HubSpot Consultancy | Haal het maximale uit HubSpot | Bright Digital

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0 01.19 4.32 9.238 9.238 0 00-.15 1.382 37.65 37.65 0 002.271 9.52c1.938 5.754 3.768 11.191-1.654 18.239a.78.78 0 01-.616.3zm-5.848-1.559h5.46c4.635-6.231 3.109-10.768 1.182-16.486a39.359 39.359 0 01-2.351-9.961 10.186 10.186 0 01.168-1.684 6.88 6.88 0 00-.131-3.581c-.53-1.592-1.105-1.807-1.6-1.807s-1.07.215-1.6 1.807a6.914 6.914 0 00-.131 3.581 10.328 10.328 0 01.171 1.628 39.3 39.3 0 01-2.354 10.017c-1.923 5.718-3.451 10.255 1.186 16.486z" /></g></symbol><symbol id="brain" viewbox="0 0 70.6 61.6"><path d="M19.5 20.706c-.8-.1-1.4-.8-1.3-1.5.1-3.1-.4-8.9-4.9-11.5-.6-.4-.8-1.2-.5-1.9.4-.6 1.2-.9 1.8-.5 4.1 2.5 6.4 7.7 6.2 14 .1.7-.5 1.3-1.3 1.4zM15 31.106c-1.3.1-2.6-.2-3.8-.7-1.3-.7-1.2-2.7-1-5.9.1-1.4.2-2.8.1-4.3-1-.1-1.9 0-2.9.1-1.3.2-2.6.3-3.8.2-.7 0-1.3-.7-1.3-1.4s.6-1.3 1.4-1.3c1.1 0 2.3 0 3.4-.2 2-.2 3.7-.4 4.9.5 1.2.9 1.1 2.9.9 6.5-.1 1.2-.1 2.3-.1 3.5 1.4.4 4.5.2 6.4-.2.7-.1 1.4.3 1.6 1.1s-.3 1.4-1.1 1.6c-1.5.3-3.1.5-4.7.5z" /><path d="M20.5 15.806c-.5 0-.9 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data-name="Path 2167" d="M19.041 8.075a2.002 2.002 0 003.3-2.268 12.204 12.204 0 00-.726-.949 2 2 0 10-3.053 2.582c.162.208.329.42.479.635z" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-dasharray="1 2" /><path data-name="Path 2168" d="M8.456 19.543a7.859 7.859 0 01-.671-.431 2 2 0 10-2.332 3.25 11.657 11.657 0 001 .646 2 2 0 102-3.465z" stroke-miterlimit="10" /><path data-name="Path 2169" d="M15.66 1.043q-.574-.157-1.17-.261a2 2 0 00-.677 3.942 7.67 7.67 0 01.775.174 1.979 1.979 0 00.537.073 2 2 0 00.535-3.928z" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-dasharray="1 2" /><path data-name="Path 2170" d="M22.445 10.588a2.017 2.017 0 00-2 2.02c0 .269-.013.536-.039.8a2 2 0 001.794 2.187q. 2 0 001.989-1.8c.039-.39.058-.789.058-1.191v-.04a1.982 1.982 0 00-2.002-1.985z" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-dasharray="1 2" /><path data-name="Path 2171" d="M18.576 17.747a7.839 7.839 0 01-.541.584 2 2 0 002.793 2.863 11.563 11.563 0 00.813-.876 2 2 0 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id="chevron-thick-down" viewbox="0 0 28 28"><path d="M26.297 12.625L14.703 24.203a.99.99 0 01-1.406 0L1.703 12.625a1.009 1.009 0 010-1.422l2.594-2.578a.99.99 0 011.406 0L14 16.922l8.297-8.297a.99.99 0 011.406 0l2.594 2.578a1.009 1.009 0 010 1.422z" /></symbol><symbol id="chevron-thick-left" viewbox="0 0 21 28"><path d="M18.297 4.703L10 13l8.297 8.297a.99.99 0 010 1.406l-2.594 2.594a.99.99 0 01-1.406 0L2.703 13.703a.99.99 0 010-1.406L14.297.703a.99.99 0 011.406 0l2.594 2.594a.99.99 0 010 1.406z" /></symbol><symbol id="chevron-thick-right" viewbox="0 0 19 28"><path d="M17.297 13.703L5.703 25.297a.99.99 0 01-1.406 0l-2.594-2.594a.99.99 0 010-1.406L10 13 1.703 4.703a.99.99 0 010-1.406L4.297.703a.99.99 0 011.406 0l11.594 11.594a.99.99 0 010 1.406z" /></symbol><symbol id="chevron-thick-up" viewbox="0 0 28 28"><path d="M26.297 20.797l-2.594 2.578a.99.99 0 01-1.406 0L14 15.078l-8.297 8.297a.99.99 0 01-1.406 0l-2.594-2.578a1.009 1.009 0 010-1.422L13.297 7.797a.99.99 0 011.406 0l11.594 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1.2-4.3.2-.5.3-1.1.5-1.6.7-.1 1.5-1.4 2.8-3.1 2.8zm-5-5.4c.1 0 .3 0 . 1.5.8 2.4 1 . .9.8 1.7 1.7 1.7s1.7-.8 1.7-1.7v-.2c-.1-.4.2-.7.6-.8.8-.2 1.7-.6 2.4-1 .2-.1.4-.1.6-. 0 . 1.7.6 2.3-.1.6-.6.7-1.7 0-2.3-.1-.1-.2-.1-.3-.2-.3-.2-.4-.6-.2-1 .5-.7.8-1.5 1-2.4.1-.4.5-.6.9-.6 1 .2 1.9-.7 1.9-1.7 0-.9-.8-1.7-1.7-1.7h-.2c-.4.1-.8-.2-.8-.6-.2-.8-.5-1.6-1-2.4-.1-.2-.1-.4-.1-.6.1-.2.2-.4.4-.5 0 0 .1 0 .1-.1.3-.3.4-.7.4-1.1s-.3-.7-.6-1c-.6-.6-1.7-.6-2.3 0l-.1.1c-.1.2-.3.3-.5.4-.2.1-.4 0-.6-.1-.7-.4-1.6-.8-2.4-1-.4-.1-.6-.5-.6-.8v-.2c0-.9-.8-1.7-1.7-1.7s-1.6.7-1.6 1.6v.2c.1.4-.2.8-.5.9-.8.2-1.7.6-2.4 1-.2.1-.4.1-.6.1-.2-.1-.4-.2-.5-.4 0-.1-.1-.1-.1-.1-.6-.6-1.7-.6-2.3.1-.6.6-.7 1.7 0 2.3 0 0 . 1-.5.7-.8 1.5-1 2.4-.1.4-.5.6-.8.6h-.2c-.9 0-1.7.8-1.7 1.7 0 .9.8 1.7 1.7 1.7h.2c.4-. 1.7 1 1.2s.2.9.5 1.2c.6.6 1.7.7 2.3 0 .1-.1.1-.2.2-.3 0-.3.3-.4.5-.4z" /><path d="M26.222 16.74c-2.1 0-3.8-1.7-3.8-3.8 0-2.1 1.7-3.8 3.8-3.8s3.8 1.7 3.8 3.8c0 2.1-1.7 3.8-3.8 3.8zm0-6.1c-1.3 0-2.3 1-2.3 2.3 0 1.3 1 2.3 2.3 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000-.13c.35-3.94-1.06-6.37-2.52-7a2.15 2.15 0 00-2.05.4C16.8 1.47 16 3.38 16 5.67a4 4 0 00-2 1.73 40.57 40.57 0 01-4.63-3c-.68-.5-1.25-.91-1.61-1.13a2 2 0 00-2.07-.14A2.28 2.28 0 004.58 4.7a2 2 0 00-2 .84A3.54 3.54 0 002.61 9a3 3 0 00-.75 1.82 4.33 4.33 0 001.29 3c-1 2.38.25 4.66 3.81 6.79a32.17 32.17 0 00-.56 0 00-.44.21L.18 32.23l-.09.11a.68.68 0 00.24.93l11.12 6.63a.67.67 0 00.34.1H12a.76.76 0 00.41-.34l3.71-7.08a.67.67 0 00-.24-.88.75.75 0 00.26-.24A11.36 11.36 0 0118.92 29a20.27 20.27 0 002.57-2.05c.21-.27.4-.55.58-.83l1.76.63a.68.68 0 00.26.39l4.91 3.4a.71.71 0 00.38.12h.16a.69.69 0 00.46-.36l6.46-12.19a.67.67 0 00-.26-.91zM18.92 1.61a1 1 0 01.76-.25c.59.24 1.6 1.53 1.72 4.06a2.56 2.56 0 00-1-.82 2.24 2.24 0 00-1.74-.14 2.64 2.64 0 00-1.27 1.06 4.83 4.83 0 011.53-3.91zM4.23 14.86l1 .8.37.29a.67.67 0 00.42.16H6a.7.7 0 00.51-.25.67.67 0 00-.08-.94l-.39-.32c-.49-.38-1.22-1-1.65-1.38a3.62 3.62 0 01-1.19-2.33 1.85 1.85 0 01.35-.9c.6.46 1.44 1.07 2.15 1 .71 1.15.85a.71.71 0 0 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1.4-1.3 1.4zM3.6 49h57.2v-8.2H3.6V49zM52.3 35.1c-2.9 0-5.3-2.4-5.3-5.3 0-1.4-1.1-2.6-2.6-2.6s-2.6 1.1-2.6 2.6c0 2.9-2.3 5.3-5.2 5.3-2.9 0-5.3-2.3-5.3-5.2v-.1c0-1.4-1.1-2.6-2.6-2.6-1.4 0-2.6 1.1-2.6 2.6 0 2.9-2.4 5.3-5.3 5.3s-5.3-2.4-5.3-5.3c0-1.4-1.1-2.6-2.6-2.6s-2.6 1.1-2.6 2.6c0 2.9-2.4 5.3-5.3 5.3s-5.2-2.4-5.2-5.3c0-.8.6-1.4 1.4-1.4s1.4.6 1.4 1.4c0 1.4 1.1 2.6 2.6 2.6s2.6-1.1 2.6-2.6c0-2.9 2.4-5.3 5.3-5.3s5.3 2.4 5.3 5.3c0 1.4 1.1 2.6 2.6 2.6 1.4 0 2.6-1.1 2.6-2.6 0-2.9 2.4-5.3 5.3-5.3s5.3 2.4 5.3 5.3c0 1.4 1.1 2.6 2.6 2.6s2.6-1.1 2.6-2.6c0-2.9 2.4-5.3 5.3-5.3s5.3 2.4 5.3 5.3c0 1.4 1.1 2.6 2.6 2.6s2.6-1.1 2.6-2.6c0-2.9 2.4-5.3 5.3-5.3s5.3 2.4 5.3 5.3c0 .8-.6 1.4-1.4 1.4-.8 0-1.4-.6-1.4-1.4 0-1.4-1.1-2.6-2.6-2.6s-2.6 1.1-2.6 2.6c-.2 2.9-2.6 5.3-5.5 5.3zM62.2 21.8h-60c-.8 0-1.4-.6-1.4-1.4v-3.6C.9 0 14.1 0 26.9 0h11.6c12.9 0 25.1 0 25.1 16.9v3.6c-.1.7-.7 1.3-1.4 1.3zM3.6 19.1h57.2v-2.2c0-13.5-8.1-14.2-22.3-14.2H26.9c-14.4 0-23.3.7-23.3 14.2v2.2z" /></symbol><symbol id="hand-shake" 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0 01-.35.11zM2.18 10.82a.5.5 0 01-.35-.15.5.5 0 010-.71l.71-.71a.5.5 0 01.7 0 .5.5 0 010 .71l-.7.71a.51.51 0 01-.36.15zM9.61 3.39a.47.47 0 01-.35-.15.48.48 0 010-.7l.7-.71a.5.5 0 11.71.71l-.71.7a.47.47 0 01-.35.15z" /></g></symbol><symbol id="inbound-magnet-v2" viewbox="0 0 41.47 30.17"><g data-name="Laag 2"><g data-name="Laag 1"><path d="M29.9 0H15.21a14.86 14.86 0 00-10.7 4.33 15.09 15.09 0 00-.18 21.34A15 15 0 0015 30.17h14.9a1 1 0 001-1v-7a1 1 0 00-1-1H15.31a6.11 6.11 0 01-6.1-6 6 6 0 016-6H29.9a1 1 0 001-1V1a1 1 0 00-1-1zm-1 28.17h-3.28v-5h3.28zM15.17 7.05a8 8 0 00-8 8 8.11 8.11 0 008.09 8h8.32v5H15A13.09 13.09 0 012 15 13.09 13.09 0 0115.09 2h8.53v5.05zm13.73 0h-3.28V2h3.28zM35.19 3.52h-1.76a1 1 0 000 2h1.76a1 1 0 100-2zM38.71 5.52h1.76a1 1 0 100-2h-1.76a1 1 0 000 2zM35.19 24.65h-1.76a1 1 0 000 2h1.76a1 1 0 000-2zM40.47 24.65h-1.76a1 1 0 000 2h1.76a1 1 0 000-2z" /></g></g></symbol><symbol id="inbound" viewbox="0 0 47.8 57.4"><path d="M41.704 20.6h-2.6c-1.4 0-2.5 1.1-2.5 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0 00-1.26.45C2.54 1.06-.41 4.25.05 7a19.29 19.29 0 009.38 13.26 3.94 3.94 0 001.88.44 12.5 12.5 0 004.91-1.48l.17-.08a1.48 1.48 0 00.71-2 1.41 1.41 0 00-.24-.36zm-6.57 1.84a17.37 17.37 0 01-8.44-12C1.63 5.37 3 3.32 4.13 2.06l2.35 4.21-1.54 1.54a.9.9 0 00-.16 1.06 20.23 20.23 0 004.17 6A.92.92 0 0010 15l2-.95 3.22 3.6c-1.23.58-3.64 1.65-4.9 1z" fill="inherit" /></symbol><symbol id="phone" viewbox="0 0 22.025 22.025"><path data-name="Path 16" d="M20.814 15.148a14 14 0 01-4.319-.685 1.2 1.2 0 00-1.236.294l-1.921 2.411A18.579 18.579 0 014.907 8.81l2.386-2.031a1.249 1.249 0 00.294-1.248 13.647 13.647 0 01-.687-4.32A1.222 1.222 0 005.69 0H1.456C.8 0 0 .294 0 1.211a20.988 20.988 0 0020.814 20.814 1.284 1.284 0 001.211-1.444V16.36a1.222 1.222 0 00-1.211-1.212z" fill="inherit" /></symbol><symbol id="pijlen-dubbel" viewbox="0 0 23.26 14.08"><g data-name="Laag 2"><path d="M22.76 11.54h-22a.5.5 0 01-.5-.5.5.5 0 01.5-.5h22a.51.51 0 0 01-.5.5zM22.76 3.54h-22A.5.5 0 01.26 3a.5.5 0 01.5-.5h22a.51.51 0 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d="M30.088 21.375A2.375 2.375 0 1132.463 19a2.377 2.377 0 01-2.375 2.375zm0-3.167a.792.792 0 10.792.792.793.793 0 00-.792-.792z" /></g></g><g data-name="Group 3882"><g data-name="Group 3880"><path data-name="Path 2211" d="M11.165 13.54a2.372 2.372 0 01-1.678-4.053 2.429 2.429 0 013.358 0 2.374 2.374 0 01-1.68 4.053zm0-3.167a.794.794 0 00-.793.79.8.8 0 00.233.562.812.812 0 001.121 0 .8.8 0 000-1.12.786.786 0 00-.561-.231z" /><path data-name="Path 2212" d="M26.838 29.214a2.377 2.377 0 01-1.681-4.056 2.439 2.439 0 013.361 0 2.376 2.376 0 01-1.68 4.056zm0-3.167a.791.791 0 00-.562 1.351.811.811 0 001.123 0 .792.792 0 000-1.12.784.784 0 00-.561-.231z" /></g><g data-name="Group 3881"><path data-name="Path 2213" d="M11.163 29.214a2.375 2.375 0 01-1.678-4.056 2.437 2.437 0 013.36 0 2.377 2.377 0 01-1.682 4.056zm0-3.167a.787.787 0 00-.561.231.79.79 0 000 1.12.809.809 0 001.121 0 .794.794 0 000- 0 00-.558-.231z" /><path data-name="Path 2214" d="M26.838 13.54a2.374 2.374 0 01-1.68-4.053 2.429 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data-name="Path 2221" d="M25.775 23.75h-1.583a.792.792 0 110-1.583h1.583a.792.792 0 110 1.583z" /><path data-name="Path 2222" d="M23.75 19.794a.781.781 0 01-.559-.231.79.79 0 010-1.12l1.583-1.583a.792.792 0 011.119 1.12l-1.583 1.583a.788.788 0 01-.56.231z" /></g></symbol><symbol id="play-button" viewbox="0 0 101.217 106.815"><path data-name="Path 2256" d="M45.853 38.513l17.79 11.886-17.42 12.74z" fill="#fff" /><g data-name="Group 3559"><g data-name="Group 3557" fill="#fff"><path data-name="Path 2236" d="M31.695 3.293c3.09-1.116 5.8-.071 6.764 2.611 1.01 2.8-.48 5.424-3.708 6.588l-2.7.976 1.48 4.1-1.847.666-4.769-13.216zm2.615 7.426c2.021-.729 2.954-2.406 2.323-4.155-.6-1.652-2.357-2.269-4.378-1.539l-2.877 1.038 2.054 5.7z" /><path data-name="Path 2237" d="M45.043 14.53l-1.883.263L41.133.263 43.016 0z" /><path data-name="Path 2238" d="M57.606 5.036l-.617 9.635-1.9-.121.054-.846a5.076 5.076 0 11.51-7.944l.055-.846zm-2.328 6.562l.24-3.734a3.407 3.407 0 00-2.851-1.737 3.424 3.424 0 00-.438 6.829 3.408 3.408 0 003.05-1.358z" /><path data-name="Path 2239" d="M60.716 21.077l-1.881-.693 3.506-3.6L61.249 5.63l1.921.708.848 8.705 6.02-6.176 1.881.693z" /><path data-name="Path 2240" d="M77.023 25.217l-1.252-1.141 3.153-10.182 1.482 1.35-2.38 7.616 7.345-3.094 1.5 1.364z" /><path data-name="Path 2241" d="M90.092 25.671l-7.8 5.7-1.11-1.52 7.8-5.7zm1.611-3.892a1.2 1.2 0 011.7.295 1.2 1.2 0 11-1.937 1.414 1.2 1.2 0 01.238-1.709z" /><path data-name="Path 2242" d="M87.841 42.077l-.781-1.734.792-.357a4.9 4.9 0 01-2.324-2.489 5.065 5.065 0 019.232-4.159 4.9 4.9 0 01.326 3.389l5.351-2.41.78 1.734zm1.913-2.948l3.409-1.535a3.41 3.41 0 00.2-3.331 3.423 3.423 0 00-6.236 2.809 3.462 3.462 0 002.627 2.055z" /><path data-name="Path 2243" d="M93.93 52.732l-.006-.042-1.076-7.776a3.157 3.157 0 00-2.477 3.659 2.5 2.5 0 001.511 2.169l.28 2.026a4.476 4.476 0 01-3.456-4.026 5.134 5.134 0 0110.164-1.45c.38 2.742-1.4 4.969-4.34 5.4a4.57 4.57 0 01-.6.04zm.11-7.941l.819 5.914a2.808 2.808 0 002.416-3.192 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data-name="Path 2250" d="M25.956 85.935l1.381.981-1.895 10.485-1.634-1.16 1.44-7.845-6.916 3.958-1.649-1.171z" /><path data-name="Path 2251" d="M11.798 91.12a1.241 1.241 0 11.027-1.724 1.2 1.2 0 01-.027 1.724zm1.13-4.056l7.047-6.594 1.285 1.374-7.048 6.593z" /><path data-name="Path 2252" d="M13.168 70.523l.987 1.626-.741.45a4.908 4.908 0 012.609 2.188 5.065 5.065 0 01-8.655 5.256 4.912 4.912 0 01-.737-3.325l-5.017 3.046-.987-1.626zm-1.539 3.159l-3.2 1.941a3.409 3.409 0 00.209 3.331 3.423 3.423 0 005.847-3.55 3.459 3.459 0 00-2.856-1.722z" /><path data-name="Path 2253" d="M5.809 60.68l.011.039 2.02 7.592a3.159 3.159 0 002.009-3.931 2.5 2.5 0 00-1.764-1.969l-.527-1.978a4.484 4.484 0 013.925 3.577 5.138 5.138 0 01-9.918 2.682c-.713-2.677.78-5.108 3.652-5.893a4.275 4.275 0 01.592-.119zm.862 7.9l-1.537-5.773a2.808 2.808 0 00-2.009 3.465 3.1 3.1 0 003.546 2.308z" /><path data-name="Path 2254" d="M5.174 48.076a5.137 5.137 0 11-5.172 5.038 5.034 5.034 0 015.172-5.038zm-.033 1.922a3.229 3.229 0 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0 00-.649 1.056 6.361 6.361 0 01-2.945-1.676 6.434 6.434 0 01-1.855-5.105zm-3.328 8.03a6.017 6.017 0 013.849-2.221c. 7.8 0 003.747 2.093 3.46 3.46 0 00.288 1.205 6.36 6.36 0 01-3.269.9 6.434 6.434 0 01-4.922-2.301zm3.325 8.032a6.017 6.017 0 011.15-4.292c. 7.807 0 004.129-1.17 3.434 3.434 0 001.056.649 6.361 6.361 0 01-1.676 2.945 6.439 6.439 0 01-5.106 1.855zm8.03 3.329a6.018 6.018 0 01-2.223-3.859c.109-.1.222-.19.326-.295a7.807 7.807 0 002.093-3.748 3.471 3.471 0 001.2-.288 6.359 6.359 0 01.9 3.269 6.435 6.435 0 01-2.297 4.921zm8.032-3.325a6.017 6.017 0 01-4.296-1.15c.009-.148.014-.3.014-.446a7.8 7.8 0 00-1.17-4.129 3.442 3.442 0 00.651-1.056 6.364 6.364 0 012.944 1.675 6.436 6.436 0 011.856 5.106zm3.328-8.03a6.018 6.018 0 01-3.85 2.22c-.1-.11-.2-.219-.305-.325a7.806 7.806 0 00-3.746-2.092 3.447 3.447 0 00-.287-1.207 6.359 6.359 0 013.266-.9 6.435 6.435 0 014.921 2.304zm-3.324-8.032a6.021 6.021 0 01-1.15 4.292 7.432 7.432 0 00-.446-.014 7.8 7.8 0 00-4.128 1.17 3.445 3.445 0 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01.4-.682l6.236-3.465a.782.782 0 01.757 0l6.236 3.465a.782.782 0 01.4.682v6.927a.779.779 0 01-.4.681l-5.159 2.867a.789.789 0 01-.376.099z" /><path data-name="Path 2248" d="M24.029 36.508a.776.776 0 01-.36-.087l-6.1-3.167a.778.778 0 01-.42-.691v-6.926a.778.778 0 01.463-.713l7.8-3.464a.8.8 0 01.7.029l6.236 3.464a.784.784 0 01.4.683v4.849a.78.78 0 01-1.559 0v-4.391l-5.5-3.052-6.977 3.1v5.948l5.675 2.948a.779.779 0 01-.359 1.47z" /><path data-name="Path 2249" d="M5.675 26.421a.779.779 0 01-.371-.094l-4.015-2.172a.779.779 0 01.742-1.369l3.645 1.969 5.673-3.045v-6l-5.678-3.046-3.7 1.946a.778.778 0 11-.723-1.378l4.069-2.141a.776.776 0 01.731 0l6.453 3.465a.779.779 0 01.412.687v6.927a.78.78 0 01-.412.686l-6.453 3.466a.776.776 0 01-.373.099z" /><path data-name="Path 2250" d="M31.961 26.42a.778.778 0 01-.379-.1l-6.236-3.466a.778.778 0 01-.4-.681v-6.927a.78.78 0 01.4-.682l6.236-3.464a.78.78 0 01.758 0l3.988 2.217a.78.78 0 11-.758 1.364l-3.609-2.006-5.457 3.031v6.01l5.457 3.03 3.542-1.967a.78.78 0 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0-.8-.3-.8-.8s.3-.8.8-.8h19c.4 0 . 9.7h-19c-.4 0-.8-.3-.8-.8s.3-.8.8-.8h19c.4 0 . 12.4H5.5c-.4 0-.8-.3-.8-.8s.3-.8.8-.8H15c.4 0 ." /><path d="M35.4 24.6H19.1c-.4 0-.8-.3-.8-.8s.3-.8.8-.8h16.3c.4 0 . 27.4H19.1c-.4 0-.8-.3-.8-.8s.3-.8.8-.8h16.3c.4 0 . 30.1h-9.5c-.4 0-.8-.3-.8-.8s.3-.8.8-.8h9.5c.4 0 ." /></symbol><symbol id="swipe" viewbox="0 0 31.4 33.8"><path d="M28.5 11.7c-.8 0-1.4.3-2 .8-.4-1.2-1.5-2-2.7-2-.8 0-1.5.3-2.1.9-.5-1-1.5-1.7-2.6-1.7H19c-.6 0-1.2.2-1.7.6V3.1c.1-1.6-1.2-3-2.8-3.1s-3 1.2-3.1 2.8v14.5l-.9-1c-.5-1-1.5-1.5-2.6-1.6-1.1-.1-2.1.3-2.9 1l-.7.6c-.3.2-.3.5-.2.7l6.7 13c1.2 2.3 3.5 3.8 6.1 3.8h7.6c4-.1 7.1-3.4 7-7.4v-4.3-7.4c0-1.6-1.3-3-3-3zm1.8 10.4v4.3c.1 3.3-2.5 6.1-5.8 6.2h-7.6c-2.1 0-4.1-1.3-5.1-3.2L5.3 16.9l.3-.3c.6-.5 1.3-.8 2.1-.7.8.1 1.5.4 2 1.1l1.9 2.3c. .6-1.8 1.6-1.9 1-.1 1.8.6 1.9 1.6v14c0 . .7-1.8 1.7-1.8h.1c1 0 1.8.9 1.8 1.9v3.7c0 . .6-1.8 1.6-1.9 1-.1 1.8.6 1.9 1.6V16.4c0 . .7-1.9 1.7-1.9h.1c1 0 1.8.9 1.7 1.9v7.2z" /><path d="M19.4 5.7h7.5L25.6 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1.1-2.4 2.4v30.5c0 1.3 1.1 2.4 2.4 2.4h15.4c1.2 0 2.3-1 2.4-2.4V26.6c0-1.3-1.2-2.4-2.5-2.4zM27.5 48.7h9.1l1.7 7.9H25.8l1.7-7.9zm40.1 8H53.2V27.1h14.5l-.1 29.6z" /><path d="M54.2 51.6h12.4v1.2H54.2z" /></symbol><symbol id="website-www-v2" viewbox="0 0 47.38 36.82"><g data-name="Laag 2"><g data-name="Laag 1"><g data-name="Group 2414"><path d="M31.73 0H1a1 1 0 00-1 1v25.38a1 1 0 001 1h30.73a1 1 0 001-1V1a1 1 0 00-1-1zm-1 2v3.34H2V2zM2 25.38v-18h28.73v18z" /><path d="M4.08 4.54a1.17 1.17 0 10-1.17-1.17 1.17 1.17 0 001.17 1.17zm0-1.34a.18.18 0 01.17.17c0 .19-.34.19-.34 0a.18.18 0 01.17-.17zM6.75 4.54a1.17 1.17 0 000-2.34 1.17 1.17 0 000 2.34zm0-1.34a.18.18 0 01.17.17c0 .19-.34.19-.34 0a.18.18 0 01.17-.17zM9.42 4.54a1.17 1.17 0 10-1.16-1.17 1.17 1.17 0 001.16 1.17zm0-1.34a.17.17 0 01.17.17c0 .19-.33.19-.33 0a.17.17 0 01.16-.17z" /><g data-name="Group 2382"><path data-name="Path 1729" d="M36.11 10.18a10.8 10.8 0 11-15.28 0 10.86 10.86 0 0115.28 0z" fill="#fff" /><path d="M28.48 29.63A11.8 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data-name="Group 2387"><g data-name="Group 2338-3"><path data-name="Path 1721-3" d="M28.64 12.73a.77.77 0 00-1 .36l-1 2.1-1.1-2.11a.76.76 0 00-1-.33.72.72 0 00-.34.35l-1 2.1-1.2-2.12a.78.78 0 00-1-.33.78.78 0 00-.33 1l1.8 3.48a.78.78 0 0 00.68-.44l1-2.1L26 17.27a.76.76 0 0 00.68-.43L29 13.76a.77.77 0 00-.35-1z" /></g></g></g></g></g></symbol><symbol id="website" viewbox="0 0 71.154 60"><g data-name="Group 3764" fill="none" stroke="inherit" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"><g data-name="Group 3763"><g data-name="Group 3762"><path data-name="Rectangle 2418" d="M53.284 25.538h15.894a.977.977 0 01.977.977v31.508a.976.976 0 01-.976.976H53.285a.977.977 0 01-.977-.976V26.514a.976.976 0 01.976-.976z" /><path data-name="Line 577" d="M53.423 30h15.615" /><path data-name="Line 578" d="M53.423 52.307h15.615" /></g><path data-name="Path 2170" d="M51.192 47.846H3.7c-1.968 0-2.7-2.153-2.7-4.12V4.005c0-1.967.734-3 2.7-3h57.012c1.963 0 2.748 1.038 2.748 3v20.418" /><path 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c-17.6,7-20.4,23.7-20.8,28.7c-0.3,3.5,0.9,8.9,3.7,12c1.7,1.8,3.7,2.7,6.1,2.5c1.5-0.1,3.6-0.9,5.2-1.5c1.2-0.4,1.7-0.6,2.1-0.6 h0.2l0.2,0.1c0.4,0.3,0.5,0.4-2,36.1l-0.5,7.2c-0.8,11.3-2.1,24.1-3.4,37.6c-0.7,7.1-1.4,14.5-2.1,21.6c-1.3,13.8-4.2,29.1-9.1,46.9 c-3.5,13-14.9,24.9-26.4,27.8c-3.4,0.8-7.1,1.6-11.6,1.6c-13.8,0-26.9-7.8-39-23.1c-5.8-7.4-19.9-32.5-15.7-60.4 c3.5-23.2,17.8-37.1,29.2-44.6c22.1-14.7,41.3-23.6,52.7-29c6.3-2.9,11.7-5.5,11.9-6.4c0-0.3-0.1-1.7-0.9-2.7 C294.4,217,293.9,216.7,293.2,216.6 M296.5,145.7c-3.2,0-5.8,0.9-7.6,2.8c-3,3-3,7.6-3,7.6c0.1,0.9,0.3,1.6,0.8,2.1 c1.3,1.4,4.3,2.1,6.5,2.1c1.1,0,2-0.2,2.7-0.6c3.8-2.2,6.8-4.1,9.4-5.9c1.1-0.7,1.8-2.4,1.6-3.8c-0.2-1.3-3-3.4-8.6-4.2 C297.7,145.8,297.1,145.7,296.5,145.7 M502.3,75.1c-2.8,0-7,1.4-10.8,7.9c-4.2,7.2-11.1,30.3-19.4,65l-0.4,1.7l-0.4,0.1 c-7.5,1-13.9,1.9-15.1,4.3c-0.1,0.4-0.1,0.8,0.2,1.1c1.6,2.3,9.6,3.1,12.5,3.2h0.7l-0.2,0.7c-1.2,5.3-2.3,10.1-3.2,14.8 c-2.6,13-4.8,26.2-7,39c-2.1,8.9-4.2,23.6-1.2,25.2c1,0.5,1.9,0.8,2.8,0.8c2.9,0,4.9-2.6,6.4-4.6l0.5-0.6c5.4-6.8,7.1-22.8,8.7-38.3 c1.1-10.8,2.3-21.9,4.7-30c0.5-1.7,1.7-7,1.7-7.1l0.1-0.4h0.4c0.6,0,63.6-4.5,75.3-5.2c13.6-0.8,52.5-3.4,58.2-3.9s7.6-1.1,8.6-2.3 c0.5-1.4,0.5-2.6-1.4-4.3c-2-1.8-4.7-3.5-8-5c-3.2-1.5-6.7-2.9-10.6-3.7c-1.4-0.3-3.2-0.4-5.4-0.4c-10.1,0-26.5,3-36.3,4.7 c-1.9,0.3-3.6,0.7-5,0.9c-3.6,0.6-5.7,1-7.6,1.4c-3.2,0.6-5.5,1-13.4,2.2c-9.6,1.5-32.8,4.1-52,6.3l-0.9,0.1l0.2-0.8 c3.7-15.6,7.5-29.8,11.5-43.4c0.1-0.5,3.4-12,9.5-17.6c2.8-2.5,4.3-4.7,3.3-7.5C509.3,77.7,506.3,75.1,502.3,75.1 M198.3,44.8 c-2.3,4.6-13.6,20.3-25.9,32.4c-0.2,0.2-20.5,20.2-30.7,29.5c-13.2,12-38.5,31.4-41.6,32l-1,0.2l0.4-1c0.1-0.3,0.3-0.9,0.6-1.8 c1.7-5.1,5.8-17,9.1-22.7c7.7-13.1,19.2-30.3,39.2-47.3c20.4-17.2,35.6-26.4,45.1-27.2c2.9-0.2,4.2,0.9,4.8,1.8 C199,41.8,199,43.4,198.3,44.8 M150.8,163.7h1c18.4,0,29.4,9,30.4,14c2.8,14.7-46.3,38-65.4,44.3c-20.6,6.9-46.4,10.8-50.8,10.8 c-0.5,0-0.8-0.1-0.9-0.1l-0.2-0.1l-0.1-0.3c-0.1-0.4-0.3-1.3,13.3-37.2c6.3-16.7,13.5-35.5,13.6-35.7l0.7-0.3 C104.5,163.5,143.1,163.7,150.8,163.7 M215.2,24.4c-4.1-4.4-11.6-5.4-21.7-2.8c-14.1,3.6-25.1,12.3-35.7,20.6c-1,0.8-2,1.6-3,2.3 c-16.3,12.7-39.3,41.3-41.6,44.2l0.2,0.6l-1-0.1l-0.2-0.1c-0.9-0.6-3.3-2-5.9-2c-2.7,0-9,1.7-10.7,15.9c-0.1,1.1-2.3,12.9-4,17.1 c-0.8,1.9-4.7,10-9.6,20.2c-7.9,16.3-18.6,38.5-22,46.6c-4.9,11.9-11.2,27.6-16.2,44.1c-1.2,3.9-4.2,6-10.2,6.9l-1.6,0.2l1.1-1.2 c1-1.1,2-2.3,3-3.5l0.7-0.8c5.1-5.8,4.5-6.7,3.6-8.1l-0.2-0.3c-0.4-0.7-1.3-1-2.5-1c-6.4,0-19.9,8.2-27,13.1c-1.6,1.1-5.5,4-7.7,7.7 c-3.2,5.3-3.9,10.2-2,14c0.6,1.2,2.8,2,5.5,2c0.5,0,1,0,1.5-0.1l1.5-0.2c7-0.9,13.6-1.7,22.6-3.2c0.7-0.1,1.4-0.2,2-0.2 c1.6,0,2.6,0.4,3.2,1.3c0.8,1.1,0.3,2.5,0.3,2.6c0,0.4-0.1,0.9-0.2,1.4c-0.3,1.2-0.5,2.4-0.2,3.9c0.5,2.3,3.5,2.9,4.7,2.9L42,269 v-0.7c2.2,0,6.8-1.7,12.4-13.2c0.9-1.9,1.7-2.8,4.9-3.4c0.3,0,25.1-4.6,34.2-6.7c14.9-3.6,30.8-9.3,48.6-17.4 c44.1-20.2,57.1-49.6,57.2-49.9c2.5-6.8,1.7-12.5-2.5-17.5c-3.2-3.9-7.2-6.8-12-8.6c-12.9-5-26.3-5.8-39.3-6.6c0,0-9.2-0.5-13-0.8 c-4.8-0.3-14.5-1.1-14.6-1.1l-1.4-0.1l1-0.9c2.8-2.5,5.7-4.9,8.5-7.4l0.9-0.8c5.5-4.7,11.2-9.6,16.7-14.7 c11.4-10.6,26.4-24.7,41.3-39.4C197.8,67,206.4,56.2,212.8,45l0.4-0.7c2-3.6,4.6-8,4.9-13.3C218.1,30.1,217.7,27.1,215.2,24.4" /> </clippath> </defs> <path class="c-header-logo__bg" d="M236.3,173.7l-1,1.2c-0.5,0.6-1.9,2-3.9,3.9c-7.5,7.3-23,22.6-26.4,29.7c-2.2,4.6-2.9,7.2-3.1,11.6 c-0.2,2.4,0.3,4.3,1.4,5.6c1.4,1.6,3.9,2.4,7.3,2.4c2.8,0,5.4-0.6,6.3-0.7c12.8-2.7,23-9.7,33.1-17.2c3.4-2.6,6.7-5.4,9.9-8.1 c0.9-0.8,1.8-1.5,2.7-2.3l1.5-1.3l-0.5,1.9c0,0.1-2.3,8.1-3.2,11.7v0.2c-0.3,1.2,0,2.1,0.4,2.6c0.6,0.9,1.5,1.3,2.2,1.4 c1.3,0.1,2.8-0.8,4.2-1.7c0.1-0.1,0.4-0.2,0.7-0.4c7.3-4.1,10.4-7.8,9.3-11.1c-1-2.9,0.3-5.3,1.7-7.8l0.3-0.5c0,0,3.6-6.6,5.2-9.4 c1.7-3,3.5-6.6,5.2-9.7l0.9-1.6c0.7-1.3,0.4-3.3-0.6-4.5c-0.7-0.9-3.1-2-5.6-2c-2.1,0-3.9,0.7-5.4,2.2c0,0-17.1,17.7-21.1,21.9 c-8.4,8.8-18.6,14.4-28.4,19.1c-1.9,0.9-4.6,2.1-6.9,2.1l0,0c-1.5,0-2.6-0.5-3.3-1.6c-3.1-4.9,7.4-15.3,13.1-20.9 c0.9-0.8,1.6-1.5,2-2c1.4-1.5,4.5-4.6,7.5-7.6c3.2-3.2,6.5-6.5,7.2-7.3c1.8-2.1,3.7-4.2,5.1-6.4c1.1-1.7,1.2-3.5,0.4-4.6 c-0.7-1-2-1.5-3.9-1.5s-4,0.4-6.2,0.9c-2.1,0.4-4.1,0.8-5.8,0.8h-0.3c-1.2,0-2.6-0.5-4-0.9c-1.5-0.5-3.1-1-4.7-1.1 c-3.4-0.1-5.2,0.1-8.3,1.5c-12.8,5.5-28.7,30-29.7,31.6c-0.4,0.7-0.9,2.2-1.1,3.1c-0.1,0.8,0.1,2.9,1.3,3.5c0.9,0.4,1.8,0.7,2.7,0.7 c4.9,0,9.6-6,11.7-8.5l0.4-0.5c0.5-0.6,11.5-15.2,17.5-18.7l0.2-0.1c0.6-0.2,1.6,0,2.9,0.2c1.5,0.3,3.3,0.6,5.5,0.6 c0.8,0,1.5,0,2.3-0.1L236.3,173.7z M448,0c-7.9,0-15.4,3.4-22.7,10.5c-7.9,7.5-31.8,30.5-59.5,128.6c-1.6,5.5-3.2,11.1-4.9,17 c-2.5,8.7-5.1,17.6-7.8,27.3c-5.3,19.1-9.8,36-13.9,51.6c-2.2,8.3-4.5,20.8-3,22.7c0.7,1,1.7,1.5,2.8,1.5c4.9,0,13-9.1,16.9-17.3 c21.8-45.2,28-46.6,31.3-47.3c0.6-0.1,1.1-0.2,1.7-0.2c4.8,0,7.2,4.9,9.7,10c2.8,5.8,5.7,11.7,12.2,12.3c1.3,0.1,2.5,0.2,3.7,0.2 c6.9,0,13.3-1.8,19.7-5.5c8.3-4.8,14.8-10.8,20-18.3c2.4-3.5,2.1-7.2,1.1-9.2c-0.6-1.2-1.5-2-2.3-2s-3.8,3-6.4,5.6 c-6.2,6.1-14.6,14.5-21.3,14.5H425c-5.5-0.2-9.4-2.7-12.5-8.1c-0.1-0.2-0.3-0.5-0.5-0.9c-2.1-4-7.7-14.6-18.9-14.6 c-6,0-11.2,2.1-15.9,6.5c-5.7,5.3-10.7,11.1-15.3,17.7l-1.9,2.8l0.9-3.3c29.7-113.3,49.6-150.2,53.3-156.5c0.4-0.7,4.2-7.4,9.7-14.1 c7.7-9.3,14.7-14,20.9-13.7c12,0.5,15.2,11.6,16,18.2c1.6,12.9-1.3,26.1-9.2,41.4c-6.5,12.6-14.7,24.3-24.3,34.7 c-1.6,1.7-4.8,4.8-8.6,8.4c-8.6,8.2-24.6,23.6-24.1,26.5c0.5,2.8,1.1,3,1.6,3c1,0,3.4,0,10-5.3c12.2-9.8,23.6-21,34.9-34.2 c18.3-21.3,30.6-48.3,33.2-59.9c3-13.3,2.5-24.2-1.3-34.3c-2.7-6.9-8.2-12.3-14.8-14.6C454.7,0.7,451.3,0,448,0 M293.2,216.6 c-3.7,0-62.7,27.4-77.7,39c-11.8,9.1-18.5,18.1-22.4,29.8c-5.3,15.8-6.5,31.2-3.7,46.9c4.4,25.4,15.5,44.6,32.8,56.8 c13.1,9.2,27.4,12.5,35.6,12.5c0.3,0,0.6,0,0.8,0c15.9,0,33.7-3.9,45.1-32.5c8.4-21.5,16.2-69.4,21.9-134.9c0.1-1.2,0.2-2.1,0.2-2.7 c1.3-14.6,4.6-25.7,6.6-32.4c0.8-2.8,1.4-4.9,1.5-5.9c0.1-1.4,0.1-2.7-1-4c-1-1.1-2.3-1.4-4.5-1.1c-1.3,0.2-2.4,0.6-3.6,1 c-0.9,0.3-1.8,0.6-2.8,0.8c-5.7,1.3-9.5,0.9-10.9-1.3c-1-1.6-1.2-3.3-0.6-4.9c1.4-3.9,7.2-7.7,16.8-11.1l0.3-0.1 c0.4-0.2,0.9-0.3,1.3-0.5c2.7-0.9,5.5-1.9,6.3-4c1-2.8,0.7-4.6-0.9-5.8c-0.6-0.4-2.3-1.4-6.1-1.4c-3.7,0-8.2,1-13.2,2.9 c-17.6,7-20.4,23.7-20.8,28.7c-0.3,3.5,0.9,8.9,3.7,12c1.7,1.8,3.7,2.7,6.1,2.5c1.5-0.1,3.6-0.9,5.2-1.5c1.2-0.4,1.7-0.6,2.1-0.6 h0.2l0.2,0.1c0.4,0.3,0.5,0.4-2,36.1l-0.5,7.2c-0.8,11.3-2.1,24.1-3.4,37.6c-0.7,7.1-1.4,14.5-2.1,21.6c-1.3,13.8-4.2,29.1-9.1,46.9 c-3.5,13-14.9,24.9-26.4,27.8c-3.4,0.8-7.1,1.6-11.6,1.6c-13.8,0-26.9-7.8-39-23.1c-5.8-7.4-19.9-32.5-15.7-60.4 c3.5-23.2,17.8-37.1,29.2-44.6c22.1-14.7,41.3-23.6,52.7-29c6.3-2.9,11.7-5.5,11.9-6.4c0-0.3-0.1-1.7-0.9-2.7 C294.4,217,293.9,216.7,293.2,216.6 M296.5,145.7c-3.2,0-5.8,0.9-7.6,2.8c-3,3-3,7.6-3,7.6c0.1,0.9,0.3,1.6,0.8,2.1 c1.3,1.4,4.3,2.1,6.5,2.1c1.1,0,2-0.2,2.7-0.6c3.8-2.2,6.8-4.1,9.4-5.9c1.1-0.7,1.8-2.4,1.6-3.8c-0.2-1.3-3-3.4-8.6-4.2 C297.7,145.8,297.1,145.7,296.5,145.7 M502.3,75.1c-2.8,0-7,1.4-10.8,7.9c-4.2,7.2-11.1,30.3-19.4,65l-0.4,1.7l-0.4,0.1 c-7.5,1-13.9,1.9-15.1,4.3c-0.1,0.4-0.1,0.8,0.2,1.1c1.6,2.3,9.6,3.1,12.5,3.2h0.7l-0.2,0.7c-1.2,5.3-2.3,10.1-3.2,14.8 c-2.6,13-4.8,26.2-7,39c-2.1,8.9-4.2,23.6-1.2,25.2c1,0.5,1.9,0.8,2.8,0.8c2.9,0,4.9-2.6,6.4-4.6l0.5-0.6c5.4-6.8,7.1-22.8,8.7-38.3 c1.1-10.8,2.3-21.9,4.7-30c0.5-1.7,1.7-7,1.7-7.1l0.1-0.4h0.4c0.6,0,63.6-4.5,75.3-5.2c13.6-0.8,52.5-3.4,58.2-3.9s7.6-1.1,8.6-2.3 c0.5-1.4,0.5-2.6-1.4-4.3c-2-1.8-4.7-3.5-8-5c-3.2-1.5-6.7-2.9-10.6-3.7c-1.4-0.3-3.2-0.4-5.4-0.4c-10.1,0-26.5,3-36.3,4.7 c-1.9,0.3-3.6,0.7-5,0.9c-3.6,0.6-5.7,1-7.6,1.4c-3.2,0.6-5.5,1-13.4,2.2c-9.6,1.5-32.8,4.1-52,6.3l-0.9,0.1l0.2-0.8 c3.7-15.6,7.5-29.8,11.5-43.4c0.1-0.5,3.4-12,9.5-17.6c2.8-2.5,4.3-4.7,3.3-7.5C509.3,77.7,506.3,75.1,502.3,75.1 M198.3,44.8 c-2.3,4.6-13.6,20.3-25.9,32.4c-0.2,0.2-20.5,20.2-30.7,29.5c-13.2,12-38.5,31.4-41.6,32l-1,0.2l0.4-1c0.1-0.3,0.3-0.9,0.6-1.8 c1.7-5.1,5.8-17,9.1-22.7c7.7-13.1,19.2-30.3,39.2-47.3c20.4-17.2,35.6-26.4,45.1-27.2c2.9-0.2,4.2,0.9,4.8,1.8 C199,41.8,199,43.4,198.3,44.8 M150.8,163.7h1c18.4,0,29.4,9,30.4,14c2.8,14.7-46.3,38-65.4,44.3c-20.6,6.9-46.4,10.8-50.8,10.8 c-0.5,0-0.8-0.1-0.9-0.1l-0.2-0.1l-0.1-0.3c-0.1-0.4-0.3-1.3,13.3-37.2c6.3-16.7,13.5-35.5,13.6-35.7l0.7-0.3 C104.5,163.5,143.1,163.7,150.8,163.7 M215.2,24.4c-4.1-4.4-11.6-5.4-21.7-2.8c-14.1,3.6-25.1,12.3-35.7,20.6c-1,0.8-2,1.6-3,2.3 c-16.3,12.7-39.3,41.3-41.6,44.2l0.2,0.6l-1-0.1l-0.2-0.1c-0.9-0.6-3.3-2-5.9-2c-2.7,0-9,1.7-10.7,15.9c-0.1,1.1-2.3,12.9-4,17.1 c-0.8,1.9-4.7,10-9.6,20.2c-7.9,16.3-18.6,38.5-22,46.6c-4.9,11.9-11.2,27.6-16.2,44.1c-1.2,3.9-4.2,6-10.2,6.9l-1.6,0.2l1.1-1.2 c1-1.1,2-2.3,3-3.5l0.7-0.8c5.1-5.8,4.5-6.7,3.6-8.1l-0.2-0.3c-0.4-0.7-1.3-1-2.5-1c-6.4,0-19.9,8.2-27,13.1c-1.6,1.1-5.5,4-7.7,7.7 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c-6.2,6.1-14.6,14.5-21.3,14.5H425c-5.5-0.2-9.4-2.7-12.5-8.1c-0.1-0.2-0.3-0.5-0.5-0.9c-2.1-4-7.7-14.6-18.9-14.6 c-6,0-11.2,2.1-15.9,6.5c-5.7,5.3-10.7,11.1-15.3,17.7l-1.9,2.8l0.9-3.3c29.7-113.3,49.6-150.2,53.3-156.5c0.4-0.7,4.2-7.4,9.7-14.1 c7.7-9.3,14.7-14,20.9-13.7c12,0.5,15.2,11.6,16,18.2c1.6,12.9-1.3,26.1-9.2,41.4c-6.5,12.6-14.7,24.3-24.3,34.7 c-1.6,1.7-4.8,4.8-8.6,8.4c-8.6,8.2-24.6,23.6-24.1,26.5c0.5,2.8,1.1,3,1.6,3c1,0,3.4,0,10-5.3c12.2-9.8,23.6-21,34.9-34.2 c18.3-21.3,30.6-48.3,33.2-59.9c3-13.3,2.5-24.2-1.3-34.3c-2.7-6.9-8.2-12.3-14.8-14.6C454.7,0.7,451.3,0,448,0 M293.2,216.6 c-3.7,0-62.7,27.4-77.7,39c-11.8,9.1-18.5,18.1-22.4,29.8c-5.3,15.8-6.5,31.2-3.7,46.9c4.4,25.4,15.5,44.6,32.8,56.8 c13.1,9.2,27.4,12.5,35.6,12.5c0.3,0,0.6,0,0.8,0c15.9,0,33.7-3.9,45.1-32.5c8.4-21.5,16.2-69.4,21.9-134.9c0.1-1.2,0.2-2.1,0.2-2.7 c1.3-14.6,4.6-25.7,6.6-32.4c0.8-2.8,1.4-4.9,1.5-5.9c0.1-1.4,0.1-2.7-1-4c-1-1.1-2.3-1.4-4.5-1.1c-1.3,0.2-2.4,0.6-3.6,1 c-0.9,0.3-1.8,0.6-2.8,0.8c-5.7,1.3-9.5,0.9-10.9-1.3c-1-1.6-1.2-3.3-0.6-4.9c1.4-3.9,7.2-7.7,16.8-11.1l0.3-0.1 c0.4-0.2,0.9-0.3,1.3-0.5c2.7-0.9,5.5-1.9,6.3-4c1-2.8,0.7-4.6-0.9-5.8c-0.6-0.4-2.3-1.4-6.1-1.4c-3.7,0-8.2,1-13.2,2.9 c-17.6,7-20.4,23.7-20.8,28.7c-0.3,3.5,0.9,8.9,3.7,12c1.7,1.8,3.7,2.7,6.1,2.5c1.5-0.1,3.6-0.9,5.2-1.5c1.2-0.4,1.7-0.6,2.1-0.6 h0.2l0.2,0.1c0.4,0.3,0.5,0.4-2,36.1l-0.5,7.2c-0.8,11.3-2.1,24.1-3.4,37.6c-0.7,7.1-1.4,14.5-2.1,21.6c-1.3,13.8-4.2,29.1-9.1,46.9 c-3.5,13-14.9,24.9-26.4,27.8c-3.4,0.8-7.1,1.6-11.6,1.6c-13.8,0-26.9-7.8-39-23.1c-5.8-7.4-19.9-32.5-15.7-60.4 c3.5-23.2,17.8-37.1,29.2-44.6c22.1-14.7,41.3-23.6,52.7-29c6.3-2.9,11.7-5.5,11.9-6.4c0-0.3-0.1-1.7-0.9-2.7 C294.4,217,293.9,216.7,293.2,216.6 M296.5,145.7c-3.2,0-5.8,0.9-7.6,2.8c-3,3-3,7.6-3,7.6c0.1,0.9,0.3,1.6,0.8,2.1 c1.3,1.4,4.3,2.1,6.5,2.1c1.1,0,2-0.2,2.7-0.6c3.8-2.2,6.8-4.1,9.4-5.9c1.1-0.7,1.8-2.4,1.6-3.8c-0.2-1.3-3-3.4-8.6-4.2 C297.7,145.8,297.1,145.7,296.5,145.7 M502.3,75.1c-2.8,0-7,1.4-10.8,7.9c-4.2,7.2-11.1,30.3-19.4,65l-0.4,1.7l-0.4,0.1 c-7.5,1-13.9,1.9-15.1,4.3c-0.1,0.4-0.1,0.8,0.2,1.1c1.6,2.3,9.6,3.1,12.5,3.2h0.7l-0.2,0.7c-1.2,5.3-2.3,10.1-3.2,14.8 c-2.6,13-4.8,26.2-7,39c-2.1,8.9-4.2,23.6-1.2,25.2c1,0.5,1.9,0.8,2.8,0.8c2.9,0,4.9-2.6,6.4-4.6l0.5-0.6c5.4-6.8,7.1-22.8,8.7-38.3 c1.1-10.8,2.3-21.9,4.7-30c0.5-1.7,1.7-7,1.7-7.1l0.1-0.4h0.4c0.6,0,63.6-4.5,75.3-5.2c13.6-0.8,52.5-3.4,58.2-3.9s7.6-1.1,8.6-2.3 c0.5-1.4,0.5-2.6-1.4-4.3c-2-1.8-4.7-3.5-8-5c-3.2-1.5-6.7-2.9-10.6-3.7c-1.4-0.3-3.2-0.4-5.4-0.4c-10.1,0-26.5,3-36.3,4.7 c-1.9,0.3-3.6,0.7-5,0.9c-3.6,0.6-5.7,1-7.6,1.4c-3.2,0.6-5.5,1-13.4,2.2c-9.6,1.5-32.8,4.1-52,6.3l-0.9,0.1l0.2-0.8 c3.7-15.6,7.5-29.8,11.5-43.4c0.1-0.5,3.4-12,9.5-17.6c2.8-2.5,4.3-4.7,3.3-7.5C509.3,77.7,506.3,75.1,502.3,75.1 M198.3,44.8 c-2.3,4.6-13.6,20.3-25.9,32.4c-0.2,0.2-20.5,20.2-30.7,29.5c-13.2,12-38.5,31.4-41.6,32l-1,0.2l0.4-1c0.1-0.3,0.3-0.9,0.6-1.8 c1.7-5.1,5.8-17,9.1-22.7c7.7-13.1,19.2-30.3,39.2-47.3c20.4-17.2,35.6-26.4,45.1-27.2c2.9-0.2,4.2,0.9,4.8,1.8 C199,41.8,199,43.4,198.3,44.8 M150.8,163.7h1c18.4,0,29.4,9,30.4,14c2.8,14.7-46.3,38-65.4,44.3c-20.6,6.9-46.4,10.8-50.8,10.8 c-0.5,0-0.8-0.1-0.9-0.1l-0.2-0.1l-0.1-0.3c-0.1-0.4-0.3-1.3,13.3-37.2c6.3-16.7,13.5-35.5,13.6-35.7l0.7-0.3 C104.5,163.5,143.1,163.7,150.8,163.7 M215.2,24.4c-4.1-4.4-11.6-5.4-21.7-2.8c-14.1,3.6-25.1,12.3-35.7,20.6c-1,0.8-2,1.6-3,2.3 c-16.3,12.7-39.3,41.3-41.6,44.2l0.2,0.6l-1-0.1l-0.2-0.1c-0.9-0.6-3.3-2-5.9-2c-2.7,0-9,1.7-10.7,15.9c-0.1,1.1-2.3,12.9-4,17.1 c-0.8,1.9-4.7,10-9.6,20.2c-7.9,16.3-18.6,38.5-22,46.6c-4.9,11.9-11.2,27.6-16.2,44.1c-1.2,3.9-4.2,6-10.2,6.9l-1.6,0.2l1.1-1.2 c1-1.1,2-2.3,3-3.5l0.7-0.8c5.1-5.8,4.5-6.7,3.6-8.1l-0.2-0.3c-0.4-0.7-1.3-1-2.5-1c-6.4,0-19.9,8.2-27,13.1c-1.6,1.1-5.5,4-7.7,7.7 c-3.2,5.3-3.9,10.2-2,14c0.6,1.2,2.8,2,5.5,2c0.5,0,1,0,1.5-0.1l1.5-0.2c7-0.9,13.6-1.7,22.6-3.2c0.7-0.1,1.4-0.2,2-0.2 c1.6,0,2.6,0.4,3.2,1.3c0.8,1.1,0.3,2.5,0.3,2.6c0,0.4-0.1,0.9-0.2,1.4c-0.3,1.2-0.5,2.4-0.2,3.9c0.5,2.3,3.5,2.9,4.7,2.9L42,269 v-0.7c2.2,0,6.8-1.7,12.4-13.2c0.9-1.9,1.7-2.8,4.9-3.4c0.3,0,25.1-4.6,34.2-6.7c14.9-3.6,30.8-9.3,48.6-17.4 c44.1-20.2,57.1-49.6,57.2-49.9c2.5-6.8,1.7-12.5-2.5-17.5c-3.2-3.9-7.2-6.8-12-8.6c-12.9-5-26.3-5.8-39.3-6.6c0,0-9.2-0.5-13-0.8 c-4.8-0.3-14.5-1.1-14.6-1.1l-1.4-0.1l1-0.9c2.8-2.5,5.7-4.9,8.5-7.4l0.9-0.8c5.5-4.7,11.2-9.6,16.7-14.7 c11.4-10.6,26.4-24.7,41.3-39.4C197.8,67,206.4,56.2,212.8,45l0.4-0.7c2-3.6,4.6-8,4.9-13.3C218.1,30.1,217.7,27.1,215.2,24.4" /> <polyline clip-path="url(#bb_logo_clippath--page)" class="c-header-logo__pen c-header-logo__pen--b" points="39.7,270 63.6,206.4 76.9,172 85.8,149.2 96.2,123.3 106.8,99.4 112.2,89.1 130.1,73.9 163.5,45.8 189.2,31.8 207.4,30.7 212.1,30.7 205.2,48 185.9,71.7 155.1,104.9 125.9,128 100.9,150.3 111.9,153 133,154.1 160,155.9 175.1,159.1 183.3,161.9 190.5,167 189.1,174.4 176.4,195.9 140.7,218.8 99.1,233.9 60.3,243.6 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data-hs-cos-type="module"> <section class="c-text-block u-bg-color--lightest-gray u-pad--top-none u-pad--bot-none u-pad-t--top-l u-pad-t--bot-none u-pad-m--top-none u-pad-m--bot-none u-text-align--center-d u-text-align--left-m "> <div class="c-text-block__container o-container "> <div class="u-squeeze u-squeeze--s u-squeeze--center u-font-size--none"> <h1>HubSpot consultancy</h1> <p>HubSpot is een ongeëvenaarde en gebruiksvriendelijke groei tool wanneer u hem het weet in te zetten voor het gewenste resultaat. Onze consultants gaan graag in gesprek over de (groei)doelen van uw bedrijf en de mogelijkheden om deze te realiseren. Zo halen we samen het maximale uit HubSpot. Hieronder een greep uit onze dienstverlening; <em>wat is jouw uitdaging?</em></p> <div dir="ltr"> <div dir="ltr">&nbsp;</div> </div> <div class="c-text-block__button-container u-flex"> </div> </div> </div> </section></div> </div><!--end widget-span --> </div><!--end row--> </div><!--end row-wrapper --> </div><!--end widget-span --> </div><!--end row--> </div><!--end row-wrapper --> <div class="row-fluid-wrapper row-depth-1 row-number-4 dnd-section"> <div class="row-fluid "> <div class="span12 widget-span widget-type-custom_widget dnd-module" style="" data-widget-type="custom_widget" data-x="0" data-w="12"> <div id="hs_cos_wrapper_body_dnd_area-module-3" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_widget hs_cos_wrapper_type_module" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="widget" data-hs-cos-type="module"> <section class="c-cards-with-cta u-bg-color--lightest-gray u-pad--top-l u-pad--bot-xxxxl u-pad-t--top-m u-pad-t--bot-xl u-pad-m--top-m u-pad-m--bot-xl "> <div class="o-container"> <div class="u-squeeze u-squeeze--xxl"> <div class="c-cards-with-cta__container u-flex"> <div class="c-cards-with-cta__card g-1/3@xl--l g-1/2@l-o--m g-1/2@m-o--m g-1/1@s-o--none u-gallery-col-margin--l u-gallery-col-margin-t--m u-gallery-col-margin-s--none "> <div class="c-cards-with-cta__gradient"></div> <h4 class="c-cards-with-cta__title"> Onboarding </h4> <div class="c-cards-with-cta__content"> <p>Een traject voor onboarding moet precies zo ambitieus en specifiek zijn als de doelen die je jezelf stelt. Want software werkt pas doeltreffend als een organisatie het functioneel inzet.</p> <h6><br>Succesvol onboarden in HubSpot</h6> <ul> <li>HubSpot meteen gebruiken</li> <li>Quick wins verzilveren</li> <li>Doorgaand optimaliseren</li> </ul> </div> <a href="" class="c-button c-button--secondary c-cards-with-cta__button arrow-right"> <span class="c-button__content">Lees meer</span> <svg class="c-icon c-button__icon c-button__icon--move-right"> <use href="#arrow-right" xlink:href="#arrow-right"></use> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="c-cards-with-cta__card g-1/3@xl--l g-1/2@l-o--m g-1/2@m-o--m g-1/1@s-o--none u-gallery-col-margin--l u-gallery-col-margin-t--m u-gallery-col-margin-s--none "> <div class="c-cards-with-cta__gradient"></div> <h4 class="c-cards-with-cta__title"> Training &amp; adoptie </h4> <div class="c-cards-with-cta__content"> <p>Wat doe je met al die functionaliteiten als je mensen niet weten hoe het werkt? Zonder training op maat loop je het risico dat je team blijft werken zoals het altijd deed. Gemiste kans!</p> <h6><br>Training op maat</h6> <br> <ul> <li>Toegespitst op jouw organisatie</li> <li>Praktijkvoorbeelden en casussen</li> <li>Creëer draagvlak en succes</li> </ul> </div> <a href="" class="c-button c-button--secondary c-cards-with-cta__button arrow-right"> <span class="c-button__content">Lees meer</span> <svg class="c-icon c-button__icon c-button__icon--move-right"> <use href="#arrow-right" xlink:href="#arrow-right"></use> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="c-cards-with-cta__card g-1/3@xl--l g-1/2@l-o--m g-1/2@m-o--m g-1/1@s-o--none u-gallery-col-margin--l u-gallery-col-margin-t--m u-gallery-col-margin-s--none "> <div class="c-cards-with-cta__gradient"></div> <h4 class="c-cards-with-cta__title"> Datamigratie </h4> <div class="c-cards-with-cta__content"> <p>Wanneer je voor HubSpot kiest, zul je de waardevolle data van je organisatie over moeten zetten naar het nieuwe platform. Gelukkig weten wij hoe je dat in één keer goed doet.</p> <h6><br>Voorkom datavervuiling of -verlies</h6> <ul> <li>Data audit &amp; mapping</li> <li>Testen &amp; migreren</li> <li>Trainen &amp; livegang</li> </ul> </div> <a href="" class="c-button c-button--secondary c-cards-with-cta__button arrow-right"> <span class="c-button__content">Lees meer</span> <svg class="c-icon c-button__icon c-button__icon--move-right"> <use href="#arrow-right" xlink:href="#arrow-right"></use> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="c-cards-with-cta__card g-1/3@xl--l g-1/2@l-o--m g-1/2@m-o--m g-1/1@s-o--none u-gallery-col-margin--l u-gallery-col-margin-t--m u-gallery-col-margin-s--none "> <div class="c-cards-with-cta__gradient"></div> <h4 class="c-cards-with-cta__title"> Automation </h4> <div class="c-cards-with-cta__content"> <p>Het automatiseren van processen zorgt voor betere datastromen, meer inzicht, goede opvolging en betere klantervaringen.</p> <h6><br>Automatisering voedt groei</h6> <ul> <li>Tijdwinst door efficiënter werken</li> <li>Meer verbinding, minder fouten</li> <li>Betere klantervaring</li> </ul> </div> <a href="" class="c-button c-button--secondary c-cards-with-cta__button arrow-right"> <span class="c-button__content">Lees meer</span> <svg class="c-icon c-button__icon c-button__icon--move-right"> <use href="#arrow-right" xlink:href="#arrow-right"></use> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="c-cards-with-cta__card g-1/3@xl--l g-1/2@l-o--m g-1/2@m-o--m g-1/1@s-o--none u-gallery-col-margin--l u-gallery-col-margin-t--m u-gallery-col-margin-s--none "> <div class="c-cards-with-cta__gradient"></div> <h4 class="c-cards-with-cta__title"> Reporting </h4> <div class="c-cards-with-cta__content"> <p>Maak groei inzichtelijk met dashboards die snel en eenvoudig laten zien hoe je business ervoor staat. Steeds meten, weten, verbeteren.&nbsp;</p> <h6><br>Inzicht is key</h6> <ul> <li>Dashboards op maat</li> <li>Relevante, specifieke rapportages</li> <li>Ontdek waar de kansen liggen</li> </ul> </div> <a href="" class="c-button c-button--secondary c-cards-with-cta__button arrow-right"> <span class="c-button__content">Lees meer</span> <svg class="c-icon c-button__icon c-button__icon--move-right"> <use href="#arrow-right" xlink:href="#arrow-right"></use> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="c-cards-with-cta__card g-1/3@xl--l g-1/2@l-o--m g-1/2@m-o--m g-1/1@s-o--none u-gallery-col-margin--l u-gallery-col-margin-t--m u-gallery-col-margin-s--none c-cards-with-cta__card--gradient "> <h5 class="c-cards-with-cta__gradient-title"> STARTEN MET HUBSPOT? </h5> <div class="c-cards-with-cta__content"> <h4>Behaal betere resultaten met een erkende HubSpot partner</h4> </div> <a href="" class="c-button c-button--transparent c-cards-with-cta__button arrow-right"> <span class="c-button__content">Lees meer</span> <svg class="c-icon c-button__icon c-button__icon--move-right"> <use href="#arrow-right" xlink:href="#arrow-right"></use> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section></div> </div><!--end widget-span --> </div><!--end row--> </div><!--end row-wrapper --> <div class="row-fluid-wrapper row-depth-1 row-number-5 dnd-section"> <div class="row-fluid "> <div class="span12 widget-span widget-type-custom_widget dnd-module" style="" data-widget-type="custom_widget" data-x="0" data-w="12"> <div id="hs_cos_wrapper_body_dnd_area-module-4" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_widget hs_cos_wrapper_type_module" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="widget" data-hs-cos-type="module"> <section class="c-image-with-content c-image-with-content--negative-bg c-image-with-content--bg-light-blue-gray c-image-with-content--bg-top c-image-with-content--bg-size-small u-pad--top-xxxxl u-pad--bot-l u-pad-t--top-l u-pad-t--bot-l u-pad-m--top-none u-pad-m--bot-s "> <div class="o-container"> <div class="u-squeeze u-squeeze--none"> <div class="c-image-with-content__container c-image-with-content__container--first "> <div class="c-image-with-content__image-container u-image u-image--square"> <img src=";name=LP_HUG-Amsterdam_900x900.jpg" alt="LP_HUG-Amsterdam_900x900" class="c-image-with-content__image u-image__background" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="c-image-with-content__content-container c-image-with-content__content-container--first "> <h6 class="c-image-with-content__title">Gratis portal review</h6> <h2 class="c-image-with-content__subtitle">Haal het maximale uit jouw HubSpot licentie</h2> <p><span data-sheets-value="{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;Ben je op zoek naar meer grip op je sales en marketing? En wil je het optimale uit je huidige HubSpot portal halen? Dan is het tijd voor een gratis HubSpot portal review!&quot;}" data-sheets-userformat="{&quot;2&quot;:513,&quot;3&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:0},&quot;12&quot;:0}">Ben je op zoek naar meer grip op je sales en marketing? En wil je het optimale uit je huidige HubSpot portal halen? Dan is het tijd voor een gratis HubSpot portal review!</span></p> <a href="" class="c-button c-button--primary c-image-with-content__button arrow-right" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <span class="c-button__content">Portal review aanvragen</span> <svg class="c-icon c-button__icon c-button__icon--move-right"> <use href="#arrow-right" xlink:href="#arrow-right"></use> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section></div> </div><!--end widget-span --> </div><!--end row--> </div><!--end row-wrapper --> <div class="row-fluid-wrapper row-depth-1 row-number-6 dnd-section"> <div class="row-fluid "> <div class="span12 widget-span widget-type-custom_widget dnd-module" style="" data-widget-type="custom_widget" data-x="0" data-w="12"> <div id="hs_cos_wrapper_body_dnd_area-module-5" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_widget hs_cos_wrapper_type_module" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="widget" data-hs-cos-type="module"> <section class="c-image-with-content u-pad--top-xl u-pad--bot-xl u-pad-t--top-l u-pad-t--bot-xxxl u-pad-m--top-l u-pad-m--bot-l "> <div class="o-container"> <div class="u-squeeze u-squeeze--none"> <div class="c-image-with-content__container "> <div class="c-image-with-content__image-container u-image u-image--square"> <img src=";name=Bright-Square-1500x1500-Roy-balie.jpg" alt="HubSpot Elite partner" class="c-image-with-content__image u-image__background" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="c-image-with-content__content-container "> <h6 class="c-image-with-content__title">HubSpot Elite partner</h6> <h2 class="c-image-with-content__subtitle">Bright als full-service HubSpot Elite partner</h2> <p><span>Ben jij klaar om je business explosief te laten groeien? Dan wordt het tijd dat we eens met elkaar om de (digitale) tafel gaan zitten. We denken graag met je mee op jouw weg naar succes.</span></p> <a href="" class="c-button c-button--tertiary_gradient c-image-with-content__button arrow-right"> <svg class="c-icon c-button__icon c-button__icon--left c-button__gradient-icon" id="Laag_1" data-name="Laag 1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewbox="0 0 31.98 22.15"> <defs> <lineargradient id="Verloop" x1="-16.6" y1="48.46" x2="24.08" y2="-0.11" gradientunits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop offset="0" stop-color="#ef9d22" /> <stop offset="0.42" stop-color="#fda15f" /> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#fed736" /> </lineargradient> </defs> <path d="M32,6.52c-.28-1.94-4.54-5.21-13.13-6.4C17.91.05,17,0,16.1,0,11.2,0,7.32,1.41,4.56,4.21,0,8.84,0,15.73,0,15.81a5,5,0,0,0,1.2,3.12c2,2.08,6.56,3.21,9.85,3.21a8.15,8.15,0,0,0,4.11-.89c5.71-3.34,10.26-6.2,14.34-9A6.41,6.41,0,0,0,32,6.52Z" transform="translate(0 0)" style="fill:url(#Verloop)" /> </svg> <span class="c-button__content">Lees meer</span> <svg class="c-icon c-button__icon c-button__icon--move-right"> <use href="#arrow-right" xlink:href="#arrow-right"></use> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section></div> </div><!--end widget-span --> </div><!--end row--> </div><!--end row-wrapper --> <div class="row-fluid-wrapper row-depth-1 row-number-7 dnd-section"> <div class="row-fluid "> <div class="span12 widget-span widget-type-cell dnd-column" style="" data-widget-type="cell" data-x="0" data-w="12"> <div class="row-fluid-wrapper row-depth-1 row-number-8 dnd-row"> <div class="row-fluid "> <div class="span12 widget-span widget-type-custom_widget dnd-module" style="" data-widget-type="custom_widget" data-x="0" data-w="12"> <div id="hs_cos_wrapper_module_1726151669658" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_widget hs_cos_wrapper_type_module" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="widget" data-hs-cos-type="module"> <section class="c-text-block u-pad--top-xl u-pad--bot-none u-pad-t--top-l u-pad-t--bot-none u-pad-m--top-l u-pad-m--bot-none u-text-align--center-d u-text-align--center-m "> <div class="c-text-block__container o-container "> <div class="u-squeeze u-squeeze--l u-squeeze--center u-font-size--none"> <h2>Officiëel door HubSpot geaccrediteerd</h2> <p>Bij Bright Digital staat kwaliteit voorop. We zijn dan ook voortdurend bezig de kennis in onze teams door te ontwikkelen. Deze kennis laten we regelmatig toetsen door HubSpot in de vorm van HubSpot Certificaten en HubSpot Accreditaties. E<span>en Accreditatie is een formele erkenning vanuit HubSpot die aangeeft dat een organisatie of een team bewezen ervaring heeft en succesvolle projecten heeft uitgevoerd op een bepaald onderdeel. Bright Digital heeft de volgende HubSpot Accreditaties</span>:</p> <div class="c-text-block__button-container u-flex"> </div> </div> </div> </section></div> </div><!--end widget-span --> </div><!--end row--> </div><!--end row-wrapper --> </div><!--end widget-span --> </div><!--end row--> </div><!--end row-wrapper --> <div class="row-fluid-wrapper row-depth-1 row-number-9 dnd-section"> <div class="row-fluid "> <div class="span12 widget-span widget-type-cell dnd-column" style="" data-widget-type="cell" data-x="0" data-w="12"> <div class="row-fluid-wrapper row-depth-1 row-number-10 dnd-row"> <div class="row-fluid "> <div class="span12 widget-span widget-type-custom_widget dnd-module" style="" data-widget-type="custom_widget" data-x="0" data-w="12"> <div id="hs_cos_wrapper_module_17261516713765" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_widget hs_cos_wrapper_type_module" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="widget" data-hs-cos-type="module"> <section class="c-image-row u-pad--top-m u-pad--bot-xxl 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