Product Marketing Alliance - Events Calendar

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w-tab-link"><p>Masters Certifications</p><div class="icon-embed-xsmall-3 w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 23 22" fill="none" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" aria-hidden="true" role="img"> <path d="M18.3354 11.738L17.3273 11.5651L16.314 11.4123C15.9559 11.3545 15.5945 11.3182 15.232 11.3036C14.2667 11.2785 13.3003 11.2861 12.3352 11.3006L9.44183 11.364C8.25529 11.3971 7.0688 11.4261 5.88523 11.4875C5.29267 11.5103 4.70258 11.5538 4.11119 11.5864C3.52198 11.6335 2.93072 11.6695 2.34398 11.7302C1.98422 11.7496 1.62343 11.7369 1.26592 11.6922C1.10095 11.6689 0.94434 11.6051 0.810129 11.5063C0.675917 11.4076 0.568298 11.2771 0.496921 11.1266C0.236922 10.6755 0.369622 10.1444 0.846758 9.96561C1.15667 9.85698 1.48338 9.80416 1.81173 9.80959C3.29353 9.78829 4.77197 9.66238 6.23603 9.43281C6.63738 9.33915 7.05032 9.30496 7.46161 9.33134C8.73218 9.50541 10.0018 9.35736 11.2684 9.45916C11.7384 9.49522 12.2097 9.51279 12.681 9.53418C13.1524 9.5509 13.6241 9.57014 14.0942 9.61019C15.771 9.74477 17.4414 9.94231 19.1048 10.1848C19.764 10.2567 20.3845 10.5321 20.8801 10.9728C21.11 11.1865 21.031 11.6212 20.727 11.6824C20.2954 11.7638 19.8575 11.8069 19.4184 11.8112C19.0577 11.7975 18.6982 11.7632 18.3415 11.7084L18.3354 11.738Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M14.6939 12.9735C15.3205 12.6085 15.9607 12.2582 16.6281 11.9423C16.9825 11.7754 17.3412 11.6154 17.6959 11.4412C18.3149 11.1218 18.9626 10.8611 19.6303 10.6625C20.3318 10.4554 21.0586 10.3458 21.79 10.3368L21.231 12.144C20.6245 11.7868 20.0231 11.4202 19.4307 11.0392C17.3591 9.7049 15.367 8.24808 13.432 6.72295C13.1446 6.48121 12.8834 6.20996 12.6527 5.91366C12.5491 5.77952 12.4812 5.62131 12.4552 5.4538C12.4293 5.28629 12.4462 5.11494 12.5045 4.95575C12.6482 4.45658 13.1314 4.189 13.587 4.4014C13.8776 4.54639 14.1432 4.73704 14.3736 4.96608C15.4474 5.97706 16.6438 6.84925 17.9348 7.5622C18.291 7.76054 18.6802 7.93848 18.9649 8.21827C19.878 9.1107 21.0095 9.70197 22.0268 10.4505C22.0903 10.4968 22.1538 10.543 22.2177 10.5895L22.3013 10.6503C22.451 10.7593 22.5608 10.9144 22.6139 11.0918C22.667 11.2692 22.6604 11.4591 22.5952 11.6324C22.53 11.8057 22.4097 11.9528 22.2528 12.0512C22.0959 12.1495 21.9111 12.1937 21.7267 12.1769C20.9845 12.1093 20.2138 12.2714 19.4514 12.4946C17.9566 12.935 16.5064 13.7501 15.117 14.6612C14.5762 15.0451 13.9392 15.2711 13.2774 15.3138C12.9596 15.3251 12.7061 14.9635 12.8873 14.7019C13.1487 14.328 13.449 13.9829 13.7832 13.6725C14.074 13.4251 14.3832 13.2003 14.7081 13L14.6939 12.9735Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div></a><a data-w-tab="Tab 3" ms-code-onhover="click" data-w-id="a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e2c7" class="nav_tabs-link w-inline-block w-tab-link"><p>Team training</p><div class="icon-embed-xsmall-3 w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 23 22" fill="none" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" aria-hidden="true" role="img"> <path d="M18.3354 11.738L17.3273 11.5651L16.314 11.4123C15.9559 11.3545 15.5945 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d="M14.6939 12.9735C15.3205 12.6085 15.9607 12.2582 16.6281 11.9423C16.9825 11.7754 17.3412 11.6154 17.6959 11.4412C18.3149 11.1218 18.9626 10.8611 19.6303 10.6625C20.3318 10.4554 21.0586 10.3458 21.79 10.3368L21.231 12.144C20.6245 11.7868 20.0231 11.4202 19.4307 11.0392C17.3591 9.7049 15.367 8.24808 13.432 6.72295C13.1446 6.48121 12.8834 6.20996 12.6527 5.91366C12.5491 5.77952 12.4812 5.62131 12.4552 5.4538C12.4293 5.28629 12.4462 5.11494 12.5045 4.95575C12.6482 4.45658 13.1314 4.189 13.587 4.4014C13.8776 4.54639 14.1432 4.73704 14.3736 4.96608C15.4474 5.97706 16.6438 6.84925 17.9348 7.5622C18.291 7.76054 18.6802 7.93848 18.9649 8.21827C19.878 9.1107 21.0095 9.70197 22.0268 10.4505C22.0903 10.4968 22.1538 10.543 22.2177 10.5895L22.3013 10.6503C22.451 10.7593 22.5608 10.9144 22.6139 11.0918C22.667 11.2692 22.6604 11.4591 22.5952 11.6324C22.53 11.8057 22.4097 11.9528 22.2528 12.0512C22.0959 12.1495 21.9111 12.1937 21.7267 12.1769C20.9845 12.1093 20.2138 12.2714 19.4514 12.4946C17.9566 12.935 16.5064 13.7501 15.117 14.6612C14.5762 15.0451 13.9392 15.2711 13.2774 15.3138C12.9596 15.3251 12.7061 14.9635 12.8873 14.7019C13.1487 14.328 13.449 13.9829 13.7832 13.6725C14.074 13.4251 14.3832 13.2003 14.7081 13L14.6939 12.9735Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div></a><a data-w-tab="Tab 4" ms-code-onhover="click" data-w-id="a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e2cb" class="nav_tabs-link w-inline-block w-tab-link"><p>Resources</p><div class="icon-embed-xsmall-3 w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 23 22" fill="none" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" aria-hidden="true" role="img"> <path d="M18.3354 11.738L17.3273 11.5651L16.314 11.4123C15.9559 11.3545 15.5945 11.3182 15.232 11.3036C14.2667 11.2785 13.3003 11.2861 12.3352 11.3006L9.44183 11.364C8.25529 11.3971 7.0688 11.4261 5.88523 11.4875C5.29267 11.5103 4.70258 11.5538 4.11119 11.5864C3.52198 11.6335 2.93072 11.6695 2.34398 11.7302C1.98422 11.7496 1.62343 11.7369 1.26592 11.6922C1.10095 11.6689 0.94434 11.6051 0.810129 11.5063C0.675917 11.4076 0.568298 11.2771 0.496921 11.1266C0.236922 10.6755 0.369622 10.1444 0.846758 9.96561C1.15667 9.85698 1.48338 9.80416 1.81173 9.80959C3.29353 9.78829 4.77197 9.66238 6.23603 9.43281C6.63738 9.33915 7.05032 9.30496 7.46161 9.33134C8.73218 9.50541 10.0018 9.35736 11.2684 9.45916C11.7384 9.49522 12.2097 9.51279 12.681 9.53418C13.1524 9.5509 13.6241 9.57014 14.0942 9.61019C15.771 9.74477 17.4414 9.94231 19.1048 10.1848C19.764 10.2567 20.3845 10.5321 20.8801 10.9728C21.11 11.1865 21.031 11.6212 20.727 11.6824C20.2954 11.7638 19.8575 11.8069 19.4184 11.8112C19.0577 11.7975 18.6982 11.7632 18.3415 11.7084L18.3354 11.738Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M14.6939 12.9735C15.3205 12.6085 15.9607 12.2582 16.6281 11.9423C16.9825 11.7754 17.3412 11.6154 17.6959 11.4412C18.3149 11.1218 18.9626 10.8611 19.6303 10.6625C20.3318 10.4554 21.0586 10.3458 21.79 10.3368L21.231 12.144C20.6245 11.7868 20.0231 11.4202 19.4307 11.0392C17.3591 9.7049 15.367 8.24808 13.432 6.72295C13.1446 6.48121 12.8834 6.20996 12.6527 5.91366C12.5491 5.77952 12.4812 5.62131 12.4552 5.4538C12.4293 5.28629 12.4462 5.11494 12.5045 4.95575C12.6482 4.45658 13.1314 4.189 13.587 4.4014C13.8776 4.54639 14.1432 4.73704 14.3736 4.96608C15.4474 5.97706 16.6438 6.84925 17.9348 7.5622C18.291 7.76054 18.6802 7.93848 18.9649 8.21827C19.878 9.1107 21.0095 9.70197 22.0268 10.4505C22.0903 10.4968 22.1538 10.543 22.2177 10.5895L22.3013 10.6503C22.451 10.7593 22.5608 10.9144 22.6139 11.0918C22.667 11.2692 22.6604 11.4591 22.5952 11.6324C22.53 11.8057 22.4097 11.9528 22.2528 12.0512C22.0959 12.1495 21.9111 12.1937 21.7267 12.1769C20.9845 12.1093 20.2138 12.2714 19.4514 12.4946C17.9566 12.935 16.5064 13.7501 15.117 14.6612C14.5762 15.0451 13.9392 15.2711 13.2774 15.3138C12.9596 15.3251 12.7061 14.9635 12.8873 14.7019C13.1487 14.328 13.449 13.9829 13.7832 13.6725C14.074 13.4251 14.3832 13.2003 14.7081 13L14.6939 12.9735Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div></a><a data-w-tab="Tab 5" 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17.9348 7.5622C18.291 7.76054 18.6802 7.93848 18.9649 8.21827C19.878 9.1107 21.0095 9.70197 22.0268 10.4505C22.0903 10.4968 22.1538 10.543 22.2177 10.5895L22.3013 10.6503C22.451 10.7593 22.5608 10.9144 22.6139 11.0918C22.667 11.2692 22.6604 11.4591 22.5952 11.6324C22.53 11.8057 22.4097 11.9528 22.2528 12.0512C22.0959 12.1495 21.9111 12.1937 21.7267 12.1769C20.9845 12.1093 20.2138 12.2714 19.4514 12.4946C17.9566 12.935 16.5064 13.7501 15.117 14.6612C14.5762 15.0451 13.9392 15.2711 13.2774 15.3138C12.9596 15.3251 12.7061 14.9635 12.8873 14.7019C13.1487 14.328 13.449 13.9829 13.7832 13.6725C14.074 13.4251 14.3832 13.2003 14.7081 13L14.6939 12.9735Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div></a><a data-w-tab="Tab 7" ms-code-onhover="click" id="w-node-a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e2d3-2df31670" data-w-id="a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e2d3" class="nav_tabs-link w-inline-block w-tab-link"><div>Popular courses</div><div class="icon-embed-xsmall-3 w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="100%" 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40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_5585_57438)"/> <path d="M29 12C27.89 11.65 26.67 11.5 25.5 11.5C23.55 11.5 21.45 11.9 20 13C18.55 11.9 16.45 11.5 14.5 11.5C12.55 11.5 10.45 11.9 9 13V27.65C9 27.9 9.25 28.15 9.5 28.15C9.6 28.15 9.65 28.1 9.75 28.1C11.1 27.45 13.05 27 14.5 27C16.45 27 18.55 27.4 20 28.5C21.35 27.65 23.8 27 25.5 27C27.15 27 28.85 27.3 30.25 28.05C30.35 28.1 30.4 28.1 30.5 28.1C30.75 28.1 31 27.85 31 27.6V13C30.4 12.55 29.75 12.25 29 12ZM29 25.5C27.9 25.15 26.7 25 25.5 25C23.8 25 21.35 25.65 20 26.5V15C21.35 14.15 23.8 13.5 25.5 13.5C26.7 13.5 27.9 13.65 29 14V25.5Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <path d="M25.5 17.5C26.38 17.5 27.23 17.59 28 17.76V16.24C27.21 16.09 26.36 16 25.5 16C23.8 16 22.26 16.29 21 16.83V18.49C22.13 17.85 23.7 17.5 25.5 17.5Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <path d="M21 19.49V21.15C22.13 20.51 23.7 20.16 25.5 20.16C26.38 20.16 27.23 20.25 28 20.42V18.9C27.21 18.75 26.36 18.66 25.5 18.66C23.8 18.66 22.26 18.96 21 19.49Z" 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stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>View all courses</div></a><div id="w-node-a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e31f-2df31670" class="w-embed w-script"><script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#allCourses").click(function() { // Set flag in localStorage localStorage.setItem("triggerButton", "true"); }); }); </script></div></div></div><div data-w-tab="Tab 3" class="nav-tab-content w-tab-pane"><div class="nav-tab-top-content-3"><p>Tailor-made training solutions for your team.</p></div><div class="nav-tab-links_wrapper-3"><a href="#" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_63985)"/> <path d="M24.67 21.13C26.04 22.06 27 23.32 27 25V28H31V25C31 22.82 27.43 21.53 24.67 21.13Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <path d="M23 20C25.21 20 27 18.21 27 16C27 13.79 25.21 12 23 12C22.53 12 22.09 12.1 21.67 12.24C22.5 13.27 23 14.58 23 16C23 17.42 22.5 18.73 21.67 19.76C22.09 19.9 22.53 20 23 20Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <path d="M17 20C19.21 20 21 18.21 21 16C21 13.79 19.21 12 17 12C14.79 12 13 13.79 13 16C13 18.21 14.79 20 17 20ZM17 14C18.1 14 19 14.9 19 16C19 17.1 18.1 18 17 18C15.9 18 15 17.1 15 16C15 14.9 15.9 14 17 14Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <path d="M17 21C14.33 21 9 22.34 9 25V28H25V25C25 22.34 19.67 21 17 21ZM23 26H11V25.01C11.2 24.29 14.3 23 17 23C19.7 23 22.8 24.29 23 25V26Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_63985" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>Team certifications</div></a><a href="#" id="w-node-a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e329-2df31670" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 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26H11V25.01C11.2 24.29 14.3 23 17 23C19.7 23 22.8 24.29 23 25V26Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_63985" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>Strategic workshops</div></a><a id="w-node-a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e335-2df31670" href="" target="_blank" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_63985)"/> <path d="M24.67 21.13C26.04 22.06 27 23.32 27 25V28H31V25C31 22.82 27.43 21.53 24.67 21.13Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <path d="M23 20C25.21 20 27 18.21 27 16C27 13.79 25.21 12 23 12C22.53 12 22.09 12.1 21.67 12.24C22.5 13.27 23 14.58 23 16C23 17.42 22.5 18.73 21.67 19.76C22.09 19.9 22.53 20 23 20Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <path d="M17 20C19.21 20 21 18.21 21 16C21 13.79 19.21 12 17 12C14.79 12 13 13.79 13 16C13 18.21 14.79 20 17 20ZM17 14C18.1 14 19 14.9 19 16C19 17.1 18.1 18 17 18C15.9 18 15 17.1 15 16C15 14.9 15.9 14 17 14Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <path d="M17 21C14.33 21 9 22.34 9 25V28H25V25C25 22.34 19.67 21 17 21ZM23 26H11V25.01C11.2 24.29 14.3 23 17 23C19.7 23 22.8 24.29 23 25V26Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_63985" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>Team L&amp;D membership</div></a></div></div><div data-w-tab="Tab 4" class="nav-tab-content w-tab-pane"><div class="nav-tab-top-content-3"><p>Unlock your potential with our educational resources.</p></div><div class="nav-tab-links_wrapper-3"><a href="#" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" 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21.5592 20.62 22.6392 19.96 22.9692L17.03 20.0392C17.35 19.3892 18.43 17.3292 19.76 15.9992C24.44 11.3192 27.99 12.0092 27.99 12.0092C27.99 12.0092 28.68 15.5592 24 20.2392ZM23 18.9992C24.1 18.9992 25 18.0992 25 16.9992C25 15.8992 24.1 14.9992 23 14.9992C21.9 14.9992 21 15.8992 21 16.9992C21 18.0992 21.9 18.9992 23 18.9992Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_64036" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>Certification Journey</div></a><a href="#" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small hide w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_64041)"/> <path d="M12 14H10V28C10 29.1 10.9 30 12 30H26V28H12V14ZM28 10H16C14.9 10 14 10.9 14 12V24C14 25.1 14.9 26 16 26H28C29.1 26 30 25.1 30 24V12C30 10.9 29.1 10 28 10ZM25 12V17L24 16.25L23 17V12H25ZM28 24H16V12H21V21L24 18.75L27 21V12H28V24Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_64041" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>PMA Academy</div></a><a href="" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_64047)"/> <path d="M17.75 29C16.9 29 16.1667 28.7042 15.55 28.1125C14.9333 27.5208 14.5833 26.8083 14.5 25.975C13.5 25.8417 12.6667 25.4 12 24.65C11.3333 23.9 11 23.0167 11 22C11 21.65 11.0458 21.3042 11.1375 20.9625C11.2292 20.6208 11.3667 20.3 11.55 20C11.3667 19.7 11.2292 19.3833 11.1375 19.05C11.0458 18.7167 11 18.3667 11 18C11 16.9833 11.3333 16.1042 12 15.3625C12.6667 14.6208 13.4917 14.1833 14.475 14.05C14.525 13.2 14.8667 12.4792 15.5 11.8875C16.1333 11.2958 16.8833 11 17.75 11C18.1833 11 18.5875 11.0833 18.9625 11.25C19.3375 11.4167 19.6833 11.6417 20 11.925C20.3 11.6417 20.6417 11.4167 21.025 11.25C21.4083 11.0833 21.8167 11 22.25 11C23.1167 11 23.8625 11.2917 24.4875 11.875C25.1125 12.4583 25.45 13.175 25.5 14.025C26.4833 14.1583 27.3125 14.6 27.9875 15.35C28.6625 16.1 29 16.9833 29 18C29 18.3667 28.9542 18.7167 28.8625 19.05C28.7708 19.3833 28.6333 19.7 28.45 20C28.6333 20.3 28.7708 20.6208 28.8625 20.9625C28.9542 21.3042 29 21.65 29 22C29 23.0333 28.6625 23.9208 27.9875 24.6625C27.3125 25.4042 26.475 25.8417 25.475 25.975C25.3917 26.8083 25.0458 27.5208 24.4375 28.1125C23.8292 28.7042 23.1 29 22.25 29C21.8333 29 21.4292 28.9208 21.0375 28.7625C20.6458 28.6042 20.3 28.3833 20 28.1C19.6833 28.3833 19.3333 28.6042 18.95 28.7625C18.5667 28.9208 18.1667 29 17.75 29ZM21 14.25V25.75C21 26.1 21.1208 26.3958 21.3625 26.6375C21.6042 26.8792 21.9 27 22.25 27C22.5833 27 22.8708 26.8667 23.1125 26.6C23.3542 26.3333 23.4833 26.0333 23.5 25.7C23.15 25.5667 22.8292 25.3875 22.5375 25.1625C22.2458 24.9375 21.9833 24.6667 21.75 24.35C21.5833 24.1167 21.5208 23.8667 21.5625 23.6C21.6042 23.3333 21.7417 23.1167 21.975 22.95C22.2083 22.7833 22.4583 22.7208 22.725 22.7625C22.9917 22.8042 23.2083 22.9417 23.375 23.175C23.5583 23.4417 23.7917 23.6458 24.075 23.7875C24.3583 23.9292 24.6667 24 25 24C25.55 24 26.0208 23.8042 26.4125 23.4125C26.8042 23.0208 27 22.55 27 22C27 21.9167 26.9958 21.8333 26.9875 21.75C26.9792 21.6667 26.9583 21.5833 26.925 21.5C26.6417 21.6667 26.3375 21.7917 26.0125 21.875C25.6875 21.9583 25.35 22 25 22C24.7167 22 24.4792 21.9042 24.2875 21.7125C24.0958 21.5208 24 21.2833 24 21C24 20.7167 24.0958 20.4792 24.2875 20.2875C24.4792 20.0958 24.7167 20 25 20C25.55 20 26.0208 19.8042 26.4125 19.4125C26.8042 19.0208 27 18.55 27 18C27 17.45 26.8042 16.9833 26.4125 16.6C26.0208 16.2167 25.55 16.0167 25 16C24.8167 16.3 24.5792 16.5625 24.2875 16.7875C23.9958 17.0125 23.675 17.1917 23.325 17.325C23.0583 17.425 22.8 17.4167 22.55 17.3C22.3 17.1833 22.1333 16.9917 22.05 16.725C21.9667 16.4583 21.9792 16.2 22.0875 15.95C22.1958 15.7 22.3833 15.5333 22.65 15.45C22.9 15.3667 23.1042 15.2167 23.2625 15C23.4208 14.7833 23.5 14.5333 23.5 14.25C23.5 13.9 23.3792 13.6042 23.1375 13.3625C22.8958 13.1208 22.6 13 22.25 13C21.9 13 21.6042 13.1208 21.3625 13.3625C21.1208 13.6042 21 13.9 21 14.25ZM19 25.75V14.25C19 13.9 18.8792 13.6042 18.6375 13.3625C18.3958 13.1208 18.1 13 17.75 13C17.4 13 17.1042 13.1208 16.8625 13.3625C16.6208 13.6042 16.5 13.9 16.5 14.25C16.5 14.5167 16.575 14.7625 16.725 14.9875C16.875 15.2125 17.075 15.3667 17.325 15.45C17.5917 15.5333 17.7833 15.7 17.9 15.95C18.0167 16.2 18.0333 16.4583 17.95 16.725C17.85 16.9917 17.675 17.1833 17.425 17.3C17.175 17.4167 16.9167 17.425 16.65 17.325C16.3 17.1917 15.9792 17.0125 15.6875 16.7875C15.3958 16.5625 15.1583 16.3 14.975 16C14.4417 16.0167 13.9792 16.2208 13.5875 16.6125C13.1958 17.0042 13 17.4667 13 18C13 18.55 13.1958 19.0208 13.5875 19.4125C13.9792 19.8042 14.45 20 15 20C15.2833 20 15.5208 20.0958 15.7125 20.2875C15.9042 20.4792 16 20.7167 16 21C16 21.2833 15.9042 21.5208 15.7125 21.7125C15.5208 21.9042 15.2833 22 15 22C14.65 22 14.3125 21.9583 13.9875 21.875C13.6625 21.7917 13.3583 21.6667 13.075 21.5C13.0417 21.5833 13.0208 21.6667 13.0125 21.75C13.0042 21.8333 13 21.9167 13 22C13 22.55 13.1958 23.0208 13.5875 23.4125C13.9792 23.8042 14.45 24 15 24C15.3333 24 15.6417 23.9292 15.925 23.7875C16.2083 23.6458 16.4417 23.4417 16.625 23.175C16.7917 22.9417 17.0083 22.8042 17.275 22.7625C17.5417 22.7208 17.7917 22.7833 18.025 22.95C18.2583 23.1167 18.3958 23.3333 18.4375 23.6C18.4792 23.8667 18.4167 24.1167 18.25 24.35C18.0167 24.6667 17.75 24.9417 17.45 25.175C17.15 25.4083 16.825 25.5917 16.475 25.725C16.4917 26.0583 16.625 26.3542 16.875 26.6125C17.125 26.8708 17.4167 27 17.75 27C18.1 27 18.3958 26.8792 18.6375 26.6375C18.8792 26.3958 19 26.1 19 25.75Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_64047" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>PMM IQ</div></a><a ms-code-onhover="click" href="#" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small hide w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_64051)"/> <path d="M20 10C14.48 10 10 14.48 10 20C10 25.52 14.48 30 20 30C25.52 30 30 25.52 30 20C30 14.48 25.52 10 20 10ZM20 28C15.59 28 12 24.41 12 20C12 15.59 15.59 12 20 12C24.41 12 28 15.59 28 20C28 24.41 24.41 28 20 28ZM20.31 19.14C18.54 18.69 17.97 18.2 17.97 17.47C17.97 16.63 18.76 16.04 20.07 16.04C21.45 16.04 21.97 16.7 22.01 17.68H23.72C23.67 16.34 22.85 15.11 21.23 14.71V13H18.9V14.69C17.39 15.01 16.18 15.99 16.18 17.5C16.18 19.29 17.67 20.19 19.84 20.71C21.79 21.17 22.18 21.86 22.18 22.58C22.18 23.11 21.79 23.97 20.08 23.97C18.48 23.97 17.85 23.25 17.76 22.33H16.04C16.14 24.03 17.4 24.99 18.9 25.3V27H21.24V25.33C22.76 25.04 23.96 24.17 23.97 22.56C23.96 20.36 22.07 19.6 20.31 19.14Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_64051" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>Reimbursements</div></a><a href="#" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_64056)"/> <path d="M22 14.5V12.5H18V14.5H22ZM12 16.5V27.5H28V16.5H12ZM28 14.5C29.11 14.5 30 15.39 30 16.5V27.5C30 28.61 29.11 29.5 28 29.5H12C10.89 29.5 10 28.61 10 27.5L10.01 16.5C10.01 15.39 10.89 14.5 12 14.5H16V12.5C16 11.39 16.89 10.5 18 10.5H22C23.11 10.5 24 11.39 24 12.5V14.5H28Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_64056" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>PMM Hired</div></a></div></div><div data-w-tab="Tab 5" class="nav-tab-content w-tab-pane"><div class="nav-tab-top-content-3"><p>Upskill yourself with a curated selection of certifications.</p></div><div class="nav-tab-links_wrapper-3 _1col"><a id="w-node-a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e357-2df31670" href="" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small _1col w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_64346)"/> <path d="M24 26V28H16V26H24ZM19 15.99V24H21V15.99H24L20 12L16 15.99H19Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_64346" 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22.0667 24 21 24V29H19ZM19 19C19 18.2 18.8458 17.4375 18.5375 16.7125C18.2292 15.9875 17.7917 15.3417 17.225 14.775C16.6583 14.2083 16.0125 13.7708 15.2875 13.4625C14.5625 13.1542 13.8 13 13 13C13 13.8 13.15 14.5667 13.45 15.3C13.75 16.0333 14.1833 16.6833 14.75 17.25C15.3167 17.8167 15.9667 18.25 16.7 18.55C17.4333 18.85 18.2 19 19 19ZM21 22C21.8 22 22.5625 21.85 23.2875 21.55C24.0125 21.25 24.6583 20.8167 25.225 20.25C25.7917 19.6833 26.2292 19.0333 26.5375 18.3C26.8458 17.5667 27 16.8 27 16C26.2 16 25.4333 16.1542 24.7 16.4625C23.9667 16.7708 23.3167 17.2083 22.75 17.775C22.1833 18.3417 21.75 18.9875 21.45 19.7125C21.15 20.4375 21 21.2 21 22Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_5876_6606" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>PLG Certified</div></a><a href="" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small _1col w-inline-block"><div 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15.875 12.775 14.325 14.325C12.775 15.875 12 17.7667 12 20C12 22.2333 12.775 24.125 14.325 25.675C15.875 27.225 17.7667 28 20 28ZM20 26C18.3333 26 16.9167 25.4167 15.75 24.25C14.5833 23.0833 14 21.6667 14 20C14 18.3333 14.5833 16.9167 15.75 15.75C16.9167 14.5833 18.3333 14 20 14C21.6667 14 23.0833 14.5833 24.25 15.75C25.4167 16.9167 26 18.3333 26 20C26 21.6667 25.4167 23.0833 24.25 24.25C23.0833 25.4167 21.6667 26 20 26ZM20 24C21.1 24 22.0417 23.6083 22.825 22.825C23.6083 22.0417 24 21.1 24 20C24 18.9 23.6083 17.9583 22.825 17.175C22.0417 16.3917 21.1 16 20 16C18.9 16 17.9583 16.3917 17.175 17.175C16.3917 17.9583 16 18.9 16 20C16 21.1 16.3917 22.0417 17.175 22.825C17.9583 23.6083 18.9 24 20 24ZM20 22C19.45 22 18.9792 21.8042 18.5875 21.4125C18.1958 21.0208 18 20.55 18 20C18 19.45 18.1958 18.9792 18.5875 18.5875C18.9792 18.1958 19.45 18 20 18C20.55 18 21.0208 18.1958 21.4125 18.5875C21.8042 18.9792 22 19.45 22 20C22 20.55 21.8042 21.0208 21.4125 21.4125C21.0208 21.8042 20.55 22 20 22Z" 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class="icon-embed-xsmall-3 w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 23 22" fill="none" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" aria-hidden="true" role="img"> <path d="M18.3354 11.738L17.3273 11.5651L16.314 11.4123C15.9559 11.3545 15.5945 11.3182 15.232 11.3036C14.2667 11.2785 13.3003 11.2861 12.3352 11.3006L9.44183 11.364C8.25529 11.3971 7.0688 11.4261 5.88523 11.4875C5.29267 11.5103 4.70258 11.5538 4.11119 11.5864C3.52198 11.6335 2.93072 11.6695 2.34398 11.7302C1.98422 11.7496 1.62343 11.7369 1.26592 11.6922C1.10095 11.6689 0.94434 11.6051 0.810129 11.5063C0.675917 11.4076 0.568298 11.2771 0.496921 11.1266C0.236922 10.6755 0.369622 10.1444 0.846758 9.96561C1.15667 9.85698 1.48338 9.80416 1.81173 9.80959C3.29353 9.78829 4.77197 9.66238 6.23603 9.43281C6.63738 9.33915 7.05032 9.30496 7.46161 9.33134C8.73218 9.50541 10.0018 9.35736 11.2684 9.45916C11.7384 9.49522 12.2097 9.51279 12.681 9.53418C13.1524 9.5509 13.6241 9.57014 14.0942 9.61019C15.771 9.74477 17.4414 9.94231 19.1048 10.1848C19.764 10.2567 20.3845 10.5321 20.8801 10.9728C21.11 11.1865 21.031 11.6212 20.727 11.6824C20.2954 11.7638 19.8575 11.8069 19.4184 11.8112C19.0577 11.7975 18.6982 11.7632 18.3415 11.7084L18.3354 11.738Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M14.6939 12.9735C15.3205 12.6085 15.9607 12.2582 16.6281 11.9423C16.9825 11.7754 17.3412 11.6154 17.6959 11.4412C18.3149 11.1218 18.9626 10.8611 19.6303 10.6625C20.3318 10.4554 21.0586 10.3458 21.79 10.3368L21.231 12.144C20.6245 11.7868 20.0231 11.4202 19.4307 11.0392C17.3591 9.7049 15.367 8.24808 13.432 6.72295C13.1446 6.48121 12.8834 6.20996 12.6527 5.91366C12.5491 5.77952 12.4812 5.62131 12.4552 5.4538C12.4293 5.28629 12.4462 5.11494 12.5045 4.95575C12.6482 4.45658 13.1314 4.189 13.587 4.4014C13.8776 4.54639 14.1432 4.73704 14.3736 4.96608C15.4474 5.97706 16.6438 6.84925 17.9348 7.5622C18.291 7.76054 18.6802 7.93848 18.9649 8.21827C19.878 9.1107 21.0095 9.70197 22.0268 10.4505C22.0903 10.4968 22.1538 10.543 22.2177 10.5895L22.3013 10.6503C22.451 10.7593 22.5608 10.9144 22.6139 11.0918C22.667 11.2692 22.6604 11.4591 22.5952 11.6324C22.53 11.8057 22.4097 11.9528 22.2528 12.0512C22.0959 12.1495 21.9111 12.1937 21.7267 12.1769C20.9845 12.1093 20.2138 12.2714 19.4514 12.4946C17.9566 12.935 16.5064 13.7501 15.117 14.6612C14.5762 15.0451 13.9392 15.2711 13.2774 15.3138C12.9596 15.3251 12.7061 14.9635 12.8873 14.7019C13.1487 14.328 13.449 13.9829 13.7832 13.6725C14.074 13.4251 14.3832 13.2003 14.7081 13L14.6939 12.9735Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div></a><a data-w-tab="Tab 3" ms-code-onhover="click" data-w-id="a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e388" class="nav_tabs-link hide w-inline-block w-tab-link"><p>Members only events</p><div class="icon-embed-xsmall-3 w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 23 22" fill="none" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" aria-hidden="true" role="img"> <path d="M18.3354 11.738L17.3273 11.5651L16.314 11.4123C15.9559 11.3545 15.5945 11.3182 15.232 11.3036C14.2667 11.2785 13.3003 11.2861 12.3352 11.3006L9.44183 11.364C8.25529 11.3971 7.0688 11.4261 5.88523 11.4875C5.29267 11.5103 4.70258 11.5538 4.11119 11.5864C3.52198 11.6335 2.93072 11.6695 2.34398 11.7302C1.98422 11.7496 1.62343 11.7369 1.26592 11.6922C1.10095 11.6689 0.94434 11.6051 0.810129 11.5063C0.675917 11.4076 0.568298 11.2771 0.496921 11.1266C0.236922 10.6755 0.369622 10.1444 0.846758 9.96561C1.15667 9.85698 1.48338 9.80416 1.81173 9.80959C3.29353 9.78829 4.77197 9.66238 6.23603 9.43281C6.63738 9.33915 7.05032 9.30496 7.46161 9.33134C8.73218 9.50541 10.0018 9.35736 11.2684 9.45916C11.7384 9.49522 12.2097 9.51279 12.681 9.53418C13.1524 9.5509 13.6241 9.57014 14.0942 9.61019C15.771 9.74477 17.4414 9.94231 19.1048 10.1848C19.764 10.2567 20.3845 10.5321 20.8801 10.9728C21.11 11.1865 21.031 11.6212 20.727 11.6824C20.2954 11.7638 19.8575 11.8069 19.4184 11.8112C19.0577 11.7975 18.6982 11.7632 18.3415 11.7084L18.3354 11.738Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M14.6939 12.9735C15.3205 12.6085 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14.6612C14.5762 15.0451 13.9392 15.2711 13.2774 15.3138C12.9596 15.3251 12.7061 14.9635 12.8873 14.7019C13.1487 14.328 13.449 13.9829 13.7832 13.6725C14.074 13.4251 14.3832 13.2003 14.7081 13L14.6939 12.9735Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div></a><a data-w-tab="Tab 4" ms-code-onhover="click" id="w-node-a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e38c-2df31670" data-w-id="a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e38c" class="nav_tabs-link w-inline-block w-tab-link"><p>All events</p><div class="icon-embed-xsmall-3 w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 23 22" fill="none" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" aria-hidden="true" role="img"> <path d="M18.3354 11.738L17.3273 11.5651L16.314 11.4123C15.9559 11.3545 15.5945 11.3182 15.232 11.3036C14.2667 11.2785 13.3003 11.2861 12.3352 11.3006L9.44183 11.364C8.25529 11.3971 7.0688 11.4261 5.88523 11.4875C5.29267 11.5103 4.70258 11.5538 4.11119 11.5864C3.52198 11.6335 2.93072 11.6695 2.34398 11.7302C1.98422 11.7496 1.62343 11.7369 1.26592 11.6922C1.10095 11.6689 0.94434 11.6051 0.810129 11.5063C0.675917 11.4076 0.568298 11.2771 0.496921 11.1266C0.236922 10.6755 0.369622 10.1444 0.846758 9.96561C1.15667 9.85698 1.48338 9.80416 1.81173 9.80959C3.29353 9.78829 4.77197 9.66238 6.23603 9.43281C6.63738 9.33915 7.05032 9.30496 7.46161 9.33134C8.73218 9.50541 10.0018 9.35736 11.2684 9.45916C11.7384 9.49522 12.2097 9.51279 12.681 9.53418C13.1524 9.5509 13.6241 9.57014 14.0942 9.61019C15.771 9.74477 17.4414 9.94231 19.1048 10.1848C19.764 10.2567 20.3845 10.5321 20.8801 10.9728C21.11 11.1865 21.031 11.6212 20.727 11.6824C20.2954 11.7638 19.8575 11.8069 19.4184 11.8112C19.0577 11.7975 18.6982 11.7632 18.3415 11.7084L18.3354 11.738Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M14.6939 12.9735C15.3205 12.6085 15.9607 12.2582 16.6281 11.9423C16.9825 11.7754 17.3412 11.6154 17.6959 11.4412C18.3149 11.1218 18.9626 10.8611 19.6303 10.6625C20.3318 10.4554 21.0586 10.3458 21.79 10.3368L21.231 12.144C20.6245 11.7868 20.0231 11.4202 19.4307 11.0392C17.3591 9.7049 15.367 8.24808 13.432 6.72295C13.1446 6.48121 12.8834 6.20996 12.6527 5.91366C12.5491 5.77952 12.4812 5.62131 12.4552 5.4538C12.4293 5.28629 12.4462 5.11494 12.5045 4.95575C12.6482 4.45658 13.1314 4.189 13.587 4.4014C13.8776 4.54639 14.1432 4.73704 14.3736 4.96608C15.4474 5.97706 16.6438 6.84925 17.9348 7.5622C18.291 7.76054 18.6802 7.93848 18.9649 8.21827C19.878 9.1107 21.0095 9.70197 22.0268 10.4505C22.0903 10.4968 22.1538 10.543 22.2177 10.5895L22.3013 10.6503C22.451 10.7593 22.5608 10.9144 22.6139 11.0918C22.667 11.2692 22.6604 11.4591 22.5952 11.6324C22.53 11.8057 22.4097 11.9528 22.2528 12.0512C22.0959 12.1495 21.9111 12.1937 21.7267 12.1769C20.9845 12.1093 20.2138 12.2714 19.4514 12.4946C17.9566 12.935 16.5064 13.7501 15.117 14.6612C14.5762 15.0451 13.9392 15.2711 13.2774 15.3138C12.9596 15.3251 12.7061 14.9635 12.8873 14.7019C13.1487 14.328 13.449 13.9829 13.7832 13.6725C14.074 13.4251 14.3832 13.2003 14.7081 13L14.6939 12.9735Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div></a><a data-w-tab="Tab 5" ms-code-onhover="click" id="w-node-a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e390-2df31670" data-w-id="a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e390" class="nav_tabs-link w-inline-block w-tab-link"><p>Virtual events</p><div class="icon-embed-xsmall-3 w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 23 22" fill="none" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" aria-hidden="true" role="img"> <path d="M18.3354 11.738L17.3273 11.5651L16.314 11.4123C15.9559 11.3545 15.5945 11.3182 15.232 11.3036C14.2667 11.2785 13.3003 11.2861 12.3352 11.3006L9.44183 11.364C8.25529 11.3971 7.0688 11.4261 5.88523 11.4875C5.29267 11.5103 4.70258 11.5538 4.11119 11.5864C3.52198 11.6335 2.93072 11.6695 2.34398 11.7302C1.98422 11.7496 1.62343 11.7369 1.26592 11.6922C1.10095 11.6689 0.94434 11.6051 0.810129 11.5063C0.675917 11.4076 0.568298 11.2771 0.496921 11.1266C0.236922 10.6755 0.369622 10.1444 0.846758 9.96561C1.15667 9.85698 1.48338 9.80416 1.81173 9.80959C3.29353 9.78829 4.77197 9.66238 6.23603 9.43281C6.63738 9.33915 7.05032 9.30496 7.46161 9.33134C8.73218 9.50541 10.0018 9.35736 11.2684 9.45916C11.7384 9.49522 12.2097 9.51279 12.681 9.53418C13.1524 9.5509 13.6241 9.57014 14.0942 9.61019C15.771 9.74477 17.4414 9.94231 19.1048 10.1848C19.764 10.2567 20.3845 10.5321 20.8801 10.9728C21.11 11.1865 21.031 11.6212 20.727 11.6824C20.2954 11.7638 19.8575 11.8069 19.4184 11.8112C19.0577 11.7975 18.6982 11.7632 18.3415 11.7084L18.3354 11.738Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M14.6939 12.9735C15.3205 12.6085 15.9607 12.2582 16.6281 11.9423C16.9825 11.7754 17.3412 11.6154 17.6959 11.4412C18.3149 11.1218 18.9626 10.8611 19.6303 10.6625C20.3318 10.4554 21.0586 10.3458 21.79 10.3368L21.231 12.144C20.6245 11.7868 20.0231 11.4202 19.4307 11.0392C17.3591 9.7049 15.367 8.24808 13.432 6.72295C13.1446 6.48121 12.8834 6.20996 12.6527 5.91366C12.5491 5.77952 12.4812 5.62131 12.4552 5.4538C12.4293 5.28629 12.4462 5.11494 12.5045 4.95575C12.6482 4.45658 13.1314 4.189 13.587 4.4014C13.8776 4.54639 14.1432 4.73704 14.3736 4.96608C15.4474 5.97706 16.6438 6.84925 17.9348 7.5622C18.291 7.76054 18.6802 7.93848 18.9649 8.21827C19.878 9.1107 21.0095 9.70197 22.0268 10.4505C22.0903 10.4968 22.1538 10.543 22.2177 10.5895L22.3013 10.6503C22.451 10.7593 22.5608 10.9144 22.6139 11.0918C22.667 11.2692 22.6604 11.4591 22.5952 11.6324C22.53 11.8057 22.4097 11.9528 22.2528 12.0512C22.0959 12.1495 21.9111 12.1937 21.7267 12.1769C20.9845 12.1093 20.2138 12.2714 19.4514 12.4946C17.9566 12.935 16.5064 13.7501 15.117 14.6612C14.5762 15.0451 13.9392 15.2711 13.2774 15.3138C12.9596 15.3251 12.7061 14.9635 12.8873 14.7019C13.1487 14.328 13.449 13.9829 13.7832 13.6725C14.074 13.4251 14.3832 13.2003 14.7081 13L14.6939 12.9735Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div></a><a data-w-tab="Tab 6" ms-code-onhover="click" id="w-node-a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e394-2df31670" data-w-id="a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e394" class="nav_tabs-link w-inline-block w-tab-link"><p>Catchup OnDemand </p><div class="icon-embed-xsmall-3 w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 23 22" fill="none" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" aria-hidden="true" role="img"> <path d="M18.3354 11.738L17.3273 11.5651L16.314 11.4123C15.9559 11.3545 15.5945 11.3182 15.232 11.3036C14.2667 11.2785 13.3003 11.2861 12.3352 11.3006L9.44183 11.364C8.25529 11.3971 7.0688 11.4261 5.88523 11.4875C5.29267 11.5103 4.70258 11.5538 4.11119 11.5864C3.52198 11.6335 2.93072 11.6695 2.34398 11.7302C1.98422 11.7496 1.62343 11.7369 1.26592 11.6922C1.10095 11.6689 0.94434 11.6051 0.810129 11.5063C0.675917 11.4076 0.568298 11.2771 0.496921 11.1266C0.236922 10.6755 0.369622 10.1444 0.846758 9.96561C1.15667 9.85698 1.48338 9.80416 1.81173 9.80959C3.29353 9.78829 4.77197 9.66238 6.23603 9.43281C6.63738 9.33915 7.05032 9.30496 7.46161 9.33134C8.73218 9.50541 10.0018 9.35736 11.2684 9.45916C11.7384 9.49522 12.2097 9.51279 12.681 9.53418C13.1524 9.5509 13.6241 9.57014 14.0942 9.61019C15.771 9.74477 17.4414 9.94231 19.1048 10.1848C19.764 10.2567 20.3845 10.5321 20.8801 10.9728C21.11 11.1865 21.031 11.6212 20.727 11.6824C20.2954 11.7638 19.8575 11.8069 19.4184 11.8112C19.0577 11.7975 18.6982 11.7632 18.3415 11.7084L18.3354 11.738Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M14.6939 12.9735C15.3205 12.6085 15.9607 12.2582 16.6281 11.9423C16.9825 11.7754 17.3412 11.6154 17.6959 11.4412C18.3149 11.1218 18.9626 10.8611 19.6303 10.6625C20.3318 10.4554 21.0586 10.3458 21.79 10.3368L21.231 12.144C20.6245 11.7868 20.0231 11.4202 19.4307 11.0392C17.3591 9.7049 15.367 8.24808 13.432 6.72295C13.1446 6.48121 12.8834 6.20996 12.6527 5.91366C12.5491 5.77952 12.4812 5.62131 12.4552 5.4538C12.4293 5.28629 12.4462 5.11494 12.5045 4.95575C12.6482 4.45658 13.1314 4.189 13.587 4.4014C13.8776 4.54639 14.1432 4.73704 14.3736 4.96608C15.4474 5.97706 16.6438 6.84925 17.9348 7.5622C18.291 7.76054 18.6802 7.93848 18.9649 8.21827C19.878 9.1107 21.0095 9.70197 22.0268 10.4505C22.0903 10.4968 22.1538 10.543 22.2177 10.5895L22.3013 10.6503C22.451 10.7593 22.5608 10.9144 22.6139 11.0918C22.667 11.2692 22.6604 11.4591 22.5952 11.6324C22.53 11.8057 22.4097 11.9528 22.2528 12.0512C22.0959 12.1495 21.9111 12.1937 21.7267 12.1769C20.9845 12.1093 20.2138 12.2714 19.4514 12.4946C17.9566 12.935 16.5064 13.7501 15.117 14.6612C14.5762 15.0451 13.9392 15.2711 13.2774 15.3138C12.9596 15.3251 12.7061 14.9635 12.8873 14.7019C13.1487 14.328 13.449 13.9829 13.7832 13.6725C14.074 13.4251 14.3832 13.2003 14.7081 13L14.6939 12.9735Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div></a></div><div class="nav_tabs-nav w-tab-content"><div data-w-tab="Tab 2" class="w-tab-pane w--tab-active"><div class="nav-tab-top-content-3"><p>Expand your network and knowledge - find an event in your city.</p></div><div class="nav-tab-links_wrapper-3"><a href="" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_64838)"/> <path d="M20 12L18.59 13.41L24.17 19H12V21H24.17L18.59 26.59L20 28L28 20L20 12Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_64838" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>New York</div></a><a href="" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_64838)"/> <path d="M20 12L18.59 13.41L24.17 19H12V21H24.17L18.59 26.59L20 28L28 20L20 12Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_64838" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>San Francisco</div></a><a href="" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small hide w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_64812)"/> <path d="M27 12H13C11.89 12 11 12.9 11 14V26C11 27.1 11.89 28 13 28H27C28.1 28 29 27.1 29 26V14C29 12.9 28.11 12 27 12ZM27 26H13V16H27V26Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_64812" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>Webinars</div></a><a href="" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small hide w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_64834)"/> <path d="M17 21.75C14.66 21.75 10 22.92 10 25.25V27H24V25.25C24 22.92 19.34 21.75 17 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20 20 20C22.21 20 24 18.21 24 16C24 13.79 22.21 12 20 12ZM20 22C17.33 22 12 23.34 12 26V28H28V26C28 23.34 22.67 22 20 22Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_64803" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>Members-only events</div></a><a href="" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_3729_202429)"/> <path d="M23 13L21.59 14.41L26.17 19H10V21H26.17L21.58 25.59L23 27L30 20L23 13Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_3729_202429" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>View all 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</svg></div><div>Positioning</div></a><a href="#" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small nav-tab-link-flex-child w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_66190)"/> <path d="M20 12L18.59 13.41L24.17 19H12V21H24.17L18.59 26.59L20 28L28 20L20 12Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_66190" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>View all OnDemand</div></a></div></div><div data-w-tab="Tab 5" class="w-tab-pane"><div class="nav-tab-top-content-3"><p>Industry insights and data-driven trends for PMMs.</p></div><div class="nav-tab-links_wrapper-flex-3"><a id="w-node-a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e485-2df31670" href="" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small nav-tab-link-flex-child 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x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>PMM Tools of Choice</div></a><a id="w-node-a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e491-2df31670" href="" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small nav-tab-link-flex-child w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_65550)"/> <path d="M13 29C12.45 29 11.9792 28.8042 11.5875 28.4125C11.1958 28.0208 11 27.55 11 27V11H13V27H29V29H13ZM14 26V17H18V26H14ZM19 26V12H23V26H19ZM24 26V21H28V26H24Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_65550" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>State of PMM Leadership</div></a><a 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9H12.5C11.4 9 10.5 9.9 10.5 11V25H12.5V11H24.5V9ZM27.5 13H16.5C15.4 13 14.5 13.9 14.5 15V29C14.5 30.1 15.4 31 16.5 31H27.5C28.6 31 29.5 30.1 29.5 29V15C29.5 13.9 28.6 13 27.5 13ZM27.5 29H16.5V15H27.5V29Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_66061" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>Product Marketing On Demand</div></a></div></div><div data-w-tab="Tab 6" class="w-tab-pane"><div class="nav-tab-top-content-3"><p>Essential reading for mastering key PMM concepts.</p></div><div class="nav-tab-links_wrapper-flex-3"><a id="w-node-a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e4bb-2df31670" href="" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small nav-tab-link-flex-child w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_65656)"/> <path d="M12 22.225H13.125L13.7 20.575H16.3L16.9 22.225H18L15.575 15.775H14.425L12 22.225ZM14.025 19.65L14.975 16.975H15.025L15.975 19.65H14.025ZM22 17.9V16.2C22.55 15.9667 23.1125 15.7917 23.6875 15.675C24.2625 15.5583 24.8667 15.5 25.5 15.5C25.9333 15.5 26.3583 15.5333 26.775 15.6C27.1917 15.6667 27.6 15.75 28 15.85V17.45C27.6 17.3 27.1958 17.1875 26.7875 17.1125C26.3792 17.0375 25.95 17 25.5 17C24.8667 17 24.2583 17.0792 23.675 17.2375C23.0917 17.3958 22.5333 17.6167 22 17.9ZM22 23.4V21.7C22.55 21.4667 23.1125 21.2917 23.6875 21.175C24.2625 21.0583 24.8667 21 25.5 21C25.9333 21 26.3583 21.0333 26.775 21.1C27.1917 21.1667 27.6 21.25 28 21.35V22.95C27.6 22.8 27.1958 22.6875 26.7875 22.6125C26.3792 22.5375 25.95 22.5 25.5 22.5C24.8667 22.5 24.2583 22.575 23.675 22.725C23.0917 22.875 22.5333 23.1 22 23.4ZM22 20.65V18.95C22.55 18.7167 23.1125 18.5417 23.6875 18.425C24.2625 18.3083 24.8667 18.25 25.5 18.25C25.9333 18.25 26.3583 18.2833 26.775 18.35C27.1917 18.4167 27.6 18.5 28 18.6V20.2C27.6 20.05 27.1958 19.9375 26.7875 19.8625C26.3792 19.7875 25.95 19.75 25.5 19.75C24.8667 19.75 24.2583 19.8292 23.675 19.9875C23.0917 20.1458 22.5333 20.3667 22 20.65ZM14.5 24C15.2833 24 16.0458 24.0875 16.7875 24.2625C17.5292 24.4375 18.2667 24.7 19 25.05V15.2C18.3167 14.8 17.5917 14.5 16.825 14.3C16.0583 14.1 15.2833 14 14.5 14C13.9 14 13.3042 14.0583 12.7125 14.175C12.1208 14.2917 11.55 14.4667 11 14.7V24.6C11.5833 24.4 12.1625 24.25 12.7375 24.15C13.3125 24.05 13.9 24 14.5 24ZM21 25.05C21.7333 24.7 22.4708 24.4375 23.2125 24.2625C23.9542 24.0875 24.7167 24 25.5 24C26.1 24 26.6875 24.05 27.2625 24.15C27.8375 24.25 28.4167 24.4 29 24.6V14.7C28.45 14.4667 27.8792 14.2917 27.2875 14.175C26.6958 14.0583 26.1 14 25.5 14C24.7167 14 23.9417 14.1 23.175 14.3C22.4083 14.5 21.6833 14.8 21 15.2V25.05ZM20 28C19.2 27.3667 18.3333 26.875 17.4 26.525C16.4667 26.175 15.5 26 14.5 26C13.8 26 13.1125 26.0917 12.4375 26.275C11.7625 26.4583 11.1167 26.7167 10.5 27.05C10.15 27.2333 9.8125 27.225 9.4875 27.025C9.1625 26.825 9 26.5333 9 26.15V14.1C9 13.9167 9.04583 13.7417 9.1375 13.575C9.22917 13.4083 9.36667 13.2833 9.55 13.2C10.3167 12.8 11.1167 12.5 11.95 12.3C12.7833 12.1 13.6333 12 14.5 12C15.4667 12 16.4125 12.125 17.3375 12.375C18.2625 12.625 19.15 13 20 13.5C20.85 13 21.7375 12.625 22.6625 12.375C23.5875 12.125 24.5333 12 25.5 12C26.3667 12 27.2167 12.1 28.05 12.3C28.8833 12.5 29.6833 12.8 30.45 13.2C30.6333 13.2833 30.7708 13.4083 30.8625 13.575C30.9542 13.7417 31 13.9167 31 14.1V26.15C31 26.5333 30.8375 26.825 30.5125 27.025C30.1875 27.225 29.85 27.2333 29.5 27.05C28.8833 26.7167 28.2375 26.4583 27.5625 26.275C26.8875 26.0917 26.2 26 25.5 26C24.5 26 23.5333 26.175 22.6 26.525C21.6667 26.875 20.8 27.3667 20 28Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_65656" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>What is product marketing?</div></a><a id="w-node-a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e4bf-2df31670" href="" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small nav-tab-link-flex-child w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_65656)"/> <path d="M12 22.225H13.125L13.7 20.575H16.3L16.9 22.225H18L15.575 15.775H14.425L12 22.225ZM14.025 19.65L14.975 16.975H15.025L15.975 19.65H14.025ZM22 17.9V16.2C22.55 15.9667 23.1125 15.7917 23.6875 15.675C24.2625 15.5583 24.8667 15.5 25.5 15.5C25.9333 15.5 26.3583 15.5333 26.775 15.6C27.1917 15.6667 27.6 15.75 28 15.85V17.45C27.6 17.3 27.1958 17.1875 26.7875 17.1125C26.3792 17.0375 25.95 17 25.5 17C24.8667 17 24.2583 17.0792 23.675 17.2375C23.0917 17.3958 22.5333 17.6167 22 17.9ZM22 23.4V21.7C22.55 21.4667 23.1125 21.2917 23.6875 21.175C24.2625 21.0583 24.8667 21 25.5 21C25.9333 21 26.3583 21.0333 26.775 21.1C27.1917 21.1667 27.6 21.25 28 21.35V22.95C27.6 22.8 27.1958 22.6875 26.7875 22.6125C26.3792 22.5375 25.95 22.5 25.5 22.5C24.8667 22.5 24.2583 22.575 23.675 22.725C23.0917 22.875 22.5333 23.1 22 23.4ZM22 20.65V18.95C22.55 18.7167 23.1125 18.5417 23.6875 18.425C24.2625 18.3083 24.8667 18.25 25.5 18.25C25.9333 18.25 26.3583 18.2833 26.775 18.35C27.1917 18.4167 27.6 18.5 28 18.6V20.2C27.6 20.05 27.1958 19.9375 26.7875 19.8625C26.3792 19.7875 25.95 19.75 25.5 19.75C24.8667 19.75 24.2583 19.8292 23.675 19.9875C23.0917 20.1458 22.5333 20.3667 22 20.65ZM14.5 24C15.2833 24 16.0458 24.0875 16.7875 24.2625C17.5292 24.4375 18.2667 24.7 19 25.05V15.2C18.3167 14.8 17.5917 14.5 16.825 14.3C16.0583 14.1 15.2833 14 14.5 14C13.9 14 13.3042 14.0583 12.7125 14.175C12.1208 14.2917 11.55 14.4667 11 14.7V24.6C11.5833 24.4 12.1625 24.25 12.7375 24.15C13.3125 24.05 13.9 24 14.5 24ZM21 25.05C21.7333 24.7 22.4708 24.4375 23.2125 24.2625C23.9542 24.0875 24.7167 24 25.5 24C26.1 24 26.6875 24.05 27.2625 24.15C27.8375 24.25 28.4167 24.4 29 24.6V14.7C28.45 14.4667 27.8792 14.2917 27.2875 14.175C26.6958 14.0583 26.1 14 25.5 14C24.7167 14 23.9417 14.1 23.175 14.3C22.4083 14.5 21.6833 14.8 21 15.2V25.05ZM20 28C19.2 27.3667 18.3333 26.875 17.4 26.525C16.4667 26.175 15.5 26 14.5 26C13.8 26 13.1125 26.0917 12.4375 26.275C11.7625 26.4583 11.1167 26.7167 10.5 27.05C10.15 27.2333 9.8125 27.225 9.4875 27.025C9.1625 26.825 9 26.5333 9 26.15V14.1C9 13.9167 9.04583 13.7417 9.1375 13.575C9.22917 13.4083 9.36667 13.2833 9.55 13.2C10.3167 12.8 11.1167 12.5 11.95 12.3C12.7833 12.1 13.6333 12 14.5 12C15.4667 12 16.4125 12.125 17.3375 12.375C18.2625 12.625 19.15 13 20 13.5C20.85 13 21.7375 12.625 22.6625 12.375C23.5875 12.125 24.5333 12 25.5 12C26.3667 12 27.2167 12.1 28.05 12.3C28.8833 12.5 29.6833 12.8 30.45 13.2C30.6333 13.2833 30.7708 13.4083 30.8625 13.575C30.9542 13.7417 31 13.9167 31 14.1V26.15C31 26.5333 30.8375 26.825 30.5125 27.025C30.1875 27.225 29.85 27.2333 29.5 27.05C28.8833 26.7167 28.2375 26.4583 27.5625 26.275C26.8875 26.0917 26.2 26 25.5 26C24.5 26 23.5333 26.175 22.6 26.525C21.6667 26.875 20.8 27.3667 20 28Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_65656" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>Product marketing framework</div></a><a id="w-node-a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e4c3-2df31670" href="" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small nav-tab-link-flex-child w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_65656)"/> <path d="M12 22.225H13.125L13.7 20.575H16.3L16.9 22.225H18L15.575 15.775H14.425L12 22.225ZM14.025 19.65L14.975 16.975H15.025L15.975 19.65H14.025ZM22 17.9V16.2C22.55 15.9667 23.1125 15.7917 23.6875 15.675C24.2625 15.5583 24.8667 15.5 25.5 15.5C25.9333 15.5 26.3583 15.5333 26.775 15.6C27.1917 15.6667 27.6 15.75 28 15.85V17.45C27.6 17.3 27.1958 17.1875 26.7875 17.1125C26.3792 17.0375 25.95 17 25.5 17C24.8667 17 24.2583 17.0792 23.675 17.2375C23.0917 17.3958 22.5333 17.6167 22 17.9ZM22 23.4V21.7C22.55 21.4667 23.1125 21.2917 23.6875 21.175C24.2625 21.0583 24.8667 21 25.5 21C25.9333 21 26.3583 21.0333 26.775 21.1C27.1917 21.1667 27.6 21.25 28 21.35V22.95C27.6 22.8 27.1958 22.6875 26.7875 22.6125C26.3792 22.5375 25.95 22.5 25.5 22.5C24.8667 22.5 24.2583 22.575 23.675 22.725C23.0917 22.875 22.5333 23.1 22 23.4ZM22 20.65V18.95C22.55 18.7167 23.1125 18.5417 23.6875 18.425C24.2625 18.3083 24.8667 18.25 25.5 18.25C25.9333 18.25 26.3583 18.2833 26.775 18.35C27.1917 18.4167 27.6 18.5 28 18.6V20.2C27.6 20.05 27.1958 19.9375 26.7875 19.8625C26.3792 19.7875 25.95 19.75 25.5 19.75C24.8667 19.75 24.2583 19.8292 23.675 19.9875C23.0917 20.1458 22.5333 20.3667 22 20.65ZM14.5 24C15.2833 24 16.0458 24.0875 16.7875 24.2625C17.5292 24.4375 18.2667 24.7 19 25.05V15.2C18.3167 14.8 17.5917 14.5 16.825 14.3C16.0583 14.1 15.2833 14 14.5 14C13.9 14 13.3042 14.0583 12.7125 14.175C12.1208 14.2917 11.55 14.4667 11 14.7V24.6C11.5833 24.4 12.1625 24.25 12.7375 24.15C13.3125 24.05 13.9 24 14.5 24ZM21 25.05C21.7333 24.7 22.4708 24.4375 23.2125 24.2625C23.9542 24.0875 24.7167 24 25.5 24C26.1 24 26.6875 24.05 27.2625 24.15C27.8375 24.25 28.4167 24.4 29 24.6V14.7C28.45 14.4667 27.8792 14.2917 27.2875 14.175C26.6958 14.0583 26.1 14 25.5 14C24.7167 14 23.9417 14.1 23.175 14.3C22.4083 14.5 21.6833 14.8 21 15.2V25.05ZM20 28C19.2 27.3667 18.3333 26.875 17.4 26.525C16.4667 26.175 15.5 26 14.5 26C13.8 26 13.1125 26.0917 12.4375 26.275C11.7625 26.4583 11.1167 26.7167 10.5 27.05C10.15 27.2333 9.8125 27.225 9.4875 27.025C9.1625 26.825 9 26.5333 9 26.15V14.1C9 13.9167 9.04583 13.7417 9.1375 13.575C9.22917 13.4083 9.36667 13.2833 9.55 13.2C10.3167 12.8 11.1167 12.5 11.95 12.3C12.7833 12.1 13.6333 12 14.5 12C15.4667 12 16.4125 12.125 17.3375 12.375C18.2625 12.625 19.15 13 20 13.5C20.85 13 21.7375 12.625 22.6625 12.375C23.5875 12.125 24.5333 12 25.5 12C26.3667 12 27.2167 12.1 28.05 12.3C28.8833 12.5 29.6833 12.8 30.45 13.2C30.6333 13.2833 30.7708 13.4083 30.8625 13.575C30.9542 13.7417 31 13.9167 31 14.1V26.15C31 26.5333 30.8375 26.825 30.5125 27.025C30.1875 27.225 29.85 27.2333 29.5 27.05C28.8833 26.7167 28.2375 26.4583 27.5625 26.275C26.8875 26.0917 26.2 26 25.5 26C24.5 26 23.5333 26.175 22.6 26.525C21.6667 26.875 20.8 27.3667 20 28Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_65656" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>Go-to-Market</div></a><a id="w-node-a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e4c7-2df31670" href="" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small nav-tab-link-flex-child w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 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24.8667 18.25 25.5 18.25C25.9333 18.25 26.3583 18.2833 26.775 18.35C27.1917 18.4167 27.6 18.5 28 18.6V20.2C27.6 20.05 27.1958 19.9375 26.7875 19.8625C26.3792 19.7875 25.95 19.75 25.5 19.75C24.8667 19.75 24.2583 19.8292 23.675 19.9875C23.0917 20.1458 22.5333 20.3667 22 20.65ZM14.5 24C15.2833 24 16.0458 24.0875 16.7875 24.2625C17.5292 24.4375 18.2667 24.7 19 25.05V15.2C18.3167 14.8 17.5917 14.5 16.825 14.3C16.0583 14.1 15.2833 14 14.5 14C13.9 14 13.3042 14.0583 12.7125 14.175C12.1208 14.2917 11.55 14.4667 11 14.7V24.6C11.5833 24.4 12.1625 24.25 12.7375 24.15C13.3125 24.05 13.9 24 14.5 24ZM21 25.05C21.7333 24.7 22.4708 24.4375 23.2125 24.2625C23.9542 24.0875 24.7167 24 25.5 24C26.1 24 26.6875 24.05 27.2625 24.15C27.8375 24.25 28.4167 24.4 29 24.6V14.7C28.45 14.4667 27.8792 14.2917 27.2875 14.175C26.6958 14.0583 26.1 14 25.5 14C24.7167 14 23.9417 14.1 23.175 14.3C22.4083 14.5 21.6833 14.8 21 15.2V25.05ZM20 28C19.2 27.3667 18.3333 26.875 17.4 26.525C16.4667 26.175 15.5 26 14.5 26C13.8 26 13.1125 26.0917 12.4375 26.275C11.7625 26.4583 11.1167 26.7167 10.5 27.05C10.15 27.2333 9.8125 27.225 9.4875 27.025C9.1625 26.825 9 26.5333 9 26.15V14.1C9 13.9167 9.04583 13.7417 9.1375 13.575C9.22917 13.4083 9.36667 13.2833 9.55 13.2C10.3167 12.8 11.1167 12.5 11.95 12.3C12.7833 12.1 13.6333 12 14.5 12C15.4667 12 16.4125 12.125 17.3375 12.375C18.2625 12.625 19.15 13 20 13.5C20.85 13 21.7375 12.625 22.6625 12.375C23.5875 12.125 24.5333 12 25.5 12C26.3667 12 27.2167 12.1 28.05 12.3C28.8833 12.5 29.6833 12.8 30.45 13.2C30.6333 13.2833 30.7708 13.4083 30.8625 13.575C30.9542 13.7417 31 13.9167 31 14.1V26.15C31 26.5333 30.8375 26.825 30.5125 27.025C30.1875 27.225 29.85 27.2333 29.5 27.05C28.8833 26.7167 28.2375 26.4583 27.5625 26.275C26.8875 26.0917 26.2 26 25.5 26C24.5 26 23.5333 26.175 22.6 26.525C21.6667 26.875 20.8 27.3667 20 28Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_65656" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>Competitive Intelligence</div></a><a id="w-node-a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e4cb-2df31670" href="#" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small hide nav-tab-link-flex-child w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_65656)"/> <path d="M12 22.225H13.125L13.7 20.575H16.3L16.9 22.225H18L15.575 15.775H14.425L12 22.225ZM14.025 19.65L14.975 16.975H15.025L15.975 19.65H14.025ZM22 17.9V16.2C22.55 15.9667 23.1125 15.7917 23.6875 15.675C24.2625 15.5583 24.8667 15.5 25.5 15.5C25.9333 15.5 26.3583 15.5333 26.775 15.6C27.1917 15.6667 27.6 15.75 28 15.85V17.45C27.6 17.3 27.1958 17.1875 26.7875 17.1125C26.3792 17.0375 25.95 17 25.5 17C24.8667 17 24.2583 17.0792 23.675 17.2375C23.0917 17.3958 22.5333 17.6167 22 17.9ZM22 23.4V21.7C22.55 21.4667 23.1125 21.2917 23.6875 21.175C24.2625 21.0583 24.8667 21 25.5 21C25.9333 21 26.3583 21.0333 26.775 21.1C27.1917 21.1667 27.6 21.25 28 21.35V22.95C27.6 22.8 27.1958 22.6875 26.7875 22.6125C26.3792 22.5375 25.95 22.5 25.5 22.5C24.8667 22.5 24.2583 22.575 23.675 22.725C23.0917 22.875 22.5333 23.1 22 23.4ZM22 20.65V18.95C22.55 18.7167 23.1125 18.5417 23.6875 18.425C24.2625 18.3083 24.8667 18.25 25.5 18.25C25.9333 18.25 26.3583 18.2833 26.775 18.35C27.1917 18.4167 27.6 18.5 28 18.6V20.2C27.6 20.05 27.1958 19.9375 26.7875 19.8625C26.3792 19.7875 25.95 19.75 25.5 19.75C24.8667 19.75 24.2583 19.8292 23.675 19.9875C23.0917 20.1458 22.5333 20.3667 22 20.65ZM14.5 24C15.2833 24 16.0458 24.0875 16.7875 24.2625C17.5292 24.4375 18.2667 24.7 19 25.05V15.2C18.3167 14.8 17.5917 14.5 16.825 14.3C16.0583 14.1 15.2833 14 14.5 14C13.9 14 13.3042 14.0583 12.7125 14.175C12.1208 14.2917 11.55 14.4667 11 14.7V24.6C11.5833 24.4 12.1625 24.25 12.7375 24.15C13.3125 24.05 13.9 24 14.5 24ZM21 25.05C21.7333 24.7 22.4708 24.4375 23.2125 24.2625C23.9542 24.0875 24.7167 24 25.5 24C26.1 24 26.6875 24.05 27.2625 24.15C27.8375 24.25 28.4167 24.4 29 24.6V14.7C28.45 14.4667 27.8792 14.2917 27.2875 14.175C26.6958 14.0583 26.1 14 25.5 14C24.7167 14 23.9417 14.1 23.175 14.3C22.4083 14.5 21.6833 14.8 21 15.2V25.05ZM20 28C19.2 27.3667 18.3333 26.875 17.4 26.525C16.4667 26.175 15.5 26 14.5 26C13.8 26 13.1125 26.0917 12.4375 26.275C11.7625 26.4583 11.1167 26.7167 10.5 27.05C10.15 27.2333 9.8125 27.225 9.4875 27.025C9.1625 26.825 9 26.5333 9 26.15V14.1C9 13.9167 9.04583 13.7417 9.1375 13.575C9.22917 13.4083 9.36667 13.2833 9.55 13.2C10.3167 12.8 11.1167 12.5 11.95 12.3C12.7833 12.1 13.6333 12 14.5 12C15.4667 12 16.4125 12.125 17.3375 12.375C18.2625 12.625 19.15 13 20 13.5C20.85 13 21.7375 12.625 22.6625 12.375C23.5875 12.125 24.5333 12 25.5 12C26.3667 12 27.2167 12.1 28.05 12.3C28.8833 12.5 29.6833 12.8 30.45 13.2C30.6333 13.2833 30.7708 13.4083 30.8625 13.575C30.9542 13.7417 31 13.9167 31 14.1V26.15C31 26.5333 30.8375 26.825 30.5125 27.025C30.1875 27.225 29.85 27.2333 29.5 27.05C28.8833 26.7167 28.2375 26.4583 27.5625 26.275C26.8875 26.0917 26.2 26 25.5 26C24.5 26 23.5333 26.175 22.6 26.525C21.6667 26.875 20.8 27.3667 20 28Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_65656" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>PMM Leadership</div></a><a id="w-node-a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e4cf-2df31670" href="" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small nav-tab-link-flex-child w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_65656)"/> <path d="M12 22.225H13.125L13.7 20.575H16.3L16.9 22.225H18L15.575 15.775H14.425L12 22.225ZM14.025 19.65L14.975 16.975H15.025L15.975 19.65H14.025ZM22 17.9V16.2C22.55 15.9667 23.1125 15.7917 23.6875 15.675C24.2625 15.5583 24.8667 15.5 25.5 15.5C25.9333 15.5 26.3583 15.5333 26.775 15.6C27.1917 15.6667 27.6 15.75 28 15.85V17.45C27.6 17.3 27.1958 17.1875 26.7875 17.1125C26.3792 17.0375 25.95 17 25.5 17C24.8667 17 24.2583 17.0792 23.675 17.2375C23.0917 17.3958 22.5333 17.6167 22 17.9ZM22 23.4V21.7C22.55 21.4667 23.1125 21.2917 23.6875 21.175C24.2625 21.0583 24.8667 21 25.5 21C25.9333 21 26.3583 21.0333 26.775 21.1C27.1917 21.1667 27.6 21.25 28 21.35V22.95C27.6 22.8 27.1958 22.6875 26.7875 22.6125C26.3792 22.5375 25.95 22.5 25.5 22.5C24.8667 22.5 24.2583 22.575 23.675 22.725C23.0917 22.875 22.5333 23.1 22 23.4ZM22 20.65V18.95C22.55 18.7167 23.1125 18.5417 23.6875 18.425C24.2625 18.3083 24.8667 18.25 25.5 18.25C25.9333 18.25 26.3583 18.2833 26.775 18.35C27.1917 18.4167 27.6 18.5 28 18.6V20.2C27.6 20.05 27.1958 19.9375 26.7875 19.8625C26.3792 19.7875 25.95 19.75 25.5 19.75C24.8667 19.75 24.2583 19.8292 23.675 19.9875C23.0917 20.1458 22.5333 20.3667 22 20.65ZM14.5 24C15.2833 24 16.0458 24.0875 16.7875 24.2625C17.5292 24.4375 18.2667 24.7 19 25.05V15.2C18.3167 14.8 17.5917 14.5 16.825 14.3C16.0583 14.1 15.2833 14 14.5 14C13.9 14 13.3042 14.0583 12.7125 14.175C12.1208 14.2917 11.55 14.4667 11 14.7V24.6C11.5833 24.4 12.1625 24.25 12.7375 24.15C13.3125 24.05 13.9 24 14.5 24ZM21 25.05C21.7333 24.7 22.4708 24.4375 23.2125 24.2625C23.9542 24.0875 24.7167 24 25.5 24C26.1 24 26.6875 24.05 27.2625 24.15C27.8375 24.25 28.4167 24.4 29 24.6V14.7C28.45 14.4667 27.8792 14.2917 27.2875 14.175C26.6958 14.0583 26.1 14 25.5 14C24.7167 14 23.9417 14.1 23.175 14.3C22.4083 14.5 21.6833 14.8 21 15.2V25.05ZM20 28C19.2 27.3667 18.3333 26.875 17.4 26.525C16.4667 26.175 15.5 26 14.5 26C13.8 26 13.1125 26.0917 12.4375 26.275C11.7625 26.4583 11.1167 26.7167 10.5 27.05C10.15 27.2333 9.8125 27.225 9.4875 27.025C9.1625 26.825 9 26.5333 9 26.15V14.1C9 13.9167 9.04583 13.7417 9.1375 13.575C9.22917 13.4083 9.36667 13.2833 9.55 13.2C10.3167 12.8 11.1167 12.5 11.95 12.3C12.7833 12.1 13.6333 12 14.5 12C15.4667 12 16.4125 12.125 17.3375 12.375C18.2625 12.625 19.15 13 20 13.5C20.85 13 21.7375 12.625 22.6625 12.375C23.5875 12.125 24.5333 12 25.5 12C26.3667 12 27.2167 12.1 28.05 12.3C28.8833 12.5 29.6833 12.8 30.45 13.2C30.6333 13.2833 30.7708 13.4083 30.8625 13.575C30.9542 13.7417 31 13.9167 31 14.1V26.15C31 26.5333 30.8375 26.825 30.5125 27.025C30.1875 27.225 29.85 27.2333 29.5 27.05C28.8833 26.7167 28.2375 26.4583 27.5625 26.275C26.8875 26.0917 26.2 26 25.5 26C24.5 26 23.5333 26.175 22.6 26.525C21.6667 26.875 20.8 27.3667 20 28Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_65656" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>OKRs</div></a><a id="w-node-a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e4d3-2df31670" href="" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small nav-tab-link-flex-child w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 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23.1125 18.5417 23.6875 18.425C24.2625 18.3083 24.8667 18.25 25.5 18.25C25.9333 18.25 26.3583 18.2833 26.775 18.35C27.1917 18.4167 27.6 18.5 28 18.6V20.2C27.6 20.05 27.1958 19.9375 26.7875 19.8625C26.3792 19.7875 25.95 19.75 25.5 19.75C24.8667 19.75 24.2583 19.8292 23.675 19.9875C23.0917 20.1458 22.5333 20.3667 22 20.65ZM14.5 24C15.2833 24 16.0458 24.0875 16.7875 24.2625C17.5292 24.4375 18.2667 24.7 19 25.05V15.2C18.3167 14.8 17.5917 14.5 16.825 14.3C16.0583 14.1 15.2833 14 14.5 14C13.9 14 13.3042 14.0583 12.7125 14.175C12.1208 14.2917 11.55 14.4667 11 14.7V24.6C11.5833 24.4 12.1625 24.25 12.7375 24.15C13.3125 24.05 13.9 24 14.5 24ZM21 25.05C21.7333 24.7 22.4708 24.4375 23.2125 24.2625C23.9542 24.0875 24.7167 24 25.5 24C26.1 24 26.6875 24.05 27.2625 24.15C27.8375 24.25 28.4167 24.4 29 24.6V14.7C28.45 14.4667 27.8792 14.2917 27.2875 14.175C26.6958 14.0583 26.1 14 25.5 14C24.7167 14 23.9417 14.1 23.175 14.3C22.4083 14.5 21.6833 14.8 21 15.2V25.05ZM20 28C19.2 27.3667 18.3333 26.875 17.4 26.525C16.4667 26.175 15.5 26 14.5 26C13.8 26 13.1125 26.0917 12.4375 26.275C11.7625 26.4583 11.1167 26.7167 10.5 27.05C10.15 27.2333 9.8125 27.225 9.4875 27.025C9.1625 26.825 9 26.5333 9 26.15V14.1C9 13.9167 9.04583 13.7417 9.1375 13.575C9.22917 13.4083 9.36667 13.2833 9.55 13.2C10.3167 12.8 11.1167 12.5 11.95 12.3C12.7833 12.1 13.6333 12 14.5 12C15.4667 12 16.4125 12.125 17.3375 12.375C18.2625 12.625 19.15 13 20 13.5C20.85 13 21.7375 12.625 22.6625 12.375C23.5875 12.125 24.5333 12 25.5 12C26.3667 12 27.2167 12.1 28.05 12.3C28.8833 12.5 29.6833 12.8 30.45 13.2C30.6333 13.2833 30.7708 13.4083 30.8625 13.575C30.9542 13.7417 31 13.9167 31 14.1V26.15C31 26.5333 30.8375 26.825 30.5125 27.025C30.1875 27.225 29.85 27.2333 29.5 27.05C28.8833 26.7167 28.2375 26.4583 27.5625 26.275C26.8875 26.0917 26.2 26 25.5 26C24.5 26 23.5333 26.175 22.6 26.525C21.6667 26.875 20.8 27.3667 20 28Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_65656" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" 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21.4667 23.1125 21.2917 23.6875 21.175C24.2625 21.0583 24.8667 21 25.5 21C25.9333 21 26.3583 21.0333 26.775 21.1C27.1917 21.1667 27.6 21.25 28 21.35V22.95C27.6 22.8 27.1958 22.6875 26.7875 22.6125C26.3792 22.5375 25.95 22.5 25.5 22.5C24.8667 22.5 24.2583 22.575 23.675 22.725C23.0917 22.875 22.5333 23.1 22 23.4ZM22 20.65V18.95C22.55 18.7167 23.1125 18.5417 23.6875 18.425C24.2625 18.3083 24.8667 18.25 25.5 18.25C25.9333 18.25 26.3583 18.2833 26.775 18.35C27.1917 18.4167 27.6 18.5 28 18.6V20.2C27.6 20.05 27.1958 19.9375 26.7875 19.8625C26.3792 19.7875 25.95 19.75 25.5 19.75C24.8667 19.75 24.2583 19.8292 23.675 19.9875C23.0917 20.1458 22.5333 20.3667 22 20.65ZM14.5 24C15.2833 24 16.0458 24.0875 16.7875 24.2625C17.5292 24.4375 18.2667 24.7 19 25.05V15.2C18.3167 14.8 17.5917 14.5 16.825 14.3C16.0583 14.1 15.2833 14 14.5 14C13.9 14 13.3042 14.0583 12.7125 14.175C12.1208 14.2917 11.55 14.4667 11 14.7V24.6C11.5833 24.4 12.1625 24.25 12.7375 24.15C13.3125 24.05 13.9 24 14.5 24ZM21 25.05C21.7333 24.7 22.4708 24.4375 23.2125 24.2625C23.9542 24.0875 24.7167 24 25.5 24C26.1 24 26.6875 24.05 27.2625 24.15C27.8375 24.25 28.4167 24.4 29 24.6V14.7C28.45 14.4667 27.8792 14.2917 27.2875 14.175C26.6958 14.0583 26.1 14 25.5 14C24.7167 14 23.9417 14.1 23.175 14.3C22.4083 14.5 21.6833 14.8 21 15.2V25.05ZM20 28C19.2 27.3667 18.3333 26.875 17.4 26.525C16.4667 26.175 15.5 26 14.5 26C13.8 26 13.1125 26.0917 12.4375 26.275C11.7625 26.4583 11.1167 26.7167 10.5 27.05C10.15 27.2333 9.8125 27.225 9.4875 27.025C9.1625 26.825 9 26.5333 9 26.15V14.1C9 13.9167 9.04583 13.7417 9.1375 13.575C9.22917 13.4083 9.36667 13.2833 9.55 13.2C10.3167 12.8 11.1167 12.5 11.95 12.3C12.7833 12.1 13.6333 12 14.5 12C15.4667 12 16.4125 12.125 17.3375 12.375C18.2625 12.625 19.15 13 20 13.5C20.85 13 21.7375 12.625 22.6625 12.375C23.5875 12.125 24.5333 12 25.5 12C26.3667 12 27.2167 12.1 28.05 12.3C28.8833 12.5 29.6833 12.8 30.45 13.2C30.6333 13.2833 30.7708 13.4083 30.8625 13.575C30.9542 13.7417 31 13.9167 31 14.1V26.15C31 26.5333 30.8375 26.825 30.5125 27.025C30.1875 27.225 29.85 27.2333 29.5 27.05C28.8833 26.7167 28.2375 26.4583 27.5625 26.275C26.8875 26.0917 26.2 26 25.5 26C24.5 26 23.5333 26.175 22.6 26.525C21.6667 26.875 20.8 27.3667 20 28Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_65656" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>Sales Enablement</div></a><a id="w-node-a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e4db-2df31670" href="" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small nav-tab-link-flex-child w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_65687)"/> <path d="M20 12L18.59 13.41L24.17 19H12V21H24.17L18.59 26.59L20 28L28 20L20 12Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_65687" x1="0" y1="20" 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18C27 17.45 26.8042 16.9833 26.4125 16.6C26.0208 16.2167 25.55 16.0167 25 16C24.8167 16.3 24.5792 16.5625 24.2875 16.7875C23.9958 17.0125 23.675 17.1917 23.325 17.325C23.0583 17.425 22.8 17.4167 22.55 17.3C22.3 17.1833 22.1333 16.9917 22.05 16.725C21.9667 16.4583 21.9792 16.2 22.0875 15.95C22.1958 15.7 22.3833 15.5333 22.65 15.45C22.9 15.3667 23.1042 15.2167 23.2625 15C23.4208 14.7833 23.5 14.5333 23.5 14.25C23.5 13.9 23.3792 13.6042 23.1375 13.3625C22.8958 13.1208 22.6 13 22.25 13C21.9 13 21.6042 13.1208 21.3625 13.3625C21.1208 13.6042 21 13.9 21 14.25ZM19 25.75V14.25C19 13.9 18.8792 13.6042 18.6375 13.3625C18.3958 13.1208 18.1 13 17.75 13C17.4 13 17.1042 13.1208 16.8625 13.3625C16.6208 13.6042 16.5 13.9 16.5 14.25C16.5 14.5167 16.575 14.7625 16.725 14.9875C16.875 15.2125 17.075 15.3667 17.325 15.45C17.5917 15.5333 17.7833 15.7 17.9 15.95C18.0167 16.2 18.0333 16.4583 17.95 16.725C17.85 16.9917 17.675 17.1833 17.425 17.3C17.175 17.4167 16.9167 17.425 16.65 17.325C16.3 17.1917 15.9792 17.0125 15.6875 16.7875C15.3958 16.5625 15.1583 16.3 14.975 16C14.4417 16.0167 13.9792 16.2208 13.5875 16.6125C13.1958 17.0042 13 17.4667 13 18C13 18.55 13.1958 19.0208 13.5875 19.4125C13.9792 19.8042 14.45 20 15 20C15.2833 20 15.5208 20.0958 15.7125 20.2875C15.9042 20.4792 16 20.7167 16 21C16 21.2833 15.9042 21.5208 15.7125 21.7125C15.5208 21.9042 15.2833 22 15 22C14.65 22 14.3125 21.9583 13.9875 21.875C13.6625 21.7917 13.3583 21.6667 13.075 21.5C13.0417 21.5833 13.0208 21.6667 13.0125 21.75C13.0042 21.8333 13 21.9167 13 22C13 22.55 13.1958 23.0208 13.5875 23.4125C13.9792 23.8042 14.45 24 15 24C15.3333 24 15.6417 23.9292 15.925 23.7875C16.2083 23.6458 16.4417 23.4417 16.625 23.175C16.7917 22.9417 17.0083 22.8042 17.275 22.7625C17.5417 22.7208 17.7917 22.7833 18.025 22.95C18.2583 23.1167 18.3958 23.3333 18.4375 23.6C18.4792 23.8667 18.4167 24.1167 18.25 24.35C18.0167 24.6667 17.75 24.9417 17.45 25.175C17.15 25.4083 16.825 25.5917 16.475 25.725C16.4917 26.0583 16.625 26.3542 16.875 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11.7496 1.62343 11.7369 1.26592 11.6922C1.10095 11.6689 0.94434 11.6051 0.810129 11.5063C0.675917 11.4076 0.568298 11.2771 0.496921 11.1266C0.236922 10.6755 0.369622 10.1444 0.846758 9.96561C1.15667 9.85698 1.48338 9.80416 1.81173 9.80959C3.29353 9.78829 4.77197 9.66238 6.23603 9.43281C6.63738 9.33915 7.05032 9.30496 7.46161 9.33134C8.73218 9.50541 10.0018 9.35736 11.2684 9.45916C11.7384 9.49522 12.2097 9.51279 12.681 9.53418C13.1524 9.5509 13.6241 9.57014 14.0942 9.61019C15.771 9.74477 17.4414 9.94231 19.1048 10.1848C19.764 10.2567 20.3845 10.5321 20.8801 10.9728C21.11 11.1865 21.031 11.6212 20.727 11.6824C20.2954 11.7638 19.8575 11.8069 19.4184 11.8112C19.0577 11.7975 18.6982 11.7632 18.3415 11.7084L18.3354 11.738Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M14.6939 12.9735C15.3205 12.6085 15.9607 12.2582 16.6281 11.9423C16.9825 11.7754 17.3412 11.6154 17.6959 11.4412C18.3149 11.1218 18.9626 10.8611 19.6303 10.6625C20.3318 10.4554 21.0586 10.3458 21.79 10.3368L21.231 12.144C20.6245 11.7868 20.0231 11.4202 19.4307 11.0392C17.3591 9.7049 15.367 8.24808 13.432 6.72295C13.1446 6.48121 12.8834 6.20996 12.6527 5.91366C12.5491 5.77952 12.4812 5.62131 12.4552 5.4538C12.4293 5.28629 12.4462 5.11494 12.5045 4.95575C12.6482 4.45658 13.1314 4.189 13.587 4.4014C13.8776 4.54639 14.1432 4.73704 14.3736 4.96608C15.4474 5.97706 16.6438 6.84925 17.9348 7.5622C18.291 7.76054 18.6802 7.93848 18.9649 8.21827C19.878 9.1107 21.0095 9.70197 22.0268 10.4505C22.0903 10.4968 22.1538 10.543 22.2177 10.5895L22.3013 10.6503C22.451 10.7593 22.5608 10.9144 22.6139 11.0918C22.667 11.2692 22.6604 11.4591 22.5952 11.6324C22.53 11.8057 22.4097 11.9528 22.2528 12.0512C22.0959 12.1495 21.9111 12.1937 21.7267 12.1769C20.9845 12.1093 20.2138 12.2714 19.4514 12.4946C17.9566 12.935 16.5064 13.7501 15.117 14.6612C14.5762 15.0451 13.9392 15.2711 13.2774 15.3138C12.9596 15.3251 12.7061 14.9635 12.8873 14.7019C13.1487 14.328 13.449 13.9829 13.7832 13.6725C14.074 13.4251 14.3832 13.2003 14.7081 13L14.6939 12.9735Z" 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11.1375 19.05C11.0458 18.7167 11 18.3667 11 18C11 16.9833 11.3333 16.1042 12 15.3625C12.6667 14.6208 13.4917 14.1833 14.475 14.05C14.525 13.2 14.8667 12.4792 15.5 11.8875C16.1333 11.2958 16.8833 11 17.75 11C18.1833 11 18.5875 11.0833 18.9625 11.25C19.3375 11.4167 19.6833 11.6417 20 11.925C20.3 11.6417 20.6417 11.4167 21.025 11.25C21.4083 11.0833 21.8167 11 22.25 11C23.1167 11 23.8625 11.2917 24.4875 11.875C25.1125 12.4583 25.45 13.175 25.5 14.025C26.4833 14.1583 27.3125 14.6 27.9875 15.35C28.6625 16.1 29 16.9833 29 18C29 18.3667 28.9542 18.7167 28.8625 19.05C28.7708 19.3833 28.6333 19.7 28.45 20C28.6333 20.3 28.7708 20.6208 28.8625 20.9625C28.9542 21.3042 29 21.65 29 22C29 23.0333 28.6625 23.9208 27.9875 24.6625C27.3125 25.4042 26.475 25.8417 25.475 25.975C25.3917 26.8083 25.0458 27.5208 24.4375 28.1125C23.8292 28.7042 23.1 29 22.25 29C21.8333 29 21.4292 28.9208 21.0375 28.7625C20.6458 28.6042 20.3 28.3833 20 28.1C19.6833 28.3833 19.3333 28.6042 18.95 28.7625C18.5667 28.9208 18.1667 29 17.75 29ZM21 14.25V25.75C21 26.1 21.1208 26.3958 21.3625 26.6375C21.6042 26.8792 21.9 27 22.25 27C22.5833 27 22.8708 26.8667 23.1125 26.6C23.3542 26.3333 23.4833 26.0333 23.5 25.7C23.15 25.5667 22.8292 25.3875 22.5375 25.1625C22.2458 24.9375 21.9833 24.6667 21.75 24.35C21.5833 24.1167 21.5208 23.8667 21.5625 23.6C21.6042 23.3333 21.7417 23.1167 21.975 22.95C22.2083 22.7833 22.4583 22.7208 22.725 22.7625C22.9917 22.8042 23.2083 22.9417 23.375 23.175C23.5583 23.4417 23.7917 23.6458 24.075 23.7875C24.3583 23.9292 24.6667 24 25 24C25.55 24 26.0208 23.8042 26.4125 23.4125C26.8042 23.0208 27 22.55 27 22C27 21.9167 26.9958 21.8333 26.9875 21.75C26.9792 21.6667 26.9583 21.5833 26.925 21.5C26.6417 21.6667 26.3375 21.7917 26.0125 21.875C25.6875 21.9583 25.35 22 25 22C24.7167 22 24.4792 21.9042 24.2875 21.7125C24.0958 21.5208 24 21.2833 24 21C24 20.7167 24.0958 20.4792 24.2875 20.2875C24.4792 20.0958 24.7167 20 25 20C25.55 20 26.0208 19.8042 26.4125 19.4125C26.8042 19.0208 27 18.55 27 18C27 17.45 26.8042 16.9833 26.4125 16.6C26.0208 16.2167 25.55 16.0167 25 16C24.8167 16.3 24.5792 16.5625 24.2875 16.7875C23.9958 17.0125 23.675 17.1917 23.325 17.325C23.0583 17.425 22.8 17.4167 22.55 17.3C22.3 17.1833 22.1333 16.9917 22.05 16.725C21.9667 16.4583 21.9792 16.2 22.0875 15.95C22.1958 15.7 22.3833 15.5333 22.65 15.45C22.9 15.3667 23.1042 15.2167 23.2625 15C23.4208 14.7833 23.5 14.5333 23.5 14.25C23.5 13.9 23.3792 13.6042 23.1375 13.3625C22.8958 13.1208 22.6 13 22.25 13C21.9 13 21.6042 13.1208 21.3625 13.3625C21.1208 13.6042 21 13.9 21 14.25ZM19 25.75V14.25C19 13.9 18.8792 13.6042 18.6375 13.3625C18.3958 13.1208 18.1 13 17.75 13C17.4 13 17.1042 13.1208 16.8625 13.3625C16.6208 13.6042 16.5 13.9 16.5 14.25C16.5 14.5167 16.575 14.7625 16.725 14.9875C16.875 15.2125 17.075 15.3667 17.325 15.45C17.5917 15.5333 17.7833 15.7 17.9 15.95C18.0167 16.2 18.0333 16.4583 17.95 16.725C17.85 16.9917 17.675 17.1833 17.425 17.3C17.175 17.4167 16.9167 17.425 16.65 17.325C16.3 17.1917 15.9792 17.0125 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29.2125 16.1C29.7375 17.3167 30 18.6167 30 20C30 21.3833 29.7375 22.6833 29.2125 23.9C28.6875 25.1167 27.975 26.175 27.075 27.075C26.175 27.975 25.1167 28.6875 23.9 29.2125C22.6833 29.7375 21.3833 30 20 30ZM20 28C22.2333 28 24.125 27.225 25.675 25.675C27.225 24.125 28 22.2333 28 20C28 17.7667 27.225 15.875 25.675 14.325C24.125 12.775 22.2333 12 20 12C17.7667 12 15.875 12.775 14.325 14.325C12.775 15.875 12 17.7667 12 20C12 22.2333 12.775 24.125 14.325 25.675C15.875 27.225 17.7667 28 20 28ZM20 26C18.3333 26 16.9167 25.4167 15.75 24.25C14.5833 23.0833 14 21.6667 14 20C14 18.3333 14.5833 16.9167 15.75 15.75C16.9167 14.5833 18.3333 14 20 14C21.6667 14 23.0833 14.5833 24.25 15.75C25.4167 16.9167 26 18.3333 26 20C26 21.6667 25.4167 23.0833 24.25 24.25C23.0833 25.4167 21.6667 26 20 26ZM20 24C21.1 24 22.0417 23.6083 22.825 22.825C23.6083 22.0417 24 21.1 24 20C24 18.9 23.6083 17.9583 22.825 17.175C22.0417 16.3917 21.1 16 20 16C18.9 16 17.9583 16.3917 17.175 17.175C16.3917 17.9583 16 18.9 16 20C16 21.1 16.3917 22.0417 17.175 22.825C17.9583 23.6083 18.9 24 20 24ZM20 22C19.45 22 18.9792 21.8042 18.5875 21.4125C18.1958 21.0208 18 20.55 18 20C18 19.45 18.1958 18.9792 18.5875 18.5875C18.9792 18.1958 19.45 18 20 18C20.55 18 21.0208 18.1958 21.4125 18.5875C21.8042 18.9792 22 19.45 22 20C22 20.55 21.8042 21.0208 21.4125 21.4125C21.0208 21.8042 20.55 22 20 22Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_5876_6616d" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>Customer Marketing Certified</div></a><a id="w-node-a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e70e-2df31670" href="" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small _1col w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_5876_6626d)"/> <path d="M26 14H24C24 11.79 22.21 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20.8796 10.5704C21.1095 10.7841 21.0306 11.2189 20.7265 11.28C20.2949 11.3614 19.857 11.4046 19.4179 11.4089C19.0572 11.3952 18.6977 11.3609 18.341 11.3061L18.3349 11.3356Z" fill="#D5D5D5"/> <path d="M14.6944 12.5731C15.321 12.2082 15.9612 11.8578 16.6286 11.5419C16.983 11.375 17.3416 11.215 17.6963 11.0408C18.3154 10.7214 18.9631 10.4607 19.6308 10.2621C20.3323 10.055 21.059 9.94539 21.7905 9.93646L21.2315 11.7437C20.6249 11.3865 20.0235 11.0198 19.4312 10.6389C17.3596 9.3045 15.3675 7.84769 13.4324 6.32256C13.1451 6.08082 12.8839 5.80957 12.6532 5.51327C12.5496 5.37913 12.4817 5.22092 12.4557 5.05341C12.4298 4.8859 12.4467 4.71455 12.5049 4.55536C12.6487 4.05619 13.1318 3.78861 13.5874 4.00101C13.8781 4.146 14.1437 4.33665 14.3741 4.56569C15.4478 5.57667 16.6443 6.44886 17.9353 7.16181C18.2915 7.36015 18.6807 7.53808 18.9654 7.81788C19.8785 8.71031 21.01 9.30158 22.0273 10.0501C22.0907 10.0964 22.1542 10.1426 22.2182 10.1891L22.3018 10.25C22.4515 10.3589 22.5613 10.514 22.6144 10.6914C22.6675 10.8688 22.6609 11.0587 22.5957 11.232C22.5304 11.4053 22.4102 11.5524 22.2533 11.6508C22.0964 11.7491 21.9116 11.7933 21.7271 11.7765C20.985 11.7089 20.2143 11.871 19.4519 12.0942C17.9571 12.5346 16.5069 13.3497 15.1175 14.2608C14.5767 14.6447 13.9397 14.8707 13.2779 14.9134C12.9601 14.9247 12.7066 14.5631 12.8878 14.3015C13.1492 13.9276 13.4495 13.5825 13.7837 13.2721C14.0745 13.0247 14.3837 12.7999 14.7086 12.5996L14.6944 12.5731Z" fill="#D5D5D5"/> </svg></div></div><nav class="navbar7_dropdown-list-child-3 w-dropdown-list"><div class="navbar7_container-8"><div class="nav-tab-links_wrapper-3"><a href="" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_64838d)"/> <path d="M20 12L18.59 13.41L24.17 19H12V21H24.17L18.59 26.59L20 28L28 20L20 12Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient 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xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_64812)"/> <path d="M27 12H13C11.89 12 11 12.9 11 14V26C11 27.1 11.89 28 13 28H27C28.1 28 29 27.1 29 26V14C29 12.9 28.11 12 27 12ZM27 26H13V16H27V26Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_64812" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>Webinars</div></a><a href="" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small hide w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_64834)"/> <path d="M17 21.75C14.66 21.75 10 22.92 10 25.25V27H24V25.25C24 22.92 19.34 21.75 17 21.75ZM12.34 25C13.18 24.42 15.21 23.75 17 23.75C18.79 23.75 20.82 24.42 21.66 25H12.34ZM17 20C18.93 20 20.5 18.43 20.5 16.5C20.5 14.57 18.93 13 17 13C15.07 13 13.5 14.57 13.5 16.5C13.5 18.43 15.07 20 17 20ZM17 15C17.83 15 18.5 15.67 18.5 16.5C18.5 17.33 17.83 18 17 18C16.17 18 15.5 17.33 15.5 16.5C15.5 15.67 16.17 15 17 15ZM24.04 21.81C25.2 22.65 26 23.77 26 25.25V27H30V25.25C30 23.23 26.5 22.08 24.04 21.81ZM23 20C24.93 20 26.5 18.43 26.5 16.5C26.5 14.57 24.93 13 23 13C22.46 13 21.96 13.13 21.5 13.35C22.13 14.24 22.5 15.33 22.5 16.5C22.5 17.67 22.13 18.76 21.5 19.65C21.96 19.87 22.46 20 23 20Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_64834" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>Meetups</div></a><a href="" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small hide w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_64820)"/> <path d="M20 19C21.33 19 24 19.67 24 21V21.16C23.03 22.28 21.6 23 20 23C18.4 23 16.97 22.28 16 21.16V21C16 19.67 18.67 19 20 19ZM20 18C18.9 18 18 17.1 18 16C18 14.9 18.9 14 20 14C21.1 14 22 14.9 22 16C22 17.1 21.1 18 20 18ZM26 18.2C26 14.57 23.35 12 20 12C16.65 12 14 14.57 14 18.2C14 20.54 15.95 23.64 20 27.34C24.05 23.64 26 20.54 26 18.2ZM20 10C24.2 10 28 13.22 28 18.2C28 21.52 25.33 25.45 20 30C14.67 25.45 12 21.52 12 18.2C12 13.22 15.8 10 20 10Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_64820" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>Members-only events</div></a><a href="" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_64838d)"/> <path d="M20 12L18.59 13.41L24.17 19H12V21H24.17L18.59 26.59L20 28L28 20L20 12Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_64838d" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>Chicago</div></a><a id="w-node-a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e740-2df31670" href="*1y4u51z*_ga*MjEwNTA2NjcyMC4xNzA5MTk4ODE3*_ga_KVYRMDNSEY*MTcxMzUzMjUwMi44Mi4xLjE3MTM1MzI1MjguMzQuMC4w&amp;_ga=2.185042922.2122303147.1713170397-2105066720.1709198817" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_64838d)"/> <path d="M20 12L18.59 13.41L24.17 19H12V21H24.17L18.59 26.59L20 28L28 20L20 12Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_64838d" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop 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22.4102 11.5524 22.2533 11.6508C22.0964 11.7491 21.9116 11.7933 21.7271 11.7765C20.985 11.7089 20.2143 11.871 19.4519 12.0942C17.9571 12.5346 16.5069 13.3497 15.1175 14.2608C14.5767 14.6447 13.9397 14.8707 13.2779 14.9134C12.9601 14.9247 12.7066 14.5631 12.8878 14.3015C13.1492 13.9276 13.4495 13.5825 13.7837 13.2721C14.0745 13.0247 14.3837 12.7999 14.7086 12.5996L14.6944 12.5731Z" fill="#D5D5D5"/> </svg></div></div><nav class="navbar7_dropdown-list-child-3 w-dropdown-list"><div class="navbar7_container-8"><div class="nav-tab-links_wrapper-3"><a href="*1y4u51z*_ga*MjEwNTA2NjcyMC4xNzA5MTk4ODE3*_ga_KVYRMDNSEY*MTcxMzUzMjUwMi44Mi4xLjE3MTM1MzI1MjguMzQuMC4w&amp;_ga=2.185042922.2122303147.1713170397-2105066720.1709198817" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_64803d)"/> <path d="M20 14C21.1 14 22 14.9 22 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18.35C27.1917 18.4167 27.6 18.5 28 18.6V20.2C27.6 20.05 27.1958 19.9375 26.7875 19.8625C26.3792 19.7875 25.95 19.75 25.5 19.75C24.8667 19.75 24.2583 19.8292 23.675 19.9875C23.0917 20.1458 22.5333 20.3667 22 20.65ZM14.5 24C15.2833 24 16.0458 24.0875 16.7875 24.2625C17.5292 24.4375 18.2667 24.7 19 25.05V15.2C18.3167 14.8 17.5917 14.5 16.825 14.3C16.0583 14.1 15.2833 14 14.5 14C13.9 14 13.3042 14.0583 12.7125 14.175C12.1208 14.2917 11.55 14.4667 11 14.7V24.6C11.5833 24.4 12.1625 24.25 12.7375 24.15C13.3125 24.05 13.9 24 14.5 24ZM21 25.05C21.7333 24.7 22.4708 24.4375 23.2125 24.2625C23.9542 24.0875 24.7167 24 25.5 24C26.1 24 26.6875 24.05 27.2625 24.15C27.8375 24.25 28.4167 24.4 29 24.6V14.7C28.45 14.4667 27.8792 14.2917 27.2875 14.175C26.6958 14.0583 26.1 14 25.5 14C24.7167 14 23.9417 14.1 23.175 14.3C22.4083 14.5 21.6833 14.8 21 15.2V25.05ZM20 28C19.2 27.3667 18.3333 26.875 17.4 26.525C16.4667 26.175 15.5 26 14.5 26C13.8 26 13.1125 26.0917 12.4375 26.275C11.7625 26.4583 11.1167 26.7167 10.5 27.05C10.15 27.2333 9.8125 27.225 9.4875 27.025C9.1625 26.825 9 26.5333 9 26.15V14.1C9 13.9167 9.04583 13.7417 9.1375 13.575C9.22917 13.4083 9.36667 13.2833 9.55 13.2C10.3167 12.8 11.1167 12.5 11.95 12.3C12.7833 12.1 13.6333 12 14.5 12C15.4667 12 16.4125 12.125 17.3375 12.375C18.2625 12.625 19.15 13 20 13.5C20.85 13 21.7375 12.625 22.6625 12.375C23.5875 12.125 24.5333 12 25.5 12C26.3667 12 27.2167 12.1 28.05 12.3C28.8833 12.5 29.6833 12.8 30.45 13.2C30.6333 13.2833 30.7708 13.4083 30.8625 13.575C30.9542 13.7417 31 13.9167 31 14.1V26.15C31 26.5333 30.8375 26.825 30.5125 27.025C30.1875 27.225 29.85 27.2333 29.5 27.05C28.8833 26.7167 28.2375 26.4583 27.5625 26.275C26.8875 26.0917 26.2 26 25.5 26C24.5 26 23.5333 26.175 22.6 26.525C21.6667 26.875 20.8 27.3667 20 28Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_65656d" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>Competitive Intelligence</div></a><a id="w-node-a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e83e-2df31670" href="#" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small hide nav-tab-link-flex-child w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_65656)"/> <path d="M12 22.225H13.125L13.7 20.575H16.3L16.9 22.225H18L15.575 15.775H14.425L12 22.225ZM14.025 19.65L14.975 16.975H15.025L15.975 19.65H14.025ZM22 17.9V16.2C22.55 15.9667 23.1125 15.7917 23.6875 15.675C24.2625 15.5583 24.8667 15.5 25.5 15.5C25.9333 15.5 26.3583 15.5333 26.775 15.6C27.1917 15.6667 27.6 15.75 28 15.85V17.45C27.6 17.3 27.1958 17.1875 26.7875 17.1125C26.3792 17.0375 25.95 17 25.5 17C24.8667 17 24.2583 17.0792 23.675 17.2375C23.0917 17.3958 22.5333 17.6167 22 17.9ZM22 23.4V21.7C22.55 21.4667 23.1125 21.2917 23.6875 21.175C24.2625 21.0583 24.8667 21 25.5 21C25.9333 21 26.3583 21.0333 26.775 21.1C27.1917 21.1667 27.6 21.25 28 21.35V22.95C27.6 22.8 27.1958 22.6875 26.7875 22.6125C26.3792 22.5375 25.95 22.5 25.5 22.5C24.8667 22.5 24.2583 22.575 23.675 22.725C23.0917 22.875 22.5333 23.1 22 23.4ZM22 20.65V18.95C22.55 18.7167 23.1125 18.5417 23.6875 18.425C24.2625 18.3083 24.8667 18.25 25.5 18.25C25.9333 18.25 26.3583 18.2833 26.775 18.35C27.1917 18.4167 27.6 18.5 28 18.6V20.2C27.6 20.05 27.1958 19.9375 26.7875 19.8625C26.3792 19.7875 25.95 19.75 25.5 19.75C24.8667 19.75 24.2583 19.8292 23.675 19.9875C23.0917 20.1458 22.5333 20.3667 22 20.65ZM14.5 24C15.2833 24 16.0458 24.0875 16.7875 24.2625C17.5292 24.4375 18.2667 24.7 19 25.05V15.2C18.3167 14.8 17.5917 14.5 16.825 14.3C16.0583 14.1 15.2833 14 14.5 14C13.9 14 13.3042 14.0583 12.7125 14.175C12.1208 14.2917 11.55 14.4667 11 14.7V24.6C11.5833 24.4 12.1625 24.25 12.7375 24.15C13.3125 24.05 13.9 24 14.5 24ZM21 25.05C21.7333 24.7 22.4708 24.4375 23.2125 24.2625C23.9542 24.0875 24.7167 24 25.5 24C26.1 24 26.6875 24.05 27.2625 24.15C27.8375 24.25 28.4167 24.4 29 24.6V14.7C28.45 14.4667 27.8792 14.2917 27.2875 14.175C26.6958 14.0583 26.1 14 25.5 14C24.7167 14 23.9417 14.1 23.175 14.3C22.4083 14.5 21.6833 14.8 21 15.2V25.05ZM20 28C19.2 27.3667 18.3333 26.875 17.4 26.525C16.4667 26.175 15.5 26 14.5 26C13.8 26 13.1125 26.0917 12.4375 26.275C11.7625 26.4583 11.1167 26.7167 10.5 27.05C10.15 27.2333 9.8125 27.225 9.4875 27.025C9.1625 26.825 9 26.5333 9 26.15V14.1C9 13.9167 9.04583 13.7417 9.1375 13.575C9.22917 13.4083 9.36667 13.2833 9.55 13.2C10.3167 12.8 11.1167 12.5 11.95 12.3C12.7833 12.1 13.6333 12 14.5 12C15.4667 12 16.4125 12.125 17.3375 12.375C18.2625 12.625 19.15 13 20 13.5C20.85 13 21.7375 12.625 22.6625 12.375C23.5875 12.125 24.5333 12 25.5 12C26.3667 12 27.2167 12.1 28.05 12.3C28.8833 12.5 29.6833 12.8 30.45 13.2C30.6333 13.2833 30.7708 13.4083 30.8625 13.575C30.9542 13.7417 31 13.9167 31 14.1V26.15C31 26.5333 30.8375 26.825 30.5125 27.025C30.1875 27.225 29.85 27.2333 29.5 27.05C28.8833 26.7167 28.2375 26.4583 27.5625 26.275C26.8875 26.0917 26.2 26 25.5 26C24.5 26 23.5333 26.175 22.6 26.525C21.6667 26.875 20.8 27.3667 20 28Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_65656" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>PMM Leadership</div></a><a id="w-node-a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e842-2df31670" href="" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small nav-tab-link-flex-child w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_65656d)"/> <path d="M12 22.225H13.125L13.7 20.575H16.3L16.9 22.225H18L15.575 15.775H14.425L12 22.225ZM14.025 19.65L14.975 16.975H15.025L15.975 19.65H14.025ZM22 17.9V16.2C22.55 15.9667 23.1125 15.7917 23.6875 15.675C24.2625 15.5583 24.8667 15.5 25.5 15.5C25.9333 15.5 26.3583 15.5333 26.775 15.6C27.1917 15.6667 27.6 15.75 28 15.85V17.45C27.6 17.3 27.1958 17.1875 26.7875 17.1125C26.3792 17.0375 25.95 17 25.5 17C24.8667 17 24.2583 17.0792 23.675 17.2375C23.0917 17.3958 22.5333 17.6167 22 17.9ZM22 23.4V21.7C22.55 21.4667 23.1125 21.2917 23.6875 21.175C24.2625 21.0583 24.8667 21 25.5 21C25.9333 21 26.3583 21.0333 26.775 21.1C27.1917 21.1667 27.6 21.25 28 21.35V22.95C27.6 22.8 27.1958 22.6875 26.7875 22.6125C26.3792 22.5375 25.95 22.5 25.5 22.5C24.8667 22.5 24.2583 22.575 23.675 22.725C23.0917 22.875 22.5333 23.1 22 23.4ZM22 20.65V18.95C22.55 18.7167 23.1125 18.5417 23.6875 18.425C24.2625 18.3083 24.8667 18.25 25.5 18.25C25.9333 18.25 26.3583 18.2833 26.775 18.35C27.1917 18.4167 27.6 18.5 28 18.6V20.2C27.6 20.05 27.1958 19.9375 26.7875 19.8625C26.3792 19.7875 25.95 19.75 25.5 19.75C24.8667 19.75 24.2583 19.8292 23.675 19.9875C23.0917 20.1458 22.5333 20.3667 22 20.65ZM14.5 24C15.2833 24 16.0458 24.0875 16.7875 24.2625C17.5292 24.4375 18.2667 24.7 19 25.05V15.2C18.3167 14.8 17.5917 14.5 16.825 14.3C16.0583 14.1 15.2833 14 14.5 14C13.9 14 13.3042 14.0583 12.7125 14.175C12.1208 14.2917 11.55 14.4667 11 14.7V24.6C11.5833 24.4 12.1625 24.25 12.7375 24.15C13.3125 24.05 13.9 24 14.5 24ZM21 25.05C21.7333 24.7 22.4708 24.4375 23.2125 24.2625C23.9542 24.0875 24.7167 24 25.5 24C26.1 24 26.6875 24.05 27.2625 24.15C27.8375 24.25 28.4167 24.4 29 24.6V14.7C28.45 14.4667 27.8792 14.2917 27.2875 14.175C26.6958 14.0583 26.1 14 25.5 14C24.7167 14 23.9417 14.1 23.175 14.3C22.4083 14.5 21.6833 14.8 21 15.2V25.05ZM20 28C19.2 27.3667 18.3333 26.875 17.4 26.525C16.4667 26.175 15.5 26 14.5 26C13.8 26 13.1125 26.0917 12.4375 26.275C11.7625 26.4583 11.1167 26.7167 10.5 27.05C10.15 27.2333 9.8125 27.225 9.4875 27.025C9.1625 26.825 9 26.5333 9 26.15V14.1C9 13.9167 9.04583 13.7417 9.1375 13.575C9.22917 13.4083 9.36667 13.2833 9.55 13.2C10.3167 12.8 11.1167 12.5 11.95 12.3C12.7833 12.1 13.6333 12 14.5 12C15.4667 12 16.4125 12.125 17.3375 12.375C18.2625 12.625 19.15 13 20 13.5C20.85 13 21.7375 12.625 22.6625 12.375C23.5875 12.125 24.5333 12 25.5 12C26.3667 12 27.2167 12.1 28.05 12.3C28.8833 12.5 29.6833 12.8 30.45 13.2C30.6333 13.2833 30.7708 13.4083 30.8625 13.575C30.9542 13.7417 31 13.9167 31 14.1V26.15C31 26.5333 30.8375 26.825 30.5125 27.025C30.1875 27.225 29.85 27.2333 29.5 27.05C28.8833 26.7167 28.2375 26.4583 27.5625 26.275C26.8875 26.0917 26.2 26 25.5 26C24.5 26 23.5333 26.175 22.6 26.525C21.6667 26.875 20.8 27.3667 20 28Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_65656d" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#D83848"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg></div><div>OKRs</div></a><a id="w-node-a5ee587a-8ef3-fa30-b06f-d7393394e846-2df31670" href="" class="nav-tab-link shadow-small nav-tab-link-flex-child w-inline-block"><div class="icon-embed-small-3 w-embed"><svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1226_65656d)"/> <path d="M12 22.225H13.125L13.7 20.575H16.3L16.9 22.225H18L15.575 15.775H14.425L12 22.225ZM14.025 19.65L14.975 16.975H15.025L15.975 19.65H14.025ZM22 17.9V16.2C22.55 15.9667 23.1125 15.7917 23.6875 15.675C24.2625 15.5583 24.8667 15.5 25.5 15.5C25.9333 15.5 26.3583 15.5333 26.775 15.6C27.1917 15.6667 27.6 15.75 28 15.85V17.45C27.6 17.3 27.1958 17.1875 26.7875 17.1125C26.3792 17.0375 25.95 17 25.5 17C24.8667 17 24.2583 17.0792 23.675 17.2375C23.0917 17.3958 22.5333 17.6167 22 17.9ZM22 23.4V21.7C22.55 21.4667 23.1125 21.2917 23.6875 21.175C24.2625 21.0583 24.8667 21 25.5 21C25.9333 21 26.3583 21.0333 26.775 21.1C27.1917 21.1667 27.6 21.25 28 21.35V22.95C27.6 22.8 27.1958 22.6875 26.7875 22.6125C26.3792 22.5375 25.95 22.5 25.5 22.5C24.8667 22.5 24.2583 22.575 23.675 22.725C23.0917 22.875 22.5333 23.1 22 23.4ZM22 20.65V18.95C22.55 18.7167 23.1125 18.5417 23.6875 18.425C24.2625 18.3083 24.8667 18.25 25.5 18.25C25.9333 18.25 26.3583 18.2833 26.775 18.35C27.1917 18.4167 27.6 18.5 28 18.6V20.2C27.6 20.05 27.1958 19.9375 26.7875 19.8625C26.3792 19.7875 25.95 19.75 25.5 19.75C24.8667 19.75 24.2583 19.8292 23.675 19.9875C23.0917 20.1458 22.5333 20.3667 22 20.65ZM14.5 24C15.2833 24 16.0458 24.0875 16.7875 24.2625C17.5292 24.4375 18.2667 24.7 19 25.05V15.2C18.3167 14.8 17.5917 14.5 16.825 14.3C16.0583 14.1 15.2833 14 14.5 14C13.9 14 13.3042 14.0583 12.7125 14.175C12.1208 14.2917 11.55 14.4667 11 14.7V24.6C11.5833 24.4 12.1625 24.25 12.7375 24.15C13.3125 24.05 13.9 24 14.5 24ZM21 25.05C21.7333 24.7 22.4708 24.4375 23.2125 24.2625C23.9542 24.0875 24.7167 24 25.5 24C26.1 24 26.6875 24.05 27.2625 24.15C27.8375 24.25 28.4167 24.4 29 24.6V14.7C28.45 14.4667 27.8792 14.2917 27.2875 14.175C26.6958 14.0583 26.1 14 25.5 14C24.7167 14 23.9417 14.1 23.175 14.3C22.4083 14.5 21.6833 14.8 21 15.2V25.05ZM20 28C19.2 27.3667 18.3333 26.875 17.4 26.525C16.4667 26.175 15.5 26 14.5 26C13.8 26 13.1125 26.0917 12.4375 26.275C11.7625 26.4583 11.1167 26.7167 10.5 27.05C10.15 27.2333 9.8125 27.225 9.4875 27.025C9.1625 26.825 9 26.5333 9 26.15V14.1C9 13.9167 9.04583 13.7417 9.1375 13.575C9.22917 13.4083 9.36667 13.2833 9.55 13.2C10.3167 12.8 11.1167 12.5 11.95 12.3C12.7833 12.1 13.6333 12 14.5 12C15.4667 12 16.4125 12.125 17.3375 12.375C18.2625 12.625 19.15 13 20 13.5C20.85 13 21.7375 12.625 22.6625 12.375C23.5875 12.125 24.5333 12 25.5 12C26.3667 12 27.2167 12.1 28.05 12.3C28.8833 12.5 29.6833 12.8 30.45 13.2C30.6333 13.2833 30.7708 13.4083 30.8625 13.575C30.9542 13.7417 31 13.9167 31 14.1V26.15C31 26.5333 30.8375 26.825 30.5125 27.025C30.1875 27.225 29.85 27.2333 29.5 27.05C28.8833 26.7167 28.2375 26.4583 27.5625 26.275C26.8875 26.0917 26.2 26 25.5 26C24.5 26 23.5333 26.175 22.6 26.525C21.6667 26.875 20.8 27.3667 20 28Z" fill="#F9F8F5"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1226_65656d" x1="0" y1="20" x2="44.7222" y2="20" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#FF7369"/> 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21 25.5 21C25.9333 21 26.3583 21.0333 26.775 21.1C27.1917 21.1667 27.6 21.25 28 21.35V22.95C27.6 22.8 27.1958 22.6875 26.7875 22.6125C26.3792 22.5375 25.95 22.5 25.5 22.5C24.8667 22.5 24.2583 22.575 23.675 22.725C23.0917 22.875 22.5333 23.1 22 23.4ZM22 20.65V18.95C22.55 18.7167 23.1125 18.5417 23.6875 18.425C24.2625 18.3083 24.8667 18.25 25.5 18.25C25.9333 18.25 26.3583 18.2833 26.775 18.35C27.1917 18.4167 27.6 18.5 28 18.6V20.2C27.6 20.05 27.1958 19.9375 26.7875 19.8625C26.3792 19.7875 25.95 19.75 25.5 19.75C24.8667 19.75 24.2583 19.8292 23.675 19.9875C23.0917 20.1458 22.5333 20.3667 22 20.65ZM14.5 24C15.2833 24 16.0458 24.0875 16.7875 24.2625C17.5292 24.4375 18.2667 24.7 19 25.05V15.2C18.3167 14.8 17.5917 14.5 16.825 14.3C16.0583 14.1 15.2833 14 14.5 14C13.9 14 13.3042 14.0583 12.7125 14.175C12.1208 14.2917 11.55 14.4667 11 14.7V24.6C11.5833 24.4 12.1625 24.25 12.7375 24.15C13.3125 24.05 13.9 24 14.5 24ZM21 25.05C21.7333 24.7 22.4708 24.4375 23.2125 24.2625C23.9542 24.0875 24.7167 24 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