Yiddish and Hebrew Texts
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His dictionary site is <a href=''>Jiddische Lexicografie Amsterdam </a>. </li><li> <a href="yiddish/makeyiddish.html"> Yiddish typewriter and spelling checker</A> </li><li> <a href="yiddish/checkSpellUTF.cgi"> Yiddish spell checker and normalizer</A> </li><li> <a href="yiddish/showDefs.cgi"> Yiddish glosser (shows English definitions)</A> </li><li> <!-- <a href=""> --> <a href="yiddish/yidsong.cgi"> Yiddish song database</A> </li><li> <a href="bavebter/index.html"> Der Bavebter Yid: Electronic magazine</A> </li><li> <a href="yiddish/searchOytser.cgi"> Stutshkov's Oytser (searchable; transliteration only)</A> </li><li> <a href="yiddish/searchGroys.cgi"> Der Groyser Verterbukh fun der Yidisher Shprakh (searchable; Yiddish letters only)</A> </li><li> <a href=""> Der Groyser Verterbukh fun der Yidisher Shprakh, letters ב, ג, ד, ה</A> </li><li> <a href="yiddish/searchSholem.cgi"> The complete works of Sholem Aleichem (searchable and editable; Yiddish letters only). </A> </li><li> <a href="yiddish/programs.html">Yiddish institutes and programs</A> </li><li> <a href="yiddish/unix.html">Manipulating Yiddish texts under the Unix operating system</a> </li><li> <a href="yiddish/harkavy/index.utf8.html">Harkavy's 1910 bidirectional dictionary</a> </li><li> <a href="">Weinreich's bidirectional dictionary </a> (off-site. searchable!) </li><li> <a href="">Harkavy's Yiddish-English-Hebrew dictionary (1928 expanded 2nd edition)</a> (off-site. searchable!) </li><li> The "Refoyl" Cursive Yiddish font, both <a href="yiddish/Refoyl.dfont">Mac Truetype</a> and <a href="yiddish/Refoyl.ttf">TrueType</a> (right-click to download, then install on your computer) </li><li> The "Nachlaot" Cursive Yiddish font, both <a href="yiddish/Nachlaot.dfont">Mac Truetype</a> and <a href="yiddish/Nachlaot.ttf">TrueType</a> (right-click to download, then install on your computer) </li><li> The "Mashkit" Old Yiddish font: <a href="yiddish/Mashkit.ttf">TrueType</a> (right-click to download, then install on your computer) </li><li> The <a href="yiddish/Weinreichish.otf">"Weinreichish"</a> font, based on Times New Roman, with Weinreich's connected double-vov, and the original double-vov at the otherwise unassigned Unicode 05EB. </li></ul> <h2>Yiddish texts</h2> <UL><li> Anonymous: <a href="yiddish/shlof.gif"> <cite>Shlof Mayn Kind, Shlof Keseyder</cite></a> | <a href="yiddish/libe.gif"> <cite>Oy, a libe iz an umglik</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/lid.shikt_der_har_1.pdf"> <cite>Shikt der har (version 1)</cite></A> <a href="yiddish/lid.shikt_der_har_2.pdf"> <cite>(version 2)</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/zingt-zhe.pdf"> <cite>Zingt-zhe ale yidelekh</cite></A> </li><li> Sholem Berger: <a href="yiddish/sholem.spontan.gif"> <cite>Spontan Lid 1</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/sholem.spontan.2.utf8.html"> <cite>Spontan Lid 2 (unikod)</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/sholem.lider.pdf"> <cite>nay-ufgedekte lider (PDF)</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/sholem.rap.pdf"> <cite>mesukener mezumen: shoyn tsurik tsu aykh in keshene (PDF)</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/lid.vikhtik.pdf"> <cite>vos iz vikhtik (naye verter) (PDF)</cite></A> </li><li> Rokhl Bushevski-Kaplan: <a href="yiddish/bushevski.letst.utf8.html"> <cite>Mayn letst lid (unikod)</cite></A> </li><li> Daniel Charney: <a href="yiddish/lid.kumShoyn.pdf"> <cite>O kum shoyn shtiler ovnt (PDF)</cite></a> </li><li> T. S. Eliot: <a href="yiddish/prufrock.pdf"> The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (translated)</a> </li><li> Itsik Feffer: <a href="yiddish/sizLoyter.utf8.html"> <cite>S'iz loyter der rusisher step / ikh hob keynmol nit geblondzhet</cite></a> <cite>(<a href="yiddish/sizLoyter.pdf">PDF</a>)</cite> </li><li> Raphael Finkel: <a href="yiddish/vint.html"> <cite>Ven di Vint</cite></A> </li><li> Raphael Finkel, translator: <cite>A tentsl, mayn kale (Waltzing Matilda) <a href="yiddish/matilde.utf8.html"> (unicode) </a> <a href="yiddish/matilde.mp3"> (mp3) </a> </cite> | <a href="yiddish/jabber.html"> <cite>Jabberwocky</cite></A> (See also <a href="">an international Jabberwocky site</a>.) </li><li> IAYC Conference: <a href="yiddish/dos.eynikl.kumt.html"><cite>dos eynikl kumt (2005)</cite></a> | <a href="yiddish/a.sude.html"><cite>a sude (2006)</cite></a> | <a href="yiddish/lid.vetshere.html"><cite>gebrakht vetshere tsu der tsayt (2007)</cite></a> | <a href="yiddish/lid.zunik.html"><cite>zunik in droysn (2010) </cite></a> | <a href="yiddish/lid.shvues-1.html"><cite>in shvues (2013) </cite></a> </li><li> Mordkhe Gebirtik: <cite><a href="yiddish/dray_tekhterlekh.pdf">dray tekhterlekh</a> (PDF)</cite> </li><li> Moshe-Leyb Halpern: <cite><a href="yiddish/lid.halpern.fartrayb.html">gey fartrayb zey</a></cite> </li><li> Malke Heifetz-Tussman: <a href="yiddish/bahit.gif"> <cite>Bahit</cite></a> | <a href="yiddish/mazik.gif"> <cite>Der Mazik</cite></a> </li><li> Binem Heller: <a href="yiddish/heler.loshn.gif"> <cite>in vunderlekhn loshn</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/heler.shvester.yid"><cite>mayn shvester Khaye</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/heler.nisn.pdf"><cite>in varshever geto iz itst khoydesh nisn</cite></A> </li><li> Dovid Hofshteyn: <a href="yiddish/vinter.gif"> <cite>In Vinter Farnakhtn</cite></a> </li><li> Shmerke Kaczerginski: <a href="yiddish/friling.utf8.html"> <cite>Friling</cite></a> </li><li> Rokhl Korn: <a href="yiddish/kleyd.gif"> <cite>A Nay Kleyd</cite></a> | <a href="yiddish/benkshaft.gif"> <cite>Benkshaft</cite></a> | <a href="yiddish/keyner.gif"> <cite>Keyner Veyst es Nisht</cite></a> | <a href="yiddish/briv.gif"> <cite>A Briv</cite></a> | <a href="yiddish/korn.yener.pdf"> <cite>Fun Yener Zayt Lid (pdf file)</cite></a> </li><li> Moyshe Kulbak: <a href="yiddish/asore.html"> <cite>Asore Dibraye</cite></A> </li><li> Basheva Landesberg: <a href="yiddish/basheva.yankl.html"> <cite>yankl un der bebl-shtengl</cite></A> (retelling) | <a href="yiddish/basheva.trakhtn.gif"> <cite>,,trakhtn'' fun a fuftsn-yor alt yingl</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/basheva.zeyde.gif"> <cite>ikh bin geven mayn eygener zeyde</cite></A> (translation) | <a href="yiddish/basheva.royte.html"> <cite>kleyne royte forn-kapishon</cite></A>, (retelling) | <a href="yiddish/basheva.hashem.gif"> <cite>ikh ver elter</cite></A> (translation) | <a href="yiddish/basheva.fraynd.gif"> <cite>a fraynd</cite></A> (translation) | <a href="yiddish/basheva.vinter.gif"> <cite>Bed in Summer</cite></A> (translation from Robert L. Stevenson) <!-- not original | <a href="yiddish/basheva.mer.png"> <cite>vos iz der mer?</cite></A> (retelling of well-known poem) --> </li><li> Aaron Lebedeff: <a href="yiddish/rumenia.html"> <cite>Rumenye, Rumenye</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/slutsk.utf8.html"> <cite>Slutsk</cite></A> </li><li> Mani Leyb: <a href="yiddish/mani.leyb.noyt.utf8.html"> <cite>Di noyt</cite></a> (transcribed by Eliezer Niborski) | <a href="yiddish/leyb.shtiler.utf8.html"> <cite>Shtiler, stiler</cite></a> (transcribed by Michael Tanksley) </li><li> H. Leyvik: <a href="yiddish/jcrs.pdf"> <cite>J. C. R. S.</cite></a> (Jewish Consumptives' Relief Society: Spivak Sanatorium in Denver) </li><li> Yitskhok Ludin: <a href="yiddish/findzhan.utf8.html"> <cite>der findzhan</cite></a> (original Hebrew by Khayem Fefer) </li><li> Leyb Neydus: <a href="yiddish/poe.neydus.rob.utf8.html"><cite>der rob</cite></a> (original English by Edgar Allen Poe) </li><li> Itsik Manger: <a href="yiddish/tam.gif"> <cite>Rebbenu Tam</cite></a> | <a href="yiddish/mayrev.gif"> <cite>Ikh bin der Veg keyn Mayrev</cite></A> </li><li> Melburn Yugntruf-Yidish-Vokhnikes: <a href="yiddish/vinter.melburn.pdf"><cite>vinter tsayt in melburn</cite></a> </li><li> Der Nister (Pinkhes Kahanovitsh) <a href="yiddish/nister-mashber.html"><cite>der mishpokhe mashber</cite></a> (optical character recognition; very long) </li><li> Brayne Rabinovitsh: <a href="yiddish/brayne.suke.utf8.html"> <cite>Far mayn tatns suke</cite></a> </li><li> Meylekh Ravitsh: <a href="yiddish/ravitsh.lid.on.nomen.utf8.html"> <cite>A lid on a nomen</cite></a> </li><li> Avrom Reisen: <a href="yiddish/akht.gif"> <cite>A Gezind Zalbe Akht</cite></a> | <a href="yiddish/reyzen.borekh.pdf"> <cite>Borekh Ate</cite> [PDF]</a> </li><li> Moyshe Richter: <a href="yiddish/khave.leye.gif"> <cite>Khave-Leye -- Gut Shabes</cite></A> (1899) </li><li> Morris Rosenfeld: <a href="yiddish/roznfeld.yingele.utf8.html"> <cite>Mayn Yingele</cite></A> </li><li> L. Rozenthal / Misha Veksler: <cite>Koyft-zhe papirosn (Yisrolik)</cite> <a href="yiddish/yisrolik.pdf">PDF</a> | <a href="yiddish/yisrolik.utf8.html">utf8</a> </li><li> Bella Schaechter-Gottesman: <a href="yiddish/harbstlid.pdf"> <cite>Harbstlid</cite></A> </li><li> Sylvia Schildt: <a href="yiddish/sylvia-shild.vort.gif"> <cite>A Yiddish Vort</cite></A> (1996) | <a href="yiddish/khaneke.gif"> <cite>In dem Templ</cite></A> (1996). | <a href="yiddish/akhtbrider.gif"> <cite>Akht Kleyne Brider</cite></A> (updated 1996). </li><li> Elyezer Shteynbarg: <a href="yiddish/shteynbarg.lid.gif"> <cite>af a shteyn</cite></A> </li><li> Avrom-Nokhem Shtentsl: <a href="yiddish/shpinveb.gif"> <cite>Shpinvebekhts</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/shtensl.lukhes.gif"> <cite>Di tsvey lukhes</cite></A> </li><li> Avrem Sutskever: <a href="yiddish/nito.pdf"> <cite>du zogst</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/sutskever-togbukh.html"> <cite>lider fun togbukh</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/nybc208866.html"> <cite>poetishe verk 1</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/nybc208867.html"> <cite>poetishe verk 2</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/nybc208870.html"> <cite>firkantike oysyes</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/nybc208871.html"> <cite>tsaytike penemer</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/sutskever-other.html"> <cite>other poems</cite></A> | (optical character recognition; to be improved) </li><li> Yankev Shmuel Toybes: <a href="yiddish/pingpong.gif"> <cite>Ping-pong (Limerik #8)</cite></A> </li><li> United Nations: <cite>Universal Declaration of Human Rights</cite> <a href="yiddish/udhr.pdf">PDF</a> | <a href="yiddish/udhr.utf8.html">Unicode (UTF)</a> </li><li> Mark Warshawsky: <a href="yiddish/prip.gif"> <cite>Afn Pripetshik</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/"> <cite>Dos lid fun broyt</cite></A> </li><li> Yugntruf-Yidish-Vokhnikes: <a href="yiddish/hayzele.html"> <cite>Dos Hayzele (1996)</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/viglid.html"> <cite>Viglid (1998)</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/balem.utf8.html"> <cite>Balem Bili Balem (1999)</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/kind.html"> <cite>Der Yunger Arbeter (2001)</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/zumer.html"> <cite>Zumer Zikhroynes (2003)</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/lid.yor.html"> <cite>A Nay Yor (2004)</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/lid.malkele.html"> <cite>Malkele mayn Lyalkele (2006)</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/lid.ban.html"> <cite>Vi di ban geyt (2009)</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/lid.shenk.html"> <cite>Di Shenk (2010)</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/lid.himen.html"> <cite>Yidish-Vokh Himen (2011)</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/lid.geboyrn.html"> <cite>Geboyrn-tog-lid (2012)</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/lid.mandlbroyt.html"> | <cite>Mandlbroyt (2013)</cite></A> <a href="yiddish/lid.porfolk.html"> | <cite>Vi dos porfolk tantst (2017)</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/lid.tsirele.pdf"> | <cite>To Celia (Ben Johnson), translated</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/lid.sukes.html"> <cite>Sukes-lid (2022)</cite></A> | <a href="yiddish/lid.shvues-2.html"> <cite>Shvues-lid (2023)</cite></A> </li><li> Aharon Zeitlin: <a href="yiddish/dona.gif"> <cite>Dona Dona</cite></a> </li><li> Sam Zerin: <a href="yiddish/"> <cite>Eyer mit fleysh (Green Eggs and Ham)</cite></a> </li><li> Shpoler Zeyde: <a href="yiddish/shpoler.pdf"> <cite>Shpoler Zeydes nign (PDF)</cite></a> <a href="yiddish/shpoler.mp3"> <cite>(MP3)</cite></a> </li><li> Droshes af parshes (PDF format, various authors): <a href="parshes/5757.beshalekh.pdf"> <cite>beshalekh 5757</cite></A> | <a href="parshes/5757.khukas.pdf"> <cite>khukas 5758</cite></A> | <a href="parshes/5757.bolek.pdf"> <cite> bolek 5757 </cite></a> | <a href="parshes/5757.eykev.pdf"> <cite> eykev 5757 </cite></a> | <a href="parshes/5757.khukas.pdf"> <cite> khukas 5757 </cite></a> | <a href="parshes/5757.kiseytse.pdf"> <cite> ki seytse 5757 </cite></a> | <a href="parshes/5757.koyrekh.pdf"> <cite> koyrekh 5757 </cite></a> | <a href="parshes/5757.matosmasey.pdf"> <cite> matos masey 5757 </cite></a> | <a href="parshes/5757.pinkhes.pdf"> <cite> pinkhes 5757 </cite></a> | <a href="parshes/5758.khayesore.pdf"> <cite> khaye sore 5757 </cite></a> | <a href="parshes/5758.lekhlekho.pdf"> <cite> lekh lekho 5757 </cite></a> | <a href="parshes/5758.bolek.pdf"> <cite> bolek 5758 </cite></a> </li><li> <a href="yiddish/fir_kashes.html">di fir kashes</a> </li><li> <a href="">דאָס ליד איז געבליבן ― The Song Remains (Poetry of murdered poets in Poland: )</a> (off-site. searchable!) </li><li> <a href="">Poetry in Hell (Yiddish Poetry in the Ringelblum Archives)</a> (off-site) </li></UL> <h2>Non-Yiddish texts</h2> <ul><li> Raphael Finkel and Michael Fox: <a href="yiddish/ksubo.utf8.html"> <cite>Egalitarian Kesubo</cite></A> (Aramaic) </li><li> Raphael Finkel: <a href="yiddish/homent.html"> <cite>Ritual slaughter of the latke</cite></A> (English) </li><li> Naomi Shemer: <a href="yiddish/okets.html"> <cite>Al Kol Eyle</cite></A> (Hebrew) </li><li> Raphael Finkel: <a href="yiddish/trops/"> <cite>Refoyl's trop page</cite></a> </li><li> Raphael Finkel and Greg Stump: <a href="hebrewMorphology.utf8.html">Hebrew verb morphology generator</a> </li></UL> <h2>Yiddish organizations</h2> <ul> <li>Arbeter Ring (Workers' Circle) (<a href=''></a>) <li>YIVO (<a href=''></a>) <li>National Yiddish Book Center (<a href=''></a>) <li>National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene (<a href=''></a>) <li>Maison de la culture yiddish (Bibliothèque Medem) (<a href=''></a>) <li>Yiddishkayt Initiative (<a href=''></a>) <li>Yiddish Arts and Academics Association of North America (YAAANA) (<a href=''></a>) <li>Jewish Public Library (<a href=''></a>) <li>Committee for Yiddish (<a href=''></a>) <li>Yiddishkayt LA (<a href=''></a>) <li>Kultur Kongres (Congress for Jewish Culture) (<a href=''></a>) <li>Sholem Aleychem Hoyz (<a href=''></a>) <li>Yung Yidish (<a href=''></a>) <li>International Association of Yiddish Clubs (IAYC) (<a href=''></a>) </ul <h2>Other Yiddish resources</h2> <ul> <li> <a href=''>Jiddische Lexicografie Amsterdam (Free Yiddish-Dutch dictionary, very comprehensive)</a> </li><li> <a href=""> Ruth Rubin Sound Archive</a> </li><li> <a href=""> The Yosl and Chana Mlotek Yiddish Song Collection</a> </li><li> <a href="">Yiddish Dialect Dictionary</a> </li><li> <a href="http://www.לידער">Online Treasury of Yiddish Poems</a> </li><li> <a href="">User's Guide to Yiddish on the Computer</a> </li><li> <a href=""> Comprehensive Yiddish-English Dictionary (Beinfeld and Bochner)</a> </li><li> <a href=""> List of Semitic words in Yiddish, organized by pronunciation</a> </li><li> <a href=""> Yiddish Cultural Dictionary for the 21st Century (Dovid Katz)</a> </li><li> <a href=""> YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe</a> </li><li> <a href=""> Mendele: Forum for Yiddish Language and Literature</a> </li><li> <a href="">Leybl's velt</a> </li><li> <a href="">Yiddish poetry with translations in several languages</a> </li><li> <a href="">Judaica Sound Archives at Florida Atlantic University</a> </li><li> <a href=""> Yiddish bulletin board</a> </li><li> <a href=""> Yiddish Forwards</A> </li><li> <a href=""> Songs by Mordechai Gebirtig</a> </li><li> <a href=""> The Forward Hour (New York, WMCA AM 570)</A> </li><li> <a href=""> Yugntruf</A> </li><li> <a href=""> Yiddish songs (French site)</a> </li><li> <a href=""> Der Yidisher Tam-Tam</A> </li><li> <a href=""> Virtual Shtetl</A> </li><li> <a href=""> The Yiddish Book Center</A> </li><li> <a href=""> Yiddish collection (digitized) at the Goethe Universität</A> </li><li> <a href=""> Out of print Yiddish books, Medem Library, Paris</a> </li><li> <a href=""> The Yiddish Voice Store (Commercial)</A> </li><li> <a href=""> Ira Krakow's Jewish Web Page (Commercial)</A> </li><li> <a href=""> Broder's books, Yiddish section (Commercial)</A> </li><li> <a href=""> Yankl Halpern's Yiddish Page</A> </li><li> <a href=""> Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company: Yiddish programs</A> </li><li> <a href=""> Lebn Fragn</a>, digitalization of all 63 years of the organ of the Arbeter-ring in Israel. </li><li> <a href=""> the Rose Leis Story</a>, photos of handwritten and printed text, autobiographical (1897-1980, Slutsk and New York). </li><li> <a href=""> Postcard collection</A>, Benny Swartzberg's collection of European postcards, many with Yiddish handwritten inscriptions. </li><li> <a href=""> Yiddish Voice Radio</A> </li><li> <a href=""> New York Public Library Jewish Division</A> </li><li> <a href=""> Understanding Yiddish Information Processing</A> </li><li> <a href=""> Zoila's Yiddish Page</A> </li><li> <a href=""> Der Bay</A> </li><li> <a href=""> Yiddish Language and Literature at Penn</a> </li><li> <a href="">Yiddish Poetry in America </a> </li><li> <a href="">Yiddish dance</a> </li><li> <a href=""> Interactive database of Jewish Song</a> </li><li> <a href=""> Secular Yiddish Schools in America Collection</a> </li><li> <a href=""> Weather forecast in Yiddish (transliterated)</a> </li><li> <a href=""> Arele: A Yiddish workbook by Frida Cielak</a> </li><li> <a href=""> The poetry of Alter Esselin</a> </li><li> <a href=""> The poetry of Israel Fuhrman</a> </li><li> <a href=""> Kadimah (Melbourne, Australia), with links to other Australian Yiddish sites</a> </li><li> <a href=""> The Dora Teitelboim Center for Yiddish Culture</a> </li><li> <a href=""> International Institute of Social History (IISH) in Amsterdam collection of Yiddish material</a> </li><li> <a href=""> Brown University collection of digitized Yiddish sheet music</a> </li><li> <a href="">NY Public Library online guide to finding Yiddish music</a> </li><li> <a href="">Joe Schwartz's collection of music</a> </li><li> <a href="">Paris Yiddish Center</a> </li><li> <a href="">di yunge gvardye</a> </li><li> <a href="">Katlekanye's blog</a> </li><li> <a href="">Sholem Berger's blog</a> </li><li> <a href="">Eve Jochnowitz's blog</a> </li><li> <a href="">Noam Starik's blog</a> </li><li> <a href="">Di kats der payats: Yiddish version of Cat in the Hat</a> </li><li> <a href="">Jewish Language Research Website</a> </li><li> <a href="">Frankfurt am Main Yiddish texts</a> </li><li> <a href="">Folksbiene Yiddish Theatre</a> </li><li> <a href=""> Living Traditions</a> </li><li> <a href="">Haynt: The Jewish Daily newspaper in Warsaw, 1908-1939</a> </li><li> <a href="">The World of Yiddish</a> (Yiddish texts and audio files) </li><li> <a href="">Computer terms in Yiddish</a> </li><li> <a href="">Yiddish periodicals for sale</a> </li><li> <a href="">Yisroel Shtern Project</a> </li><li> <a href="">The Yiddish Music Hall</a> </li><li> <a href="">Zikhronos fun Gulag (Motl der Shoykhet)</a> </li><li> <a href="">English - Yiddish online translation</a> (good for reference, but don't rely on it!) </li><li> <a href="">Rhymed couplets by Max Winer (accent: Kielce)</a> </li><li> <a href="">Vilnius Yiddish Institute</a> </li><li> <a href="">Dovid Katz's web site</a> </li><li> <a href="">Jewish Lithuania summer program</a> </li><li> <a href="">Yiddish Sources website</a> </li><li> <a href="">Online Yiddish lessons</a> </li><li> <a href="">Ben Shaffer's Online English-Yiddish dictionary</a> </li><li> <a href="">Blog on Rivka Basman Ben-Hayim</a> (with links to sound recordings) </li> <li> <a href="">Mumme Looshen</a> (a linguistic book on Yiddish, with SY transcriptions) </li> <li> <a href="">Frances Brandt Online Yiddish Audio Library</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Recordings of Hassidic men and women</a> (zip archive) </li> <li> <a href="">Maps of Jewish Eastern Europe (Hershl Glasser)</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Historical Jewish Press</a> </li> <li> <a href="">The Grosbard Project</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Children's books in Yiddish</a> (at the Russian National Library) </li><li> <a href="">Digital Yiddish Theatre Project</a> </li><li> <a href="">Corpus of Modern Yiddish</a> </li><li> <a href="">Stonehill Jewish Song Collection</a> </li></ul> <h2>Non-Ashkenazic Jewish resources</h2> <ul><li> <a href="kulanu.html">Non-Ashkenazic Jewish 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