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w-slider-nav-invert w-round"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section-feat"> <div class="container-5 w-container"> <h1 class="heading-2">About Beach Lane Books<br></h1> <p class="paragraph-2">Beach Lane Books, founded in 2008 and located on a flower-filled lane in San Diego, has a primary focus on publishing lyrical, emotionally engaging, highly visual picture books. Our list features established authors and illustrators as well as brand-new talent, and our overarching goal is to publish books that connect with children on a deep level and that become beloved childhood treasures people will return to throughout their lives.<br></p> </div> </div> <div id="books" class="sec-carousel"> <h1 class="heading-2">new releases<br></h1> <div class="carousel-container w-container"> <div class="div-book-carousel"> <div data-delay="5000" data-animation="slide" class="greatest-hits desktop w-slider" data-autoplay="false" data-easing="ease" data-hide-arrows="false" data-disable-swipe="false" data-autoplay-limit="0" data-nav-spacing="6" data-duration="1000" data-infinite="true"> <div class="mask-main-desktop w-slider-mask"> <div class="slide w-slide"> <div class="div-center-carousel-2 w-clearfix"> <div class="topcarousellink carouselhc"> <div class="html-embed-2 w-embed"> <div id="covers"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" height="200px"> </a> </div> </div> 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