Green Energy | Green Power For All | Octopus Energy
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data-infographic-section="operate"> <div class="gp-infographic__section-inner"> <h2 class="gp-infographic__section-title">We Operate</h2> <div class="gp-infographic__section-body gp-infographic__section-body--top"> <div class="gp-infographic__title-container"> <span class="gp-infographic__title gp-infographic__title--sm">£</span> <span class="gp-infographic__title gp-infographic__title--xl">6</span> <span class="gp-infographic__title gp-infographic__title--sm">billion</span> </div> <div class="gp-infographic__images"> <img class="gp-infographic__asset gp-infographic__asset--constantine-intrigued" src="/static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/assets/constantine-intrigued.11abb8ef2443.svg" alt="Contantine looking intrigued" aria-hidden="true" /> <img class="gp-infographic__asset gp-infographic__asset--panels svg" src="/static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/assets/solar-panels.cb357b5dbc30.svg" /> <div class="gp-infographic__turbines"> <img class="gp-infographic__asset gp-infographic__asset--turbine-base-large svg" src="/static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/assets/turbine-base-large.924e96fc8dbe.svg" /> <img class="gp-infographic__asset gp-infographic__asset--turbine-base-small svg" src="/static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/assets/turbine-base-small.a33c2d193906.svg" /> <img class="gp-infographic__asset gp-infographic__asset--turbine-rotor-large svg" src="/static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/assets/turbine-rotor.ebeeda725d54.svg" /> <img class="gp-infographic__asset gp-infographic__asset--turbine-rotor-small svg" src="/static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/assets/turbine-rotor.ebeeda725d54.svg" /> </div> </div> <span class="gp-infographic__text">Worth of <br/>Renewable <br/>generation</span> </div> <div class="gp-infographic__section-body gp-infographic__section-body--bottom"> <span class="gp-infographic__text gp-infographic__text--primary gp-infographic__text--right">Enough <br/>to Power</span> <div class="gp-infographic__title-container"> <span class="gp-infographic__title gp-infographic__title--xl"> 4 </span> </div> <span class="gp-infographic__text gp-infographic__text--secondary">Million <br/>Homes</span> <img class="gp-infographic__asset gp-infographic__asset--houses svg" src="/static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/assets/houses.dab1ec632c64.svg" /> <div class="gp-infographic__connecting-point gp-infographic__connecting-point--operate-buy-1 js-connecting-point" data-point-id="operate_buy-1"></div> </div> </div> <div class="gp-infographic__connecting-point gp-infographic__connecting-point--operate-buy-2 js-connecting-point" data-point-id="operate_buy-2"></div> </div> <div class="gp-infographic__section gp-infographic__section--buy mb-5 mb-md-4 js-infographic-section" data-infographic-section="buy"> <div class="gp-infographic__section-inner"> <img class="gp-infographic__asset gp-infographic__asset--uk svg" src="/static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/assets/uk.2f7b7e3b4d9e.svg" alt="Map of the UK with turbines" aria-hidden="true" /> <div class="gp-infographic__section-body"> <h3 class="gp-infographic__section-title">We Buy From</h3> <div class="gp-infographic__title-container"> <span class="gp-infographic__title gp-infographic__title--xl"> 700 </span> </div> <span class="gp-infographic__text">UK green energy <br/>producers <br/>and counting.</span> </div> </div> <div class="gp-infographic__connecting-point gp-infographic__connecting-point--operate-buy-3 js-connecting-point" data-point-id="operate_buy-3"></div> <div class="gp-infographic__connecting-point gp-infographic__connecting-point--operate-buy-4 js-connecting-point" data-point-id="operate_buy-4"></div> <div class="gp-infographic__connecting-point gp-infographic__connecting-point--operate-buy-5 gp-infographic__connecting-point--last js-connecting-point" data-point-id="operate_buy-5"></div> <div class="gp-infographic__connecting-point gp-infographic__connecting-point--buy-pay-1 js-connecting-point" data-point-id="buy_pay-1"></div> </div> <div class="gp-infographic__section gp-infographic__section--pay gp-infographic__section--right mb-4 mb-md-5 js-infographic-section" data-infographic-section="pay"> <div class="gp-infographic__section-inner"> <h4 class="gp-infographic__section-title">We Pay over</h4> <div class="gp-infographic__section-body gp-infographic__section-body--top"> <img class="gp-infographic__asset gp-infographic__asset--constantine-piggy" src="/static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/assets/constantine-piggy.f4b6df413e8c.svg" alt="Constantine on a piggy bank" aria-hidden="true" /> <div class="gp-infographic__title-container"> <span class="gp-infographic__title gp-infographic__title--lg"> 100,000 </span> </div> <span class="gp-infographic__text">Brits for <br/>their home <br/>solar power <br/> since April 2019</span> </div> <div class="gp-infographic__section-body gp-infographic__section-body--middle"> <div class="gp-infographic__connecting-point gp-infographic__connecting-point--pay-offset-1 js-connecting-point" data-point-id="pay_offset-1"></div> <span class="gp-infographic__text gp-infographic__text--right">our customers <br/>have generated </span> <div class="gp-infographic__title-container"> <span class="gp-infographic__title gp-infographic__title--lg"> <span class="gp-infographic__title--md">OVER </span>1.16bn </span> <span class="gp-infographic__title gp-infographic__title--md justify-end"> kWh </span> </div> </div> <div class="gp-infographic__section-body gp-infographic__section-body--bottom"> <span class="gp-infographic__text gp-infographic__text--primary gp-infographic__text--right">that's <br/>enough to <br/>power</span> <div class="gp-infographic__title-container"> <span class="gp-infographic__title gp-infographic__title--lg"> 429,629 </span> </div> <span class="gp-infographic__text">homes for <br/>a year</span> <img class="gp-infographic__asset gp-infographic__asset--houses svg" src="/static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/assets/houses.dab1ec632c64.svg" /> </div> </div> <div class="gp-infographic__connecting-point gp-infographic__connecting-point--buy-pay-2 gp-infographic__connecting-point--last js-connecting-point" data-point-id="buy_pay-2"></div> <div class="gp-infographic__connecting-point gp-infographic__connecting-point--pay-offset-2 js-connecting-point" data-point-id="pay_offset-2"></div> </div> <div class="gp-infographic__section gp-infographic__section--offset gp-infographic__section--left mb-md-3 js-infographic-section" data-infographic-section="offset"> <div class="gp-infographic__section-inner"> <h4 class="gp-infographic__section-title">We Offset Over</h4> <div class="gp-infographic__section-body gp-infographic__section-body--top"> <div class="gp-infographic__title-container"> <span class="gp-infographic__title gp-infographic__title--lg"> 1 MILLION </span> <span class="gp-infographic__title gp-infographic__title--sm">tonnes <br/>of Co2</span> </div> <span class="gp-infographic__text">from our Super Green <br/>customers' gas <br/>between 2018 - 2023</span> </div> <div class="gp-infographic__section-body gp-infographic__section-body--middle"> <span class="gp-infographic__text">that's like <br/>cancelling</span> <div class="gp-infographic__title-container"> <span class="gp-infographic__title gp-infographic__title--lg"> 1,292 </span> <span class="gp-infographic__title gp-infographic__title--sm">flights</span> </div> </div> <div class="gp-infographic__section-body gp-infographic__section-body--bottom"> <div class="gp-infographic__images"> <img class="gp-infographic__asset gp-infographic__asset--ny-to-ldn svg" src="/static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/assets/ny-to-london.5d81905c01a7.svg" /> <img class="gp-infographic__asset gp-infographic__asset--plane svg" src="/static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/assets/plane.34a7b1f71047.svg" /> <img class="gp-infographic__asset gp-infographic__asset--constantine-parachute svg" src="/static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/assets/constantine-parachute.3e750864e224.svg" /> </div> <span class="gp-infographic__text">from London to <br/>New York</span> <div class="gp-infographic__connecting-point gp-infographic__connecting-point--offset-ev-1 js-connecting-point" data-point-id="offset_ev-1"></div> </div> </div> <div class="gp-infographic__connecting-point gp-infographic__connecting-point--pay-offset-3 gp-infographic__connecting-point--last js-connecting-point" data-point-id="pay_offset-3"></div> <div class="gp-infographic__connecting-point gp-infographic__connecting-point--offset-ev-2 js-connecting-point" data-point-id="offset_ev-2"></div> </div> <div class="gp-infographic__section gp-infographic__section--ev gp-infographic__section--right mb-3 mb-md-5 js-infographic-section" data-infographic-section="ev"> <div class="gp-infographic__section-inner"> <img class="gp-infographic__asset gp-infographic__asset--ev svg" src="/static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/assets/ev.ce681ebc953f.svg" /> <div class="gp-infographic__section-body"> <div class="gp-infographic__title-container"> <span class="gp-infographic__title gp-infographic__title--lg">Over </span> <span class="gp-infographic__title gp-infographic__title--xxl"> 75% </span> </div> <span class="gp-infographic__text">of the UK's public EV charging <br/>networks are available on <br/>Octopus Electroverse. That's over <br/> half a million charging points <br/> across the UK.</span> <div class="gp-infographic__connecting-point gp-infographic__connecting-point--ev-net-zero-1 js-connecting-point" data-point-id="ev_net-zero-1"></div> </div> </div> <div class="gp-infographic__connecting-point gp-infographic__connecting-point--offset-ev-3 gp-infographic__connecting-point--last js-connecting-point" data-point-id="offset_ev-3"></div> <div class="gp-infographic__connecting-point gp-infographic__connecting-point--ev-net-zero-2 js-connecting-point" data-point-id="ev_net-zero-2"></div> </div> <div class="gp-infographic__section gp-infographic__section--net-zero gp-infographic__section--left mb-4 js-infographic-section" data-infographic-section="net-zero"> <div class="gp-infographic__section-inner"> <div class="gp-infographic__section-body"> <div class="gp-infographic__title-container"> <span class="gp-infographic__title gp-infographic__title--lg">£<span class="gp-infographic__counter js-counter" data-target="5000000">0</span></span> <img class="gp-infographic__asset gp-infographic__asset--constantine-peek" src="/static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/assets/constantine-peek.8f857764900f.svg" alt="Constantine peeking around a corner" aria-hidden="true"/> </div> <span class="gp-infographic__text">Committed to founding the Centre for Net Zero, <br/>an open research lab devoted to researching a <br/>low carbon energy system</span> <div class="gp-infographic__connecting-point gp-infographic__connecting-point--net-zero-decarbonisation-1 js-connecting-point" data-point-id="net-zero_decarbonisation-1"></div> </div> </div> <div class="gp-infographic__connecting-point gp-infographic__connecting-point--ev-net-zero-3 gp-infographic__connecting-point--last js-connecting-point" data-point-id="ev_net-zero-3"></div> <div class="gp-infographic__connecting-point gp-infographic__connecting-point--net-zero-decarbonisation-2 js-connecting-point" data-point-id="net-zero_decarbonisation-2"></div> </div> <div class="gp-infographic__section gp-infographic__section--decarbonisation gp-infographic__section--right mb-md-4 js-infographic-section" data-infographic-section="decarbonisation"> <div class="gp-infographic__section-inner"> <div class="gp-infographic__section-body"> <div class="gp-infographic__title-container"> <span class="gp-infographic__title gp-infographic__title--lg">£<span class="gp-infographic__counter js-counter" data-target="10000000">0</span></span> </div> <div class="gp-infographic__text-container"> <img class="gp-infographic__asset gp-infographic__asset--constantine-foam-finger" src="/static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/assets/constantine-foam-finger.bf78565d773d.svg" alt="Constantine with foam finger" aria-hidden="true"/> <span class="gp-infographic__text gp-infographic__text--right">invested to build the UK's only<br/> low-carbon heat R&D centre</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="gp-infographic__connecting-point gp-infographic__connecting-point--net-zero-decarbonisation-3 gp-infographic__connecting-point--last js-connecting-point" data-point-id="net-zero_decarbonisation-3"></div> </div> </div> <div class="row mb-2"> <q class="gp__quote col-12 col-sm-10 col-md-8 align-center">Octopus is a living example of the kind of company that Generation was founded to invest in. <br/>A company that is a true enabler of a sustainable system led by a mission driven team.</q> <h4 class="align-center">Al Gore, Co-Chair, Generation Investment Management</h4> </div> <div class="row mb-2"> <div class="col-12 col-lg-6 mx-auto mt-4 d-flex justify-content-center"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopeneer"> <img src="/static/consumer/img/icons/logos/awards/which-eco-provider-oct-2024.c4e265b196de.svg" alt="Octopus Energy is Which? Eco Provider for October 2024" loading='lazy' width="180"/> </a> </div> </div> </section> <div class="well"> <section id="green_electricity" class="container pt-4 pb-0 pb-md-4 mx-auto js-section" data-section="green_electricity"> <div class="row"> <h2 class="gp__section-title mb-4 col-12 col-md-10 align-center text-highlight"> Green electricity </h2> <div class="col-12 col-md-10 mx-auto align-center"> <h2 class="mb-4"> How we help our customers and the whole of the UK have green energy usage </h2> </div> <div class="col-12"> <div class="gp-card mb-4 detached right"> <figure class="gp-card__figure "> <img class="gp-card__placeholder svg" src=""/> <img class="gp-card__img" src="/static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/card-images/beinneun-1.d078f40aa033.webp" alt="Beinneun, Scotland. Octopus Renewables Investments" loading="lazy"> <figcaption class="gp-card__caption"> Beinneun, Scotland. Octopus Renewables Investments </figcaption> </figure> <div class="gp-card__body"> <h3 class="gp-card__title mb-2 mb-md-3"> £6bn worth of renewable generation </h3> <div class="gp-card__text"> <p>Octopus Energy Generation is one of Europe's largest investors in renewable power, managing ~4GW of renewable electricity over 240 large-scale green energy projects spanning 10 countries, with a combined asset value of £6 billion. In July 2023, we committed a further £15 billion investment in offshore wind which will go towards the generation of 12 GW of renewable electricity capacity; enough power for 10 million homes.</p><p>By 2030, Octopus Energy Generation is targeting 20 GW of European green generation projects, enough power for 15 million homes.</p> <a class="gp-card__button" href=""> Find out more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="gp-card mb-4 detached"> <figure class="gp-card__figure "> <img class="gp-card__placeholder svg" src=""/> <img class="gp-card__img" src="/static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/card-images/velodrome.8c9eb5fb3880.webp" alt="Velodrome, Wales" loading="lazy"> <figcaption class="gp-card__caption"> Velodrome, Wales </figcaption> </figure> <div class="gp-card__body"> <h3 class="gp-card__title mb-2 mb-md-3"> Buying renewable electricity from 700 UK renewable generators </h3> <div class="gp-card__text"> <p>We buy renewable electricity directly from more than 700 generators here in the UK via contracts called ‘Power Purchase Agreements’, or PPAs. <a class="gp-card__link" target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="">Read more</a> about the wind, solar and hydro generators we work with.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="gp-card mb-4 detached right"> <figure class="gp-card__figure "> <img class="gp-card__placeholder svg" src=""/> <img class="gp-card__img" src="/static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/card-images/caerphilly.9f593cf790b6.webp" alt="Octopus Energy No.1 Fan, Caerphilly Wales" loading="lazy"> <figcaption class="gp-card__caption"> Octopus Energy No.1 Fan, Caerphilly Wales </figcaption> </figure> <div class="gp-card__body"> <h3 class="gp-card__title mb-2 mb-md-3"> Octopus-owned power </h3> <div class="gp-card__text"> <p>We've begun buying and adopting our own renewable electricity generators: we own two fans in Yorkshire and South Wales and have adopted a further two in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire from within the wind farms we operate – and that's just the start.<p>Through the <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="">Octopus Fan Club</a>, communities who live closest to our Fans get their power up to 50% cheaper when the turbines are working hardest.</p><p><span class="highlight">Want a wind turbine on your land?</span> We match-make willing landowners with enthusiastic communities who want their own renewable electricity source. Understand more about how wind power is the future of UK energy and learn how you can be a part of it.</p> <a class="gp-card__button" href=""> Find out more </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="gp__header gp__header--light"> <figure> <picture> <source srcset="/static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/assets/people-mobile.99afa6fc2dda.webp, /static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/assets/people-mobile@x2.c2b4e61a6ef7.webp 2x" media="(max-width: 768px)"> <source srcset="/static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/assets/people-desktop.0b77d128d07e.webp, /static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/assets/people-desktop@x2.cccae1155d65.webp 2x"> <img src="/static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/assets/people-desktop.0b77d128d07e.webp" alt="energy engineers jumping for joy"> </picture> </figure> <div class="gp__title-container"> <h3 class="gp__title col-12 col-sm-10 col-md-8 align-center">Unlocking green power for the people</h3> </div> </div> <div class="well"> <section class="container pt-0 pt-md-2 pb-3"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 col-md-10 mb-5 align-center"> <p>We believe in forging deep connections between communities and their green power. We are buying green power from one-third of the community energy sector, from over 250 Power Purchase Agreements. Through these energy projects, locals own and run their own green generation, and profit is reinvested in local charity or environmental initiatives.</p> <p>We're long term supporters of Renewable World, an incredible Brighton-based charity building innovative renewable energy projects to fuel-poor communities worldwide. </p> <p class="mb-4">Follow Renewable World as they build solar panels for medical centres in rural Kenya:</p> <div class="iframe__container"> <iframe class="iframe__responsive-16-9" width="100%" height="100%" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> </div> <img class="gp__fan-club mb-4 align-center" src="/static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/assets/fan-club.3f5537bf3b0c.webp" alt="cartoon drawing three people celebrating"> </div> </section> </div> <div class="well"> <section id="moving_to_net_zero" class="container pt-3 pb-0 pb-md-4 js-section" data-section="moving_to_net_zero"> <div class="row"> <h2 class="gp__section-title mb-4 col-12 col-md-10 align-center"> Moving to net zero </h2> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 col-md-10 mx-auto align-center mb-4"> <p class="mb-3"> To have any hope of halting climate catastrophe, we need to change the energy system on a global scale. </p> <h3 class="mb-4 pe-2 ps-2 pe-md-4 ps-md-4"> We're pushing system-wide changes to end all reliance on fossil fuels in energy, heating and transport. </h3> <p class="mb-4"> Our technology is unlocking the smart energy system of the future: making the most of the renewable sources of energy we already have, changing how and when all of us use power, and finding new ways to get around and heat our homes. Crucially, we're making sure customers get rewarded for making green energy choices. </p> <p> Be energy independent and save up to 90% on your electricity bill with an Octopus Energy solar panel and battery installation. If you're ready to generate and store your own renewable electricity, and sell excess energy back to the grid then <a href="" target="_blank"> find out more</a>. </p> <div class="iframe__container"> <iframe class="iframe__responsive-16-9" width="100%" height="100%" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12"> <div class="gp-card mb-4 "> <figure class="gp-card__figure no-caption "> <img class="gp-card__placeholder svg" src=""/> <img class="gp-card__img" src="/static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/card-images/phone-tariff.0bec228e90ba.webp" alt="Tariff in app on a smartphone" loading="lazy"> <figcaption class="gp-card__caption"> Tariff in app on a smartphone </figcaption> </figure> <div class="gp-card__body"> <h3 class="gp-card__title mb-2 mb-md-3"> Cutting-edge smart green energy tariffs </h3> <div class="gp-card__text"> <p><strong>Our one-of-a-kind smart tariffs are a whole new way of buying and using green energy</strong>, rewarding you for moving your energy consumption to the 'greenest' times of day and integrating with smart devices to create the blueprint for a low carbon smart home.</p><p>Thousands of homes across the UK use these innovative beta tariffs, getting paid to use up renewable electricity, or to export power from their solar panels, to support the UK electricity grid and reduce the need for fossil fuels. Last year, we paid £5,400,000 to over 600,000 customers for reducing their electricity consumption at the time the grid was dirtiest. Each time, their collective savings saved as much as a gas powered-station could generate.</p> <a class="gp-card__button" href=""> Find out more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="gp-card mb-4 "> <figure class="gp-card__figure gp-card__figure--video"> <img class="gp-card__placeholder svg" src=""/> <div class="gp-card__video-container"><div class="gp-card__video"><iframe width="100%" height="100%" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div></div> </figure> <div class="gp-card__body"> <h3 class="gp-card__title mb-2 mb-md-3"> The heat pump revolution </h3> <div class="gp-card__text"> <p>We've made it possible for the greenest solution in home-heating - the heat pump - to be installed & run for a similar cost to a gas boiler. Our standard installation costs range from as low as £500. It can cost more if you have a larger home or non standard installation but virtually all our quotes are less than the national average of £5,500. Both of these prices include the <a href="" target="_blank"> new government grant</a> of £7,500. We’ve been working hard to bring heat pumps to you at the lowest price possible. 90% of our heat pump quotes are lower than the national average cost. With home heating making up 17% of the UK's overall emissions (largely thanks to gas boilers), we see huge potential for change.</p><p>Over 1.7 million people replace their boilers every year, <a href="" target="_blank">find out how we're revolutionising heat pumps</a> as the planet friendly alternative, and cutting carbon by around 70%.</p> <a class="gp-card__button" href=""> Find out more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="gp-card mb-4 "> <figure class="gp-card__figure no-caption "> <img class="gp-card__placeholder svg" src=""/> <img class="gp-card__img" src="/static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/card-images/oev.62f341a63005.webp" alt="Mini Cooper car driving on a multicolored rainbow" loading="lazy"> <figcaption class="gp-card__caption"> Mini Cooper car driving on a multicolored rainbow </figcaption> </figure> <div class="gp-card__body"> <h3 class="gp-card__title mb-2 mb-md-3"> Electric transport for all </h3> <div class="gp-card__text"> <p>Transport contributes over 1/3 of all greenhouse gas emissions in the UK, so we're working to make EVs the simplest, most affordable choice for all.</p><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Octopus Electric Vehicles</a> is bringing electric vehicles to people and businesses through impartial advice, leasing packages, EV chargers, smart electricity – even super innovative stuff like our vehicle-to-grid charging trial, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Powerloop</a>.</p><p>Over 50% of the UK's public EV charging points are available in our app: discover the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Electric Universe</a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="gp-card mb-4 "> <figure class="gp-card__figure transparency no-caption "> <img class="gp-card__placeholder svg" src=""/> <img class="gp-card__img" src="/static/consumer/img/pages/landing-page/green-power/card-images/centre-for-net-zero.5600aa938ca4.svg" alt="Centre for Net Zero logo" loading="lazy"> <figcaption class="gp-card__caption"> Centre for Net Zero logo </figcaption> </figure> <div class="gp-card__body"> <h3 class="gp-card__title mb-2 mb-md-3"> Driving critical research into low carbon energy </h3> <div class="gp-card__text"> <p>We've invested £5,000,000 into the creation of the <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="">Centre for Net Zero</a>. The Centre autonomously analyses our global customer dataset in depth, through field trials, experimentation and cutting-edge AI models it generates insights about the active participation of people in the future energy system.<p><p>CNZ uses its research to influence the key decisions of governments, policy-makers and grid operators, promoting the acceleration of the energy transition at low cost.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <section class="container pt-4 pb-2"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-10 col-lg-9 mx-auto"> <span class="mb-3 mb-md-4"> <h2 class="h1"> How our electricity was generated </h2> <p>Between 1st April 2023 and 31st March 2024</p> </span> <p class="mb-0">Electricity from zero carbon sources:</p> <p class="h3 mt-0">100%</p> <div class="gp__table-overflow"> <table class="mt-2 mb-3 text-center"> <thead> <tr> <th></th> <th class="text-center">Octopus Energy</th> <th class="text-center">UK electricity overall</th> </tr> </thead> <tr> <th scope="row">Carbon emissions</th> <td>0 g/kWh</td> <td>171 g/kWh</td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row">Renewables <span role="img">😎</span></th> <td>84.8%</td> <td>43.2%</td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row">Nuclear <span role="img">🙂</span></th> <td>15.2%</td> <td>12.7%</td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row">Gas <span role="img">🤨</span></th> <td>0%</td> <td>35%</td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row">Coal <span role="img">🤮</span></th> <td>0%</td> <td>6.3%</td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row">Other <span role="img">🤔</span></th> <td>0%</td> <td>2.8%</td> </tr> </table> </div> <h3>Our renewable sources</h3> <div class="gp__table-overflow"> <table class="table mt-2 mb-3"> <thead> <tr> <th>Off-shore wind</th> <th>On-shore wind</th> <th>Solar</th> <th>Hydro</th> <th>Biomass</th> </tr> </thead> <tr> <td>56.8%</td> <td>32.2%</td> <td>6.3%</td> <td>4.6%</td> <td>0.1%</td> </tr> </table> </div> <p> With some of our electricity sourced from nuclear generation, there were no CO<sub>2</sub> emissions, but there was some high-level radioactive waste created – the equivalent of 0.0009 g/kWh, compared to 0.0007 g/kWh for the UK's electricity overall.<br /><br /> That's around 0.24ml of high level radioactive waste for a typical home. Over 20 years, that adds up to almost one teaspoon of waste, which is securely transported and stored in pools in Cumbria.<br /><br /> If the electricity was produced from gas instead, it would have released 154 kilograms of carbon dioxide into the environment over the year, and over twenty years would release more than enough to fill a typical leisure centre swimming pool.<br /><br /> It's also worth noting <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">electricity from fossil fuels causes far more deaths</a> than either renewables or nuclear, and that's just counting accidents and air pollution (so not including climate disasters). </p> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-10 col-lg-9 mx-auto"> <h2 class="h1 mb-3 mb-md-4"> Green energy: Frequently asked questions </h2> <div class="faq-wrap mb-4"> <div class="faq js-faq" tabindex="0" id="faq_renewable_energy"> <div class="faq-question"> <h3 class="h3 my-0 light">What is green energy?</h3> </div> <div class="faq-answer js-faq-answer"> <div class="faq-answer--close">×</div> <div class="faq-answer--content js-faq-answer--content"> <p>Green energy is energy that does not release carbon emissions when the electricity is generated. At Octopus, we primarily purchase your electricity from renewable sources such as wind, solar or hydro (water). Non-green energy, such as coal or gas, releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when the electricity is generated.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="faq js-faq" tabindex="0" id="faq_greener_meter"> <div class="faq-question"> <h3 class="h3 my-0 light">How can a smart meter make me greener?</h3> </div> <div class="faq-answer js-faq-answer"> <div class="faq-answer--close">×</div> <div class="faq-answer--content js-faq-answer--content"> <p>Smart meters make you more aware of your energy usage, so you can think about ways to reduce what you're using. But beyond that, they can also be great tools to support and balance the national energy system. Automatic, half-hourly smart meter readings give customers access to "dynamically-priced" energy tariffs such as Agile Octopus, where you can pay less to use energy at times of day when it's 'greener' i.e. on a particularly windy or sunny day, or in the early hours when demand is really low and there's lots of surplus green power not being used.</p><p>This way, smart meters can help encourage people to use less power at the busiest times to avoid the need to burn extra fossil fuels to meet the extra demand. Collectively, this could make a real difference to lower your bills and the UKs carbon emissions – and we're working to show this through our available smart tariffs like Octopus Agile, Octopus Go, Outgoing Octopus and smart energy projects like Saving Sessions.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="faq js-faq" tabindex="0" id="faq_green_grid"> <div class="faq-question"> <h3 class="h3 my-0 light">If my energy comes from the grid, how can it be green?</h3> </div> <div class="faq-answer js-faq-answer"> <div class="faq-answer--close">×</div> <div class="faq-answer--content js-faq-answer--content"> <p>Green electricity suppliers can't pump clean electrons through separate wires to your home. Instead, all energy generators, green and dirty, pump energy into the electricity grid, and it's this 'energy mix' that powers your home. Suppliers like Octopus are green because we invest in renewable generators in a number of different ways to support them to pump even more green electricity into the system.</p><p>We buy electricity from renewable generators to match some of the energy our customers use, for the rest we have 'PPA' agreements with 700 renewable generators, some independent, and some from within the £6 billion, 4GW portfolio of UK renewable energy producers we operate.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <h4 class="mb-3"> Legal stuff we have to say </h4> <ol class="gp__citations mb-3 mb-md-4"> <li> Carbon emissions calculations - The total tonnes of CO<sub>2</sub>e we have offset with our partner Renewable World for members on our Super Green tariff is 1,056,700tCO<sub>2</sub>e. A 24 hour long haul flight emits 3.4tCO<sub>2</sub>e per seat, the total return flight journey time between London and New York is 16 hours 30 minutes. This equates to 2.3375tCO<sub>2</sub>e per seat per return flight from London to New York. Assuming a Boeing 777 to New York has 350 occupied seats, that's 818.125tCO<sub>2</sub>e emissions per return flight from London to New York. Divided by the total amount of tCO<sub>2</sub>e we have offset with Renewable World that's equivalent to 1,292 return flights from London to New York. (source: How Bad Are Bananas - Mike Berners Lee) </li> <li> Energy consumed in the home accounts for 17% of the UKs territorial Greenhouse Gas emissions. Transport accounts for 34% of the UKs territorial Greenhouse Gas emissions. (Source: <a href="" target="_blank">2022 UK greenhouse gas emissions: provisional figures</a>) </li> </ol> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="gp__infographic-connectors js-connectors"> <svg class="js-connecting-line" data-connector-id="operate_buy"> </svg> <svg class="js-connecting-line" data-connector-id="buy_pay"> </svg> <svg class="js-connecting-line" data-connector-id="pay_offset"> </svg> <svg class="js-connecting-line" data-connector-id="offset_ev"> </svg> <svg class="js-connecting-line" data-connector-id="ev_net-zero"> </svg> <svg class="js-connecting-line" data-connector-id="net-zero_decarbonisation"> </svg> </div> <!-- Friendly Octopus that tells you to remove your charger if your device is fully charged and you are still charging --> <div class="fully-charged"> <div id="animation-fully-charged"></div> <div class="bubble"> <p id="js-constantine-speech">Hey I'm Constantine, welcome to Octopus Energy!</p> <a class="close">×<span class="hidden">Close window</span></a> 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