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Ask Copilot about historical events, get tips and tutorials or find great eats in your new city.</p></p> </div> <div class="link-group"> <a href="!%20What%20types%20of%20things%20can%20Copilot%20help%20me%20with?&amp;form=MA13RU" target="_blank" class="cta common-cta" aria-label="Ask Copilot, get answers in the Copilot web experience link opens in a new tab." data-target="" style="color: #000000;"> <span class="">Ask Copilot, get answers</span> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6 align-self-center"> <a href="!%20What%20are%20some%20ways%20for%20me%20to%20learn%20about%20lesser%20known%20local%20dishes%20and%20the%20best%20places%20to%20try%20them?&amp;form=MA13RR" target="_blank" class="image-cta " aria-label="Click for an example of how Copilot can help you in the Copilot web experience link opens in a new tab." data-target="" style=""> <picture> <img src=";scl=1&amp;v2" class="card-img img-object-cover" alt="Arial view of a city skyline and street grid lit up at night." /> </picture> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="" style=""> <div class="mt-5 mb-md-5 container"> <div id="little-help" class="card mx-ng mx-md-0 text-left bg-border-radius p-5 no-border-video border-radius-picture-image bottom-left" style="background: #E6F3FE;"> <div class="row no-gutters"> <div class="d-flex order-last order-md-first col-md"> <div class="card-body align-self-center p-4 p-md-5"> <h2 class="h2"> When you need <b>a little help</b> </h2> <div class="mb-3"> <p><p>Copilot is in your corner. Need to prep for an interview? Write that speech? Or find a theme for your friend’s birthday party?</p></p> </div> <div class="link-group"> <a href=";form=MA13RV" target="_blank" class="cta common-cta" aria-label="Ask Copilot, solve problems with Copilot online link opens in a new tab." data-target="" style="color: #000000;"> <span class="">Ask Copilot, solve problems</span> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6 align-self-center"> <a href="!%20Can%20you%20give%20me%20some%20ideas?&amp;form=MA13RS" target="_blank" class="image-cta " aria-label="Click for an example of how Copilot can help you in the Copilot web experience link opens in a new tab." data-target="" style=""> <picture> <img src=";scl=1&amp;v2" class="card-img img-object-cover" alt="Friends hugging and smiling in a doorway" /> </picture> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="" style=""> <div class="mt-5 mb-md-5 container"> <div id="ask-away" class="card mx-ng mx-md-0 text-left bg-border-radius p-5 no-border-video border-radius-picture-image bottom-left" style="background: #FFE7D4;"> <div class="row no-gutters"> <div class="d-flex order-last col-md"> <div class="card-body align-self-center p-4 p-md-5"> <h2 class="h2"> Inspiration’s only <b>an ask away</b> </h2> <div class="mb-3"> <p><p>Excite your imagination or build on ideas. Want to brainstorm? Create a picture? Or upload a picture and let Copilot craft a caption? Do it with Copilot.</p></p> </div> <div class="link-group"> <a href=",%20what%20can%20Copilot%20do?%20Can%20you%20create%20images%20and%20help%20with%20writing?&amp;form=MA13RW" target="_blank" class="cta common-cta" aria-label="Ask Copilot, unlock creativity when you feel inspired. Copilot will help you explore the possibilities link opens in a new tab." data-target="" style="color: #000000;"> <span class="">Ask Copilot, unlock creativity</span> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6 align-self-center"> <a href="!&amp;form=MA13RT" target="_blank" class="image-cta " aria-label="Click to find inspiration in the Copilot online experience link opens in a new tab." data-target="" style=""> <picture> <img src=";scl=1&amp;v2" class="card-img img-object-cover" alt="A young woman in active wear smiling as she hikes snow-capped rocky mountains." /> </picture> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div class="area-heading text-md-center container pb-5 text-center mt-5 pt-5" id="findcopilot"> <div class="row p-2 p-md-0"> <div class="col-12 col-md-8 mx-auto"> <h2 class="h2"> Find Copilot when you need it </h2> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-8 col-xl-6 mx-auto"> <p class="mb-3"><p>Whether you’re making plans at home, need advice on the go or want to engage and create on WhatsApp, Copilot’s there for you.</p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="cards" class="container"> <div class="row row-cols-1 row-cols-lg-3 pt-5 border-radius-picture-image"> <div class="col "> <div class="card "> <picture> <img src=";scl=1" class="card-img img-object-cover" alt="Copilot home page on a PC on a light purple background" /> </picture> <div class="card-body"> <h3 class="h3 pt-3"> On your PC </h3> <div class="mb-3"> <p><p>Get real-time help with Copilot online, from small tasks to big asks and so much in between.</p></p> </div> </div> <div class="card-footer"> <div class="link-group"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="btn brown-btn common-cta" aria-label="Try Copilot online link opens in a new tab" data-target="" style=""> <span class="">Try Copilot</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col mt-5 mt-lg-0"> <div class="card "> <picture> <img src=";scl=1" class="card-img img-object-cover" alt="Copilot app on a mobile phone on a light orange background." /> </picture> <div class="card-body"> <h3 class="h3 pt-3"> On your phone </h3> <div class="mb-3"> <p><p>Take Copilot with you wherever you go to get quick support with the power of AI.</p></p> </div> </div> <div class="card-footer"> <div class="link-group"> <a href="" target="_self" class="btn brown-btn common-cta" aria-label="Download the Copilot app" data-target="" style=""> <span class="">Download the Copilot app</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col mt-5 mt-lg-0"> <div class="card "> <picture> <img src=";scl=1" class="card-img img-object-cover" alt="Copilot on WhatsApp on a mobile phone on a light green background" /> </picture> <div class="card-body"> <h3 class="h3 pt-3"> On WhatsApp </h3> <div class="mb-3"> <p><p>Keep your AI companion close for help with simple tasks with Copilot on WhatsApp.</p></p> </div> </div> <div class="card-footer"> <div class="link-group"> <a href="" target="_self" class="btn brown-btn common-cta" aria-label="Try Copilot on WhatsApp" data-target="" style=""> <span class="">Try Copilot on WhatsApp</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class="" style=""> <div class="mt-5 mb-md-5 container"> <div id="privacy" class="card mx-ng mx-md-0 text-left border-radius-picture-image pt-md-5" style="background:transparent;"> <div class="row no-gutters"> <div class="d-flex order-last order-md-first col-md"> <div class="card-body align-self-center p-4 p-md-5"> <h2 class="h2"> Your privacy matters </h2> <div class="mb-3"> <p><p>Copilot safeguards your privacy, data and security while remembering details that matter to you. And, you can manage your Copilot experience and set preferences anytime in your Copilot Privacy settings.</p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6 align-self-center"> <picture> <img src=";scl=1" class="card-img img-object-cover" alt="Copilot logo and the Copilot text box with its default message, &#x201C;Message Copilot.&#x201D;" /> </picture> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div class="area-heading text-md-center container text-center pt-5" id="faqs"> <div class="row p-2 p-md-0"> <div class="col-12 mx-auto"> <h2 class="h2"> Frequently asked questions </h2> </div> <div class="col-12 col-xl-6 mx-auto"> <p class="mb-3"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="area-heading text-md-center container text-left pt-5" id="faqs1"> <div class="row p-2 p-md-0"> <div class="col-12 mx-auto"> <h3 class="h4"> Get the most out of Copilot </h3> </div> <div class="col-12 col-xl-6 mx-auto"> <p class="mb-3"></p> </div> </div> </div><div class="container pb-3"> <div class="btn-group align-items-center mb-g" role="group" data-mount="collapse-controls" data-target="#acc1"> <button class="btn btn-link" aria-disabled="false" aria-pressed="false" data-action="expand" type="button" aria-label="Expand all frequently asked questions">Expand all</button> <span aria-hidden="true"> | </span> <button class="btn btn-link" aria-disabled="false" aria-pressed="false" data-action="collapse" type="button" aria-label="Collapse all frequently asked questions">Collapse all</button> </div> <ul class="accordion " id="acc1"> <li id="faq-faqs1-q1"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs1-q1" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs1-q1"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> What is Microsoft Copilot? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs1-q1"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Microsoft Copilot is your digital companion designed to inform, entertain, and inspire. Using advanced AI, Copilot understands your questions and requests, provides direct answers, assists with writing, and even creates images. It's like having a smart, helpful friend at your fingertips!</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs1-q2"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs1-q2" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs1-q2"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> What can I do with Copilot? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs1-q2"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Whether you start with a question or a request, Copilot can give advice, feedback, straightforward answers and creative help:</p><ul><li><p><b>Get answers:</b> Got a burning question or need info on a specific topic? Ask Copilot, and you'll get a direct response.</p></li><li><p><b>Conduct research:</b> Need the latest information or a quick summary on a subject? Copilot can search the web and provide concise summaries with sources.</p></li><li><p><b>Have engaging conversations:</b> Whether you're looking to chat about a topic, need a non-judgmental conversation partner, or simply want to vent, Copilot is here to engage in meaningful discussions.</p></li><li><p><b>Enhance language skills:</b> Need help with translations, learning a new language, or improving your writing? Just ask Copilot for help.</p></li><li><p><b>Boost creativity:</b> Whether it's brainstorming for a project, crafting a social post or email, or creating an image, Copilot can help you kickstart and polish your work.</p></li></ul> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs1-q3"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs1-q3" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs1-q3"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> How should I interact with Copilot? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs1-q3"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>To get started, simply type your message and send it. Alternatively, in select markets, you can click the microphone button and speak your mind.</p><p>To improve your overall experience, consider trying the following:</p><ul><li><p><b>Use natural language and interact as if you're talking with a friend.</b> The more you converse naturally, the better Copilot can understand your needs and provide tailored assistance. This approach helps Copilot learn your preferences and deliver an even more engaging and helpful experience throughout your conversations.</p></li><li><p><b>Ask questions and follow up.</b> Copilot provides direct answers and remembers your follow-up questions to give meaningful replies. Whether you want to learn more, reframe the answer, or question the response, Copilot will respond with context in mind.</p></li><li><p><b>Ask Copilot to rephrase responses.</b> Just say something like, “Can you explain that more simply?”, “break that down in simpler terms”, or “explain that like I’m a beginner” and Copilot will reply with an answer that’s easier to understand.</p></li><li><p><b>Ask for different formats.</b> Would you prefer to see an answer as a list or table? Just ask.</p></li></ul> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs1-q4"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs1-q4" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs1-q4"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> What languages does Copilot support? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs1-q4"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>While Copilot is optimized for English, you can ask Copilot to speak in other languages as well. Copilot will automatically recognize the language you’re using and respond accordingly. Information on currently-supported languages is available at <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Supported languages for Microsoft Copilot link opens in a new tab'>Supported languages for Microsoft Copilot</a>.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs1-q5"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs1-q5" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs1-q5"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> What’s the difference between Copilot and Copilot Pro? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs1-q5"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Copilot provides a free baseline experience, while Copilot Pro, a paid subscription, unlocks additional advanced capabilities. With Pro, enjoy preferred access to the most advanced AI models during peak times, extended usage of Copilot Voice, early access to experimental features, and faster AI image generation with 100 daily boosts. To learn more about the Copilot and Copilot Pro experiences, visit the <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Copilot Pro page link opens in a new tab'>Copilot Pro page</a>.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs1-q6"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs1-q6" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs1-q6"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> Where can I get answers to my Copilot Pro related questions? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs1-q6"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>To learn more about Copilot Pro, visit the <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Copilot Pro page link opens in a new tab'>Copilot Pro page</a>.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs1-q7"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs1-q7" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs1-q7"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> How do I access Copilot? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs1-q7"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>You can access Microsoft Copilot: </p><ul><li><p>Online at <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label=' link opens in a new tab'></a></p></li> <li><p>On your phone via the <a href='' target='_self' aria-label='Android or iOS mobile app link opens in a self tab'>Android or iOS mobile app</a></p></li><li><p>On your Windows PC with the Copilot app</p></li><li><p>On your Edge browser by clicking the Copilot icon on the top right</p></li><li><p><a href='' target='_self' aria-label='On WhatsApp link opens in a self tab'>On WhatsApp</a> through a chat</p></li></ul></p> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage-acc1", "mainEntity": [ {"@type": "Question","name": "What is Microsoft Copilot?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>Microsoft Copilot is your digital companion designed to inform, entertain, and inspire. Using advanced AI, Copilot understands your questions and requests, provides direct answers, assists with writing, and even creates images. It's like having a smart, helpful friend at your fingertips!</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "What can I do with Copilot?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>Whether you start with a question or a request, Copilot can give advice, feedback, straightforward answers and creative help:</p><ul><li><p><b>Get answers:</b> Got a burning question or need info on a specific topic? Ask Copilot, and you'll get a direct response.</p></li><li><p><b>Conduct research:</b> Need the latest information or a quick summary on a subject? Copilot can search the web and provide concise summaries with sources.</p></li><li><p><b>Have engaging conversations:</b> Whether you're looking to chat about a topic, need a non-judgmental conversation partner, or simply want to vent, Copilot is here to engage in meaningful discussions.</p></li><li><p><b>Enhance language skills:</b> Need help with translations, learning a new language, or improving your writing? Just ask Copilot for help.</p></li><li><p><b>Boost creativity:</b> Whether it's brainstorming for a project, crafting a social post or email, or creating an image, Copilot can help you kickstart and polish your work.</p></li></ul>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "How should I interact with Copilot?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>To get started, simply type your message and send it. Alternatively, in select markets, you can click the microphone button and speak your mind.</p><p>To improve your overall experience, consider trying the following:</p><ul><li><p><b>Use natural language and interact as if you're talking with a friend.</b> The more you converse naturally, the better Copilot can understand your needs and provide tailored assistance. This approach helps Copilot learn your preferences and deliver an even more engaging and helpful experience throughout your conversations.</p></li><li><p><b>Ask questions and follow up.</b> Copilot provides direct answers and remembers your follow-up questions to give meaningful replies. Whether you want to learn more, reframe the answer, or question the response, Copilot will respond with context in mind.</p></li><li><p><b>Ask Copilot to rephrase responses.</b> Just say something like, “Can you explain that more simply?”, “break that down in simpler terms”, or “explain that like I’m a beginner” and Copilot will reply with an answer that’s easier to understand.</p></li><li><p><b>Ask for different formats.</b> Would you prefer to see an answer as a list or table? Just ask.</p></li></ul>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "What languages does Copilot support?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>While Copilot is optimized for English, you can ask Copilot to speak in other languages as well. Copilot will automatically recognize the language you’re using and respond accordingly. Information on currently-supported languages is available at <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Supported languages for Microsoft Copilot link opens in a new tab'>Supported languages for Microsoft Copilot</a>.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "What’s the difference between Copilot and Copilot Pro?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>Copilot provides a free baseline experience, while Copilot Pro, a paid subscription, unlocks additional advanced capabilities. With Pro, enjoy preferred access to the most advanced AI models during peak times, extended usage of Copilot Voice, early access to experimental features, and faster AI image generation with 100 daily boosts. To learn more about the Copilot and Copilot Pro experiences, visit the <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Copilot Pro page link opens in a new tab'>Copilot Pro page</a>.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "Where can I get answers to my Copilot Pro related questions?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>To learn more about Copilot Pro, visit the <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Copilot Pro page link opens in a new tab'>Copilot Pro page</a>.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "How do I access Copilot?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>You can access Microsoft Copilot: </p><ul><li><p>Online at <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label=' link opens in a new tab'></a></p></li> <li><p>On your phone via the <a href='' target='_self' aria-label='Android or iOS mobile app link opens in a self tab'>Android or iOS mobile app</a></p></li><li><p>On your Windows PC with the Copilot app</p></li><li><p>On your Edge browser by clicking the Copilot icon on the top right</p></li><li><p><a href='' target='_self' aria-label='On WhatsApp link opens in a self tab'>On WhatsApp</a> through a chat</p></li></ul></p>"}} ] } </script> <div class="area-heading text-md-center container text-left pt-5" id="faqs2"> <div class="row p-2 p-md-0"> <div class="col-12 mx-auto"> <h3 class="h4"> Signing in to Microsoft Copilot </h3> </div> <div class="col-12 col-xl-6 mx-auto"> <p class="mb-3"></p> </div> </div> </div><div class="container pb-3"> <div class="btn-group align-items-center mb-g" role="group" data-mount="collapse-controls" data-target="#acc2"> <button class="btn btn-link" aria-disabled="false" aria-pressed="false" data-action="expand" type="button" aria-label="Expand all frequently asked questions">Expand all</button> <span aria-hidden="true"> | </span> <button class="btn btn-link" aria-disabled="false" aria-pressed="false" data-action="collapse" type="button" aria-label="Collapse all frequently asked questions">Collapse all</button> </div> <ul class="accordion " id="acc2"> <li id="faq-faqs2-q1"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs2-q1" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs2-q1"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> Why should I sign in when using Microsoft Copilot? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs2-q1"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Signing in allows you to access your chat history, so you can pick up conversations where you left off. It also enables longer conversations, image creation, and voice interactions with Copilot. Over time, you'll enjoy a more personalized experience tailored to your needs.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs2-q2"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs2-q2" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs2-q2"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> How do I sign in? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs2-q2"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>To sign in to Microsoft Copilot, follow these steps: </p><p>Open the Microsoft Copilot app or go to the Copilot website. Click on the “sign in” button.</p><p>On, this will appear in the top right of your screen.</p><p>On the mobile app, you may need to first click the profile icon in the top right before seeing the “sign in” button appear. Create a new account or enter your Microsoft account (MSA) credentials*. Your MSA is usually linked to your personal email, like @gmail or @yahoo, and is used for personal services like gaming on Xbox or storing photos on OneDrive.</p><p>*You can also sign in using a Microsoft Entra ID, but this will redirect you to the commercial Copilot experience designed for use at work. Please note that this experience is only available if your organization has subscribed to the service.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs2-q3"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs2-q3" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs2-q3"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> What’s the difference between a Microsoft account (MSA), and a Microsoft Entra ID, and how do they impact sign-in? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs2-q3"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Microsoft Account (MSA): This is a personal account that you use to access Microsoft services like Outlook, OneDrive, Xbox Live, and more. It's typically used for personal and consumer services and linked to your personal email.</p><p>Microsoft Entra ID: This is a cloud-based identity and access management service used by organizations to manage access to resources like Microsoft 365, Azure, and other enterprise applications. It's designed for business and enterprise use typically associated with your work email.</p><p>Using the appropriate account type ensures that you have access to the correct set of features and services tailored to either personal or enterprise use.</p> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage-acc2", "mainEntity": [ {"@type": "Question","name": "Why should I sign in when using Microsoft Copilot?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>Signing in allows you to access your chat history, so you can pick up conversations where you left off. It also enables longer conversations, image creation, and voice interactions with Copilot. Over time, you'll enjoy a more personalized experience tailored to your needs.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "How do I sign in?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>To sign in to Microsoft Copilot, follow these steps: </p><p>Open the Microsoft Copilot app or go to the Copilot website. Click on the “sign in” button.</p><p>On, this will appear in the top right of your screen.</p><p>On the mobile app, you may need to first click the profile icon in the top right before seeing the “sign in” button appear. Create a new account or enter your Microsoft account (MSA) credentials*. Your MSA is usually linked to your personal email, like @gmail or @yahoo, and is used for personal services like gaming on Xbox or storing photos on OneDrive.</p><p>*You can also sign in using a Microsoft Entra ID, but this will redirect you to the commercial Copilot experience designed for use at work. Please note that this experience is only available if your organization has subscribed to the service.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "What’s the difference between a Microsoft account (MSA), and a Microsoft Entra ID, and how do they impact sign-in?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>Microsoft Account (MSA): This is a personal account that you use to access Microsoft services like Outlook, OneDrive, Xbox Live, and more. It's typically used for personal and consumer services and linked to your personal email.</p><p>Microsoft Entra ID: This is a cloud-based identity and access management service used by organizations to manage access to resources like Microsoft 365, Azure, and other enterprise applications. It's designed for business and enterprise use typically associated with your work email.</p><p>Using the appropriate account type ensures that you have access to the correct set of features and services tailored to either personal or enterprise use.</p>"}} ] } </script> <div class="area-heading text-md-center container text-left pt-5" id="faqs3"> <div class="row p-2 p-md-0"> <div class="col-12 mx-auto"> <h3 class="h4"> Tell me about Responsible AI </h3> </div> <div class="col-12 col-xl-6 mx-auto"> <p class="mb-3"></p> </div> </div> </div><div class="container pb-3"> <div class="btn-group align-items-center mb-g" role="group" data-mount="collapse-controls" data-target="#acc3"> <button class="btn btn-link" aria-disabled="false" aria-pressed="false" data-action="expand" type="button" aria-label="Expand all frequently asked questions">Expand all</button> <span aria-hidden="true"> | </span> <button class="btn btn-link" aria-disabled="false" aria-pressed="false" data-action="collapse" type="button" aria-label="Collapse all frequently asked questions">Collapse all</button> </div> <ul class="accordion " id="acc3"> <li id="faq-faqs3-q1"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs3-q1" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs3-q1"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> How is Microsoft approaching responsible AI for Copilot? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs3-q1"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>At Microsoft, we take our commitment to responsible AI seriously. Copilot is developed in accordance with our <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='AI principles link opens in a new tab'>AI principles</a>, which demonstrate commitment to making sure AI systems are developed responsibly and in ways that warrant people’s trust. We've designed the Copilot user experience to keep humans at the center and developed safeguards to minimize errors and avoid misuse, and we are continually improving the experience. To learn more about how to use Copilot responsibly, please review our <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Terms of Use link opens in a new tab'>Terms of Use</a>.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs3-q2"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs3-q2" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs3-q2"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> How does Copilot find its sources of information? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs3-q2"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Copilot searches for relevant content across the web and then summarizes the information it finds to generate a helpful response. It also cites its sources, so you’re able to see and explore links to the content it references.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs3-q3"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs3-q3" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs3-q3"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> Are Copilot’s responses always accurate? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs3-q3"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Copilot aims to respond with reliable sources, but AI can make mistakes, and third-party content on the internet may not always be accurate or reliable. Copilot may misrepresent the information it finds, and you may see responses that sound convincing but are incomplete, inaccurate, or inappropriate. Use your judgment and double check facts before making decisions or taking action based on Copilot’s responses. Reviewing Copilot’s citations is a good place to start checking for accuracy.</p><p>To share site feedback or report a concern, select ‘Give feedback’ in Settings or use the flag icon below each response in the mobile app and Copilot web page. In the Copilot app, you can also long press the response and select ‘Report’. We will continue to review your feedback to provide a safe search experience for all.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs3-q4"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs3-q4" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs3-q4"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> What should I do if I see unexpected or offensive content? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs3-q4"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>While we have designed the Copilot experience to avoid sharing unexpected offensive content or engaging with potentially harmful topics, you may still see unexpected results. We’re constantly working to improve our technology to prevent harmful content.</p><p>If you encounter harmful or inappropriate content, please provide feedback or report a concern by clicking ‘Give feedback’ in Settings or use the flag icon below each response in the mobile app and Copilot web page. In the Copilot mobile app, you can also long press the response and select ’Report’. We will continue to review your feedback to provide a safe experience.</p> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage-acc3", "mainEntity": [ {"@type": "Question","name": "How is Microsoft approaching responsible AI for Copilot?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>At Microsoft, we take our commitment to responsible AI seriously. Copilot is developed in accordance with our <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='AI principles link opens in a new tab'>AI principles</a>, which demonstrate commitment to making sure AI systems are developed responsibly and in ways that warrant people’s trust. We've designed the Copilot user experience to keep humans at the center and developed safeguards to minimize errors and avoid misuse, and we are continually improving the experience. To learn more about how to use Copilot responsibly, please review our <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Terms of Use link opens in a new tab'>Terms of Use</a>.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "How does Copilot find its sources of information?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>Copilot searches for relevant content across the web and then summarizes the information it finds to generate a helpful response. It also cites its sources, so you’re able to see and explore links to the content it references.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "Are Copilot’s responses always accurate?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>Copilot aims to respond with reliable sources, but AI can make mistakes, and third-party content on the internet may not always be accurate or reliable. Copilot may misrepresent the information it finds, and you may see responses that sound convincing but are incomplete, inaccurate, or inappropriate. Use your judgment and double check facts before making decisions or taking action based on Copilot’s responses. Reviewing Copilot’s citations is a good place to start checking for accuracy.</p><p>To share site feedback or report a concern, select ‘Give feedback’ in Settings or use the flag icon below each response in the mobile app and Copilot web page. In the Copilot app, you can also long press the response and select ‘Report’. We will continue to review your feedback to provide a safe search experience for all.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "What should I do if I see unexpected or offensive content?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>While we have designed the Copilot experience to avoid sharing unexpected offensive content or engaging with potentially harmful topics, you may still see unexpected results. We’re constantly working to improve our technology to prevent harmful content.</p><p>If you encounter harmful or inappropriate content, please provide feedback or report a concern by clicking ‘Give feedback’ in Settings or use the flag icon below each response in the mobile app and Copilot web page. In the Copilot mobile app, you can also long press the response and select ’Report’. We will continue to review your feedback to provide a safe experience.</p>"}} ] } </script> <div class="area-heading text-md-center container text-left pt-5" id="faqs4"> <div class="row p-2 p-md-0"> <div class="col-12 mx-auto"> <h3 class="h4"> Learn more about conversation history and privacy </h3> </div> <div class="col-12 col-xl-6 mx-auto"> <p class="mb-3"></p> </div> </div> </div><div class="container pb-3"> <div class="btn-group align-items-center mb-g" role="group" data-mount="collapse-controls" data-target="#acc4"> <button class="btn btn-link" aria-disabled="false" aria-pressed="false" data-action="expand" type="button" aria-label="Expand all frequently asked questions">Expand all</button> <span aria-hidden="true"> | </span> <button class="btn btn-link" aria-disabled="false" aria-pressed="false" data-action="collapse" type="button" aria-label="Collapse all frequently asked questions">Collapse all</button> </div> <ul class="accordion " id="acc4"> <li id="faq-faqs4-q1"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs4-q1" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs4-q1"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> Are my Copilot conversations saved? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs4-q1"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>By default, the conversations you have with Copilot are saved, and you can view and access past conversations. For example, if you’ve created a detailed trip itinerary with Copilot, the conversation you have will be saved. You can return to and reference that conversation by clicking the ‘time machine’ icon from the Copilot home page.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs4-q2"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs4-q2" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs4-q2"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> How will my Copilot conversations be used? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs4-q2"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Your privacy and trust are paramount to us. Microsoft will only use your conversations for the limited purposes explained in the <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Microsoft Privacy Statement link opens in a new tab'>Microsoft Privacy Statement</a>: to monitor performance, troubleshoot problems, diagnose bugs, prevent abuse, and other product performance analytics necessary to provide and improve Copilot.</p><p>We give you the power to decide if you want us to use your conversations for other purposes: <br>With your permission, Microsoft will use your conversations to personalize your experience with Copilot so it can provide you a more tailored and useful experience that meets your needs. You can disable personalization at any time. See <a href='#faqs5' target='_self' aria-label='Personalize your Copilot experience'>Personalize your Copilot experience</a>.</p><p>With your permission, Microsoft will use your conversations to train Copilot to create a better experience for you and others. You can disable Microsoft’s use of your conversations for model training at any time. See <a href='#faqs6' target='_self' aria-label='Learn about model training'>Learn about model training</a>.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs4-q3"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs4-q3" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs4-q3"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> How long are my Copilot conversations saved for? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs4-q3"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>By default, we store conversations for 18 months. You can <a href='#faq-faqs4-q4' target='_self' aria-label='delete individual conversations or your entire conversation history at any time'>delete individual conversations or your entire conversation history at any time</a>.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs4-q4"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs4-q4" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs4-q4"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> Can I delete my past conversations? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs4-q4"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Absolutely. To delete an individual conversation, click the ‘time machine’ icon from the Copilot home page to view your conversation history and delete individual conversations.</p><p>To delete all of your conversation history, go to Account > Privacy > Export or delete history, to delete Copilot conversation history from your Microsoft Privacy Dashboard. Or, in your <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Microsoft Privacy Dashboard link opens in a new tab'>Microsoft Privacy Dashboard</a>, click ‘Copilot’ and click ‘Delete all activity history’ under the Copilot app activity history section.</p><p>If you want to delete chats from Copilot before 10/01/2004 (legacy experience), in your <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Microsoft Privacy Dashboard link opens in a new tab'>Microsoft Privacy Dashboard</a>, click ‘Browsing and search’, scroll down to the Copilot activity history section and click ‘Clear all Copilot activity history and search history’.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs4-q5"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs4-q5" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs4-q5"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> Will my Copilot conversations become visible to other users? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs4-q5"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>No, nothing you say to Copilot will be made public. Your conversations and data will never be shared with other users.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs4-q6"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs4-q6" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs4-q6"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> What if I have questions about privacy or data protection? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs4-q6"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>To learn more about Microsoft’s commitment to privacy, visit the <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Microsoft Privacy Statement link opens in a new tab'>Microsoft Privacy Statement</a> and <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Privacy at Microsoft link opens in a new tab'>Privacy at Microsoft</a>.</p> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage-acc4", "mainEntity": [ {"@type": "Question","name": "Are my Copilot conversations saved?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>By default, the conversations you have with Copilot are saved, and you can view and access past conversations. For example, if you’ve created a detailed trip itinerary with Copilot, the conversation you have will be saved. You can return to and reference that conversation by clicking the ‘time machine’ icon from the Copilot home page.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "How will my Copilot conversations be used?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>Your privacy and trust are paramount to us. Microsoft will only use your conversations for the limited purposes explained in the <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Microsoft Privacy Statement link opens in a new tab'>Microsoft Privacy Statement</a>: to monitor performance, troubleshoot problems, diagnose bugs, prevent abuse, and other product performance analytics necessary to provide and improve Copilot.</p><p>We give you the power to decide if you want us to use your conversations for other purposes: <br>With your permission, Microsoft will use your conversations to personalize your experience with Copilot so it can provide you a more tailored and useful experience that meets your needs. You can disable personalization at any time. See <a href='#faqs5' target='_self' aria-label='Personalize your Copilot experience'>Personalize your Copilot experience</a>.</p><p>With your permission, Microsoft will use your conversations to train Copilot to create a better experience for you and others. You can disable Microsoft’s use of your conversations for model training at any time. See <a href='#faqs6' target='_self' aria-label='Learn about model training'>Learn about model training</a>.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "How long are my Copilot conversations saved for?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>By default, we store conversations for 18 months. You can <a href='#faq-faqs4-q4' target='_self' aria-label='delete individual conversations or your entire conversation history at any time'>delete individual conversations or your entire conversation history at any time</a>.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "Can I delete my past conversations?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>Absolutely. To delete an individual conversation, click the ‘time machine’ icon from the Copilot home page to view your conversation history and delete individual conversations.</p><p>To delete all of your conversation history, go to Account > Privacy > Export or delete history, to delete Copilot conversation history from your Microsoft Privacy Dashboard. Or, in your <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Microsoft Privacy Dashboard link opens in a new tab'>Microsoft Privacy Dashboard</a>, click ‘Copilot’ and click ‘Delete all activity history’ under the Copilot app activity history section.</p><p>If you want to delete chats from Copilot before 10/01/2004 (legacy experience), in your <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Microsoft Privacy Dashboard link opens in a new tab'>Microsoft Privacy Dashboard</a>, click ‘Browsing and search’, scroll down to the Copilot activity history section and click ‘Clear all Copilot activity history and search history’.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "Will my Copilot conversations become visible to other users?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>No, nothing you say to Copilot will be made public. Your conversations and data will never be shared with other users.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "What if I have questions about privacy or data protection?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>To learn more about Microsoft’s commitment to privacy, visit the <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Microsoft Privacy Statement link opens in a new tab'>Microsoft Privacy Statement</a> and <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Privacy at Microsoft link opens in a new tab'>Privacy at Microsoft</a>.</p>"}} ] } </script> <div class="area-heading text-md-center container text-left pt-5" id="faqs5"> <div class="row p-2 p-md-0"> <div class="col-12 mx-auto"> <h3 class="h4"> Personalize your Copilot experience </h3> </div> <div class="col-12 col-xl-6 mx-auto"> <p class="mb-3"></p> </div> </div> </div><div class="container pb-3"> <div class="btn-group align-items-center mb-g" role="group" data-mount="collapse-controls" data-target="#acc5"> <button class="btn btn-link" aria-disabled="false" aria-pressed="false" data-action="expand" type="button" aria-label="Expand all frequently asked questions">Expand all</button> <span aria-hidden="true"> | </span> <button class="btn btn-link" aria-disabled="false" aria-pressed="false" data-action="collapse" type="button" aria-label="Collapse all frequently asked questions">Collapse all</button> </div> <ul class="accordion " id="acc5"> <li id="faq-faqs5-q1"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs5-q1" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs5-q1"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> How does Copilot personalize my experience? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs5-q1"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>If personalization is enabled for you, we will use your recent Copilot conversations and Microsoft activities to provide you a more tailored and relevant experience. Your Microsoft activities include your Bing search activities, MSN activities, and inferred interests.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs5-q2"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs5-q2" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs5-q2"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> Is personalization on by default? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs5-q2"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Personalization is on by default except for those in the European Economic Area (EEA) and certain other countries. Personalization is not available for unauthenticated users.</p><p>When you first use Copilot, and whenever you start a new conversation, you will see a notice if personalization is enabled for you. To check or change your personalization settings at any time, click the “Settings” link in that notice.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs5-q3"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs5-q3" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs5-q3"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> How can I turn off (or turn on) personalization? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs5-q3"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>You can change your personalization setting at any time by going to Settings> Account > Privacy > Personalization. On Edge, you can turn off by clicking on “...”: from Copilot setting menu > Permissions and privacy > Personalization.</p><p>If you change your personalization consent from “yes” to “no,” we will stop providing a personalized Copilot experience. You can still view your past conversations; however, your future Copilot experience will no longer be personalized.</p><p>If you do not want us to personalize using a specific conversation from your conversation history, you can delete it individually by clicking the ‘time machine’ icon from the Copilot home page to view your conversation history and delete individual conversations.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs5-q4"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs5-q4" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs5-q4"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> Do my personalization choices on Edge and Copilot impact one another? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs5-q4"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>No. The Copilot personalization setting controls whether recent conversations and your Microsoft activities are used for personalization. The Edge personalization and advertising toggle controls whether Edge browsing activities can be used across Microsoft surfaces (including in Copilot) for personalization.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs5-q5"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs5-q5" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs5-q5"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> What if I don’t want Copilot to personalize using a particular conversation? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs5-q5"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>You control which conversations are used to personalize your experience. You can access your conversation history in Copilot and delete a particular conversation at any time. Once deleted, that conversation will no longer be used to personalize your experience.</p><p>If you want to delete your entire conversation history so none of your conversations will be used to personalize your experience, see <a href='#faq-faqs4-q4' target='_self' aria-label='Can I delete my past conversations?'>Can I delete my past conversations?</a></p><p>To turn off personalization within Copilot, see <a href='#faq-faqs5-q3' target='_self' aria-label='How can I turn off (or turn on) personalization'>How can I turn off (or turn on) personalization?</a> Turning off personalization will not delete your conversation history.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs5-q6"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs5-q6" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs5-q6"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> If I turn off personalization, does that delete my conversation history?  </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs5-q6"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>You can turn off personalization within Copilot settings at any time. Turning off personalization won’t delete your conversation history.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs5-q7"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs5-q7" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs5-q7"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> Does Copilot personalize interactions based on sensitive topics such as health-related information? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs5-q7"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Regardless of your user settings, Copilot is designed to never personalize interactions with you based on certain topics. This protects your privacy and prevents the use of potentially sensitive information. We have measures in place to filter out content from your past conversations that may be considered sensitive, even if personalization is turned on in your settings.</p><p>Please use caution when sharing information with Copilot that you consider to be sensitive.</p> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage-acc5", "mainEntity": [ {"@type": "Question","name": "How does Copilot personalize my experience?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>If personalization is enabled for you, we will use your recent Copilot conversations and Microsoft activities to provide you a more tailored and relevant experience. Your Microsoft activities include your Bing search activities, MSN activities, and inferred interests.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "Is personalization on by default?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>Personalization is on by default except for those in the European Economic Area (EEA) and certain other countries. Personalization is not available for unauthenticated users.</p><p>When you first use Copilot, and whenever you start a new conversation, you will see a notice if personalization is enabled for you. To check or change your personalization settings at any time, click the “Settings” link in that notice.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "How can I turn off (or turn on) personalization?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>You can change your personalization setting at any time by going to Settings> Account > Privacy > Personalization. On Edge, you can turn off by clicking on “...”: from Copilot setting menu > Permissions and privacy > Personalization.</p><p>If you change your personalization consent from “yes” to “no,” we will stop providing a personalized Copilot experience. You can still view your past conversations; however, your future Copilot experience will no longer be personalized.</p><p>If you do not want us to personalize using a specific conversation from your conversation history, you can delete it individually by clicking the ‘time machine’ icon from the Copilot home page to view your conversation history and delete individual conversations.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "Do my personalization choices on Edge and Copilot impact one another?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>No. The Copilot personalization setting controls whether recent conversations and your Microsoft activities are used for personalization. The Edge personalization and advertising toggle controls whether Edge browsing activities can be used across Microsoft surfaces (including in Copilot) for personalization.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "What if I don’t want Copilot to personalize using a particular conversation?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>You control which conversations are used to personalize your experience. You can access your conversation history in Copilot and delete a particular conversation at any time. Once deleted, that conversation will no longer be used to personalize your experience.</p><p>If you want to delete your entire conversation history so none of your conversations will be used to personalize your experience, see <a href='#faq-faqs4-q4' target='_self' aria-label='Can I delete my past conversations?'>Can I delete my past conversations?</a></p><p>To turn off personalization within Copilot, see <a href='#faq-faqs5-q3' target='_self' aria-label='How can I turn off (or turn on) personalization'>How can I turn off (or turn on) personalization?</a> Turning off personalization will not delete your conversation history.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "If I turn off personalization, does that delete my conversation history? ","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>You can turn off personalization within Copilot settings at any time. Turning off personalization won’t delete your conversation history.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "Does Copilot personalize interactions based on sensitive topics such as health-related information?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>Regardless of your user settings, Copilot is designed to never personalize interactions with you based on certain topics. This protects your privacy and prevents the use of potentially sensitive information. We have measures in place to filter out content from your past conversations that may be considered sensitive, even if personalization is turned on in your settings.</p><p>Please use caution when sharing information with Copilot that you consider to be sensitive.</p>"}} ] } </script> <div class="area-heading text-md-center container text-left pt-5" id="faqs6"> <div class="row p-2 p-md-0"> <div class="col-12 mx-auto"> <h3 class="h4"> Learn more about model training </h3> </div> <div class="col-12 col-xl-6 mx-auto"> <p class="mb-3"></p> </div> </div> </div><div class="container pb-3"> <div class="btn-group align-items-center mb-g" role="group" data-mount="collapse-controls" data-target="#acc6"> <button class="btn btn-link" aria-disabled="false" aria-pressed="false" data-action="expand" type="button" aria-label="Expand all frequently asked questions">Expand all</button> <span aria-hidden="true"> | </span> <button class="btn btn-link" aria-disabled="false" aria-pressed="false" data-action="collapse" type="button" aria-label="Collapse all frequently asked questions">Collapse all</button> </div> <ul class="accordion " id="acc6"> <li id="faq-faqs6-q1"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs6-q1" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs6-q1"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> What is “model training”? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs6-q1"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Generative AI refers to a category of AI models that analyze data, find patterns and use these patterns to generate or create a new output, such as text, photo, video, code, data, and more. “Training” a generative AI model means providing it with information to help it learn to make predictions or decisions. Training is a broad concept that includes many different activities to help models provide more appropriate results.</p><p>These models use training data to learn general relationships in language, not to memorize specific conversations. They do not store or have access to the original training data. Instead, generative AI models are designed to generate new expressive works and content.</p><p>We also take additional steps to prevent these models from inadvertently reproducing their training data, such as conducting testing and building filters that screen out previously published or used material.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs6-q2"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs6-q2" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs6-q2"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> What external data does Microsoft use for training Copilot? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs6-q2"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Microsoft uses publicly available data, mostly collected from industry-standard machine learning datasets and web crawls, like search engines. We exclude sources with paywalls, content that violates our policies, or sites that have utilized industry-standard methods to opt out of training. On top of this, we do not train on data from domains listed in the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) Notorious Markets for Counterfeiting and Piracy list.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs6-q3"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs6-q3" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs6-q3"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> Does Microsoft use my data to train AI models? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs6-q3"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Except for certain categories of users (<a href='#faq-faqs6-q4' target='_self' aria-label='What data is excluded from model training?'>see below</a>) or users who have opted out, Microsoft uses data from Bing, MSN, Copilot, and interactions with ads on Microsoft for AI training. This includes anonymous search and news data, interactions with ads, and your voice and text conversations with Copilot. This data will be used to improve Copilot and our other products and services to create a better user experience for you and others.</p><p>By using real-world consumer data to help train our underlying generative AI models, we can improve Copilot and offer a more reliable and relevant experience. The more diversity in conversations our AI models are exposed to, the better they will understand and serve important regional languages, geographies, cultural references, and trending topics of interest to you and other users.</p><p>You can control whether your data is used for training AI models. For more information, see <a href='#faq-faqs6-q6' target='_self' aria-label='How can I control whether my data is used for model training?'>How can I control whether my data is used for model training?</a>.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs6-q4"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs6-q4" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs6-q4"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> What data is excluded from model training? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs6-q4"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>We do not train Copilot on data from: <ul><li><p>Our commercial customers, or any data from users logged into an organizational M365/EntraID account</p></li><li><p>Users logged in with M365 personal or family subscriptions</p></li><li><p>Users who are not logged into Copilot using a Microsoft Account or other third-party authentication</p></li><li><p>Authenticated users under the age of 18</p></li><li><p>Users who have opted out of training</p></li><li><p>Users in certain countries including: Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia,  Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Nigeria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and Vietnam. This includes the regions of Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte, Reunion Island, Saint-Martin, Azores, Madeira, and the Canary Islands. This means that AI offerings will be available in those markets, but no user data will be used for generative AI model training in those locations until further notice.</p></li></ul><p>We limit the data we use for training. We do not train AI models on personal account data like your Microsoft account profile data or email contents. If any images are included in your AI conversations, we take steps to de-identify them such as removing metadata or other personal data and blurring images of faces. You can learn more <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Here is a blog about protecting the data of commercial and public sectors in AI link opens in a new tab'>here</a>.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs6-q5"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs6-q5" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs6-q5"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> How does Microsoft protect my data when training AI models? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs6-q5"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Your personal interactions with our services are kept private and are not disclosed without your permission. We remove information that may identify you, like names, phone numbers, device or account identifiers, sensitive personal data, physical addresses, and email addresses, before training AI models.</p><p>Your data remains private when using our services. We will protect your personal data as explained in the <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Microsoft Privacy Statement link opens in a new tab.'>Microsoft Privacy Statement</a> and in compliance with privacy laws around the world.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs6-q6"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs6-q6" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs6-q6"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> How can I control whether my data is used for model training? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs6-q6"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>For users logged into Copilot with a Microsoft Account or other third-party authentication, you can control whether your consumer data is used for training the generative AI models used in Copilot. Opting out will exclude your past, present, and future consumer data from being used for training these AI models, unless you choose to opt back in. If you opt out, that change will be reflected throughout our systems within 30 days.</p><p>You can control whether your data is used for model training at any time by going to Settings> Account > Privacy > Model training. This setting will not exclude your data from being used for other general product or system improvements nor from use for advertising, digital safety, security, and compliance purposes as outlined in the <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Microsoft Privacy Statement link opens in a new tab.'>Microsoft Privacy Statement</a>.</p><p>We may eventually expand model training and opt-out controls to users in certain countries where we do not currently use consumer data for model training (see <a href='#faq-faqs6-q4' target='_self' aria-label='What data is excluded from model training?'>What data is excluded from model training?</a>). But we will do so gradually, to ensure we get this right for consumers and so we comply with local privacy laws around the world.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs6-q7"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs6-q7" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs6-q7"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> Can I opt-out of model training and still have a personalized Copilot experience? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs6-q7"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Yes, you can opt-out of AI training and still have personalization turned on. In this case, Copilot will remember recent conversations to give you a more personalized response, but Microsoft will not use your conversations and other Microsoft activities for AI model training.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs6-q8"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs6-q8" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs6-q8"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> Does AI training apply to Copilot Pro, Microsoft 365, or Microsoft Copilot with commercial data protection? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs6-q8"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>AI training applies to consumer Copilot offerings including Copilot Pro. It excludes users of Copilot with commercial data protection and any Microsoft 365 consumer users or Copilot conversations integrated within Microsoft 365 consumer apps such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint or Outlook. Users of those products will not see this setting, and their conversations will not be used for training the generative AI models we offer in Copilot or other products.</p><p>We recognize that commercial customers have varying compliance requirements across industries and around the world. Microsoft will continue helping these organizations use tenant boundaries and other controls we provide to identify and manage data they own, separately.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs6-q9"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs6-q9" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs6-q9"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> Are Copilot conversations human reviewed? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs6-q9"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Some Copilot conversations are subject to both automated and human review for product improvement and digital safety purposes. We may also review conversations flagged as a violation of the Code of Conduct in the <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Terms of Use link opens in a new tab'>Terms</a>. Our Code of Conduct prohibits use of the Copilot service to create or share inappropriate content or material. Some conversations are reviewed when a violation of the Code of Conduct is suspected.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs6-q10"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs6-q10" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs6-q10"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> Can I opt-out of having my Copilot conversations human reviewed? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs6-q10"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Limited human review is required as part of the investigation process when a violation of the Code of Conduct is suspected. To ensure that our services are safe and secure for everyone, a complete opt-out of human review is not available.</p> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage-acc6", "mainEntity": [ {"@type": "Question","name": "What is “model training”?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>Generative AI refers to a category of AI models that analyze data, find patterns and use these patterns to generate or create a new output, such as text, photo, video, code, data, and more. “Training” a generative AI model means providing it with information to help it learn to make predictions or decisions. Training is a broad concept that includes many different activities to help models provide more appropriate results.</p><p>These models use training data to learn general relationships in language, not to memorize specific conversations. They do not store or have access to the original training data. Instead, generative AI models are designed to generate new expressive works and content.</p><p>We also take additional steps to prevent these models from inadvertently reproducing their training data, such as conducting testing and building filters that screen out previously published or used material.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "What external data does Microsoft use for training Copilot?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>Microsoft uses publicly available data, mostly collected from industry-standard machine learning datasets and web crawls, like search engines. We exclude sources with paywalls, content that violates our policies, or sites that have utilized industry-standard methods to opt out of training. On top of this, we do not train on data from domains listed in the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) Notorious Markets for Counterfeiting and Piracy list.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "Does Microsoft use my data to train AI models?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>Except for certain categories of users (<a href='#faq-faqs6-q4' target='_self' aria-label='What data is excluded from model training?'>see below</a>) or users who have opted out, Microsoft uses data from Bing, MSN, Copilot, and interactions with ads on Microsoft for AI training. This includes anonymous search and news data, interactions with ads, and your voice and text conversations with Copilot. This data will be used to improve Copilot and our other products and services to create a better user experience for you and others.</p><p>By using real-world consumer data to help train our underlying generative AI models, we can improve Copilot and offer a more reliable and relevant experience. The more diversity in conversations our AI models are exposed to, the better they will understand and serve important regional languages, geographies, cultural references, and trending topics of interest to you and other users.</p><p>You can control whether your data is used for training AI models. For more information, see <a href='#faq-faqs6-q6' target='_self' aria-label='How can I control whether my data is used for model training?'>How can I control whether my data is used for model training?</a>.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "What data is excluded from model training?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>We do not train Copilot on data from: <ul><li><p>Our commercial customers, or any data from users logged into an organizational M365/EntraID account</p></li><li><p>Users logged in with M365 personal or family subscriptions</p></li><li><p>Users who are not logged into Copilot using a Microsoft Account or other third-party authentication</p></li><li><p>Authenticated users under the age of 18</p></li><li><p>Users who have opted out of training</p></li><li><p>Users in certain countries including: Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia,  Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Nigeria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and Vietnam. This includes the regions of Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte, Reunion Island, Saint-Martin, Azores, Madeira, and the Canary Islands. This means that AI offerings will be available in those markets, but no user data will be used for generative AI model training in those locations until further notice.</p></li></ul><p>We limit the data we use for training. We do not train AI models on personal account data like your Microsoft account profile data or email contents. If any images are included in your AI conversations, we take steps to de-identify them such as removing metadata or other personal data and blurring images of faces. You can learn more <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Here is a blog about protecting the data of commercial and public sectors in AI link opens in a new tab'>here</a>.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "How does Microsoft protect my data when training AI models?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>Your personal interactions with our services are kept private and are not disclosed without your permission. We remove information that may identify you, like names, phone numbers, device or account identifiers, sensitive personal data, physical addresses, and email addresses, before training AI models.</p><p>Your data remains private when using our services. We will protect your personal data as explained in the <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Microsoft Privacy Statement link opens in a new tab.'>Microsoft Privacy Statement</a> and in compliance with privacy laws around the world.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "How can I control whether my data is used for model training?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>For users logged into Copilot with a Microsoft Account or other third-party authentication, you can control whether your consumer data is used for training the generative AI models used in Copilot. Opting out will exclude your past, present, and future consumer data from being used for training these AI models, unless you choose to opt back in. If you opt out, that change will be reflected throughout our systems within 30 days.</p><p>You can control whether your data is used for model training at any time by going to Settings> Account > Privacy > Model training. This setting will not exclude your data from being used for other general product or system improvements nor from use for advertising, digital safety, security, and compliance purposes as outlined in the <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Microsoft Privacy Statement link opens in a new tab.'>Microsoft Privacy Statement</a>.</p><p>We may eventually expand model training and opt-out controls to users in certain countries where we do not currently use consumer data for model training (see <a href='#faq-faqs6-q4' target='_self' aria-label='What data is excluded from model training?'>What data is excluded from model training?</a>). But we will do so gradually, to ensure we get this right for consumers and so we comply with local privacy laws around the world.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "Can I opt-out of model training and still have a personalized Copilot experience?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>Yes, you can opt-out of AI training and still have personalization turned on. In this case, Copilot will remember recent conversations to give you a more personalized response, but Microsoft will not use your conversations and other Microsoft activities for AI model training.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "Does AI training apply to Copilot Pro, Microsoft 365, or Microsoft Copilot with commercial data protection?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>AI training applies to consumer Copilot offerings including Copilot Pro. It excludes users of Copilot with commercial data protection and any Microsoft 365 consumer users or Copilot conversations integrated within Microsoft 365 consumer apps such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint or Outlook. Users of those products will not see this setting, and their conversations will not be used for training the generative AI models we offer in Copilot or other products.</p><p>We recognize that commercial customers have varying compliance requirements across industries and around the world. Microsoft will continue helping these organizations use tenant boundaries and other controls we provide to identify and manage data they own, separately.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "Are Copilot conversations human reviewed?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>Some Copilot conversations are subject to both automated and human review for product improvement and digital safety purposes. We may also review conversations flagged as a violation of the Code of Conduct in the <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Terms of Use link opens in a new tab'>Terms</a>. Our Code of Conduct prohibits use of the Copilot service to create or share inappropriate content or material. Some conversations are reviewed when a violation of the Code of Conduct is suspected.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "Can I opt-out of having my Copilot conversations human reviewed?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>Limited human review is required as part of the investigation process when a violation of the Code of Conduct is suspected. To ensure that our services are safe and secure for everyone, a complete opt-out of human review is not available.</p>"}} ] } </script> <div class="area-heading text-md-center container text-left pt-5" id="faqs7"> <div class="row p-2 p-md-0"> <div class="col-12 mx-auto"> <h3 class="h4"> Additional questions </h3> </div> <div class="col-12 col-xl-6 mx-auto"> <p class="mb-3"></p> </div> </div> </div><div class="container pb-3"> <div class="btn-group align-items-center mb-g" role="group" data-mount="collapse-controls" data-target="#acc7"> <button class="btn btn-link" aria-disabled="false" aria-pressed="false" data-action="expand" type="button" aria-label="Expand all frequently asked questions">Expand all</button> <span aria-hidden="true"> | </span> <button class="btn btn-link" aria-disabled="false" aria-pressed="false" data-action="collapse" type="button" aria-label="Collapse all frequently asked questions">Collapse all</button> </div> <ul class="accordion " id="acc7"> <li id="faq-faqs7-q1"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs7-q1" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs7-q1"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> What sort of safeguards does Copilot have to make sure content is safe? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs7-q1"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Responsible AI is a journey, and we are continually evaluating and improving Copilot to make the experience even safer. We apply rigorous content filtering to the information we use to train Copilot, and we employ measures to evaluate Copilot’s responses for potential safety risks before the response is presented to you. We also have systems in place to detect and prevent abusive behavior.</p><p>Additionally, to improve Copilot’s safety and ability to detect risks, we partner with external research organizations to review and evaluate Copilot conversations. For example, external research organizations can help review Copilot conversation logs to understand the variety of queries used to seek extremist content, compare trends across the industry, and advise techniques for better finding and mitigating harm.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="faq-faqs7-q2"> <h4 class="accordion-header"> <button class="btn btn-collapse" data-mount="collapse" data-target="#faqs7-q2" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqs7-q2"> <span class="glyph" aria-hidden="true"></span> How does human review of Copilot conversations improve your experience? </button> </h4> <div class="collapse" id="faqs7-q2"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Trained AI experts may review Copilot conversations to build, evaluate, and improve the accuracy and safety of our AI models. We use human feedback to ensure quality output to a user’s prompt, improving your experience. Your data remains private when using our services. We will protect your personal data as explained in the <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Microsoft Privacy Statement link opens in a new tab.'>Microsoft Privacy Statement</a> and in compliance with privacy laws around the world.</p> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage-acc7", "mainEntity": [ {"@type": "Question","name": "What sort of safeguards does Copilot have to make sure content is safe?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>Responsible AI is a journey, and we are continually evaluating and improving Copilot to make the experience even safer. We apply rigorous content filtering to the information we use to train Copilot, and we employ measures to evaluate Copilot’s responses for potential safety risks before the response is presented to you. We also have systems in place to detect and prevent abusive behavior.</p><p>Additionally, to improve Copilot’s safety and ability to detect risks, we partner with external research organizations to review and evaluate Copilot conversations. For example, external research organizations can help review Copilot conversation logs to understand the variety of queries used to seek extremist content, compare trends across the industry, and advise techniques for better finding and mitigating harm.</p>"}},{"@type": "Question","name": "How does human review of Copilot conversations improve your experience?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "<p>Trained AI experts may review Copilot conversations to build, evaluate, and improve the accuracy and safety of our AI models. We use human feedback to ensure quality output to a user’s prompt, improving your experience. Your data remains private when using our services. We will protect your personal data as explained in the <a href='' target='_blank' aria-label='Microsoft Privacy Statement link opens in a new tab.'>Microsoft Privacy Statement</a> and in compliance with privacy laws around the world.</p>"}} ] } </script> <div class="theme-dark" id="footnotes"> <div class="material-surface"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <section class="col-12 col-md-10 col-lg-8 my-4 px-4 px-lg-0" role="region" aria-label="Footnotes and Disclaimers"> <ul class="list-unstyled small mb-0 px-md-4"> <li class="py-2 footnote-item">* Feature availability and functionality may vary by device type, market and browser version.</li> <li class="py-2 footnote-item">* Screens simulated, subject to change. Features and app availability may vary by region.</li> <li class="py-2 footnote-item">1 Some Copilot features, like image creation and voice-to-text, require sign-in to your Microsoft account.</li> </ul> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> <div id="footerArea" class="uhf" data-m='{"cN":"footerArea","cT":"Area_coreuiArea","id":"a2Body","sN":2,"aN":"Body"}'> <div id="footerRegion" data-region-key="footerregion" data-m='{"cN":"footerRegion","cT":"Region_coreui-region","id":"r1a2","sN":1,"aN":"a2"}' > <div id="footerUniversalFooter" data-m='{"cN":"footerUniversalFooter","cT":"Module_coreui-universalfooter","id":"m1r1a2","sN":1,"aN":"r1a2"}' data-module-id="Category|footerRegion|coreui-region|footerUniversalFooter|coreui-universalfooter"> <footer id="uhf-footer" class="c-uhff context-uhf" data-uhf-mscc-rq="false" data-footer-footprint="/MSCopilotM/MSCopilotMFooter, fromService: True" data-m='{"cN":"Uhf footer_cont","cT":"Container","id":"c1m1r1a2","sN":1,"aN":"m1r1a2"}'> 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