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[She’s just described the common instance of women agreeing to sex so as not to be rude.] “And, relatedly, why do we regard women as so responsible for portecting and ministering to them?” p59<br><br>“[Hoffman and Tarzian] found that men received more pain medicatin than women … [W]omen were more likely to be given sedatives instead of pain medication. … more minor tranquilizers, antidepressants, and non-opioid analgesics than men … [B]oys were significantly more likely to be given codeine; girls, acetaminophen …” p79 And then she quotes Hoffman and Tarzian” “Women who seek help are less likely than men to be taken seriously when they report pain and are less likely to have their pain adequately treated.” p80 Surprise, right? Women being taken less seriously than men? Men being taken more seriously than women? <br><br>“Such woeful ignorance of pregnant bodies has not deterred many of those who continue to try to regulate them.” p103 She’s referring to the guy who thought that ‘the female body had a way of shutting the whole thing down in the case of rape’. (Wouldn’t that be nice?) And to another guy who thought the stomach was connected to the uterus. She goes on to say “There are evidently many men who feel entitled to regulate pregnant bodies without having the remotest idea about, or interest in learning, how they work.” p105 So well-put. <br><br>“As Oberman and Ball put it: ‘The novelty of prosecuting men for abortion_despite the sound legal footing of such charges—tells us something important about the way we have, until now, framed the debate. Boys will be boys, but women who get pregnant have behaved irresponsibly. We are so comfortable with regulating women’s sexual behavior, but we’re shocked by the idea of doing it to the men. … women don’t have unwanted pregnancies without them.'” [p108-9, my emphasis]<br><br>“… men often prefer unemployment to taking on jobs in nursing (for example, as a nurse’s assistant), elder care, or working as a home healthcare aide.” p128 showing that “Even paid care work among men is strikingly unpopular. Guess what she’s said about unpaid care work …<br><br>Also see Scalzi's <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_top"></a> <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_239307026" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_239307026"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_239307026" src=""> <img id="rfi2_239307026" src=""><span id="rfrf_239307026"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/ptittle" target="_top">ptittle</a> | Apr 22, 2023 | <a href="/review/239307026"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_207224935" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/24451156" data-workid="24451156" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>Amazing that at this exact moment in time, many things are actually worse than the author wrote about just over a year ago (I’m looking at Idaho and Missouri specifically and their heinous laws). This book does a good job of breaking down the entitlement of men (and really she’s very much speaking about white cishet men here), and it’s depressing that her references all happened in the past ten plus years. Not much hope here that I can see especially knowing what’s going on right now too. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_207224935" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_207224935"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_207224935" src=""> <img id="rfi2_207224935" src=""><span id="rfrf_207224935"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/spinsterrevival" target="_top">spinsterrevival</a> | Mar 14, 2022 | <a href="/review/207224935"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_192557545" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/24451156" data-workid="24451156" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>In this bold and stylish critique, Cornell philosopher Kate Manne offers a radical new framework for understanding misogyny. Ranging widely across the culture, from Harvey Weinstein and the Brett Kavanaugh hearings to "Cat Person" and the political misfortunes of Elizabeth Warren, Manne's book shows how privileged men's sense of entitlement - to sex, yes, but more insidiously to admiration, care, bodily autonomy, knowledge, and power - is a pervasive social problem with often devastating consequences.<br><br>In clear, lucid prose, Manne argues that male entitlement can explain a wide array of phenomena, from mansplaining and the under-treatment of women's pain to mass shootings by incels and the seemingly intractable notion that women are "unelectable." Moreover, Manne implicates each of us in toxic masculinity: It's not just a product of a few bad actors; it's something we all perpetuate, conditioned as we are by the social and cultural mores of our time. The only way to combat it, she says, is to expose the flaws in our default modes of thought while enabling women to take up space, say their piece, and muster resistance to the entitled attitudes of the men around them. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_192557545" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_192557545"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_192557545" src=""> <img id="rfi2_192557545" src=""><span id="rfrf_192557545"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/jepeters333" target="_top">jepeters333</a> | Nov 21, 2020 | <a href="/review/192557545"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_190809461" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/24451156" data-workid="24451156" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>Pretty standard offering, with basic info that should be readily apparent to anyone with a brain. "Misogyny For Beginners". Well written, especially the chapter on incels, and could be used as a textbook in high schools.<br><br>Quotes: "Rather than a deep-seated psychological hatred of girls and women, misogyny is the "law enforcement" branch of patriarchy."<br><br>"Women are expected to give traditionally feminine goods (sex, care, nurturing, reproductive labor) to more privileged men."<br><br>"Why and how do we regard many men's potentially hurt feelings as so important? And why do we regard women as so responsible for protecting and ministering to them?"<br><br>"Testimonial quieting is when an audience fails to identify a speaker as a knower."<br><br>"The still prevalent belief is that men are the default humans."<br><br>"Boys will be boys, but women who get pregnant have behaved irresponsibly. Although women don't have unwanted pregnancies without men."<br><br>"Asking men to pull their weight is in itself a form of labor."<br><br>"I carry in my mind exhaustive lists of all types, not because I want to, but because I know no one else will."<br><br>"Demonstrable niceness is an imperative for powerful women but inconsequential for their male rivals." <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_190809461" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_190809461">1</span> <img title="1 member found this review helpful" id="rvi_190809461" alt="vote" src=""></span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_190809461" src=""> <img id="rfi2_190809461" src=""><span id="rfrf_190809461"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/froxgirl" target="_top">froxgirl</a> | Oct 11, 2020 | <a href="/review/190809461"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_185259562" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/24451156" data-workid="24451156" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>Entitled: How Male Privilege Hurts Women by Kate Manne is a wonderful overview and updating of the role male privilege and misogyny play in hurting women and thus hurting society.<br><br>While she alludes to and/or cites both classic and more recent research she does so in a manner that never loses sight of her purpose, which seems to me to be to make the information available more readily accessible to a broader portion of the population. I both studied and taught the classic texts and see no reason for Manne to rehash in detail what does not serve her intentions. She does a great job of grounding the theory and the research in recent and well known examples, as well as some lesser known but often more shocking incidents.<br><br>That, to me, is the strength of this book. This is not a book that wants to only preach to the choir and it also does not let any of us off the hook. We have been raised in this society and some of the ingrained assumptions built into the infrastructure has also infected our way of thinking, even if in subtle or unconscious ways. The idea is to begin to recognize the things we are all complicit in and make change. To stand up to and oppose the obvious (swimmers raping unconscious women next to dumpsters) as well as the casually accepted (a woman's tone of voice rather than what she is actually saying). Manne weaves these disturbing and infuriating examples with theory and research to arrive at some ways we can begin to improve society. There are some things we should all be entitled to as human beings, but little or nothing simply due to the accident of what sex we are assigned at birth.<br><br>There are many other very good books that overlap with this one but each, this one included, has a role to play to enlighten as many of us as possible. To suggest limiting one's reading to just a few of the classics of feminist thought and specific studies (but not using those studies as Manne does here) is both counter-productive and ultimately works for the benefit of male privilege and misogyny. Maybe this book didn't speak to you as you would have liked, well, it will and did speak to others so it is playing a valuable part in making change. Keep the faux-intellectual one upsMANship or "was done already" to yourself, it works against the rest of us trying to eliminate male privilege and misogyny.<br><br>Highly recommended for readers who might seem overwhelmed by so many incidents that they tend to blend together as all being variations on a theme. That theme is broken down here and the differences between what enables each type of act become clearer. The sheer volume of events is still overwhelming but by knowing which actually fall under what umbrella it is easier to work against it.<br><br>Reviewed from a copy made available by the publisher via NetGalley. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_185259562" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_185259562">3</span> <img title="3 members found this review helpful" id="rvi_185259562" alt="vote" src=""></span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_185259562" src=""> <img id="rfi2_185259562" src=""><span id="rfrf_185259562"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/pomo58" target="_top">pomo58</a> | Jun 22, 2020 | <a href="/review/185259562"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_184449551" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/24451156" data-workid="24451156" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>I really liked Manne’s previous Down Girl, despite not having much of an appetite for philosophical throat-clearing; Manne’s philosophical approach did illuminate important distinctions between sexism and misogyny (the enforcement arm of sexism, not requiring any particular sexist attitudes of enforcers) and the importance to misogyny of recognizing women’s humanity, but only as a servile humanity (despite comparisons to animals, misogyny regards women as distinctively owing men particular kinds of deference and service). Manne is also a witty writer with a weakness matching my own for chiasmus. Here, though, there’s not much you can’t get from any other feminist writer—if you haven’t read Down Girl, definitely do that instead. Manne writes about things like entitlement to sex—which can work well in a system that theoretically punishes rape harshly, because when it doesn’t punish many rapes at all, it demonstrates that the law and its enforcers regard victims as “cut-rate persons.”<br><br>Manne also discusses research such as that explored in Caroline Criado-Perez’s Invisible Women (also recommended). For example, she nicely explores the idea that men are reluctant to ask for help, especially medical help. This idea means that when they do complain, their complaints are taken more seriously, and it also means that women are assumed to seek help readily (and disregarded when they do), even though women may have very good reasons for their own reluctance to seek help except in the worst situations. So while male under-usage of health care is constructed as a social problem, we get a contrasting expectation that women overuse health care—without additional inquiry into whether that is true. At the same time, men and women overvalue male pain: crying infants are rated as experiencing more pain when observers think they are male. “Do we think men’s pain should be taken more seriously because we tend to regard them as more stoical? Or do we regard them as more stoical because, at least in many settings, we tend to take their pain more seriously?”<br><br>For another bit of infuriating research, Manne points to work on women in power. Women leaders who are perceived as just as competent as men are perceived as much less likeable. This perception can be fought if observers think the leader is caring and thoughtful for subordinates—but only, importantly, if they think it’s a character trait and not something done for instrumental reasons. And there’s the trap: many people think that anything a powerful woman does is inauthentic. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_184449551" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_184449551">2</span> <img title="2 members found this review helpful" id="rvi_184449551" alt="vote" src=""></span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_184449551" src=""> <img id="rfi2_184449551" src=""><span id="rfrf_184449551"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/rivkat" target="_top">rivkat</a> | Jun 2, 2020 | <a href="/review/184449551"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_225283108" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/24451156" data-workid="24451156" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div><i>Note: I accessed a digital review copy of this book through Edelweiss.</i></div><div id="rfd_225283108" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_225283108"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_225283108" title="Flagged as not a review" src=""> <img id="rfi2_225283108" src=""><span id="rfrf_225283108"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/fernandie" target="_top">fernandie</a> | Sep 15, 2022 | <a href="/review/225283108"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class='reviewnav'><!-- languagenav --><div class="right"><strong><a href="#" onclick="loadReviewsIntoContainer('',0,3,3,'wp_reviews',25,'','24451156','',false, null, 'profile');return false;">date<span class="sortArrow"> ▼</span></a></strong> | <a href="#" onclick="loadReviewsIntoContainer('',0,2,3,'wp_reviews',25,'','24451156','',false, null, 'profile'); 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