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53.9558L225.014 52.2775C221.373 49.9174 217.082 48.7566 212.182 48.7566V50.7566ZM223.937 53.9629C227.233 56.0379 229.73 58.8386 231.442 62.3834L233.243 61.5139C231.37 57.6346 228.619 54.5473 225.003 52.2704L223.937 53.9629ZM231.445 62.3895C233.165 65.8907 234.03 69.7384 234.03 73.9486H236.03C236.03 69.4548 235.104 65.3025 233.24 61.5077L231.445 62.3895ZM234.03 73.9486C234.03 74.9093 233.713 75.6759 233.075 76.3135L234.489 77.7277C235.516 76.7013 236.03 75.4199 236.03 73.9486H234.03ZM233.047 76.3423C232.504 76.931 231.736 77.2686 230.614 77.2686V79.2686C232.181 79.2686 233.524 78.7743 234.517 77.6989L233.047 76.3423ZM230.614 77.2686H198.07V79.2686H230.614V77.2686ZM197.077 78.3822C197.611 83.056 199.363 86.7901 202.399 89.481L203.726 87.9843C201.129 85.6831 199.554 82.4412 199.064 78.1551L197.077 78.3822ZM202.399 89.481C205.453 92.1878 209.655 93.4766 214.87 93.4766V91.4766C209.974 91.4766 206.304 90.2695 203.726 87.9843L202.399 89.481ZM214.87 93.4766C217.618 93.4766 220.042 93.2153 222.128 92.6769L221.628 90.7403C219.747 91.2259 217.499 91.4766 214.87 91.4766V93.4766ZM222.121 92.6788C224.241 92.1488 226.293 91.3871 228.277 90.395L227.383 88.6062C225.527 89.5341 223.612 90.2445 221.636 90.7385L222.121 92.6788ZM228.277 90.395C228.635 90.2163 229.055 90.1166 229.558 90.1166V88.1166C228.782 88.1166 228.05 88.2729 227.383 88.6062L228.277 90.395ZM229.558 90.1166C230.327 90.1166 230.983 90.3716 231.571 90.9098L232.922 89.4355C231.973 88.5657 230.837 88.1166 229.558 88.1166V90.1166ZM231.571 90.9098C232.122 91.4151 232.398 92.0389 232.398 92.8606H234.398C234.398 91.5063 233.907 90.3382 232.922 89.4355L231.571 90.9098ZM232.398 92.8606C232.398 93.7852 231.884 94.6916 230.403 95.5464L231.402 97.2788C233.248 96.2137 234.398 94.752 234.398 92.8606H232.398ZM230.411 95.5416C227.974 96.9165 225.581 97.9402 223.232 98.6201L223.788 100.541C226.304 99.8131 228.839 98.7247 231.394 97.2836L230.411 95.5416ZM223.232 98.6201C220.924 99.2881 217.891 99.6366 214.102 99.6366V101.637C217.993 101.637 221.232 101.281 223.788 100.541L223.232 98.6201ZM227.388 71.1035C227.188 67.8246 226.313 65.0136 224.715 62.7208L223.074 63.8644C224.42 65.7956 225.209 68.2326 225.392 71.2257L227.388 71.1035ZM224.726 62.7379C223.225 60.4858 221.326 58.8187 219.028 57.7743L218.2 59.595C220.127 60.4706 221.748 61.8754 223.062 63.8473L224.726 62.7379ZM219.051 57.7848C216.813 56.7002 214.521 56.1486 212.182 56.1486V58.1486C214.195 58.1486 216.191 58.6211 218.178 59.5844L219.051 57.7848ZM212.182 56.1486C209.843 56.1486 207.551 56.7002 205.314 57.7848L206.187 59.5844C208.173 58.6211 210.169 58.1486 212.182 58.1486V56.1486ZM205.336 57.7743C203.039 58.8187 201.14 60.4858 199.638 62.7379L201.302 63.8473C202.617 61.8754 204.238 60.4706 206.164 59.595L205.336 57.7743ZM199.638 62.7379C198.111 65.0281 197.272 67.8328 197.072 71.1035L199.068 71.2257C199.252 68.2245 200.013 65.7812 201.302 63.8473L199.638 62.7379ZM198.07 72.1646H226.39V70.1646H198.07V72.1646ZM259.369 99.1966L258.777 100.003L258.795 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99.1566 260.719 98.8952 259.923 98.3646L258.814 100.029C259.938 100.778 261.187 101.157 262.537 101.157V99.1566ZM259.96 98.3902C259.132 97.7834 258.545 97.0558 258.173 96.2038L256.34 97.0054C256.864 98.2014 257.685 99.2018 258.777 100.003L259.96 98.3902ZM258.179 96.2187L241.475 56.2827L239.63 57.0545L256.334 96.9905L258.179 96.2187ZM241.476 56.284C241.186 55.5881 241.073 55.0517 241.073 54.6526H239.073C239.073 55.4056 239.279 56.2131 239.629 57.0532L241.476 56.284ZM241.073 54.6526C241.073 53.6919 241.39 52.9253 242.028 52.2877L240.613 50.8735C239.587 51.8999 239.073 53.1813 239.073 54.6526H241.073ZM242.053 52.2611C242.697 51.5676 243.456 51.2366 244.393 51.2366V49.2366C242.897 49.2366 241.608 49.8017 240.588 50.9002L242.053 52.2611ZM244.393 51.2366C245.003 51.2366 245.567 51.4195 246.108 51.8134L247.285 50.1959C246.418 49.5657 245.446 49.2366 244.393 49.2366V51.2366ZM246.193 51.8684C246.81 52.2283 247.196 52.6581 247.418 53.1464L249.239 52.3188C248.821 51.3991 248.119 50.677 247.2 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100.541L326.025 100.541L325.747 99.5806ZM328.627 71.1646V72.1646H329.69L329.625 71.1035L328.627 71.1646ZM326.131 63.2926L325.298 63.8473L325.304 63.8559L325.31 63.8644L326.131 63.2926ZM320.851 58.6846L320.414 59.5844L320.425 59.5898L320.437 59.595L320.851 58.6846ZM307.987 58.6846L308.4 59.595L308.412 59.5898L308.423 59.5844L307.987 58.6846ZM302.707 63.2926L303.539 63.8473L303.539 63.8473L302.707 63.2926ZM300.307 71.1646L299.308 71.1035L299.243 72.1646H300.307V71.1646ZM316.339 99.6366C308.726 99.6366 302.894 97.4896 298.71 93.3055L297.295 94.7197C301.943 99.3676 308.335 101.637 316.339 101.637V99.6366ZM298.72 93.3158C294.597 89.0722 292.475 83.0792 292.475 75.1966H290.475C290.475 83.442 292.704 89.993 297.285 94.7094L298.72 93.3158ZM292.475 75.1966C292.475 70.7775 293.283 66.7223 294.888 63.0182L293.053 62.223C291.33 66.1989 290.475 70.5277 290.475 75.1966H292.475ZM294.888 63.0182C296.477 59.3512 298.915 56.3952 302.216 54.1336L301.085 52.4837C297.474 54.958 294.792 58.21 293.053 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473.496 54.976C473.496 53.76 473.912 52.736 474.744 51.904C475.576 51.008 476.6 50.56 477.816 50.56C478.712 50.56 479.512 50.816 480.216 51.328C480.984 51.84 481.528 52.48 481.848 53.248L496.632 89.92L511.704 53.44C512.536 51.52 513.88 50.56 515.736 50.56C516.952 50.56 517.976 51.008 518.808 51.904C519.64 52.736 520.056 53.76 520.056 54.976C520.056 55.552 519.96 56.096 519.768 56.608L493.56 119.584C492.664 121.568 491.32 122.56 489.528 122.56Z" fill="grey"/><path d="M486.552 121.312L485.817 121.99L485.831 122.005L485.845 122.019L486.552 121.312ZM485.688 116.8L484.756 116.437L484.752 116.449L485.688 116.8ZM491.928 100.768L492.86 101.131L493.005 100.758L492.853 100.388L491.928 100.768ZM473.88 56.8L472.951 57.1714L472.955 57.1797L473.88 56.8ZM474.744 51.904L475.451 52.6111L475.464 52.598L475.477 52.5844L474.744 51.904ZM480.216 51.328L479.628 52.1367L479.644 52.1487L479.661 52.16L480.216 51.328ZM481.848 53.248L482.776 52.8741L482.771 52.8634L481.848 53.248ZM496.632 89.92L495.705 90.2939L496.621 92.5663L497.556 90.3019L496.632 89.92ZM511.704 53.44L510.786 53.0424L510.783 53.0502L510.78 53.0581L511.704 53.44ZM518.808 51.904L518.075 52.5844L518.088 52.598L518.101 52.6111L518.808 51.904ZM519.768 56.608L520.691 56.9922L520.698 56.9758L520.704 56.9591L519.768 56.608ZM493.56 119.584L494.471 119.996L494.478 119.982L494.483 119.968L493.56 119.584ZM489.528 121.56C488.648 121.56 487.908 121.254 487.259 120.605L485.845 122.019C486.86 123.034 488.104 123.56 489.528 123.56V121.56ZM487.287 120.634C486.693 119.99 486.4 119.241 486.4 118.336H484.4C484.4 119.735 484.875 120.97 485.817 121.99L487.287 120.634ZM486.4 118.336C486.4 117.952 486.472 117.559 486.624 117.151L484.752 116.449C484.52 117.065 484.4 117.696 484.4 118.336H486.4ZM486.62 117.163L492.86 101.131L490.996 100.405L484.756 116.437L486.62 117.163ZM492.853 100.388L474.805 56.4203L472.955 57.1797L491.003 101.148L492.853 100.388ZM474.808 56.4286C474.591 55.884 474.496 55.4024 474.496 54.976H472.496C472.496 55.7016 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More importantly, my negotiations expert knew the ins and outs as a former recruiter for FAANG companies and was able to provide nuanced guidance at each of my options. I also appreciated the thoughtful guidance and coaching support I received as a fresh-minted MBA graduate entering into one of the most volatile job market in the past decade. was super responsive and always went above and beyond, even providing tips on how to prepare for future interviews. I only wish I had contacted sooner. I can't recommend the team enough. I chose because their expertise, access to data, and professionalism exceeded other options out there and know I wouldn't have been able to get a 10% increase during COVID without their help.<i class="fas fa-quote-right ml-2 small client-quote-char"></i></div><div class="modal-footer"><button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button></div></div></div></div><div class="modal testimonial-modal fade" id="srtam_review" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="srtam_reviewTitle" aria-hidden="true"><div class="modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered" role="document"><div class="modal-content"><div class="modal-header"><h4 class="client-increase mr-3">+<span class="currency-symbol">$</span><span class="dollar-amount-number"><span class="USD">30</span></span>k</h4><h5 class="modal-title" id="srtam_reviewTitle">Testimonial</h5><button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button></div><div class="modal-body lfont"><i class="fas fa-quote-left mr-2 client-quote-char"></i>The advisor reviewed my offers with me and gave me helpful negotiation tips. I was able to convince one company to 2X my bonus and bump my stock options... a <span class="currency-symbol">$</span><span class="dollar-amount-number"><span class="USD">30</span></span>K/yr total increase! Sarah, my advisor, went over the tactical details of how I should ask for adjustments and play one offer off the other. I was in a time crunch (one company wanted a response in 3 business days), and she even offered to review my draft emails over the weekend before I sent them to my hiring managers! It all worked out, and I've got a great job with great pay!<br><br>New Role: Sr Technical Account Manager<br>Where: VC-backed startup in SF (Series B)<i class="fas fa-quote-right ml-2 small client-quote-char"></i></div><div class="modal-footer"><button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="features-list"><div class="container"><div class="row mt-0 mt-sm-0 mb-4 mb-md-3 pt-0 pb-3 pb-sm-3"><div class="col"><div class="d-flex read-more-reviews-container" style="justify-content:center;align-items:center"></div><h6 id="featureLogosTitle" class="text-center mt-2 mb-4 lfont">We’ve maximized offers across all roles at companies of all sizes like:</h6><div class="ticker mt-2 mt-sm-0"><div class="ticker_item"><img class="mx-4 ticker_img" src="/assets/company_logos/google.svg" onerror='this.onerror=null,this.src=""'></div><div class="ticker_item"><img class="mx-4 ticker_img" 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pb-3"><div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="col-12 text-left"><h4 class="mb-4" style="color:#5d5dff">Get Paid, Not Played</h4></div><div class="col-12"><p class="lfont" style="color:#797979">Partner with a recruiting and negotiation expert to get guidance through your offer negotiations and ensure you’re getting the best offer possible. Our coaches will evaluate your situation, help you strategize your negotiation approach, and guide you along the entire process <span style="font-style:italic;font-weight:800">with guaranteed results!</span> Whether you’re unemployed, only have one offer, or are a confident negotiator, our coaches can help you maximize your earning potential.</p></div></div><div class="row mt-4 mt-md-5"><div class="col-md-6 col-lg-4 d-flex"><div class="card mb-4 box-shadow d-flex w-100 pricing-card bronze-tier-gradient"><div class="card-header pb-0 pricing-card-header bronze-tier"><div class="d-flex justify-content-between mt-2"><h5 class="my-0 font-weight-normal">Professional Package</h5></div></div><div class="card-body d-flex flex-column justify-content-between pt-2" style="padding-left:25px!important;padding-right:25px!important"><div class="card-features-holder"><hr class="mt-2"><a class="guarantee-tooltip" tabindex="0" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Increase in your offer guaranteed or your money back. 2x ROI minimum." style="cursor:pointer;float:right;margin-top:5px"><span style="font-size:22px;color:#1ba68d"><span class="mr-1"><i class="fas fa-badge-dollar"></i></span><i class="fas fa-shield-alt"></i></span></a><h2 class="card-title pricing-card-title mt-3" style="font-size:36px;font-weight:800"><span class="plus-plan-pricing titlingStyle smallerMobileHeader">$1,250</span></h2><p class="mb-4"><span class="noOfferTooltip small" style="border-bottom:1px dashed #999;cursor:pointer;color:#6e757d" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Negotiations start before you even get an offer. Our coaches will prep you and help you even before you get the offer. We support you for 3 months across all your offers. If you don't end up getting any offers, we'll refund everything except $100 to help compensate coaches for their time.">No offer yet? No problem.</span></p><div class="cta-btns"><a type="button" href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-cta mt-0 plus-plan-buy-btn font-weight-bold mb-2">Book Now</a> <a type="button" onclick='return Calendly.initPopupWidget({url:""}),!1' class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-cta-outline mt-0 plus-plan-buy-btn view-availability-mid d-none d-sm-block font-weight-bold mb-2">View Availability</a></div><ul class="list-unstyled mid-level-features mt-4 pt-2 mb-4 d-none d-sm-block" style="display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:flex-start"><li class="feature-checklist"><span style="font-weight:600">Who's it for?</span></li><li class="feature-checklist"><span class="mr-3 who-its-for titlingStyle"><i class="fas fa-user"></i></span> <span style="color:#6e757d">Professional in any role (Software Engineer, Product Designer, Operations, Sales, Analyst) with at least 1 year of experience in industry</span></li><li class="feature-checklist mt-3"><span style="font-weight:600">What's included?</span></li><li class="feature-checklist"><span class="mr-3 feature-checkmark"><i class="far fa-shield-check"></i></span> <span style="color:#6e757d">Guaranteed increase of <span class="inline-highlight-text">$2,500</span> from baseline offer, or your money back. That's a 2x ROI minimum, we usually get much more.</span></li><li class="feature-checklist"><span class="mr-3 feature-checkmark"><i class="far fa-user-headset"></i></span> <span style="color:#6e757d"><span style="font-weight:800;color:#5e656e">Coaches:</span> Industry recruiters with 5+ years of professional recruiting experience for mid-level technical and non-technical roles from startups to FAANG</span></li><li class="feature-checklist"><span class="mr-3 feature-checkmark"><i class="far fa-check"></i></span> <span style="color:#6e757d">3 months of support across all your offers</span></li><li class="feature-checklist"><span class="mr-3 feature-checkmark"><i class="far fa-check"></i></span> <span style="color:#6e757d">Up to 3 video calls and unlimited email support, as needed</span></li></ul></div><div><p class="d-block d-sm-none mb-4" style="color:#747474!important;font-size:14px">For professionals with at least 1 year of experience. Guaranteed $2,500 increase, 2x ROI minimum, 3 months support, coach with 5+ years in tech recruiting. <a onclick='document.querySelector(".mid-level-features").classList.remove("d-none","d-sm-block"),document.querySelector(".view-availability-mid").classList.remove("d-none","d-sm-block"),this.parentNode.remove()' style="color:#007bff"><span class="mr-1 font-weight-bold">View more details</span> <i class="fas fa-angle-double-right"></i></a></p><div class="cta-btns-continued"><a type="button" href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-success btn-lg btn-block btn-cta-promo mt-5 plus-plan-buy-btn font-weight-bold mb-2 d-none d-sm-block"><span class="mr-1">Get Up to 80% Off</span> <span class="d-inline-block survey-tooltip" tabindex="0" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Participate in our survey for a chance to get special discounts on our negotiation service. If you're eligible, you'll also receive an Amazon gift card for your time."><i class="fas fa-tags"></i></span></a><p class="text-muted mt-0 mb-2 d-none d-sm-block" style="line-height:1.3"><small>Subject to eligibility for a study conducted by researchers at Harvard, UC Berkeley, and Brown</small></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="col-md-6 col-lg-4 mt-3 mt-md-0 d-flex"><div class="card mb-4 box-shadow d-flex w-100 pricing-card silver-tier-gradient"><div class="card-header pb-0 pricing-card-header silver-tier"><div class="d-flex justify-content-between mt-2"><h5 class="my-0 font-weight-normal">Senior Package</h5></div></div><div class="card-body d-flex flex-column justify-content-between pt-2" style="padding-left:25px!important;padding-right:25px!important"><div class="card-features-holder"><hr class="mt-2"><a class="guarantee-tooltip" tabindex="0" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Increase in your offer guaranteed or your money back. 2x ROI minimum. Access to's benchmarking tool." style="cursor:pointer;float:right;margin-top:5px"><span style="font-size:22px;color:#1ba68d"><span class="mr-1"><i class="fas fa-badge-dollar"></i></span><span class="mr-1"><i class="fas fa-shield-alt"></i></span><i class="fas fa-tools"></i></span></a><h2 class="card-title pricing-card-title mt-3" style="font-size:36px;font-weight:800"><span class="plus-plan-pricing titlingStyle smallerMobileHeader">$2,450</span></h2><p class="mb-4"><span class="noOfferTooltip small" style="border-bottom:1px dashed #999;cursor:pointer;color:#6e757d" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Negotiations start before you even get an offer. Our coaches will prep you and help you even before you get the offer. We support you for 3 months across all your offers. If you don't end up getting any offers, we'll refund everything except $150 to help compensate coaches for their time.">No offer yet? No problem.</span></p><div class="cta-btns"><div class="d-flex"><a type="button" href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-cta mt-0 plus-plan-buy-btn font-weight-bold mb-2 mr-1-comment">Book Now</a></div><a type="button" onclick='return Calendly.initPopupWidget({url:""}),!1' class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-cta-outline plus-plan-buy-btn view-availability-senior d-none d-sm-block font-weight-bold mb-2">View Availability</a></div><ul class="list-unstyled senior-ic-features mt-4 pt-2 mb-4 d-none d-sm-block" style="display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:flex-start"><li class="feature-checklist"><span style="font-weight:600">Who's it for?</span></li><li class="feature-checklist"><span class="mr-3 who-its-for titlingStyle"><i class="fas fa-user"></i></span> <span style="color:#6e757d">Third level IC up to Staff level. Starting level People Manager roles up to mid-level.</span></li><li class="feature-checklist mt-4 pt-0 pt-lg-3"><span style="font-weight:600">What's included?</span></li><li class="feature-checklist"><span class="mr-3 feature-checkmark"><i class="far fa-shield-check"></i></span> <span style="color:#6e757d">Guaranteed increase of <span class="inline-highlight-text">$5,000</span> from baseline offer, or your money back. That's a 2x ROI minimum, we usually get much more.</span></li><li class="feature-checklist"><span class="mr-3 feature-checkmark"><i class="far fa-user-headset"></i></span> <span style="color:#6e757d"><span style="font-weight:800;color:#5e656e">Coaches:</span> Industry recruiters with 8+ years of professional recruiting experience for senior, principal, and staff level technical and non-technical roles from early stage startups to FAANG</span></li><li class="feature-checklist"><span class="mr-3 feature-checkmark"><i class="far fa-check"></i></span> <span style="color:#6e757d">3 months of support across all your offers</span></li><li class="feature-checklist"><span class="mr-3 feature-checkmark"><i class="far fa-check"></i></span> <span style="color:#6e757d">Up to 3 video calls and unlimited email support, as needed</span></li><li class="feature-checklist"><span class="mr-3 feature-checkmark"><i class="far fa-check"></i></span> <span style="color:#6e757d">1 month of Premium access to's <a href="/benchmark?from=services" target="_blank">Compensation Benchmarking tool</a></span></li></ul></div><p class="d-block d-sm-none mb-4" style="color:#747474!important;font-size:14px">For 3rd Level ICs or higher and People Managers. Guaranteed $5,000 increase, 2x ROI minimum, 3 months support, senior coach with 5+ years in tech recruiting, 1 month of access to's benchmarking tool. <a onclick='document.querySelector(".senior-ic-features").classList.remove("d-none","d-sm-block"),document.querySelector(".view-availability-senior").classList.remove("d-none","d-sm-block"),this.parentNode.remove()' style="color:#007bff"><span class="mr-1 font-weight-bold">View more details</span> <i class="fas fa-angle-double-right"></i></a></p><div class="cta-btns-continued"><a type="button" href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-success btn-lg btn-block btn-cta-promo mt-5 plus-plan-buy-btn font-weight-bold mb-2 d-none d-sm-block"><span class="mr-1">Enter Chance to Get Fee Covered</span> <span class="d-inline-block survey-tooltip" tabindex="0" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Participate in our survey for a chance to get special discounts on our negotiation service. If you're eligible, you'll also receive an Amazon gift card for your time."><i class="fas fa-tags"></i></span></a><p class="text-muted mt-0 mb-2 d-none d-sm-block" style="line-height:1.3"><small>Subject to eligibility for a study conducted by researchers at Harvard, UC Berkeley, and Brown</small></p></div></div></div></div><div class="col-md-6 col-lg-4 mt-3 mt-md-0 d-flex"><div class="card mb-4 box-shadow d-flex w-100 pricing-card gold-tier-gradient"><div class="card-header pb-0 pricing-card-header gold-tier"><div class="d-flex justify-content-between mt-2"><h5 class="my-0 font-weight-normal">Leadership Package</h5></div></div><div class="card-body d-flex flex-column justify-content-between pt-2" style="padding-left:25px!important;padding-right:25px!important"><div class="card-features-holder"><hr class="mt-2"><a class="guarantee-tooltip" tabindex="0" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Increase in your offer guaranteed or your money back. 4x ROI minimum. Access to's benchmarking tool. Pair with the highest level of support has to offer." style="cursor:pointer;float:right;margin-top:5px"><span style="font-size:22px;color:#1ba68d"><span class="mr-1"><i class="fas fa-badge-dollar"></i></span><span class="mr-1"><i class="fas fa-shield-alt"></i></span><span class="mr-1"><i class="fas fa-tools"></i></span><i class="fas fa-headset"></i></span></a><h2 class="card-title pricing-card-title mt-3" style="font-size:36px;font-weight:800"><span class="plus-plan-pricing titlingStyle smallerMobileHeader">$5,000</span></h2><p class="mb-4"><span class="noOfferTooltip small" style="border-bottom:1px dashed #999;cursor:pointer;color:#6e757d" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Negotiations start before you even get an offer. Our coaches will prep you and help you even before you get the offer. We support you for 3 months across all your offers. If you don't end up getting any offers, we'll refund everything except $250 to help compensate coaches for their time.">No offer yet? No problem.</span></p><p></p><div class="cta-btns"><div class="d-flex"><a type="button" href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-cta mt-0 plus-plan-buy-btn font-weight-bold mb-2 mr-1">Book Now</a> <a type="button" onclick='return Calendly.initPopupWidget({url:""}),!1' target="_blank" class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-cta-outline mt-0 plus-plan-buy-btn font-weight-bold mb-2 ml-1" style="background:#e3e3e3;border:1px solid #ccc;color:#5b5b5b!important">Free Consult</a></div><a type="button" onclick='return Calendly.initPopupWidget({url:""}),!1' class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-cta-outline plus-plan-buy-btn view-availability-leadership d-none d-sm-block font-weight-bold mb-2">View Availability</a></div><ul class="list-unstyled leadership-features mt-4 pt-2 mb-4 d-none d-sm-block" style="display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:flex-start"><li class="feature-checklist"><span style="font-weight:600">Who's it for?</span></li><li class="feature-checklist"><span class="mr-3 who-its-for titlingStyle"><i class="fas fa-user"></i></span> <span style="color:#6e757d">Principal level IC, Senior manager, Group manager, and above. Director, Senior Director, VP, Senior VP, Executives, and C-Suite.</span></li><li class="feature-checklist"><span style="font-weight:600">What's included?</span></li><li class="feature-checklist"><span class="mr-3 feature-checkmark"><i class="far fa-shield-check"></i></span> <span style="color:#6e757d">Guaranteed increase of <span class="inline-highlight-text">$20,000</span> from baseline offer, or your money back. Support across all components of your total package.</span></li><li class="feature-checklist"><span class="mr-3 feature-checkmark"><i class="far fa-user-headset"></i></span> <span style="color:#6e757d"><span style="font-weight:800;color:#5e656e">Coaches:</span> Industry recruiters with 10+ years of professional recruiting experience for high level ICs + managers, Directors, VPs, Executives, and C-Suite from early stage startups to FAANG</span></li><li class="feature-checklist"><span class="mr-3 feature-checkmark"><i class="far fa-check"></i></span> <span style="color:#6e757d">6 months of support across all your offers</span></li><li class="feature-checklist"><span class="mr-3 feature-checkmark"><i class="far fa-check"></i></span> <span style="color:#6e757d">Up to 5 video calls and unlimited email support, as needed</span></li><li class="feature-checklist"><span class="mr-3 feature-checkmark"><i class="far fa-check"></i></span> <span style="color:#6e757d">6 months of Premium access to's <a href="/benchmark?from=services" target="_blank">Compensation Benchmarking tool</a></span></li></ul></div><p class="d-block d-sm-none mb-4" style="color:#747474!important;font-size:14px">For Directors, VPs, Executives up to C-Suite. Guaranteed $20,000 increase, 4x ROI minimum, 6 months support, leadership coach with specialized experience, 6 months of access to's benchmarking tool. <a onclick='document.querySelector(".leadership-features").classList.remove("d-none","d-sm-block"),document.querySelector(".view-availability-leadership").classList.remove("d-none","d-sm-block"),this.parentNode.remove()' style="color:#007bff"><span class="mr-1 font-weight-bold">View more details</span> <i class="fas fa-angle-double-right"></i></a></p></div></div></div></div><div class="text-center"><p class="text-muted mb-1">Typically a <a href="/services/reviews.html" target="_blank">25x return</a> on investment. "Best investment I've made this year" – Still unsure? <a href="#" onclick='return Calendly.initPopupWidget({url:""}),!1'>Book a free consultation</a> with our team</p><a class="small text-muted link-plain" style="border-bottom:1px solid;padding:0;border-color:hsl(208 7% 82% / 1);font-size:70%" href="">View Terms &amp; Conditions</a></div></div></section><section id="profile-section" class="pt-0 pb-3 pt-lg-2 pb-lg-5"><div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="col-12 text-left"><h4 class="mt-0 mt-md-0" style="color:#5d5dff">FAQ</h4><br></div><div class="col-lg-6"><div class="card mb-2 mb-lg-0"><div class="card-body"><div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between helpCollapse" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#isThereAGuarantee"><h5 class="card-title mb-0 titlingStyle pr-2">What is your guaranteed increase?</h5><h5 class="mb-0"><i class="fal fa-chevron-down text-muted toggleArrow float-right"></i></h5></div><div id="isThereAGuarantee" class="collapse hide"><h6 class="card-desc card-desc-new mt-2 lfont" style="line-height:1.3em">We guarantee a total compensation increase of at least $2,500 if you’re considering a Mid-Level offer, $5,000 if you’re considering a Senior IC / Manager offer, and $20,000 if you're considering a Leadership level offer. Typically our <a href="/services/reviews.html" target="_blank">outcomes are much higher</a> than this guarantee. Please note that we do not guarantee an increase if you’re considering a new-grad / student programs offer or if you’re considering a contract-to-full-time / intern-to-full-time conversion offer. If you decide not to move forward after taking the initial call, you may not be eligible for a full refund. View more information about our guarantee on our <a href="/services/terms/" target="_blank">Terms of Service</a>.</h6></div></div></div><div class="card mt-2 mb-2 mb-lg-0"><div class="card-body"><div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between helpCollapse" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#whatDoIGet"><h5 class="card-title mb-0 titlingStyle pr-2">What do I get when I book? How does it work?</h5><h5 class="mb-0"><i class="fal fa-chevron-down text-muted toggleArrow float-right"></i></h5></div><div id="whatDoIGet" class="collapse hide"><h6 class="card-desc card-desc-new mt-2 lfont" style="line-height:1.3em">You’ll start with a 30-minute 1-on-1 call with a recruiter to strategize your negotiations. You’ll also receive up to 2 additional follow up calls with your coach if you book the Mid-Level or Senior packages and 4 additional follow up calls if you book our Leadership package for larger strategy sessions. You'll also have unlimited email support from your coach for the duration of your package or until you accept an offer. Your coach will be at your back all the way through to answer questions and help guide you through the process for any companies you get offers from.</h6><h6 class="card-desc card-desc-new mt-2 lfont" style="line-height:1.3em">Our negotiation coaching is a hands-on partnership. You’ll keep your coach informed throughout the interview and negotiation process. Your coach will guide you along the way answering any questions you might have about the negotiation process, compensation, recruiting, etc. They are also there to provide useful talking points and scripts for you to use during negotiations, so that you know exactly what to say and how to say it.</h6><h6 class="card-desc card-desc-new mt-2 lfont" style="line-height:1.3em">Have any other questions about how it works? Just shoot us an email at <a href=""></a>.</h6></div></div></div><div class="card mt-2 mb-2 mb-lg-0"><div class="card-body"><div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between helpCollapse" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#whenToBook"><h5 class="card-title mb-0 titlingStyle pr-2">When should I book?</h5><h5 class="mb-0"><i class="fal fa-chevron-down text-muted toggleArrow float-right"></i></h5></div><div id="whenToBook" class="collapse hide"><h6 class="card-desc card-desc-new mt-2 lfont" style="line-height:1.3em">As early as you can. Negotiations can start in that first recruiter phone screen, so being prepared to handle any compensation-related questions from the beginning will set you up for success down the line.</h6></div></div></div><div class="card mt-2 mb-2 mb-lg-0"><div class="card-body"><div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between helpCollapse" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#onlyOneOffer"><h5 class="card-title mb-0 titlingStyle pr-2">What if I only have one offer?</h5><h5 class="mb-0"><i class="fal fa-chevron-down text-muted toggleArrow float-right"></i></h5></div><div id="onlyOneOffer" class="collapse hide"><h6 class="card-desc card-desc-new mt-2 lfont" style="line-height:1.3em">That’s no problem at all. Competing offers help, but our coaches have had many successful negotiations for clients with only 1 offer.</h6></div></div></div><div class="card mt-2 mb-2 mb-lg-0"><div class="card-body"><div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between helpCollapse" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#inBetweenLeveling"><h5 class="card-title mb-0 titlingStyle pr-2">I’m in between levels, what should I book?</h5><h5 class="mb-0"><i class="fal fa-chevron-down text-muted toggleArrow float-right"></i></h5></div><div id="inBetweenLeveling" class="collapse hide"><h6 class="card-desc card-desc-new mt-2 lfont" style="line-height:1.3em">If you’re in between levels, we suggest booking the higher tier coaching package, as the extra experience of our coaches could help out in negotiating the higher level offers if they come in. If the final offer you accept ends up being more in line with a lower tier package, we may be able to refund the difference in pricing. Please contact us at <a href=""></a> for any questions on this.</h6></div></div></div></div><div class="col-lg-6"><div class="card mb-2 mb-lg-0"><div class="card-body"><div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between helpCollapse" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#riskOfOfferRescind"><h5 class="card-title mb-0 titlingStyle pr-2">What is the risk my offer gets rescinded?</h5><h5 class="mb-0"><i class="fal fa-chevron-down text-muted toggleArrow float-right"></i></h5></div><div id="riskOfOfferRescind" class="collapse hide"><h6 class="card-desc card-desc-new mt-2 lfont" style="line-height:1.3em">If you follow the guidance of our coaches, your offer will not get rescinded by trying to negotiate. Even companies that do not negotiate offers still expect you to negotiate! Our coaches have a wide range of experience across multiple industries and companies of all sizes, so we’ll be able to evaluate and guide you on the best way to approach it with no risk of a rescinded offer.</h6></div></div></div><div class="card mt-2 mb-2 mb-lg-0"><div class="card-body"><div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between helpCollapse" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#whichExperienceLevel"><h5 class="card-title mb-0 titlingStyle pr-2">Which experience level do I pick?</h5><h5 class="mb-0"><i class="fal fa-chevron-down text-muted toggleArrow float-right"></i></h5></div><div id="whichExperienceLevel" class="collapse hide"><h6 class="card-desc card-desc-new mt-2 lfont" style="line-height:1.3em"><span class="font-weight-bold text-secondary">New Grads / Interns / Entry Level:</span> We do not currently support negotiations for these experience levels, however if you would still like to book to learn the ins and outs of tech negotiations, please book the Mid-Level package.</h6><h6 class="card-desc card-desc-new mt-2 lfont" style="line-height:1.3em"><span class="font-weight-bold text-secondary">Mid-Level:</span> If you have ~1-8 years of experience in your role, you’re likely in the mid-level range and can book the Mid-Level package.<h6><h6 class="card-desc card-desc-new mt-2 lfont" style="line-height:1.3em"><span class="font-weight-bold text-secondary">Senior IC / People Manager:</span> If you have 8+ years of experience in your role or are fielding offers for a third-level IC role or a people manager role, you should book the Senior package. Our coaches supporting this plan specialize in the nuance that usually comes with these types of offers.</h6><h6 class="card-desc card-desc-new mt-2 lfont" style="line-height:1.3em"><span class="font-weight-bold text-secondary">Director / VP / Executive</span>: Book the Leadership package. Our leadership coaches have helped negotiate offers for these roles which typically have many components to the total package.</h6></h6></h6></div></div></div><div class="card mt-2 mb-2 mb-lg-0"><div class="card-body"><div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between helpCollapse" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#tooLateToBook"><h5 class="card-title mb-0 titlingStyle pr-2">Am I too late to book?</h5><h5 class="mb-0"><i class="fal fa-chevron-down text-muted toggleArrow float-right"></i></h5></div><div id="tooLateToBook" class="collapse hide"><h6 class="card-desc card-desc-new mt-2 lfont" style="line-height:1.3em">If you’ve already accepted an offer or made an attempt to negotiate on your own, we aren’t as likely to be successful. We suggest booking sooner, rather than later.</h6></div></div></div><div class="card mt-2 mb-2 mb-lg-0"><div class="card-body"><div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between helpCollapse" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#howCoachingWorks"><h5 class="card-title mb-0 titlingStyle pr-2">I'm an expert negotiator. Is this worth it?</h5><h5 class="mb-0"><i class="fal fa-chevron-down text-muted toggleArrow float-right"></i></h5></div><div id="howCoachingWorks" class="collapse hide"><h6 class="card-desc card-desc-new mt-2 lfont" style="line-height:1.3em">We hear often from people that decided not to go with us and then come to regret it later on. Our service offers a guarantee and we can't help salvage your negotiations if you've already made a slight slip up as a result. Even a small increase in your yearly salary can have a massive impact on your retirement and lifetime earnings. It's up to you whether you'd like to leave it to chance.<br><br>Recruiters negotiate weekly and can put even advanced negotiators in a corner. Our coaches have seen it all and have been on the other side of the table. Sneaky tactics like bluffing, anchoring you, ignoring you, etc. - we know how to deal with it. The second eye of our expert negotiators can ensure you truly leave nothing on the table and to chance.</h6></div></div></div><div class="card mt-2 mb-2 mb-lg-0"><div class="card-body"><div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between helpCollapse" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#paymentPlan"><h5 class="card-title mb-0 titlingStyle pr-2">Do you offer a payment plan to pay over time?</h5><h5 class="mb-0"><i class="fal fa-chevron-down text-muted toggleArrow float-right"></i></h5></div><div id="paymentPlan" class="collapse hide"><h6 class="card-desc card-desc-new mt-2 lfont" style="line-height:1.3em">Yes! We offer a payment plan option to pay the full price over 3 or 4 interest-free payments using Klarna. <a href="#" onclick='return $crisp.push(["do","chat:open"]),!1'>Message us</a>, and our team will be happy to help you enroll onto the payment plan for the package you choose to purchase.</h6></div></div></div></div></div><div class="col-12 text-center mt-5"><p class="text-secondary mb-3" style="font-size:18px"><b>More Questions? See our <a href="/services/negotiation/faq.html">full FAQ</a>. If those don’t answer it, feel free to <a href="#" onclick='return $crisp.push(["do","chat:open"]),!1'>chat with us!</a></b></p><div class="watch-how-it-works mt-4 mb-4 mb-sm-0"><div class="inner-watch-button d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center"><a role="button" href="#how-it-works-modal" class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center" style="background-color:#f1f1f1;border-radius:50px;padding:15px 35px;text-decoration:none" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#how-it-works-modal"><img src="" style="width:60px;border-radius:5px"><p class="mb-0 ml-3 font-weight-bold">Watch How it Works</p></a></div></div></div></div></section><div class="other-features container"><div class="row mt-1 mt-sm-3 py-4 py-sm-3"><div class="numbers col-12 d-flex justify-content-center"><div class="row mt-4 mt-sm-5 mb-2 mb-sm-4"></div></div><div class="col-12 mb-0 mt-0 mt-md-3"><div class="hear-from-them mb-0 mb-md-3"><div class="hear-from-them-inner"><div class="row"><div class="col-12 col-lg-3 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center justify-content-lg-start"><div class="slider-hero" style="margin-left:-10px;margin-top:-20px"><div class="text-center" style="font-size:1.5rem"><img src="/assets/undraw/pointing-arrow.svg" class="highest-value-arrow mr-1" style="height:1.5rem;width:1.5rem;z-index:100;margin-bottom:-15px"> <span class="font-weight-bold" style="font-size:18px;color:#486374">Get Paid. Not Played.</span></div><p class="font-weight-bold text-center mb-0" style="font-size:4rem;font-weight:800!important;color:#3f51b5">+$<span class="dollar-amount">55,800</span></p><p class="font-weight-normal text-center text-muted" style="margin-top:-5px;font-size:14px">Average increase we've gotten for this level</p><div class="text-center range-slider-container"><span class="rs-value happy-label">L5</span> <input type="range" min="0" max="70" value="20" step="10" id="rs-range-line"></div><div class="px-4 pt-2"><p class="mt-3 ml-md-3 ml-0 star-reviews text-center" style="font-size:14px"><a href="/services/reviews.html" style="text-decoration:none;color:inherit"><span style="margin-right:5px"><img src="" class="customer-profile"> <img src="" class="customer-profile"> <img src="" class="customer-profile"> <img src="" class="customer-profile"> <img src="" class="customer-profile"> </span><span style="margin-right:3px;color:#1db67b;font-size:11px"><i class="fas fa-star"></i><i class="fas fa-star"></i><i class="fas fa-star"></i><i class="fas fa-star"></i><i class="fas fa-star-half-alt"></i> </span><span style="margin-right:3px"><small>(<span style="color:#007bff;text-decoration:none;background-color:transparent;font-weight:700">300+</span>)</small></span></a></p></div></div></div><div class="col-9 d-none d-lg-block"><iframe id="testimonialto-carousel-all-levels-fyi-negotiation-service-top" src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="100%"></iframe><script type="text/javascript">iFrameResize({log:!1,checkOrigin:!1},"#testimonialto-carousel-all-levels-fyi-negotiation-service-top")</script></div></div></div><div class="row mt-4"></div></div><div class="mt-0 pt-3 mb-0 mb-md-5"><div class="col-12 col-md-12 mb-3 mb-md-0 text-center"><h2 class="d-none d-sm-block" style="font-size:4rem;font-weight:800;color:#3f51b5"><span class="total-negotiated">0</span>+</h2><h2 class="d-sm-none" style="font-size:3.5rem;font-weight:800;color:#3f51b5"><span class="total-negotiated-mobile">$100M</span>+</h2><p class="text-muted">negotiated in total compensation</p></div><p class="text-center mt-5 mb-4"><a href="/services/reviews.html?from=hear_from_them" class="btn btn-outline-secondary outline-btn-cta" style="border-color:#3f51b5;border-radius:5rem;color:#3f51b5;padding:1rem 1.5rem;font-weight:600">View hundreds of reviews <span class="ml-2"><i class="fal fa-long-arrow-right"></i></span></a></p></div></div></div></div><div class="modal fade" id="negotiationIntroModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="negotiationIntroModalTitle" aria-hidden="true"><div class="modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered" role="document"><div class="modal-content"><div class="modal-header"><h5 class="modal-title" id="exampleModalLongTitle">Let's get you paid more</h5><button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button></div><div class="modal-body"><form class="neg-support-intro"><div class="form-group"><label for="customer-name">Name</label> <input type="text" class="form-control" id="customer-name" placeholder="Name" required></div><div class="form-group"><label for="customer-email">Email</label> <input type="email" class="form-control" placeholder="" id="customer-email" required></div><div class="form-group"><label for="customer-phone">Phone Number <span class="text-muted small">(Optional)</span></label> <input type="tel" class="form-control" placeholder="000-000-0000" id="customer-phone"></div><div class="text-center"><button id="neg-intro-next" type="submit" class="btn btn-default btn-lg proceed-to-checkout" style="background-color:#6c63ff!important;color:#fff!important;border:none!important;font-size:16px">Start <i class="fas fa-long-arrow-right ml-2"></i></button></div></form></div></div></div></div><div class="modal fade" id="sessionConfirmation" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="sessionConfirmationTitle" aria-hidden="true"><div class="modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered" role="document"><div class="modal-content"><div class="modal-header"><h5 class="modal-title">Session Confirmation <span class="ml-1" style="color:#38b564"><i class="fas fa-check-circle"></i></span></h5><button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button></div><div class="modal-body"><p>Look out for a calendar invite in your email with information on how to join the call with your Negotiator.<br><br>If you do not receive an invite within 10 minutes, please check your Spam or 'Promotions' folders. 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In the meantime, fill out <a href="" target="_blank">this form</a> so our recruiter has some of your information ahead of the call.</p><button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button></div></div></div></div><div class="modal fade" id="negotiationPackagePurchased" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="negotiationPackagePurchasedDiv" aria-hidden="true"><div class="modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered" role="document"><div class="modal-content lfont" style="padding:12px 16px;border:none;border-radius:12px"><div class="modal-header"><h5 class="modal-title" style="font-weight:700">Purchase Confirmed!</h5><button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close" style="padding:5px"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button></div><div class="modal-body mt-3 mb-3"><div class="form-check pl-0 pr-0 d-flex align-items-start"><i class="fas fa-check-circle" style="color:#1db67b;margin-right:10px;margin-top:4px"></i> <label class="form-check-label" for="checkbox1" style="color:#505050">Look out for an email in your inbox (check your spam folder) with a link to book time with your negotiation coach</label></div><div class="form-check pl-0 pr-0 mt-4 d-flex align-items-start"><i class="fas fa-check-circle" style="color:#1db67b;margin-right:10px;margin-top:4px"></i> <label class="form-check-label" for="checkbox2" style="color:#505050">Start gathering your recruiting details, such as your timeline, interviews, offers, and any additional context to share with your coach</label></div><div class="form-check pl-0 pr-0 mt-4 d-flex align-items-start"><i class="fas fa-check-circle" style="color:#1db67b;margin-right:10px;margin-top:4px"></i> <label class="form-check-label" for="checkbox3" style="color:#505050">We're here to help – reach out to us anytime at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> with any questions or for assistance with your negotiation</label></div></div></div></div></div><div id="how-it-works-modal" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="howItWorks" aria-hidden="true"><div class="modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered" role="document"><div class="modal-content"><div class="modal-header"><h5 class="modal-title font-weight-semi-bold">How It Works</h5><button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">&times;</button></div><div class="modal-body"><div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"><iframe id="howItWorksVideo" class="embed-responsive-item" style="border-radius:5px" width="560" height="315" src="//" allowfullscreen></iframe></div></div></div></div></div><footer class="footer lfont mt-auto"><hr class="mt-5 mb-2"><div class="container pt-4 pb-5"><div class="row"><div class="col-12 col-md-6"><a href="/"><img class="mb-1 ml-1" class="margin-top: -9px;" src="/assets/logo/full_grey/full_logo.svg" alt=" icon" height="35"></a><br><span class="txt-90 text-muted">Helping people build better careers<br><small class="text-muted">&copy; 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My initial offer was rather high, and I was warned that there may not be too much room to increase. Tina also shared perspective of hiring bars and practices across the companies I was interviewing with, which was instrumental for me. Further, I was on a tight timeline and Tina responded promptly to my questions, moved meetings up to accommodate me, and went above and beyond for my specific situation to ensure I was operating and decisioning with the most amount of information possible."},{date:"10-2024",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2024",title:"Data Scientist",increase:"10,000",review:"Tina was super responsive and helpful, and she quickly responded to many urgent questions that I had. This was crucial as negotiations often move quickly in bursts. Thanks Tina!"},{date:"10-2024",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2024",company:"Airbnb",logoUrl:"",increase:"57,000",review:"Super helpful! Randy gave me an inside look into the recruitment and compensation process and his insights helped me drive up my solo offer by over 10% plus secured a sign on bonus."},{date:"9-2024",humanReadableDate:"9 / 2024",company:"Apple",logoUrl:"",title:"ICT3",increase:"45,000",review:"I'd never negotiated an offer before; Randy was responsive and helped guide me through reasonable expectations and what to say to get my asks. It was super helpful!"},{date:"9-2024",humanReadableDate:"9 / 2024",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"E5 Software Engineer",increase:"60,000",review:"Joe is a fantastic coach, he has great advice and guides you through every interaction with your recruiter to get the best offer possible. He is also extremely responsive, at all times throughout the day he generally responds in only a few minutes to any follow up or ask. Highly recommend Joe to anyone looking for help with negotiating an offer. "},{date:"9-2024",humanReadableDate:"9 / 2024",title:"ML Engineer",increase:"13,292",review:"I had an outstanding experience working with Joe from FYI Levels. His professionalism, responsiveness, and clear communication made all the difference in my job negotiation process. Joe's guidance gave me the confidence to successfully negotiate a better offer, and the financial gains have more than covered the cost of the service. What stood out most was the coaching itself—it wasn’t just about the numbers, but about feeling prepared and confident at every step. I’m extremely satisfied with the service and would highly recommend FYI Levels to anyone looking to approach their job negotiations with clarity and confidence."},{date:"8-2024",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2024",company:"Affirm",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"24,000",review:"Emiko was very kind and helpful throughout the entire process. He was responsive and was able to provide an effective playbook and tactics to use for negotiation. I learned a lot from the experience and highly recommend his services to others!"},{date:"8-2024",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2024",company:"Microsoft",logoUrl:"",increase:"240,000",review:"I cannot recommend Randy highly enough for anyone looking to negotiate their compensation package. Randy's expertise and guidance were instrumental in helping me achieve an incredible outcome in my recent salary negotiation. With his strategic advice and support, I was able to increase my level and negotiate my compensation to more than double my original offer! Since the negotiation process can be tough and emotionally exhausting, I was very grateful to have Randy's support throughout the process. Not only did he hep me get me a great outcome, but he also saved me SO much time and stress. "},{date:"8-2024",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2024",company:"Ramp",logoUrl:"",title:"Staff Software Engineer",increase:"45,000",review:"Randy is an excellent coach, really responsive and helped me get an incredible offer!"},{date:"8-2024",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2024",name:"JD",increase:"30,250",review:"Randy was amazing – very responsive, knowledgeable, and most importantly knew how to help me stay calm and confident to ask for my worth. I was able to get 12.5% more than my original offer with his help."},{date:"8-2024",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2024",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Product Manager",increase:"17,000",review:"The session was extremely helpful! In less than a day I was matched with Randy, who was able to assess my offer and give me advice during our initial video call, followed by an email draft to use. Throughout my negotiation process Randy gave me helpful tips and advised on what he thought of the revised offers. "},{date:"7-2024",humanReadableDate:"7 / 2024",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"95,000",review:'The coaching session is extremely helpful and definitely worth the investment. Randy not only coached me through the negotiation process, helped me increased my package by "a log" but also helped me deciding on a package that is best for my interest and my career. I was truly mind blown by how big the difference can be, having Randy as my coach essentially saved me years of effort climbing ladder and proving myself in the company.'},{date:"7-2024",humanReadableDate:"7 / 2024",company:"Apple",logoUrl:"",title:"Engineer",increase:"25,000",review:"I was connected with Joe for my negotiation with an offer from FAANG. Joe is really professional and really helped me negotiate my way through it. There were multiple times when I needed an urgent response at 9 PM for the next morning or needed help drafting email conversations throughout the day, but Joe responded timely every time and helped me position every move to the best. In the end, I got an offer exceeding my original expectation and established a good relationship with the recruiter. I did not have another offer at a similar compensation level and had little leverage to begin with, but Joe helped me plan strategies to avoid setting a low anchor point and got me the fair market value. I strongly recommend the service to anyone with new offers in the negotiation stage."},{date:"7-2024",humanReadableDate:"7 / 2024",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",increase:"140,000",review:"Randy is a fantastic negotiation coach! He was with me every step of the way. He is extremely responsive and will answer all of your questions patiently. I would recommend him to anyone."},{date:"7-2024",humanReadableDate:"7 / 2024",title:"New Grad Software Developer",increase:"10,000",review:"Randy is an incredible coach. I came into this incredibly worried about negotiating and was very close to just accepting the first offer I got. He reassured me that there is always wiggle room and that we would find a way to get my offer up. He drafted me an email and got me to personalize it to my voice. Within a few days I got a call back from the recruiter and I got an increase of $10K/year. Incredible happy with these results!"},{date:"7-2024",humanReadableDate:"7 / 2024",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior iOS Engineer",increase:"40,000",review:"Emiko helped give me the confidence to negotiate by delivering messaging that was precise and professional. I was able to lean into him for help during a critical time where my negotiations have a big impact on the next four years worth of income. He even responded during the 4th of July. "},{date:"7-2024",humanReadableDate:"7 / 2024",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",name:"SSP",title:"SDE2 L4",increase:"50,000",review:"Really loved the guidance and experience shared by Randy and knowing that there is someone to discuss and get help from was great! He helped in formatting the response emails and being reallistic in managing expectations where needed, all in all would definetly recommend this service in a heart beat."},{date:"7-2024",humanReadableDate:"7 / 2024",company:"Nuro",logoUrl:"",name:"HC",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"10,000",review:"The sessions were very helpful. Job searching is hard enough, and negotiating alone is extremely stressful. I'm so glad that Randy was there to help me navigate through all the strategies and mind games recruiters play. I learned a lot from him. Not only did Randy help me get a better offer, but he also helped me better understand what I want for my career and make the best decisions. Thank you, Randy."},{date:"6-2024",humanReadableDate:"6 / 2024",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"SWE E5",increase:"100,000",review:"I recently worked with Randy as my negotiation coach, and he was fantastic! Right from the start, his positive attitude made everything feel a lot easier and way less stressful. He was always so encouraging and upbeat. One thing that really stood out was how responsive he was. He always got back to me super quickly, usually within minutes, which was a lifesaver when things were moving fast. Randy was also super flexible. He was ready to jump on a call at a moment’s notice, which was great because my schedule can be all over the place. Having that kind of support exactly when I needed it was amazing. Most importantly, Randy knows his stuff. He has a great grasp of the current job market, hiring trends, and what’s realistic in terms of salary. His advice was spot on and really helped me get the salary I wanted. I highly recommend Randy to anyone looking for a negotiation coach. His positive attitude, quick responses, flexibility, and market knowledge make him a great choice."},{date:"6-2024",humanReadableDate:"6 / 2024",company:"Apple",logoUrl:"",title:"MLE",increase:"150,000",review:"This was very helpful to understand for what reasons comp will be increased, how hard/easy it is to increase each part of the comp."},{date:"6-2024",humanReadableDate:"6 / 2024",company:"AI Startup",title:"Solutions Architect",increase:"45,000",review:"Emiko was an amazing coach to work with! Negotiations can be a stressful process especially in a challenging job market. Emiko understand the emotional side of the process and served not just as a skilled negotiation coach, but also as a supportive champion throughout the process. For anyone on the fence about the service, I highly recommend - the ROI is well worth it. I regret not using a negotiation coach for my past interviews, and definitely intend on using them for all future jobs."},{date:"5-2024",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2024",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",increase:"100,000",review:"Randy was my negotiator and I am so grateful I was assigned him. At first I was skeptical of the service, but Randy (and Brian) showed me (through action) these people are closers and will do what it takes to get things done. Randy has been supportive, responsive, flexible, and adaptable to my unique situation. He was not pushy but always encouraging, coaching me through complex situations I could not handle or did not have the time to handle. This enabled me to focus on my interviews while Randy took care of my salary bump. I am very happy and thankful to have met Randy!"},{date:"5-2024",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2024",company:"Airbnb",logoUrl:"",increase:"45,000",review:"Randy was a phenomenal coach, with his depth and breadth of knowledge about the recruiter's mindset, as well as the industry processes and norms. From the start, based on my description on where I was in the process, he knew what the next potential steps were, and what options were on the table to address them. I first got in touch with Randy after my last interview, but before my first offer came in. We connected right after I received the offer and he helped me understand the details, as well as what would be an appropriate counter. He helped me draft the letter, and with some tweaks from me, I sent it off. The reply came a day later and to my surprise, my offer was increased. Kudos to Randy for being the excellent guide for the candidate, when we're up against expert recruiters from the company where we're trying to get hired. It felt good to have Randy on my side. "},{date:"5-2024",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2024",company:"Waymo",logoUrl:"",name:"KJ",title:"Research Scientist",increase:"155,000",review:"The session was great! I was feeling a ton of anxiety about my negotiations, and Randy did a great job at helping me navigate the process. He wrote emails, he gave me specific numbers, he talked me down when I was feeling guilty or bad about my asks. I'm very grateful for his help."},{date:"4-2024",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2024",company:"FAANG",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior SWE",increase:"60,000",review:"Emiko's guidance was indispensable during the daunting salary negotiation process. The expert advice helped me navigate through it with confidence. I highly recommend this service to anyone looking to negotiate their salary effectively."},{date:"4-2024",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2024",company:"Microsoft",logoUrl:"",title:"UX Researcher",increase:"35,000",review:"Randy has been very responsive and knowledgeable throughout the negotiation process. He provided the support that I was looking for and helped me get an improved offer. You'll be in great hands if you're lucky enough to work with him!"},{date:"4-2024",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2024",company:"DoorDash",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"15,000",review:"Joe was amazing. He explained how the internal process worked and gave me a very good explanation on how the compensation package is determined. Also helped me craft emails for the negotiations. I was pretty nervous to negotiate but Joe gave me a lot of confidence. I would highly recommend Joe and Levels.FYI."},{date:"4-2024",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2024",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Sr Staff Engineer",increase:"50,000",review:"Randy is the best. Very professional and knows all the nuances and strategic skills for comp negotiation. Randy crafted several very compelling emails, which worked like magic."},{date:"4-2024",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2024",company:"Stripe",logoUrl:"",title:"Staff Data Scientist",increase:"50,000",review:"Joe was extremely helpful guiding me through the negotiation process. He both helped me set up a communication strategy to juggle offers from several companies and helped me drafting emails to get a better outcome. His responses were prompt and on point, and the advice tactically and strategically sound. Joe's insights were particularly valuable when it came to understanding what could be leveraged in negotiations."},{date:"4-2024",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2024",company:"American Express",logoUrl:"",name:"KK",title:"Sr. Product Manager",increase:"20,000",review:"It is a complete no brainer to not try negotiating your offer using The services are guaranteed and they know exactly how to frame the message to get you the best possible increase. You’d be losing out on tens of thousands of dollars or in my case about $20K. My negotiator, Randy was super easy to connect with, super responsive and always explained the why behind his messaging. I thought one could get $5K-$10K increase or in some cases about 10% by asking but Randy shot for the moon and helped get me in the middle of what I wanted. They know how nerve wracking this can be and take the time to talk and explain to you how this process works. I’m very happy with the outcome and definitely recommend them."},{date:"4-2024",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2024",company:"Samsung",logoUrl:"",name:"AR",increase:"53,000",review:"I had multiple offers and I had to deal with all the recruiters while also working on my existing job, which was becoming stressful. Having a seasoned recruiter in my corner was a big help, it relieved the stress and I actually began enjoying the negotiation process. Through face to face sessions as well as email, Randy guided me through the negotiations. Some of it was time sensitive and he was always available to quickly respond to recruiters. "},{date:"4-2024",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2024",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"IC4 Engineer",increase:"70,000",review:"Absolutely worth the money! Randy really knows his stuff. His email response time is lightning fast (less than 30 minutes in some cases) and I felt so supported throughout the whole process. I'm confident I ended up with the maximum TC possible for my role thanks to Randy's incredible industry knowledge."},{date:"3-2024",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2024",company:"CIO",logoUrl:"",increase:"200,000",review:"Randy was extraordinarily helpful as I worked between two competing C-level offers. Using Randy's strategies, the total cash comp increased 42% from the offer from the first company to the final and accepted offer from the second company. Yes, FORTY-TWO PERCENT, that math is correct."},{date:"3-2024",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2024",company:"Capital One",logoUrl:"",name:"CD",title:"Lead Engineer",increase:"75,000",review:"Joe was wonderful to work with. I only wish I had used this service earlier in my career. I know now that during previous negotiations I left a huge amount of money on the table. Joe helped me increase my initial offer by $75K. Working with him also reduced the stress of what is typically an agonizing process for me. I learned a lot and wouldn't hesitate to hire him again."},{date:"3-2024",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2024",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"IC5",increase:"50,000",review:"My negotiation coach at exceeded my expectations in every way! With their expert guidance, I secured a salary increase of over 15% and garnered maximum value for my level at Meta. His openness in presenting various options and patiently walking me through the entire process was invaluable. A huge thanks for their dedication and professionalism! I highly recommend their services to anyone looking to excel in negotiations."},{date:"3-2024",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2024",company:"Atlassian",logoUrl:"",title:"Principal Software Engineer",increase:"128,000",review:"Randy helped me a lot to get the best offer possible. Instant response, great guidelines of how when you need to do. If someone asks me I do it one more time - yes, if someone asks me can I recommend this service - yes. Definitly worth it. "},{date:"3-2024",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2024",company:"Nvidia",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"60,000",review:"I was in already one step into offer negotiations when I realized the offer was way lower than company specific benchmark. It is really hard for job seekers to stay calm and negotiate for the offer you're worth in this hard employer's job market. Since recruiters on the other side are professional negotiators, I decided to call for help. \nRandy jumped in straight, learned about my situation and helped drafting comms to the recruiter on the same day. All done in timely manner and extremely professionally. The communication and negotiation strategy chosen worked perfectly. I got numbers in my offer bumped to what I expected and I signed the offer satisfied.\nI also greatly appreciated Randy's consistent engagement as he was keeping actively checking my progress, motivating and providing insights."},{date:"2-2024",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2024",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"115,000",review:"I am extremely satisfied with what Randy was able to do for me. He is very responsive and coached me thoughtfully through out the negotiation and decision making process. This made things less stressful for me. I had multiple offers with different timelines which made things hard to manage. I know I needed some professional help but the end result is beyond my expectation and the salary increase from the negotiation is something I would never pull off by myself."},{date:"2-2024",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2024",company:"Intuit",logoUrl:"",title:"Staff Software Engineer",increase:"45,000",review:"I can't speak highly enough of Joe's assistance throughout my negotiation process. From our very first call, he came up with a smart strategy using my two offers, which led to a much better deal. He was highly responsive; I found myself seamlessly texting him and HR representatives with minimal delay, which expedited the negotiation process tremendously. Joe provided clear direction on when and what to communicate, as well as how to reinforce my leverage effectively. I learned a lot from him, and the outcome surpassed my expectations!"},{date:"2-2024",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2024",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Data Scientist IC4",increase:"35,000",review:"My coach did an excellent job. They were able to respond quickly to any of my questions and got me above my negotiating target in just two quick rounds of negotiation. I learned a lot on how to word negotiation emails to put you in the best possible position given where you are at with your other offers, even if you don't have a firm one to start with."},{date:"2-2024",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2024",increase:"60,000",review:"I'm so happy I used Randy helped me negotiate a salary increase of 60K! I never expected to receive such an increase. Randy helped me craft emails to negotiate my offer and promptly responded to all my questions/emails (in less than 10 minutes). I would highly recommend him to anyone!"},{date:"1-2024",humanReadableDate:"1 / 2024",company:"Microsoft",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer 2",increase:"30,000",review:"The recruiter really helped me understand the job market and my particular scenario. She was really quick and prompt with her responses so that we could meet my timeline constraints. As a result, we were able to work collectively and land a really good job offer."},{date:"1-2024",humanReadableDate:"1 / 2024",company:"Bloomberg",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"20,000",review:"I'm pretty happy with the service since Randy helped to increase the offer and made me feel not stressed about the negotiation process in this market condition plus my specific situation. Which tells me that Levels have experienced coaches to help in any case."},{date:"1-2024",humanReadableDate:"1 / 2024",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer E4",increase:"30,000",review:"Randy was incredibly professional and knowledgeable when it comes to negotiation. He was extremely responsive, and I think the longest that I had to wait to hear back from him via email was 20 minutes. I was thoroughly impressed at the amount of knowledge that he had about the negotiation/interview process and how to maximize the levers of my current situation. I really appreciate that Randy focused first and foremost on what I wanted to get out of my job hunt and negotiations."},{date:"1-2024",humanReadableDate:"1 / 2024",increase:"60,000",review:"I can't recommend Randy highly enough for his extraordinary professionalism and expertise in the negotiation process. In a climate where flexibility in total compensation adjustments was notably tough, Randy's dedication and negotiation skills truly stood out.\n\nHe worked tirelessly to advocate for an increase in my total compensation package. Despite facing external constraints and a challenging negotiation environment, Randy's expertise shone through. He successfully secured $60K for me, a testament to his remarkable negotiation prowess and commitment to achieving the best possible outcome for his clients.\n\nRandy's quick, responsive communication style was a constant reassurance throughout the process. He explored every possible avenue for negotiation, demonstrating his in-depth knowledge and understanding of the intricacies involved. His ability to secure significant additional benefits under such tight conditions was impressive and greatly appreciated.\n\nI am immensely grateful for Randy's unwavering support and guidance. His efforts not only led to a successful outcome in my negotiations but also made the process far less stressful than it could have been. For anyone in need of a knowledgeable, responsible, and effective negotiator, especially in challenging times, Randy is undoubtedly the go-to professional.\n\nThank you, Randy, for your extraordinary efforts. Your work made a significant difference, and I look forward to the opportunities that your can bring out to others."},{date:"1-2024",humanReadableDate:"1 / 2024",company:"DoorDash",logoUrl:"",title:"SWE",increase:"20,000",review:"Sara's exceptional negotiating skills and support were immensely helpful. Sara's prompt responsiveness in setting up a meeting on the same day I purchased the service was amazing. Sara was able to provide me with all the necessary information, and more importantly, she instilled confidence in me to negotiate a $20,000 increase in my total compensation for my mid-level position."},{date:"1-2024",humanReadableDate:"1 / 2024",company:"Westland",name:"RS",title:"Full Stack Software Developer",increase:"10,000",review:"Hiring Levels for negotiation advising was the best investment I've ever made. "},{date:"12-2023",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2023",company:"Atlassian",logoUrl:"",increase:"67,000",review:"Randy was instrumental in getting me the absolute best offer. Absolutely crazy return on investment. You might be able to negotiate on your own to get a better offer, but these folks get you the best offer."},{date:"12-2023",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2023",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"IC5 Product Data Science",increase:"87,900",review:" is a must-use-service if you want to maximize your negotiation chops and collaborate with recruiters who will work towards getting you the optimal offer."},{date:"12-2023",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2023",title:"Lead Software Engineer",increase:"70,125",review:"My coach Sara Abdel has helped me get 20% more total compensation for my first year. She is very responsive, and patient and provides clear guidance about how to react to each step. She can fully leverage my advantages in the email templates and help me draft a convincing story to move the needle! "},{date:"12-2023",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2023",company:"Robinhood",logoUrl:"",title:"Staff Software Engineer",increase:"89,000",review:"I worked with Karis as my negotiator, who was top notch. Karis gave me the confidence and structure to negotiate my offer, and was super helpful with advice and reassurance throughout the process. I wholeheartedly recommend Levels as an investment in your career; it's far easier to secure the kind of bump (almost 20%!) I was able to get with Karis's help now than after you're hired."},{date:"12-2023",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2023",company:"Zoom",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Product Designer",increase:"15,000",review:"Karis was extremely informative during all of our video calls and email interactions. She provided a recap after our initial video call and continued to be very responsive via email to help with my negotiation for an offer. She prepped me on different scenarios that may arise and because of that I felt more confident going into the conversations with the recruiter with the negotiation. Karis went above and beyond to help me increase the offer even helped me with a negotiation email on a weekend. Appreciate Karis' assistance and helping increase my offer. "},{date:"12-2023",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2023",company:"Hubspot",logoUrl:"",title:"Product Manager",increase:"30,000",review:"Randy was an incredible resource to help me go through the offer process. He was very responsive, shared a lot of good insights and was always available to discuss negotiation strategies. "},{date:"11-2023",humanReadableDate:"11 / 2023",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",title:"Enterprise Account Manager",increase:"44,000",review:"Randy was great to work with throughout the negotiation process. He scheduled the introductory chat within 24 hours of my signing up for the service, walked me through the different negotiation levers available on hand, and was very prompt with his replies to my questions. His advice helped me increase my overall total compensation by quite a decent amount and I would wholeheartedly recommend his service to my peers. "},{date:"11-2023",humanReadableDate:"11 / 2023",company:"Atlassian",logoUrl:"",name:"CG",title:"Fullstack Engineer",increase:"125,000",review:"Elle was absolutely fantastic! I knew that I wanted to negotiate, but her advice and tactics gave me the confidence I needed to communicate effectively with the recruiter and get the offer I was seeking. She knew exactly what to say, when to say it, and even wrote out a sample response for me. I'd recommend her to anyone! "},{date:"11-2023",humanReadableDate:"11 / 2023",company:"Okta",logoUrl:"",title:"Sr. Marketing Manager",increase:"95,000",review:"I can't thank Randy enough for his helping negotiating my offer. He was extremely on top of everything, and supportive along the way. I have negotiated before, but without professional assistance. This blew my past experiences out of the water. I felt confident, and knew with certainty that what I was asking for what an appropriate amount. So happy I was able to work with Randy and get what I wanted within 24 hours."},{date:"11-2023",humanReadableDate:"11 / 2023",company:"Capital One",logoUrl:"",name:"AL",title:"Senior Associate Data Engineer",increase:"21,700",review:"Elle was able to help me approach each company on a case-by-case basis, put me in the right mental headspace for negotiating, and was there throughout the entire months-long process!"},{date:"10-2023",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2023",company:"Oracle",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"15,000",review:"The session was extremely helpful, the coach described what I might expect during the recruiting process and did very thorough research; everything went exactly as they outlined it, and I was very happy with the outcome."},{date:"10-2023",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2023",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"64,000",review:'The greatest value in having a seasoned pro Sara always within one text message away is the fact that I get to validate my own opinions on how to proceed with the negotiation. Without Sara, I would have been less "daring" in asking for the stuff that I did ask for.'},{date:"10-2023",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2023",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Sr Software Engineer",increase:"155,000",review:"The session with Randy was very helpful, we had to go back and forth with Meta and provide extra datapoints for Meta to increase the offer from the starting point. Randy did a great job responding to my questions in a timely manner and helping me craft emails with winning strategy. Overall, I am very happy with the way things turned out and would highly recommend him."},{date:"10-2023",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2023",title:"Staff Software Engineer",increase:"45,000",review:"Joe helped me raise my initial offer by $75K. I wish I had used this service earlier in my career. It would have had a huge impact on my lifetime earnings."},{date:"10-2023",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2023",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",increase:"20,000",review:"Randy was key for my successful negotiations with Google. He took the time to understand my priorities and goals and tailored all the negotiation process around it. He helped me anchoring our ask at a high point, and at the end of the negotiation he helped driving an additional 20K TC increase over Google’s “final” offer."},{date:"9-2023",humanReadableDate:"9 / 2023",company:"Palo Alto Networks",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior PM",increase:"30,000",review:"It was great learning experience - life time experience for me."},{date:"9-2023",humanReadableDate:"9 / 2023",company:"Mercury",logoUrl:"",name:"JP",title:"Senior Full-Stack Engineer",increase:"34,000",review:"I loved working with Randy - he helped me get $34k in extra equity at a Series B startup!"},{date:"9-2023",humanReadableDate:"9 / 2023",name:"KL",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"28,000",review:'If you feel even remotely shaky about negotiating an offer, get this service. You can thank me later. As a candidate, there are often a lot of pressures working against you that make taking a "good enough" offer seem like the best course of action, and my personal circumstances were pushing my nerves into overdrive. From day 1, Randy was *understanding, responsive, and thorough*: taking in and leveraging all aspects of my situation to determine the best way forward. Along with the tailored responses he provided, we were able to push my offer from "good enough" to "amazing", way beyond where I would have dared to try on my own. The service pays for itself and then some, it\'s that simple.'},{date:"9-2023",humanReadableDate:"9 / 2023",increase:"25,000",review:"I recently had the privilege of working with an offer negotiation coach from, and my experience was nothing short of stellar. Right from the beginning, I was struck by the coach's fast response times, ensuring that I never felt left in the dark. Their depth of knowledge was evident, showcasing inside insights that one wouldn't easily find elsewhere. But what truly stood out were the creative ideas brought forth during our sessions. These ideas not only challenged me to think differently but also played a pivotal role in helping me land a significantly higher offer. Throughout the entire process, the coach remained respectful, making sure that all my concerns were addressed. For anyone on the fence about hiring a negotiation coach, I'd say: go for it! With, you're not just getting guidance; you're gaining a strategic partner who genuinely roots for your success."},{date:"9-2023",humanReadableDate:"9 / 2023",company:"Mastercard",logoUrl:"",title:"Director Product Management",increase:"10,000",review:"Gina was a phenomenal coach who boosted my confidence and helped me negotiate a salary $10K higher than the original offer, including additional incentives. Her guidance was invaluable and I highly recommend her."},{date:"9-2023",humanReadableDate:"9 / 2023",name:"AK",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"35,000",review:"Awesome service! Joe's templates and strategy backed up by the compensation data takes all the guesswork and stress out of negotiating."},{date:"9-2023",humanReadableDate:"9 / 2023",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"70,000",review:"Karis was SO HELPFUL. I would have never known how to negotiate otherwise, especially without competing offers. She was responsive and showed me the right ways to ask for more. I cannot say enough good things about this service. Best ROI I have ever made."},{date:"8-2023",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2023",company:"Redacted",logoUrl:"",name:"BAJ",title:"Quantitative Scientist",increase:"12,500",review:"I was hesitant about hiring a negotiation coach because I felt that I already knew a lot, but I have absolutely no regrets after working with Emiko was super affable throughout, and, despite facing a relatively inflexible offer situation, he helped me increase my total annual compensation by $12.5k. I came in with prior knowledge about negotiating techniques, but I was so grateful to have Emiko's extra support. He was amazing at helping me craft emails that were polite but firm and he acted as my thought partner in figuring out how (and when!) to make my asks. Most of all, Emiko helped calm my anxieties so that I could communicate confidently during the process. We left nothing on the table."},{date:"8-2023",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2023",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",title:"Visual Designer",increase:"13,000",review:"Honestly everything was great. Randy was straight to the point and had insightful answers to all of my questions! I was able to get an increase of 13k on my annual salary! He was also super responsive and would respond in less than ten minutes. Very happy!"},{date:"8-2023",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2023",company:"Apple",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Engineer",increase:"40,000",review:"I had the opportunity to work with while negotiating my job offer at Apple, and my experience was quite positive. I was paired with Timi, who provided invaluable assistance throughout the negotiation process. Timi not only helped me draft a strong email template to present my case but also guided me in effectively highlighting the details of my competing job offer. I also want to express my gratitude to Brian, who was consistently responsive to all my inquiries and played a significant role in drafting follow-up emails for both potential employers. I am thankful for the assistance I received from during my job offer negotiation at Apple. Their guidance was instrumental in achieving a favorable outcome, and I recommend their services to anyone navigating the complexities of offers and negotiations in the tech industry."},{date:"8-2023",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2023",company:"Asana",logoUrl:"",title:"Technical Program Manager",increase:"22,000",review:"The levels team are experts at the craft of negotiating. They are master communicators that are able to help you ask for what you need and get it. Even after 1 call you will feel more prepared for your negotiation! "},{date:"8-2023",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2023",company:"Pinterest",logoUrl:"",title:"Staff Software Engineer",increase:"100,000",review:"It was great! The negotiator made me feel at ease and help reduce the anxiety. The negotiator clearly mentioned what I could expect to happen as the next steps and how I can potentially steer the conversation so that we opened room for negotiation politely yet staying on your ground. It was organized and well structured. "},{date:"7-2023",humanReadableDate:"7 / 2023",company:"Splunk",logoUrl:"",increase:"60,000",review:"Joe helped me navigate a fortunate, but difficult situation. I had 5 competing offers with staggered timelines. Joe helped me enrich my options while staying flexible. The end result was a 60k total comp increase at my top company."},{date:"7-2023",humanReadableDate:"7 / 2023",company:"Sony",logoUrl:"",title:"Sr. Engineering Manager",increase:"22,800",review:"Randy was an invaluable partner in helping me leverage my other offers to increase TC from the company I wanted to work at."},{date:"7-2023",humanReadableDate:"7 / 2023",company:"Square",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"40,000",review:'Sarah was very response and provided a lot of info. Before booking the service, I was going to negotiate myself and ask for a small signing bonus since I thought everything else was "good enough." Sarah drafted me a professional e-mail and I ended up getting an increase in base salary and larger sign on bonus than I would have asked for! Her email was simple yet professional and it did the recruiter whom I was negotiating with even mentioned specific details from the letter she drafted in our call which highlighted how good of a communication device it was.'},{date:"7-2023",humanReadableDate:"7 / 2023",company:"Okta",logoUrl:"",name:"VS",title:"Group Product Manager",increase:"19,000",review:"Levels is doing the Lord’s work in leveling the playing field between employer and employee. I would wholeheartedly recommend them to anyone and would definitely do business with them again. Joe is awesome!!!"},{date:"6-2023",humanReadableDate:"6 / 2023",company:"Cruise",logoUrl:"",name:"AH",title:"Senior Software Engineer II",increase:"51,500",review:"The whole process from start to finish working with Joe at was phenomenal. I had what I suspected was an incoming verbal offer come into play with only 2 days notice, and even though there were not available sessions, the Levels team worked to set me up with a coach within the next day. Joe was very plugged into the space I was interviewing in (autonomous vehicles/robotics/ML/AI). He had a detailed and up-to-date understanding of comp levels and bands, internal company processes and dynamics that lead to decisions around comp, how to handle and align multiple incoming offers, and ultimately how to put myself in the best position both presently and with consideration of my future career trajectory. I’ve been raving about this service to all of my friends and I couldn’t recommend it more highly."},{date:"6-2023",humanReadableDate:"6 / 2023",title:"Staff/Principal PM",increase:"55,000",review:"Kacy, my Senior Technical Recruiter, was exceptional and the perfect teammate to have on my side through this process. She was incredibly efficient, knowledgeable, and played a strategic role throughout my negotiations. Kacy's skill set is top-class and she was a valuable teacher, illuminating the finer points of the recruitment process. Investing in this service was one of the best financial decisions I've made. If you're considering this service, don't. Simply dive in and witness the transformative experience yourself - with Kacy at your side, you're in the best hands."},{date:"6-2023",humanReadableDate:"6 / 2023",company:"HubSpot",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Software Engineer I (Frontend)",increase:"14,000",review:"Elle is extremely knowledgeable about the tech industry. Her insights into the negotiation process and compensation bands are fueled by both market data and personal experience, making her extremely adept at navigating the complex relationship between numbers and emotions when negotiating an offer. She guided me to negotiate a five-figure change in my total compensation, which truly will make a huge difference in my life!"},{date:"6-2023",humanReadableDate:"6 / 2023",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",title:"SWE L5",increase:"170,000",review:"I cannot overstate the tremendous impact Randy had on my journey to secure a L5 SWE offer from Google. Thanks to Randy's expertise and support, I achieved a $170K increase in my compensation package. Right from the start, Randy demonstrated a deep understanding of the industry and accurately assessed my market value. With this knowledge, Randy skillfully crafted a highly effective and thoughtful email template that served as the foundation for my negotiation strategy. Throughout the process, Randy was consistently responsive, promptly addressing all my inquiries and concerns. I highly recommend Randy to anyone seeking expert assistance in navigating complex job negotiations."},{date:"6-2023",humanReadableDate:"6 / 2023",company:"Stripe",logoUrl:"",title:"Product Manager L4",increase:"75,000",review:"Randy was great! Very responsive and knowledgable, and helped me get a great increase on my offer. Highly recommend. "},{date:"5-2023",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2023",company:"TikTok",logoUrl:"",increase:"37,000",review:"So glad I've decided to use this service! Catherine Amanda, my negotiator was great all along. Although I appreciated the initial call, it was the almost immediate warm & kind follow-up after I most appreciated. She was great at helping draft responses and overall incredible emotional support in the nerve wracking process that is negotiating a job offer. I would 500% chose this again and I recommend it wholeheartedly particularly to those going through this for the first time (I have a long career, but this was my first time moving companies)."},{date:"5-2023",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2023",company:"Fabric",logoUrl:"",title:"SDE 2",increase:"27,000",review:"Everything has been phenomenal. Sara not only did help me get a higher offer but also taught me an important skill that I would be able to use in future negotiations. I would 100% recommend Sara and this service to all the job seekers out there and would definitely use this service again for future negotiations."},{date:"5-2023",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2023",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",name:"NN",title:"SWE",increase:"23,000",review:"Emiko was very helpful throughout the process, with prompt replies for any questions I had throughout the way. We worked together during the negotiation process and within a matter of days increased the offer by ~23K!"},{date:"5-2023",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2023",company:"Procore",logoUrl:"",increase:"34,000",review:"Even for the seasoned negotiator, this is a no-brainer. No value, no cost. In exchange you get an unbiased third party to push you when it feels uncomfortable. This negotiation is too important to go solo. I won't ever again."},{date:"4-2023",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2023",company:"Block",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Data Analyst",increase:"58,000",review:"The session with was just awesome. I worked with Joe and he was very patient in understanding my job offer situation and prior conversations with my recruiter. He acted quickly in drafting a plan and guiding through how I can negotiate based on my current TC. His draft email in next 2 hours after the call was just neat/crisp and he clearly talked through the touch points needed for negotiation. Joe was also very supportive in responding over email and jumping on any follow up calls. I certainly recommend as the expert to reach out to for negotiation! "},{date:"4-2023",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2023",company:"Snap",logoUrl:"",title:"Sofware Engineer L6",increase:"30,000",review:"Randy was extremely helpful throughout the process by answering all my questions, providing great advice and being super responsive. This experience exceeded my expectations overall. I learned a lot about the do's and don'ts in negotiations and was able to get a $30K increase on my strongest offer."},{date:"3-2023",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2023",title:"Staff Software Engineer",review:"Randy was my coach and he superbly led me through the entire (foreign to me) tech recruiter hiring and negotiation process. Despite having over a decade of experience, I had never negotiated total comp before and it was so valuable to have someone as experienced as him to coach me through how to approach discussions with recruiters as well as answer all my questions I felt embarrassed to ask anyone else. Thanks to Randy's specific, actionable guidance, I deployed his negotiation strategy which led to me landing a new role a full level above my previous TC!"},{date:"3-2023",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2023",company:"Stripe",logoUrl:"",title:"Staff Software Engineer",increase:"47,000",review:"Every call I had with Randy was helpful. I wasn't sure how to navigate who should give numbers first, how to approach talking to two companies at the same time, etc. It also relieved a lot of the anxiety about having an offer rescinded after asking for more compensation. I was impressed about Randy's knowledge of what the market conditions were for my given role and company I was interviewing for. I also appreciated that Randy's email templates for how to engage with recruiters, as it made it much easier for me to have confidence to communicate with them."},{date:"3-2023",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2023",company:"Thumbtack",logoUrl:"",name:"MD",title:"Senior Engineer",increase:"14,000",review:"Randy was extremely responsive and provided great suggestions for emailing my recruiter which were tailored to my situation. My initial offer was on the high side for my role, but the service was worth it for the increase in base salary alone, plus we also increased RSUs offered!"},{date:"3-2023",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2023",company:"Lockheed Martin",logoUrl:"",name:"AA",title:"Senior Mechanical Engineer",increase:"5,000",review:"One of the best services I've ever paid for. Emiko helped me write the best counter offer email I have ever used. Every time I emailed and schedule calls the response was almost instantaneous. I recommend this service to anyone working on their application process all the way to the offer process."},{date:"3-2023",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2023",company:"Snap",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer L6",increase:"115,000",review:"Randy was very helpful. He helped me gain the confidence I needed to ask for an increase, and crafted an email that just needed minor tweaks before being sent over to the recruiter. The process was smooth and this was a great investment."},{date:"3-2023",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2023",company:"Juniper Square",logoUrl:"",name:"SG",title:"Engineering Manager",increase:"22,000",review:"I think the service is awesome. I honestly didn't even know where to start in terms of negotiating since I didn't have competing offers. On top of that, I was negotiating compensation offer from a Series D startup for which there wasn't much public data. Elle, my negotiator, did a great job of pulling as much comparative data possible from other similar-ish companies. In the end, I am confident that with Elle's help we were able to negotiate the best possible offer from the company. "},{date:"2-2023",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2023",company:"Square",logoUrl:"",name:"Stephan",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"33,000",review:"Kacy went above and beyond to help me navigate the difficult, layoff-ridden market of early 2023. She confidently and smartly pushed for a 10% increase in the total compensation I was offered - an 18x return on investment! Beyond that, she helped me with the team-matching process, understanding contract details, and calming my nerves."},{date:"2-2023",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2023",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"205,000",review:"Randy did a fantastic job helping me negotiate a significant increase in offer, 60% more RSU, and 20% more in the base for about 200K more total yearly compensation. Randy was able to help craft a good strategy given the data points I had to work with, and help put together key messages and talking points for the recruiter that was critical to making this happen. Randy was very responsive and focused on helping me achieve my goal of joining the company at compensation on the very high end for my level."},{date:"1-2023",humanReadableDate:"1 / 2023",company:"iManage",logoUrl:"",title:"Sr. Principal Engineer",increase:"25,000",review:"Joe helped me navigate the negotiation process and gave me insight into the way compensation decisions are made. It was a great help to not be basically guessing as to what to ask for or what was reasonable, and the end result was a terrific outcome."},{date:"1-2023",humanReadableDate:"1 / 2023",increase:"45,000",review:"It was awesome! Randy laid out the various paths we could take negotiating my offers. He also told me what strategies recruiters like to use that I should look out for. He was super responsive throughout the process. I really don't think I could've gotten this outcome without him!"},{date:"12-2022",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2022",company:"Uber",logoUrl:"",increase:"43,000",review:"Joe's coaching led to an absolutely incredible outcome, exceeding even my most optimistic expectations. He was also able to navigate regional nuances about my offer, as well as being super fast, and giving some bonus advice about things not directly related to the offer."},{date:"12-2022",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2022",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",increase:"125,000",review:"Joe negotiated a $125,000 increase in my year. His advice was solid and had the desired outcome. In addition to solid negotiating tips, Joe gave me the confidence to respectfully counter and get my total comp up to its market value. He also helped with my exit at Google to make sure I left on good terms. Thanks so much Joe! Highly recommend!! "},{date:"12-2022",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2022",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",name:"AC",title:"L6 Senior Software Engineer",increase:"141,000",review:"It was super helpful. Randy had the experience that I needed to answer questions regarding the process, who I was negotiating with, and how to write the counter offer email. It was so good they gave us everything we asked for. "},{date:"12-2022",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2022",title:"Senior iOS Engineer",increase:"110,000",review:"I’m blown away. My offer went up by $110,000, and I learned so much from Joe. I’m recommending this service to everyone I know, and I’ll definitely use it again. Thank you!"},{date:"11-2022",humanReadableDate:"11 / 2022",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",title:"SWE III",increase:"56,580",review:"Timi is so helpful and knowledgable. The session was really eye opening to me as I had no competing offers and Timi told me that we could still increase total TC by quite a bit. I don't have any prior experience of negotiating and Timi helped me keep some answers ready based on what could happen in the initial calls with my recruiter. He also helped me draft an email response to ask for more. Personally, I did not expect too much increase as I did not have any competing offers, but I was quite surprised when I got a total of $55k TC increase in first year. I would 10/10 recommend to anyone who has never done any negotiating before. This is an entire different world to me. The ROI of this service is amazing coz you take this learning and can use it in future as well."},{date:"11-2022",humanReadableDate:"11 / 2022",increase:"90,000",review:"When the initial offer for the company I wanted to join came in lower than I was expecting I didn't know how to respond. I had already shared my other offer and I didn't have much leverage. Randy helped me strategize and put together a very professional counter that ended up working. I am thrilled to get my top choice offer to this level and feel really good about my compensation going into a new job! Thank you Randy for coaching me through the strategy and putting together numbers for a counter that ended up being successful."},{date:"11-2022",humanReadableDate:"11 / 2022",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",name:"O.O.",title:"SWE",increase:"77,000",review:"Having Timi as a negotiator was like having a big brother behind your back to support you with useful industry information and morale. I felt very confident speaking to my recruiter because of the tools and information Timi gave me. I learnt a lot of tricks and tips for negotiating salary and gained a lot of confidence through the process. Timi was very prompt, gave detailed explanations for each step we took in the negotiations. Negotiating is a very tough task for me and this service provided me with the validation and strength that I needed!"},{date:"10-2022",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2022",company:"Intuit",logoUrl:"",title:"Manager 2 Development",increase:"30,000",review:"I was a little nervous since I wasn't negotiating with a FAANG company like most of the reviewers and wasn't sure if it would be as effective, but I'm so glad I took a chance. My initial offer seemed pretty good from where I was coming from but Erin looked at all the numbers and helped me draft a response to make the case for why an increase would be appropriate and give a reasonable range. Thankfully we had our initial meeting just prior to the call with the offer so she had coached me on how to respond during the call. The total increase was around $55k which is just amazing to me. I was terrified of sending the email to ask for more and could hardly believe they agreed to it, but for Erin it was just all in a day's work. She was extremely responsive and even accommodating outside regular hours since we were working from opposite coasts. I hope to be in this job a good long time, but won't hesitate to use this service if I find myself on the hunt again someday. "},{date:"10-2022",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2022",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",title:"Engagement Manager",increase:"26,010",review:"I think the service is amazing. I honestly didn't even know where to start in terms of negotiating. My negotiator took the time to really understand what I wanted and gather all the details. He crafted several responses which ultimately led to about a $36k increase in total compensation. He explained when we should email vs call, how to hold my tone, and the logic behind his responses. I'm very happy with my ROI."},{date:"10-2022",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2022",company:"AWS",logoUrl:"",title:"Technical Product Manager",increase:"50,000",review:"Timi is fantastic! He reviewed my resume some months back that helped me break into Product Management. And this time around he helped me get a strong offer from Amazon. I had never negotiated on a job offer before. He helped me overcome my nerves by reassuring and providing a script to tackle different scenarios. He is very knowledgeable and realistic. My offer landed exactly on the 'Most likely' scenario worked out by him! He is very prompt in his response too. Thank you very much, Timi!"},{date:"10-2022",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2022",company:"Apple",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"132,000",review:"The session with Taylor was incredibly helpful. He helped me draft responses to recruiters that were professional, polished, and made my argument effectively. He walked through my various options with me, which helped me make decisions between different offers and on how to push certain offers forward. He was also a great sounding board for me to check what parts of the process were typical or atypical, and to sanity check my responses before I hopped on the phone with recruiters or hiring managers. Working with Taylor made me much more confident and comfortable in the negotiation process."},{date:"9-2022",humanReadableDate:"9 / 2022",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",increase:"150,000",review:"Randy was attentive, supportive, knowledgeable and encouraging. He helped me gain confidence in my value. The techniques and insights he provided were invaluable. I was apprehensive before the first conversation but Randy immediately put me at ease and began to demonstrate the value of this service. He rapidly responded to communications and none of our conversations were rushed. He genuinely cared and i felt it! I will take these lessons with me for the rest of my career. The website rapidly became my go to research location. It has a wealth of valid information and very useful functionality. Randy & thank you for this life changing experience! "},{date:"9-2022",humanReadableDate:"9 / 2022",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"105,000",review:"My advisor Karis was awesome. At first, I felt it is difficult to increase the TC by 100k in this tough market, but Karis made it. She was very supportive and strategic. She anticipated multiple possible responses from recruiter and prepared suitable responses for each possible scenario. I sincerely recommend Karis for this advisory role. Thank you so much !"},{date:"9-2022",humanReadableDate:"9 / 2022",company:"Pure Storage",logoUrl:"",name:"AK",title:"Member of Technical Staff",increase:"50,000",review:"First of all I was able to quickly find the session for the next day, which is invaluable due to the time pressure. During the session, my negotiator went through the process from the recruiter point of view and elaborated all the details quick and efficient. Everything was up to the point, no empty words. From my standpoint, I was able to think out loud, discuss, get feedback, and receive a few important suggestions. After the call I received a template email. With the strategy laid out, my package bumped up for 50k/year. The negotiation session price totally worth it. I'm going to use the service next time and recommend it to friends."},{date:"9-2022",humanReadableDate:"9 / 2022",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",title:"Staff Software Engineer",increase:"83,000",review:'It was incredibly valuable to work with Randy. His advice was clear and actionable, his email template was easy to adapt and he gave me very useful insider information on what motivates the recruiting team. Working with a coach gave me the confidence to submit numbers way above anything I would have suggested myself, and stopped me over-thinking once I had hit "send"!'},{date:"9-2022",humanReadableDate:"9 / 2022",company:"Microsoft",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Development Engineer II",increase:"35,000",review:"All facets of the negotiation process were outlined, including not just compensation numbers, but also peripheral details like time off in between jobs. For each request that I wanted to make, Joe gave a great perspective on how much we could ask for, what was reasonable to ask for, how to ask for it, etc. Plenty of help on constructing these requests in a way that made sense to the parties I was working with. There's a lot of subtleties that I simply have yet to discern due to my own priorities and biases, but the reality here is that Levels has among the best datasets for navigating these types of situations. Joe was able to help me overshoot my target. Thanks Joe!"},{date:"9-2022",humanReadableDate:"9 / 2022",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Hardware Engineer",increase:"33,000",review:"Randy helped demistify the negotiation process, and empowered me to navigate with clarity and surefootedness. He is very knowledgeable, and provides personalized and effective advice. Working with him on a Meta offer was an excellent learning experience, and helped increase my RSUs by 22.2% and base by 4.3%. His responses to my queries were prompt and effective. Going through such a process helps me start my new role with joy and peace of mind."},{date:"8-2022",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2022",company:"Apple",logoUrl:"",title:"IC5",increase:"100,000",review:"Harold's guidance throughout the negotiation was phenomenal! He had amazing suggestions every step of the way and was able to successfully navigate through non-trivial situations. I couldn't get what I was looking for without his support."},{date:"8-2022",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2022",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",title:"Solution Architect",increase:"37,000",review:"Levels FYI negotiation was 100% worth the price. Negotiators do a great job of understanding where the offer comes in and how much room for negotiation there is. They craft smart and well-thought-out emails and do take your input into account. They are able to understand a company's salary bands, what competing offers would look like, and provide great talking points for your conversations with recruiters."},{date:"8-2022",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2022",company:"FiveTran",logoUrl:"",title:"L3 Growth Product Manager",increase:"6,000",review:"Kimberlee was excellent from the start! She asked so many great questions in our initial call to understand my situation, and gain context that would be relevant for negotiations. She helped me write really professional emails in an influential yet graceful tone of voice and shared examples of \"ideal\" wordings/responses to strategically navigate specific scenarios. On top of that, she was super responsive anytime I needed help drafting an email response to a recruiter's question, or helping me anticipate what to expect and prepare for a phone conversation. Negotiations can be really stressful sometimes when you have outstanding offer deadlines and she really made me feel like I had a supportive advocate on my side. I would 10/10 recommend her and the negotiation service to any of my friends in tech! For context - By the time that I engaged Kimberlee I was already partway through my negotiation process but having challenging navigating multiple offers from a few companies that don't have big brand names with one company that did have brand weight. While the actual dollar increase from my negotiations post-engaging her wasn't impressively high in this case (because I was halfway through), Kimberlee was invaluable in supporting me to get across the finish line and helping me make the best decision at the offer acceptance stage."},{date:"8-2022",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2022",company:"Web3 Company",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"85,000",review:"The session is very helpful, I wish I had done it before in my prior job"},{date:"8-2022",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2022",company:"Stripe",logoUrl:"",increase:"140,000",review:"Randy has a ton of experience in terms of what the market can sustain and current trends which helped me craft a convincing argument to quickly negotiate a higher compensation package. He listened to my goals and the information I provided and used that to customize an email that was diplomatic yet firm, reducing the amount of back and forth and quickly closing with the company I was negotiating with."},{date:"7-2022",humanReadableDate:"7 / 2022",company:"TikTok",logoUrl:"",title:"Dev Ops Engineer",increase:"35,200",review:"Ashely did an amazing job from the beginning to end of the negotiation process. She took the time to answer all of my questions and understood when recruiters weren't so responsive. I really appreciate the help I received from I will use Levels again! "},{date:"7-2022",humanReadableDate:"7 / 2022",company:"Series E Startup",name:"JH",title:"Senior Product Designer",increase:"150,000",review:"Randy was very responsive and provided extremely helpful and actionable advice every step of the way. Not only were we able to negotiate for a package that I was very satisfied with in the end, but I also learned a few things about salary negotiation that I can carry with me for the rest of my career. The learning alone was worth much more than the price value. I would highly recommed this service. "},{date:"7-2022",humanReadableDate:"7 / 2022",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",name:"TH",title:"Data Scientist",increase:"50,000",review:"It was a surprisingly positive and valuable experience. Randy was very knowledgeable and extremely responsive. The result is much better than if I would have done it myself. I would recommend him and to anyone who is the process of landing a job offer."},{date:"7-2022",humanReadableDate:"7 / 2022",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"ML Engineer",increase:"100,000",review:"The sessions with Ryan were very helpful. Mainly , he 1) pushed me to do all my interviews even though I have had a potential offer that I liked, 2) talked to me about the TC baseline and what to expect (that raised what I had in mind), and 3) helped me with the back and forth with the recruiters. Given the potential outcome, the price is a no-brainer. "},{date:"7-2022",humanReadableDate:"7 / 2022",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",increase:"100,000",review:" has changed the course of my life. Companies have all the information and information is power. changes that power dynamic and empowers the job seeker. I first learned of about 5 years ago. A friend invited me for coffee and then explained that I was likely underpaid using the data from At that time, I thought I was paid well but gave me new insight. From, I learned that a mid-level engineer at a large tech firm could earn more than an executive at a small company. Using the data on as inspiration, I changed about how I thought about my career.\nIn the 5 years since, I’ve taken several different roles at companies that didn’t make the list at, but the data was always a helpful reference. After all this time, last month, I interviewed with AWS and they made me an offer. Yay! I immediate signed up for Level’s negotiation service. I have a strong believe that paid advisors – accountants, lawyers, other specialists – should pay for themselves. data had already shown itself to be the best out there so the negotiation service was a no brainer. \ connected me with Joe. Within hours, Joe and I had a 30 minute call where he explained the process. I sent him the offer and all the other data he requested. Joe told me what to say to the AWS recruiter who -- within 4 hours -- increased their offer $100k/year. For $2k, a 30-minute phone call, a little bit of prep, and 2 emails; the payback was $400k (over 4 years). Wow! This result far exceeded my expectations but is a testament to what a knowledgeable professional advisor can do. And even if I hadn’t seen this type of increase, I would have been happy for the validation and peace of mind I was being paid fairly for the role, company, experience, and location. Thanks Joe!! "},{date:"6-2022",humanReadableDate:"6 / 2022",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Engineering Manager (M2)",increase:"202,000",review:"Randy was absolutely amazing. Not only did he help me negotiate the final offer and have a massive $200K increase per year but also from the initial conversation with the recruiters, he helped me push for a M2 leveling at Meta and L7 leveling at Google. FAANGs have a habit of down leveling you. Thanks to his advice I managed to be considered at the right level, which pushed my initial offer much higher than it would have been. It's a no brainer: take a coach. The return on investment is here and it personally gave me peace of mind to focus on interviewing. Randy not only delivered but he also supported me throughout and helped me lower my stress to focus on smashing the interview. I strongly strongly recommend Randy! He absolutely knocked it out of the park."},{date:"6-2022",humanReadableDate:"6 / 2022",company:"Lucid Motors",logoUrl:"",name:"Sati T.",title:"Sr. Product Designer",increase:"50,000",review:"I paid for the service when there was no offer yet. Therefore, my interaction with Randy dragged on for a couple of months. In total, we held two phone calls. Very detailed emails were also sent. Randy gave advice not only on negotiation, but also in general on the strategy of approach to my choice of work for further career growth. For a person who has recently arrived in the US, these tips were very valuable to me. I am very grateful for the help! I increased the offer by at least $50,000. It’s hard to say for sure now, since some salary items are calculated not for 1 year, but for 4 years."},{date:"6-2022",humanReadableDate:"6 / 2022",company:"Zoox",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"200,000",review:"Joe is knowledgeable, experienced, and an amazing partner to have on your team. He guided me throughout the process of negotiating multiple offers. For each of my interactions with the recruiters, Joe coached me about exactly what to say, what information to obtain, and the rationale for it. He drafted carefully worded emails for each of my counter offers and asks. Equally importantly, Joe explained each step of the process from the recruiters' point of view and helped keep my nerves. I would highly recommend Joe's help to anyone looking to offload comp negotiation to a professional. It will likely result in the optimal outcome, with absolute peace of mind."},{date:"6-2022",humanReadableDate:"6 / 2022",company:"Wayfair",logoUrl:"",name:"G.R. ",title:"Senior Economist",increase:"100,000",review:"Randy was super helpful. Most importantly he gave me confidence that it's fine to ask for more repeatedly. He also gave specific sentences to use while talking to HRs and helped me draft a couple of emails. I was much more confident when entering negotiations with HRs, both over email and in person, and was able to increase my total comp in first year by 30%. "},{date:"6-2022",humanReadableDate:"6 / 2022",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",name:"JP",title:"Sr. Manager",increase:"109,000",review:" was an extremely eye-opening experience, starting with just browsing the compensation data on the website and then all the way through the engagement. Randy was instrumental in helping me achieve a total compensation well above my expectations. His knowledge of the market and process gave me the confidence to hold out and counteroffer an already excellent initial offer, without being scared to do so. His strategy of what to ask for and how to ask for it made the other side eager to get additional approvals to close the deal quickly. It’s amazing how a good strategy and a couple of well crafted emails resulted in over $400k of additional compensation over a 4 year period. The ROI on the cost of this engagement is better and more immediate than any other investment I’ve ever made."},{date:"6-2022",humanReadableDate:"6 / 2022",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Security Engineer",increase:"67,750",review:"Joe obviously knew his stuff and was able to give me valuable insight into how the negotiating process worked from the other side of the equation."},{date:"5-2022",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2022",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",name:"TW",title:"Product Manager",increase:"63,000",review:"I paid $650 for a $63K TC return - talk about the best return on investment ever; wow, just wow!! This service was fantastic (and I've already recommended it to all of my friends) not just because of the financial return, but also the confidence instilled by Janet (my negotiation coach) throughout the entire process that you are worth WAY MORE than you think. I consider myself a decent negotiator, but it's just a different game when it comes to tech recruiting; to have a negotiation coach who is also a tech recruiter and thus knows the game is extremely invaluable.\nTo expand more on why this was a life changing service, Janet started off with an ambitious question: what's your north star / dream offer? I threw a number that felt viscerally uncomfortable, but Janet did not waver: \"let's go for it\", which gave me all the confidence that this number was attainable (tl;dr, I was only 5K off from this number at the end, so confidence in your worth is key to a successful negotiation).\nAnd off we went - the negotiations game began! To not belabor this review with unnecessary details, where Janet played a pivotal role was all the small details. When to disclose/leverage compensation information; how to communicate deflection for recruiter questions that don't ultimately serve you; how to leverage competing offers with integrity. I communicated with her almost every day for a week and would share with her my recruiter emails & get feedback on ideas, and she responded very quickly. \nAll in all, Janet and the Levels.FYI team were the ultimate partner-in-crime, from defining the negotiation strategy all the way down to the execution & communication. Highly highly recommend!!"},{date:"5-2022",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2022",company:"Twilio",logoUrl:"",title:"Principal",increase:"52,000",review:"This was the first time I used the negotiation coaching service from I didn't exactly know what to expect but I was amazed by the knowledge Randy had about the space. He was extremely responsive and helped me negotiating my offer, which allowed me to obtain a revised package 14.5% higher than the original."},{date:"5-2022",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2022",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",increase:"136,000",review:"Kacy was very helpful. The verbiage she provided for my counteroffer statement helped provide the confidence and clarity to ask for what I really wanted."},{date:"5-2022",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2022",company:"Argo AI",logoUrl:"",name:"Yu-Kai Wang",title:"Software Engineer II",increase:"88,000",review:"Pete provided amazing templates that helped me to raise the compensation without any competing offer. Competing the offer with my current salary is possible. I feel less stressed during negotiation when having someone like Pete to counsel with. I also learned what to say and what not to say from these templates. "},{date:"5-2022",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2022",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer Machine Learning",increase:"100,000",review:"The session was super useful on evaluating multiple offers and having negotiation conversations with recruiters. The session taught me on how to go about putting forth expectations and being responsible with the communication and negotiation. "},{date:"5-2022",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2022",company:"Etsy",logoUrl:"",title:"Staff Android Engineer",increase:"70,000",review:"My coach was able to help me greatly increase my salary & signing bonus but, more than anything, having an expert to help guide me through the process really gave me peace of mind. Without this service I feel like I would have been stressing about every decision."},{date:"5-2022",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2022",company:"Pinterest",logoUrl:"",increase:"62,000",review:"Randy made me feel confident that the strategy I had originally set out for my salary negotiation was mostly correct, and help me with some kinks in it. The fact that he's had the experience before made me confident that I was following the right steps"},{date:"5-2022",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2022",company:"Hopper",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"45,000",review:"Randy was awesome, he was quick with his responses and was with me throughout the entire interview and negotiation process. The initial session was very informative and provided me with insight I had no idea about. Even throughout the negotiation process, Randy provided insight on what to expect and he was spot on."},{date:"5-2022",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2022",company:"Shopify",logoUrl:"",name:"AR",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"15,600",review:"The session helped me understand that negotiation is expected and not a deal-breaker as long as I am respectful and state my thoughts well.\nI also got handy tips on how to deal when I am asked about salary."},{date:"5-2022",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2022",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",name:"TN",title:"Product Operations Manager",increase:"10,000",review:"Ryan was very responsive and made sure I got the instant help to handle my negotiation as effectively as possible. Many people might argue that the what our coach tell us to do are something we all can find online. I totally agree with that. However, a coach will help you decide the right strategic move at the right moment, the right things to say/write in an email, the reasonable amount to ask for and have the right expectation for your negotiation. Everything based on your personal profile and unique situation. Ryan has done an excellent job to help me based on what I shared. With a new candidate who has never negotiated like me, this proves to be very valuable. "},{date:"5-2022",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2022",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",title:"Sr Interaction Designer (L5)",increase:"68,000",review:"Ryan validated my concern that the Google offer I received was extremely low and gave me the confidence and words to negotiate for something comparable to what I saw on Levels. I didn't have a competing offer and was coming from a job with no RSUs, so I didn't have much leverage; however, using parts of Ryan's email helped me craft a persuasive argument that Google accepted. Seeing numbers this high made my stomach churn with equal parts excitement and dread that I was getting taken advantage of, and I'm thankful that Ryan was so supportive. Maybe I could've asked for more, but it's a number that I'm happy with for my first big tech job."},{date:"5-2022",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2022",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Product Manager",increase:"100,000",review:"Joe is absolutely wonderful. He is extremely knowledgeable about the entire recruiting and compensation process. He quirky analyzed the situation and drafted the perfect email response to the initial offer. He even provided me timelines on when the deal would seal. I had an extremely smooth negotiation experience because of him. I was very stressed out about a few things and he responded to all my questions every step of the way. I was not offered a sign-on bonus in my initial offer but Joe included it in the counter-offer. I ended up getting a much higher sign-on bonus. I honestly couldn't have asked for a better coach. Thank you, Joe and the staff at Levels! Keep up the amazing work and I would 200% recommend you all to my friends and family."},{date:"5-2022",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2022",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",title:"Interaction Designer",increase:"30,000",review:"Joe was a pleasure to work with from the very start. He was extremely thorough during our initial call and set concrete expectations. My negotiation process was drawn out from the employer's side and Joe was responsive and calmed my nerves more than once. I would recommend Joe and this service to everyone. "},{date:"5-2022",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2022",company:"Microsoft",logoUrl:"",name:"ND",title:"SDE II",increase:"45,000",review:"The session was extremely helpful in terms of learning what tactics I should use when negotiating the offer. It gave me confidence in negotiating with the recruiter by showing me: what points of leverage I could use; what recruiters usually will respond to; a reality check in terms of what was feasible when asking for a stronger offer. The session with Randy was also useful as he helped craft a template correspondence to use when I initially asked for more money. I'm extremely happy with the service and have no suggestions on how the service could improve!"},{date:"4-2022",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2022",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"132,520",review:"The sessions were extremely helpful! I learned a ton on negotiation from the sessions and with the negotiation tips and tricks I learnt I was able to negotiate my offer significantly higher. I highly recommend it. My coach was very patient, detailed and knowledgeable on the entire negotiation process."},{date:"4-2022",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2022",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"100,000",review:"Karis is absolutely wonderful. She was able to smoothly handle my negotiations as the situation developed. I would have been stressed out of my mind if it wasn't for her. I mean, I still was stressed out, but luckily she was there to answer my questions every step of the way. I honestly couldn't have asked for a better coach. Thank you Karis and the staff at Levels! So, if you're on the fence... her results speak for themselves. "},{date:"4-2022",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2022",company:"Lyft",logoUrl:"",name:"Abdullah T",title:"Product Designer",increase:"15,000",review:"Stephanie was my recruiter and she was extremely helpful. She was thorough and answered all of my questions. I am new to RSUs so she gave a detailed explanation and shared resources. She was also very approachable and friendly. She didn't dictate anything. She listened to me and my desired income then provided suggestions on how we can get there. By the time I met with her I had already gotten a verbal offer so I was expecting an official offer. Initial offer was already better than we have expected so Stephanie walked me through how we can increase it, etc. She was also very accessible, she always met with me the same day I got my offers to talk things through. "},{date:"4-2022",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2022",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",name:"James",title:"TPM",increase:"52,100",review:"Very helpful! Timi completely understood my situation, set my expectations correctly, told me exactly what I could ask for (and how), and practiced with me until I was comfortable. It only took one counter to increase my first-year comp by $52k and 4-year comp by $118k. I was already happy with my initial offer, and Timi helped me make it even better. Thank you!"},{date:"4-2022",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2022",company:"American Express",logoUrl:"",name:"D.A",title:"Sr. Product Manager",increase:"39,000",review:"The session was extremely helpful, Timi explained to me what I should say whenever the recruiter asked what I was looking for in terms of compensation, but also how to negotiate without burning any bridges and requesting too much before the recruiter backs off. Ultimately Timi helped me negotiate a raise of $39,000 all while reinforcing how much I was excited about the new job and working with my new teammates. "},{date:"4-2022",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2022",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Product Manager",increase:"60,000",review:"The session was very useful as Randy (my coach) was able to guide me through the process and help me position myself better. Randy was extremely quick in providing guidance and feedback not only over the call but also through a follow-up email. Thank you."},{date:"4-2022",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2022",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",increase:"92,000",review:"Ashley was helpful and responsive throughout the entire process. We first scheduled a call a few weeks before my onsites to go over an overall plan. She suggested rescheduling some of the specific dates to time the offers better for certain companies (ex Google and Amazon usually take longer than Meta and smaller companies). She told me exactly what to say in the call with the recruiters and which questions to ask. Once the offers started rolling in we had a shared google doc with drafts for emails to send out to each recruiter asking for more compensation. We used Amazon's offer to drive up Meta's best and final, then presented it to Google and pressed twice to get the first-year total comp from 225 to 265 to 340K. I was so surprised it almost felt unbelievable that it was even possible. Good interview performance helped a ton but when it comes to negotiating your final comp, the price for a good negotiator has stupidly high ROI and I would highly recommend it to anyone who doesn't hate money."},{date:"4-2022",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2022",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",name:"CW",title:"Applied Scientist L5",increase:"80,000",review:"Sarah is an amazing coach! She was so responsive and patient throughout the whole process. She understood the behind-the-scenes approvals process so well and explained it to me so that I could get context on what was happening. Most importantly, she has the data on the compensation bands. Knowing exactly the top and bottom range of the compensation band for the role was key for my negotiation, I knew exactly how much to ask for, and could properly evaluate the offer that was given to me. Sarah is amazing, and will fight to the end to get the best number possible. "},{date:"4-2022",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2022",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",title:"Engineering Manager",increase:"30,000",review:"The session is so helpful. I love the structured tips/suggestions. After the session, I am more confident to have comp discussion with recruiters."},{date:"4-2022",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2022",company:"CS Disco",logoUrl:"",increase:"30,000",review:"The sessions and the emails were extremely helpful. It is so comforting to know someone is there to help guide us through the negotiations, which can be very daunting. Kimberlee was awesome every step of the way. I highly recommend availing of this service and not doing the negotiations by oneself."},{date:"4-2022",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2022",company:"Bloomberg",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Engineer",increase:"25,000",review:"Sessions were very valuable! Strategizing helped a lot. Speaking with levels put in a much better position and allowed me to have much more negotiating power."},{date:"4-2022",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2022",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",title:"Product Designer",increase:"115,000",review:"Joe was instrumental in not only helping me negotiate a competitive offer but also better understanding and navigating the nuances of career progression even beyond a job offer. As an early-career tech professional with limited experience in the field and negotiating, was able to increase my offer by $25k base (even without having a competing offer), and also learned so many valuable lessons regarding interviewing, negotiating, and making strategic decisions throughout not only the negotiation process but throughout my career. I super recommend this service to anyone!"},{date:"4-2022",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2022",increase:"95,000",review:"Karis was an excellent negotiation coach: She laid out the negotiation strategy clearly from the start of the interview process and checked in with me weekly. It was invaluable having an experienced negotiator as a sounding board throughout the (oftentimes stressful!) process. In the final stages of the interview process, Karis helped me draft emails to send to recruiters to try and leverage my multiple offers to get each company to increase its offer. The tactic worked, and the offer ended I up accepting was significantly higher than the initial offer! It was wonderful working with someone so supportive and knowledgeable!"},{date:"3-2022",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2022",company:"Vori",logoUrl:"",name:"Vivian Urata",title:"Head of Design",increase:"80,000",review:"This was the first time I've ever worked with a negotiation coach and it was miles away from my previous experiences. I felt informed and empowered to ask my worth. I was fortunate to work with Sarah, one of's coaches. She spent time helping me understand the offer, what cards I had in my hand, and how to approach negotiating. I ended up negotiating a new title and base comp increase of $80,000. Needless to say, I will be hiring Sarah for every future offers I get. If you want to go to the negotiation table, armed with knowledge and firepower look no further. The price is well worth what you get at the end."},{date:"3-2022",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2022",company:"Old Mission Capital",logoUrl:"",name:"CS",increase:"30,000",review:"Joe is really helpful, and when he says he will be with you through the process he means it. Even during weekends when companies send offers/verbal offers, Joe is still responsive when I asked him what to do about it. Really recommended!"},{date:"3-2022",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2022",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",increase:"60,000",review:"Randy was amazing! He was with me in every step of the process and helped me negotiate a much higher compensation than I was expecting."},{date:"3-2022",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2022",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",title:"SDE III",increase:"50,000",review:"Ashley helped me get more than 50K comp per year! Nothing I can expect more!"},{date:"3-2022",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2022",increase:"70,000",review:"Joe helped me ask the right price to target, 50k higher than I would target. Joe also helped push the final package 20k more. More importantly, Joe helped me stay chill during the uneasy waiting."},{date:"3-2022",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2022",company:"Uber",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"25,700",review:"Amazing work done by the team, they helped me navigate 4 different offers from big tech companies in several different locations. A huge shoutout to Timi, Jason, and Brian helping me navigate the different phases of the process, clearly explaining the compensation philosophies, different band structures and negotiation plan. Timi and I managed to increase the total compensation (of 4 years) by 78k$ in one company and 62k$ in another, helping me land a competitive salary to kick-start my job with. 110% recommend utilizing this service, you will be more than happy with the results!"},{date:"3-2022",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2022",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",title:"Applied Scientist",increase:"10,500",review:"From the very first call, my coach Randy was encouraging and helpful, laying out the plan of action for negotiating my offer. Throughout the back and forth between the company recruiter, Randy was incredibly responsive in telling me exactly what to say and what to ask for. For someone like myself taking the first job in tech, I can't emphasize enough how much confidence and peace of mind this gives. Allowing Randy to essentially communicate through me really took away all the stress of decision-making that negotiation usually entails. I really can't recommend this service enough!"},{date:"3-2022",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2022",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",increase:"45,000",review:'This service was worth EVERY PENNY! I started with a low ball offer from Google and after it was all said and done I had (with the help of Ashley from increased by total first-year compensation by 36%. Even after we reached the "final offer" we were then able to go back one more time and get the last increase that I wanted. I am very satisfied with the service and most certainly recommend it to anyone wanting to negotiate effectively. '},{date:"3-2022",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2022",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",name:"N.",title:"Machine Learning Engineer",increase:"100,000",review:"Not being from the tech industry, I was inclined to undersell myself before the negotiation. Thankfully, the coaches from educated me with a clear picture of the recruiting and negotiation process. They provided me with a reasonable salary range for my position, which was so much higher than my naive expectation despite my own research on the website. Most importantly, they also prepared me for how and what to say during negotiation. I wish I had received their help for all of my previous positions."},{date:"3-2022",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2022",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",name:"Lin Stacey",title:"L4 Hardware Engineer",increase:"33,000",review:"Ashely was extremely helpful and responsive! She explained the steps in the process and how to capitalize on negotiation. We ended up meeting our realistic goal and landed in the upper percentile of those with similar positions. I honestly don't think I could have done this without her. I only wish I had met with her earlier!"},{date:"3-2022",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2022",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",name:"Christopher",title:"Software Engineer E4",increase:"65,000",review:"Jason helped me a lot, not just in increasing my first-year total compensation by a significant amount but also in learning about how the recruiter-compensation negotiations process works. Before, I had taken negotiations courses and was taught to not share information about my best alternative because my negotiations counterpart would be incentivized to bid $1 higher than whatever my alternative is. Hence, when companies asked me what I wanted and what my numbers were, I was always hesitant to share. Jason taught me to reframe my thinking because we would be creating an auction where the multiple companies I had offers from would be bidding for me. In an auction, the highest bidder amount is always public, so I followed that approach. I had to be reminded 3 additional times by Jason to advertise the highest bid when I received it because it did not feel natural to me. I'm really glad he did though because the auction approach to salary negotiations helped me get very close to the top of the band for a Meta E4 offer."},{date:"2-2022",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2022",company:"Microsoft",logoUrl:"",title:"SDE 62",increase:"68,000",review:"Extremely helpful, Amanda provided draft emails and was quick to answer questions. She did a great job talking me through the process. The outline provided helped me negotiate better over the phone. The final offer was higher than I possibly expected. "},{date:"2-2022",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2022",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",name:"Karen S",title:"Senior Product Manager - Technical",increase:"40,000",review:"This negotiation service is life-changing! I recommend it 10/10! I was already really happy with my initial offer, but Ashley helped push for a $40k bump in TC. I had to wait for ~1 week to get a response. The whole process can be very daunting, but Ashley helped answer all my questions in the meantime and eased my worries. "},{date:"2-2022",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2022",company:"Nuro",logoUrl:"",increase:"150,000",review:"The support was exactly what I needed. It helped make a much more informed decision and allowed me to have a better understanding of the recruiter and the process."},{date:"2-2022",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2022",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",title:"Staff Software Engineer",increase:"200,000",review:"This service was extremely helpful and eye opening. Having someone on your side with this expertise is incredibly valuable."},{date:"2-2022",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2022",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"80,000",review:"It was definitely the right decision to choose for salary negotiation. I got a good offer already but Karis helped me come up with strong data points and communicate them effectively to even push the offer to a much higher level. Karis was very detailed and extremely responsive via emails and video calls. I learned a lot from her in this negotiation process. Thank you so much, Karis and!!!"},{date:"2-2022",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2022",name:"Y.S.",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"32,000",review:"Thank you Erin for guiding me through the negotiation process! This is my first time switching jobs and there are so many uncertainties during the process. It's really nice to have someone with experience and insights to support me by my side. The strategy and the emails are very effective that increased my overall compensation. I really appreciate your help! "},{date:"1-2022",humanReadableDate:"1 / 2022",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",increase:"100,000",review:"I highly recommend this service. Timi was amazing. I was satisfied with my original offer and had no competing offers so I was not expecting to get much out of my negotiations. Timi helped me with my negotiation email and worked with me to come up with data points and strategies that I could use during the negotiations. This turned out to be a life changing decision for me. Thank you so much Timi and"},{date:"1-2022",humanReadableDate:"1 / 2022",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",increase:"34,000",review:"Elle was absolutely vital in my negotiation with Amazon. I had no idea what to ask or say specifically - even though there are a lot of articles and videos out there and I did my fair share of research, having the insight and knowledge of an actual recruiter was the best thing I could've done for myself. The offer went up $34k from beginning to end and I couldn't be more thrilled to start my new role."},{date:"1-2022",humanReadableDate:"1 / 2022",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",name:"Prateik Mahendra",title:"Data Engineer",increase:"56,000",review:"The session was really helpful. Sara helped me draft strategic emails in response to the offer on the table. I think she did a great job with the data points I had to help me identify the range of the level I was offered and then getting me closer to the maximum of that range."},{date:"1-2022",humanReadableDate:"1 / 2022",company:"Lyft",logoUrl:"",name:"C.G.",title:"Data Engineer",increase:"78,000",review:"Highly recommend! They are with you all the way and are helpful in providing tips that you can carry for your entire career. "},{date:"1-2022",humanReadableDate:"1 / 2022",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",title:"Product Manager",increase:"45,000",review:"Timi was my negotiation guardian angel. I was a bundle of nerves when we first met, and he immediately allayed my fears and helped me get in the right frame of mind to be successful. We prepared for the comp conversation before it began, he walked me through how it would go, and then gave me great tips on how to handle the offer after it arrived. Throughout the process, he was extremely responsive and was always available if I had any questions. I can't express how much of a difference it was to have him in my corner. 10 stars out of 5. If you're on the fence, trust me, just sign up already!"},{date:"1-2022",humanReadableDate:"1 / 2022",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",name:"Trevor Lowe",title:"Sr. Software Engineer",increase:"50,000",review:"Insanely helpful. Not only were they responsive to my messages, but they tailored their negotiation strategy to the challenges I was having negotiating myself. I learned a lot from this service."},{date:"12-2021",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",increase:"10,000",review:"I had two very different competing offers for somewhat different roles on very different cost of life cities so negotiation was expected to be hard. Taylor helped me understand the whole negotiation process and what the recruiters could be thinking when comparing these offers against each other. This helped me focus on highlighting the unique qualities of every offer istead of just presenting numbers to the recruiters."},{date:"12-2021",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",increase:"85,000",review:"Two words to describe this service:\nNo. Brainer.\nI have never negotiated a salary this large/complex before and Taylor was there to guide me the whole way. As I was going through the process of negotiation I realized how many times I would have screwed up and gotten less money if Taylor wasn’t there to keep me on track. He knew exactly how Facebook's comp process worked, how hard and when to push, and how to leverage other data to increase the offer. Using this service is money beyond well spent and the increase in comp I got will pay for their service alone many many times over even in just the first month."},{date:"12-2021",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2021",increase:"34,000",review:"I starting working with Taylor early in the interview process. He provided great advice on how to pose myself & communicate the whole way through. I ended up with 4 offers. Following Taylor's advice, all 4 companies gave me substantial comp increases from their initial offer. I ended up accepting a very competitive offer from an amazing company. He was always very quick to respond and fielded all of my questions, no matter how basic. We talked over the phone multiple times and had an email chain that was 75+ messages long."},{date:"12-2021",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2021",company:"Twitter",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"80,000",review:"Karis did a fantastic job coaching me during the offer negotiation stage. It's a pleasure having Karis' support during the offer stage. I learned a lot during this journey. It's not just about the service (position & comp analysis, negotiation strategy), but also perceiving offer negotiation in the more proper way - aside from tc, what we as a candidates value the most. The materials prepared me to be more confident during the negotiation process. Karis never hesitated to reply back to me promptly and hopped onto video calls when I got pressed during negotiation. All I could say is THANK YOU to Karis. Thanks for creating a warm journey to satisfactory career search results."},{date:"12-2021",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2021",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",name:"F.H.",title:"SDE 2",increase:"200,000",review:"This is a great service and I highly would recommend it! I think if you're not very experienced with negotiating and you make over 100k, you'll take alot away from this. It's an invaluable service for high earning power individuals, negotiating is a skill like any other. Invest in yourself through a specialized negotiating service like levels! It's the difference between fighting with a machine gun or a bow and arrow. "},{date:"12-2021",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2021",increase:"90,000",review:"Very insightful. My coach offered me great negotiation templates that I could use directly to negotiate with recruiters from different companies. The recruiters are REALLY going to go back and give you a higher offer when you speak according to these templates. It's life changing. The recruiters will always say \"no no we can't go higher this is the best we can do\", but if you provide them with good evidence at the right time, you CAN go higher. And these are the things I would not have known if I hadn't had a coach helping me along the way."},{date:"12-2021",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2021",company:"VMware",logoUrl:"",name:"A.A.",title:"Staff Solutions Architect",increase:"57,000",review:"I honestly can't say enough great things about Timi and Timi started by breaking down the negotiation process to me and allayed my fears about the company rescinding the offer if I asked for more. He then worked with me to draft the email and also prepared me for the video conversation with the recruiter. With his help I was able to get a 40k increase (per year) plus a 20k sign on bonus. I definitely would've left that on the table without his help."},{date:"12-2021",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2021",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",title:"Staff Software Engineer",increase:"40,000",review:"The offer negotiation service provided by and the help from Taylor were certainly game changing for my process - I got +£30k increase from the original offer and I'm certain that without this service I wouldn't even have the courage to negotiate it at all as this is a very uncomfortable process for me."},{date:"11-2021",humanReadableDate:"11 / 2021",company:"Chan Zuckerberg Initiative",logoUrl:"",name:"Jerry F.",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"50,000",review:"I appreciated having negotiators available to coach me through job offer negotiations. It was very helpful being able to bounce any questions, large or small, off of a coach with experience in negotiations. I have several offers to negotiate on, and felt that with the help of the coach, I was able to maximize each of them."},{date:"11-2021",humanReadableDate:"11 / 2021",company:"SoFi",logoUrl:"",title:"Principal Product Manager",increase:"75,000",review:"Negotiation service from was invaluable in my job search. In such a hot market, it is hard to determine what the market rate is for roles that are in-demand. Working with recruiting professionals whose job it is to track these trends is great and gives you insight to what is going on the employers side of the negotiation."},{date:"11-2021",humanReadableDate:"11 / 2021",company:"Stripe",logoUrl:"",increase:"11,000",review:"During my job search I was very fortunate to have received a few different offers. While this is a great problem to have, it was definitely stressful to navigate the tight timelines, confusing numbers, tricky language, and different expectations for each company. Sara was able to help me at every step of the negotiation process, including how to respond to offers when they're given over the phone, how to manage a company's expectations and timelines, and the actual negotiation of the offer. I ended up increasing my total compensation more than $10,000 as a result of Sara's help, and even better I felt confident and in control while doing so. Would definitely recommend the service to others!"},{date:"11-2021",humanReadableDate:"11 / 2021",company:"a series E startup",title:"Security Engineer",increase:"10,000",review:"Erin was really helpful throughout the process and I learned a lot from her. She helped me get an increase of 10k to first year TC despite it being a situation with very little wiggle room for negotiations."},{date:"11-2021",humanReadableDate:"11 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",increase:"55,000",review:"Negotiating with large tech cos can be intimidating, but I was able to come up with a clear strategy and communication plan working with my coach. Working with is a no-brainer."},{date:"11-2021",humanReadableDate:"11 / 2021",company:"Fidelity Investments",logoUrl:"",name:"Sukesh Kumar",title:"Senior Data Scientist",increase:"30,000",review:"Shout out to Harold for guiding me in negotiating the offer. He understood the advantages and disadvantages of the situation I was in, and mentored me to get the compensation I was looking for."},{date:"11-2021",humanReadableDate:"11 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",increase:"37,550",review:"I was really nervous about negotiating and had so many questions. I saw Levels' negotiation coaching service as an investment and tried it out. Taylor was very insightful and responded to all of my questions in a timely manner. Taylor was able to help me every step of the way and knew exactly how to respond to recruiters. By the end of my job search, Taylor was able to help me get the max possible offer at Facebook for my level and I couldn't be any happier! "},{date:"10-2021",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2021",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",title:"Product Manager L5",increase:"40,000",review:'Even though there is already a lot of data on, having someone to talk to directly about my own specific situation really puts those numbers in context and gives me the confidence of knowing what is a "fair" ask. All the insights I got really helped my negotiation process. I couldn\'t have done it without all the help.'},{date:"10-2021",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",increase:"68,000",review:"This was an incredible service, especially for someone that had never gone through a negotiation process before. Taylor methodically walked be through the process and served as a very responsive source of encouragement throughout. His reinforcing attitude helped me put aside any nervousness I may have had going into a salary negotiation and push beyond what I would have ever imagined possible. I have immediately and wholeheartedly recommended this service to all I know who are in the job search right now."},{date:"10-2021",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2021",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",increase:"33,000",review:"Mackenzie is knowledgeable about the Amazon negotiation process. An initial call to level-set the expectations followed by one other one to review the offer and plan of action for a counter offer was all it was needed - worked like magic. Mackenzies skill in crafting a cohesive response based on the current facts has secured me with an yearly raise of 33K from the initial offer."},{date:"10-2021",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2021",company:"Cisco",logoUrl:"",name:"W.T.",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"29,900",review:"The strategy call is well worth doing at least once in your career because it'll give you a playbook that you can run everytime to maximize your compensation whenever you make a move. There are multiple opportunities to negotiate and leverage - having it all laid out for you helps you take advantage of each opportunity in the process. Without it, there's a pretty large probability you are leaving money on the table."},{date:"10-2021",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2021",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",name:"P.A.",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"10,000",review:" negotiation service is just amazing. All the sessions were perfectly aligned to what I need. Timi, Brian, and Sarah - guys you were amazing. Service is cost-effective and every penny is worth paying at the same time. Honestly speaking, if I had tried to negotiate all by myself, I would have left a lot of money on the table. "},{date:"10-2021",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2021",company:"Riot Games",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"22,000",review:"Incredible! Brian was able to answer all my questions and guide me through a very complicated situation as far as how compensation can be negotiated based on location, leveling, and competing offers. I would say this service is a must if you’re in the tech industry."},{date:"10-2021",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2021",company:"Dataminr",logoUrl:"",name:"David Wang",title:"Principal Engineer",increase:"97,000",review:"Using the negotiation service is a no-brainer. You're losing out on potentially tens of thousands of dollars, or in my case, almost 100k. If you feel anxious, ill prepared, or at a disadvantage negotiating, then I recommend using the service. My negotiator helped educate me on what was coming - the strategy to use in negotiating, what's happening on the other side of the negotiation, and what steps to take for every situation. It was a playbook that I followed step-by-step that helped me get a much higher salary than what was initially offered."},{date:"10-2021",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2021",company:"Apple",logoUrl:"",title:"Data Analyst",review:"All the sessions with Timi were amazing. He helped me to aim for higher salary. He explained me all the levels and the compensations offered and hence I could negotiate better with the data. I highly recommend for salary negotiation. Go for it without having any second thought. Thank you so much Timi for everything."},{date:"10-2021",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2021",company:"Dropbox",logoUrl:"",title:"IC2",increase:"71,000",review:"Timi was an amazing help. He helped me with a negotiation script for Dropbox and thanks to him we achieved a new record for total compensation at my level! He's been amazing to work with and I will recommend him to anyone else."},{date:"9-2021",humanReadableDate:"9 / 2021",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",title:"Staff Software Engineer",increase:"150,000",review:"This session was amazing. I loved how responsive and knowledgeable Sarah is. I would highly recommend throwing money at this service, it was extremely profitable for me. The knowledge that Levels has accumulated about the negotiation process helped me yield an additional $100k annually over what I would have been able to negotiate myself. Even just the fact that Levels researches and drafts the negotiation emails is frankly worth the $3000 dollars. I would have spent at least 10 hours trying to research and draft the negotiation emails and I would frankly have done a sub-par job compared with the draft from Levels. At which point its significantly more cost effective to pay experts for this service."},{date:"9-2021",humanReadableDate:"9 / 2021",title:"Data Scientist",increase:"40,000",review:"I wasn't sure if I should use this service initially because I had already started negotiating. Timi told me how much to counter, what justification to give, and gave me tips on how to negotiate on the phone. With market data on salaries, Timi helped me aim much higher than I would have if I completed the negotiation on my own. I highly recommend Levels.FYI not just for maximizing your current offer but also for learning some incredibly valuable skills for the future."},{date:"9-2021",humanReadableDate:"9 / 2021",name:"P.M.",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"57,000",review:"Erin from was extremely helpful in getting me the top end of compensation for my level. Her inputs, the language and the research/feedback she provided worked amazingly well for me. I recommend salary negotiation service and would highly recommend Erin as your advisor as I couldn't have gotten the bump in TC without her help."},{date:"9-2021",humanReadableDate:"9 / 2021",company:"Pax Labs",logoUrl:"",name:"M.T.",title:"Lead Electrical Engineer",increase:"30,000",review:"I was in absolute shock with where my negotiations ended. Thanks to Taylor, he helped me navigate quite a unique situation. Taylor very strategic with his recommended responses to the recruiter. He would explain the reasoning behind his responses and when it was best to reveal my different areas of leverage. I ended up with a very nice signing bonus as well as additional equity that I would have never thought to ask for if it weren't for Taylor's guidance. Thanks for everything!"},{date:"9-2021",humanReadableDate:"9 / 2021",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",name:"Sandeep Nimmagadda",title:"SDE1",increase:"25,000",review:"Working with Carlos has been nothing short of amazing. He frequently adjusted his calendar to accommodate me on any given day within minutes of requesting him. Carlos answered every single one of my questions and helped me draft an email to negotiate and I was able to get an offer increase of $25k/year. I highly recommend Carlos to anyone who is interested in negotiating their salary."},{date:"9-2021",humanReadableDate:"9 / 2021",company:"Salesforce",logoUrl:"",title:"Sr. Director of PM",increase:"60,000",review:"I came to tech a few years ago after a decade in government. In previous offers, I had fallen into the classic traps and knew I needed help. Taylor guided me through this and gave me the confidence to push for a win-win deal. Worth every penny."},{date:"9-2021",humanReadableDate:"9 / 2021",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",title:"Systems Development Engineer",increase:"24,000",review:"If you have even a little bit of a doubt about this service, I would say don't think much and just go for it! This is an extremely great service with a huge return on investment. Jason was extremely responsive and had quick turn around times for replying to my recruiters emails. His inputs and explanations of how the compensation structures work, how should you negotiate helped me a lot. He also gave tips on how to navigate through the conversations with the recruiter. "},{date:"9-2021",humanReadableDate:"9 / 2021",company:"Twitch",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer, L5",increase:"40,000",review:"I am very grateful to that I took the negotiation service. I am very glad to tell everyone that working with a negotiator works and gets you a higher total compensation value which I couldn't get myself previously with other companies."},{date:"8-2021",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2021",increase:"20,000",review:"Session was super helpful, Carlos gave a good overview of the process and made sure that I got all my answers covered. I was a little skeptical about how to negotiate without competing offers and my obvious inclination towards the company and recruiter already knowing that, but Carlos gave really good tips about how I should approach and navigate the conversation. It also helped me gain some perspective about what goes on at the other end of the table when offer is made which is also helpful for future."},{date:"8-2021",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2021",company:"Apple",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"18,250",review:"If you're on the fence, don't hesitate. You won't regret the investment one single bit. The results I achieved with Level's support were beyond my highest expectations. Jason was extremely responsive and professional. His guidance was invaluable throughout the entire process and made a difference above and beyond the guarantee."},{date:"8-2021",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Product Manager, IC5",increase:"85,000",review:"Amazingly helpful service building confidence and providing data to improve your negotiation. Completely worth it!"},{date:"8-2021",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2021",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",title:"L6",increase:"205,000",review:"Taylor helped me navigate a complicated 3 company situation. His understanding of the FAANG recruiting systems was absolutely critical. He got me to ask for numbers I couldn't dream to go for, and they went for it."},{date:"8-2021",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2021",company:"Palantir",logoUrl:"",name:"Jake G",title:"Forward Deployed Engineer",increase:"40,000",review:"Erin helped me in every step of the negotiation process, ultimately resulting in a $40k increase on my offer! Best money I ever spent."},{date:"8-2021",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Solutions Engineer",increase:"100,000",review:"The service is very good and something everyone should do at least once to understand this recruiting side of the industry and the nature of hustling occurs here."},{date:"8-2021",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2021",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"150,000",review:"Sarah was an amazing help! She is both skilled and knowledgable. I skimmed a few negotiation books a few years ago for my last job search. At the time, I was proud of the bump in comp I negotiated. After working with Sarah this time around, I wish I had used this service last time too! It's not just that Sarah knew what to expect for comp bands, she also understood the internal processes, the appropriate language to use, and how to read into offers."},{date:"8-2021",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2021",company:"Squarespace",logoUrl:"",title:"Program Manager",increase:"50,000",review:"My total comp package increased by 50k and I owe it all to "},{date:"8-2021",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2021",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",increase:"85,000",review:"I did a lot of DIY/homework before the offer process. Yet, I was very anxious before the salary negotiation. When I heard the first offer, I felt I deserved a lot more. That's when I reached out to During my initial discussion with Taylor, he understood the background quickly & my expectations. He helped me frame the emails as part of negotiation. He brings his experience and level headed-ness into the process. He also responds to emails quickly which is important when you are in the middle of negotiation. I really appreciate that. In the end, I am very happy with the offer I received. I would highly recommend him. "},{date:"8-2021",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Director of Product Management",increase:"100,000",review:"The sessions with Taylor were super helpful. Taylor knew the actually upper bound for the exact role/ company that I was negotiating with. This information made it possible to confidently ask for what I wanted and get what I think was a very fair outcome. Taylor is also a seasoned negotiator and having his guidance meant that I was able to go through the process with minimal anxiety!"},{date:"8-2021",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2021",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",title:"Program Manager",increase:"74,000",review:"Sarah walked me through exactly what to say in my initial comp meeting. This was just the beginning. Throughout all the 40+ emails back and forth, she advised me on how to respond with perfect clarity and timeliness--even drafting emails. Levels.FYI made it possible to successfully negotiate a huge increase without competing offers. 10/10! Best money I have spent on my career."},{date:"8-2021",humanReadableDate:"8 / 2021",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"75,000",review:"This was the first time I was able to negotiate an offer. I knew I had to do it as a matter of course or I'd be leaving money on the table, but my situation was a bit odd so I had no idea where to start. Taylor was very helpful in formulating a strategy and helping me execute on it by answering the many questions I had and preparing me for calls with recruiters; I can safely say that there's no way I would have gotten this much of an increase if not for his assistance. Suffice to say, this service more than paid for itself."},{date:"7-2021",humanReadableDate:"7 / 2021",company:"Affirm",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"10,000",review:"My sessions and interactions with Elijah were great. Pretty much everything that I needed was covered: quick responses, someone with industry experience, a template for negotiation responses, support throughout the entire process, and the ability to schedule calls. The increase in salary and knowledge gained for future negotiations was well worth the cost for the service."},{date:"7-2021",humanReadableDate:"7 / 2021",company:"Paypal",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior UX Designer/Researcher T25",increase:"10,000",review:"Taylor was extremely helpful in his first call with me, where he explained very clearly the different stages of negotiation, and what he would use to leverage the negotiations. His negotiation emails were firm, polite and confident, and really removed the anxieties of negotiations for me! Thank you Taylor :) "},{date:"7-2021",humanReadableDate:"7 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Product Manager",increase:"199,000",review:"Sarah was incredible. As a woman and a POC, I didn't even dream or dare to ask for as much as I did but Sarah encouraged and supported me throughout. She was thoughtful, prompt and meticulous in all her guidance. Sarah knows her stuff and nailed it! I cannot recommend her enough."},{date:"7-2021",humanReadableDate:"7 / 2021",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",title:"TPM",increase:"100,000",review:"Timi is a rockstar and this service, from, is invaluable. The matching process is fantastic and pairs you up with folks who have experience in your target company. Outside of the financial benefits, this service also provided awareness on other benefits and perks that you would otherwise miss out on. Highly recommended!"},{date:"7-2021",humanReadableDate:"7 / 2021",title:"Staff Product Designer",increase:"51,520",review:"Taylor is an absolute rock star and negotiation coaching is the real deal. I had a recruiter with over 10 years of tech industry experience in my corner helping me to simultaneously negotiate two offers against each other resulting in > $50k/yr TC increases to both offers. One offer even leveled up the job title/seniority to help meet the compensation goals that Taylor helped articulate! And, Taylor calmed my nerves and kept me negotiating long past when I would have bailed without a coach's support. This encouragement netted a final round of increases after over a week of negotiating before we reached the best and final offers."},{date:"7-2021",humanReadableDate:"7 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Product Manager",increase:"42,000",review:"Jason was extremely helpful and provided some insider knowledge that made it much easier to understand the negotiation process. In addition to a video conference, a phone call, and a very comprehensive informational overview email, we exchanged more than 20 emails over the course of the negotiation. This constant communication gave me the opportunity to ask questions and get feedback along the way. It was absolutely worth the investment."},{date:"7-2021",humanReadableDate:"7 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",increase:"155,000",review:"Wow I am so lucky to have Sarah as my negotiator! I highly recommend her because she gets great things done efficiently and elegantly. In a week's time, with 2 short-notice calls, she helped me negotiate more than 155k in total! In addition to that, her extensive big tech work experience definitely helped me join my new company with even more confidence and sense of purpose! Negotiating was stressful for me in the past, but Sarah's empathy and attentiveness made me have a positive view on it! Thank you so much Sarah!!"},{date:"7-2021",humanReadableDate:"7 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Product Manager",increase:"115,000",review:"I know this is going to sound insane (because it is) but my consultant helped me lay it all out in the table and get an increase of more than $100k (!!!!!!!!) by marshaling data, easing my nerves, and writing the best. emails. ever. I still can’t believe it. HFS."},{date:"7-2021",humanReadableDate:"7 / 2021",title:"Engineering Manager",increase:"35,000",review:"Extremely helpful, from creating strategy, crafting responses and even doing a mock phone session. Taylor had it completely covered and helped me remain calm and in control, and able to get the change in comp I wanted."},{date:"7-2021",humanReadableDate:"7 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",increase:"38,000",review:"Sarah was absolutely incredible throughout the 2 months+ process we worked together from interview to offer and signing. She was a wealth of information and provided thorough guidance on offer negotiation and level negotiation. She was available over email consistently and jumped on many quick calls, can't recommend Sarah enough."},{date:"6-2021",humanReadableDate:"6 / 2021",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",name:"W. H.",title:"Strategic Cloud Engineer",increase:"30,000",review:"It is extremely helpful for myself, despite I have read other articles and watched YT videos. The information and guidance from negotiator is highly valuable."},{date:"6-2021",humanReadableDate:"6 / 2021",company:"Verily Life Sciences",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"35,000",review:"I was very unsure how to handle the various steps in the negotiating process, and Sarah walked me through what to expect and how to respond in each step and scenario. The email Sarah wrote for me was very strong, and from there, I only had a couple short phone conversations with the recruiter that I had to handle (and Sarah gave me pointers for all of those as well). Before talking to Sarah, I was only planning to ask for 8k base salary increase, but I ended up with 13k base increase plus 10k more equity and a signing bonus. The guidance relieved a lot of my stress and anxiety about the situation, and gave me peace of mind at the end of it that I had gotten the best possible offer."},{date:"6-2021",humanReadableDate:"6 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Product Manager",increase:"100,000",review:"I would not have asked for or gotten the offer I wanted on my own. Mackenzie helped me write a persuasive letter on why I deserved a high TC that got me up 100k without having a competing offer. I'm grateful for the guidance and support, even though I was stressed out during portions of the process."},{date:"6-2021",humanReadableDate:"6 / 2021",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"80,000",review:"Brady is professional, patient and responsive. In all 3 sessions, he provided tailored strategies based on my most up-to-date offers and sent follow-up emails to recap everything. I have gained much more confidence when negotiating with recruiters. The takeaway from the sessions with Brady is that being humble and showing respect truly matter during negotiation."},{date:"6-2021",humanReadableDate:"6 / 2021",company:"Microsoft",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Program Manager",increase:"5,000",review:"Levels.FYI is the real deal - real recruiters from tech companies with real, current information. My negotiator was up front with me that I already had a good offer, and informed me about potential areas to improve it a bit more. She reassured me that asking for more won't risk my offer, if I'm thoughtful about how I approach it. In the end I ended up getting $20k more, an absolutely amazing deal for the price of an hour with the negotiator. I will recommend this service to everyone I know who ever gets an offer from a tech company. It's a no-brainer. "},{date:"6-2021",humanReadableDate:"6 / 2021",company:"Pinterest",logoUrl:"",title:"PM",increase:"72,000",review:" helped me increase $72,000 in TC. I highly recommend to schedule a call with Levels negotiation service before you sign your offer."},{date:"6-2021",humanReadableDate:"6 / 2021",title:"Principal Software Engineer",increase:"50,000",review:"Those sessions are very helpful. I myself wouldn't be so confident going through negotiations without Philip's help! I wouldn't even know the balance between low and 'greedy'. :) only with Philip's help I was able to know true ranges as well as be confident and comfortable to ask what's right for me and my level. And not just what to ask for, but also HOW to ask for it. Thank you, Philip!"},{date:"6-2021",humanReadableDate:"6 / 2021",increase:"200,000",review:"~3Xed my current TC... Definitely wouldn't have happened without their help."},{date:"6-2021",humanReadableDate:"6 / 2021",company:"a startup",name:"G",title:"Front End Software Engineer",increase:"20,000",review:"Philip was an incredible coach to work with throughout my negotiation process. I reached out to him via when I decided to start responding to recruiters. I had a few questions in mind that I wanted to ask but I was blown away by the wealth of information he provided. It's clear that Philip is a skilled negotiator and is extremely knowledgeable about the recruitment process. Deciding to get more sessions was a no brainer as I progressed to the offer stage. \nAgain, I could not believe how efficient he was in communicating the process to me. Everything I wanted to know was answered in such an efficient and effective way. The sessions I had with him got me way more than a significant increase in my base pay, it gave me more confidence and helped me refine a skill set I'll be using for years to come!"},{date:"6-2021",humanReadableDate:"6 / 2021",company:"Humana",logoUrl:"",increase:"15,000",review:"Erin was great at helping me look at all the aspects of my current compensation and then translating that into reasoning for a higher offer. She was super responsive via email and our live sessions were great. Thanks again!"},{date:"6-2021",humanReadableDate:"6 / 2021",increase:"110,000",review:"I would have made so many negotiation mistakes without Dan's advice. He helped me develop a game plan and measured responses to recruiters' high-pressure tactics. I was dealing with a tricky situation between competing FANG offers in terms of deadline and numbers, and didn't know how to resolve them without doing myself a disservice. With Dan's help, my final first-year TC was >110k above the initial one! Also, he was very responsive and supportive – I felt very empowered throughout the process. "},{date:"6-2021",humanReadableDate:"6 / 2021",company:"Shopify",logoUrl:"",increase:"32,000",review:" gets high marks from me - they helped me frame the salary negotiation process from initial screening to post-offer discussions. With their help, I was able to get an additional 32k/year equity from my initial offer. More than the financial benefits (the service pays for itself!), took the terrible, awful process of salary negotiation and made it only slightly painful. I highly recommend it for those who are unsure of their market value, want to maximize their pay, or just want help and confidence in the salary negotiation process."},{date:"5-2021",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2021",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",title:"SDE-I",increase:"10,000",review:"Mackenzie was very responsive to my email and very flexible with impromptu meetings as per my needs. She is very knowledgeable and helped me craft compelling emails to get a higher offer. Thank you, Mackenzie."},{date:"5-2021",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2021",company:"Microsoft",logoUrl:"",increase:"73,500",review:"I worked with Taylor and he was amazing. Started up by setting clear expectations of the process and then basically partitioned each phase as a milestone worthy of the next call session. "},{date:"5-2021",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2021",company:"Microsoft",logoUrl:"",review:"Working with Sarah has been an absolute pleasure. Sarah has a wealth of experience when it comes to negotiation and tech companies. I cannot thank her enough for helping me in achieving the right compensation package based on my experience. We have exchanged “N” number of emails and she was always happy to hop on a call and explain to me if need be. Her unique sense of crafting precise emails and mentioning all the points will help one to drive conversations in the challenging negotiation phase. I highly recommend for anybody who wants a smooth negotiation process. If you're lucky, you work with Sarah :)"},{date:"5-2021",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2021",company:"Adobe",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Marketing Manager",increase:"15,000",review:"Phil was very friendly, knowledgeable, and always responded to my email questions quickly. His guidance was instrumental to my negotiation process. I worked with a particularly challenging \"old school\" recruiter, and Phil helped give me the confidence to advocate for myself and really push for an increase in base pay as well as a full relocation package and signing bonus. Without Phil's coaching, I'm sure I would have capitulated to the recruiter's pressure and car salesman-like manipulation tactics and ended up accepting my original offer with no increase in compensation. The coaching costs money, but it is SO worth it!"},{date:"5-2021",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Data Engineer",increase:"50,000",review:"Coming from outside the tech world and getting my first FAANG offer I was totally clueless on how to go out negotiating with my recruiter. Sarah was amazing in crafting my story and responses. She walked me through the ins and outs of negotiations and the entire hiring process super clearly. This gave me a lot of confidence to stick to my ask and I ended up getting the top of the band offer."},{date:"5-2021",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2021",title:"Switzerland-based",review:"Taylor's advice was helpful, to the point and effective. I received 17x return on my investment to Levels.FYI negotiation service!"},{date:"5-2021",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2021",company:"Microsoft",logoUrl:"",increase:"30,000",review:"Cate has been instrumental in providing support during the negotiation phase. She has been approachable and makes it easier to work with her. The negotiation emails drafted by her convey all your expectations well. Within one round of negotiation and her email, we saw a significant increase in the compensation. I would highly recommend working with Cate for negotiation advice."},{date:"5-2021",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2021",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",title:"L5 non-engineering role",increase:"55,000",review:"All of the sessions with Natalie were amazing! She helped me navigate a complicated situation with two FAANG companies and helped me increase my offer by more than 50K in TC and this was an out-of-band offer for my role and level!!! Natalie went above and beyond and worked with my comfort level and gave me very clear language (word for word) to use with the recruiters both for calls and for emails. She even pre-empted what the recruiter would say to me and she was right every time. She always came prepared to our sessions and was responsive over email and text and answered all of the questions I had. It was clear that she is experienced - she knew exactly how compensation and negotiations work within each company and what the market worth for an individual is based on their background, interviews, competing offers, level, and individual circumstance. I felt confident and prepared walking into each negotiation conversation/email. I would recommend it to anyone, even the strongest of negotiators! We'll be requesting this service, especially Natalie for my spouse's future negotiations too! "},{date:"5-2021",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2021",company:"Salesforce",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior PM",increase:"15,250",review:"Taylor was incredibly helpful and worked diligently to assist with my offer negotiations. We were able to compact our sessions into a very tight timeline and still get everything covered and left me feeling great headed into what turned out to be a very successful negotiation. "},{date:"5-2021",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2021",company:"Apple",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"75,000",review:"Erin helped by providing data about previous offers related to the specific org/team I was applying to. I was new to TC negotiation and she took the time to break everything down and provided ranges to target and dialogue/examples to make it easy for me to negotiate."},{date:"5-2021",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2021",company:"Lime",logoUrl:"",name:"Ling",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"20,000",review:"The negotiator has a lot of experience. After 3 round negotiations, we pushed to the limit of my target company. The experience is great and I learned a lot about negotiations. The result is amazing. $20k yearly bump including base and equity."},{date:"5-2021",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",increase:"130,000",review:"I am extremely thankful for the negotiation service. It was worth every dime!"},{date:"5-2021",humanReadableDate:"5 / 2021",title:"Principal Engineer",increase:"50,000",review:"The session was incredibly helpful. Sarah guided me through the salary ranges that the employer considers when negotiating, and suggested a range for me to go after. Not only that, but she helped me draft an email to push negotiations forward. My recruiter later thanked me for the email and its clarity, saying that it answered all his questions and made the process faster. In the end, I got the increase I wanted and a sign-on bonus. From my perspective, this service is amazing and worth every penny."},{date:"4-2021",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2021",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",increase:"25,000",review:"Carlos drafted the negotiation email and answered all my follow-up questions. He guided me step by step on how to response to each of the recruiter emails. He is really professional and responsive. The negotiation process could not be so smooth without Carlos! He made my life much much easier. I would highly recommend Carlos to everybody who needs professional advise on offer negotiation."},{date:"4-2021",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2021",company:"Oracle",logoUrl:"",name:"N. M.",title:"Senior Developer",increase:"28,000",review:"I had only one session with Dan and it was fantastic. He was able to understand my situation quickly, brought up key points and shared amazing tips. He helped me review the drafts and revise them before sending it to the recruiter and answer all my questions promptly. Recruiter got back within few days with most of the revised changes approved! I highly recommend the service and am really happy that I decided to try the service. Totally worth it!!!"},{date:"4-2021",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2021",company:"AWS",logoUrl:"",name:"A. K.",title:"Sr. Product Manager Tech",increase:"20,000",review:"The consultation session was awesome! I got some really good insights into the different ways I could negotiate, the responses I could give, and the compensation range I deserve. When I conveyed the urgency given the deadline I had, Timi was available for consultation as early as 7 am!! Thank you Timi and thank you! You guys are amazing! Wish you All the best."},{date:"4-2021",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2021",company:"Adobe",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Data Scientist",increase:"40,000",review:"Timi is really helpful even if my request for meeting is very last minute. He helped me to benchmark offers quickly while I was on a fairly tight timeline. Although I've done quite a bit of homework to estimate a salary range myself, it's still really valuable to get more confirmation from a professional, and knowing exactly where to push/and how to push convincingly. Outside of benchmarking compensation package, Timi was also patient in answering my general questions. "},{date:"4-2021",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"70,000",review:"The session was extremely helpful. Natalie framed the problem and asked just the right questions to navigate the negotiation, and substantially raised my final comp. Even assuming I would negotiate well for some kind of increase on my own, I am utterly confident that Natalie easily covered the costs of the service with her skills. In addition to the raw numbers, though, Natalie made the whole thing less stressful and more tractable, making me feel better about it (which is also valuable). I very strongly recommend you get in touch with Natalie or her colleagues early in your negotiation; it's basically free value."},{date:"4-2021",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2021",increase:"75,000",review:"I have a habit of undercutting myself when asking for compensation at a new company, on top of that, my new position is in the Bay Area, where I'm unfamiliar with salaries. I hired a levels consultant to help me understand what I should be asking for and how to go about maximizing an offer. Thanks to one 30-minute session with Patrick, the difference between what I would have asked for and what I got in my offer was >$75k in total comp. I cannot overstate how helpful Patrick was in this process. The information he provided was invaluable and will change how I negotiate and value myself in all future negotiations. I will absolutely hire another Levels consultant for any future salary negotiations. "},{date:"4-2021",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2021",company:"a Y-combinator start up company",title:"Patient Experience Manager",increase:"10,500",review:"Incredibly helpful in negotiating even an entry level start-up job without prior start-up experience. Saw a 10k increase and also gained confidence and peace of mind in the process of trying to increase pay while also delivering a smooth entrance into a very small and close knit company. "},{date:"4-2021",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2021",title:"Senior Engineering Manager",increase:"60,000",review:"Everything was amazing. Was extremely helpful and honestly gave me so much peace about accepting an offer and asking for a fair rate."},{date:"4-2021",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2021",review:"I had three sessions with Carlos and all of them were fantastic. Very practical tips and scripts that made negotiation an easy and predictable conversation for me. Carlos was also very flexible with his schedule and went out of his way to work with my time-sensitive deadlines. Highly recommend him to anyone looking for negotiation coaching!"},{date:"4-2021",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"IC4 Hardware Engineer",increase:"17,500",review:"I can't recommend this service enough! My negotiator was very knowledgeable about the negotiation process with all of the companies I had offers from and helped me with writing emails and knowing what to say during phone conversations with recruiters. It was a huge relief to have someone like her on my side during this process, and I am so glad that I decided to try this service! "},{date:"4-2021",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",name:"B. G.",title:"Machine Learning Engineer",increase:"36,000",review:"It was amazing. I was so anxious and Philip listened, calmed me down and proposed multiple solutions as well as gave me a lot of internal insights he had. He helped me frame the mails as well and most importantly was always there on e-mail support for me. His replies were as swift as they could be, and he took out time on his busiest day as well because I was having an exploding offer issue. Absolutely loved the entire experience. It was really worth every penny spent. As a result I was able to negotiate and bring the offer to a better state, much closer to what I had wanted. I got a gain of 26k GBP to my annual compensation!"},{date:"4-2021",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2021",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",increase:"50,000",review:"I began speaking with a number of negotiation services, including Levels and some competitors. Levels was the only one who genuinely seemed to want to see me succeed (instead of see it as just a transaction). Other services lowballed my estimated compensation - Levels aimed way higher, and we achieved it.\n\nSarah was an absolutely godsend when it came to negotiation with Google. She was kind enough to walk me through the entire negotiation process from start to finish. She gave me some really great tips on \"how things work\" with Google's negotiations. And most importantly, she gave me the confidence to push hard in negotiations and not give in! I cannot express how great Sarah is - helpful, patient, knowledgable, super responsive. I'm excited to start at Google knowing I negotiated the best offer I could!"},{date:"4-2021",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2021",company:"Shopify",logoUrl:"",increase:"10,000",review:"If like me you're unsure about what is reasonable, what isn't and you feel shame when asking for more money, do not hesitate and sign up for it. Dan helped me draft emails that I would otherwise never have dared writing on my own due to the stigma around salary negotiation and the feeling of being greedy."},{date:"4-2021",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2021",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",name:"Yifei Li",title:"L4",increase:"17,000",review:"Sarah helped me to draft negotiation email and were very responsive to answer all the question I had. We had 100+ emails during the whole negotiation process and 3 sessions and Sarah helped me to increase the TC by almost 20K per year. I highly recommend Sarah to any one who are in the offer negotiation process!"},{date:"4-2021",humanReadableDate:"4 / 2021",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",title:"Applied Scientist",increase:"16,000",review:"Carlos was very friendly to talk to and knowledgeable about negotiating for applied/research scientists. He helped me work through my offers and understand the situation and options. We worked together to come up with the plans for negotiation next steps. He even helped draft an email to send to the recruiter. I also appreciate it a lot when he helped with some last-day rescheduling of my sessions to fit my timeline. I successfully negotiated all my three offers under Carlos' help, including one that is already high initially. What's more to me out is that I had more peace of mind in negotiating offers because I understood more about how it works on the other side of the table."},{date:"3-2021",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2021",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",title:"L4 Software Engineer",increase:"84,000",review:"Sarah was extremely knowledgeable on compensation structures or ranges from Google, Facebook, Amazon to even startups such as Coinbase, Chime, Stripe etc. Sarah also detailed exactly what to communicate and how and what order to whom for me to negotiate the most optimal compensation given my situation. Her compensation negotiation strategy combined with her in depth knowledge in industry standards lead me to be able to negotiate 44% higher total compensation than my initial offer. I could not have paid for a better service."},{date:"3-2021",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Engineering Manager",increase:"50,000",review:"If you're going to be negotiating an offer, I definitely recommend this service. Going into the negotiations prepared with accurate expectations makes the whole process go smoother for all sides."},{date:"3-2021",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2021",company:"Microsoft",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer II",increase:"25,000",review:"Extremely helpful! Mackenzie was able to provide insider insights and impactful suggestions through out the process."},{date:"3-2021",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2021",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",title:"Product Manager",increase:"30,000",review:"Cate was very thorough, insightful and straight to the point. No fluff. Very practical on the wording and approach."},{date:"3-2021",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2021",company:"Square",logoUrl:"",name:"A. M.",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"5,000",review:"Very helpful! Philip explained the whole process and also helped with some negotiation of offer extension"},{date:"3-2021",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2021",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Public Relations Manager",increase:"20,000",review:"The session was very helpful. I was worried that the consultant would try to drag things out or up-sell me. He did neither. He was concise, but thorough, and his advice ended up getting me an additional $20,000 per year in comp. My only quibble was that he told me he would follow up by emailing me additional research material on comp bands, but I never received it. Regardless, the additional material proved unnecessary, and I was more than pleased with the result."},{date:"3-2021",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2021",title:"Resource Manager",increase:"31,000",review:"Sarah was AWESOME! She gave me so much HR background information about how salary is calculated. She made me feel confident to ask for an extra $20K for my salary. I also got a sign on bonus and stock increase based on Sarah’s insight about using email to negotiate vs. phone call! \n\nI am so glad I invested in, because I would’ve easily cheated myself out of $20K. "},{date:"3-2021",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2021",company:"Medium",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"14,000",review:"The process was incredibly helpful. I would not have been able to negotiate the offer I got without Sarah."},{date:"3-2021",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2021",company:"Instacart",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"30,000",review:"Session was incredible. I had no other offers and not much wiggle room to negotiate. However, Dan was surgical in asking and breaking down many aspects of my current employment and helped me come with a negotiation plan leveraging my existing role/compensation. Dan helped me draft an email that was clear and set clear reasons as to why I could ask for changes. Recruiter got back the next day with most of the revised changes approved!\n\nCan't recommend this service enough. As engineers, learning how to communicate about negotiation in and of itself is worth the cost."},{date:"3-2021",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2021",company:"Stripe",logoUrl:"",name:"G. N.",title:"L2 Software Engineer",increase:"30,000",review:"The session was helpful to get the right mindset of negotiation and additional points to help with a difficult offer (Stripe). "},{date:"3-2021",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2021",company:"Microsoft",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer II",increase:"43,000",review:"I strongly recommend taking the three session package. It helped me during the whole process, from the first chat with the recruiter until my counter offer. They guided me on how to gather information from the recruiter and how to use that information to increase the offer. Everything was very professional and ethical."},{date:"3-2021",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2021",company:"Dropbox",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"7,000",review:"Sarah was a great recuriter. She helped me to get a 30k bump in total compensation."},{date:"3-2021",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2021",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",title:"Account Executive",increase:"25,000",review:"Salary negotiation is something you do a few times in your career. uniquely uses recruiters who know the ins and outs to give you an honest approach to getting your best offer. It’s a no brainer and one of the best investments I’ve ever made. "},{date:"3-2021",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2021",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",increase:"38,000",review:"Very helpful sessions! Mackenzie was great to work with and was there to support me through out the negotiation process. She shared valuable tips that helped me with negotiations and taught me great lessons that I'm sure will be useful in the future."},{date:"3-2021",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2021",company:"Confluent",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"35,000",review:"Sarah was very friendly and professional. The email template she provided was very helpful for negotiation. "},{date:"3-2021",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2021",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",name:"A. M.",title:"SDM",increase:"100,000",review:"The session was extremely helpful. This was my first time negotiating an offer with a FAANG company and the entire comp structure and associated levels were new to me. Philip guided me through what was a very enlightening session where he spoke about TC ranges for the given level and what i could ask for. He also coached me on negotiation tactics and helped me get the desired offer. Owing to his negotiation coaching sessions i was able to successfully negotiate an offer 33% higher than what i was expecting coming in to these sessions"},{date:"3-2021",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2021",company:"Microsoft",logoUrl:"",title:"Program Manager 2",increase:"47,000",review:"It was quite insightful. I got to know how a negotiator thinks and feels, so it helped me go in not completely blind to what I should say and do. Would highly recommend this service if you've never negotiated before."},{date:"3-2021",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2021",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",title:"L4 Software Engineer",increase:"48,000",review:"Very helpful. The most helpful insight was the info that the recruiters have incentives if a candidate accepts an offer, and no incentives in how low a comp package is agreed upon. I managed to negotiate (almost) exactly what I was hoping for."},{date:"3-2021",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2021",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",title:"L4 Software Engineer",increase:"60,000",review:"My recruiter knew exactly what to say to increase my compensation package by 25%, pushing me all the way to the top of the range. No stress, just free money."},{date:"3-2021",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2021",company:"Cruise",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Engineer",review:"I had two sessions, and they helped me have a better understanding of how to review my offer and make a better assessment of how competitive is and how to negotiate better terms. I definitely felt more confident talking to the recruiter after receiving some coaching on what to say and the impression to make, and overall resulted in a great negotiating experience!"},{date:"3-2021",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2021",company:"Lyft",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"5,000",review:"The session was good. Niema made sure I am prepared for future negotiations as well. And his email draft was super helpful."},{date:"3-2021",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2021",company:"Twitter",logoUrl:"",name:"C. K.",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"30,000",review:"The session was very helpful. The recruiter gave me the key points to mention during the negotiation and it definitely helped. I was able to land in my desired compensation range after the negotiation."},{date:"3-2021",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",name:"P. S.",title:"Staff Software Engineer",increase:"200,000",review:"The most helpful part was to find out where the limits are for Facebook. In retrospect, I should have set aside more time to talk about my other offer at Stripe."},{date:"3-2021",humanReadableDate:"3 / 2021",company:"Instacart",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"80,000",review:"Natalie was super helpful! She was able to focus on areas of improvement and even helped draft up a thorough email to negotiate the offer. She far exceeded my expectations."},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",company:"Zillow",logoUrl:"",title:"P3 Software Engineer",increase:"5,000",review:'It was helpful in pushing me out of my comfort zone and negotiate. I negotiated once on my own prior to utilizing this service, but was still able to negotiate again up an extra $5k in base salary by using the "I\'ll sign today and pull out of my other interviews if we get closer to X amount." It was impressive to even pull this off without having other competing offers!'},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",name:"T. H.",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"134,000",review:"Amazing! Your service personally took me up $134k from my original offer. Also, the templates you provided helped me build bridges with these companies that will last a long time. I've recommended your services to all my friends who are looking. I know you will work magic for them as you have with me."},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",company:"Compass",logoUrl:"",name:"S. W.",title:"Senior Product Marketing Manager",increase:"25,000",review:"Dan was super helpful in guiding me through the negotiation strategy and discovered things I missed that could be used as a leverage (e.g. pending options). What I found the most helpful from the conversation, besides the tactics, is that Dan helped me to be more confident in my ask without feeling like I am just making up a random number. I believe this is key to successfully negotiating with any company."},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",company:"Spotify",logoUrl:"",increase:"20,000",review:'Sarah drafted an email template that I could send to the company recruiter, that addressed all my concerns. She also advised me on the "landmines" for me to avoid when speaking to my recruiter, to ensure that I get the best deal possible. '},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",company:"Silicon Valley Tech Company",increase:"100,000",review:"Cate was awesome! She prepared me very well the night before my negotiation with the recruiter. It was a Staff-level role, and I didn’t want to leave money on the table. Thanks to the outstanding prep, I went into the conversation feeling confident and negotiated a TC that was nearly 100k higher than the company’s original offer."},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",company:"Riot Games",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"10,000",review:"I had an extremely helpful set of sessions with Sarah. During my process between two different companies, she was very knowledgable and remained consistently available. After being prepped by her, I felt very confident not only going into negotiation talks but also thorough in my decision making regarding a personally significant inflection point in my career. We reached an offer increase of 10K sign on bonus and 8K salary increase respectively. Thank you, Sarah!"},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",review:"The blunt, expert feedback was exceptional in terms of: compensation expectations, skills to highlight, negotiation tactics, and current best-fit companies "},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Product Designer",increase:"151,000",review:"Extremely helpful, it was really good to know the breakdown of how compensation works and how to approach it. Sarah knows her stuff and exactly how to approach the recruiters. I didn't have to second guess and knew exactly where we were going to land for compensation. I can't recommend and Sarah enough."},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"80,000",review:"Negotiation can be a one-sided game and helps level the playing field for candidates by providing insight into up-to-date compensation philosophy and offer process at various companies."},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",review:"Very helpful, Carlos quickly answered my questions and helped me understand my options in a way I hadn't before."},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",company:"Instacart",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Software Engineer II",increase:"48,000",review:"Negotiating an offer is nerve-wrecking for a software engineer, because we lack the insight and data to properly gauge our leverage. The negotiation service precisely fills this gap and levelled (no puns intended :)) the playing field for us. Sarah has given me a lot of insight in negotiating my multiple offers and provided encouragement and support during this uncertain time. I felt I was in good hands while speaking to the recruiters. Thanks Sarah!"},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",company:"Microsoft",logoUrl:"",increase:"8,750",review:"The session was extremely helpful. I was given tips that can be applied for future offers as well. I was able to raise my RSU amount by $15,000 and my sign-on Bonus by $5000 with no competing offers!"},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"90,000",review:"The sessions were extremely helpful, actually raising my awareness of how much more I could gain simply by negotiating. The info and tactics were successful as promised."},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",company:"Bloomberg",logoUrl:"",review:"Cate was very helpful during my negotiations, going as far as suggesting some key phrases that carry special meaning to the recruiter I was across the table from."},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",company:"Twitter",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer II",increase:"30,000",review:"Sarah was amazing! She was always available for questions and helped me draft multiple counter-offer emails that were critical in signing a strong offer. Most importantly, she helped me understand the internals of how these large tech organizations structure their compensation bands. She is knowledgeable and friendly to work with! I would recommend her to anyone going through the job search process."},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",title:"SDE 2",review:"Extremely helpful! Natalie kept in touch with me throughout my negotiation process and when I had additional interviews with another company. She guided me with salary expectations, and conversation structure to get the expected salary. She advised me to say my salary expectations from the get go, and that worked well for me!"},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior SWE",increase:"30,000",review:"Very helpful"},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",company:"Lyft",logoUrl:"",increase:"80,000",review:"One of the most useful things that I've ever done for my career. One, it was fascinating to learn the inner workings of how the compensation game. Two, it increased my total compensation dramatically. Three, it completely took the guesswork out of how I should approach negotiation. Sarah was surgical in approaching negotiations, and helped me hit a number that I wouldn't have come close to asking for."},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"25,000",review:"The sessions were very useful. Natalie outlined in detail how to initiate the conversation to set a high bar using other companies I was interviewing with as well as my existing compensation at the time. In the end, I was able to get a great final offer. Totally worth the money!"},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",company:"Square",logoUrl:"",title:"Machine Learning Engineer",increase:"5,000",review:"It was helpful for understanding market value and how to frame my requests when asking for more. "},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",name:"Nathan",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"20,000",review:"Philip was awesome! He evaluated what kind of leverage I had and helped me build arguments to negotiate a higher offer."},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",title:"Hardware Engineer",increase:"60,000",review:"Make notes about everything the negotiation coach says ‘cause you’re gonna need it."},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"80,000",review:"Extremely helpful, Natalie helped me to negotiate offers from multiple companies, the final offer was significantly higher than I expected initially."},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",company:"VMware",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Staff Engineer",increase:"68,750",review:"Sarah helped me properly negotiate an offer. It was so simple to negotiate an 18% increase in TC. I was frozen without her help."},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",review:"Overall the sessions were very helpful, I definitely learned some good strategies as well as the general playbook some of these companies follow when negotiating. I paid for three sessions and only used two, but had many exchanges over email/g-chat. The consultant was very willing to give time and advice - over email and even beyond the allotted session time.\n\nFrom my experience the service/data seems more geared towards software engineers (rather than system, research, and/or hardware engineers like myself) and very specifically towards FAANG. I ended up with a number of offers, but all of them were quite far from the target my consultant said would be possible (and far from what peers in similar roles quoted). And after a couple of rounds of negotiation I ultimately hit ceilings that were still quite far off (the one I accepted didn't actually go higher). This may be due to some issues in communication with the consultant, less data/experience with people in my \"technical demographic (right out of PhD),\" hiring differences due to the pandemic, or some mixture of the above.\n\nIn the end, the service is still worth it - even if your offer increases only 1%, the service can easily pay for itself. It's definitely still necessary to do your own homework, especially if you don't fit the same demographic as most of the data on the site."},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",review:"I am not sure what I would have done if I did not work with Sarah. I know for sure my total comp would have been 100k lower though. Because Sarah is so knowledgeable with FAANG negotiation processes/limits, she created strong game plan for me to negotiate with multiple companies at once to maximize what I can get and ultimately landing on a job of my dream with even dreamier total comp. Thank you so much Sarah and for helping me. I would 1000% recommend the service to anyone. Also, strongly recommend to go for the maximum session you can purchase if you are type of a person like me who struggle with negotiation or doesn't know what to say. "},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",review:"I enjoyed the negotiation service and found it helpful in making a data-driven decision about my salary. I believe the service paid for itself by helping me negotiate a better compensation package."},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",company:"Dropbox",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer 2",increase:"46,000",review:"I could learn the competitive compensation range for all three companies I got offers from, get very helpful tips in communicating with recruiters, and getting the offer I am happy about. The negotiator clarified what I can expect with each company and helped me gain confidence and communicate better when negotiating."},{date:"2-2021",humanReadableDate:"2 / 2021",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",name:"DAS",title:"UXE Lead",increase:"50,000"},{date:"1-2021",humanReadableDate:"1 / 2021",company:"Microsoft",logoUrl:"",increase:"85,000",review:"Carlos is very professional, energetic and knowledgeable. He helped me to formulate my conversations, estimate ranges, and understand the offer. I got a hefty offer in the end. I strongly recommend this service! "},{date:"1-2021",humanReadableDate:"1 / 2021",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",increase:"26,000",review:"My negotiator was awesome, explained everything, helped me craft a personalized honest response which turned into a noticeable offer increase... Thanks!"},{date:"1-2021",humanReadableDate:"1 / 2021",company:"Microsoft",logoUrl:"",increase:"25,000",review:"Very helpful! I was able to have the courage to ask for more and do so in a tactful and ultimately successful way. "},{date:"1-2021",humanReadableDate:"1 / 2021",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",name:"A. G.",title:"SDE II",increase:"18,000",review:"Philip helped me negotiate my offer by $18,000. The amount of information he provided was definitely worth way more than $250. Great service. I highly recommend"},{date:"1-2021",humanReadableDate:"1 / 2021",company:"Adobe",logoUrl:"",increase:"20,000",review:"Extremely helpful and exceeded expectations!"},{date:"1-2021",humanReadableDate:"1 / 2021",company:"Juniper Networks",logoUrl:"",title:"Sr. Data Scientist",review:'Stuff I found most helpful:\n1.) Better understanding of the fair market rate for my experience level (Ph.D counts for 1-4 yrs of industry experience). It seems I was being significantly underpaid at my last job.\n2.) Didn\'t know that asking for +15% on top of the initial offer usually requires little to no justification. Easiest ""raise"" ever!\n3.) Key words & phrases to use during negotiations, like ""If we can get the total compensation in this range, *I am ready to sign today*"".'},{date:"1-2021",humanReadableDate:"1 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"85,000",review:"The negotiation was helpful for reassurance that I was not completely off in what I was going to try. I was pretty much going to do what was suggested, but the negotiator knew the upper bound on equity I could ask for (very useful information). She also drew my attention to trying to bring the base salary up 10K, which I am not sure I was going to try, as well as for the signup bonus.\n\nAs for doing better, I would have liked a video call with a shared screen. The shared screen would make it easier to follow calculation and understand the numbers."},{date:"1-2021",humanReadableDate:"1 / 2021",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Engineer",increase:"108,000"},{date:"1-2021",humanReadableDate:"1 / 2021",company:"Tableau Software",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Engineering Manager",increase:"25,000",review:"Session was very helpful! For my company, I found almost no comparable salary info on the Web, even on Natalie came prepared with a median and range and she was spot-on with the initial offer! This really helped in my counteroffer, as I knew it was realistic. Also, even when I couldn't schedule a follow-up because of the holidays, she was prompt and helpful in answering my questions over e-mail. I accepted the follow-up offer, which was close to my counter. Negotiation Service was worth it for me, and I would use again."},{date:"12-2020",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2020",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",increase:"86,000",review:"The session was extremely valuable for helping me understand the compensation package and negotiating range for this offer. I was able to accept my final offer with confidence. "},{date:"12-2020",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2020",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",review:"Recruiter was really helpful. They explained areas of compensation and how they are calculated by the company. Recruiter was knowledgeable about the specific company and what areas of compensation have negotiation room. Recruiter was able to help find points of negotiation in my current situation."},{date:"12-2020",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2020",company:"Uber",logoUrl:"",title:"Product Manager",review:"The insights Sarah shared were a masterclass in negotiation miraculously condensed into an effective 30 minute session."},{date:"12-2020",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2020",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",increase:"17,000"},{date:"12-2020",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2020",company:"Twitter",logoUrl:"",title:"SDE II",increase:"130,000",review:"Great guidance on tone and asking amount combined with a willingness to understand my situation made this a great experience"},{date:"12-2020",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2020",company:"Microsoft",logoUrl:"",title:"Principal Program Manager Lead",increase:"96,500",review:"Highly knowledgeable, clear guidance, excellent outcome. What more could I want?"},{date:"12-2020",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2020",company:"Instacart",logoUrl:"",title:"Senior Software Engineer",increase:"23,000",review:"Super helpful, totally worth it. I couldn't possibly come up with such a great negotiate plan by myself."},{date:"12-2020",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2020",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",title:"L4 Designer",review:"Sarah helped me evaluate my offer. She told me I had a strong offer and gave me tips on exactly how to get more and how much. She also knew some of the risks associated with my unique situation. I decided not to push my already strong offer and seal the deal instead. I can sleep at night knowing how much more I could have gotten and that I’d rather take the offer as is. I will NEVER evaluate an offer without this service ever again."},{date:"12-2020",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2020",company:"Figma",logoUrl:"",title:"Product Designer",increase:"15,000",review:"The session was very helpful! Sarah did a great job pointing out what I should've avoided and how I could leverage what I current have to negotiate for a better offer."},{date:"12-2020",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2020",company:"Uber",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer II (Machine Learning)",increase:"25,000",review:" helps my offer increase 25k in several hours"},{date:"12-2020",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2020",company:"Microsoft",logoUrl:"",increase:"48,000",review:"Small price to pay to make a big economic impact. Negotiator’s know the in/outs."},{date:"12-2020",humanReadableDate:"12 / 2020",company:"Instacart",logoUrl:"",name:"D. H.",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"50,000",review:"Amazing! Gave me the exact script to follow and had inside information of the operations of each company. "},{date:"11-2020",humanReadableDate:"11 / 2020",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",title:"ML Engineer",increase:"19,000",review:"Very helpful. I literally can't think of anything to do better. What to say, what to ask for, reasoning... all presented clearly and succinctly. "},{date:"11-2020",humanReadableDate:"11 / 2020",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Sr. Software Engineer (level 5)",increase:"12,500",review:"Using Sarah's suggestions, I was able to negotiate a better offer without much leverage on my side. I would highly recommend this service in general and Sarah in particular."},{date:"11-2020",humanReadableDate:"11 / 2020",review:"The session was incredibly helpful. I sought general information related to early stage negotiation and salary expectations for a few forking career paths ahead of me. I left with more clarity around my prospects, more actionable information than I anticipated, and felt empowered to start my next step."},{date:"11-2020",humanReadableDate:"11 / 2020",company:"Snap",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"20,000",review:"This negotiation service helped me get a 20k extra sign on bonus with Snap. Truly an excellent service that the folks at are building! It's been my favorite product I've discovered in 2020 :)"},{date:"11-2020",humanReadableDate:"11 / 2020",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",name:"V. N.",title:"L5 Software Engineer",increase:"22,500",review:"With a 90K/4 year return with negotiation service - it's a no brainer! Sarah helped and conversed with me in over 80+ emails and two 30 minute phone calls and helped me in every step of the way!"},{date:"10-2020",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2020",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",title:"Product",increase:"85,000",review:"Using this service is a no-brainer! Natalie provided a detailed playbook for a tough negotiation that ended with an offer above and beyond what I thought was ever possible! "},{date:"10-2020",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2020",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"95,000",review:"Sarah blew me away with her knowledge and energy. She was so thorough, I took pages of notes. I think my offer might be $100k higher as a result of working with her. She helped me understand my true market value, and more than that, my options along multiple career paths, both present and future. This was a career-altering chat."},{date:"10-2020",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2020",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",name:"W. W.",title:"Software Engineer (E5)",increase:"150,000",review:"$537 got me +$150k. No exaggeration. This pays for itself in <2 days!"},{date:"11-2020",humanReadableDate:"11 / 2020",review:"The session was invaluable to me in adopting the right strategy for maximizing my final compensation given the offers that I was expecting. The advice was easy to understand and perfectly sensible in retrospect, but I would never have thought of it on my own. I only regret that I had not had this conversation earlier in my job search instead of waiting until the offer stage."},{date:"11-2020",humanReadableDate:"11 / 2020",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",name:"J. L.",increase:"11,250",review:"The session has helped me to get my dream salary. I would recommend this service."},{date:"10-2020",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2020",company:"Raytheon",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"5,000"},{date:"10-2020",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2020",company:"Google",logoUrl:"",name:"A. A.",title:"Software Engineer",review:"Amazing negotiation service, helped me secure a top of band offer for my area for a L5! Highly recommended."},{date:"10-2020",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2020",company:"Tata Consultancy Services",logoUrl:"",title:"Data Analyst",increase:"15,000"},{date:"10-2020",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2020",company:"Apple",logoUrl:"",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"64,000"},{date:"10-2020",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2020",increase:"50,000",review:"Super helpful, very experienced recruiter and super valuable feedback"},{date:"10-2020",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2020",company:"Amazon",logoUrl:"",title:"Operations Manager",increase:"12,000"},{date:"10-2020",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2020",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",name:"Y. X.",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"120,000",review:"Very helpful outlining what needs to be done. Excellent introduction and plan to move forward. Honestly I think it's almost perfect retrospectively."},{date:"10-2020",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2020",company:"Startup (Series B)",title:"Sr. Technical Account Mgr.",increase:"30,000",review:"The advisor reviewed my offers with me and gave me helpful negotiation tips. I was able to convince one company to 2X my bonus and bump my stock options... a $30K/yr total increase! Sarah, my advisor, went over the tactical details of how I should ask for adjustments and play one offer off the other. I was in a time crunch (one company wanted a response in 3 business days), and she even offered to review my draft emails over the weekend before I sent them to my hiring managers! It all worked out, and I've got a great job with great pay!"},{date:"10-2020",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2020",company:"Facebook",logoUrl:"",name:"G. A.",title:"Software Engineer",increase:"70,000",review:"No-brainer. This service pays for itself many times over. They responded quickly and the scripts they crafted for me worked flawlessly."},{date:"10-2020",humanReadableDate:"10 / 2020",name:"I. C.",increase:"15,000",review:" takes the guess work out of negotiations so that you are armed with an offer strategy customized to your situation and backed by hard data. More importantly, my negotiations expert knew the ins and outs as a former recruiter for FAANG companies and was able to provide nuanced guidance at each of my options. I also appreciated the thoughtful guidance and coaching support I received as a fresh-minted MBA graduate entering into one of the most volatile job market in the past decade. was super responsive and always went above and beyond, even providing tips on how to prepare for future interviews. I only wish I had contacted sooner. I can't recommend the team enough. I chose because their expertise, access to data, and professionalism exceeded other options out there and know I wouldn't have been able to get a 10% increase during COVID without their help."}]</script><script src="/js/commonUtils.js"></script><script src="/js/feCommonUtils.js"></script><script src="/js/negotiation/services.js"></script><script src="/js/negotiation/socialProof.js"></script><script src="/js/negotiation/tipCarousel.js"></script><script>function getUrlVars(){var e={};window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi,function(r,s,t){e[s]=t});return e}var crisp_keys=[];["utm_source","utm_medium","utm_campaign","utm_term","utm_content"].forEach(function(r){getUrlVars()[r]&&crisp_keys.push([r,getUrlVars()[r]])}),0<crisp_keys.length&&$crisp.push(["set","session:data",[crisp_keys]])</script><script>var intervalRef,_bmxq=_bmxq||[];function onJqueryLoad(){$&&($(".emailRecaptchaInput").on("change paste keyup",function(){$(".emailRecaptcha").show("fast")}),$(".emailRecaptchaSub").click(function(){$(".emailRecaptcha").hide()}))}_bmxq.push(["_setupForm","form[75c3c335-8a34-4d68-b0c8-81ee4da0fbb0]",{sitekey:"6LcUecYUAAAAAAp7k9KThmnoRWrRrC4NXh9ghQQ6",size:"invisible"},!1]),window.addEventListener("load",function(){intervalRef=setInterval(function(){$&&(clearInterval(intervalRef),onJqueryLoad())},500)})</script><script async src="" onload='if(m=document.getElementById("success[75c3c335-8a34-4d68-b0c8-81ee4da0fbb0]"),f=document.getElementById("form[75c3c335-8a34-4d68-b0c8-81ee4da0fbb0]"),!m&&!f)return;s=f.onsubmit,f.onsubmit=function(){return s&&s(),"none",!("block")}'></script><script type="text/javascript">window.$crisp=[],window.CRISP_WEBSITE_ID="559e5016-e65c-4ec6-b550-0295d3d0042d",d=document,s=d.createElement("script"),s.src="",s.async=1,d.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(s)</script></body></html>

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