <OPTION VALUE="fuchsia"> fuchsia <OPTION VALUE="gray"> gray <OPTION VALUE="green"> green <OPTION VALUE="lime"> lime <OPTION VALUE="maroon"> maroon <OPTION VALUE="navy"> navy <OPTION VALUE="olive"> olive <OPTION VALUE="purple"> purple <OPTION VALUE="red"> red <OPTION VALUE="silver"> silver <OPTION VALUE="teal"> teal <OPTION VALUE="yellow"> yellow <OPTION VALUE="white"> white </SELECT> or specify your own <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="txtcolourx" SIZE="20" VALUE= "" >(*)<br> (*): <ol type = "a"> <li> if you are keying your own colours, make <b>sure</b> your browser supports them.) <li> if you have selected a different colour previously, you will need to clear the text field if you wish to change it. </ol> <li> Interface language: <SELECT NAME="langcode" > <OPTION SELECTED VALUE="0"> English <OPTION VALUE="1"> Japanese </SELECT><font color="red">(Japanese version is under construction!)</font><br> <li> the information and options in the page header and the main dictionary results pages. <p> The following are normally <b>enabled</b> by default. You can selectively remove them here. <table border><tr><td><b>O P T I O N</b></td><td><b>Enable</b></td><td><b>Disable</b></td></tr> <tr><td> Menu Bar at the top of the page <em>(removal NOT recommended)</em> </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_menubar" VALUE="1" CHECKED > </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_menubar" VALUE="0" > </td></tr> <tr><td> The explanation of the options ([G]oogle, etc.) </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_optexpl" VALUE="1" CHECKED > </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_optexpl" VALUE="0" > </td></tr> <tr><td> Links to audio clips of dictionary entries <em><font color="red">(NEW)</font></em> </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_audioon" VALUE="1" CHECKED > </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_audioon" VALUE="0" > </td></tr> <tr><td> Selected example sentences on the dictionary results page </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_inlinex" VALUE="1" CHECKED > </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_inlinex" VALUE="0" > </td></tr> <tr><td> The kanji and kana parts of the display of entries in a larger font </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_kanbold" VALUE="1" CHECKED > </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_kanbold" VALUE="0" > </td></tr> <tr><td> Link to the verb table [V] </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_lnkverb" VALUE="1" CHECKED > </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_lnkverb" VALUE="0" > </td></tr> <tr><td> Link to the display of example sentences [Ex] </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_linkexa" VALUE="1" CHECKED > </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_linkexa" VALUE="0" > </td></tr> <tr><td> Link to the jeKai article [jeKai] </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_linkjek" VALUE="1" CHECKED > </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_linkjek" VALUE="0" > </td></tr> <tr><td> Link to the Buddhism database [DDB] </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_linkbud" VALUE="1" CHECKED > </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_linkbud" VALUE="0" > </td></tr> <tr><td> Link to a Google search for the first kanji/kana [G] </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_linkggl" VALUE="1" CHECKED > </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_linkggl" VALUE="0" > </td></tr> <tr><td> Link to a Google Images search for the first kanji/kana [GI] </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_linkggi" VALUE="1" CHECKED > </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_linkggi" VALUE="0" > </td></tr> <tr><td> Link to Sanseido (Goo) dictionary for the first kanji/kana [S] </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_linkgoo" VALUE="1" CHECKED > </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_linkgoo" VALUE="0" > </td></tr> <tr><td> Link to Eijiro (ALC) dictionary for the first kanji/kana [A] </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_linkalc" VALUE="1" CHECKED > </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_linkalc" VALUE="0" > </td></tr> <tr><td> Link to Japanese Wikipedia for the first kanji/kana [W] </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_linkwik" VALUE="1" CHECKED > </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_linkwik" VALUE="0" > </td></tr> <tr><td> Link to the Japanese WordNet for the first kanji/kana [JW] </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_linkwn" VALUE="1" CHECKED > </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_linkwn" VALUE="0" > </td></tr> <tr><td> Associate an HTML "label" with the radio button and text in the display of entries. <br><em>(This seems to cause a problem with bug in Firefox 3.)</em> </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_radlabel" VALUE="1" CHECKED > </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_radlabel" VALUE="0" > </td></tr> <tr><td> Display the Jinmeiyou and non-Jouyou kanji in different colours. </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_jycolour" VALUE="1" CHECKED > </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_jycolour" VALUE="0" > </td></tr> </table> <p> The following are <b>disabled</b> by default. You can selectively enable them here. <table border><tr><td><b>O P T I O N</b></td><td><b>Enable</b></td><td><b>Disable</b></td></tr> <tr><td> Display dictionary entries in two columns </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_twocols" VALUE="1" > </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_twocols" VALUE="0" CHECKED > </td></tr> <tr><td> Add a space between entries </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_entspac" VALUE="1" > </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_entspac" VALUE="0" CHECKED > </td></tr> <tr><td> Decrease the font size in the Menu Bar </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_menufnt" VALUE="1" > </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_menufnt" VALUE="0" CHECKED > </td></tr> <tr><td> Display only Common word (P) entries <em>(use with caution)</em> </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_priority" VALUE="1" > </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_priority" VALUE="0" CHECKED > </td></tr> <tr><td> Set the page language to Japanese (may assist seeing non-Chinese fonts) </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_langja" VALUE="1" > </td><td> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opt_langja" VALUE="0" CHECKED > </td></tr> </table> <li> Examples <p> Check here <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="exbline" VALUE="X" > if you would like to see the words used for indexing each Japanese example sentence. <br><font size="-1">(This is rather technical stuff, mainly used by people maintaining the Examples file.)</font> <li> preset your name and email address if you are sending in new entries, amendments, comments on example sentences, etc. <ul> <li> name: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="exuname" SIZE="40" VALUE= "Name"> <li> email address: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="exemail" SIZE="60" VALUE= "Email-address"> </ul> Note that for obscure technical reasons, neither the name nor the email address can contain an underscore ("_"). </ul> <INPUT type="submit" value="Customize"> your WWWJDIC settings. <font size="-1">(Cookies must be enabled for customization to work.)</font> </form> <hr> <center><font size="-1"> WWWJDIC site: Monash University &nbsp; &nbsp; &#169; Copyright 2024, <a href="">Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group</a>. (<a href="">Details</a>) (<a href="">Disclaimer</a>) (Version: Aug 31 2024) </font></center> </BODY> </HTML>

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