Settings for privacy, browsing history and do-not-track | Firefox Help
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"product": "firefox", "default": false, "min_version": 13.0, "max_version": 14.0, "visible": false}, {"name": "Version 12", "slug": "fx12", "product": "firefox", "default": false, "min_version": 12.0, "max_version": 13.0, "visible": false}, {"name": "Version 11", "slug": "fx11", "product": "firefox", "default": false, "min_version": 11.0, "max_version": 12.0, "visible": false}, {"name": "Version 10 (ESR)", "slug": "fx10", "product": "firefox", "default": false, "min_version": 10.0, "max_version": 11.0, "visible": false}, {"name": "Version 9", "slug": "fx9", "product": "firefox", "default": false, "min_version": 9.0, "max_version": 10.0, "visible": false}, {"name": "Version 8", "slug": "fx8", "product": "firefox", "default": false, "min_version": 8.0, "max_version": 9.0, "visible": false}, {"name": "Version 7", "slug": "fx7", "product": "firefox", "default": false, "min_version": 7.0, "max_version": 8.0, "visible": false}, {"name": "Version 6", "slug": "fx6", "product": "firefox", "default": false, "min_version": 6.0, "max_version": 7.0, "visible": false}, {"name": "Version 5", "slug": "fx5", "product": "firefox", "default": false, "min_version": 5.0, "max_version": 6.0, "visible": false}, {"name": "Version 4", "slug": "fx4", "product": "firefox", "default": false, "min_version": 4.0, "max_version": 5.0, "visible": false}, {"name": "Version 117", "slug": "fx117", "product": "firefox", "default": false, "min_version": -1.0, "max_version": 1.0, "visible": false}]}, "platforms": {"firefox": [{"name": "Linux", "slug": "linux", "visible": true}, {"name": "Mac", "slug": "mac", "visible": true}, {"name": "Windows XP", "slug": "winxp", "visible": true}, {"name": "Windows 7/Vista", "slug": "win7", "visible": true}, {"name": "Windows 8", "slug": "win8", "visible": true}, {"name": "Windows 10", "slug": "win10", "visible": true}, {"name": "Windows 11", "slug": "win11", "visible": true}]}} </script> <h3 class="sidebar-subheading force-top-margin">Customize this article</h3> <div class="product" data-product="firefox"> <div class="field checkbox is-condensed"> <input type="checkbox" id="id_firefox" checked value="product:firefox" /> <label for="id_firefox">Firefox</label> </div> <div class="selectbox-wrapper"> <select class="version"> <option value="version:fx134" data-min="134.0" data-max="135.0" > Version 134 </option> <option value="version:fx133" data-min="133.0" data-max="134.0" > Version 133 </option> <option value="version:fx132" data-min="132.0" data-max="133.0" selected> Version 132 </option> <option value="version:fx131" data-min="131.0" data-max="132.0" > Version 131 </option> <option value="version:fx130" data-min="130.0" data-max="131.0" > Version 130 </option> <option value="version:fx129" data-min="129.0" data-max="130.0" > Version 129 </option> <option value="version:fx128" data-min="128.0" data-max="129.0" > Version 128 </option> <option value="version:fx127" data-min="127.0" data-max="128.0" > Version 127 </option> <option value="version:fx126" data-min="126.0" data-max="127.0" > Version 126 </option> <option value="version:fx125" data-min="125.0" data-max="126.0" > Version 125 </option> <option value="version:fx124" data-min="124.0" data-max="125.0" > Version 124 </option> <option value="version:fx123" data-min="123.0" data-max="124.0" > Version 123 </option> <option value="version:fx122" data-min="122.0" data-max="123.0" > Version 122 </option> <option value="version:fx121" data-min="121.0" data-max="122.0" > Version 121 </option> <option value="version:fx120" data-min="120.0" data-max="121.0" > Version 120 </option> <option value="version:fx119" data-min="119.0" data-max="120.0" > Version 119 </option> <option value="version:fx118" data-min="118.0" data-max="119.0" > Version 118 </option> <option value="version:fx117" data-min="117.0" data-max="118.0" > Version 117 </option> <option value="version:fx116" data-min="116.0" data-max="117.0" > Version 116 </option> <option value="version:fx115" data-min="115.0" data-max="116.0" > Version 115 </option> </select> </div> <div class="selectbox-wrapper"> <select class="platform"> <option value="platform:win8" > Windows 8 </option> <option value="platform:win7" > Windows 7/Vista </option> <option value="platform:winxp" > Windows XP </option> <option value="platform:mac" > Mac </option> <option value="platform:linux" > Linux </option> <option value="platform:win10" > Windows 10 </option> <option value="platform:win11" > Windows 11 </option> </select> </div> </div> </section> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </nav> <div class="document-vote--sidebar-wrap"> </div> </aside> <main role="main" class="sumo-l-two-col--main"> <section id="document-list"> <header class="sumo-article-header kb-header"> <div class="sumo-article-header--text"> <div class="documents-product-title"> <a href="/en-US/products/firefox" title="Firefox"> <img src="" height="48" width="48" alt="" /> </a> <div class="firefox-download-button hidden"> <div class="download-buttons"> <div class="download-firefox"> <a href="" class="download-button sumo-button primary-button button-lg"> Download Firefox </a> <ul class="download-info text-body-xs"> <li><a href="">Systems and Languages</a></li> <li><a href="">What's New</a></li> <li><a href="">Privacy</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <h1 class="sumo-page-heading">Settings for privacy, browsing history and do-not-track</h1> </div> </header> <article class="wiki-doc"> <div id="redirected-from"> (Redirected from <a href="/en-US/kb/Options%20window%20-%20Privacy%20panel?redirect=no">Options window - Privacy panel</a>) </div> <div class="mzp-c-notification-bar mzp-t-warning"> <button class="mzp-c-notification-bar-button" type="button"></button> <div> <p> This article is no longer maintained, so its content might be out of date. </p> </div> </div> <section id="doc-content" class="document--content "> <div class="for" data-for="fx56"><div class="note"><strong>Note</strong>: This article describes the <strong>Privacy</strong> panel in Firefox Settings for <a href="/en-US/kb/find-what-version-firefox-you-are-using">Firefox version</a> 55 and below. Settings panels <a href="/en-US/kb/firefox-options-preferences-and-settings">have been reorganized</a> in current Firefox versions.</div></div> <p>This article describes the settings that are available in the Firefox Settings <strong>Privacy</strong> panel. </p><p>The Privacy panel allows you to: </p> <ul><li> Control how Firefox handles your history, which includes what pages you've visited, what files you've downloaded, what you've entered into forms, and what <a href="/en-US/kb/cookies-information-websites-store-on-your-computer">cookies</a> sites have sent you. </li><li> Control what sites can send you cookies and remove cookies that sites have sent you. </li><li> Control how the <a href="/en-US/kb/address-bar-autocomplete-firefox">Location bar</a> (address bar) uses your history to suggest matches for what you type in it. </li></ul> <div id="toc"><h2>Table of Contents</h2><ul><li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#w_tracking"><span class="tocnumber">1</span> <span class="toctext">Tracking</span></a></li><li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#w_tracking_2"><span class="tocnumber">2</span> <span class="toctext">Tracking</span></a></li><li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#w_tracking_3"><span class="tocnumber">3</span> <span class="toctext">Tracking</span></a></li><li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#w_history"><span class="tocnumber">4</span> <span class="toctext">History</span></a><ul><li class="toclevel-2"><a href="#w_remember-history"><span class="tocnumber">4.1</span> <span class="toctext">Remember history</span></a></li><li class="toclevel-2"><a href="#w_never-remember-history"><span class="tocnumber">4.2</span> <span class="toctext">Never remember history</span></a></li><li class="toclevel-2"><a href="#w_use-custom-settings-for-history"><span class="tocnumber">4.3</span> <span class="toctext">Use custom settings for history</span></a></li></ul></li><li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#w_location-bar"><span class="tocnumber">5</span> <span class="toctext">Location Bar</span></a></li></ul></div> <div class="for" data-for="not fx42"><p><img alt="Privacy panel 38" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""> </p> <h1 id="w_tracking">Tracking</h1> <p><strong>Tell sites that I do not want to be tracked</strong>: Checking this box will tell websites that you wish to opt-out of tracking by advertisers and other third-parties. Honoring this setting is voluntary — individual websites are not required to respect it. See <a href="/en-US/kb/how-do-i-turn-do-not-track-feature">How do I turn on the Do Not Track feature?</a> for more information. </p></div><div class="for" data-for="=fx42,=fx43,=fx44,=fx45"><p><span class="for" data-for="=fx42"><img alt="Fx42PrivacyPanel" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""></span><span class="for" data-for="=fx43,=fx44,=fx45"><img alt="Fx43PrivacyPanel" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""></span> </p> <h1 id="w_tracking_2">Tracking</h1> <p><strong>Request that sites not track you</strong>: Checking this box will tell websites that you wish to opt-out of tracking by advertisers and other third-parties. Honoring this setting is voluntary — individual websites are not required to respect it. See <a href="/en-US/kb/how-do-i-turn-do-not-track-feature">How do I turn on the Do Not Track feature?</a> for more information. </p><p><strong>Use tracking protection in Private Windows</strong>: Checking this box will make Firefox actively block domains and sites that are known to track users while browsing with Private Windows.<span class="for" data-for="fx43"> Click <span class="button">Change Block List</span> to choose the list Firefox uses to block trackers.</span> See <a href="/en-US/kb/private-browsing-use-firefox-without-history">Private Browsing - Use Firefox without saving history</a> and <a href="/en-US/kb/what-happened-tracking-protection">What happened to Tracking Protection?</a> for more information. </p></div><div class="for" data-for="fx46"><p><img alt="Fx46PrivacyPanel" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""> </p> <h1 id="w_tracking_3">Tracking</h1> <p><strong>Use tracking protection in Private Windows</strong>: Checking this box will make Firefox actively block domains and sites that are known to track users while browsing with Private Windows. Click <span class="button">Change Block List</span> to choose the list Firefox uses to block trackers. See <a href="/en-US/kb/private-browsing-use-firefox-without-history">Private Browsing - Use Firefox without saving history</a> and <a href="/en-US/kb/what-happened-tracking-protection">What happened to Tracking Protection?</a> for more information. </p><div class="for" data-for="=fx46,=fx47,=fx48"><p>You can also manage your Do Not Track settings. The Do Not Track feature is turned off by default. To turn it on, click <strong>manage your Do Not Track settings</strong> and then check the box, <strong>Use Do Not Track</strong>. </p> <dl><dt><img alt="do not track fx46" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""> </dt></dl> </div><div class="for" data-for="fx49"><p>You can also manage your Do Not Track settings. The Do Not Track feature is turned off by default<span class="for" data-for="fx50"> except in Private Browsing where it is always on</span>. To turn it on, click <strong>manage your Do Not Track settings</strong> and then check the box, <strong>Always apply Do Not Track</strong>. </p> <dl><dt><img alt="Fx49DoNotTrack" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""> </dt></dl> </div><p>See <a href="/en-US/kb/how-do-i-turn-do-not-track-feature">How do I turn on the Do Not Track feature?</a> for more information. </p></div> <h1 id="w_history">History</h1> <p>The <strong>Firefox will</strong> setting controls how Firefox saves information about your web browsing. </p> <h2 id="w_remember-history">Remember history</h2> <p>When <strong>Firefox will</strong> is set to <strong>Remember history</strong>: </p> <ul><li> Firefox will keep a list of the pages you've visited. </li><li> A list of files you download will be kept in the <a href="/en-US/kb/where-find-and-manage-downloaded-files-firefox"><span class="for" data-for="not fx20">Downloads window</span><span class="for" data-for="fx20">Library window</span></a>. </li><li> The text you enter into form fields or the search bar will be remembered so you can use those entries again. For more information, see <a href="/en-US/kb/control-whether-firefox-automatically-fills-forms">Control whether Firefox automatically fills in forms</a>. </li><li> Firefox will accept cookies from sites until they expire. For more information on cookies, see <a href="/en-US/kb/cookies-information-websites-store-on-your-computer">Cookies - Information that websites store on your computer</a>. </li></ul> <p>Click on: </p> <ul><li> <strong>clear your recent history</strong> to open the Clear Recent History window, which allows you to erase some or all of your history quickly. For more information, see <a href="/en-US/kb/delete-browsing-search-download-history-firefox">Delete browsing, search and download history on Firefox</a>. </li><li> <strong>remove individual cookies</strong> to display the Cookies window. For more information, see <a href="/en-US/kb/clear-cookies-and-site-data-firefox">Clear cookies and site data in Firefox</a>. </li></ul> <h2 id="w_never-remember-history">Never remember history</h2> <p>When <strong>Firefox will</strong> is set to <strong>Never remember history</strong>: </p> <ul><li> Firefox will keep no record of your browsing history. </li><li> The files you download will not be listed in the <a href="/en-US/kb/where-find-and-manage-downloaded-files-firefox"><span class="for" data-for="not fx20">Downloads window</span><span class="for" data-for="fx20">Library window</span></a>. </li><li> The text you enter into form fields or the search bar will not be remembered. </li><li> Firefox will accept cookies from sites and delete them when you close Firefox. For more information on cookies, see <a href="/en-US/kb/cookies-information-websites-store-on-your-computer">Cookies - Information that websites store on your computer</a>. </li></ul> <p>Using <strong>Never remember history</strong> is equivalent to always being in Firefox Private Browsing mode. For more information, see <a href="/en-US/kb/private-browsing-use-firefox-without-history">Private Browsing - Use Firefox without saving history</a>. </p><p>Click on <strong>clear all current history</strong> to open the Clear Recent History window, which allows you to erase some or all of your history quickly. For more information, see <a href="/en-US/kb/delete-browsing-search-download-history-firefox">Delete browsing, search and download history on Firefox</a>. </p> <h2 id="w_use-custom-settings-for-history">Use custom settings for history</h2> <p><img alt="Use custom settings for history" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""> </p><p>When <strong>Firefox will</strong> is set to <strong>Use custom settings for history</strong>, the following settings will be available: </p> <ul><li> <strong>Always use private browsing mode</strong>: <br> If selected, Firefox will not remember any new history the next time it starts. For more information, see <a href="/en-US/kb/private-browsing-use-firefox-without-history">Private Browsing - Use Firefox without saving history</a>. </li><li> <strong>Remember my browsing and download history</strong>: <br> If selected, Firefox will keep a list of the pages you've visited and the files you've downloaded. For more information about downloaded files, see <a href="/en-US/kb/where-find-and-manage-downloaded-files-firefox">Where to find and manage downloaded files in Firefox</a>. </li><li> <strong>Remember search and form history</strong>: <br> If selected, the text you enter into form fields or the search bar will be remembered so you can use those entries again. For more information, see <a href="/en-US/kb/control-whether-firefox-automatically-fills-forms">Control whether Firefox automatically fills in forms</a>. </li><li> <strong>Accept cookies from sites</strong>: <br> If selected, Firefox will accept <a href="/en-US/kb/cookies-information-websites-store-on-your-computer">cookies</a> from sites. Click <span class="button">Exceptions…</span> to control whether some sites are not allowed to set cookies. For more information, see <a href="/en-US/kb/block-websites-storing-cookies-site-data-firefox">Block websites from storing cookies and site data in Firefox</a>. <ul><li> <strong>Accept third-party cookies</strong>:<br><strong>Always</strong>: Firefox will always accept cookies from <em></em> when you are visiting <em></em>.<br> <strong>From Visited</strong>: If you have visited <em></em> previously, Firefox will accept cookies from this site when you are visiting <em></em>, otherwise Firefox will not accept them.<br><strong>Never</strong>: Firefox will never accept cookies from <em></em> when you are visiting <em></em>. For more information, see <a href="/en-US/kb/third-party-cookies-firefox-tracking-protection">Third-party cookies and Firefox tracking protection</a>. </li><li> <strong>Keep until</strong>:<br><strong>they expire</strong>: If selected, Firefox will allow the sites you visit to specify how long Firefox should keep their cookies.<br> <strong>I close Firefox</strong>: If selected, your cookies will be deleted when you close Firefox.<br><span class="for" data-for="not fx44"><strong>ask me every time</strong>: If selected, Firefox will ask you how long to keep a cookie each time a site tries to set one.</span>Click <span class="button">Show Cookies…</span> to display the Cookies window. For more information on the Cookies window, see <a href="/en-US/kb/clear-cookies-and-site-data-firefox">Clear cookies and site data in Firefox</a>. </li></ul> </li><li> <strong>Clear history when Firefox closes</strong>: <br> Certain saved items will be deleted when you close Firefox. Click <span class="button">Settings…</span> to control what items are deleted. Note: Under certain circumstances, this function will not run: <ul><li> <em>Firefox did not shut down normally.</em> If Firefox crashes, you will need to start Firefox and exit/quit normally to ensure that this function runs. </li><li> <em>Firefox is set to use automatic private browsing.</em> History retained from regular sessions can only be cleared from a regular window. To change between regular mode and automatic private browsing, see: <a href="/en-US/kb/private-browsing-use-firefox-without-history">Private Browsing - Use Firefox without saving history</a>. </li></ul> </li></ul> <h1 id="w_location-bar">Location Bar</h1> <p>The Location Bar is the field where you enter a site's web address (URL). The Location Bar suggests results as you type in a search based on the following: </p> <dl><dt><span class="for" data-for="not fx42"><img alt="fx38 location bar" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""></span><span class="for" data-for="fx42"><img alt="Fx42PrivacyPanel-LocationBar" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""></span> </dt></dl> <ul><li><strong>History</strong>: If selected, sites you've previously visited will appear on your results list. </li><li><strong>Bookmarks</strong>: Sites you've bookmarked will appear on your results list. These results appear with the blue star next to them. </li><li><strong>Open tabs</strong>: Select this if you want tabs that are currently open to appear in your results list. This is especially useful if you have many tabs open. </li></ul> <div class="for" data-for="fx42"><p>Click on <strong>Change preferences for search engine suggestions…</strong> to go to the <strong>Search</strong> Settings panel, where you can enable or disable search suggestions from your preferred search engine. See <a href="/en-US/kb/address-bar-autocomplete-firefox#w_how-can-i-control-what-results-the-location-bar-shows-me">How can I control what results the location bar shows me?</a> for details. </p></div> </section> <p class="share-link"> <br/> Share this article: <a href=""></a> </p> </article> <section class="sumo-page-section hide-on-large"> </section> <section id="doc-contributors" class="document--contributors sumo-page-section"> <p class="help-title text-body-md">These fine people helped write this article:</p> <div class="document--contributors-list text-body-xs"><a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/AliceWyman/">AliceWyman</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/Bo102010/">Bo102010</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/philipp/">philipp</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/jscher2000/">jscher2000 - Support Volunteer</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/Cww/">Cheng Wang</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/AlanBaxter/">AlanBaxter</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/underpass/">Underpass</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/Tonnes/">Tonnes</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/Verdi/">Michael Verdi</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/scoobidiver/">scoobidiver</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/Swarnava/">Swarnava Sengupta</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/ideato/">ideato</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/user669794/">user669794</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/user832823/">user832823</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/upwinxp/">Lan</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/heyjoni/">Joni</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/seeam/">Sashoto Seeam </a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="/en-US/user/tjohnson2/">tjohnson</a></div> </section> <section class="sumo-page-section"> <div class="card card--callout is-full-width has-moz-headings"> <div class="card--callout-wrap-narrow"> <img class="card--feature-img" src="" alt="Illustration of hands" /> <div class="card--details"> <h3 class="card--title">Volunteer</h3> <p class="card--desc">Grow and share your expertise with others. 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