The Almanac Of Canadian Figure Skating

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For over a decade, he has explored fascinating and fabulous figure skating history on his blog Skate Guard.&nbsp;<br><br>Ryan is the author of the skating reference books "Technical Merit: A History of Figure Skating Jumps", "The Almanac of Canadian Figure Skating" and "A Bibliography of Figure Skating". He has written content for "Skating" magazine and U.S. Figure Skating. He has also been consulted for historical research for numerous museums, as well as television programs on CBC, ITV and NBC.&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="save-modal"></div> <div id="promo-footer"> <div> <p>Brought to you by the smart people at </p><div class="image-holder"><a href=""><img src="/static/images/logos/d2d.png"></a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script src="/static/CACHE/js/output.4eb17bc55ef4.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { if (window.storeFormat) { var currentStoreFormat = window.storeFormat.toUpperCase(); if (['AUDIOBOOK', 'EBOOK'].filter(sf => { return sf === currentStoreFormat }).filter(result => result).length === 0) { currentStoreFormat = 'ALL'; } updateFormat(currentStoreFormat); } $('body').css("background-image", "url('')"); // Mapping of number of characters to CSS font size, used // to dynamically set font size for teaser description FONT_SIZE_MAP = { 0: "60px", 25: "50px", 50: "40px" }; function strip(html) { var doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, 'text/html'); return doc.body.textContent || ""; } function getFontSize() { // try to dynamically get a font size based off // the length of the content var currentLength = strip(window.bookDisplayTitle).length; var newSize = FONT_SIZE_MAP[0]; var mapKeys = Object.keys(FONT_SIZE_MAP); for (let i = 0; i < mapKeys.length; i++) { if (currentLength >= mapKeys[i]) { newSize = FONT_SIZE_MAP[mapKeys[i]]; } } return newSize; }; // Adjust the font size of the title $('#book-info').css('fontSize', getFontSize()); // get some vars we need var description = $('#book-description').get(0).getBoundingClientRect(); var descriptionEnd = description.bottom + 20; // the end of the description, plus a bit of pad var ublAndBookContentRect = $('#ubl-and-book-content-wrapper').get(0).getBoundingClientRect(); var seriesAndAuthorRect = $('#series-and-author').get(0).getBoundingClientRect(); // A var we use in the callback below, get the original position of the // series and author info div var seriesAndAuthorStartingY =; var descriptionHeightHidden = descriptionEnd > seriesAndAuthorStartingY ? descriptionEnd - seriesAndAuthorStartingY : 0; // set a min height on our wrapping div so we get enough scroll // +40 for black nav bar, 35 for margins (50-15) var contentMinHeight = descriptionHeightHidden + ublAndBookContentRect.height + seriesAndAuthorRect.height + 40 + 35; if ($('#edit-mode-banner').length > 0) { contentMinHeight += 100; if ($('button.enter-edit-mode').length > 0){ contentMinHeight += 40; seriesAndAuthorStartingY += 40; } } if($('#series-bottom-triangle').length === 0) { // extend content so we can scroll all of description when author info is missing contentMinHeight += 150; } $('#content').css('min-height', contentMinHeight + 'px'); function seriesAndAuthorCallback(positions) { if ($(window).scrollTop() > descriptionHeightHidden) { // We have scrolled to the end of the description $('#series-and-author').css('top', descriptionEnd + 'px'); $('#series-and-author').css('position', 'absolute'); } else { // we are possibly hiding some of the description $('#series-and-author').css('top', seriesAndAuthorStartingY + 'px'); $('#series-and-author').css('position', 'fixed'); } if ($('#series-and-author').css('position') === 'static') { // we have hit a media query for responsiveness // fill in something if desired } } function addRellaxToElement(elem, speed, callback) { // a helper function so I can add rellax from anywhere var config = { speed: speed, center: false, round: true, vertical: true, horizontal: false }; if (callback) { config.callback = callback; } return new Rellax( elem, config ) } // Our Rellax instances if (window.offerEditMode || window.inEditMode) { $('#series-and-author').css('position', 'static'); $('#content').css('min-height', 'auto'); } else { var UBLRellax = addRellaxToElement('.rellax', 5, seriesAndAuthorCallback); } var restOfTheWay = Math.abs(contentMinHeight - $('#promo-footer')[0].getBoundingClientRect().bottom); if ($('#series').length === 0 && $('#author-details').length === 0) { $('#promo-footer').css('bottom', '0px'); $('#promo-footer').css('position', 'fixed'); } else if (restOfTheWay > 0) { $('#promo-footer').css('height', restOfTheWay + 'px'); } }); </script> </div> <noscript><img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="" /></noscript> </body> </html>

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