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This nickname was/is used not only by foreigners but also by the local population. The 19th-century Lithuanian cultural figure [[Dionizas Poška]] called Vilnius "Rome of the North", as, according to him, Vilnius is "the old religious centre, that transformed from a pagan city into the bastion of Christianity". D. Poška, ''Raštai'', Vilnius, 1959, p. 67</ref> Athens of the North,<ref>Cultural newspaper, [http://www.satenai. It has been published in Vilnius since 1990, is named "Šiaurės Atėnai" (The Athens of the North)] as a reference to one of Vilnius's nicknames, which was widespread in the first half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th, mostly because of [[Vilnius University]]. During the interwar period, a Polish scientific newspaper published in Vilnius was also named "Atheneum Wileńskie".</ref> New Babylon,<ref name="S. Bodniak 1930 p. 37">Especially in the 16th–17th centuries, Vilnius was called the ‘New Babylon’ because of the many languages spoken there, as well as its many religions (various Christian denominations as well as Jews and a Muslim Tatar community). E.g.: S. Bodniak, "Polska w relacji włoskiej z roku 1604", Pamiętnik biblioteki kórnickiej, 2, (Kórnik, 1930), p. 37.</ref> City of [[Palemonids|Palemon]]<ref>This nickname was very popular among the [[Lithuanian nobility]], citizens of Vilnius, and poets, especially during the Baroque period. Many poets of the period, including [[Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski]], called Vilnius "the capital of Palemon" or "the city of Palemon". Živilė Nedzinskaitė, Vilnius XVII–XVIII a. LDK lotyniškojoje poezijoje, Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis, Vilnius, 2010, p. 16; Eugenija Ulčinaitė, Motiejus Kazimieras Sarbievijus: Antikos ir krikščionybės sintezė; Vilniaus pasveikinimas, Lietuvių literatūros ir tautosakos institutas, Vilnius, 2001, pp. 47, 59, 61, 63; etc.</ref> City of Low Flying Angels [] | motto = ''Unitas, Justitia, Spes''<br />([[Latin]]: Unity, Justice, Hope) | image_map = {{Maplink|frame=yes|frame-align=center|plain=y|frame-width=255|frame-height=255|zoom=9|frame-lat=54.690|frame-long=25.280|type=shape-inverse|stroke-width=1|stroke-color=#333333|id=Q923117|title=Vilnius}} | map_caption = Interactive map of Vilnius | pushpin_map = Lithuania#Baltic states#Europe | pushpin_map_caption = Location within Lithuania##Location within the Baltics##Location within Europe | pushpin_relief = 1 | coordinates = {{coord|54|41|14|N|25|16|48|E|region:LT_type:city|display=inline,title}} | subdivision_type = Country | subdivision_name = {{flag|Lithuania}} | subdivision_type1 = [[Regions of Lithuania|Ethnographic&nbsp;region]] | subdivision_name1 = | subdivision_type2 = [[Counties of Lithuania|County]] | subdivision_name2 = [[Vilnius County]] | subdivision_type3 = [[Municipalities of Lithuania|Municipality]] | subdivision_name3 = Vilnius | subdivision_type4 = [[Capital city|Capital of]] | subdivision_name4 = [[Lithuania]] | established_title = First mentioned | established_date = 1323 | established_title2 = Granted [[Magdeburg rights|city rights]] | established_date2 = 1387 | parts_type = [[Elderships of Lithuania|Elderships]] | p1 = [[Antakalnis]] | p2 = [[Fabijoniškės]] | p3 = [[Grigiškės]] | p4 = [[Justiniškės]] | p5 = [[Karoliniškės]] | p6 = [[Lazdynai]] | p7 = [[Naujamiestis, Vilnius|Naujamiestis]] | p8 = [[Naujininkai]] | p9 = [[Naujoji Vilnia]] | p10 = [[Paneriai]] | p11 = [[Pašilaičiai]] | p12 = [[Pilaitė]] | p13 = [[Rasos (Vilnius)|Rasos]] | p14 = [[Šeškinė]] | p15 = [[Šnipiškės]] | p16 = [[Verkiai]] | p17 = [[Vilkpėdė]] | p18 = [[Vilnius Old Town|Senamiestis (Old Town)]] | p19 = [[Viršuliškės]] | p20 = [[Žirmūnai]] | p21 = [[Žvėrynas]] | government_type = [[Mayor–council government]] | governing_body= City council | leader_title = Mayor | leader_name = [[Valdas Benkunskas]] | leader_party = | area_total_km2 = 401 | area_urban_km2 = 350 | area_metro_km2 = 9730 | elevation_m = 112 | population_footnotes = <ref>{{cite web |url= | date=2024-07-19 |title=Resident population on 1 July |}}</ref> | population_total = 605,270 | population_rank = ([[List of cities in the European Union by population within city limits|35th in EU]]) | population_urban = 747,864<ref name="FUA,Euro">{{Cite web|url=|title=Eurostat|}}</ref> | population_metro = 853,656<ref>with [[Vilnius county]]</ref><ref name="">{{cite web|url=|format=PDF|title=GYVENTOJAI PAGAL TAUTYBĘ, GIMTĄJĄ KALBĄ IR TIKYBĄ : Lietuvos Respublikos 2011 metų visuotinio gyventojų ir būstų surašymo rezultatai||access-date=18 October 2018}}</ref> | population_as_of = 1 July 2024 | population_density_km2 = 1560 | population_density_urban_km2 = 2000 | population_density_metro_km2 = 93 | population_demonym = {{lang|en|Vilnian}} ([[English language|English]])<br />{{lang|lt|vilniečiai}} ([[Lithuanian language|Lithuanian]]) | demographics_type2 = GDP | demographics2_footnotes = <ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Gross domestic product (GDP) at current market prices by metropolitan regions|}}</ref><ref>{{citation|title=Sostinės regiono BVP gyventojui pernai 1,9 karto viršijo likusios Lietuvos|url=|}}</ref> | demographics2_title1 = Metro | demographics2_info1 = €29.4 billion<br />(US$31 billion) (2022) | demographics2_title2 = Per capita | demographics2_info2 = €35,300<br />(US$37,200) (2022) | blank3_name = [[City budget]] | blank3_info = €1.4 billion<ref>{{citation|title= 2024 metų asignavimai pagal valdytojus|url=}}</ref> | blank4_name = [[Human Development Index|HDI]] (2021) | blank4_info = 0.913<ref>{{cite web |last1=Sub-national HDI |title=Area Database – Global Data Lab |url= |}}</ref> – <span style="color:#090;">very high</span> | timezone = [[Eastern European Time|EET]] | utc_offset = +2 | timezone_DST = [[Eastern European Summer Time|EEST]] | utc_offset_DST = +3 | postal_code_type = Postal code | postal_code = 01001–14191 | area_code = (+370) 5 | website = {{URL|}} | blank_name_sec2 = [[Köppen climate classification|Climate]] | blank_info_sec2 = [[Humid continental climate|Dfb]] | footnotes = {{designation list | embed = yes | designation1 = WHS | designation1_offname = [[Vilnius Old Town|Historic Centre of Vilnius]] | designation1_date = 1994 <small>(18th [[World Heritage Committee|session]])</small> | designation1_number = <ref>{{cite web |website=UNESCO World Heritage Centre |url= |title=Vilnius Historic Centre |access-date=2022-01-01}}</ref> | designation1_criteria = ii, iv | designation1_type = Cultural | designation1_free1name = UNESCO region | designation1_free1value = [[List of World Heritage Sites in Europe|Europe]] }} }} '''Vilnius''' ({{IPAc-en|ˈ|v|ɪ|l|n|i|ə|s}} {{respell|VIL|nee|əs}}, {{IPA-lt|ˈvʲɪlʲnʲʊs|lang|Vilnius.ogg}}), previously known in English as '''Vilna''', is the capital of and [[List of cities in Lithuania#Cities|largest city]] in [[Lithuania]] and the [[List of cities in the Baltic states by population|second-most-populous city]] in the [[Baltic states]]. The city's estimated July 2024 population was 605,270, and the [[Vilnius urban area]] (which extends beyond the city limits) has an estimated population of 708,627.<ref name="pop.lt2">{{cite web |date=1 July 2024 |title=Resident population by county and municipality at the middle of the year |url= |access-date=19 July 2024 |website=Vilnius |publisher=Statistics Department of Lithuania}}</ref> Vilnius is notable for the architecture of its [[Vilnius Old Town|Old Town]], considered one of [[Europe]]'s largest and best-preserved old towns. The city was declared a [[World Heritage Site|UNESCO World Heritage Site]] in 1994.<ref name="">{{cite web |url= |archive-url= |url-status=live |archive-date=14 January 2018 |title=Lithuania |publisher=UNESCO World Heritage Centre}}</ref><ref name="TheCapital" /><ref name="VWH" /><ref name="Lurk" /> The architectural style known as [[Vilnian Baroque]] is named after the city, which is farthest to the east among [[Baroque architecture|Baroque]] cities and the largest such city north of the [[Alps]].<ref name="VilniusBaroqueVWH">{{cite web |title=Baroque Vilnius |url= | |access-date=12 February 2023 |archive-date=12 February 2023 |archive-url= |url-status=dead}}</ref><ref name="unesco" /> The city was noted for its [[#Demographics|multicultural population]] during the [[Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth]], with contemporary sources comparing it to [[Babylon]]. Before [[World War II]] and [[The Holocaust in Lithuania|the Holocaust]], Vilnius was one of Europe's most important Jewish centers. Its Jewish influence has led to its being called "the Jerusalem of Lithuania", and [[Napoleon]] called it "the Jerusalem of the North"<ref>{{cite news |url= |archive-url= |url-status=live |archive-date=14 January 2018 |first=Jonathan |last=Steele |title=In the Jerusalem of the North, the Jewish story is forgotten |department=Opinion |work=The Guardian |date=19 June 2008 |access-date=4 March 2018}}</ref> when he passed through in 1812. Vilnius was a 2009 [[European Capital of Culture]] with [[Linz]] in Austria.<ref>{{cite web |url= |archive-url= |url-status=live |archive-date=14 January 2018 |title=Ex-Post Evaluation of 2009 European Capitals of Culture |publisher=ECOTEC Research and Consulting Ltd}}</ref> In 2021, the city was named one of [[fDi Intelligence|fDi]]'s 25 Global Cities of the Future.<ref>{{cite news |title=fDi's Global Cities of the Future 2021/22 — overall winners |url= |website=fdiintelligence |publisher=fDi Intelligence A service from The Financial Times Ltd |access-date=11 October 2022}}</ref> Vilnius is considered a global financial centre, ranked 76th globally and 29th in Europe on the [[Global Financial Centres Index]].<ref>[ The Global Financial Centres Index 28, September 2020, page 5]</ref> It hosted the [[2023 Vilnius summit|2023 NATO Summit]]. Vilnius is a member of [[Eurocities]]<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=EUROCITIES – the network of major European cities|publisher=Eurocities|access-date=8 November 2011|archive-date=24 August 2020|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref> and the Union of Capitals of the European Union (UCEU).<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Union of Capitals of the European Union|publisher=Union of Capitals of the European Union (UCEU)|access-date=8 November 2011|archive-url=|archive-date=20 October 2011}}</ref> ==Etymology and other names== Vilnius' name originates from the river [[Vilnia]], the Lithuanian word for ''ripple''.<ref>{{cite web |title=Portrait of the Regions of Lithuania – Vilnius city municipality |publisher=Department of Statistics |url= |access-date=1 August 2015 |archive-date=22 July 2015 |archive-url= |url-status=dead}}</ref> Its name has had a number of derivative spellings in various languages throughout its history; ''Vilna'' was once common in English. The most notable non-Lithuanian names for the city include {{langx|la|Vilna}}, {{langx|pl|Wilno}}, {{langx|be|Вiльня}} (''Vilnia''), {{langx|de|Wilna}}, {{langx|lv|Viļņa}}, {{langx|uk|Вільно}} (''Vilno''), {{langx|yi|ווילנע}} (''Vilne''). A Russian name dating to the [[Russian Empire]] was Вильна (''Vilna''),<ref>{{cite journal |last=Лавринец |first=Павел |date=20 October 2004 |script-title=ru:''Русская Вильна'': идея и формула |journal=Балканская Русистика |location=Вильнюс |url= |access-date=18 August 2009 |language=ru }}{{Dead link|date=April 2023 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref><ref>{{cite book |last1=Васютинский |first1=А.М. |first2=А.К. |last2=Дживелегов |first3=С.П. |last3=Мельгунов |script-title=ru:Французы в России. 1812 г. По воспоминаниям современников-иностранцев. |title=Задруга |location=Москва |publisher=Задруга |year=1912 |volume=1–3 |chapter=Фон Зукков, По дороге в Вильно |chapter-url= |access-date=18 August 2009 |language=ru}}</ref> although Вильнюс (''Vilnyus'') is now used. The names ''Wilno'', ''Wilna'', and ''Vilna'' were used in English-, German-, French-, and Italian-language publications when the city was a capital of the [[Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth]] and an important city in the [[Second Polish Republic]]. The name ''Vilna'' is still used in Finnish, Portuguese, Spanish, and {{langx|he|וילנה}}. ''Wilna'' is still used in German with ''Vilnius''. [[File:Painting depicting the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas' dream about an Iron Wolf (painted by Aleksander Lesser in 1835).jpg|thumb|left|upright=0.8|1835 painting by [[Aleksander Lesser]] of Gediminas' dream about an Iron Wolf]] According to a [[legend]] [[Writing|recorded]] during the {{Circa|1530s}}, Grand Duke [[Gediminas]] ({{circa|1275}}–1341) was hunting in the sacred forest near [[Šventaragis' Valley]], (where the Vilnia flows into the river [[Neris]]. The successful [[European bison|wisent]] hunt lasted longer than expected, and Gediminas decided to spend the night in the valley. He fell asleep and dreamed of a huge [[Iron Wolf (character)|Iron Wolf]] at the top of a hill, howling loudly. Upon awakening, the Duke asked the ''[[Kriwe|krivis]]'' [[Lizdeika]] to interpret the dream. The chief priest told him:<blockquote>What is destined for the ruler and the State of Lithuania, is thus: the Iron Wolf [[Vilnius Castle Complex|represents a castle]] and a city which will be established by you on this site. This city will be the capital of the Lithuanian lands and the dwelling of [[List of heads of state of Lithuania|their rulers]], and the glory of their deeds shall echo throughout the world.</blockquote> Gediminas, obeying [[List of Lithuanian gods and mythological figures|the gods]], built two castles: the Lower Castle in the valley, and the Crooked Castle on [[Three Crosses|Bald Hill]]. He moved his court there, declared it his permanent seat and capital, and developed the surrounding area into a city he named Vilnius.<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=The Legend of the Founding of Vilnius - Gediminas Dream | |access-date=28 February 2022}}</ref>{{Better source needed|reason=The current source is insufficiently reliable ([[WP:NOTRS]]).|date=October 2023}}<ref name="leg">{{cite news | last=Gudmantas | first=Kęstutis | title=LDK istorija: Metraščių pasakojimas apie Vilniaus įkūrimą – mitas ir istorija | work=15min | date=9 December 2013 | url= | language=lt | access-date=28 March 2024}}</ref> {{clear left}} ==History== {{Main|History of Vilnius}} {{For timeline}} [[File:Transcript of Gediminas' letter, which is the oldest known mentioning of Vilnius in written sources (25 January 1323).jpg|thumb|left|alt=A 14th-century manuscript|The oldest known mention of Vilnius, in Gediminas' 1323 [[Letters of Gediminas|letter]]]] Vilnius' history dates to the [[Stone Age]]. The city has been ruled by [[Russian Empire|imperial]] and [[Soviet Union|Soviet Russia]], [[Napoleonic France]], [[German Empire|imperial]] and [[Nazi Germany]], [[interwar Poland]], and Lithuania. Initially a Baltic settlement, Vilnius became significant in the [[Grand Duchy of Lithuania]]. The city was first mentioned in letters by Grand Duke Gediminas, who invited Jews and Germans to settle and built a wooden castle on a hill. Vilnius became a city in 1387, after the Christianization of Lithuania, and was settled by craftsmen and merchants of a variety of nationalities. It was the capital of the Grand Duchy (until 1795), and of the [[Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth]]. Vilnius flourished under the commonwealth, especially after the 1579 establishment of [[Vilnius University]] by King [[Stephen Báthory]]. The city became a cultural and scientific center, attracting migrants from east and west. It had diverse communities, with Jewish, Orthodox, and German populations. The city experienced a number of invasions and occupations, including by the [[Teutonic Order|Teutonic Knights]], Russia and, later, Germany. Under imperial Russian rule, Vilnius became the capital of [[Vilna Governorate]] and had a number of cultural revivals during the 19th and early 20th centuries by Jews, Poles, Lithuanians, and Belarusians. [[Second Polish Republic|After World War I]], the city experienced conflict between Poland and Lithuania which led to its occupation by Poland before its annexation by the Soviet Union during World War II. After that war, Vilnius became the capital of the [[Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic]]. ===Independence=== [[File:Vilnius_skyline.jpg|thumb|left|250px|alt=Modern Vilnius from a distance|The New City Centre seen from [[Karoliniškės]], with most of its [[high-rise building]]s constructed within two decades of independence]] On 11 March 1990, the [[Supreme Soviet of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic|Supreme Council of the Lithuanian SSR]] announced its [[Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania|secession]] from the Soviet Union and intention to restore an independent Lithuania.<ref>{{cite web |language=lt |url= |title=Lietuvos Nepriklausomos Valstybės Atkūrimas (1990 M. Kovo 11 D.) |access-date=10 November 2013 |archive-date=10 November 2013 |archive-url= |url-status=dead}}</ref> On 9 January 1991, the Soviet Union sent in troops; this culminated in the 13 January [[January Events|attack]] on the State Radio and Television Building and [[Vilnius TV Tower]] which killed 14 civilians.<ref>{{cite news |first=Audrius |last=Siaurusevicius |url= |archive-url= |url-status=live |archive-date=14 January 2018 |title=Soviet tanks crush the human shield of Vilnius |department=World |work=The Guardian |date=14 January 1991}}</ref> The Soviet Union recognised Lithuanian independence in September 1991.<ref>{{cite news |url= |first=Serge |last=Schmemann |date=7 September 1991 |title=Soviet Turmoil; Soviets Recognize Baltic Independence, Ending 51-year Occupation of 3 Nations |work=The New York Times |access-date=2021-02-16}}</ref> According to the [[Constitution of Lithuania]], "the capital of the State of Lithuania shall be the city of Vilnius, the long-standing historical capital of Lithuania". [[File:Gediminas Avenue in autumn.jpg|thumb|left|alt=A busy, cobbled city street|[[Gediminas Avenue]] in autumn]] Vilnius has become a modern European city. Its territory has been expanded with [[:lt:Lietuvos administraciniai-teritoriniai pokyčiai 1989–2001 m.#Vilniaus apskritis|three acts]] since 1990, incorporating urban areas, villages, hamlets, and the city of [[Grigiškės]].<ref>{{cite news | title=Vilnius intends to deregister about 90 village names: Pašilaičiai, Rokantiškii and Tarandė will no longer exist | | date=4 February 2024 | url= | access-date=2 April 2024 | archive-date=2 April 2024 | archive-url= | url-status=dead }}</ref><ref>{{cite news | title=Vilnius išregistruos apie 90 prie jo prijungtų kaimų pavadinimų | work=LRT | date=2 April 2024 | url= | language=lt | access-date=2 April 2024}}</ref> Most historic buildings have been renovated and a business and commercial area became the [[Vilnius Central Business District|New City Centre]], the main administrative and business district on the north side of the river Neris. The area includes modern residential and retail space, with the municipal building and the {{cvt|148.3|m|ft|adj=on}} [[Europa Tower]] its most prominent buildings. The construction of [[Swedbank]]'s headquarters indicates the importance of [[Scandinavia]]n banks in Vilnius. The [[Vilnius Business Harbour]] complex was built and expanded. Over 75,000 flats were built from 1995 to 2018, making the city a Baltic construction leader. Vilnius was selected as a 2009 [[European Capital of Culture]] with [[Linz]], the capital of [[Upper Austria]].<ref>{{cite news |title=Cultural capitals of Europe |work=Chicago Tribune |url=,0,6197408.story?page=2&track=rss |access-date=12 January 2009 |date=11 January 2009}}{{Dead link|date=March 2022 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |url= |language=it |author=O. Niglio |title=Restauri in Lituania. Vilnius Capitale della Cultura Europea 2009 |trans-title=Restorations in Lithuania. Vilnius Capital of European Culture 2009 |journal=Web Journal on Cultural Patrimony |issn=1827-8868 |access-date=9 November 2006 |archive-date=9 December 2013 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> The [[2007–2008 financial crisis]] led to a drop in tourism, which prevented many projects from completion; allegations of corruption and incompetence were made;<ref>{{cite web |last=Greenhalgh |first=Nathan |title=Capital of Culture: success or failure? |url= |access-date=15 May 2011}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=A.Gelūnas: prokuratūra nusikaltimo rengiant Bjork koncertą neįžvelgė |url= |access-date=15 May 2011}}</ref> tax increases for cultural activity led to protests,<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilnius: artists protest 'breakdown of culture' in EU cultural capital |url= | |access-date=15 May 2011 |archive-date=26 July 2011 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> and economic conditions sparked riots.<ref>{{cite news |last=Burke |first=Jason |title=Eastern Europe braced for a violent spring of discontent' |url= |location=London |work=The Guardian |date=18 January 2009}}</ref> On 28–29 November 2013, Vilnius hosted the [[Eastern Partnership]] summit at the [[Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania]]. Many European presidents, prime ministers, and high-ranking officials participated.<ref>{{cite press release |url= |date=29 November 2013 |title=Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius begins |publisher=Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania}}</ref> In 2015, [[Remigijus Šimašius]] became the city's first directly elected mayor.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Balsavimo rezultatai | |date=22 March 2015 |access-date=26 September 2015 |archive-url= |archive-date=18 May 2016 |url-status=dead}}</ref> The [[2023 Vilnius summit|2023 NATO summit]] was held in Vilnius.<ref>{{cite web |title=Lithuania to host 2023 NATO summit, first event 'of such a scale' |url= |website=[[]] |date=15 June 2021 |access-date=15 June 2021}}</ref> ==<span class="anchor" id="Nature reserves"></span>Geography== [[File:Vilnius skyline - Oct 14, 2019.jpg|thumb|upright=1.4|alt=See caption|Aerial view of Vilnius City Centre and its surrounding green space]] Vilnius is at the [[confluence]] of the [[Vilnia]] and [[Neris]] rivers in southeastern Lithuania. Several countries say that the [[geographical midpoint of Europe]] is within their territory. The midpoint depends on the definition of European extent, and the ''[[Guinness Book of World Records]]'' recognises a point near Vilnius as the continental centre.<ref name="gcentre">{{cite web |title=The geographical Centre of Europe |url= | |access-date=4 November 2019 |archive-date=4 November 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead}}</ref> After a 1989 re-estimation of European boundaries, [[Jean-George Affholder]] of the [[Institut géographique national (France)|Institut Géographique National]] (French National Geographic Institute) determined that its geographic centre was at {{coord|54|54|N|25|19|E|type:landmark|name=Purnuškės (centre of gravity)}}.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Other Places of Interest: Central Europe |first=Jan S. |last=Krogh}}</ref> The method used to calculate the point was the [[centre of gravity]] of the European [[geometry|geometrical figure]], and is near the village of [[Girija (village)|Girija]] (26 kilometres from Vilnius). A monument by sculptor Gediminas Jokūbonis, a column of white granite surmounted by a crown of stars, was built there in 2004.<ref name="gcentre" /> Vilnius is {{cvt|312|km}} from the [[Baltic Sea]] and [[Klaipėda]], the main Lithuanian [[Port|seaport]]. It is connected by road to other major Lithuanian cities, such as Kaunas ({{cvt|102|km|disp=or}} away), [[Šiauliai]] ({{cvt|214|km|disp=or}} away) and [[Panevėžys]] ({{cvt|135|km|disp=or}} away). Vilnius has an area of {{cvt|402|km2|sqmi}}. Buildings cover 29.1 percent of the city; green space covers 68.8 percent, and water covers 2.1 percent.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=The City |publisher=City of Vilnius |access-date=30 January 2009 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=16 December 2008}}</ref> The city has eight [[nature reserve]]s: Vokės Senslėnio Slopes Geomorphological Reserve, Aukštagiris Geomorphological Reserve, Valakupių Klonio Geomorphological Reserve, Veržuva Hydrographic Reserve, Vokė Hydrographic Reserve, Cedronas Upstream Landscape Reserve, Tapeliai Landscape Reserve, and Šeškinė Slopes Geomorphological Reserve.<ref>{{cite web |title=Gamtos paveldo apsauga |url= | |access-date=4 November 2019}}</ref> Several lakes, including [[Balžis]], are located on the north-eastern outskirts of Vilnius. ==Climate== [[File:Foggy Winter Sunrise in Vilnius.jpg|thumb|alt=Aerial view of the city|A foggy winter sunrise]] Vilnius has a [[humid continental climate]] ([[Köppen climate classification]] ''Dfb''),<ref>{{cite journal |vauthors=Kottek M, Grieser J, Beck C, Rudolf B, Rubel F |year=2006 |title=World Map of the Köppen-Geiger climate classification updated |journal=Meteorol. Z. |volume=15 |pages=259–263 |doi=10.1127/0941-2948/2006/0130 |issue=3 |bibcode=2006MetZe..15..259K |url=}}</ref> with temperature records since 1777.<ref>{{cite book |first1=Raymond S. |last1=Bradley |first2=Philip D. |last2=Jones |title=Climate Since A.D. 1500 |publisher=[[Routledge]] |year=1995 |url= |isbn=978-0-415-12030-2}}</ref> The average annual temperature is {{cvt|7.3|°C|0}}; the average January temperature is {{cvt|-3.9|°C|0}}, and the July average is {{cvt|18.7|°C|0}}. Average annual [[precipitation]] is {{cvt|691|mm|2}}. Temperatures in the city have increased significantly during the last 30 years, a change which the [[Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service]] attributes to human-induced [[global warming]].<ref name=meteo>{{cite web |url= |title=Climate change in Lithuania |publisher=Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service under the [[Ministry of Environment (Lithuania)|Ministry of Environment]] |access-date=18 August 2014 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=19 August 2014}}</ref> Summer days are warm to hot, especially in July and August, with daytime temperatures above {{cvt|30|°C|0}} during periodic heat waves. Outdoor bars, restaurants and cafés are frequented during the day. Winters can be very cold, although temperatures above {{convert|0|°C|°F}}; still occasionally occur. Temperatures below {{cvt|-25|C|F}} are recorded every other year. Vilnius's rivers freeze in particularly cold winters, and the lakes surrounding the city are almost always frozen from December to March, and even April, in the most extreme years. The Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service, headquartered in Vilnius, monitors the country's climate.<ref>{{cite web |title=Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service |url= | |access-date=7 August 2020}}</ref> {{Weather box | location = Vilnius (1991–2020 normals, sun 1961–1990, extremes 1777–present) | collapsed = | metric first = Y | single line = Y | Jan record high C = 12.3 | Feb record high C = 14.4 | Mar record high C = 24.7 | Apr record high C = 29.0 | May record high C = 31.8 | Jun record high C = 34.2 | Jul record high C = 36.4 | Aug record high C = 34.9 | Sep record high C = 33.1 | Oct record high C = 24.5 | Nov record high C = 15.5 | Dec record high C = 10.5 | year record high C = 36.4 | Jan high C = −1.7 | Feb high C = −0.5 | Mar high C = 4.4 | Apr high C = 12.6 | May high C = 18.4 | Jun high C = 21.7 | Jul high C = 23.8 | Aug high C = 23.1 | Sep high C = 17.4 | Oct high C = 10.3 | Nov high C = 3.7 | Dec high C = −0.3 | year high C = 11.1 | Jan mean C = −3.8 | Feb mean C = −3.1 | Mar mean C = 0.9 | Apr mean C = 7.6 | May mean C = 13.0 | Jun mean C = 16.4 | Jul mean C = 18.7 | Aug mean C = 17.9 | Sep mean C = 13.0 | Oct mean C = 7.1 | Nov mean C = 1.9 | Dec mean C = −2.1 | year mean C = 7.3 | Jan low C = −5.9 | Feb low C = −5.6 | Mar low C = −2.7 | Apr low C = 2.6 | May low C = 7.5 | Jun low C = 11.1 | Jul low C = 13.6 | Aug low C = 12.7 | Sep low C = 8.5 | Oct low C = 3.9 | Nov low C = 0.0 | Dec low C = −4.0 | year low C = 3.5 | Jan record low C = −37.2 | Feb record low C = −35.8 | Mar record low C = −29.6 | Apr record low C = −14.4 | May record low C = −4.4 | Jun record low C = 0.1 | Jul record low C = 3.5 | Aug record low C = 1.0 | Sep record low C = −4.8 | Oct record low C = −14.4 | Nov record low C = −22.8 | Dec record low C = −30.5 | year record low C = −37.2 | Jan avg record high C = 4.9 | Feb avg record high C = 5.7 | Mar avg record high C = 13.1 | Apr avg record high C = 22.4 | May avg record high C = 26.7 | Jun avg record high C = 28.8 | Jul avg record high C = 30.8 | Aug avg record high C = 30.3 | Sep avg record high C = 25.4 | Oct avg record high C = 18.3 | Nov avg record high C = 11.1 | Dec avg record high C = 6.1 |year avg record high C = 32.1 | Jan avg record low C = -19.3 | Feb avg record low C = -17.5 | Mar avg record low C = -10.8 | Apr avg record low C = -4.2 | May avg record low C = 0.1 | Jun avg record low C = 4.9 | Jul avg record low C = 8.1 | Aug avg record low C = 6.8 | Sep avg record low C = 1.1 | Oct avg record low C = -3.8 | Nov avg record low C = -8.7 | Dec avg record low C = -14.1 |year avg record low C = -22.0 | precipitation colour = green | Jan precipitation mm = 38.9 | Feb precipitation mm = 34.4 | Mar precipitation mm = 37.0 | Apr precipitation mm = 46.2 | May precipitation mm = 52.1 | Jun precipitation mm = 72.7 | Jul precipitation mm = 79.3 | Aug precipitation mm = 75.8 | Sep precipitation mm = 65.2 | Oct precipitation mm = 51.5 | Nov precipitation mm = 51.5 | Dec precipitation mm = 49.2 | year precipitation mm = 653.8 | Jan precipitation days = 21.7 | Feb precipitation days = 18.4 | Mar precipitation days = 17.5 | Apr precipitation days = 10.2 | May precipitation days = 12.4 | Jun precipitation days = 11.7 | Jul precipitation days = 11.4 | Aug precipitation days = 10.5 | Sep precipitation days = 9.7 | Oct precipitation days = 13.5 | Nov precipitation days = 16.7 | Dec precipitation days = 21.2 | year precipitation days = 174.9 | Jan sun = 37 | Feb sun = 70 | Mar sun = 117 | Apr sun = 165 | May sun = 242 | Jun sun = 231 | Jul sun = 220 | Aug sun = 217 | Sep sun = 141 | Oct sun = 93 | Nov sun = 33 | Dec sun = 25 | year sun = 1591 | Jan uv =0 | Feb uv =1 | Mar uv =2 | Apr uv =3 | May uv =5 | Jun uv =6 | Jul uv =6 | Aug uv =5 | Sep uv =3 | Oct uv =2 | Nov uv =1 | Dec uv =0 | Jan dew point C = -5 | Feb dew point C = -5 | Mar dew point C = -3 | Apr dew point C = 1 | May dew point C = 6 | Jun dew point C = 10 | Jul dew point C = 13 | Aug dew point C = 12 | Sep dew point C = 9 | Oct dew point C = 4 | Nov dew point C = 0 | Dec dew point C = -3 | source = [[World Meteorological Organization|WMO]] (avg high and low)<ref name = WMO>{{cite web |url= |title=World Weather Information Service – Vilnius |publisher=World Meteorological Organization |access-date=2 February 2013 |archive-date=23 December 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> NOAA (sun, extremes),<ref name = NOAA>{{cite web |url= |title=Vilnius Climate Normals 1961–1990 |publisher=[[National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration]] |access-date=2 February 2017}}</ref> Météo Climat,<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Météo Climat 1991–2020 averages for Lithuania |publisher=Météo Climat |access-date=2 December 2020}}</ref> Time and Date (dewpoints, 1985–2015)<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Climate & Weather Averages in Vilnius |publisher=Time and Date |access-date=24 July 2022}}</ref> and Weather Atlas<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Vilnius, Lithuania – Detailed climate information and monthly weather forecast |publisher=Yu Media Group |website=Weather Atlas |access-date=6 April 2021}}</ref> | date = October 2017 }} ==Culture== ===Painting and sculpture=== [[File:Bernardinerkirche Vilnius 1.jpg|thumb|alt=A large wall painting|16th-century Gothic frescoes in the Church of St. Francis and St. Bernard]] [[File:Tombstone for Leonas Sapiega01(js).jpg|thumb|upright=0.6|alt=Ornate brown marble sculpture|Tombstone of Lew Sapieha, {{circa}} 1633, in the Church of St. Michael]] Vilnius was an artistic centre of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, attracting artists across Europe. The oldest surviving early [[Gothic art|Gothic]] artworks (14th century) are paintings dedicated to churches and [[liturgy]], such as frescoes in the crypts of [[Vilnius Cathedral]] and decorated [[hymnal|hymnbooks]]. Sixteenth-century wall paintings are in the city's [[Church of St. Francis and St. Bernard, Vilnius|Church of St. Francis and St. Bernard]] and the [[Church of Saint Nicholas, Vilnius|Church of Saint Nicholas]].<ref name="tapybavle">{{cite web |title=Lietuvos tapyba |url= | |access-date=10 November 2019 |language=lt}}</ref> Gothic wooden polychrome sculptures decorate church altars. Some Gothic [[Seal (emblem)|seals]] from the 14th and 15th centuries still exist, including those of [[Kęstutis]], [[Vytautas the Great]] and [[Sigismund II Augustus]].<ref name="skulptura">{{cite web |title=Lietuvos skulptūra |url= | |access-date=10 November 2019 |language=lt}}</ref> [[Renaissance]] sculpture appeared during the early 16th century, primarily by the [[Italy|Italian]] sculptors Bernardinus Zanobi da Gianotti, Giovani Cini, and Giovanni Maria Padovano. During the Renaissance, portrait tombstones and medals were valued; examples are the marble tombs of [[Albertas Goštautas]] (1548) and [[Paweł Holszański]] (1555) by [[Bernardino de Gianotis]] in Vilnius Cathedral. Italian sculpture is characterized by its naturalistic treatment of forms and precise proportions. Local sculptors adopted the iconographic scheme of Renaissance tombs; their works, such the tomb of [[Lew Sapieha]] ({{circa|1633}}) in the [[Church of St. Michael, Vilnius|Church of St. Michael]], are stylized.<ref name="skulptura" /> During this period, local and [[Western Europe]]an painters created religious and mythological compositions and portraits with late Gothic and Baroque features; illustrated prayerbooks, illustrations, and miniatures have survived.<ref name="tapybavle" /> During the late-16th-century [[Baroque]], wall painting developed. Most palaces and churches were decorated in frescoes with bright colors, sophisticated angles, and drama. Secular painting{{snd}}representational, imaginative, epitaph portraits, scenes of battles and politically important events in a detailed, realistic style{{snd}}also spread at this time.<ref name="tapybavle" /> Baroque sculptures dominated [[sacred architecture]]: tombstones with sculpted portraits and decorative sculptures in wood, marble, and [[stucco]]. Italian sculptors such as G. P. Perti, G. M. Galli, and A. S. Capone, key figures in the development of sculpture in the 17th-century grand duchy, were commissioned by [[Lithuanian nobility]]. Their works exemplify the mature Baroque, with expressive forms and sensuality. Local sculptors emphasized Baroque decorative features, with less expression and emotion.<ref name="skulptura" /> [[File:Rusiecki-Litwinka z wierzbami.jpg|thumb|upright=0.65|alt=Painting of a young woman|''[[Lithuanian Girl with Palm Sunday Fronds]]'' by [[Kanuty Rusiecki]]]] Lithuanian painting was influenced by the [[:lt:Vilniaus meno mokykla|Vilnius Art School]] during the late 18th and 19th centuries, which introduced [[Classicism|classical]] and [[Romanticism|romantic]] art. Painters had internships abroad, mainly in Italy. Allegorical, mythological compositions, landscapes, and portraits of representatives of various circles of society began, and historical themes prevailed. The era's best-known classical painters are [[Franciszek Smaglewicz]], [[Jan Rustem]], [[Józef Oleszkiew]], {{ill|Daniel Kondratowicz|pl}}, [[Józef Peszka]], and [[Wincenty Smokowski]]. Romantic artists were Jan Rustem, [[Jan Krzysztof Damel]], [[Wincenty Dmochowski]] and [[Kanuty Rusiecki]].<ref name="tapybavle" /> After the 1832 closure of Vilnius University, the Vilnius Art School continued to influence Lithuanian art.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniaus meno mokykla |url= | |access-date=10 November 2019 |archive-date=2 December 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> The [[:lt:Lietuvių dailės draugija|Lithuanian Art Society]] was established in 1907 by [[Petras Rimša]], [[Antanas Žmuidzinavičius]] and [[Antanas Jaroševičius]], and the Vilnius Art Society was founded the following year.<ref>{{cite web |title=Lietuvių dailės draugija |url= | |access-date=10 November 2019}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniaus dailės draugija |url= | |access-date=10 November 2019}}</ref> Artists included Jonas Šileika, {{ill|Justinas Vienožinskis|lt|Justinas Vienožinskis}}, {{ill|Jonas Mackevičius (1872)|lt|Jonas Mackevičius}}, [[Vytautas Kairiūkštis]], and [[Vytautas Pranas Bičiūnas]], who employed Western European [[Symbolism (arts)|symbolism]], [[Realism (arts)|realism]], [[Art Nouveau]] and [[modernism]].<ref name="tapybavle" /> [[Socialist realism]] was introduced after [[World War II]], with [[propaganda]] paintings, historical and household works, [[still life|still lives]], landscapes, portraits, and sculptures.<ref name="tapybavle" /><ref name="skulptura" /> Late 20th- and 21st-century painters are Žygimantas Augustinas, Eglė Ridikaitė, Eglė Gineitytė, Patricija Jurkšaitytė, Jurga Barilaitė, and Solomonas Teitelbaumas.<ref name="tapybavle" /> The [[Užupis]] district near the Old Town, a run-down district during the Soviet era, hosts bohemian artists who operate a number of art galleries and workshops.<ref>{{cite news |url= |first=Joanna |last=Griffin |date=8 August 2016 |work=The Telegraph |department=Travel |archive-url= |url-status=live |archive-date=14 January 2018 |title=Just Back: Inside Uzupis, Lithuania's free-thinking republic}}</ref> In its main square, a statue of an angel blowing a trumpet symbolises artistic freedom. The world's first bronze memorial to [[Frank Zappa]]<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Frank Zappa Memorial |website=lonely planet}}</ref> was installed in the [[Naujamiestis, Vilnius|Naujamiestis]] district in 1995. In 2015, the Vilnius Talking Statues project was introduced. Eighteen statues around the city interact by smartphone with visitors in several languages.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilnius Talking Statues |url= | |access-date=10 November 2019 |date=2015-06-19}}</ref> ===Museums and galleries=== {{See also|List of museums in Lithuania}} [[File:Vilnius - Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus.jpg|thumb|alt=Long, two-story building with a red roof|The National Museum of Lithuania is in the New Arsenal of the Vilnius Castle Complex.]] Vilnius has a variety of museums.<ref name="GoVilniusMuseums">{{cite web |title=Museums |url= | |access-date=29 April 2023}}</ref> The [[National Museum of Lithuania]], in the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania, Gediminas' Tower and the arsenals of the Vilnius Castle Complex, has exhibits about the history of Lithuania and Lithuanian culture.<ref>{{cite web |title=The Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania |url= | |access-date=29 April 2023}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=The New Arsenal |url= | |access-date=29 April 2023}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=The Old Arsenal |url= | |access-date=29 April 2023}}</ref> The Museum of Applied Arts and Design displays Lithuanian folk and religious art, objects from the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania, and 18th- to 20th-century clothing.<ref>{{cite web |title=The Museum of Applied Arts and Design |url= | |access-date=29 April 2023}}</ref> Other museums are the Vilnius Museum, the House of Histories, Church Heritage Museum, [[Museum of Occupations and Freedom Fights]], Fight for Freedom Museum in the [[Vilnius TV Tower]], M. K. Čiurlionis House, Samuel Bak Museum, Centre for Civil Education, Toy Museum, Vilnil (Museum of Illusions), Energy and Technology Museum, House of Signatories, Tolerance Center, Railway Museum, Money Museum, Kazys Varnelis House-Museum, Liubavas Manor Watermill-Museum, Museum of Vladislovas Sirokomlė, Amber Museum-Gallery, and the Paneriai Memorial visitor information centre.<ref name="GoVilniusMuseums"/><ref>{{cite web |title=M.K. Čiurlionio namai |url= | |access-date=29 April 2023 |language=lt}}</ref> [[File:Art Museum of Lithuania.jpg|thumb|alt=Exterior of a three-story building|The Lithuanian National Museum of Art, in the former [[Chodkiewicz Palace]]]] Vilnius has a number of art galleries. Lithuania's largest art collection is housed in the [[Lithuanian National Museum of Art]].<ref>{{cite web |title=Collections |url= | |access-date=10 November 2019 |archive-date=10 November 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> The Vilnius Picture Gallery, in the city's Old Town, houses a collection of Lithuanian art from the 16th to the early 20th centuries.<ref>{{cite web |title=Permanent exhibitions |url= | |access-date=10 November 2019 |archive-date=10 November 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> Across the Neris, the National Art Gallery has a number of exhibitions of 20th-century Lithuanian art.<ref>{{cite web |title=Collection |url= | |access-date=10 November 2019}}</ref> The [[Contemporary Art Centre (Vilnius)|Contemporary Art Centre]], the largest contemporary-art venue in the Baltic States, has an exhibition space of {{convert|2400|m2|sqft}}. The centre develops international and Lithuanian exhibitions and presents a range of public programs which include lectures, seminars, performances, film and video screenings, and live music.<ref>{{cite web |title=About the CAC |url= | |access-date=10 November 2019}}</ref> On 10 November 2007, the [[Jonas Mekas Visual Arts Center]] was opened by avant-garde filmmaker [[Jonas Mekas]]; its premiere exhibition was ''The Avant-Garde: From [[Futurism]] to [[Fluxus]]''.<ref>{{cite web |title=About us |url= | |access-date=10 November 2019 |date=25 July 2014}}</ref> In 2018, the [[MO Museum]] opened as an initiative of Lithuanian scientists and philanthropists Danguolė and Viktoras Butkus. Its collection of 5,000 modern pieces includes major Lithuanian artworks from the 1950s to the present.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=About MO | |access-date=23 April 2019}}</ref> ===Literature=== {{see also|Lithuanian literature}} [[File:Zawadzki bookstore in Vilnius.jpg|thumb|alt=Old photo of a store exterior|The Zawadzki bookstore, on present-day [[Pilies Street]]. Its signs are in Russian, Polish, Lithuanian, French, and German.]] Around 1520, [[Francysk Skaryna]] (author of the first Ruthenian [[Bible]]) established [[eastern Europe]]'s first [[printing house]] in Vilnius. Skaryna prepared and published the ''Little Traveller's Book'' (Ruthenian: ''Малая подорожная книжка''), the first printed book of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, in 1522. Three years later, he printed the ''Acts and Epistles of the Apostles'' (the ''Apostle'').<ref>{{cite web |title=Biography of Skaryna |url= | |access-date=29 October 2019}}</ref> The [[:lt:Vilniaus akademijos spaustuvė|Vilnius Academy Press]] was established in 1575 by Lithuanian nobleman [[Mikołaj Krzysztof "the Orphan" Radziwiłł]] as the [[Vilnius Academy]] printing house, delegating its management to the [[Jesuits]]. It published its first book, [[Piotr Skarga]]'s ''Pro Sacratissima Eucharistia contra haeresim Zwinglianam'', in May 1576. The press was funded by the Lithuanian nobility and the church.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilnius University Press – History |url= | |access-date=29 October 2019}}</ref> In 1805, [[Józef Zawadzki (publisher)|Józef Zawadzki]] bought the press and founded the [[Józef Zawadzki printing shop]]. Operating continuously until 1939, it published books in a number of languages;<ref>{{cite web |title=Zawadzkio spaustuvė |url= | |access-date=29 October 2019}}</ref> [[Adam Mickiewicz]]'s first poetry book was published in 1822.<ref>{{cite web |title=Adomas Mickevičius |url= | |access-date=30 October 2019}}</ref> [[Mikalojus Daukša]] translated and published a [[catechism]] by Spanish Jesuit theologian [[Jacobo Ledesma]] in 1595, the first printed Lithuanian-language book in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. He also translated and published [[Jakub Wujek]]'s ''[[Postilla]] Catholica'' in 1599.<ref>{{cite web |last=Lebedys |first=Jurgis |title=Mikalojus Daukša |url= | |access-date=29 October 2019 |archive-date=24 April 2007 |archive-url= |url-status=dead}}</ref> [[File:Gate of the Greek Catholic Church of Holy Trinity in Vilnius in 2013.jpg|thumb|alt=Exterior of a large church|Gate of the [[Basilian Monastery in Vilnius|Basilian Monastery]], where Adam Mickiewicz was imprisoned for fighting [[Russian Partition|Russian rule]]]] Many writers were born in Vilnius, lived there, or are [[alumni]] of Vilnius University; they include [[Konstantinas Sirvydas]], [[Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski]], [[Antoni Gorecki]], [[Józef Ignacy Kraszewski]], [[Antoni Edward Odyniec]], [[Michał Józef Römer]], Adam Mickiewicz, [[Władysław Syrokomla]], [[Józef Mackiewicz]], [[Romain Gary]], [[Juliusz Słowacki]], [[Simonas Daukantas]], [[Mykolas Biržiška]], [[Petras Cvirka]], [[Kazys Bradūnas]], [[Nobel Prize|Nobel laureate]] [[Czesław Miłosz]]).<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilnius University Hinc Itur Ad Astra |date=20 October 2015 |page=25 |url= |access-date=29 October 2019}}</ref> [[Vilnius Academy of Arts]] alumnae have also added to the internationally acclaimed contemporary writers such as [[Jurga Ivanauskaitė]], [[Undinė Radzevičiūtė]] and [[Kristina Sabaliauskaitė]]. The first consideration of the [[Statutes of Lithuania|First Statute of Lithuania]] took place in 1522 at the [[Seimas of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania]]. The code was drafted under the guidance of [[Grand Chancellor of Lithuania]] Albertas Goštautas in accordance with [[customary law]], legislation, and [[canon law|canon]] and [[Roman law]]. It is Europe's first [[Codification (law)|codification]] of [[secular law]].<ref>{{cite web |title=Lietuvos Statutas |url= | |access-date=29 October 2019}}</ref> Albertas Goštautas supported the use of Lithuanian in literature and protected Lithuanian authors (including [[Abraomas Kulvietis]] and [[Michael the Lithuanian]]) who criticised the use of [[Old Church Slavonic]], and called refugees [[Old Believers]] in ''[[De moribus tartarorum, lituanorum et moscorum]]''.<ref name="Dubonis2002">{{cite web |last=Dubonis |first=Artūras |title=Lietuvių kalba: poreikis ir vartojimo mastai (XV a. antra pusė – XVI a. pirma pusė) |url= | |language=lt |access-date=22 September 2019 |archive-date=3 March 2016 |archive-url= |url-status=dead}}</ref> [[File:Vileishis Palace1.jpg|thumb|alt=Exterior of a square, white building|The Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore in [[Vileišis Palace]]]] Since the 16th century, the [[Lithuanian Metrica]] has been kept at the [[Royal Palace of Lithuania|Lower Castle]] and safeguarded by the State [[Chancellor]]. Due to the deterioration of the books, Grand Chancellor Lew Sapieha ordered the Metrica recopied in 1594; the recopying continued until 1607. The recopied books were inventoried, rechecked, and transferred to a separate building in Vilnius; the older books remained in the Castle of Vilnius. According to 1983 data, 665 books remain on [[microfilm]] at the Lithuanian State Historical Archives in Vilnius.<ref>{{cite web |title=Lietuvos Metrika |url= | |access-date=30 October 2019}}</ref> Over 200 tiles and plaques commemorating writers who lived and worked in Vilnius and foreign authors connected to Vilnius and Lithuania adorn walls on [[Literatų Street]] ({{langx|lt|link=no|Literatų gatvė}}) in the Old Town, outlining the history of Lithuanian literature.<ref>{{cite web |title=Literatų Gatvė (Literature Street) |url= | |access-date=17 November 2019}}</ref> The [[Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore]] and the [[Lithuanian Writers' Union]] are in the city.<ref>{{cite web |title=About |url= | |access-date=29 October 2019}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=Lithuanian Writers Union |url= | |access-date=29 October 2019}}</ref> The [[Vilnius book fair]] is held annually at [[LITEXPO]], the Baltics' largest exhibition centre.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilnius Book Fair |url= | |access-date=2 November 2019 |archive-date=2 November 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead}}</ref> ===Cinema=== {{see also|Cinema of Lithuania}} [[File:Billboard of the first cinema screening in Vilnius (1897).jpg|thumb|alt=Exterior of the Botanical Garden gate|Billboard above the Botanical Garden main gate of the first film screening in Vilnius (1896)]] The first public [[film session]] in Vilnius was held in the Botanical Garden (now the [[Bernardinai Garden]]) in July 1896. It was held after 1895 film sessions by [[Auguste and Louis Lumière]] in Paris. The session in Vilnius showed the Lumière brothers' [[documentary]] films. The first films shown were educational, filmed outside Vilnius (in India and Africa), and introduced other cultures. [[Georges Méliès]]' film, ''[[A Trip to the Moon]]'', was first shown at the [[Lukiškės Square]] movie theater in 1902; it was the first [[feature film]] shown in Vilnius.<ref name="cinemaLRT">{{cite web |title=Vilniaus kino istorija: pirmasis seansas tik pusmečiu atsiliko nuo pirmojo istorijoje |url= |website=[[]] |access-date=22 September 2019 |language=lt |date=27 November 2015}}</ref> The first [[movie theater]] in Vilnius, Iliuzija (Illusion), opened in 1905 at 60 [[Didžioji Street]].<ref name="cinemaMIV">{{cite web |title=Vilniaus kino teatrai 1905–1985 metais |url= | |access-date=22 September 2019 |language=lt-LT |date=1 May 2017}}</ref> The first movie theaters, similar to theatres, had [[Box (theatre)|boxes]] with more-expensive seats. Because early films were silent, showings were accompanied by orchestral performances. Cinema screenings were sometimes combined with theatrical performances and illusion shows.<ref name="cinemaLRT" /> [[File:LTMKM 2023 by Augustas Didzgalvis.jpg|thumb|alt=A large, white, two-story building|The [[Lithuanian Theater, Music and Cinema Museum]], in the 17th-century [[Minor Radvilos Palace]]]] On 4 June 1924, the Vilnius [[magistrate]] established a 1,200-seat movie theater in the city hall ({{langx|pl|Miejski kinematograf}}, City Movie Theater) to provide cultural education for students and adults. In 1926, 502,261 tickets were sold; 24,242 tickets were given to boarding children, 778 to tourists, and 8,385 to soldiers. In 1939, Lithuanian authorities renamed it Milda. The last city government gave it to the People's Commissariat of Education, which established the Lithuanian National Philharmonic Society, the following year.<ref name="cinemaMIV" /> In 1965, Lithuania's most modern movie theater ([[:lt:Lietuva (kino teatras)|Lietuva]]) opened in Vilnius; it had over 1.84&nbsp;million visitors per year, and an annual profit of over 1&nbsp;million&nbsp;[[Soviet rouble|rouble]]s. After reconstruction, it had one of Europe's largest screens: {{convert|200|m2|sqft}}.<ref name="cinemaMIV" /> Closed in 2002, it was demolished in 2017 and replaced by MO Museum.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniuje neliko istorinio kino teatro "Lietuva" |url= | |access-date=22 September 2019 |language=lt}}</ref> Kino Pavasaris is the city's largest film festival.<ref>{{cite web |title=About Festival |url= | |access-date=14 October 2019 |archive-date=15 October 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> The Lithuanian Film Centre ({{langx|lt|Lietuvos kino centras}}), tasked with promoting the development and competitiveness of the Lithuanian film industry, is in Vilnius.<ref>{{cite web |title=About us |url= | |access-date=22 September 2019}}</ref> ===Music=== {{See also|Music of Lithuania}} [[File:Libretto of the first opera staged in Vilnius (1636).jpg|thumb|upright=0.66|alt=Title page of a libretto|[[Libretto]] of the first opera staged in Vilnius (1636), before the first operas in [[Paris]] (1645) and [[London]] (1656)<ref>{{cite web |title=Operą Vilnius išvydo pirmiau negu Londonas ir Paryžius |url= | |date=12 April 2011 |access-date=26 April 2020}}</ref>]] Musicians performed at the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania as early as the 14th century, since Grand Duke Gediminas' daughter [[Aldona of Lithuania]] was known to be enthusiastic about music. Aldona brought court musicians and singers to [[Kraków]] after marrying King [[Casimir III the Great]].<ref>{{cite web |title=Lietuvos muzika |url= | |access-date=21 February 2021}}</ref> During the 16th century, composers such as [[Wacław of Szamotuły]], [[Jan Brant]], [[Heinrich Finck]], [[Cyprian Bazylik]], [[Alessandro Pesenti]], [[Luca Marenzio]], and [[Michelagnolo Galilei]] lived in Vilnius; the city was also home to [[virtuoso]] [[lute|lutist]] [[Bálint Bakfark]]. One of the first local musicians in written sources was Steponas Vilnietis (Stephanus de Vylna). The first textbook of Lithuanian music, ''The Art and Practice of Music'' ({{langx|la|Ars et praxis musica}}), was published in Vilnius by [[Žygimantas Liauksminas]] in 1667.<ref>{{cite web |title=Žygimantas Liauksminas |url= | |access-date=23 January 2020}}</ref> Italian artists produced Lithuania's first [[opera]] on 4 September 1636 at the Palace of the Grand Dukes, commissioned by Grand Duke [[Władysław IV Vasa]].<ref>{{cite web |title=Operos dieną Valdovų rūmuose vainikuos pasaulinis šedevras – K. Monteverdžio opera "Orfėjas" |url= | |access-date=7 September 2015 |archive-date=8 March 2021 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> Operas are produced at the [[Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre]] and by the [[Vilnius City Opera]].<ref>{{cite web |title=Repertoire |url= | |access-date=31 October 2019}}</ref> The Lithuanian National Philharmonic Society, the country's largest and oldest state-owned concert organization, produces live concerts and tours in Lithuania and abroad.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=History – Largest Concert Institution in Lithuania |website=Lithuanian National Philharmonic Society |access-date=3 February 2017}}</ref> The [[Lithuanian State Symphony Orchestra]], founded by [[Gintaras Rinkevičius]], performs in Vilnius.<ref>{{cite web |title=About us |url= | |access-date=31 October 2019}}</ref> [[File:Dainu svente 2009-07-06.jpg|thumb|alt=An outdoor stage and a crowd|The Lithuanian Song and Dance Festival in Vingis Park]] [[Choral music]] is popular in Lithuania, and Vilnius has three choir laureates (Brevis, Jauna Muzika, and the Chamber Choir of the Conservatoire) at the [[European Grand Prix for Choral Singing]].<ref>{{cite web |last=Murauskaitė |first=Rasa |title=Trys meilės chorui dešimtmečiai. Pokalbis su Vaclovu Augustinu |url= |website=[[]] |access-date=31 October 2019 |language=lt}}</ref> The [[Lithuanian Song and Dance Festival]] in Vilnius has been presented every four years since 1990 for about 30,000 singers and folk dancers in [[Vingis Park]].<ref>{{cite web |title=Lithuanian Song Festival |url= | |access-date=23 January 2018 |archive-date=11 June 2021 |archive-url= |url-status=dead}}</ref> In 2008, the festival and its [[Latvian Song and Dance Festival|Latvian]] and [[Estonian Song Festival|Estonian]] counterparts were designated as a [[UNESCO]] [[Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity|Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity]].<ref>{{cite book |title=Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity |date=2005 |publisher=[[UNESCO]] |page=50 |url=}}</ref> The [[jazz]] scene is active in Vilnius; in 1970–71, the Ganelin/Tarasov/Chekasin trio founded the Vilnius Jazz School.<ref>{{cite web |title=Jazz in Lithuania |url= | |access-date=25 March 2018}}</ref> The [[Vilnius Jazz Festival]] is held annually. [[File:Andrius Mamontovas by Augustas Didzgalvis.jpg|thumb|alt=A middle-aged man in a leather jacket and jeans|[[Andrius Mamontovas]], leader of [[Foje]] and founder of the annual ''Gatvės muzikos diena'' (Street Music Day)]] The annual ''Gatvės muzikos diena'' (Street Music Day) gathers musicians on the city's streets.<ref>{{cite web |title=Street Music Day |url= | |access-date=10 March 2018 |archive-date=11 March 2018 |archive-url= |url-status=dead}}</ref> Vilnius is the birthplace of singers [[Mariana Korvelytė – Moravskienė]], [[Paulina Rivoli]], [[Danielius Dolskis]], [[Vytautas Kernagis]], [[Algirdas Kaušpėdas]], [[Andrius Mamontovas]], [[Nomeda Kazlaus]], and [[Asmik Grigorian]]); composers [[César Cui]], [[Felix Yaniewicz]], [[Maximilian Steinberg]], [[Vytautas Miškinis]], and [[Onutė Narbutaitė]]); conductor [[Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla]]), and musicians [[Antoni Radziwiłł]], [[Jascha Heifetz]], [[Clara Rockmore]], and [[Romas Lileikis]]). It was the hometown of 18th-century composers [[Michał Kazimierz Ogiński]], [[Johann David Holland]] (colleague of [[Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach|C. Bach]]), [[Maciej Radziwiłł]], and [[Michał Kleofas Ogiński]]. Nineteenth-century Vilnius was known for singer [[Kristina Gerhardi Frank]], a close friend of [[Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart|Mozart]] and [[Joseph Haydn|Haydn]] (who starred in the [[premiere]] of Haydn's ''[[The Creation (Haydn)|Creation]]''), mid-19th century guitar virtuoso [[Marek Konrad Sokołowski]] and composer [[Stanisław Moniuszko]]. The wealthiest woman in Vilnius during the early 19th century was singer [[Maria de Neri]]. In the early 20th century, Vilnius was the hometown of [[Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis]], [[Mikas Petrauskas]], and [[Juozas Tallat-Kelpša]]. Late-20th- and early 21st-century musicians include [[Vyacheslav Ganelin]], [[Petras Vyšniauskas]], [[Petras Geniušas]], [[Mūza Rubackytė]], [[Alanas Chošnau]], and [[Marijonas Mikutavičius]]. The [[Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre]], headquartered on [[Gediminas Avenue]], is also located at the [[Slushko Palace]] in [[Antakalnis]]. Singers who have lectured at the academy include [[tenor]]s [[Kipras Petrauskas]] and [[Virgilijus Noreika]].<ref>{{cite web |title=Dainavimo katedra |url= | |access-date=31 October 2019 |language=lt-LT}}</ref> ===Theatre=== [[File:Page in Latin of theatre program dedicated to Algirdas, 1687.jpg|thumb|left|150px|1687 [[Latin]] page of a theatre program dedicated to [[Algirdas]], which was performed in Vilnius]] The Lithuanian Grand Dukes' entertainment at the castle, rulers' visits abroad and guests' meetings had theatrical elements. During [[Sigismund III Vasa]]'s residence in Vilnius in the early 17th century, English actors performed at the palace. Władysław IV Vasa established a professional opera theatre in the Lower Castle in 1635, where ''[[dramma per musica|drammas per musica]]'' were performed by the Italian Virgilio Puccitelli. The performances had basic, luxurious scenography.<ref>{{cite web |title=Seniausių laikų Lietuvos teatras |url= | |access-date=17 November 2019}}</ref> A Jesuit School Theatre existed between the 16th and 18th centuries, with its first performance (''Hercules'' by S. Tucci) in 1570 in Vilnius. Baroque aesthetics prevailed at the theatre, which also had [[Middle Ages|medieval]] retrospectives, Renaissance elements, [[Rococo]] motifs, and an educational function. Performances were in Latin, but elements of the Lithuanian language were included and some of the works had Lithuanian themes ([[Play (theatre)|plays]] dedicated to [[Algirdas]], Mindaugas, Vytautas and other Lithuanian rulers).<ref>{{cite web |title=Mokyklinis teatras Lietuvos teritorijoje |url= | |access-date=17 November 2019}}</ref><ref name="theatrevle">{{cite web |title=Lietuvos teatras |url= | |access-date=17 November 2019}}</ref> [[Wojciech Bogusławski]] established Vilnius City Theatre, the city's first public theatre, in 1785. The theatre, initially in the Oskierka Palace, moved to the [[Radziwiłł Palace, Vilnius|Radziwiłł Palace]] and [[Town Hall, Vilnius|Vilnius Town Hall]]. Plays were performed in Polish until 1845, from 1845 to 1864 in Polish and Russian, and after 1864 in Russian. After the Lithuanian-language ban was lifted, plays were also performed in Lithuanian. The theatre closed in 1914.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniaus miesto teatras |url= | |access-date=17 November 2019}}</ref> [[File:Lithuanian National Drama Theatre in Vilnius, Lithuania in 2023.jpg|thumb|alt=Exterior of a large, white building|The [[Lithuanian National Drama Theatre]]]] During the interwar period (when the city was part of Poland), Vilnius was known for the modern, experimental Reduta troupe and institute led by [[Juliusz Osterwa]].<ref>{{cite web |title=Juliusz Osterwa |url= | |access-date=24 December 2019}}</ref> The Vilnius Lithuanian Stage Amateur Company ({{langx|lt|link=no|Vilniaus lietuvių scenos mėgėjų kuopa}}), established in 1930 and renamed Vilnius's Lithuanian Theatre, performed in the region. In 1945, it was merged with the [[Lithuanian National Drama Theatre]].<ref name="theatrevle" /> After the Soviet occupation of Lithuania in 1940, theatre became a means of disseminating Soviet ideology. Performances incorporated socialist realism, and a number of [[Russian Revolution|revolutionary]] plays by Russian authors were staged. A Repertory Commission was established under the Ministry of Culture to direct theatres, control repertoire, and permit (or ban) performances.<ref name="theatrevle" /> Theatre changed after Lithuanian independence.<ref name="theatrevle" /> The independent Vilnius City Opera blends classical and contemporary art. The Lithuanian National Drama Theatre, State Small Theatre of Vilnius, State Youth Theatre and a number of private theatre companies (including OKT/Vilnius City Theatre and the Anželika Cholina Dance Theatre) present classical, modern and Lithuanian plays directed by noted Lithuanian and foreign directors. There is also a Russian-language [[Old Theatre of Vilnius]].<ref>{{cite web |title=Events |url= | |access-date=17 November 2019}}</ref> ===Photography=== [[File:Coronal mass ejection, captured in 1867 with Vilnius photoheliograph.jpg|thumb|upright=0.66|alt=Very old photo of a solar flare|A [[coronal mass ejection]], captured in 1867 with Vilnius' [[photoheliograph]] (the second such device in the world)]] According to the memoirs of architect Bolesław Podczaszyński, published in January 1853 in the {{Lang|pl|[[Gazeta Warszawska]]}}, Lithuanian [[photography]] began with the [[Daguerreotype|daguerreotyping]] in the summer of 1839 of the reconstructed [[Verkiai Palace]] by François Marcillac (governor of the children of Duke [[Ludwig zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg|Ludwig Wittgenstein]]).<ref name="photovle">{{cite web |title=Lietuvos meninė fotografija |url= | |access-date=21 February 2021 |language=lt}}</ref> The country's unfavorable political situation hampered the development of new technology and cultural activities. The first known daguerreotype-portrait [[atelier]] in Vilnius was opened in 1843 by C. Ziegler, and ateliers operated in Lithuania until 1859. One of the best-known photographers was K. Neupert, from [[Norway]].<ref name="photovle"/> In the 1860s, with the spread of the [[collodion process]], [[Photographic plate|glass negatives]] and [[albumen paper]] were used instead of daguerreotype plates. Photo portraits in standard formats became widespread, and commercial photography ateliers were established in Vilnius and other Lithuanian cities. The first landscape and architectural photographs were made by Vilnius photographers [[:lt: Abdonas Korzonas|Abdonas Korzonas]] and Albert Swieykowski, who compiled the 32-image ''Vilnius Album'' (Lithuania's first set of photographs). In 1862, Provisional Censorship Regulations governing the activities of photographic institutions were adopted in 1862, supervised by the Central Press Board of the Ministry of the Interior. Those who photographed the rebels in the [[January Uprising]] were punished; A. Korzonas was deported to [[Siberia]]. Other prominent 19th-century photographers were [[:lt:Stanislovas Filibertas Fleris|Stanisław Filibert Fleury]] (a [[Stereoscopy|stereoscopic]]-photography pioneer),<ref>{{cite web |title=Stanislovas Filibertas Fleris |url= | |access-date=7 March 2021 |language=lt}}</ref> Aleksander Władysław Strauss, and [[:lt:Juzefas Čechavičius|Józef Czechowicz]].<ref name="photovle"/> The world's second [[Solar telescope|photoheliograph]] was installed in 1865 at the [[Vilnius University Astronomical Observatory]], and photographed [[sunspot]]s.<ref name="photovle"/> An unprecedented system of photographing solar dynamics began in 1868 in Vilnius.<ref name="Klimka">{{cite book |last=Klimka |first=Libertas |title=Senosios Vilniaus astronomijos observatorijos instrumentarijus |date=20 June 2001 |publisher=[[Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences]] |location=Vilnius |page=44 |url= |access-date=21 February 2021 |language=lt}}</ref> [[Jan Bułhak]] founded the country's first photography club in Vilnius in 1927.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniaus fotoklubas |url= | |access-date=21 February 2021 |language=lt}}</ref> In 1952, ''Švyturys'' magazine organized the city's first photography exhibition.<ref name="photovle"/> ===Crafts=== {{multiple image | caption_align = center | align = right | direction = horizontal | total_width = 350 | header_align = left/right/center | footer_align = left/right/center | image1 = Didžioji monstrancija.tif | caption1 = The Great [[Monstrance]], commissioned in Vilnius in 1535 by [[Albertas Goštautas]], is one of [[central Europe]]'s largest.<ref>{{cite web |title=Lobyno vertybės |url= | |access-date=21 February 2021 |language=lt}}</ref> | alt1 = An ornate gold monstrance | image2 = Lithuania 1616 10 Ducats (reverse).jpg | caption2 = Reverse of [[Sigismund III Vasa]]'s 10-[[ducat]] gold coin, struck in the [[Vilnius Mint]] in 1616, with the [[coat of arms of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth]] and the [[privy mark]]s of [[Podskarbi|Podskarbi wielki litewski]] [[Hieronim Wołłowicz]] | alt2 = Detailed reverse of a gold coin }} Iron tools, weapons, [[brass]], [[glass]] and [[silver]] jewelry have been produced in present-day Lithuania since the first century.<ref name="amatai">{{cite web |title=Amatai |url= | |access-date=21 February 2021 |language=lt}}</ref> [[Pottery]] wood products, and [[weaving]] became widespread in the second and fourth centuries. During the [[feudalism|feudal]] era, home [[crafts]] were components of a [[subsistence economy]]. During the 13th and 14th centuries, crafts became a branch of the economy separate from agriculture. The Grand Dukes of Lithuania promoted the development of crafts in cities, and weaving, shoemaking, fur-making and other crafts predominated. With the early-14th-century introduction of foreign artisans, the development of crafts accelerated; crafts and trade stimulated the growth of Vilnius and other Lithuanian cities. In the 14th and 15th centuries, crafts were specialized (especially the production of tools, household items, fabrics, clothing, weapons, and jewelry); [[workshop]]s were established which trained and defended the interests of craftspeople. Production of fine [[glassware]] began, [[goldsmithing]] was developed, and the level of pottery and weaving rose during the 16th century, and the 1529 and 1588 Statutes of Lithuania identify 25 crafts.<ref name="amatai"/> European goldsmiths worked in the [[Vilnius Goldsmiths' Workshop]] (established in 1495), which controlled trade in [[precious metal]]s and [[gemstone]]s and served the [[Daugava]] and [[Dnieper]] regions, the [[Catholic Church in Lithuania|Catholic Church]], the Grand Duke, the [[Szlachta|nobility]], and townspeople.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniaus auksakalių cechas |url= | |access-date=21 February 2021 |language=lt}}</ref> The [[Vilnius Mint]], the main [[Mint (facility)|mint]] of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, minted the Lithuanian [[denarius]], [[shilling]]s, [[groschen]], [[thaler]]s, [[ducat]]s, and other coins from 1387 to 1666.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniaus monetų kalykla |url= | |access-date=21 February 2021 |language=lt}}</ref> Crafting declined in the second half of the 17th century due to the [[Russo-Polish War (1654–1667)|Russo-Polish War]], and most goods were imported and sold by Lithuanian and Polish nobles. It revived from the second half of the 18th century to the first half of the 19th century, with Vilnius the largest Lithuanian craft center. After the abolition of [[serfdom]], craft schools were established in Lithuanian cities; crafts have prevailed in [[clothing]] manufacturing, goldsmithing, woodworking, food processing, and other fields. Under Soviet occupation, craftspeople worked in [[artel]]s until 1960 and then in [[Combine (enterprise)|combines]]. After independence, crafts were produced by small and medium-sized businesses.<ref name="amatai"/> ===Language=== {{See also|Vilnius#Historic ethnic makeup|Lithuanian language}} [[File:Edict of Vytautas the Great. Issued 1410- 02-16.jpg|thumb|alt=An old manuscript|Edict issued by Vytautas the Great in Vilnius on 16 February 1410 in [[Latin]]]] A [[Multiculturalism|multicultural]] city, Vilnius' language changed over the centuries. The predominant spoken language in [[medieval]] Lithuania was Lithuanian. It had no literary tradition, however, and was not used in writing except for religious texts such as the [[Lord's Prayer]] and the [[Hail Mary]].<ref name="kalbos">{{cite web |title=Raštas ir kalbos viduramžių Lietuvoje |url= | |language=lt |access-date=22 September 2019 |archive-date=27 September 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref><ref name="Dubonis2002" /> [[Vytautas]] the Great spoke in Lithuanian with [[Władysław II Jagiełło|Jogaila]], whose son [[Casimir IV Jagiellon]] also spoke Lithuanian.<ref>{{cite web |title=Ar perrašinėjamos istorijos pasakų įkvėpta Baltarusija gali kėsintis į Rytų Lietuvą? |url= |last=Pancerovas |first=Dovydas |website=[[]] |access-date=1 October 2014 |language=lt}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |last=Statkuvienė |first=Regina |title=Jogailaičiai. Kodėl ne Gediminaičiai? |url= | |access-date=9 November 2018 |language=lt}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=Kurie Lietuvos valdovai mokėjo protėvių kalbą, kurie – ne? / Laida "Lietuva – mūsų lūpose" |url= |archive-url= |archive-date=2021-12-11 |url-status=live |website=YouTube | date=22 February 2021 |publisher=Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania |access-date=12 February 2023 |language=lt}}{{cbignore}}</ref> [[Saint Casimir]], the patron saint of Lithuania, knew Lithuanian, Polish, German and Latin.<ref name="VilniusCathedral">{{cite web |title=Šventojo Kazimiero gyvenimo istorija |url= |website=[[Vilnius Cathedral]] |access-date=3 March 2023 |language=lt |quote=Autorius akcentuoja, kad Kazimieras mokėjęs lietuvių, lenkų, vokiečių ir lotynų kalbas, turėjęs nemažai dorybių: buvo teisingas, susivaldantis, tvirtos dvasios, išmintingas.}}</ref> Fifteenth-century [[Byzantine Empire|Byzantine]] historian [[Laonikos Chalkokondyles]] reported that the Lithuanians had a distinct language.<ref>{{cite web |last=Baronas |first=Darius |title=LDK istorija: Lietuviai bizantiečių akimis |url= |website=[[]] |access-date=20 January 2020 |language=lt}}</ref>{{better source needed|date=December 2022}} [[Ruthenian language|Ruthenian]] was used after the incorporation of [[Kievan Rus']], forming the basis of 19th-century Ukrainian and [[Belarusian language|Belarusian]]. Written Ruthenian stemmed from the interaction of [[Old East Slavic]] with Ruthenian dialects, becoming the main language of the [[Chancery (medieval office)|chancery]] of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 14th and 15th centuries and maintained its dominance until the mid-17th century.<ref name="kalbos" /><ref>{{cite web |last=Zinkevičius |first=Zigmas |title=Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės kanceliarinės slavų kalbos termino nusakymo problema |url= | |language=lt |access-date=22 September 2019 |archive-date=10 July 2009 |archive-url= |url-status=dead}}</ref> {{multiple image | caption_align = center | align = right | direction = horizontal | total_width = 230 | header_align = left/right/center | footer_align = left/right/center | image1 = Lithuanian primer for kids, published in Vilnius, Grand Duchy of Lithuania, 1783 edition.jpg | caption1 = 1783 [[Mokslas skaitymo rašto lietuviško|Lithuanian language primer]], published in Vilnius | alt1 = Title page of an old book | image2 = Constitution of May 3 in Lithuanian language.jpg | caption2 = Manuscript of the [[Constitution of 3 May 1791]] in Lithuanian<ref name="Old Lithuanian texts">{{cite web |title=Lituanistica |url= | |language=lt-LT |access-date=26 June 2017 |archive-date=12 October 2014 |archive-url= |url-status=dead}}</ref> | alt2 = An old manuscript }} Latin and [[Polish language|Polish]] were also widely used in the chancery; Polish replaced Ruthenian in written sources and Lithuanian in public use during the second half of the 17th century. The first state documents in Lithuanian appeared in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania at the end of its existence.<ref name="kalbos" /> At the Vilnius court of [[Sigismund II Augustus]], the last Grand Duke of Lithuania before the [[Union of Lublin]], Polish and Lithuanian were spoken.<ref>{{cite book |last=Stone |first=Daniel |title=The Polish-Lithuanian State, 1386-1795 |date=2001 |publisher=University of Washington Press |isbn=978-0-295-98093-5 |pages=52 |url= |access-date=12 February 2023}}</ref> In 1552, Sigismund ordered that orders from the Magistrate of Vilnius be announced in Lithuanian, Polish, and Ruthenian.<ref>{{cite web |last1=Menelis |first1=E. |last2=Samavičius |first2=R. |title=Vilniaus miesto istorijos chronologija |url= | |access-date=28 March 2021 |language=lt}}</ref> Minorities such as [[Litvaks|Jews]], [[Lipka Tatars]], and [[Crimean Karaites]] were ruled by the Grand Duke of Lithuania, and their languages were only used among themselves.<ref>{{cite web |title=Žydų padėtis LDK |url= | |language=lt |access-date=22 September 2019 |archive-url= |archive-date=22 September 2019}}</ref> According to Article 14 of the Lithuanian constitution, Lithuanian is the [[official language]]; however, [[interpreter]] assistance is sometimes provided.<ref>{{cite web |title=Valstybinės kalbos teisinė informacija |url= | |language=lt |access-date=22 September 2019}}</ref> ===Fashion=== {{multiple image | align = right | direction = horizontal | header = | header_align = left/right/center | header_background = | footer = [[Janusz Radziwiłł (1612–1655)|Janusz Radziwiłł]] ''(left)'', wearing a żupan and kontush belt; Emerencjanna Pociej, wife of [[Ludwik Pociej]], in Western European clothing | footer_align = left/right/center | footer_background = | width = | image1 = Janusz Radziwiłł by Daniel Schultz.PNG | width1 = 130 | alt1 = Painting of a man, standing | image2 = Emerencyjana Paciej (Warszycka). Эмэрэнцыяна Пацей (Варшыцкая) (Á. Mányoki, 1718).jpg | width2 = 180 | alt2 = Painting of a smiling woman in masculine clothing }} According to historian [[Antanas Čaplinskas]], wives of merchants and craftsmen wore rings decorated with gemstones. Sixteenth- and seventeenth-century property inventories list long, wide-sleeved jackets (known as [[kontusz]]), [[żupan]]s decorated with fur, and [[Pas kontuszowy|kontush belts]].<ref name="clothing">{{cite web |title=Vilniečiai mėgo meną, puoštis ir išgerti |url= |access-date=27 January 2020 |archive-url= |website=[[]] |archive-date=27 January 2020 |language=lt}}</ref> [[Button]]s, made of [[pearl]], [[coral]], [[Brilliant (diamond cut)|brilliant-cut diamonds]] and [[emerald]]s, were decorated with diamonds and enamel.<ref name="clothing" /> [[Delia (clothing)|Delias]] and [[dolman]]s were popular with townspeople and nobles.<ref name="ragauskas">{{cite web |last=Ragauskas |first=Aivas |title=LDK istorija: Miestiečių apranga |url= |website=[[]] |access-date=27 January 2020 |language=lt}}</ref> Wealthy townspeople in luxurious clothing aroused the envy of Lithuanian nobility, who demanded laws regulating attire. The 1588 Statute of Lithuania limited townspeople to two rings, and Jews could not wear gold chains and [[brooch]]es.<ref name="clothing" /> Broader restrictions were imposed by the [[Sejm of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth]], which adopted the 1613 Act of Thrift forbidding non-noble townspeople from wearing expensive furs in public.<ref name="clothing" /> Payment of a fee later removed the limitations.<ref name="clothing" /> During the late 18th century, almost all men shaved; their hair was short, and they wore open-front blue, green or black [[tailcoat]]s and [[waistcoat]]s with white or light-yellow trousers;<ref name="ragauskas" /> women's clothing echoed West European styles. In the early 20th century, clothing followed West European fashion trends. The [[State Art Institute of Lithuania]] introduced clothing-design studies, and the Vilnius Model House (popularizing apparel and footwear) was established in 1961.<ref>{{cite web |title=Drabužiai |url= | |access-date=27 January 2020}}</ref> The annual Vilnius spring ''Mados infekcija'' (Fashion Infection), Lithuania's largest [[fashion show]], began in 1999.<ref>{{cite web |title=Fashion Infection |url= | |access-date=27 January 2020}}</ref> Lithuanian clothing designer [[:lt:Juozas Statkevičius|Juozas Statkevičius]] usually presents his shows in the city.<ref>{{cite web |title=J.Statkevičius Vilniuje pristatė savo 2020 m. šiltojo sezono kolekciją: kuo nustebino dizaineris? |url= |website=[[]] |access-date=27 January 2020 |language=lt}}</ref> ===Holidays and festivals=== [[File:Kaziuko muge 2010.jpg|thumb|alt=A crowded street scene|Kaziuko mugė is held each March to honor Saint Casimir.]] Catholic holidays such as [[Christmas]], [[Easter]], and [[Saint John's Eve]]) are widely celebrated.<ref>{{cite web |title=Valstybinės šventės |url= | |access-date=14 October 2019 |language=lt-LT |date=1 September 2011}}</ref> On 16 February (anniversary of the Act of Independence of Lithuania) and 11 March (anniversary of the [[Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania]]), festive and religious events take place in Vilnius.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vasario 16-osios renginių programa |url= | |language=lt-LT |date=28 January 2019}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=Ką veikti kovo 11-ąją Vilniuje? |url= | |access-date=14 October 2019 |language=lt-LT |date=11 March 2018}}</ref> On the evening of 12 January, bonfires are lit to commemorate the January Events.<ref>{{cite web |last=Jačauskas |first=Ignas |title=Vilniuje pagerbiant žuvusius Sausio 13-ąją uždegti atminimo laužai |url= |website=[[]] |access-date=14 October 2019 |language=lt}}</ref> [[Kaziuko mugė]] (Saint Casimir's Fair), held annually in the city's markets and streets on the Sunday nearest to 4 March (the feast of [[Saint Casimir]]), attracts many visitors and Lithuanian and foreign craftspeople. [[Easter palm]]s ({{langx|lt|link=no|Verbos}}) are symbolic of the fair.<ref>{{cite web |title=Kaziuko mugė |url= | |access-date=14 October 2019}}</ref> Capital Days ({{langx|lt|link=no|Sostinės dienos}}), Vilnius' largest festival of music and culture, is held from 30 August to 1 September.<ref>{{cite web |title="Sostinės dienų 2019" programa |url= | |access-date=14 October 2019 |language=lt-LT |date=22 August 2019}}</ref> The river Vilnia is dyed green every year for [[Saint Patrick's Day]].<ref>{{cite web |title=Švento Patriko dieną Vilnelė vėl nusidažys žaliai |url= | |access-date=14 October 2019 |language=lt-LT |date=13 March 2019}}</ref> During the annual [[Vilnius Culture Night]], artists and cultural organisations hold events and performances throughout the city.<ref name="Kulturos Naktos">{{cite web |title=Kulturos Naktos About us |url= |website=Kulturos Naktos |access-date=19 October 2021 |archive-date=27 October 2021 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> ==Administration== ===<span class="anchor" id="City government"></span>Government=== {{See also|Voivode of Vilnius|Mayor of Vilnius}} [[File:Krzysztof Mikołaj "the Thunderbolt" Radziwiłł 1.PNG|thumb|upright=0.8|alt=Painting of an older, bearded man|[[Krzysztof "Piorun" Radziwiłł]] was [[Voivode of Vilnius]] from 1584 to 1603. After his victories against [[Ivan the Terrible]] during the [[Livonian War]], he was nicknamed "the Thunderbolt".]] Before [[Magdeburg rights]] were granted to Vilnius in 1378, the city was ruled by [[vicegerent]]s. Government was later granted to a magistrate or a city council, subordinate to the ruler. In wartime, it was led by a [[Voivode of Vilnius|voivode]].<ref name="government">{{cite web |author1=Antanas Rimvydas Čaplinskas|author1-link=Antanas Rimvydas Čaplinskas |title=Vilniaus istorija: kas vadovavo miestui? |url= | |date=21 March 2010 |access-date=21 March 2010}}</ref> The government headquarters was at Vilnius Town Hall.<ref>{{cite web |title=History |url= | |access-date=31 October 2019}}</ref> The magistrate was responsible for the city's economy: collecting taxes, overseeing the treasury, and accumulating stocks of grain to avoid starvation during famine or wars. He was a [[notary]] in transactions and testaments, a [[judge]] in conflicts involving construction and renovation, and took care of craftspeople; statutes involving workshops were approved by the ruler, but Sigismund II Augustus gave this responsibility to magistrates in 1552. Since a 1522 ruling by [[Sigismund I the Old]], Vilnius magistrates had to protect the city and its residents with 24 armed guards. During wartime, the night watch was conducted by the magistrate, bishop and castle men.<ref name="government" /><ref>{{cite web |title=Magistratas |url= |website=[[]] |access-date=5 November 2019 |language=lt}}</ref> [[File:Rathaus+Kasimir-Kirche.jpg|thumb|alt=Exterior of a large, white building, with a church in the background|The [[Neoclassicism|neoclassical]] [[Town Hall, Vilnius|Town Hall]], designed by [[Laurynas Gucevičius]] in 1799]] The chief city administrator was a Catholic ''vaitas'' (a vicegerent of the Grand Duke of Lithuania),<ref>{{cite web |title=Vaitas |url= | |access-date=5 November 2019 |language=lt}}</ref> most of whom were beginning their careers in the magistracy, and chaired city-council meetings. He adjudicated [[criminal case]]s, with the right to impose capital punishment. Originally examining cases alone, two ''suolininkai'' also began examining important cases in the 16th century. At that time, the city council consisted of 12 [[burgomaster]]s and 24 councilors; half were Catholics, the other half [[Orthodoxy|Orthodox]]). Members were chosen by wealthy townspeople, merchants, and workshop elders. Burgomasters were lifetime appointments; at death, another member of the council with the same religion was chosen. In 1536, Sigismund I the Old signed an edict prohibiting close relatives on the council and requiring prior agreement by the townspeople of new taxes, obligations and regulations.<ref name="government" /> [[File:Vilnius City Municipality building.jpg|thumb|alt=A large, modern building|The [[Vilnius City Municipality Building]] in [[Konstitucijos Avenue]], which houses the city's municipal council and administration]] Under the Russian Empire, the city council was replaced with a [[city duma]].<ref name="LRistorija">{{cite web |title=Vilniaus miesto savivaldybės istorija |url= | |access-date=2 November 2019 |language=lt}}</ref> Vilnius was the capital of the [[Lithuania Governorate]] from 1797 to 1801, the [[Vilna Governorate-General]] from 1794 to 1912, and the [[Vilna Governorate]] from 1795 to 1915.<ref>{{cite web |title=Lietuvos gubernija |url= | |access-date=2 October 2021 |language=lt}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniaus generalgubernatorija |url= | |access-date=2 October 2021 |language=lt}}</ref> After the [[Soviet occupation of Lithuania]], Vilnius was the capital of the [[Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic]].<ref name="LRistorija"/> ====Vilnius City Municipality==== The Vilnius City Municipality is the representative self-government organ, one of 60 [[municipalities of Lithuania]]. In addition to Vilnius proper, it includes the town of [[Grigiškės]], as well as the villages and rural areas of the {{ill|Grigiškės eldership|lt|Grigiškių seniūnija}}.{{cn|date=September 2024}} The {{ill|Vinius City Municipal Council|lt|Vilniaus miesto savivaldybės taryba}}, established in 1990,<ref name="LRistorija"/> is elected to four-year terms, and candidates are nominated by political parties and committees.<ref name="Taryba">{{cite web |title=Vilniaus miesto savivaldybės taryba |url= | |access-date=2 October 2021 |language=lt}}</ref> Beginning with the 2011 elections, independent candidates are permitted.<ref>{{cite web |title=Kandidatų kėlimas |url= | |access-date=2 October 2021 |language=lt}}</ref> Its executive organ is the {{ill|Vilnius City Municipality Administration|lt|Vilniaus miesto savivaldybės administracija}}. Before 2015, mayors were appointed by the council.<ref name="TV3merai">{{cite web |title=Nuo šiol merai Lietuvoje bus renkami tiesiogiai |url= | |access-date=2 October 2021 |language=lt}}</ref> Beginning that year, mayors were elected in a [[two-round system]].<ref name="TV3merai"/> Remigijus Šimašius was the city's first directly elected mayor.<ref>{{cite news |last=Pocytė |first=Kristina |title=Lithuania makes its choice: odd unions raise some, side-line others |quote=R. Šimašius to remain as mayor in Vilnius for another term |url= |work=Delfi: The Lithuania Tribune |location=Lithuania |access-date=16 April 2019 |date=18 March 2019}}</ref> ===Subdivisions=== Elderships, a statewide administrative division, are municipal districts. The 21 elderships are based on neighbourhoods: [[File:Vilniaus seniunijos numeracija.png|thumb|upright=1.5|alt=Numbered map of Vilnius|Map of Vilnius elderships. Numbers on the map correspond with numbers on the list.]] # [[Verkiai]] – includes Baltupiai, [[Jeruzalė]], Santariškės, Balsiai, and Visoriai # [[Antakalnis]] – includes Valakampiai, Turniškės, and Dvarčionys # [[Pašilaičiai]] – includes Tarandė # [[Fabijoniškės]] – includes Bajorai # [[Pilaitė]] # [[Justiniškės]] # [[Viršuliškės]] # [[Šeškinė]] # [[Šnipiškės]] # [[Žirmūnai]] – includes Šiaurės miestelis # [[Karoliniškės]] # [[Žvėrynas]] # [[Grigiškės]] – a town # [[Lazdynai]] # [[Vilkpėdė]] – includes [[Vingis Park]] # [[Naujamiestis, Vilnius|Naujamiestis]] – includes bus and train stations # [[Vilnius Old Town|Senamiestis (Old Town)]] – includes [[Užupis]] # [[Naujoji Vilnia]] – includes Pavilnys and Pūčkoriai # [[Paneriai]] – includes Trakų Vokė and Gariūnai # [[Naujininkai]] – includes Kirtimai, Salininkai, and [[Vilnius International Airport]] # [[Rasos (Vilnius)|Rasos]] – includes Belmontas and Markučiai<ref name="Seniunijos">{{cite web |title=Vilniaus seniūnijos |url= | |access-date=7 July 2019 |language=lt-LT}}</ref> {| class="sortable wikitable" style="text-align:center; font-size:90%;" |- ! Eldership !! Area (km<sup>2</sup>) !! Population<ref>[ 2021m. gyventojų ir būstų surašymas]</ref> !! Density (per km<sup>2</sup>) |- | [[Antakalnis]] | 77.2 | 39,257 | 510 |- | [[Fabijoniškės]] | 4.1 | 37,006 | 9,000 |- | [[Grigiškės]] | 7.1 | 10,335 | 1,500 |- | [[Justiniškės]] | 3.0 | 25,956 | 8,700 |- | [[Karoliniškės]] | 4.0 | 24,751 | 6,200 |- | [[Lazdynai]] | 9.9 | 30,945 | 3,100 |- | [[Naujamiestis, Vilnius|Naujamiestis]] | 4.9 | 28,157 | 5,700 |- | [[Naujininkai]] | 41.1 | 30,030 | 730 |- | [[Naujoji Vilnia]] | 39.3 | 36,800 | 940 |- | [[Paneriai]] | 84.8 | 11,149 | 130 |- | [[Pašilaičiai]] | 7.9 | 40,384 | 5,100 |- | [[Pilaitė]] | 13.9 | 28,234 | 2,000 |- | [[Rasos (district)|Rasos]] | 16.3 | 10,230 | 630 |- | [[Vilnius Old Town|Senamiestis (Old Town)]] | 4.5 | 21,782 | 4,800 |- | [[Šeškinė]] | 4.4 | 28,137 | 6,400 |- | [[Šnipiškės]] | 3.1 | 16,474 | 5,300 |- | [[Verkiai]] | 55.7 | 50,754 | 910 |- | [[Vilkpėdė]] | 10.8 | 19,325 | 1,800 |- | [[Viršuliškės]] | 2.5 | 13,877 | 5,600 |- | [[Žirmūnai]] | 5.7 | 43,453 | 8,600 |- | [[Žvėrynas]] | 2.6 | 12,089 | 4,700 |} ===Vilnius District Municipality=== {{further|Vilnius District Municipality}} [[File:Medininkų pilis iš dangaus - 02.jpg|thumb|alt=Aerial view of an old fortress|[[Medininkai Castle]], built in the first half of the 14th century. It is the largest enclosure-type defensive [[List of castles in Lithuania|castle in Lithuania]] and a primary landmark in the district.<ref>{{cite web |title=Medininkai Castle |url= | |access-date=14 August 2019}}</ref>]] [[File:VilniausRajonas.png|thumb|alt=See caption|Map of Vilnius district]] Vilnius District Municipality ({{langx|lt|links=no|Vilniaus rajono savivaldybė}}), one of the country's largest municipalities, covers {{convert|2129|km2|sqmi}} and has [[Vilnius District Municipality#Elderships|23 elderships]]. There are over 1,000 villages and five towns ([[Nemenčinė]], [[Bezdonys]], [[Maišiagala]], [[Mickūnai]] and [[Šumskas]]) in the district. It borders [[Belarus]] and the [[Švenčionys district|Švenčionys]], [[Molėtai district|Moletai]], [[Širvintos district|Širvintos]], [[Elektrėnai district|Elektrėnai]], [[Trakai district|Trakai]] and [[Šalčininkai district]]s.<ref name="district">{{cite web |title=Vilnius District Municipality – About Us |url= | |access-date=14 August 2019}}</ref> The district has a multinational population, of which 52 percent are [[Poles in Lithuania|Poles]], 33 percent [[Lithuanians]], and the remainder [[Russians in Lithuania|Russians]], [[Belarusians in Lithuania|Belarusians]] and other nationalities (including [[Ukrainians in Lithuania|Ukrainians]]). It has a population of over 100,000; 95 percent live in villages, and five percent live in towns.<ref name="district" /> Vilnius district has Lithuania's highest terrain, with the [[Aukštojas Hill|Aukštojas]], [[Juozapinė Hill|Juozapinė]] and [[Kruopinė Hill]]s over {{convert|290|m}} above [[sea level]].<ref name="district" /> [[Palm Sunday]] is celebrated in the district, and Vilnian Easter palms (''verbos'') are made from dried flowers and herbs.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniaus verbos – spalvingiausios |url= | |date=13 April 2011 |access-date=29 August 2019 |language=lt}}</ref> Palm-making dates to the time of St. Casimir.<ref name="district" /> [[Medininkai Castle]], the [[Liubavas Manor]] mill and Bareikiškės Manor are the district's best-known historic landmarks.<ref name="district" /> From 1769 to 1795, [[Vilnius Voivodeship]] surrounded the independent [[Republic of Paulava]]. The [[European microstates|microstate]], known for its [[Age of Enlightenment|Enlightenment]] values, had its own president, [[peasant]] parliament, army and laws.<ref>{{cite web |title=Paulavos respublika |url= | |access-date=29 January 2020}}</ref> With its large Polish population, the Vilnius District Municipality Council primarily consists of members of the [[Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania]] party.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniaus rajono savivaldybės taryba (rezultatai 2023 m.) |url= | |access-date=29 April 2023 |archive-date=29 April 2023 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> Its mayor is [[Robert Duchniewicz]] of the [[Lithuanian Social Democratic Union]].<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniaus rajono mero ir tarybos priesaika: laimino ir kunigas, ir Č.Juršėnas, R.Duchnevičius tiki derybomis |url= | |language=lt}}</ref> ===National government=== [[File:Baltijas Asamblejas 31.sesija Viļņā (8169464170).jpg|thumb|alt=A large room with horseshoe-shaped seating, seen from above|A Seimas [[plenary session]]]] Vilnius is the seat of Lithuania's [[Government of Lithuania|national government]]. The country's two chief officers have their offices in Vilnius. The [[President of Lithuania|president]] resides at the [[Presidential Palace, Vilnius|Presidential Palace]] in [[Daukanto Square]],<ref>{{cite web |title=Presidential Palace |url= | |access-date=3 July 2019}}</ref> and the [[Prime Minister of Lithuania|prime minister]]'s seat is at the Government of Lithuania office in Gediminas Avenue.<ref>{{cite web |title=Kaip mus rasti? |url= | |access-date=3 July 2019 |language=lt}}</ref> According to law, the president has a residence in Vilnius' Turniškės district near the Neris.<ref>{{cite web |title=Lietuvos Respublikos Prezidentas – Rezidencija |url= | |access-date=3 July 2019 |archive-date=26 July 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=I-56 Lietuvos Respublikos Prezidento įstatymas |url= | |access-date=3 July 2019}}</ref> The prime minister is also has entitled to a residence in Turniškės district during their term in office.<ref>{{cite web |title=Skvernelis su šeima persikraustė į rezidenciją Turniškėse |url= |website=[[DELFI]] |access-date=1 July 2019}}</ref> Government ministries are located throughout the city, many in the Old Town.<ref>{{cite web |title=Ministries of Lithuania |url= | |access-date=3 July 2019 |language=lt |archive-date=27 November 2016 |archive-url= |url-status=dead}}</ref> The [[Seimas]] of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania primarily gathered in Vilnius.<ref>{{cite web |title=Seimas of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania before 1569 |url= | |access-date=30 October 2019}}</ref> The present-day Seimas meets at the [[Seimas Palace]] in Gediminas Avenue.<ref>{{cite web |title=Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania |url= | |access-date=3 July 2019}}</ref> Lithuania's highest courts are in Vilnius. The [[Supreme Court of Lithuania]] ({{langx|lt|link=no|Lietuvos Aukščiausiasis Teismas}}), which reviews criminal and civil cases, is in Gynėjų Street.<ref>{{cite web |title=About the Court |url= | |access-date=3 July 2019}}</ref> The [[Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania]] ({{langx|lt|link=no|Lietuvos vyriausiasis administracinis teismas}}), which adjudicates litigation against public bodies, is in Žygimantų Street.<ref>{{cite web |title=The Court |url= | |access-date=23 July 2023 |archive-date=3 June 2023 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> The [[Constitutional Court of Lithuania]] ({{langx|lt|link=no|Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucinis Teismas}}), an advisory body with authority over the constitutionality of laws, meets in the Constitutional Court Palace in Gediminas Avenue.<ref>{{cite web |title=Constitutional Court of The Republic of Lithuania |url= | |access-date=3 July 2019 |archive-date=25 June 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead}}</ref> The [[Lithuanian Tribunal]], the highest [[appellate court]] for the nobility of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and established by [[Stephen Báthory]] in 1581, was in Vilnius until the [[Third Partition of Poland]] in 1795.<ref>{{cite web |title=Istorija |url= | |access-date=11 July 2019 |language=lt}}</ref> ===Special services=== {{multiple image | caption_align = center | align = right | direction = horizontal | total_width = 300 | header_align = left/right/center | footer_align = left/right/center | image1 = Segway cop.jpg | caption1 = A police officer patrolling with a [[Segway]] | alt1 = A police officer on a motorized scooter | image2 = Emergency Response Center (Vilnius).jpg | caption2 = The Emergency Response Center in [[Antakalnis]], which handles emergency calls in Vilnius | alt2 = Exterior of a large, gray, modern building }} Security in Vilnius is primarily the responsibility of the ''Vilniaus apskrities vyriausiasis policijos komisariatas'', the highest police office in the city, and local police offices. Its main responsibilities are ensuring public order and safety, reporting and investigating criminal offenses, and traffic control.<ref>{{cite web |title=Veiklos sritys |url= | |access-date=2 July 2019 |language=lt}}</ref> In 2016, the city had 1,500 police officers.<ref>{{cite web |title=L. Pernavas: Vilniuje dirba 1 tūkst. 500 policininkų |url= |website=[[DELFI]] |access-date=28 September 2016}}</ref> The [[Public Security Service (Lithuania)|Public Security Service]] is responsible for the prompt restoration of public order in special situations and ensuring the protection of important state objects and escorted subjects.<ref>{{cite web |title=Veiklos sritys |url= | |access-date=2 July 2019 |language=lt}}</ref> ''Vilniaus apskrities priešgaisrinė gelbėjimo valdyba'' is the primary governing body of Vilnius's [[firefighter]]s.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniaus apskrities priešgaisrinė gelbėjimo valdyba |url= | |access-date=2 July 2019}}</ref> There were 1,287 fire incidents in the first nine months of 2018, killing six people and injuring 16.<ref>{{cite web |title=2018 metų devynių mėnesių gaisrų ir gelbėjimo darbų statistika Vilniaus mieste |url= | |access-date=2 July 2019 |archive-date=2 July 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> ''Vilniaus greitosios medicinos pagalbos stotis'' is responsible for [[emergency medical services]] in the city, and the EMS telephone number is 033.<ref>{{cite web |title=Viešoji įstaiga Greitosios medicinos pagalbos stotis |url= | |access-date=2 July 2019 |archive-date=2 July 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> Established in 1902, it is one of eastern Europe's oldest EMS institutions.<ref name="vgmps">{{cite web |title=Apie mus |url= | (VGMPS) |access-date=2 July 2019 |archive-date=2 July 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> Many doctors and other personnel received medals for their assistance to victims of the 1991 January Events.<ref name="vgmps"/> The common number for contacting emergency services in Vilnius and other parts of Lithuania is 112.<ref>{{cite web |title=112 – Skubi Pagalba |url= | |access-date=2 July 2019}}</ref> ==Cityscape== {{See also|Vilnius Central Business District}} {{scalable image|Vilnius Old Town Skyline at dusk, Lithuania - Diliff.jpg|1000px|alt=Large photo of Vilnius, seen from above|Panorama of Vilnius Old Town, seen from [[Gediminas' Tower]] at dusk. Vilnius has one of the largest and best-preserved old towns in [[Northern Europe|northern]], [[Eastern Europe|eastern]], and [[central Europe]].<ref name="unesco">{{cite web |title=Vilnius Historic Centre |url= |website=[[UNESCO]] |access-date=12 August 2019}}</ref><ref name="TheCapital">{{cite web |title=The capital – Vilnius |url= | |access-date=12 August 2019 |archive-date=12 August 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref><ref name="VWH">{{cite web |title=Vilnius Historic Centre, Lithuania |url= | |access-date=28 January 2023 |archive-date=8 February 2023 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref><ref name="Lurk">{{cite web |title=Main facts about Lithuania |url= |website=Lithuanian University Rectors' Conference |access-date=28 January 2023 |archive-date=7 February 2023 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> Its skyline is dominated by [[List of churches in Vilnius|spires of churches]] dating to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.<ref>{{cite book |last1=Bideleux |first1=Robert |last2=Jeffries |first2=Ian |title=A history of Eastern Europe: crisis and change |date=1998 |publisher=Routledge |isbn=978-0415161114 |page=122}}</ref><ref name="VWH"/>|tooltip=no}} ===Urbanism and architecture=== [[File:Vilnius St Anns church.jpg|thumb|alt=Exterior of two old, red churches|[[Church of St. Anne, Vilnius|St. Anne's Church]] and the [[Church of St. Francis and St. Bernard, Vilnius|Church of St. Francis and St. Bernard]] are examples of [[Gothic architecture in Lithuania]].]] [[File:St. Peter and St. Paul's Church 1, Vilnius, Lithuania - Diliff.jpg|thumb|alt=Interior of a large Baroque church|The [[Baroque architecture|Baroque]] [[Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Vilnius|Church of St. Peter and St. Paul]] was built by [[Michał Kazimierz Pac]] to commemorate victory over the Muscovites and their expulsion from Vilnius after six years of occupation.]] The Old Town covers about {{cvt|3.6|km2}}, and its history dates to the [[Neolithic]]. The glacial hills were intermittently occupied, and a wooden castle was built at the confluence of the Neris and Vilnia {{circa|1000 AD}} to fortify [[Gedimino Hill]]. The settlement developed into a town in the 13th century, when the [[pagan]] [[Baltic people]] were invaded by [[Western Europeans]] during the [[Lithuanian Crusade]]. Around 1323 (the first written sources about Vilnia), it was the capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and had a few brick buildings. By the 15th century, the duchy extended from the [[Baltic Sea|Baltic]] to the [[Black Sea]] (primarily present-day Belarus, Ukraine and Russia). The historic centre consists of [[Vilnius Castle Complex|three castles]] (Upper, Lower and Curved) and the area previously encircled by the [[Wall of Vilnius]]. It is mainly circular, centered on the original castle site. Streets are small and narrow, with large squares later developed.<ref name="unesco" /> [[Pilies Street]], the main artery, links the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania with Vilnius Town Hall. Other streets are lined with the palaces of feudal lords and landlords, churches, shops and craftspeople's workrooms. Historic buildings feature [[Gothic architecture|Gothic]],<ref>{{cite web |title=Gotika |url= | |access-date=12 August 2019}}</ref> [[Renaissance architecture|Renaissance]],<ref>{{cite web |title=Renesansas |url= | |access-date=12 August 2019}}</ref> [[Baroque architecture|Baroque]]<ref>{{cite web |title=Barokas |url= | |access-date=12 August 2019}}</ref> and [[classical architecture]].<ref>{{cite web |title=Klasicizmas |url= | |access-date=12 August 2019}}</ref> The variety of preserved churches and former palaces of the Lithuanian nobility exemplifies Vilnius' multicultural heritage.<ref name="unesco" /><ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniaus architektūra |url= | |access-date=12 August 2019}}</ref> Lithuanians and others shaped the development of the capital, with Western and Eastern influences. Lithuania was [[Christianization of Lithuania|Christianized]] in 1387, but Eastern Orthodoxy and the growing importance of [[Judaism]] led to construction of the [[Cathedral of the Theotokos, Vilnius|Orthodox Cathedral of the Theotokos]] and the [[Great Synagogue of Vilna]]).<ref name="unesco" /> [[File:Vilnius Cathedral Chapel of Saint Casimir, Vilnius, Lithuania - Diliff.jpg|thumb|alt=An ornate chapel, seen from the side|The 17th-century Chapel of Saint Casimir, the [[patron saint]] of Lithuania and its youth, in [[Vilnius Cathedral]]]] Disasters resulted in building reconstructions in [[Vilnian Baroque]] style, which later influenced the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.<ref name="unesco" /><ref name="VilniusBaroqueVWH" /> Artists such as [[Matteo Castelli]] and [[Pietro Perti]]) from the present-day [[Canton of Ticino]] were preferred by the Grand Duke and local nobility, and designed the [[Chapel of Saint Casimir]].<ref>{{cite web |title=Ar žinojote, kad Vilniaus barokinės architektūros perlus sukūrė šveicarai, o ne italai? |url= |website=[[]] |access-date=28 August 2019 |language=lt}}</ref> The Lithuanian [[Laurynas Gucevičius]] was a noted classical architect in the city.<ref>{{cite web |title=Laurynas Gucevičius: kaip formavosi žymiausio architekto vardas |url= | |access-date=28 August 2019 |archive-date=12 December 2017 |archive-url= |url-status=dead}}</ref> The {{convert|352|ha|acre|adj=on}} Old Town was designated as a [[World Heritage Site|UNESCO World Heritage Site]] in 1994. The Vilnius Historic Centre is noted for maintaining its medieval street pattern with no significant gaps. Some places were damaged during Lithuania's occupations and wars, including [[Cathedral Square, Vilnius|Cathedral Square]] (demolished in 1795) and a square east of the [[Church of All Saints, Vilnius|Church of All Saints]] where the [[Church of St. Joseph the Betrothed, Vilnius|Convent of the Barefoot Carmelites]] stood with [[Deputy Chancellor of Lithuania|Vice-Chancellor]] [[Stefan Pac]]'s Baroque [[Church of St. Joseph the Betrothed, Vilnius|Church of St. Joseph the Betrothed]] (both demolished by the [[tsar]]. The Great Synagogue and part of the buildings in [[Vokiečių Street]] were demolished after World War II.<ref name="unesco" /> Vilnius covers {{convert|401|km2|sqmi}}, of which one-fifth is developed; the remainder is greenspace and water. The city is known as one of Europe's "greenest" capital cities.<ref>{{cite web |title=About Vilnius |url= | |access-date=12 August 2019 |archive-date=12 August 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> ===Crypts=== Notable Lithuanian Catholics are interred in the crypts of Vilnius Cathedral. Grand Duke [[Alexander Jagiellon]], Queen [[Elizabeth of Austria (1436–1505)|Elizabeth of Austria]], [[Barbara Radziwiłł]], and the heart of Grand Duke Władysław IV Vasa are buried at the Royal Mausoleum. These crypts have one of the country's oldest frescoes, painted in the late 14th or early 15th century after Lithuania was Christianized.<ref>{{cite web |title=Crypts |url= | |access-date=3 October 2019 |archive-date=24 September 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> ===Housing=== [[File:Vilnius Pilies street.jpg|thumb|alt=Pedestrians on a narrow street|Pilies Street has a medieval atmosphere.]] Vilnius Old Town ({{langx|lt|link=no|Vilniaus senamiestis}}), with medieval stone-paved streets, and Užupis have prestigious housing, with [[apartment]]s featuring views of iconic churches and urban landmarks (particularly [[Gediminas Tower]]), enclosed inner courtyards, high ceilings, attics, non-standard layouts and luxurious interiors;<ref name="asa">{{cite web |title=Patraukliausi Vilniaus rajonai |url= | |access-date=13 August 2019 |language=lt}}</ref> Flats in these neighbourhoods may cost millions of [[euro]]s.<ref>{{cite web |title=Flats in Vilnius Senamiestis and Užupis |url= | |access-date=13 August 2019}}</ref> Traffic jams, expensive parking, air pollution, high maintenance costs and limitations on renovation, however, also encourage wealthy Vilnians to buy or build [[private house]]s in outlying parts of the city such as [[Balsiai]], [[Bajorai]], [[Pavilnys]], [[Kalnėnai]] and [[Pilaitė]] or the nearby [[Vilnius District Municipality]].<ref name="asa" /> Around 21,000 residents live in the Old Town, and 7,000 in Užupis.<ref name="Mikrorajonai">{{cite web |title=Mikrorajonai |url= | |access-date=13 August 2019}}</ref> [[File:Valakampiai neighborhood.jpg|thumb|alt=A scenic riverside neighborhood, seen from above|Part of the Valakampiai neighborhood in [[Antakalnis]] on the Neris, seen from [[Verkiai Palace]]]] [[File:Savanoriu avenue Vilnius.JPG|thumb|Helios City complex in [[Naujamiestis, Vilnius|Naujamiestis]] with [[shopping mall]] and apartments]] [[:lt:Valakampiai|Valakampiai]] and [[:lt:Turniškės|Turniškės]] are prestigious neighborhoods, with private houses on large lots surrounded by [[Scots pine|pine]] forests which are easily accessible from the city centre. Wealthy people and heads of state (such as the president) live there, and most of the larger private houses costs millions of euros.<ref name="asa" /><ref>{{cite web |title=Houses in Vilnius Valakampiai and Turniškės |url= | |access-date=13 August 2019}}</ref> Part of the [[Žvėrynas]] neighbourhood has luxurious private houses near Vingis Park, but it also has Soviet-era apartment buildings and wooden houses in poor condition.<ref name="Mikrorajonai" /><ref name="asa" /> Neighbourhoods around the Old Town (Antakalnis, Žirmūnai, Naujamiestis, and Žvėrynas) have a variety of flats and green space, and are popular with [[middle class|middle-class]] residents. Wealthier people live in a new construction or renovated Soviet-era apartments.<ref name="asa" /> The government is supportive of renovation, and reimburses 30 percent or more of the cost.<ref>{{cite web |title=Keičiasi renovacijos rėmimo tvarka |url= | |access-date=13 August 2019}}</ref> Poorer residents and low-income [[pensioner]]s, however, foster [[Regionalism (politics)|regionalism]].<ref>{{cite web |title=Šilti namai ne visur: kodėl kai kurios savivaldybės neskuba atnaujinti daugiabučių? |url= | |access-date=13 August 2019 |language=lt}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=Didmiesčiai liko be naujų renovacijos planų |url= | |access-date=7 October 2019 |language=lt |archive-date=7 October 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> More-distant neighbourhoods, such as Lazdynai, Karoliniškės, Viršuliškės, [[Šeškinė]], Justiniškės, Pašilaičiai, Fabijoniškės and [[Naujininkai]], have more-affordable housing. Their disadvantages are a longer commute, unrenovated Soviet-era [[high-rise building]]s, traffic congestion and a shortage of parking spaces near older apartments.<ref name="asa" /><ref>{{cite web |title=Prestižiniai Vilniaus rajonai: ar išlaikys miestiečių išbandymą? |url= |website=[[]] |access-date=13 August 2019 |language=lt}}</ref> [[File:Vilnia, Śnipiški, Jezuicki. Вільня, Сьніпішкі, Езуіцкі (L. Bichebois, 1848-49).jpg|thumb|alt=19th-century painting of a large church on a river|Mid-19th-century painting of the Chapel of Jesus of Šnipiškės]] The [[Šnipiškės]] eldership has received significant investment during the 2010s. The area was first mentioned in 1536, when Grand Duke Sigismund I the Old ordered [[Ulrich Hosius]] to build a wooden bridge over the Neris and a suburb developed around the bridge. That century, a building for [[Grand Duchy of Moscow|Muscovite]] and [[Tatars|Tatar]] messengers was built by the magistrate of Vilnius north of Šnipiškės.<ref>{{cite web |title=Šnipiškės. Nuo skurdaus priemiesčio iki patogaus centro |url= | |access-date=31 August 2019 |language=lt}}</ref> The Jesuit [[Church of St. Raphael the Archangel, Vilnius|Church of St. Raphael the Archangel]] and monastery and housing for wealthy and middle-class townspeople were built in Šnipiškės during the 18th century. Craftspeople lived on the outskirts, where a smoking-pipe factory, sawmills and a small candy factory were built. The {{convert|8|ha|acre|adj=on}} Skansenas neighbourhood, west of the Kalvarijų market,<ref>{{cite web |title=Šnipiškių dalis, vad. Skansenu |url= | |access-date=5 March 2021 |language=lt |archive-date=19 November 2016 |archive-url= |url-status=dead}}</ref> has late-19th-century wooden houses. Nearby Piromontas<ref>{{cite web |title=Šnipiškių dalis, vad. Piromontu |url= | |access-date=5 March 2021 |language=lt |archive-date=19 November 2016 |archive-url= |url-status=dead}}</ref> was built at the same time. During the 1960s, Šnipiškės was renamed the [[Vilnius Central Business District|New City Centre]]. It had the city's first pedestrian zone and a number of buildings, including the country's largest shopping centre, a large hotel, a planetarium, a museum and a number of ministries of the Lithuanian SSR, were built before 1990.<ref>"Statyba ir architektūra", 1964, 2, pp. 1–2</ref><ref>articles in "Statyba ir architektūra", 1964, 11</ref><ref>"Statyba ir architektūra", 1973, 8, pp. 1–3</ref><ref>"Lietuvos TSR istorijos ir kultūros paminklų sąvadas. 1 dalis Vilniaus paminklai", 1988, 383. Naujasis miesto centras; pp. 506–509</ref><ref>Marija Drėmaitė, "Baltic modernism Architecture and housing in soviet Lithuania", pp. 220–224,</ref> Šnipiškės north of [[Konstitucijos Avenue]] was underdeveloped until the early 2000s, when the new [[Vilnius city municipality building]] spurred construction of Europa Square with a shopping centre, a 33-story office building and a 27-story apartment building. The former Museum of the Revolution became the National Art Gallery in the late 2000s.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniaus naujojo miesto centro transformacijos |url= | |access-date=31 August 2019 |language=lt |date=13 September 2018}}</ref> [[File:Paupys 2 by Augustas Didzgalvis.jpg|thumb|alt=Aerial view of dense riverside housing|Modern housing in Paupys]] According to economists, the number of transactions and the housing affordability index reached record highs in 2019 because of increased city-residents' income and slowing price increases for flats.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniuje būsto įperkamumas ir butų sandorių skaičius muša rekordus |url= | |access-date=13 August 2019 |language=lt}}</ref> One-fourth of residents 26 to 35 years old still live in homes owned by their parents or other relatives, however, the highest percentage in the Baltic states.<ref>{{cite web |title=Tyrimas: lietuviai tėvų namus palieka vėliausiai Baltijos šalyse |url= | |access-date=13 August 2019 |language=lt |archive-date=13 August 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> ==Demographics== {{Main|Demographics of Vilnius}} {{Further|Demographic history of Vilnius|Demographic history of the Vilnius region}} [[File:Vilnius population pyramid.svg|thumb|alt=A red-and-blue graph|Vilnius [[population pyramid]] in 2021]] In the eldership of [[Vilkpėdė]], remnants of a [[Magdalenian]] settlement were found which date to {{circa|10000 BC}}. Kairėnai, Pūčkoriai and Naujoji Vilnia had large settlements during the first millennium AD.<ref name="historyvle">{{cite web |title=Vilniaus istorija |url= | |access-date=8 November 2019 |language=lt}}</ref> The most densely-populated area was the confluence of the Neris and Vilnia, which had fortified homesteads.<ref name="historyvle" /> According to some historians, Vilnius could have been a city during the [[Kingdom of Lithuania]] times: King [[Mindaugas]] did not permanently live there, however, may have built Lithuania's first Catholic church for his [[coronation]] there. It is well established, however, that Vilnius existed as a city during the times of [[Traidenis]] and [[Vytenis]]. The first mention in the historical sources as a capital in 1323 in the [[Letters of Gediminas|letters to the Western cities]] of [[Gediminas]]. It became a multicultural city, with 14th-century sources noting that it consisted of a Great (Lithuanian) city and a [[Ruthenians|Ruthenian]] one. By the 16th century, [[Germans|German]] merchants, artisans, Jews and [[Tatars]] had also settled in Vilnius. During the 16th– and 17th-century [[Reformation]] and [[Counter-Reformation]], the city's Polish-speaking population began to grow; by the middle of the 17th century, most writing was in Polish.<ref name="historyvle"/> City was inhabited by a large number of [[Italians|Italian]] and [[Swiss people|Swiss]] artisans as well and generally all the European nations were presented to an extent (those included [[Vilnius university]] professors and students among whom there were [[French people|French]], [[Spaniards|Spanish]], [[Swedes]] and even some [[Croatians]] as Tomaš Zdelarius, musicians at the [[Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania]] or such military servants as [[Hungarians|Hungarian]] [[Gáspár Bekes]]). Because of many nations inhabiting the city, in the 16th-18th. centuries it was known and nicknamed in Western sources as [[Babylon]] of Europe.<ref name="S. Bodniak 1930 p. 37">Especially in the 16th–17th centuries, Vilnius was called the ‘New Babylon’ because of the many languages spoken there, as well as its many religions (various Christian denominations as well as Jews and a Muslim Tatar community). E.g.: S. Bodniak, "Polska w relacji włoskiej z roku 1604", Pamiętnik biblioteki kórnickiej, 2, (Kórnik, 1930), p. 37.</ref> By the inter-war period, after the brief [[Polish–Lithuanian War]] and the annexation of the so-called [[Republic of Central Lithuania]] by Poland, the population became overwhelmingly Polish with very significant Jewish minority. Because of the annexation, the 1931 Polish census recorded only 0.8% Lithuanians. After World War II, the number of ethnic Lithuanians in Vilnius rebounded; however, Lithuanization was soon replaced with [[Sovietization of the Baltic states|Sovietization]],<ref name="diana427">{{cite web |last=Janušauskienė |first=Diana |title=Tolerancijos apraiškos Lietuvoje: vertybinės nuostatos tautinių mažumų atžvilgiu |date=1 October 2012 |page=427 |url= |access-date=14 January 2020 |archive-date=17 November 2018 |archive-url= |url-status=dead}}</ref><ref name="Snyder 92-93">{{cite book |last=Snyder |first=Timothy |title=The Reconstruction of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569–1999 |publisher=Yale University Press |year=2003 |isbn=978-0-300-10586-5 |pages=92–93}}</ref> and the population became a mix of Lithuanians, Russians and Poles. Following independence in 1990, for the first time in modern history Lithuanians became a clear majority, increasing to 63.2 percent in 2011 and 67.4 percent in 2021.<ref name="2011census">{{cite book |url= |title=Lietuvos gyventojai 2011 metais (2011 m. gyventojų surašymo rezultatai / Lithuanian 2011 Population Census in Brief) |publisher=Statistics Department of Lithuania |isbn=978-9955-797-17-3 |trans-title=Population of Lithuania in 2011 (Population Census 2011 results) |access-date=11 March 2019}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Ethnic composition of Lithuania 2021 |}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Rodiklių duomenų bazė - Oficialiosios statistikos portalas |}}</ref> ===Evolution=== Demographic evolution of Vilnius between 1766 and 2024: {{Historical populations | percentages = pagr | cols = 3 | align = center | clear = both | source =<ref>{{cite web |url=|date=2023-01-05|title=Gyventoju skaicius pagal savivaldybes 2023|}}</ref><ref name=JJVMAT>{{cite book |author1=Juozas Jurginis |author2=Vytautas Merkys |author3=Adolfas Tautavičius |title=Vilniaus miesto istorija |language=lt |trans-title=Vilnius city history |location=Vilnius |publisher=Mintis |year=1968}}</ref>{{rp|214, 303}}<ref> {{cite book |title=Lexykon geograficzny, dla gruntownego poięcia gazet i historyi z różnych autorów zebrany, przetłumaczony i napisany przez x. Hilaryona Karpińskiego, Z. S. Bazylego w prowincyi litewskiey kapłana i teologa. Po śmierci iego, z przydatkiem odmian, które zaszły, z wykładem na początku terminów geograficznych, i słownikiem nazwisk łacińskich na końcu położonym, do druku podany |language=pl |trans-title=A geographic Lexicon, for the thorough help of newspapers and histories from various authors collected, translated and written by x. Hilaryon Karpiński, Z. S. Bazyli in the provinces and a Lithuanian priest and theologian. After the death of iego, with the advent of variations that have occurred, with a lecture at the beginning of geographical terms, and a dictionary of Latin names at the end, printed for publication |quote=Mieszkancow zaś dufz liczy na 60,000. |location=Vilnius |year=1766 |page=602}}</ref><ref> {{cite book |title=Słownik geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i innych krajów słowiańskich, Tom XIII |language=pl |trans-title=Geographical dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland and other Slavic countries, Volume XIII |page=493 |year=1893 |location=Warsaw |publisher=Filipa Sulimierskiego i Władysława Walewskiego |url= |access-date=10 March 2018}}</ref> ¹ Sharp decline after the [[Vilnius uprising (1794)]]; ² Decline of population due to [[French invasion of Russia|Napoleonic wars]] and the aftermath; ³ Sharp decline of population of Vilnius because of World War I and the aftermath during the clashes around [[Lithuanian Wars of Independence|Vilnius]]. These resulted in evacuation of Russian military, bureaucracy and the majority of its Russian inhabitants from Vilnius in 1915, as well as fleeing or evacuation of other Vilnius inhabitants of various communities (mostly Jewish and Lithuanian) to Russia and rural parts of Lithuania;<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=The Great War in Lithuania 1914–1918}}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal |url= |first=Vida |last=Pukienė |title=Voronežas – lietuvių švietimo židinys Rusijoje Pirmojo pasaulinio karo metais |language=lt |journal=Istorija }}{{Dead link|date=January 2024 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref> ⁴ Rise of population due to influx of [[Invasion of Poland#German invasion|Polish and Jewish war refugees]]<ref>{{cite book |url= |title=Iš nežinios į nežinią: Antrojo pasaulinio karo atbėgėliai Lietuvoje |language=lt |trans-title=From one uncertainty to another uncertainty: World War II refugees in Lithuania |location=Kaunas |publisher=National M.K. Čiurlionis Art Museum |year=2015 |isbn=978-9955-471-55-4}}</ref> and migration of Lithuanian bureaucracy, students from [[Temporary capital of Lithuania|temporary capital]] [[Kaunas]] and other localities in Lithuania; ⁵ Sharp decline of population after atrocities of [[German occupation of Lithuania during World War II|World War II]] and [[The Holocaust in Lithuania|The Holocaust]]<ref name="">{{cite web|url=|title=Resident population by city / town at the middle of the year|language=en |website=Vilnius |publisher=Statistics Department of Lithuania|date=1 July 2023 |access-date=24 July 2023}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= | date=2024-01-22 |title=Resident population on 1 January |}}</ref> |1766|60,000 |1796¹|17,500 |1800|25,400 |1811|56,300 |1818²|33,600 |1822|43,900 |1830|42,000 |1834|52,400 |1836|56,100 |1839|54,700 |1846|54,200 |1852|65,400 |1860|60,000 |1870|64,200 |1875|82,700 |1885|102,900 |1897|154,500 |1909|205,200 |1911|238,600 |1916|140,800 |1919³|128,500 |1923|167,400 |1931|195,100 |1939|209,400 |1941⁴|270,000 |1944⁵|110,000 |1959|236,100 |1970|372,100 |1979|481,000 |1985|544,400 |1989|576,700 |1990|597,000 |1992|644,600 |1995|578,327 |1996|571,164 |1997|565,881 |1998|562,353 |1999|558,816 |2000|554,281 |2001|550,924 |2002|550,213 |2003|548,729 |2004|546,773 |2005|542,525 |2006|541,732 |2007|541,596 |2008|542,969 |2009|543,191 |2010|536,127 |2011|533,279 |2012|537,152 |2013|539,707 |2014|542,626 |2015|543,493 |2016|545,280 |2017|547,484 |2018|552,131 |2019|561,836 |2020|569,729 |2021|563,012 |2022|576,195 |2023|593,436 |2024|602,430 }} ==Economy== {{scalable image|The White Bridge and Šnipiškės district in Vilnius in 2023 by Augustas Didžgalvis.jpg|650px|alt=Aerial view of the skyline and a bridge|A number of international companies have local or regional headquarters in the [[Vilnius Central Business District]].|tooltip=no}} [[File:Vilnius Modern Skyline At Dusk, Lithuania - Diliff.jpg|thumb|alt=Aerial view of the city|The skyline at dusk, with the new city centre ([[Šnipiškės]]) housing [[List of banks in Lithuania|banks]], financial services and businesses headquarters]] [[File:Europa Tower in Vilnius, Lithuania.jpg|thumb|upright=0.8|[[Europa Tower]], the [[List of tallest buildings in the Baltic states|tallest building in the Baltics]], is a symbol of modern Vilnius.]] Vilnius is Lithuania's economic centre, with a per-capita GDP in the metropolitan area of almost [[EUR|€]]30,000.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Lietuvos statistikos departamentas |publisher=Department of Statistics to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania |date=2020-12-15}}</ref> The city's budget reached €1.0&nbsp;billion in 2022.<ref>{{cite web |title=2022 m. Vilniaus miesto biudžetas |url= |access-date=5 March 2021 |language=lt-LT |date=22 January 2020}}</ref> In the second quarter of 2024, the average monthly salary in Vilnius was €2,501.1 (gross) and €1,526.2 (net).<ref>{{cite web |date=2 September 2024 |title=Darbo užmokestis regionuose ir savivaldybėse |url= |access-date=2 September 2024 |language=lt-LT}}</ref> [[File:K29 business centre in Vilnius by Augustas Didzgalvis.jpg|thumb|upright=0.8|alt=Aerial view of a modern, oval building|The K29 business centre is the first office in the Baltic states to receive an excellent [[BREEAM]] rating.<ref>{{cite web |title=Biurų pastatui Konstitucijos prospekte suteiktas aukščiausias Baltijos šalyse tvarumo įvertinimas |url= |website=[[]] |access-date=31 August 2019 |language=lt}}</ref>]] Lithuania's economic growth has been uneven, with [[Gross domestic product|GDP]] per capita at nearly 110 percent of the EU average in Vilnius but from 42 to 77 percent in other regions. The country's [[Convergence (economics)|convergence]] is fuelled by two regions (Vilnius and [[Kaunas County]]) which produce 42 and 20 percent of the national GDP, respectively. From 2014 to 2016, the Vilnius region grew by 4.6 percent.<ref>{{cite book |title=Country Report Lithuania 2019 |date=27 February 2019 |publisher=European Commission |location=Brussels |page=10 |url= |access-date=2 July 2019}}</ref> The supply of new housing in Vilnius and its suburbs has reached post-recession highs, and the stock of unsold apartments in Lithuania's three largest cities has begun to increase since the beginning of 2017. Demand for housing is strong, fuelled by rising wages, benign financial conditions and positive expectations. In the first half of 2018, the number of monthly transactions was the highest since its 2007–2008 peak.<ref>{{cite book |title=Country Report Lithuania 2019 |date=27 February 2019 |publisher=European Commission |location=Brussels |page=22 |url= |access-date=2 July 2019}}</ref> Most [[foreign direct investment]] and productive public investment in Lithuania is concentrated on Vilnius and Kaunas.<ref>{{cite book |title=Country Report Lithuania 2019 |date=27 February 2019 |publisher=European Commission |location=Brussels |page=42 |url= |access-date=2 July 2019}}</ref> Vilnius Industrial Park, 18.5 kilometres from the city, is intended for commercial and industrial use.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilnius Industrial Park |url= | |access-date=31 August 2019}}</ref> ===Science and research=== [[File:Vilnius University M. K. Sarbievijus Courtyard, Vilnius, Lithuania - Diliff.jpg|thumb|alt=An old university courtyard|The Vilnius University Astronomical Observatory]] Vilnius resident [[Tito Livio Burattini]] published ''Misura universale'' in 1675, in which he first suggested the term [[metre]] as a unit of length.<ref>{{cite book |last=Lucendo |first=Jorge |title=Centuries of Inventions: Encyclopedia and History of Inventions |date=23 April 2020 |publisher=Jorge Lucendo |page=246 |url= |access-date=2 August 2021}}</ref> The [[Vilnius University Astronomical Observatory]], established in 1753 at the initiative of [[Thomas Zebrowski]], was one of Europe's first [[observatory|observatories]] and the first in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniaus universiteto Astronomijos observatorija |url= | |access-date=7 March 2021 |language=lt-lt |archive-date=25 September 2021 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> [[Marcin Odlanicki Poczobutt]] led the reconstruction of the observatory, designed by [[Marcin Knackfus]], from 1770 to 1772. Poczobutt began his [[Observational astronomy|astronomical observations]] in 1773, recording them in the journal ({{langx|fr|Cahiers des observations}}), and created the constellation ''[[Taurus Poniatovii]]''.<ref>{{cite web |title=Martynas Počobutas |url= | |access-date=7 March 2021 |language=lt}}</ref> [[Jean-Emmanuel Gilibert]] established the [[Botanical Garden of Vilnius University]] in 1781 with over 2,000 plants, and provided the first [[herbarium]]s, collections of stuffed animals and birds, [[Paleobotany|fossil plants]], animal remains, and a collection of [[minerals]] to Vilnius University.,<ref>{{cite web |title=Jean Emmanuel Gilibert |url= | |access-date=7 March 2021 |language=lt}}</ref> The observatory published the Russian Empire's first [[exact sciences]] journal, the ''Journal of Mathematical Sciences'' ({{langx|ru|link=no|Вестник математических наук}}), after the Third Partition of Poland.<ref name="Klimka"/> [[File:APC centrai.jpg|thumb|alt=Aerial view of modern buildings and green space|Scientific centres and university faculties at Sunrise Valley]] Sunrise Valley Science and Technology Park ({{langx|lt|link=no|Saulėtekio slėnio mokslo ir technologijų parkas}}) is a non-profit organization which was founded in 2003. Over 20,000 students study in the Vilnius University and [[Vilnius Gediminas Technical University]] facilities in Sunrise Valley, and 5,000 scientists conduct research in its science centres.<ref>{{cite web |title=About us |url= | |access-date=25 September 2019}}</ref> The Centre for Physical Sciences and Technology ({{langx|lt|link=no|Fizinių ir technologijos mokslų centras}}, FTMC) is the country's largest scientific research institution, specialising in [[laser]] technology, [[optoelectronics]], [[nuclear physics]], [[organic chemistry]], [[Biotechnology|bio]] and [[nanotechnology]], electrochemical [[materials science]], and [[electronics]]. The centre was created in 2010 with the merger of the institutes of chemistry, physics and semiconductor physics in Vilnius and the Textile institute in Kaunas.<ref>{{cite web |title=About us |url= | |access-date=25 September 2019}}</ref> With 250 laboratories (24 open to the public), it can accommodate over 700 researchers and students.<ref>{{cite web |title="Open House Vilnius" open architecture weekend |url= | |access-date=25 September 2019}}</ref> The centre has a [[Doctor of Philosophy|PhD program]] and hosts annual conferences of PhD students and young researchers.<ref>{{cite web |title=FTMC announces an annual Conference |url= | – FizTech 2018 |access-date=25 September 2019}}</ref> FTMC is the founder and sole shareholder of the Science and Technology Park of Institute of Physics in Savanorių Avenue, which assists companies with [[research and development]].<ref>{{cite web |title=Research center |url= | |access-date=25 September 2019}}</ref> Vilnius University's Laser Research Centre ({{langx|lt|link=no|Vilniaus universiteto Lazerinių tyrimų centras}}) is one of five departments in the university's Faculty of Physics, which prepares physicists, laser physicists and laser-technology specialists. The department conducts research in [[laser physics]], [[nonlinear optics]], optical-component characterization, [[biophotonics]] and laser [[microtechnology]].<ref>{{cite web |title=About |url= |}}</ref> Lithuania has over 50 percent of the world's market share in [[ultrashort pulse]]s lasers produced by Vilnius-based companies.<ref name="laser">{{cite web |title=Lietuviai pagamino vieną galingiausių lazerių pasaulyje |url= |website=[[DELFI]] |access-date=26 September 2019}}</ref> A laser system was produced in 2019 for the [[Extreme Light Infrastructure]] laboratory in [[Szeged]] which produces high-intensity, ultra-short pulses with a peak power up to 1,000 times that of the most powerful [[nuclear power plant]] in the United States.<ref name="laser" /> [[Corning Inc.]] bought a glass-cutting licence from the Vilnius-based laser company Altechna and for manufacturing [[Gorilla Glass]].<ref>{{cite web |title=Lithuanian R&D company signs major deal with US market leader |url= | |access-date=5 October 2019}}</ref> [[File:VSiksnys.jpg|thumb|upright=0.9|alt=A smiling, bespectacled man speaking into a microphone|Virginijus Šikšnys is a biochemist at Vilnius University.]] The Vilnius University Life Sciences Centre ({{langx|lt|link=no|Vilniaus universiteto Gyvybės mokslų centras}}) is a scientific research centre which consists of three institutes: the Institute of Biochemistry, Institute of Biosciences, and Institute of Biotechnology. The centre was opened in 2016 and has 800 students, 120 PhD students, 200 teaching staff, and open-access scientific laboratories with advanced equipment.<ref>{{cite web |title=About Us |url= |access-date=25 September 2019 | |language=lt}}</ref> It has a technology [[business incubator]] for small and medium businesses in the life sciences or related fields.<ref>{{cite web |title=Technologinis verslo inkubatorius |url= | |access-date=25 September 2019 |language=lt |archive-date=3 August 2020 |archive-url= |url-status=dead}}</ref> Vilnius Gediminas Technical University has three research centres at Sunrise Valley: the Civil Engineering Research Centre, Technology Centre for Building Information and Digital Modelling, and Competence Centre of Intermodal Transport and Logistics.<ref>{{cite web |title=Research Centres |url= | |access-date=25 September 2019}}</ref> The Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences ({{langx|lt|link=no|Lietuvos socialinių mokslų centras}}), which cooperates with the Lithuanian government, produces and disseminates scientific information in the fields of economics, sociology and law to implement public policy.<ref>{{cite web |title=About LCSS |url= |access-date=2 October 2019 |}}</ref> Santara Valley ({{langx|lt|link=no|Santaros slėnis}}) is a science and research facility which focuses on [[medicine]], [[biopharmaceutical]] and [[bioinformatics]].<ref>{{cite web |title=R&D areas |url= | |access-date=5 October 2019}}</ref> The [[Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine]] Science Centre was scheduled for completion in Santara Valley in 2021.<ref>{{cite web |title="Santaros" slėnyje duris atvers VU Medicinos fakulteto mokslo centras |url= | |access-date=5 October 2019}}</ref> Vilnius University rector [[Jonas Kubilius]], known for [[probabilistic number theory]], the [[Kubilius model]], the Theorem of Kubilius and [[Turán–Kubilius inequality]], successfully resisted attempts to Russify Vilnius University.<ref>{{cite web |title=Iš Vilniaus universiteto istorijos, 1955–1990 |date=5 November 1995 |pages=1–2 |url=}}</ref> Vilnius' [[Marija Gimbutas]] was the first to formulate the [[Kurgan hypothesis]]. In 1963, [[Vytautas Straižys]] and his colleagues created the [[Vilnius photometric system]] used in [[astronomy]].<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniaus astrofotometrinė sistema |url= | |access-date=26 October 2019}}</ref> [[Kavli Prize]] laureate [[Virginijus Šikšnys]] invented [[CRISPR]]-[[Cas9]] [[gene]]tic editing.<ref>{{cite journal |first=Giorgia |last=Guglielmi |date=31 May 2015 |journal=Nature |volume=558 |issue=7708 |pages=17–18 |title=Million-dollar Kavli prize recognizes scientist scooped on CRISPR |doi=10.1038/d41586-018-05308-5 |pmid=29872189 |doi-access=free}}</ref> ===Information technology=== [[File:Green Hall Complex in Vilnius by Augustas Didžgalvis.jpg|thumb|alt=Aerial view of modern buildings|The Green Hall business complex in [[Žvėrynas]], which houses IT companies and Europe's first international Blockchain Centre]] Vilnius is attractive for foreign companies because of its qualified employees and good infrastructure.<ref>{{cite web |title=Kaip informacinės technologijos keičia Lietuvą |url= |website=[[]] |access-date=24 September 2019 |language=lt |date=25 October 2018}}</ref> Several schools are preparing skilled specialists, including the [[Vilnius University Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics]] and [[Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Faculty of Fundamental Sciences]].<ref>{{cite web |title=Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics |url= | |access-date=24 September 2019}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=Faculty of Fundamental Sciences |url= | |access-date=24 September 2019}}</ref> [[Information technology]] jobs are well-paid.<ref>{{cite web |title=Didžiausi atlyginimai Lietuvoje: pirmoje vietoje – nesuvokiama suma |url= | |access-date=24 September 2019}}</ref> The 2018 output of the Lituanian IT sector was {{Euro|2.296}}&nbsp;billion, much of which was created in Vilnius.<ref>{{cite book |title=Information technologies in Lithuania |publisher=[[Department of Statistics (Lithuania)]] |location=Vilnius |page=8 |edition=2018 |url=}}</ref> Vilnius Tech Park in Sapieha Park, the largest IT [[startup]] hub in the Baltic and [[Nordic countries]], unites international startups, technology companies, accelerators, and incubators.<ref>{{cite web |title=About |url= | |access-date=24 September 2019}}</ref> ''[[fDi Intelligence]]'' ranked Vilnius number one city on its 2019 Tech Start-up FDI Attraction Index.<ref>{{cite web |last=Irwin-Hunt |first=Alex |title=Tech Start-up FDI Attraction Index 2019 |url= | |access-date=21 October 2019}}</ref> Vilnius had the world's fastest internet speed in 2011<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniuje internetas greičiausias pasaulyje |url= |website=[[DELFI]] |access-date=24 September 2019}}</ref> and, despite its fall in the rankings, remains one of the world's fastest.<ref>{{cite web |title=Monthly comparisons of internet speeds from around the world |url= | |access-date=24 September 2019}}</ref> [[Vilnius Airport]] has one of Europe's fastest airport [[Wi-Fi]] speeds.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniaus oro uosto internetas – vienas greičiausių Europoje |url= | |access-date=24 September 2019 |language=lt-LT}}</ref> The [[National Cyber Security Centre of Lithuania]] was established in Vilnius to address internet attacks on Lithuanian government organizations.<ref>{{cite web |title=Veiklą pradeda Nacionalinis kibernetinio saugumo centras |url= |website=[[DELFI]] |access-date=24 September 2019}}</ref> [[:lt:Bebras (konkursas)|Bebras]], an international informatics and IT contest, has been held annually for pupils in grades three through 12 since 2004.<ref>{{cite web |title=Apie Bebrą |url= | |access-date=24 September 2019}}</ref> Since 2017, [[computer programming]] is taught in primary schools.<ref>{{cite web |title=Lietuvos mokyklose – pirmoji nuo pradinių klasių programuoti mokančių vaikų karta |url= |website=[[DELFI]] |access-date=24 September 2019}}</ref> Vilnius is a popular [[fintech]] hub due to Lithuania's flexible [[e-money]] licence regulations.<ref>{{cite web |title=Lithuania sees flood of fintech firms apply for licences ahead of Brexit |url= |website=[[Reuters]] |access-date=5 October 2019 |date=8 February 2019}}</ref> The Bank of Lithuania granted an e-money licence in 2018 to Vilnius-based Google Payment Lithuania.<ref>{{cite web |title=Google grupės įmonei Lietuvoje suteikta elektroninių pinigų įstaigos licencija |url= | |access-date=22 October 2019 |language=lt}}</ref> The startup [[Revolut]] also has an e-money licence and headquarters in Vilnius, and began moving its clients to the Lithuanian company Revolut Payments in 2019.<ref>{{cite web |title="Revolut" nesikrausto – klientus perkelia į lietuvišką įmonę |url= |website=[[]] |access-date=22 October 2019 |language=lt}}</ref> On 23 January 2019, Europe's first international blockchain centre opened in Vilnius.<ref>{{cite web |last=Zalanskaite |first=Agne |title=Europe's First International Blockchain Centre Launches in Vilnius |url= | |access-date=5 October 2019 |date=8 February 2018 |archive-date=5 October 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead}}</ref> ===Finance and banking=== [[File:LB by Augustas Didzgalvis.jpg|thumb|alt=Aerial view of an old, square building with trees in front|[[Bank of Lithuania]] headquarters in [[Gediminas Avenue]]]] Vilnius is Lithuania's financial centre. The [[Ministry of Finance (Lithuania)|Ministry of Finance]] in Vilnius is responsible for an effective public financial policy to ensure the country's economic growth.<ref>{{cite web |title=Competence Areas |url= | |access-date=31 August 2019 |language=lt}}</ref> The [[Bank of Lithuania]] fosters a reliable financial system and ensures sustainable economic growth.<ref>{{cite web |title=Mission, vision, values |url= | |access-date=31 August 2019}}</ref> The [[Nasdaq Vilnius]] stock exchange is in The K29 business centre.<ref>{{cite web |title=Nasdaq Vilnius |url= | |access-date=31 August 2019 |archive-date=16 July 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead}}</ref> <!-- Commented out irrelevant image [[File:Baltasis tiltas, Vilnius - 52575844262.jpg|thumb|alt=|Šnipiškės hosts Lithuania's main commercial-bank headquarters]] --> The [[National Audit Office of Lithuania]] ({{langx|lt|link=no|Lietuvos Respublikos valstybės kontrolė}}) helps the government manage public funds and property,<ref>{{cite web |title=Vision Mission and Strategic Goal, Values |url= | |access-date=31 August 2019 |archive-date=31 August 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> and the [[State Tax Inspectorate]] ({{langx|lt|link=no|Valstybinė mokesčių inspekcija}}) is responsible for collecting and refunding [[Taxation in Lithuania|taxes]].<ref>{{cite web |title=Public services |url= | |access-date=31 August 2019 |archive-date=31 August 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> In 2023, 13 [[List of banks in Lithuania|banks]] held a bank or specialised-bank licence; six banks are foreign-bank branches. Most of the Lithuanian financial system consists of capital banks of Nordic countries.<ref>{{cite web |title=Lietuvos bankas: kaistanti NT rinka ir priklausomybė nuo Šiaurės šalių bankų kelia riziką |url= | |access-date=31 August 2019 |language=lt |date=13 June 2019}}</ref> The two largest banks registered in Lithuania ([[SEB bankas]] and Swedbank) are supervised by the [[European Central Bank]] and the Bank of Lithuania.<ref>{{cite web |title=Banks |url= | |access-date=31 August 2019 |archive-date=18 November 2020 |archive-url= |url-status=dead}}</ref> ==Education== ===Primary and secondary education=== [[File:National M. K. Ciurlionis School of Art in Vilnius, Lithuania.jpg|thumb|alt=Exterior of a large building with steps and columns|The National M. K. Čiurlionis School of Art offers free education to talented students.]] Primary and lower secondary education is mandatory in Lithuania. Children begin pre-primary education at age six, education is compulsory until age 16. Primary and secondary education is free, but there are also private schools in Vilnius. The country's educational system is governed by the [[Ministry of Education and Science (Lithuania)|Ministry of Education, Science and Sports]], headquartered in Vilnius.<ref>{{cite web |title=Lithuania Overview |url= | |access-date=2 November 2019 |date=2017-10-09}}</ref> [[Cathedral School of Vilnius]], first mentioned in a 1397 source, is the earliest known Lithuanian school.<ref name="historyvle" /> [[Vilnius Vytautas the Great Gymnasium]], established in 1915, is the first Lithuanian [[Gymnasium (school)|gymnasium]] in eastern Lithuania.<ref>{{cite web |title=Istorija |url= | |access-date=2 November 2019 |language=lt-LT |archive-date=5 November 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> In 2018, the city had 120 schools (not including [[preschool]]s) with 61,123 pupils and 4,955 teachers.<ref>{{cite book |title=Lietuvos švietimas skaičiais |date=2018 |publisher=Švietimo informacinių technologijų centras |location=Vilnius |pages=65–74 |url=švietimas%20skaičiais%202018_%20Bendrasis%20ugdymas.pdf}}</ref> Four out of five best rated schools in Lithuania are in Vilnius, and the [[Vilnius Lyceum]] is number one.<ref>{{cite web |title=Paskelbti geriausių šalies mokyklų ir universitetų reitingai |url= |website=[[]] |access-date=2 November 2019 |language=lt |date=8 May 2019}}</ref> [[Ethnic minorities in Lithuania]] have their own schools. Vilnius has seven elementary schools, eight primary schools, two [[Gymnasium (school)#School structure|progymnasiums]] and 12 gymnasiums for minority children, with lessons in minority languages. In 2017, 4,658 Poles and 9,274 Russians studied in their languages in the city.<ref>{{cite book |title=Lietuvos tautinių mažumų švietimo būklės analizė |date=2018 |publisher=NMVA Švietimo politikos analizės skyrius |pages=8 & 11 |url=ų-mažumų-švietimo-būklės-analizė-2018-m.1.pdf}}</ref> Vilnius has 11 [[vocational school]]s.<ref>{{cite web |title=Profesinės mokyklos Vilniuje |url= | |access-date=2 November 2019}}</ref> The [[National M. K. Čiurlionis School of Art]] is the country's only 12-year art school. The [[:lt:Vilniaus Justino Vienožinskio dailės mokykla|Vilnius Justinas Vienožinskis Art School]] is another art school in Vilnius. Most school graduates in Vilnius later study at universities or colleges. According to the [[OECD]], 57.5 percent of 25– to 34-year-olds in Lithuania had a tertiary education in 2021.<ref>{{cite web |title=Population with tertiary education |url= |website=OECD |access-date=2 November 2019}}</ref> Vilnius has nine international schools, including the International School of Vilnius, [[Vilnius International French Lyceum]], British International School of Vilnius, and American International School of Vilnius.<ref>{{cite web |title=Find the best International School in Vilnius, Lithuania |url= | |access-date=12 February 2023}}</ref> ===Tertiary education=== [[File:Vilnius University Great Courtyard 2, Vilnius, Lithuania - Diliff.jpg|thumb|alt=Old buildings and a church|The Great Courtyard of [[Vilnius University]] and the [[Church of St. Johns, Vilnius|Church of St. Johns]]]] On 14 October 1773, the [[Commission of National Education]] ({{langx|lt|link=no|Edukacinė komisija}}) was created by the Sejm of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and Grand Duke Stanisław August Poniatowski, who supervised schools and Vilnius University in the Commonwealth. Because of its authority and autonomy, it is considered Europe's first [[Ministry (government department)|ministry]] of education and an example of the [[Polish Enlightenment|Enlightenment in the Commonwealth]].<ref>{{cite book |first=Norman |last=Davies |title=God's Playground: 1795 to the present |url= |url-access=registration |access-date=7 March 2021 |date=28 February 2005 |publisher=Columbia University Press |isbn=978-0-231-12819-3 |page=[ 167]}}</ref> Vilnius has a number of universities, the largest and oldest of which is Vilnius University.<ref name="Facts and Figures">{{cite web |title=Facts and Figures |url= |access-date=9 August 2022}}</ref> With its main campus in the Old Town, it has been ranked among the top 500 universities in the world by [[QS World University Rankings]].<ref>{{cite news |url= |title=Breaking News for Lithuania: VU – Among the Top 500 Universities in the World |publisher=Vilnius University |date=7 September 2016 |access-date=2 February 2017 |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=21 November 2016}}</ref> The university participates in projects with UNESCO and [[NATO]]. It has master's programs in English and Russian,<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Programmes in English |publisher=Vilnius University |access-date=5 March 2018}}</ref> and programs in cooperation with other universities throughout Europe. The university has 14 faculties.<ref name="Facts and Figures" /> Other universities include [[Mykolas Romeris University]],<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=About MRU | |access-date=23 April 2019}}</ref> Vilnius Gediminas Technical University<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=About University | |access-date=23 April 2019}}</ref> and the [[Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences]], which merged with [[Vytautas Magnus University]] in 2018.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=History | |access-date=23 April 2019}}</ref> Specialized tertiary schools with university status include the [[General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania]], the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, and the [[Vilnius Academy of Arts]]. The museum associated with the [[Vilnius Academy of Arts]] contains about 12,000 artworks.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Vilnius Art Academy Museum | |access-date=2 February 2017}}</ref> ===Libraries=== [[File:VU bibliotekos Smuglevičiaus salė.JPG|thumb|alt=A long, ornate reading room|A 16th-century central [[Vilnius University Library]] reading room, decorated in 1803 with portraits of the 12 most prominent figures in antiquity, art and science<ref>{{cite book |last=Mačiulytė-Kasperavičienė |first=Audronė |title=Vilniaus universiteto rūmai |date=1979 |publisher=Vaga |location=Vilnius |page=112}}</ref>]] The Vilnius city municipality central library ({{langx|lt|link=no|Vilniaus miesto savivaldybės centrinė biblioteka}}) operates [[public library|public libraries]] in the city.<ref>{{cite web |title=Mission and vision |url= | |date=29 January 2016 |access-date=10 July 2019}}</ref> It has 16 branches, one (Saulutė) dedicated to [[children's literature]].<ref>{{cite web |date=9 August 2022 |title=Libraries |url= |access-date=10 July 2019 |}}</ref> Many libraries offer free [[computer literacy]] courses.<ref>{{cite web |title=Kompiuterinio raštingumo kursai |url= | |access-date=10 July 2019 |language=lt |archive-date=10 July 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> The public libraries require a free LIBIS (integrated information system of Lithuanian libraries) card.<ref>{{cite web |title=Paid and free services |url= | |date=29 January 2016 |access-date=10 July 2019}}</ref> The [[Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania]] ({{langx|lt|link=no|Lietuvos nacionalinė Martyno Mažvydo biblioteka}}) in Gediminas Avenue, founded in 1919, collects, organizes and preserves Lithuania's written cultural heritage, collects Lithuanian and foreign documents relevant to research and Lithuania's educational and cultural needs, and provides library services to the public.<ref>{{cite web |title=Misija ir tikslai |url= | |access-date=10 July 2019 |language=lt |archive-date=3 July 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> By 1 July 2019, its electronic catalog had 1,140,708 bibliographic records.<ref>{{cite web |title=LNB elektroninis katalogas |url= | |access-date=10 July 2019 |language=lt |archive-date=10 July 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> The [[Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences]] ({{langx|lt|link=no|Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Vrublevskių biblioteka}}) is open to all.<ref name="mab">{{cite web |title=About the Library |url= | |access-date=10 July 2019}}</ref> The library had 3,733,514 volumes by 1 January 2015, and 12,274 registered users.<ref name="mab"/> Every [[List of universities and colleges in Lithuania|Lithuanian university and college]] has a library for students, professors and [[alumni]]. The [[Vilnius University Library#National Open Access Scientific Communication and Information Center|National Open Access Scientific Communication and Information Center]] of Vilnius University ({{langx|lt|link=no|Vilniaus universiteto bibliotekos Mokslinės komunikacijos ir informacijos centras}}) in Saulėtekis Valley opened in 2013 and has over 800 workplaces in an area of {{cvt|14,043.61|m2}}.<ref>{{cite web |title=Scholarly Communication and Information Centre (SCIC) |url= | |access-date=10 July 2019}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=Unikalios architektūros, moderni Vilniaus universiteto biblioteka atveria duris |url= | |access-date=10 July 2019 |language=lt}}</ref> Central Vilnius University Library,<ref>{{cite web |title=Central Library |url= | |access-date=10 July 2019}}</ref> Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Library, Mykolas Romeris University Library, ISM University of Management and Economics Library, European Humanities University Library, and Kazimieras Simonavičius University Library are on their respective campuses in Vilnius.<ref>{{cite web |title=Lietuvos bibliotekos |url= | |access-date=27 January 2020}}</ref> ==Religion== {{see also|List of churches in Vilnius}} {| class="floatright" style="text-align:right; font-size:85%; border:1px solid black; background:#fafafa" |+ {{big|'''Religious groups in Vilnius (2011 census)'''}}<ref>{{cite web |url= |format=.xls |date=15 March 2013 |title=Gyventojai pagal religinę bendruomenę, kuriai jie save priskyrė, savivaldybėse |language=lt |trans-title=Residents according to the religious community they attributed themselves to, by municipalities |publisher=[[Statistics Lithuania]] |access-date=14 May 2016}}</ref> |- ! Religion !! People !! % |- | style="text-align:left;"|[[Roman Catholicism in Lithuania|Roman Catholic]] || 350,797 || 65.5% |- | style="text-align:left;"|[[Eastern Orthodox Church|Eastern Orthodox]] || 47,827 || 8.9% |- | style="text-align:left;"|[[Old Believers]] || 5,593 || 1.0% |- | style="text-align:left;"|[[Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lithuania|Evangelical Lutheran]] || 1,594 || 0.3% |- | style="text-align:left;"|[[Lithuanian Evangelical Reformed Church|Evangelical Reformed]] || 1,186 || 0.2% |- | style="text-align:left;"|[[Islam in Lithuania|Sunni Muslim]] || 798 || 0.2% |- | style="text-align:left;"|[[Lithuanian Jews|Jewish]] || 796 || 0.2% |- | style="text-align:left;"|[[Eastern Catholic Churches|Greek Catholic]] || 167 || <0.1% |- | style="text-align:left;"|[[Karaite Judaism|Karaites]] || 139 || <0.1% |- | style="text-align:left;"|Other || 5,050 || 0.9% |- | style="text-align:left;"|None || 47,655 || 8.9% |- | style="text-align:left;" | No response || 74,029 || 13.8% |} [[File:Šv. Mikalojaus bažnyčios šonas 2.jpg|thumb|alt=A small brick church, surrounded by trees|Vilnius' [[Church of Saint Nicholas, Vilnius|Church of Saint Nicholas]], built before 1387, is Lithuania's oldest surviving Catholic church.]] [[File:St Casimir Church Exterior At Dusk, Vilnius, Lithuania - Diliff.jpg|thumb|alt=Exterior of a large, ornate, light-coloured church|The [[Church of St. Casimir, Vilnius|Church of St. Casimir]], Vilnius' first Baroque church, is known for its [[acoustics]] and [[Organ (music)|organ]] concerts.]] By the 17th century, Vilnius was known as a city of numerous religions. In 1600, Samuel Lewkenor's book about cities with universities was published in London;<ref>Samuel Lewkenor, A discovrse not altogether vnprofitable, nor vnpleasant for such as are desirous to know the situation and customes of forraine Rities without trauelling to see them. Containing a Discourse of all those Rities wherein doe flourish at this day priuiledged vniuersities. Written by Samvuel Levvkenor, Gentleman (London, 1600)</ref> According to Lewkenor, Vilnius' population included Catholics, Orthodox, followers of John Calvin and Martin Luther, Jews and Tartar Muslims.{{page needed|date=July 2024}} During that century, Vilnius had a reputation as a city unrivaled in Europe for its number and variety of churches. Robert Morden wrote in ''Geography Rectified or a Description of the World'' that no other city in the world could surpass Vilnius in the number of churches and temples except, perhaps, Amsterdam.<ref>Robert Morden, Geography Rectified or a Description of the World (London, 1688), p. 117: "Vilna, the Capital City, incloses so many sorts of Religions, that there is no City in the World where God is Worshipped after so many different ways, unless in Amsterdam; a Liberty too much allowed in most parts of Christendom, but rare temporum felicitas"</ref><ref>Gintautas Sliesoriūnas, "The image of Lithuania in XVII c. English publications", ''Lithuanian Historical Studies'', 2011, vol. 16</ref> Vilnius is the seat of the [[Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vilnius]], housing major church institutions and the archdiocesan Vilnius Cathedral. A number of Christian [[Beatification|beatified]] people, [[Martyr#Christianity|martyrs]], [[Servant of God|servants of God]] and [[saint]]s are associated with the city. They include the [[Franciscan martyrs of Vilnius]], the Orthodox martyrs [[Anthony, John, and Eustathius]], Saint Casimir, [[Josaphat Kuntsevych]], [[Andrew Bobola]], [[Raphael Kalinowski]], [[Faustina Kowalska]], and [[Jurgis Matulaitis-Matulevičius]]. There are a number of Roman Catholic churches in the city, small monasteries, and religious schools. Church architecture includes Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and [[Neoclassical architecture|neoclassical]] styles, with examples of each in the Old Town. [[Eastern Catholic Churches|Eastern Rite Catholicism]] has also had a presence in Vilnius since the [[Union of Brest]]. The Baroque Basilian Gate is part of an Eastern Rite monastery. [[File:Russian Orthodox Church of The Holy Mother of God Vilnius (5990381200).jpg|thumb|alt=A large white church against a blue sky|The Orthodox [[Cathedral of the Theotokos, Vilnius|Cathedral of the Theotokos]], built in the 14th century by Grand Duke [[Algirdas]] for [[Ruthenians]] in the city's Ruthenian quarter<ref name="Darius">{{cite web |last=Baronas |first=Darius |title=Knyga, kuri išliks: Gedimino Vaitkevičiaus Vilniaus įkūrimas |url= |website=[[]] |access-date=31 August 2020 |language=lt |date=29 March 2013}}</ref>]] Vilnius has had an [[Eastern Orthodox]] presence since the 12th century, and the [[Russian Orthodox Church|Russian Orthodox]] [[Orthodox Church of the Holy Spirit, Vilnius|Monastery of the Holy Spirit]] is near the [Gate of Dawn. [[Church of St. Paraskeva, Vilnius|St. Paraskeva's Orthodox Church]] in the Old Town was the site of the 1705 [[baptism]] of [[Abram Petrovich Gannibal|Hannibal]], the great-grandfather of [[Alexander Pushkin]], by Tsar [[Peter the Great]]. Many [[Old Believers]], who split from the Russian Orthodox Church in 1667, settled in Lithuania; a Supreme Council of Old Believers is based in Vilnius. The Orthodox [[Church of St. Constantine and St. Michael]] was built in 1913. A number of Protestant and other Christian denominations<ref>{{cite web |url= |archive-url= |url-status=usurped |archive-date=18 August 2000 |title=Religion by Location | |access-date=6 May 2009}}</ref> are represented in Vilnius, notably [[Lutheranism|Lutheran]] Evangelicals and [[Baptists]]. Lithuania's pre-Christian religion, centred on the forces of nature and personified by deities such as [[Perkūnas]] (the thunder god), is experiencing increased interest. [[Romuva (religion)|Romuva]] established a Vilnius branch in 1991.<ref>{{cite book |first=Gabriel |last=Ignatow |title=Transnational Identity Politics and the Environment |year=2007 |publisher=Lexington Books |url= |isbn=978-0-7391-2015-6}}</ref> ===Judaism and Karaism=== {{see also|History of the Jews in Lithuania}} [[File:Vilniaus sinagoga.jpg|thumb|alt=Large, cream-coloured synagogue|The [[Choral Synagogue (Vilnius)|Choral Synagogue]]]] Known as "Yerushalayim D'Lita" (the Jerusalem of Lithuania), Vilnius had been a world centre for [[Torah]] study and had a large Jewish population since the 18th century. A major scholar of Judaism and the [[Kabbalah]] was Rabbi Eliyahu Kremer, known as the [[Vilna Gaon]], whose writings significantly influence Orthodox Jews. The [[Vilna Edition Shas|Vilna Shas]], the most widely used version of the [[Talmud]], was published in the city in 1886.<ref>{{cite web |title=Romm {{!}} |url= |access-date=2022-01-02 |}}</ref> Jewish life in Vilnius was destroyed during the Holocaust, and a memorial stone dedicated to victims of [[Nazism|Nazi]] genocide is in the centre of the former [[Vilna Ghetto|Jewish Ghetto]] on present-day Mėsinių Street. The [[Vilna Gaon Museum of Jewish History]] is dedicated to the history of Lithuanian Jewish life. The site of [[Great Synagogue of Vilna|Vilnius's largest synagogue]], built in the early 1630s and destroyed by Nazi Germany during its [[German occupation of Lithuania during World War II|occupation of Lithuania]], was found by [[ground-penetrating radar]] in June 2015.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Remains of Nazi-Destroyed Synagogue Found Using Radar |last=Geggel |first=Laura |date=1 August 2015 |publisher=[[Live Science]] |access-date=25 May 2018}}</ref> Archaeologists began excavating the site in 2016, and that work continues as of July 2024.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Lithuania: this month’s excavations at the site of the destroyed Great Synagogue of Vilna yielded exciting discoveries including polychrome decoration | |access-date=19 September 2024}}</ref> The [[Karaite Judaism|Karaites]] are a Jewish sect who migrated to Lithuania from the Crimea. Small in numbers, they have become more prominent since Lithuanian independence and have restored their [[kenesa]]s (including the [[Vilnius Kenesa]]).<ref>{{cite book |last=Harviainen |first=Tapani |title=Ethnic encounter and cultural change : papers from the Third Nordic Conference on Middle Eastern Studies, Joensuu, 1995 |publisher=Nordic Society for Middle Eastern Studies |year=1997 |isbn=1850653119 |editor1=M'Hammed Sabour |location=Bergen |pages=72–83 |chapter=New Life in Karaim Communities |access-date=6 May 2009|editor-last2=Vikør|editor-first2=Knut S.|chapter-url= |archive-url= |archive-date=3 April 2009 |url-status=dead}}</ref> ===<span class="anchor" id="Pilgrimage"></span>Pilgrimage sites=== {{Blockquote|text=It is safe to say that I have been in Vilnius all my life, at least since I became conscious. I was in Vilnius with thoughts and heart{{snd}}one could say [my] whole being. And so it stayed{{snd}}and in Rome.|author=[[Pope John Paul II]] at the [[Dominican Church of the Holy Spirit]] during his 1993 visit to Lithuania<ref>{{cite web |title=Ką perskaitysime šv. Jono Pauliaus II gyvenimo knygoje? |url= | |access-date=6 October 2019 |language=lt |date=2 May 2018}}</ref>}} [[File:Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn Interior During Service, Vilnius, Lithuania - Diliff.jpg|thumb|alt=An ornate Baroque chapel|Interior of the Chapel of the [[Gate of Dawn]], with its eponymous painting]] Since the 1387 Christianization of Lithuania, Vilnius has become a centre of Christianity in the country and a [[Christian pilgrimage|pilgrimage]] site. The Vilnius Pilgrimage Centre ({{langx|lt|link=no|Vilniaus piligrimų centras}}) coordinates pilgrimages, assists with their preparation, and performs pilgrimage pastoral care.<ref>{{cite web |title=Apie mus |url= | |access-date=24 September 2019 |language=lt-LT}}</ref> A number of places in Vilnius are associated with [[Miracles in Christianity|miracles]] or mark events significant to Christians, and the Chapel of the Gate of Dawn is visited by thousands of Christian pilgrims annually. The gates were initially part of the defensive Wall of Vilnius; they were given to the [[Carmelites]] in the 16th century, who installed a [[chapel]] in the gates with a 17th-century Catholic painting: ''[[Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn]]''. The painting was later decorated with [[Riza|gold-plated silver]] and is associated with miracles and a legend.<ref name="pilgrimage">{{cite web |title=Pilgrimage in Vilnius |url= | |access-date=24 September 2019 |date=2018-08-20}}</ref> [[File:Divine Mercy Sanctuary in Vilnius4.JPG|thumb|alt=A painting of Jesus|upright=0.8|The first Divine Mercy painting by [[Eugeniusz Kazimirowski]] (1934) at the [[Sanctuary of the Divine Mercy, Vilnius|Divine Mercy Sanctuary]]]] The [[Sanctuary of the Divine Mercy, Vilnius|Sanctuary of the Divine Mercy]] is a pilgrimage site which has a [[Divine Mercy image]]. Vilnius was the birthplace of the [[Divine Mercy (Catholic devotion)|Divine Mercy devotion]] when Saint [[Faustina Kowalska]] began her mission under the guidance of [[Michał Sopoćko]], her [[spiritual director]]. The first Divine Mercy image was painted in 1934 by [[Eugeniusz Kazimirowski]] under the supervision of Kowalska, and it hangs in the Divine Mercy Sanctuary in Vilnius. Adoration of the [[Blessed Sacrament]] takes place in the shrine around the clock.<ref name="pilgrimage" /> The House of St. Faustina, in Antakalnis' V. Grybo Street, is open to pilgrims.<ref>{{cite web |title=The House of St. Faustina |url= | |access-date=24 September 2019 |archive-date=24 September 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> The [[Church of St. Philip and St. Jacob, Vilnius|Church of St. Philip and St. Jacob]], near Lukiškės Square, has the painting of the Mother of God of Lukiškės which has reportedly attracted miracles.<ref name="pilgrimage" /> The [[icon]], painted in the 15th or 16th century, is one of the country's oldest examples of [[easel]] painting.<ref>{{cite web |title=Senąją Lukiškių Dievo Motinos ikoną atidengiant |url= | |date=3 January 2018 |access-date=24 September 2019}}</ref> It was brought by Grand Duchy of Lithuania artillery general Motiejus Korvinas Gosievskis from the Russo-Polish War. Since 1684, miracles have been reported at the Vilnius Dominican monastery related to the image which were published in a 1737 book, ''Mystical Fountain'' ({{langx|lt|link=no|Mistinis fontanas}}). The icon was restored and returned to the [[Dominican Order|Dominicans]] in 2012.<ref>{{cite web |title=Restauruota Lukiškių Dievo Motinos ikona grąžinama dominikonams |url= |website=[[DELFI]] |access-date=24 September 2019}}</ref> [[Three Crosses]] is a monument in the city. According to a legend in the ''[[Bychowiec Chronicle]]'', fourteen [[Franciscan]] friars were invited to Vilnius from [[Podolia]] by [[:lt:Petras Goštautas (1305)|Petras Goštautas]].<ref name=gidzi>{{cite journal |first=Viktoras |last=Gidžiūnas |title=Legendariškieji pranciškonų kankiniai Vilniuje |language=lt |url= |year=1955 |volume=10 | |issn=0002-208X}}</ref> The friars preached the [[gospel]] and denigrated pagan Lithuanian gods; angry city residents burned the monastery and killed the fourteen friars. Seven were beheaded on Bleak Hill, and the other seven were [[crucifixion|crucified]] and thrown into the Neris or Vilnia.<ref name=gidzi/> [[File:Khrutsky Vilnius Calvary.jpg|thumb|alt=Painting of a church at the top of many steps|Verkiai Calvary {{circa}} 1840s, built in gratitude for victory in the Second Northern War]] [[Verkiai Calvary]] (or Vilnius Calvary), Lithuania's second-oldest [[Calvary (sanctuary)|calvary]], is in the neighborhood of [[Verkiai]]. The calvary was built from 1662 to 1669 in gratitude for victory in the [[Second Northern War]] (1655–60).<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilnius Calvary. Origins |url= | |access-date=3 October 2019}}</ref> The consecration ceremony of the [[Stations of the Cross]] took place for [[Pentecost]] on 9 June 1669.<ref>{{cite web |title=Traditions of Piety |url= | |access-date=3 October 2019}}</ref> The calvary includes 20 brick chapels, seven wooden gates and a brick one, and a bridge with a wood chapel.<ref>{{cite web |title=The route of Christ's suffering |url= | |access-date=3 October 2019}}</ref> The path ends at the [[Church of the Discovery of the Holy Cross, Vilnius|Church of the Discovery of the Holy Cross]]. All the chapels except the four closest to the church were destroyed by Soviet authorities overnight with [[dynamite]] in 1962. The calvary was reconstructed from 1990 to 2002, and the chapels were consecrated on Pentecost in 2002.<ref>{{cite web |title=20th – 21st centuries |url= | |access-date=3 October 2019}}</ref> Pilgrimages to the calvary are organized regularly with the clergy.<ref>{{cite web |title=Bendruomeninis Kryžiaus kelio apvaikščiojimas |url= | |access-date=3 October 2019}}</ref> The Church Heritage Museum ({{langx|lt|link=no|Bažnytinio paveldo muziejus}}) contains city's the oldest and largest collection of liturgical artefacts in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vilnius.<ref name="pilgrimage" /><ref>{{cite web |title=Treasury |url= | |access-date=20 May 2024 |archive-date=7 December 2023 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> Vilnius is the only city in the Baltic states with an [[Apostolic Nunciature to Lithuania|Apostolic Nunciature]], where Pope John Paul II and [[Pope Francis]] stayed during their visits to Lithuania, [[Latvia]] and [[Estonia]].<ref>{{cite web |last=Garškaitė |first=Rosita |title=Kaip popiežiaus atvykimui ruošiasi latviai ir estai? |url= | |date=12 September 2018 |access-date=24 September 2019}}</ref> ==Parks, squares and cemeteries== [[File:Vilnius Three Crosses.jpg|thumb|alt=Three white stone crosses, surrounded by vegetation|The [[Three Crosses]] in [[Kalnai Park]]]] Almost half of Vilnius is covered by green space such as parks, public gardens, and nature reserves. The city has a number of lakes where residents and visitors swim and barbecue in the summer. Thirty lakes and 16 rivers cover 2.1 percent of Vilnius' area, some of which have sand beaches. Vingis Park, the city's largest, hosted several large rallies during Lithuania's drive towards independence in the 1980s. Sections of the annual [[Vilnius Marathon]] are on public walkways along the Neris. The green area next to the White Bridge is a popular place to enjoy good weather, and has become a venue for several musical and film events. [[File:Lukiskiu aikste by Augustas Didzgalvis.jpg|thumb|alt=Aerial view of a large square|Lukiškės Square]] [[Cathedral Square, Vilnius|Cathedral Square]] in the Old Town is surrounded by a number of the city's most historic sites. [[Lukiškės Square]] is the largest, bordered by several government buildings: the [[Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Lithuania)|Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs]], Ministry of Finance, Polish Embassy and the [[Museum of Occupations and Freedom Fights|Genocide Victims' Museum]], where the [[KGB]] tortured and killed opponents of the communist regime. A large statue of [[Vladimir Lenin]] in its centre was removed in 1991.<ref>{{cite web |title=Lukiškių aikštė |url= | |language=lt}}</ref> Town Hall Square has been a centre of trade fairs, celebrations and events, including the [[Kaziuko mugė|Kaziukas Fair]]. The city's Christmas tree is displayed there. State ceremonies are often held in [[Daukanto Square]], facing the Presidential Palace. [[File:Bernardinu sodas by Augustas Didzgalvis.jpg|thumb|alt=Aerial view of a large green area with many trees|Bernardinai Garden]] [[Bernardinai Garden]], near [[Gediminas' Tower|Gediminas Tower]] (previously known as Sereikiškės Park), opened on 20 October 2013 after it was restored to its 19th-century Vladislovas Štrausas environment.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniuje vartus atvėrė restauruotas Bernardinų sodas |url= |language=lt |trans-title=The renovated Bernardinai Garden opened its gates in Vilnius |website=Suprasti Akimirksniu}}</ref> It is a venue for concerts, festivals, and exhibitions. [[Chiune Sugihara]] [[Sakura]] Park was established in 2001, and a [[Japanese garden]] (both in Šnipiškės) was opened in 2023.<ref>{{cite web |title=Čijunės Sugiharos sakurų parkas |url= | |access-date=1 May 2023 |language=lt}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=Pasižvalgykite: Vilniuje atidaroma nauja erdvė sakurų mėgėjams – japoniškas sodas |url= | |access-date=1 May 2023 |language=lt |date=21 April 2023}}</ref> [[Rasos Cemetery]], consecrated in 1801, is the burial site of [[Jonas Basanavičius]] and other [[Signatories of the Act of Independence of Lithuania|signatories of the 1918 Act of Independence]] and the heart of Polish leader [[Józef Piłsudski]]. Two of the city's three [[Jewish cemeteries of Vilnius|Jewish cemeteries]] were destroyed by communist authorities during the Soviet era, and the remains in the Vilna Gaon were moved to the remaining one. A monument was erected at the site of Užupis Old Jewish Cemetery was.<ref>{{cite web |title=Užupis Old Jewish Cemetery [Užupio Senosios Žydų Kapinės] |url= |publisher=In Your Pocket |access-date=5 September 2012}}</ref> The [[Bernardine Cemetery]], established in 1810, has about 18,000 burials; closed during the 1970s, it is being restored. [[Antakalnis Cemetery]], established in 1809, has memorials to Polish, Lithuanian, German and Russian soldiers and the graves of those who were killed during the January Events. ==Tourism== [[File:Tourism has certainly reached Vilnius - Old Town, Sept. 2008 (2937998142).jpg|thumb|alt=A group of tourists in cool weather|Tourists in the Old Town]] [[File:Uzupis by Augustas Didzgalvis.jpg|thumb|alt=Aerial view of an urban neighborhood with some trees|[[Užupis]], a self-proclaimed republic, has [[Bohemianism|Bohemian]] culture and art.]] According to [[Lithuanian Department of Statistics]], 1,200,858 visitors rented rooms in Vilnius in 2018 and spent a total of 2,212,109 nights there; this was a respective increase of 12 percent and 11 percent over the previous year.<ref name="tourism2018">{{cite web |title=City Tourism Statistics |url= | |access-date=14 August 2019 |date=30 August 2011}}</ref> Eighty-one percent of the visitors were foreigners (970,577), 11 percent more than in 2017. Most foreign visitors (47 percent) came from Belarus (102,915), [[Germany]] (101,999), Poland (99,386), Russia (90,388) and Latvia (61,829).<ref name="tourism2018" /> Nineteen percent of the guests were Lithuanian, 18 percent more than in 2017.<ref name="tourism2018" /> A 2018 Vilnius visitor survey reported that 48 percent were visiting the city for the first time, 85 percent of tourists planned the trip by themselves, and 15 percent used a travel agency.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniaus miesto turizmo tyrimas ir turistų pasitenkinimo indeksas |date=2018 |pages=10–11 |url= |access-date=14 August 2019}}</ref> Forty percent said that they visited Vilnius to learn about the city's history and heritage, with 23 percent also planning trips to other parts of Lithuania.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniaus miesto turizmo tyrimas ir turistų pasitenkinimo indeksas |date=2018 |pages=12–14 |url= |access-date=14 August 2019}}</ref> Many Belarusians (about 200,000 [[travel visa]]s annually) visit the city's [[shopping mall]]s and submit half-meter-long receipts to [[customs]] officials.<ref>{{cite web |title=Apsipirkti į Lietuvą miniomis traukia ne eiliniai baltarusiai |url= |website=[[DELFI]] |access-date=15 August 2019}}</ref> Vilnius' Tourist Information Centres were visited by 119,136 visitors in 2018 (95,932 foreigners and 23,204 Lithuanians), a five-percent increase over 2017.<ref name="tourism2018" /> The city's highest-rated tourist services are restaurants ([[café]]s), old-town attractions, hotels or other accommodations, trips to [[Trakai]], parks and other green zones, connections to [[Vilnius Airport]], and food in hotels, restaurants and cafés.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniaus miesto turizmo tyrimas ir turistų pasitenkinimo indeksas |date=2018 |page=26 |url= |access-date=14 August 2019}}</ref> Vilnius is one of a few European capitals which allows [[hot air ballooning]] through the city, with nearly 1,000 trips in 2022.<ref>{{cite news |last1=Šepetytė |first1=Eglė |title=Vilniuje gali nebelikti oro balionų? Kuriamos naujos taisyklės – viskas dėl saugumo |url= |access-date=13 May 2023 |work=TV3 |date=4 September 2022 |language=lt}}</ref> In the City Costs Barometer 2019, Vilnius was ranked number one of European capitals for offering the best value to visitors.<ref>{{cite web |title=City Costs Barometer 2019 |url= | |access-date=22 October 2019 |archive-date=28 September 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> The controversial [[Vilnius Palace of Concerts and Sports]], built by Soviet authorities on the site of a Jewish graveyard, was scheduled to become the leading convention center in the Baltic states in 2022.<ref>{{cite web |title=D. Matulionis: džiugu, kad pavyko sutarti mūsų valstybei ir Lietuvos žydų bendruomenei svarbiu klausimu |url= | |access-date=28 December 2019 |language=lt |archive-date=26 December 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> ===Hotels=== [[File:Kempinski Hotel Cathedral Square Vilnius.jpg|thumb|alt=Exterior of a large, old building|The Kempinski Hotel]] Lithuania is a member of the [[Hotel rating#European Hotelstars Union|European Hotelstars Union]].<ref>{{cite web |title=Lithuania |url= | |access-date=14 August 2019}}</ref> Vilnius has six [[Hotel rating|five-star hotels]], all in the Old Town,<ref>{{cite web |title=5 stars hotels in Vilnius, Lithuania |url= | |access-date=14 August 2019}}</ref> and 27 four-star hotels.<ref>{{cite web |title=4 stars hotels in Vilnius, Lithuania |url= | |access-date=14 August 2019}}</ref> The [[Kempinski]] Hotel, with a view of Cathedral Square, is considered the city's most luxurious hotel.<ref name="imf">{{cite web |title=Report for Selected Countries and Subjects |url= | |access-date=2 July 2019}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=Už prezidentinę naktį Vilniaus "Kempinski" – 3 tūkst. eurų, pietūs – 25 eurai |url= |website=[[]] |access-date=14 August 2019 |language=lt}}</ref> According to a 2018 Vilnius visitors' survey, 44 percent stayed in mid-range hotels (three or four stars), 12 percent stayed in standard or economy hotels (one or two stars) and 11 percent stayed in five-star hotels.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniaus miesto turizmo tyrimas ir turistų pasitenkinimo indeksas |date=2018 |page=21 |url= |access-date=14 August 2019}}</ref> The city had 82 hotels, eight motels and 40 other accommodation facilities in 2019, with 6,822 rooms and 15,248 beds. The highest hotel-room occupancy was in August, and the lowest was in February.<ref name="tourism2018"/> ==Sports== <!-- Commented out outdated photo [[File:SiemensArenaFacade.jpg|thumb|alt=Exterior of a large yellow-and-white sports arena|Siemens Arena]] --> [[File:Vilnius Marathon 2015 volunteers by Augustas Didzgalvis.jpg|thumb|alt=A large group of young people in green T-shirts|2015 Vilnius Marathon volunteers]] [[File:Beach Volley in Vilnius.jpg|thumb|alt=Downtown spectators, on foot and on bicycles|The 2024 CEV Beach Volley Nations Cup tournament was held in the central business district.<ref>{{cite web | title=Vilnius back on the global Beach Volleyball map | website=CEV | date=2024-05-14 | url= | access-date=2024-05-17}}</ref>]] Several basketball teams are based in the city. [[BC Wolves]] began competing in the [[2022–23 LKL season|2022–23 season]] of the [[Lietuvos krepšinio lyga|Lithuanian Basketball League]] (LKL). The largest team is [[BC Rytas]], who participates in the international [[Basketball Champions League]] (BCL) and the LKL; they won the ULEB Cup (predecessor to the [[EuroCup Basketball|EuroCup]]) in [[2004–05 ULEB Cup|2005]] and the EuroCup in [[2008–09 Eurocup Basketball|2009]]. Their home arena is the 2,500-seat [[Jeep Arena]]; all European matches and important domestic matches are played at the 10,000-seat [[Twinsbet Arena]]. Vilnius also has several football teams; [[FK Žalgiris]], the main team, plays at the 5,000-seat [[LFF Stadium]].<ref>{{cite web |title=LFF stadionas |url= |publisher=Lietuvos futbolo federacija |access-date=11 March 2018 |archive-date=14 May 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead}}</ref> The multi-use [[Lithuania National Stadium]] is under construction. The 28-court [[SEB Arena]] is the largest [[tennis]] complex in [[central Europe]] and home of the Lithuanian tennis and [[Squash (sport)|squash]] teams.<ref>{{cite web |title=Atsinaujinusioje "SEB arenoje" – gausybė aukščiausio lygio teniso ir pirmasis išmanus kortas |url= |publisher=Vilnius Open |access-date=11 October 2022 |language=lt}}</ref> [[Summer Olympic Games|Olympic]] swimming champions [[Lina Kačiušytė]] and [[Robertas Žulpa]] are from Vilnius. The city has several public [[swimming pool]]s, with the Lazdynai Swimming Pool the only [[Olympic-size swimming pool]].<ref>{{cite magazine |title=Go Swimming |url= |magazine=Vilnius Monthly |issue=11 |year=2005 |access-date=11 April 2016 |archive-date=26 August 2016 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> Vilnius is home to the Lithuanian [[Bandy]] Association, Badminton Federation, Canoeing Sports Federation, Baseball Association, Biathlon Federation, Sailors Union, Football Federation, Fencing Federation, Cycling Sports Federation, Archery Federation, Athletics Federation, Ice Hockey Federation, Basketball Federation, Curling Federation, Rowing Federation, Wrestling Federation, Speed Skating Association, Gymnastics Federation, Equestrian Union, Modern Pentathlon Federation, Shooting Union, Triathlon Federation, Volleyball Federation, Tennis Union, Taekwondo Federation, Weightlifting Federation, Table Tennis Association, Skiing Association, Rugby Federation, and Swimming Federation.<ref>{{cite web |title=Olimpinio sporto federacijos |url= | |access-date=24 September 2019 |language=lt-LT}}</ref> The annual international [[Vilnius Marathon]] has thousands of participants.<ref>{{cite web |title=About Vilnius Marathon |url= | |access-date=14 January 2023}}</ref> ==Transport== [[File:Vilnius Airport main entrance.jpg|thumb|alt=A large, white building, seen from a parking lot|Vilnius Airport main entrance]] Navigability of the Neris is limited; no regular water routes exist, although it was used for transport in the past.<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Vanagas |first1=Jurgis |title=Navigation on the Neris River and its importance for Vilnius |journal=Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering |volume=4 |issue=13 |pages=62–69 |url= |access-date=31 October 2016}}</ref> [[Vilnius Airport]], Lithuania's largest, serves about 50 cities in 25 countries.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Vilnius International Airport – Flight map | |access-date=2 February 2017 |archive-date=5 January 2017 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> The airport, {{cvt|5|km}} from the city centre, has a direct link to the [[Vilnius railway station]]. The station is a rail hub with direct passenger service to Minsk, [[Kaliningrad]], [[Moscow]] and [[Saint Petersburg]], and is part of the [[Pan-European Corridor IX]]'s Branch B. Vilnius is the starting point of the [[A1 highway (Lithuania)|A1]] motorway which runs across Lithuania, connecting its three major cities (Vilnius, Kaunas and [[Klaipėda]]), and is part of [[European route E85]]. The [[A2 highway (Lithuania)|A2]], connecting Vilnius and [[Panevėžys]], is part of the [[European route E272|E272]]. Other highways out of the city include the [[A3 highway (Lithuania)|A3]], [[A4 highway (Lithuania)|A4]], [[A14 highway (Lithuania)|A14]], [[A15 highway (Lithuania)|A15]], and [[A16 highway (Lithuania)|A16]]. Vilnius' southern bypass is the [[A10 highway (Lithuania)|A19]]. ===<span class="anchor" id="Public transport"></span>Bus service=== The bus and [[Trolleybuses in Vilnius|trolleybus]] networks are operated by Vilniaus viešasis transportas. There are over 60 bus, 18 trolleybus, six rapid bus and one night bus routes.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Routes and Timetables |website=Susisiekimo paslaugos}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |url= |url-status=live |archive-date=2023-08-06 |archive-url= | |access-date=6 August 2023 |title=Routes and Timetables}}</ref> The trolleybus network is one of Europe's most extensive; over 250 buses and 260 trolleybuses transport about 500,000 passengers every workday.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Ištyrė, kur kasdien keliauja Vilniaus viešojo transporto keleiviai | |language=lt |access-date=10 July 2019}}</ref> The first bus routes were established in 1926, and the first trolleybuses were introduced in 1956.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Vilniaus viešasis transportas: praeitis ir dabartis |last=Skrebė |first=Edgaras |website=[[DELFI]] |access-date=10 July 2019}}</ref> At the end of 2007, an electronic monthly ticket system was introduced in which passengers could buy an electronic card in shops and newsstands and load it with money; monthly e-ticket cards could also be loaded over the Internet. Paper monthly tickets were in use until August 2008.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Dažniausiai užduodami klausimai apie pokyčius viešojo transporto bilietų sistemoje |language=lt |trans-title=Frequently asked questions about changes in public transport ticketing |website=Susisiekimo paslaugos |publisher=Visos teisės saugomos |access-date=11 April 2008 |archive-date=17 May 2021 |archive-url= |url-status=dead}}</ref> On 15 August 2012, e-cards were replaced by Vilnius Citizen Cards (Vilniečio Kortelė) which could be purchased at newsstands and loaded with money and ticket type. Single-trip tickets have been replaced by 30- and 60-minute tickets. In 2014, a mobile app was introduced for public-transport tickets.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Vilniečio kortelė keliasi į išmaniuosius telefonus. Kaip tai atrodys? |last=Černiauskas |first=Šarūnas |website=DELFI |access-date=10 July 2019}}</ref> Buses are low-floor [[Volvo Buses|Volvo]] and [[Mercedes-Benz buses]], and trolleybuses are manufactured by [[Solaris Bus & Coach|Solaris]]. Older [[Škoda Works|Škoda]] vehicles, built in the Czech Republic and many refurbished, are still in service. In 2004, a contract was signed with Volvo Buses to purchase 90 new 7700 buses over a three-year period.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilnius perka 90 naujų "Volvo" autobusų |url= |website=DELFI |access-date=4 June 2004}}</ref> In 2017, Vilnius began the largest upgrade of its bus service by purchasing 250 new low-floor buses. Sixty percent of the city's public buses were new by mid-2018, with free Wi-Fi and chargers for electronic devices.<ref>{{cite web |last=Grigaliūnaitė |first=Violeta |title=Vilniaus savivaldybė pakvietė "išpakuoti naują pergalę": pristatė 250 naujų autobusų |language=lt |trans-title=The municipality of Vilnius called for "unpacking a new victory": introduced 250 new buses |url= |date=5 September 2017 | |access-date=5 September 2017}}</ref> On 5 September 2017, 50 new [[Isuzu Motors|Isuzu]] buses were introduced.<ref>{{cite web |title=Į sostinės gatves išrieda 50 naujų autobusų |language=lt |trans-title=There are 50 new buses in the capital's streets |date=5 September 2017 |url= |website=DELFI |access-date=5 September 2017}}</ref> Vilnius City Municipality accepted bids for 41 new [[trolleybus]]es; Solaris contracted to provide the trolleybuses by autumn 2018, with free Wi-Fi and chargers.<ref>{{cite web |last=Jačauskas |first=Ignas |title=Vilniaus savivaldybė perka per 40 naujų "Solaris" troleibusų |language=lt |trans-title=Vilnius municipality buys 40 new "Solaris" trolleybuses |url= |date=17 September 2017 | |access-date=17 September 2017}}</ref> On 13 November of that year, the municipality signed a contract with Solaris for the remaining 150 fourth-generation [[Solaris Urbino]] buses (100 standard and 50 [[Articulated bus|articulated]]) with free Wi-Fi and USB charging.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilnius perka 150 autobusų: toks užsakymas lenkams – unikalus |url= | |access-date=13 November 2017 |language=lt |trans-title=Vilnius buys 150 buses: this order is unique for the Poles |date=2017-11-13 |archive-date=20 August 2018 |archive-url= |url-status=dead}}</ref> Five [[Battery electric vehicle|electric]] [[Karsan]] Jest Electric buses were introduced on 20 September 2019 for the number 89 route's narrow streets.<ref>{{cite web |title=Ekologiška viešojo transporto revoliucija – Vilniuje pristatyti pirmieji Lietuvoje elektriniai autobusai |url= |website=[[DELFI]] |access-date=20 September 2019}}</ref> Since 2017, a 30-minute ticket costs {{€|0.65|link=yes}}; a 60-minute ticket costs €0.90, and a single ticket bought on board costs €1.00. Short- and long-term tickets and discounts for students and the elderly are available.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=ME "Susisiekimo paslaugos" / Public transport : Ticket Prices | |access-date=10 July 2019 |archive-date=28 June 2020 |archive-url= |url-status=dead}}</ref> [[Vilnius Metro]] and an electric tram have been proposed.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Vilnius palaidojo tramvajaus ir metro idėjas |language=lt |trans-title=Vilnius has buried the tram and metro ideas |last1=Dumalakas |first1=Arūnas |date=14 June 2014 | |publisher=Lietuvos Rytas |access-date=30 September 2015 |archive-url= |archive-date=1 October 2015 |url-status=dead}}</ref> In 2018, the Seimas and the president approved a metro project.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title="Metro sąjūdžio" žiniai – trys geros naujienos {{!}} Vilniaus Metro | |access-date=29 April 2019}}</ref> <gallery mode=packed heights=140px> File:Solaris bus and trolleybuses in Vilnius.jpg|[[Solaris Urbino 18]] bus and Škoda 26Tr Solaris [[trolleybus]]es in Vilnius|alt=A red articulated bus and two trolleybuses File:Orange bikes in Vilnius (2019).jpg|Orange rental bikes|alt=A line of rental bicycles and a vending machine File:Vilnius railway station (06.09.2022) 02.jpg|Vilnius railway station|alt=A large railway station with two trains </gallery> ==Healthcare== When Vilnius was part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the city had [[public bathhouse]]s; one-fourth the city's houses had individual bathhouses, and almost half had alcohol distilleries.<ref>{{cite web |last=Paknys |first=Mindaugas |title=LDK istorija: Vilnius 1636 metais |url= |website=[[]] |access-date=19 January 2020 |language=lt}}</ref> In 1518, doctor and [[Canon (priest)|canon]] Martynas Dušnickis established the first ''špitolė'' in Vilnius: Lithuania's first hospital-like institution which treated people unable to care for themselves due to health, age, or poverty.<ref>{{cite web |title=Špitolė |url= | |access-date=10 October 2020}}</ref> The [[Brotherhood of Saint Roch]] maintained basic hospitals and shelters for the sick and disabled in Vilnius from 1708 to 1799, although it is unknown if the brothers had any medical education. They hired [[paramedic]]s, doctors, [[surgeon]]s, and female [[nurse]]s for female patients. A significant number of patients had [[sexually transmitted diseases]] which other Catholic hospitals refused to treat. The brotherhood sheltered pregnant women, [[abandoned children]] and patients with injuries, [[tuberculosis]], [[rheumatism]] and [[arthritis]].<ref>{{cite journal |first=Martynas |last=Jakulis |title=Rokitai: santvarka ir veikla XVIII–XIX a. I pusėje |url= |language=lt |journal=Lietuvių katalikų mokslo akademijos metraštis |issn=1392-0502 |volume=XXXIII |year=2010 |pages=75, 77–78, 95}}</ref> In 1805, the [[Vilnius Medical Society]] was established by [[Joseph Frank (physician)|Joseph Frank]] (son of [[Johann Peter Frank]]) as the first medical society in eastern Europe.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniaus medicinos draugija |url= | |access-date=25 October 2020}}</ref> The same year, the society established a [[teaching hospital]] ([[clinic]]) as part of the Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine.<ref>{{cite web |title=Klinika |url= | |access-date=25 October 2020}}</ref><ref name="FirstClinic">{{cite web |title=Medicinos mokslų svarba Lietuvai bei iškiliausi medikai ir jų pasiekimai |url= | |access-date=28 January 2023 |language=lt}}</ref> From 1918 to 1941, the [[Lithuanian Sanitary Aid Society]] operated in Vilnius.<ref>{{cite web |last=Vaišvilienė |first=Regina |title=Vilniaus fenomenas – lietuvių sanitarinės pagalbos draugija, ligoninė ir poliklinika (1918–1941) |url= | |access-date=3 February 2023 |language=lt}}</ref> The [[Ministry of Health (Lithuania)|Ministry of Health]], in Vilnius, is responsible for Lithuanian [[health care]].<ref>{{cite web |title=Health Care |url= | |access-date=5 October 2019}}</ref> Vilnians pay compulsory [[health insurance]] (6.98 percent of their salary), which is governed by the Vilnius Territorial Health Insurance Fund and guarantees free health care to every insured person. Some residents, such as the disabled, children and full-time students, are exempt from the tax.<ref>{{cite web |title=Lietuvos Respublikos sveikatos draudimo įstatymas |url= | |access-date=5 October 2019}}</ref> [[Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos]] and the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital are the city's primary [[hospital]]s.<ref>{{cite web |title=About us |url= | |access-date=5 October 2019}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=VšĮ Vilniaus miesto klinikinė ligoninė |url= | |access-date=5 October 2019}}</ref> Vilnius also has eight [[polyclinic]]s, the Medical Centre of the Ministry of the Interior, and a number of private health-care facilities.<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniaus miesto įstaigos |url= | |access-date=5 October 2019 |archive-date=24 September 2020 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> <gallery mode=packed heights="240px"> File:Vilnius house Pilies street.jpg|Building in which the [[Vilnius Medical Society]] was established in 1805|alt=Large, green two-story building File:PirmojiKlinika.JPG|Building which housed Vilnius' first clinic<ref name="FirstClinic"/>|alt=A large white building in winter </gallery> ==Media== [[File:Title page of Kuryer Litewski newspaper (1760, Vilnius).jpg|thumb|upright=0.75|alt=Title page of a 1760 newspaper|Title page of ''Kurier Litewski'' (1760)]] The first Lithuanian weekly newspaper, ''[[Kurier Litewski]]'', was published in Vilnius from 1760 to 1763.<ref>{{cite web |title=Kurier Litewski |url= | |access-date=1 August 2020}}</ref> Vilnius is home to a number of newspapers, magazines and other publications, including ''[[Lietuvos rytas]]'', ''[[Lietuvos žinios]]'', ''[[Verslo žinios]]'', ''[[Respublika (Lithuanian newspaper)|Respublika]]'', ''Valstiečių laikraštis'', ''Mokesčių žinios'', ''Aktualijos'', ''[[15min]]'', ''[[Vilniaus diena]]'', ''Vilniaus Kraštas'', ''[[Lietuvos aidas]]'', ''[[Valstybė]]'', ''[[Veidas]]'', ''Panelė'', the Franciscan ''[[]]'', the Russian ''Litovskij kurjer'' and the Polish ''Tygodnik Wileńszczyzny''.<ref>{{cite web |title=Laikraščiai, žurnalai Vilniuje |url= | |access-date=27 November 2019 |language=lt}}</ref> The [[Vilnius TV Tower]] in [[Karoliniškės]] broadcasts to the city.<ref>{{cite web |title=TV bokštas |url= | |access-date=27 November 2019}}</ref> The most-viewed networks in Lithuania are headquartered in Vilnius and include [[LRT televizija]], [[TV3 Lithuania|TV3]], [[LNK (television station)|LNK]], [[BTV (Lithuania)|BTV]], [[LRT Plius]], [[LRT Lituanica]], [[TV6 (Lithuania)|TV6]], [[Lietuvos rytas TV]], [[TV1 (Lithuania)|TV1]], [[TV8 (Lithuania)|TV8]], [[Sport1 (Lithuania)|Sport1]], [[Liuks!]], [[Info TV]].<ref>{{cite web |title=Lietuviški TV kanalai |url= | |access-date=27 November 2019}}</ref> [[File:Vilniaus televizijos bokštas, 2023.jpg|thumb|alt=Very tall transmission tower, surrounded by smaller buildings|Vilnius TV Tower]] Vilnius' first [[radio station]], ''Rozgłośnia Wileńska'', began broadcasting in the [[Žvėrynas]] microdistrict on 28 November 1927 and was moved to present-day Gediminas Avenue in 1935.<ref>{{cite web |last=Žilionis |first=Sigitas |title=Radiofonija Vilniuje 1927–1939 |url= | |access-date=27 November 2019}}</ref> [[M-1 (Lithuanian radio station)|M-1]], the country's first commercial radio station, began broadcasting from Vilnius in 1989. Other Lithuanian or foreign-language radio stations also broadcast from Vilnius, most from the Vilnius TV Tower or the [[:lt:Vilniaus spaudos rūmai|Vilnius Press House]].<ref>{{cite web |title=Vilniaus radijo stotys |url= | |access-date=27 November 2019}}</ref> The Lithuanian Union of Journalists ({{langx|lt|link=no|Lietuvos žurnalistų sąjunga}}) and the Lithuanian Society of Journalists ({{langx|lt|link=no|Lietuvos žurnalistų draugija}}) are headquartered in Vilnius.<ref>{{cite web |title=Lietuvos žurnalistų sąjunga |url= | |access-date=27 November 2019}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=Lietuvos žurnalistų draugija |url= | |access-date=27 November 2019}}</ref> ==<span class="anchor" id="Twin towns – sister cities"></span>Twin towns and sister cities== {{See also|List of twin towns and sister cities in Lithuania}} Vilnius is [[Sister city|twinned]] with:<ref>{{cite web |title=Miestai partneriai |url= | |publisher=Vilnius |language=lt |access-date=28 August 2019}}</ref> {{div col|colwidth=20em}} *{{flagicon|DEN}} [[Aalborg Municipality|Aalborg]], Denmark *{{flagicon|KAZ}} [[Almaty]], Kazakhstan *{{flagicon|KAZ}} [[Astana]], Kazakhstan *{{flagicon|USA}} [[Chicago]], United States *{{flagicon|UKR}} [[Dnipro]], Ukraine *{{flagicon|UKR}} [[Donetsk]], Ukraine *{{flagicon|GER}} [[Duisburg]], Germany *{{flagicon|GER}} [[Erfurt]], Germany *{{flagicon|POL}} [[Gdańsk]], Poland (1998)<ref>{{cite news |title=Vilniaus ir Gdansko draugystė tęsiasi – vienuoliktąjį kartą vyks kultūros mainų festivalis "Gdanskas Vilniuje" |url= |access-date=6 October 2022 |publisher=Vilnius City Municipality |date=14 September 2022 |language=lt}}</ref> *{{flagicon|CHN}} [[Guangzhou]], China *{{flagicon|FIN}} [[Joensuu]], Finland *{{flagicon|UKR}} [[Kyiv]], Ukraine *{{flagicon|POL}} [[Kraków]], Poland *{{flagicon|POL}} [[Łódź]], Poland *{{flagicon|USA}} [[Madison, Wisconsin|Madison]], United States *{{flagicon|ITA}} [[Pavia]], Italy *{{flagicon|ISL}} [[Reykjavík]], Iceland *{{flagicon|LVA}} [[Riga]], Latvia *{{flagicon|AUT}} [[Salzburg]], Austria *{{flagicon|TWN}} [[Taipei]], Taiwan *{{flagicon|EST}} [[Tallinn]], Estonia *{{flagicon|GEO}} [[Tbilisi]], Georgia *{{flagicon|POL}} [[Warsaw]], Poland <!--rest - other form of cooperation than twinning--> {{div col end}} Twin and friendly towns until 2022:<ref>{{cite news |title=Vilnius nutraukė sutartis su Rusijos, Baltarusijos miestais, įkūrė Ukrainos Didvyrių gatvę |url= |access-date=27 September 2022 |work=[[Baltic News Service]] |date=9 March 2022 |language=lt}}</ref> {{div col|colwidth=20em}} *{{flagicon|RUS}} [[Irkutsk]], Russia *{{flagicon|RUS}} [[Kaliningrad]], Russia *{{flagicon|RUS}} [[Krasnoyarsk]], Russia *{{flagicon|BLR}} [[Minsk]], Belarus *{{flagicon|RUS}} [[Saint Petersburg]], Russia *{{flagicon|RUS}} [[Ulan-Ude]], Russia *{{flagicon|RUS}} [[Yaroslavl]], Russia {{div col end}} ==Notable people== {{main|List of people from Vilnius}} {{see also|List of honorary citizens of Vilnius}} ==See also== {{portal|Lithuania|EU}} *[[Coat of arms of Vilnius]] *[[List of public art in Vilnius]] *[[Names of Lithuanian places in other languages|List of Vilnius Elderships in other languages]] *[[Neighborhoods of Vilnius]] *[[Vilnius conflict]] ==References== {{reflist|refs= <!-- Not in use <ref name=DGB1935>''Der Große Brockhaus''. 15th edition, vol. 20, Leipzig 1935, pp. 347–348</ref> Not in use--> }} ===Bibliography=== *References from '''' stands for the ''[[Visuotinė lietuvių enciklopedija]]''. *{{cite book |last=Briedis |first=Laimonas |title=Vilnius. City of Strangers |publisher=Baltos Lankos Publishers |year=2009}} *{{cite book |last=Brensztejn |first=Michał |url= |title=Spisy ludności m. Wilna za okupacji niemieckiej od d. 1 listopada 1915 r. |year=1919 |language=Polish |location=Warsaw |publisher=Warsawin Drukarnos Wydawnice, Tamka 46}} *{{cite book |last1=Mačiulis |first1=Dangiras |last2=Staliūnas |first2=Darius |title=Lithuanian Nationalism and the Vilnius Question, 1883-1940 |year=2015}} *{{cite book |last=Srebrakowski |first=Aleksander |title=Polacy w Litewskiej SRR 1944-1989 |year=2000 |location=Toruń |publisher=Wydawn. Adam Marszałek}} *{{cite journal |last=Srebrakowski |first=Aleksander |date=2020 |title=The nationality panorama of Vilnius |url= |journal=Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej |volume=LV |issue=3}} *{{cite book |vauthors=Weeks TR |date=2015 |title=Vilnius between Nations, 1795–2000 |publisher=Northern Illinois University Press}} ==External links== {{Commons category|Vilnius}} {{Wikivoyage}} * {{Official website|}} {{in lang|lt|pl|en|ru}} * [ The Jerusalem of Lithuania: The Story of the Jewish Community of Vilna] an online exhibition by [[Yad Vashem]] * {{JewishGen-LocalityPage|2620663|Vilnius, Lithuania}} * [ A. Srebrakowski, "The nationality panorama of Vilnius", ''Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej'', Vol. 55, No. 3 (2020)] {{navboxes|title=Articles related to Vilnius|list= {{Vilnius elderates}} {{List of European capitals by region}} {{Capital cities of the European Union}} {{European Capital of Culture}} {{Vilnius County}} {{Municipalities of Lithuania}} {{Lithuania topics}} }} {{Authority control}} [[Category:Vilnius| ]] [[Category:Articles containing video clips]] [[Category:Capitals in Europe]] [[Category:Capitals of Lithuanian counties]] [[Category:Cities in Lithuania]] [[Category:Cities in Vilnius County]] [[Category:Historic Jewish communities]] [[Category:Holocaust locations in Lithuania]] [[Category:Magdeburg rights]] [[Category:Municipalities administrative centres of Lithuania]] </textarea><div class="templatesUsed"><div class="mw-templatesUsedExplanation"><p><span id="templatesused">Pages transcluded onto the current version of this page<span 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