Motel 6-Daytona Beach, Fl - Speedway, Florida, United States from 100US$ | 2024

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leading-10 font-bold mb-2.5">Motel 6-Daytona Beach, Fl - Speedway</h1> <div class="flex items-center gap-2 md:flex-col md:items-start"> <div class="flex items-center gap-2 md:mb-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-center rounded w-[30px] h-[21px] bg-[#003B95] "> <span class="text-sm text-white font-bold">5.2</span> </div> <div class="text-sm text-secondary-950"> <span> Good </span> <span>(509 reviews)</span> <span class="ml-2 md:hidden">|</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex items-center gap-2"> <div class="flex items-center gap-1 text-sm text-secondary-950"> <svg class="fill-secondary-950" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 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3.56V2C16.75 1.59 16.41 1.25 16 1.25C15.59 1.25 15.25 1.59 15.25 2V3.5H8.74999V2C8.74999 1.59 8.40999 1.25 7.99999 1.25C7.58999 1.25 7.24999 1.59 7.24999 2V3.56C4.54999 3.81 3.23999 5.42 3.03999 7.81C3.01999 8.1 3.25999 8.34 3.53999 8.34H20.46C20.75 8.34 20.99 8.09 20.96 7.81C20.76 5.42 19.45 3.81 16.75 3.56Z" /> <path d="M20 9.84009H4C3.45 9.84009 3 10.2901 3 10.8401V17.0001C3 20.0001 4.5 22.0001 8 22.0001H12.93C13.62 22.0001 14.1 21.3301 13.88 20.6801C13.68 20.1001 13.51 19.4601 13.51 19.0001C13.51 15.9701 15.98 13.5001 19.01 13.5001C19.3 13.5001 19.59 13.5201 19.87 13.5701C20.47 13.6601 21.01 13.1901 21.01 12.5901V10.8501C21 10.2901 20.55 9.84009 20 9.84009ZM9.21 17.7101C9.11 17.8001 9 17.8701 8.88 17.9201C8.76 17.9701 8.63 18.0001 8.5 18.0001C8.37 18.0001 8.24 17.9701 8.12 17.9201C8 17.8701 7.89 17.8001 7.79 17.7101C7.61 17.5201 7.5 17.2601 7.5 17.0001C7.5 16.9401 7.51 16.8701 7.52 16.8101C7.53 16.7401 7.55 16.6801 7.58 16.6201C7.6 16.5601 7.63 16.5001 7.67 16.4401C7.7 16.3901 7.75 16.3401 7.79 16.2901C7.89 16.2001 8 16.1301 8.12 16.0801C8.36 15.9801 8.64 15.9801 8.88 16.0801C9 16.1301 9.11 16.2001 9.21 16.2901C9.25 16.3401 9.3 16.3901 9.33 16.4401C9.37 16.5001 9.4 16.5601 9.42 16.6201C9.45 16.6801 9.47 16.7401 9.48 16.8101C9.49 16.8701 9.5 16.9401 9.5 17.0001C9.5 17.2601 9.39 17.5201 9.21 17.7101ZM9.21 14.2101C9.11 14.3001 9 14.3701 8.88 14.4201C8.76 14.4701 8.63 14.5001 8.5 14.5001C8.37 14.5001 8.24 14.4701 8.12 14.4201C7.99 14.3701 7.89 14.3001 7.79 14.2101C7.61 14.0201 7.5 13.7601 7.5 13.5001C7.5 13.2401 7.61 12.9801 7.79 12.7901C7.89 12.7001 8 12.6301 8.12 12.5801C8.36 12.4801 8.64 12.4801 8.88 12.5801C9 12.6301 9.11 12.7001 9.21 12.7901C9.25 12.8401 9.3 12.8901 9.33 12.9401C9.37 13.0001 9.4 13.0601 9.42 13.1201C9.45 13.1801 9.47 13.2401 9.48 13.3001C9.49 13.3701 9.5 13.4401 9.5 13.5001C9.5 13.7601 9.39 14.0201 9.21 14.2101ZM12.71 14.2101C12.52 14.3901 12.27 14.5001 12 14.5001C11.87 14.5001 11.74 14.4701 11.62 14.4201C11.49 14.3701 11.39 14.3001 11.29 14.2101C11.11 14.0201 11 13.7601 11 13.5001C11 13.4401 11.01 13.3701 11.02 13.3001C11.03 13.2401 11.05 13.1801 11.08 13.1201C11.1 13.0601 11.13 13.0001 11.17 12.9401C11.21 12.8901 11.25 12.8401 11.29 12.7901C11.66 12.4201 12.33 12.4201 12.71 12.7901C12.75 12.8401 12.79 12.8901 12.83 12.9401C12.87 13.0001 12.9 13.0601 12.92 13.1201C12.95 13.1801 12.97 13.2401 12.98 13.3001C12.99 13.3701 13 13.4401 13 13.5001C13 13.7601 12.89 14.0201 12.71 14.2101Z" /> <path d="M21.83 16.17C20.27 14.61 17.73 14.61 16.17 16.17C14.61 17.73 14.61 20.27 16.17 21.83C17.73 23.39 20.27 23.39 21.83 21.83C23.39 20.27 23.39 17.73 21.83 16.17ZM21.07 19.56C20.94 19.7 20.75 19.78 20.54 19.78H19.8V20.56C19.8 20.77 19.72 20.95 19.58 21.09C19.44 21.23 19.26 21.31 19.05 21.31C18.64 21.31 18.3 20.97 18.3 20.56V19.78H17.55C17.14 19.78 16.8 19.45 16.8 19.03C16.8 18.62 17.14 18.28 17.55 18.28H18.3V17.57C18.3 17.16 18.63 16.82 19.05 16.82C19.46 16.82 19.8 17.16 19.8 17.57V18.28H20.54C20.96 18.28 21.29 18.62 21.29 19.03C21.29 19.24 21.21 19.43 21.07 19.56Z"/> </svg> <div class="text-base text-secondary-950"> Nov 30, 2024 - Dec 01, 2024 </div> </div> <svg class="fill-secondary-950" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 17" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M8.50001 11.7C8.03335 11.7 7.56668 11.5201 7.21335 11.1667L2.86668 6.82005C2.67335 6.62672 2.67335 6.30672 2.86668 6.11338C3.06001 5.92005 3.38001 5.92005 3.57335 6.11338L7.92001 10.4601C8.24001 10.7801 8.76001 10.7801 9.08001 10.4601L13.4267 6.11338C13.62 5.92005 13.94 5.92005 14.1333 6.11338C14.3267 6.30672 14.3267 6.62672 14.1333 6.82005L9.78668 11.1667C9.43335 11.5201 8.96668 11.7 8.50001 11.7Z"/> </svg> </div> <div class=" relative flex items-center justify-between border border-solid border-neutral-200 rounded-md px-4 w-[220px] flex-shrink-0 h-14 md:w-full cursor-pointer hover:border-secondary-400 hover:bg-secondary-0 transition-colors"> <div class="flex items-center gap-2"> <svg class="fill-neutral-600" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M4.5 6.375C4.5 4.09683 6.34683 2.25 8.625 2.25C10.9032 2.25 12.75 4.09683 12.75 6.375C12.75 8.65317 10.9032 10.5 8.625 10.5C6.34683 10.5 4.5 8.65317 4.5 6.375Z" /> <path d="M14.25 8.625C14.25 6.76104 15.761 5.25 17.625 5.25C19.489 5.25 21 6.76104 21 8.625C21 10.489 19.489 12 17.625 12C15.761 12 14.25 10.489 14.25 8.625Z" /> <path d="M1.5 19.125C1.5 15.19 4.68997 12 8.625 12C12.56 12 15.75 15.19 15.75 19.125V19.1276C15.75 19.1674 15.7496 19.2074 15.749 19.2469C15.7446 19.5054 15.6074 19.7435 15.3859 19.8768C13.4107 21.0661 11.0966 21.75 8.625 21.75C6.15343 21.75 3.8393 21.0661 1.86406 19.8768C1.64256 19.7435 1.50537 19.5054 1.50103 19.2469C1.50034 19.2064 1.5 19.1657 1.5 19.125Z" /> <path d="M17.2498 19.1281C17.2498 19.1762 17.2494 19.2244 17.2486 19.2722C17.2429 19.6108 17.1612 19.9378 17.0157 20.232C17.2172 20.2439 17.4203 20.25 17.6248 20.25C19.2206 20.25 20.732 19.8803 22.0764 19.2213C22.3234 19.1002 22.4843 18.8536 22.4957 18.5787C22.4984 18.5111 22.4998 18.4432 22.4998 18.375C22.4998 15.6826 20.3172 13.5 17.6248 13.5C16.8784 13.5 16.1711 13.6678 15.5387 13.9676C16.6135 15.4061 17.2498 17.1912 17.2498 19.125V19.1281Z"/> </svg> <div class="text-base text-secondary-950">2 adults, 1 room</div> </div> <svg class="fill-secondary-950" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 17" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M8.50001 11.7C8.03335 11.7 7.56668 11.5201 7.21335 11.1667L2.86668 6.82005C2.67335 6.62672 2.67335 6.30672 2.86668 6.11338C3.06001 5.92005 3.38001 5.92005 3.57335 6.11338L7.92001 10.4601C8.24001 10.7801 8.76001 10.7801 9.08001 10.4601L13.4267 6.11338C13.62 5.92005 13.94 5.92005 14.1333 6.11338C14.3267 6.30672 14.3267 6.62672 14.1333 6.82005L9.78668 11.1667C9.43335 11.5201 8.96668 11.7 8.50001 11.7Z"/> </svg> </div> <div class="flex items-center justify-center gap-2 rounded-md uppercase bg-primary-600 text-white w-[150px] px-8 flex-shrink-0 h-14 md:w-full cursor-pointer hover:bg-primary-500 transition-colors"> Search <svg class="fill-white flex-shrink-0" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 17"> <path d="M8.16671 15C4.40004 15 1.33337 11.9333 1.33337 8.16665C1.33337 4.39998 4.40004 1.33331 8.16671 1.33331C11.9334 1.33331 15 4.39998 15 8.16665C15 11.9333 11.9334 15 8.16671 15ZM8.16671 2.33331C4.94671 2.33331 2.33337 4.95331 2.33337 8.16665C2.33337 11.38 4.94671 14 8.16671 14C11.3867 14 14 11.38 14 8.16665C14 4.95331 11.3867 2.33331 8.16671 2.33331Z" /> <path d="M15.1666 15.6667C15.04 15.6667 14.9133 15.62 14.8133 15.52L13.48 14.1867C13.2866 13.9934 13.2866 13.6734 13.48 13.48C13.6733 13.2867 13.9933 13.2867 14.1866 13.48L15.52 14.8134C15.7133 15.0067 15.7133 15.3267 15.52 15.52C15.42 15.62 15.2933 15.6667 15.1666 15.6667Z" /> </svg> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container relative top-2.5"> <div class="relative whitespace-nowrap overflow-auto" data-component="breadcrumbs"> <div class="inline-flex items-center gap-1 text-secondary-950"> <a class="hover:underline" href=''>Tourist VR</a> <svg class="fill-secondary-950 transition-transform w-3 h-3 rotate-180" viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.06 13.78C10.1867 13.78 10.3133 13.7333 10.4133 13.6333C10.6067 13.44 10.6067 13.12 10.4133 12.9267L6.06668 8.58001C5.74668 8.26001 5.74668 7.74001 6.06668 7.42001L10.4133 3.07335C10.6067 2.88001 10.6067 2.56001 10.4133 2.36668C10.22 2.17335 9.90002 2.17335 9.70668 2.36668L5.36002 6.71335C5.02002 7.05335 4.82668 7.51335 4.82668 8.00001C4.82668 8.48668 5.01335 8.94668 5.36002 9.28668L9.70668 13.6333C9.80668 13.7267 9.93335 13.78 10.06 13.78Z"/> </svg> </div> <div class="inline-flex items-center gap-1 text-secondary-950"> <a class="hover:underline" href=''>United States Hotels</a> <svg class="fill-secondary-950 transition-transform w-3 h-3 rotate-180" viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.06 13.78C10.1867 13.78 10.3133 13.7333 10.4133 13.6333C10.6067 13.44 10.6067 13.12 10.4133 12.9267L6.06668 8.58001C5.74668 8.26001 5.74668 7.74001 6.06668 7.42001L10.4133 3.07335C10.6067 2.88001 10.6067 2.56001 10.4133 2.36668C10.22 2.17335 9.90002 2.17335 9.70668 2.36668L5.36002 6.71335C5.02002 7.05335 4.82668 7.51335 4.82668 8.00001C4.82668 8.48668 5.01335 8.94668 5.36002 9.28668L9.70668 13.6333C9.80668 13.7267 9.93335 13.78 10.06 13.78Z"/> </svg> </div> <div class="inline-flex items-center gap-1 text-secondary-950"> <a class="hover:underline" href=''>Florida Hotels</a> <svg class="fill-secondary-950 transition-transform w-3 h-3 rotate-180" viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.06 13.78C10.1867 13.78 10.3133 13.7333 10.4133 13.6333C10.6067 13.44 10.6067 13.12 10.4133 12.9267L6.06668 8.58001C5.74668 8.26001 5.74668 7.74001 6.06668 7.42001L10.4133 3.07335C10.6067 2.88001 10.6067 2.56001 10.4133 2.36668C10.22 2.17335 9.90002 2.17335 9.70668 2.36668L5.36002 6.71335C5.02002 7.05335 4.82668 7.51335 4.82668 8.00001C4.82668 8.48668 5.01335 8.94668 5.36002 9.28668L9.70668 13.6333C9.80668 13.7267 9.93335 13.78 10.06 13.78Z"/> </svg> </div> <div class="inline-flex items-center gap-1 text-secondary-950"> <a class="hover:underline" href=''>Daytona Beach Hotels</a> <svg class="fill-secondary-950 transition-transform w-3 h-3 rotate-180" viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.06 13.78C10.1867 13.78 10.3133 13.7333 10.4133 13.6333C10.6067 13.44 10.6067 13.12 10.4133 12.9267L6.06668 8.58001C5.74668 8.26001 5.74668 7.74001 6.06668 7.42001L10.4133 3.07335C10.6067 2.88001 10.6067 2.56001 10.4133 2.36668C10.22 2.17335 9.90002 2.17335 9.70668 2.36668L5.36002 6.71335C5.02002 7.05335 4.82668 7.51335 4.82668 8.00001C4.82668 8.48668 5.01335 8.94668 5.36002 9.28668L9.70668 13.6333C9.80668 13.7267 9.93335 13.78 10.06 13.78Z"/> </svg> </div> <span class="text-secondary-950">Motel 6-Daytona Beach, Fl - Speedway</span> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="flex items-start pb-14 lg:flex-wrap"> <div class="w-full"> <div class="section scroll-mt-16 js-hotel-block" data-id="overview" id="overview"> <style> .overview-toggle-block { max-height: 200px; } { max-height: initial; } .overview-toggle-btn .overview-toggle-btn__more { display: block; } .overview-toggle-btn__more { display: none; } .overview-toggle-btn .overview-toggle-btn__less { display: none; } .overview-toggle-btn__less { display: block; } .overview-toggle-btn__icon { transform: rotate(180deg); } </style> <div class="flex flex-col gap-4 "> <h2 class="section-title">Overview</h2> <ul class="flex gap-2 flex-wrap"> </ul> <div class="overflow-hidden overview-toggle-block js-overview-toogle"> <div class="mb-4"> <p class="section-sub-title mb-2.5">Intro</p> <p class="trawell-hotel-overview__desc">The 2-star Motel 6-Daytona Beach is set approximately a 25-minute walk from Speed Park Motorsports go-Kart Track and 15 minutes by car from the vibrant modern gallery "Southeast Museum of Photography". Wi-Fi is offered for guests at extra cost in public areas.</p> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <p class="section-sub-title mb-2.5">Rooms</p> <p class="trawell-hotel-overview__desc">Motel 6-Daytona Beach welcomes guests to 95 smoke-free rooms. Some of them come with free Wi-Fi and a flat-screen TV with satellite channels along with a coffee maker and a mini-fridge. A bathtub and a shower, together with such comforts as towels are also provided.</p> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <p class="section-sub-title mb-2.5">Relax</p> <p class="trawell-hotel-overview__desc">A seasonal outdoor swimming pool and a fitness room will help you stay healthy.</p> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <p class="section-sub-title mb-2.5">Location</p> <p class="trawell-hotel-overview__desc">This motel is placed about 10 km from Daytona Beach International airport and at a 6 km distance from such cultural venues as the guided MOAS - Museum of Arts and Sciences. The nearby sports attractions are Indigo Lakes Golf Club (2.9 km), and the multi - purpose Municipal Stadium Daytona Beach (3 km).</p> </div> </div> <div class="flex justify-center items-center underline cursor-pointer overview-toggle-btn js-overview-toogle-btn js-clk-open" data-type="overview" data-open-once> <span class="text-base text-primary-600 font-medium underline overview-toggle-btn__more">Show more</span> <span class="text-base text-primary-600 font-medium underline overview-toggle-btn__less">Show less</span> <svg class="fill-primary-600 ml-2 overview-toggle-btn__icon" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 17" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M8.50001 11.7C8.03335 11.7 7.56668 11.5201 7.21335 11.1667L2.86668 6.82005C2.67335 6.62672 2.67335 6.30672 2.86668 6.11338C3.06001 5.92005 3.38001 5.92005 3.57335 6.11338L7.92001 10.4601C8.24001 10.7801 8.76001 10.7801 9.08001 10.4601L13.4267 6.11338C13.62 5.92005 13.94 5.92005 14.1333 6.11338C14.3267 6.30672 14.3267 6.62672 14.1333 6.82005L9.78668 11.1667C9.43335 11.5201 8.96668 11.7 8.50001 11.7Z"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section js-hotel-block" data-id="impressions" id="impressions"> <div> <h3 class="section-title mb-5">Impressions</h3> <h4 class="section-sub-title mb-5">Pros &amp; Cons</h4> <div class="columns-2 md:columns-1"> <ul class="break-inside-avoid"> <li class="flex items-center gap-2 text-secondary-950 text-base mb-1"> <svg class="shrink-0" width="14" height="14" xmlns="" id="Capa_1" enable-background="new 0 0 512 512" height="20" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="20"><g><path d="m467 211h-166v-166c0-24.853-20.147-45-45-45s-45 20.147-45 45v166h-166c-24.853 0-45 20.147-45 45s20.147 45 45 45h166v166c0 24.853 20.147 45 45 45s45-20.147 45-45v-166h166c24.853 0 45-20.147 45-45s-20.147-45-45-45z"/></g></svg> <span>Comfortable setting in the middle of the city.</span> </li> <li class="flex items-center gap-2 text-secondary-950 text-base mb-1"> <svg class="shrink-0" width="14" height="14" xmlns="" id="Capa_1" enable-background="new 0 0 512 512" height="20" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="20"><g><path d="m467 211h-166v-166c0-24.853-20.147-45-45-45s-45 20.147-45 45v166h-166c-24.853 0-45 20.147-45 45s20.147 45 45 45h166v166c0 24.853 20.147 45 45 45s45-20.147 45-45v-166h166c24.853 0 45-20.147 45-45s-20.147-45-45-45z"/></g></svg> <span>Within 10 minutes&#039; walk of Dunkin&#039;.</span> </li> <li class="flex items-center gap-2 text-secondary-950 text-base mb-1"> <svg class="shrink-0" width="14" height="14" xmlns="" id="Capa_1" enable-background="new 0 0 512 512" height="20" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="20"><g><path d="m467 211h-166v-166c0-24.853-20.147-45-45-45s-45 20.147-45 45v166h-166c-24.853 0-45 20.147-45 45s20.147 45 45 45h166v166c0 24.853 20.147 45 45 45s45-20.147 45-45v-166h166c24.853 0 45-20.147 45-45s-20.147-45-45-45z"/></g></svg> <span>WiFi provided in public areas.</span> </li> <li class="flex items-center gap-2 text-secondary-950 text-base mb-1"> <svg class="shrink-0" width="14" height="14" xmlns="" id="Capa_1" enable-background="new 0 0 512 512" height="20" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="20"><g><path d="m467 211h-166v-166c0-24.853-20.147-45-45-45s-45 20.147-45 45v166h-166c-24.853 0-45 20.147-45 45s20.147 45 45 45h166v166c0 24.853 20.147 45 45 45s45-20.147 45-45v-166h166c24.853 0 45-20.147 45-45s-20.147-45-45-45z"/></g></svg> <span>Great prices for the area.</span> </li> </ul> <ul class="break-inside-avoid"> <li class="flex items-center gap-2 text-secondary-950 text-base mb-1"> <svg class="shrink-0" width="14" height="14" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" id="Capa_1" x="0px" y="0px" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 124 124" style="enable-background:new 0 0 124 124;" xml:space="preserve"><g><path d="M112,50H12C5.4,50,0,55.4,0,62c0,6.6,5.4,12,12,12h100c6.6,0,12-5.4,12-12C124,55.4,118.6,50,112,50z"/></g></svg> <span>A few past guests were dissatisfied with not comfortable beds.</span> </li> <li class="flex items-center gap-2 text-secondary-950 text-base mb-1"> <svg class="shrink-0" width="14" height="14" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" id="Capa_1" x="0px" y="0px" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 124 124" style="enable-background:new 0 0 124 124;" xml:space="preserve"><g><path d="M112,50H12C5.4,50,0,55.4,0,62c0,6.6,5.4,12,12,12h100c6.6,0,12-5.4,12-12C124,55.4,118.6,50,112,50z"/></g></svg> <span>A few minor complaints about cold bathrooms.</span> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section scroll-mt-16 js-hotel-block" data-id="rooms" id="rooms"> <div class="grid"> <h3 class="section-title mb-5">Rooms</h3> <div class="grid grid-cols-3 gap-4 xl:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-1"> <div class="group flex flex-col w-full rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow hover:shadow-lg"> <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="py-4 px-2"> <div class="js-clk-open" data-type="rooms"> <span class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors group-hover:text-secondary-600">King Room - Non-Smoking</span> </div> <div class="mt-2 text-sm text-secondary-950"><span>Room size:</span> <b class="font-bold">19 m<sup>2</sup></b></div> <div class="flex items-center mt-2 text-sm text-secondary-950"> <span>Max capacity:</span> <svg class="ml-1.5 fill-secondary-950 w-3 h-3" xmlns="" width="12" height="13" viewBox="0 0 12 13"> <path d="M6 6.5C7.38071 6.5 8.5 5.38071 8.5 4C8.5 2.61929 7.38071 1.5 6 1.5C4.61929 1.5 3.5 2.61929 3.5 4C3.5 5.38071 4.61929 6.5 6 6.5Z" /> <path d="M5.99996 7.75C3.49496 7.75 1.45496 9.43 1.45496 11.5C1.45496 11.64 1.56496 11.75 1.70496 11.75H10.295C10.435 11.75 10.545 11.64 10.545 11.5C10.545 9.43 8.50496 7.75 5.99996 7.75Z"/> </svg> <svg class="ml-1.5 fill-secondary-950 w-3 h-3" xmlns="" width="12" height="13" viewBox="0 0 12 13"> <path d="M6 6.5C7.38071 6.5 8.5 5.38071 8.5 4C8.5 2.61929 7.38071 1.5 6 1.5C4.61929 1.5 3.5 2.61929 3.5 4C3.5 5.38071 4.61929 6.5 6 6.5Z" /> <path d="M5.99996 7.75C3.49496 7.75 1.45496 9.43 1.45496 11.5C1.45496 11.64 1.56496 11.75 1.70496 11.75H10.295C10.435 11.75 10.545 11.64 10.545 11.5C10.545 9.43 8.50496 7.75 5.99996 7.75Z"/> </svg> <span class="ml-1.5">+</span> <svg class="ml-1.5 fill-secondary-950 w-3 h-3" xmlns="" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12"> <path d="M10.7233 5.5482C10.537 3.57945 9.15775 1.97445 7.33175 1.4402C7.40175 1.61345 7.44125 1.80195 7.44125 1.99995C7.44125 2.8272 6.7685 3.49995 5.94125 3.49995C5.557 3.49995 5.19125 3.35445 4.9115 3.09045C4.761 2.9482 4.75425 2.71095 4.89625 2.5602C5.0385 2.40945 5.27625 2.4032 5.4265 2.54495C5.56625 2.6772 5.749 2.74995 5.94125 2.74995C6.35475 2.74995 6.69125 2.41345 6.69125 1.99995C6.69125 1.5927 6.36475 1.2622 5.96 1.25195C3.5235 1.2722 1.50475 3.13645 1.27675 5.5482C0.94775 5.80695 0.75 6.20295 0.75 6.62495C0.75 7.20945 1.12075 7.7232 1.657 7.9172C2.41775 9.6442 4.10225 10.75 6 10.75C7.89775 10.75 9.58225 9.6442 10.343 7.9172C10.8793 7.7232 11.25 7.20945 11.25 6.62495C11.25 6.20295 11.0523 5.80695 10.7233 5.5482ZM3.75 5.74995C3.75 5.4737 3.97375 5.24995 4.25 5.24995C4.52625 5.24995 4.75 5.4737 4.75 5.74995C4.75 6.0262 4.52625 6.24995 4.25 6.24995C3.97375 6.24995 3.75 6.0262 3.75 5.74995ZM7.953 7.8752C7.45475 8.4312 6.743 8.74995 6 8.74995C5.2575 8.74995 4.546 8.4312 4.04725 7.8752C3.90875 7.7212 3.92175 7.48395 4.07575 7.3457C4.2305 7.2072 4.46725 7.22045 4.60525 7.37445C4.96225 7.77195 5.4705 7.99995 6 7.99995C6.53 7.99995 7.03825 7.77195 7.39425 7.3747C7.5325 7.2207 7.7695 7.20745 7.92375 7.3457C8.078 7.48395 8.091 7.72095 7.953 7.8752ZM7.75 6.24995C7.47375 6.24995 7.25 6.0262 7.25 5.74995C7.25 5.4737 7.47375 5.24995 7.75 5.24995C8.02625 5.24995 8.25 5.4737 8.25 5.74995C8.25 6.0262 8.02625 6.24995 7.75 6.24995Z" /> </svg> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mb-2 mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> <div class="group flex flex-col w-full rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow hover:shadow-lg"> <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="py-4 px-2"> <div class="js-clk-open" data-type="rooms"> <span class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors group-hover:text-secondary-600">Quadruple Room - Non-Smoking</span> </div> <div class="mt-2 text-sm text-secondary-950"><span>Room size:</span> <b class="font-bold">19 m<sup>2</sup></b></div> <div class="flex items-center mt-2 text-sm text-secondary-950"> <span>Max capacity:</span> <svg class="ml-1.5 fill-secondary-950 w-3 h-3" xmlns="" width="12" height="13" viewBox="0 0 12 13"> <path d="M6 6.5C7.38071 6.5 8.5 5.38071 8.5 4C8.5 2.61929 7.38071 1.5 6 1.5C4.61929 1.5 3.5 2.61929 3.5 4C3.5 5.38071 4.61929 6.5 6 6.5Z" /> <path d="M5.99996 7.75C3.49496 7.75 1.45496 9.43 1.45496 11.5C1.45496 11.64 1.56496 11.75 1.70496 11.75H10.295C10.435 11.75 10.545 11.64 10.545 11.5C10.545 9.43 8.50496 7.75 5.99996 7.75Z"/> </svg> <svg class="ml-1.5 fill-secondary-950 w-3 h-3" xmlns="" width="12" height="13" viewBox="0 0 12 13"> <path d="M6 6.5C7.38071 6.5 8.5 5.38071 8.5 4C8.5 2.61929 7.38071 1.5 6 1.5C4.61929 1.5 3.5 2.61929 3.5 4C3.5 5.38071 4.61929 6.5 6 6.5Z" /> <path d="M5.99996 7.75C3.49496 7.75 1.45496 9.43 1.45496 11.5C1.45496 11.64 1.56496 11.75 1.70496 11.75H10.295C10.435 11.75 10.545 11.64 10.545 11.5C10.545 9.43 8.50496 7.75 5.99996 7.75Z"/> </svg> <svg class="ml-1.5 fill-secondary-950 w-3 h-3" xmlns="" width="12" height="13" viewBox="0 0 12 13"> <path d="M6 6.5C7.38071 6.5 8.5 5.38071 8.5 4C8.5 2.61929 7.38071 1.5 6 1.5C4.61929 1.5 3.5 2.61929 3.5 4C3.5 5.38071 4.61929 6.5 6 6.5Z" /> <path d="M5.99996 7.75C3.49496 7.75 1.45496 9.43 1.45496 11.5C1.45496 11.64 1.56496 11.75 1.70496 11.75H10.295C10.435 11.75 10.545 11.64 10.545 11.5C10.545 9.43 8.50496 7.75 5.99996 7.75Z"/> </svg> <svg class="ml-1.5 fill-secondary-950 w-3 h-3" xmlns="" width="12" height="13" viewBox="0 0 12 13"> <path d="M6 6.5C7.38071 6.5 8.5 5.38071 8.5 4C8.5 2.61929 7.38071 1.5 6 1.5C4.61929 1.5 3.5 2.61929 3.5 4C3.5 5.38071 4.61929 6.5 6 6.5Z" /> <path d="M5.99996 7.75C3.49496 7.75 1.45496 9.43 1.45496 11.5C1.45496 11.64 1.56496 11.75 1.70496 11.75H10.295C10.435 11.75 10.545 11.64 10.545 11.5C10.545 9.43 8.50496 7.75 5.99996 7.75Z"/> </svg> <span class="ml-1.5">+</span> <svg class="ml-1.5 fill-secondary-950 w-3 h-3" xmlns="" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12"> <path d="M10.7233 5.5482C10.537 3.57945 9.15775 1.97445 7.33175 1.4402C7.40175 1.61345 7.44125 1.80195 7.44125 1.99995C7.44125 2.8272 6.7685 3.49995 5.94125 3.49995C5.557 3.49995 5.19125 3.35445 4.9115 3.09045C4.761 2.9482 4.75425 2.71095 4.89625 2.5602C5.0385 2.40945 5.27625 2.4032 5.4265 2.54495C5.56625 2.6772 5.749 2.74995 5.94125 2.74995C6.35475 2.74995 6.69125 2.41345 6.69125 1.99995C6.69125 1.5927 6.36475 1.2622 5.96 1.25195C3.5235 1.2722 1.50475 3.13645 1.27675 5.5482C0.94775 5.80695 0.75 6.20295 0.75 6.62495C0.75 7.20945 1.12075 7.7232 1.657 7.9172C2.41775 9.6442 4.10225 10.75 6 10.75C7.89775 10.75 9.58225 9.6442 10.343 7.9172C10.8793 7.7232 11.25 7.20945 11.25 6.62495C11.25 6.20295 11.0523 5.80695 10.7233 5.5482ZM3.75 5.74995C3.75 5.4737 3.97375 5.24995 4.25 5.24995C4.52625 5.24995 4.75 5.4737 4.75 5.74995C4.75 6.0262 4.52625 6.24995 4.25 6.24995C3.97375 6.24995 3.75 6.0262 3.75 5.74995ZM7.953 7.8752C7.45475 8.4312 6.743 8.74995 6 8.74995C5.2575 8.74995 4.546 8.4312 4.04725 7.8752C3.90875 7.7212 3.92175 7.48395 4.07575 7.3457C4.2305 7.2072 4.46725 7.22045 4.60525 7.37445C4.96225 7.77195 5.4705 7.99995 6 7.99995C6.53 7.99995 7.03825 7.77195 7.39425 7.3747C7.5325 7.2207 7.7695 7.20745 7.92375 7.3457C8.078 7.48395 8.091 7.72095 7.953 7.8752ZM7.75 6.24995C7.47375 6.24995 7.25 6.0262 7.25 5.74995C7.25 5.4737 7.47375 5.24995 7.75 5.24995C8.02625 5.24995 8.25 5.4737 8.25 5.74995C8.25 6.0262 8.02625 6.24995 7.75 6.24995Z" /> </svg> <svg class="ml-1.5 fill-secondary-950 w-3 h-3" xmlns="" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12"> <path d="M10.7233 5.5482C10.537 3.57945 9.15775 1.97445 7.33175 1.4402C7.40175 1.61345 7.44125 1.80195 7.44125 1.99995C7.44125 2.8272 6.7685 3.49995 5.94125 3.49995C5.557 3.49995 5.19125 3.35445 4.9115 3.09045C4.761 2.9482 4.75425 2.71095 4.89625 2.5602C5.0385 2.40945 5.27625 2.4032 5.4265 2.54495C5.56625 2.6772 5.749 2.74995 5.94125 2.74995C6.35475 2.74995 6.69125 2.41345 6.69125 1.99995C6.69125 1.5927 6.36475 1.2622 5.96 1.25195C3.5235 1.2722 1.50475 3.13645 1.27675 5.5482C0.94775 5.80695 0.75 6.20295 0.75 6.62495C0.75 7.20945 1.12075 7.7232 1.657 7.9172C2.41775 9.6442 4.10225 10.75 6 10.75C7.89775 10.75 9.58225 9.6442 10.343 7.9172C10.8793 7.7232 11.25 7.20945 11.25 6.62495C11.25 6.20295 11.0523 5.80695 10.7233 5.5482ZM3.75 5.74995C3.75 5.4737 3.97375 5.24995 4.25 5.24995C4.52625 5.24995 4.75 5.4737 4.75 5.74995C4.75 6.0262 4.52625 6.24995 4.25 6.24995C3.97375 6.24995 3.75 6.0262 3.75 5.74995ZM7.953 7.8752C7.45475 8.4312 6.743 8.74995 6 8.74995C5.2575 8.74995 4.546 8.4312 4.04725 7.8752C3.90875 7.7212 3.92175 7.48395 4.07575 7.3457C4.2305 7.2072 4.46725 7.22045 4.60525 7.37445C4.96225 7.77195 5.4705 7.99995 6 7.99995C6.53 7.99995 7.03825 7.77195 7.39425 7.3747C7.5325 7.2207 7.7695 7.20745 7.92375 7.3457C8.078 7.48395 8.091 7.72095 7.953 7.8752ZM7.75 6.24995C7.47375 6.24995 7.25 6.0262 7.25 5.74995C7.25 5.4737 7.47375 5.24995 7.75 5.24995C8.02625 5.24995 8.25 5.4737 8.25 5.74995C8.25 6.0262 8.02625 6.24995 7.75 6.24995Z" /> </svg> <svg class="ml-1.5 fill-secondary-950 w-3 h-3" xmlns="" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12"> <path d="M10.7233 5.5482C10.537 3.57945 9.15775 1.97445 7.33175 1.4402C7.40175 1.61345 7.44125 1.80195 7.44125 1.99995C7.44125 2.8272 6.7685 3.49995 5.94125 3.49995C5.557 3.49995 5.19125 3.35445 4.9115 3.09045C4.761 2.9482 4.75425 2.71095 4.89625 2.5602C5.0385 2.40945 5.27625 2.4032 5.4265 2.54495C5.56625 2.6772 5.749 2.74995 5.94125 2.74995C6.35475 2.74995 6.69125 2.41345 6.69125 1.99995C6.69125 1.5927 6.36475 1.2622 5.96 1.25195C3.5235 1.2722 1.50475 3.13645 1.27675 5.5482C0.94775 5.80695 0.75 6.20295 0.75 6.62495C0.75 7.20945 1.12075 7.7232 1.657 7.9172C2.41775 9.6442 4.10225 10.75 6 10.75C7.89775 10.75 9.58225 9.6442 10.343 7.9172C10.8793 7.7232 11.25 7.20945 11.25 6.62495C11.25 6.20295 11.0523 5.80695 10.7233 5.5482ZM3.75 5.74995C3.75 5.4737 3.97375 5.24995 4.25 5.24995C4.52625 5.24995 4.75 5.4737 4.75 5.74995C4.75 6.0262 4.52625 6.24995 4.25 6.24995C3.97375 6.24995 3.75 6.0262 3.75 5.74995ZM7.953 7.8752C7.45475 8.4312 6.743 8.74995 6 8.74995C5.2575 8.74995 4.546 8.4312 4.04725 7.8752C3.90875 7.7212 3.92175 7.48395 4.07575 7.3457C4.2305 7.2072 4.46725 7.22045 4.60525 7.37445C4.96225 7.77195 5.4705 7.99995 6 7.99995C6.53 7.99995 7.03825 7.77195 7.39425 7.3747C7.5325 7.2207 7.7695 7.20745 7.92375 7.3457C8.078 7.48395 8.091 7.72095 7.953 7.8752ZM7.75 6.24995C7.47375 6.24995 7.25 6.0262 7.25 5.74995C7.25 5.4737 7.47375 5.24995 7.75 5.24995C8.02625 5.24995 8.25 5.4737 8.25 5.74995C8.25 6.0262 8.02625 6.24995 7.75 6.24995Z" /> </svg> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mb-2 mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> <div class="group flex flex-col w-full rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow hover:shadow-lg"> <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="py-4 px-2"> <div class="js-clk-open" data-type="rooms"> <span class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors group-hover:text-secondary-600">Quadruple Room - Disability Access - Non-Smoking</span> </div> <div class="mt-2 text-sm text-secondary-950"><span>Room size:</span> <b class="font-bold">19 m<sup>2</sup></b></div> <div class="flex items-center mt-2 text-sm text-secondary-950"> <span>Max capacity:</span> <svg class="ml-1.5 fill-secondary-950 w-3 h-3" xmlns="" width="12" height="13" viewBox="0 0 12 13"> <path d="M6 6.5C7.38071 6.5 8.5 5.38071 8.5 4C8.5 2.61929 7.38071 1.5 6 1.5C4.61929 1.5 3.5 2.61929 3.5 4C3.5 5.38071 4.61929 6.5 6 6.5Z" /> <path d="M5.99996 7.75C3.49496 7.75 1.45496 9.43 1.45496 11.5C1.45496 11.64 1.56496 11.75 1.70496 11.75H10.295C10.435 11.75 10.545 11.64 10.545 11.5C10.545 9.43 8.50496 7.75 5.99996 7.75Z"/> </svg> <svg class="ml-1.5 fill-secondary-950 w-3 h-3" xmlns="" width="12" height="13" viewBox="0 0 12 13"> <path d="M6 6.5C7.38071 6.5 8.5 5.38071 8.5 4C8.5 2.61929 7.38071 1.5 6 1.5C4.61929 1.5 3.5 2.61929 3.5 4C3.5 5.38071 4.61929 6.5 6 6.5Z" /> <path d="M5.99996 7.75C3.49496 7.75 1.45496 9.43 1.45496 11.5C1.45496 11.64 1.56496 11.75 1.70496 11.75H10.295C10.435 11.75 10.545 11.64 10.545 11.5C10.545 9.43 8.50496 7.75 5.99996 7.75Z"/> </svg> <svg class="ml-1.5 fill-secondary-950 w-3 h-3" xmlns="" width="12" height="13" viewBox="0 0 12 13"> <path d="M6 6.5C7.38071 6.5 8.5 5.38071 8.5 4C8.5 2.61929 7.38071 1.5 6 1.5C4.61929 1.5 3.5 2.61929 3.5 4C3.5 5.38071 4.61929 6.5 6 6.5Z" /> <path d="M5.99996 7.75C3.49496 7.75 1.45496 9.43 1.45496 11.5C1.45496 11.64 1.56496 11.75 1.70496 11.75H10.295C10.435 11.75 10.545 11.64 10.545 11.5C10.545 9.43 8.50496 7.75 5.99996 7.75Z"/> </svg> <svg class="ml-1.5 fill-secondary-950 w-3 h-3" xmlns="" width="12" height="13" viewBox="0 0 12 13"> <path d="M6 6.5C7.38071 6.5 8.5 5.38071 8.5 4C8.5 2.61929 7.38071 1.5 6 1.5C4.61929 1.5 3.5 2.61929 3.5 4C3.5 5.38071 4.61929 6.5 6 6.5Z" /> <path d="M5.99996 7.75C3.49496 7.75 1.45496 9.43 1.45496 11.5C1.45496 11.64 1.56496 11.75 1.70496 11.75H10.295C10.435 11.75 10.545 11.64 10.545 11.5C10.545 9.43 8.50496 7.75 5.99996 7.75Z"/> </svg> <span class="ml-1.5">+</span> <svg class="ml-1.5 fill-secondary-950 w-3 h-3" xmlns="" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12"> <path d="M10.7233 5.5482C10.537 3.57945 9.15775 1.97445 7.33175 1.4402C7.40175 1.61345 7.44125 1.80195 7.44125 1.99995C7.44125 2.8272 6.7685 3.49995 5.94125 3.49995C5.557 3.49995 5.19125 3.35445 4.9115 3.09045C4.761 2.9482 4.75425 2.71095 4.89625 2.5602C5.0385 2.40945 5.27625 2.4032 5.4265 2.54495C5.56625 2.6772 5.749 2.74995 5.94125 2.74995C6.35475 2.74995 6.69125 2.41345 6.69125 1.99995C6.69125 1.5927 6.36475 1.2622 5.96 1.25195C3.5235 1.2722 1.50475 3.13645 1.27675 5.5482C0.94775 5.80695 0.75 6.20295 0.75 6.62495C0.75 7.20945 1.12075 7.7232 1.657 7.9172C2.41775 9.6442 4.10225 10.75 6 10.75C7.89775 10.75 9.58225 9.6442 10.343 7.9172C10.8793 7.7232 11.25 7.20945 11.25 6.62495C11.25 6.20295 11.0523 5.80695 10.7233 5.5482ZM3.75 5.74995C3.75 5.4737 3.97375 5.24995 4.25 5.24995C4.52625 5.24995 4.75 5.4737 4.75 5.74995C4.75 6.0262 4.52625 6.24995 4.25 6.24995C3.97375 6.24995 3.75 6.0262 3.75 5.74995ZM7.953 7.8752C7.45475 8.4312 6.743 8.74995 6 8.74995C5.2575 8.74995 4.546 8.4312 4.04725 7.8752C3.90875 7.7212 3.92175 7.48395 4.07575 7.3457C4.2305 7.2072 4.46725 7.22045 4.60525 7.37445C4.96225 7.77195 5.4705 7.99995 6 7.99995C6.53 7.99995 7.03825 7.77195 7.39425 7.3747C7.5325 7.2207 7.7695 7.20745 7.92375 7.3457C8.078 7.48395 8.091 7.72095 7.953 7.8752ZM7.75 6.24995C7.47375 6.24995 7.25 6.0262 7.25 5.74995C7.25 5.4737 7.47375 5.24995 7.75 5.24995C8.02625 5.24995 8.25 5.4737 8.25 5.74995C8.25 6.0262 8.02625 6.24995 7.75 6.24995Z" /> </svg> <svg class="ml-1.5 fill-secondary-950 w-3 h-3" xmlns="" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12"> <path d="M10.7233 5.5482C10.537 3.57945 9.15775 1.97445 7.33175 1.4402C7.40175 1.61345 7.44125 1.80195 7.44125 1.99995C7.44125 2.8272 6.7685 3.49995 5.94125 3.49995C5.557 3.49995 5.19125 3.35445 4.9115 3.09045C4.761 2.9482 4.75425 2.71095 4.89625 2.5602C5.0385 2.40945 5.27625 2.4032 5.4265 2.54495C5.56625 2.6772 5.749 2.74995 5.94125 2.74995C6.35475 2.74995 6.69125 2.41345 6.69125 1.99995C6.69125 1.5927 6.36475 1.2622 5.96 1.25195C3.5235 1.2722 1.50475 3.13645 1.27675 5.5482C0.94775 5.80695 0.75 6.20295 0.75 6.62495C0.75 7.20945 1.12075 7.7232 1.657 7.9172C2.41775 9.6442 4.10225 10.75 6 10.75C7.89775 10.75 9.58225 9.6442 10.343 7.9172C10.8793 7.7232 11.25 7.20945 11.25 6.62495C11.25 6.20295 11.0523 5.80695 10.7233 5.5482ZM3.75 5.74995C3.75 5.4737 3.97375 5.24995 4.25 5.24995C4.52625 5.24995 4.75 5.4737 4.75 5.74995C4.75 6.0262 4.52625 6.24995 4.25 6.24995C3.97375 6.24995 3.75 6.0262 3.75 5.74995ZM7.953 7.8752C7.45475 8.4312 6.743 8.74995 6 8.74995C5.2575 8.74995 4.546 8.4312 4.04725 7.8752C3.90875 7.7212 3.92175 7.48395 4.07575 7.3457C4.2305 7.2072 4.46725 7.22045 4.60525 7.37445C4.96225 7.77195 5.4705 7.99995 6 7.99995C6.53 7.99995 7.03825 7.77195 7.39425 7.3747C7.5325 7.2207 7.7695 7.20745 7.92375 7.3457C8.078 7.48395 8.091 7.72095 7.953 7.8752ZM7.75 6.24995C7.47375 6.24995 7.25 6.0262 7.25 5.74995C7.25 5.4737 7.47375 5.24995 7.75 5.24995C8.02625 5.24995 8.25 5.4737 8.25 5.74995C8.25 6.0262 8.02625 6.24995 7.75 6.24995Z" /> </svg> <svg class="ml-1.5 fill-secondary-950 w-3 h-3" xmlns="" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12"> <path d="M10.7233 5.5482C10.537 3.57945 9.15775 1.97445 7.33175 1.4402C7.40175 1.61345 7.44125 1.80195 7.44125 1.99995C7.44125 2.8272 6.7685 3.49995 5.94125 3.49995C5.557 3.49995 5.19125 3.35445 4.9115 3.09045C4.761 2.9482 4.75425 2.71095 4.89625 2.5602C5.0385 2.40945 5.27625 2.4032 5.4265 2.54495C5.56625 2.6772 5.749 2.74995 5.94125 2.74995C6.35475 2.74995 6.69125 2.41345 6.69125 1.99995C6.69125 1.5927 6.36475 1.2622 5.96 1.25195C3.5235 1.2722 1.50475 3.13645 1.27675 5.5482C0.94775 5.80695 0.75 6.20295 0.75 6.62495C0.75 7.20945 1.12075 7.7232 1.657 7.9172C2.41775 9.6442 4.10225 10.75 6 10.75C7.89775 10.75 9.58225 9.6442 10.343 7.9172C10.8793 7.7232 11.25 7.20945 11.25 6.62495C11.25 6.20295 11.0523 5.80695 10.7233 5.5482ZM3.75 5.74995C3.75 5.4737 3.97375 5.24995 4.25 5.24995C4.52625 5.24995 4.75 5.4737 4.75 5.74995C4.75 6.0262 4.52625 6.24995 4.25 6.24995C3.97375 6.24995 3.75 6.0262 3.75 5.74995ZM7.953 7.8752C7.45475 8.4312 6.743 8.74995 6 8.74995C5.2575 8.74995 4.546 8.4312 4.04725 7.8752C3.90875 7.7212 3.92175 7.48395 4.07575 7.3457C4.2305 7.2072 4.46725 7.22045 4.60525 7.37445C4.96225 7.77195 5.4705 7.99995 6 7.99995C6.53 7.99995 7.03825 7.77195 7.39425 7.3747C7.5325 7.2207 7.7695 7.20745 7.92375 7.3457C8.078 7.48395 8.091 7.72095 7.953 7.8752ZM7.75 6.24995C7.47375 6.24995 7.25 6.0262 7.25 5.74995C7.25 5.4737 7.47375 5.24995 7.75 5.24995C8.02625 5.24995 8.25 5.4737 8.25 5.74995C8.25 6.0262 8.02625 6.24995 7.75 6.24995Z" /> </svg> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mb-2 mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> <div class="group flex flex-col w-full rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow hover:shadow-lg"> <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="py-4 px-2"> <div class="js-clk-open" data-type="rooms"> <span class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors group-hover:text-secondary-600">King Room with Spa Bath - Non-Smoking</span> </div> <div class="mt-2 text-sm text-secondary-950"><span>Room size:</span> <b class="font-bold">19 m<sup>2</sup></b></div> <div class="flex items-center mt-2 text-sm text-secondary-950"> <span>Max capacity:</span> <svg class="ml-1.5 fill-secondary-950 w-3 h-3" xmlns="" width="12" height="13" viewBox="0 0 12 13"> <path d="M6 6.5C7.38071 6.5 8.5 5.38071 8.5 4C8.5 2.61929 7.38071 1.5 6 1.5C4.61929 1.5 3.5 2.61929 3.5 4C3.5 5.38071 4.61929 6.5 6 6.5Z" /> <path d="M5.99996 7.75C3.49496 7.75 1.45496 9.43 1.45496 11.5C1.45496 11.64 1.56496 11.75 1.70496 11.75H10.295C10.435 11.75 10.545 11.64 10.545 11.5C10.545 9.43 8.50496 7.75 5.99996 7.75Z"/> </svg> <svg class="ml-1.5 fill-secondary-950 w-3 h-3" xmlns="" width="12" height="13" viewBox="0 0 12 13"> <path d="M6 6.5C7.38071 6.5 8.5 5.38071 8.5 4C8.5 2.61929 7.38071 1.5 6 1.5C4.61929 1.5 3.5 2.61929 3.5 4C3.5 5.38071 4.61929 6.5 6 6.5Z" /> <path d="M5.99996 7.75C3.49496 7.75 1.45496 9.43 1.45496 11.5C1.45496 11.64 1.56496 11.75 1.70496 11.75H10.295C10.435 11.75 10.545 11.64 10.545 11.5C10.545 9.43 8.50496 7.75 5.99996 7.75Z"/> </svg> <span class="ml-1.5">+</span> <svg class="ml-1.5 fill-secondary-950 w-3 h-3" xmlns="" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12"> <path d="M10.7233 5.5482C10.537 3.57945 9.15775 1.97445 7.33175 1.4402C7.40175 1.61345 7.44125 1.80195 7.44125 1.99995C7.44125 2.8272 6.7685 3.49995 5.94125 3.49995C5.557 3.49995 5.19125 3.35445 4.9115 3.09045C4.761 2.9482 4.75425 2.71095 4.89625 2.5602C5.0385 2.40945 5.27625 2.4032 5.4265 2.54495C5.56625 2.6772 5.749 2.74995 5.94125 2.74995C6.35475 2.74995 6.69125 2.41345 6.69125 1.99995C6.69125 1.5927 6.36475 1.2622 5.96 1.25195C3.5235 1.2722 1.50475 3.13645 1.27675 5.5482C0.94775 5.80695 0.75 6.20295 0.75 6.62495C0.75 7.20945 1.12075 7.7232 1.657 7.9172C2.41775 9.6442 4.10225 10.75 6 10.75C7.89775 10.75 9.58225 9.6442 10.343 7.9172C10.8793 7.7232 11.25 7.20945 11.25 6.62495C11.25 6.20295 11.0523 5.80695 10.7233 5.5482ZM3.75 5.74995C3.75 5.4737 3.97375 5.24995 4.25 5.24995C4.52625 5.24995 4.75 5.4737 4.75 5.74995C4.75 6.0262 4.52625 6.24995 4.25 6.24995C3.97375 6.24995 3.75 6.0262 3.75 5.74995ZM7.953 7.8752C7.45475 8.4312 6.743 8.74995 6 8.74995C5.2575 8.74995 4.546 8.4312 4.04725 7.8752C3.90875 7.7212 3.92175 7.48395 4.07575 7.3457C4.2305 7.2072 4.46725 7.22045 4.60525 7.37445C4.96225 7.77195 5.4705 7.99995 6 7.99995C6.53 7.99995 7.03825 7.77195 7.39425 7.3747C7.5325 7.2207 7.7695 7.20745 7.92375 7.3457C8.078 7.48395 8.091 7.72095 7.953 7.8752ZM7.75 6.24995C7.47375 6.24995 7.25 6.0262 7.25 5.74995C7.25 5.4737 7.47375 5.24995 7.75 5.24995C8.02625 5.24995 8.25 5.4737 8.25 5.74995C8.25 6.0262 8.02625 6.24995 7.75 6.24995Z" /> </svg> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mb-2 mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <div class="mx-auto mt-5 flex items-center cursor-pointer js-clk-open" data-type="rooms"> <span class="text-base text-primary-600 font-medium underline">Show rooms</span> <svg class="fill-primary-600 ml-2" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 17"> <path d="M8.16671 15C4.40004 15 1.33337 11.9333 1.33337 8.16665C1.33337 4.39998 4.40004 1.33331 8.16671 1.33331C11.9334 1.33331 15 4.39998 15 8.16665C15 11.9333 11.9334 15 8.16671 15ZM8.16671 2.33331C4.94671 2.33331 2.33337 4.95331 2.33337 8.16665C2.33337 11.38 4.94671 14 8.16671 14C11.3867 14 14 11.38 14 8.16665C14 4.95331 11.3867 2.33331 8.16671 2.33331Z" /> <path d="M15.1666 15.6667C15.04 15.6667 14.9133 15.62 14.8133 15.52L13.48 14.1867C13.2866 13.9934 13.2866 13.6734 13.48 13.48C13.6733 13.2867 13.9933 13.2867 14.1866 13.48L15.52 14.8134C15.7133 15.0067 15.7133 15.3267 15.52 15.52C15.42 15.62 15.2933 15.6667 15.1666 15.6667Z" /> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section scroll-mt-16 js-hotel-block" id="facilities" data-id="facilities"> <h3 class="section-title mb-5">Facitilies</h3> <div class="[columns:250px_3]"> <div class="break-inside-avoid mb-4"> <h4 class="section-sub-title mb-2.5">Amenities</h4> <ul> <li class="text-secondary-950 text-base list-disc ml-4 mb-1">Flat-screen TV</li> </ul> </div> <div class="break-inside-avoid mb-4"> <h4 class="section-sub-title mb-2.5">Rooms</h4> <ul> <li class="text-secondary-950 text-base list-disc ml-4 mb-1">Air conditioning</li> <li class="text-secondary-950 text-base list-disc ml-4 mb-1">Heating</li> <li class="text-secondary-950 text-base list-disc ml-4 mb-1">Tea and coffee facilities</li> </ul> </div> <div class="break-inside-avoid mb-4"> <h4 class="section-sub-title mb-2.5">Dining facilities</h4> <ul> <li class="text-secondary-950 text-base list-disc ml-4 mb-1">Snack bar</li> </ul> </div> <div class="break-inside-avoid mb-4"> <h4 class="section-sub-title mb-2.5">Services</h4> <ul> <li class="text-secondary-950 text-base list-disc ml-4 mb-1">Laundry</li> </ul> </div> <div class="break-inside-avoid mb-4"> <h4 class="section-sub-title mb-2.5">Ways to relax</h4> <ul> <li class="text-secondary-950 text-base list-disc ml-4 mb-1">Beach access</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section scroll-mt-16 js-hotel-block" data-id="reviews" id="reviews"> <div> <h3 class="section-title mb-5">Reviews</h3> <div class="flex items-center gap-5 mb-5 border-b border-neutral-200 border-solid"> <div class="grow text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm pb-1 border-b-2 border-primary-600 border-solid"> <p class="font-bold whitespace-nowrap">Tourist VR</p> <div> <span class="font-medium text-lg">65</span> <span class="text-neutral-600">/100</span> <span class="text-neutral-600 md:hidden">(324 reviews)</span> </div> </div> <div class="grow text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm pb-1"> <svg class="mb-1 h-4 w-auto" xmlns="" width="102" height="18" viewBox="0 0 102 18" fill="none"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_5171_10717)"> <mask id="mask0_5171_10717" style="mask-type:luminance" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="102" height="18"> <path d="M0.236328 0.379332H101.786V17.3125H0.236328V0.379332Z" fill="white"/> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_5171_10717)"> <mask id="mask1_5171_10717" style="mask-type:luminance" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="102" height="18"> <path d="M0.236328 17.3125H101.786V0.379332H0.236328V17.3125Z" fill="white"/> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask1_5171_10717)"> <path d="M40.0605 2.23443C40.0605 1.83224 40.2231 1.44653 40.5125 1.16214C40.8019 0.877758 41.1944 0.717991 41.6037 0.717991C42.013 0.717991 42.4054 0.877758 42.6948 1.16214C42.9842 1.44653 43.1468 1.83224 43.1468 2.23443C43.1319 2.62682 42.9628 2.99825 42.675 3.27068C42.3873 3.54311 42.0033 3.69531 41.6037 3.69531C41.2041 3.69531 40.8201 3.54311 40.5323 3.27068C40.2446 2.99825 40.0755 2.62682 40.0605 2.23443Z" fill="#273B7D"/> <path d="M64.4062 12.3476C64.4062 11.5059 65.0961 10.8259 65.9461 10.8259C66.3565 10.8259 66.7501 10.9861 67.0403 11.2713C67.3305 11.5564 67.4936 11.9432 67.4936 12.3465C67.4936 12.7498 67.3305 13.1366 67.0403 13.4218C66.7501 13.707 66.3565 13.8672 65.9461 13.8672C65.0972 13.8672 64.4062 13.1861 64.4062 12.3465" fill="#499FDD"/> <path d="M14.7346 11.69C13.4064 11.69 12.4823 10.653 12.4823 9.17035C12.4823 7.68876 13.4064 6.65281 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47.2691 8.77962 47.3809 8.45332C47.6753 7.46594 48.4985 6.8524 49.5269 6.8524C50.3543 6.8524 50.6778 7.2822 50.6778 8.39101V12.3711C50.6778 13.3173 51.1237 13.7598 52.0876 13.7598H53.3492L53.345 7.94749C53.345 5.63904 52.1984 4.41723 50.0288 4.41723ZM41.635 4.62527H40.3788L40.3874 11.6911V13.763H41.7274L41.7747 13.7651L42.4002 13.763H43.0213V13.7598H43.0256L43.0309 6.01393C43.0309 5.07935 42.5764 4.62633 41.6361 4.62633M25.1464 11.69C23.8182 11.69 22.893 10.653 22.893 9.17035C22.893 7.68876 23.8182 6.65281 25.1475 6.65281C26.48 6.65281 27.4171 7.68876 27.4171 9.17035C27.4171 10.6762 26.5037 11.69 25.1475 11.69H25.1464ZM25.1464 4.43836C22.3331 4.43836 20.2913 6.42894 20.2913 9.17035C20.2913 11.9128 22.3331 13.9023 25.1475 13.9023C27.9662 13.9023 30.0186 11.9128 30.0186 9.1714C30.0186 6.42894 27.9662 4.43836 25.1475 4.43836" fill="#273B7D"/> </g> </g> <mask id="mask2_5171_10717" style="mask-type:luminance" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="102" height="18"> <path d="M0.236328 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Municipal Stadium Daytona Beach</span> <span class="text-base font-medium text-primary-600">2.99 km (1.86 mi.)</span> </li> <li class="flex items-center justify-between mb-4 break-inside-avoid-column" data-landmid="35131"> <span class="text-base font-medium max-w-[250px] overflow-hidden text-ellipsis whitespace-nowrap">2. Dale Earnhardt Sr. Statue</span> <span class="text-base font-medium text-primary-600">2.61 km (1.62 mi.)</span> </li> <li class="flex items-center justify-between mb-4 break-inside-avoid-column" data-landmid="2704009"> <span class="text-base font-medium max-w-[250px] overflow-hidden text-ellipsis whitespace-nowrap">3. CiCi and Hyatt Brown Museum of Art</span> <span class="text-base font-medium text-primary-600">5.71 km (3.55 mi.)</span> </li> <li class="flex items-center justify-between mb-4 break-inside-avoid-column" data-landmid="35127"> <span class="text-base font-medium max-w-[250px] overflow-hidden text-ellipsis whitespace-nowrap">4. Daytona Beach Racing and Card Club</span> <span class="text-base font-medium text-primary-600">1.62 km (1.01 mi.)</span> </li> <li class="flex items-center justify-between mb-4 break-inside-avoid-column" data-landmid="801790"> <span class="text-base font-medium max-w-[250px] overflow-hidden text-ellipsis whitespace-nowrap">5. Southeast Museum of Photography</span> <span class="text-base font-medium text-primary-600">5.05 km (3.14 mi.)</span> </li> <li class="flex items-center justify-between mb-4 break-inside-avoid-column" data-landmid="35660"> <span class="text-base font-medium max-w-[250px] overflow-hidden text-ellipsis whitespace-nowrap">6. Wright Flyer Sculpture</span> <span class="text-base font-medium text-primary-600">4.30 km (2.67 mi.)</span> </li> <li class="flex items-center justify-between mb-4 break-inside-avoid-column" data-landmid="3365607"> <span class="text-base font-medium max-w-[250px] overflow-hidden text-ellipsis whitespace-nowrap">7. Volusia Top Gun</span> <span class="text-base font-medium text-primary-600">740 m (2428 ft)</span> </li> <li class="flex items-center justify-between mb-4 break-inside-avoid-column" data-landmid="104214"> <span class="text-base font-medium max-w-[250px] overflow-hidden text-ellipsis whitespace-nowrap">8. Volusia Square</span> <span class="text-base font-medium text-primary-600">1.69 km (1.05 mi.)</span> </li> <li class="flex items-center justify-between mb-4 break-inside-avoid-column" data-landmid="35126"> <span class="text-base font-medium max-w-[250px] overflow-hidden text-ellipsis whitespace-nowrap">9. MOAS - Museum of Arts and Sciences</span> <span class="text-base font-medium text-primary-600">5.43 km (3.37 mi.)</span> </li> <li class="flex items-center justify-between mb-4 break-inside-avoid-column" data-landmid="801808"> <span class="text-base font-medium max-w-[250px] overflow-hidden text-ellipsis whitespace-nowrap">10. Sky Zone Trampoline Park</span> <span class="text-base font-medium text-primary-600">4.39 km (2.73 mi.)</span> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="location-tab-block js-location-restaurants"> <ul class="columns-2 md:columns-1 gap-10"> <li class="flex items-center justify-between mb-4 break-inside-avoid-column" data-restorid="2356016"> <span class="text-base font-medium max-w-[250px] overflow-hidden text-ellipsis whitespace-nowrap">1. Dunkin&#039;</span> <span class="text-base font-medium text-primary-600">970 m (3182 ft)</span> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="trawell-exit-popup js-exit-popup"> <div class="trawell-exit-popup__content js-exit-popup-content"> <h3 class="trawell-exit-popup__title">Travelling to Daytona Beach</h3> <p class="trawell-exit-popup__subtitle">Find your perfect place to stay!</p> <p class="trawell-exit-popup__text">Great locations and deals for every budget.</p> <div class="trawell-exit-popup__btns"> <div class="trawell-exit-popup__btn trawell-exit-popup__btn--accent js-exit-popup-accept-btn">View deals</div> <div class="trawell-exit-popup__btn trawell-exit-popup__btn--empty js-exit-popup-close-btn">No, thanks</div> </div> <div class="trawell-exit-popup__toggle"> <div class="trawell-exit-popup__toggle-checkbox js-exit-popup-toggle-btn is-checked"> <svg class="icon svg-icon svg-icon-checked" width="20px" height="20px" version="1.1" id="Capa_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" 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2.85344 13.7999 2.8001 14.3266 3.11344C14.8599 3.4201 15.1599 4.04677 15.1599 4.83344V11.3201C15.1599 11.9268 14.7599 12.6134 14.2333 12.9134L11.3466 14.5668C11.0933 14.7001 10.7599 14.7734 10.4333 14.7734ZM5.75994 11.7801C6.04661 11.7801 6.33328 11.8401 6.56661 11.9534L10.0666 13.7068C10.2666 13.8068 10.6533 13.7934 10.8533 13.6868L13.7399 12.0334C13.9533 11.9134 14.1599 11.5534 14.1599 11.3134V4.82677C14.1599 4.40677 14.0399 4.09344 13.8199 3.97344C13.6066 3.85344 13.2733 3.9001 12.9133 4.10677L11.3466 5.0001C10.8599 5.2801 10.1199 5.3001 9.61995 5.04677L6.11995 3.29344C5.91995 3.19344 5.53328 3.20677 5.33328 3.31344L2.44661 4.96677C2.23328 5.08677 2.02661 5.44677 2.02661 5.69344V12.1801C2.02661 12.6001 2.14661 12.9134 2.35994 13.0334C2.57328 13.1601 2.90661 13.1068 3.27328 12.9001L4.83994 12.0068C5.09995 11.8534 5.43328 11.7801 5.75994 11.7801Z" /> <path d="M5.70679 12.3334C5.43345 12.3334 5.20679 12.1067 5.20679 11.8334V3.16675C5.20679 2.89341 5.43345 2.66675 5.70679 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</style> <div class="max-w-[800px] mx-auto "> <h3 class="section-title mb-5">Motel 6-Daytona Beach, Fl - Speedway FAQ</h3> <div xmlns=""> <div typeof="schema:FAQPage"> <div class="rounded-md bg-white mb-2 p-4" rel="schema:mainEntity"> <div typeof="schema:Question"> <div class="section-sub-title flex items-center justify-between cursor-pointer js-faq-accordion-item faq-accordion-item" property="schema:name" content="Which landmarks can we visit during our stay at the Motel 6-Daytona Beach?"> <span>Which landmarks can we visit during our stay at the Motel 6-Daytona Beach?</span> <svg class="fill-secondary-950" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 17" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M8.50001 11.7C8.03335 11.7 7.56668 11.5201 7.21335 11.1667L2.86668 6.82005C2.67335 6.62672 2.67335 6.30672 2.86668 6.11338C3.06001 5.92005 3.38001 5.92005 3.57335 6.11338L7.92001 10.4601C8.24001 10.7801 8.76001 10.7801 9.08001 10.4601L13.4267 6.11338C13.62 5.92005 13.94 5.92005 14.1333 6.11338C14.3267 6.30672 14.3267 6.62672 14.1333 6.82005L9.78668 11.1667C9.43335 11.5201 8.96668 11.7 8.50001 11.7Z"/> </svg> </div> <div rel="schema:acceptedAnswer"> <div typeof="schema:Answer"> <div class="text-base" property="schema:text" content="Attractions near the Motel 6-Daytona Beach include Klassix Auto Museum as well as As Seen On TV Daytona Flea Market Booth A267, they can be reached with a 5 minutes&#039; walk and a 10 minutes&#039; walk respectively.">Attractions near the Motel 6-Daytona Beach include Klassix Auto Museum as well as As Seen On TV Daytona Flea Market Booth A267, they can be reached with a 5 minutes' walk and a 10 minutes' walk respectively.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="rounded-md bg-white mb-2 p-4" rel="schema:mainEntity"> <div typeof="schema:Question"> <div class="section-sub-title flex items-center justify-between cursor-pointer js-faq-accordion-item faq-accordion-item" property="schema:name" content="Is Motel 6-Daytona Beach close to the airport?"> <span>Is Motel 6-Daytona Beach close to the airport?</span> <svg class="fill-secondary-950" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 17" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M8.50001 11.7C8.03335 11.7 7.56668 11.5201 7.21335 11.1667L2.86668 6.82005C2.67335 6.62672 2.67335 6.30672 2.86668 6.11338C3.06001 5.92005 3.38001 5.92005 3.57335 6.11338L7.92001 10.4601C8.24001 10.7801 8.76001 10.7801 9.08001 10.4601L13.4267 6.11338C13.62 5.92005 13.94 5.92005 14.1333 6.11338C14.3267 6.30672 14.3267 6.62672 14.1333 6.82005L9.78668 11.1667C9.43335 11.5201 8.96668 11.7 8.50001 11.7Z"/> </svg> </div> <div rel="schema:acceptedAnswer"> <div typeof="schema:Answer"> <div class="text-base" property="schema:text" content="The nearest airport to Motel 6-Daytona Beach is Daytona Beach International airport (10 km) and it is reachable with a 10-minute drive.">The nearest airport to Motel 6-Daytona Beach is Daytona Beach International airport (10 km) and it is reachable with a 10-minute drive.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="rounded-md bg-white mb-2 p-4" rel="schema:mainEntity"> <div typeof="schema:Question"> <div class="section-sub-title flex items-center justify-between cursor-pointer js-faq-accordion-item faq-accordion-item" property="schema:name" content="Is there a parking near the 2-star Motel 6-Daytona Beach?"> <span>Is there a parking near the 2-star Motel 6-Daytona Beach?</span> <svg class="fill-secondary-950" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 17" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M8.50001 11.7C8.03335 11.7 7.56668 11.5201 7.21335 11.1667L2.86668 6.82005C2.67335 6.62672 2.67335 6.30672 2.86668 6.11338C3.06001 5.92005 3.38001 5.92005 3.57335 6.11338L7.92001 10.4601C8.24001 10.7801 8.76001 10.7801 9.08001 10.4601L13.4267 6.11338C13.62 5.92005 13.94 5.92005 14.1333 6.11338C14.3267 6.30672 14.3267 6.62672 14.1333 6.82005L9.78668 11.1667C9.43335 11.5201 8.96668 11.7 8.50001 11.7Z"/> </svg> </div> <div rel="schema:acceptedAnswer"> <div typeof="schema:Answer"> <div class="text-base" property="schema:text" content="Yes, there are parking spaces available for guests of the 2-star Motel 6-Daytona Beach.">Yes, there are parking spaces available for guests of the 2-star Motel 6-Daytona Beach.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> <footer class="bg-secondary-950 text-secondary-0"> <div class="container"> <div class="py-10 flex justify-between md:flex-col md:items-start"> <div class="flex flex-col justify-between"> <p class="text-2xl">Tourist VR</p> <div class="flex flex-col gap-4 md:mb-4"> <a class="text-sm text-white underline cursor-pointer hover:underline" href="">Popular Countries</a> <a class="text-sm text-white underline cursor-pointer hover:underline" href="">Top Landmarks</a> <a class="text-sm text-white underline cursor-pointer hover:underline" href="">Popular Regions</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex items-center justify-between py-5 border-t border-solid border-secondary-900 text-xs font-medium 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