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In addition, try the <a href="" target="_blank">Sheffield Chemputer</a> one component of which is an <a href="" target="_blank">interactive VSEPR calculator</a>. </p> <h2 class="heading2">Viewing the chemical structures</h2> <p>This VSEPR package use the <a target="_blank" href= "">Jmol</a> molecule viewer.</p> <h2 class="heading2">Source of this material</h2> <p>By arrangement with the publisher (<a href="">Oxford University Press</a>), this introduction to VSEPR is a hypertext version of Chapter 4 in my book on Chemical Bonding, one of the Oxford Chemistry Primers. I hope you enjoy it and whether you do or don't, please send feedback.</p> <p>Title: <strong>Chemical Bonding</strong><br /> Author: <strong>Mark J Winter</strong><br /> Published in: <strong>1994</strong><br /> Published by: <strong>Oxford University Press</strong><br /> ISBN: <strong>0 19 855694 2</strong> (paperback) and <strong>0 19 855695 0</strong> (hardback)</p> <p>If you want other information on VSEPR try searching on VSEPR at the <a href="" target="_blank">Sheffield Chemdex</a> or try <a href="" target="_blank">this VSEPR tutorial</a> by John Nash at Purdue University, USA.</p> <h2 class="heading2">Copyright</h2> <p>This is a copyrighted work enjoying the full protection of all international copyright law. Publication on the WWW does not imply that this work becomes your property or is in the public domain. Far from it. You are very welcome to use this guide but you are absolutely not allowed to store or make any form of copy of this work.</p> </td></tr> <!--end main panel--> <tr><td valign="bottom" class="menu-panel-l"> <!--bottom logo display on left menu column--> <table summary="" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="4"> <tr><th valign="bottom" class="menu-head-lc"><a href="" title="VSEPR"><img src="gifs/vsepr-logo.jpg" height="160" width="120" alt="VSEPR logo" border="0" /></a></th></tr> <tr><th valign="bottom" class="menu-l"> <a href= ""><img src="gifs/first-small.gif" width="23" height="15" alt="first" /></a> <a href= "index.html"><img src="gifs/prev-small.gif" width="23" height="15" alt="previous" /></a> <a href= "intro.html"><img src="gifs/next-small.gif" width="23" height="15" alt="next" /></a></th></tr> </table> <!--end bottom logo display--> </td></tr></table> <!--end content--> <!--start footer--> <p class="logoLegend">A VSEPR tutorial on the WWW</p> <address>VSEPR tutorial on the WWW, URL: <a href=""></a><br /> Copyright 1996-2015 <a target="_blank" href="">Prof Mark Winter</a> [<a href="" target="_blank">The University of Sheffield</a>]. All rights reserved. <br />Document served: Monday 17th February, 2025 </address> </body> </html>