OKFN Network - Global Directory
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Latin America Head of Growth at Nym.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Data,Civic Tech,Open Education",country:"Ecuador",language:"English, Spanish",pic:"daniel.jpg",pic_original:"daniel.jpg",organization:"Asociación aLabs",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"daniel-vazquez",background_position:""},{name:"Mel Flanagan",description:"Mel is founder and design director at Nook Studios, her Sydney based research, content and design company. With a background in storytelling and filmmaking, Mel is a global transparency and open government advocate. Nook designs revolutionary content, information services, and collaboration tools to bring complex data, legislation, and decision making processes to life in an engaging way for community audiences.Mel is on the Publish What You Pay Australia Steering Committee and supports zero waste social enterprises. She is happiest working on participatory design projects, making civic technology and data meaningful. Mel and the Nook crew are dedicated to helping transform how governments manage natural resources, design, make, and deliver services, programs and projects so that communities can get involved and access the information they need in easy to use formats.",email:"",twitter:"nookstudios",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Process, Open Government Data, Open Data,Participatory Design,Fiscal Transparency,Civic Tech",country:"Australia ",language:"English",pic:"Mel-Flanagan_Nook.jpg",pic_original:"Mel-Flanagan_Nook.jpg",organization:"Nook Studios",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"mel-flanagan",background_position:"10"},{name:"Lotte Goyens",description:"I'm Lotte, a busy bee with experience in project management, communications and financial management. I'm an advocate for gender equality, human rights and I strongly believe in the power of digitalisation and open source! With the increasing influence of the digital space, it is more important than ever to guarantee fair access to information worldwide. With Open Knowledge Belgium, I witness firsthand how an inspired community filled with people from diverse backgrounds and different disciplines can make a significant impact.",email:" ",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"",country:"Belgium",language:"English, Dutch, French",pic:"Lotte.jpeg",pic_original:"Lotte.jpeg",organization:"Open Knowledge Belgium",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"lotte-goyens",background_position:""},{name:"Fernanda Campagnucci",description:"From 2013 to 2019, Fernanda served as public manager at Sao Paulo City Hall, and was responsible for the local policy of transparency, data openness, and integrity at the Comptroller General's Office. In addition, she led technology, innovation, and open government projects at the local Department of Education. She holds a BA in Journalism and a Master's in Education from the University of Sao Paulo, and is PhD candidate in Public Administration and Government at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (EAESP-FGV). She is specialist in Transparency and Accountability from the University of Chile (2014) and was an Open Government fellow at the Organization of American States (2015), Open Data Leader at the Open Data Institute (2016) and a Government fellow at the Digital Governance Operational Unit at the University of United Nations, UNU-EGOV (2018). She is a visiting professor at Insper for “Compliance” and “Innovation in the Public Sector” courses.",email:" ",twitter:"fecampa",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Government Data, Open Justice",country:"Brazil",language:"English, Portuguese, Spanish",pic:"fernanda_campagnucci.jpeg",pic_original:"fernanda_campagnucci.jpeg",organization:"Open Knowledge Brazil",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"fernanda-campagnucci",background_position:""},{name:"Eduardo Bejar",description:"Ecuadorian computer systems engineer that has been involved with projects related to technology for social change and civic engagement for the last 12+ years. He is the Executive Director of Fundapi (, an ecuadorian nonprofit organization working with capacity building for representatives from nonprofit organizations, activists, and volunteers; developing web based solutions for nonprofit organizations; organizing conferences and events like barcamps and hackathons, and fostering the use and adoption of open data and open knowledge in the country.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"",country:"Ecuador",language:"English, Spanish",pic:"eduardo-bejar.jpeg",pic_original:"eduardo-bejar.jpeg",organization:"Open Knowledge Ecuador",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"eduardo-bejar",background_position:""},{name:"Maarja-Leena Saar",description:"She has been a process manager at the Estonian Cooperation Assembly, a competence centre founded by the President of Estonia, working on policy recommendations and initiatives on societal issues like (e-) democracy and public sector reform. She led project from idea to exponential growth. is a citizen initiatives platform for sending collective proposals to the Estonian Parliament. Maarja-Leena is also a big fan of open data and knowledge visualization, her passion in that field was recognized by New Europe 100 and Shuttleworth Foundation. She is a founding member of Open Knowledge Estonia and kicked off the open data boom in Estonia together with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications through strategic partnership.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Government Data, Fiscal Transparency",country:"Estonia",language:"Estonian, English",pic:"Maarja-leena.jpg",pic_original:"Maarja-leena.jpg",organization:"Open Knowledge Estonia",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"maarja-leena-saar",background_position:"30"},{name:"Hille Hinsberg",description:"Hille is independent expert/consultant currently working at Estonian Government Office, advising a policy for Social Innovation, involved in policy-making think tank Praxis, in Independent Review Mechanism for Open Government Partnership and open data/governance initiatives from open budget to policy crowdsourcing (see,, 2014, the President of Estonia gave her the national award for strengthening civil society in Estonia and Hille is keeping an eye on lobbying and policy-making for us.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Civic Tech, Open Government Data, Fiscal Transparency",country:"Estonia",language:"Estonian, English",pic:"Hille_portrait.jpg",pic_original:"Hille_portrait.jpg",organization:"Open Knowledge Estonia",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"hille-hinsberg",background_position:"30"},{name:"Melkamu Beyene",description:"Dr.Melkamu Beyene is Assistant professor in the school of information science. He received his Ph.D in Information Retrieval from Addis Ababa University in a joint program with the Institut national des sciences appliquées de Lyon, France by 2017. He is serving as a chief librarian of Addis Ababa University Library system and Chairperson of the Consortium of Ethiopian Academic and Research Libraries from March 08, 2018 up to now. Dr.Melkamu manages plenty of projects related to developing open science platforms, data driven systems and digitization for different organizations in Ethiopia. Dr.Melkamu is currently leading the Abrehot Public Library administration project signed between Addis Ababa City Administration and Addis Ababa University. He has also contributed in the drafting of National and institutional open access and data sharing policies in Ethiopia. His research interest includes Semantic Web, Open Science, Open data, data driven decision making, Data Science, Big Data Analytics, Open Access Publication and Information Retrieval.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Science, Open Data",country:"Ethiopia ",language:"Amharic, English",pic:"Melkamu_Beyene.JPG",pic_original:"Melkamu_Beyene.JPG",organization:"Open Knowledge Ethiopia ",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"melkamu-beyene",background_position:"40"},{name:"Tarmo Toikkanen",description:"Executive director of Open Knowledge Finland. Founding member of OKFI, long time board member, director of Creative Commons Finland. Tarmo's special interest is in the use of technology and open content in education.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Education, Open GLAM",country:"Finland",language:"English, Finnish",pic:"Tarmo.jpeg",pic_original:"Tarmo.jpeg",organization:"Open Knowledge Finland",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"tarmo-toikkanen",background_position:""},{name:"Samuel Goëta",description:"Samuel Goëta is co-founder of Open Knowledge France, working mainly on the French freedom of information platform He is also a researcher working on open data and data literacy. He co-founded, a cooperative company supporting open data projects.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Data, Open Government Data, Data Literacy, FOIA",country:"France",language:"English, French",pic:"MICALLEF_DATACTIVIST-WEB_35.JPG",pic_original:"MICALLEF_DATACTIVIST-WEB_35.JPG",organization:"Open Knowledge France",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"samuel-goeta",background_position:""},{name:"Poncelet Ileleji",description:"CEO Jokkolabs Banjul, Chair UNECA IGF Task Force for 17th Global KIGF in Addis Ababa(Linkedin:",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Digital Rights, Internet Governance, Open Data",country:"Gambia (innovation hub)",language:"English,Wolof",pic:"poncelet-ileleji.jpeg",pic_original:"poncelet-ileleji.jpeg",organization:"Jokkolabs ",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"poncelet-ileleji",background_position:"0"},{name:"Sonja Fischbauer",description:"Sonja works as project lead for Jugend hackt, where she also coordinates fundraising. She studied archaeology and has worked at excavations as well as in museum education, before she traded her shovel for a laptop: As a freelance consultant since 2014, Sonja coordinated multiple community-projects in the field of technology and Free Knowledge, organised hackathons and developed diversity-measures. Since 2018 she’s part of the team at Open Knowledge Foundation Germany in Berlin.",email:"",twitter:"sonkiki",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Communities",country:"Germany",language:"English, German",pic:"Sonja-Fischbauer.jpeg",pic_original:"Sonja-Fischbauer.jpeg",organization:"Open Knowledge Germany",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"sonja-fischbauer",background_position:"20"},{name:"Charalampos Bratsas",description:"Dr Charalampos Bratsas is the founder and president of the board of directors of Open Knowledge Foundation Greece. He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information and Electronic Engineering of International Hellenic University and participates as researcher in the Medical Physics and Digital Innovation Laboratory of AUTH. Main research areas are Intelligent Systems, Open Data, Semantic Web, Social Semantic Web, Linked Data (Greek DBpedia Coordinator), Data Mining, Big Data and AI applications. He is also a scientific associate at Complex System Analysis Laboratory of AUTH. He holds a bachelor degree in Maths (1999), master degree in Medical Informatics and PhD in Knowledge Graphs in Medical Informatics (2008). He has participated in many European Committee research programs. He has more than 100 articles in the fields of Semantic Web, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis published in scientific Journals and conference proceedings.",email:"",twitter:"Bratsas",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Civic Tech, Open Science",country:"Greece",language:"English, Greek",pic:"charalampos-bratsas.jpeg",pic_original:"charalampos-bratsas.jpeg",organization:"Open Knowledge Greece",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"charalampos-bratsas",background_position:"0"},{name:"Kleanthis Koupidis",description:"Kleanthis Koupidis graduated from the Mathematics Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and received his M.Sc. in Web Science from the same Department. He works as Data Scientist in research projects with Open Knowledge Greece. He recently worked in OpenBudgets Horizon 2020 project using data mining techniques in fiscal open data. Through Open Knowledge Greece he participated actively to the conformation of the Third Greek Open Government Partnership Action Plan and worked to complete the commitments of the Foundation. Also, he is co-author of Greek Cities Open Data Census and Data Journalism Handbook (Greek edition).",email:" ",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Civic Tech, Open Science",country:"Greece",language:"English, Greek",pic:"kleanthis-koupidis.jpeg",pic_original:"kleanthis-koupidis.jpeg",organization:"Open Knowledge Greece",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"kleanthis-koupidis",background_position:"30"},{name:"Scott Edmunds",description:"With a research background and PhD in Molecular Pathology, as well as experience in Open Access publishing, Scott works on reproducible research and scientific data publishing projects as the Editor-in-Chief for GigaScience. Being involved in open science, citizen science and crowdsourcing projects, and seeing first hand the benefits of releasing scientific data quicker, he is keen to promote, aid and share his expertise in this area. As a co-founder of citizen science organisations Bauhinia Genome and CitizenScience.Asia he also teaches data management and curation at The University of Hong Kong.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Science",country:"Hong Kong",language:"English",pic:"SCE_profile.png",pic_original:"SCE_profile.png",organization:"CivicSight (formerly Open Data Hong Kong)",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"scott-edmunds",background_position:""},{name:"Tomoaki Watanabe",description:"Tomoaki Watanabe is project-associate professor at Keio University's Graduate School of Media and Governance, working on policy issues related to digital fabrication, among other things. He is a co-founder of Open Knowledge Foundation Japan, and has been involved in open data policy discussion at expert panel at the government. He has been active as a member of Creative Commons Japan for over a decade now, and is the chair of the board for CommonSphere, the not-for-profit organization serving as the host for CC Japan project.",email:" ",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Government Data, Open GLAM",country:"Japan",language:"English, Japanese",pic:"twatanabe.jpeg",pic_original:"twatanabe.jpeg",organization:"Open Knowledge Japan",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"tomoaki-watanabe",background_position:""},{name:"Nikesh Balami",description:"Nikesh is an open data advocate and tech researcher based in Nepal. He is the co-founder and CEO of Open Knowledge Nepal - a non-profit civic tech organization comprised of openness aficionados. He is a strong supporter of open source software and believes in the vision of Open Knowledge to empower citizens regarding technology usage and open data. He loves coffee chat, tweeting, hackathons, blogging, traveling, and open data.",email:"",twitter:"nikeshbalami",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Civic Tech, Open Data",country:"Nepal",language:"English, Nepalese",pic:"nikesh-balami.jpeg",pic_original:"nikesh-balami.jpeg",organization:"Open Knowledge Nepal",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"nikesh-balami",background_position:"0"},{name:"Sagar Ghimire",description:"Sagar is Chief Technical Officer at Open Knowledge Nepal. He is an IT professional and an open source enthusiast with an extensive experience in web development and passionate about using web technology and open data to make a better future for everyone.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Tech, Civic Tech",country:"Nepal",language:"English, Nepalese",pic:"Sagar-Ghimire.jpg",pic_original:"Sagar-Ghimire.jpg",organization:"Open Knowledge Nepal",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"sagar-ghimire",background_position:"10"},{name:"James Shrestha",description:"James Shrestha is front end developer at Open Knowledge Nepal. He is strong advocate of open knowledge and open source. His interest involve developing solutions using web technology and open data. Beside this he loves collabrative interdisciplinary work on new domains where he can challange himself and enjoys the collabration and knowledge sharing.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Tech, Open Data",country:"Nepal",language:"English, Nepalese",pic:"James-Shrestha.jpg",pic_original:"James-Shrestha.jpg",organization:"Open Knowledge Nepal",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"james-shrestha",background_position:"0"},{name:"Arjun Gautam",description:"Having professional experience of more than five years in making web systems and experience in computer programming since 2010, Arjun Gautam is a creative, productive, and friendly person. Being passionate about openness in technology and working with the tech community, he has worked with some open tech and civic tech organizations.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Tech, Civic Tech",country:"Nepal",language:"English, Nepalese",pic:"Arjun-Gautam.jpg",pic_original:"Arjun-Gautam.jpg",organization:"Open Knowledge Nepal",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"arjun-gautam",background_position:""},{name:"Oluseun Onigbinde",description:"Oluseun Onigbinde is the Director for BudgIT, a civic organization focused on intersecting civic engeement with institutional improvement. Oluseun is an Ashoka Fellow, Tutu Fellow and also Kinight Innovation Fellow. Oluseun Onigbinde is a leading voice for fiscal accountability and public sector engagement.+",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Tech, Civic Tech",country:"Nigeria",language:"English",pic:"Oluseun-Onigbinde.jpg",pic_original:"Oluseun-Onigbinde.jpg",organization:"Open Knowledge Nigeria",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"oluseun-onigbinde",background_position:"0"},{name:"Mohamud M. Hassan",description:"Mohamud M. Hassan is academic with interest in ICT for Agriculture, Open access for agriculture and education data. He co-founded a non-profit organization called Dallag intended to help Somali farmers to receive relevant market information. Dallag provides visualization, infographics, and data comprehension support to farmers. Mohamud promotes free access to data and information for agriculture, livestock and education. He is a local organizer for Open Knowledge community in Somalia. Besides, He is an advisor to Somali Youth Civic Education (SYCO) a youth platform that campaigns for Federalism \u0026 citizen participation in peacebuilding, create livelihood and capacity building programs for youth. He has extensive knowledge in creating and managing content. He trains farmers and office staff for a productive work environment. Mohamud has graduated with Masters of Computer Science in Web Technology at UTHM, Malaysia.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Science, Open Data, Civic Tech",country:"Somalia",language:"English, Somali",pic:"Mohamud-M-Hassan.jpeg",pic_original:"Mohamud-M-Hassan.jpeg",organization:"Open Knowledge Somalia",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"mohamud-m.-hassan",background_position:"25"},{name:"Husein Osman Abdullahi",description:"Hussein Osman Abdullahi lectures at SIMAD University in Mogadishu, Somalia where he is currently Director Admissions and Records. He holds a BSc. in Information Technology from the SIMAD University and Master of Science in Information Technology from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Over the years, he has taught courses in the field of ICT, E-commerce, E-procurement, E-Banking, and IT Project Management. Mr Hussein is Regional Coordinator of web 2.0 and social media workshops certified by Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) in the Netherlands. Mr Husein is very interested in the new startup culture phenomenal in Somalia particularly in Mogadishu. He is also co-founder of Dallag ICT a non-profit organization for publishing and distributing market information to local farmers.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Civic Tech,Open Data",country:"Somalia",language:"English, Somali",pic:"Hussein-Osman-Abdullahi.jpeg",pic_original:"Hussein-Osman-Abdullahi.jpeg",organization:"Open Knowledge Somalia",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"husein-osman-abdullahi",background_position:"10"},{name:"Elenor Weijmar",description:"Elenor runs Sweden's Freedom of Information (FOI) platform called, a platform that gives citizens a tool to ask authorities for information. During 2021 Elenor conducted research for Sweden in the Global Data Barometer project. The report is planned to be published in late 2021. She is also active in DFRI, an association that promotes digital rights. She is driven by technology and social entrepreneurship and in addition to Elenor works with coaching start-ups and educates youth in technology and programming.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Government Data, Fiscal Transparency, Civic Tech",country:"Sweden",language:"English, Swedish",pic:"elenor.png",pic_original:"elenor.png",organization:"Open Knowledge Sweden",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"elenor-weijmar",background_position:""},{name:"Mattias Axell",description:"Mattias is educated at Kaospilot and is committed to developing people and organizations. He helps others in experimenting with data and engage in systemic change processes. He is an occasional data wrangler, doing experiments like the first visualization of all of Sweden's public bodies. He knows some Python, bits of JavaScript as well as some HTML \u0026 CSS.",email:" ",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Government Data, Fiscal Transparency, Open Communities",country:"Sweden",language:"English, Swedish",pic:"Mattias-axell.jpg",pic_original:"Mattias-axell.jpg",organization:"Open Knowledge Sweden",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"mattias-axell",background_position:""},{name:"Alina Ostling",description:"Alina holds a PhD title in Political Sciences from the European University Institute. She has a strong professional background in democracy, media, public participation, open data and civic tech. In addition to her academic expertise, Alina has a long experience as an expert providing research, evaluation and policy support to the European Commission, international organisations (Council of Europe, UNDP, UNICEF, OSCE/ODIHR) and civil society organisations (Open Government Partnership, Global Integrity, Transparency International).",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Government Data, Civic Tech, Transparency, Open Data",country:"Sweden",language:"English, Swedish, Russian, French, Italian",pic:"alina.png",pic_original:"alina.png",organization:"Open Knowledge Sweden",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"alina-ostling",background_position:""},{name:"Oleg Lavrovsky",description:"Oleg Lavrovsky is a software engineer specialized in information management, and an activist dedicated to sharing knowledge for a better world through the art and science of data, a healthy dose of common sense, and community. One of the initiators of the Swiss open data movement, he is active in the Open Knowledge network, runs events around the country, blogs sporadically, contributes open source regularly, and remains highly allergic to prejudice while dedicated to the goals of openness on- and off-line. He's a Russian-Canadian expat \u0026 a family guy.",email:"",twitter:"loleg",website:"",github:"loleg",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Civic Tech, Open Government Data, Open Science",country:"Switzerland",language:"English, German, Russian",pic:"oleg-lavrovsky.jpeg",pic_original:"oleg-lavrovsky.jpeg",organization:"",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"oleg-lavrovsky",background_position:"25"},{name:"Florin Hasler",description:"After working in foreign policy and political communications, he found his passion in technology-related advocacy and open innovation. At, he supports the public sector on its journey to become more open and advocates for a digital transformation that benefits the many not the few. Before taking over as Director, Florin managed's Prototype Fund.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Civic Tech, Open Government Data,",country:"Switzerland",language:"English, German",pic:"fh_hires.jpg",pic_original:"fh_hires.jpg",organization:"",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"florin-hasler",background_position:""},{name:"Sara Petti",description:"Sara works with communities. She leads the Open Knowledge Network and manages the Frictionless Data community at Open Knowledge Foundation. With a background in advocacy for public libraries and quality education for all, Sara strongly believes in removing barriers and opening knowledge as a means of empowering citizens and fostering democracy.",email:"",twitter:"Sape_BY",website:"",github:"sapetti9",gitlab:"",linkedin:"sara-petti-2795b5a0/",category:"Open Communities",country:"Italy",language:"English, French, Italian",pic:"Sara-Petti.jpg",pic_original:"Sara-Petti.jpg",organization:"Open Knowledge Foundation",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"sara-petti",background_position:"20"},{name:"Renata Ávila",description:"CEO of Open Knowledge Foundation, Renata is an international lawyer, author and advocate. She brings nearly 20 years of experience in access to knowledge, freedom of expression, policymaking and global digital rights. Renata is an Affiliate with the Stanford Institute of Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence. Renata is part of the World Economic Forum Expert Network on Digital Technologies and a member of the Global Board of Trustees of Digital Future Society, among other affiliations in a vast professional network extending across Europe, Latin America and North America.",email:"",twitter:"avilarenata",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Digital Rights, Internet Governance, Open Data",country:"France",language:"English, Spanish",pic:"renata.png",pic_original:"renata.png",organization:"Open Knowledge Foundation",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"renata-avila",background_position:""},{name:"Cédric Lombion",description:"Cédric leads the School of Data programme at Open Knowledge Foundation, he has been responsible for the design and coordination of a wide variety of data-driven projects. He has delivered projects with or provided expertise to institutions such as the World Bank, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the OECD or the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID).",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Data Literacy,Open Data,Open Communities",country:"France",language:"English, French, Spanish",pic:"cedric.png",pic_original:"cedric.png",organization:"",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"cedric-lombion",background_position:""},{name:"Carol Matos",description:"Carol is a senior communications expert based in São Paulo, Brazil, with over two decades of experience in project management, exploring creative solutions to amplify the Digital Public Goods Alliance’s reach and impact of open source. With a strong background in fostering international cooperation, she believes that facilitating constructive dialogue among a diverse array of stakeholders is crucial for building a more equitable society. Leveraging her expertise across projects in technology, culture, and education, she believes that open content is essential for empowering communities worldwide. Before joining the DPGA Secretariat in 2024, she collaborated with organizations including the Open Knowledge Foundation and the Wikimedia Foundation. Her interest for technology developed further during her doctoral research on digital transformation in the cultural sector, earning her a PhD in Art History from Universidad Complutense de Madrid in 2020.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Data Literacy,Open GLAM",country:"Brazil",language:"English, Portuguese, Spanish",pic:"carol.png",pic_original:"carol.png",organization:"DPGA",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"carol-matos",background_position:""},{name:"Ben Hur Pintor",description:"Ben Hur is a free and open stuff advocate based in The Philippines who works at the intersections of the openness, data, development, and geospatial fields. He is an alumnus of the School of Data Fellowship and Data Expert Programme and has provided training, support, and consulting services on data literacy and free and open source software for geospatial (FOSS4G) applications to individuals, private corporations, and organizations over the years.He supports the open data and open mapping communities in the Philippines as an individual and through BNHR, his consultancy service, and SmartCT, an open data and citizen-centric non-profit that he is part of.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Data Literacy,Open Mapping,Civic Tech",country:"Philippines",language:"English,Filipino",pic:"ben.png",pic_original:"ben.png",organization:"",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"ben-hur-pintor",background_position:""},{name:"Patricio Del Boca",description:"Patricio is an Information Systems Engineer and enthusiast of open data and civic technologies. He likes to build and collaborate with different communities to disseminate technical knowledge and participate as a speaker in events to spread the importance of civic technologies.He's also a member of Open Data Córdoba, an Argentinian NGO working in the open data, data journalism and civic technology space. When not on the computer, he loves music, photography and hiking. Currently based in Alta Gracia, Córdoba, Argentina.",email:"",twitter:"pdelboca",website:"",github:"pdelboca",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Civic Tech,Open Government Data,Open Elections, Digital Public Infrastructure",country:"Argentina",language:"English,Spanish",pic:"patricio.png",pic_original:"patricio.png",organization:"Open Knowledge Foundation",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"patricio-del-boca",background_position:"35"},{name:"Evgeny Karev",description:"Evgeny was born in Moscow gaining an engineering degree at Moscow State Technical University. He has been an entrepreneur and a consultant on leading technical projects in Russia. As a passionate open source developer living in Moscow and Dubrovnik, Evgeny’s work focuses on the Frictionless Data project as the tech lead of the Frictionless Data implementations.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Civic Tech",country:"Portugal",language:"English,Russian",pic:"evgeny.png",pic_original:"evgeny.png",organization:"",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"evgeny-karev",background_position:"35"},{name:"Adrià Mercader",description:"Adrià has over a decade and a half of experience working in the open data and civic tech fields. He is an enthusiast of the open web, especially the communities built around open source projects and open standards. He oversees the tech side of several projects at OKF and is a member of the CKAN Technical Team. He has a degree in Biology and an MSc in Geographic Information Systems. He currently lives near the shores of the Mediterranean, in the beautiful city of Tarragona.",email:"",twitter:"amercader",website:"",github:"amercader",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Civic Tech, Open Government Data,Open Data,Open Source,Open Communities",country:"Spain",language:"Catalan,English,Spanish",pic:"adria.png",pic_original:"adria.png",organization:"",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"adria-mercader",background_position:""},{name:"Lucas Pretti",description:"Lucas is a journalist, artist and researcher working in the intersections of digital culture, politics and humanities. For the last 17 years, he has been a free culture advocate and part of a wide range of commons-based initiatives fighting for power distribution and people's participation in decision-making. He worked for some of Brazil's most relevant media outlets and organised community festivals such as CulturaDigital.Br and BaixoCentro, and developed academic research in the topics of the aesthetics of the commons.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"",country:"Spain",language:"English,Portuguese,Spanish",pic:"Lucas.png",pic_original:"Lucas.png",organization:"Open Knowledge Foundation",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"lucas-pretti",background_position:"0"},{name:"Edgar Zanella Alvarenga",description:"Edgar is a software developer working with open source, open access and the creation of open knowledge for over 20 years now. He founded a non-profit organization in Brazil that developed free and open source tools, later helped to create Open Knowledge Brasil and he did work on Open Knowledge Deutschland and Foundation. His projects range from the analysis of EU green subsidies and soil pollution using public sources of data; creating data visualization using open data; helping journalists to investigate the pharmaceutical industry and influence open access research journals; public access and visualization of cities budget planning to the development of open source tools used in democratic systems.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"aivuk",gitlab:"aivuk",linkedin:"edgar-zanella-alvarenga-8a3408124",category:"Civic Tech, Open AI, Open Government Data, Open Source, Open Data",country:"Italy",language:"English,Portuguese",pic:"edgar.jpg",pic_original:"edgar.jpg",organization:"Fuzuê",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"edgar-zanella-alvarenga",background_position:""},{name:"Shashi Gharti",description:"Shashi is a software developer from Nepal. She has mostly worked on web application development. She did her MSc in Computer Science from AIT, Thailand. She loves coding and learning new technologies. She enjoys the process of developing applications, exploring new ideas and working with the team. In her free time, she also likes to contribute to open source projects and keep up with recent developments in machine learning and AI research.",email:"",twitter:"s_cs08",website:"",github:"shashigharti",gitlab:"",linkedin:"shashigharti/",category:"Civic Tech, Open AI",country:"Nepal",language:"English,Nepalese",pic:"shashi.png",pic_original:"shashi.png",organization:"",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"shashi-gharti",background_position:""},{name:"Andrés Vázquez Flexes",description:"Andres is a software developer mainly working with open data on free software. He's a civic and government technology advocate and also a member of Open Data Córdoba (an Argentinian NGO). He worked with open data inside and outside governments for the last decade. He is currently based in Mendiolaza, Córdoba, Argentina.",email:"",twitter:"avdata99",website:"",github:"avdata99",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Civic Tech, Open Government Data,Open Elections, Digital Public Infrastructure",country:"Argentina",language:"English,Spanish",pic:"andres.png",pic_original:"andres.png",organization:"Open Knowledge Foundation",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"andres-vazquez-flexes",background_position:""},{name:"Michal Kubáň",description:"Michal Kubáň has worked in the area of open government data since 2013. He worked an National Open Data Coordinator at the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic where he is in charge of national Open data policy. He also leads the Czech Open Data Task Force Team. He was a member of OECD Expert Group on Open Government Data and member of European Commission's Public Sector Information Expert Group. From 2013-2015 Michal worked as Open data evangelist and advocate at Open Society Fund Prague where he worked closely with the Czech state institutions to promote transparency and accountability through open data.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Government Data",country:"Czech Republic",language:"Czech,English",pic:"MK-profile.jpg",pic_original:"MK-profile.jpg",organization:"Open Knowledge Czech Republic",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"michal-kuban",background_position:"0"},{name:"Ivan Begtin",description:"Ivan Begtin is a founder of Infoculture (, a Russian NGO dedicated to open data, open government, digital preservation, and plain language. Contributor to open source data projects and creator of several open data projects like (Hub of data, data portal), (Russian procurement transparency), (Open NGOs database), and many others.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Data, Digital Preservation, Web Archives, Open Government Data",country:"Russian Federation",language:"English,Russian",pic:"Ivan-b.jpg",pic_original:"Ivan-b.jpg",organization:"Open Knowledge Russia",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"ivan-begtin",background_position:"0"},{name:"Silviu Vert",description:"Silviu is passionate about digital education and the technologies of the future. He is active in the area of social, cultural and entrepreneurial projects in the local community.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Data,Linked Open Data",country:"Romania",language:"English,Romanian",pic:"Silviu-Vert.jpg",pic_original:"Silviu-Vert.jpg",organization:"Politehnica University of Timișoara",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"silviu-vert",background_position:"30"},{name:"Ignasi Alcalde",description:"PhD student at La Salle Ramon Llull University in Data viz \u0026 data literacy and member of the DS4DS (Data Science for the Digital Society) research group. Associate Professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya in the Master's Degree in Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics, teaching Data Visualization subjects, and being a tutor for end-of-degree projects related to innovation and data. Also at ie University teaching the subjects of Data Visualization and Data Storytelling. Former founding member Open Knowledge Spain.Data trainer accredited by the Open Data Institute UK and community award 2018 at the Information is Beautiful Awards. Ignasi is the author of the book: Information visualization: from data to knowledge published by the UOC publishing house",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Data Literacy,Open Data",country:"Spain",language:"English,German,Spanish",pic:"Ignasi-Alcalde.jpg",pic_original:"Ignasi-Alcalde.jpg",organization:"[ia] From data to knowledge",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"ignasi-alcade",background_position:"40"},{name:"Ahmed Mohamed Maawy",description:"Ahmed Maawy is a seasoned technologist with over a decade of experience growing and leading technology products across the African continent. He is currently based in the UAE. Prior to X-Team, his work spanned being the VP of Engineering at Streamlytics to leading engineering at LAMI (an InsureTech Company) as the Chief Technology Officer and working for innovative and disruptive startups like EveryLayer Broadband, Ushahidi, and one of Time's Magazine 50 most genius companies BRCK; the only company in East Africa that designs its own complete hardware and software stack.Most recently he was at the Al Jazeera Media Network, working on both Digital \u0026 Broadcast technical integrations. He was a part of the team that launched Al Jazeera’s streaming service AJ+ and was heavily involved in the organization's Media Archive Artificial Intelligence projects.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Civic Tech",country:"Kenya",language:"Kiswahili,English,Arabic",pic:"Ahmed-Maawy.jpg",pic_original:"Ahmed-Maawy.jpg",organization:"Open Knowledge Kenya",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"ahmed-maawy",background_position:"60"},{name:"Guoqiang Zhang",description:"I am working as a Postdoctoral Researcher at Karolinska Institutet. I am passionate about Open Science and research reproducibility and a former fellow in the Reproducible Research Fellows Programme Cohort 3. I am currently based in Stockholm, Sweden.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Science",country:"Sweden",language:"English, Mandarin Chinese",pic:"Guoqiang.png",pic_original:"Guoqiang.png",organization:"Karolinska Institutet",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"guoqiang-zhang",background_position:"50"},{name:"Daniel Fireman",description:"Daniel pursued his MSc in distributed computing at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and then joined Google, where he worked for six years. After that, Daniel pursued a Ph.D. at the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG) and has been an open data activist, participating, advising, and leading civic tech efforts. He is currently a professor at the Federal Institute of Alagoas (IFAL) and the technical leader of, a platform for increasing transparency of remunerations of members of the Brazilian justice system. Furthermore, Daniel has been actively researching county transparency and the efficiency of distributed/cloud systems.",email:"",twitter:"daniellfireman",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Civic Tech, Open Government Data, Open Science",country:"Brazil",language:"English,Portuguese",pic:"Daniel-Fireman.jpg",pic_original:"Daniel-Fireman.jpg",organization:"Open Knowledge Brasil",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"daniel-fireman",background_position:"40"},{name:"Nurunnaby Chowdhury",description:"Nurunnaby Chowdhury has been a journalist in Bangladesh for over a decade. He has been actively involved in the activities of Wikipedia, Creative Commons, and Open Knowledge Foundation for a long time. He has contributed to Open Source, Open Data, Open Education, Open GLAM, and Open Science projects since 2006, including the Math Olympiad. Nurunnaby has published five books as an author. He is currently involved with the Centre for Open Knowledge (COK). He has experience in digital activities.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Data, Open Education, Open GLAM, Open Science",country:"Bangladesh",language:"Bengali,English,Hindi",pic:"Nurunnaby-Chowdhury.jpg",pic_original:"Nurunnaby-Chowdhury.jpg",organization:"Centre for Open Knowledge (COK) Bangladesh",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"nurunnaby-chowdhury",background_position:"15"},{name:"Daniel Ouso",description:"Ouso is a PhD research fellow in Data Science at the University College Dublin, Dublin. After his BSc. training in molecular biology, he initially worked as a wet-lab researcher in the same before gradually swaying to computational biology. In the later stages of his MSc. he picked up interest in Open Science (OS) and co-founded an Open Science advocacy group in Kenya (@OpenKe) under the mentorship of Caleb Kibet. He is also among the pioneering fellows of Open Knowledge Foundation's Frictionless Data fellowship. He has advocated for OS by conducting several trainings/presentations at workshops or conferences, apart from contributing to other open-knowledge initiatives such as working with the Carpentries. He is a technology enthusiast, especially in data science, and loves to help others understand and adopt technological advances.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Science,Open Tech",country:"Ireland",language:"Kiswahili,English",pic:"daniel-ouso.jpg",pic_original:"daniel-ouso.jpg",organization:"University College Dublin",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"daniel-ouso",background_position:"45"},{name:"Selene Yang",description:"Co-founder and Coordinator of Geochicas. Ph.D. candidate in Social Communications. Junior researcher of the Center for Research and Communication in Public Policy at the National University of La Plata, Argentina. Currently working as Global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Specialist at the Wikimedia Foundation. Member of the networks Tierra Común, A+Alliance and CHAOSS Community. Fellow of the Latin American Initiative for Open Data (ILDA) and the Open Knowledge Foundation.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Science,Open Mapping",country:"Argentina",language:"English,Spanish",pic:"selene-yang.png",pic_original:"selene-yang.png",organization:"National University of La Plata",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"selene-yang",background_position:"0"},{name:"Anne Lee Steele",description:"Anne is the Community Manager for The Turing Way project at The Alan Turing Institute, where she facilitates a collaborative resource for reproducible data science, and supports an open source community in developing practices for researchers and practitioners around the world. She has worked on a variety of projects in the open ecosystem, including at the Internet Society, Wikimedia Deutschland, OpenStreetMap and Open Knowledge Foundation. She holds a BA from Columbia University, and an MA from The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, both in anthropology and sociology.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Science,Open Communities",country:"UK",language:"English,French,Korean,Spanish",pic:"Anne-Lee.jpg",pic_original:"Anne-Lee.jpg",organization:"The Alan Turing Institute",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"anne-lee-steele",background_position:"60"},{name:"Jonathan Gray",description:"Jonathan is Senior Lecturer in Critical Infrastructure Studies at the Department of Digital Humanities, King's College London; co-founder of the Public Data Lab; and research associate at the Digital Methods Initiative (University of Amsterdam) and médialab (Sciences Po, Paris). He is currently writing a book about open and public data practices (MIT Press). He is co-editor of 'Reassembling Scholarly Communications: Histories, Infrastructures, and Global Politics of Open Access' (with Martin Eve, MIT Press, 2020) and 'The Data Journalism Handbook: Towards A Critical Data Practice' (with Liliana Bounegru, Amsterdam University Press, 2021). He was previously director of policy and research at the Open Knowledge Foundation and one of its earliest community members and hires, involved in setting up projects such as The Public Domain Review, Open Data for Tax Justice and Open Trials.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Data,Public Data Practices,Data Infrastructure,Data Journalism,Open GLAM",country:"UK",language:"English,French,German",pic:"Jonathan-gray.jpg",pic_original:"Jonathan-gray.jpg",organization:"King's College London, Public Data Lab",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"jonathan-gray",background_position:"30"},{name:"Ian Watt",description:"Ian has led the campaign for better open data in Scotland / UK for many years, initially within local government, and for the last 5 years from civic society. He has written extensively about open data. He co-founded a charity - Code The City - which uses tech and data for social good. It runs four hack events each year.He was for five years on the board of Democracy Club a UK CIC which uses government and crowd-sourced open data to improve access to democracy. He was on the steering group for Stirling University's Data Commons Scotland project. He is an ambassador for Open UK as well as for The Data Lab in Scotland. As part of the Open Government Partnership for Scotland he was the civic lead for commitment three - access to information and data.The development of the recent community-built and -maintained Open Data Scotland, portal to which he contributes, was initially based on his research in 2019-20. That portal is up for three awards at the 2022 Open UK awards. He is also a Wikimedia UK trainer specialising in training in Wikidata.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Data, Open Government Data, Open Source, Open Access",country:"UK",language:"English",pic:"Ian-watt.jpg",pic_original:"Ian-watt.jpg",organization:"Code The City",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"ian-watt",background_position:"0"},{name:"Subhashish Panigrahi",description:"Subhashish has long advocated for Openness in South Asia, deepening Wikipedia, Creative Commons, Mozilla and other open culture initiatives. He is a filmmaker focusing on endangered and low-resource languages and a National Geographic Explorer of the 2017 batch. After leading many OpenGLAM movement initiatives in India since 2012, he was a part of the OKFN OpenGLAM Working Group during 2014-2017. He is also the Representative of the Creative Commons Global Network Council and has spearheaded many open-licensing collaborations with authors and publishers in India. Subhashish founded OpenSpeaks, a toolkit to support citizen language documentors and activists who document at-risk and low-resource languages, which he has presented in UNESCO, Internet Governance Forum, Wikimania and many other international forums. He founded and currently manages an open speech data project in the Odia language, making it the largest project in the language containing over 61,000 pronunciation recordings.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:" Open Licensing,Open Source",country:"India",language:"English,Hindi",pic:"Subhashish-panigrahi.jpg",pic_original:"Subhashish-panigrahi.jpg",organization:"O Foundation, Creative Commons India",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"subhashish-panigrahi",background_position:"0"},{name:"Gleb Kanunnikau",description:"Gleb Kanunnikau is a digital transformation consultant and Horizon2020 researcher from Minsk, Belarus, currently living in Poland. Interested in data publication and re-use across the non-profit and public sphere, using data for civic participation and enabling sustainable technological solutions for crowdfunding/CRM and financial management of NGOs. He contributed to research projects at Barcelona Smart City project and Open Knowledge Sweden on civic participation using new technologies. Locally, he is part of a group of volunteers running a meetup group and an open laboratory bringing together people from the tech and education/media and experimental, hackerspace scene. The group is trying to solve urban or environment-related practical problems that normally didn't get a lot of attention from the tech community. Examples included educating NGO staff and journalists on using open source maps and data, developing educational tools for children and adults with vision disabilities and organizing educational lectures and workshops in cooperation with programmers, architects, urban and disability activists to discuss and collaborate on civic tech initiatives.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Civic Tech,Open Data,Open Mapping,Data Literacy",country:"Poland",language:"English,Belarusian,Polish,Bulgarian,Russian",pic:"Gleb_Kanunnikau.jpg",pic_original:"Gleb_Kanunnikau.jpg",organization:"Digital transformation consultant",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"gleb-kanunnikau",background_position:"50"},{name:"Stephen Abbott Pugh",description:"Stephen Abbott Pugh is Open Ownership’s Head of Technology. He looks after the overall technical roadmap for the organisation, providing technical assistance to governments with implementing technology reforms to advance beneficial ownership transparency. He is the product owner of the Beneficial Ownership Data Standard and the Open Ownership Register, along with a range of other technical products.Before joining Open Ownership, Stephen was the content development manager for the Open Knowledge Foundation, leading open data projects including Open Data Day and Open Data for Tax Justice.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Civic Tech,Fiscal Transparency,Beneficial Ownership, Transparency",country:"Zimbabwe",language:"English",pic:"Stephen_Abbott_Pugh.jpg",pic_original:"Stephen_Abbott_Pugh.jpg",organization:"Open Ownership",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"stephen-abbott-pugh",background_position:"30"},{name:"Evelyn Night",description:"Evelyn supports operations at the Technology Transfer Unit, a department responsible for creating dissemination tools and pathways from key research outputs at the International Center of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) in Kenya. A prolific writer and designer, Evelyn’s work involve conducting systematic literature reviews of thematic areas and translating fundamental research innovations into print, audio, and video tools for awareness campaigns and training events. Traversing frequently between scientists, smallholder farmers, and extension officers in East Africa makes her an important figure in promoting open access to scientific research. Evelyn has a Master’s in Genetics from the University of Nairobi, and a BSc in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from South Eastern Kenya University (SEKU). As part of the second cohort of the Frictionless Data Fellows, Evelyn has considerable experience working in open science as well as understanding its implications in the future of research applicability, especially for the Sub-Saharan Africa research landscape.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Science",country:"Kenya",language:"English,Swahili",pic:"Evelyn.jpg",pic_original:"Evelyn.jpg",organization:"icipe",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"evelyn-night",background_position:"50"},{name:"Knut Hühne",description:"Knut is a software developer and Open Data enthusiast based in Berlin. As a member since 2014 and lab lead at \u003c\u003e’s Open Knowledge Lab Berlin he loves to tinker with technology, share his knowledge and connect others in the field. Within the last years he has become increasingly interested in connecting communities - be that through linked open data or by finding ways for them to meet in person and to share their knowledge.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Linked Open Data,Civic Tech,Open Communities",country:"Germany",language:"English,German",pic:"knut_huehne.jpg",pic_original:"knut_huehne.jpg",organization:"Open Knowledge Lab Berlin",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"knut-huehne",background_position:"20"},{name:"Maxwell Beganim",description:"Maxwell is a Co Lead on the Kiwix Project in Schools in Ghana and the Knowledge Manager for Open Education and Tech Initiative.He is also the Founder of Kumasi Wiki Hub ,Training Associate of Creative Commons Ghana Chapter.He is also a member of the Open Street Map Ghana and the Co Founder of Ghana Pidgin Wikimedia Group in Ghana.He is also a member of the Open Foundation West Africa.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Mapping,Open Education",country:"Ghana",language:"English",pic:"maxwell-beganim.jpg",pic_original:"maxwell-beganim.jpg",organization:"Open Knowledge Ghana ",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"maxwell-beganim",background_position:"0"},{name:"Steven De Costa",description:"Steven is a co-steward of the CKAN project and has worked over the last ten years to build, deploy and maintain dozens of open data portals.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Civic Tech",country:"Australia",language:"English",pic:"Steven-De-Costa.jpg",pic_original:"Steven-De-Costa.jpg",organization:"Link Digital",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"steven-de-costa",background_position:"30"},{name:"Ketty Adoch",description:"A Geographical Information Systems Specialist, Ketty Adoch has worked on a wide range of projects at the intersection of open geodata and technologies with international organizations, governments and the private sector. Her past and present work involves developing technology tools to manage geography data in areas such as agriculture (developing algorithms for food security management), energy (developing models for off-grid energy planning), and environmental sensitivity mapping for oil and gas projects in East and West Africa, including organizational capacity building at national, regional, and continental levels. She leads consulting work at the GIS firm Mara Arwot GeoSpatial, based in Kampala, Uganda",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Data Literacy,Open Data,Open Mapping",country:"Uganda",language:"English",pic:"Ketty.jpg",pic_original:"Ketty.jpg",organization:"Mara Arwot GeoSpatial",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"ketty-adoch",background_position:"30"},{name:"Alberto Abella",description:"Alberto Abella is PhD in Business (Open data) and Telecommunications Engineer and Master in Total Quality Management, Business Administration and Business Organization. He works as a Data Modelling Expert and Technical Evangelist at FIWARE and currently is the responsible person for the smart data models initiative. Formerly he worked as Senior Manager at desideDatum for the business lines of Data governance, open data and smart cities and in other IT firms for the last 25 years. He is a researcher on data, data-reusability, open data, big data, and its use in several environments like Smart cities with more than 20 scientific publications. He also has investigated in the field of citizen experience. Founder and board member of Iniciativa Barcelona Open data and founder of the Spanish chapter of OKFN. he cordinated the I, II and II white paper on software libre in Spain from 2003 to 2007. He is coauthor of the I, II, III and IV report on the situation of open data in Spain (2017-2023)",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Data",country:"Spain",language:"English,Spanish",pic:"alberto-abella.jpg",pic_original:"alberto-abella.jpg",organization:"FIWARE Foundation",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"alberto-abella",background_position:"50"},{name:"Blaise Aboh",description:"Blaise Aboh is the Director of Orodata Science, a Civic Tech organization that synthesizes the use of data science, technology, design and research to nurture innovation in media and improve citizen access to information. He is attributed to the earliest known use case for algorithms and robotics to generate news stories from data in the public domain in Nigeria. He is an Obama Foundation Leader, a Mozilla Festival Ambassador, a CFA Innovation Fellow, an Othoway Fellow and a Quartz Atlas for Africa Award winner",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Civic Tech,Open Data",country:"Nigeria",language:"English",pic:"blaise-aboh.jpg",pic_original:"blaise-aboh.jpg",organization:"Orodata",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"blaise-aboh",background_position:"50"},{name:"Erick Tamba Mnyali",description:"I am organized, meticulous and adaptive environmental scientist and Geographical Information System (GIS) specialist with three years of experience in spatial and non-spatial data mapping, modeling, analysis, visualization and management, I am also capable of conducting training on applications on geospatial technology techniques for field workers, and learners in various fields.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Mapping",country:"Tanzania",language:"English,Swahili",pic:"erick-tamba.jpg",pic_original:"erick-tamba.jpg",organization:"GeoTanzania",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"erick-tamba",background_position:"0"},{name:"Shanna Hollich",description:"Shanna Hollich holds two master’s degrees, one in library and information sciences and the other in data analytics. As a career librarian for almost fifteen years, they have worked in almost every type of library, including K-12 school, federal government, academic, and public libraries throughout the United States. They have worked in public/access services, technical services and cataloging, and administration, but their first love is working on issues of copyright reform, cultural heritage, open access, and open education. Trained as one of the first facilitators for the Creative Commons Certificate courses, Shanna now manages all of the Creative Commons learning and training opportunities and partners with other organizations to help support and develop professional development trainings in the world of open.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Education,Open GLAM",country:"USA",language:"English",pic:"Shanna-Hollich.jpg",pic_original:"Shanna-Hollich.jpg",organization:"Creative Commons",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"shanna-hollich",background_position:"20"},{name:"Adolfo Antón Bravo",description:"He joined the Spanish chapter in 2013 when he started his collaboration with Mar Cabra as data curator in Data Journalism and Data Visualization activities at Medialab-Prado, including the organization of the Data Journalism and Open Data Spanish conference, the Open Data Day, the ILOVEFS day or the Ada (Lovelace) Day. So he became a member of School of Data and participated in the Open Knowledge Festival in Berlin 2014 and in the School of Data Summer Camp in Potsdam 2014. Then he became the president of the Spanish chapter and continued for a while with the organization of these activities until he realized there were no more people to work with and he ended the association. At that time he was working as leader of the Datalab from its begining to its end (Medialab-Prado, 2016-2019) where he completed more than one hundred activities.After that he has maintained the data related groups: datajournalism, dataviz and datascience and he created a Master's degree in Data Journalism and Visualization in the University of Alcalá ( that has begun its second edition.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Data Journalism,Data Training",country:"Spain",language:"English,Spanish",pic:"tpd17-medialab-datalab.jpg",pic_original:"tpd17-medialab-datalab.jpg",organization:"",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"adolfo-anton-bravo",background_position:"0"},{name:"Evangelos Chondrokostas",description:"Evangelos (Vangelis) Chondrokostas obtained his B.Sc. in Mathematics, and, subsequently, his M.Sc. in Complex Systems and Networks, at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He works as a Developer and Data Scientist in research projects with Open Knowledge Greece. Recently, he worked on the Erasmus+ project, ENTICE (, where he semantically described medical terms with the UMLS Metathesaurus, linked them with VR terms, and developed the ENTICE CORE ONTOLOGY to conceptually describe the six experiential episodes of the project. He also, participated in the development of the Red Flags application which uses data analysis techniques to identify possible red flags in the Greek NHRF projects and presents them in an easy-to-understand manner. Currently, he’s working on the Horizon European funded project UPCAST ( for the Thessaloniki Pilot, which involves sharing public administration data for climate change.",email:"",twitter:"bagoscho",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Data,Semantic Web",country:"Greece",language:"English,Greek",pic:"Vangelis.jpeg",pic_original:"Vangelis.jpeg",organization:"Open Knowledge Greece",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"vangelis-chondrokostas",background_position:"0"},{name:"Thanisara Ruangdej",description:"Thanisara serves as the CEO and co-founder of Punch Up (, pioneering Thailand's groundbreaking consultancy and studio specializing in data storytelling. Combining expertise in data science, information design, and digital technology, Punch Up revolutionizes communication through innovative storytelling and visualization techniques.Furthermore, she plays a vital role as a program manager and co-founder of WeVis ( and ELECT (, dedicated to advancing Thailand's participatory democracy through civic technology and the dissemination of open data. Her commitment extends beyond project development; she has long been a staunch advocate for open data policies in Thailand. Her collaborative efforts with civil society and public organizations have enabled the sharing of knowledge and best practices, contributing significantly to the open data movement in the country.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Civic Tech, Open Data, Data Journalism",country:"Thailand",language:"English,Thai",pic:"PunchUp-88.jpg.jpg",pic_original:"PunchUp-88.jpg.jpg",organization:"WeVis \u0026 Punch Up",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"thanisara-ruangdej",background_position:"45"},{name:"Aurelio Escobar",description:"22 years of multidisciplinary experience in urban, technological and disaster issues.Higher academic training in innovation management in the sustainable urban development of smart cities and territories applying the new technological tools of artificial intelligence.Experiences in the role of complex project manager for 10 years and the role of expert consultant for 8 years.I currently combine my main work with two additional positions: governance expert for the EU Covenant of Mayors and associate expert in cities forum, developing strategy and policy projects in public entities.I also carry out specific collaborations as a business advisor to implement projects related to the urban agenda, sustainable development objectives and urban research.In addition to being part of different groups of experts at an international level, participating in the review of technical documents, evaluating project proposals, analyzing financial viability of funds",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Civic Tech",country:"Spain",language:"English,Spanish",pic:"Aurelio_escobar.jpg",pic_original:"Aurelio_escobar.jpg",organization:"Cities Forum",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"aurelio-escobar",background_position:"30"},{name:"Leigh Dodds",description:"Leigh was worked on a variety of open data projects, through his local community, through work with a variety of startups and public sector organisations. He spent 7 years working in different roles at the Open Data Institute, eventually becoming Director of Delivery.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Data,Civic Tech,Data Infrastructure,Open Standards,FAIR data",country:"UK",language:"English",pic:"ldodds.jpg",pic_original:"ldodds.jpg",organization:"Open Data Institute",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"leigh-dodds",background_position:"50"},{name:"Maria Pawlowska",description:"I have a firm belief in the importance of open science and open data. Six years ago I became involved with the FAIR Data movement and soon thereafter also with the Open Science movement. I was a member of the Science Europe Research Data Management that developed the Practical Guide to the International Alignment of Research Data Management. I am a member of the GO-FAIR Data Stewardship Competence Centers Implementation Network (DSCC-IN PL). I am also the program director of the (first and only Eastern European) Data Steward School in Warsaw. My role as an expert in the field has been recently noted when I was invited to speak about open science and open access at the UN Global Urban Forum, Euro Science Open Forum (ESOF 2022) and the Science Europe Conference on Open Science in 2022, among others.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Data,Open Science",country:"Canada",language:"English,Polish",pic:"maria_pawlowska.png",pic_original:"maria_pawlowska.png",organization:"Visnea",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"maria-pawlowska",background_position:"30"},{name:"Mariana Meireles",description:"Mariana is a scientific software engineer and researcher who aims to effectively apply her efforts to improve altruistic organizations. She is currently researching cooperative AI and emergent algorithms. She serves on the Jupyter Widgets Council and the NumFOCUS DISC Committee, within this ecosystem she has received the Jupyter Distinguished Contributor award. In the past, she collaborated with NASA, Harvard, Open Life Science, and other organizations to develop and teach classes and workshops that empower scientists to share their work in the open.",email:"",twitter:"mari_meir",website:"",github:"marimeireles",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Science,Open Communities,Open Data",country:"Germany",language:"Portuguese,English,German",pic:"draw_mariana_face.jpg",pic_original:"draw_mariana_face.jpg",organization:"NumFOCUS",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"mariana-meireles",background_position:"30"},{name:"Manuel Esnaola",description:"Manuel is the Deputy General Secretary at the Legislature of the Province of Córdoba. With a background in Political Science and a keen interest in digital transformation, he has contributed significantly to several key projects in the Province of Córdoba, including Ciudadano Digital, Mab Electrónico, and Recibo de Sueldo Digital, among others. In fact, Manuel has led the creation of the first-ever Open Management Portal of the government of Córdoba, and spearheaded the co-creation workshops for the inclusion of subnational goals in the 3rd National Open Government Action Plan, under the OGP framework.While his career path eventually led him to Political Science, he never lost sight of his other passions, such as philosophy, literature, music, journalism and communication. As a DAAD scholar at the University of Passau in Germany, he pursued his interests and is a firm believer that literature teaches us how to think. Manuel is a musician and writer. Today, he is Deputy General Secretary, where he leads an opening strategy in the Legislature of the Province of Córdoba. The Legislature has been advancing a series of open parliament reforms.",email:"",twitter:"manuelesnaola",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Government,Open Data",country:"Argentina",language:"English,Spanish,German",pic:"Manuel_esnaola.jpeg",pic_original:"Manuel_esnaola.jpeg",organization:"Legislatura de Córdoba",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"manuel-esnaola",background_position:"30"},{name:"Damian Paderta",description:"He has been working for open data in various communities since 2009, runs the blog and works full-time as an open data and open source advocate.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Data,Civic Tech",country:"Germany",language:"English,German,French,Polish",pic:"Damian_Paderta.jpg",pic_original:"Damian_Paderta.jpg",organization:"Nozilla",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"Damian-Paderta",background_position:"30"},{name:"Ricardo Mirón",description:"Ricardo is an enthusiast of technology as a tool to solve social problems with previous experience collaborating and managing open source and open data community-driven initiatives. Has a background in information technologies and over 6 years working with different actors in the public and social sectors, focused on the intersection of people with technology. That has allowed him to lead several programs and projects with partners like UNDP, Media Democracy Fund, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap, Code for All, Prospera INWF, among others in the implementation of FOSS, Civic Tech, and Open Standards.He works as a technical lead at the Digital Public Goods Alliance, and as an Advisor for Codeando México.",email:"",twitter:"ricardomiron_",website:"",github:"ricardomiron",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Data,Open Source,Civic Tech,Open Standards",country:"Mexico",language:"English,Spanish",pic:"ricardo_torres.JPG",pic_original:"ricardo_torres.JPG",organization:"Digital Public Goods Alliance",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"ricardo-torres",background_position:"30"},{name:"Dave Rowe",description:"Dave has been involved in Open Data programmes since 2014, when he was technical lead for open data publishing at Bath and North East Somerset, a local authority in South West England. Working with the Bath:Hacked community group, he opened up data on air quality, energy readings across public buildings and schools, car park occupancy at 5 minute intervals, transport surveys, and more. This wealth of public data led to a huge amount of community engagement, new tools and applications, as well as data analysis that informed public policy. Dave then founded Libraries Hacked, a project to promote open data in public libraries, and create prototypes using library data. This has showcased the power of open library data using data such as library catalogues, branch locations, mobile library timetables, and library usage. In 2022 Libraries Hacked was awarded the Data award at the OpenUK awards, while Dave was shortlisted in the Individual category.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"librarieshacked",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Civic Tech,Open Data,Open Mapping",country:"UK",language:"English",pic:"dave_rowe.jpg",pic_original:"dave_rowe.jpg",organization:"Libraries Hacked",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"dave_rowe",background_position:"0"},{name:"Larissa Galdino de Magalhães Santos",description:"Larissa is a Research Associate at the United Nations University (UNU-EGOV). She is also researcher in Digital Policies at CyberBRICS, School of Law, Getúlio Vargas Foundation. Her research is located between government technology and innovation, with a special focus on open data, smart cities, and digital transformation strategies. Larissa holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the State University of Campinas and analyzed open government in the city of São Paulo. She obtained a post-doctorate in Data Science in Social Sciences of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation, and, in Sociology when she was involved with the Environmental Disaster Network. Larissa accumulated activities as a fellow at the Southern Cyber School on Internet Governance of the Organization of American States. She was a visiting researcher at the University of Montreal as a fellow of the Future Leaders in the Americas and Caribbean Program. Currently, she is a professional fellow for the Getulio Vargas Foundation for Europe. Larissa has been working with organizations related to data for the public good, such as the Latin American Initiative of Los Data Abiertos and Global Data Barometer. ",email:"",twitter:"l_demagalhaes",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Data,Open Government,Civic Tech",country:"Brazil",language:"English,Portuguese",pic:"larisa-photo.jpg",pic_original:"larisa-photo.jpg",organization:"United Nations University- E-GOV",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"larisa_galdino",background_position:"0"},{name:"Chadi Nanaa",description:"Former co-founder and ambassador of OKFN Morocco, Chadi also helped World Wide Web Foundation with Conducting a research on open data policy, supply and emerging impacts as part of the 3rd edition of the Open Data Barometer, a global research project to uncover the true prevalence and impact of open data initiatives around the world. Chadi is now based in France, he works as an IT Consultant and gives lectures on digital innovation and privacy at one of the top french business school .",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Data,Civic Tech",country:"France",language:"English,French,Arabic",pic:"chadi.png",pic_original:"chadi.png",organization:"Corelia, IÉSEG School of Management",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"chadi-nanaa",background_position:"0"},{name:"Julio César Paniagua",description:"Julio César Paniagua is the founder of Guate Data Suite, a SaaS startup that provides actionable data to organizations and companies by scraping and processing public and open data sources across the internet. He’s currently engaged in making government spending data accessible to researchers and policymakers in Guatemala with the aim of fostering dialogue and data-driven policy proposals. Julio has a background in finance, computer science, mathematics, and cultural studies.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Civic Tech,Open Data",country:"Guatemala",language:"Spanish,English,Russian,German",pic:"foto-julio-paniagua.jpg",pic_original:"foto-julio-paniagua.jpg",organization:"Guate Data Suite",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"julio-paniagua",background_position:"0"},{name:"John Chodacki",description:"John Chodacki is Director of the University of California Curation Center (UC3) at California Digital Library (CDL). As UC3 Director, John works across the UC campuses and the broader community to ensure that CDL’s digital curation services meet the emerging needs of the scholarly community – including digital preservation, persistent identifiers, data management, and data publishing. Prior to CDL, John oversaw product development activities at O’Reilly Media, VIZ Media, Zinio, Creative Edge, Safari Books Online, and PLOS. He has served on board and/or steering committees for community organizations including DataCite, FORCE11, ROR (Research Organization Registry), COUNTER, Collaborative Knowledge (Coko) Foundation, Metadata 20/20, Make Data Count, The Carpentries, RDA-US, and OpenCitations.",email:"",twitter:"chodacki",website:"",github:"chodacki",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Science,Open Data",country:"USA",language:"English",pic:"chodacki_headshot.jpg",pic_original:"chodacki_headshot.jpg",organization:"California Digital Library",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"john-chodacki",background_position:"40"},{name:"Joseph Anicet NKE",description:"Joseph Anicet NKE is a specialist in open data analysis. He is the coordinator of the Cameroon Open Participatory Budget.",email:"",twitter:"anicet_nke",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Data,Open Government,Fiscal Transparency",country:"Cameroon",language:"English,French",pic:"Portrait-de-NKE.jpeg",pic_original:"Portrait-de-NKE.jpeg",organization:"AfroLeadership",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"joseph-anicet-nke",background_position:"20"},{name:"Anas Ghrab",description:"Following his studies in music and musicology (University Lyon 2), he obtained his PhD from the University of Paris-Sorbonne. Former director of the Center for Arab and Mediterranean Music (Ennejma Ezzahra Palace), he now teaches at the University of Sousse (Higher Institute of Music). He is also a researcher at the L3S laboratory (ENIT), associate researcher at IreMus (Paris), regional representative of the ICTM, and leads several interdisciplinary projects related to digital arts and humanities, in particular the Musée du Patrimoine Écrit, in collaboration with the National Library of Tunisia and the Tunisian Academy Beït al-Hikma-Carthage. With more than 10 years of experience in the field of Digital Humanities, he is active in Open Data projects related to Tunisian Heritage.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"AnasGhrab",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Data,Digital Humanities",country:"Tunisia",language:"Arabic,English,French",pic:"AG_portrait.png",pic_original:"AG_portrait.png",organization:"University of Sousse",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"anas-ghrab",background_position:"40"},{name:"Ayokanmi Oyeyemi",description:"Ayokanmi Oyeyemi is a forerunner of open advocacy in Nigeria for the last 7 years. He has created hundreds of Wikipedia articles and trained thousands of others across Nigeria and Africa on open knowledge as a way of contributing to Wikipedia to bridge the knowledge space.",email:"",twitter:"ayokanmioyeyemi",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Data",country:"Nigeria",language:"English,Yoruba",pic:"Ayokanmi_Oyeyemi_portait.jpg",pic_original:"Ayokanmi_Oyeyemi_portait.jpg",organization:"Wikimedia Nigeria",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"ayokanmi-oyeyemi",background_position:"0"},{name:"Adrian Pino",description:"Adrian has a good mix if experience in data journalism, investigative journalism and disinformation research in electoral processes.",email:"",twitter:"adrianpino22",website:"",github:"datosconcepcion",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Data Journalism,Open Elections",country:"Argentina",language:"English,Spanish",pic:"adrian_pino.jpeg",pic_original:"adrian_pino.jpeg",organization:"Proyecto Desconfio, Global Summit on Disinformation",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"adrian-pino",background_position:"0"},{name:"Joachim Mangilima",description:"Joachim is deeply committed to leveraging the potential of data and technology in an ethical and responsible manner to drive positive social impact. He has actively contributed to the establishment of open and reliable data ecosystems. Joachim's extensive expertise has been harnessed by reputable institutions such as the World Bank, Novartis, Data4Change, Open Knowledge Foundation, Open Data Institute, D-tree International, HIVOS, and Tanzania Open Data Initiative to name a few. His involvement spans various domains, including Data Literacy, Open Data, Open Contracting, and Open Government Data. A certified Open Data Trainer with the Open Data Institute, Joachim has played a pivotal role in promoting knowledge and skills related to open data practices. His other areas of expertise include Digital Transformation of systems, processes and institutions, building of innovation ecosystems, and digital inclusion and accessibility of web-based products.",email:"",twitter:"joachimm3",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Data Literacy,Open Data,Open Contracting,Open Government Data",country:"Tanzania",language:"English,Swahili",pic:"Joachim-profile-pic.png",pic_original:"Joachim-profile-pic.png",organization:"Independent Consultant",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"joachim-mangilima",background_position:"15"},{name:"Ezekiel Edgar Kiariro",description:"Ezekiel Edgar Kiariro is a dedicated GIS and Remote Sensing expert currently serving as the GIS \u0026 Open Mapping Manager at GeoTE Tanzania. With a background as a YouthMappers alumni, Ezekiel has honed his skills in leveraging geospatial data to address various challenges within his community. Passionate about utilizing open data, Ezekiel is committed to employing geospatial analysis techniques to provide innovative solutions to pressing issues. His expertise and enthusiasm make him a valuable asset in the field of GIS and remote sensing.",email:"",twitter:"ezekiel_kiariro",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Geodata,Open Mapping",country:"Tanzania",language:"English,Swahili",pic:"Ezekiel-Kiariro.jpg",pic_original:"Ezekiel-Kiariro.jpg",organization:"GeoTE-Tanzania",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"ezekiel-kiariro",background_position:"0"},{name:"Omar Luna",description:"Communicator and data analyst. Co-founder of Lab-Dat. He also worked as a teacher and researcher for the Sociology of Communication and Big Data at Escuela de Comunicación Mónica Herrera (ECMH). He has more than eight years of experience in communication for social change and data pedagogy, which has allowed him to work with important institutions on a national and international scale, such as Iniciativa Latinoamericana por los Datos Abiertos (ILDA), Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN), Internews, Fundación Dr. Guillermo Manuel Ungo (Fundaungo), Fundación Latitudes, CentralAmericaData.COM, Transparencia, Contraloría Social y Datos Abiertos (TRACODA), among others. Currently, he leads the communication for Escuela de Datos LATAM from SocialTIC (Mexico).",email:"",twitter:"gomaxxx",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Data Literacy,Open Data",country:"El Salvador",language:"Spanish,English",pic:"Omar-Luna.jpeg",pic_original:"Omar-Luna.jpeg",organization:"SocialTIC",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"omar-luna",background_position:"0"},{name:"María Candela Grec",description:"A professional with a solid academic background and extensive experience in the governmental and public administration sphere.Throughout professional trajectory, I have held key roles in various institutions, overseeing strategic planning, project management, governmental transparency, citizen participation, and data analysis. I currently serve as the Planning Coordinator at the National University of Cuyo, leading the formulation and implementation of strategic plans, as well as the supervision and evaluation of projects. Additionally, I have been coordinating the Open Government and Public Innovation Strategy at the Municipality of the City of Mendoza since 2020, where I have designed and implemented projects focusing on transparency and citizen participation.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Government,Transparency",country:"Argentina",language:"Spanish,English",pic:"Maria-Candela.jpeg",pic_original:"Maria-Candela.jpeg",organization:"Municipalidad de la Ciudad de Mendoza",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"maria-candela",background_position:"0"},{name:"Lucila Rodríguez",description:"Passionate about connecting people, developing ideas to solve problems through collaborative work and the implementation of open state-of-the-art technologies. I enjoy working on helping people to develop their skills and impact on their professional careers positively. Social Advocate for diversity and social-economic growth by reducing the gender gap in Science and Technology.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Data, Open Science",country:"Argentina",language:"Spanish,English",pic:"Lucila-Rodriguez.jpeg",pic_original:"Lucila-Rodriguez.jpeg",organization:"Conocimento Abierto",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"lucila-rodriguez",background_position:"0"},{name:"Nicholas Gates",description:"Nicholas (Nick‘) Gates is a Policy Advisor at OpenForum Europe, where he leads OFE’s work on the NGI Commons initiative and manages projects related to open source research and policy implementation. Nick has significant experience in digital government policy and research globally, particularly around policy implementation, open source, public financial management, and digital service delivery. Through prior work as a consultant and researcher, Nick has worked with many development partners, governments, and international organizations to deliver on their research, advocacy and convening agendas, using applied research to support decision-making. Nick holds an undergraduate dual degree from the University of Massachusetts Lowell in Political Science and History, and graduated with an MSc in Global Development from the University of Copenhagen in 2018. In his spare time, Nick is a film buff and enjoys cooking, hiking, and performing improv comedy.",email:"",twitter:"nckgts",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Source",country:"UK",language:"English,German",pic:"Nicholas-Gates.jpg",pic_original:"Nicholas-Gates.jpg",organization:"OpenForum Europe",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"nick-gates",background_position:"0"},{name:"Vusumuzi Sifile",description:"Vusumuzi Sifile is a journalist, communication for development and knowledge management specialist currently serving as the Executive Director of Panos Institute Southern Africa, a media advocacy and communication for development organisation that uses technology and other tools to amplify voices of poor and marginalized communities to shape the development agenda. Vusumuzi also serves on the Steering Committee of the Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD), an umbrella body of more than 200 media development and journalism support organisations from across the world, and a member of the Action Coalition on Information Integrity and Elections, a global initiative to share expertise, guidance, and knowledge on effective responses to disinformation and hate speech in elections, including the role of digital technologies.",email:"",twitter:"VusumuziS",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Civic Tech,Digital Public Infrastructure,Digital Rights,Transparency,Open Elections,Data Journalism,Internet Governance",country:"Zambia",language:"English,Ndebele,Zulu,Shona,Nyanja",pic:"Vusuzmuzi.jpg",pic_original:"Vusuzmuzi.jpg",organization:"Panos Institute Southern Africa",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"vusumuzi-sifile",background_position:"0"},{name:"Jose Luis Mendoza Marquez",description:"Jose Luis has been working for open culture and the use of open data in educational and cultural environments in Venezuela.",email:"",twitter:"joselmendozam",website:"",github:"jluismendoza",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Data",country:"Venezuela",language:"Enlish,Spanish",pic:"JL-Mendoza-Marquez.jpg",pic_original:"JL-Mendoza-Marquez.jpg",organization:"Centro Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sobre Internet",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"jl-mendoza-marquez",background_position:"0"},{name:"Eromosele John Aitokhuehi",description:"John Eromosele, a seasoned Civic Technologist and Award-Winning Project Manager, holds a Bachelor's in Pure \u0026 Industrial Chemistry and Master's in Industrial Chemistry with certifications as an ISO 9001:2015 QMS Lead Auditor and in Privacy Law \u0026 Data Protection from Pennsylvania University. Over the past decade, John has demonstrated technical prowess in managing IT projects for prominent entities such as the Edo State Government, Code for Africa, Utopia Software, Lecturio GmbH, Lagos Business School, and Orodata Science. Beyond his technical acumen, John is a change catalyst, who champions training for journalists, University students, and tech-savvy citizens across Africa, crafting interactive pieces to reshape narratives and create positive social impact.",email:"",twitter:"EROMOSELEJOHNA",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Data, Civic Tech",country:"Nigeria",language:"English,Esan,Bini",pic:"Eromosele-John-Aitokhuehi.jpg",pic_original:"Eromosele-John-Aitokhuehi.jpg",organization:"Orodata Science",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"eromosele-john-aitokhuehi",background_position:"10"},{name:"Tawanda Chimhini",description:"Tawanda Chimhini is an election practitioner with over 20 years experience in directly conceptualizing, fundraising for, managing and implementing election related projects in five African countries including Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Somalia and Sierra Leone. He has worked on 27 elections in the world in different capacities. At a technical level, Tawanda has worked on several Voters' Roll Audits (VRA) and two Parallel Vote Tabulation (PVT) projects in Zimbabwe and has assessed these in other African countries.",email:"",twitter:"tawandachimhini",website:"",github:"",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Elections,Digital Rights",country:"Zimbabwe",language:"English",pic:"Tawanda.jpg",pic_original:"Tawanda.jpg",organization:"DAI",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"tawanda-chimhini",background_position:"30"},{name:"Cable Green",description:"Dr. Cable Green is the Director of Open Education at Creative Commons. He works with open education, science and research communities to leverage open licensing, content, practices and policies to expand equitable access and contributions to open education. Cable’s work is focused on identifying complex problems (e.g., UN SDGs) where open education is a critical part of the solution, and then opening that knowledge to help solve the problem. He is also a leading advocate for open licensing and procurement policies that ensure publicly funded education and research resources are freely and openly available to the public.Cable has 25+ years of digital learning and open education experience and helped establish the: Open Course Library, Open Up Resources, CC Certificate, CC Open Education Platform, Institute for Open Leadership, UNESCO Recommendations on OER and Open Science, Open Climate Campaign, Open Climate Data Project, CC Consulting services, Digital Public Goods Standard, Open Preprints, and multiple other initiatives. Cable holds a PhD in education psychology from Ohio State University, and enjoys motorcycling and skiing in the mountains with his family in Washington State.",email:"",twitter:"cgreen",website:"",github:"cablegreen",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Knowledge,Open Education,Open Science,Open Access Research,Open Climate,Open Policy",country:"USA",language:"English",pic:"cable-green.jpg",pic_original:"cable-green.jpg",organization:"Creative Commons",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"cable-green",background_position:"0"},{name:"Alex Gastone Mkwizu",description:"Alex Mkwizu embodies the spirit of openness and innovation. His contributions to the open movement are tangible and impactful, from securing 350+ DataCamp scholarships for underrepresented students to leading the Dar es Salaam chapter of Open Source Community Africa, to organizing hackathons , workshops and conferences a GitHub Campus Expert with GitHub Education. As a data scientist at Afropavo Analytics and product manager at Tausi Africa, Alex is tackling the challenges of open data, open finance, and equitable access to credit in underserved communities, creating solutions that have the potential to scale across Africa.Alex’s dedication to building tech communities and promoting digital literacy is evident through initiatives like the SmartGirls ICT program, which impacted over 1,500 girls, and organizing events such as Django Con Africa and TEDx University of Dar es Salaam, which inspired thousands while fostering partnerships with corporate and social organizations.",email:"",twitter:"__AlexMkwizu",website:"",github:"genie360s",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Communities,Open Education,Open Policy,Digital Public Infrastructure",country:"Tanzania",language:"English,Swahili",pic:"alex-gastone.jpg",pic_original:"alex-gastone.jpg",organization:"Github Education",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"alex-gastone-mkwizu",background_position:"0"},{name:"Alex Gostev",description:"Alex Gostev contributes to CKAN product and community growth with product strategy, experimentation, PLG, tech diplomacy, project management, leadership and passion. CKAN is one of the most important vehicles for open data by being an open source platform that enables open data for governmental, non-profits, enterprises around the globe. Alex is working on defining product strategy for CKAN, collaborating with co-stewards on a weekly basis. Working on wider reach by spreading the word about CKAN at a scale with modern marketing tools.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"thegostev",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Data,Civic Tech",country:"Ukraine",language:"English,Ukrainian,Russian,Norwegian,Polish",pic:"Alex-gostev.jpg",pic_original:"Alex-gostev.jpg",organization:"CKAN",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"alex-gostev",background_position:"0"},{name:"Fernanda Carlés",description:"Fernanda Carlés is a data scientist, project manager, and educator based in Asunción, Paraguay. With over six years of experience, she has collaborated with civil society organizations and academia on projects focused on digital rights, civic technology, and edtech in Paraguay and the Global South. She currently leads Proyecto Respira, the first open-source air quality prediction system for Greater Asunción, where she serves as project leader, data scientist, and backend developer.",email:"",twitter:"",website:"",github:"vnbl",gitlab:"",linkedin:"",category:"Open Data,Open Source,Open Climate,Civic Tech,Digital Rights",country:"Paraguay",language:"English,Spanish",pic:"fernanda-carles.jpg",pic_original:"fernanda-carles.jpg",organization:"Proyecto Respira",pic_blend:"FALSE",url:"fernanda-carles",background_position:"0"}],specialists=shuffleArray(specialists);for(i in specialists)specialists[i].specialist_number=i,specialists[i].pic_blend==='FALSE'?specialists[i].pic_blend='bg-blend-screen':specialists[i].pic_blend='bg-blend-normal',specialists[i].pic=specialists[i].pic.split('.')[0]+'-small.jpg';const specialistCardTemplate=a=>` <div class="md:col-span-1 specialist-card mx-5 pb-10 mb-10 overflow-hidden h-[92%] rhover:cursor-pointer text-ellipsis" onclick="openSpecialist(${a.specialist_number})"> <div class="${a.pic_blend} specialist-pic object-cover" style="background-image: url('https:\/\/\/images/directory/${a.pic}'); background-position-y: ${a.background_position?a.background_position+"%":"50%"}"> <!--<img class="object-cover w-full" src="https:\/\/\/images/specialist.png"> --> </div> <div id="specialist-name" class="font-bold font-miriam px-10 pt-10 text-2xl leading-none overflow-hidden text-ellipsis"> ${} </div> <div class="px-10 pt-2 overflow-hidden text-ellipsis"> ${a.organization} </div> </div> `,specialistInfoTemplate=a=>` <div id="info-dialog" class="md:col-span-3 md:col-start-2 bg-white rounded-[8px] border-4 border-[#00D1FF] p-10"> <div class="grid md:grid-cols-3"> <div class="md:col-span-1 pr-10 relative"> <img src="https:\/\/\/images/directory/${a.pic}"> <img class="absolute right-0 top-0 md:hidden" src="https:\/\/\/images/close.png" onclick="closeDialog()"> <div class="mt-10 text-2xl text-left font-bold"> ${} </div> <div class="text-left mt-5"> <img class="float-left" src=https:\/\/network\.okfn\.org\/images/pin-angle-fill.png> <div class="mt-10 ml-10 text-sm text-left"> ${} </div> </div> <div class="my-10"> <hr class="border border-black opacity-100"></hr> </div> <div class="text-left mt-5 grid grid-cols-10"> <div class="place-items-center grid h-full"> <img src="https:\/\/\/images/mail-icon.svg"> </div> <div class="grid h-full col-span-9"> <a class="overflow-hidden h-full pl-2 inline text-[#00D1FF] text-ellipsis max-w-[90%]" target="_blank" href="mailto:${}">${}</a> </div> </div> ${get_info(,,'globe.png')} ${get_info(a.github,''+a.github,'icons8-github.svg')} ${get_info(a.gitlab,''+a.gitlab,'icons8-gitlab.svg')} ${get_info(a.linkedin,''+a.linkedin,'icons8-linkedin-circled.svg')} ${get_info(a.twitter,''+a.twitter,'icons8-twitter.svg')} </div> <div class="md:col-span-2 mt-10 md:mt-0"> <div class="text-2xl text-left mb-10"> <mark class="specialist"> Bio </mark> <img class="float-right md:block hidden" src="https:\/\/\/images/close.png" onclick="closeDialog()"> </div> <div class="text-left"> ${a.description} </div> <div class="mt-10"> ${getLanguages(a.language)} </div> <div class="mt-5"> ${getCategories(a.category)} </div> </div> </div> </div> `;function get_info(b,a,c){return b?`<div class="text-left mt-5 grid grid-cols-10"> <div class="place-items-center grid h-full"> <img src="https:\/\/network\.okfn\.org\/images/${c}"> </div> <div class="grid h-full col-span-9"> <a class="overflow-hidden h-full pl-2 inline text-[#00D1FF] text-ellipsis max-w-[90%]" href="${a}" target="_blank">${a}</a> </div> </div> `:''}function getCategories(a){let b=a.split(','),c=a=>` <button class="rounded rounded-full text-[#00D1FF] border-[#00D1FF] border-2 px-5 mb-2"> ${a} </button> `;return b.reduce((a,b)=>a+c(b,''),'')}function getLanguages(a){let b=a.split(','),c=a=>` <button class="rounded rounded-full border-black border-2 px-5 mb-2"> ${a} </button> `;return b.reduce((a,b)=>a+c(b,''),'')}function closeDialog(){document.getElementById('info-dialog').classList.remove('show-dialog'),"hidden";let a={Title:'OKFN Global Directory',Url:'/specialist/'};window.history.pushState(a,a.Title,a.Url),lastScroll!=0&&window.scrollTo({top:lastScroll})}function openSpecialist(a){"visible",specialistInfo.innerHTML=specialistInfoTemplate(specialists[a]);let b={Title:'OKFN Global Directory - 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