<strong>Paper Title</strong><br> Exploring Strategic Shifts and Adaptations in Customer-Oriented Mindsets Within the Hotel Industry Under the Influence of Digital Technology: A Case Study of Caotun Zhi Da Craft Service Guest House<br> <br> <strong>Abstract</strong><br> After the stabilization of Covid-19, Taiwan's tourism industry is gradually recovering. In the global competition within the hotel industry, service quality and customer experience have become critical factors. Digital technologies, such as AI, self-service check-in kiosks, cloud PMS systems, and big data analytics, have improved the operational efficiency and service quality of hotels. Zhi Da Craft Service Guest House has enhanced its room occupancy rate and customer satisfaction through these technologies, yet it faces challenges like operational process changes, staff adaptability, and labor costs. This study explores the role of digital technology in enhancing hotel service quality and customer experience, analyzes the challenges and strategies during its implementation, and provides practical experiences for digitalization in hotel services. Keywords - Service Excellence, Customer Orientation, Digitalization, Digital Transformation, In-Depth Interviews, Participatory Observation.