Projects/Registering - Launchpad Help

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The first step is to register your project. <span class="anchor" id="line-13"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-14"></span><p class="line867"> <h1 id="Types_of_project_you_can_register">Types of project you can register</h1> <span class="anchor" id="line-15"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-16"></span><p class="line862">You can register any free software project in Launchpad free of charge. To find out what we mean by &quot;free software&quot;, take a look at our <a class="http" href="">licensing policy</a>. <span class="anchor" id="line-17"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-18"></span><p class="line862">Canonical <a class="https" href="">formerly sold commercial subscriptions</a> which allowed the use of commercial-only features, including for projects with non-free-software licences. This scheme is no longer in operation, although use of commercial-only features may still be granted on a case-by-case basis. <span class="anchor" id="line-19"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-20"></span><p class="line862">If you're not sure that your project's licence is suitable, <a href="/Feedback">talk to us</a> about it. <span class="anchor" id="line-21"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-22"></span><p class="line867"><img alt="{i}" height="16" src="/moin_static198/lp20/img/icon-info.png" title="{i}" width="16" /> <strong>Quick tip:</strong> If you want to register a translation team or Ubuntu loco team in Launchpad, please <a class="nonexistent" href="/Teams/Register">create a new team</a>, not a project. <span class="anchor" id="line-23"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-24"></span><p class="line867"> <h1 id="Registration">Registration</h1> <span class="anchor" id="line-25"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-26"></span><p class="line874">To register your project, visit the page at <span class="anchor" id="line-27"></span><a class="https" href="">Projects</a> <span class="anchor" id="line-28"></span>⟶ <span class="anchor" id="line-29"></span><a class="https" href="">Register a project</a>. <span class="anchor" id="line-30"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-31"></span><p class="line874">Registration is straightforward. However, there are a few things to note: <span class="anchor" id="line-32"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-33"></span><ul><li><p class="line891"><strong>Name:</strong> the unique name Launchpad gives to your project and uses mainly in URLs. For example: <a class="https" href="">Avant Window Navigator</a>'s name is <tt class="backtick"></tt><tt class="backtick">awn</tt><tt class="backtick"></tt>. <span class="anchor" id="line-34"></span></li><li><p class="line891"><strong>Display name and title:</strong> used on pages related to your project, these should be the project's full name. For example: <tt class="backtick"></tt><tt class="backtick">Avant&nbsp;Window&nbsp;Navigator</tt><tt class="backtick"></tt>. <span class="anchor" id="line-35"></span></li><li><p class="line891"><strong>Summary and description:</strong> both appear on your project's home page but only the summary is returned in search results. <span class="anchor" id="line-36"></span></li><li><p class="line891"><strong>Licenses:</strong> Explain the terms under which that users can modify and distribute your project's code <span class="anchor" id="line-37"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-38"></span></li></ul><p class="line862">If you choose the &quot;Other/Proprietary&quot; license, your project will be awarded a 30-day trial commercial subscription that entitles explore the <a href="/CommercialHosting">commercial hosting features</a>. <span class="anchor" id="line-39"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-40"></span><p class="line862">Note that once you have registered your project you will not be able to change its name by yourself. If you wish change it you can ask an administrator to that for you, read the <a href="/Feedback">Feedback</a> page for more information. <span class="anchor" id="line-41"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-42"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-43"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-44"></span><p class="line867"> <h2 id="Project_groups">Project groups</h2> <span class="anchor" id="line-45"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-46"></span><p class="line862">Some larger free software projects are actually several related projects working under the same banner. For example: Firefox is part of the Mozilla project. Launchpad represents these as projects (<a class="https" href="">Firefox</a>) and project groups (<a class="https" href="">Mozilla</a>). <span class="anchor" id="line-47"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-48"></span><p class="line874">Project groups are useful because they give you one place from which to find all the information about the constituent projects. <span class="anchor" id="line-49"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-50"></span><p class="line862">Read more about the process of registering a project group <a href="/ProjectGroups">here</a>. <span class="anchor" id="line-51"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-52"></span><p class="line867"><span class="anchor" id="sharing"></span> <span class="anchor" id="line-53"></span> <h1 id="Sharing_confidential_information_with_trusted_users">Sharing confidential information with trusted users</h1> <span class="anchor" id="line-54"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-55"></span><p class="line874">The project maintainer is the default person who can see all the confidential bugs and branches in a project. Maintainers can share kinds of information with trusted people -- only those people can see the confidential information. Project drivers may see who the project shares with, but cannot make changes. <span class="anchor" id="line-56"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-57"></span><p class="line874">Users may report bugs that contain private and personal information in them. Users and developers may work with bugs and branches that deal with private security issues. Only people that the project shares confidential information can see these bugs and branches. Some users might be directly subscribed to the bug or branch to see just that one thing. Commercial projects have more sharing options and may choose to set policies that control the kind of information bugs and branches are by default, and if the information type can be changed. <span class="anchor" id="line-58"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-59"></span><p class="line874">We recommend that projects share all information types with their developer teams. Sharing with your organisation team will also ensure your co-workers are informed and can do their job. Avoid sharing with users because they leave projects and organisations; if a user needs access to confidential information either add the user a team that is already shared with or subscribe the user to just the bugs and branches then need to work with. <span class="anchor" id="line-60"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-61"></span><p class="line862">The bug and branch sharing policies determine the default bug or branch information type, and control what types they may be changed to. Non-commercial projects cannot configure the policies. Bugs and branches are Public by default, but can be changed to Private Security or Private later. Projects with <a href="/CommercialHosting">commercial subscriptions</a> can choose other rules to ensure confidential information is never disclosed. <span class="anchor" id="line-62"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-63"></span><p class="line867"><span class="anchor" id="roles"></span> <span class="anchor" id="line-64"></span> <h1 id="Roles_within_projects">Roles within projects</h1> <span class="anchor" id="line-65"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-66"></span><p class="line874">People and teams can take different roles within your project. For now, the two most important roles are: <span class="anchor" id="line-67"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-68"></span><ul><li><p class="line891"><strong>Maintainer:</strong> has full control of the project and takes all other roles in the project until they are filled by other people or teams. <span class="anchor" id="line-69"></span></li><li><p class="line891"><strong>Driver:</strong> exists at both project level and individual series (planned releases). Can approve or decline bugs and blueprints targeted to future series. <span class="anchor" id="line-70"></span></li><li><p class="line891"><strong>Release Manager:</strong> The drivers of a series are called release managers. In addition to the driver privileges, the release manager can register and manage the series milestones and releases. <span class="anchor" id="line-71"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-72"></span></li></ul><p class="line862">By default, whoever registered the project is its maintainer. However, you can change this to any other person or team in Launchpad use the <tt class="backtick"></tt><tt class="backtick">edit</tt><tt class="backtick"></tt> link next next to the maintainer on the project overview page. <span class="anchor" id="line-73"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-74"></span><p class="line862">Similarly, you can set the driver for the whole of your project with <tt class="backtick"></tt><tt class="backtick">Driver:&nbsp;edit</tt><tt class="backtick"></tt> on the Overview. However, it may be more useful to set different drivers for each series, as we'll see later. <span class="anchor" id="line-75"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-76"></span><p class="line874">Other roles that we'll look at in detail later on include: <span class="anchor" id="line-77"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-78"></span><ul><li>bug supervisor <span class="anchor" id="line-79"></span></li><li>translation group <span class="anchor" id="line-80"></span></li><li>answer contact. <span class="anchor" id="line-81"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-82"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-83"></span></li></ul><p class="line867"> <h1 id="Next_step">Next step</h1> <span class="anchor" id="line-84"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-85"></span><p class="line862">Next up let's look at telling Launchpad how your project <a href="/Projects/SeriesMilestonesReleases">organises its different lines of development and releases</a>. <span class="anchor" id="line-86"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-87"></span><div><table style="&amp;quot; width: 100%; &amp;quot;"><tbody><tr> <td><p class="line891"><small><a href="/Teams/MailingLists">&lt; Mailing lists</a></small></td> <td style="&amp;quot; text-align: right; &amp;quot;"><p class="line891"><small><a href="/Projects/SeriesMilestonesReleases">Series, milestones and releases &gt;</a></small></td> </tr> </tbody></table></div><span class="anchor" id="line-88"></span><span class="anchor" id="bottom"></span></div><p id="pageinfo" class="info" lang="en" dir="ltr">Projects/Registering (last edited 2018-05-29 15:29:21 by <span title="cjwatson @[]"><a class="interwiki" href="" title="cjwatson @[]">cjwatson</a></span>)</p> <div id="pagebottom"></div> </div> <div id="footer"> <p class="menu"> <a href="">Terms of use</a> | <a href="">Help improve Launchpad</a> | <a href="">FAQ</a> | <a href="/RecentChanges">Recent Changes</a></p> <p> <a rel="license" href=""> <span xmlns:dc="" href="" property="dc:title" rel="dc:type">Launchpad Help</span> by <a xmlns:cc="" href="" property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL">Canonical Ltd</a> is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 UK: England &amp; Wales License</a>. <img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0;vertical-align:middle;" src="" /></a> </p> <p>&copy; 2004-2019 <a href="" target="_blank">Canonical Limited.</a></p> </div> </body> </html>

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