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2.2em)" srcset="/photo/format/db474c3b-5a6c-4acd-867c-d2e776436b83/resolution/700x295 700w, /photo/format/db474c3b-5a6c-4acd-867c-d2e776436b83/resolution/1044x440 1044w, /photo/format/db474c3b-5a6c-4acd-867c-d2e776436b83/resolution/1328x560 1328w" /> <source media="(min-width: 43.75rem) and (max-width: 79.9375rem)" srcset="/photo/format/db474c3b-5a6c-4acd-867c-d2e776436b83/resolution/1408x594" /> <source media="(min-width: 80rem)" sizes="(min-width: 93.75rem) 48.1875rem, (min-width:80rem) 51vw" srcset="/photo/format/db474c3b-5a6c-4acd-867c-d2e776436b83/resolution/729x308 729w, /photo/format/db474c3b-5a6c-4acd-867c-d2e776436b83/resolution/1460x616 1460w" /> <img alt="Barbara Nowacka" src="/photo/format/db474c3b-5a6c-4acd-867c-d2e776436b83/resolution/1920x810" /> </picture></div> <div class="editor-content"> <div><p><strong><big>Barbara Nowacka</big></strong></p> <p><big>She was born on May 10, 1975 in Warsaw.</big></p> <p><big>An IT specialist by education, but she also completed management studies at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw and an MBA at the French Institute of Management. In the years 2004 - 2009 she served as marketing director, and from 2009 to 2019 she was the chancellor of the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology.</big></p> <p><big>Chairwoman of the Polish Initiative party, which has co-founded the Civic Coalition since 2018. Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland of the 9th and 10th term, elected in the Gdynia-Słupsk constituency. In the 9th term of office of the Sejm, she worked, among others, in the Education and Youth Committee and was vice-chairman of the Subcommittee for Science and Higher Education.</big></p> <p><big>She is vice-president of the Foundation. Izabela Jaruga-Nowacka. She worked as a volunteer at the Women&#39;s Helpline established by the Federation for Women and Family Planning. Member of the Program Council of the Women&#39;s Congress. She twice chaired the Citizens&#39; Committee of the Legislative Initiative &quot;Let&#39;s Save Women&quot;, liberalizing the anti-abortion law. She was also a member of the &quot;Yes to in vitro&quot; Citizens&#39; Committee. She is the co-creator of Campus Poland of the Future - the largest socio-political festival in Europe for young activists.</big></p> <p><big>In 2016, she was included in the annual list of FP Top 100 Global Thinkers &quot;Foreign Policy&quot;, in 2017, together with the &quot;Let&#39;s Save Women&quot; committee, she received the international award &quot;For Women&#39;s Freedom&quot;. Simone de Beauvoir, and in 2020 she was honored with the French National Order of Merit - the fourth distinction in the hierarchy of seniority of the country.</big></p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <pre id="pageMetadata" class="hide">{"register":{"columns":[]}}</pre> </main> <footer class="footer"> <div class="main-container"> <div class="ministry-section" id="footer-contact"> <h2><span class="sr-only">footer</span> The Chancellery of the Prime Minister</h2> <div class="contact"> <div class="address-column"> <h3>ADDRESS</h3> <address> <p>Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3</p> <p>00-583 Warsaw</p> <p>NIP 5261645000</p> <p>Regon 012261725</p> </address> </div> <div class="help_line-social_media-column"> <div class="help-line"> <h3>CONTACT</h3> <p> Citizen’s Helpline<br> <a href="tel:+48222500115" aria-label="Helpline. 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