Dell - Dell Linux - Community Web

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <HTML> <HEAD> <LINK REL=STYLESHEET TYPE="text/css" HREF="dell_linux_css.css"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <TITLE>Dell - Dell Linux - Community Web</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <DIV CLASS=DellLogo><IMG SRC="./images/delltechLogo.png" ALT="Dell"></DIV> <DIV CLASS=HeaderBlueTitle>Linux Resources for PowerEdge Servers</DIV> <DIV CLASS=HeaderUpperGray>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV CLASS=HeaderBlue>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV CLASS=HeaderLowerGray>&nbsp;</DIV> <TABLE CLASS=Primary> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=1 ROWSPAN=1 VALIGN=TOP CLASS=MainArea> <IMG SRC="./images/tuxbox.jpg" STYLE="padding-bottom: 4px; display: block" ALT="Tux"> <DIV CLASS=Content> <DIV CLASS=ContentHeading> <SPAN CLASS=HeadingTitle>Welcome</SPAN> </DIV> <DIV CLASS=Content> Welcome to the Dell Linux Engineering site. This site provides information that will be useful regarding your usage of Linux on your Dell equipment.<BR>&nbsp<BR> Dell partners with Red Hat, SUSE and Canonical, and so most of our efforts are focused on these distributions. However, we realize many of our customers choose to run other distributions with a mix of non-standard hardware. Though we can't support every Linux flavor or hardware configuration out there, this site is an unofficial resource to help you use your Dell hardware however you choose. </DIV> <DIV CLASS=ContentHeading> <SPAN CLASS=HeadingTitle>Official Support</SPAN> </DIV> <DIV CLASS=Content> If you have purchased support from Dell and have questions or issues concerning a product or solution supported by Dell, please visit <a href="">Dell Support</a>, and if necessary, contact Dell Technical Support through the normal channels. <BR> </DIV> </TD> <TD COLSPAN=1 ROWSPAN=1 VALIGN=TOP CLASS=RightColumn> <DIV CLASS=RightHeading> <SPAN CLASS=HeadingTitle>Resources</SPAN> </DIV> <DIV CLASS=Right> <IMG CLASS=BlueArrow SRC="./images/secondary.gif" ALT="-"><A CLASS=Underline HREF="" target=_blank>Linux Support Matrix</A><BR> <IMG CLASS=BlueArrow SRC="./images/secondary.gif" ALT="-"><A CLASS=Underline HREF="" target=_blank></A><BR> <IMG CLASS=BlueArrow SRC="./images/secondary.gif" ALT="-"><A CLASS=Underline HREF="" target=_blank>Git repositories</A><BR> <IMG CLASS=BlueArrow SRC="./images/secondary.gif" ALT="-"><A CLASS=Underline HREF="" target=_blank>OpenManage yum repos</A><BR> <IMG CLASS=BlueArrow SRC="./images/secondary.gif" ALT="-"><A CLASS=Underline HREF="" target=_blank>OpenManage apt repos</A><BR> <IMG CLASS=BlueArrow SRC="./images/secondary.gif" ALT="-"><A CLASS=Underline HREF="" target=_blank>Dell System Update</A><BR> <IMG CLASS=BlueArrow SRC="./images/secondary.gif" ALT="-"><A CLASS=Underline HREF="" target=_blank>Whitepapers</A><BR> <IMG CLASS=BlueArrow SRC="./images/secondary.gif" ALT="-"><A CLASS=Underline HREF="" target=_blank>Files and Projects</A><BR> <!--<IMG CLASS=BlueArrow SRC="./images/secondary.gif" ALT="-"><A CLASS=Underline HREF="" target=_blank>Mailing lists</A><BR>--> </DIV> <DIV CLASS=RightHeading> <SPAN CLASS=HeadingTitle>Disclaimer</SPAN> </DIV> <DIV CLASS=Right STYLE="font-size: 9px"> This webpage is for informational purposes only, may contain typographical errors, technical inaccuracies, and information about configurations which are not officially supported by Dell EMC. The content is provided as is, without express or implied warranties of any kind. <br>&nbsp;<br> <!-- Please send comments/corrections to the <a href="" target=_blank></a> public mailing list.--> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <DIV CLASS=FooterBreadCrumbs>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV CLASS=Footer> Copyright 2006-2022 Dell<BR> <A CLASS=NoUnderline HREF="">About Dell</A> </DIV> </BODY> </HTML>

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