Fredholm determinant in nLab
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It is often considered as an analytic function of a perturbation parameter $\lambda$. The calculations with Fredholm determinants have applications in operator theory, [[random matrix]] theory, integrable models etc. In his original setup, Fredholm attached the determinant $$ d(\lambda) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac{\lambda^n}{n!}\int_a^b\int_a^b\ldots \int_a^b det((K(x_k, x_l))_{k,l=1}^n) d x_1 \cdots d x_n $$ to the Fredholm integral equation of the second kind $$ u(x) + \lambda \int^b_a K(x,y) u(y) d y = f(x), \,\,\,x\in (a,b), $$ and $d$ is an [[entire function]] of $\lambda$ such that $d(\lambda) \neq 0$ iff the integral equation has a unique solution. ## References #### General and mathematical * wikipedia [Fredholm determinant]( * Albrecht Pietsch, _Operator ideals_, North-Holland Mathematical Library 20; _Eigenvalues and s-Numbers_, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 13; _History of Banach spaces and linear operators_, sec 6.5.2 * [[Alexander Grothendieck]], _La th&#233;orie de Fredholm_, Bulletin de la Soci&#233;t&#233; Math&#233;matique de France __84__ (1956), p. 319-384, [numdam]( * Fritz Gesztesy, Yuri Latushkin, Konstantin A. Makarov, _Evans functions, Jost functions and Fredholm determinants, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 186 (2007) 361&#8211;421,[doi]( [pdf]( * Barry Simon, _Notes on infinite determinants of Hilbert space operators_, Advances in Math. __24__ (1977), no. 3, 244&#8211;273 [MR482328]( <a href="">doi</doi> * Folkmar Bornemann, _On the numerical evaluation of Fredholm determinants_, Math. Comp. 79 (2010), no. 270, 871&#8211;915 [MR2600548]( [pdf]( [doi]( #### Physics applications * F. J. Dyson, _Fredholm determinants and inverse scattering problems_, Comm. Math. Phys. 47, 171&#8211;183 (1976) [MR406201]( [euclid]( * C. A. Tracy, H. Widom, _Fredholm determinants, differential equations and matrix models_, Commun. Math. Phys. __163__, 33&#8211;72 (1994) [MR1277933]( [euclid]( * J. Harnad, Alexander R. Its, _Integrable Fredholm operators and dual isomonodromic deformations_, Comm. Math. Phys. 226 (2002), no. 3, 497&#8211;530 [MR1896879]( [doi]( * M. Adler, [[M. Cafasso]], P. van Moerbeke, _Nonlinear PDEs for Fredholm determinants arising from string equations_, [arxiv/1207.6341]( * M. Bertola, [[M. Cafasso]], _Fredholm determinants and pole-free solutions to the noncommutative Painlev&#233; II equation_, Comm. Math. Phys. __309__ (2012), no. 3, 793&#8211;833 [MR2885610]( [doi]( * Michio Jimbo, Tetsuji Miwa, Yasuko M&#244;ri, Mikio Sato, _Density matrix of an impenetrable Bose gas and the fifth Painlev&#233; transcendent_, Phys. D 1 (1980), no. 1, 80&#8211;158 [MR573370]( <a href=""> category: functional analysis [[!redirects Fredholm determinants]]</textarea> </div> <!-- Container --> </body> </html>