The fossil record of the genus Castor (Castoridae, Rodentia) in the Neogene and Quaternary of Central and Western Europe, with particular reference to Italy.
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Vallesian and Turolian Castor remains are rare and have been assigned to C. neglectus (Melchingen, Germany - MN9; Dorn-Dürkheim, Germany - MN11) (FRANZEN & STORCH, 1975). Remains of this genus are more common in sediments of Early Ruscinian age (Montpellier and Pont-de-Gail, France - MN14 in total) and have been assigned to a distinct species, C. praefiber (GINSBURG, 1975; ENGESSER, 1989; ROOK et al., 1999). C. praefiber occurs at several Late Ruscinian localities (Millas, Roussillon and Perpignan France; Wölfersheim/Wetterau, Germany - MN15 in total). Several Villafranchian (Saint-Vallier, France; Upper Valdarno and Tiberino basin, Central Italy) and Middle Pleistocene (Mosbach 2, Germany) remains have been assigned to C. plicidens (VIRET, 1954; FRIANT, 1964; GENTILI et al., 1996; MAZZINI et al., 2000). C. fiber, the only european living species, occurs in sediments of Middle Villafranchian age (Saint-Vallier, France) (BARISONE, 2003; HUGUENEY, in press). Beaver remains have been collected from the Late Turolian site of Baccinello V3 (Italy, MN13). These have been tentatively identified as either C. praefiber or Castor cf. praefiber, or defined as “very similar to the Montpellier form”, but have yet to be properly studied. Some authors consider Castor praefiber to be synonymous to the living C. fiber (SCHREUDER,1928, 1929; WEERD, 1979), a species that exhibits great variability in both size and dental morphology, whilst several other researchers believe it to be a valid species (ENGESSER, 1989; HUGUENEY et al., 1989; KOTSAKIS, 1989; RADULESCO et al., 1993; HUGUENEY, 1999; ROOK et al., 1999; DAHLMANN, 2001). New morphometric parameters on molar teeth occlusal surface have been defined and Statistical analyses (One-Way ANOVA, Principal Component Analysis and Canonical Discriminant Analysis) have been performed on material ascribed to C. praefiber. These analyses confirmed the validity of this species. The beaver remains from Baccinello V3 represents the first occurrence of C. praefiber in Central and Western Europe and the first occurrence of the genus Castor in Italy. FORSYTH MAJOR (1875) suggested the name C. plicidens for a beaver present in the Upper Valdarno fossil mammal assemblage, but he did not describe the new species. A more comprehensive description of C. plicidens was made by BOSCO (1900). According to BOSCO (1900) and other authors (such as FRIANT, 1960-62, 1964), the most important characters distinguishing C. plicidens from other forms of living and fossil beaver are the pronounced secondary enamel folds on the premolar and molar occlusal surfaces. VIRET (1954) also considered C. plicidens to be a valid species, although this observation was based on a completely different set of characters, such as the development of the rostral part of the skull and the strength of the upper incisors compared to the lower ones. LEHMANN (1957) believes these characters allow subspecific rather than specific differentiation and therefore prefers the name C. fiber plicidens. Nevertheless, many authors do not consider C. plicidens to be valid because they do not regard these characters to be diagnostic. The rich mammalian assemblage found at Pietrafitta (Perugia, Italy) is considered to be Late V" xml:lang="it" /> <meta name="DCTERMS.issued" content="2004" xml:lang="it" scheme="DCTERMS.W3CDTF" /> <meta name="DC.relation" content="ELETTRONICO" xml:lang="it" /> <meta name="DC.type" content="298" /> <meta name="DCTERMS.available" content="2015-09-30T10:52:40Z" scheme="DCTERMS.W3CDTF" /> <meta name="DC.title" content="The fossil record of the genus Castor (Castoridae, Rodentia) in the Neogene and Quaternary of Central and Western Europe, with particular reference to Italy." xml:lang="it" /> <meta name="DC.type" content="info:eu-repo/semantics/other" /> <meta name="DCTERMS.bibliographicCitation" content="Barisone, G. (2004). The fossil record of the genus Castor (Castoridae, Rodentia) in the Neogene and Quaternary of Central and Western Europe, with particular reference to Italy.." xml:lang="it" /> <meta name="" content="2022/10/04 02:50:05" xml:lang="*" scheme="DCTERMS.W3CDTF" /> <meta name="" content="1664844605837" xml:lang="*" scheme="DCTERMS.W3CDTF" /> <meta name="DC.description" content="BARISONE GIANCARLO" xml:lang="it" /> <meta name="DC.description" content="Barisone, Giancarlo" /> <meta name="citation_title" content="The fossil record of the genus Castor (Castoridae, Rodentia) in the Neogene and Quaternary of Central and Western Europe, with particular reference to Italy." /> <meta name="citation_author" content="Barisone, Giancarlo" /> <meta name="citation_date" content="2004" /> <meta name="citation_abstract_html_url" content="" /> <meta name="citation_language" content="ita" /> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).on('click', '.c-bn', function() { location.reload(); }); </script> </head> <body class="body-default body-anonymous"> <header class="navbar navbar-expand-md navbar-dark sticky-top layout-top bg-primary iu-hide"> <nav class="container-fluid flex-wrap flex-md-nowrap" aria-label="menu top"> <a class="navbar-brand ps-0 pt-0 pb-0 pe-3" href="" aria-label="link homepage" id="uiLogoLink"> <img src="/sr/logo_iris.png" alt="IRIS" id="uiLogoImg" class="d-block my-1 navbar-brand-img"/> </a> <a class="navbar-brand ps-3 pt-0 pb-0 pe-3 me-3" href="" aria-label="link homepage università" id="customerLogoLink"> <img src="/sr/logo_customer.png" alt="IRIS" id="clientLogoImg" class="d-block my-1 navbar-brand-img"/> </a> <button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#navbarSupportedContent" aria-controls="navbarSupportedContent" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="mostra/nascondi menu"> <span class="fas fa-bars"></span> </button> <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarSupportedContent"> <ul class="navbar-nav flex-row flex-wrap pt-2 py-md-0"> </ul> <ul class="navbar-nav flex-row flex-wrap ms-md-auto"> <li class="nav-item col-6 col-md-auto " id="topNavHome"> <a class="nav-link p-2" href="">Home</a> </li> <li class="nav-item col-6 col-md-auto dropdown"> <a class="nav-link p-2 dropdown-toggle" href="#" id="navbarDropdownBrowse" role="button" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> Sfoglia</a> <div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdownBrowse"> <a class="dropdown-item" href="">Macrotipologie<br/>& tipologie</a> <div class="dropdown-divider"></div> <a class="dropdown-item" href="">Autore</a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="">Titolo</a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="">Riviste</a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="">Serie</a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="">Afferenza</a> </div> </li> </ul> <form class="navbar-search-top d-flex" action="" method="get" role="search"> <div class="input-group p-2"> <input class="form-control bg-primary layout-top-input" type="search" placeholder="Search IRIS" name="query" id="tequery" size="25" aria-label="Search IRIS"> <button class="btn btn-primary layout-top-input-btn" type="submit"><span class="fas fa-search"></span></button> </div> </form> <ul class="navbar-nav flex-row flex-wrap"> <li class="nav-item col-6 col-md-auto dropdown"> <a class="nav-link p-2 dropdown-toggle" href="#" id="navbarDropdownLanguage" role="button" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> IT</a> <div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-end" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdownLanguage"> <a class="dropdown-item" href="javascript:reloadLanguageModuleAll('',['bi','rm','gw','ma','','saiku','ap'],'/language/change.json','it');" ><img src="/sr/cineca/images/flag/flag_it.png" alt="Italiano" title=""/> Italiano</a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="javascript:reloadLanguageModuleAll('',['bi','rm','gw','ma','','saiku','ap'],'/language/change.json','en');" ><img src="/sr/cineca/images/flag/flag_en.png" alt="English" title="English"/> English</a> </div> </li> <li class="nav-item col-6 col-md-auto "> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- Javascript starts here document.write('<a class="nav-link p-2" href="#" onClick="var popupwin =\'\',\'dspacepopup\',\'height=600,width=850,resizable,scrollbars\');popupwin.focus();return false;"><span class="fas fa-question-circle" title="Aiuto"></span></a>'); 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Vallesian and Turolian Castor remains are rare and have been assigned to C. neglectus (Melchingen, Germany - MN9; Dorn-Dürkheim, Germany - MN11) (FRANZEN & STORCH, 1975). Remains of this genus are more common in sediments of Early Ruscinian age (Montpellier and Pont-de-Gail, France - MN14 in total) and have been assigned to a distinct species, C. praefiber (GINSBURG, 1975; ENGESSER, 1989; ROOK et al., 1999). C. praefiber occurs at several Late Ruscinian localities (Millas, Roussillon and Perpignan France; Wölfersheim/Wetterau, Germany - MN15 in total). Several Villafranchian (Saint-Vallier, France; Upper Valdarno and Tiberino basin, Central Italy) and Middle Pleistocene (Mosbach 2, Germany) remains have been assigned to C. plicidens (VIRET, 1954; FRIANT, 1964; GENTILI et al., 1996; MAZZINI et al., 2000). C. fiber, the only european living species, occurs in sediments of Middle Villafranchian age (Saint-Vallier, France) (BARISONE, 2003; HUGUENEY, in press). Beaver remains have been collected from the Late Turolian site of Baccinello V3 (Italy, MN13). These have been tentatively identified as either C. praefiber or Castor cf. praefiber, or defined as “very similar to the Montpellier form”, but have yet to be properly studied. Some authors consider Castor praefiber to be synonymous to the living C. fiber (SCHREUDER,1928, 1929; WEERD, 1979), a species that exhibits great variability in both size and dental morphology, whilst several other researchers believe it to be a valid species (ENGESSER, 1989; HUGUENEY et al., 1989; KOTSAKIS, 1989; RADULESCO et al., 1993; HUGUENEY, 1999; ROOK et al., 1999; DAHLMANN, 2001). New morphometric parameters on molar teeth occlusal surface have been defined and Statistical analyses (One-Way ANOVA, Principal Component Analysis and Canonical Discriminant Analysis) have been performed on material ascribed to C. praefiber. These analyses confirmed the validity of this species. The beaver remains from Baccinello V3 represents the first occurrence of C. praefiber in Central and Western Europe and the first occurrence of the genus Castor in Italy. FORSYTH MAJOR (1875) suggested the name C. plicidens for a beaver present in the Upper Valdarno fossil mammal assemblage, but he did not describe the new species. A more comprehensive description of C. plicidens was made by BOSCO (1900). According to BOSCO (1900) and other authors (such as FRIANT, 1960-62, 1964), the most important characters distinguishing C. plicidens from other forms of living and fossil beaver are the pronounced secondary enamel folds on the premolar and molar occlusal surfaces. VIRET (1954) also considered C. plicidens to be a valid species, although this observation was based on a completely different set of characters, such as the development of the rostral part of the skull and the strength of the upper incisors compared to the lower ones. LEHMANN (1957) believes these characters allow subspecific rather than specific differentiation and therefore prefers the name C. fiber plicidens. Nevertheless, many authors do not consider C. plicidens to be valid because they do not regard these characters to be diagnostic. The rich mammalian assemblage found at Pietrafitta (Perugia, Italy) is considered to be Late V</p> <p class="searchIndexItemDescription citation">Barisone, G. (2004). The fossil record of the genus Castor (Castoridae, Rodentia) in the Neogene and Quaternary of Central and Western Europe, with particular reference to Italy..</p> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12 col-xl-9"> <div class="card"> <div class="card-body"> <div> <h3 class="mb-1 text-secondary">The fossil record of the genus Castor (Castoridae, Rodentia) in the Neogene and Quaternary of Central and Western Europe, with particular reference to Italy.</h3> <h5> <em><span class="contributor internalContributor internalContributore397d813-03e0-b0de-e053-6605fe0a1c76 m-1"><a href="/cris/rp/rp04365" class="authority author">BARISONE, GIANCARLO</a></span></em> </h5> <h5>2004-01-01</h5> <hr/> <h4 class="mb-1">Abstract</h4> Four species of Neogene and Quaternary beavers of the genus Castor from Western and Central Europe have been described: Castor neglectus SCHLOSSER, 1902, Castor praefiber DEPÈRET, 1890, Castor plicidens BOSCO, 1900 and Castor fiber LINNAEUS, 1758. Vallesian and Turolian Castor remains are rare and have been assigned to C. neglectus (Melchingen, Germany - MN9; Dorn-Dürkheim, Germany - MN11) (FRANZEN & STORCH, 1975). Remains of this genus are more common in sediments of Early Ruscinian age (Montpellier and Pont-de-Gail, France - MN14 in total) and have been assigned to a distinct species, C. praefiber (GINSBURG, 1975; ENGESSER, 1989; ROOK et al., 1999). C. praefiber occurs at several Late Ruscinian localities (Millas, Roussillon and Perpignan France; Wölfersheim/Wetterau, Germany - MN15 in total). Several Villafranchian (Saint-Vallier, France; Upper Valdarno and Tiberino basin, Central Italy) and Middle Pleistocene (Mosbach 2, Germany) remains have been assigned to C. plicidens (VIRET, 1954; FRIANT, 1964; GENTILI et al., 1996; MAZZINI et al., 2000). C. fiber, the only european living species, occurs in sediments of Middle Villafranchian age (Saint-Vallier, France) (BARISONE, 2003; HUGUENEY, in press). Beaver remains have been collected from the Late Turolian site of Baccinello V3 (Italy, MN13). These have been tentatively identified as either C. praefiber or Castor cf. praefiber, or defined as “very similar to the Montpellier form”, but have yet to be properly studied. Some authors consider Castor praefiber to be synonymous to the living C. fiber (SCHREUDER,1928, 1929; WEERD, 1979), a species that exhibits great variability in both size and dental morphology, whilst several other researchers believe it to be a valid species (ENGESSER, 1989; HUGUENEY et al., 1989; KOTSAKIS, 1989; RADULESCO et al., 1993; HUGUENEY, 1999; ROOK et al., 1999; DAHLMANN, 2001). New morphometric parameters on molar teeth occlusal surface have been defined and Statistical analyses (One-Way ANOVA, Principal Component Analysis and Canonical Discriminant Analysis) have been performed on material ascribed to C. praefiber. These analyses confirmed the validity of this species. The beaver remains from Baccinello V3 represents the first occurrence of C. praefiber in Central and Western Europe and the first occurrence of the genus Castor in Italy. FORSYTH MAJOR (1875) suggested the name C. plicidens for a beaver present in the Upper Valdarno fossil mammal assemblage, but he did not describe the new species. A more comprehensive description of C. plicidens was made by BOSCO (1900). According to BOSCO (1900) and other authors (such as FRIANT, 1960-62, 1964), the most important characters distinguishing C. plicidens from other forms of living and fossil beaver are the pronounced secondary enamel folds on the premolar and molar occlusal surfaces. VIRET (1954) also considered C. plicidens to be a valid species, although this observation was based on a completely different set of characters, such as the development of the rostral part of the skull and the strength of the upper incisors compared to the lower ones. LEHMANN (1957) believes these characters allow subspecific rather than specific differentiation and therefore prefers the name C. fiber plicidens. Nevertheless, many authors do not consider C. plicidens to be valid because they do not regard these characters to be diagnostic. The rich mammalian assemblage found at Pietrafitta (Perugia, Italy) is considered to be Late V </div> <div class="dspace-display-item tabbable page-tabs mt-3"> <h5> <ul class="nav nav-tabs border-bottom fw-bold"> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link active" href="#tab_default" onclick="changeItemView('simple');" data-bs-toggle="tab">Scheda breve</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link " href="#tab_default" onclick="changeItemView('complete');" data-bs-toggle="tab">Scheda completa</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link " href="#tab_default" onclick="changeItemView('full');" data-bs-toggle="tab">Scheda completa (DC)</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" onclick="location.href='/cris/item/11590/272814/statistics'" data-bs-toggle="tab"><span class="far fa-chart-bar"></span></a></li> </ul> </h5> <div class="tab-content"> <div class="tab-pane active fade show" id="tab_default"> <div class="itemDisplayTable container-fluid g-3"> <div class="line form-group row metadataFieldValue pt-2 pb-2 dc_date_issued" id="" > <div class="line-label col-md-12"><label for="" class="control-label metadataFieldLabel dc_date_issued"> <span class="line-label-text">Anno</span> </label></div> <div class="line-content col-sm-12" id=""> <em>2004</em> </div> </div> <div class="line form-group row metadataFieldValue pt-2 pb-2 dc_identifier_citation" id="dc.identifier.citation_line" > <div class="line-label col-md-12"><label for="dc.identifier.citation" class="control-label metadataFieldLabel dc_identifier_citation"> <span class="line-label-text">Citazione</span> </label></div> <div class="line-content col-sm-12" id="dc.identifier.citation_content"> <em>Barisone, G. (2004). 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Si ricorda che il superamento dei valori soglia (almeno 2 su 3) è requisito necessario ma non sufficiente al conseguimento dell'abilitazione.<br/>La simulazione si basa sui dati IRIS e sugli indicatori bibliometrici alla data indicata e non tiene conto di eventuali periodi di congedo obbligatorio, che in sede di domanda ASN danno diritto a incrementi percentuali dei valori. La simulazione può differire dall'esito di un’eventuale domanda ASN sia per errori di catalogazione e/o dati mancanti in IRIS, sia per la variabilità dei dati bibliometrici nel tempo. Si consideri che Anvur calcola i valori degli indicatori all'ultima data utile per la presentazione delle domande.<br/><br/>La presente simulazione è stata realizzata sulla base delle specifiche raccolte sul tavolo ER del Focus Group IRIS coordinato dall’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e delle regole riportate nel DM 589/2018 e allegata Tabella A. 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